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Wasteland 3 Update Details (18)
Release: 19.08.2020 (Version ->
- Preload ist gestartet
- 14,43 GB groß
Release: 26.08.2020 (Version
- 4,08 GB groß
Release: 28.08.2020 (Version
- 1,08 GB groß
Release: 01.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Stabilität des Spiels wird für die Konsole verbessert
Release: 07.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
Quests and Gameplay
- Fixed issues that could cause character and quest progression to be lost
- Fixed Fishlips' encounter
- Fixed an issue where some players would see an endlessly looping Ambush Site intro
- The La Perla quest can now be completed
- Polly and the Cyborg Chickens have been beefed up
- Fixed issues that could cause character and quest progression to be lost
- Fixed multiple issues that could cause an infinite loading screen
We're aware this issue is still impacting some players and are investigating
- Fixed a sync issue where the host and guest could see the Kodiak in different places after receiving a radio call
- The host and guests will no longer get different radio calls on the world map
- Resolved an issue where one player would only see a black screen while the other is watching the intro video
- Resolved an issue whereby one player getting disconnected in character creation within Ranger HQ would cause the other player's game to become unresponsive
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a second player joins an in-progress conversation with Irv
- Fixed a crash that could occur for the guest when talking with Hope Emerson
- Fixed a possible freeze when approaching a specific robot in Broadmoor Heights
- Fixed an issue where the UI could disappear if viewing the main menu for a long time
- 3,65 GB groß
Release: 23.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Numerous changes aimed at improving stability on consoles.
- Co-op fixes for load screens stopping at 33%.
- Antique Appraiser has been appropriately balanced.
Performance and Stability
- We’ve made over a dozen individual changes aimed at improving performance and stability, especially on consoles. We’re continuing work on additional improvements for future updates.
- Some slight load time improvements have been made. We’re finalizing some more impactful load time reductions which you’ll see in a future patch.
- Fixed an issue where if computer consoles were used during combat, game performance would decrease.
- Performance has been improved when using Precision Strike.
- Load screen hangs (i.e. 33% load bug) have largely been resolved for co-op games.
In a few cases the load bar may appear to be stuck at 33% but will eventually load after 5 or more minutes. We’re aware and actively working to resolve these.
- Addressed an issue with the Direct Connect option that was preventing some guests from connecting to their hosts.
- Fixed crash that could occur in co-op while players engaged with Major Prasad.
- Players with different build versions are now blocked from playing with each other.
- [Xbox One] Resolved an issue where the user would not be able to join a second game if it was hosted by the same person.
Quests and Gameplay
- The Antiques Appraiser perk no longer triggers on Scrap.
This closes a loophole in which Scrap could be simply bought and sold for a profit using the Antiques Appraiser perk.
We found that in some cases the perk was giving players far too much money when Scrap was included.
Of note, this change will not be reflected in the text descriptions until a subsequent patch.
- Antiques Appraiser now has a 5% chance to multiply the value of Junk by 40x, down from 50x.
- A persistent issue with the Fishlips encounter which would result in the game locking up has been resolved.
- Resolved an issue where the epilogue song would sometimes not play all the way through.
- Merchants now round up item values, instead of down. Buying in bulk is always better!
- Liberty’s Warbots are now immune to hacking, which should make her appropriately more challenging.
- Resolved an issue where the Survival Skill was granting Animal Whisperer abilities.
- Resolved an issue where some missions related to the Gippers were unable to be completed under specific conditions.
- Resolved an issue where players were being charged the correct amount of skill points on purchase, but the tooltip and the bar were using the wrong value to calculate/display the cost.
- 14,63 GB groß
Release: 14.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release= xboxdynasty.de
- Significantly changed how levels load, resulting in up to 60% faster load speeds across the game on PC, and on average 25% faster for consoles.
Note: your hardware, save data, and which level you’re loading into can all impact load times. Your mileage may of course vary.
As part of this change, auto-saves will no longer occur as a part of the level load, and instead happen concurrently.
This can lead to situations where you’ve loaded into the next scene but an auto-save is still in-progress. Don’t close the game while the Ranger star is spinning.
- Major Prasad will no longer crash your game if you exit while she’s still talking.
- Additional stability and performance improvements for consoles that were too technical for the person writing these patch notes to understand and explain easily. It’s good stuff though. All good stuff.
We’ll be continuing to target and resolve specific stability issues as necessary.
- Players can no longer attack companions that are in the process of being recruited by the other player, in case your partner likes to troll.
- Fixed an issue where the Guest client could become unresponsive when talking with Hope Emerson and choosing to side with Del Hackett and her people.
- Improved stability while in the Hire Companion screen.
- Players can now use the keyboard in the lobby screen to choose game type, options, invite player, and ready up.
- Enabled UI Narration in the Direct Connection interface and for multiplayer game messages sent through chat.
- Fixed an issue with voice chat text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
- [Microsoft Store] Resolved an issue where guests couldn’t rejoin a lobby they’d just left.
- Resolved an issue where quirks could become unselectable during character creation.
- Fixed a potential blocker with Medical Marvel not allowing revival without use of a Nitro Spike.
- Resolved a rare issue that would block you from speaking to a companion.
- The door in Yuma County Speedway leading to Liberty is now unbreakable as intended.
- Fixed minor graphical issue with the radio.
- Some cinematic characters have been given microdermabrasion treatments and now have better looking skin.
- Skill levels for recruitable characters now display properly in all cases.
- Mission status should no longer display incorrectly after quest completion or updates.
- Resolved issue where the spinning Ranger Star would permanently stay on screen after saving the game.
- 13,29 GB groß
Release: 14.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | inxile-entertaiment.com
- Balance changes have adjusted some core systems to ensure a true wasteland experience.
Developer commentary is included below from David Rogers to help explain the thought process and intentions behind the changes.
- We finally resolved the issue that could cause the two starting Rangers’ attributes to go into the negative. Thanks to everyone who had to deal with this for your patience.
- We resolved a few progression blockers which were giving some of you grief, including the Yuma County Speedway door and Little Hell gondola.
- The incredibly annoying slamming-into-cover issue is now addressed! If you still want your controller to vibrate endlessly we hear there are apps for that.
- [PC/Xbox] Brazilian Portuguese and Italian subtitles are now available!
Note: These additional subtitles are expected to be available on PlayStation by early next year.
- The intro cinematic and live-action short are now viewable from the main menu under a Special Features option.
- When switching away from and back to the original two Rangers, their attributes will no longer change to negative values.
- Resolved an issue where characters would play the cover animation repeatedly when moving into cover from a crouch.
- Sawblade ammo has been added into merchants and enemy drop tables.
- You were right. More sniper ammo has been added into the intro Ambush scene.
- Vendors have smartened up and will no longer trigger Antique Appraiser on junk that you’ve repurchased.
- Fixed an issue where Yuma County Speedway Doors were not interactable under certain conditions.
- Fixed two conversation issues with Liberty that could fail to advance and require restarting the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Rebel Scout would not appear in Hoon Homestead after being sent there to meet [redacted].
- Fixed an issue with the Photon Amplification Lens that caused the UI to fail to load.
- Medical Marvel should now be working as intended. For realsies.
- An issue preventing players from completing the ‘Unwelcome Guests’ quest, which previously would not allow them to confront Mama Cotter, has been resolved.
- Resolved an issue preventing the Varangian Blood perk from activating upon an ally being downed in combat.
- Resolved an issue where Rangers could get another blank disc and redo the quest to talk to the Machine Intelligence after transferring a certain consciousness into a certain somebody.
- The Machine Commune faction’s AI has been flashed with the latest firmware, and the Commune will now no longer hate the Rangers after they upload an important quest element.
- Shooting a cryo rocket at the barrels next to the Scorpitron in the Tellurium Mine will no longer cause the explosion to explode infinitely.
We respect physics, and infinite explosions require infinite energy, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense within the scope of this very realistic and very cool video game story.
- As rad as this was in theory, if not in practice, the Kodiak is now no longer able to Monster Truck through Scorpitrons—no matter how much dew from the mountains may have been consumed beforehand.
- Pay no attention to the mysterious DevCube behind the curtain! The DevCube that was not meant to be seen with mortal eyes has been removed from the Paint Mines. May it live forever in our hearts.
- The deer in Santa’s Workshop can now be tamed without a bunch of backtalk.
- Several weapons that previously did not produce scrap or mods when field stripped now do. Cha-ching!
- Fixed the text describing headshots’ bonus effect. It’s always done +75% damage, but it previously displayed ‘+175% damage’ in error.
- Added the “Cog Pendant” into the game. This is a backer item we intended to have in the game when it released, but it wasn’t there. So we fixed that.
- Fixed an issue that would softlock the initial Jodie Bell hostage cutscene if the player swapped to the second character right before the cutscene.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed the player to redo the Reagan questline after talking to the Machine Intelligence after completing a certain quest objective.
- Fixed an issue where flame jets were invisible while they were active. (Fun fact: ‘The Invisible Flame Jets’ was the name of our prog-rock band back in the 80’s).
- Removed the random Godfisher in the Yuma Speedway after the Godfishers leave camp. Go home, random Godfisher, you’re drunk.
- Fixed an issue where Drilldogs didn’t attack until all other enemies had died.
- Fixed an issue where Doctor NPCs wouldn’t heal the players to full health.
- Fixed an issue where Mortar Strike would not consume rocket ammo.
- Killing Dee Sharp in the Scar Collector Mines while Cordite is in the party will no longer softlock the cutscene.
- Fixed an issue where the Spirit Animal perk provided buffs for the whole party, and not just that particular character.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from lockpicking the doors in the Sans Lux Apartments, even if they had the requirements.
- Lucia now speaks up when a player first walks into the Marshals’ station in Downtown.
- Fixed an issue where the Survival skill was giving some of the custom Rangers the “Charm Animal” skill for free.
- Failing when trying to fix Morningstar now displays explosions before a fade to white to really hit home the fact that you are a failure.
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t get “The Stink” off when using an Antidote. Be thankful this game isn’t scratch n’ sniff.
- Fixed an issue where grenade trajectories would get blocked while inside the Clown Museum’s bigtop.
- Fixed an exploit where vehicle upgrade items could appear in the player's inventory if the utility upgrade was unequipped.
- The Clown Museum ballerinas are no longer active before the player arrives.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from saving Austin Pease if they didn’t initially have the money to free him, and also fixed an issue where players were able to pay half the required amount for that task.
- The quest “War of the Worlds” should now complete properly when the player wipes out all the robots in the mines.
- Players can now reach max reputation with the Monster Army.
- Fixed an issue where players, while in high cover, couldn’t activate self-use items while using a two-handed blade.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Dorsey rocketeer on the dam fight to be invisible during that battle.
- Crit damage values should no longer dip into negative values and heal enemies… Total head scratcher, that one.
- Fixed an animation issue that would cause the player to slide if they shot and moved from a crouched position.
- Firing on an NPC who can use deployable turrets will now result in their turrets correctly turning hostile as well.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from talking to the Weaponsmith in the Bizarre Interior without visiting The Warrens.
- Resolved an issue where an enemy would infinitely rotate after tripping the alarm in the Scar Collector Mines’ Security Habitat
- Fixed an issue where loading an autosave during the Fishlips fight would prevent the player from being able to fight Fishlips.
- The Patriarch and his Guards will now always be hostile if the player decides to go on a murder-spree outside of the palace or in Downtown.
- Fixed an exploit that let the player get infinite cash from Paris in the Bizarre Exterior.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from completing the Counterintelligence Mission.
- Fixed an issue where swapping weapon slots and modding the primary weapon would put the mod on the secondary weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t complete the Santa’s Workshop questline unless they tricked Santa to check for cookies.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t complete the Santa’s Workshop questline if during the fight Sugar Plum Mary was killed.
- SAL is now prevented from occasionally chiming in on the radio and playing music during combat in Denver.
- Players who pick the “Mopey Poet” background will now get the +5 Evasion bonus as intended.
- Melee characters who start combat in cover will now face the correct direction on start.
- Updated Turret enemies to fix highlighting issues.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Masato to disappear if you gave him the ramen but didn’t recruit him to Ranger HQ.
- The Smuggler Devastator enemy type will now attack instead of cower behind cover and do nothing.
- Fixed a conversation choice with Vivisecto where the player’s choice was nonsensical. (Isn’t it possible that all choice is in fact nonsense? Something to think about.)
- Fixed the logic for blackjack games in Cartel Nightclub after the first few hands.
- The Ranger General’s Hat now correctly provides the stat boosts stated.
- Fixed multiple issues when reviving a downed player character.
- Fixed a rare issue where the targeting line during combat wouldn’t disappear.
- Fixed an exploit where the benefits of crouching persisted after saving and loading.
- Fixed an issue where the Kodiak’s health wasn’t being saved properly.
- Terminals in the Monster Army Bunker should now reward experience for “Nerd Stuff” skill checks.
- Removed one of the two “Goodbye” options in Hallie’s conversation.
- Fixed an issue where an enemy’s arms would stay highlighted red after being targeted with a Precision Strike.
- Pvt. Pellegrin no longer plays pretend soldier, and will now hold his gun like a good guard back at Ranger HQ.
- Increased the talk radius of Major Tomcat when you see him on the bridge.
- Fixed an exploit that would generate healing when swapping weapons while certain status effect buffs were active.
- Fixed an issue where the player would get ejected from the conversation with Hardee Knox for seemingly no reason.
- Fixed an issue where the Area of Effect circle disappeared on certain terrain.
- Fixed multiple issues with Precision Strike not highlighting enemies/enemy parts properly.
- Fixed a rare issue that made the Cannibals up front in the Cannibal Jamboree not hostile even after killing their friends.
(Fun fact: ‘Pacifist Cannibals’ was the name of our punk band back in the 80’s).
- Fixed an issue in the endgame where [redacted]’s Scouts weren’t getting revealed by the Fog of War during the conversation with them.
- Fixed an issue where Jarrett’s knife could appear to not be properly attached to his hand during his first line of dialog.
- Area of Effect abilities that are self-centered (ex. Rally) now work if the player is crouched.
- Vehicle wreckage should now no longer obscure characters during the final fight.
- Fixed an issue where status effects were ending too soon after combat ended.
- Fixed some issues with the Night Rider Horn, Michael.
- Fixed an issue where during the Tinker combat, the enemy’s first turn wouldn’t end if the player attacked first.
- Fixed a minor combat grid issue in Ranger HQ Razorback encounter area.
- Fixed an issue where the save spinner UI element would stay on the screen permanently after the game was saved.
- Fixed a missing combat grid issue in one of the random encounter areas.
- Fixed a weird issue where shotguns and flamethrowers with damage type mods installed could act like pistols and fired single bullets rather than the correct ammo.
- Scotchmo’s animations have sobered up now and work as intended.
- Fixed an issue where getting ambushed by Tinker pulls a bear into combat.
- Fixed an issue with Irv’s dialog with the bookseller.
- Fixed an issue where MacTavish was unreachable in his Ranger HQ cell, and could not be talked to.
- Destroying the Reagan statue early will now properly update the mission, “A House Divided.”
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the start point for the Scar Collector Mines to be in a different location.
- Bill will finish his “Gotta go find my gun” bark before running off to his dea… err.. Destiny!
- The XP needed to level up has been adjusted. XP requirements for levels 8 through 20 have been only slightly increased,
while XP requirements from 20-30 have been greatly increased.
This brings the functional max level down to around 27, from around 29.
- “We were finding that players were finishing the game at a higher level than we expected, and beyond level 8 players did seem to chronically over-level their content.
This resulted in skill checks feeling less demanding than we desired. We really want players to deliberate over every point spent.
The goal of this adjustment in the XP curve is to ensure players who are 100%'ing our content are still experiencing some friction in the late game,
while being sure that players who don’t want to do everything and who still complete the main story are able to reach the necessary level to complete the final quest.”
- For existing players, you won’t lose any levels, but your next level up will have the correct experience requirement. This will result in your next level up being just a little further away than it was before.
- Reduced the effectiveness of Aramid Pads and Trauma Plate Inserts to 2 and 4, down from 4 and 6.
- Reduced the effectiveness of the Lights Out perk down to +100% from +200%.
Changes to critical hit chance:
- “Critical hit chance was getting much higher than we wanted, and was having an outsized impact on combat.
Enemies were critically hitting players too often, which didn’t feel good, and player critical hit chance was getting up too high, particularly for characters who weren’t necessarily even trying to build for crit chance.
These new changes target bringing overall crit chances down, mostly for characters who aren’t consciously building for crit chance.
We did this rather than bringing down the maximum crit damage.
We like big damage numbers, they feel good, but we want them to be the exception, not the norm.”
- Critical hit chance for NPC’s has been reduced to about 62.5% of its previous value.
- Critical hit chance granted from the Intelligence stat has been reduced to +20%, from +25%.
- Critical hit chances granted by gear, mods, and the cat companion have been reduced.
- The Focus drug grants less critical hit bonus than it did before (but still a lot). +15 down from +20.
- High level light armor helmets no longer grant bonus crit chance. Instead we’ve given them status effect resistance or Evasion bonuses.
- Assault rifles have been given +3m range.
- Congrats! You’ve made it halfway through the patch notes. Get yourself a snack.
- The Gopher Hunter perk has been buffed to decrease enemy cover effectiveness by 40%, up from 25%.
- “The goal with these two changes is to buff the assault rifle, but also to give it a different use-case vs. the SMG.
While the SMG is about heavy damage and high risk flanking maneuvers,
the assault rifle should be a reliable work-horse that can deliver consistent damage when it's needed while staying safe behind cover.”
- Characters who have been stunned will gain a “Stun Protection” status effect after it wears off, stopping any character from being stunned two turns in a row.
- Tier 4 and 5 loot crates have a reduced chance to drop above-tier gear, making tier 5 and 6 weapons rarer earlier in the game.
- Shotguns and flamethrowers have had their Torrent Strike damage reduced to 200% of weapon damage, down from 300%.
- Pistol Pete will no longer use the Trick Shot ability.
- Weapons and armor now display their level, making it easier to compare items and understand if your gear is at the appropriate level for your characters.
- Sniper rifles have had their bonus strike rate reduced. Low level sniper rifles have no bonus strike rate, but will start to gain the stat at higher levels.
- High level sniper rifles now cost 7 AP to fire, up from 6.
- “This is largely to ensure sniper rifles maintain the tradeoff of being incredibly hard to fire twice in a turn, while still being powerful.”
- Animal Companions, Followers, and Deployables will now distract enemy NPCs less, or more, based on your difficulty setting.
Players playing on Supreme Jerk will find that enemies are much more focused on attacking Rangers vs. deployables and followers, while players on Rookie difficulty should still be seeing their animals tanking significantly for their team.
- “We saw a dominant strategy form in which lots of low-level animal companions were being taken,
along with many of the followers, which resulted in them having too large an impact on combat (namely in how much damage they soaked up).
We know people love their animals and generally will reload their save game until they survive the fight, so rather than killing your furry friends off, we’re limiting how much the enemies are shooting them vs. your own Rangers.
This, combined with reduced follower tanking will hopefully put a larger emphasis on debuffs at higher difficulties.”
Deployables now have a maximum level they’ll scale to, stopping them from being overly impactful in the late game.
The most notable change is that Machine turrets will stop getting better after level 14, while laser turrets will scale up to lvl 20.
- The skill needed to install a Razor Box weapon mod has been reduced to 6, from 10.
- Satoshi’s case is now more valuable to vendors.
- Rocket launchers now cost 4 AP to reload, up from 2.
- Cheebus now sells Tier 5 gear, down from Tier 6.
- Jackhammer shotgun’s AP to fire is increased to 5, up from 3.
- Food items are now more expensive (AP) to eat in combat.
- Pre-order bonus weapons have had their vendor value lowered, so if they’re sold they do not dramatically impact the intended economy.
- Added a keybind option on PC for “Loot All.”
- The minimap should now always default to on.
- Utility items will now sort as Armor when filtering items.
- Double-clicking a character portrait on the HUD now centers the camera to that character. What a time to be alive.
- Fixed an issue where premade Rangers weren’t showing up in the “Manage Squad” Screen.
- Player health can no longer show below 0 when downed.
- Fixed an issue that would cause enemy UI stats to disappear if the player opened and closed the inventory menu up a lot.
- An issue that prevented some quirks from being selectable during character creation has been resolved.
- Fixed an issue where the first slot of the inventory could be unresponsive. You’re the first slot! Come on… Be better, first slot.
- Fixed an issue where the “Sell Junk” keyboard shortcut wouldn’t work.
- Minimap image no longer does a jitter dance when you move the camera separately from your rangers.
- [Gamepad] The ‘A’ prompt now appears when highlighting an NPC to talk to.
- [Gamepad] Resolved the issue that made it impossible for a companion to join if their dialog was cancelled.
- [Gamepad] Fixed an issue that made laser tripwires unable to be disarmed with a gamepad.
- [Gamepad] Removed the second close button option in the controls option menu.
- Additional stability improvements made to assist with older console crash rates. Work will be continuing in future updates to further reduce crash potential.
- New Feature: While out of combat, press Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PS4) to go into targeting mode.
- Unplugging a controller while the game was “thinking” caused some issues, specifically during saving/loading, and during character creation. We didn’t think that was good, so we fixed that.
- Fixed multiple issues where console saves and load screens would hang or cause the game to crash.
- [Xbox] Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in a merchant screen immediately after adding a new party member.
- [Xbox One] Fixed an issue where the initial dialog was not heard nor seen at the Arapaho Caravan.
- [Xbox One] Fixed an issue that caused colored lights to appear on the combat UI grid.
- [Xbox One] Button prompts seen in the main menu now use the correct UI font.
- [Xbox One] The Dorsey prisoner no longer clips into the wall in Ranger HQ.
- [Xbox One S] The game should no longer crash if the user leaves the game open on the world map for an extended duration.
- Players are now forced to be on the same patch version to play together.
- We’re even more confident that we’ve fixed the issues causing infinite loads in co-op.
We’re looking at you, persistent 33% load hang (as well as some other nasty outliers)!
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from accessing the Multiplayer menu with just the keyboard.
- Fixed an issue during the world map where both players were hearing different radio calls.
- Fixed an issue where speech bubbles would persist after an enemy died.
- The chat window background now appears with a cool misty cloudy background instead of a translucent blue.
- Fixed an issue that caused the radio voiceover to cut out for the guest.
- Fixed an issue where the initial dam combat sequence was zoomed in too much.
- Fixed an issue where GOG players could not host a Direct Connect multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where the guest would get stuck in any conversation with a skill check involved if the host wasn’t there in the conversation.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players without the pre-order bonus content access to it by joining a host with that content.
- Fixed an issue where Serial Killer Quirk didn’t work on guest players—now you can kill to your heart’s content.
- Fixed an issue where calling for a tow (P.S. did you know you can fast travel back to Ranger HQ from the world map by clicking on the radio?) would sometimes not move the Kodiak back to Colorado Springs.
- Fixed an issue where the landscape bars from the intro movie would persist during the initial Ambush attack.
- Fixed a desync issue on the world map that would cause the guest to be stuck on a loading screen while the host could drive around normally.
- Fixed a desync issue on the world map that would cause the guest to witness a world event while the host did not, and would still be able to drive around.
- Fixed an issue where guests could not heal with quickslot items.
- Fixed an issue where the button prompts were not being localized during multiplayer sessions while in the Manage Squad menu.
- Resolved issues that could occur while one player attacked while the other was in the Hire Companion screen.
- Fixed a UI issue on the client side that would prevent status effects from appearing after loading a different level.
- Fixed an issue that would break the player’s camera if the other player left mid-character creation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the guest to see incorrect skill information on the host’s characters.
- Fixed an issue that would create autosaves for the guest as well as the host.
- [Xbox One] Fixed an issue
where the garage doors in Ranger HQ would appear closed for the guest.
Art & Audio
- New makeup options in character creation. Get fabulous, treat yourself!
- Payaso Bastard, Ditso Gogo, and Tricksters have had their models and textures adjusted.
- We’ve made general visual effect cleanups and enhancements throughout the game.
- The Frozen Lake in the Godfisher Windfarm now has ice.
- The minimap in The Warrens is now aligned properly..
- Fixed a logic issue that caused non-hostile NPCs to only cower during combat.
- Fixed an issue that caused weather to show up inside the dentist building outside of the Bizarre.
- The patrolling nightclub goon near Delgato’s cell in the back will stop doing a half-jig mid patrol.
- The turret inside MacTavish’s Machine Shop now shoots louder bullets.
- Fixed a Kodiak weapons animation issue.
- Destroying crates with objects on them will have all objects on top be destroyed instead of just the crate.
- Animatronics no longer play a human death cry when they die. They’re creepy enough as it is.
- The flying flags freakily flapping ‘n flailing ‘round near the mechanics garage in Yuma have calmed down now and will not clip through their poles.
- Star-that-Dreams will no longer lurch around when the player talks to them.
- Scar collectors were a little too quiet in their compound in Yuma.
- Fixed an issue that caused Prasad’s fixing sound effects to persist even after she left.
- Cleaned up the Radio lighting on the world map.
- Fixed various weather issues in Downtown Colorado Springs.
- Cleaned up the Fog of War in the Airport Commune to prevent players from seeing behind the curtains...
- When using Precision Strike weapons to kill an enemy, the proper “blown off limb” animation will now play. Hooray!
- Raised up the lights in front of Manifest Destiny so characters won’t clip into the vehicle.
- Fixed the lighting inside the Playground area of the Warrens.
- Fixed the lighting inside the Old Survivalist Bunker.
- Fixed the positioning of one of the Suncatchers in Garden of the Gods.
- Fixed a broken texture in the Bizarre.
- Fixed an issue with Flab’s Radio call not being heard when the player leaves the Bizarre.
- Scotchmo’s oral thrush is under control, and his tongue is no longer white.
- Melee fist combat impacts on human NPCs now have sounds, just like in the movies. PHOOSH!
- We can hear your fear. The Fear status effect now has a sound.
- Fixed an issue where Morningstar would be the only speaking companion on the world map.
- Fixed one of the Scar Collector explosion animations to now display correctly.
- Reagan AI has learned more animations. It’s a neural net processor, a learning computer.
- Fixed an issue where the audio was missing when the player clicked on the ground to move the squad.
- Fixed the lighting in the final combat encounter.
- Fixed some overlapping VO between General Woodson and Corporal Gonzales in Ranger HQ.
- Fixed an issue where Vic’s beard and eyebrows could appear duplicated and not set on his face right.
- Fixed an issue where a second explosion sound could be heard every time the player entered the Airport Commune and Santa’s Workshop.
- Healing using a Medic Pack should no longer play the heal sound effect multiple times.
- The robot arms in the Department of Energy’s Scorpitron room now have sound.
- Fixed the lighting in the Department of Energy near the Scorpitron.
- Luck bonuses now play a sound effect when they trigger.
- Shooting a Synth now has a satisfying impact sound.
- Healing from an Antidote will now play a more appropriate sound effect.
- Fixed the Kodiak character portrait so it no longer shows up as a black rectangle.
- Animation improvements and polish for Drools. (Fun fact: ‘The Polish Drools’ was the name of our first synthpop band back in the 80’s.)
- Bomb Hoppers have their SFX working now.
- Adjusted the alignment and animations on the Main Menu selections.
- Removed ‘Land of Confusion’ from playing in the shuttle in Airport Commune.
- ‘America the Beautiful’ no longer plays outside of combat.
- Wind effects should now properly be seen during the Ambush Site level.
- Fixed the UI Contrast levels of non-highlighted Main Menu options.
- Fixed various weapon models during character previews in the inventory screen.
- Fixed a bug where character animations would freeze up if the player clicked too rapidly.
- Auto detecting graphics settings now takes resolution into account when determining the recommended display settings.
- Improvements have been made for 21:9 display resolutions.
- Fixed an issue with save games in Yuma County Speedway taking an abnormally long time to load.
- Found and squashed instances of infinite load times that could occur when transitioning from Ranger HQ as well as from other specific maps.
- The Marshals’ Law pistol no longer says revolver under it.
- The idle frequency for the Golden Toaster companion has been reduced. Also, the game now ensures that idling stops for endgame and conversation states.
- Improvements have been made in regards to the pacing of the epilogue.
- The game now displays an item’s level inside the tooltip (weapons and armor).
- The toaster altar display name has been localized.
- Fixed localization of the word “Any” in Polish.
- Improvements have been made to player companions’ animation rotation speeds.
- Changed out a certain Ranger’s coffee from decaf to fully caffeinated. This individual should no longer repeat the very things they just said.
- Right clicking on the radio allows players to interact with movement on the world map.
- Fixed an issue that caused background text to stretch across the screen.
- Removed the Debug Crates from the Gas Mask Kids scene.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to stay in windowed mode if it was swapped to fullscreen mode on a non-supported resolution.
- The game should now properly launch in fullscreen mode, as selected.
- Changed the save game naming clickable area to make it easier to click on.
- Starting a new game and immediately returning to the main menu no longer displays letterboxing permanently.
- Fixed an issue that caused the chat log to remain permanently stuck on the screen.
- 14,66 GB groß
Release: 27.01.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | inxile-entertaiment.com | play3.de
- New difficulty mode: Tourist
Tourist mode is easier than Rookie, letting you enjoy Wasteland 3’s story, with combat difficulty taking a back seat.
- New cosmetics!
- New Hair, Beards, and Pants have been added to character creation.
The Handmade Wizard and Knight costumes will let you roleplay all your Robots & Rangers fantasies.
Anyone already past the Cornered Rats mission (Garden of the Gods) will receive them automatically,
while anyone progressing through the quests will want to head back to Ranger HQ to claim the care package outside the front gate.
Equip the costumes at the wardrobe in Ranger HQ or the clothing shop in Downtown Colorado Springs ... and attack the darkness!
- Intelligence now gives +1 skill point for every point of Intelligence spent, up from +1 every other point.
This change applies retroactively to existing save games.
- The Book Learnin’ and Answering Machine achievements are now achievable.
Note: The missing Book Learnin’ note becomes available after passing a Leadership skill check when first meeting the Patriarch and then speaking to Magistrate Silas Watkins in Downtown Colorado Springs.
- Resolved an animation stutter that appeared as a framerate drop while moving, and was particularly noticeable on the PlayStation 4.
- More actions are now able to be bound to keyboard and mouse, most notably camera panning.
The game will also unmap double-bound keys to prevent input conflicts, and warn you about missing keybinds before you leave the menu.
- Rangers who have been downed should now be visible after transitioning to a new scene, as though you dragged their bloody corpse along with you. :D
- An issue preventing some players from being able to proceed through the slides during the song at the end credits has been resolved.
- Loading a save game where a Ranger was incapacitated will now keep them incapacitated, where before they would be in a selectable-but-unusable zombie-like state.
- Fixed the issue that could cause a game over screen immediately upon loading a save game.
- Fixed bugs that could prevent companions from joining the squad under certain conditions.
- Ironclad Cordite now comes with the Cyborg Mods perk unlocked, because, duh.
- Resolved a blocker in the Hard Knox Life quest where the Head Rancher would restart the quest rather than allow completion.
We’re aware of some oddness that can still occur during this quest and are looking to clean it up in a future update.
- Creepy Dolls have an extra info field in the Archive Screen now with creepy, creepy lore.
- Fixed an issue with Poindexter quirk that could cause CON to go below 0.
- You can now reselect the "No Quirk" option in the character creation screen. But… come on. They’re cool. Pick one.
- Fixed a bug where creating more than 6 custom characters would prevent the player from scrolling down to the companions in the Manage Squad Screen.
- Fixed softlock occuring after the last character with AP kills themselves.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an infinite enemy turn after declining La Perla’s mission and attacking her while she leaves.
- Fixed an issue where re-adding Lucia Wesson could sometimes cause a black screen.
- Resolved a softlock occurring when loading into Ranger HQ after sending Lucia to the Garden of the Gods.
- Ditso Gogo now drops a Clown Wig Ornament.
- Grenade boxes in Yuma are reachable now.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the Minesweeper perk from working with gas mines.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Heavy Machine Guns to ignore the Friendly Fire setting. Fire through your friends with gusto.
- Note: Deliberately targeting a friendly when you attack will always cause damage, regardless of Friendly Fire setting. Shoot responsibly.
- The Call to Action mission can no longer be completed multiple times.
- Revive AP cost shown in the prompt is now consistent with its actual value.
- Mechanics skill shows the correct Repair Kit effectiveness value at level 5.
- Fixed an issue where the first Ranger in the squad would always attempt to use Charm Animal, even if you had a higher-skilled character.
- Fixed a frw typos.
- Fixed a bug in which the Pyromaniac quirk was triggering when any elemental damage was used, not just explosive and fire damage.
- Fixed an issue where attacking Marshalls would appear to add reputation points in the pop up. This was a display issue only; they were properly subtracted from the reputation.
- Prasad’s health bar will appear ‘injured’ during the damn fight, as she’s mere moments from her guts oozing nice like a melted malted.
- The Prasad Memorial Hologram can no longer be targeted and killed for XP and loot. You monsters...
- Players can no longer bypass the initial Cordite/Mechanic confrontation by retrieving him from Ranger HQ after entering Yuma County Speedway the first time, which would cause unintended issues later in the quest.
- [Localization] In Polish, the Sadomasochist quirk now has correct extra text in its description.
- Payasos in the Clown Museum scene now have visible bodies after reloading a save. Something, something, scary invisible clown joke. Whatever.
- Fixed a bug in which the player could leave a conversation too early with Liberty Buchanan in Yuma County Speedway.
- The Stormer Perk no longer consumes AP for an attack even if its trigger conditions have been met.
- Intelligence now gives +1 skill point for every point of Intelligence spent, up from +1 every other point.
- “We want smart characters to FEEL smarter. We weren’t satisfied with how intelligence related to your character’s build. Also, given our recent nerf to the crit chance that intelligence granted, we wanted to give it a little boost.”
- We’ve updated how the Suncatcher works in Garden of the Gods. Rather than doing tons of impact damage directly to targets, we’ve updated it to instead focus on spreading fire-patches around the battlefield.
- “We weren’t happy with how much the sun-catcher trivialized that otherwise difficult fight in Garden of the Gods.
We wanted taking the back route to feel like a distinct advantage, but still wanted the player to feel challenged.”
- We’ve adjusted the Scar Collector fight in Ranger HQ to be more challenging. We’ve updated the enemy composition, as well as the number of NPC Rangers likely to be around during that fight.
- “We found that players didn’t really need to participate in that fight to win it. The NPC Rangers would ultimately clean up that fight for you without any significant losses.
We’ve shifted the power in the fight so that if the player does not actively stop the Scar Collectors then the Rangers will suffer significant losses. The fight should be more challenging overall.”
- We’ve updated the duel vs. Steeltrap to be more interesting.
We’ve updated the enemy’s starting position and composition to provide a more interesting set of choices, and Steeltrap no longer starts combat directly in front of the player’s squad.
- We’ve increased the number of enemies in the final boss battles of the game.
- If the only remaining enemies in a combat are either hacked robots or tamed animals, the robots will automatically self-destruct and the animals will flee from combat.
No more being forced to murder your temporary allies!
- We fixed that Meat Maker weapon damage exploit. You knew it was going to happen eventually.
- Doctors no longer cure mutations gained from World Map radiation. They can now only be cleared using No-Glo. This is so players are better able to choose whether or not to remove their mutations.
- The game launched with a bug that allowed you to change your Quick Slot items in the middle of combat. This update fixes that. It’s a decision that’s intended to be made before a fight breaks out.
- We've updated several interior spaces to deal more appropriately with grenades. Grenades can no longer be thrown over walls (through the ceiling) in interior spaces like the Survivalist Bunker or the Sans Lux Apartments.
- Shotguns no longer take Scope mods. If your save game had a Scope mod installed onto a Shotgun, it'll be put back into your inventory.
- Non-hostile World Map encounters that give free loot, such as camp sites, are now less common.
UI & Controls
- UI elements across the game have been polished, refined, and adjusted.
- Main menu options will no longer be grayed out incorrectly. Note: this issue may still occur while in the Options sub-menu, which will be resolved in a future patch.
- Ability tooltips now more accurately reflect the damage or healing that you will do, including benefits from skills such as First Aid and Explosives.
- The game will now accurately display the percentage of CON damaged or healed by certain abilities inside of ability tooltips.
- Holding down right click with your mouse to direct your squad will now have the camera follow them around. As god intended.
- The edge scrolling speed (moving your mouse to the edge of the screen) is now the same value as the speed at which the camera moves using the keyboard. They can be adjusted in the options menu.
- Junk and mission items, by default, are now hidden in the default All Items view of the Inventory.
They're still viewable in the Junk and Mission Items tabs.
This was done to reduce the clutter on the main Inventory view. If you prefer the old behavior, you can change it back in the Options Menu.
- When shopping for stackable items (such as ammo) at a merchant, the UI will now display how many of that item you already own.
- Recruiting and replacing a squad member will now correctly update portrait and tooltip in Inventory and Attributes tabs.
- Alt-tabbing out of the opening cutscene with subtitles enabled no longer causes them to desynchronize.
- Friendly Fire damage text will no longer appear when crouching, defending, prepping, or ambushing.
- You can now appropriately drag and drop companions in the Hire Companion Screen.
- A sound effect has been added that plays when you try to buy something that you cannot afford to help underscore that your life choices have all led to this single disappointing moment.
- In the Vehicle Customization Screen, the scroll wheel will now properly scroll the info in the tooltip if it’s too long, rather than cycling to the next option in the list.
- We fixed several bugs relating to dragging, dropping, and equipping gear on characters while in the Merchant Screen.
- We've unified the tinting of our ability icons so they're more visually consistent.
- An audio stinger was added to the combat turn start banner in co-op.
- Players can now drag and drop items between their Quick Slots.
- Added improved UI messaging for when the player tries to equip/unequip items during combat.
- The save game name field is now selected by default so you can immediately start typing your game name without having to click on the text field.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to use Select Character keys in the Merchant Screen by using keybinds.
- Animal Companions and Followers such as the Provost now show their CON bars when hovering over them during exploration gameplay.
- Fixed an issue with the secondary weapon preview not displaying in the Manage Squad Screen.
- [Controller] Resolved a few objects and characters that couldn’t be easily interacted with when using a controller. E.g. the Slicer Dicer in Ranger HQ.
- [Controller] Inspecting pits in Garden of the Gods will no longer result in ‘infinite’ interactions occurring.
- [Controller] [Microsoft Store] The controller setting will now persist when closing and restarting the game.
- [Controller] Rotating your camera while aiming an AoE weapon will no longer cause the AoE indicator to move.
- [Controller] The crouch / stand button now grays out when not usable.
- [Controller] Fixed some d-pad wonkiness when navigating between status effects and inventory.
- [Controller] Fixed a bug in which gamepad users were able to attempt to buy the non-existent 11th point of a skill or attribute. Nice try, bucko.
- [Controller] Status Effect descriptions will now appropriately disappear when players close the inspect window.
- Fixed an issue where a Merchant Screen would continue showing when disconnected from a multiplayer session.
- Multiple people trying to join the same co-op lobby at the same time will no longer result in one of them being stuck on a black screen.
- The Minimap will now be present for the guest when initially loading into a MP session
- Fixed an odd bug where the host could in a rare instance be able to run the Kodiak around a zone like it was a squad member.
- Fixed an issue where passing a Ranger to another user in the Manage Squad Screen would not allow that Ranger to be moved/removed from their squad until the screen was opened and closed again.
- Fixed a UI issue where attempting to modify the same weapon/armor at the same time caused the UI to be partially unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue where co-op players were sometimes not able to add companions to their squad even though they had room.
Art & Audio
- Jarett Dorsey's brain will now explode even more spectacularly than before. Huzzah!
- Strike attack effects have been changed to use a blue color palette, making them more visually consistent and distinctive.
- The Golden Toaster companion has had its sound effects improved.
- Added sound effects for when the player repairs the Kodiak using a Repair Kit.
- Drools are now a bit noisier.
- Torches in the Bizarre Warrens are a bit noiser.
- Added additional sound effects to the Mission Notification Banner.
- Improved the visual effect of the Flamesaw Cannon.
- Ash is now easier to hear when he speaks to you over the intercom in Little Hell. Say it for the people in the back!
- Ranger HQ now has sliding doors instead of swinging doors. Sliding doors are cooler.
- Rocket launchers that deal cold damage now use a cold explosion visual effect.
- Approaching a Scorpitron should no longer produce an ear melting effect that sounds like giant robots making sweet love to each other.
- The Time Capsule Challenge contest has ended, and the note and badge have been removed and replaced with the winner-designed item.
- 15,49 GB groß
Release: 09.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | permadeath=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de | release=inxile-entertaiment.com, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de
- Hardcore Modus mit Permatod wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Difficult Skill Checks
- Difficult Skill Checks is here to challenge your squad-building prowess. This is an optional mode that can only be enabled when starting a new game.
- If enabled when starting a new game, all Skill, Attribute, and Perception checks are increased by +2 over their base value (up to a max of 10). This applies to in-world interactions, conversations, and equipment requirements.
- We recommend this only for veteran players who want an extra challenge that puts their squad optimization to the test.
- You can now respec your squad members to reallocate their Attributes, Skills, and Perks!
- While at Ranger HQ, a new “Retrain” option is available in the Manage Squad screen, which refunds all points to be spent again. This excludes unique gameplay bonuses such as Cyborg Tech and the Tarjan Machine perks, and any Quirks chosen at character creation.
- Retraining characters has a cost which is shared with Recruiting new Rangers.
Recruitment Cost
- Recruiting at Ranger HQ now incurs a cost that is shared with Retraining.
- The cost is waived for the first two Rangers recruited from Ranger HQ.
- The Recruitment/Retrain cost starts at $200 and increases 1.75x (rounded to the nearest $50) with each use, up to a maximum of $3000.
New Character Customization Options
- Since you’ll need to start a new game to turn on permadeath and difficult skill checks, we have 23 new character customization options to use including helmets, masks, makeup, scars, and tattoos are available.
- Multiple helmets were designed alongside renowned post-apocalyptic costume designers for this update. Check inXile-entertainment.com for photos and info.
Additional Crash and Performance Fixes
- We’ve been continually working to improve stability on systems with low amounts of memory (older consoles, primarily) and this update resolves one of our most impactful issues.
For those of you experiencing crashes after longer play sessions, we’d love for you to give this update a try and let us know if it resolved your issue.
If not, we’d also like to hear from you on the inXile forums so we can continue to make improvements.
- We’ve taken a pass at textures across the game to either reduce or increase texture sizes to create a more consistent memory footprint. This should result in slightly more even performance.
-Additional misc. changes and fixes that should result in overall improved stability.
- Game options now have descriptive text in case our very intelligently named options weren’t clear enough.
- Fixed the Poindexter quirk for Rangers recruited from HQ. They’ll now correctly receive their bonus skill points as intended… NERDS.
- Resolved an issue with the bonus Hit Chance from Leadership not increasing correctly as it’s leveled up.
- We just made the Hoon Homestead always available from the world map regardless of choices and progression. So that better fix it.
- We screwed up the intercom before Vic and now we have unscrewed it.
- Resolved a softlock that could occur while arresting Vic.
- Fixed an issue where you sometimes couldn’t save the game after a combat where you hacked a robot or tamed an animal. How does that even happen? Who knows. Well, someone does, just not me. Making games sounds hard.
- Fixed an issue with the Pyromaniac Quirk catching you on fire with elemental damage types other than Fire and Explosive.
- Fixed an issue where the pre-order bonus Colorado Survival Gear items could disappear from the inventory. Did you really pre-order, though? Maybe not. Feels like that was 20 years ago. It’s hard to remember.
- Rally will now properly apply to squad members that are at a different elevation.
- Double-dipping into two containers at the same time, where one requires a skill check to open, will no longer cause loot to disappear.
- Fixed a quest progression issue with “King Cordite,” reported by Ralph. Thanks Ralph!
- The quest “One of Us” can now be correctly completed if you have Ironclad Cordite in your party.
- Fixed a quest progression issue during "Heads or Tails" when a creature is tamed during combat and then runs away. Story of my life.
- Fixed an issue where the last character in combat killing themselves would make it so you couldn’t end your turn.
- Using the Brainwave Destabilizer on enemies in the Clown Museum no longer breaks their animations. Maybe though just shoot the horrifying clown people before they get too close?
- Fixed a quest progression issue with “Hard Knox Life” when loading specific saves.
- Llewellyn’s shit had gone missing and was un-interactable. We found the shit and have re-added the shit so you can interact with the shit again now.
- Fixed an issue where the Optilaser 9000 couldn’t be used if your weapon was out of ammo or you had melee equipped.
- Fixed an issue where getting Vic to join the Rangers and then cancelling out of the Manage Squad screen would make it impossible to add him later. But why would you do that? Add him immediately, it’s hilarious and terrible.
- Fixed an issue with Close Call perk causing nitrogen, oil, and explosive tanks to sometimes not explode when attacked.
- The “Call to Action” mission is no longer able to be completed more than once.
- Mortar Blast now uses the correct amount of AP.
- Rangers at max level (35) no longer “level up” when receiving the requisite XP. Can you imagine if life stopped at 35?
Like a Logan’s Run Carousel situation and you’re running around with a gem in your hand and a robot is shouting about sea greens. I need to watch that again.
- Fixed a possible softlock when taming a Glow Hopper during a combat.
- The Minesweeper perk now correctly applies to gas mines, as god intended.
UI & Controls
- Fixed some wonkiness with removing and re-adding custom characters in Squad Manager.
- Making lots of custom Rangers no longer blocks the ability to scroll down to the Companion section.
- Fixed a display issue with the Mechanics skill showing an incorrect effectiveness value at level 5.
- Changed the icon for Big Guns to not be a rocket launcher, which are explosive weapons. They’re also Big, but we had to pick one.
- Fixed some mpre typos.
- [Controller] Revive now shows the correct AP cost.
- Fixed another issue where the host could drive the Kodiak around like a Ranger after their squad had been killed. Cool? Yes. But still a bug.
- Misc. co-op bug fixes and improvements.
- 14,31 GB groß
Release: 27.05.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com
- DLC "The Battle of Steeltown" wurde eingebaut und kann ab dem 09.06.2021 für 13,99€ erworben werden
- 13,37 GB groß
Release: 09.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de, xboxwire.com, play3.de
- Hotfix zum DLC "The Battle of Steeltown"
- 5,36 GB groß
Release: 29.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | twitter.com
- Im Moment bleiben die tierischen Begleiter nicht in der Nähe, wenn sie entlassen werden, aber mit dem Zwinger haben sie ein Zuhause, zu dem sie automatisch zurückkehren.
So können Spieler einen Kader von Hunden und Katzen aufbauen und nach Bedarf auswählen oder einfach alle sammeln!
- Die pelzigen Freunde kehren nicht nur in den Zwinger zurück, wenn sie entlassen werden, sondern auch, wenn ihr Besitzer das Team verlässt (oder dauerhaft im Kampf stirbt),
kehrt der tierische Begleiter automatisch in den Zwinger zurück,
wenn das nächste Mal eine andere Ebene betreten wird. Natürlich unter der Voraussetzung, dass sie selbst den Kampf überleben.
- 13,15 GB groß
Release: 19.07.2021 (Version
- 2,78 GB groß
Release: 05.08.2021 (Version
- 519,47 MB groß
Release: 01.09.2021 (Version
Quelle: release=inxile-entertaiment.com
- Players are now able to leave the endgame area and head back out into the world to experience The Battle of Steeltown and Cult of the Holy Detonation content as they damn well please.
Additionally, players with one of the expansions (or both) will also have access to a specific squad management option available to them within the endgame area.
- Say goodbye to blindly crafting items and guessing at what they might be good for the crafting interface now shows detailed information and stats for what will be crafted. We truly live in the future.
- We now display how long it’s been since you last saved your game next to the Quicksave menu button. Not displayed is whether you’re save scumming to try to force a specific outcome. But we know. We all know.
- Do we smell bacon? Hot Hogs will no longer immediately charge you the same turn their fuses have been lit, allowing you to respond to them more effectively.
They will also properly switch their hostility to Hostile/Red, making it easier to shoot them or tame them. Time to go H.A.M. on your enemies; which stands for Hogs Attacking Murderclowns.
- Numerous co-op quality of life improvements have been implemented in this patch, and are noted in detail below.
- Peer-to-peer communication between co-op game clients has been optimized, which should result in fewer soft-locks and desyncs between players in cooperative mode.
Note: As Wasteland 3 is a peer-to-peer game, the individual network configuration and performance of the host and client still play a huge role in starting and sustaining a stable connection.
- The connection strength indicator, which is displayed in the multiplayer lobby, will now more accurately display the signal strength between players. Strong signal, good. Weak signal, bad.
- Your co-op partner’s selected grid square is now displayed during combat, while browsing the squad inventory together, and while perusing merchant wares. Our goal here is to create a strong, psychic bond between co-op players.
Soon you will become a single being of light, operating as an enhanced quantum emergent structure of consciousness. Don’t fight it.
- You are now able to select your friend’s Rangers in the inventory screen to see what the hell they have equipped.
No more having to ask what that weird thing with the green squiggles is on their head.
Now you’ll just know, and of course, knowing is half the battle. The other half is probably telling them they’re playing wrong.
- When you’re in a conversation with a skill check that you cannot pass without your partner present, the skill check will properly update as soon as your friend joins the conversation.
- “Game-exit flow” & messaging improvements have been implemented. Just keep reading.
- When a player opts to go back to the main menu or quit to desktop while in a co-op session, they’re now met with a prompt informing them that the action will disconnect both players.
You’ll also be informed whether progress is able to be saved at that point or not.
- If the session end is at a point where saving *is* allowed, progress will be auto-saved using the multiplayer auto-save slot.
This save will be provided to both players. If saving at that point is *not* allowed, then no new save is created.
- Conversely, the player who did not quit the game will now also see a prompt informing them why the game ended, in lieu of receiving a generic “Game Disconnected” error message.
This messaging will likewise indicate whether progress was able to be auto-saved.
Unfortunately, it will not include an evaluation of the health of the friendship, and whether the session was ended in anger or on amicable terms.
You might want to shoot them a quick message like, “we cool?”
- Resolved an issue where the host would be unable to use the Kodiak after the guest player revived them with a Nitro Spike.
- Resolved an issue where merchant and inventory selections could get stuck for both players.
- The "Join Shopping" prompt will now properly appear when a player hovers their mouse cursor over the merchant that the other player is trading with.
- Resolved an issue that could result in infinite enemy/friendly turns occurring during specific combat scenarios.
- Resolved an issue that could break the host’s camera view while they were using Precision Strike.
- Resolved an issue where the selection in the appearance customization would reset for one player if the other was also making changes to their appearance customization at the same time.
- Both players will now be properly pulled into combat with the Refugee Smugglers outside of The Bizarre.
- Resolved an issue preventing players from sometimes joining conversations.
- Fade in/out for cutscenes should now for real only happen while viewing cutscenes.
- Resolved an issue where armor coloration could be incorrectly displayed after a saved game was loaded.
- Disabling the Difficult Skill Check option in the Multiplayer Lobby will properly disable it every time.
- Resolved an issue that could result in an infinite loading screen when players attempted to start a co-op session via Steam.
- [Consoles] Resolved an issue that could trigger a softlock during the transition to the Garden of the Gods map.
- [Controller] Resolved a display issue that could prevent players using a controller from being able to host a game session.
- [Steeltown] Resolved an issue where co-op players could “kill” Crow's hologram by bypassing the opening cutscene on the Factory Level.
We use quotes liberally here since “killing a hologram” seems like a good thing to use quotes for.
- [Steeltown] Resolved an issue where players were sometimes unable to move their characters after Blue’s arrest.
- [Steeltown] Fixed a bug allowing a co-op guest’s character to travel through radiation without taking damage after a host used an injury kit on the affected squad member.
- [Steeltown] Resolved an issue where only one co-op squad could be healed by Doctor Breeler after the Ghost Garage encounter.
- [Steeltown] Resolved an issue after Steeltown’s completion where only the guest was able to participate in the conversation with the Steeltown Refugee.
Doomsday Prepper - Increased Status Effect Resistance to +33% (previously +25%), added a +15 CON Bonus.
Two-Pump-Chump - Removed the -15% Hit Chance Penalty.
Varangian Blood - Changed the -4AP penalty to -20% Evasion for 2 turns.
Lone Wolf - Increased Initiative to +30% (previously +20%), added +15% Healing Rate.
Circus Freak - Removed -10% Evasion because clowns suffer enough, but doubled the detection time down to -2.00 (previously -1.00) because bright neon colors do NOT make for good camouflage.
- Bloodsport (Melee Lvl 6 Perk) - Increased the number of debuff enemy types to Shocked, Bleeding, and Poisoned enemies (in addition to the original Stunned and Blind enemies).
- Conductive Beams (Weird Science Lvl 9 Perk) - Increased the chance to activate Electrocute to +20% (previously +10%).
- Pressure Cooker (Big Guns Lvl 7 Perk) - Pressure Cooker is now a lvl 6 Perk (previously lvl 7).
- Close Call (Sneaky Shit Lvl 7 Perk) - Increased the malfunction chance to 66%, this perk affects all squad members.
- Breakfast Bandit (Toaster Repair Lvl 5 Perk) - Added the description of the Toast healing item to the perk; Toast is delicious!
- Shrug It Off (Melee Combat Lvl 10 Perk) - Increased Armor gained for every adjacent enemy to +5 (previously +2 Armor), added +10% Status Effect Resistance for every adjacent enemy.
- Minesweeper (Explosives Lvl 4 Perk) - Added +1 Perception bonus.
- Fortify (Mechanics Lvl 7 Perk) - Increased the amount of armor gained to +7 for friendly vehicles, robots, and deployables (previously +5 Armor).
- Toasty (Toaster Repair Lvl 10 Perk) - Your first attack every turn will inflict Burning (previously the first attack after killing an enemy inflicted Burning).
- Tender Loving Care (Armor Mod Lvl 10 Perk) - Increased Armor gained to all squad members to +8 Armor (previously +5 Armor).
- Reinforced Plating (Mechanics Lvl 5 Perk) - Increased the amount of CON gained to +33% on repaired Vehicles and Robots (previously +25% CON).
- Grease Monkey: Increased Damage to Robots and Vehicles to +15% (previously +10%).
- Paladin: Increased Crit Resistance to (edit) +15% (previously +10%).
- Stoner: Increased Status Effect Resistance to +15% (previously +10%).
- Rangers who may leave your squad at the end of the game will now drop their loot for you to pick up.
Note: Gear dropped by these characters that was previously modded will drop as un-modded. This is an issue that our Dev team is aware of.
- Resolved an issue that was allowing certain abilities such as Rally and Demoralize to apply status effects from an active weapon.
- Abilities that dealt a percentage of your equipped weapon's damage should now deal the correct amount of damage again.
- Loading an autosave that was made after starting a fight with a Scorpitron on the world map will no longer make the encounter disappear.
- Deployables that are spawned far from combat will now be destroyed after combat ends, resolving an issue where a combat encounter could seem to have no way to end it.
- We resolved an issue that allowed players to duplicate scope mods. We see you. Through non-duped scope mods.
- Those damned elves will no longer softlock the game if they’re freed during the Elf on a Shelf quest. You know what though? Don’t free them. Blow them up. They cause too many problems.
- We’ve hacked the hacked robots so that they will no longer be targeted by a player’s ambushes.
- Combat speed penalties for weapons you lacked the skill to wield, are now correctly applied to those weapons.
- Benjie Braddock now appropriately rewards the player, if helped.
- As intended, it is now possible to use the Suture and Injury Kits to save Georgia Overdrive or Shotgun.
- We fixed a specific tripmine that was not able to be disarmed in Yuma County Speedway. Trippy Tripmine, Trips are for kids.
- Resolved an issue where the Patriarch would incorrectly state that Cordite had been freed even if you did not free Cordite.
- Strength will now correctly apply a range bonus to all throwable items (including snowballs).
- Resolved issues with the components required to craft Extended Mag and Rubber Grip mods, allowing them to now be crafted correctly.
- Fixed some edge cases that could cause experience points to not be granted to the squad for every enemy death in the combat, such as kills by friendly units or status effects applied by the enemy.
- The Sonic Emitter can now be used out of combat so you can emit… sonics (???) whenever you want.
- Resolved an issue that was resulting in new characters having their starting weapon field marked as complete during character creation, before their weapon was selected.
- [Consoles] Resolved an issue that was preventing players from sometimes creating custom Rangers at the start of a new game.
- [Controller] Resolved an issue that allowed players to sometimes attack multiple times in one action by repeatedly pressing the attack button. By the way, remember the NES Max controller with that sweet turbo button? Stubin’s Farm remembers.
- [Controller] Resolved an issue that was preventing players from being able to select status effects in the inventory.
- [Steeltown] We resolved the issue where DI would sometimes go missing and would not rejoin the player's squad as a companion. The faint scent of cheese curds may be detected on her breath...
- [Steeltown] We replaced a Guard-Bot to its appropriate station for certain Markham outcomes.
- [Steeltown] There is now additional dialog with Serena Ash when a player speaks with Luna Moon first.
- [Steeltown] DI’s conversation is now correctly triggered when Markham asks about the Synaptic Degausser.
UI & Controls
- The Mission Log now defaults to open, making the details displayed there quicker and easier to read.
- We now warn you when you’re about to leave a World Map merchant interface. Once it’s closed, it’s closed for good, so we want to be upfront with you about that.
- The game will now automatically close the menu after saving your game, letting you get back to the action quicker.
- When targeting robots and animals, the user interface will now indicate whether you meet the requirement or not for hacking and taming. Not indicated is whether the robot or animal will fill the void left by the retirement of the Mexican Pizza.
- Default stack sizes are now smarter when shopping.
- When selling, stack size defaults to 100% of the stack.
- When buying, stack size defaults to 50% of the stack and/or does not exceed what you can afford.
- The interface now displays Hit Chance when you’re aiming your weapons at non-hostile NPCs.
- Players can now launch brightness calibration again from within the options menu.
- The inspection panel interface now lists the level of the enemies you’re hovering over.
- We improved messaging within the UI when you’re attempting to equip an item that you don’t meet the requirements for. It’s the visual equivalent of a slide whistle making a sad ‘beeooooo’ sound.
- The modding screen will now display a label indicating your highest-skilled character.
- Fixed some localization errors for various languages.
Resolved an issue that was causing quick slot items to disappear after players transitioned across maps or loaded a saved game.
- [Controller] The AP bar now highlights a preview of spent action points during the radial menu selection; this matches the existing mouse and keyboard behavior.
- [Controller] As you hold the joystick when selecting a stack size within an inventory window, the selection rate will accelerate to make it less tedious.
- [Controller] The gamepad selection cursor now sticks to patrolling enemies.
Squad Management Screen updates!
- The Squad Management screen will now display skulls atop incapacitated squad member portraits, and EKG lines on portraits of Rangers that are downed.
- There’s now an alert reminder within the management screen that the squad can only be modified back at Ranger HQ.
- The number of skill points each new recruit has available is now displayed beneath their portrait within the squad management catalog at Ranger HQ.
- Everyone can once again have fun tonight, as we’ve made sure to return the song 'Everybody Have Fun Tonight' to the Cannibal Jamboree. We suspect the elves from Santa’s Village had something to do with its absence. BLOW. THEM. UP.
- We resolved an issue that was resulting in looped sound effects when the cloning sequence dialog was skipped. Another clear example of why cloning people is an affront to the natural order of things.
- Speicherverbrauch von 13,9 GB auf 15,2 GB erhöht
- 14,59 GB groß
Release: 01.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: inxile-entertaiment.com | twitter.com
- Assault Rifles have been beefed up to let you play out your deepest Rambo fantasies:
- Double Tap will now crit on every bullet that hits its target, rather than just the first one. Heads will pop.
- Puncturing Shot now does +100% damage on targets that are either Stunned or have Damaged Armor. Poke them holes!
- Stormer now also applies to Assault Rifle weapons in addition to SMGs. Flank away!
- Fixed a bug that caused the Opportunist perk to add +5% to the Strike Meter for all weapons. It now only works for handguns as intended.
- Stun Resistance was giving us some resistance to working the way it should and now works as intended. A character with 100% Stun Resistance is now.... (you guessed it!) 100% resistant to being stunned!
- We resolved a lingering issue that could result in a discrepancy between the Patriarch’s final dialog about Steeltown’s resolution, and the game’s ending slides.
- The conversation with Quarex should now always trigger properly, allowing players to properly progress with the mission ‘Quarex's Hellacious Journey.’
- Fishlips now correctly takes off to Denver if he is directed there, instead of saying he’ll go and then just oddly hang out at Union Station like a friend who says they’re leaving the party and then you see them again an hour later and you’re like dude you’re still here? He won’t do that.
- World map merchants can now properly reappear even after players have encountered them before.
- Fixed a rounding error that could result in selling multiple items not yielding an equitable sum of video game currency the same as when said items are sold individually. It’s basic video game economics and we’re proud to adhere to this global standard.
User Interface
- Improvements to the Inspection Window in the upper right corner of the game screen have been made.
When using mouse & keyboard, it will now remember the last character you had hovered on, so that you can more easily view tooltips for their stats and status effects.
- The pedestal out front of Ranger HQ no longer has a name displayed before players decide to name the statue that... (spoiler) may go there.
In your heart, you can name the pedestal whatever you want though, we don’t mind. We named ours Hank. Hank Pedestal. He’s an amateur microbiologist.
- Holding the left stick or arrow key in the crafting screen will now also accelerate the quantities of items selected there.
- Saving manually will reset the timer showing the time since last save.
- Under the hood improvements were made for Yuma Speedway & Ranger HQ to reduce the amount of memory these scenes required, making these areas more stable.
- We resolved an issue that was sometimes preventing players from changing new Rangers’ names.
- We resolved an issue that was resulting in guest players sometimes encountering doors with unresolvable lockpick skill checks.
- Player UI markers in cooperative mode have been adjusted to help more clearly identify which character is selected and which squad group the characters are being controlled from.
- When Gonzalez radios players about the statue out front of Ranger HQ, both players will now receive that transmission.
- Speicherverbrauch von 15,2 GB auf 15,3 GB erhöht
- 14,70 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2021 (Vom Server aus freigeschaltet)
Quelle: inxile-entertaiment.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- DLC "Cult of the Holy Detonation" wurde eingebaut und kann ab dem 05.10.2021 für 6,99€ erworben werden
Release: 12.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: inxile-entertaiment.com | twitter.com
Cheyenne Mountain (Cult of the Holy Detonation)
- Nuke Grenades now properly deal explosive damage. They should be MUCH more effective now.
- The Uranium Sprayer’s special ability now only sprays on enemies, reducing the chances of awkward situations with your squadmates.
- “Increased the volume of the Skin Flute” is a patch note I never thought I’d write but here we are.
- The crane cutscene in the Loading Dock encounter will now reveal the fog of war in a larger area, making it easier to see. When they said “make a cutscene” we didn’t mean it to be a literal cut scene.
- Fixed a bug where a certain party follower would lose their special status effect buff if you reloaded the game. Let the projectile vomit flow!
- The smashable wall in the Security Level now makes a sound when destroyed. Your smashing experience will now be significantly more satisfying.
- The song ‘Down in the Valley to Pray’ will now loop properly during the Research Level combat encounter.
- The song ‘Power in the Blood’ now plays properly in the Power Storage Facility encounter.
- The fog of war on one of the random World Map Cultist encounters will now reveal the map properly.
- The Proteus will now play the correct death animation if killed in the Observation Level. If you thought the Proteus was gross before, woo buddy...
- The Surge Blaster is now not so literal. We fixed an exploit in the final battle where using that weapon to stun a certain spawner could cause all enemies to stop spawning.
- Theo Curie now appropriately reacts to players’ radiation state, and will no longer acknowledge you as “glowing” when your party doesn’t have any stacks of Holy Radiation on them. Even brilliant scientists make mistakes, apparently.
- Fixed a couple of reactions from the stalkers who mock you throughout Cheyenne Mountain.
- [Controller] Fixed a bug where an invisible switch was accidentally accessible to a player while using a gamepad in the Loading Docks.
Cheyenne Entrance:
- Updated a cryo landmine to let you avoid it more easily when interacting with a nearby chest. We agree, it was a cheap shot.
- If they die, Boris and Natasha will no longer return from the grave when saving and reloading.
Research Level:
Adjusted the pacing of the Particle Accelerator combat in the following ways:
- Increased the armor of the Particle Cannons.
- Reduced the max enemies that can be on the battlefield at one time while increasing the spawn rate of enemies to improve pacing.
- The encounter will spawn fewer zealots and evangelists, in favor of spawning more initiates.
Security Level:
- Improvements have been made to Sister Strontium. She’ll pull you in from a more reasonable distance, and the guard there will do a better job of detecting you if called.
- Improvements have been made to Caul in the Security Level. You’ll no longer get detected by enemies while stuck in his conversation.
The Holy Detonation:
- Resolved an issue where Cultists would occasionally spawn in spaces they couldn’t move out of.
- Improvements have been made to the final combat encounter; there’s now less chance of being boxed in by enemies while navigating that area.
- We’ve increased the movement speed of the final boss to make that encounter a bit faster-paced.
The Battle of Steeltown
- We resolved an issue that could result in an infinite friendly turn during combat with the Ghost Gang at Steeltown’s Exterior. ‘Infinite friendly turn’ sounds like a beautiful state to be in, but it’s really not.
- [Consoles] We resolved an issue that could cause a player’s game to freeze when the partner left the game unexpectedly.
- We resolved an issue that was preventing the guest player from creating the Flesh Prince in the Cheyenne Mountain secret lab. Sounds harmless enough.
- 3,10 GB groß
Release: 28.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: inxile-entertaiment.com
Cult of the Holy Detonation
- Fixed an issue where the radio call to begin the expansion did not trigger if you had previously dismissed the Morning Star radio call. Morning Star will not be ignored.
- Fixed an issue where the computer in the Holy Detonation chamber could turn hostile to the player, making it so you couldn't use it. Although I bet it wasn’t as hostile as my mother-in-law! Heyooo. You’re a great crowd, thank you so much.
- Fixed an issue in which having a Ranger removed from your squad via a science experiment allowed you to get your squad into an invalid state (5 CNPCs and 1 Ranger), blocking progression. Invalid state? You know who I’d like to put into an invalid state? My mother-in-law! Heyooo! Thank you so much folks.
- Fixed an issue where auto-saving, while the crane was lowering onto the pressure plate in the Loading Docks, caused a progression blocker. Progression blocker? You know who has been blocking my progression? My mother-in-law! You’re terrific, you’re terrific.
- The follower obtainable from the Security Level now runs faster during exploration, so they shouldn’t fall far behind you.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Bubble Shield status effect and VFX to persist after combat was over, even though the bubble itself was gone.
- Fixed an issue that made it look like Purging Grenades could hit interactive objects (such as explosive barrels and doors) when aiming them.
- [Controller] Made it easier to interact with tumor doors.
The Battle of Steeltown
- Players should now get pulled into a conversation after saving Steeltown from the gang raid, giving them a reward.
- Fixed several issues in the Steeltown Exterior where certain NPCs were being drawn into combat, causing combat to softlock.
- A few other small fixes that took a lot of effort but that no one will probably notice.
Cult of the Holy Detonation
- The Infused Diminuator weapon has had its stats improved: it now has higher Hit Chance, Mag Size, and AoE radius. It also applies stronger versions of its Shrinking and Embiggened effects, making it more effective for buffing and debuffing.
We also fixed a number of minor bugs that could allow for these status effects from different sources (such as the Shrink Ray) to stack up on top of one another unintentionally. RIP in peace Sean Prime.
- The Detached Security Turret and its Infused variant have been improved in response to player feedback. Damage and Hit Chance have been increased slightly, while AP cost has been reduced. This makes it more efficient than most other HMGs in terms of AP cost vs. damage dealt, and much more effective as a turn-ending weapon.
- The Ragnashock’s “Thunderstruck” ability now has a 1 turn cooldown.
- It was too easy to get “clipped” by the Evangelist's Bless effect while running past it in combat, so we reduced the size of its area slightly.
- The Optical Camo Shroud now boosts Sneaky Shit instead of Explosives as originally intended, in addition to its existing bonus to Detection Time. Important note: being invisible does not make you immune to frag mines.
- Gorilla Pheromones now provide +1 Kiss Ass. Unleash your inner primate, you damned, dirty ape!
- The Bomb Hopper Launcher no longer consumes all your AP when you use it.
Balance Base Game
- The Foam Finger's “Inspire” ability has been changed. This is partly because it was too similar to Rally in behavior, as well as due to an exploit that let players bypass its cooldown.
Instead of an area-of-effect around the user, it now lets you target individual characters to buff, but at a reduced AP cost and with no cooldown. The Hit Chance increase has also gone up from +5% to +10%.
- The Cardio Regulator, Vital Enhancer, and CRISPR Box have been adjusted. Due to the order in which character CON is calculated, the percentage-based CON bonuses weren’t providing as much benefit as the tooltips suggested.
They now give flat max CON bonuses that are roughly equivalent to the amount of CON we intended them to provide. We also reduced the penalties on them to make them more appealing to use in general vs. other armor mods.
- Kills by your own deployable turrets and robots now grant XP!
- Made several improvements to mouse tooltips in combat. The game will now correctly display information about AP cost, whether the target is blocked or out of range, and other related feedback, when targeting abilities, or when using the Attack action directly from the quickbar.
- The Toasty perk should no longer set animals on fire when attempting to use Tame Predator on them during combat. It kind of made sense, but also did it?
- You can now double-click on the minimap to quickly move the camera to that spot.
- We fixed a bug with the Opportunist perk that wasn’t causing it to provide the correct amount of bonus Strike Meter when making handgun attacks. Due to a calculation error it was providing much less than intended.
- Enemies who are Engulfed will now properly combo with Bleeding Strike.
- In response to fan feedback, characters who are using Ambush and gain AP will no longer have their Ambush canceled. This is now consistent with the other final actions (Defend and Prep).
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chain Ambush perk to cause combat to lock up under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the EMP Grenade would sometimes not detonate. In fixing this we revealed a previously unnoticed issue where it would only Glitch robots if your Nerd Stuff skill was high enough to hack them normally. This has been fixed to function as described in the item’s tooltip, with a 50/50 chance of Glitching robots caught in the blast.
- Fixed brawling animations so that they look better while wearing large brawling gloves, such as the Power Gauntlet.
- Fixed an issue where players using mouse & keyboard could not aim their Torrent Strike if it was activated via the Stormer perk.
- Deployables and squad followers are no longer hit by Friendly Fire when disabled in the options menu. Bear in mind that allied or otherwise non-hostile NPCs can still be hit. Please use caution when skinning that smoke wagon.
- The Discobot's Light Show status effect now works on robots, mutants, and synths correctly. Everybody happy!
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Prisoner to re-appear in the prison in Ranger HQ endgame even if he was released.
- Fixed a few random encounter maps where enemies were not starting combat when shot, like fish in a barrel.
- Fixed an issue in Old Survivalist Bunker where squads with low Perception could not pass through a specific alarmed door.
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t hit the Manifest Destiny tank with circular area of effect attacks.
- Fixed a money-making exploit. Which one? We’re not telling.
- Fixed an issue where a few players got their Big Trouble in Little Vegas quest into an un-progressable state, having arrested Brygo but not choosing which prison he should be sent to. Any games in this state should now be progressable.
- We fixed a crash that was caused by some aggressive driving on the part of the Scar Collectors crushing their allies through the map, their bodies hurtling endlessly and painfully through the infinite void which shall one day consume us all, the echoes of their screams swallowed by the inky blackness of the nothing. This has been resolved.
- Fixed an issue in which areas in Little Hell, near the pool room, were non-navigable.
- Sending Dierdre to La Perla now provides the intended reward. Which should be the immediate death of your squad and the game auto-uninstalling, but it’s probably ammo or something. You’re sick. You’re sick and you need help.
- Numerous fixes to minor and/or rare-occurrence issues.
User Interface
- In a recent patch, we changed how our font was bolded, which inadvertently made text more difficult to read at some resolutions. It’s been changed to more closely match the original text.
- When hovering on a target to use either Hack Robot or Tame Predator, it’ll now show as “Impossible” if the requirement is over level 10.
- Targeting a Strike ability with the mouse will now show a different mouse cursor, making it easier to tell you’re aiming the ability.
- Ability tooltips for deployables will now list “Empty Space” as the target rather than “Allies and Enemies”.
- Fixed an issue where character models and item requirements were not updating properly when cycling through your Rangers in the inventory.
- Cleaned up various UI and gameplay issues around repairing the Kodiak when it was wrecked.
- [Mac] Fixed some textures that could cause a crash while set to High or Ultra graphics settings.
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes softlock when two players looted the same item at the exact same time.
- Improved the reliability of the host’s Multi-Kill Leadership bonus triggering in combat.
- Fixed an issue in which some guest players could not move through an important door in the Old Survivalist Bunker map. Why did things in this map suddenly break? Because making video games is very very fun.
- Fixed some host/guest sync issues for the final combat in Cheyenne Mountain.
- Numerous co-op fixes to minor and/or rare-occurrence issues. You know what I wish was a rare occurrence? My mother-in-law! Heyooooooo!
- 13,19 GB greoß