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Outer Wilds Update Details (14+X+Series)
Release: 22.06.2019 (Version
- 4,21 GB groß
Release: 08.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added support for 4k on the Xbox One X
- Players can now sleep at campfires to fast-forward time. This automatically becomes available after a few loops.
- Updated writing for the Sun Station and Interloper to clarify a certain story beat.
- Added support for user-customizable FOV
Updated writing, art, and level design across multiple planets to clarify the solution to the Ash Twin Project mystery:
- Updated writing (and ship log entries) for the Black Hole Forge, High Energy Lab, White Hole Station, Nomai Mines, and Hollow’s Lantern.
- Art and design changes for the Black Hole Forge and the area around it, including a different mural.
- Art and design tweaks for the High Energy Lab, including a new mural, better gravity alignment, and other minor art fixes.
- Art and design changes on Ash Twin, including a new mural and some architectural tweaks.
- Additional improvements to the key rebinding system.
It now registers more keyboard keys and controller axes (as in: more than one axis).
New binds work immediately, but aren’t saved until you specifically press Save and Exit.
- Support for ultrawide resolutions and other aspect ratios
Proper scaling for the HUD, reticle, map labels, and lock-on UI elements.
Design Improvements
- Slightly more speed is retained when traveling through a certain area in Dark Bramble.
- It is no longer possible to activate the „put me outside“ feature of a specific Nomai device until it is necessary to do so.
- Player ship less likely to fall into the sun after falling through the black hole.
- Added dialogue to later Gabbro conversations to alleviate Archeologist achievement issues.
- Translator tool is less likely to accidentally skip over unread Nomai text.
- Translator tool now has page numbers.
- A Nomai computer in a certain room stays activated even after the orb moves away.
- Relocated fuel stash on the surface of Brittle Hollow for easier discoverability.
- Removed extraneous gravity crystal path inside a building on Giant’s Deep.
- The ship’s eject button no longer allows players to bypass electricity on Giant’s Deep.
- Miscellaneous writing tweaks, including tweaks to several Hearthians.
Profiles, Saves, and UI
- Deleting a profile from the menu now properly deletes associated files
- New profiles will now only copy over graphic settings, instead of all settings
- Profile Creation window now doesn’t respond to Q/E hotkeys for Submit and Default
- Options menu will only save over settings data if something was changed.
- Save data will be created in a temp directory first, and then overwrite the current save file.
- Fixed returning to the settings menu from the key rebinding menu not selecting any menu options
- The „Reset to Defaults“ menu option now sets all settings to default, including graphics settings.
- Fixed some UI elements not aligning to scaled text
- The „Discard Changes“ button has been renamed to „Discard Changes then Exit Menu“
- Sliders in the options menu have new graphics and display numeric values when adjusting FOV and Gamma
- Gamma will now change as it is adjusted in the settings menu, instead of only when the change is saved.
- Fixed mouse behavior with various menu items (sliders, multiple option settings, etc)
- Updated keyboard button prompt icons and layout to improve visibility of certain prompts
- Fixed sound effect issues on menu elements
Minor Fixes and Adjustments
- Reduced jitter when zooming in with the signalscope
- Signalscope UI element now animates on zoom
- „Mark on HUD“ and „Scroll Text“ prompts in the ship log are 1.5x larger
- Fixes for the player ship’s lights being on or off at the wrong times
- Changed the player ship’s altimeter to be more visible in landing camera mode.
- Fixed bugs with the player ship’s notification display
- Notifications on the player ship and HUD should update more consistently now
- Fixed foliage in the player ship
- Fixed the player ship’s landing camera view not properly showing warp fog, quantum fog, sand, and clouds.
- Fixed player character popping during certain animations.
- Improvements to keep the traveler’s signals in sync.
- Adjusted Brittle Hollow fragments so they would not clip through the eye shrine area in the Hanging City.
- XB1: Fixed a bug involving an Xbox System Resume causing unwanted controller behavior
- The sun’s fog should no longer override the Hourglass Twins‘ fog.
- Fixed occasionally falling off of the gravity crystal trails on Brittle Hollow
- Fixed a bug where default hotkeys were not being applied.
More memory leak fixes.
- Optimizations on the title screen, Dark Bramble, and player ship
- Adjusted jetpack behavior to reduce jitter in certain situations.
- Fixed warp platforms to allow the scout to warp through them again.
- Fixed several missing arcs of text across the game.
- Fixing geometry and visuals on the Orbital Probe Cannon
- Toned down lights on the Orbital Probe Cannon
- Minor changes to some areas on Giant’s Deep to prevent players from getting stuck
- Improved visual interaction of tractor beams and Giants Deep ocean shader
- Adjusted some sandfall visuals in certain places around the Hourglass Twins
- Fixed small art bugs (clipping meshes, seams) on the Hourglass Twins
- Lighting pass on various characters and Nomai objects
- Fixed missing nomai shuttle props
- Fixing collision on certain Nomai objects
- Adjusted art for certain Nomai objects
- Minor art and collision adjustments on BrittleHollow
- Adjusted vine geometry in Dark Bramble.
- Removed extraneous fog light from Dark Bramble
- Disabled certain shadows in dark bramble for low/medium quality settings
- Fixed a seam on the Quantum Moon
- Optimized materials for the player’s tools and HUD helmet
- 3,83 GB groß
Release: 05.12.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
Here’s a list of the biggest and most exciting changes:
- Removed an invisible repelling force that’s no longer necessary ;;)
- Added menu for gameplay options that can be triggered by looking at the Player Suit in the Ship after the first loop
- Visually revamped menu UI system
- Significant performance improvement on PS4, especially the PS4 Pro
- Changed the clue in the Black Hole Forge (again…)
- Sound, especially ship impact noises, no longer travels between Dark Bramble areas
Design improvements
- The Fig backer satellite is now more easily accessible and less frustrating to explore
- Fuel and oxygen gauges in the ship cockpit now give actual measurements
- Added tooltips to the gameplay options menu to describe each option
- Scrollbars across the game now fully scroll from top to bottom
- Improved dialogue UI to fit text better
- Asterisks in the ship log are now orange/yellow
- Improved visual effects for a certain sequence in the High Energy Lab
- The Ash Twin hologram on the Orbital Probe Cannon now has antennae
- Changed the Ship Log picture for the High Energy Lab mural
- Improved lighting and added baked ambient occlusion to a certain Nomai area
- Mesh geometry on the Little Scout now rotates to match the camera direction
Minor fixes & adjustments
- Fix to the archeologist achievement that allows you to get all ship log facts from Gabbro in later conversations.
- Fix for not being able to look/rotate while using a Nomai projection pool in zero-g
- Fixed miscellaneous crash bugs
- Fixed bug that occasionally makes the geometry of the planet you’re on disappear
- Fixed planet symbols at the Black Hole Forge
- Fixed lakebed cave lighting bug that occurs when the player enters in a particular way
- The player can no longer slightly see inside the clouds on Giant’s Deep
- Slate and Hal’s auto-conversation triggers now deactivate if you talk to them manually
- Fixed bug that occasionally vaulted the player upwards while jumping at a certain object
- Fixed a PS4 crash on the first visit to the backer satellite
- Fixed a bug where the autopilot tries to direct you towards something that doesn’t exist anymore
- Fixed bug with singularities
- 4,39 GB groß
Release: 05.02.2020 (Version
- 4,26 GB groß
Release: 24.03.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed crash due to unreleased file handles
- Fixed crash due to memory allocation spike during scene reloads
- Improved memory fragmentation and reduced crashes due to out of memory conditions
- 4,25 GB groß
Release: 18.06.2020 (Version
- 4,15 GB groß
Release: 27.09.2021 (Version
- 7,67 GB groß
Release: 28.09.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- DLC "Echoes of the Eye" wird eingebaut und kann erworben werden
- 6,79 GB groß
Release: 22.10.2021 (Version
- 7,37 GB groß
Release: 20.12.2021 (Version
- 7,36 GB groß
Release: 04.02.2022 (Version
- 7,37 GB groß
Release: 15.09.2022 (Version
- 7,59 GB groß
Release: 16.09.2022 (Version | Series
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X|S & PlayStation 5 Support: 60 FPS Modus
- 11,30 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 25.09.2022 (Version | Series
- 4,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,53 GB groß
Release: 10.06.2024 (Version | Series
- 5,68 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,52 GB groß