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Wreckfest Update Details (42+Series)
Release: 29.08.2019 (Version 1.0.0.?)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Probleme beim Start des Spiels werden behoben
- Weiterhin sollen auch Glitches beim Interface
- Sowie fehlerhafte Animationen werden beseitigt.
Release: 05.09.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | psu.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed a crash in the server browser.
- Fixed a crash in the user interface renderer.
- Audio for remote cars no longer stutters.
- The currently running prediction phase is now completed when switching to dead reckoning.
- Improved client smoothing, reducing the stuttering the remote cars especially when viewed from the side.
- Essential server info is now displayed in the lobby (click the server message to toggle)
- Toggling ready/unready is now disabled immediately (a second, to be precise) before event start to prevent glitches.
- High ping warning threshold is now 1000 ms.
- Fixed a glitch in the chat that caused text to disappear.
- Adjusted shifting logic, shifts occur closer to redline.
- Adjusted tire pressures, so that front and back wheels have more or less the same pressure (and thus, different deflection).
- AI now races more loosely and their raceline mistakes are more natural.
As previously, the lower the AI Difficulty level, the more prone the AI is to errors.
- AI now packs up more tightly.
- Killerbee AI is now more competetive.
- AI now uses maxed out Class A cars in the final parts of the career and randomly in custom events.
- In Hateful Eight career event, the AI can no longer use Class B cars.
- Steering wheel is now animated for AI cars as well.
- Steering wheel of AI cars now follows deform (prevents the floating steering wheel syndrome).
- Fixed Motorhome engine parts and materials.
- Paint jobs and liveries no longer add to the vehicle price.
- Fixed Motorhome tire damage that caused the wheels to occasionally glitch.
- Fixed a number of incorrect value references.
- Added fence in front of the spectators on the banks of Espedalen so that cars going offroad hit the fence instead of resetting after hitting spectators.
- The cars should no longer get abruptly reset when crashing into the spectators in the Hilltop Stadium (at least not as easily as previously).
- Hitting parked vehicles on Big Valley Stadium no longer causes a reset, and the vehicles have proper collisions.
- A number of additional, non-specified optimization and collision improvements.
- Fixed an antiportal glitch visible in the Motorcity reverse layout.
- Adjusted the main menu camera views and tones for a more atmospheric result.
- Added a controller preset with inverted sticks.
- Music now continues to play over online track change when in-game music is disabled.
- Fixed surface audio effect for sliding.
- Propely balanced AI volume levels.
- Master volume tweaks.
Release: 12.09.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Car Pack 1 is now available.
- Game no longer freezes after repeatedly changing tuning in online lobby.
- Loading screens are correctly displayed between career events with heat races.
- Lawnmower and other ragdoll vehicles can no longer be controlled without the driver.
- Added one new alternative controller preset as per request.
Release: 31.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox One X & PlayStation 4 Pro: 4K Auflösung
- Added a third damage mode: Intense. This is same as the „Realistic“ with which the console versions launched; in other words, „Realistic“ with attacker’s advantage enabled.
- Improved AI raceline on various tracks.
- Taking the loop on „Deathloop“ no longer causes damage to the car.
- Added an AI Set for Limo.
- Increased Wingman strength.
- Reduced Limo strength slightly.
- Wheels no longer clip the fenders of Venom nearly as easily.
- Lawnmower and other small vehicles are no longer invincible against small to medium nudges.
- Added improved iconography to the garage user interface.
- Added new, unique icons for armoa and visual upgrade parts.
- Added upgrade tier icons for performance parts.
- In career heat races, event specific loading screen is now displayed also between the heats.
- In Custom Event, the correct AI Set is now displayed after changing the vehicle.
- HUD can no longer appear in the main menu after being disconnected from an online session.
- Improved local car prediction precision to reduce input lag.
- Reduced warping of remote cars when playing with high latency.
- In lobby, the server name no longer overlaps the track name at the top.
- Lobby options are no longer incorrectly grayed out in case the user is in the Tune screen when a track change occurs.
- Improved particle rendering performance, improving framerate especially in events featuring large vehicles.
- Increased title stability.
Release: 12.11.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Improved title stability.
- Optimized mesh particle performance on all platforms.
- Optimized performance of the 4K display mode.
- Added upgrade tier icons for armor and visual upgrade parts as well.
- Improved icons of the upgrade parts and replaced inconsistent ones.
- In career, changed „Stars“ to „Bonus Targets“ for consistency reasons.
- Health bar no longer shows full health when the player has two points of health left.
- Proper button icons are now shown in the user interface when using keyboard and mouse.
- Loaner cars are now available in custom events as well.
- Added new racing and demolition derby loaner cars.
- Both Sofa Car and Harvester can be loaned now too.
- Visual props no longer get detached from the slightest nudge.
- In career, „Sandpit Showdown“ now has the correct number of events.
- Added a variety of new event rotations for most server types.
- The player intended by the user is now correctly selected when opening the context menu.
- Chat (event log) no longer stops working intermittently.
Release: 12.11.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Zwei neue Tracks hinzugefügt: Hellride & Vale Falls Circuit
- Track Voting zum Multiplayer hinzugefügt
- Vom Spieler gehostete öffentliche Server hinzugefügt
- Autoanpassung in der Mehrspieler-Lobby hinzugefügt
- Visualisierung für gerade zurückgesetzte Fahrzeuge hinzugefügt
- Unterstützung für DLC Modified Monsters Car Pack hinzugefügt
- Verschiedene Leistungsverbesserungen und Bugfixes
Release: 13.02.2020 (Version
- 3,19 GB groß
Release: 28.02.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Zwei neue Strecken hinzugefügt: Tribend (Speedway mit 3 Streckenvarianten) und Thunderbowl (Demolition Derby Arena).
- (PS4) Unterstützung für Voice-Chat hinzugefügt.
- (PS4) Verbesserte Ladezeiten um 15-25% je nach Fall.
- Teile des Fahrzeugs flimmern nicht mehr, wenn man sich in der Cockpit-Ansicht umsieht.
- Es wurde korrigiert, dass der Titel und die Beschreibung der „Reset-Effekt“-Einstellung vertauscht waren.
- Das digitale Auslösen der Kupplung ist jetzt nicht mehr so bestrafend, wenn man schlampig schaltet.
- Der erste Gang wird nun während des Countdowns des Rennens eingelegt,
wodurch der unnötige Gangwechsel bei Verwendung eines Automatikgetriebes entfällt und der Start gleichberechtigt zwischen vollautomatischem, manuellem und manuellem Modus mit Kupplungsschaltung erfolgt.
- Bei der Verwendung von Schaltmodi mit automatischer Kupplung verwenden nun alle Fahrzeuge die schnelleren Schaltprofile, um die Fahrzeuge gleichmäßiger zu machen.
- Der Auspuff-Rückzündungseffekt funktioniert jetzt korrekt, wenn Upgrades aus dem Steel & Wheels-Paket verwendet werden.
- Modell, Motor und Aufhängung der Hornet wurden verbessert.
- Der Raiden RS ist jetzt etwas schwächer und erreicht in Bezug auf die Leistung ein etwas früheres Maximum.
- Die maximalen Leistungspunkte des Rebelrat wurden erhöht, um ihn wettbewerbsfähiger zu machen.
- Verbesserte Raiden RS Schmutzfänger und eine Reihe anderer Panels.
- Es wurde ein Upgrade-Teil hinzugefügt, um die Frontplatte des Raiden RS zu entfernen.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Materialien des Raiden RS teilweise schwarz wurden, wenn ein bestimmtes Auspuffteil eingebaut wurde.
- Ein falsch konfiguriertes gesperrtes Differential des Raiden RS wurde behoben.
- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der beim Raiden RS beim Deinstallieren des Gitters einen Fehler verursachte.
- Der Fensterdrehpunkt beim Raiden RS lod-Modell wurde behoben, wodurch das Fenster über dem Fahrzeug schwebte.
- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der auftauchte, wenn das Gitter beim Vandal deinstalliert wurde.
- Der Vandal-Auspuff „Upright Side Headers“ wurde behoben.
- Fehler beim Vandal-„Rallysport“-Reifen-Upgrade behoben.
- Der Name für Vandal-„Hot Dog“-Requisite wurde korrigiert.
- Das Vandal-Fensterglas zerbricht nun korrekt.
- Die Vandal Bremsleuchten brechen nicht mehr bei seitlichen Stößen.
- Verbessertes positionelles Audio.
- Das fehlende Audio der Venom-Engine wurde behoben.
- Die Lautstärke des Motor-Audios wurde über verschiedene Fahrzeuge hinweg verbessert.
- Stationäre Fahrzeuge lösen nicht mehr wiederholt den Kontaktton-Effekt aus.
- 3,29 GB groß
Release: 28.04.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Added Tournament Mode.
- Added a new free demolition arena: The Maw.
- Added support for the new DLC: American All-Stars Car Pack.
- Loading is now significantly faster (up to 80%).
- (XB1) Improved title stability.
- Updated HUD visuals.
- On Tribend, the player no longer resets on top of the overhead walkway when resetting beneath it.
- Random parts of the vehicle are no longer be missing when restarting the event while in a ghost mode.
- Ghost mode is now automatically disabled when the event ends, eliminating blinking cars in the background of the post-race screens.
- Ghost mode is now disabled after 15 seconds to prevent stuck AI cars from blinking forever.
- Reduced the chance of wheelhubs getting stuck inside walls during heavy deformation.
- Improved Bugzilla handling, suspension and visual damage.
- It's now possible to use the front splitter without the front bumper on Roadcutter.
- Honey Pot and Bumper Car wheels no longer get damaged from the slightest nudge.
- Improved El Matador, Venom visual damage to prevent handling being destroyed when damaged.
- Improved Honey Pot, Bumper Car and Sofa Car handling to make them less twitchy.
- Fixed Wardigger torque curve.
- Fixed Nexus side mirrors glitch.
- Fixed Hornet wheel clipping.
- Output to server console and log is now performed asynchronously, improving stability.
- Front-end: The "Effects" volume slider now also works as master volume for "Interface Sound Effects".
- Front-end: The "Interface Sound Effects" volume slider now also affects car part equip & counter sounds.
- Front-end: Added variation to car part equip sound.
- In-game: Each AI engine sound adjusted for smoother loudness across full rpm range.
- In-game: AI engine sound optimizations to lower memory and processor requirements.
- In-game: Removed flanging/phasing effects occurring with AI engine sounds at start of a race.
- In-game: Add automation to lower music volume up to 3dB based on overall AI vehicle loudness (e.g. when driving amidst a dense pack of vehicles).
Effect is disabled when music volume is configured below 75% in game settings.
- In-game: Add 30-second end countdown sound effects to time-limited races (to signal player that race is about to end soon).
- In-game: Added reverse gear warning sound effect for large player vehicles (Big Rig, Harvester, Motorhome and Schoolbus)
- In-game: DSP effects settings, synthesis and automation tweaks for Big Rig.
- 4,26 GB groß
Release: 04.05.2020 (Version
- 2,32 GB groß
Release: 08.05.2020 (Version
- Weekly and monthly tournament events are no longer capped to 1,000 leaderboad entries.
- Entering Tournament Mode is no longer allowed in case restricted mods are detected.
- Replaced an offending Little Thrasher paint job.
- Fixed graphical glitches in Raiden RS side windows and default tires.
- Fixed clipped Honey Pot garage icon.
- Fixed camera discontinuity issues, reducing flashes when changing vehicles and upgrades.
- Fixed an issue that caused an heavily damaged car to turn into a mess of glitched geometry.
- Scoring multiple hits in a quick succession now registers correctly.
- In the tournament event details view, the player's best score is always shown, even if leaderboards have not been updated yet.
- Smoothened sound asset looping artifacts and improved stereo effect in player cockpit, hood & bumper views for Boomer & Boomer RS.
- Fixed volume dip when accelerating very slooowly from idle RPM with Warwagon.
- Adjusted Little Thrasher rev limiter effect for slightly sharper gating.
- Added sound effect to Ring Of Fire on Hellride.
- 2,24 GB groß
Release: 15.05.2020 (Version
- 2,24 GB groß
Release: 04.06.2020 (Version
- New Tournament Season: Time Attack
- Game no longer constantly crashes when trying to enter the "Destroy All Supervans!" career event.
- Game no longer infrequently crashes when proceeding from the results screen in the tournament mode.
- In multiplayer, game no longer crashes when the host leaves the game and the client is in the Paint Menu.
- Reward paints no longer vanish from the player inventory when changing paint.
- Playing a tournament event now rewards the player with experience.
- Reduced the score multiplier decrease rate during tournament mode "Score Streak" events.
- Reduced the AI Players aggression during tournament mode "Score Streak" events.
- Tournament event information is displayed quicker after entering tournament mode.
- Improved Panther RS suspension setups.
- Improved Boomer suspension setups.
- AI Harvester is no longer faster than player harvester.
- Next track in the event rotation is now selected in tiebreaker situations (instead of it being skipped like previously).
- It's now possible to define 96 users on a dedicated server.
- Idle detection now works again so players idling in a multiplayer event will be kicked after a period of inactivity.
- Killerpig: Fix sound pitch mismatch between on- / offload states near max rpm.
- Adjusted lawnmower engine sound for louder offload volume.
- Mixdown adjustments for driver contact sounds.
- Audio asset size optimizations for driver contact sounds.
- Driver body-to-ground contact sounds now change according to vehicle road surface.
- Tighter volume roll-off based on camera distance (max. audible range 20 meters / ~65.6 feet).
- Added distance based playback prioritization to driver contact sounds.
- Added triggering delay randomization to increase variety with driver contact sound sequences.
- 2,91 GB groß
Release: 24.06.2020 (Version
Quelle: updatecrazy.com
- Added upgrades for Super-Venom.
- Fixed Super-Venom deform glitch.
- Fixed Roadcutter rear spoiler deform glitch.
- Wreckfest 1.47 fixed Speedbird tournament reward livery UV mapping bug.
- Improved Wardigger upshift/downshift logic.
- FP (Fame Points) earned from completed challenges should be now received correctly, even for past challenges.
- In-game: AI vehicle mixdown adjustments & perf improvements.
- In-game: Initialize each AI vehicle engine sound with a range randomized pitch offset, to improve separation / uniqueness between for multiples of same vehicle.
- In-game: Adjusted player vehicles to use similar distance-based playback prioritization sorting as AI vehicles, to address possible active voice stealing in free cam mode.
- Big Rig / Doom Rig: Optimized DSP effect usage.
- Roadslayer / Roadslayer GT: Wreckfest update 1.47 fixed broken soundbank, mixdown and engine sound tweaks.
- Hellride: Added missing position tracking to flame barrel objects for correct surround panning.
- 2,59 GB groß
Release: 07.07.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de
- A new Tournament Season: Banger Bash
- Two new tracks: Kingston Raceway and Mudford Motorpark
- AI players now using DLC cars
- Stability and performance improvements
- 4,11 GB groß
Release: 09.07.2020 (Version
- 2,50 GB groß
Release: 15.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: bugbeargames.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Season 2 ist gestartet
- New DLC: Getaway Car Pack
- New tournament: Getaway Heat
- New free track: Hillstreet Circuit
- New free tournament reward car: Rocket RX
- New free tournament reward bundles and paint jobs
- Fixed an issue in which save data was reset. This issue seemed to affect especially save data dating back to the game launch. Our apologies for anyone affected by this issue.
- Fixed an issue in which the game failed to launch due to "assists.aids" being corrupted.
- Fixed an issue in which the game crashed to "OUT OF MEMORY" during launch.
- Title no longer crashes to "Out of Vertex Buffer Memory" with specific track and vehicle combinations.
- Dynamic objects such as tires no longer throw the car off-path after hitting the wheel of the car.
- AI is slightly less aggressive towards the player on Novice and Amateur difficulty.
- AI now uses Firefly also in the Class A.
- The server no longer incorrectly loads a tournament track when trying to change the track.
- BagEdit now supports a ban list with a maximum of 8,192 entries.
- In general, visual parts such as spoilers no longer detach from a slightest nudge.
- Improved Big Rig handling and bottom collisions.
- Added Class B and Class A engine upgrades for Motorhome, and made AI also use them.
- Improved Sweeper suspension setups and bottom collisions.
- Increased Sweeper suspension ride height and adjusted bottom collision.
- Sweeper exhaust geometry no longer glitches out as easily after deforming.
- Bumpers of Venom and Hunter Panther no longer detach too easily.
- Improved Hunter Panther scoop hood texturing.
- Improved Hunter Panther grille upgrades.
- Fixed Hunter Panther fender flares clipping.
- The front bumper of El Matador longer floats in the air.
- The roll cages of Raiden RS no longer cut through the interior window.
- Improved Hellvester visual damage. Also, the exhaust pipe no longer detaches too easily.
- Missing side protectors for Speedbird are now available again.
- Wildking exhaust stacks no longer clip with the sway bars.
- Improved Rocket DLC rear wing positioning.
- A number of menu transitions are smoother.
- In Server Browser, a server can now be added as a favorite. Favorites are always shown on top and sorted according to the selected sorting method.
- In Server Browser, special characters and spaces are now disregarded when sorting the servers alphabetically.
- In Car Selection (Garage, Custom Event, Lobby), cars can now be sorted according to their class and performance, type or region as well as alphabetically.
- In Car Selection, a car can now be marked as a favorite. Favorites are always shown first in the list and sorted according to the selected sorting method.
- In Custom Event creation, game now remembers the AI Set selected by the player, instead of always reverting to "Same As Player" set.
- In Elimination Race, elimination notification is now easier to see.
- Dragslayer: New engine sounds.
- Gatecrasher: Fixed engine pitch (tuning) misconfiguration.
- Killerbee & Boomer (all player models): Raised engine volume in overall mix to counter sound masking in races with 23 AI & dense start grid layout, and esp. on integrated flat-screen loudspeakers.
- Surround sound: Player engine sounds are now mixed to surround center channel only when using chase camera views.
- Surround sound: Fixed player car panning issues in bumper camera view.
- Surround sound: Fixed emitter position tracking of collision sounds belonging to player car object, to not have sounds fall behind/past the car at high speeds.
- In-Game: Fixed tire surface detection to not play sounds for incorrect material when loss of wheel contact occurs at slower rate (low speed, gentle slopes etc.).
- In-Game: Added unique tire sounds for wood surface.
- In-Game: Adjusted vehicle position tracking for less erratic audio panning when rotating chase camera around player vehicle.
- In-Game: AI cars are mixed louder when in close proximity of camera (distance <15 meters), to improve spatial placement and separation when overtaking or being overtaken by.
- 3,62 GB groß
Release: 02.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: bugbeargames.com
- Game no longer sporadically freezes when changing upgrades in the garage.
- Game should no longer crash to "Out of Vertex Buffer Memory" during event loading.
- Game no longer gets stuck in infinite loading when changing upgrades while car creation is active in background for another player or bot.
- It’s no longer possible to cheat extra time in the “Checkpoint Chase” monthly event.
- It's now possible to tune Razor in the tournament event even when not owning the DLC.
- Added missing wheels to the Speedemon tournament reward bundle.
- Tournament shop items are now correctly marked as exclusive.
- Improved "Razed" tournament reward livery.
- Improved wheel hub vs dynamic object collisions.
- Added a new "Bangers" AI Set containing banger racing cars.
- DLC banger racing cars now also appear in the career banger racing events.
- Dominator, Nexus RX and Boomer no longer appear as ineligible in lobby for seemingly no reason.
- Added missing Class A AI Players for Grand Duke, Little Trasher, Wildking, Sweeper, Buller, Cardinal and Razor.
- Schoolbus reward paint is now correctly received from "Diesel & Destruction" career event.
- The career Big Rig event “The Convoy” is now easier.
- Novice AI Difficulty is now slightly easier.
- Improved Rocket RX AI.
- Fixed Hammerhead fuel lid geometry.
- Fixed Cardinal fuel lid joint angle.
- Improved Hellvester visual damage.
- Improved Supervan collision.
- Fixed Bullet grid grille material.
- Fixed Bullet double rails clipping with the door.
- Fixed Bullet exhaust clipping with certain hood upgrades.
- Fixed Bullet, Cardinal and Razor name shown in the purchase confirmation popups.
- Fixed Rocket RX hood texturing, seat scale and fender pivots.
- Fixed Cardinal missing seat.
- Fixed flickering wheel lod of Speedbird tournament reward wheels.
- Improved Hillstreet Circuit environment art.
- Improved AI racing line on Boulder bank Circuit Main Route Reverse.
- Added missing clutter texture to the example track.
- Cleaned up a number of old levels.
- Fixed all AI vehicles that had issues with audio cutting off at redline RPM.
- Added new contact sounds for barrel shrapnel.
- 2,57 GB groß
Release: 04.11.2020 (Version
- New tournament: Wasteland Wreckers
- New free tournament reward vehicle: Battle Bus
- Engine upgrades for many special vehicles
- Handling improvements for special vehicles
- Stability and quality of life enhancements
- Fixed a rare case in which game might have crashed during race start.
- Duplicate upgrades are now removed from the player inventory when detected.
- Vehicle ambient occlusion now looks more correct, and is more prominent as well.
- New tournament season: Wasteland Wreckers.
- New free tournament reward vehicle: Battle Bus.
- Leaderboards are now updated in a more timely manner in the results screen.
- In the event details, “Updating...” notification is now displayed while leaderboards are being updated.
- Added a warning notification when trying to install a part that is incompatible with one or more already installed parts.
- HUD no longer contains overlapping bogus elements when starting a custom event after playing a tournament event.
- Player vehicle no longer occasionally appears “ineligible” for no reason after attempting to change the paint.
- A failed join attempt is now correctly aborted and the game no longer goes into infinite lockup.
- Event rotation no longer gets stuck when moderator, admin or host has an ineligible car selected when loading the next event.
- Server no longer loads a wrong event after too many tracks are enabled on the server.
- Event list is no longer truncated after a certain number of events is displayed.
- Damage from wheel hub collisions is now correctly attributed to the attacker, eliminating the issue in which no score was awarded to the player.
- Steel armcos are now more realistic in the sense that they are less sticky, yet they slow down more to prevent wallriding.
- Improved the handling of Bugzilla, Lawnmower, School Bus, Sofa Car and Supervan.
- Improved Sweeper, Bullet, KillerPig AI Player handling so they do a better job at staying on the track.
- Added Class B and Class A engine upgrades for Doubledecker, Lawnmower, Schoolbus, Sofa Car, Supervan.
- Added Class C and Class B engine upgrades for Bugzilla.
- Added more AI Player paint schemes for Bandit, Bandit Ripper, Buggy, DragSlayer, KillerPig, Rammer RS, and WarDigger.
- Added "Random Small Special" AI Set for custom events, containing only small special vehicles.
- Added "Random" AI Set for custom events, containing all vehicles including special.
- Please note that some of the existing AI Sets were renamed for consistency.
- Fixed a number of AI Players not appearing in Class A events even though they should have.
- Fixed a case in which a number of AI Players might have had textures missing during a career event.
- Improved KillerPig cockpit and chase cameras.
- Improved Bandit Ripper chase camera.
- Fixed glitchy Hellvester visual damage.
- Increased ragdoll eject threshold slightly for normal damage (takes more force to eject the ragdoll).
- Fixed a case in which it was possible to miss the checkpoint in the hairpin on Pinehills Short.
- On Crash Canyon and Rockspot Roughfield, the vehicle is no longer reset on top of the embankments.
- DragSlayer, Honey Pot, Bugzilla, Pocket Rocket and Wardigger (AI vehicles): Fixed misconfiguration of real-time doppler effect automation.
- DragSlayer: Fixed broken audio assets.
- Harvester, School Bus, Venom & Wardigger (Player vehicles): Increased RPM safety limit to prevent sound
from randomly cutting off upon partial loss of wheel contact or when redlining the engine while vehicle momentum is increased by exterior forces.
- 2,82 GB groß
Release: 05.11.2020 (Version
- 2,42 GB groß
Release: 11.11.2020 (Version
- A number of career special events can be now started correctly.
- Fixed a bug which caused tournament damage settings break after tuning the car in the pre-race screen.
This specific bug made Score Streak and Rampage Rush events very tricky.
- Fixed misleading HUD info in the Wreck Hell and Ripper Raid events.
- Installing Bullet fender cuts now correctly removes front flares.
- Fixed clipping issues with Razor customization parts and added missing fender flares.
- Installing RoadSlayer GT large rear spoiler now removes the stock spoiler completely.
- Removed duplicate Sofa Car tailpipe.
- Improved Big Rig AI competitiveness.
- Improved Killerbee S AI competitiveness.
- Added "Random Large Special" AI Set.
- 2,39 GB groß
Release: 08.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added support for the DLC pack „Racing Heroes Car Pack“ containing three new cars: Raven, Speedie, and Stellar.
- Added a new free track: Eagles Peak Motorpark with both forward and reverse layouts as well as a derby stadium.
- New tournament season: Racing Heroes.
- New racing themed reward bundle "Rockfield" for Boomer RS.
- New racing themed reward bundle "BB Racing" for Nexus.
- Experience is now correctly awarded from "Rampage Rush" racing events.
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused reward liveries to be lost when changing liveries.
- Implemented support for custom wheel controllers.
- Improved handling of the front-wheel drive cars.
- Restored Muddigger old grille upgrades.
- Roadcutter roof bar no longer clips the roof.
- Wildking upright back pipes no longer clip the racing wing.
- Improved Rebelrat marauder rammer and combar crusher bumper placement.
- Firefly now shifts up correctly when using automatic gearing.
- Supervan suspension no longer glitches out in hard collisions.
- Sofa Car now receives damage correctly.
- It's no longer possible to purchase upgrades for special vehicle loaners
- Fixed overlap in the player list.
- 3,28 GB groß
Release: 11.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- adressing several issues with controller devices
- adressing fixes crashes
- numerous glitches with the new Racing Heroes Car Pack and Speedie in particular.
- 2,82 GB groß
Release: 11.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | bugbeargames.com | xboxdynasty.de
- New tournament season: Winter Fest.
- New free tournament reward car: Starbeast SS.
- The DLC promotional screen is only shown once per session for each respective DLC.
- (XB1) Online features now work correctly after disconnecting the controller before the initial interactive screen.
- (PS4) Game no longer freezes after signing out of PlayStation™Network while in a multiplayer lobby.
- Improved Speedie handling and engine to make it more competitive.
- Small special vehicles no longer take excessive damage even from small shunts.
- Rammer and Roadcutter AI Player setups are now more appropriate for their respective classes.
- The rear spoiler of the Nexus RS "BB Racing" bundle is now parented correctly to the trunk lid.
- Exhausts no longer get distorted after deforming.
- Roof decorations no longer deform wildly.
- Fixed Boomer RS taillight cover glitch.
- Rebel Rat engine audio now plays correctly.
- Fixed an issue with Stellar where clicks in sound would occur when idling in neutral gear.
- Cockpit view audio now includes more low and mid range frequencies.
- Audience sound effects are no longer played during loading screens.
- In the settings, the "Interface Sound Effects" now changes volume of UI sounds independent from the "Effects" volume.
- In the settings, the "Ambiance" volume control now affects all track-side sound sources.
- 2,88 GB groß
Release: 09.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added support for the new DLC pack "Reckless Car Pack" containing three new cars: Blade, Gorbie and Stepvan.
- Added two new tracks: Wrecknado Racing Track and Wrecknado Demolition Arena.
- New tournament season: Wrecknado.
- New taxi cab themed reward bundle "Taxi Wrecker" for Rammer RS.
- New drag racing themed reward bundle "Drag 55" for Bulldog.
- Player no longer gets kicked mid-event when they start holding down throttle before the event starts.
- (Dedicated Server) Increased admin_steam_ids and op_steam_ids maximum parameter size to 1024 characters.
- Improved Rocket RX handling.
- Improved Sofa Car handling.
- Added the Rocket stock exhaust as an option for Rocket RX.
- A number of small special vehicles no longer receive unexpected amounts of damage.
- Improved Bumper Car performance to make it a Class C vehicle like its peers.
- Upgrade parts now correctly follow the deformed shape of the vehicle.
- Fixed Starbeast SS reversing light glitch.
- Raven steel mesh is now correcly visible in all LOD levels.
- Fixed inconsistent Hornet bumper weights.
- Fixed inconsistent Killerbee S bumper weights.
- Boomer/Boomer RS: Increased RPM safety limit to prevent sounds from cutting of at engine redline in some cases.
- Razor: Adjusted camera-view based audio filtering settings of turbocharger whine to include less high frequency content over mid-to-high engine rpm range.
- 3,11 GB groß
Release: 16.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K mit 60 FPS|30 FPS
- New tournament: Woodland Dash
- New free reward car: Hammerhead RS
- New routes for Pinehills Raceway
- Improvements and bug fixes
- It's no longer possible to accidentally start a "Last Man Standing" event with 0 opponents (causing the event to end immediately).
- Parented non-deforming panels now correctly follow translations, fixing an issue which made some visual parts drift away from the vehicle.
- In Custom Event and Server Options event selection, events are now sorted in alphabetical order.
- Venom and Gorbie AI Players now correctly appear in Class A Custom Events.
- Improved Gorgie Class B AI Player assembly.
- Improved Blade and Gorbie AI Player performance.
- Improved Blade performance to make it more competitive.
- Improved Little Thrasher suspension so that it no longer rolls over as easily.
- Added performance upgrades for Step Van.
- Added tuning parts for Step Van.
- Step Van can now withstand more damage.
- Improved Step Van visual damage.
- Improved WarDigger visual damage.
- Fixed glitches with Nexus RX "BB Racing" tournament bundle panels.
- Fixed Blade side headers glitch.
- Fixed Gorbie fender UVs and missing LOD3 fender.
- Fixed Gorbie LOD hood pivots and exhaust pipe mesh conflict with upright back pipes.
- Fixed a number of issues with Bullet LOD assets.
- Fixed Stepvan roof light damage.
- Fixed Blade spoiler clipping with upright back pipes.
- Fixed Rocket brake caliper clipping with "Wave" rims.
- Fixed Outlaw "Hurricane" tire glitch.
- Fixed Razor brake light glitch.
- Removed painted panels from the default Starbest SS paint.
- Improved Rebelrat brake lights.
- 2,83 GB groß
Release: 29.03.2021 (Version
Mögliche Änderungen
- Dynamischer Schmutz auf Fahrzeugen
- Verbesserte Schatten, Partikel und Umgebungsbeleuchtung
- Höher aufgelöste Texturen
- Erhöhte Menge an Laub
- Godrays (Wolkenstrahlen)
- Neue visuelle Effekte für Bremsspuren
- Deutlich schnellere Ladezeiten
- 2,44 GB groß
Release: 04.05.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Added support for the new DLC pack "Off-Road Car Pack"
- Introducing new tournament: Super Truck Showdown.
- New tournament shop bundle "Dirtshot" for Hotshot.
- Speedie is now slightly weaker.
- Starbeast SS is now more competitive.
- Stepvan gearbox tuning options now work correctly.
- Hammerhead RS AI Player now handles the car better.
- Little Thrasher AI Player now appears correctly in Class B as well.
- Fixed mismatched rear wheels of Gorbie Class C AI Player vehicle.
- Starbeast SS "Same As Player"now correctly spawns AI Players with Starbeast SS.
- Fixed RoadSlayer GT steel rail side protector LOD glitch.
- Fixed KillerBee S exhaust backfire emitter pivot and door windows parenting.
- Stellar's "Supersonic" wheels are now of correct color.
- The window frames of Hearse no longer float after receiving damage.
- The rear window of Hearse no longer floats after receiving damage.
- The window frames of Stepvan no longer float after receiving damage.
- The skull decoration no longer removes the Raven windshield.
- The axe decoration of Bandit no longer floats.
- Cardinal paint damage is now displayed correctly.
- The rear wind of Hammerhead RS no longer detaches as easily.
- Wildking racing stripe is now correctly centered.
- The Hammerhead RS fender no longer falls off before the fender flare.
- The fuel lid of Sunrise Super and Sweeper now open into correct direction.
- Texture is now displayed correctly on the Hammerhead RS fuel lid.
- Removed permanently painted parts of the Starbeast SS paint.
- Blade (Reckless Car Pack): Adjusted audio mix for more low frequencies and less intake noise.
- Blade (Reckless Car Pack): Adjusted exhaust rev limiter fart noise to occur only when releasing throttle held against redline.
- Race: Added new generic gearbox H-shifter sounds.
- 4,25 GB groß
Release: 07.05.2021 (Version
- 2,27 GB groß
Release: 11.05.2021 (Version
- 2,17 GB groß
Release: 01.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: bugbear.com
- New tournament: Wrecking Madness
- New free Wrecking Playground environment
- New Speedbird GT tournament reward car
- New Extreme damage mode
- Improvements and fixes
- Added a new track: Wrecking Playground.
- Introducing new tournament: Wrecking Madness
- New tournament reward car: Speedbird GT.
- (XB1/XSX) Game no longer sporadically crashes during multiplayer.
- (PS5) Improved Voice Chat reliability.
- (PS5) Improved multisample anti-aliasing.
- (PS5) Improved performance.
- Improved dynamic objects syncing over network.
- Added a new "Extreme" damage mode.
- Improved Bandit and Bandit Ripper handling.
- Improved dynamic dirt for a number of vehicles.
- Speedbird engine audio no longer cuts off when the engine is over-revved.
- Schoolbus, Motorhome, Supervan & Sofa Car loaners: Fixed triggering misconfiguration with gearshifter sounds.
- (PS5) Fixed surface material misconfiguration that disabled some surface sounds and their haptic feedback.
- (PS5) Decreased the effect of in-game physics to haptics intensity of track object and car-to-car collision rumbles.
- (PS5) Added unique dynamic skid rumble for asphalt surfaces (take that Rocket RX for a spin!).
- (PS5) Added unique rumble for barrel and fence collisions, player vehicle gearshift and backfires.
- (PS5) Adjusted rumble style of low momentum collisions with track objects for a sharper/snappier feel.
- (PS5) Lowered center frequency of low intensity car-to-car collision rumbles.
- 9,92 GB groß
Release: 03.06.2021 (Version
- 5,93 GB groß
Release: 01.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X|S: weitere Verbesserungen können für 9,99€ erworben werden
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS für 9,99€, Haptische DualSense-Effekte
- Dynamischer Schmutz auf Fahrzeugen
- Verbesserte Schatten, Partikel und Umgebungsbeleuchtung
- Höher aufgelöste Texturen
- Erhöhte Menge an Laub
- Godrays (Wolkenstrahlen)
- Neue visuelle Effekte für Bremsspuren
- Deutlich schnellere Ladezeiten
- 24 Spieler Multiplayer
Release: 30.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- The second Wrecking Madness seasonal event starting on 6th of July features multiplier coins that will multiply your score for a while once collected.
- The Dirtshot bundle is now correctly received the first time purchasing it.
- Improved file system.
- (PS4/PS5) Implemented crossplay functionality between PS4 and PS5 on 16 player lobbies.
- (PS5) It is now possible to migrate existing PS4 save data to PS5. Please read below for more details.
- (XSX) The download of the Upgrade DLC now starts automatically.
- (XSX) The free Bonus Car now appears correctly in the garage.
- (XSX) Improved performance on both Series X and S.
- (PS4) Implemented enhanced lighting.
- Updated Steam Networking API to the latest version and improved networking error resiliency.
- Corresponding loaner vehicles are now eligible whenever there's a non-loaner vehicle restriction in place.
- In Paint Shop, pressing (A)
now confirms the selection and changes to the next tab.
- (PS4/XSX) First gear is now correctly engaged while on the start grid, eliminating launch delay.
- The front wheels no longer detach as easily when using the Extreme damage mode.
- Exhaust now deforms along with the rest of the vehicle body when using Extreme damage mode.
- Sweeper can be now tuned in the tournament mode even when not owning the DLC.
- Step Van gearing tuning options are now in correct order for real.
- Bumper Car (TL) no longer appears in the garage.
- Improved Speedbird GT competitiveness.
- Fixed Speedbird GT license plate normal map.
- Removed plate from the Speedbird GT right side door.
- Only base Speedbird GT roll cage now has a window net.
- All Speedbird GT paint styles and liveries are now displayed correctly.
- On Wrecking Playground, the
free camera is now allowed to go higher.
- General: Updated Wwise SDK to version 2019.2.9.
- (PC, PS4, XB1) Mixdown: Adjusted audio mixing chain to use Wwise Mastering plugin introduced with SDK version 2019.2.
- (PS4, XB1) Mixdown: Re-calibrated output levels so that in-game audio settings of „all 80%“ results in average loudness of about -23 LKFS.
- In-game: Increased AI vehicle volume in free & trackside camera views.
- In-game: Added more dynamic variety to vehicle contact sounds.
- In-game: Fixed a bug where AI vehicle wheel hub collisions would trigger player collision sounds.
- In-game: Fixed an issue where vehicle wheel landing sfx would play on chassis contact.
- In-game: Fixed an issue where car window crack and break sounds would play even if windows were not damaged in a collision.
- In-game: Fixed virtual voice leaks with some exhaust backfire sound effects.
- In-game: Fixed incorrect 3D positioning of some player damage sounds.
- In-game: Fixed issue where time penalty notification sound would sometimes play in post-race screens.
- In-game: Implemented a generic acoustics simulation (non-vehicle model specific) of stripped-down vehicle interior in cockpit camera view.
I- n-game: Fixed Ambisonics channel order configuration issue with source sound assets for wind ambience.
- Vehicle Damage: Implemented camera angle based automation of loudness and tone for damage sfx of each subsystem (brakes, engine etc.).
F.ex. damage sound of engine pistons will appear more sharp and pronounced on hood/bumper cam etc. etc.
- Wrecker: Fixed audio sync issue with single and grouped Bumper machines.
- Wrecker: Machine mixdown balancing tweaks.
- Race: Added faint wind and distant traffic noise ambiences. Configure in-game music volume to 0% to play these sounds.
- 7,38 GB groß
Release: 03.08.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- New tournament season: Carmageddon.
- New tournament reward car: Eagle-R.
- Game no longer crashes to fatal error whenever save data is corrupted.
- 6,24 GB groß
Release: 31.08.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- New Firwood Motocenter routes: Rally Circuit and Rally Circuit Reverse.
- Zombies and related effects were removed.
- New tournament season: Folk Frenzy
- New free tournament reward bundle for Firefly.
- Bright specs no longer appear on surfaces with decals.
- Missing textures are now longer displayed on Bleak City demolition derby arena.
- Game data verification is faster.
- Game input is now disabled and game paused when Steam overlay is opened.
- When using manual gears, 1st gear is now automatically engaged after resetting.
- Minimap is now displayed correctly during tournament events.
- On large levels, player tags are now displayed from a further distance.
- Bogus wheel damage notification is no longer occasionally displayed at event start.
- Trooper vehicle name is now displayed correctly in the purchase prompt.
- Speedie driver model is now displayed correctly at all LOD levels.
- Killerbee's stock rear spoiler now gets dirty.
- Wardigger can now endure more damage.
- Improved client performance.
- Server no longer leaks memory.
- In-game hosting with the client works again.
- The ping shown in-game now matches the real ping more closely.
- Client SteamID is shown when client is connected and disconnected.
- Server message is now displayed correctly.
- Setting the server password now works properly.
- A specific message is displayed when client is kicked due to idling.
-Tristar: Fixed rpm redline issue that could cause sound to stutter if the car is tuned to use shortest gear ratio.
- In-Game: Fixed issue with Carmageddon start countdown where pausing game during countdown would reset the audio count.
- 6,48 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de
- Neues Turnier: Autumn Carnage
- Neues Turnier-Belohnungs-Auto: Hotbomb
- Neue Turnier-Belohnungs-Skins:
- 6,80 GB groß
Release: 08.10.2021 (Version
- 6,09 GB groß
Release: 02.11.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Turniersaison: Rally Trophy
- Neues Turnier-Belohnungspaket für Boomer RS: Rally Trophy
- Neues Turnierbelohnungspaket für Gremlin: Fiend
- Es wurde eine neue Strecke für die Rallye-Trophy-Sonderprüfung hinzugefügt
- 6,17 GB groß
Release: 17.11.2021 (Version
- 6,04 GB groß
Release: 12.01.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- 6,34 GB groß
Release: 03.05.2022 (Version
- 6,70 GB groß
Release: 12.05.2022 (Version
- Fixed game often crashing when loading Torsdalen.
- Improved Torsdalen checkpoints to prevent cheating.
- 6,07 GB
Release: 13.07.2022 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 22,1 GB auf 22,0 GB reduziert
- 6,29 GB groß
Release: ??.12.2022 (Version