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FIFA 18 Update Details (13)
Release: 05.10.2017
Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de | play3.de
- So zeigt das Radar die Spieler-Icons endlich auch in den jeweiligen Team-Farben an
- Die KI der Torwärte wurde verbessert.
FIFA Ultimate Team
- Hinzugefügt: Neue Funktionalität im Champions Channel inklusive verpasster Schüsse und versteckter Timeline.
- Ein Problem mit der zusätzlichen Zeitanzeige auf der Champions Channel Timeline.
- Ein Problem mit gesperrten EASFC Katalogkits der Gegnerteams in Squad Battles.
- Ein Problem, bei dem die Fans falsche Flaggen hatten, wenn die Heimmannschaft ein bestimmtes Kit trägt.
- Ein Problem, bei dem das Schauen des FUT Champions Channel zum Absturz führte.
- Ein Problem, bei dem Spieler den Torhüter in den FUT Single Player Modi steuern konnten.
- Änderung der verbleibenden Spiele und verbleibenden Versuche im FUT Champions Daily Knockout Turnier.
- Änderung der Punkte-Beschreibung in den Squad Battles
- Aktualisierung der Leihspieler-Porträts im EASFC Katalog
- Visuelle Verbesserungen bei einigen FUT-Elementen
- Anpassungen der Torwartreaktionen in bestimmten Situationen
- Anpassungen des Schwierigkeitsgrades für Amateur- und Semi-Pro
- Reduzierung der Schussgenauigkeit und leichte Erhöhung der Torhüterreaktionszeiten in bestimmten Spielsituationen.
The Journey: Hunters Rückkehr
- Icons in Videosequenzen, um die vom Benutzer ausgelöste Aktion anzuzeigen
- Ausgelöste Aktionen sind: Persönlichkeit, FIFA 17 Ergebnis, Spiel Ergebnis, Schlüsselentscheidung, Spielerleistung, Teamleistung, Partnerschaftsbewertung
- Ein Problem, bei dem das Spiel während einer Videosequenz in Kapitel 5 abstürzen konnte.
- Zusätzliche Option zur Delegierung von Vertragsverlängerungen.
- Benutzern erlauben, mit einem Spieler, dessen Freigabeklausel bezahlt worden ist, einen Vertrag zu verhandeln.
- Ein Problem, bei dem Benutzer einen ausgeliehenen Spieler als Teil eines Transferabkommens nutzen konnten.
- Ein Problem, bei dem Breaking News nicht aktualisiert wurde.
Online Modus
- Ein Problem in Pro Clubs, bei dem ein Spieler nach einem Spiel zu einer unsichtbaren Lobby zurückkehren konnte.
- Aktivierung der Gegner-Indikatoren in Online-Spielen.
- Verbesserungen der Kit-Kollisionslogik
Audio / Visuell
- Das authetische Bundesliga-Pack dieser Saison wurde hinzugefügt
- Mehrere kleinere Audio-Probleme wurden behoben
- Tor-/Netzanimationen wurden verbessert
- 1,45 GB groß
Release: 31.10.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Made ground passes and ground through passes less effective when blindly passing the ball between 90 and 270 degrees,
where 0 degrees is the direction the player is facing.
- The most significant impact will be seen when the pass angle is between 140 and 220 degrees.
- The impact scales when the pass angle is between 90 (least impact) and 139 degrees and between 221 and 270 (least impact) degrees.
- The passes impacted by this change will see:
- Reduced ball speed.
- Reduced accuracy.
- Disabled user controlled reactions, when locked to a player, when the goalkeeper is holding the ball.
- The goalkeeper sometimes parrying the ball into his own goal.
- The goalkeeper diving too early on downward header and volley shots.
- Players sometimes becoming invisible during a match.
- Dragbacks not working when rapidly tapping the modifier button.
- Players being unable to string together multiple stepovers.
- The goalkeeper, in some situations, being unable to throw the ball after making a save close to the goal line.
- The player automatically passing the ball from a set piece after the game had been paused in an Online match.
- An issue with Custom controls where movement with the directional buttons was not working when locked to a player.
- Added the Objectives tile to the Pause Menu in all FUT Online modes.
- Added Guest Mode in FUT Online Seasons and FUT Online Draft.
- Disabled the FIFA Trainer within FUT Champions.
- An issue in Squad Building Challenges where tagging a group of challenges would make it unselectable.
- ICONs displaying their current age on in-game overlays.
- Wrong badge showing for your opponent on the Online Season’s Match Preview screens.
- Objective Completed visual notification not displaying correctly for some Daily/Weekly Objectives.
- Alignment of the text on Manager League items.
- An issue with the effects shown during the pack opening animation.
- The icon of your rank in Squad Battles displaying incorrectly when claiming rewards.
- Players crashing when matching up in Pro Clubs Friendly Matches in certain situations.
- Players would not receive invites in Pro Clubs Friendly Matches in certain situations.
- Players crashing during the first game of the season in certain situations.
- Made the following changes in Audio / Visual / Presentation:
- Updated the Chile National Team kits and crest to be authentic.
- The volume of the audio in the Cristiano Ronaldo celebration.
- Some issues with crowd flags displaying the wrong images.
- Some visual issues with the Bundesliga broadcast package.
- Situations where the ball would appear to go through the goal netting.
- An issue where a player on the ground would incorrectly animate as flipping or spinning.
- Celebrations clipping through ad boards.
- 2,33 GB groß
Release: 07.11.2017
- 742,55 MB groß
Release: 14.11.2017 (Version 1.05)
s wurde die Möglichkeit für den CPU KI-gesteuerten Spieler entfernt eine zweite gelbe Karte zu erhalten,
wenn er versucht einen Gegner zu schubsen oder zu ziehen;
mit der Ausnahme eines Angreifers, der alleine auf das Tor zu läuft und sich im Eins-gegen-Eins gegen den Torhüter befindet."
- 742,61 MB groß
Release: 28.11.2017 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
- Am Torhüterverhalten haben die Entwickler mit dem Update ebenfalls geschraubt.
- Auch bei Rückpässen sind Keeper-Verbesserungen versprochen.
- Speziell für PS4 und Xbox One nimmt die Aktualisierung Änderungen bei den FUT Champions vor.
Spieler erhalten fortan eine Nachricht, wenn sie während eines Matches das Xbox Home-Menü
beziehungsweise das PlayStation Dynamic-Menü öffnen. Ein Countdown zeigt die noch verbliebene Zeit an,
um zurück zum Spiel zu kehren. Läuft der Timer ab, gilt das Match als verloren.
- Die Aktualisierung behebt demnach einen Fehler, der den Bildschirm einfrieren ließ,
wenn in den Squad Battles zu schnell ein Gegner ausgewählt wurde.
- Zudem stehen Textüberarbeitungen für die Teamanforderungen in FUT Champions auf dem Programm.
Weitere Änderungen betreffen etwa Korrekturen für visuelle Probleme mit den Bundesliga-Grafiken.
- 1,79 GB groß
Release: 06.12.2017 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Demnach behebt das neue Update einen Fehler, der bei Pro-Club-Kapitänen zu Verbindungsabbrüchen führen konnte
vor allem nach Einladungen für einen Freundschafts-Kick.
- Wiederholungen im FUT Champions-Kanal in einer langsameren Geschwindigkeit (0,5x) anzuschauen.
- Die Einzelspieler-Kamera wurde hingegen gestrichen.
- A freeze happening, in some situations, during the goal celebration for a goal that was scored by the goalkeeper.
- The goal celebration being skipped, in some situations, after a goal was scored by the goalkeeper.
- Holding the sprint button will once again cause a goalkeeper to get up quickly if he is on the ground while holding the ball.
- The player sometimes being in control of the wrong player in a Skill Game.
- Stringing the juggle skill move together multiple times in the Practice Arena could cause your player to disappear.
- Updated the default FIFA Trainer settings for the Intro Match to show both Movement and Mechanics instead of just Movement.
- FUT Squads that had default tactics values that were incorrectly set to over 100 have been reset to the normal default values.
- A visual issue where sometimes the kit that a player selected to play with would not be the kit that their opponent
would see them playing with in FUT Online modes.
- The FUT Squad Battles Featured Squad image not loading properly after rapidly transitioning through screens.
- The Pause Menu countdown timer sometimes displaying throughout a FUT Champions Channel replay.
- The scrolling team lineup list sometimes displaying at the start of a FUT Champions Channel replay.
- The penalty shootout tutorial sometimes displaying during a penalty shootout in a FUT Champions Channel replay.
- 1,39 GB groß
Release: 31.01.2018 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: play3.de
Made the following changes in Gameplay:
- After kickoff, the defending team will be more compact in defense.
Their attacking players will be less aggressive in pushing up the field.
Their defensive players will close the space between them and their attacking players to
reduce the gap and limit the attacking team’s space.
Addressed the following issues in Gameplay:
- Goalkeepers unnecessarily clearing the ball when it was passed to them in certain situations.
Made the following changes in FIFA Ultimate team:
The following changes have been made for all FUT Champions Weekend League matches:
- All matches will now take place in the FeWC Stadium, with the Time Of Day always set to Night and Weather always set to clear.
- The Pre-Match screens will no longer display which team is the Home team or Away team;
instead, players will always see their team on the left side of the screen, with their opponent’s team displaying on the right side.
- You will no longer see your opponent’s kits in either gameplay or the Pre-Match screens; instead,
you will see your opponent wearing your unselected Active Kit.
- For example, if you choose to play the match in your Home kit, you will see your opponent play the match in your Away kit.
- The Kit Selection and Match Preview screens have been updated as a result of this change.
- The Orbit Camera can now be used when watching FUT champions channel replays.
Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate team:
- The Player Fitness and Squad Fitness search filters on the FUT Transfer Market not returning the correct items.
- The Player Contract and Manager Contract search filters on the FUT Transfer Market not returning the correct items.
- The Specialties displayed for some inform players, in the Team Management screens of a FUT Online Match, were incorrect.
This was a visual issue only with no impact on gameplay.
Made the following changes in Online Modes:
- Updated the colors used for the Connection Quality Bars in all Online modes, including in FUT.
5, 4 and 3 bars are green.
2 bars is yellow.
1 bar is red.
Addressed the following issues in Online Modes:
- A player’s Pro Clubs Virtual Pro having incorrect attributes if it was created when the player is not connected to the servers.
Made the following changes in Audio / Visual / Presentation:
- Updates to a number of kits.
- 1,54 GB groß
Release: 26.02.2018 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: play3.de
Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate team:
- German and Polish text overlapping the button icons on the controls panel in FUT Champions Channel.
- Player Contracts and Manager Contracts were incorrectly capitalized in the search filter options of the FUT Transfer Market.
Made the following changes in Audio / Visual / Presentation:
- Updates to the 2D portraits for 970 players.
- Added 2d portraits for 342 players that previously had a silhouette.
Addressed the following issues in Audio / Visual / Presentation:
- Post goal commentary saying that a defender deflected the ball on goal, when it was actually the keeper that touched the ball before it went into the net,
when using Arabic, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, Mexican Spanish, Polish, Russian or Japanese commentary.
- 1,66 GB groß
Release: 15.03.2018 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: play3.de
Made the following changes in FIFA Ultimate team:
- Matches that ended early will, in most cases, now be available for viewing in FUT Champions Channel.
Matches that end early due to a loss of connection by the home team will not be viewable.
Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate team:
- Custom kit numbers will no longer change after swapping players around in your squad.
- Players will now always see their team on the left in the pre-match Team Management screens when playing a FUT Champions Weekend League match.
- In FUT Champions Channel, the introduction of the Orbit camera in a previous update had inadvertently removed the slow (0.5x) playback speed.
This has been added back as a playback option.
- The Match Preview screen for FUT Champions Weekend League matches was sometimes
showing the status of your opponent as blank instead of ‚Making Changes‘.
- When an action shot on a player item fails to load, it will now properly default to the player’s 2D portrait.
- The wrong text was being highlighted in red, on player items,
when a squad did not meet the requirements for the FUT Champions Daily Knockout Tournament due to either League or Nationality requirements.
Made the following changes in Online:
- A Pro Clubs Friendlies match that is tied at the end of full time will now progress into extra time (silver goal) and, if needed, penalties.
Addressed the following issues in Online:
- The on-screen pause button, when enabled through the Accessibility settings, was not working in Pro Clubs matches.
Made the following changes in Audio / Visual / Presentation:
- Updates to the Catfish and the Bottlemen kit in FUT.
- 1,58 GB groß
Release: 28.03.2018
Quelle: gamepro.de | forum.easport.com
- Das neue Update entfernt anscheinend die Möglichkeit, die Cutscenes nach einem Spiel abzubrechen
- FUT Champions Channel replays, for matches that ended early and resulted in a DNF, were sometimes incorrectly displaying which player received the loss.
- This was purely a visual issue on the FUT Champions Channel screens, and had no bearing on the results of the actual match.
- The goals were visually missing from the pitch if the Net Shaping settings
had been changed to something different than those used by the player's active Stadium.
- The 'Camera Target' buttons, displayed when watching a FUT Champions Channel replay, were displaying as controller buttons when using a keyboard.
- Changes to the Arsenal Tula banners displayed in game.
- Changes to the Club America kits, crests and banners displayed in game.
- 1,80 GB groß
Release: In Arbeit 04.2018
Quelle: gamepro.de
- Das neue Update ermöglicht wieder die Möglichkeit, die Cutscenes nach einem Spiel abzubrechen
Release: 29.05.2018
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | gamezone.de || play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- WM 2018 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Zudem wird es auch FIFA World CUp Ultimate Team Modus im Spiel integriert
- 6,14 GB groß
Release: 09.06.2018
- Korrekturen aus dem WM Update
- Weiter wurden Anpassung für die WM 2018 vorgenommen
- 4,18 GB groß
Release: 02.08.2018 (Version 1.15)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
Made the following changes in Language Selection:
- Players will no longer be able to select a language when launching the game. The language used will be the language currently selected in Origin.
Addressed the following issues in FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team:
- Toggling between the two teams on the Player Ratings screen in the Pause Menu would sometimes cause the player heads to change size.
- Accepting a game invite to another mode within FIFA, while in the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team menus, was causing some visual corruption until the game was shut down and restarted.
- Players sometimes getting an error message following the completion of the group stage of the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team Online Tournament.
- The Swap With Duplicate option was not properly displaying on a Player Item in Duplicate Storage if you had just sent another version of that Player Item to your Club.
- Players getting an error message when attempting to send a duplicate Player Item to their Duplicate Storage after they have swapped that Item with an item in their Active Squad.
- The latency bars were not properly displaying the latency to the server in the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team Online Tournament mode.
Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate Team:
- Rarely the game would crash after entering and exiting FIFA Ultimate Team numerous times.
Addressed the following issues in Career Mode:
- A crash when searching for a player that you had previously scouted on a different team if that player had been fully scouted by your 6th hired scout.
Addressed the following issues in Gameplay:
- Rarely the game would crash if you suspended and resumed the game while in the Instant Replay screens
- 1,79 GB groß