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Dying Light Update Details (40+X+Series)
Release: 27.01.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Probleme mit Erfolge freischalten wurden behoben
- Probleme mit kaputten Spoielständen wurden behoben
- Probleme mit Rucklern und Abstürzen wurden behoben
Release: 27.02.2015
Quelle: pcgames.de | play3.de
- Bug wurde behoben wodurch man Gegenstände unendlich duplizieren konnte
- Bug wurde behoben der Gegendstände nach dem abspeichern verschwinden
- Lichteffekte wurde überarbeitet
- Probleme beim Coop-Modus sollen gehoben worden sein
- 112 MB groß
Release: 10.03.2015 (Version 1.4)
Quelle: play3.de | gameswelt.de
- Verbesserte Frame-Rates
- Allgemeine Balacing wurde vorgenommen
- Einbauen vom Ultimate Survivor Bundle mit 4 neuen Waffen und 3 neue Charakter Outfits
- Neue Hard-Mode wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- 1,944 GB groß
Release: 26.05.2015 (Version 1.6)
Quelle: gamenguide.com
- Parkour Fever - ten parkour with online leaderboards
- Revamped Quarantine Zones
- Additional national outfits + community designed t-shirt
- Gold-tier fantasy weapons
- Three new trophies
Various balance changes
- Weapon adjustments
- Loot chests adjustments
- Gold-tier weapons drop rate increase
- Shops prices selection adjustments
- Crafting adjustments
DLC Support
- Support for The Bozak Horde DLC
Be the Zombie
- Entirely new progression system - three stages of mutation with additional, unique skills
- Various balance tweaks
- Spit not sticking to opponents fixed
- Ground pound bug fixed
- Flare damage to hives normalized
- Unlocking trophies issues fixed
- Various stability improvements, including co-op
- Weapon duplication exploit fixed
- Support for background music playback added (Spotifiy)
- 2,4 GB groß
Release: 09.02.2016 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: gamepro.de
- Legend System
- Nightmare Difficulty
- Bounties System
- New Parkour Moves
- New Enemy
- Attacks & Behaviors
- #DrinkForDLC Content
- New NPC Models
- Enhanced Facial Expressions
- Improved Human Enemy AI
- Improved Volatile AI
- Greater Firearm Variety
- HUD and Video Filter Customizations
- Audio Upgrades
- Gameplay Quality Improvements
- Console Performance Upgrades
- Overall Game Look and Feel Improvements
- 17 GB groß
Release: 06.03.2016 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de
Neue Community Maps
- The Tunnel: Eine auf euren Entscheidungen basierende Horror-Story
- Climb down to 21: Ein Parkour-Level im Arcade-Stil
- The Hunter: Ein Überlebens-Quest im Wald
- The Vee: Eine Alptraum-Sequenz in der Finsternis
- 2,8 GB groß
Release: 20.03.2016 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: wiki.com
- Added new community created maps
- Various stability improvements, including co-op
- Fixed quarantine zones not being playable more than once
- Removed common duplication exploits
- Minor tweaks and fixes improving the game
Dying Light: The Following
- Fixed quest progression issues in certain situations
- Balance and progression tweaks
- 75 MB groß
Release: 20.07.2016 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: wiki.com
- Chromatic aberration toggle added.
- Various stability improvements, including co-op
Dying Light: The Following fixes:
- Fixed a rare bug causing loss of all equipped car parts during a Be the Zombie match
- 1,722 GB groß
Release: 26.07.2016 Version 1.30)
- 1,68 GB groß
Release: 20.08.2017 (Version 1.3.1)
Quelle: consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Content Drop #0 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Mit neuem Gegner Type: neuer Zombie und Soldaten
- ca. 1 GB groß
Release: 16.10.2017
Quelle: consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Content Drop #1 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Mit 3 neuen Waffen: Fenrix Axt, Last Wish Revolver, Kuai Dlch
- 3,32 GB groß
Release: 18.12.2017 (Version 1.3.8)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Content Drop #2 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Schallgedämpftes Pistole: 9mm amerikanische & 9mm deutsche
- 3,11 GB groß
Release: 13.02.2018
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Content Drop #3 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Community Event "Undying Love" wird gestartet
- 3 neue spielbare Charakter
Release: 28.03.2018 (Version 1.3.9)
Quelle: consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Content Drop #4 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Neuer Spielmodus Prison Heist mit neuer Location
- Content Drop #5 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Mit neuen Story Missionen
Mit neuen Waffen
- 4,11 GB groß
Release: 17.04.2018 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Content Drop #6 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Mit neuer Waffe „Snake in the Grass“ alle Gegner in einer neuen Mission ausschalten
Ein erfolgreicher Abschluss belohnt sogar mit einer Blaupause,
um die Supersonic Munition künftig selbst herzustellen
Release: 27.05.2019 (Version 1.4.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Minor tweaks and fixes improving the game
- Various stability improvements
- 4,31 GB groß
Release: 07.06.2019 (Version
- Early game difficulty tweaks
- Late game difficulty tweaks
- Minor UI additions
- Added a new exotic mutation to an infected type
- 2,98 GB groß
Release: 27.08.2019 (Version
Let’s start with new features we hope you’ll enjoy:
- we’ve set a new type of enemy loose, so keep an eye out for Silver Hazmat – Gas Tank’s more deadly variation
- if you wish to play Dying Light without live events, you can now turn them off and on via Options -> Online -> Live events. This is visible only during a live event
- new section in the game’s main menu shows available DLCs and lets you access them easily
- 4,06 GB groß
Release: 02.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- New type of live event added
- New opponent: „Gasmask Demolisher“
- Items once exclusive to Gemly to be made available to everyone: Rusty Spine & Candy Cutter
- Added new sorting category to inventory: 10-in-12 Weapons & DLC weapons
- Added new sorting category to outfits and Buggy skins
General fixes:
- XBOX: Fixed problems with matchmaking Co-op on XBOX.
- Minor bug fixes
Additional national outfits
- Mexican
- Indian
- Czech
- Finnish
- Ukrainian
- Hungarian
- 4,22 GB groß
Release: 24.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
- Halloween Event "Left 4 Dead x Dying Light" startet bald
- 3,69 GB groß
Release: 26.11.2019 (Version
- 2,17 GB groß
Release: 06.12.2019 (Version
- 4,93 GB groß
Release: 23.01.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed crashing issues.
- Fixed framerate drop issues
- Added performance and stability improvements.
- Various under the hood fixes.
- 5,09 GB groß
Release: 20.02.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 5,20 GB groß
Release: 30.04.2020 (Version
- 4,37 GB groß
Release: 10.08.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | verschoben=xboxdynasty.de
- Hellraid DLC Vorbereitungen und erscheint am 13.08.2020
- 5,84 GB groß
Release: 12.08.2020 (Version
- 6,47 GB groß
Release: 28.10.2020 (Version
- Halloween Event "Left 4 Dead x Dying Light" ist gestartet
- 5,71 GB groß
Release: 20.11.2020 (Version
- 6,28 GB groß
Release: 18.12.2020 (Version
- 4,59 GB groß
Release: 22.12.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Winter Event ist gestartet vom 21.12.2020 bis zum 28.12.2020 & vom 28.12.2020 bis zum 04.01.2021
Release: 22.01.2021 (Version
- 7,44 GB groß
Release: 10.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: wooco.de
- Added new weapons and blueprints
- Added new outfits
- Fixed an issue where Bill’s model was replaced by the default one in the main menu
- Fixed an issue that caused the game lobby to lock when the 4th player left
- Minor bug fixes
- 7,52 GB groß
Release: 24.02.2021 (Version
- 7,19 GB groß
Release: 05.04.2021 (Version
- 2,96 GB groß
Release: 28.05.2021 (Version
- 8,39 GB groß
Release: 07.06.2021 (Version
- 7,34 GB groß
Release: 17.08.2021 (Version
- 8,60 GB groß
Release: 14.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 7,47 GB groß
Release: 09.12.2021 (Version
- 9,90 GB groß
Release: 24.01.2022 (Version
- 7,99 GB groß
Release: 08.03.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de
- PlayStation 5 Support: 1080p mit 60 FPS / 1440p mit bis zu 60 FPS / 4K mit 30 FPS
PS4 Pro:
- Improved the 30 FPS cap
- Introducing new networking utilizing the EDS solution
Release: 21.03.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | soon=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de | release=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X Support: 1080p mit 60 FPS / 1440p mit bis 60 FPS / 4K mit 30 FPS
Xbox Series S Support: 1080p mit 30 FPS / 1440p mit bis zu 30 FPS
- Xbox One X Support: 1080p mit 30 FPS / 1440p mit bis zu 30 FPS
- Introducing new networking utilizing the EDS solution
- 24,76 GB groß
Release: 05.05.2022 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | series=xboxdynasty.de | daylightgame.com
- Xbox Series S: High Performance Mode (1664x936) mit 60 FPS
- Kostenloses Upgrade auf die Enhanced Edition
Enhanced Edition: Erweiterung The Following sowie die vier DLCs Cuisine & Cargo, The Bozak Horde, Crash Test Skin Pack und das Ultimate Survivor Bundle.
Um Zugriff auf die Inhalte zu bekommen, müsst ihr wie folgt vorgehen:
Startet das Spiel Dying Light
Wählt im Hauptmenü die Option „DLC Packs“
Ladet alle neuen Inhalte herunter
- [Lobby] The Story Mode (Blue) portal is now closer to the center of the Lobby (opposite of Raid Mode (Red) portal)
- [Armory] The entirely reworked Armory now includes all Hellraid Weapons and Items
- [Armory] Added Inspect Weapon on item showcases, which displays the weapon’s story of origin
- [Tower] New environmental hazards can be found on all floors of the Tower (Spikes, Explosive Barrels)
- [Tower] Added visual indication that Shrine requires sacrifice to unlock (killing all enemies in the area)
[Parameter Reworking / Balancing / Difficulty Tweaks]
- Reduced number of Recruits spawned in Combat Arenas on the first and second floors of the Tower
- Tweaked dynamic spawning of stronger enemies in Hellraid Ranks 5-10
Damage factor multipliers for Hellraid enemies reworked for all difficulties
- [Easy] Enemy Damage factor multiplier decreased by ~15-20%
- [Normal] Player Damage factor multiplier increased by ~30%
- [Normal] Enemy Damage factor multiplier decreased by ~30%
- [Hard] Player Damage factor multiplier removed
- [Hard] Enemy Damage factor multiplier decreased by ~50%
- [Nightmare] Player Damage factor multiplier removed
- [Nightmare] Enemy Damage factor multiplier decreased by ~50%
- Added Weapon Remnants at 7.5% cost of the original weapon’s price
[Weapons, Rewards, Items]
[Hellraid Shop in Slums Tower]
- Hellraid Shop will now include Wands (Fire Wand, Dark Wand) and Shock Bearer (Shield) for purchase
- Hellraid Shop will now include Weapon Remnants (Craft Item) required to craft Hellraid Weapons
- Hellraid Shop will now include Deathbringer Blueprint for purchase [if player completes Loaded for the Undead (Bounty) (available at Hellraid Rank 10)]
- Thirteen (13) new unlockable blueprints available through Trials (Bounties Table) in Hellraid
- New Consumable Item Animations for Crystals
- New Icons for Crystal Items and Crystal Buffs
Five (5) new consumable items (Tower Crystals) available on Raid Mode Tower with various buffs
- Red Crystal: Buff: Double Damage; Debuff: Low Stamina Regen
- Blue Crystal: Buff: Fast Movement; Debuff: Half Damage
- Green Crystal: Buff: High Health Regen; Debuff: Low Stamina Regen
- Yellow Crystal: Buff: 100% Crit, Stamina Usage Reduction; Debuff: -15% Movement
- White Crystal: Buff: Double Damage; Damage Reduction, Stamina Usage Reduction; Debuff: 0% Health Regen
[Tutorial Screens]
- New Tutorial Screen for Story Mode
- New Tutorial Screen for Raid Mode
- New Tutorial Screen on first interaction with Shrines
- New Tutorial Screen for Crystals
- Updated Tutorial Screens for the Armory
[Bugfixing & Miscellaneous]
- Fixed multiple Z-fightning issues on the map
- Fixed objects clipping issues, lightning artefacts, floating objects etc.
- Fixed Lord Asmorod’s audio and animation cutting off too soon
- Fixed rare blockers in Story and Raid Mode
- Fixed instances where players could parkour around blocked areas in the Mysterious Portals quest
- Fixed minor issues with the minimap
- Fixed cases where some enemies were missing in Raid Mode
- Players now need to pick up Bow Arrows from the ground (no longer having the ability to perform an automatic pick up)
- Other minor bug fixes for Single Player and Co-Op
[DLC Maps]
- [General] Quest will now deselect after leaving Bozak Horde / Hellraid (players will not respawn in these modes after relaunch)
- [Bozak Horde] Implemented Inventory Management system
Now all weapons stored in the Stash when players enter the Bozak Horde will be returned to Player Inventory
- [The Pit] Rebalanced fight with Demolisher in the Pit
- [The Pit] Improved stats for the Machete found in the Pit
[Bugfixing & Miscellaneous]
- [Menu] Removed “What’s New” Section
- [Balancing] Reduced Snowstorm’s Ammo craft requirements
- Added new dockets
- Minor bug fixes for Single Player and Co-Op
- Speicherverbrauch von 31,9 GB auf 32,3 GB erhöht
- 24,75 GB groß
Release: 12.05.2022 (Version
- 47,5 MB groß (wurde angezeigt)
- 218,67 MB groß (wurde geladen)
Release: 10.06.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Dying Light: Definitive Edition comes out today! If you already own the Platinum Edition of the game, don’t worry; you will be automatically upgraded to Definitive Edition for free!
- 24,41 GB groß
Release: 02.09.2024 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Hypermode Event is back
- Speicherverbrauch von 32,1 GB auf 32,2 GB erhöht
- 1,69 GB groß