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World Series of Poker: Full House Pro Update Details (1)
Release: 29.12.2013
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Game Stability
- Significant fixes to the “game stall” issues. This includes a refactoring of the way the client communicates
to the server which should solve 99% if not more of all reported issues.
- Fixed a bug in which if all players check on the final round of betting (after the river) then the wrong players would be forced to show their cards.
It would start with the player after the big blind instead of the player after the dealer, and then continue to the winner.
- Fixed a bug where cards would appear to show on standing muck.
These cards were not representing real card values, but were giving the impression that card information was being shown.
- Adjusted the first blind round from 5 to 8 minutes.
- Adjusted the second blind round from 5 to 10 minutes.
- Fixed a bug where the “Naval Battle” achievement would not unlock.
- Fixed a bug where the “Salt the Wound” achievement would not unlock.
- It takes less XP to level up for most of the levels all the way up to 100, concentrating mostly on the first 10 levels.
This change is universal, so you may notice you are a higher level after the patch if you are below level 100.