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World War Z Update Details (42+ Series für €)
Release: 02.05.2019 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de
- Fixed an issue that caused save file corruption.
- Fixed an issue with save backups restoring saves with 0 progression.
- Fixed a large number of connectivity, matchmaking and party system issues.
- Fixed a large number of gameplay crashes.
- Fixed a large number of gameplay bugs that caused inability to progress in levels.
- You will now only gain XP toward weapon upgrades if you have purchased the prior upgrade for that weapon, i.e. level two must be purchased to be able to gain XP toward level 3.
- Fixed an issue that caused excessive aim assist in PvPvZ.
- Reduced Compact Shotgun damage in PvPvZ.
- Increased cooldown of “Please Stand Up” perk to 60 seconds.
- Marking items will now display its icon for your teammates.
- Reduced AI bots effectiveness especially on easy and normal difficulties.
- Increased objective timer to save friendly NPCs to 60 seconds on easy and normal difficulties.
- Minor fixes in UI and localization.
- Fixed an issue with “Strong immunity”, “High caution” and “The most effective way” trophies/achievements,
which caused the goals to fail if you have failed them once during one game session.
- Fixed an issue with the “Sport kills” trophy/achievement, which was harder than intended to get.
Release: 03.06.2019 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Neue Mission "New Tokyo" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- ein neuartiger spezieller Zombie wurde hinzugefügt
- ein Field-of-View (FOV) Slider
Release: 03.07.2019 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Neuer Spielmodus mit wöchentlichen Herausforderungen
- Neuer Schwierigkeitsgrad "Extreme" wird hinzugefügt
Release: 28.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de | focus.com || play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- neue Waffen werden kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neuer Spielmodus "Proving Ground"
Alle Waffen werden mit Armbrüsten ersetzt“ oder „alle Spieler erleiden Schaden, wenn sie zu nah beieinander stehen“.
New Features
- Added new Weekly Challenge Mode: This is a separate playlist that offers a combination of three unique gameplay modifiers, which rotate every week
- Successfully completing weekly challenges will reward you with Challenge Coins.
- This special currency is spent on unlocking customization options such as character skins, headgear, backpack attachments and more
- Added Character Outfit Customization feature
- Added skins, headgear and backpack attachments for each character
- Added new Classic Battle Rifle weapon and its variants
- Added Biohazard DLC weapon variants
- Players under masking effects will no longer get hit by zombies that are attacking other teammates
- The Bull special zombie will not grab players under masking effects even if he was charging at another player and the masked player was in his way
- The Bull and Lurker special zombies will no longer deal instant damage when grabbing players,
providing a small window to prevent damage if the special zombies are quickly killed by teammates
Quality of Life
- Added option to swap triggers and buttons on a controller
- Added option to toggle aim
- Added option to toggle crouch
- Players will be able to sprint if they are holding sprint button as soon as sprint stamina is regenerated.
Previously players had to depress and press sprint button again
- Weapon stats progress bars now more accurately display actual gameplay stats.
This resulted in some visual changes across all weapons. However, actual gameplay stats did not change
- PvE assists are now rewarded for these actions:
- Healing teammates with a stim pistol
- Healing teammates with a medkit
- Saving a teammate who has been grabbed
- Reviving a teammate
- Teammates using your supply bag
- Killing Infector that infected your teammate
- Added ping display in PvP
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Pump Action Shotgun. Increased damage by 7%.
- Combat Shotgun. Increased rate of fire by 25%.
- Compact Shotgun. Increased rate of fire by 25%. Increased damage by 5% for versions 4 and 5.
- BF25 Payload Rifle. Increased damage by 25%. Improved version is also affected and has 50% more ammo
- Improved Stun Gun aiming at point blank distances
- Improved effectiveness of vertical Voltage Grid defense kit
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
General fixes
- Fixed Bullet Dodger perk which was giving friendly fire resistance for an inconsistent amount of time
- Fixed issue that caused newly acquired weapons to have less than full ammunition in some cases
- Fixed issue that kept the “Clear Infection” prompt from being displayed on the HUD if player was using melee
- Crossbow bolts will now explode properly if fired by an AI bot (no friendly fire, don’t worry)
- Fixed Stun Gun dealing inconsistent amounts of damage
- Fixed issue that caused already burnt gasoline barrels and puddles to appear as targets for aim assist target selection
- Chainsaw will no longer waste fuel if used against dead bodies
- Fixed issue with scoreboard staying on screen in outro cinematics
- Fixed issue that caused players to be unable to shoot while being healed in some cases
- Fixed issue with shotguns sometimes reloading 2 extra rounds in one reload cycle
- Fixed Infector spit effect staying on the screen after respawn
- Igniting gasoline puddles, using Taser and throwing Molotovs will no longer fail stealth checks
- Fixed issue with “zombies are close” warning sound triggering incorrectly
- Angel no longer loses his head during cinematics
Release: 29.10.2019 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | twitter.com | play3.de
Season 2 ist gestartet mit neuen kostenlosen Inhalten
- Neue Level: New York & Moscow
- Neue Wafen
- Prestige Ränge mit neuen Belohnungen
- New Cosmetics
- New Special Zombie: Bomber
- 14,94 GB groß
Release: 20.11.2019 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: wooco.de
- Improved stats of Golden Assault Rifle, Pistol and Advanced SMG so now they are identical to their level 5 upgradable versions.
- Prestige Scout Rifle. Increased damage accuracy.
- Prestige Classic Battle Rifle. Increased accuracy.
- Prestige Crossbow. Increased max ammo, damage and accuracy.
- Prestige Shotgun. Increased ammo max.
Minor UI and localization fixes.
- Fixed several gameplay crashes.
- 14,51 GB groß
- PS4: 11,2 GB groß
Release: 17.12.2019 (Version 1.0.10/V. 1.12)
Quelle: play3.de
- Neue Spielmodis: Horde Mode Z
- 15,44 GB groß
Release: 23.12.2019 (Version 1.13)
- 14,44 GB groß
Release: 04.02.2020 (Version 1.14)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- The Proffessionals Character Skin DLC wird eingebaut und kann erworben werden
- Das Ziel ist es, kürzere, aber unterhaltsamere und viel lohnendere Sitzungen zu haben.
- Der Gesamtschwierigkeitsgrad wurde stark erhöht
- Belohnungen für das Schlagen von Welle 10 und höher werden stark erhöht
- Wellenschwierigkeiten nehmen viel schneller zu
- Die Menge an Ressourcen, die die Spieler erhalten, ist leicht reduziert, insbesondere nach Welle 20
- Die Anzahl der gleichzeitig einsetzbaren Verteidigungsausrüstungen desselben Typs wurde begrenzt.
- Reduzierte Kosten für Ausrüstungstaschen von 30 auf 25
- Die Munition für Autotürme wurde um 25% reduziert, so dass die Spieler sie öfter nachladen müssen.
- Die Vorbereitungszeit für die Welle wird nach Welle 15 abnehmen
- Reduzierte die Menge der Ressourcen, die die Spieler durch die Verwendung von Durchbruchladungen erhalten können, von 150 auf 100
- Der erneute Beitritt zur gleichen Sitzung im Hordenmodus stellt nun nicht mehr die volle Munition und Gesundheit wieder her.
- Option zur Wiederherstellung von Umweltobjekten wie Benzinbecken und Gasflaschen über den Shop hinzugefügt
Neue Nebenziele hinzugefügt
- 15,56 GB groß
Release: 23.03.2020 (Version 1.15)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | forum.focus-home.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- PVE Cross Play wird aktiviert (Xbox One, PC)
Horde Mode
- Slightly reduced difficulty in Hard mode
- Significantly reduced difficulty in Normal mode
Less Special Zombies will spawn in Normal mode
Increased preparation timer between waves by 20% in Normal mode
Supply points rewards will begin to scale down later in Normal mode
Added significantly more random pickups in Normal mode
- Increased Auto Turret maximum ammo
- Capped by 10 the amount of Auto Turrets that could be placed simultaneously
- Fixed one of the shops not spawning items
- Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by 50%
- Reduced ammo crate cost from 100 to 70
- Significantly increased both XP and currency rewards
- Tweaked Extreme difficulty settings to restore pre-patch balance (it was changed to support crossplay)
- AI Director will spawn less secondary weapon pickups
- Reworked Bomber drop, he will spawn better Primary and Heavy weapons when killed
- Fixed several issues with perks stacking
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
- Fixed issue that allowed players to clip through geometry in some places
- 15,65 GB groß
Release: 26.03.2020 (Version 1.16)
- 14,65 GB groß
Release: 05.05.2020 (Version 1.17)
Quelle: play3.de
- Heute wurde die Game of the Year Edition veröffentlicht
- Addressed gameplay crashing issues.
- Addressed players reported glitches.
- Added fixes for framerate drop and freezing issues.
- Performance and stability improvements.
- Other minor under the hood fixes.
- 20,30 GB groß
Release: 26.05.2020 (Version 1.17)
Quelle: wooco.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Fixed critical memory leak that was causing a lot of crashes on Marseille maps. It is a temporary fix and more fixes are coming
- Fixed black render artifacts appearing on dark levels
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
General Fixes
- Fixed issue that made several unique weapon variants free for everyone
- Imposing Arsenal trophy no longer requires unique weapon variants to be purchased
- Restored unique Thumper GL variant price back to 500
- Fixed issue with Auto Turret placement that was launching players up in the air
- Improved performance in the last segment of Marseille maps 2 and 3
- 16,96 GB groß
Release: 11.06.2020 (Version 1.1?)
Quelle: wooco.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- 137,97 MB groß
Release: 22.07.2020 (Version 1.1?)
- PVE Cross Play wird aktiviert (nun auch mit PS4)
- User-Report-System wird eingeführt
- Neue flexible Dronemaster-Klasse
- 17,95 GB groß
Release: 02.09.2020 (Version 1.21)
Quelle: wooco.de
- Mehrere Gameplay-Abstürze wurden behoben
- Mehrere Konnektivitätsprobleme wurden behoben
- 16,54 GB groß
Release: 20.09.2021 (Version 1.22)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | twitter.com | datum=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de | release=majornelson.com, play3.de
- DLC "Aftermath" wird eingebaut und kann ab dem 21.09.2021 für 19,99€ erworben werden
- New story episodes across Rome, Vatican City & Russia
- Brutal new combat system feat dual-wield melee sickles, cleavers & more
- First-person mode & much more
- Speicherverbrauch von 20,4 GB auf 25,6 GB erhöht
- 25,56 GB groß
Release: 23.09.2021 (Version 1.23)
- Speicherverbrauch von 25,6 GB auf 25,7 GB erhöht
- 17,87 GB groß
Release: 18.10.2021 (Version 1.24)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- The Vanguard no longer takes friendly fire damage when usinf the shield
- The shield´s protection will be retained for an additional 0.7 secdonds after the block or charge ends
- Ther shield now protects from any damage coming from the front, includin Bomber explosions, Infectir attacks and automatic turret fire (it won´t protect from the Gasbag cloud through)
- Base charge damage and kill count increased. Now it kills up to 14 enemies (was 8) and kills the Lurker and Gasbag on any difficulty.
- Vanguard can perform 3 blocks per charge (was 2), but the blocking ends after 6 kills (was 8)
- Ending a block without killing anyone will no longer spend an ability charge
- Slightly increased base charge manueverability
- Slighty increased base walking speed in block
- Slighty increased shield charge hit area
- Slighty increased shield block protection angle
- Shield block will no loner be interrupted by the Lurkers jump attack
- Made blocking a charging Bull easier even if it is not targeting you
- Now you won´t be able to get into invalid objects and get stuck when charging over the edge from heights
- Fixed serveral bugs that were significantly affecting shield usability and efficiency:
Sometimes the Bull could gab the player while the player was blocking or charging
In some circumstance, shield charge couldn´t kill the intended amount of zombies
- SHield was not regenerating while playing with the Looter mutator
Block was ending too fast when player was surrounded by a swarm
In some cases, shield ability stopped regenerating when using Outer Shell and Recuperation perk
Vanguard Perks
- Reworked AMor Plated perk effect. Now applies 3 seconds of invulnerability when player starts interacting with anything (10 second cooldown)
- Switched positions of Hurry Back perk and Armor Plated perk in the perk tree
- For the On Your Feet perk, player no longer loses the rest of his charge when the perk is triggered
- Player gains 2 charges instead of 1 for the Conditioning perk
- Decreased speed and distance bonus from 30% to 20% for the Long Run perk
- Increased charge duration bonus from 0.5 seconds for the Pickpocket perk
- Sturdy per grants temporary health when the block ends
- Rats can no longer be "woken up" by zombies
- Rats can no longer charge their target from a downed player to his teammates if they are far away
First-Person Mode
- Adjusted zoom and weapon position when aiming for more comfortable close-quarters combat
- Tomahawk, Fire Axe and Hammer animations are more responsive now
- Increased max ammo capacity for Special SMG
- Fiexed issue with non-explosive crossbow bolts not penetrating chain link fences
- Fixed serveral minor bugs with firearm models
- Fixed the inability to unclock the Wakizashi and the Extreme Mk110 Sniper Rifle version when player private game with mutators that are not decreasing the rewards
- Fixed serveral bugs with firearm sounds
- Fixed rare cases where the player could take damage and die right after a level intro
- Fixed isse with "Well, What Dis You Achieve?" trophy not getting awarded for finishing alle base levels on Insane difficulty
- Improved responsiveness of using the Medikit to heal teammates
- Fixed a bug that prevented the explosion effect in the outro cinemativc of "The FInal Push" level from playing
- HUD can now display up to six carried items
- Fixed serveral gameplay crashes
- Fixed serveral connectivity issue
- Dedicated servers in Australia added
- Speicherverbrauch von 25,7 GB auf 25,7 GB erhöht
- 20,25 GB groß
Release: 27.10.2021 (Version 1.25)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neuen Booster Zombie (Truppe mit grünem Rauch an den Köpfen) wurde hinzugefügt
- Neue tägliche Herausforderungen wurden hinzufügt.
- 22,55 GB groß
Release: 29.10.2021 (Version 1.26)
- 21,52 GB groß
Release: 07.12.2021 (Version 1.28)
- 14,93 GB groß
Release: 17.03.2022 (Version 1.29)
- Neue Waffe: Schwert
- Neue Anhänger wurden kostenlos hinzugefügt
- 23,19 GB groß
Release: 04.04.2022 (Version 1.30)
- 14,83 GB groß
Release: 28.07.2022 (Version 1.32)
- Speicherverbrauch von 25,7 GB auf 26,0 GB erhöht
- 23,61 GB groß
Release: 10.08.2022 (Version 1.33)
- 17,67 GB groß
Release: 31.08.2022 (Version 1.34)
- 16,43 GB groß
Release: 24.01.2023 (Version 1.37 | Series
Quelle: play3.de | datum=xboxdynasty.de, play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K mit 60 FPS
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS
- Horde Mode XL wird eingebaut (nur für PS5, Xbox Series X|S)
- 22,32 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 23,20 GB groß
Release: 31.01.2023 (Version 1.38 | Series 1.0.0.-)
Quelle: play3.de | support.saber.games | twitter.com | release=support.saber.games
- PS5: Probleme zum kostenlosen PS5-Upgrade werden behoben
- Fixed when some players experience the error “save data is invalid” after the save transfer.
- Fixed a bug where stealth gameplay would break after players fired guns with silencers equipped.
- Fixed an issue unlocking the ACW-20 unique skin.
- Fixed when some players’ save file conversions don’t properly convert the PlayStation 4 game progression to PlayStation 5.
- 14,55 GB groß
Release: 06.02.2023 (Version 1.0.0.-/V. 1.- | Series
- 7,62 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 20.02.2023 (Version 1.39 | Series
Quelle: support.saber.games
- Fixed the issue when the character model sometimes doesn't appear on the selection screen in the Horde Mode menu.
- Fixed the issue when some special zombies receive too much HP, also known as “Undying” in the community.
- Fixed damage modifier in Class Weakness mutator.
- Various Stability fixes.
- Fixed issues with dynamic resolution causing blurry images on Xbox Series S.
- Fixed looped chatter audio for voice chat.
- Fixed issue with blocked players unable to use muting/unmuting functionality.
- 4,97 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 11,63 GB groß
Release: 29.03.2023 (Version 1.40 | Series
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neuer Inhalte hinzu, darunter die neuen Karten „Jerusalem“ und „New York“ für den Hordenmodus
- 7 neue Mutatoren für den Herausforderungshordenmodus
- Eine neue Nahkampfwaffe: den Schlagstock.
- Das Against All Odds-Update bietet außerdem zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit, in allen PvE-Episoden mit einem beliebigen Charakter zu spielen.
- Die KI-Gruppenmitglieder wurden ebenfalls verbessert und können nun schwere Waffen benutzen, wenn sie an eurer Seite spielen.
- Speicherverbrauch von 25,0 GB auf 26,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverrbauch von 26,0 GB auf 27,3 GB erhöht
- 23,38 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 24,69 GB groß
Release: 25.05.2023 (Version 1.41 | Series
- 22,88 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 24,19 GB groß
Release: 30.05.2023 (Version 1.42 | Series
Quelle: twitter.com
- We have resolved the issue with the fire rate of Semi-Automatic weapons across all platforms.
- 9,28 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 12,35 GB groß
Release: 27.06.2023 (Version 1.43 | Series
Quelle: support.saber.games
- Resolved an issue with gameplay not displaying as intended on GPUs when AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution is enabled.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when returning to the main menu from the game.
- Fixed the problem of muted gunfire while the electric fence was active.
- Fixed the issue with gamertags being displayed as a 'Nickname.'
- Updated Heavy Weapon icons to accurately reflect the weapons currently equipped.
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Lieutenant Titus and Tyranid Trinkets can be obtained again.
PlayStation 5
- Slight performance improvements.
Xbox Series X|S
- Slight performance improvements on both Xbox Series X and S.
- 8,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 12,36 GB groß
Release: 10.08.2023 (Version 1.45 | Series
Quelle: support.saber.games | xboxdynasty.de
- New Horde XL Map: Rome (nur für Xbox Series X|S & PS5)
- 9 new Perks for each Class
- New Weapons: Repeating Rifle & Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher
12 new Mutators for Challenge Horde Mode:
- Airstrike (the mortar shell can land in three random locations).
- Healing Explosions (device and heavy weapon explosions restore health).
- Drone Army (each player receives a temporary drone).
- Free Meds (free medicine becomes available in the main shop).
- The Pursuers (players can encounter slow, more resilient zombies during the wave that can revive and pursue players until the end of the wave).
- Free Supply (free gear bags become available in the main shop).
- Sell-Out (defense kits start having a discount).
- Taxes (defense kits start costing more).
- Leg Day (the player loses health and stamina when climbing).
- Hot-Tempered Bull (each Bull’s ground smash causes an explosion).
- My Chainsaw and Me (a random player gets an infinite ammo chainsaw without being able to use other weapons).
- Primary Weakness (primary weapon damage gets reduced by 75%).
- Mutators from Horde Mode Challenge can now be used in private lobbies.
- Added Quick Match search option for Horde Mode and Horde Mode XL.
- Tokyo Horde Mode XL map is now available in the Horde Mode Challenge.
- Fixed a bug when the player with the "Judo" or "Rage Mode" perk could become invincible.
- Fixed a bug when respawning a Vanguard class player with the "Stronger Together" perk would heal all players to full HP.
- Fixed a bug when the Grenade Launcher with the "Incendiary Grenades" weapon perk and "High Voltage" Slasher class perk could inflict unexpectedly high damage.
- Classes (Gunslinger, Fixer, Medic, Slasher) can now be assigned to the bots, and they can use the abilities of these classes.
- Added new DualSense Haptic Feedback effects on PlayStation 5.
- Fixed crashes in Horde Mode XL on PlayStation 5.
- Slightly improved performance on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.
- Speicherverbrauch von 26,2 GB auf 27,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 27,3 GB auf 27,4 GB erhöht
- 24,20 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 24,45 GB groß
Release: 25.08.2023 (Version 1.46 | Series
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games
- Fixed performance drops and image distortions on Xbox Series X|S consoles.
- Fixed freezes occurring after completing any game session in the post-match statistics tab on all platforms.
- Fixed Horde Mode XL Rome crashes on Xbox Series X|S consoles in the offline mode.
- Increased overall stability across all platforms.
- 5,58 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 13,07 GB groß
Release: 25.10.2023 (Version 1.47 | Series
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games
- Increased the HP threshold at which the “Emergency Measures” perk activates.
- Increased the temporary HP the player can receive from a drone shot with the Stim Pistol with the “Good Boy” perk.
- The player will now receive unlimited ammo for 10 seconds when activating the “It’s Not Over” perk.
- The number of reloadable rounds for the Repeating Rifle has been increased.
- Increased the amount of weapons that will drop when the "Bad Odor" and "Bad Odor II" perks get triggered.
- Increased the number of killable zombies for the improved Multi-shot Rocket Launcher.
-The gas cloud set by the “Especially Dangerous” perk will now last for one minute.
- Addressed random stutters and freezes during gameplay on PlayStation 4.
- Fixed rare crashes and improved stability across all platforms.
- Optimized memory consumption on Xbox Series X/S.
- Improved performance on PlayStation 5.
- Reduced the intensity of the visual effects of shots when using the FSR.
- Increased the intensity of FX effects for the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher.
- Fixed the low-resolution texture display on Xbox One.
- Fixed a bug when a grenade thrown by a drone with the "On a Bender" perk would damage players.
- Fixed a bug when a drone attached to a teammate with the "Sharing is Caring" and "On a Bender" perks returned to the player after taking damage from an explosion.
- Fixed a bug when the drone remained attached to the player or bot even after their death.
- Fixed a bug when a Fixer class bot could get stuck in the animation of deploying the Supply Bag.
- Fixed a bug when Vanguard class players could stop taking damage when grabbed by a zombie while using the shield.
- Fixed a bug when bots could respawn with a heavy weapon that had previously been taken by a player.
- Fixed a bug when the "Especially Dangerous" and "Cannon Fodder" mutators could simultaneously appear in the Daily Challenge.
- Fixed a bug when the background music would interrupt and replay when hovering over any perk in the perk selection menu.
- Fixed a bug when the reload animation and sound were not synchronized when using reload speed-increasing perks.
- Fixed a bug when players could use two secondary weapons while the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when information about weapons and experience was not displayed on the scoreboard in spectator mode.
- Fixed a bug when the stun effect from the Stun Gun sometimes didn't affect zombies.
- Fixed a bug when the bot replacing a disconnected player would have default weapons.
- Fixed a bug when spawning medkits while killing with Heavy Fire Axe and Lobo melee weapons was happening with regular hits instead of signature hits.
- Fixed a bug when a drone with the "Well Trained" perk would stop working when a new player joined the session.
- Fixed a bug when the "Free Refill III" and "Heavy Bone" perks would work while the "Chainsaw Massacre" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when the "Hidden Pocket" perk didn't work with the Trumper GL.
- Fixed a bug when there was no sound alert from the "Detector" accessory in the first-person view.
- Fixed a bug when the player with the "I am Not a Snack" perk could use equipment bags dropped by special zombies.
- Fixed a bug when multiple quest Flamethrowers could be spawned in the Dead of Winter level.
- Fixed a bug when the Chainsaw applied an electric hit if the player had a Baton.
- Fixed a bug when the bolt-cycling animation did not play at a high fire rate of the Repeating Rifle.
- Fixed a bug when the "Special Mag" perk did not work.
- Fixed a bug when the laser was not displayed on the Repeating Rifle.
- Fixed a bug when the "Heavy Metal I" perk did not work after picking up the unused Chainsaw again.
- Fixed a bug when bandages and adrenaline did not spawn on the level while the "The Impaler" mutator was active.
- Fixed bugs when players could obtain items that were restricted by mutators.
- Fixed a bug when a bot would receive heavy weapons with increased ammo capacity when replacing a disconnected player.
- Fixed a bug when the "Second Wind" perk did not activate with the "Instadeath," "1 HP," and "Iron Man" mutators.
- Fixed a bug when the "Gas, Gas, Gas" perk caused the C4 explosion gas cloud to give players a masking effect.
- Fixed a bug when the background sound could disappear after interrupting character video playback.
- Fixed a bug when the player could disconnect from the session and get replaced by a bot that would not utilize the respective class abilities.
- Fixed a bug with non-functional voice commands in the PvP mode.
- Fixed a bug when the "Backup Plan" perk for the Dunali SxS did not work when starting a match with the "Shotgun Fiesta" mutator active.
- Fixed a bug when buying prestige added 10 levels to the account level.
- Fixed a bug when point-blank shots sometimes did not deal damage.
- Fixed a bug when bots could change the order of reviving incapacitated players.
- Fixed a bug when the additional task "Don't Die or Become Incapacitated" was considered failed when bots got incapacitated or died.
- Fixed a bug when rounds in the magazine were highlighted yellow after picking up explosive rounds from the Supply Bag while the "What Was That Boom?" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when the "Sort It All Out" perk did not activate if the primary weapon was reloaded using the "Gun Fanatic" perk.
- Fixed a bug when C4 did not explode when the "Here Kitty" perk was used.
- Fixed the Multi-Shot Rocket Launcher model clipping in first-person mode.
- Speicherverbrauch von 26,7 GB auf 26,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 27,4 GB auf 27,6 GB erhöht
- 23,30 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 24,55 GB groß
Release: 05.12.2023 (Version 1.49 | Series
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | notes=support.saber.games | release=xboxdynasty.de
- DLC "Valley of the Zeke" wird eingebaut und kann für 9,99€ erworben werden
- Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack DLC.
- Burning Skulls Weapons Skin Pack DLC.
- New Weapon: DE50 Heavy Pistol.
- New Special Zombie: Juggernaut.
- Added Challenge Mode for Rome XL.
- Added Japanese language for PC versions (Steam, EGS, and Microsoft Store).
New Mutators for Challenge Mode:
- Wild West: everyone gets a free Lever-Action Rifle (primary weapon) and a Revolver (secondary weapon) and can't have any other weapon.
- Matador: dodging Bull charges will reward players with resources; however, if caught, the resources will get lost.
- Epilogue: deadly gas for zombies will be released during the attack on the final gate (once per match).
- Neural Network: all auto-turrets will be equipped with explosive rounds, but their operational time will be reduced by 1 (from 3).
- Homeopathy: using medical items will disable sprinting for 20 seconds.
- Protect Me: if the marked player dies, the former player will lose resources.
- Expired Medicine: the more damage you take, the more medkits you will find, but their healing effect will be reduced by 50%
- Speicherverbrauch von 26,8 GB auf 29,3 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 27,6 GB auf 30,0 GB erhöht
- 26,25 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 27,01 GB groß
Release: 08.12.2023 (Version 1.50 | Series HOTFIX
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games
- Fixed an issue where the Juggernaut's charge could push the player into unplayable areas.
- Fixed an issue where bots could fall under the ground after the Juggernaut attack.
- Fixed an issue where the fall animation of the Juggernaut attack would continue for too long.
- Fixed an issue where the Juggernaut's special attack didn't fail the "Avoid All Special Zombie's Special Attacks" task in Horde Mode.
- Fixed the desynchronization of hands and lever rifle movement in Heather Vaughn's character's idle animation.
- Fixed the taser duplicating in Mia Sanchez's hand when re-entering the lobby with her as a selected character.
- Fixed an issue where the male voiceovers played when Heather Vaughn or Mia Sanchez fell or rolled.
- Fixed the sound duration for EPISODE 8: PHOENIX characters turning into zombies to match the transformation animation.
- Fixed occasional missing sounds of EPISODE 8: PHOENIX characters in the menu.
- Fixed flickering paper particles in EPISODE 8: PHOENIX on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.
- Fixed an issue that caused bots to get stuck on the stairs when entering or exiting the radio tower in The Low Road level.
- Fixed an issue where the outline of the player with thermite stayed visible until the end of the Fighting for Home level.
- Fixed an issue where the "Protect" tag remained on the player with thermite until the end of the Fighting for Home level.
- Fixed the missing collision model on the main gate in the Fighting for Home level.
- Fixed the objective display when the player fails to activate both consoles in time.
- Fixed an issue where gas caused damage after leaving the Refinery in The Low Road level.
- Fixed an issue where the melee attack animation would sometimes work incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the player was resurrected in an inaccessible part of the stage and could not reunite with the team.
- 15,36 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 21,41 GB groß
Release: 25.01.2024 (Version 1.52 | Series
Quelle: twitter.com | support.saber.games
- Fixed a bug where players could not stop Bull with Vanguard's shield.
- Fixed a bug where players could use Vanguard's shield even with no equipment charges.
- Fixed a bug with a missing silencer on a lever-action rifle.
- Fixed several bugs when players would respawn behind the closed doors in Episode 8: Phoenix maps.
- Fixed random stutters and freezes during some explosions in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home.
- Tweaked the performance in the outro video in Episode 8: Phoenix - The Low Road.
- Fixed the 'Chainsaw Massacre' mutator bug. Now, bots don't receive a chainsaw that a player cannot use after an exchange.
- Fixed the 'Gun Shortage' mutator not affecting bots.
- Fixed a bug in the 'My Chainsaw and Me' mutator. The scenario now continues when the player with the chainsaw exits.
- Fixed a bug in the 'My Chainsaw and Me' mutator. Now, the player is resurrected with an infinite chainsaw.
- Fixed marking voiceovers for Episode 8: Phoenix characters.
- Fixed voiceovers for planting thermite.
- Added thermite burning sound.
- Fixed the 'Exchange Heavy Weapons' hint missing in Episode 8: Phoenix.
- Fixed a bug when mutators were not displayed in Challenges for some players.
- Fixed a bug when players could get through a closed window in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home.
- Fixed a bug when players could not open the door when playing with other people in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home.
- Speicherverbrauch von 29,9 GB auf 30,0 GB erhöht
- 18,78 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 26,17 GB groß
Release: 28.03.2024 (Version 1.53 | Series
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | notes=steam.com | support.saber.games
New Content
- Added new mutators for Horde Mode: Gladiators, Banshee, Toss a Coin, Sinusitis (+Challenge Mode), Anthrax (+Challenge Mode), No Deliveries.
- Added new weapon perks: Guardian for S890, Soul Collector for HW416, Electro Shot for 1877 SBL, Over the Heads for PAC-15,
Powder and Steel for S890 Shorty, Gravedigger for Taiga-12, Camper for HAMR-17, Sound Body for LAR, Plague Doctor for TMP5.
- Added 4 new prestige perks for all classes.
Quality of Life
- Added Japanese and Korean language support for Xbox One and Xbox Series.
- Fixed a bug with female characters holding 1877 SBL incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to have conflicting mutators in Challenge and Horde mode.
- Fixed performance with bomber explosions in Episode 8: Phoenix - The Low Road.
- Fixed a bug where shotguns could destroy supply bags in PvE.
- Fixed a bug with the player getting stuck when climbing up inclined surfaces.
- Fixed a bug with invisible collisions when firing some weapons.
- Speicherverbrauch von 29,3 GB auf 29,4 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 23,34 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 26,39 GB groß
Release: 08.04.2024 (Version 1.54 | Series HOTFIX
Quelle: notes=steam.com
- The new golden skin for the DE50 Heavy Pistol can now be unlocked! To obtain it, link WWZ to your PROS account.
- 8,94 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 14,73 GB groß
Release: 11.07.2024 (Version 1.55 | Series HOTFIX
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games | xboxdynasty.de
New Content
- New map Horde Mode XL Arizona.
- Desert Defenders Weapons Skin Pack DLC which contains:
The new Kukri melee weapon.
Four new weapon skins for the DE50 pistol, 1877 SBL rifle, TMP5 SMG, and M500 shotgun.
- New pickups: Improving Bags.
- New Customizable Portrait Frames.
Quality of Life
- Added the ability to change classes while playing in Horde Mode, Horde Mode XL, and Horde Mode Challenge.
- Fixed an issue with the unlock notification markers of new prestige perks in the menu.
- Fixed an issue with the Dronemaster "It's Alive" perk, where it wasn't working on higher difficulties.
- Fixed an issue with the Medic's Hypervitaminosis perk that was causing incorrect health gain and was not working properly.
- Fixed an issue with not getting temporary health from various sources due to mutators that reduced basic health to a minimum.
- Fixed an issue so that the Anthrax and Cannon Fodder mutators can no longer be encountered at the same time.
- Fixed the localization for mutator Sinusitis.
- Fixed the localization for mutator Anthrax.
- Speicherverbrauch von 29,4 GB auf 30,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 27,12 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 27,41 GB groß
Release: 05.08.2024 (Version 1.56 | Series HOTFIX
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games
Quality of Life
- We have updated the backend services to ensure a fast and reliable connection for matchmaking.
- 13,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 18,53 GB groß
Release: 24.09.2024 (Version 1.57 | Series
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games | xboxdynasty.de
New Content
- Added the Arizona map to the Horde Mode XL Challenge mode
- Added a new challenge mode - Extinction
- Added skins for Heavy weapons for completing Extinction Mode
- Added new mutators: Myopia, Grenadier, Plague Creatures, Angry turrets, Class Advantage and Mass contamination!
- Added Golden Bloom Weapon Skin Pack DLC
- Fixed issues with receiving the Iron Man portrait frame
- Fixed an issue with menu items in collections being unclickable
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not seeing allied messages in PvP text chat
- Fixed an issue where a player could remain in the current party when accepting an invite to another party
- Fixed an issue with changing resolution when switching to Borderless mode
- Aim-Assist no longer works on lying sleeping zombies
- Fixed an issue where some prestige perks did not work immediately after unlocking
- Speicherverbrauch von 30,0 GB auf 30,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 30,0 GB auf 30,1 GB erhöht
- 25,65 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 26,34 GB groß
Release: 08.10.2024 (Version 1.57 | Series
Quelle: notes=support.saber.games
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an “unknown error” that was popping up for some players that was blocking them from entering the social hub.
- Fixed an issue where online friends were showing as offline.
- Fixed an issue where players’ voices were randomly muting.
- Fixed an issue where some players could not push the start button due to cleared app data.
Quality of Life
- We raised the height for the ping icon so it will always be out of sight for players.
- Added an auto-refresh to tables so they will no longer appear as inactive or abandoned, allowing new players to join
- 1,04 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- / GB groß
Release: 29.10.2024 (Version 1.58 | Series
Quelle: notes=twitter.com
- We fixed the issue where some players weren't able to play the Extinction mode.
- 11,69 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 15,45 GB groß
Release: in Arbeit 05.12.2024 (Version 1.58 | Series
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Inhalte "Sin City Apocalypse" wird eingebaut
- GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- GB groß
Release: in Arbeit (Version 1.38 | Series 1.0.0.-) NUR SERIES
Quelle: play3.de | support.saber.games | twitter.com
- Fixed when some players experience the error “save data is invalid” after the save transfer.
- Fixed a bug where stealth gameplay would break after players fired guns with silencers equipped.
- Fixed an issue unlocking the ACW-20 unique skin.
- GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)