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Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Update Details (56+X+Series)


Release: 19.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- kostenpflichtiger DLC "Shadows Over Bogenhafen"

- zwei neue Levels für die Stadt Bogenhafen

- neue Quests und Herausforderungen

- sowie neue kosmetische Gegenstände

- darunter Hüte, Skins, Portraitrahmen und Illusionen.

Release: 30.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Alle Levels werden in den Nachtmodus versetzt und es gibt kein Tageslicht mer im Spiel.

- Event Quest enabled rewarding an event exclusive portrait frame.

- The Trophy Room is now available.

- 'Difficulty Banners' added to the main keep area.

- The Keep has been decorated to celebrate Geheimnisnacht.


- Fixed an issue with Kerillian's Glaives, where they sometimes would play the wrong sounds, or none at all.

- Fixed an issue where Kerillian's voice overs would refer to Sienna, when reviving Bardin. And Saltzpyre's voice overs would refer to Bardin, when healed by Kruber.

- Fixed an issue with incorrectly configured voice overs, where lines aimed at Kerillian by Kruber would play, even when Kruber was not in the party. And they showed subtitles as they came from Bardin.

- Changed Handmaiden Kerillian's voice over laugh, because it sometimes sounded too much like Sienna's laughter.

- Fixed a bug relating to how often story based dialogue played. You'll now more often, and more consistently hear dialogue between the heroes.

- Fixed an issue where some dialogues that were only meant to play once per game session would be played twice.

Tobii Eyeytracker

- For those of you playing using the Tobii Eyetracker, this version includes some bug fixes and quality of life updates.

- Fixed eyetracking features not working when playing the Prologue.

- Fixed Clean UI not working with the console HUD.

- Fixed issues where Clean UI did not always fade in or out the HUD elements the player was looking at.

- Fixed an issue where the HUD could get stuck in a semi-visible state of Clean UI was disabled.

- Fixed an isssue where the Beam Staff would show two beams when having Aim at Gaze and Extended View enabled.

Tweaks & Bugfixes

- Fixed a broken animation on Bardin's one-handed charge attacks, which could sometimes get stuck.

- Fixed several cases where charging Career Skills could cause players to not go into a ledge hanging state on low framerate, and instead die or go out of bounds.

- Fixed an issue where Mercenary Kruber's Talent "Inspirational" which increased the temporary health gained from 25 to 40, instead of the intended 45.

- Fixed an issue with the Trait "Off Balance" where the tooltip was displaying the incorrect values.

Updated tooltips new reflect the intended behaviour (20% damage taken for 5 seconds). Note that the functionality has not changed, only the tooltip.

- Fixed an issue with the trait "Opportunist" where the power level increase was not applied as intended.

- Fixed an issue with Zealot Saltzpyre's Passive Ability and talents that give bonuses per 25 health missing where the amount of buffs, and the breakpoints where they activated,

would be incorrectly calculated when having boosted max health.

Carrying one or more Grimoires will now also be correctly handled. For example;

having +20% health (max health 180hp) and no damage taken, and one Grimoire (reducing max health to 126hp) will give two stacks, as 54 health is missing from your total max health.

Taking 21 damage (putting current health to 105 health) will activate a third stack, as 75 health is missing from your total max health.

This will also allow a health boosted Zealot on very low health to have 6 stacks active instead of 5, as would be the maximum otherwise.

- Fixed so that Sienna bot no longer does friendly fire with Conflagration Staff's charged attack.

- Changed the Overheat effect so it's not so bright.

- Fixed an issue where Beam Staffs could trigger on-hit procs on the first damage tick.

The beam staff will now correctly begin to trigger procs on the second damage tick for an enemy to prevent being able to sweep through a horde to quickly trigger procs.

- Fixed a crash when you shield slammed a barrel.

- Fixed an issue where Bödvarr Ridspreader could get pushed of his platform, plummeting to his death if players used abilities or threw grenades during his monologue.

- Fixed an issue where the animation to draw bows and aim with crossbows and rifles didn't get scaled when having an attack speed buff, such as after having drunk a speed potion.

- Fixed issues where the sound for charging attacks made by bots or other players would be played as if it was the local player charging the attack. Most notable when someone used a Beam Staff.

- Fixed a crash that could occur if a player left the game while carrying an explosive barrel.

- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player left the game at the same time as a held torch was removed.

- Fixed an issue where animation speed could go out of bounds when stacking speed and charge bonuses as Battle Wizard, leading to a crash.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when the Chaos Spawn throws a player.

- Fixed a crash that could happen if a Ratling Gunner bullet hit deep water.

- Fixed an issue where the bolts from the Repeating Crossbow would clip through the lid of the weapon if the shot was affected by Bounty Hunter Saltzpyre's talent "Prize Bounty".

- Fixed an graphical issue where Crossbows could abort and restart the reload animation if under the effect of an attack speed buff.

- Fixed so that players only respawn in front of boss doors if it is active or will be activated in the future.

- Fixed crash that could happen if a player that is pounced by a Gutter Runner disconnects or leaves the game.

- Fixed Kerillian's bows not zooming when aiming.

- Fixed an issue where Saltzpyre would fire the same pistol repeatedly when using the fast shot mode of the brace of pistols, and waited around 0.5 seconds between each shot.

Release: 18.01.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | vermintide.com

- kostenpflichtiger DLC "Back to Uberstreik"

- zwei weitere Level aus dem Vorgänger Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide zurück.

Release: 19.04.2019 (Version 1.06)

Quelle: play3.de


- Außerdem wurde der Support für das Zielen mit Motion-Control-Steuerung des DualShock 4-Controllers ergänzt

- Auch ein neuer Lobby-Browser wurde hinzugefügt


- Athel Yenlui: There was a spot in the finale in which enemies could not reach you. Now they can.

- Horn of Magnus: Fixed a couple of stuck locations.

- Fort Baconbranches: Fixed a location where players could get stuck.

- Taal’s Horn: There were some items in the keep surrounding Lohner that used to disappear at certain distances. Now they don’t.

- Taal’s Horn: Made some optimisation changes to have the keep be a little less resource hungry.

- Blightreaper: Fixed a stuck location (between an ammo box and a wall).

- Blightreaper: Fixed broken objective markers during the end event.

- Blightreaper: The VFX for the curse should now be visible to all players as intended.

- Blightreaper: Enemies should no longer be able to path through the wagons and boxes.

- Hunger in the Dark: An objective marker during the barrel run is no longer missleading.

- The Pit: Fixed a flickering light seen on the wall at the ‘Enter the pit’ objective.

- The Pit: Enemies should now be able to path narrow ledges and passages more effectively.

- Fortune’s of War: No longer grants XP for failure.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where you could skip the end screen when using a gamepad.

- Fixed issues where enemies that were disabling a bot would get removed whenever the human players walked too far away from them.

- Fixed an issue where Bödvarr Ribspreader and Skarrik Spinemanglr triggered their defensive pushback attacks when invisible players were nearby.

- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player left the game within three frames of an elevator stopping moving.

- Fixed one issue where Gutter Runner could instantly pounce without windup.

- Fixed crash that could occur if a bot that was dead (but not yet despawned) looked at a player that disconnected.

- Fixed a weird transition in 2h hammer/axe when going from push attack back to parry.

- Fixed ranged weapon trait Barrage sometimes failing to reach max stacks with slow firing weapons.

- Changed sweep attacks to finish the current sweep when being interrupted by a chained attack.

This should solve issues where certain attacks wouldn’t hit enemies just before a new chain action was started.

- Fixed an issue where a player using a Career Skill and getting grabbed by a Corruptor Sorcerer would get stuck in a static pose.

- Fixed a situation where Monsters or patrols or Sack Rats could spawn later than intended.

- Fixed a rare crash caused by Pyromancer Sienna’s activated ability when used during combat.

- Players should no longer be able to hotjoin underneath a lifting platform, instead the game will put the joining player in play once the party have left the lifting platform.

- Fixed not being able to give away Incendiary Bombs with the “Defend” keybind when have the gameplay option “Give on defend enabled”.

- Bardin: Fixed the hammer that was offset from the gun in one of his handgun illusions.

- Mercenary Kruber: Fixed clipping issue with Kruber’s leg protector whilst wielding the mace & sword.

- Mercenary Kruber: His left gauntlet no longer clips with his left arm when holding larger objects like barrels or dummies.

- Huntsman Kruber: Fixed so that the chain action window for reloading matches his reload speed so it doesn’t break the animation during reloads whilst under the effect of his activated ability.

- Battle Wizard Sienna: Fixed an issue where using a Flamestorm Staff wouldn’t reset Tranquility until the left mouse button was released.

- Saltzpyre: Brace of Pistols now uses a projectile with a radius, making them hit more reliably.

- Saltzpyre: Fixed animation transition quirks with his repeating crossbow.

- Witch Hunter Captain Saltzpyre: Fixed an issue where the critical hit chance buff wouldn’t be refreshed if triggered again before the duration had ended.

- Kerillian: The dual sword chained heavy attack was missing swing sounds. Now it isn’t!

- Kerillian: Fixed an issue where her 1h axe would flip around in third person when she jumped.

- Kerillian: Fixed an issue where she would get stuck in her parry pose in third person with dual daggers.

- Kerillian: Fixed an issue where she would get stuck her 2h sword idle after performing the heavy stab attack.


- Fixed a dwarven 2h axe illusion using the wrong icon.

- Fixed two dwarven Hammer and Shields using the wrong icons.

- Fixed localization string for shield breaking weapon keyword. Armour piercing and shield breaking was swapped. Should now function properly.

- Updated keywords for Ubersreik weapons: Axe/Falchion, Dual Hammers and Mace/Sword. Functionally the weapons remain the same:

Axe/Falchion has had the keywords changed from Armour Piercing to Crowd Control.

Dual Hammers has had the keywords changed from High Damage to Crowd Control. It has also had Armour Piercing changed to Wide Sweeps.

- Ammo background position now correctly re-align when the window size has been modified.

- Fixed linebreak issues for talents on certain languages.

- The HUD should now be correctly hidden when counting down for a mission to start.

- Adjusted career info window size in hero selection and talent screen to solve text overlapping on certain languages.

- Fixed so that buff stack counter is hidden when going back to 1 from a higher buff count.


- Fixed an issue where overcharge sounds would still be playing after using a Career Skill and having a Talent that clears all overcharge.

- Fixed an issue where the VO for hitting armour would be played when pushing an armoured enemy.

- Fixed several cases where sound effects from Career Skills would play in 2D when they should play in 3D, and vice versa. Most notably when bots where using the Skills.

- Fixed a case where sound effects from Skaven would play in 2D when they should play in 3D.

- Fixed an issue where blood splatter and hit sounds would be played when pushing a dead enemy.


Dual hammers:

- Bumped range across the board.

- Switched diagonal heavies to medium tank profiles, more cleave and stagger.

- Fixed issues with hit stop anims triggering on the ““leading”” hand weapon on heavy attacks.

- Increased light chain attack speed slightly (like 15%).

Mace Sword:

- Bumped range slightly across the board.

- Tuned heavy damage templates:

- Lower damage (from 0.3 to 0.225 for mace and from 0.275 to 0.225 for sword) and lower headshot multiplier for sword (from 2.0 to 1.5).


- Lowered raw damage on light attacks (from 0.2 to 0.175).

- Fixed an issue where light attacks used the wrong crit settings (too little damage vs armor, too much vs unarmored and Monsters).

Release: 20.05.2019 (Version 1.07)

Quelle: vermintide.com


- Removed lobby browser from the start game menu when in offline mode

- Fixed an issue where you didn't get any paintings if you run the game in offline mode.

- Fixed an issue where certain users in certain countries would crash if they filtered the lobbies in the lobby browser on region.

- Fixed a crash that would occur if you altered some gameplay settings in the option menu while at the start menu.

- Fixed an issue where the game would crash for clients if an enemy would despawn at the same frame as the enemy was unloaded.

- Fixed a UI related crash.

- Fixed issue with guest accounts.

Xbox One

- Fixed an issue where you didn't get any paintings if you run the game in offline mode

- Fixed a crash that would occur if you went back to the start menu and logged in too fast.

- Fixed a crash that would occur if you altered some gameplay settings in the option menu while at the start menu.

- Fixed an issue where the game would crash for clients if an enemy would despawn at the same frame as the enemy was unloaded.

- Fixed a matchmaking crash that would occur if there were a latency spike between server and client.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when a player cancels the matchmaking procedure at a certain point.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when signing in.

- Fixed a UI related crash.

Release: 10.07.2019 (Version 1.07)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 12,41 GB groß

Release: 19.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release= xboxdynasty.de

- kostenpflichtiger DLC "Wind of Magic"

- Neue Gegner-Fraktion: die Tiermenschen

- Neuer, höherer Schwierigkeitsgrad

- Erhöhte Level-Obergrenze

- 5 neue Waffen

- Neues Abenteuer-Level

- Neuer Spielmodus: Winde der Magie: Versuche zusammen mit deinen Freunden

eine neue Reihe zunehmend schwerer werdender Herausforderungen in den Geweben der acht Winde der Magie zu meistern.

- 30,08 GB groß

Release: 08.01.2019 (Version 1.0.475)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 3,57 GB groß

Release: 27.01.2019 (Version 1.0.483)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 3,58 GB groß

Release: 05.02.2019 (Version 1.0.485)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 3,21 GB groß

Release: 27.02.2020 (Version 1.0.489)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 3,29 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2020 (Version 1.0.490)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 2,62 GB groß

Release: 19.05.2020 (Version 1.0.528)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- The Curse of Drachenfels missions: Old Haunts, Blood in Darkness, and Enchanter’s Lair.

- Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders: Shilling and Premium Cosmetics.

- New challenges.

- Weave reshuffle and new leaderboard.

- Fixes & Tweaks.

- 15,20 GB groß

Release: 20.05.2020 (Version 1.0.530)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 180,97 MB groß

Release: 22.05.2020 (Version 1.0.536)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 178,72 MB groß

Release: 10.07.2020 (Version 1.0.542)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 2,98 GB groß

Release: 15.09.2020 (Version 1.0.558)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 52,53 GB groß

Release: 18.09.2020 (Version 1.0.559)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 328,67 MB groß

Release: 30.09.2020 (Version 1.0.565)

Quelle: vermintide.com

- 3,17 GB groß

Release: 03.12.2020 (Version 1.0.570)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K mit 60 FPS

- 3,04 GB groß

Release: 10.02.2021 (Version 1.0.594)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- kostenpflichtiger DLC "Outcast Engineer" und kann für 8,79€ erworben werden

- Sprengt euch durch Wellen von Gegnern mit den Granaten aus eurem Utensiliengürtel und der Dampfbetriebenen Kurbelwaffe (Mk II).

- Ehrt eure Ahnen mit einem exklusiven Charakter-Skin & exklusiver Sprachausgabe.

- Kämpft mit individuellen, brandneuen Waffen: Meisterwerk-Pistole und Zahnradhammer.

- Verstärkt eure Bomben durch den einzigartigen Talentbaum des Ausgestoßenen Technikus.

- Zeigt eure wahre Berufung mit den neuen Technikus-Kosmetika.

- 14,75 GB groß

Release: 03.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Kostenloser Chaos Wastes-DLC wurde hinzugefügt

- Speichergröße von 66,7 GB auf 84,8 GB erhöht

- 77,98 GB groß

Release: 09.06.2021 (Version


- 3,60 GB groß

Release: 11.06.2021 (Version


- 213,89 MB groß

Release: 30.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Sister of the Thorn Features

- Briar Speer

 - Deepwood-Stab

- Neuer Talentbaum

- Exklusiver Charakter-Skin

- Neue Herausforderungen

- Neue Sprachlinien

- Neuer Hut

- 6,26 GB groß

Release: 26.07.2021 (Version 1.0.) NUR PLAYSTATION

Quelle: play3.de

- PlayStation 5 Support: 1440p mit 60 FPS

Verbesserte Qualität der Schatten

Mehr schattenwerfende Lichter

Höhere Dichte der Lichtstreuung

Screen Space Reflections

Release: 28.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: vermintide.com | xboxdynasty.de

- 15,29 GB groß

Release: 05.11.2021 (Version


- 4,02 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2021 (Version


- kostenpflichtiger DLC "Warrior Priest" und kann für 3,49€ erworben werden

- Speichergröße von 93,6 GB auf 90,9 GB reduziert

- 8,06 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2021 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 91,0 GB auf 91,1 GB erhöht

- 418,10 MB groß (wurde angezeigt)

- 922,93 MB groß (wurde geladen)

Release: 12.04.2022 (Version

Quelle: vermintide.com


- The Melee Camera Movement options allow you to reduce or remove a great deal of the sways and movements that the camera makes during combat and general gameplay.

Whether you just want a static camera or find some of the default camera movements nauseating, these options should help you out!


- Taking influences from the Numeric UI mod, this new option gives you the choice to add more details for health and ammunition values in the in-game HUD.


- Similar to pixaal’s mod, the Kill Confirm Crosshair indicates when a killing blow is delivered, so when you’re in the thick of it, you can get a better understanding of when you’ve killed something or what enemy class it was.


- Bots have now been trained in minding their step and should find themselves hanging from ledges far less frequently than before when navigating through the levels.


- In order to avoid situations where a captured player can be left behind, captured players should now move forward in a given level when the rest of the party has moved beyond the point in which they can rescue the captured player.

- Speicherverbrauch von 91,0 GB auf 92,4 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 91,1 GB auf 92,5 GB erhöht

- 6,70 GB groß

Release: 26.05.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 92,5 GB auf 96,9 GB erhöht

- 12,17 GB groß

Release: 08.06.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 96,9 GB auf 97,5 GB erhöht

- 3,95 GB groß

Release: 09.08.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- kostenloser DLC "Belakor aka Chaos Wastes" wurde hinzugefügt

Neuer Level: Der Tempel der Schatten

Neue Segnungen und Eigenschaften

Zwei neue Flüche

Neuer Feind: Schattenchampions

Neues Be’lakor-Level-Thema

- 3,07 GB groß

Release: 30.08.2022 (Version


- 1,40 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Speicherverbrauch von 97,4 GB auf 99,9 GB erhöht

- 7,95 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2022 (Version


- 751,29 MB groß

Release: 02.02.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 99,9 GB auf 100,5 GB erhöht

- 4,76 GB groß

Release: 02.02.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 100,5 GB auf 101,0 GB erhöht

- 3,24 GB groß

Release: 26.04.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- kostenloser DLC "Trail of Treachery" wurde hinzugefügt

- Speicherverbrauch von 101,0 GB auf 106,9 GB erhöht

- 10,96 GB groß

Release: 10.05.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 106,9 GB auf 107,2 GB erhöht

- 3,35 GB groß

Release: 25.07.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 107,2 GB auf 112,1 GB erhöht

- 14,26 GB groß

Release: 07.08.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 112,1 GB auf 112,7 GB erhöht

- 3,53 GB groß

Release: 19.10.2023 (Version


- DLC "Necromancer Career" wurde hinzugefügt

- Speicherverbrauch von 112,7 GB auf 87,7 GB reduziert

- 58,68 GB groß

Release: 20.10.2023 (Version


- 3,24 GB groß

Release: 26.10.2023 (Version


- 667,03 MB groß

Release: 02.11.2023 (Version


- 593,35 MB groß

Release: 13.12.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 86,9 GB auf 88,9 GB erhöht

- 6,70 GB groß

Release: 14.02.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 88,9 GB auf 89,9 GB erhöht

- 3,51 GB groß

Release: 06.03.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 89,9 GB auf 91,0 GB erhöht

- 3,67 GB groß

Release: 18.04.2024 (Version

Quelle: forum.fatsharkgames.com

New Features

- Added a brand new map: A Parting of the Waves

This map is considered the 4th and final entry in the Karak Azgaraz saga for Vermintide 2.

Includes its own set of Okri’s Challenges and rewards! New paintings and portrait frames!

- Added a new enemy type: Chaos Warrior with Shield. Sigmar preserve us…


- Fixed an issue with Outcast Engineer talent ‘Linked Compression Chambers’ not increasing fire rate properly.

- Fixed an issue with Necromancer not being able to see her Chaos Wastes potions when checking her inventory.

- Fixed some spots where bots would get stuck in Trail of Treachery and Tower of Treachery.

- Fixed a tome not spawning in Khazhukan Kazakit-Ha!

- Fixed an issue with the ‘Eyes of the Crowfather’ Okri’s achievement being impossible to complete. Something something Tzeentch ravens.

- Fixed the skulking sorcerer from that one Nurgle curse on Chaos Wastes breaking entirely when lifted by the Lifestaff.

- Fixed a placeholder localization line on the ‘Quit to Menu’ button.

- Fixed a host crash when a Kerillian bot spawns and is being attacked the same frame.

- Fixed rare host caused by a bot Warrior Priest with ‘The Comet’s Gift’ talent being replaced by a human player while they have their ability active on another player.

- Fixed a rare crash while spectating.

- Fixed rare crash when local game receives info about a projectile, but the projectile or hit unit was already removed locally.

- Fixed a crash when someone hotjoins the same frame as a pinged unit is destroyed.

- Fixed a very rare crash related to player despawns.

- Fixed a visual bug in the first person view of a particular fireball staff illusion, which was missing its proper glow.

- (Athel Yenlui) Fixed players being able to walk along the outer edge in the finale.

- (Mission of Mercy) Fixed some spots where you could go out of bounds.

- Speicherverbrauch von 91,0 GB auf 89,9 GB reduziert

- 51,38 GB groß

Release: 25.04.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 89,9 GB auf 89,1 GB reduziert

- 4,78 GB groß

Release: 23.05.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 89,1 GB auf 91,0 GB erhöht

- 5,90 GB groß

Release: 24.05.2024 (Version


- 1,55 GB groß

Release: 03.06.2024 (Version


- 1,38 GB groß

Release: 17.06.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 91,1 GB auf 91,5 GB erhöht

- 3,68 GB groß

Release: 31.10.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 91,5 GB auf 92,3 GB erhöht

- 3,67 GB groß

Release: 05.11.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 92,3 GB auf 92,7 GB erhöht

- 3,79 GB groß

Release: in Arbeit (Version 1.0.)

Quelle: play3.de

- Rouge-Lite-Modus wird kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Darüber hinaus werden 15 neue Locations geboten, an denen ihr die Mächte der Finsternis in die Schranken weist.

Release: EINGESTELLT ODER NUR FÜR PC (Version 1.0.0.?)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neuer Modus: Versus wird eingebaut

Laut Kommentaren erscheint dieser Modus nur für PC