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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Update Details (17+X+Series)
Release: 15.05.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Kleinere Fehler werden korrigiert
- Allgemeine kleiner Verbesserungen wurden hinzugefügt
- Dynamische Skalierung von 900p und 1080p
- Auch Performence Optimierung und Framerate verbessert sind enthalten
Quests and game:
- Variety of cosmetic quest improvements
- Journal objective fixes
- Quest mapping fixes
- Dialogue flag fixes
- Quest balancing issues
- Scene triggering improvements
Gameplay systems:
- Boat behavior
- AI improvements
- NPC spawn strategy improvements
- Combat balancing
- UI optimizations
- 588 MB groß
Release: TIPP
Quelle: xboxfront.de
- Spielstand Bug, dadruch muss man leider das Spiel wieder neu anfangen
Einfach die "Schnell-Start Funktion deaktivieren und das Spiel zum beenden immer Schließen
Release: 29.05.2015
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Der Spielstand Bug der durch den "Schnell Start Modus der Xbox One" entsteht wurde behoben
- Schriftgröße von wird vergrößert
- Bug behoben, welche nach dem Into das Spiel abstürzen ließ
- Framerate auf 30 fps fixiert
- Corrects a bug where the player was able to shoot bolts at friendly NPCs.
- Corrects an issue related to Stamina regeneration while sprinting.
- Corrects a bug that could cause spontaneous combustion of gas clouds.
- Reduces spawn times for certain groups of NPCs.
- Blood particles will now properly appear on water surfaces after foes are killed.
- Corrects a visual effect in the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Improves foliage behavior in scenes.
- Reduces foliage shadow popping.
- "Melltith" sword is visible again.
- Fixes some minor graphics bugs in gwent.
- Corrects some missing translations in localized versions.
- Improves performance, especially in cutscenes and during gameplay.
- Introduces a number of minor improvements in SFX.
- Fixes an issue that could have caused an infinite loading screen in certain circumstances in Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Corrects an issue in the dialogue system that might have caused rare instances of dialogue looping in certain scenes.
- Improves stability in gameplay and the UI, especially during games of gwent.
- Upgrading items included in gear sets no longer destroys rune sockets on said items.
- Fixes an occasional bug in the Journal in the Fake Papers quest.
- Enlarges the loot pop-up window in the UI.
- 604 MB groß
Release: 09.06.2015 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de
- Fixes a possible exploit by preventing certain drowners from respawning infinitely.
- Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with
recommended levels lower than the player character level.
- Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price.
- Deploys the Bovine Defense Force Initiative.
- Rebalances the prices of maps that can be purchased from merchants.
- Improves camera behavior when the player executes finishing blows.
- Fixes an issue where the player could loot mutagens from Nightwraith clones.
- Fixes an issue whereby interaction with Fiend decoction was incorrect when Geralt was overburdened.
- Fixes a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points.
- Introduces a number of fixes in in-game communities.
- Introduces a number of fixes related to combat.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not deflect arrows/bolts at longer distances.
- Fixes a crash that could occur on the transition to the Isle of Mists location during the quest of the same title.
- Fixes a number of issues related to horseback riding.
- Improves Geralt's movement, especially when he swims.
- Improves the smoothness of camera movement.
- The player can no longer target foes positioned on different building floors than Geralt.
- Fixes a number of issues related to Vitality regeneration.
- Fixes an issue whereby certain actions could be randomly blocked during gameplay.
- Autosaves will no longer be created when Geralt dies.
- Unequipping saddle bags now correctly affects Geralt's capacity.
- Fixes an issue whereby Geralt could be attached to a sinking boat while aiming his crossbow.
- Vitality begins to drop if Toxicity exceeds 80%, as originally intended.
- Roach no longer levitates after being summoned while Geralt is on a slope.
- Fixes a rare issue where Geralt could become invincible after executing some finishing blows.
- Introduces a number of general stability and performance improvements.
- Introduces a fix for occasional game freezes or infinite loading screens that occurred upon exiting the Main Menu.
- Improves performance in selected scenes and cutscenes.
- Adds a series of color-blind friendly features. Improves visibility of tracks, marks, footprints
and scent clues. Color-blind friendly features can be enabled in the OptionsGameplay submenu.
- Ciri can no longer unlock fast travel points.
- Fixes incorrectly named female travelers in some localized versions.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt could pass through walls in the fish market in Novigrad.
- Fixes an issue where in certain situations the game could crash while a save was being loaded.
- Adds a collision near Kaer Gelen that could cause the player to be blocked inside the building.
- Improves the scale of selected elements of the GUI and HUD.
- Reward messages are no longer displayed over black screens.
- Disables "Input device changed" messages and adds options to disable on-screen combat feedback and floating tags above NPCs.
- Introduces a number of improvements in the tutorial messages for gwent.
- Introduces a number of bug fixes and user experience improvements in the GUI panels.
- Adds an information prompt and Journal entries related to new DLC packages.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not talk or otherwise interact with certain NPCs.
- The player can no longer venture beyond the game world boundaries during the Through Time and Space quest.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not make Geralt run after the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where Keira could sometimes fall beneath the terrain during the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where players could not talk to Octo after the Lord of Undvik quest.
- Reduces the number of Wild Hunt minions spawned during the Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.
- Fixes an issue where certain actions were blocked during the Blindingly Obvious quest.
- The bookmaker at the races held at the Vegelbud Estate now spawns correctly.
- The Forefathers' Eve quest can no longer interrupt the quest titled A Favor for a Friend.
- Fixes an infinite black screen that could occur during the Now or Never quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby some witch hunters would disappear during the Now or Never quest.
- Fixes a number of errors in dialogue during the Of Dairy and Darkness quest.
- The monster in the Contract: Dragon quest now spawns correctly, and the relevant Journal entries update properly.
- Fixes an issue where player character inebriation and the related effect could become permanent when invoked during the No Place Like Home quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could get trapped in the ruins of Tuirseach Castle.
- Geralt can now always play gwent with Madame Serenity.
- Fixes an issue where Vernon Roche would not appear at the Hanged Man's Tree during the Eye for an Eye quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not activate a portal during the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where the sirens in the Lord of Undvik quest could be invincible.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions after the Carnal Sins quest.
- Fixes an infinite loading screen that could occur during the King's Gambit quest.
- Fixes an issue where Ermion could not leave Lugos' area during the Sunstone quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby Triss could get stuck on a set of stairs after a scene during the Now or Never quest.
- Fixes an issue that prevented a character spawning for a random encounter.
- The player can now always leave the crypt during the Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear quest.
- Fixes an issue where Simun did not spawn properly during the Unpaid Debt quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could experience a progression break after choosing a certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in the Count Reuven's Treasure quest.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not interact with an object during the Pyres of Novigrad quest.
- Fixes an issue in the Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk quest where the katakan was not hostile after being lured.
- Fixes an issue where certain actions were blocked during the Blindingly Obvious quest.
- Fixes an issue in the Contract: Shrieker quest where the shrieker was not hostile in certain situations.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions in the Master of the Arena quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not interact with Hattori during the Swords and Dumplings quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not fast travel under certain rare circumstances.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions after the Carnal Sins quest.
- The player can no longer take on the Apiarian Phantom contract multiple times.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not progress during the Broken Flowers quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby the "Novigrad, Closed City" entry might have remained in the Journal indefinitely.
- The player can now use the activator received from Triss during the quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
- Players can no longer prematurely obtain a key from a halfling, thus blocking the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest.
- Fixes an issue in the Return to Crookback Bog quest where monsters were spawned inside a building.
- Fixes an issue in the Greedy God quest where the player could kill a monster twice.
- Adds fail-safes for players being unable to obtain gwent cards after Dijkstra or Lambert can no longer be found in the game.
- Fixes an issue where Vernon Roche failed to proceed to Oxenfurt Bridge after a scene during the Get Junior quest.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt could not interact with a torch in the Get Junior quest.
- 602 MB groß
Release: 20.06.2015 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de | play3.de
- Gold will no longer reset beyond 65535
- Fixes lack of interaction with Roche on Oxenfurt Bridge in the quest 'Get Junior'
- Geralt's clothes will no longer be wet after leaving the menu
- The gate in the crypt now works correctly during the quest 'Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear'
- Fixes the endless loading screen when fighting the Ice Giant during the quest 'Lord of Undvik'
- Mutagen bonuses will now be saved properly.
- Potion of Clearance will no longer be automatically placed into the quick slot if player runs out of other edibles
- Fixes issue where some skills were not removed properly by Potion of Clearance
- Improves stability in gameplay and the UI
Release: TIPP
Quelle: skinbug=xboxdynasty.de
- Achtung beim kostenlosen Skin konnte am 7.7.2015 ein Spielstand-Bug vorkommen
Release: 18.07.2015 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Einführung der sogenannten Item-Truhe
- Inventarsystem wird überarbeitet
- Introduces an alternative movement style for Geralt. To enable, go to the GameplayMovement Response submenu.
- Fixes a rare issue where the player's horse would not fall to the ground properly.
- Fixes a rare issue where the player could be locked into the aiming animation if hit while throwing a bomb on horseback.
- Fixes a rare issue with an infinite loading screen in the Ladies of the Wood quest.
- Includes a variety of collision fixes.
- Fixes an issue where Wild Hunt warriors would remain present even after the player completed the main storyline.
- Fixes an issue where players could repeatedly buy foreign currency from a loan shark and sell it at the Vivaldi Bank.
- Fixes an exploit whereby players could loot gold from a single chest more than once.
- Fixes an issue whereby some skills were not properly removed after the player used the Potion of Clearance.
- Fixes an issue with target locking, which should now be more responsive.
- Introduces a number of changes in selected game-world areas to prevent players
from unexpectedly progressing quests or leaving the playable area by climbing certain elements of the landscape.
- Fixes an issue where sometimes players could not use Signs after reaching Skellige for the first time.
- Fixes an issue where damage from certain sources was incorrectly calculated.
- Fixes an issue where the durability of alternative weapons did not drop as intended.
- Fixes an issue where the game would remain in slow motion if the player had used manual targeting.
- Fixes an issue whereby meditation could be blocked by certain quests.
- Fixes an issue where Stamina did not always regenerate properly.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt's statistics could be multiplied if the player
stood in a Dimeritium bomb cloud while the Cluster skill was activated.
- Introduces a number of fixes, improvements and clarifications in the map-pins and objectives for multiple quests.
- Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances gravity ceased to apply to the player's horse.
- Adds a stash for player convenience. Players can now store loot in their stash,
access to which is available in different parts of the world. Stash locations are marked on the map.
- Fixes an issue whereby the player's horse would often stop abruptly before bridges or other narrow passages.
- Fixes an issue whereby encumbrance was not updating correctly,
resulting in players being overburdened where in fact they were not.
- Fixes a rare issue where players were unable to choose different Signs.
- Fixes an issue where the player was sometimes unable to craft glyphs.
- Fixes an issue where not all merchants would accept junk loot.
- All crafting components and alchemy ingredients now weigh nothing.
- Fixes an issue where certain armor/hairstyle combinations interacted incorrectly.
- Fixes an issue where instances of the Quen Sign would occasionally burst during dialogue scenes.
- Fixes a rare issue where the player could not play gwent with Madame Serenity at the Passiflora.
- The Zoltan gwent card should now always be present beneath the Hanged Man's Tree if the player does not win it earlier in White Orchard.
- Fixes a rare issue where players could not talk to, or play gwent with, the innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads.
- Includes a number of wording and spelling fixes in multiple localized versions.
- Introduces a number of improvements in the game streaming system.
Players should experience fewer blurred textures, NPC spawn times should be markedly reduced,
and there should be an overall improvement in the speed with which game assets are loaded.
Streaming system improvements should be most noticeable on consoles and systems with non-SSD drives.
- Improves performance in the swamps of the No Man's Land region.
- Fixes an issue whereby the presence of fog could adversely affect game performance.
- Optimizes various FX which should result in improved performance during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest.
- Introduces a number of optimizations that improve overall performance throughout the game.
- Improves overall game performance.
- Fixes an issue where Keira's magic bubble could adversely affect performance.
- Fixes an issue whereby the mouse cursor would remain visible during in-game video playback.
- Adds a warning if the user runs out of disk space and wants to crate a new game save.
- Fixes an issue whereby Colorblind mode was not properly saved.
- Fixes an issue whereby Zoltan would sometimes appear in the incorrect location after the Novigrad, Closed City quest.
- Fixes an issue during the Last Wish quest whereby Geralt would continue his conversation with Yennefer after they parted.
- Fixes an issue where two simultaneous instances of some characters would appear in a scene in the Broken Flowers quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby some objectives were not available to the player and
would be automatically failed during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest..
- Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Lambert did not board the boat during the Final Trial quest.
- Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Madame Serenity was improperly placed during the Deadly Plot quest.
- Fixes an issue where the Fake Papers quest would be failed if the player did not mention that one of the brothers was dead.
- Fixes an issue whereby players would sometimes be unable to start the final horse race, The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! in Skellige.
- Fixes an issue where unintended objects were present in Novigrad after the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest.
- Fixes an issue where a progression break could occur if Geralt was knocked out by guards while following the Bloody Baron during the Family Matters quest.
- Fixes an issue where players were sometimes unable to interact with a torch in the Get Junior quest.
- Fixes an issue where players could sometimes experience an infinite loading screen during the Iron Maiden quest.
- Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances players could encounter a blocker during the Contract:
The Apiarian Phantom quest. Players who have encountered this bug need to backtrack to
the frozen hive and examine the footprints around it again.
- Fixes an issue whereby the player could get locked inside a room during the Through Time and Space quest.
- Fixes an issue where on rare occasions players were unable to progress the game after the Get Junior quest,
specifically upon reaching Vernon Roche's camp.
- Fixes an issue whereby purchasing wine during the It Takes Three to Tango quest would not always progress the quest properly.
- Fixes an issue where the In Wolf's Clothing quest did not progress properly after the player read Morkvarg's journal.
- Fixes an issue where on some rare occasions players were unable to interact with the Wild Hunt soldier's body during the Echoes of the Past quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby Keira would not always properly use the portal during the For the Advancement of Learning quest if asked to go to Kaer Morhen.
- Fixes an issue where the Scoia'tael from Novigrad was not always available to play in the Gwent quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could get blocked inside a cellar during the King's Gambit quest.
- Fixes an issue where in certain situations the player was unable to find Triss during the Final Preparations quest.
- Fixes an issue where occasionally the Kingfisher tavern was left without an innkeeper after the Now or Never quest.
- Fixes an issue where Yennefer was not spawned in Oxenfurt during the Great Escape quest.
- Fixes a rare issue where Captain Wolverstone was not at the Golden Sturgeon when intended.
- Fixes a rare issue where the bodyguards in the Reason of State quest were not hostile.
- Fixes a rare issue where the griffin would not always appear in the Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest quest.
- Fixes an issue where the wyvern would not appear in the Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route quest.
- Fixes an issue with enlisting Sukrus from Skellige to be Hattori's bodyguard in the Of Swords and Dumplings quest.
- Fixes a rare issue whereby the visions in the Echoes of the Past quest were not displayed.
- The Contract: Devil by the Well quest no longer counts towards the Geralt: The Professional achievement.
- Fixes a rare issue when the player could not speak with Lambert at Kaer Morhen during the Final Trial quest.
- Fixes a rare issue where players could not always complete the Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff? quest.
- Fixes an issue where players were sometimes unable to summon a horse after the Fencing Lessons quest.
- Fixes an issue where in the Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear quest the gate to the mausoleum was locked.
- Fixes an issue where players could not use Signs or swords after the fistfight at the Rosemary and Thyme during the Broken Flowers quest.
- Fixes a rare issue whereby players could not examine the source of interference during the Disturbance quest.
- Fixes an issue with the Dirty Funds quest.
- Fixes a rare issue with a loading screen in the Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg quest.
- Fixes a issue with a loading screen at Aeramas' residence during the Of Dairy and Darkness quest.
- Fixes an issue where quest givers for the Deadly Delights and Jenny o' the Woods contracts would disappear.
- Introduces a number of improvements to overall game stability.
- Fixes an issue where the Potion of Clearance would pop into the quick slot if the player ran out of food.
- Adds a Books tab to the Inventory panel.
- Introduces a number of additional loading screen hints.
- Introduces a pinning feature for formulae and diagrams. Ingredients and components for
pinned formulae/diagrams are highlighted in the shop view.
This should greatly facilitate the purchase of currently needed elements.
- Introduces a feature whereby currently equipped items are highlighted in the Repair panel,
facilitating prioritization of items needing repair.
- Adds a feature whereby read and unread books are marked differently in the Inventory panel.
- The list of all available DLC packages is now displayed in the
Main Menu/Options/Downloadable Content submenu for better clarity.
- 7,3 GB groß
Release: 07.08.2015 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de
- Overall improvements to performance, including some issues that may have been caused by 1.07
- Fixes an issue where part of the Kaer Morhen map would not display properly.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to compare their items with ones sold by merchants.
- In patch 1.07, the level requirements for certain items were scaled up, leaving some players stuck with only unusable gear.
With patch 1.08, we are introducing the Wolven Hour potion.
This potion will be available in everyone's inventory once they install the patch.
It will reduce level requirements on all gear for a period of one hour.
This will give players time to level up or find alternative equipment using the gear
that was available to them in patch 1.05 but became unusable after patch 1.07.
After one hour, the potion's effects will cease and the requirements for all gear will revert to their original, pre-potion values.
- We've added a tutorial pop-up window explaining this to make it clearer."
- "Players can perform a roll just before landing to significantly reduce the damage caused by falling.
- Fixes a very rare issue which would cause Geralt to get stuck when trying to run.
- Heads chopped off during finishers will no longer disappear.
- Fixes an occasional glitch in one of the dwarf combat animations.
- The interaction pop-up will no longer appear on lootable objects that are empty.
- Fixes a rare issue where items would disappear from the stash.
- Players will now be able to complete the Card Collector achievement.
- Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.
- Fixes an issue where certain world elements would sometimes be missing
and noticeable visual glitches would be present while in Novigrad.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "It Takes Three to Tango" quest, even though they had obtained wine at the Kingfisher.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt would sometimes die after traveling to Velen in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins."
- The entrance to the area where the Sunstone is obtained will no longer be blocked off if the player exits it prematurely during "The Sunstone" quest.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to complete the "Get Junior" quest on certain occasions.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear" quest due to a closed gate.
- Fixes an issue where some players were unable to investigate rooms during
the "Family Matters" quest, effectively blocking their progression.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" quest.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
- Fixes an issue where Roche would stay at his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in the "Get Junior" quest.
- Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, Yennefer would not appear in Oxenfurt during the "The Great Escape" quest.
- Drowners will have a harder time killing Nidas during the "Black Pearl" quest.
- Fixes an issue which led to an infinite loading screen during the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest under certain circumstances.
- Fixes a rare issue where the basement was locked during the "King's Gambit" quest.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to free the merchant during the Person in Distress event in the Claywich area.
- The trolls at the Circle of Elements will no longer attack Geralt if he opts for a peaceful resolution.
- Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "Brothers in Arms" quest.
- Fixes an issue where Zoltan's card was unobtainable.
- Preparatory features paving the way for the introduction of New Game + in the future.
Release: 09.10.2015 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: gameswelt.de | gamepro.de | xboxfront.de || xboxfront.de | xbox-newz.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de || gamezone.de, play3.de
- Fehler bei der Skellige-Quest Most Wanted wird behoben
- Romazen werden mit mehr Textzeilen verlängert, für mehr Optionen im Liebesleben zu bieten
- Ausserdem Performance Verbesserungen kommen hinzu
- Viele Korrekturen und allgemeine Verbesserungen werden vorgenommen
- Gesamte Schriftgröße wird vergrößert
13 Seiten Änderungen als pdf Datei
- 15 GB groß
Release: 22.10.2015 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Hearts of Stone Spielbalance Probleme werden gehoben
Fixes issue whereby items needed for Achievement titled I Wore Ofieri Before It was Cool could not be acquired from Ofieri merchant.
Fixes issue whereby glyphs added within Hearts of Stone expansion would disappear from slots subsequent to game being saved and loaded.
Alters difficulty balance of arachnomorphs in quest titled Open Sesame! forming part of Hearts of Stone expansion.
Fixes issue whereby cellar could be looted without fighting archgriffin in quest titled A Surprise Inheritance forming part of Hearts of Stone expansion.
Fixes issue whereby Roach could appear to change into a black mare with Hearts of Stone expansion installed.
Fixes issue whereby some players could not sell anything to Countess Mignole.
Alters difficulty balance of bosses in Hearts of Stone expansion, adding distinct statistics for individual difficulty levels.
Renders selection of items from Hearts of Stone expansion transferable to New Game + mode.
Fixes issue whereby master blacksmiths could craft Venomous Viper set. Said set now craftable only by grandmaster blacksmiths
Adds resistance to knockdown by Aard Sign to Ofieri Mage in Hearts of Stone expansion.
Fixes issue whereby Enchant effect was removed from armor when armor was transferred into New Game + mode.
Fixes issue whereby arachnomorphs were immune to effects of Dancing Star bomb
Adds entries for Enchanting feature to Glossary and Tutorials
Introduces a number of changes to difficulty balance in New Game + mode
Fixes issue whereby combat could prevent players from unequipping censer item.
4 Seite Änderungen als pdf Datei
Release: 11.01.2016 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de | gamezone.de | 2016=play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Gegenstände für Level 71-78 sind Fehler, werden nun auf 70 behoben
- Runenschmied Fehler wird endlich behoben, dadurch wird die Spitzhacke endlich als Quest-Item makiert
5 Seite Änderungen als pdf Datei
Release: 27.05.2016 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: consolewars.de | gamepro.de | play3.de
- Vorbereitungen für das letzte Addon "Blood and Wine"
- 10-15 GB groß
6 Seite Änderungen als pdf Datei
Release: 20.06.2016 (Version 1.22)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de | gamezone.de | playm.de
- gravierende Fehler werden vom letzten Patch behoben
- Fixes issue whereby Corvo Bianco upgrades would not complete if players left Toussaint
while an upgrade was in progress.
- Fixes issue whereby Roach would not move during the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight."
- Fixes an issue whereby camera hard lock could not be enabled following completion
of the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight."
- Fixes issue involving incorrect progression of the "Wine Wars:
Vermentino" quest if player had completed all "Wine Wars: Belgaard" tasks previously.
- Fixes issue whereby the "Envoys, Wineboys" quest would not progress correction under certain circumstances.
- Fixes issue whereby mutagen icons were not updated on Steam and Origin.
- Fixes additional instances of issue whereby interaction was sometimes
missing from chests containing loot in the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear" in Kaer Morhen.
- Fixes issue whereby some NPCs could not spawn after the completion of Blood and Wine.
- Adds Dark Iron Plate diagram to the crafting list.
- Fixes issue whereby upscaled levels of selected enemies would not be calculated correctly.
- Fixes issue whereby negative experience points were sometimes displayed if progress had been initially started in version 1.0.
- Fixes issue whereby a golem guarding treasure located between Bowdon and Brunwich could prove invulnerable.
- Fixes issue whereby Bandit Camp near Kilkerinn Ruins could not be marked as cleared.
- Fixes issue whereby Roach's tail could vanish.
- Fixes issue whereby some enemies' upscaled level would be improperly displayed as too high.
- Fixes issue whereby it was possible to permanently lose swords in Gravity Cave.
- Fixes issue whereby an improperly high amount of experience could be required to level up above level 96.
- Corrects Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone credits.
- Fixes issue whereby it was impossible to obtain the gwent leader card "Francesca Findabair: The Beautiful" after finishing the main story.
- Fixes the issue whereby the corpse of Golyat had corrupted visuals.
- Introduces tweaks and improvements to the inventory system.
- Fixes issue whereby picking up only one piece of dirty cloth at a time during the "Burlap is the New Stripe" quest could block progress.
- Fixes issue whereby borders established during the "Night of Long Fangs" quest would sometimes exist
after completing the quest, preventing users from exploring Toussaint.
- Fixes issue whereby sword sound effects when Eredin was hit could be muted.
- Fixes issue whereby some streamed audio assets could not be played.
- Fixes issue whereby The Wicked Witch could be rendered invincible.
- Fixes issue whereby Majordomo could refuse to move in to Corvo Bianco.
- Fixes issue whereby the "Contract: Bovine Blues"
quest did not progress correctly if the "Big Feet to Fill" quest had not been completed.
- Fixes rare issue whereby the "Be it Ever So Humble" quest did not progress correctly.
- Fixes issue whereby the "empress" ending would not trigger under certain circumstances.
- Fixes issue whereby Legendary Feline Silver Sword was one
one of the ingredients required to craft Grandmaster Legendary Griffin Steel Sword.
- Fixes issue whereby diagrams required to progress in the "From Ofier's Distant Shores" quest could not be looted from a chest.
- Fixes issue whereby Aerondight acquired in New Game Plus mode would not scale to Geralt's level.
- Fixes issue whereby extra ability slots would not unlock correctly while researching mutations.
- Fixes issue whereby pressing 'O' would add an unlimited number of Decoy gwent cards.
- Fixes interaction with noticeboard near the Little Flint Girl.
- Fixes possible exploit enabling unwarranted gains in experience points during "The Path of Warriors" quest.
- Fixes issue whereby the player was sometimes unable to progress in the "Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige's Here" quest.
- Fixes issue causing infinite loading screen after leaving portal in the "Turn and Face the Strange" quest.
- Fixes issue whereby one of Geralt's hairdos could be more visible than it should when using Feline Grandmaster chest armor.
- Fixes issue whereby Viper Armor could change color to red when displayed on armor stand in Corvo Bianco
- Fixes issue whereby the collar of one of the armors was red.
- Fixes issue whereby Marlene would be unable to engage in conversation.
- Fixes issue whereby Oriana's guard could become translucent during the "Night of Long Fangs" quest.
- Adds display of food or drink vitality regeneration amount.
- An art dealer sets up shop near Lazare Lafargue's Workshop in Beauclair.
- Fixes issue whereby access to the Alchemy Table could be blocked.
- Fixes issue whereby stamina would regenerate at a larger rate than it should after starting a new game.
- Fixes issue whereby players could knock down horses.
- Fixes issue whereby dogs and wolves would not die immediately after being knocked down and frozen at the same time.
- Fixes issue whereby the "Wine Wars: Consortium" quest did not progress correctly.
- Fixes issue whereby the "A Lady, Her Knight and True Love" quest could be restarted even if Jacob was already dead.
- Fixes issue whereby courtesans at Belles of Beauclair could reappear in the room after a sex scene.
- Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchard was possible.
- Fixes issue whereby an infinite loading screen could occur after fist fight with Baron in the "Family Matters" quest.
- Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchard was possible.
- Fixes issue whereby the game could crash after meeting the knights from the "Envoys, Wineboys" quest.
- It is now possible to acquire the "Emhyr var Emreis: Emperor of Nilfgaard" gwent card from the innkeeper
at the Inn at the Crossroads in cases where this formerly was not possible.
- Fixes issue whereby music/sound effects would sometimes not play.
- Fixes issue whereby day value was missing from displayed total played time.
- Fixes issue whereby Marlene could disappear from Corvo Bianco after a few hours.
- Fixes a rare issue whereby players could lose earned levels.
- Fixes issue whereby witcher gear and diagrams could go missing.
- Fixes issue whereby Geralt could die after a loading screen in the "Turn and Face the Strange" quest.
- Fixes issue whereby a noblewoman in red would sometimes follow Geralt everywhere he goes.
- Fixes issue whereby body parts would sometimes remain suspended in mid-air after an enemy exploded.
- 3,3 GB groß
Release: 30.08.2016 (Version 1.30)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | areagames.de | play3.de
- Vimme Vivaldi is now sporting a fresh look.
- Fixes issue whereby oil descriptions were not removed from swords.
- Fixes issue whereby it was not possible to obtain certain dye recipes.
- Fixes issue whereby it was possible to skip the entire second phase of the Eredin fight.
- Fixes issue whereby a silver sword was needed to craft the Mastercrafted Legendary Griffin Steel Sword.
- Fixes issue whereby two NPCs from the “Without a Trace” quest were impossible to defeat.
- The Rabid Rock Trolls near the Dun Tynne crossroads are slightly less rabid on the “Just the Story” difficulty level.
- Fixes issue that allowed users to switch bolts underwater,
resulting in lower damage dealt during said submersion.
- Corrects the value of the Adrenaline Rush buff during the fight against
a group of bandits in the “Capture the Castle” quest.
- Introduces tweaks to the loot randomization system.
- Dealing a killing blow now generates the correct amount of Adrenaline.
- Fixes issue whereby Roach’s tail could vanish.
- For those affected by this issue, swapping saddles,
saving the game and then loading that save is recommended.
- Adjusts the maximum level for items, quests and NPCs
to address level requirement discrepancies if player started NG+ on a very high level.
Item and quest maximum level is now 100. NPCs maximum level is 105.
- Corrects the statistics of the Hen Gaidth and Tesham Mutna sets in New Game + mode.
- Fixes issue whereby the Toussaint Knight’s Steel Sword Diagram was not added to the crafting page after looting it.
- Fixes issue whereby the Second Life mutation could, under certain circumstances, grant Geralt infinite health regeneration.
- Fixes issue whereby the Wicked Witch in the “Beyond Hill and Dale…” quest could occasionally prove invincible.
- Fixes issue whereby the Euphoria buff was not applied correctly following the imbibing of a decoction.
- Fixes issue whereby it was possible to place a skill in a mutation slot of a different color.
- Fixes Steam controller issues.
- Adds PlayStation controller prompt icons.
- Fixes issue whereby craftable items in New Game + mode could have incorrect level requirements.
- Fixes issues affecting the dismantling of mutagens in bulk in the alchemy lab.
- Fixes issue whereby it was not possible to interact with loot chests in the “Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby Geralt’s entry would disappear
from the Glossary once he decided to join the tourney under his true name.
- Fixes issue whereby two bandits outside the Nowhere Inn could prove impossible to kill during the “Following the Thread” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby players could occasionally become blocked during the “Contract: Bovine Blues” quest due to a dracolizard’s overly friendly attitude.
- Fixes issue whereby Reginald’s statue could not be placed in Corvo Bianco’s front yard.
- Fixes issue whereby it was not possible to kill Morkvarg in New Game + mode during the “In Wolf’s Clothing quest”.
- Fixes issue whereby it was occasionally not possible to use the Alchemy Table at Corvo Bianco.
- Fixes issue whereby the progression of the “Equine Phantoms” quest could occasionally be blocked.
- Fixes issue whereby the objective to wear attire befitting the occasion could be displayed indefinitely
after the player fulfilled it in the “The Man from Cintra” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby the quest “Contract: Bovine Blues”
could not be completed if the “Big Feet to Fill” point of interest had not been completed.
- Fixes issue whereby Vivienne could despawn in the “The Warble of a Smitten Knight” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby the progression of the “Feet Cold As Ice” quest could occasionally be blocked.
- Fixes issue whereby it was possible to inadvertently reactivate the objective of the “Feet Cold As Ice” quest.
- Fixes additional instances of an issue whereby the borders meant
to exist only during the “Night of Long Fangs” quest would sometimes become enabled outside the duration of the quest, preventing users from exploring Toussaint.
- Hughes is now spawned correctly following the “One more day” choice in the “Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite!” quest.
- It is no longer possible to get trapped inside The Pheasantry during the progression of the “Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige’s Here” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby the progression of the “Big Feet to Fill” quest could occasionally be blocked.
- Fixes issue whereby the statues in the “Extreme Cosplay” quest occasionally would not spawn.
- Fixes issue whereby the bruxa in the “The Beast of Toussaint” quest
would display pacifist tendencies, whereas the progression of the story needed her to turn hostile.
- Fixes issue whereby it was not possible to interact
with the footsteps during the crime scene investigation in the “The Beast of Toussaint” quest.
- Fixes issue whereby it could be impossible to talk to the quest giver in the quest titled “Knight for Hire.”
- 3,6 GB groß
Release: 12.09.2016 (Version 1.31)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Corrects Arabic text in the expansions.
- Corrects Turkish text.
- Repairs holes in Vimme Vivaldi’s new clothes.
- Fixes long loading times in dialogues in the vicinity of Hierarch Square.
- Fixes infinite loading screen occurring during the „Pyres of Novigrad“ quest when following the thief.
- Corrects credits.
- (Origin) Fixes NPC lipsync issues.
- 3,58 GB groß
Release: 20.12.2017
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- High Dynamic Range 10 Support für Xbox One X
- Xbox One X Support
Option 1 (Grafik): 4K Auflösung mit 30 FPS, Qualitativ höhere Schatten, Ambient Occlusion & Texturfilterung,
sowie höher auflösende Texturen und eine rundum Performance-Steigerung
Option 2 (Performance): dynamische 4K / 1080p mit bis zu 60 FPS,
Qualitativ höhere Schatten, Ambient Occlusion & Texturfilterung,
sowie höher auflösende Texturen und eine rundum Performance-Steigerung
- 554,09 MB groß (nur mit Xbox One X Konsole)
Release: 26.03.2018 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- High Dynamic Range 10 nun auch für Xbox One S
- 437 MB groß
Release: 14.12.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | datum=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de | 2022=gamepro.de | 2022=xboxdynasty.de | datum=gamepro.de, play3.de, twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de | details=xboxdynasty.de | klon/fallschaden=play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de | notes=thewitcher.com
- Xbox Series X Support: 4K mit 30 FPS, Raytracing und kürzere Ladezeiten / ? mit 60 FPS mit FSR 2.0
- Xbox Series S Support: ? mit 30 FPS, bessere Grafik, ohne RayTracing / ? mit 60 FPS
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 30 FPS, Raytracing und kürzere Ladezeiten / ? mit 60 FPS mit FSR 2.0 -> Activity Cards, DualSense Controller Support
Verbesserungen an der Umgebung:
- Ein neuer Wettereffekt wurde hinzugefügt: "Grauer Himmel"
- Die Himmelstexturen wurden aktualisiert
- Verbesserungen an der Vegetation und an Gewässern
- Diverse Mesh-Verbesserungen
- Einige ausgewählte Grafikeffekte wurden verbessert
- Die globale Umgebungsbeleuchtung wurde verbessert
- Foto Modus wird hinzugefügt
- Cross Progression zwischen PC und aktuellen Konsolen
- Zudem wurde die Nutzung der Zeichen überarbeitet, die nun schneller und ohne Verwendung des Radialmenüs vonstattengehen kann.
- Der Karte wurden neue Filteroptionen hinzugefügt und die Minikarte reagiert jetzt dynamisch auf verschiedene Situationen, indem gewisse Symbole ausgeblendet werden.
- HUD-Einstellungen und die Größe der Untertitel können angepasst werden, ein optionaler Kamerawinkel sorgt für cineastisches Gameplay.
- Der Fallschaden wird weiter angepasst
- Klon-NPCs sollen der Vergangenheit angehören
Additional Content
- Added a new side quest, In The Eternal Fire's Shadow, in Velen. Rewards are inspired by Neftlix's The Witcher series.
- Added an alternative appearance for Dandelion inspired by Netflix's The Witcher series. You can enable it in Options → Gameplay.
- Added an alternative Nilfgaardian Armor set inspired by Netflix's The Witcher series. You can enable it in Options → Gameplay.
- Added Chinese and Korean voice-over. Availability on consoles varies by region.
- Various improvements and changes to Russian voice-over, including fixes for accelerated / slowed lines in the vast majority of scenes.
Quality of Life Changes
- Added a Quick Sign Casting option. It allows signs to be switched and cast without opening the radial menu. You can find it in Options → Gameplay.
- Added a new default map filter. The new filter hides some icons such as "?" and boat icons in order to reduce icon clutter on the map. These icons can be turned back on with the “All” map mode toggle.
- Adjusted the minimum height for fall damage, allowing the player to survive falls from higher heights.
- Herbs can now be instantly looted with a single interaction – without the additional loot window.
- Added options that dynamically hide the minimap and quest objectives when not in combat or using Witcher senses. You can find it in Options → Video → HUD Configuration → Hide minimap during Exploration and Hide objectives during Exploration.
- Added the option to slow walk when playing with a controller. You can now slow walk by lightly pushing the left stick forward.
- Added an alternative sprint mode option when playing with a controller. It's activated by tapping the left stick. You can find it in Options → Control Settings.
- Added an option to make target-lock unnaffected by camera inversion. You can find it in Options → Control Settings.
- Improved the radial menu so bombs, bolts and pocket items can now be switched dynamically without opening the inventory.
- Added the option to scale the font size for subtitles, NPC chatter and dialogue choices. You can find it in Options → Video → HUD Configuration.
- Added various other small fixes, tweaks, and quality of life changes, including a few secrets to be discovered by players.
- Added the mod Full Combat Rebalance 3 by Flash_in_the_flesh which includes balance changes and various fixes to gameplay.
We took a curated approach to this mod, with some elements further tweaked from what you’ll find in the mod by default, while other elements were omitted.
- Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear: Fixed an issue where the chest at the Signal Tower couldn't be opened.
- From Ofier's Distant Shores - Fixed an issue where the diagram in the chest at the bandit's hideout could be missing.
- Hard Times: Fixed an issue where Geralt couldn't talk or give the letter to the blacksmith.
- Swift as the Western Winds: Fixed an issue where the quest could sometimes fail despite winning the horse race.
- Echoes of the Past: Fixed an issue where, after defeating the Foglets, the quest could get stuck and it wouldn't be possible to talk to Yennefer.
- Wine Wars: Fixed an issue where the quest couldn't be completed if the player destroyed one of the required monster nests during exploration.
- Fixed an issue where clearing the Ruined Inn Abandoned Site situated on the southern shore of Ard Skellig was not possible in certain scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where the Grandmaster Wolven Set wouldn't require Mastercrafted items.
- Various small fixes to quests and cutscenes.
- 42,50 GB groß
Release: 02.02.2023 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | thewitcher.com
- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Konsolen mehr Speicherstände erstellten, als vorgesehen war, was zu verschiedenen Problemen beim Speichern und beim Zurücksetzen der Benutzereinstellungen führte.
- Die Qualität der Screen Space Reflections wurde auf Next-Gen-Konsolen verbessert.
- Raytracing für allgemeine Beleuchtung wurde auf Next-Gen-Konsolen optimiert, um die Performance im Raytracing-Modus zu verbessern.
- Vorbereitungen für die Schlacht – Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Geralt beim Ziel „Lass Avallac’h wissen, dass alles bereit ist.“ nicht mit Avallac’h sprechen konnte.
- Familienangelegenheiten: Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem das Spiel beim Übergang zu Ciris Geschichte: Aus den Schatten im Gespräch mit dem Blutigen Baron abstürzte.
- Die List des Königs: Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem man aufgrund eines unsichtbaren Hindernisses nicht am Faustkampf gegen den zweiten Vildkaarl teilnehmen konnte.
- Weinfehden: Belgaard: Wir haben einen Retrofix hinzugefügt für den Fehler, den wir in 4.00 behoben hatten, bei dem die Quest nicht abgeschlossen werden konnte, wenn ihr während der Erkundung eines der erforderlichen Monsternester zerstört habt.
- Ein gefährliches Spiel: Die Rüstung in Caesars Zimmer sollte jetzt ihr Aussehen ändern, wenn die Alternative Nilfgaarder Rüstung eingeschaltet ist.
- Axii-Marionette: Gesundheit und verursachter Schaden wurden erhöht.
- Die Mutation Adrenalinrausch sollte jetzt so funktionieren, wie es in der Beschreibung steht.
- Verschiedene kleine Korrekturen an Quests und Zwischensequenzen wurden implementiert.
- Verschiedene Probleme mit der arabischen Lokalisierung wurden behoben.
- Die lokalisierte Version von Oriannas Lied „Schlaflied des Kummers“ wurde für Koreanisch und vereinfachtes Chinesisch hinzugefügt.
- Priscillas Lippenanimation wurde an die Tonausgabe auf vereinfachtem Chinesisch im Lied „Der Wolfssturm“ angepasst.
- DLC Blood and Wine Update: 2,28 GB groß
- DLC Hearts of Stone Update: 596,60 MB groß
- Speicherverbrauch von 42,5 GB auf 42,2 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)[ohne DLCs]
- 17,04 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 13.03.2023 (Version -> | Series
Quelle: thewitcher.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Improved Performance Mode on next-gen consoles.
- Fixed an issue where characters could become slightly blurry during dialogues and cutscenes on PlayStation 5.
- Fixed an issue related to memory usage in Ray Tracing Mode which could result in crashes on Xbox Series X.
- Whatsoever a Man Soweth... - The game will no longer crash if Geralt runs away from Shani after starting the conversation on next-gen consoles.
- Fixed an issue where quicksaves couldn't be loaded when using cross progression on Xbox One.
- Added two missing "Top notch swords!" on previous-gen consoles.
- Fixed an issue with overwriting manual saves where in some circumstances the oldest gamesave was deleted on PlayStation 5.
- Addressed performance issues in Beauclair and Novigrad that occurred after loading a gamesave.
VISUAL (PC and Next-Gen Exclusive)
- Improved immersion of water appearance by adding refraction to SSR and ray-traced reflections.
- Fixed a visual issue with brick textures where black artifacts covered stone arches.
- Added a Motion Blur slider. It can be found in Options → Video → Graphics.
- Battle Preparations: Fixed the lack of a dialogue option that would progress the quest during the objective "Let Avallac'h know everything's ready."
- Reason of State: Fixed an issue where the door to the warehouse could become permanently locked if the player knocked, entered and then immediately left the building.
- Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams Part 1 - Fixed an issue where the quest could stay active even after the diagrams were looted.
- Fixed an issue where trying to start a New Game+ on an incompatible save would block the player from starting the expansions in standalone mode until the game was restarted.
- Fixed an issue with the Korean localization of Ciri's and Geralt's Gwent card descriptions.
- Fixed punctuation issues in Arabic localization.
- Updated Traditional Chinese font.
- 11,83 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 3,99 GB groß
Release: 11.05.2023 (Version | Series
Quelle: thewitcher.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- The Cross Progression pop-up will now properly display which account is logged in.
- Fixed an issue where dark stripes or shadows appeared on Geralt in the inventory screen when Performance Mode was enabled on PlayStation 5.
- Fixed an issue where the game could briefly freeze or stutter when autosaving on next-gen consoles.
- Addressed the issue of performance drops on next-gen consoles while using Witcher Senses in Beauclair and Novigrad.
- Fixed an issue where a grid of light spots could appear on the ground and walls in certain weather conditions with Ray Tracing enabled.
- Spider webs will no longer change color when moving the camera with Ray Tracing enabled.
- Fixed an issue where some textures on characters during cutscenes would appear as not fully rendered.
- Through Time and Space: Fixed an issue where the mist in the Poisoned Valley was pink instead of white.
QUESTS & GAMEPLAY - PC and Next-Gen Exclusives
- Added the community-made mod Next Gen Script Fixes by Sergeanur.
QUESTS & GAMEPLAY (Available on all platforms
- In the Eternal Fire's Shadow: The ambient music from the quest will no longer continue playing after completion.
For players who have already experienced this issue, it may be necessary to enter the Novigrad or Oxenfurt sewers again to resolve it.
- Added an option to auto-apply oils in combat.
- With the exception of potions and decoctions, it's now impossible for Geralt to eat or drink underwater. // While the team agreed it might be possible to drink liquids from a corked flask, consuming pints of ale or grilled meats underwater is too much of a stretch.
- Speicherverbrauch von 42,2 GB auf 42,1 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)(ohne Addons)
- 10,71 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 3,15 GB groß
Release: 19.07.2023 (Version | Series
Quelle: thewitcher.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed an issue where certain hairstyles from the "Beard and Hairstyle Set" DLC would clip through the Nilfgaardian helmet on previous-gen consoles.
- Fixed an issue with flickering textures that occurred during Gwent matches on next-gen consoles.
- A Towerful of Mice: Fixed an issue on previous-gen consoles where the conversation with Keira would sometimes not trigger after the fight with the pesta.
- Cabaret: Fixed some visual issues with Dandelion's model before and during the staged fight on previous-gen consoles.
- The Last Wish and Wandering in the Dark - Fixed an issue where the game could crash on PlayStation 5 during these quests.
- Improved stability during or after loading a save file after playing in Ray Tracing mode for prolonged periods of time.
- Fixed an issue where the Cross Progression setting does not update the interface of the Cloud Saves status correctly on Xbox Series X.
VISUAL (PC and Next-Gen Exclusive)
- Fixed an issue where fog could look as if it were 2D in some places.
- Fixed an issue where the sky's reflection on the water with Ray Tracing enabled was partially missing at specific locations in White Orchard, Velen and Toussaint.
- Grass collision now works properly.
- Added an HDR calibration option.
- Fixed an issue where the mountains in Kaer Morhen could disappear when changing the camera angle while Geralt is under water.
- Get Junior: Removed an unnecessary body of water from Oxenfurt sewers.
- Fixed an issue where the loading screen would stutter while having Ray Tracing enabled.
- Added an option to switch potions and apply oils from the radial menu.
- Fixed an issue where Geralt's health rapidly depleted when diving.
- The Final Trial - Fixed an issue where leaving the area and coming back could cause Lambert to stand in the water instead of sitting in the boat, blocking progress.
- 9,66 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 3,80 GB groß