0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
Freitag der 13. Update Details (18)
Release: 29.05.2017 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 10 Stunden Wartung an den Servern haben den Database Error beseitigt
Release: 02.06.2017
Quelle: gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de
- New intro cinematics for Tommy Jarvis spawn, Game Intro, and Game Outro.
- Fixed crash for VoIP that would during gameplay
- Fix for out of memory crash with a bug in the texture system bloating out textures after playing a couple of rounds.
- Fixed getting stuck when interactive with drawers.
- Fixed getting stuck when climbing through windows
- Fixed camera getting stuck when interactive with doors, windows and drawers.
- Fixed Jason getting stuck in a chop loop when breaking down doors.
- Fixed Jason getting off aligned when breaking down doors. He will no longer keep popping back in a new position.
- Fixed environment and grab kills being off.
- Fixed environment and grab kill jittering.
- Made knife pickup grab animations more accurate.
- Fixed some knife pickups from not working.
- Fixed the shotgun and flare gun sometimes not firing.
- Fixed weapon swapping from floating.
- Fixed firecrackers going through the world
- Fixed physics on car. No longer can a group of counselors push it around.
- Fixed getting in and out of a car where animations would get off sync.
- Fixed players standing up in the car.
- Fixed pocket knife not working when getting pulled out of the car.
- Fixed more than one player being able to get into the driver’s seat at the same time.
- Fixed physics on boat. No longer can a group of counselors push it around.
- Fixed getting in and out of a boat where animations would get off sync.
- Fixed players standing up in the boat.
- Fixed more than one player being able to get into the boat driver’s seat at the same time.
- Fixed HUD getting stuck when getting in and out of Armour.
- Fixed blood getting stuck on screen when dying.
- Fixed blood getting stuck on screen when coming back as Tommy Jarvis.
- Fixed repair mini game getting stuck on screen when getting hit with a weapon while doing the mini-game.
- Fixed exploit where users were able to go into combat stance and then sprint sliding
around the character but not burning any stamina.
- Fixed Jason sliding around when getting stunned.
- Fixed counselors sliding around when playing the falling animation.
- Fixed Jason grabbing someone out of a car and them becoming a ghost.
- Fixed driving the car getting out of sync with the server /
host then teleporting the player back to where they got into a car.
- Made session invitations a lot more reliable.
- Fixed crash where you would exit a match and then start a new Private Match.
- Added movable hair to the female characters.
- Optimized all maps to have a nice performance increase on Xbox One when action gets intense.
- Did a warmer lighting pass to increase visual quality.
- Fixed crash when getting grabbed by Jason.
Release: 09.06.2017 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | gameswelt.de
- Added a Random option in the lobby.
- Increased effectiveness of Jason and Counselor spawn preference options.
Shuffling the possible Jason list 3x as much to help randomness.
- Disabled inhale sound effect for breathing while in a hiding spot.
- Made dead body stingers less obnoxious: Ignored while being pursued by Jason;
10s cooldown; Will not fire for witnessed nearby deaths.
- Various fixes to the different glitch / hide / exploit spots
- Fixed issue where you have infinite stamina.
- Fixed a few areas where the player couldn’t reach with Jason. Also fixed a stuck spot on Packanack.
- Fixed perk roller UI sometimes getting stuck if there is an error talking to the database.
- Fixed session heartbeat requests to be more resilient to service failures.
- Fixed character hair stretching at lower frame rate.
- Fixed Jason not always aborting the knife throw when stunned.
- Fixed a case where it was possible to get stuck in a knife throw.
- Fixed some visibility issues with the door interaction icons.
- Fixed some placement issues with dropped items.
- Fixed Jason’s mask floating when knocked off.
- Fixed Jason not always cancelling shift or morph if they hit a car in reverse.
- Fixed an issue with the hiding spot exit code.
- Fixed Counselors potentially getting stuck inside of a wall if hit while climbing through a window at the perfect time.
- Fixed Rotate Minimap With Player not updating when changed until a map change.
- Fixed some host specific crashes.
- Fixed people being able to share settings save games.
Release: 14.06.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
New Features
- Increased betrayal penalty from -200 XP to -1000 XP per kill
- Added gamma slider
- Added extra confirmation when the host tries to leave a match, informing them it will end the match or close the lobby for everyone
- Greatly improved matchmaking search times
- Improved backend reliability
- Reduced movie playback stuttering on host
- Closed off a lot of spots that only counselors could get to on all maps
- Decreased initial load times (can skip videos about halfway through now)
- Improved pickup reliability for Jason’s throwing knives
- Disabled navigation on the talking player list
- Improved camera returning to the player when leaving a hide spot or kicking out of a grab
- Improved Jason morph point reliability
- Reduced chance for characters to float when killed
- Fixed a number of memory leaks causing crashes
- Fixed crashes when trying to spawn Tommy Jarvis
- Fixed items floating when dropped
- Fixed highlight not going away on grab kill selection
- Fixed PhD in murder achievement
- Fixed stat tracking for all achievements
- Fixed a number of memory leaks causing crashes
- Fixed Deborah’s DLC clothing showing up for everyone
- Fixed dead body not showing up for clients
- Fixed window showing wrong position for open/close on host
- Fixed interactions get out of sync from client and server causing players to be stuck
- Fixed counselor not showing up in grabbed state all the time
- Fixed being able to run through hide spots just after leaving them
- Fixed getting stuck in a hide spot that someone else is leaving
- Fixed sometimes not being able to kill someone in a hide spot
- Fixed getting stuck in a cabin near Packanack when barricading the door
- Fixed counselors escaping while being murdered near the police
- 3,34 GB groß
Release: 22.06.2017
Quelle: xboxdyansty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Zwei neue Outfits für jeden Counselor
- 13000 CP zum Verprassen
- Double XP vom 23. bis 25. Juni 2017
- Ein neues Jason Retro Outfit
Release: 27.07.2017
Quelle: xboxdyansty.de | playm.de
- Increased stability due to memory issues.
- Fixed audio threading issue that could cause stability problems.
- Fixed an issue where users could swap save games to use a DLC only Jason in game.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes matchmaking wouldn’t find open lobbies. Now can backfill a lot better.
- Switched to new memory allocator that increases performance and frame rate.
- Matchmaking Fixes. Should decrease amount of time it takes to match make.
- Added a Random option in the lobby.
- Increased effectiveness of Jason and Counselor spawn preference options.
Shuffling the possible Jason list 3x as much to help randomness.
- Fixed issue with Jason’s morph cursor not always showing
- Disabled inhale sound effect for breathing while in a hiding spot.
- Made dead body stingers less obnoxious: Ignored while being pursued by Jason; 10s cooldown; Will not fire for witnessed nearby deaths.
- Various fixes to the different glitch / hide / exploit spots
- Fixed issue where you have infinite stamina.
- Fixed a few areas where the player couldn’t reach with Jason. Also fixed a stuck spot on Packanack.
- Fixed perk roller UI sometimes getting stuck if there is an error talking to the database.
- Fixed session heartbeat requests to be more resilient to service failures.
- Fixed character hair stretching at lower frame rate.
- Fixed Jason not always aborting the knife throw when stunned.
- Fixed a case where it was possible to get stuck in a knife throw.
- Fixed some visibility issues with the door interaction icons.
- Fixed some placement issues with dropped items.
- Fixed Jason’s mask floating when knocked off.
- Fixed Jason not always cancelling shift or morph if they hit a car in reverse.
- Fixed an issue with the hiding spot exit code.
- Fixed Counselors potentially getting stuck inside of a wall if hit while climbing through a window at the perfect time.
- Fixed Rotate Minimap With Player not updating when changed until a map change.
- Fixed some host specific crashes.
- Fixed people being able to share settings save games.
- Fixes for DLC
Release: 29.08.2017
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | playm.de
- Neue Map welche auf einer bekannten Szene aus der Filmreihe basiert.
- Karten Higgins, Packanack und Crystal Lake werden überarbeitet
- Overall stability should be drastically improved due to a number of crash fixes and a major memory leak fix.
- Disallowing party leaders to join game session invites to sessions that do not advertise (private matches).
This is due to not being able to search for sessions that do not advertise, which prevents party members from following their leader into them.
- Party leaders can now follow public game invites, bringing members with them.
- Fixed XB1 matchmaking bugs.
- Fixed a number of issues with how the game handles Party Invites and Matchmaking; there are still a few issues out there that are rare but it is much improved.
- Fixed a number of issues on how canceling matchmaking was handled that could leave players in a state they could no longer matchmake.
- Party members now see their party leader’s matchmaking status and time.\
- Various improvements to error messaging.
- Added Small Maps for the existing maps; Packanack Small, Higgins Haven Small, and Camp Crystal Lake Small.
- Increased the density of Kill locations on all maps.
- Adjusted collision on Maps to prevent people from standing on water.
- Adjusted collision on piers to prevent cars from driving on them .
- Added a Map Icon to Campfire Kills.
- Fixed a number of kill spots that were not functioning.
- Fixed an issue with not being able to fix boat propellers based on boat positioning on the dock.
- Placed collision under piers to prevent people from swimming under them.
- Fixed a number of areas that the player could get out of the map.
- Fixed a number of areas that Counselors could get to that Jason could not.
- Added better collision around Boat Exits to prevent Jason from getting to areas he shouldn’t be in.
- Team Killing changes.
- Team Killing is no longer possible in Public Matches.
- Cars can still cause damage to the players if they are hit.
- Traps can still hurt and/or kill the player but there is no longer an XP penalty for the person that placed the trap in Public Matches.
- Private Matches have not changed.
- Fixed an issue where the Counselors breath wouldn’t start to recharge if the user continued to hold the button after breath was depleted.
- Fixed an issue with Fear being canceled if pulled out of a car.
- Fixed an issue with the Police Objective happening when it shouldn’t be.
- Fixed a number of issues regarding objects falling through the ground.
- Fixed an issue where Damage and Stun chance were only being calculated on the first attack.
- Jason can no longer block through traps, firecrackers, flare guns, shotguns, and the Police.
- Fixed reliability of perks that spawn items at the start of the match.
Misc Fixes
- Increased texture resolution on the XB1.
- Fixed the PhD for Murder Achievement/Trophy.
- Improved intro and outro cinematics.
- Fixed player muted states sometimes getting “lost” after level change.
- Can now unready in Private Match even when the countdown is low.
- Fixed a hitch caused by the video settings savegame after signing in or changing those settings.
Release: 24.09.2017
Quelle: play3.de | f13game.com
- Neuer "Spring Break 1984" DLC wurde für 2€ hinzugefügt
- Perk Fixes
- Fixed the following perks: Grease Monkey, Heavy Hitter, Man at Arms, and Tinker
- Fixed a number of issues with items not being dropped if a Counselor was killed in a hiding spot
- Fixed the PhD for Murder Achievement on Steam and Xbox 1
- Fixed an audio issue where certain audio queues were being heard across the map
- Fixed a number of objects that were awarding XP each time they were repaired or used.
Crystal Lake
- Fixed a number of spots where Jason could not kill Counselors
- Fixed an issue where cars could block the lodge entrance
- Fixed Jason’s Sense ability to properly track counselors after they leave a Cabin
- Fixed an issue that was causing Jason’s stun timer to double when being stunned
- Fixed Jason’s stun animation from canceling after he was hit again while stunned
- Fixed Jason’s combat stance blocking the sweater stun.
- Fixed an issue where Jason would be flung across the map if he was choking a counselor and was hit while uneven terrain
- Fixed an issue where Jason’s weapon damage was only being applied to the first object hit.
- Fixed an issue where Jason’s weapon collision volume was not hitting counselors directly in front of him.
- Fixed an issue to allow Jason to hit counselors through windows
- Fixed an issue to allow Jason to destroy windows and doors when swinging at them
- Fixed an issue where Jason could no longer move if he tried to grab a Counselor immediately after throwing a knife
- Fixed a number of issues preventing Jason from pulling Counselors out of a stopped car.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Jason to Shift and Grab at the same time
- Fixed an issue that was allowing Jason to activate an ability while throwing a knife
- Fixed an issue that allowed Jason to use drown kills in shallow water
- Part 9 Jason should have Part 9 music now
- Fixed an issue that was not allowing the Pocket Knife to trigger Male counselors should all have their own VO now
- Fixed an issue where dropping a gun while aiming could leave a counselor in an unresponsive state
- Fixed an issue causing Counselors to not be able to break other Counselors free from Jason’s grip.
- Fixed an issue where female Counselors weapon swings not hitting Jason
Release: 13.10.2017
- Neue Karte: Jarvis House wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neue Charakter: New Jason IV
Release: 15.12.2017
Quelle: f13game.com
- Large items are now properly hidden for counselors operating the CB radio
- Addressed some issues that were causing counselor ragdolls to behave incorrectly
- Fox's character model now properly casts a full shadow
- Made adjustments to various counselor outfits that were behaving incorrectly
- Addressed some issues that were causing players to become interaction locked
- Fixed an issue with the baseball bat not properly calculating durability
- Addressed an issue that would sometimes cause Jason to clip through terrain while in shallow water
- Addressed an issue causing Jason's own location icon and morph reticle to sometimes not appear on the map
- Fixed a bug that allowed Jason to interact with the fuse box while also holding a counselor
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to escape Pamela's Sweater stun by activating Jason's morph ability at the exact same time
- Made improvements to the camera angles used for Part 4 Jason's cinematic kills
- Fixed a bug that caused Part 7 Jason to sometimes behave incorrectly after being stunned by a pocket knife
- Fixed a bug that caused some of Jason's environmental kills to allow more uses than intended
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to enter combat stance while in the middle of Jason's grab animation
- Fixed a bug that prevented Jason's traps from properly triggering when a Counselor is entering a repaired vehicle
- Fixed a visual bug that caused Jason’s blocking animation to not show properly after blocking an attack
- Fixed a collision issue with Jason's throwing knives
- Medical Sprays will no longer contain extra charges after being dropped by a counselor with the Medic perk equipped.
- Reduced the effectiveness of the Heavy Hitter perk
User Interface
- Repair Part Icons are no longer able to appear beneath the default Map Location Icons
- Fixed a bug that was causing an incorrect amount of kills to be shown on the scoreboard
- Reduced the volume of Part 9 Jason’s music
- Fixed various audio issues occurring with some of Jason’s environmental kills
- Added additional item spawns to campsites
- Lowered the maximum amount of Medical Sprays that are able to spawn in drawers
- Increased the minimum distance that the fuse can spawn from the phone box
- Added countermeasures to prevent players from parking vehicles in front of Jason’s shack
- Removed various exploit spots on all maps
- Removed objects on various maps that were blocking the use of some of Jason’s environmental kills
Jarvis House
- Added more variation to the possible cabin types and cabin spawn locations
- Added additional item spawns and environmental kills in the Jarvis House and Vacation House
- Adjusted repair item spawn locations to no longer spawn at inaccessible locations
- Corrected various collision issues that were blocking player movement
Higgins Haven
- Fixed a bug that caused the "HIGGINS HAVEN 1984" text to sometimes appear during a match
- Removed some assets that were spawning inside on another
Higgins Haven (Small)
- Removed a tire that would sometimes block the phone repair box by Blair Cove
- Added an option in private matches to toggle Rain On/Off/Random
- Made adjustments to the lobby system to more evenly distribute the chances for players to be chosen as Jason
- Players who choose the ‘Counselor’ option in the ‘Spawn Preference’
menu will no longer be chosen as Jason (unless there are no other options)
Release: 18.12.2017
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Level Cap wird auf 150 erhöht
- Neue Charakter: New Jason
- Mehr kosmetische Optionen für Waffen
- Neuer Spielmodus "Paranoia"
- Einzelspieler Heruasforderungen
- Neue Karte
- Neue Kill-Animationen
- Mehr kosmetische Optionen für Waffen
- Offline Bots wurden hinzugefügt
Release: 31.01.2018
Quelle: play3.de
Jason Part 5 and the Pinehurst map are both now available for both Multiplayer and Offline Bots!
Part 5 has no level requirement and has access to the following grab kills:
Hedge Trimmer
Last Breath
You’re so Vein
- New Unlockable Grab Kill: The requirements to unlock Rugby Player are:
Level: 108
Cost: 2500 CP
- Reduced the amount of Pocket Knives and Medical Sprays that can spawn per match
- Adjusted the amount of available spawns per match for each weapon
- Addressed several issues that were causing players to become interaction locked
- Fixed a bug that caused Bear Traps to disappear when disarmed by a counselor
- Fixed a bug related to the “The Final Chapter” achievement that was causing players to crash
- Jason will now begin each match equipped with 2 additional throwing knives
- Jason’s movement speed has been slightly increased
- Jason’s grab range and cone has been slightly increased
- Players can once again access the medium bloody skin for Savini Jason
Note: The unlockable Light/Heavy bloody skins are not available for Savini Jason
- Fixed a bug that allowed Jason’s character model to rotate while knocked down
- The grab kills “Free Kick” and “Disarm” will now properly grant Versatile experience
- Fixed a bug where: if a player interacted with a window in a certain way, the window would break and incorrectly cause damage to the player
- Fixed inconsistencies that were appearing in several counselor models
- The Fuse will no longer be able to spawn in the same building as the Phone Box
- Addressed several exploit locations on all maps
- Made adjustments to several locations that were causing the objectives/repair parts spawns to be inaccessible
- Fixed several bugs related to the boat flipping mechanic
Offline Play
- Made many improvements and bug fixes to the bot AI in Offline Bots
- Restart function added to the pause menu in Offline Bots
- Fixed a bug causing the end score screen to incorrectly show badge progression in Offline Bots
Note: Badges can not be obtained through Offline Bots
- Players should once again be able to hear the sound of weapons and items being dropped
- The grab kill “Free Kick” will now properly take into account the user’s audio settings
Release: 24.05.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de || play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Umstellung auf Unreal Engine 4
Dadruch werden viele Fehler behoben und auch die Performance des Spiels wird sich verbessern
- Dedizierte Server für Konsole werden hinzugefügt
- EInzelspieler Herausforderungen werden hinzugefügt
- Balancing Anpassungen
- Ausserdem wurde KI Verbessert welche sich nun besser versteckt
Release: 19.11.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de || play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
Release: 30.07.2019 (Version / v1.34)
Quelle: play3.de | f13game.com
- Resolved Various Issues Regarding 'Interaction Lock' for Counselor and Jason Interactions Which Would Result in Unintended Gameplay Issues.
A more thorough pass on Interaction Systems has resolved many interaction related issues.
These methods to manipulate interactions that have been fixed include but are not limited to the Packanack Lodge roof issue.
- Fixed Several 'Stuck Spot' Locations for Jason and Counselor Players.
- Fixed Several Areas Where Counselors Could Reach Without Jason Being Able to Grab/Attack
- Fixed Various Grab Kill Animations: Smoothed Out Animation Issues
- Various Art Corrections in Cabins
- Sound Effect Tweaks with Proper Audio Effects Applied on Various Map Items
- Fixed Many 'Floating Objects' on Various Maps
- Resolved Issues with Various Car Blocking Locations on Various Maps to Prevent Exploit
- All Counselors Now React to Dead Bodies
- Resolved Issues Involving Shift/Morph Powers on Maps
Jason Can No Longer Get Stuck on Unintended Areas on Crystal Lake Map or Higgins Haven Small Map
- Fixed Victoria Pants Issue
- Fixed Jason Part 5 Asset Issue
- Fixed Various Sense Issues Involving Correct Color Display of Doors/Windows when Counselors are Either Inside or Outside a Structure
- QoL Resolutions Involving Controller Disconnect Resolved for Menu Interactions
- Animation Fixes for Jason
Small Fixes for Animations
Complete Animations
- Fixed Issue with Emote Menu
No Longer On Screen if Used While Entering Car
- Camera Fixed for Car Grab Animation
- Various Single Player Challenge Kill Fixes
- Smoothed Out Various Single Player Challenge Animations
Release: 20.01.2020 (Version / v1.36)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- An issue causing Environmental Kills to record a kill, but leave the counselor in game, creating stuck lobbies and excessive kill counts.
- An issue with the drawer upstairs on Pinehurst that would cause the counselor to become stuck if interacted with.
- A problem with super lazy bots on Jarvis House Offline. They are now motivated and will move about as normal.
- An issue that would render a door unusable if two counselors interacted with the door/barricade at the same time.
- Various game crash issues
- Various car interaction fixes, specifically counselors interacting with the car (fixing, starting, etc).
- Various counselor stuck spots have been resolved.
OTHER:Private Matches now include control over more of the in game settings.
- The modifier for “Ability Unlock/Recharge Rate” for Jason is currently only Recharge Rate. The Ability Unlock speed aspect of this will be implemented at a later date.
- These controls allow players to tweak private match settings to many varying degrees and some unexpected behavior can be seen depending on the variables selected.
- 9,05 GB groß
Release: 17.06.2020 (Version / v1.37)
- 9,05 GB groß
Release: 06.08.2020 (Version / v1.38)
Quelle: updatecrazy.com | mp1st.com
- Added fixes for crashing issues.
- Added matchmaking improvements.
- Added fixes for stuttering/lag issues.
- Performance and stability improvements.
- Added other minor fixes and changes.
- 9,05 GB groß
Release: 11.11.2020 (Version / v1.39)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Dedizierte Server werden abgeschaltet
- Weiterhin bleiben die Datenbank Server bestehen, womit auch Fortschritte und Freischaltungen weiterhin festgehalten werden, wenn ihr Quick Matches und Private Matches über Peer-to-Peer (P2P) spielt.
- Die mit der Pandemie aktivierten Double XP, CP und Tape Drop Rate bleiben dauert bestehen.
- 9,13 GB groß
Release: 04.05.2021 (Version / v1.40)
- 9,05 GB groß
- PS4: 176,2 MB (Version 1.40)