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Tomb Raider Underworld Update Details (1)
Release: 10.03.2009
Quelle: XboxTeam.com | XboxTeam.com
- Improved jump targeting for pillar jumps in TRU
- Fixed a ledge corner transition problem from TRU where Lara could end up stuck on a ledge.
- Fixed a series of bugs from TRU where activating the PDA during the transition
back to the main menu could lead to a crash.
- Improved Lara’s edge detection for TRU.
- Made General CPU performance improvements by reducing cache misses
and improving trigger volume detection code. Performance gains were
significant for LS, and slightly improved for BTA and TRU.
- Fixed a bug where the removal of an MU that contained downloadable content packs
(costumes) could lead to a notification dialog being stuck on screen.
• Fixed a condition where small memory leaks were building up fragmentation in the heap
• Disabled Tomb Raider Legend cheats which were inadvertently included into TRU
- 3 MB groß
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