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Rise of the Tomb Raider Update Details (6+X)
Release: 10.11.2015
Quelle: playm.de | forum.square-enix.com
- Schatteneffekte wurde verbessert
- Lichteffekte und Texturen wurden verbessert
- Ausserdem wurden leichte Fehler ausgebessert
- 825 MB groß
Release: 11.12.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.square-enix.com
- Behebung des Problems, welches Spieler in der Akropolis oder den überfluteten Archiven gefangen halten konnte.
- Behebung des Fehlers bei der Videowiedergabe, wenn man die niederländische Sprache aktiviert hatte.
- Behebung der Absturzursache, wenn man den ersten Patch installierte,
bevor das Spiel selbst komplett installiert war.
- Behebung des Fehlers der das Nachladen der Pistole verhinderte,
wenn man sich im Kampf mit einem untoten Soldaten befand.
- Fehler in der Akropolis behoben, der das Zurückkrabeln aus einem bestimmten Bereich im freien Spiel verhinderte.
- Prevented a save corruption issue that was causing players to be stuck in the Acropolis or Flooded Archives.
- Fixed issue that caused cinematics to become non-responsive when the console language was set to Dutch.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if the title was started after installing the patch but before the full game was installed.
- Fixed an issue where the player could run out of pistol ammo and not reload correctly when attacked by a Deathless soldier.
- Prevented an issue in the Acropolis where the player becomes unable to crawl under a door after backtracking.
- Miscellaneous stability / crash fixes.
- Prevented a rare issue where the player would become stuck in the Research Base when backtracking.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the crank in the Voice of God tomb to become non-functional.
- Prevented an issue where the second trebuchet could become stuck in its locked position after leaving the area.
- Fixed an issue where the third trebuchet became inaccessible due to the swinging object being out of position.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player model to distort in limited circumstances.
- Fixed a rare issue where the player would become stuck after throwing a portable object and healing.
- Fixed an issue where the Ancient Quiver would disappear after dying with the Adventurer's Quiver equipped.
- Added additional safety checks in the Chamber of Exorcism tomb to prevent physics errors on the puzzle object.
- Miscellaneous texture / lighting fixes.
- Removed patch of invisible flame that was hurting players in the Copper Mill.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing animals from respawning in the Siberian Wilderness.
- Moved a supply crate in the Hunting Grounds so that it can be looted easier.
- Prevented battle music from retriggering after backtracking to the beginning of the Copper Mill.
- Fixed an issue where the big cats would ragdoll erroneously after a takedown.
- Fixed an issue with the Immortal Guardian outfit not granting proper fire resistance.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the player to occasionally face the wrong direction after planting a Piton Arrow.
- Fixed an animation pop that would occur near the end of the tower climb in Kitezh.
- Fixed an issue where user created missions would not save if two or more of the same objectives were used.
- General improvements to wolf navigation.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs could become stuck in place after hit reacting to an exploding generator.
- Fixed an erroneous message in Targeted Strike if the player had the Efficient Killer skill.
- Miscellaneous shadow and detail improvements.
- Fixed an issue with some German subtitles not appearing during voice-overs.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Gift Pack names from displaying correctly after switching the in-game language.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hydrophobic and Efficient Mining challenges to display times incorrectly.
- Fixed typo in the Mission Win gift pact description.
- Disabled use of the Grip card in the Lost City.
- Adjusted rarity of Compound Bow V to 5 stars.
- Adjusted multiplier of Bolt Action Rifle 3 and Bolt Action Rifle 4.
- Adjusted rarity of Compound Bow V to 5 stars.
- Adjusted rarity of Infiltrator: Master to 5 stars.
- Adjusted multiplier of the Hunter III card.
- Adjusted modifiers for the Hunter I and Hunter II cards.
- Adjusted modifiers for the Tool Belt and Tool Chest cards.
- Several weapon categories have been renamed to better reflect their modification effects.
- Removed placeholder images in the base camp for skills granted by challenge tombs.
- Fixed an issue that was displaying an erroneous count of collectibles in the Broadcast Frame.
- Fixed localization error in Polish when traversing in the Research Base.
- Fixed missing subtitle in Lat. Am. Spanish during the ending cinematic.
- Fixed picture for the Shrapnel Grenade Crafting in Survival Guide.
- Fixed merged name issue in the forum credits.
- 940 MB groß
Release: 22.01.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | forum.square-enix.com
- Story DLC "Baba Yaga wurde eingebaut
- Fixed an issue with the Misguided Intelligence quest where the messenger bird
would despawn and not return.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the ‘One Way to do it’ Achievement from unlocking correctly.
- Fixed a crash affecting some users when attempting to play Chamber of Souls in some Expedition modes.
- Fixed an occasional issue that was preventing the bear in the Soviet Wilderness from spawning correctly.
- Prevented a crash in the Endurance timeline after accumulating a very high amount of events.
- Fixed a rare issue where the player’s bow could stop functioning in Endurance mode.
- Fixed an issue where the Grip card could block progression in the Research Facility.
- Prevented the player from getting out of world in the Soviet Installation near a rope barrier.
- Fixed an issue where NPC navigation speeds became out of sync when Hunter Sense card was used.
- Prevented Lara from taking damage when shooting lanterns with a poison arrow in Score Attack.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs could become stuck in place after reacting to an exploding generator.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s camera could become stuck in the Uranium Mine.
- Fixed an issue in Remnant Resistance that caused map icons to display erratically after completing objectives.
- Fixed an issue where Lara’s shoulder strap would pop-in erroneously during gameplay and cinematics.
- Fixed a rare issue where NPCs in Silent Night would be unaware of the player during combat.
- Prevented the Struggle and Battle Hardened cards from being equipped at the same time.
- Fixed the descriptions of the Bullet Resistance and Armored cards.
- 1,168 GB groß
Release: 22.03.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | forum.square-enix.com
- Letzter DLC wird eingebaut "Cold Darkness Awakened"
- Fixed an issue in the Byzantine Bath House that occasionally prevented Lara from interacting with the crank on the raft.
- Fixed an issue in the Byzantine Bath House where the raft physics could become erratic and break the puzzle.
- Fixed several issues with the basecamp after completing Baba Yaga that could prevent players
from accessing outfits or fast travel until the checkpoint was reloaded.
- Added chance to loot Deer Antlers from resource chests in Endurance.
- Prevented achievement progress for ‘Season of the Witch’ and ‘Complete History of Witchcraft’ from being obtained in Replay Mode.
- Prevented Survival Caches obtained in Replay Mode from counting towards ‘The Witch Bottles’ achievement.
- Added a default Gold Star for Baba Yaga in Score Attack mode after completing it.
- Disabled ability to select the ‘Cocktail Party’ challenge in the Witch’s Cave in Baba Yaga.
- Fixed appearance of the Wraithskin and Valiant Explorer outfits in some core campaign cinematics (XB1 only).
- Prevented Lanterns in the Ropeworks from counting twice in Score Attack mode.
- Added cosmetic improvements to the final cinematic in Baba Yaga.
- Additional miscellaneous fixes to Baba Yaga and Endurance mode traversal.
- 1,070 GB groß
Release: 20.04.2016
Quelle: forum.square-enix.com
- 886 MB groß
Release: 12.10.2016
- 1,74 GB groß
Release: 07.11.2017
Quelle: playm.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox One X Support
- Original-4K (3840 x 2160) für eine Auflösung höchster Qualität
- Detailliertere Grafik für bessere optische Erlebnisse
- Hohe Bildrate für ein flüssiges Gameplay
Die Xbox One X-Verbesserungen im Überblick:
- High Dynamic Range-Unterstützung für lebhaftere und akkuratere Farbwiedergabe
- Spatial-Audio-Unterstützung, inklusive Dolby Atmos, für echten 3D-Ton
- Verbesserte Texturauflösung für das Charaktermodell von Lara Croft, NPCs und Level
- Verbessertes Anti-Aliasing für realistischere Details
- Verbesserte volumetrische Lichter
- Verbesserte Reflektionen
- Verbessertes Blattwerk
- Verbesserte Polygon-Details
- Verstärkte Texturfilterung
- 29,63 GB groß (nur mit Xbox One X Konsole)