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Killing Floor 2 Update Details (38+X)
Release: 24.10.2017 (Halloween Horrors)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Release: 12.12.2017 (Krampus Christmas)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
- The Twisted Christmas Zeds are ready to roam, and they hope you taste delicious
- The Abomination/Krampus wants to give you his special kiss
- The New Map Krampus’ Lair awaits your exploration
- 2 Naughty New Weapons - The UMP 45 and Freeze Thrower
- A new system should be in place to look for and grant missing Dosh Vault crates that players have earned
- Fixed an issue where the King Fleshpound sound effects did not play correctly
- Fixed an issue where the admin console command kick and kickban did not work
- Fixed an issue for spectators where the incorrect music would play at the end of a game
- Fixed an issue causing spectators in a game to affect the displayed player count
- Fixed issues with Razer and Alienware LED keyboard effects
- Fixed a number of issues with cosmetic items not displaying correctly
- Fixed an exploit on the Nightmare map
- Fixed an issue in Tragic Kingdom where some environmental sounds played even when the player had left the area they are supposed to play in
- Fixed localization issues in Russian, German, Italian, Polish, Korean and Japanese
- Fixed an issue where the commando chicken skin would clip with certain weapons during reloading
- Fixed an issues with the iron sights of the centerfire rifle not aligning properly
- Added the Stoner and Spitfires to the workshop upload tool
- Fixed an issue where projectile weapons did not always break glass or destroy collectables
- Fixed an issue where dedicated servers did not always update Steam Workshop content
- Fixed an issue with webadmin where Clan Motto or Weblink fields would not display after a map travel
- Fixed a bug where zeds will sometimes get stuck in a jail cell in Krampus Lair.
- Fixed a bug where the boss would snag on arena geometry in Krampus Lair.
- Fixed a bug when a game is set to localized versions (non-English), they lose the ability to change game length and difficulty in solo/offline game.
- Fixed a bug where zeds would spawn in the boss arena during the normal waves, hindering player progression in Krampus Lair.
- Fixed a bug where Krampus' helmet is not lighting properly on some maps.
- Fixed a bug where the last seen UI value in the dosh vault was being out of sync with your actual total.
- Fixed a bug where Demolitionist Shock Trooper Perk Skill prevented Pulverizer Reload.
- Removed Krampus Lair from Versus vote list.
- Server takeover no longer allows Versus Survival of Krampus Lair, The Descent, and Nightmare.
Release: 27.03.2018 (Infinite Onslaught)
Quelle: topwire.com | play3.de
- New Maps
Endless Only - DieSector
Holdout - Power Core
New Endless Game Mode
Patriarch Trader voice for Endless Mode
Chance for mutated waves (Single Zed, Weekly, and Stand Your Ground waves)
3 New Weapons
Mac 10 SMG for Firebug and SWAT
Husk Cannon for Firebug and Demolitionist
AF 2011-A1 for Gunslinger
- New Playable Character: D.A.R.
Bug Fixes
Perks and Weapons
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Medic perk skill, Acidic Rounds, where it did not deal the correct amount of damage
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Hemogoblin where the Medic perk skill, Acidic Rounds, reduced the damage of the bleed damage over time
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Gunslinger perk skills, Rack `em Up and Bone Breaker, where the damage bonus was not applying in online game sessions
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Medical Syringe where players could use the syringe to heal other players from any distance
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Demolitionist and Support perks where players could swap back and forth between the two perks and grant other players ammo and grenades repeatedly during Trader Time
- Fixed a sound bug with the Alpha Clot and Rioter where they would continue making jingle sounds while walking after the Christmas event was over
- Fixed a sound bug with the .500 Magnum Revolver where it was missing its hammer sound effect on full reloads
- Fixed a sound bug with the Stoner 63A LMG where its melee bash was missing melee sound effects
- Fixed an animation bug with the Dual .500 Magnum Revolvers where the hammers did not reset back into their proper positions after an empty reload
- Fixed a SFX bug with the Crovel and Pulverizer where they did not leave blood splatters on the ground after using the inspect animation
- Fixed a gameplay bug with the Abomination where players can become stuck in the grab animation while it performs its gorge attack during Zedtime
- Fixed a gameplay bug with Abomination where he would sometimes become stuck on his own minions and die immediately from being unable to path successfully to the players
- Fixed a model bug with the Abomination where the model was not enlarging upon dealing damage to players on the Beefcake weekly
- Fixed a sound bug with the King Fleshpound where its footsteps and noises were displaced after firing its laser
- Fixed a gameplay bug with Zed Weeklies, Bobble Zed and Up,Up, and Decay, where some of the zeds had more body and head health than intended
- Fixed a gameplay bug with dosh where players spawning into the beginning of the 3rd wave trader time will have 0 starting dosh
- Fixed a daily objective bug with the Spitfire pistols where the damage daily objective did not account for the fire damage over time
- Fixed a daily objective bug with the M16 M203 where the damage daily objective did not account for the M203 explosive and impact damage from the HE round
- Fixed a SFX bug with the playable Survival Versus Scrake Christmas variant where the glow overlay was missing from its model
- Fixed a daily objective bug with the Complete Match as PC Rob Briar daily objective where it did not register a completion after completing a Weekly match as PC Rob Briar
- Fixed a sound bug with Stand Your Ground where the stinger sound did not play for losing the Stand Your Ground objective
- Fixed a lighting bug in Prison where a light would flicker on and off depending on the player’s distance from the light source
- Fixed a collision bug in Prison where certain welded doors would break and remain standing in the doorframe, obscuring the vision of players
- Fixed a collision bug where a blocking volume in Tragic Kingdom kept players from breaking a collectible inside of a truck
- Fixed a SFX bug where the alt-fire of the Freezethrower caused a constant blast and sound effect on the dead elf props located in Krampus Lair
- Fixed a spawning bug in Holdout-style maps where the portal entry child spawners were not working
- Fixed a collision bug in Krampus Lair where some of the welded, wooden doors in the underground prison would break and remain standing in the doorframe
- Fixed a collision bug in ZED Landing where some rocks had FLEX meshes that were not being utilized
- Fixed a SFX bug with lava meshes in The Descent where blood and explosion decals could appear on their surface
- Fixed a model bug in Nightmare where eyeballs were missing on dedicated servers from the massive flesh mountain creature in the boss arena
- Fixed a UI bug with the Trader Pod menu where the weapons were not being properly sorted from least to most expensive
- Fixed a UI bug with the Welder | Vault | Vosh | Precious, Kukri | Vault | Vosh | Precious, and Demo Knife | Vault | Vosh | Precious where they did not have the option to recycle
- Fixed a text bug with all dual pistols except the dual 9MM pistols where the description text stated “Each can be individually sold” but they actually could not be individually sold
- Fixed a text bug with the Survivalist perk skill ZED-TIME - Lockdown where there were quotation marks at the end of its description
- Fixed a text bug with the Masterson | Vault | Camo Blotches | Purple where the text, “Compatible with Lt. Bill Masterson”, was missing Classic Masterson
- Fixed a text bug with the Trader menu description of the Heckler & Koch UMP where it stated that it has a semi-auto fire mode. Rather, it has a burst fire mode
- Fixed a UI bug with the Varmint Rifle where using extra ammo Command perk skills caused an inaccurate display of the total ammo when first entering the Trader Pod menu
- Fixed a UI bug with the Matchmaking Squad messaging where “The party host has left.” message appeared at incorrect times
- Fixed a localization bug with Horzine Supply Emote Series #1 and #2 crates where the description for them was not localized
- Fixed a cosmetic bug with Oisten Jagerhorn where he could not wear eye patch cosmetics
- Fixed a cosmetic bug with the Wasteland suit where backpack cosmetics could not be equipped while having the Wasteland outfit equipped
- Fixed a cosmetic bug with the Porcelain Mask | Vault | Broken where it was not able to be equipped on any character
- Fixed a cosmetic bug with the Alan | Vault | Camo Blotches | Arctic where it could not be equipped onto Classic Masterson
- Fixed a model bug with the C4 where the precious skin texture did not display on thrown C4
- Fixed a console bug where some players were not receiving their reward items
- Fixed a UI bug with the Christmas seasonal objectives where the Vault Dosh values were not displaying on dedicated servers for new clients who have not done any of the seasonal objectives
- Fixed a UI bug with the Audio/Video menu where selecting to default the values sets the gamma slider to the highest setting
Release: 12.06.2018 (The Summer Sideshow)
- New Map: Airship
- New Community Map: Endless Lockdown
- New Weapons
M99 AMR Sniper Rifle for Sharpshooter
Static Strikers for Berserker
Doomstick for Support
Goreshiv Survivalist Knife Weapon
- Upgrade System: Upgrade any weapon!
- Prestige System: Players can reset their perk after reaching perk level 25 to get exclusive weapon skin for their perk along with vault dosh rewards
- 9,32 GB groß
Release: 03.10.2018 (Monster Masquerade)
Quelle: topwire.com | xboxdynasty.de
- 1 New Map: Monster Ball ( Weekly, Survival, Versus Survival, and Endless compatible )
HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle for the Field Medic and Commando
FN FAL ACOG for the Sharpshooter and Commando
MKb.42(H) Carbine Rifle for the Commando
Road Redeemer for the Berserker
- Fixed an issue where the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle used the incorrect damage type for its bullets.
It should now properly use the Assault Rifle damage type instead of the Bullet Shell.
- Fixed an issue where the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle and ammo boxes could allow for infinite grenades.
- Fixed an issue where the HX25 daily challenge did not count explosive damage.
- Fixed an issue where explosive dud rounds caused repeated damage.
- Fixed an issue where the Doomstick would fire on its own after reloading from alt-firing while the gun was empty.
- Fixed an issue where the Freezethrower granted Firebug XP.
- Fixed an issue where the Weight limit did not update after changing Perks.
- Fixed an issue where the Napalm Firebug Perk skill increased the burn period longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist Perk skill, ZED TIME - Destroyer of Worlds, did not function properly with the Husk Cannon.
- Fixed an issue where players could use -skiplobby on the launch parameters.
- Fixed an issue where Film Grain did not work.
- Fixed an issue where the Seeker Six could lock onto cloaked enemies.
- Fixed an issue where Commando players lost the ability to see Zed health bars after respawning from death.
- Fixed an issue where the health syringe charge bar became stuck at its current charge state after the player died.
- Fixed an issue where the SG 500 | Prestige | Precious preview icon was not loading on the Steam item inventory window.
- Fixed an issue where “Play Online Now” text showed up incorrectly under the Solo game options.
- Fixed an issue where players could set the Weekly Outbreak to different difficulties.
- Fixed an issue where the Versus Survival Zed players had the incorrect HUD.
- Fixed an issue where the Perk skills reset after gaining another Perk skill.
- Fixed an issue where teammate HUD icons did not appear at times.
- Fixed an issue with the Halloween Husk’s critical chest zone where it was hard to hit and not registering damage properly.
- Fixed an issue where the bottom half of the Halloween Husk’s chest core could not be targeted.
- Fixed an issue where the Siren’s scream was not functioning properly.
- Fixed an issue where multiple Abominations could spawn during the boss wave.
- Fixed an issue where the King Fleshpound’s shield did not reflect the correct affliction for the weapon used.
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where there were too many ammo boxes set up. It has been reduced from 26 to 20.
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where Zeds could become stuck in a spot nearby a Stand Your Ground objective event.
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where shooting the heads off of the knight statues caused their body armor to disappear.
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where players could use the Double-barreled Boomstick to hop over the death pit.
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where players could crouch inside a particular bush and avoid attacks from Zeds.
- Fixed several exploit spots in Biotics Lab.
- Fixed an issue in Biotics Lab where the King Fleshpound could not navigate the stairs near the production area.
- Fixed some issues with broken path nodes in Biotics Lab.
- Fixed an issue in Catacombs where crawlers could become stuck on stairway rails.
- Fixed an issue in Airship where objectives were not active for normal play.
- Fixed an issue in Airship where players were able to gain Vault Dosh by dying immediately.
- Fixed an issue where ammo boxes did not continue to spawn after all pickup factories are enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle’s audio came mostly out of the right side of an audio output device.
- Fixed an issue where single shots from the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle sounded like multiple shots were being fired.
- Fixed an issue where the FNFAL ACOG had no echoes set up.
- Fixed an issue where the FNFAL ACOG single shot sound was louder than the automatic shot sounds.
- Fixed an issue where the Microwave Gun idle audio persisted after holstering or dropping the weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the Seeker Six sounds stacked and did not flush out from the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Doomstick Alt-Fire would stop working after shooting, reloading, and melee bashing in that order.
- Fixed an issue where the Hans VO audio volume was not modified by the Dialog volume setting.
- Fixed an issue where the dance floor audio could block the normal game audio. The two should now be blended better together.
- Fixed an issue where the Monster Ball waterfall audio could become stuck looping after dying near it.
- Fixed an issue where the Doomstick had no sound falloff.
- Fixed an issue where the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle grenade model lacked an emissive texture.
- Fixed an issue where the skins of the HMTech-401 Assault Rifle were applying to the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle.
- Fixed an issue where Strasser’s lapel was clipping into the camera while holding the FNFAL ACOG.
- Fixed an issue where D.A.R.’s right shoulder was clipping into the camera while iron sighting with the FNFAL ACOG.
- Fixed an issue where the MKb.42(H) Carbine Rifle had a bullet in the barrel that was visible during idle animations and weapon checks.
- Fixed an issue where the battlescarred and mint Freezethrower Bluefire weapon skin textures were incorrectly swapped.
- Fixed an issue where Mrs. Foster’s gas mask filter was too small.
- Fixed an issue where the Vault Dosh Logos were not the same.
- Fixed an issue where Ana could not equip the Tentacle Skull.
- Fixed an issue where Mrs. Foster could not wear the Mark 7 Headgear.
- Fixed an issue where the Christmas Bulbs cosmetic was under the wrong rarity.
- Fixed an issue where the Skull Mask did not display the correct border and background color.
- Fixed an issue where the Shiny Blue nose cosmetic was not polished.
- Fixed an issue where the Centerfire Bluefire weapon skins could not be equipped.
- Fixed an issue where characters could wear the Gas Mask and the Chefs Hat at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the Weapon SFX effects were visible while emoting.
- 16,32 GB groß
Release: 18.10.2018
- 5,73 GB groß
Release: 14.11.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox One X Support
Release: 04.12.2018
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Zwei neue Karten:
Santa’s Workshop
Shopping Spree
- Vier neue Waffen:
Thompson – SWAT / Commando
Krampus Battle Axe – Berserker
M32 Grenade Launcher – Demolitionist
Fire Axe – Berserker
- Badass-Santa als spielbaren Charakter mit sich.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s 9mm Pistol would disappear from the inventory when not having enough weight to pick up a second 9mm Pistol.
- Fixed an issue where the M32 Grenade Launcher grenade ammo floated during one of the weapon check animations.
- Fixed an issue where Perk passives that applied an increase to ammunition were not applying.
- Fixed an issue where the Pulverizer was not using the intended values for its explosion damage and explosion radius.
- Fixed an issue where the Spitfire was not using tactical reloads with the Sharpshooter Perk.
- Fixed an issue with the Loco Mask | Dancer | Precious not appearing in the Gear menu.
- Fixed an issue where the 2018 Tier 3 Previous Vosh Vault Skins were using incorrect textures in-game.
- Fixed an issue where Create a Match settings were influencing Find a Match settings.
- Fixed an issue with the Siren scream causing unexpected behaviors.
- Fixed an issue where DieSector difficulty achievements were only granted when dying after wave 25
- Fixed an issue where the DieSector Suicidal Endless Achievement was not unlocking.
Shopping Spree
- Fixed an issue where crawlers were getting stuck at their spawns.
- Fixed an issue where Zeds were unable to cross over a couch and enter the playspace.
Monster Ball
- Fixed an issue in Monster Ball where dying or leaving the map while on Han’s dance floor was causing music to mute on the next played map.
- Fixed an issue where the Death Pit in Monster Ball stayed open after Endless boss waves.
- Fixed an issue where crashes would happen mid-game.
- Fixed an issue where the M99 AMR had broken 3rd person reload animations.
- Fixed an issue where the SPX 464 Centerfire and Winchester 1894 were doing significantly less damage during Zedtime in an online match when the Ranger Perk skill was selected.
- Fixed an issue with Molotovs causing team damage.
- Fixed an issue where dropped dual pistols could be sold for a higher price than originally intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Kill Boss Daily was only awarded to a single player for a Patriarch kill.
- Fixed an issue where explosive projectiles could be stopped by Zed collision without any detriment to the Zed.
- Fixed an issue with Molotov fire effects remaining for too long.
- Fixed an issue with the Freezethrower’s 3rd person hand animation.
- Fixed an issue where the Weekly objective icons overlapped the text of the weekly description.
- Fixed an issue where Objective counters were not updating while in-game.
- Fixed an issue where the Horzine Supply Crate | Series Loco was not tradable or marketable.
- Fixed an issue in the Inventory Tab where selecting any category in the Weapon Type drop down besides “ANY” caused the items in the Inventory to become hidden.
- Fixed an issue where the Seeker Six’s description text was cutting off at the end.
- Fixed an issue where the Rarity filter was applying to the “Items” section of the Inventory Tab.
- Fixed an issue where Rack ‘Em Up was placed too low on the screen and was too large.
- 17,62 GB groß
Release: 04.12.2018 (Hotfix)
Quelle: topwire.com
- Fixed an issue where seasonal objective progress bars extended past there border
- Fixed an issue where Santa's voice lines had no audio fall-off
- Fixed an issue where there was an undestroyable dosh necklace on shopping spree
- Fixed an issue where the charge / cock handle did not stay forward after firing the Tommy Gun
- Fixed an issue in which the Pulverizer Alt-Fire Explosion with Fragmentation Rounds perk skill extended past expected ranges.
- Fixed an issue where an extra set of gate arms appeared on long survival games
- Fixed an issue where Spanish VO for Badass Santa had English lines when using melee weapons
- 11,93 GB groß
Release: 26.03.2019
Quelle: topwire.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Inhalte "Cyber Revolt" mit dem kostenlosen Update
- 17,00 GB groß
Release: 22.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: topwire.com
- 4,55 GB groß
Release: 18.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: topwire.com | play3.de
- Neues Event "Back & Kickin Brass" gestartet
- Neuer Spielmodus: Objective
- Neue Karte: Steam Fortress
- 24,04 GB groß
Release: 01.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: topwire.com | play3.de
- Neues Event "Grim Treatments" gestartet (bis 5.11.0219)
- Neue Karte: Ashwood Asylum
- 22,38 GB groß
Release: 17.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: topwire.com | play3.de
- 8,98 GB groß
Release: 10.12.2019 (Version
Quelle: topwire.com
- 2 neue Karten
- 4 neue Waffen werden kostenpflichtig hinzugefügt
- 23,67 GB groß
Release: 27.03.2020 (Version
Quelle: forum.topwire.com
- Doppel XP Event von 24.3.2020 bis zum 31.03.2020 (PS4, Xbox One)
- 4-fach Item Droprate (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- 18,43 GB groß
Release: 01.04.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Release: 08.06.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karte: Desolation
- 22,93 GB groß
Release: 29.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: youtube.com
- Neue Karte: Hellmark Station
- 25,93 GB groß
Release: 28.10.2020 (Version 1.0.2.?)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Halloween Event ist gestartet
Release: 08.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: forum.topwire.com
- Neue Community Map: Elysium
- Neue Waffen: HRG Vampire & Frost Fang
- 22,70 GB groß
Release: 19.01.2021 (Version
Quelle: forum.topwire.com
- 11,77 GB groß
Release: 23.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 23,10 GB groß
Release: 19.04.2021 (Version
- 12,30 GB groß
Release: 22.06.2021 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 32,3 GB auf 35,5 GB erhöht
- 26,16 GB groß
Release: 08.07.2021 (Version
- 11,71 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Speicherverbrauch von 35,5 GB auf 36,9 GB erhöht
- 28,79 GB groß
Release: 09.12.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Speicherverbrauch von 36,9 GB auf 38,5 GB erhöht
- 28,8 GB groß
Release: 29.03.2022 (Version
- 12,52 GB groß
Release: 14.06.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Speicherverbrauch von 38,5 GB auf 40,4 GB erhöht
- 33,48 GB groß
Release: 29.06.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Speicherverbrauch von 40,4 GB auf 40,3 GB reduziert
- 12,73 GB groß
Release: 13.10.2022 (Version
- Blood & Bonfires Event ist gestartet
- Speicherverbrauch von 40,6 GB auf 42,5 GB reduziert
- 34,51 GB groß
Release: 07.12.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Polar Distress Event ist gestartet und ist vom 07.12.2022 bis zum 10.01.2023
- Speicherverbrauch von 42,5 GB auf 44,4 GB erhöht
- 25,73 GB groß
Release: 02.02.2023 (Version
- 8,89 GB groß
Release: 17.03.2023 (Version
- 9,00 GB groß
Release: 06.06.2023 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 44,4 GB auf 46,0 GB erhöht
- 20,33 GB groß
Release: 22.06.2023 (Version
Quelle: forum.tripwireinteractive.com
- Fixed an issue where the Zedative skill would not heal players during Zed time.
- Fixed an issue where the Toggle Friendly HUD controller callout would be present with no controller connected.
- Fixed an issue on consoles where sound effects were missing from multiple Demolitionist weapons.
- Fixed the issue on EGS that prevented the S12 Shockgun from being granted to Armory Season Pass 2 users on the Epic platform.
General Fixes
- Corrected the news carousel links on Steam to redirect to the correct locations.
- 8,60 GB groß
Release: 17.10.2023 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Speicherverbrauch von 46,0 GB auf 48,2 GB erhöht
- 31,14 GB groß
Release: 05.12.2023 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 48,2 GB auf 47,8 GB reduziert
- 11,69 GB groß
Release: 23.01.2024 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 47,8 GB auf 47,9 GB erhöht
- 10,99 GB groß
Release: 15.02.2024 (Version
- 9,03 GB groß