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Pool Nation FX Update Details (8)
Release: 09.05.2015
Quelle: poolnationfx.com
- Probleme mit Erfolgen wurden behoben
- KI wurde viel leichter eingestellt
- Kamera Probleme wurden behoben
- Frame Rate Probleme wurde behoben, sind nun konstant 60 fps
- HDD Speicher wurde um 4GB verkleinert worden
- Ladezeiten wurden zum nächsten Spiel optimiert
- Neue Effekte beim Trickshot Editor wurde hinzugefügt
- 4,3 GB groß
Release: 29.05.2015
Quelle: poolnationfx.com
- New Online Leagues
- New Online Leaderboards
- New Online room with characters to add atmosphere to the venues as requested,
and also to speed up load times online.
- And of course General Bug fixes
thanks again to the community for your feedback on this, keep any issues found or suggestions raised coming :)
- Improved table lighting
- Sounds/music normalised throughout the game
- Various crash fixes and stability improvements
- Baize colour picker in Artistic Pool, so you can now change the table colour, add particle effects and more!
- 2,9 GB groß
Release: 02.06.2015
- Weitere Verbesserungen wurde eingebaut
- 2,3 GB groß
Release: 01.07.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | poolnationfx.com
- Improved loading times throughout
- Improved, more stable frame rate. Solid 60fps
- Improved balls (Shinier)
- Updated menu design
- New, prettier, less intrusive HUD
- Local avatars
-Can now purchase in game money
- Various room and table visual improvements
- Various stability fixes
- In Friendly games, the host is now returned to the lobby if the client disconnects.
- Tables are now colour coded depending on the League you are in.
- Fixed cash exploit
- ‘Waiting for opponent’ message now displayed if waiting for their connection
- Various crash fixes
- Smoother cue and ball movement when viewing opponents turn
- The power bar has returned! Its opacity/visibility can be changed in settings.
- Cue ball no longer sticks to other balls/cushions when moving
- New ball marker displayed when you have ball in hand
- Aiming aid now stays visible when moving ball
- Aiming aid is now the same colour as the balls in Endurance.
- Fixed physics bug where balls would roll outside the table as if it was still on the table
- New snooker Career!
- Snooker balls updated so graphics on them are larger/clearer
- Cue is no longer forced up at sides of snooker table near cushions
- Aiming aid now turns red if you aim at illegal ball
- You can now forfeit frames if opponent gets too far ahead.
- Various snooker rule fixes.
- Fixed bug where balls could get stuck in pockets, making the game un-finishable.
- Fixed bug where Player 1 would always break.
- Fixed delay at start of snooker game
- 1,173 GB groß
Release: 15.07.2015
- Weitere Verbesserungen wurde eingebaut
- 362 MB groß
Release: 24.08.2015
- 344 MB groß
Release: 03.03.2016
- 2,7 GB groß
Release: 24.04.2016
- 2,6 GB groß