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Forza Horizon 4 Update Details (73+X+Series)


Release: 02.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

Auf der Xbox One X wurde zudem ein Ruckeln beseitigt, welches bei der freien Fahrt auftrat

Unter anderem wurden Verbesserungen bei Stabilität und Performance vorgenommen

- 757,18 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fix for displaying the fallback car when reaching the Dirt race series with only the initial install chunk installed.

- General stability improvements

- Changed the Titan FE Rivals Event to a regular Titan with an Upgrade Preset so non-VIPs can play it.

- Fix for stall when connecting to a multiplayer session.

- Fix for traffic sometimes not respawning after exiting an event sign-up in Horizon Life or after completing a Horizon Story.

- Fix for Creative Hub data when accessed from Leaderboards.

- Fix for crash during the rewards flow after completing a Horizon Story.

- Fix for race position changing sometimes when crossing the line in co-op.

- Fix for Xbox Silver Accounts not defaulting to Horizon Solo, resulting in failure to connect to multiplayer servers.

- Fix for #Forzathon Live cinematics disappearing after disconnection.

- Updated chase camera on the Mercedes Unimog to improve visibility.

- 343,41 MB groß

Release: 24.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Strecken Editor steht ab sofort zur Verfügung

- New Horizon Story

- General stability and performance improvements.

- Multiple engine audio improvements based on community feedback.

- Added quit option in Quickplay Team Adventure after finishing an Adventure.

- Improvements to Force Feedback understeer effect

- Fix for progress loss on Forzathon Challenges.

- Fix for rewards not being awarded in Seasonal Championships and Trial events.

- Fix for blurring on the edges of a moving target car in Photo Mode.

- Fix to avoid early completion of Trial events and allow all events to be finished.

- Fix for VIP House reward exploit.

- Fix for reset system not placing the car correctly when changing season after an event.

- Improvements to free-roam Drivatar behaviour, when driving round tight corners

- Fix for calculation of team score in Horizon Stories Co-op sessions during time-based challenges.

- Fix for Forzathon Weekly Bonus not updating correctly in the UI.

- Fix for HDR brightness calibration screen.

- Fix for traffic cars not spawning sometimes after a Barn Find cinematic.

- Fix for displayed value of VIP house when VIP owned, but house not purchased.

- Fix for rotating wheels when car is stationary in Pause Menu, ForzaVista and Drone Mode.

- 3,49 GB groß

Release: 07.11.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Zum 50. Geburtstag von Hot Wheels werden 4 Autos kostenlos hinzugefügt

2011 Hot Wheels Bone Shaker

2017 Hot Wheels Rip Rod

2005 Hot Wheels Ford Mustang

1969 Hot Wheels Twin Mill


- Fixed a bug where some players were not being awarded „Antique Restorer“ achievement, despite having collected all the Barn Finds.

- Updated the reward for Winter trial to make the Green Morph Suit clothing item available to players.

- Fixed a bug where players were unable to get their vehicle reset (either through flipping, or missing a checkpoint) during Team Adventure.

- Prevent cars from appearing ghosted whilst in Photo Mode.

- Fixed a bug where Drivatars were all showing as Wristband Level 1 in race results screens.

- Fixed an issue where completing a Route Blueprint event would leave the player at the end of the on-disc route, rather than the blueprinted route.

- Route Blueprint fliers now show „Custom Route“ to distinguish then from other Blueprints.

- Added a Report button to Designs, Tunes, Photos, Vinyls in the Creative Hub menu.

- Fixed an issue where some players were not prompted to join the session.

- Reduced the chance of sessions failing to start in Ranked Team Adventure following successful matchmaking.

- General Stability improvements.

- 277,59 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Ebenfalls im Update enthalten sind 41 neue Felgen von 22 Herstellern.

- Mit dem Horizon Racing Cup stehen schließlich 12 neue saisonale Meisterschaften an, die ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 3.6 Millionen Credits ausschütten.

- Fixes for various connectivity issues, including dead sessions.

- The post-race cutscenes can now be skipped.

- Ability to Add All DLC cars to Garage in one go.

- Improvements to Photo Mode (namely, cars will only be ghosted if they are inside each other).

- Fix for the Barn Find Achievement.

- Improved Car Resets in Team Adventure: there are no wider improvements to the Team Adventure modes,

but the issues have been noted and the team are investigating ways to make the mode more enjoyable.

- 2,03 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neue DLC "Fortune Island" wird mit vielen neuen Events hinzugefügt

New Features

- Improved Horizon Life Multiplayer Event Sign-Up

- Improved Photo Mode

Cross Platform Fixes

- Emotes can now occasionally be found for purchase in the #Forzathon shop.

- Improved visibility of driving line on mini-map in various colorblind modes.

- Added messaging to inform players that Cars and Credits must be claimed from the Auction House within 60 days.

- Added an LSP error message to make users aware they need an update to the game.

- Seasonal Event names are now shown on the map, making them easier to find.

- Made a change to allow users who use manual gears to view the map during Route Creation.

- Fixed an exploit in Route Creator which allowed players to create routes to easily gain a large number of skill points.

- Fixed an exploit in Rivals which allowed players to use cars that did not meet the event restrictions.

- Fixed an issue where players who flipped cars, or missed checkpoints were not being reset in Ranked Adventure.

- Fixed an issue where players could not remove glasses in the Character Customizer.

- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes get stuck in a Car Mastery Tree, and be unable to navigate from their current tile.

- Fixed an issue where players were occasionally being teleported to their last created Route Blueprint after a Seasonal Championship.

- Fixed an issue where the Distance Driven stat was not updating correctly if the player changed their car via the Pause Menu

- Various stability improvements.

Wheel Fixes

 - Fixed extreme sudden movements to wheels during initialization.

- Fixed the grinding noise in cockpit view when shifting with the Logitech G920.

- Fixed the deadzones settings functionality for Throttle, Brake, Clutch and Steering.

- Added UI to make it clearer which way to turn the wheel when mapping a Steering Wheel.

Xbox Fixes

- No Xbox-specific fixes.

- 6,96 GB groß

Release: 21.12.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Mit der neuesten Erweiterung und dem Fortune Island DLC haben sich ein paar kleine Bugs bei Forza Horizon 4 eingeschlichen,

 die sich vor allem negativ auf die Stabilität des Spiels ausgewirkt haben. Nun wurden diese Fehler beseitigt.

- 157,63 MB groß

Release: 15.01.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 7 neue kostenlose Autos von Mitsubishi Motors

1992 Mitsubishi Galant VR4

1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX

1997 Mitsubishi GTO

1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI GSR

2004 Mitsubishi Lancer VIII MR

2006 Mitsubishi Lancer IX MR

2008 Mitsubishi Lancer X GSR

- New Features: Free-For-All Adventure

This update adds a brand-new way to play Online Adventure, where players compete individually.

Available in both Ranked and Unranked modes, this new game mode can be found in the Online Adventure tab, replacing “Anything Goes”.

Cross Platform fixes

- Added Racing Series, Creator and Title filters to Event Blueprint searching.

- Added the ability to view all the eligible cars for a Trial or Seasonal Championship.

- Resolved issue where Drivatar names could be duplicated in events.

- Fixed issue where a certain tune on the Forza Edition Caterham would cause graphical issues.

- Fixed a bug where changing units to metric caused issues with the route length indicator during route creation.

- Fixed an issue where turning off rewind in difficulty menu would prevent users from being able to rewind during route creation.

- Fixed an issue where disabling car lights would not also disable the reverse lights.

- Fixed an issue where flipped or snapped elements on an imported livery would unflip if ungrouped.

- Fixed visual issues caused by Santa outfit and Reindeer nose.

- Prevented damage being applied to player car when restarting British Racing Green: Chapter 10.

- Improved visibility of Street Race event finish lines.

- Fixed issue where downloading your own design via Creative Hub or the curated designs menu would not allow you to edit it.

- Fixed an issue where leaving and rejoining a convoy during a #Forzathon Live event would allow users to collide with each other when they shouldn’t.

- Fixed an issue where passing through a Danger Sign twice in quick succession would cause all other PR stunts to stop working.

- Fixed an issue where Drivatars could win a co-op Seasonal Championship, despite scoring fewer points.

- Fixed an issue where the Speed Trap near the train bridge could be exploited.

- Fixed an issue where invalid performance ranges could be displayed on event flyers.

- Fixed an issue where player prestige level would not be shown in pre-race leaderboards in Online Adventure.

- Improvements to stutters.

- Various stability improvements.

Wheel Fixes

- Fixed issue where Average Slip Damper was not working on wheels that required inverse FFB.

- Fixed issue where center spring in FFB would remain on while in the air.

- Fixed issue where spring effect would trigger when driving through water, even if set to OFF

- Improved rumble and FFB feedback on wheels.

- Fixed an issue with the UI for the Thrustmaster T150, where buttons were displaying incorrectly.

- Fixed issue where controller mappings for a second device were not being saved.

- Fixed an issue with the Thrustmaster TS WX Racer competition mod,

where setting the steering Axis Deadzone Outside to below 50 made it impossible to drive the car.

- 4,60 GB groß

Release: 04.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Garage = 750 Autos

 -Designs = 500 Liveries

- Vinyls = 500 Designs

- Tuning = 500 Setups

- Fotos = 150 Bilder

- 165,08 MB

Release: 04.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Diversen Stabilitätsverbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen wurden durchgeführt

- Ab Level 60 kann man eine neue Skill Streak Story mit neuen Herausforderungen spielen

- 3,52 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2019


- 430,67 MB groß

Release: 27.02.2019


- 359,18 MB groß

Release: 12.03.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 18 neue Achievemnts für 500 Gamerscore

- Dazu kommen Festival Playlist und Showcase Remix:

Cross-Platform Fixes

- Added 4 Trial Events to Fortune Island, one per season

- Fixed an issue where “The Storm” by Notaker would never play on Bass Arena

- Fixed an issue where some players were getting incorrectly banned from ranked Online Adventure

- Fixed an issue whereby the player’s car would sometimes rotate during pre-race loading sequences

- Conditions for awarding influence from Mixer have been changed to favor active gameplay streams

- Fixed an Achievement exploit whereby Route Blueprints could be used

to obtain the „Better Get Krakken“ and „Leviathan Slayer“ Achievements in a way that wasn’t intended

 - Fixed a Credits exploit when switching race type during Route Blueprint creation

- Fixed an issue with the Character Customizer, where eye accessories would prevent hats from appearing

- Fixed an issue whereby the Showcase Rivals tile was unavailable in the Pause Menu while on Fortune Island

- Vinyls are now correctly applied to the front-left door of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR

- Added missing cars to the „Upgrade Heroes“ Car Theme when Blueprinting an Event

- Fixed an issue with subtitles not playing correctly in Chapter 10 of Isha’s Taxis

- Car Pass owners are now able to use their Car Pass cars while offline

- Various crash and stability improvements

Wheel Fixes

- Fixed Fanatec Porsche 911 GTE inverted left and right paddles

- Fixed Logitech G27 issue where the left and right paddles didn’t work when browsing through tabs in the Pause Menu

- 2,99 GB groß

Release: 27.03.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Reduced the requirement to earn the top tier rewards in the Festival Playlist from 100% to 80%

- Fixed some credit exploits when using route blueprint

- Further edits to songs for ESRB requirements

- 1,13 GB groß

Release: 10.04.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Online Adventure Championships have been updated:

- S2 Class has been removed from Dirt Racing Championships.

- B Class has been added to Dirt Racing Championships.

- Freeroam Rush events have been removed from all Asphalt and Street Race Championships.

- Collisions are disabled for the first 30 seconds of each race. This change also applies to Horizon Life PvP races.

Drift Adventure

- An all-new Online Adventure game mode! Take part in three-race Drift Championships, where it’s not about how fast you can drive, it’s about how well you can drift!

- Points are scored on asphalt only and are based on the angle and speed of your drift.

You’ll have time to complete a few laps in each event, so don’t worry if you mess up the start, you still have every chance to win as only your best lap’s score goes up on the leaderboard.

- Drift Adventure is available in both Quick Play and Ranked and can be accessed from the Online Adventure tab in the Pause Menu.

- Earning a rank in Drift Adventure will check-off the Online Adventure requirement for Festival Playlist.

Cross-Platform Fixes

- Fixed issue where opponent drivatars were showing as Level 1 in race results screen.

- Changed Seasonal Playground Games to finish when one team reaches three, rather than having to complete all 5 events.

- Added the ability to look at previous series in Festival Playlist.

- Fixed an issue where turning Player Designs off in HUD and Gameplay options would not work correctly.

- Fixed an issue where the ownership of the VIP house would be reset.

- Various stability improvements.

Wheel Fixes

- Fixed an issue where launching the game and then plugging in a wheel would cause 90 degrees of deadzone.

- 2,29 GB groß

Release: 19.04.2019


- 135,98 MB groß

Release: 07.05.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Auf vielfachen Wunsch bietet die Serie 9 nun eine Custom Adventure-Option für Spieler, um die Rennserie ihrer Wahl zu erstellen und

dann mit gleichgesinnten Forza Horizon 4-Spielern auf der ganzen Welt zusammenzuarbeiten.

- New Horizon Story: Die Fahrzeugdateien

-  Horizon 4 Showcase Remix: The Delta-Wing Showcase

Forza Horizon 4 Online-Abenteuer: Ghosting und Anti-Griefing

- Dieses Update fügt zwei neue Funktionen hinzu, die das Griefing und das Wandfahren in Ranked und Quickplay Online Racing Adventure reduzieren sollen.

 Spieler, die an Wänden entlang gleiten, um zu versuchen, in die Kurve zu gehen, werden für kurze Zeit eine Verlangsamung ihrer Autos erfahren.

Das System wird die Spieler ghosten lassen, wenn ein hoher Geschwindigkeitsunterschied festgestellt wird.

- Das schnellere Auto wird nun geghostet, um die Anzahl der Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufpralle zu reduzieren

z.B. wenn die Spieler zu spät auf die Bremse treten und die Kurve nicht erreichen.

Dies reduziert auch das Auftreten von Spielern, die absichtlich mit hoher Geschwindigkeit kollidieren wollen, um andere Spieler von der Strecke zu drängen.

Cross Platform Fixes

- Fixed an issue which prevented Hats from appearing on the player character in open top vehicles

- Fixed an issue where entering replays twice, would result in the player receiving no Credits or Influence

- Added in a prompt when starting seasonal championships to ensure the correct difficulty is set to earn the top reward

- Fixed an issue with the Koenigsegg Agera RS Audio becoming distorted after driving for an extended period of time

- Fixed an issue where players were not able to see cars they had been awarded in their garage, only on event sign up

- Fixed an issue where map slams for new activities would reset a player’s map filter settings

- Fixed an issue where the Broadway Danger Sign PR Stunt wasn’t always activating or calculating distance properly

- Fixed an issue where selecting a rivals event through My Rivals for an event on a different island would result in an infinite load

- Fixed an issue in festival playlist where achieving exactly 80% wouldn’t show the Seasonal reward as achieved

- Added more details to Map Pins for seasonal events, which will now show vehicle restrictions

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to begin a Private Adventure in a convoy

- Fixed an issue with the F150 Hoonitruck engine audio being incorrect

- Various Stability improvements

Xbox-Specific Fixes

- Fixed an issue that prevented the Treasure Hunt Location from spawning if the player had system notifications turned off.

- 2,58 GB groß

Release: 10.05.2019 (Hotfix)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Hotfix zum Mastery Skill Point Bug

- 159,62 MB groß

Release: 16.05.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Nach dem Update erhaltet ihr eure Punkte nun zurück. Sobald ihr nach dem Update zum ersten Mal das Pausen-Menü aufruft,

zeigt euch eine Nachricht an, wie viele Punkte ihr zurückbekommt.

Spieler die bereits mehr als 999 Punkte haben, bekommen allerdings erst diese Punkte gutgeschrieben, wenn sie unter 999 Punkte gefallen sind.

- 196,15 MB groß

Release: 05.06.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Des Weiteren wurde für alle Superstar-Fahrer in Forza Horizon 4 ein Endgame-Star-Card-System eingefügt, sobald ihr Rang 200 erreicht habt.

Folgende Auto können durch das neue System freigeschaltet werden

2019 Rimac C_Two (Frühling)

2014 Maserati Ghibli (Sommer)

1969 Fiat Dino Coupé (Herbst)

1970 AMC Rebel ‘The Machine’ (Winter)

- 1,87 GB groß

Release: 13.06.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neuer kostenpflichtiger DLC "LEGO Speed Champions" kann für 19,99€ erworben werden

- 8,20 GB groß

Release: 20.06.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Improved performance by reducing stutters in freeroam on Xbox One, Xbox One S, and Xbox One X in Quality mode.

Cross Platform Fixes

- Fixed an issue which prevented players with a full garage from being awarded LEGO cars when starting LEGO Valley.

- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes lose audio when returning to Mainland

- Increased the number of LEGO table types which count towards the “Table Flipping” brick challenge

- Increased the number of LEGO dinosaur bone types which count towards the “Truly Extinct” challenge

- Fixed an issue which would cause dust on cars to become white after a rewind

- Fixed an issue which prevented Stars earned from PR Stunts in LEGO Valley from counting towards Star Card challenges

- Fixed an issue which prevents finales in LEGO valley from counting towards Star Card challenges

- Improved the loading time when travelling to LEGO Valley icon via quick start functionality

- Various stability fixes

- 1,32 GB groß

Release: 02.07.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Neue Inhalte mit Top Gear Story werden hinzugefügt

 - Dazu passend neue Top Gear Cars

- Horizon Life Timeline: Hier könnt ihr in euren Statistiken versinken und alle eure Fortschritte unter die Lupe nehmen.

- „klassenbasierten Rivalrennen“ kehren zurück mit einer eigenen Bestenliste

- Neue Saison-Events, Trials, PR-Stunts, Forzathon Challenges und exklusive Rennwagen warten schon beim nächsten Horizon Festival auf euch

- 3,39 GB groß

Release: 09.07.2019

Quelle: twitter.com | forza.net

- This update is to fix a crash on the front end when the users language is set to Traditional Chinese.

- 155,72 MB groß

Release: 30.07.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | forza.net

- Ein neuer Scheunenfund für den LEGO Speed Champions DLC hinzugefügt, der euch einen Porsche 9360 im Klötzchendesign einbringt.

- Fixed an issue with the stat for number of cars in garage not updating correctly after a wheelspin

- Fixed an issue with players not being awarded Cr at the end of a game of Infected

- Fixed an intermittent issue with player Ghosts not driving in Class Based Rivals

- Fixed an issue where players were not automatically entering a PvP event after creating one

- Fixed an issue with the stat for Trial Championships entered not being updated correctly

- Fixed an issue with Seasonal Trailblazers having the wrong map icon

- Fixed an issue where players were able to drive under water in certain conditions

- Various stability and performance improvements

- 2,24 GB groß

Release: 29.08.2019

Quelle: forzamotorsport.net


- Reworked return to game flow for new players

- Rebalanced league rankings in Team Adventure

- Fixed an issue where the Left Mirror displays the same reflection as the right mirror on the 2018 Nissan Sentra NISMO

- Lego Speed Champions Icon was appearing even when all items were filtered

- Fixed an issue where player could get out of world when hitting a specific sign post

- Brick challengers which require you to be in a LEGO car were not counting the LEGO 911 Porsche as a LEGO car

- Fixed 1997 Mazda RX7 speedometer showing odd behaviour over certain speeds

- No reflection was present on the central mirror in the 1997 Mazda RX7 cockpit

- Fixed part of the  Holden Sandman engine disappearing when applying the Roo Bars body kit

- Adjusted the Vauxhall Monaro VXR collision to avoid bottoming out in certain areas of the world

- Fixed an Issue in Star Card where "The Magnate" was not updating correctly

- Fixed an Issue where Forzathon Daily Challenges reset after travelling between Mainland and Fortune Island or LEGO Valley

- General stability improvements

- 3,97 GB groß

Release: 25.09.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

Route Blueprint Improvements

- Jump to any checkpoint in your route and edit their width and placement

- Completely redraw your route from any checkpoint, including changing the endpoint

- Convert a circuit race to a point-to-point, or vice-versa

- New Achievements: 11 neue Erfolge mit 250 Gamerscore

- Sell Duplicate Cars in WheelSpin

- Improved Search Functionality for Event Blueprints

- Direct Share Code for Event Blueprints

- New Showcase Remix – A Contest of Giants

- Showcase Remix – Night Flight

Cross-Platform Fixes

- Fixed an issue where the distance traveled stat was not updating correctly

- Fixed an issue where Showcases won stat was not updating correctly in Star Card.

You will need to go and re-race the showcase events to get the stat to increase correctly.

- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on the Festival Playlist screen when first reaching the Horizon Roster

- Fixed an issue where the Player Houses stat would not update correctly

- Fixed a livery issue on the Austin Taxi which would cause some decals to invert or disappear
- arious stability and performance improvements

Festival Playlist Score Fix

The issue which was affecting some Festival Playlist scores not being correct can be fixed with these steps.

- Open Festival Playlist

- View History

- Select Series in question

- Exit festival playlist

- Re-enter festival playlist to trigger missed rewards

- 1,20 GB groß

Release: 01.10.2019 (Version 1.351.461.0)

Quelle: forzamotorsport.net

- Festival Playlist completion stats being incorrectly reported.

Players may need to go into their old playlist history in order to get past playlists to update correctly

- Fixes the audio for the Porsche 718 Cayman

- Two minor crash fixes

- 285,48 MB groß

Release: 24.10.2019 (Version 1.359.918.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de






- Fixed an issue where Side Mirrors were not visible in cockpit view for the 1977 Ford escort RS1800

- Fixed an issue where the 2013 Mercedes-Benz A 45 AMG performance graph could go out of range whilst upgrading

- Fixed an issue where the displacement value for electric cars would show as 999,999,999 on the pre-race stats screen

- Fixed an issue where the daily challenges for series 7 and 8 were not counting towards festival playlist progress

- Fixed an issue where Brick Challenges wouldn’t complete in co-op seasonal events

- Fixed an issue where Star Card flairs were not appearing for users in some circumstances

- Various stability and performance improvements

- 3,55 GB groß

Release: 29.10.2019 (Version 1.361.362.0)


- 285,88 MB groß

Release: 20.11.2019 (Version 1.367.746.0)

Quelle: forzamotorsport.com | xboxdynasty.de

- RESTRICTED CARS IN MULTIPLAYER: Some cars will no longer be permitted in competitive multiplayer modes like Rivals and Online Adventure.


- To improve the experience for our players who use subtitles, the following changes have been made to the subtitling system:

- Subtitle Location: We have now moved our subtitles to the bottom center of the screen, away from their original location on the left hand side.

- Subtitle Font Size: Players can now adjust the font size of all subtitles from within the Video Settings menu

- Subtitle Background Opacity: Players can now adjust the transparency of the subtitle background from within the Video Settings menu

- Subtitle Option Preview: Players can now see an example of their subtitle settings by pressing the Options button from within the Video Settings menu



- Added the ability to quickly select Manufacturers in the Auction House Search interface.

- Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly placed into a previously created custom route.

- Various stability and performance improvements.

- 3,05 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2019 (Version 1.377.172.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 1998 Toyota Supra RZ wird kostenlos hinzugefügt

New Features

„The Eliminator“ brings battle royale to Forza Horizon 4, Up to 72 players face off in the open world of Britain within a set arena boundary

eliminating one another in head-to-head races to earn new upgrades and a chance to pick up rare Car Drops

- Showcase Remix Redux: Nine & Three Quarters

- Showcase Remix Redux: Contest of Giants

Cross-Platform Fixes

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to post new rivals leaderboard scores.

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to post scores to PR Stunt leaderboards with cars blacklisted from Rivals.,

- Various stability and performance improvements.

- 4,62 GB groß

Release: 17.12.2019 (Version 1.378.661.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed an issue where players were able to join an in progress Eliminator session via the convoy invite system.

- 169,80 MB groß

Release: 19.12.2019 (Version 1.380.122.0)


- 172,50 MB groß

Release: 15.01.2020 (Version 1.383.319.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


Top Gear Track-Tor

Mercedes Benz Unimog



Quartz Regalia D

M12S Warthog CST

Jeep Wrangler DD

Funco F9

Isha’s Offroad Taxi


- Fixed an issue where the action bar was not appearing in freeroam over other players‘ cars

- Improved loading time when loading into The Eliminator

- Fixed an issue where traffic cars would not always appear in Co-Op Street Scene events

- Improved the loading time when upgrading a car in The Eliminator

- Increased the arena boundary audio

- Fixed an issue where custom controller or keyboard settings wouldn’t allow a user to upgrade their car in The Eliminator

- Fixed additional instances of players not being able to challenge others to Head-to-Head races in The Eliminator

- Fixed an issue where the timeout bar in The Eliminator was misaligned when playing in certain languages

- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable to open the pause menu or map after quitting and re-joining The Eliminator

- Various stability and performance improvements

- 1,49 GB groß

Release: 13.02.2020 (Version 1.383.367.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de



Level 2: 1959 Jaguar Mk II 3.8

Level 2: 1966 Hillman Imp

Level 3: 2010 Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor

Level 3: 1996 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport

Level 4: 2014 Volkswagen Golf R

Level 6: 2012 Porsche Cayenne Turbo

Level 7: 2015 Audi RS 6 Avant

Level 7: 2014 Alfa Romeo 4C

Level 8: 2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

Level 9: 2016 BMW M4 GTS

Level 9: 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

Level 9: 2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 SV

Level 10: 2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport


- Fixed the Achievements Heads Up, and Pacifist not unlocking. Players will need to re-meet the criteria in order to get them to unlock.

- Fixed an issue with player houses disappearing after having been unlocked and purchased

- Fixed an issue where the first line of a subtitle would display again if multiple lines of dialogue were being played

- Fixed an issue where players using metric settings were unable to get 3 stars on a chapter in the British Racing Green story

- We now show the level of your current car in whilst in a Head-to-Head race in The Eliminator

- Various Stability Improvements

- 2,72 GB groß

Release: 19.02.2020 (Version 1.396.106.0)


- 291,20 MB groß

Release: 21.02.2020 (Version 1.397.978.0)


- 290,89 MB groß

Release: 10.03.2020 (Version 1.401.9148.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de


- Weitere 8 Erfolge mit 250 Gamerscore werden hinzugefügt


- Subtitle Keyword Highlighting: We’ve added an option for bolding keywords in all subtitles!

- Map Filter Icons: The Map Filter list is now adorned with icons to help guide players to the Event Types they’re looking for. They are also quite pretty.

- 2,36 GB groß

Release: 16.03.2020 (Version 1.404.570.0)


- 148,19 MB groß

Release: 08.04.2020 (Version 1.409.350.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Herausforderungen wurden hinzugefügt


- Extended the time information is visible in The Eliminator’s elimination feed

- Fixed an issue where the VIP Reward pop-up would be displayed for some users every time the game is started

- Fixed an issue where the engine audio of the Napier Railton was much louder in 4th gear

- Removed unnecessary lights on the dashboard of 2015 Volvo V60 Polestar in cockpit cam

- Fixed the visibly bouncing Car hood on the 2005 Honda NSX-R when in hood cam

- Fixed the visibly bouncing Car hood on the 1995 Ferrari F50 when in cockpit cam

- Fixed an issue with the „Performante“ logo disappearing from the door of the 2018 Lamborghini Huracán Performante when opening them of viewing the car in explode mode

- Fixed an issue where the air vent from an aftermarker hood would float in explode mode when viewing the 2013 Ford Shelby GT500

- 1,34 GB groß

Release: 16.04.2020 (Version 1.410.989.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Dabei soll ein Problem mit dem Cross-Play gelösst werden.

- 147,18 MB groß

Release: 06.05.2020 (Version 1.410.989.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Photo Mode now has a new ‘Promo Quickshot’ button, which allows you to add cars to your promo collection much faster.

Press RB to quickly add new cars to your promo collection, without having to wait for the photo processing time.


- Fixed an Issue with players being unable switch Star Card flairs

- Fixed an issue with Forzathon Points being displayed incorrectly in Russian

- Fixed an issue with Tool Tip options disappearing when browsing liveries in the Creative Hub

- Fixed an issue with the 2005 Honda NSX-R which caused parts of the hood to clip through the dashboard in cockpit view

- Fixed an issue with the 2007 Formula Drift #117 599 GTB Fiorano where wheel screws were not being painted correctly

- Various stability improvements

- 1,83 GB groß

Release: 14.05.2020 (Version 1.416.287.0)


- 195,15 MB groß

Release: 17.06.2020 (Version 1.421.937.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 7 neue Erfolge mit 200 Gamerscore

„Über Stock und Stein„; 40 Sprungfähigkeiten in einem beliebigen Offroader ausführen; 30 Gamerscore

„Tunnelblick“; in einem beliebigen S2-Auto 100 Beinahetreffer ausführen; 30 Gamerscore

„Das Herz Britanniens“; mit dem 2011 Ford Transit SSV 306 km/h beim M68-Blitzer fahren; 30 Gamerscore

„Erste Promo-tion“; schieß dein ersts Bild für Horizon-Promo; 15 Gamerscore

„Perfekt getroffen„; von 200 verschiedenen Autos Fotos für Horizon-Promo machen; 50 Gamerscore

„Bleib zu Hause“; das Haus Sunflower Meadows kaufen; 15 Gamerscore

„Bleib gesund“, 25 sauberes Rennen-Fähigkeiten in einem A-Klasse Auto; 30 Gamerscore


- Fixed an issue with the 2019 McLaren 720s Spider where the brake lights were not moving along with the rear wing

- Fixed an inconsistency in the behavior of an aftermarker hood on the Bentley Continental GT Speed Forza Edition and Standard Edition

- Fixed a minor graphical error on the Ultima Evolution Coupe 1020

- Fixed an issue with the tail light illumination on the Toyota Supra 2.0 GT

- Various Stability Improvements

- 1,48 GB groß

Release: 23.06.2020 (Version 1.423.6.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Dieser merzt einen Bug aus, der verhinderte, dass der „Stay Home“-Erfolg freigeschaltet wurde

- 147,46 MB groß

Release: 30.06.2020 (Version 1.424.99.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Viele neue Herausforderungen mit weiteen freischaltbaren Autos uvm.

- 1,46 GB groß

Release: 06.07.2020 (Version 1.424.821.0)


- 331,89 MB groß

Release: 28.07.2020 (Version 1.428.211.0)

Quelle: paket=xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

Neues Willkommenspaket-DLC wurde hinzugefügt

Kostenlose für Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition und Ultimate Addons Bundle Besitzer

1996 Ferrari F50 GT

2017 Ford GT

1960 Porsche 718 RS 60

2016 Hoonigan Gymkhana 9 Ford Focus RS RX

1993 Toyota #1 T100 Baja Truck

2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

2016 Subaru #199 WRX STI VT15R Rally Car

1976 Jeep CJ5 Renegade

Showcase Remix

- Commuter Blues

-  Ride to Anywhere

- Freight Expectations: Round 2

- Quaint Village Rush

Cross Platform Fixes

- Removed the “Launch Mixer” tile from the pause menu.

- 2,72 GB groß

Release: 26.08.2020 (Version 1.432.823.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- The Garage Size limit has been increased to 1000. This is a 250 increase from the previous limit.

- The Car Reset timer is now more lenient, giving players a better chance to recover if their car flips out of control.

Ranked Adventure

- Matchmaking times have been reduced for all Quickplay and Ranked Adventures.

- Players now only need to complete 1 Online Adventure to qualify for any Ranked Adventure.

Cross Platform Fixes

- Gauges in the Lamborghini Urus 2019 whilst in Cockpit view  now show 8th gear, matching the HUD display of the game.

- Photo Challenges can be now be completed whilst in a race event.

- 1,14 GB groß

Release: 23.09.2020 (Version 1.437.664.0)


- 2,60 GB groß

Release: 25.09.2020 (Version 1.439.843.0)


- 166,44 MB groß

Release: 14.10.2020 (Version 1.443.708.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Neue Features:

The Drag Run

- Dabei handelt es sich um eine neue, non-stop, Drag-Meisterschaft.

Testet euer Tuning mit anderen Fahrern während man am Event per Drop-In-Drop-Out ohne große Hürde beitreten kann.

Um ein Drag Run zu starten, geht ihr auf irgendein Drag Race-Event und wählt The Drag Run aus.

Xbox Hall of Fame

- Eine Möglichkeit zu zeigen, dass ihr zu den besten Horizon-Fahrern gehört.

Schlagt die Zeit eurer Kontrahenten und zieht an ihnen vorbei.

Ihr fahrt dabei mit dem 2018er McLaren Senna auf einer speziellen Hall of Fame-Strecke um die schnelle Rundenzeit.

- Um gewinnen zu können müsst ihr euch auf xbox.com/HoF registrieren

- Erhaltet Zugang zum Xbox Hall of Fame Rivals-Event über die Festival-Spielliste

Neue Auto-Pakete:

Icon Auto Paket

Stecht mit diesem Paket aus der Masse heraus. Es enthält Sieben einzigartige Autos. Diese Autos sind ebenfalls im Forza Horizon 4 Car Pass enthalten.

- 1968 Ford Mustang GT 2+2 Fastback

- 1965 Ford Transit

- 1966 Hillman Imp

- 1963 Opel Kadett A

- 1965 Peel Trident

- 1959 Porsche A 1600 Super

- 1966 Volkswagen Double Cab Pick-Up

High Performance Auto-Paket

Dieses Paket überreicht euch die Schlüssel zu Sieben der unglaublichsten Sport-Autos. Auch diese Autos sind im Forza Horizon 4 Car Pass enthalten.

- 2017 Ferrari GTC4 Lusso

- 2018 Ford Mustang GT Deberti Design

- 1972 Lambo Jarama S

- 2014 McLaren Spider 650S

- 2019 Porsche 911 Carrera S

- 1993 Porsche 968 Turbo S

- 2010 Vauxhall Insignia VXR

- 999,76 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2020 (Version 1.448.449.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neues Fahrzeug wird hinzugefügt: Hennessey Velociraptor 6×6 reichlich Truck-Power!

- Des Weiteren wurden neue Autopakete zum Kauf freigegeben, die vorher nur für Forza Horizon 4 Car Pass-Besitzer zugänglich waren:

Forza Horizon 4: “Japanische Legenden“-Autopaket

Forza Horizon 4: Cabrio-Autopaket

- 1,77 GB groß

Release: 10.11.2020 (Version 2.448.449.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox Series X|S Support: native 4K|1440p mit 60 FPS

Die Weitsicht, die Schattenqualität, Partikeleffekte, Texturen und viele weitere grafische Aspekte wurden dramatisch aufgewertet und gleichen den PC-Ultra-Einstellungen,

wobei einige Grafikdetails noch einmal aufgewertet wurden und diese überschreiten.

- 64,55 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 17.11.2020 (Version Xbox One 1.451.339.0 | Xbox Series 2.451.339.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed a number of issues around changing languages

- Fixed a number of issues where liveries were not being displayed in certain circumstances

- Fixed a number of issues using Quick Resume


- Minor back-end fixes

- 1009,95 MB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 192,74 MB groß

Release: 08.12.2020 (Version Xbox One 1.457.371.0 | Xbox Series 2.457.371.0)

Quelle: gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neuer kostenloser Spielmodus: Super 7

 - 10,63 GB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,97 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2020 (Version Xbox One 1.458.956.0 | Xbox Series 2.458.956.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Probleme mit Verbindungsabbrüchen werden behoben

- 700,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 213,54 MB groß

Release: 14.01.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.460.861.0 | Xbox Series 2.460.861.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Mittelmotor-Stingray-Corvette ist ab heute verfügbar

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from chapter 1 of the Top Gear story.

- Fixed an issue that would cause some players to be put into a different car when relaunching the game on Xbox One Series S/X

- Made some minor fixes to the Quadra V-Tech, including fixes for behavior in the Paint Shop and ForzaVista

- Stability Improvements

- 8,35 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,33 GB groß

Release: 11.02.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.463.590.0 | Xbox Series 2.463.732.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Shelby 1000 und GT500 veröffentlicht

- Holt euch den Shelby 1000, indem ihr die Saisonmeisterschaft „Shelby Coming Round the Mountain“ absolviert.

- Führt das Erbe von Shelby mit dem GT500 fort, der erhältlich ist, wenn ihr die „Flex Your Muscle“-Saisonmeisterschaft absolviert.

- 7,93 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,75 GB groß

Release: 22.02.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.464.290.0 | Xbox Series 2.460.861.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release= xboxdynasty.de | forzamotorsport.com

- Neues Hot Wheels Legends Car Pack wurde hinzugefügt und kann für 9,99€ erworben werden

1949er Ford F-5 Dually Custom Hot Rod

1969er International-Harvester Loadstar CO-1600

1972er Chevrolet LUV

1957er Studebaker Golden Hawk “Dream Roadster“


1957er Nash Metropolitan Custom (THE NASH)

- 791,56 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 329,00 MB groß

Release: 09.03.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.465.297.0 | Xbox Series 2.465.297.0)

Quelle: forzamotorsport.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Improvements to high contrast mode and screen reader for accessibility.

- Stability improvements.

- 7,70 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,56 GB groß

Release: 23.03.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.466.460.0 | Xbox Series 2.466.460.0)


- 694,54 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 235,05 MB groß

Release: 06.04.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.467.173.0 | Xbox Series 2.467.173.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Porsche 356 Outlaw RSR und den 1968 Pontiac Firebird veröffentlicht

- Der Porsche 356 Outlaw RSR von Emory Motorsport ist bei 50 % der Summer Playlist verfügbar.

- Schließt dazu die Saisonmeisterschaft „Phönix aus der Asche“ ab, um den 1968er Pontiac Firebird freizuschalten.

- 7,64 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,59 GB groß

Release: 15.04.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.467.506.0 | Xbox Series 2.467.506.0)


- 553,23 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 175,75 MB groß

Release: 06.05.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.468.308.0 | Xbox Series 2.468.308.0)


- 6,86 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 653,59 MB groß

Release: 07.05.2021 (Version Xbox Series 2.468.822.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Abstürze auf Xbox Series X/S wurden behoben

- 666,78 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 02.06.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.470.575.0 | Xbox Series 2.470.575.0)


- 1,81 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,62 GB groß

Release: 29.06.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.472.937.0 | Xbox Series 2.472.937.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | forza.net | release=xboxdynasty.de


- Ein Problem mit dem Audi Quattro S1 wurde behoben, bei dem die Lackierungen im Free-Roam- und Fotomodus nicht gleich auf der Rückseite des Autos ausgerichtet waren

- Horizon Super7 unterstützt nun auch den Creative Hub

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem einige Erfolge auf Steam nicht korrekt aktualisiert wurden

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem der Senna, der Land Rover Defender, der Lambo Urus und der Lego-Senna nicht im Autothema ‚Forza Favourites‘ enthalten waren

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler während „The Eliminator“ auf „Horizon Super7“ zugreifen konnten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem einige Spieler aufgrund einer „Unangemessener Inhalt“-Benachrichtigung keine Herausforderung erstellen konnten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Verkehrsfahrzeuge und Drivatare nicht in Freeroam spawnen konnten, nachdem eine Requisite im Blueprint Builder platziert wurde

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Herausforderungszeit nicht pausiert wurde, wenn sich der Spieler im Blueprint Builder-Modus befand

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Bearbeiten von Herausforderungseinstellungen den Zeitstand nicht zurücksetzte,

was dazu führen konnte, dass der Spieler seine eigene Herausforderungskarte vor der Veröffentlichung nicht bestand

- Kleinere Stabilitätsverbesserungen

BUG FIXES (in Englisch)

- Fixed an issue with the Audi Quattro S1 where liveries are not aligned the same on the back of the car in free roam vs photo mode

- Added creative hub support to Horizon Super7

- Fixed an issue where some achievements on Steam aren't updating correctly.

- Fixed an issue where The Senna, Land Rover Defender, Lambo Urus and Lego Senna were not included in the 'Forza Favourites' car theme

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to access Horizon Super7 during The Eliminator.

- Fixed an issue where some players were not able to create challenge due to an "Inappropriate Content" notification

- Fixed an issue where traffic cars and Drivatars were not spawning in freeroam after placing any prop in Blueprint Builder

- Fixed an issue where challenge time is not paused when Player is in Blueprint Builder mode

- Fixed an issue where editing Challenge Settings did not reset time score which could result in the player failing their own Challenge Card before it is published

- Minor stability improvements

- 1,59 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,98 GB groß

Release: 02.07.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.473.435.0 | Xbox Series 2.473.435.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fehler wird behoben, dabei wird man beim Start von Super 7 immer wieder zum Startbildschirm zurückbefördert

- 630,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 151,53 MB groß

Release: 27.07.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.473.947.0 | Xbox Series 2.473.947.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Ihr könnt euch auf eine bunte Mischung aus Belohnungen, Championships und Challenges freuen.

Auch werdet ihr eine zusätzliche Chance auf besonders seltene Autos und Belohnungen bekommen, die sich nur ab und an gezeigt haben.

- 725,63 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 530,23 MB groß

Release: 31.08.2021 (Version Xbox One 1.474.687.0 | Xbox Series 2.474.687.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem einige Benutzer den anfänglichen Ladebildschirm auf Konsolen der Serie X|S nicht überwinden konnten.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Sternkarte „Magnate“ nicht korrekt aktualisiert wurde.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem einige Statistiken nicht korrekt aktualisiert wurden. Betroffen sind entdeckte Straßen, Bonusboards und die Steinesammlung.

- 652,43 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 235,88 MB groß

Release: 05.04.2022 (Version Xbox One 1.476.108.0 | Xbox Series 2.476.108.0)


- 660,73 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 216,9 MB groß (wurde vorher angezeigt)

- 687,88 MB groß (wurde runter geladen)

Release: 06.06.2022 (Version Xbox One 1.476.404.0 | Xbox Series 2.476.404.0)

Quelle: forza.net

- Series 49 is available now and adds a new save recovery system. With this update installed, if loss of save-game data is detected, players will see a pop-up message offering to restore a previous backup. The message will say:

"Restore Backup Save. Would you like to attempt to load a backup save? Some Progress may be lost."

- 642,31 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 766,75 MB groß

Release: 12.12.2022 (Version Xbox One 1.477.175.0 | Xbox Series 2.477.175.0)


- 637,11 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 8,54 GB groß

Release: 07.03.2023 (Version Xbox One 1.477.567.0 | Xbox Series 2.477.567.0)

Quelle: forzamotorsport.net

- Essential maintenance updates on upcoming Festival Playlist content

- Fixed an issue that prevented 100% playlist completion from Series 60 onwards. Please note this change won't retroactively affect previous Series completion.

- 642,29 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 629,89 MB groß

Release: 28.11.2023 (Version Xbox One 1.478.569.0 | Xbox Series 2.478.564.0)

Quelle: forzamotorsport.net

- Service Maintenance with no player-facing changes

- 639,12 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 626,84 MB groß

Release: 11.07.2024 (Version Xbox One 1.478.569.0 | Xbox Series 2.478.927.0) NUR SERRIES

Quelle: hotfix=twitter.com | nur series=twitter.com

- A hotfix that will help players who were locked out of their DLC content.

- 631,23 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 7 MB groß