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Fable III Update Details (2)
Release: 26.10.2010
- Wahrscheinlich Addons hinzugefügt
- 4 MB
Release: 01.12.2010
Quelle: gamezone.de | GIGA.de | gamezone.de
- Sanctuary: Fixed numerous issues whereby Jasper would stop
talking or whereby the world map would become unusable
- Quests: Tabletop: The Hobbes may not spawn in the last area causing the player to be unable to progress
Quest: Tabletop: Online multiplayer: Player host is unable to vault off platform to Hobbe area
Quest: Tabletop: Player can become stuck behind some rocks
Quest: Tabletop: After defeating the hollowmen in the room with the lever the player is unable to progress
Quest: The Masquerade: Player can become trapped in Reaver’s mansion.
Quest: The Masquerade: Player can fall out of the world
Quest: GNOMES PART 1: Player can break script
Live: The players fall out of the world (FOOTW) when transitioning
from Shifting Sands to The Veiled Path
Crash: Mourningwood guards audio
Crash: During the quest “Peace, Love and Homicide”
- General improvements to performance and frame rate
World: Online multiplayer: Fast Travel area does not extend from end of level the "The Hole" to go to Mistpeak Valley
World: Player can fall out of environment in Mistpeak Valley while in combat
World: After proposing marriage, Bowerstone Castle cannot be selected as family home.
World: If client repairs a house, the house goes from renting out to living in
World: Player can become stuck during Castle Battle after vaulting over sandbags near burning cart
World: Bowerstone Industrial: Player can fall off the world
World: a fix for existing or future FOOTW situations
World: Online multiplayer: No Particle Effects on Host Screen after Marrying another Player
Live: Orbs do not always show up
Live: Online multiplayer: Fixed an issue with sliding host in the sanctuary
Live: Fixed several issues relating to gifting and receiving gifts in local and online coop
Quest: Tabletop: Breadcrumb not leading to Demonic Chickens
Saves: Fixed a few issues that could cause a corrupt save game slot
World: Driftwood: Hero can become stuck inside of tree
World: Shooting a crate creates a duplicate crate
World: Black chicken in castle gardens flies straight up into the air for several seconds when kicked
Speech: Japanese: Reaver is missing VO in one quest
- Zusammen 5 MB groß
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