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Dungeon Defenders Update Details (1)
Release: 09.02.2012
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Giraffes are now awarded at Wave 25 and survival stability is also correspondingly improved
- Mistymire weapons now have their appropriate artwork and will save on your hero.
(Which means Mistymire reward weapons should not disappear!) Added DLC 2 (Desert Town)
weapons/pet as well for that upcoming release. (There’s a technical issue with the Mistymire pet,
so we’re unable to bring that to you. Sorry about that!)
- Raised Level Cap to 78 and added higher-quality items as a result
- Fixed last-minute hero-swapping bug
- Fixed Treasure Hunt skipping issue
- Fixed a potential save corruption case (We never reproduced it here in the office,
so this potential fix is mostly guesswork.)
- Fixed bandwidth issue with projectile towers that will also resolve various online latency issues
(weapons not appearing, invisible enemies, etc.)
- Squire Towers are a bit less damaging
- You can now have spaces in hero names from the initial Create Hero UI
- Fixed Obedience Training accomplishment to include certain extra Pet variants
- Made Achievements/Trophies attempt to unlock at regular intervals when the Accomplishments are checked
(catches any cases where the Achievement or Trophy was not awarded at the time)
- Non-DLC players should no longer have trouble joining DLC Taverns
- Increased the Hero Cap value of all Stats (except for Run Speed) from 70 to 120
- Increased the Mana Cap to 200 million and added four extra item pages to the forge
- Fixed tavern unlock glitch
- 12 MB groß