0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
Halo Master Chief Collection Update Details (63+X+Series)
Release: 07.11.2014
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Weitere Multiplayer Maps werden hinzugefügt
Diese die nicht mehr auf die BluRay gepasst haben
Somit sind es über 100 Multiplayer Maps
- Top 5 Freunde Bestenliste (Kampane)
- Unter Extra die Halo 5 Beta eingebaut
- Multiplayer Playlists vorbereitet
- Framerate wird verbessert
- 15 GB groß
Release: 10.11.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Halo Combat Evolved: Sichtfeld von 86 Grad audf 108 Grad erhöht
- Stabilität verbessert
- Sound Bugs behoben
- 50 Erolge mit 500 Gamerscore wurden hinzugefügt
- 97 MB groß
Release: 11.11.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gameradio.de
- Optimierung an den Servern
Release: 12.11.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- Optimierung an den Servern
- Verbesserung der Server
- Matchmaking wurde beschleunigt um 20%
Release: 15.11.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Probleme mit dem freischalten der Erfolge werden gelösst
- Ranglistenreset wird durchgeführt
- Probleme wobei stark unterschiedliche Skill Level
gegeneinander angetreten sind, wurde behoben
- Kampane HUD Probleme mit Kills, Deaths, Time, Score wurde behoben
- Gruppen wurde manchmal in 2 verschiedene Team vermittelt
- 97 MB groß
Release: 20.11.2014
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Addressed a number of issues that resulted in extended matchmaking times and low matchmaking success rates.
- Made a number of updates to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player.
With this update, you'll see better, more frequent and more informative status
updates throughout the matchmaking flow – so "Players Found" for example,
will be displayed to let players know where they are in the matchmaking process instead of simply wondering if it's going to connect.
- The improved matchmaking flow is as follows:
- Searching
- Searching for more players
- Players found
- Finalizing matchmaking process
- Connecting session
- Made an update to ensure that parties stick together when returning from the post-game carnage report
- Prevented the ability for players "kick" other players from matchmaking games
- Made an update to ensure that the Roster correctly displays the "searching" UI rather than "My Game Session" while searching for players
- Removed the possibility to boost ranking through a custom games exploit
- Made an update to ensure that players cannot get stuck in the matchmaking screen during map voting
- Made an update to ensure that the "Connecting to your game" message no longer incorrectly displays in the lower right of the screen during gameplay
- Made an update to the "team creation" phase that allows players to be grouped by team
- Made an update to prevent players from seeing the "connection failed" dialogue if disconnected during the map voting screen
- Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability
- Made improvements to the accuracy and stability of the "Game Session Details" UI
- Improved version compatibility
- Improved emblem and nameplate behavior to ensure that they do not reset to default (especially after game sessions)
- Corrected career stats that did not update uniformly across different profiles in multiple titles
- Improved Forge map display names in Theater
- Corrected various medal inconsistencies across titles
- Made updates to the attainability of various achievements,
including "Goat Roped," "Monopolized," "You're Joking," and "Devastating."
- Improved Halo: CE career stat tracking
- Resolved scoring and time HUD reset and display issues
- Made an update to ensure that rival emblems are displayed correctly
Halo: CE
- Improved consistency and reliability of shot registration
- Improved headshot hitboxes
- Fixed an issue where respawning players could momentarily appear at their death location
- Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
- Improved fall damage consistency (specifically in regards to uneven surfaces)
- Improved Halo: CE menu and loading screen stability
- Improved consistency with multikill rewards
- Made an update to improve post-game carnage report accuracy for Halo: CE FFA games
- Updated default language settings
Halo 2
- Made an update to ensure that the team color shown in pre-game lobby matches in-game
- Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved consistency between host and clients in peer to peer matches
- Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved gameplay consistency
- Made an update to service tag functionality, allowing for service tags to appear for all players
- Improved the post-game carnage report to correctly display team color
- Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
- Improved "original" medal icon functionality in split-screen
- Improved host migration functionality
- Corrected "headshot" stat tracking
- Addressed a crash that occurred with the Scarab skull
- Addressed art errors that occurred on the opening cinematics for "Uprising" and "High Charity"
Halo 2: Anniversary
- Made an update to prevent players from gaining achievements in Forge
- Improved Forge item display names
- Resolved text overlapping issues
- Improved split screen stability
- Made an update to resolve the notorious "-1th" scoreboard text
- Improved lobby functionality to address players not being able
to reconnect to the party leader after completing a match
- Improved host migration functionality
- Corrected vehicle and weapon thumbnails in the "Tools of destruction" table in the post-game carnage report
- Addressed a dedicated server issue that caused gameplay physics issues on Stonetown
- Improved split-screen party functionality to ensure that players are
not directed to a broken lobby screen after completing a game session
- Improved Forge mode stability
- Made an update to King of the Hill scoring to prevent multiple hills from counting down at the same time
- Improved Shrine objective spawn points
- Improved King of the Hill and Ninjanaut mode stability
- Addressed an issue where controller vibration could persist during the pause menu
- Improved Race mode respawn zones
- 1,437 GB groß
Release: 27.11.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de | xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de
- 523 MB groß
Release: 27.11.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Server Updates werden durchgeführt um weitere Probelme mit
Matchmaking und Lags im Multiplayer zu beheben
Release: 04.12.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxfront.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Bringt Verbesserungen im Ablauf samt Geschwindigkeit im Multiplayer
- Desweiteren sollen einige Bugs gefixt werden.
- Statistiken nach dem MP Match können endlich sofort mit B-Taste geschlossen werden
- Fehler behoben, Nach einem MP Match wird bei den Stastiken keine B-Taste angezeigt für Zurück
- Made a change to allow for matches to start once minimum player counts are met, allowing for faster matching times.
- Made an update to resolve issues that caused false matches to be created, which resulted in a variety of matchmaking issues,
including slow matchmaking and bad session starts.
- Streamlined the process for maintaining party continuity through the matchmaking process.
- Made an update to the high-level matchmaking flow that will reset lobbies after each match.
Moving forward, players and party leaders need to press "B" after the post-game-carnage report, and select a playlist for their next match.
This flow is consistent with previous Halo titles.
- Improved user experience through removal of non-actionable error messages. This will allow for a more seamless matchmaking flow with less interruption and confusion.
- Improved the post-game experience to fix an issue that could result in a player getting sent to another player's lobby, rather than returning to the matchmaking screen.
- 103 MB groß
Release: 08.12.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Team Balancing Probleme werden behoben
- Made an update to improve matchmaking search times and success rates,
specifically expediting the "Players Found" and "Connecting Session" search phases
- Made improvements to prevent a player's rank from resetting unexpectedly
- Made an update to resolve an issue that allowed players to be placed into an incorrect lobby after a matchmaking game
- Made improvements to prevent the party from being disbanded upon returning to lobby
- Made an update to ensure that players are sorted by team in the "Match Found" screen
- Resolved an issue where Team Slayer matches in Halo 3 could separate players onto individual teams
- Resolved an issue where players could be placed into a group of 7 players and unable to find more
- Made improvements to ensure that the party-leader is prompted to "Bring Party" when leaving a lobby
- Made an update to ensure that split-screen players cannot be divided onto different teams
- Made improvements to ensure that clients are not kicked from
parties at the end of matchmaking games with a "failed to connect" error
- Made an update to ensure that Halo 2: Anniversary matches do not continue indefinitely after entire opposing team quits
- Made an update to ensure that parties are not separated when the party leader navigates through multiple titles
- Made improvements to prevent manual team selection from getting reset after a Custom Game match
- Made an update to ensure that the "Make Party Leader" command functions correctly
- Made an update to ensure that the "Too Close to the Sun" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the "Monopolized" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the "Devastating" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the "You're Joking" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made improvements to Halo 2: Anniversary objective pickup, specifically in regards to objective "juggling"
- Made an update to Halo 3's movement input, specifically to resolve a deadzone issue which affected moving in a straight line
- Made additional improvements to Halo: CE fall damage scenarios
- Made an update to resolve a Halo 2 Classic campaign issue where a black screen could overlay the gameplay screen
- Made a variety of stability improvements across the following areas: Matchmaking, Custom Games, Halo 4 Campaign
- Made an update to ensure that clan tags appear in the post-game carnage report for all players
- Made an update to ensure that players are sorted by team in the post-game carnage report
- Made an update to ensure that emblems are displayed correctly in the post-game carnage report
- Sound Probleme werden im Multiplayer behoben
- Fehler behoben, wobei nach beenden eines MP Matche das Spiel lange lädt
- Fehler behoben, wobei bei den Statisken nach eionem MP Match das Spiel "Partie nicht abgeschlossen" anzeigt
- 1,092 GB groß
Release: 11.12.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Neue Inhalte und Playlists werden hinzugefügt
SWAT (4vs4) & Big Team Battle (8vs8)
Release: 16.12.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de
- Made improvements to the reliability of Matchmaking parties.
- Local split-screen players will now always be on the same team in Halo 2 Matchmaking.
- Made an update to allow players to use Voice Chat during loading screens in Matchmaking.
- Made an update to ensure that players are not forced into an incorrect party after encountering an issue in Matchmaking.
- Resolved an issue where the "Winning Team Won" text was shown in the Carnage Report.
- Made fixes to reduce the amount of time it takes to update the Roster:
- Players will now be discovered sooner after starting the game.
- Changes to the roster will be more immediate to better reflect friend activity.
- Made several improvements to party joining and management.
- Resolved an issue where players that were in a party could not join another party from the Roster.
- Made changes to ensure that parties cannot exceed the maximum party size of a playlist.
- Made an update to ensure that Party Leaders can assign a new Party Leader or Kick a player from their party.
- Made a change to ensure that teams selections are correctly carried over in Custom Games.
- Made an update to ensure that player settings do not revert
to a previous state after completing a Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer match.
- Made an update to ensure that players do not disconnect after completing a Custom Game.
- Resolved an issue in Custom Games where parties would disband if some players were playing in Split-Screen.
- Made a change to ensure that Halo 3 Custom Game variants display correct author information.
- Made various changes and improvements to Halo: CE multiplayer hit registration.
- Made an update to ensure that the "Legend Slayer" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met.
- The "Pacifist" Achievement will no longer be awarded for resuming "Assault on the Control Room".
- Made a variety of stability improvements across the following areas:
Matchmaking, Custom Games, Campaign Playlists, Main Menu
- Updated the Halo 2 "Green Fingers" Button Layout.
- Updated the Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer Recon Button Layout.
- Made improvements to stat-tracking.
- Improved language support for Norweigan, Spanish, German and Japanese.
- 1,164 GB groß
Release: 23.12.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- 10 Spartan Ops Missionen aus Halo 4 werden hinzugefügt
- Made several updates to improve overall game stability.
- Made an update to make sure a match only starts when teams are even.
- Players will now receive a 'loss' when disconnecting before a round has ended.
- Made an update to include all split screen players in vote tally.
- Resolved an issue that caused players to become stuck "Joining Session."
- Resolved an issue where players could be dropped from matchmaking after disconnecting their controller.
General Multiplayer Updates
- Made additional improvements to Halo: CE hit registration.
- Made an update to the "Halo 2: Anniversary Career Progress" page to ensure achievements are correctly tracked.
- Fixed an issue where it took a long time to join players that are in a Multiplayer lobby.
General UI/Menu Updates
- Made additional improvements to Roster update times.
- Fixed Halo 3 game type text when viewing saved data in "My Files".
Halo 2: Anniversary Campaign
- Fixed an issue where the 'Black Eye Skull' incorrectly prevented players from reaching checkpoints.
Campaign Playlists
- Fixed an issue where cross-game playlists could fail to progress to the next level.
- Made several fixes to Campaign Playlist Carnage Reports.
- Fixed an issue where Halo 3 Cooperative Playlist progress would not save correctly when completing a mission.
- Made changes to ensure that Competitive Scoring and Timing are tracked correctly in Halo CE and Halo 2 Campaign Playlists.
Stats & Medals
- Made updates to improve stat tracking.
- Fixed an issue where the "Steaktacular" medal would not be correctly awarded in Halo 3.
- Fixed an issue where the "Supercombine" medal would be incorrectly awarded in the Halo 4 Campaign.
- Made an update to ensure that the "Flaming Ninja Anniversary" achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met.
Control Layouts
- Updated the Halo 2 "Boxer" Button Layout.
- Updated the Halo 4 "Legacy" Thumbstick Layout.
- 3,0 GB groß
Release: 08.01.2015 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Erfolge für den Spartan Ops Missionen
- Neue Erfolge für den Mulitplayer
Release: 04.04.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de | gamepro.de | consolewars.de
- Made a variety of updates to improve matchmaking performance and success rates
- Improved matchmaking search times/time to match
- Improved stability throughout the matchmaking process across all titles
- Improved party stability
- Made improvements to multiplayer shot registration
- Improved campaign stability across a variety of levels
- Addressed stability issues for matchmaking and custom games
- Fixed issues around resuming H2A Campaign from “remastered” mode
- Improved medal display consistency
- Fixed issues regarding aim assist which resulted in the reticle being pushed away from an enemy
- Improved shot registration consistency between host / client in peer-to-peer custom game matches
- Resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals, and in-game scoreboard display
- Neue Playlists: Rumble Pit, Scharfschützengewehre (Team Sniper)
Halo 2 Classic (nur mit Halo 2 Maps) & Halo 3 (nur mit Halo 3 Maps) & Halo 4 (nur mit Halo 4 Maps)
Team Hardcore nur auf Halo 2 Klassik Karten wird hinzugefügt
- Leider wurde die Playlists SWAT emtfernt
- Spiel auf der HDD verkleinert von 61,4 GB auf 59,1 GB
- 690 MB groß
Release: 22.04.2015
Quelle: gameswelt.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxfront.de
- Ranked Playlists werden endlich freigeschaltet
Nur für Halo Championship und Team Slayer
- An einzelnen Playlists werden die Teamgrößen noch geändert
- Strafen für Rage-Quitter und Teamkills werden eingeführt
Ranglisten Spiele werden mit Rank Down bestraft / Alle Teamkiller und Quitter werden automatisch geprüft
- Viele Fehler werden ausgemerzt die sich immer noch im Spiel gefinden
Halo: CE
- Resolved an issue that was causing off-host players to deal more damage than the host in peer-to-peer custom games.
- Updated Derelict to include the Rocket Launcher when selecting the “Classic” weapon set.
- Made improvements to vehicle weapon accuracy.
- Resolved an issue that caused incorrect bullet and grenade collision with an invisible object on the map Derelict.
- Update the “Boxer” controller layout by switching the “switch grenade” and “throw grenade” buttons.
Halo 2 Classic
- Resolved a hitbox issue where shooting an enemy’s weapon from the front would not cause damage.
- Corrected the matchmaking Team Ball respawn modifier from “Inheritance” to “None.”
Halo 3
- Halo 3 Schmiede können nun verschiedene Spielearten eingefügt werden
- Made significant improvements to Halo 3 audio, specifically in regards to weapon fire and sound effects.
- Made improvements to Halo 3 multiplayer networking stability.
- Made improvements to Halo 3’s controller “deadzones.”
- Resolved issues that were causing Halo 3 multiplayer stats to not track correctly.
- Resolved lighting and shading issues occurring on the “Sandbox” multiplayer map.
- Resolved an issue where the “Begins with a Single Step” achievement did not unlock correctly.
- Resolved an issue where the Golf Club object did not appear correctly in Forge.
Halo 4
- Resolved an issue where Primary Weapons could display in the Secondary Weapon slot after removing the Firepower Tactical Package.
- Made improvements to voice chat consistency, specifically in team-based matchmaking games.
- Resolved an issue where a player may not hear another player via voice chat after completing a game.
- Improved party functionality, specifically in regards to game invites and joinable states.
- Increased the speed at which the roster populates with Xbox Live friends after completing a game.
- Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on the “Leaving Matchmaking” screen for longer than usual.
- Resolved an issue where players were unable to join immediately after becoming Xbox Live friends.
- Resolved an issue that caused "The Guardians Are Coming" achievement to not unlock correctly.
- Resolved issues that caused complications with Spartan Ops achievements unlocking.
UI, Stability & Misc.
- Made a variety of improvements to UI throughout the title, specifically in regards to notification messages and stability.
- Improved Playlist and Campaign Career Stats tracking for Halo 2, Halo 3 & Halo 4.
- Made a variety of significant improvements to stability throughout the title.
- 1,693 GB groß
Release: 2015
- Halo Championship Series Hotfix
- Spieleliste SWAT wird wieder hinzugefügt
- 89 MB groß
Release: 30.05.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | halowaypoint.com
- neue MP Halo 2 Remastered Map "Relic"
- Halo 3 ODST Kampane wird hinzugefügt mit neuen Erfolgen
Nur für Spieler die vor dem 19.12.2014 Halo MCC Mulitplayer gespielt haben
- Improved skill matchmaking for parties in ranked playlists
- Made an updated to ensure that parties are no longer separated onto different teams in ranked playlists
- Improved rank stability to prevent ranks from incorrectly resetting
- Quit and loss penalties are now applied immediately in matchmaking
- Resolved Assault Rifle and Shotgun registration issues
- Fixed an issue with vehicle audio in split-screen
- Reduced occurrences of players falling out of map
- Improved stability while title is in “suspend” mode
- Improved music playback for Campaign
- Fixed an issue where playlist scores posted to Leaderboards incorrectly
- Improved host migration handling in for peer-to-peer custom game matches
- Added UI support for Halo 3 voice chat in matchmaking
- Improved Campaign stability
- Fixed an issue where the scoring HUD would not display in Campaign
- Fixed an issue where some players could experience a delayed spawn into a matchmade game
- Fixed an issue where the scoring HUD would not display in Campaign
- Added support for displaying parties as a group in the roster
- Improved handling of dedicated servers
- Team colors are preserved after every match in custom games
- Fixed a host migration issue for Custom Games
- Improved handling of player joinability and leader promotions through Active Roster
- Improved stability of 16 player parties
- Improved Forge Stability with large number of players on high budget maps
- Added support for Infection within Halo 3 Forge maps
- Fixed an issue where “Place at Start” did not function correctly in Halo 3
- Fixed an issue where controller settings were not respected in Halo 2: Anniversary
- Improvements to achievement unlocking throughout title
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Blast Can achievements from unlocking in matchmaking
- Made improvements to stat tracking for all titles
- Improved functionality of unlock notifications
- Improved voice chat functionality throughout all titles
- Improved PGCR stats/details and stat uploading reliability
- Fixed issues where local & shared files may not appear under “My Files”
- Improved Stability of Co-op play in Campaign Playlists
- UI now sorts achievements, nameplates, and avatars based on what you have unlocked
- Improved Scoring functionality during Co-Op Campaign sessions
- Improved Spartan Ops performance
- Improvements made to mission progression in Campaign Playlists
- Improved Rival functionality in Campaign Playlists
- Improved stability for Halo 2: Anniversary map loading in matchmaking
- Final scoreboard is now displayed during outro loading screen after a match
- 2,4 GB groß
Release: 02.06.2015
Quelle: halowaypoint.com
- HCS Playlist optimiert
- Weitere Playlists sind mit Rangliste
Halo 1 CE bis Halo 4 & Team Doppel (2v2) & Halo 2 Anniversary
- 178 MB groß
Release: 24.07.2015 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Playlists "Action-Pack" wurde hinzugefügt
Release: 14.10.2015
Quelle: consolewars.de | gamepro.de | gamezone.de
- Players will now receive a quit penalty and rank penalty for quitting any time after
matchmaking voting begins in all matchmaking playlists, both ranked and unranked
- Added matchmaking betrayal booting for Halo: Combat Evolved
- Matchmaking voting now randomizes winner in the case of a tie, rather than selecting the left-most option
- Made a variety of improvements to ranking calculation
- Fixed an issue which could result in ranking down after winning a match
- Emblems and clan tags, in addition to gamertags, are now hidden while searching for a match
- Updated Team colors to always appear correctly in Forge mode
- The level of menu music will now drop when other players join a lobby / are connected to other players
- Fixed an issue where menu music could cut out after a game or on startup
- The controller schematic for H1 "Boxer" now correctly matches the in-game control layout
- Improved Classic/Remastered UI launch settings for Halo: CE and Halo 2 Campaign
- Improved matchmaking messaging to players
- Fixed an issue where lobby player positions could shuffle after a promotion to party leader
- Fixed an issue where players could select and use nameplates that they had not unlocked
- Fixed an issue where profiles could match into a game after the match started
- Made a variety of fixes for players who could become stuck at the “Downloading Latest Data” screen
- Fixed the glitched Who Needs Them? achievement
- Improved a variety of compatibility issues
- Made a variety of stability improvements
- 711 MB groß
Release: 27.08.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox One X Support: Grafische Verbesserungen für Xbox One X
- High Dynamic Range für Xbox One S und Xbox One X (HDR/SDR Kalibriereinstellungen)
Ausserdem können auch bestimmte Sprachpakete installiert werden
- Die Benutzeroberfläche wird optimiert
- Gerade beim Netzwerk-Code soll sich noch einmal einiges verbessern
- Bessere Texturen, bessere Schatten und vieles mehr
- Einige Fehler sollen behoben werden
- 73,64 GB groß [vergrößert sich um 11 GB]
Release: 20.09.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- Updated Matchmaking logic to help players in less populated regions find matches
- Current Highest Rank on a Player Detail’s page no longer fails to load
- Fixed an issue with Server list not refreshing properly when switching between LAN mode & Xbox Live
- Idle players will no longer re-queue into Matchmaking
- General stability improvements in various network scenarios
- Improved chat behavior in lobbies between Matchmaking games
- Fixed rival data population issue on Playlist Leaderboards
- General Leaderboard improvements
- Fixed several issues that prevented hosts from earning various Achievements when clients were correctly given progress
- Fixed an issue where players who disconnected were awarded wins during matchmade games
- Quit ban code has been added and will be monitored to determine how they are enabled soon
Halo: CE
- Added the Blind Skull to allow screenshots to be taken without HUD elements as well as for players seeking higher scores with campaign scoring
- Fixed issue with Rocket Launcher rounds firing slightly offset from reticle
- Resolved Gamertag persistence over player with Active Camo
- Improvements to targeted player enemy name HUD location
- Improvements to networking code for shot registration
- Improvements to AR registration resolving inability to shoot powerups and players
- Improvements to Shotgun hit registration at close-range
- Improvements to kill feed & respawn countdown timer
- Adjusted text for Custom Game “Kill Penalty” option header to now read “No Kill Penalty”
Halo 2
- Improved stability during split screen after players unexpectedly lose network connectivity
- Improved behavior in scenarios where Xbox One X & other Xbox models are playing Live Co-op together
- Fixed issue where Cortana appeared partially rendered during Great Journey in classic graphics
Halo 3
- Fixed an issue where a dedicated server would not be allocated to host a matchmade game in certain networking scenarios
- Fixed a crash which could occur when accessing terminals with the text language set to French
- Fixed Golf Club reticle
- Golf Ball now appears in its intended glistening white
- Fixed insertion points for The Ark on playlist Tanks, Tanks, Tanks
Halo 4
- Fixed a crash which could occur in Spartan Ops
- Fixed a rare issue with HUD elements duplicating/overlapping during Lightning Flag gametypes
- Improved texture LOD (level of detail) throughout Halo 4 Campaign
- Fixed ordering of movement speed options in Custom Games
- General fixes to Skull names & descriptions in SPOPs
- Fixed an issue where the player is not brought to the PGCR after the last mission in a Playlist
- Players who do not have ODST installed are now brought to the Game Install screen when they join a party intending to play ODST together
- Fixed checkpoint issue when progressing to Data Hive on Street Smart playlist
- Fixed an issue preventing players from immediately accessing ODST after switching Xbox profiles
H2A Multiplayer
- Fixed an issue that caused shadows to not render properly when playing in 4K
- Fixed Assault Rifle ammo counter displaying incorrect number of rounds
- Fixed inconsistent button mapping for Banshee Tricks on Universal Bump & Jump layout
- Fixed issue with displaying Infection medals & kill feed in games with more than 12 players
Campaign General
- ODST & Halo 3 level completion stats are no longer lumped together on the Playlists Main Menu
- Fixed an issue where Campaign progress could appear blank after launching the title
- Improved some inaccuracies with Playlist leaderboard entries
- Improved accuracy of icons in campaign scoring PGCR
- Pause Menu UI no longer disappears when viewing Skull & Difficulty details
Matchmaking General
- Improved Profile Switching behavior in the Matchmaking Find Game flow
Custom Games General
- Reverting gametype settings now individually reverts to the previously saved version’s configuration, rather than the default template
Forge & Films
- Players who have not purchased ODST are now redirected appropriately when attempting to access ODST Films
- Players can now save screenshots when the Xbox is not connected to Xbox Live
- “Set For All Games” option no longer appears available when selecting non-universal control schemes
- Impulse Triggers are now re-enabled after selecting Restore Default Settings
- Subtitles options now appear under Audio Settings submenu for convenience
- Fixed issue where Roster session Leader is unable to access Network Settings after all members have left the Squad
Through player feedback we are constantly evolving the offerings in Matchmaking.
Below is a list of key improvements being made to playlists based on your direct feedback.
These gametypes will be updated in Matchmaking shortly after the patch goes live.
Halo CE Team Doubles
- Kill Penalty in settings has been turned off
Halo CE Team Arena
- Added new Slayer variant that is up to 100 kills to replace all 50 kill Slayer variants
- Kill Penalty in settings has been turned off
- Adding updated Oddball variant on Chill Out, Derelict, Wizard, and Prisoner
- Adding Reverse Tag variant on Damnation
- Adding updated CTF variant for Wizard
- Adding updated CTF variant for Derelict
- Adding updated CTF variant for Blood Gulch
- Adding updated CTF variant for Battle Creek
- Adding King of the Hill variant for use with Battle Creek, Rat Race, Derelict, Damnation, Hang Em’ High, Chill Out, and Wizard
- Adding updated Sniper variant for Hang Em’ High set to 100 kills
- Adding updated Sniper variant for Boarding Action and Blood Gulch set to 50 kills
Halo 2 Classic Team Arena
- Update for all Sniper variants: Magnum secondary, starting grenades, and grenades on map removed
Halo 2 Classic Team Hardcore
- Update to correct settings for Midship, Warlock, and Sanctuary CTF gametypes
- Update to Sanctuary map to reflect having correct weapons on map
Halo 3 Team Arena
- King of the Hill variants updated to have the hill move in order instead of random
- Update for all Sniper variants: Magnum secondary, starting grenades, and grenades on map removed
- Slayer variant name appears in-game as “Team Slayer BR” now instead of “TEAM SLAYER BR”
Halo 3 Team Hardcore
- All game variants: Updated to correct respawn settings with betrayal and suicide penalties off
- Slayer variants updated to reflect -1 points for suicides and betrayals
Halo 3 Team Doubles
- King of the Hill variants updated to have the hill move in order instead of random
- Oddball and CTF variants updated to require two melees when carrying the flag or ball
Social Big Team Battle
- Halo CE BTB Slayer variants have been updated to 100 kills
- Turned Kill Penalty off
- Added CTF variant for Battle Creek
- 8,39 GB groß
Release: 04.10.2018
- 445,92 MB groß
Release: 11.10.2018
- 387,43 MB groß
Release: 19.11.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Der „Match Composer“ für „Social Matchmaking“
- Erweiterte Controller-Anpassungsoptionen
- Timer-Optionen für Halo: Combat Evolved Multiplayer
- Farbschalter für den Spielernamen für Halo 2
Classic und Halo: CE.
- Improved Player Idle warnings
- Local Files are now called “Private Files”; we’ll be sharing the
reasons for this change in a future post
- Made several improvements during scenarios where players have been
involuntarily disconnected from their internet connection or Xbox LIVE
- Multiple crash fixes across the board
- Resolved some incorrect data and leaderboard discrepancies
Halo: CE
- Renaming Custom Game map variants now conveys the correct 23-character
- Player names now fade away at a rate closer to Xbox CE
Halo 2
- Fixed co-op disconnection issues during various scenarios
Halo 3
- Fixed an incorrect Connection Lost error message when splitscreen
co-op resumes from an Xbox suspend state
- Fixed various issues with viewing Terminals in certain supported
Halo 4
- Updated text & icons for 4K across both Campaign & PVP
- Clients are now prompted to download ODST when Host chooses ODST
during a session
- Fixes to Sadie’s Story achievements when collecting audio logs across
multiple playthroughs of Mombasa Streets
H2A Multiplayer
- Fixed issue where shooting Blast! cans on H2A maps would not count
toward Achievements
Campaign General
- Fixed various small art decorators appearing as flat black objects in
Halo 3 & ODST
- Fixed issue where co-op players were disconnected after choosing
Restart Mission
- Score & Time results now correctly upload to Leaderboards if players
are disconnected from the internet during their runs
- Rival Score improvements on Campaign Playlist PGCRs
- Improved co-op PGCR support for Playlists now includes Cumulative
Score, Rivals & Top 5 Friends
Matchmaking General
- Party/Team matching rules are now more consistently applied when
- Fixed issues with rank threshold not being respected for matching in
various backfilling scenarios
- Team Doubles matching now backfills appropriately after a Squad Leader
- Made refinements to conditions where players are warned for idling in
Custom Games General
- Improved messaging for notifying new Game Session Leaders when a Squad
Leader exits during countdown timer
- Roster now better sorts accounts signed into the host/session leader’s
- Fixed various H2A environment decorators appearing as flat black
objects in 4K
Forge & Films
- Correct H2A Map variant names now appear in Film Summary
- Players now receive a warning message when trying to save Forge map
variants with blank Description fields
Release: 06.12.2018
- 131,17 MB groß
Release: 06.12.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
New Skulls
- Anger: Enemies and allies fire their weapons
faster and more frequently.
- Bandana: Fixed a bug with this skull so now
energy-based weapons have infinite ammo as well.
- Catch: Enemies throw and drop more grenades.
- Ghost: A.I. characters will not flinch from
attacks, melee or otherwise.
- Sputnik: the Mass of objects is decreased,
making them more easily displaced
- That’s Just Wrong: Strengthens the hearing of both allies and enemies.
They will now notice the slightest sound of
reloading or drawing a weapon, footsteps, etc. A.I. also have increased
- Thunderstorm: Field Promotions to the ranks of
all A.I. characters so they are more difficult to fight, smarter, and more
- Tough Luck: Enemies always go berserk, always
dive out of the way, and never flee.
Match Composer Changes
Removed Action Sack and replaced with Super
Duper Fiesta!
[4v4] Added a Super Duper Fiesta! Game preset.
[4v4] [H2, H2A, H3, H4] Added Super Duper
Fiesta! Entries.
[8v8] [H3, H4] Moved BTB Heavies entries from
Action Sack to Slayer at low weighting
[8v8] [H4] Moved Dominion entries from Action
Sack to King of the Hill.
Bug Fixes
- Here are the key bug fixes included in the
January update:
- Cleansed the Flood infection from the main
- Added error handling to prevent users from
joining each other from different versions of the game
- Fixed an issue where players could not enter
gameplay using custom map or game variants in offline LAN
- Fixed an issue where menu music volume slider
changes were not respected while in a squad
- Fixed some navigation inconsistencies in the
main menu
- Fixed an issue where the descriptions for some
campaign killstreak medals were inaccurate in the medal chest
Halo: CE
- Fixed an issue that resulted in inconsistent
hit detection against players with poor connections
- Fixed an issue where the Bandana skull did not
grant infinite ammo to energy weapons in Campaign
Halo 2
- Fixed an issue where the Bandana skull did not
grant infinite ammo to energy weapons in Campaign
Halo 3
- Fixed an issue where the Shade Turret was not
appropriately displayed as the tool of destruction in the post-game carnage
- Improved messaging around which playlists
support co-op play
Forge & Films
- Fixed an issue where incorrect file sizes were
being displayed for films
- Fixed an issue where the character limit for
map variant names was displayed inaccurately in Halo 3
- Fixed an issue where players were forced to
re-enter a map variant name after inputting an invalid description
- 621,44 MB
Release: 30.01.2019
Quelle: halowaypoint.com
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
issues where incorrect strings were displayed in the main menu as well as in
matchmaking search selections
Playlist Updates
Below are the full notes for updates made to playlists in today’s update.
Social Games - 1v1
Teams have been enabled in
head to head for the following games to make it so you can no longer view your
enemy after dying.
HCE Slayer
H2C Slayer
H2A Slayer
H3 Slayer
H4 Slayer
Social Games HCE - Slayer 8v8
- Lowered time limit to 15 minutes
- Enabled the Flamethrower and Fuel Rod Gun from Halo PC
- Adjusted vehicle sets so each team receives 1 Warthog,
1 Rocket ‘Hog, 2 Ghosts, and 1 Scorpion
Social Games H3 - 4v4 Team Snipers
- Beam Rifles are now present on map
- Radar has been disabled
Competitive Games – H3 Lone Wolves
- Slayer, King of the Hill, and Oddball have had a
Magnum secondary added to all AR start variants
- 427,20 MB groß
Release: 14.02.2019
- 383,07 MB groß
Release: 06.03.2019
- 223,35 MB groß
Release: 04.04.2019
Quelle: twitter.com
- Server sind nun mit 60 Hz Tickrate
Neue Ladebildschirme
Primary weapon
Time limit
Score to win
Loading states (configuring, connecting, joining, validating, and loading)
Location of the data center hosting the match
Game type and description
Tips related to what you are playing
- 1,08 GB groß
Release: 24.04.2019
Quelle: halowaypoint.com
Global Menus
- Yapyap
and his Grunt Rebellion have been driven out and the normal theme has returned
- Fixed an issue that could result in a profile crashing
after creating and removing many UGC files
- Added Halo 3 Hardcore game variants to built-in Custom
Game menu
Matchmaking Updates
- Adjusted code to help reduce playing the same map
multiple times in a row
- Rotated the Yappening out
- Rotated Multi Team out
- Rotated Infection in
Social Games – 8p FFA – Zone Control
- Halo CE: Reduced Crazy King score-to-win from 120 to
- Halo 2: Reduced Crazy King score-to-win from 120 to
- H2A: Reduced Crazy King score-to-win from 120 to 100.
- Halo 4: Reduced Crazy King score-to-win from 150 to
Social Games - 8p FFA - SWAT
- Halo 2:
Added SWAT to Lockout, Ascension, Ivory Tower, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Turf,
Desolation, and Tombstone.
- Halo 3: Added SWAT to Construct, Guardian, Isolation,
Boundless, Pit Stop, Foundry, Blackout, Ghost Town, and Cold Storage.
- Halo 4: Added SWAT to Adrift, Abandon, Haven, Solace,
Landfall, Monolith, Skyline, and Pitfall.
- Social Games - 8p FFA - Snipers
Halo CE: Added Snipers to
Damnation, Hang ‘Em High, Derelict, and Boarding Action.
- Halo 2: Added Snipers to Lockout, Ascension, Midship,
Ivory Tower, Sanctuary, Turf, and Tombstone.
- H2A: Added Snipers to Lockdown, Zenith, and Shrine.
- Halo 3: Added Snipers to Construct, Guardian,
Isolation, Narrows, Snowbound, The Pit, Blackout, Assembly, Citadel, and
- Halo 4: Added Snipers to Abandon, Complex, Haven,
Solace, Landfall, Monolith, Pitfall, and Vertigo.
- 388,04 MB groß
Release: 12.06.2019
- 374,37 MB groß
Release: 04.12.2019 (Version 1.1246.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Halo Reach wurde in die Halo MCC hinzugefügt und kann für 9,99€ erworben werden oder als Game Pass Mitglied spielen
- 42,17 GB groß
Release: 19.12.2019 (Version 1.1270.0.0)
- 1,23 GB groß
Release: 30.01.2020 (Version 1.1305.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Featured playlists in Match Composer
- New nameplates for future events
- New upcoming Matchmaking content
- Fixed bugs where pop-up messages were not read properly by Narrator & Xbox Game Transcription.
- Fixed bugs button prompts were not read properly by Narrator & Xbox Game Transcription.
- Fixed bugs where on-screen text was not read properly by Narrator & Xbox Game Transcription.
- Fixed an issue where the Main Menu would not appear after passing the title screen when launching for the first time.
- Fixed a rare crash related to player stats and leaderboards.
- Reduced some excessive diagnostic reporting to improve performance.
- Improved player reporting on dedicated servers when identifying potential anti-cheat violations.
- Removed Magnum secondary from Halo: Reach Head to Head based on community feedback.
- Team Slayer option has been replaced with “Precision Slayer” and “Auto Slayer.”
- Precision Slayer includes weapon starts of DMR, BR, or Magnum.
- Auto Slayer includes weapon starts of AR, SMG, and Halo 4 loadout starts.
- Rotated in featured Halo: CE Anniversary category for Halo: Reach which contains maps and game settings which emulate Halo: CE.
- Reduced hill movement timer from 120s to 90s and reduced score to win from 250 to 200.
- Replaced Territories with 3-plot Territories on Tempest.
- Rotated in experimental AR starts category containing AR start versions of all core Halo: Reach 8v8 map and game variants.
- 1,44 GB groß
Release: 06.03.2020 (Version 1.1389.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de
- New spartan customization 3D model viewer for H:CEA
- A new option in your settings to toggle between either the classic Halo: Combat Evolved (H:CE) multiplayer audio or updated H:CEA audio when playing multiplayer
- The main menu background video has been updated to celebrate H:CEA joining MCC on PC
- Additional Competitive and Social matchmaking options for H:CEA
- Improved game stability resolving several crashes.
- Player became invisible in a Ghost by boarding the vehicle while entering a teleporter.
- HUD positioning better reflects legacy.
- Respawn beep sound effects have a lower pitch than in legacy Halo: CE.
- Multiple remastered sound effects playing in H:CE multiplayer when set to “Classic.”
- Added ability to set primary and secondary weapon in custom games.
- Sometimes controller vibration continues when pausing the title.
- Player name appearing during camouflaged states better reflects legacy.
- Plasma projectiles from Type-25 Spirit are now aligned with the turrets.
- 58,95 GB groß
Release: 13.05.2020 (Version 1.1520.0.0)
- 24,39 GB groß
Release: 22.05.2020 (Version 1.1570.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Halo 2 (All Platforms)
- Improved stability when leaving or ending Campaign Missions
- Fixed an issue that caused projectiles and grenades to teleport to players elsewhere on the map
Halo 2: Anniversary (All Platforms)
- Updated Shrine Map Variants for the H2A Team Hardcore playlist
- Flag return time in Big Team Battle CTF set to 15 seconds from 5
Halo 2: Anniversary (Xbox One)
- Fixed an issue causing the HUD to be off-centered when zooming while playing splitscreen multiplayer
Halo 3 (Xbox One)
- Resolved a Crash when loading into the multiplayer map Valhalla
- Resolved an issue causing Rubber-banding, desynced vehicles, objectives, and objects, missing effects, and overall instability during Halo 3 multiplayer sessions
- 1,96 GB groß
Release: 24.06.2020 (Version 1.1619.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Gameplay Updates
- Fixed a body shot damage issue in SWAT for Halo CE
- Added additional Shotty Snipers game variants for Halo 2
- 832,19 MB groß
Release: 14.07.2020 (Version 1.1698.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Halo 3 Forge has been updated with new features, including Object Physics, rotation, coordinate snap and precision edit tools.
- Halo 3 and Halo: Reach Forge pallets have been expanded with new objects and budget increases.
- Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 2: Anniversary Forge tools have been updated with a new “Toggle Rotation Axes” feature adding toggleable rotation around World and Local axes. Note: This is planned to be added into Halo 4 at a later date.
- Updated season unlock flow to feature non-linear unlocks per page and added Season 2 featuring 30 new nameplates, 46 new H1 Weapon and 18 H1 Vehicle skins.
- Challenges are now available to complete across all available titles. Note: Campaign Challenges are currently not supported in Halo 4: Spartan Ops.
- New spartan customization 3D model viewer for Halo 3.
- Updated Skill Rank backend for Ranked Matchmaking. This resolved a long-standing rank reset issue and has required us reset all ranked playlists to 1.
- “Highest Lifetime” rank is now displayed for rotational hoppers that are no longer available.
- Halo: Reach & Halo 3 audio has been updated.
- New Acrophobia skull for Halo 3.
- “Dual Wield Inversion” has been added as a toggle for players who wish to disable the title from switching the “primary fire” weapon to your left-hand while dual wielding in Halo 2 or Halo 3.
Global (All Platforms)
- Fixed a crash which could occur when looking up certain Gamertags with the Find Player feature in the Roster.
- Fixed issues where achievements for killing Engineers were displayed as ODST-specific despite being attainable in Halo: Reach as well.
- Fixed an issue where nameplate unlock criteria was no longer displayed once unlocked.
- Fixed various cases where the game client could crash during shutdown.
Halo: Reach (All Platforms)
- Audio has been updated with Waves integration, aligning closer to Xbox 360 quality.
- Fixed an issue where “Xbox 360” was referenced on the Boot Betrayer prompt in non-English languages.
- Added localization for map location names in non-English languages.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong key was displayed on the Boot Betrayer prompt.
Halo: Combat Evolved (All Platforms)
- New Customization Support for Halo: Combat Evolved Multiplayer, including Visor, Vehicle, and Weapon Skins.
- “New Skins” can be disabled under the “Gameplay” submenu in settings to locally return H1’s appearance to legacy.
- Fixed an issue where spamming the plasma pistol’s trigger would cause the charge-up sound to stick.
- Rocket Warthog can now be manually reloaded.
- Fixed an issue where some starting weapons were not respected on Rat Race.
- Gameplay audio should no longer be heard in the background while a terminal plays in Co-Op Campaign.
Halo 2 (All Platforms)
- Resolved a crash that could occur during long playthroughs.
- Enemy Elites now dual wield.
- Fixed an issue where the Energy Sword displayed incorrectly when viewed against flood tanks in “The Oracle.”
- Rebuilt the lightmap for the initial classic cinematic on “Outskirts” to return lighting and shadows to OG Xbox visuals.
- Adjusted a default gamma option to bring it closer to OG Xbox. This may result in lighting and brightness looking different then our past patch.
- Fixed an issue that was causing players in matchmade games to grenade jump higher than expected, bringing the height back down to OG Xbox clients.
- Fixed an issue where the “Malfunction” skull would display HUD elements incorrectly while dual wielding.
- Infinite ammo and grenades now display with the “infinity” symbol in the HUD.
- Fixed an issue where a controller would sometimes be stuck vibrating after coming out of gameplay.
- Resolved a loading issue that would cause Campaign Co-Op Players to disconnect when starting a mission.
- Horizontal mouse movement while on a stationary turret is now unbound and no longer restricted by the turning radius.
- Fixed an issue where some dynamic music tracks in Campaign Classic Mode was looping incorrectly.
Halo 2: Anniversary (All Platforms)
- Fixed an issue where the sentinel beam VFX would occasionally not display.
- Added 0% option for fall damage in Custom Games.
- Players can now move while the Scoreboard is open.
Halo 3 (All Platforms)
- Audio has been updated with Waves integration, aligning closer to Xbox 360 quality.
- Several matte paintings have been updated with higher fidelity versions in Campaign cinematics.
- Customization has been updated to support individual armor pieces and tertiary colors.
- Emblems now display on armor in gameplay.
- Footsteps in the snow no longer appear with black textures.
- Fixed some incorrectly lit particles when Scarabs or Phantoms were destroyed.
- Hornet and Brute Chopper turning speed has been improved to better match Xbox 360.
- Added the Fuel Rod Gun, Sentinel Beam, Carbine, Mauler, and Plasma Rifle as starting weapons to Custom Games.
- Fixed an issue where the prowler was misrepresented as the mauler in tools of destruction on the Post Game Carnage Report.
- Fixed issues where some strings extended outside of the gametype objective widget in non-English languages.
- 23,38 GB groß
Release: 30.07.2020 (Version 1.1716.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed an issue where challenge progress was not retained across multiple platforms.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes on relaunch, your challenge progress would display as none.
- Fixed an issue where challenge progress could display less than the actual progress made.
- 2,48 GB groß
Release: 22.09.2020 (Version 1.1829.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Performance: Performance improvement for HCE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 were rolled into the Halo 2 Launch, we are continuing to investigate additional reported performance issues for each title
- Pistol Spread for H:CE MP with Higher FPS: The fix for this has been rolled out with H2s release,
we are gathering feedback and will investigate any reports of this issue still persisting that come in through the community.
- Audio Issues: Over the past month we have hit this area hard with testing, including going out to a portion of the Ring 1 flight group for testing.
We’re currently fixing the few remaining issues and wrapping up testing on our side.
- Stuttering Issue: There is no active development being done on this at this time, but we are continuing to investigate.
- Menu Performance: We have made some improvements in this area that are planned for a future update.
- Screen Tearing/Vsync: Some bugs that have been fixed around these issues will be coming in our next release while we continue to improve this over time.
- Co-Op Latency: No updates on this one. There is no active development happening around improving/re-writing the network code around this area of the game.
- Double Key Bindings: This work has been verified as working for Reach and is now in the planning process for merging into our main branch and extended testing and flighting.
- Mouse Input: This is an area of the game that we will continue to monitor and improve upon where we can.
- View Model: This work has been verified as working and is now in the planning process for merging into our main branch and extended testing and then release.
- Idle Stops matchmaking: This is still on our list but nothing new to share on this one as we try to tackle higher priority issues.
- 14,05 GB groß
Release: 14.10.2020 (Version 1.1871.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Stability updates were made to improve the player experience.
- Made improvements to cross-generation play in advance of the upcoming launch of Xbox Series X and Series S hardware.
- Added focus animation to the root Customization Menu.
- Capitalized Halo 3 weapon skin names to align with the other menu options.
- 4,94 GB groß
Release: 17.11.2020 (Version 1.1955.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Vollständig optimiert auf Serie X|S: dynamische 4K|1080p
- 120 FPS in Kampagne & Mehrspieler
- Cross Play für Multiplayer (PC & Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S)
- Verbesserte Erfahrung im Split-Screen-Modus, sowohl in der Kampagne als auch im Multiplayer
- Allgemeine Performance-Verbessungen in allen Bereichen
- Verbesserte Darstellung von Objekten in der Ferne
- Field of View Slider wird eingebaut
- Verbesserung der Ladezeiten auf beiden Konsolen
- Kostenlos verfügbar für bestehende Besitzer oder Xbox Game Pass / Ultimate Abonnenten
- 41,44 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 16.12.2020 (Version 1.2028.0.0)
- 20,30 GB groß
Release: 27.01.2021 (Version 1.2094.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Season 5 ist gestartet
- Neben saisonalen Herausforderungen mit 4 einzigartigen Belohnungen können 80 Rüstungsteile in Halo 3 und Reach freigeschaltet werden
- Sowie neue Waffen Skins
- 9,91 GB groß
Release: 07.04.2021 (Version 1.2241.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=windowscentral.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de, xboxdynasty.de, halowaypoint.com
Season 6 ist gestartet
- FOV-Slider für die Anpassung des Sichtfeldes für alle Xbox One Konsolen
- Für Spieler auf Xbox Series X|S wird der Slider zudem nicht mehr gesperrt sein, wenn ihr mit 120 FPS spielt.
- Schließlich kommen erweiterte Audio-Optionen hinzu
- Double Keybinds for all games
- M&K Support for Xbox
- 55,16 GB groß
Release: 28.04.2021 (Version 1.2282.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | xboxdynasty.de
Resolved issues
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the game to crash when the active profile is signed out.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash while the player is idle in the Main Menu for a long time.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the game to crash when switching the Game Preset slider to Custom in Social Games.
- Fixed an issue where players could end up soft locked if two or more players using controllers attempted to play a title within MCC that they do not own.
Halo: Combat Evolved (Multiplayer)
- Improved audio and reverb issues on several maps. We are continuing to process feedback around this issue.
Halo 2: Anniversary
- Fixed a bug that caused the F key to always swap between frag and plasma grenades if the player had at least one of each, regardless of the player’s keybindings.
Halo 3 (Forge)
- Fixed a bug on the map “Epitaph” that caused the game to crash when placing a machine turret or plasma turret on the floating platform while New Skins is set to Enabled.
Halo 3: ODST (Firefight)
- Fixed a bug that caused one user in every matchmade ODST Firefight session to have the ability to end the game from the pause menu.
- 1018,37 MB groß
Release: 23.06.2021 (Version 1.2398.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Season 7 ist gestartet
- Speicherverbrauch 130,0 GB auf 138,0 GB erhöht
- 33,08 GB groß
Release: 25.06.2021 (Version 1.2406.0.0)
- 1,65 GB groß
Release: 22.07.2021 (Version 1.2448.0.0)
- 1013,25 MB groß
Release: 13.10.2021 (Version 1.2580.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release= twitter.com | halowaypoint.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Season 8 ist gestartet
- Speicherverbrauch 138,0 GB auf 117,0 GB reduziert
- 37,27 GB groß
Release: 18.10.2021 (Version 1.2589.0.0)
- 817,42 MB groß
Release: 03.11.2021 (Version 1.2611.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Inhalte zum 20. Geburstag wurden kostenlos hinzugefügt und können nun freigespielt werden
- Speicherverbauch von 117,0 GB auf 177,3 GB erhöht
- 9,60 GB groß
Release: 30.11.2021 (Version 1.2645.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | twitter.com
- A new error message when players see 0 files in My Files, even though files are present on the File Share servers.
If you see this error message, please follow the prompt, and submit a ticket to Halo Support.
- If you do not see this error message, check to see if your files are private or locally stored. These cannot be seen in Shared Files.
- 924,28 MB groß
Release: 11.04.2022 (Version 1.2819.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | twitter.com
- Various new settings are available when creating a Firefight session.
Added scenario settings include hazards and friendly “Boons” such as additional weapons being available on the map and allies delivered via Insertion Pods.
- This update brings Elites to New Mombasa for the first time and a new Firefight game variant: Floodfight.
- Elites and Flood enemies can also be added to other Halo 3: ODST Firefight game variants via the Wave Properties settings.
- Flood waves will be accompanied by a fog that changes the atmosphere of classic maps and allies lost to the Flood may return to attack players.
- Flood-themed hazards are also available in the new scenario settings. These hazards include Flood Dispersal Pods, Flood Stalkers, and Flood-controlled vehicles.
- In addition to several menu improvements, all titles in the Master Chief Collection are now available for use in Custom Game Browser sessions.
- A “Quick Match” option has been added to the Custom Game Browser menu. This will allow players and their party members to enter a match that fits their selected Filter options without browsing the full list of available sessions.
- Players on PCs and Xbox consoles can now play these campaigns cooperatively online.
This feature has been tested internally, but the team requires additional insight from real players with different networking setups.
Please submit Bug Report tickets if you encounter any issues in-game and share your feedback on this feature in the Halo Waypoint forums.
- When starting a Halo 4 mission, enable the Campaign Customization option to see equipped weapon skins in-game.
- The Acrophobia Skull has been added to Halo 2: Anniversary’s campaign.
-16 new Skulls have been added to Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. Use the expandable box below for a full list of newly added campaign Skulls.
- Speicherverbrauch von 117,3 GB auf 117,8 GB erhöht
- 21,44 GB groß
Release: 15.04.2022 (Version 1.2835.0.0)
Quelle: twitter.com | halowaypopint.com
- Fixes for volume options in Halo: Combat Evolved on Xbox, 'corrupted' game and map variants, and the "Eye Spy" Challenge.
- 958,08 MB groß
Release: 27.04.2022 (Version 1.2845.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com
- Various new settings are available when creating a Firefight session. Added scenario settings include hazards and friendly “Boons” such as additional weapons being available on the map and allies delivered via Insertion Pods.
- This update brings Elites to New Mombasa for the first time and a new Firefight game variant: Floodfight.
- Elites and Flood enemies can also be added to other Halo 3: ODST Firefight game variants via the Wave Properties settings.
- Flood waves will be accompanied by a fog that changes the atmosphere of classic maps and allies lost to the Flood may return to attack players.
- Flood-themed hazards are also available in the new scenario settings. These hazards include Flood Dispersal Pods, Flood Stalkers, and Flood-controlled vehicles.
- In addition to several menu improvements, all titles in the Master Chief Collection are now available for use in Custom Game Browser sessions.
- A “Quick Match” option has been added to the Custom Game Browser menu. This will allow players and their party members to enter a match that fits their selected Filter options without browsing the full list of available sessions.
- Players on PCs and Xbox consoles can now play these campaigns cooperatively online.
- This feature has been tested internally, but the team requires additional insight from real players with different networking setups.
- When starting a Halo 4 mission, enable the Campaign Customization option to see equipped weapon skins in-game.
- The Acrophobia Skull has been added to Halo 2: Anniversary’s campaign.
- 16 new Skulls have been added to Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. Use the expandable box below for a full list of newly added campaign Skulls.
- Several new medals have been introduced to Halo 3 multiplayer via the Unified Medal Display setting.
These new medals will always count towards level progression but will only be visible in gameplay when the Unified Medal Display setting is set to On.
- The new Original+ option for the Unified Medal Display setting will show Halo 3’s original multiplayer medals with their original artwork and three of the newly added medals: Headshot, Assist, and Supercombine.
- Many improvements, especially those related to Floodfight in Halo 3: ODST, come from Halo Insider and Halo Support tickets submitted by our community.
- Loading screens will now display the correct names for custom maps.
- Improvements to the functionality of the "Save Settings" pop-up that appears after changing options in the Settings menu.
- Improvements to the playback of main menu audio to reduce skipping and distortion.
- Title-specific menu backgrounds will now appear more consistently.
- Improvements to the usability of the Server Region section of the Settings menu.
- Binding a key for one title no longer results in that key becoming unbound for other titles.
- The "Change Profile" button now results in the sign-in menu appearing as expected.
- The text chat window on Xbox consoles now has a blurred background like on PC, not a black background.
- The "Jumper Jumper" option is now in the Controls tab of the Settings menu to reflect that it works on both gamepad and keyboard.
- Selecting a suggested word using the Windows On-Screen Keyboard no longer closes the text chat window.
- Clarified unlock descriptions for various nameplates.
The following cinematic missions can now be played in co-op campaign:
Halo: Reach
Noble Actual
Halo 3
Halo 3: ODST
Prepare to Drop
Halo 4
- Audio settings that were previously only available on PC are now available on Xbox consoles.
- The text chat availability setting no longer reverts recently made changes.
- The in-game link to Halo Waypoint's credits now works as expected.
- The "Set for all games" button in the keybinding settings menu will no longer unbind actions that don't exist in all titles.
- Terminal cutscenes now align to the game's color blindness setting rather than the user interface (UI) color blindness setting.
- Quality of life improvements to the Customization menu including increased visibility of equipped items in a collapsible list.
- Added new tooltips throughout the menus.
- A "Use at your own risk" disclaimer will appear when activating certain Skulls in the Campaign menus.
Various icons throughout the menus have been updated. Some of the new icons can be found in the following menus:
Player ID
Pause menu
Active Skulls
Custom Game Browser (CGB)
- Text size on the Select Game Variant and Select Map Variant menus has been increased to improve legibility.
- When playing with a mouse and keyboard, Session and Variant Names can now be confirmed using the numpad's Enter key.
- Attempting to leave a CGB session as the host ends the current game will no longer result in the leaving player being unable to leave the session.
- A Session Description can now be set when creating a new CGB session. This description and game variant details are visible to joining players in the Session Details menu.
- On Xbox consoles, the Game Transcription feature will better narrate the CGB menus.
- Names on the Select Game Variant menu, Browse menu, and Create menu will display more characters before being truncated.
- Players who block User Generated Content (UGC) in their Xbox profile settings will no longer be able to join Custom Game Browser sessions that utilize UGC.
- The Page Up and Page Down keys now function as expected in the CGB's Browse menu.
- Improvements to the accuracy of game variant names when joining an in-progress Custom Game Browser session.
- Improvements to text rendering in the Session Details menu when playing in Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, or Chinese (Simplified).
- The "All" option for selecting titles in the CGB's Filter menu now functions consistently.
- The Roster menu will now show the correct map name for players in a CGB session.
- Recent changes to selected Map or Game Variants will now be reflected correctly on the Create menu.
- When playing campaign with Remastered graphics enabled, performance has been improved for Xbox One consoles in solo sessions and Xbox Series X consoles in both solo and co-op sessions.
- Reduced audio reverb in the Battle Creek multiplayer map.
- Resolved multiple audio issues affecting dialogue audio in campaign, music in the mission The Maw, and the Remastered audio's shield charging sound effect.
- The correct medal is now awarded in the Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) and the Career menu's Medal Chest for sniper rifle kills in multiplayer.
- Multiple improvements to campaign's chapter titles including text size and letterboxing behavior in some aspect ratios.
- The Rocket Warthog's wheels now animate correctly when the "Field Medic" skin is equipped.
- Weapon sway animation has been improved for high framerates.
- Projectiles fired by the Covenant's Spirit dropship and Stationary Gun now appear correctly.
- Crosshair position will now default to Centered for new or guest profiles. This option can be changed at any time in the Gameplay tab of the Settings menu.
- The Flamethrower's screen now appears correctly when a skin is equipped.
- The reload timer for the Scorpion and Rocket Warthog are no longer offset into the crosshair.
- In campaign, nearby dialogue audio will now transition to radio chatter when players move away from the character who is speaking.
- Various visual improvements to Classic graphics throughout campaign, including but not limited to:
- Explosions, smoke, and other visual effects are now consistent with the original Halo 2 release.
- Some texture issues have been resolved, notably in the mission Sacred Icon.
- Heads-up Display (HUD) elements such as the co-op partner indicator and shield damage animation are now consistent with the original Halo 2 release.
- Resolved a visual issue affecting the overheat indicators on the Plasma Pistol and Plasma Rifle in the mission The Oracle with Remastered graphics enabled.
- Active Camo now consistently applies to first-person player models in co-op sessions while Remastered graphics are enabled.
- Scoring and Timing HUD elements are now consistently visible when playing the mission Cairo Station in co-op.
- Increased stability of online co-op sessions during loading and extended play sessions.
- Destroyed mounted turrets are now consistently inoperable in Classic multiplayer.
- Secondary armor color is now reflected in team-based Halo 2 Classic multiplayer modes.
- The correct medal is now awarded in the Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) and the Career menu's Medal Chest for sniper rifle kills in Classic multiplayer.
- Voice Chat indicators in both Classic and Anniversary Multiplayer now work as expected.
- Multiple improvements to Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer armor including first-person view models now reflecting the equipped armor set.
- Escalation Slayer's weapon counter will now consistently appear in sessions with multiple rounds.
- Added team support for Kill Volumes and Safe Volumes in Forge mode for Halo 2: Anniversary.
Kill Volumes owned by a team kill everyone not on that team. Safe Volumes owned by a team protect everyone on that team.
- Object Color and Team Color no longer conflict with one another in Forge for Halo 2: Anniversary.
- The "Steaktacular" medal can now be earned in Halo 3 multiplayer matchmaking. It is awarded after winning a match by at least 20 kills.
- "Triple Double" medals earned in multiplayer will now appear in the Career menu's Medal Chest.
- The correct medal is now awarded in the Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) and the Career menu's Medal Chest for sniper rifle kills in multiplayer.
- Resolved instability caused by pressing Alt+Tab while playing Halo 3.
- Multiple visual issues resolved on the multiplayer map Waterfall.
- Customization skins now consistently appear on Transport Warthogs.
- Lighting effects now appear correctly in split-screen multiplayer on Xbox consoles.
- Hand textures on multiple Techsuits have been improved.
- When New Skins are enabled, the first-person hand models for Gen 1 and Gen 2 Techsuits have been improved.
- Visor colors in the Customization menu now better reflect their in-game appearance.
- Multiple improvements to level geometry in the multiplayer map Icebox.
- Changing the audio output device in the Settings menu now works as expected.
- Animated visors in the Exchange menu now consistently appear correctly.
- Speaker icons now appear during the pre- and post-game scoreboards in multiplayer matches.
- Lighting now appears correctly on the Fronkbox back accessory.
- In split-screen, the New Customization toggle now reflects the primary player's selection.
- A Moa collectible on the mission Floodgate will now only appear if it counts towards a Challenge's progress.
- Multiple armor sets now better reflect their color selection in-game.
- The stun duration for Sentinels is now consistent with the original release of Halo 3.
- Explosives like Fusion Coils no longer appear as “unknown” kills in the Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR).
- Kills are now attributed to the correct weapon when two players kill one another at the same time with melee weapons.
- Players in online Firefight missions will no longer experience unintended movements after using the Gravity Hammer.
- All players in online Firefight missions can now view enemies on the VISR map, regardless of whether they are alive or waiting to respawn.
- Resolved an issue that caused enemies on the Crater (Night) map to walk through a closed door and prevented players from damaging enemies on the other side of the door.
- Changing the audio output device in the Settings menu now works as expected.
- To prevent players from accidentally blocking progress, the Phantom at the start of the Bonus Round on the Rally Point (Day) mission can no longer be destroyed.
- The pause menu and Theater lobby now display the correct level information for the Rally Point Firefight mission.
- Optimized network usage for AI actions in Firefight. This may result in some players seeing AI actions more reliably or quicker as well as a reduction in network bandwidth being consumed while playing Firefight online.
- On the Alpha Site Firefight mission, remaining enemies from the previous wave no longer become stuck in the player spawn rooms and will now correctly follow the player.
- When playing a custom Firefight variant on the Alpha Site Firefight mission, the doors on the elevator platforms are disabled to ensure that spawning enemies do not become stuck.
- The following improvements are based on feedback and Halo Support tickets from a Halo Insider flight in September 2021.
- New enemies introduced in Floodfight, such as the Flood and Elites, now have full audio.
- Flood carriers and Flood Tanks will now navigate Firefight maps as expected
- Resolved issues that caused enemies to become stuck outside of the playable space or waves to not transition as expected.
- Flood Infection Forms are now visible for all players in online missions, including when in a reanimated Combat Form's chest.
- Flood enemies now appear correctly for all players in cross-platform sessions.
- Headshots on Flood enemies now reward headshot medals and deal critical damage. Headshots on Combat Forms will result in immediate kills.
- Flood Infection Forms are now highlighted when VISR mode is activated.
- Covenant Engineers will no longer shield Flood enemies.
- Reanimated Flood Combat Forms now behave correctly for all players in online missions.
- All Flood and Elite enemies will now aggressively seek out the players.
- Swinging the Energy Sword no longer results in seeing through the player's arm at high field-of-view (FOV) values.
- In Spartan Ops cutscenes, Elites now have subtitles when speaking Sangheili.
- Escalation Slayer's weapon counter will now consistently appear in sessions with multiple rounds.
- Improved heads-up display (HUD) and cinematic letterbox scaling in multiple aspect ratios.
- Armor from the Champions Bundle (Mark V, Prefect, and ODST) now appears correctly in first-person.
- The Inclement Weather armor effect no longer appears cut off in-game.
- The Spartan Ops menu now correctly reflects completed missions.
- Changing the audio output device in the Settings menu now works as expected.
- ODST leg armor now appears correctly in-game.
- Object Color and Team Color no longer conflict with one another in Forge.
- Armor effects are now visible in Spartan Ops.
- Improved clarity of Heads-Up Display (HUD) text in Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), and Korean.
- Resolved an issue that caused players to not receive a weapon in Escalation Slayer after killing multiple enemies at once with the Incineration Cannon.
- Text size of chapter titles and skip prompts are now consistent with the original release of Halo 4.
- Added support for weapon skins in game modes with loadouts disabled (such as Fiesta and Escalation Slayer).
- The Suppressor MCN and RFC weapon skins now appear correctly in gametypes with Map or Game Loadouts.
- Added team support for Kill Volumes and Safe Volumes. Kill Volumes owned by a team kill everyone not on that team. Safe Volumes owned by a team protect everyone on that team.
- Improved heads-up display (HUD) scaling in multiple aspect ratios.
- Tactical Recon chest armor, prosthetic arms, and visors now appear correctly in campaign cutscenes.
- Changing the audio output device in the Settings menu now works as expected.
- Field-of-view (FOV) for the Seraph and Sabre now correctly responds to the Vehicle FOV setting.
- Object Color and Team Color no longer conflict with one another in Forge.
- Resolved an issue which resulted in Object Colors disappearing between rounds.
- The New Customization setting now functions correctly in Spartan-only game variants for players who have set their preferred species to Elite.
- The Blackguard Carrion Crow helmet now better reflects the selected armor color in-game.
- In split-screen, the New Customization toggle now reflects the primary player's selection.
- All players in online Firefight matches can now trade weapons with friendly marines on the Installation 04 mission.
- Sirens now play while attacking objectives in Invasion on Ridgeline.
- Added team support for Kill Volumes and Safe Volumes. Kill Volumes owned by a team kill everyone not on that team. Safe Volumes owned by a team protect everyone on that team.
- The Target Locator battery now consistently syncs between players and resets at the start of new rounds in multiplayer matches.
- Improved stability when playing Rocketfight in an online Firefight mission.
- Speicherverbrauch von 117,8 GB auf 119,9 GB erhöht
- 3,02 GB groß
Release: 11.05.2022 (Version 1.2862.0.0)
- Speicherverbrauch von 119,9 GB auf 117,8 GB reduziert
- 1,74 GB groß
Release: 29.06.2022 (Version 1.2904.0.0)
Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Celebrate the heroic partnership of Halo and Fall Guys with this fun Halo 3 back attachment in MCC.
Log in anytime to find it in your inventory!
- Speicherverbrauch von 117,8 GB auf 117,9 GB erhöht
- 2,59 GB groß
Release: 31.08.2022 (Version 1.2969.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Five new Spartan armor sets for Halo 2: Anniversary
- Golden Moa campaign collectibles in Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach
- Acrophobia and Bandana skulls added to Halo: Reach
- Main menu background video customization
- Career menu UI overhaul
- Post-match poses
- Unified subtitle improvements
- Live playlist hopper data refresh at weekly reset
- “Season” naming changed to “Series”
Bug fixes
- Forge in Halo: Reach has received multiple new improvements:
- Object Duplication: Duplicate an object and retain all assigned properties with a single press of a button.
- Reset Orientation: This feature was previously available in the Forge menu but is now available as a hotkey.
- Delete By Palette and Delete Everything: Delete all objects from a single palette, or delete everything, using this shortcut in the Forge menu.
- Location Name Markers: These placeable items allow players to use one of 256 preset names to identify areas on their maps. This feature is currently only available on the Forge World and Tempest canvas maps.
The Options & Career menu is now laid out vertically and includes answers to frequently asked questions. The Exchange, which was previously only available on the main menu, can now be accessed from this menu.
Additionally, the Season Overview menu used for unlocking new items has been renamed to the Catalog, and Seasons are now named Series. Some new features have also been introduced alongside this change:
- Bulk unlocks: Select a tier further into a Series for the option to unlock that tier and all tiers leading up to it.
- Series pinning: Players will now be able to “pin” a Series’ progress to the main menu.
- Customization menu improvements: Items in the Customization menu are now grouped by their Series. Items unlocked via the Exchange menu are grouped at the bottom of the list.
- Speicherverbrauch von 117,9 GB auf 122,3 GB erhöht
- 33,94 GB groß
Release: 07.12.2022 (Version 1.3065.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | twitter.com
- Match Rejoin
- Plug 'n' Play
- Campaign collectibles in Halo: CE and Halo 4
- Acrophobia & Bandana skulls in Halo 4
- Retroactive Spartan Points
- Speicherverbrauch von 122,3 GB auf 120,6 GB reduziert
- 19,01 GB groß
Release: 19.12.2022 (Version 1.3073.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | twitter.com
- Players will now be able rejoin a matchmaking session they were either disconnected from or intentionally left, so long as the game is still in progress.
- Players who were automatically kicked from the match due to a violation will not be able to rejoin an in-progress match.
-. To rejoin an in-progress matchmaking session, requeue for matchmaking in the Multiplayer menu and select "Rejoin" on the pop-up to rejoin the match.
Select the Matchmake button in the Rejoin Match pop-up to abandon the in-progress match and start a new matchmaking search. Abandoning in-progress matches may result in automatic temporary bans.
- The Exchange menu now features more customization items for players to unlock each week. Level up or complete Challenges to earn additional Spartan Points which can be used to unlock items in the Exchange.
- 1003,86 MB groß
Release: 12.07.2023 (Version 1.3232.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com | twitter.com | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Geschnittene Halo CE und Halo 2 Inhalte von 2001-2005
- Unveröffentlichte Halo-Karten für Modder hinzugefügt
- Benutzerdefinierter Spiel-Browser Firefight
- Massive Verbesserungen in Firefight
- Halo 3 Escalation Slayer + Fiescalation
- Halo 4 Kampagne & Spartan Ops Theater
- Benutzerdefinierte Video-Hintergrundmenü-Funktion
- Benutzerdefinierte Controller Binds/Mapping
- Halo Infinite Steuerung-Schema als Vorlage
- Der Schädel „Akrophobie“ wurde zu Halo: Combat Evolved hinzugefügt, so dass der Spielercharakter durch alle Kampagnenlevels fliegen kann
- The amount of time it takes to activate Machinima controls is now in parity with each game that features them. Machinima controls allow players to lower the weapon they have equipped.
The following games support Machinima controls: Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4.
- The "Zombie Prevention" challenge, which requires players to perform 500 headshots during Matchmaking, can now be earned using any precision weapon found in each of the supported games.
Precision weapons include sniper rifles, semi-automatic rifles, and other scoped weapons.
This Challenge can be completed in all PvP matchmaking modes included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
This fix was originally released via a backend update in January 2023.
- Players' last selected Emblems and Avatars are now maintained after the "Game and app history" setting on Xbox consoles is set to Block.
- Secondary and Guest players on Xbox consoles will now receive a warning message after their controller has been disconnected.
- The post-match Rewards screen now supports ultrawide aspect ratios.
Custom Game Browser
- Players can now view their most recent Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) from the Custom Game Browser menu by selecting the corresponding button prompt at the bottom of the screen.
- Background video selections are less likely to be reset after closing and relaunching Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
- Players now return to the Video Background submenu after selecting a new Video Background.
- Performance on Xbox One consoles with Menu Narration enabled has been improved.
- New profiles will retain any progress made on Campaign playlists, as well as any changes made to player Settings and Customization, after restarting Halo: MCC.
- The name of the Casimir Pulaski 2023 Nameplate now displays correctly when viewing it with a non-English language setting enabled.
- The Plasma Rifle is now able to stun enemies more consistently during online Multiplayer matches.
- Resolved a memory leak in Halo: Combat Evolved Campaign missions.
- Multiple improvements to cutscene letterboxing throughout Halo: Combat Evolved Campaign missions.
- Objects and characters no longer appear in incorrect positions during the opening cinematic of the mission Pillar of Autumn when Remastered graphics are enabled.
- Carrying the flag in a Capture the Flag match no longer results in pixelated noise appearing within the lights on Elites' arms.
- Lighting and shadows have been updated to closer align with the original release of Halo 2 on Xbox.
- Campaign Co-Op sessions are now less likely to crash when playing through the mission The Oracle.
- Graphical artifacts no longer appear around the Arbiter's arms and equipped weapons when playing through the mission Sacred Icon.
- Players are now less likely to encounter a "Network Disconnect" error message while playing through the mission Quarantine Zone in Campaign Co-Op.
- The sound effect of a Hunter charging up its cannon now consistently plays during Campaign missions.
- Players are now less likely to be stuck at "Respawning in 0" after getting killed during a matchmaking session.
- PC players are less likely to crash when loading into the Stonetown multiplayer map via crossplay.
- Searching for a Shotty Snipers match no longer places players into Recon Slayer matches.
- Shotty Snipers is a rotational playlist that cycles in and out of matchmaking.
This fix was originally released via a backend update in April 2023.
- When viewing a theater film of a Halo 3: ODST Firefight match on PC, the Flying Camera mode is now less likely to become stuck to a player when they use a mounted turret.
- The "Bonus Lives Awarded at X points" text now consistently appears above the bonus round time and score on the player's Heads-Up Display (HUD).
- On-screen button prompts now appear at a higher visual quality, making it easier for players to identify them.
- The following improvements have been made to the campaign mission Long Night of Solace:
- The battle between Seraphs and anti-aircraft guns above the beach is now visible.
- The Pelican and Spirit that drop off Marine and Covenant reinforcements within the base now appear consistently.
- Players are less likely to experience a crash when entering the passenger seat of any vehicle during a Multiplayer or Firefight match on a modded map.
- In Headhunter matches, obtaining a tenth skull then returning it to the designated deposit zone now consistently awards the Skullamanjaro medal.
- The name of the selected Firefight variant now consistently displays when players are selecting a loadout at the start of a Custom Firefight match.
- Players who have run out of lives are now less likely to spawn outside the map after the remaining players have finished clearing the current wave of enemies.
- Speicherverbrauch von 120,6 GB auf 119,1 GB reduziert
- 27,09 GB groß
Release: 20.07.2023 (Version 1.3251.0.0)
Quelle: halowaypoint.com
- Additional content is now available for players to use in Forge. These new objects can be placed in every Multiplayer map featured in Halo 3 via Forge mode. This includes:
- The Invincibility, Cloaking, and Auto Turret Equipment included in the Halo 3 Campaign.
- The Golf Club, Flamethrower, Missile Pod, Machinegun Turret, and Plasma Turret weapons that were previously available only on select Halo 3 Multiplayer maps
Halo: Reach
- Players can now disable waves of enemies in Halo: Reach Firefight using a new Custom Game option.
This setting can be found under the Wave Limit section of the Firefight Settings menu.
- Gameplay actions can now be reassigned to different buttons on controller.
This will allow players to create a personalized button layout, which is then saved automatically under the Custom layout.
- The amount of time it takes to activate Machinima controls is now in parity with each game that features them.
Machinima controls allow players to lower the weapon they have equipped.
- The following games support Machinima controls: Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4.
- The "Zombie Prevention" challenge, which requires players to perform 500 headshots during Matchmaking, can now be earned using any precision weapon found in each of the supported games.
- Precision weapons include sniper rifles, semi-automatic rifles, and other scoped weapons.
- This Challenge can be completed in all PvP matchmaking modes included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
- This fix was originally released via a backend update in January 2023.
- Players' last selected Emblems and Avatars are now maintained after the "Game and app history" setting on Xbox consoles is set to Block.
- Secondary and Guest players on Xbox consoles will now receive a warning message after their controller has been disconnected.
- The post-match Rewards screen now supports ultrawide aspect ratios.
Custom Game Browser
- Players can now view their most recent Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) from the Custom Game Browser menu by selecting the corresponding button prompt at the bottom of the screen.
- Background video selections are less likely to be reset after closing and relaunching Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
- Players now return to the Video Background submenu after selecting a new Video Background.
- Performance on Xbox One consoles with Menu Narration enabled has been improved.
- New profiles will retain any progress made on Campaign playlists, as well as any changes made to player Settings and Customization, after restarting Halo: MCC.
- The name of the Casimir Pulaski 2023 Nameplate now displays correctly when viewing it with a non-English language setting enabled.
- The Plasma Rifle is now able to stun enemies more consistently during online Multiplayer matches.
- Resolved a memory leak in Halo: Combat Evolved Campaign missions.
- Multiple improvements to cutscene letterboxing throughout Halo: Combat Evolved Campaign missions.
- Objects and characters no longer appear in incorrect positions during the opening cinematic of the mission Pillar of Autumn when Remastered graphics are enabled.
- Carrying the flag in a Capture the Flag match no longer results in pixelated noise appearing within the lights on Elites' arms.
- Lighting and shadows have been updated to closer align with the original release of Halo 2 on Xbox.
- Campaign Co-Op sessions are now less likely to crash when playing through the mission The Oracle.
- Graphical artifacts no longer appear around the Arbiter's arms and equipped weapons when playing through the mission Sacred Icon.
- Players are now less likely to encounter a "Network Disconnect" error message while playing through the mission Quarantine Zone in Campaign Co-Op.
- The sound effect of a Hunter charging up its cannon now consistently plays during Campaign missions.
- Players are now less likely to be stuck at "Respawning in 0" after getting killed during a matchmaking session.
- PC players are less likely to crash when loading into the Stonetown multiplayer map via crossplay.
- Searching for a Shotty Snipers match no longer places players into Recon Slayer matches.
- This fix was originally released via a backend update in April 2023.
- When viewing a theater film of a Halo 3: ODST Firefight match on PC, the Flying Camera mode is now less likely to become stuck to a player when they use a mounted turret.
- The "Bonus Lives Awarded at X points" text now consistently appears above the bonus round time and score on the player's Heads-Up Display (HUD).
- On-screen button prompts now appear at a higher visual quality, making it easier for players to identify them.
- The following improvements have been made to the campaign mission Long Night of Solace:
- The battle between Seraphs and anti-aircraft guns above the beach is now visible.
- The Pelican and Spirit that drop off Marine and Covenant reinforcements within the base now appear consistently.
- Players are less likely to experience a crash when entering the passenger seat of any vehicle during a Multiplayer or Firefight match on a modded map.
- In Headhunter matches, obtaining a tenth skull then returning it to the designated deposit zone now consistently awards the Skullamanjaro medal.
- The name of the selected Firefight variant now consistently displays when players are selecting a loadout at the start of a Custom Firefight match.
- Players who have run out of lives are now less likely to spawn outside the map after the remaining players have finished clearing the current wave of enemies.
- 1013,44 MB groß
Release: 19.09.2023 (Version 1.3272.0.0)
- 974,80 MB groß
Release: 14.02.2024 (Version 1.3385.0.0)
Quelle: truachievements.com
- Players’ selected video backgrounds no longer have a chance to reset when closing and relaunching Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
- When playing Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST with a mouse and keyboard, pressing the G key will no longer result in the selected grenade type switching.
- The ‘Previous Grenade’ and ‘Next Grenade’ functions can be bound to the G key if desired.
- Multiplayer squads will no longer become stuck if the squad leader leaves the lobby during the “Checking for rejoin” state.
- When this issue occurred prior to this update, squads could recover from this state if the new squad leader backed out of the active search and started a new search. With the fix included in this update, the new leader will inherit the active rejoin check seamlessly.
Halo 2: Classic Multiplayer
- Improvements to hit registration and projectile speed in online multiplayer matches.
Halo 3
- The Phantom Hunter Achievement can now be unlocked consistently by destroying three Phantoms during the campaign mission The Covenant.
- Cortana narrative sequences now play as intended in the campaign mission Arrival.
Mod Tools
- Scripts included in maps for Halo: Combat Evolved will now work across the host and all client players in an online multiplayer match.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when using the Sapien Structure Painter tool in the Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer Editing Kit.
- 1,56 GB groß
Release: in Arbeit 2023 (Version 1.1570.0.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Cross Play für Kampane (PC & Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S)
- Additional Mod Support
- Additional Video Settings/Options
- Custom Game Browser
- Input-based Matchmaking