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Worms W.M.D Update Details (9)
Release: 16.09.2016
Quelle: team17.com
Balances and Tweaks
- Vehicles will now randomly spawn in (5% chance) during Ranked
matches instead of at the beginning of the match
- Slightly lowered health of the helicopter (-5 Health)
- Sound of the worm plop increased
- Secondary weapon fuses can now be altered
- The camera will now follow the Sentry Gun Lite when it’s thrown
- Any items under water during sudden death will no longer be visible
- User Generated Content can now be refreshed with a controller
- Girder can now be rotated by holding down a binded key
- Warning beep will now be heard when timer gets too low during Teleport In
- Name and health bars will no longer appear during retreat on rope
- Blow Torch will now destroy barrels when burnt from the top
- Jetpack now has unlimited retreat fuel after placing a girder
- Tweak made to the crafting ingredients for Sheep (-1 Tears of a Worm)
- Tweak made to the crafting ingredients for Jetpack (+1 Banana Bomb Seeds)
- Tweak made to the crafting ingredients for the Mega Buster (+1 Tears of a Worm)
- Tweak made to the crafting ingredients for the Airstrike (+2 Boggy’s Special Sauce)
- Tweaks made to the Cluster Bomb and crafted variants (+2 Boggy’s Special Sauce)
- Improvements to performance
- Fixed graphical corruption in imported landscapes
- Fixed an issue where the camera moved whilst crafting during an opponent’s turn
- Fixed an issue where the camera would look at the location of already exploded barrels
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of worm when blasted from vehicle
- Fixed an issue whereby the turn wasn’t handing over if surrendering worms took damage
- 3,27 GB groß
Release: 07.12.2016
Quelle: gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Fünf neue Einzelspielerlevel
- Ein neues Bohrboot! Das erste Wasserfahrzeug, das der Serie hinzugefügt wird und
das über einen tödlichen Bohrer verfügt
- Vier neue Waffen: Bösartige Drohne, W1-Rakete, Leckerer Wurmschleck und Wurm-Stachler
- Neues Schlachtfeldthema, inklusive neuer Gebäude und Tunnel zum Erforschen
- Zwölf neue Anpassungsgegenstände für die Würmer, darunter Zweispitz, Barett, Käsehut und Gummihandschuh!
- 5,26 GB groß
Release: ??.01.2017
- 2,17 GB groß
Release: 05.04.2017
Quelle: steam.com
- Skill Based Matchmaking: Players will be matched against opponents of equal rank where possible.
- ELO Based Points System: More points are awarded for beating a player of a higher rank and
less points are awarded for beating a player of a lower rank.
- Rewards: Each rank tier and bracket have their own rewards. Once you have earned a reward it can’t be lost, even if you drop ranks!
- Fixed an issue which was causing players Rank Points to be reset to zero
- Fixed an issue which prevented camera from locating worm during Teleport In phase
- Fixed an issue whereby the Drone wasn’t being damaged by fire
- Fixed an issue which could alter the players aiming following a jump
- Fixed an issue when timer became low during Teleport In and no warning audio could be heard
- Fixed an issue that was causing the audio of the magnet to be heard in the frontend
- Fixed an issue whereby certain speechbank samples weren’t being triggered correctly
- Fixed an issue which prevented the spray from the Drillboat disappearing when moving onto the land from the water
-1,42 GB groß
Release: 23.05.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Einen komplett neuen Spielmodus für die Kriegsführung der wurmigen Art.
Verteidige dich und deine individuell zusammengebaute Festung gegen
feindliche Spieler und infiltriere im Gegenzug ihre Bastionen.
- 6 neue Festungen: Castle Hassle, Donkey Dig, Reactor, Haunted, Pink Peril und Rocket.
- Neue Belohnungen zum Anpassen der eigenen Würmer.
- Brandneue Waffen, etwa die magnetisierte Drohne, die von einem Mitglied der Worms W.M.D Community entworfen wurde.
- Verschiedene Bugs und Glitches wurden behoben.
- 4,68 GB groß
Release: 09.08.2017
- 4,63 GB groß
Release: 22.02.2018
Quelle: team17.com
- A new space theme, Wormhole
- Two new Forts: Mushroom and Tree Hugger
- Three new hats
- Three new gravestones
- 5,43 GB groß
Release: 25.07.2018 (Version
Quelle: team17.com
- 5,75 GB groß
Release: 23.07.2019 (Version
Quelle: team17.com
- 5,44 GB groß