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Halo 4 Update Details (6)
Release: 05.11.2012 (Version 1.01.00)
Quelle: gametrailers.com
- Clan Support
- Kino Modus für Kampagne
- 2 MB groß
Release: 05.12.2012 (Version 1.02.00)
Quelle: gameswelt.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Probleme im Multiplayer werden gelösst
- Einiger Fehler im Multiplayer Modus wurden beseitigt
- Einige Fehler im Spartan Ops modus wurde ausgebessert
- 30 MB groß
Release: 19.12.2012 (Version 1.02.01)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Letzte Abschuss Kamera wieder entfernt
- Probleme mit dem Season Pass gelösst wodurch Spieler gebannt wurden
- Karten Bugs von "Haven" und "Adrift" wurden enfernt
- Crimson DLC Playlist werden hinzugefügt
- Zusammen 30 MB groß
Release: 05.02.2013 (Vom Server aus gemacht worden)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- neue Spartan Ops Missionen werden nach und nach eingebaut
- Auch neue Multiplayer Playlists Team Snipers & Team Doubles & Giftball werden hinzugefügt
unter anderem auch Forge Test wodrin man die besten Forge Maps austesten kann
Release: 21.02.2013 (Version 1.03.00)
Quelle: gamepro.de | halowaypoint.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Multiplayer Rangliste wird eingebaut
- Reduced the range of the Boltshot’s damage scaling over distance. The previous effective range for 1-hit kills was around 20-25'. The range has been reduced to 15'.
- Fixed an issue where modified loadouts were not being saved correctly.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to sprint while crouching using “hold to crouch” would cause players to be unable to shoot for 1-1.5 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where some players were not able to get into matches on new map/game variants after playlist updates.
- Fixed a DLC-related Join-in-Progress issue that kicked players back to the title screen.
- Fixed various issues regarding glitched Autosentry deployment.
- Fixed an issue where one player per session was unable to stay scoped with the Flagnum.
- Fixed an issue where clients playing multi-round matches were not propelled by Man Cannons after the first round on Wreckage.
- Fixed an issue for players who had licensed content for the specialization offer, and had the free Map Pack content,
but did not have the Map Pass or Map Pack license by displaying a new error message: "You have Map Pack content that requires a license.
Please purchase the War Games Map Pass, purchase the Map Pack individually, or delete the Map Pack content from your console.”
- Fixed issues with friendly fire against vehicles. If FF is disabled, damage/EMPs from friendly sources will no longer damage vehicles that are fully controlled by your team.
- Fixed an issue with where the Wraith secondary turret became disabled when shot with a Plasma Pistol. The feature has been updated to be consistent with previous Halo titles.
- Fixed a Mantis functionality exploit that allowed pilots to survive planted grenades.
Specific Game Modes
- Friendly fire turned off in Flood to prevent exploits.
- Fixed Flood character models to allow for Warthog and Mongoose use.
- Fixed an inconsistency with King of the Hill deathcam.
- Fixed an issue where the Grifball would get stuck in geometry and never respawn.
- Fixed the issue for Extraction where players did not regain full control of their character for extended periods of time after interacting with a site.
- Fixed multiple Extraction scoring issues, including an overtime fix that ensures that a victory will not
be awarded to a team who is controlling the go-ahead extraction point when the game ends.
Custom Games
- Fixed an issue that did not allow players to create respawn timers or disable instant respawn in custom games.
- Fixed an issue on Shatter where players couldn’t start a custom Dominion game.
- Fixed an issue where the Ordnance game options reset when scrolling up or down in custom games.
- Fixed an issue where custom game descriptions did not appear in the “Settings” preview screen.
- Fixed inconsistencies and bugs in the final death cam for custom games.
Spartan Ops
- Fixed an issue where the “Dedicated to Crimson” Achievement could not be unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where players in Spartan Ops Episode 6 Mission 1 were able to look around before the vignette.
- Fixed a selection of issues where theater clips were missing map-specific audio, including ambient noise and announcer voice.
- Fixed File Share preview images for films and map variants.
- Fixed issues with in-game translations.
- Fixed title screen camera clipping.
- Fixed an issue with Forge pieces and the shadows they create.
- Fixed aliasing split screen HUD issues.
- Fixed an issue where some saved films of Forge games featured no Forge lighting.
- Fixed incorrect “change description” text in File Browser.
- Fixed assorted crashes.
- 37 MB groß
Release: 27.03.2013 (Version 1.04.00)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Allgemeine Balancing der Waffen wird optimiert
- Der X Marker kehrt zurück so werden zuletzt getötete Team-Kameraden makiert
- 38 MB groß
Release: 03.06.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xbox-newz.de
- The Battle Rifle damage has been increased. The Battle Rifle is now capable of killing in four bursts.
- The Battle Rifle rate of fire has been slightly decreased.
- The Battle Rifle red reticle range (range at which auto-aim benefits kick in) has been decreased.
- Two bursts from a Battle Rifle followed by a melee will now kill an opponent (2-shot melee).
- The Carbine damage has been increased. The Carbine is now capable of killing in seven rounds.
- The Carbine accuracy has been increased (projectile spread decrease).
- The Carbine red reticle range has been decreased.
- The LightRifle zoomed rate of fire has been increased.
- The LightRifle un-zoomed rate of fire has been slightly decreased.
- The LightRifle red reticle range has been increased to match the updated DMR range.
- The DMR red reticle range has been slightly decreased.
- The Assault Rifle damage has been slightly increased. The Assault Rifle now kills in three less rounds.
- The Assault Rifle auto-aim angle has been reduced.
- The Assault Rifle projectile spread has been decreased.
- The Storm Rifle damage has been increased. The Storm Rifle now kills in three less rounds.
- The Storm Rifle auto-aim angle has been reduced.
- The Storm Rifle projectile spread has been decreased.
- The Suppressor damage has been increased. The Suppressor now kills in three less rounds.
- The Suppressor auto-aim angle has been reduced.
- The Suppressor projectile spread has been decreased.
- The damage has been slightly increased. The Magnum is still capable of killing in six rounds.
- The SAW's damage has been increased to maintain double the damage-per-second of the Assault Rifle.
The damage has been increased on both the Mantis and Warthog Chain Gun.
Release: 19.08.2013 (Version 1.05.00)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Recharge (Unterstützungs-Upgrade): Recharge verringert die Zeit, die die Schilde brauchen um sich wieder aufzuladen.
- Survivor (Unterstützungs-Upgrade): Survivor katapultiert den Spieler aus einem Fahrzeug, wenn es kurz davor steht zu explodieren.
- 10 neue Erfolge und bringt einen gesamten Gamerscore von 2000
- 294 MB groß
Release: 21.01.2014 (Version 1.05.00)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Team DLC mit den Maps: Skyline, Monolith, Landfall, Daybreak, Harvest, Vertigo und Pitfall
- Playlist "Action Pack" ähnlich wie Paintball oder InstaGib ein One Hit Kill
- Playlist "Husky Raid" ist eine Cature the Flag Variante man spawnt mit zufälligen Waffen
- Playlist "Clang of the Hill" ist eie King of the Hill Variante (4vs4) nur eine Thruster Pack und Energieschwert