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Forza Horizon 3 Update Details (5+X)
Release: 15.10.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
· Fixed an issue where having a microphone enabled in the game but no speech pack installed would cause the title to crash on Windows 10
· Fixed an issue that would cause a game crash for some Windows 10 and Xbox One players
when joining online Bucket List Blueprint challenges with mismatched DLC
· Fixed an issue that would cause a game crash for some Xbox One players when pausing the game
· Fixed an issue that would cause a game crash for some players
when collecting Loyalty Rewards while in a Convoy
· Players running four-core setups on Windows 10 should see CPU improvements
· Improved thread layout changes for eight-core setups on Windows 10, resulting in improved performance
· Stall fixed when driving in free roam on Xbox One
· Improvements to force feedback dead zone and FFB performance
when driving on tarmac on both Xbox One and Windows 10
· Fixed a bug so that wheel button prompts now match the in-game bindings on Windows 10
· Actions that must be mapped are now identified in the UI and
number of actions that must be mapped has been reduced on Windows 10
· Groove music playback improvements on Xbox One
· Fix for bug that prevented Windows 10 players from progressing past the Start screen with no internet connection
· Fix to Advanced Camera functionality in left and top views in Paintshop
· Fix to enable Rewind when returning from Co-Op to Solo
· Added option to mute microphones in-game
· Player can now continue driving when fuel runs out
· Horizon Edition cars that boost either Skills or XP no longer provide a benefit in Online Adventure
· Fixed an issue where the Perk “The XP Bump” worked in Online Adventure.
Now it provides no benefit outside of single player racing
· Added a 30-second cooldown to the Drift Tap Skill
· Reduced the amount of XP awarded for banking Skill Chains
· Reduced 3-Star score target on the following Drift Zones: Mountain Scramble,
Mountain Foot, Reservoir, and Gold Mine
· Previous Horizon Edition cars removed from Wheelspins; new Horizon Edition cars added.
The new HE cars are the BAC Mono Horizon Edition , Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Horizon Edition,
Lamborghini Countach LP5000 QV Horizon Edition, Mercedes C 63 AMG Coupé Black Series Horizon Edition,
MG Metro 6R4 Horizon Edition, MINI Cooper S Horizon Edition, and the Subaru Impreza 22B STi Horizon Edition
· Added the name of the current Championship to Car Select in Online Adventure to help players choose a suitable car
· Horizon Edition cars display the correct bonus for Wheelspins
· Fixed an issue where the Landmarks stat was incorrectly listed as 21 instead of 19,
stopping players reaching 100 percent complete
Release: 15.01.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox One X Support: native 4K (3860x2160p) mit High Dynamic Range
- verbesserte Fahrzeug-Reflexionen
- erhöhte Schattenauflösung
erhöhte Texturendetails für Straßen und Terrainoberflächen und mehr
erhöhtes LOD (Level of Detail) und Sichtweite
verbesserte Anisotropische Filterung
die beiden DLCs Blizzard Mountain und Hot Wheels sind ebenfalls enhanced
- 671,60 MB groß
Release: 05.02.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | forzamotorsport.net
- High Dynamic Range Probleme werden für die Xbox One X gefixt
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect message being displayed
when attempting to buy a DLC car with out the entitlement.
- Addressed various stability issues.
- Introduced a cool down to Draft Tap skill to prevent exploit.
- Difficulty balancing for some drift zones, reducing drift target score for 3 stars.
- Various translation fixes.
- Fixed issue with Clubs UI not updating until a reboot of the game.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to rewind when moving from co-op to single player.
- Fixed an issue where the game thought there were 21 Areas to discover, instead of 19.
- Fixed a time of day change issue online.
- Fixed online errors not displaying correctly at the time.
- Fixed an exploit in co-op team races whereby if any user pauses the title with nearby Drivatars,
AI would stop functioning.
- Fixed an error where the player would run out of space after approximately 27 photos were taken,
preventing saves for tunes, liveries, etc.
- Fixed an issue where Club search was not working with the criteria left blank.
- Fixed players not being able to activate ANNA using a headset.
- Adjusted value of Horizon Edition cars.
- Re-balanced XP earned in Online Adventure in response to player feedback that
skills XP was weighted too high, and that finishing position and clean racing should earn more.
- 106,52 MB groß
Release: 19.03.2018
Quelle: forzamotorsport.net
- 128,72 MB groß
Release: 19.03.2018
Quelle: forzamotorsport.net | xboxdynasty.de
- Offenbar war es Spielern durch den Glitch möglich, selbsterstellte Lackierungen anderer freizuschalten und zu stehlen,
um diese dann als ihre eigenen an andere Spieler weiterzugeben.
- 117,57 MB groß