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The Division 2 Update Details (74+X+Series)


Release: 11.03.2019 (Version 1.5)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Probleme mit Ton und Cutting wurden behoben

- Einige Fehler werden behoben

Gold Edition und Ultimate Edition besitzer starten am 12.03.2019

Alle anderen erst am 15.03.2019

Year 1 Pass Besitzer erhalten

- die 3 neuen Spezialisierungen welche Year 2 erscheinen

- 8 Geheimaufträge

- Anpassungoptionen

- Aufträge für die Operations Basis

- 2 GB groß

Release: 14.03.2019 (Version 1.5?)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de


- We removed a work in progress weapon that was not properly named and balanced.

- Crossbows now deal explosive damage to multiple objects as intended

- Exotic weapons equipped with silencers will now produce the sound they're intended to make.

- NPCs engaged in combat will now react to grenades as intended.


- The ropes will now deploy properly to allow for extraction at the end of the Beekeeper Jeff side mission.

- Players should no longer be able to unlock Castle prematurely. This issue would block progression in some instances.

- Fixed a loot exploit that involved repeatedly killing bosses in some Invaded missions.

- In Jefferson Plaza, the NPC scene can no longer be interrupted during a boss fight.


- Stopped "SHD CPU V.2" and "Cyclone Magazine" skill mods from dropping as loot. Player's who already have the items can use them once they unlock the corresponding specialization perk.

- Players will no longer get stuck on black screens after watching introduction cinematics.

- We have updated XP rewards for all end game activities, so that they will scale to the player's level, instead of being flat values.

- Several corrupted audio issues have been fixed.

- 922,54 MB groß

Release: 16.03.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Fix implementiert, der Crashes beim Benutzen von Skills reduzieren sollte

- Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler im falschen World Tier feststecken konnten, wenn sie Strongholds in einer Gruppe beendet haben, ohne den nötigen Gear-Score zu haben

- Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler nicht mit Agent Kelso in der Castle Siedlung reden konnten

- Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler mehrere Ivory Keys von derselben Quelle erhalten konnten

- Problem behoben, bei dem der Fortschritt auf der Karte nicht gespeichert wurde, wenn Aktivitäten und Nebenmissionen zusammen mit anderen Spielern erledigt wurden

- Exploit behoben, der es Spielern ermöglichte, Supply-Drops mehrmals zu looten

- Fehler behoben, bei dem Spieler Blaupausen mehrfach kaufen konnten, indem sie sich aus- und wieder einloggten

- Problem behoben, bei dem das Dialed-In Talent zusammen mit der Emet Mask Genauigkeit und Stabilität massiv erhöhte

Release: 18.03.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Behebt nervigen Fertigkeiten-Bug

Dadurch konnte viele Fähigkeiten entwerder erst gar nicht benutzt werden oder aber sie deaktivierten sich von selbst und hatten einen Cooldown von 15 Sekunden.

Release: 22.03.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Ein Problem, bei dem Spieler keine Clan-XP erhielten, wurde behoben.

- Ein Problem, bei dem Spieler keine tägliche oder wöchentliche Zurücksetzung erfuhren, weil sie zum Zeitpunkt der Zurücksetzung offline waren, wurde behoben.

- Es wurde in Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler „Guiding Missions“ verloren oder zu den Zugang zu NPC’s für „Guiding Missions“, wodurch ein weiterer Fortschritt nicht möglich war.

- Erhöhte Überlebenschancen für Spieler mit einem niedrigen Level, die gegen feindliche NPC’s kämpfen, wenn sie in einem Koop-Spiel mit einem Spieler mit hohem Level sind.

Release: 26.03.2019

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Fortschrittsblocker wie „Sprich zum Division-Koordinator“/“Sprich zu der Person“ werden bearbeitet

- Tägliche und Wöchentliche Projekte, die nicht zurückgesetzt werden (Sie werden nicht zurückgesetzt, wenn man nicht online ist)

- Gruppenskalierung, wenn man mit einem Spieler, mit einem anderen Level zusammenspielt, funktioniert nicht wie geplant. Die NPC-Anpassungen sind falsch

 sie machen zu viel Schaden. Dies wird verändert, aber es wird nicht alle Probleme beheben. Es gibt auch Problem mit der Gegenstandsskalierung,

da ein auf Level 30 angehobener Gegenstand nicht die gleichen Werte wir ein High-End-Gegenstand auf Level 30 hat. Aber dies benötigt einen Client-Patch.


- Falls ein Spieler mit festgefahrenen CXP im Clan bleibt, dann werden alle fehlenden CXP/Fortschritte zu ihrem Clan hinzugefügt, sobald sie sich nach dem Fix einloggen.

- Falls ein Spieler mit festgefahrenen CXP den Clan verlässt und erneut beitritt, dann können sie wieder sofort CXP/Fortschritte verdienen, aber jegliche fehlenden CXP/Fortschritte gehen endgültig verloren.


- Various improvements to reduce frame drops.


- Changed Push-to-Talk to be the default VOIP setting.


- Changed Apparel Store purchase confirmations to a button hold action.

- Reduced the UI flickering effect present in the menu.

- Fixed a visual bug that would incorrectly display a grey duplicate backpack reward when opening apparel caches.

- Fixed the menu distortion animation playing twice under certain circumstances.


- Fixed abnormal skill behaviour when equipping a skill after having switched to a grenade.

- Fixed instances of skills going on cool down when deploying a shield.

- Fixed an issue where multiple Cluster Seeker Mines could be deployed in short succession.


- Fixed an issue where donating a weapon with mods attached would remove the mods from the players inventory.


- Fixed daily and weekly missions not resetting for offline players.

- Improvements made to Co-op health scaling.

- Fixed an issue where armour/gear scaling would not take World Tiers into account.

- Fixed skill damage incorrectly being scaled twice for low level players joining a high level group.

- Fixed players potentially becoming stuck on the “Meet The Division Coordinator” objective after having played in Co-op.

- Fixed players potentially becoming stuck on the “Meet with Odessa Sawyer” objective.

Open World

- Fixed an issue that would allow players to upgrade neutral control points.

Side Missions

- Fixed an issue that would cause low level players to gain unintended amounts of XP by completing side missions with a high level group member.


- Fixed “Navigate Categories” and “Mark as Junk” being bound to the same button in some occurrences.

Xbox One

- Fixed an issue where the HDR setting slider would not move.

- 985,91 MB groß

Release: 05.04.2019

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Zugang zu Weltrang 5 mit neuem Content und neue Fraktion die Black Tusk

- Neues Gebiet "Tidal Basin" wird für alle Spieler freigeschaltet

- Invasion: Die Schlacht um D.C. beinhaltet eine neue heldenhafte Schwierigkeitsstufe und das bisher anspruchsvollste Gameplay.

- Nach Erreichen des Weltrangs 5 werden wöchentliche Invasionen möglich, bei denen Black Tusk die Kontrolle über ausgewählte Hauptmissionen und Festungen in der Stadt übernimmt.

Diese Aktivitäten sind schwieriger aber auch lohnender für Beute und Ausrüstung.

- Spieler können sich nun an den zwei neuen Waffen Pestilenz und Nemesis erfreuen. Außerdem gibt es drei neue Ausstattungsgarnituren: Wahrer Patriot, Fest Verdrahtet und Aktivierte Direktive.

- Im Rahmen des Updates haben alle Spieler auch Zugang zu einer neuen PVP-Karte namens Fort McNair.

- Das Bekleidungsereignis Invasion ermöglicht es Agenten von feindlichen Fraktionen inspirierte Outfits sowie neue Masken und Waffenskins zu sammeln.

- Operation Dunkle Stunden ist die härteste aller Herausforderungen: ein 8-Spieler-Raid, bei dem am 25. April die Teamarbeit der erfahrensten Agenten auf die Probe gestellt wird.

- 5,43 GB groß

Release: 11.04.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de

- Probleme mit der Munition wird gelöst, welches durch den letzte Update entstanden ist

- Fixed not being able to fast travel to the Castle settlement.

- Fixed several cases of abnormal Bounty boss skill-use behaviour.

- Fixed an issue causing the Nemesis crafting materials to be unobtainable.

- Fixed Delta-03 error occurring at the end of Conflict matches.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the pathfinding line to behave abnormally when in close proximity to your destination.

- Fixed the “donating” sound playing repeatedly after having donated and abandoned a daily mission.

- Fixed an issue related to cache countdown timers.

Release: 16.04.2019

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das feindliche NPCs in einer T-Pose stecken konnten, wenn sie außer Sicht getötet wurden.

- Ein weiteres Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Wiederbelebungsdrohnenstock nicht ordnungsgemäß funktionierte.

Wir arbeiten immer noch an Fällen, in denen die Fertigkeit die Spieler manchmal nicht wiederbelebt.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Ausrüstung der Marke Gila Guard nicht an das Campus Daily Project „Brand Request: Gila Guard“ gespendet werden konnte.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Upgrade-Plan der Crafting Bench nicht für Spieler freigeschaltet wurde, wenn er von einer Weltstufe zu einer anderen wechselte.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der zweiteilige Bonus des True Patriot-Ausrüstungssatzes nicht richtig freigeschaltet wurde.

Release: 18.04.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Problem behoben durch das Spieler eine unbegrenzte Zahl an heroischen Kopfgeldern ansammeln konnten.

- Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler nach der Wiederbelebung feststeckten, wenn sie von einem Damage-over-Time Status betroffen waren.

- Weitere Fehler behoben, die darin resultieren konnten, dass Spieler nach der Wiederbelebung feststeckten.

- NPC Schaden und Lebensenergie für höhere Schwierigkeitsgrade reduziert.

- Vielfahlt an NPCs auf höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden erhöht.

- Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde auf „schwer“ deutlich verringert, auf „herausfordernd“ ein wenig und auf „heroisch“ kaum.

- Ein Problem mit der Aggressivität von Elite NPCs auf „heroisch“/Alarmstufe 4 wurde behoben.

- Schaden von Gegnern mit Namen wurde reduziert.

Release: 14.05.2019

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | ubisoft.forum.com | play3.de

- New Feature: Raid "Dunkle Stunden" für bis zu 8 Spieler wird vorbereitet

New Feature: Classified Assignments: The Fall of DC

- Classified Assignments are exclusive missions for owners of the Year 1 Pass.

- Discover and complete these missions to hear stories behind the fall of DC as well as unlocking exclusive Backpack Trophies.

 Title Update 3 includes the first two Classified Assignments.

New Apparel Event: Dark Hours

- Starting together with the raid release, our second Apparel event will introduce new outfits, masks, emotes and weapon skins!


- Added Operation Dark Hours Achievement / Trophy.


- Added new Commendations for Operation Dark Hours.

Removed the following Commendations.

- 28 Days Distinction: Record 672 hours (28 days) of time in-game.

- Distinguished Service Ribbon: For 30 consecutive days, on each day play for at least 1h and complete 1 mission.

- Supreme Response Distinction: For 7 consecutive days, on each day complete 4 main missions and rescue 5 civilians.

- Year One Merit: Play on 14 days per month, on a total of 12 months.

- Division Service Merit: For a total of 100 days, on each day play for at least 1hour and deliver 20 resources to control points.

- Added a new vanity patch reward for all players as compensation for any lost time due to the above changes.

Added five new Commendations

- Full Deck Distinction: Acquire all Snitch Cards.

- Distinguished Service Distinction: Complete 30 hours of service.

- Supreme Response Distinction: Complete all main missions and Strongholds on Hard difficulty (or above).

- Control Point Takeover Merit: Take over 50 Heroic Control Points.

- Invasion Service Merit: Complete 10 Invaded Strongholds.

- Changed Peacock Award to specifically use the ‘Jumping Jacks’ emote.

- Changed Mission Discovery Merit Commendations to track when a player collects loot from loot boxes, not opening the loot boxes.

This will ensure that all players that are in a group can earn this Commendation when playing the respective missions.


- Increased the base cap for Receiver Components and Protective Fabric crafting materials by 200, meaning that their caps now start at 350 and end at 600 with all material capacity perks.

- Inaya al-Khaliq in the Base of Operation is now a Crafting Vendor, she can be found next to the Crafting Bench in the White House.

Added Specialized and Superior Skill Mod Blueprints to her stock.

Added an extra weekly Blueprint to her stock.

Moved crafting Blueprints from the Base of Operations vendor to her stock.

Note: While Inaya will have a variety of Blueprints available, there are still other sources in the game like Settlements and Control Points.

- All exotic items upgraded through crafting will get the maximum Gear Score of the current crafting bench tier.


- Bonus Armor granted on blue attributes gear significantly increased.

- Armor percent can now be found as Defense Attribute rolls.

- Health percent can now be found as Defense Attribute rolls.

Gear sets

Hard Wired

- Now grants Skill Damage instead of Shock Duration.

Ongoing Directive

- Now grants special ammunition into any weapon, including the weapon currently equipped.

- Now grants special ammunition on any kill, not just weapon kills.

True Patriot

- Decreased debuff cycle from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.

- Increased damage dealt to nearby targets when Full Flag is active to 50%.


- The Confidential Gear Set intel item now has a project icon to better reflect its use.


- Loot containers will now reset at a preset time of day.

Control Point reward container will now also reset with this daily timer.

- Improved quality and quantity of Drone Helicopter loot.

- Slightly reduced the quality of items from Clan Caches.

- Cabinet loot containers now have a chance to contain Dark Zone keys.

- Increased ammunition drop chance from enemy NPCs to limit situations where players would run out of ammunition during prolonged fights on higher difficulty activities.

- Dark Zone contaminated loot does not drop below player’s average Gear Score and will guarantee Gear Score 500 when the player has reached 500 Gear Score.

- Heroic difficulty Mission bosses, Stronghold bosses, Bounty bosses and Heroic Control Points reward containers will guarantee Gear Score 500 when the player has reached 500 Gear Score.

- Loot now skews more towards the top end of its allowed Gear Score, resulting in fewer items below a player’s average Gear Score, and items that do drop below it will be closer to that average more often.

- Increased the rewards for daily Hard and Challenge mission Projects and they will guarantee Gear Score 500 when the player has reached 500 Gear Score.


New feature: Post Mission Activity Summary

- After completing missions, players may opt to look at an activity summary showcasing their performance in that activity and allowing an expanded look at a variety of detailed statistics.

- Bank Headquarters: Reduced difficulty for solo players.

- Roosevelt Island: Reduced difficulty for solo players.


- Hive users can now find +healing on the Experimental Blend mods.

- Hive users can now find +radius on the Network Firewall mods.

- New mods: Auxiliary Skill Battery

Auxiliary Skill Batteries fit in Skill mod slots and grant Skill Power.


- Updated RC Blade to fix various issues.

- Elite Medic’s Pulse Grenade has been changed.

No longer applies disrupt.

Reduced Impact radius.

The grenade impact radius should now be easier to see.

- Decreased damage of Veteran, Elite and Named NPCs.

- Greatly decreased melee damage of all Tank NPCs.

- Moderately decreased melee damage of all non-Tank NPCs.

- Decreased Thrower NPC’s accuracy with grenades. They are no longer professional baseball pitchers.

- Slightly decreased damage of Elite/Named War Hound.

- Civilian Control Point Officers now wear pants.

- Civilian Control Point Officers now wear protective body armor. Safety first.

- Civilians with fully upgraded Settlements now wear combat harnesses and have slightly more health.

- Upgrading a Settlement now slightly increased Civilians’ damage.

- NPCs will now be slightly less defensive while in cover and being aimed at by a player.

- Decreased likelihood of NPCs using ladders in combat.

- Decreased likelihood of NPCs using special navigation out of combat.

- Civilian NPCs will now stay further away from players in cover, lessening the chance of them taking a player’s preferred cover location.

We get it, you’re very protective of your favorite cover spot.

- Civilian Hostages are now more protective of their lives.

- Fixed issue with many explosives causing extreme amounts of threat, confusing NPCs.

- Fixed various sliding issues with NPCs following recovery from a Status Effect.

- Enemy NPCs should no longer be able to stagger players with a melee attack if the player has a Ballistic Shield equipped.

Drone Helicopter

Increased health.

- Increased damage.

- Improved movement.

- Decreased Outcast Suicide vest explosion radius.

- Lowered NPC damage and health above normal difficulty.

- Increased variety of NPCs at higher difficulty levels.


- Implemented various UI and audio improvements to Living World activities.

- Black Tusk now send War Hound Convoys carrying gear and weapons to Tidal Basin when the mission is available.

Control Points

- Control Point difficulty is now more clearly communicated, using regular difficulty names in addition to Alert Level.

- Approaching enemy patrols and convoys are now signaled more clearly during Control Point Takeover.

- The Civilian Officer will now revive downed players during Control Point takeover and judge you silently.

- Players can now select the civilian takeover icon on the map as a respawn option during Control Point takeover.

 The option is disabled after the enemy leader joins the fight.

- Players can now fast travel to civilian convoys and takeover squads from the map.


- Recalibration has been changed to allow for the majority of stats to be moved as they are, from one item to another,

while making it less likely to reach the cap of the stat moved. To achieve this goal,

we’re expressing the recalibrated power as a separate number called Recalibration Score, next to the Gear Score.

As such, recalibration will no longer increase the gear score of the item.

All existing recalibrated items will have their recalibrated additional gear score converted to the new format.

Adjusted cost and ability to be recalibrated for


Knee Cap



- XP from Bounties has been increased.

- All Settlement Weekly Projects now award blueprints.

- New daily Project: SHD Requisition.

Requires crafting ingredients and rewards high quality gear and blueprints.

- Increased the quality of Weekly Project equipment rewards.


- Assault Drone: (PvE) The Drone will now more actively look for a new target once it loses its current target.

- Defender Drone: Will now drain more quickly once a shot has been deflected.

- Reinforcer Chem Launcher: Reinforcer gas clouds do not stack anymore.

- Riot Foam Chem Launcher: Increased base duration of Riot Foam when used against a NPC.

- Scanner Pulse: Reduced cooldown from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.

Reviver Hive

Fixed further occurrences of players not being revived.

Revive time slightly increased.


Gear Talents


- Increased required max armor depleted from 10% to 20%.

- Now requires 7 Offense Attributes.


- Increased Armor repair from 25% to 50%.

- Can now occur every 15 seconds, was 10 seconds.

- Now requires 7 Defense Attributes.

Bloodlust (PvE)

- Increased granted Weapon Damage from 25% to 35%.

- Decreased duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

Bloodlust (PvP)

- Decreased granted Weapon Damage from 25% to 20%.

- Decreased duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

- Now requires 9 Offense Attributes.

Bloodsucker (PvE)

- Depleting an enemy’s armor adds a stack of +25% bonus armor for 10s. Max stack is 6. (was 20%, 20s, 5)

Bloodsucker (PvP)

- Depleting an enemy’s armor adds a stack of 20% bonus armor for 5s. Max stack is 5.

- Now requires 11 Offense Attributes and an Assault Rifle, SMG or LMG equipped.

- Critical: Reduced Critical Hit Damage bonus from 8% to 5%.

- Knee Cap: Increased chance to apply bleed when Shooting an Enemy in the legs from 10% to 15%.

- Surgical: Reduced Critical Hit Chance bonus from 8% to 5%.


- Increased Health gained per Critical Hit from 15% to 20%.

- Reduced Armor gained per Critical Hit from 2% to 1%.

- Now requires 4 or less Defense Attributes.


- Increased Armor repair for Headshots from cover from 5% to 10%.

- Hard Hitting

- Reduced Damage to Elites from 15% to 10%.


- After being in cover for 5s, armor repairs by 5% every 1s. (was 3s).

- Now requires 6 Defense Attributes


- Reduced Duration from 20 to 5 seconds.

- Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

- This was already the case but is now reflected in the tooltip.

- Now requires 4 or less Offense Attributes.


- Increased Weapon Damage to Pulsed enemies from 10% to 20%.

- Now requires 5 Utility Attributes.



- Increased amount of Max Armor repaired when armor is depleted from 25% to 70%.

- Increased timeframe for Armor Kits not being consumed when effect triggers from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.


- Increased Max Armor repaired when armor is depleted from 15% to 25%.

- Increased timeframe for Armor Kits not being consumed when effect triggers from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.

- Now requires 11 Defense Attributes and no other Talents affecting Armor Kits.



- PvE: For every 10 bullets in a magazine capacity, gain +2% rate of fire and +2% weapon damage for 5s when reloading from empty.

- PvP: For every 10 bullets in a magazine capacity, gain +1.5% rate of fire and +1.5% weapon damage for 5s when reloading from empty.


- Now grants 30% critical damage for 5s instead of 50% critical hit chance.

- Developer comment: We think critical damage feels more appropriate as you already need a relatively high critical hit chance to activate the talent regularly.


- Now grants 20% rate of fire and -15% in the top half of the magazine.

- Now grants -20% rate of fire and +30% weapon damage in the bottom half of the magazine


- PvE: Killing an enemy repairs 10% armor over 5s. Headshots improves the repair to 20%. (was 5%, 3s, 10%)


- Killing an enemy repairs 5% armor over 3s. Headshots improves the repair to 15%.

- Now requires 7 Defense Attributes.


- Increased Headshot kill skill repair and healing to 50% from 25%.

- Reduced duration from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Now requires 9 Utility Attributes.


- Increased skill damage from 25% to 35%.

- Increased duration from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Now requires 5 Utility Attributes.


- Increased missing Armor requirement from 5% to 10%.


- Reduced Damage Bonus from 25% to 20%.

- Reduced Handling negative from 35% to 25%.










- Fixed an issue where NPCs in the Bounty screen had broken animations. Put your hands down, please.

- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from completing the Side Mission Medical Camp Attack.

- Fixed an issue where armor values on AI in the Dark Zone scaled incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where the Sniper Turret would aim at targets out of line of sight in PvP.

- Fixed an issue where Scanner Pulse and Remote Pulse were not properly affected by Skill Duration.

- Fixed various issues where Skill bonuses were not applied properly.

- Fixed an issue where bounties rewarded from Projects in Settlements were rewarding the wrong amount of XP and Credits.

- Fixed an issue where Clan Cashes would scale incorrectly when opened in another player’s lower level session.

- Fixed a bug where NPCs from a Resource Convoy could spawn out of thin air on top of the player.

- Fixed a bug where the Control Point supply room would remain locked when capturing a Control Point too quickly.

- Fixed several bugs with matchmaking that prevented correct matching of players based on their region, language, gear score and other criteria.

- Fixed an issue with ‘A Friend in Need’ Achievement/Trophy which would cause it to not unlock in certain conditions.

- Fixed an issue where a player would be unable to complete the ‘Big Game Hunter’ Achievement/Trophy.

- Fixed an issue on the Ubisoft Club Weekly Challenges screen on PC that resulted in a low frame rate when on that screen.

- Fixed an issue causing Korean language glyph compositions not displaying properly in the in-game chat.

- 6,20 GB groß

Release: 16.05.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | verschoben=xboxdynasty.de | 18Uhr=play3.de

- Raid "Dunkle Stunden" wird nun eingeführt für bis zu 8 Spieler

Release: 28.05.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed an issue preventing some players from entering Nelson Theater Classified Assignment

- Fixed an issue where some players could not progress to World Tier 5.

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to glitch into an empty world when matchmaking for a Classified Assignment.

- Made improvements to the delivery of the arm patch for first week completion of Operation Dark Hours.

Players who beat the raid in the first week should be granted their arm patch retroactively.

Release: 03.06.2019 (Version 3.1)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Increased tutorial font size on the Mega Map.

- Increased visibility on Collectibles and Caches in the Open World.

- Fixed an issue where the „Loot“ tutorial at the beginning of the game wouldn’t appear.

- Fixed an issue where the Field Proficiency toast would not include the gained rewards.

- Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck in the Theater settlement after recruiting Inaya al-Khaliq.

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck on the roof of the Grand Washington Hotel mission.

- Fixed an issue where Hunter Mask and Ivory Keys would not drop, even if the player correctly solved the riddle and killed the Hunter(s).

- This fix should allow players to re-do the Hunters and collect the Masks and Keys they are currently missing.

- Fixed an issue where the rate of fire on semi-automatic weapons would be lower than intended.

- Fixed an issue where face masks would appear smaller than intended.

- Fixed an issue where opening a Dark Hours Apparel Cache could cause a continuous loop.

- Fixed an error that removed the Loot All as Junk option. Sorry about that!

- Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs would rush past players to get into cover.

- Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs would flank players too often.

- Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs would not react to any combat until reaching cover or having their movement interrupted.

- Fixed an exploit where armor would scale to unintended values when normalized.

Release: 18.08.2019 (Version 4.0)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de

- Episode 1 "DC Outskirts: Expeditions wird kostenlos freigeschaltet

- neuer PvE und PvP Inhalte mit einem neuen Spiemodus

- Eine neue Spezialisierung "Gunner" ist verfügbar


- Changed Clan Weekly Projects to be easier to complete for smaller clans.

- Reduced CXP requirements for each tier of Clan Cache.

- Invites and join requests that have not been responded to within 28 days will automatically be removed from the clan inbox.

- Added last online status to show when clan members were last active.

- Added a weekly reset timer the clan progression menu, giving a clear indicator on when you will be able to collect your cache.

- Added indicators for members already in a group, and how many free spaces are available on the clan roster page.

- Added a new “Keyword” section in the clan details, allowing players to choose from a list of predefined words to describe their clan.

- Added “Keyword” search functionality when looking for a clan.

- The clan member who earns the top distinction of the week will receive a medal icon over their name in the clan roster.

- Clan insignia is now visible when using photo mode


- Generic Protocol Mod and Generic System Mod can no longer be equipped in High-End, Gear Set and Exotic items.

You will still be able to equip them in lower quality items.

All other mods can be equipped in slots matching their type (Offense, Defense, Utility).


- Roosevelt Island: Shipping containers containing virus samples will now be easier to spot.


- Specific talents requirements for project donations has been removed.

- Replica/crafted items requirement for project donations has been removed.

- Added World Tier 5 requirements for some projects.

- Increased rewards for most projects.


- All Specializations have received a talent tree rework.


- Removed “bulletproof” backpacks from NPCs that would block all incoming damage.

- Decreased acceleration of NPCs when repositioning in cover.

- Enabled Engineer archetype NPCs to setup Turrets on the ground if no valid cover position exists.

- Fixed various issues with Controller archetype NPCs getting stuck or being unresponsive in certain situations.

- NPCs can’t be suppressed when deploying a Drone.


- Removed redundant “!” for new items shown in Cache Content in Proficiency Caches.

- Apparel Caches should now only display a “!” in the UI when a key is acquired and once the key has been seen should disappear.

- There’s now a timer that shows the cooldown before being able to kick a player from a group.


- Further improved the Reviver Hive which should result in it more reliably reviving downed agents.

- Assault Drone

- After killing its current target, the Assault Drone will now attack the enemy the player is currently shooting.

If no target is being shot, it will attack the closest enemy to its owner instead.


- New Exotic Holster: Dodgy City Gunslinger’s Holster



- The talent description now states the intended cooldown of 60 seconds.


- Further improved Discovery Merits to allow loot boxes opened by other players count towards every group member’s progress.

Dark Zone

- Players can now go Rogue in the Occupied Dark Zone. Dealing damage to other Agents (outside of your group) will cause the player to disavow The Division.

- There is no grey Rogue in the ODZ. Damaging other Agents is the only way to go Rogue in the ODZ.

- Additional Manhunt ranks have been added to the ODZ. Players still have to clear their bounties at SHD terminals,

but additional rewards are available to players who clear (or claim) a high rank bounty.

- Manhunt ranks are now infinite in the ODZ. Killing other Agents increases the player’s Manhunt rank, along with their Dark Zone XP rewards on a successful bounty clear.

Compete on a new leaderboard for the highest ODZ Manhunt rank!


- Rifle PvP damage modifier increased to 1.7.

- Shotgun PvP damage modifier increased to 1.65.

Bug fixes

- Fixed weird lighting in some tunnels.

- Fixed an issue where grouped players could disconnect after leaving a Classified Assignment.

- Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs could lose track of players in Operation Dark Hours.

- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to claim the weekly Clan Cache.

- Fixed an issue where rails in DZ West did not appear on barriers surrounding a checkpoint.

- Fixed an issue where Master Sergeant Quiroz in the Space Administration HQ would jump down earlier than intended. He was a bit to eager.

- Fixed an issue where an explosion was missing in the Space Administration HQ before Master Sergeant Quiroz appears.

- Fixed an issue where Weasel’s weapon could fly out of his hand. Sweaty palms can be a real issue for some people.

- Fixed an issue where players could not be attacked at a certain spot in the Stadium map.

- Fixed an issue where several collectibles would not automatically play when picked up.

- Fixed an issue where the accuracy of a player in the Activity Summary could be negative.

- Fixed an issue where opening the Top CXP Clan menu could cause frame drops.

- Fixed an issue where the objective for “Return to the White House” would not complete if you skipped the cinematic.

- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck when being revived by another player and the Control Point Officer at the same time.

- Fixed an issue which would prevent players from opening the Strategic info when downed in Operation Dark Hours.

- Fixed an issue which could prevent the Call for Help animation to be visible for other players.

- Fixed an issue where inspecting a player through the social menu after being downed could cause the menu UI to persist during gameplay.

- Fixed an issue where the “Open Cache” and “Back” buttons on the Apparel Event Cache UI would disappear, when pressing both buttons at the same time.

- Fixed an issue where Hunters could be revived outside the radius of their Reviver Hive, as well as being revived an unlimited amount of time.

- Fixed an issue where enemy NPC faces would not correctly target players while strafing.

- Fixed an issue where NPCs could get stuck while spawning in DZ East.

- Fixed an issue where players could stare into the void.

- Fixed an issue where players could jump into a patio they should not have access to. No trespassing!

- Fixed an exploit that allowed the Hive skill to become un-targetable and shoot at enemy players at a specific location on Fort McNair.

- Fixed an issue where setting the difficulty level for a mission from within a Classified Assignment did not apply that difficulty level and did not reset the mission.

- Fixed an issue where players could receive multiple Ivory Keys from the same Hunter.

- Fixed an issue where NPC speed after turning would be incorrect.

- Fixed an issue where NPCs would skip animations after jumping.

- Fixed an issue where the Call for Backup would not be received by players having the option activated.

- Fixed an issue where players could spawn below the map when teleporting to a reconnecting player.

- Fixed an issue where the audio could get corrupted when playing a cinematic.

- Fixed an issue where Lucy and Buddy could become permanently invulnerable in Operation Dark Hours.

- Fixed an issue where audio for collectibles could become corrupted after prolonged gameplay.

- Fixed an issue where players could become unable to interact with the agent’s note in the “Investigate the Safe House” side mission.

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with the laptop and liberate a Safe House.

- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the map overview after completing the Dark Zone South intro mission.

- Fixed an issue where a player could revive multiple agents at the same time with the Reviver Hive.

- Fixed an issue where the difficulty of a bounty would be different in the Bounties tab and the Mega Map.

- Fixed an issue where players could be revived by the Reviver Hive after the Razorback encounter ended when the whole team was downed.

- Fixed an issue where when placing a turret on a car the Turret would drop down to the floor.

- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes not be able to move around circular cover.

- Fixed an issue where players would be able to see through the map when looking at a window on the Stadium map.

- Fixed several issues where the turrets in DZ-West would fire at Rogue Agents beyond the intended range.

- Fixed an issue where a turret in the DZ-West could fire through a fence at Checkpoint Delta.

- Fixed an issue where Turrets could fall through the floor, roof and other objects.

- Fixed an issue where players would be able to see through the map when looking at a window in DZ-West.

- Fixed an issue where the dialogue audio could switch to English when playing with a different language setting.

- Fixed an issue that could cause FPS drops on PC when opening the Ubisoft Club Rewards.

- Fixed an issue where random Open World encounters would not spawn.

- Fixed an issue where several parts of the Specialization UI were missing localization.

- Fixed some weird doors.

- Fixed an issue where some Assault Rifles would not hinge correctly on the Crusader Shield.

- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to inspect apparel within the Apparel Event Cache UI.

- Fixed an issue where pressing the “Inspect” and “View Stats” buttons at the same time would cause the text from the two pages to overlap in the UI.

- Fixed some weird stairs.

- Fixed an issue where extra ammunition from mods would not properly be added to Skills.

- Fixed an issue where Manny would repeatedly thank agents for saving hostages in a Classified Assignment. He’s really thankful, ok?

- Fixed an issue where Conflict Caches could reward loot below the player’s World Tier when playing with lower level agents in a party.

- Fixed an issue that didn’t allow player to see previous Distinctions of the Week in the Clan Quarters.

- Fixed an issue where killed NPCs could clip through objects they fell on.

- Fixed an issue where notifications toasts were missing when completing an activity, after abandoning several projects in a row.

- Fixed an issue where Inaya al-Khaliq would stay in an A-Pose after being recruited. She has now relaxed.

- Fixed an issue where inspecting a player would show the inspecting player’s stats instead.

- Fixed an issue where reloading while using a Shield would play the wrong animation.

- Fixed an issue where the debriefing audio after completing a mission could play several times.

- Fixed icons on Auxiliary Skill Mods which should now show the icon of the Skill they can be equipped in

- 5,94 GB groß

Release: 20.06.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- So dürften Fehler beim freischalten der Richtschütze-Spezialisierung behoben werden.

- Fixed an issue of missing gun textures in the inventory.

- Fixed an issue causing players to be temporarily invulnerable when replacing an armor plate in cover.

Release: 27.06.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Ein Bugfix für einen Fehler ins Spiel, wodurch sich der Perk vom exotischen Dodge City Gunslinger Holster zu einem anderen Gegenstand rekalibrieren ließ

- Zudem gibt es eine Fehlerbehebung beim neuen Gunner: Der erhielt mit dem Signature-Ammo-Perk zuvor 75 statt der vorgesehenen 50 Schuss Munition bei einem Drop

- Ferner spielen die Entwickler einen Bugfix für die Rüstung des Basilisken auf

Release: 04.07.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.ubisoft.de

- Zudem melden Spieler, derzeit keine Spezial-Munition aufheben zu können, wurden nun behoben

Release: 23.07.2019

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de || gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Episode 1 "Washingtons Vorstädte: Expeditionen" wird kostenlos freigeschaltet für Year 1 Pass Besitzer

Ab dem 30.7.2019 für alle Spieler verfügbar

- 2 neue Hauptmissionen: "Camp White Oak" und "Manning National Zoo"

- Eine neue Spezialisierung ist verfügbar

- Neue Schwierigkeitsstufe „Entdeckung“ für den „Operation Dunkle Stunden“-Raid

- Anfertigungs-Verbesserungen: Die Spieler können nun ihre Ausrüstung bis zur Ausrüstungspunktzahl 500 zusammenstellen und Blaupausen zwischen den Charakteren austauschen.

 Zusätzlich können nun auch handgefertigte Waffen rekalibriert werden.

- Waffenbalance und Stärkungseffekte für Fertigkeiten: Als Antwort auf das Community-Feedback und Teil der laufenden Updates wir die Waffenbalance und Stärkungseffekte eingeführt

Skill Mod Changes

- All numbers based on maximum (3000 skill power) mod attribute rolls


- Extra Payload: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Experimental Blend: Changed from flat value to percentage based increase of base Healing amount (+50%)

- Experimental Blend: Stim Efficiency bonus increased from +20% to +50%

- Experimental Blend: Buff Duration bonus increased from +20% to +50%

- Nitroglycerin Mixture: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Nitroglycerin Mixture: Healing bonus +50% variant added

- Cooling Vents: Skill Haste bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Internal Storage: Charges bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Swarm Control: Charges bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Radar Signal Antennas: Duration bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Network Firewall: Radius bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Network Firewall: Duration bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Steel Harness: Health bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Polycarbonate Wiring: Health bonus lowered from 60% to 50%


- Magnetic Rail: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +150%

- Lubrication Gel: Duration bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Lubrication Gel: Incinerator Turret Burn Strength +100% variant added

- Cyclone Magazine: Extra Mortar Ammo +8 variant added

- Cyclone Magazine: Extra Sniper Ammo +12 variant added

- Spare Parts: Skill Haste bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Organic Circuits: Duration bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Ammo Box: Extra Sniper Ammo bonus increased from +3 to +12

- Ammo Box: Extra Mortar Ammo bonus increased from +2 to +8

- Ammo Box: Mortar Radius +50% variant added

- SHD CPU V.2: Damage +150% variant added

- Multi-tool: Skill Haste bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Weather Coating: Health bonus lowered from +120% to +100%

- Carbon Fiber Barrel: Health bonus lowered from +120% to +100%


- Nickel-Chromium Wire: Skill Haste bonus increased from +60% to +200%

- Nickel-Chromium Wire: Remote Pulse Skill Haste +300% variant added

- Silicon Carbide Coil: Charging Speed bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Exploded Blueprint: Skill Haste bonus increased from +60% to +200%

- Heating Mantle: Charging Speed bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Distributed Architecture: Radius bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Super Glue Pulse: Radius bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Unstable Oscillator: Effect Duration bonus lowered from 55% to 50%

- Atmospheric Analyzer: Effect Duration bonus lowered from 55% to 50%

Seeker Mine

- Mini Electric Motor: Skill Haste bonus increased from +40% to 200%

- Delivery System Upgrade: +100% Damage variant added

- Ball Bearings: Damage bonus increased from +30% to 100%

- Magnetic Disc: Skill Haste +200% variant added

- Phosphorus Ingredient: Healing bonus increased from 60% to 100%

- RDX Pellet Payload: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- RDX Pellet Payload: Airburst Burn Strength +100% variant added

- Larrea Tridenta Infusion: Healing +100% variant added

- Brushless DC-motor: Health bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Sturdy Piston: Health bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

Chem Launcher

- Piranha Solution: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Piranha Solution: Firestarter Burn Strength +100% variant added

- Chromatics Training: Radius bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Slip Fit Tube: Skill Haste bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Cell Penetrating Peptide: Healing bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Hydrochloric Infusion: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Ultra-Thin Cartridges: Radius bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Liquid Nitrogen Cooling System: Skill Haste bonus increased from +30% to +100%

- Pharmacokinetic Enhancer: Healing bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Imbued Metal String: Ensnare Health bonus lowered from +60% to +50%

- Polypropylene Recipe: Ensnare Health bonus lowered from +60% to +50%


- Graphene Battery: Duration +100% variant added

- Electric Soldering Tool: Skill Haste bonus increased from +40% to +100%

- Gimbal Vibration Damping: Health bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Blitzkrieg Blasting Powder: Striker Damage +600% variant added

- Blitzkrieg Blasting Powder: Radius bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Freedom Package: Radius bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Carbon Fiber Frame: Skill Haste +100% variant added

- Reinforced Rotor Blades: Health bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Terminal Ballistics: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +200%

- Trauma Analyzer: Healing bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Trauma Analyzer: Deflector Duration +50% variant added

- Gaffer Tape: Duration bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Hollow-point Bullets: Damage bonus increased from +30% to +200%

- Micropulsing Stimuli: Healing bonus increased from +30% to +50%

- Micropulsing Stimuli: Fixer Skill Haste +100% variant added


- Adaptive Insulation Foam: Skill Haste bonus increased from 60% to 100%

- Synthetic Mineral Frame: Skill Haste bonus increased from 60% to 100%

- Titanium Reinforcement: Health bonus increased from +45% to +100%

- Shape-memory Alloy: Deflected Damage bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Cementitious Material: Holstered Regeneration bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Weaved Aramid Fiber: Health bonus increased from +45% to +100%

- Supramolecular Networks: Active Regeneration bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Liquid Metal Microdroplets: Holstered Regeneration bonus increased from +60% to +100%

- Thermoresponsive Polymer: Deflected Damage bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Smart UHMWPE Lexicon: Active Regeneration bonus increased from +20% to +100%

- Smart UHMWPE Lexicon: Ballistic Shield Health +100% variant added


- Alignment Valve: Damage +100% variant added

- Tungsten Compound: Damage +100% variant added

- Propantriol Adhesive: Skill Haste bonus increased from +40% to +200%

- Microfiller Resin: Skill Haste bonus increased from +40% to +200%

- Hardened Casing: Health bonus lowered from 60% to 50%

- Tungsten Compound: Max Targets bonus increased from +3 to +5

- Guiding System: Max Targets bonus increased from +3 to +5


- Added a crafting bench upgrade in World Tier 5 that allows players to craft at Gear Score 500.

The items crafted are gear score 500, there will be no random range in terms of gear score/power.

The bench upgrade is given to players when they complete the “Enter WT5”-project

 (same as all the other bench upgrades in endgame, the upgrade will be available at the bench once the bench is upgraded to World Tier 5). Players already in WT5 will automatic get it as they log in,

The upgrade requires 1 weapon and 1 gear piece of Gear Score 490+, and some of each Specialized (blue) material Crafted items can be used in recalibration, both as materials and to be improved

- Deconstructing High-End gear now guarantees a brand material (increased from 50% drop chance). Named branded items also award the brand mat on deconstruction

- Deconstructing gear set items awards 4 of each Specialized (blue) material

- Added an opt-in perk for the player to share blueprints and materials between characters in endgame. Some Blueprints and mats are excluded to not break game logic/progression,

such as the specific exotic materials. This perk can be crafted and the blueprint is available at Inaya, the Crafting vendor.

- The blueprints awarded from control points, vendors and projects are merged into one pool of rewards. Players can get all these blueprints from all three sources.

Once the pools has been exhausted, none of the sources will give more blueprints.


- Increased the radius of the Gunner’s Riot Foam Grenade from 2m to 3m


- Reduced the TAC-50 signature weapon’s damage per shot


- Calculated Talent reduced to 20% from 10%. Now works off any kill from cover instead of weapon kills.


- Cassie Now sells GS 500 items. She sells normal gear, some exotics and named weapons


- Improved player feedback when trying to pick up ammo with maximum signature weapon ammo

- Inspecting a player now allows inspection of weapons, grenades and skills


- Intercepted projectile by the deflector drone now do a % damage, rather than binary be dropped or not

- Return player control quicker after dropping down

- Reduced Depth of Field strength when aiming

- Improved reload + interaction prioritization (if you hold down the interact, it will cancel the reload and start the interaction)

- Improved player replication for players with widely different quality connections, should reduce inconsistent speedup/freezing of remote players


- Slapback System enabled: The gunshot echo system that was featured briefly in the private beta prior to launch has been re-enabled


- Improved Arabic voice-over localization

- Added missing lore description for Dodge Citys Gunslinger Holster

Bug Fixes


- Cyclone Magazine +Extra Sniper Ammo variant added to all loot list quality tiers

- Unstable Oscillator and Atmosperic Analyzer Pulse Mods now properly reference the correct Effect Duration platform modifier

- Vac Pack and Guiding System Firefly mods now correctly increase Max Targets by the amount listed on the tooltip

- Distributed Architecture and Super Glue Pulse mods no longer affect the radius/range of the Banshee Pulse

- Explosive Seeker Mine radius now correctly says 5m in the Skills UI

- Cluster Seeker Mine radius is now displayed in the Skills UI

- Explosive and Cluster Seeker Mines now show the correct explosion radius before detonating

- Incinerator Turret burn damage is now affected by all increases to Skill Damage from gear/talents

- Firestarter Chem Launcher burn damage is now affected by all increases to Skill Damage from gear/talents

- Firestarter Chem Launcher now correctly states that it inflicts fire damage.

- Added missing Artillery Turret & Tactician Drone showcase videos.

- Airburst burn damage is now affected by all increases to Skill Damage from gear/talents

- Fixed an issue causing the Chem Launcher cooldown to reset when restocking ammo

- Fixed an issue where the Turret skill could deploy inside a wall under certain circumstances

 - Fixed an issue causing the reviver hive to not revive players when thrown

- Fixed skill mods requirement having an invisible decimal, resulting in incorrect power requirement information

- Fixed the Banshee Pulse skill mod description to state that it applies Confusion status effect on affected target


- Fixed an AFK related exploit in the Conflict PvP mode

- Fixed several locations on Conflict maps where players could ignore damage when behind cover

Weapons & Gear

- Fixed an issue where the Sweet Dreams and Lullaby upgrade blueprints wouldn’t appear on the crafting vendor under certain circumstances

- Fixed an issue where some Longe Range Pack „Sett“ backpacks could roll with 0% weapon damage on Specialized (blue) quality

- Fixed an issue where the opportunistic talent did not work in PvP.

- Fixed an issue causing armor rolls below the minimum advertised when upgrading an exotic gear piece.

Missions & Open World

- Fixed an issue causing players to become stuck during the “Reach the first hall” objective in the Air & Space museum mission

- Fixed a loot exploit in the Invaded Capitol Hill stronghold

- Fixed enemies becoming stuck in their spawn rooms in the “Museum Water Source” side mission

- Fixed “Neutralize the hostile” objective not updating correctly in the “Agent Edwards Support” side mission

- Fixed an issue where NPC’s from a Warhound Convoy could spawn in an inaccessible area

- Fixed an inaccessible bounty location in the Judiciary Square zone

- Fixed several areas where players could leave the playable map

- Fixed several areas where players could fall through the world

- Fixed several areas where players could vault into water. Don’t go swimming with all that gear, agents!

- Fixed several areas with missing climb prompts

- Fixed several areas where the player could become stuck in the open world

- Fixed several areas where the players could become stuck in missions

- Fixed several world objects with missing cover prompts

Special Field Research

- Fixed Special Field Research objective “Complete 5 Public Executions with Marksman Rifle” not progressing under certain circumstances

- Fixed the Specialization adventure progression circle to be consistent with other progression circles


- Fixed “Resource Distribution Merit” not progressing correctly

- Fixed “Calibration Award” not unlocking not progressing correctly

- Fixed “Prone Target Award” not progressing correctly.


- Fixed an issue causing loadouts using the same skill to revert all affected loadouts to the same skill mod


- Fixed the Conflict UI being misaligned when using Dual Monitors and the Offset UI option


- NPCs no longer double heal their armor

- Players can now damage NPCs rappelling on ropes with explosives

- Fixed an error during the calculation of weakpoint kill stats

- Players can no longer easily pass through Black Tusk Warhounds

- Control point officers no longer instantly revive players if the player has just used the Chem Launcher

- Outcasts suicide rushers now blow themselves up closer to their target

- Fixed abnormal NPC behaviour when suppressed outside of the players view

Dark Zone

- Fixed an issue where agents at Dark Zone level 50 do not lose XP when killed as a rogue agent.

- Fixed an issue where the Black Tusk medic’s drones would self-destruct in the Dark Zones

- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to cut the rope at an extraction if the “Sleight of Hand” perk was active.


- Fixed an issue where killing wildlife would yield signature weapon ammo.

- Fixed an issue where signature weapon ammo could drop mid-air


- Fixed a clipping issue with the Gunner Uniform when equipped on a female character


- Fixed an issue relating to interacting with ECHO’s when in a group

- Fixed several occurrences of Delta errors when interacting with world objects


- Fixed performance drops when browsing player inventory on Xbox One

- Fixed performance drops when opening the Ubisoft Club Challenge tab on PC


- Fixed an issue causing NPC weapon audio to be stuck in a loop under certain circumstances

- Fixed an issue causing missing weapon audio when firing immediately after having switched from a grenade


- Fixed an issue causing older versions of the Tobii Eye Tracker to be unresponsive

- Fixed an issue causing the “Aim at Gaze” option for the Tobii Eye Tracker to be inaccurate

- Fixed an issue with the Motion Sickness mode causing the player’s FOV to change drastically when enabled

- Fixed an issue where players incorrectly could vote kick a member during a boss fight in the Roosevelt Island stronghold on challenging difficulty

 - 8,76 GB groß

Release: 30.07.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Camp White Oak, Manning National Zoo missions and the Kenly College Expedition will become available to all players.

- Re-introduced the leaderboard for number of raid completions.

In order to update your leaderboard from displaying 0 completions, an addition completion of Washington National Airport is required.

Note the number of completions does not apply to Discovery mode.

- Fixed an issue causing the crafting bench not being upgradeable to Gear Score 500 for some players.

- Fixed an exploit that would allow players to receive a large amount of items by shooting a Supply Drop.

Release: 12.08.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.ubisoft.de

- So behebt das neue Update einen Fehler, der Spieler daran gehindert hat, weitere Hunter anzutreffen, wenn vorherige Hunter in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge angegangen wurden.

Release: 23.08.2019

Quelle: mydivision.net | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Added a fix that should improve issues with audio degradation, audio cutting out and audio distortion.

- 131,81 MB groß

Release: 24.09.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Made improvements when using the game with DirectX 12.

- Fixed an exploit that could cause players to gain an unintended amount of armor.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the client to crash when navigating the Map Menus on console.

- Apparel Event #4 – Explorers will be live after the maintenance has ended.

- 1,39 GB groß

Release: 07.10.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

- Chance auf Erhalt einer Entdecker-Kiste bei Stufen-Aufstieg erhöht sich.

- Kisten können bis zum 15. Oktober gesammelt werden. Im Anschluss dürfen sie eine Woche lang mit den Echtgeld-Premium-Credits gekauft werden.

- Bis zum 22. Oktober sind die Event-Kisten aktiv. An diesem Tag endet das Event.

Release: 15.10.2019

Quelle: play3,de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Episode 2 "Pentagon: The Last Castle" wird kostenlos freigeschaltet

- Year-1-Pass Besitzen können sofort loslegen! Alle Spieler können ab dem 22.10.2019 loslegen

- neuer PvE und PvP Inhalte mit neuen Hauptmissionen

- Eine neue Spezialisierung ist verfügbar

- 8,27 GB groß

Release: 24.10.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Fixed an issue that prevented loadout swaps with Specializations in certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue that prevented interaction with the levers in the Kenly Metro Station.

- Removed a prematurely added blueprint from the crafting bench (October Fifth - M249 B LMG)

- Fixed an issue that caused Cypher Keys to drop in raid Discovery difficulty

- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect backpack trophies to drop in Tidal Basin (Heroic)

- Fixed an issue that prevented the objective “Lightning Round” at stage 4 of the Technician Special Field Research to trigger

- Removed a rectangular shape in the apparel cache opening animation.

Release: 24.10.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com

- Fixed in issue that caused the incorrect gear to be shown in the project donations tab.

- Fixed an issue that triggered Black tusk invasion when players returned to the main map and offsite missions.

- Fixed an issue that prevented players from seeing each other on the Pentagon missions after matchmaking.

Release: 13.11.2019 (Hotfix)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com | gamezone.de

- Fixed an issue that caused flares to be stuck and clip with agents' bodies after the Signal Flare emote animation was interrupted.

- Fixed an issue where the "Dark Zone perks available at Base of Operations" notification would display despite having no new perks.

- Fixed an issue that caused character's faces to become distorted after cut scenes.

- Fixed an issue where the social menu did not function when accessed in a downed state in a pre-made group.

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to share Gear Mods.

- Fixed an issue where the players that purchased Year 1 Pass were unable to activate the Technician specialization on any world tier.

- Fixed an issue where the donation tabs from any projects that require gear items did not show the correct equipment.

- Fixed an issue that would cause crashes when engaging enemy NPCs in coop challenging difficulty at Lincoln Memorial.

- 134,26 MB groß

Release: 10.12.2019 (Version 6.1)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de| gamezone.de

- Neues Event Situation Snowball ist gestartet

Wenn man weihnachtliche Gegner besiegt bekommt man Waffen welche Schneebälle verschießt

- Neue Behählter "Stille Nacht" werden mit 35 neuen Kleidungsstücke hinzugefügt

- Alle Spieler, die sich zwischen dem 10. Dezember 2019 und dem 7. Januar 2020 einloggt erhählt eine Nikolausmütze

Bug fixes


- We made further audio improvements which should mean that instances where audio cutting out or stopping completely should be much rarer now.

We will detail the improvements in an upcoming forum post.

- Fixed an issue that caused the selection sound to be played twice when selecting “Collections” from the Spotlight menu in the store.

- Fixed a missing audio feedback when selecting the first outfit from a collection in the store.


- Fixed an issue causing Xbox player to be unable to install the game from disc.

- Added clarification that the Manning National Zoo can only be accessed in WT5 when working on the Technician Special Field Research.

- Fixed an issue that caused Apparel items to stop dropping in the world before players had collected all 72 items.

- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash when selecting the main agent under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue that could cause progression in the Manning National Zoo during the step “Locate Emeline” to be blocked.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to glitch through a wall in DZ East.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter a Dark Zone with more Signature Weapon ammunition than intended.

- Fixed an issue that could cause loot to not be reachable in the Potomac Event Center.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to send text messages in any chat channel under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue that prevented buying a Signature Weapon Skin from being purchased by double-clicking it.

- Fixed an issue that caused Neutral Control Points to stay Neutral for longer than intended.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Mounted Gunnery” objective in the Gunner Special Field Research to not progress under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to purchase a Signature Weapon skin while not having the Specialization unlocked.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Negotiator’s Dilemma buff icon to not appear after dealing explosive damage.

- Fixed an issue that caused Signature Weapon ammunition to not drop when killing a target that grants more progress for the Signature ammunition bar than needed.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Perpetuation Talent to award an incorrect amount of Turret ammunition in the Dark Zone.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the UI and function of the Perpetuation talent to not work correctly.

- Turned off the alarm sound in the Base of Operations… again…

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Daily and VIP Mission timers to display a remaining time of 114 weeks. We really want you to finish those projects, agent.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Invaded mission timers to display an incorrect amount of time remaining.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Naked talent to unintendedly reactivate when switching weapons.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Aces & Eights blueprints to disappear from the Crafting Bench under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue that caused some players to be unable to access the Kenly College chapel after finishing all required Investigation Areas.

- Improved the UI when returning to Kenly College to better tell players which Investigation Areas have not been finished during this period.

- Fixed an issue that caused off-site Missions (e.g. Camp White Oak, Pentagon) to disappear from the megamap when leaving a group while being in a DZ Safe House.

- Fixed the bio reactor’s humming being too loud in the Clan Wing of the Base of Operations. Sad, quiet humming noises.

- Fixed an issue that caused some Classified Assignments to not be tracked in the progression menu.

- Fixed missing localization for “Personal Best Time” in the Kenly College Mastery system.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to fast travel to the Investigation ECHOs in Kenly College.

- Fixed a missing UI element for the “Share” button when using a Dualshock 4 controller.

- Fixed an issue causing a pylon in Kenly College to not have collision. Now you can canon rush again!

- Fixed an issue where NPCs could get stuck while spawning in Kenly College.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the objective “Destroy the Manifold” in Kenly College to not update after the agent died or the time ran out.

- Improved loot UI to hide dropped item details while in combat, so they don’t block the agent’s view.

- Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to swap from a loadout that had the Gunner or Technician Specialization equipped to a loadout that had been created prior to Title Update 6.

- Fixed an issue preventing players to loot items from loot piles while examining them.

- Fixed an issue causing party members to receive a long loading screen instead of the cinematic when finishing DARPA Research Labs in a group.

- Fixed missing localization for “Targeted Loot” when players inspected loot piles that contained Skill Attachments.

- Fixed an issue causing cooked grenades to always travel to their end destination and explode there, instead of exploding at the intended timing.

- Fixed an issue that allowed named items to be crafted at an earlier than intended Crafting Bench level.

- Fixed an issue where “Make Project” would be available for unowned Blueprints in the Crafting Bench.

- Fixed a missing variable in the Crafting Bench upgrade UI.

- Fixed missing localization for Control Point resource donations.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Perfectly Insulated and Perfectly Rooted to be active while also having their non-perfect counterparts equipped.

- Fixed an issue that could cause Hard Wired Tech to continue to drop while the player was already capped on the material.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Inspect UI to block players from respawning when killed by another player in the Dark Zone.

- Fixed missing collision for a weird wall in the Dark Zone.

- Fixed an issue that caused some elements of the developer debug UI to be visible in certain areas.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Blueprint for the Tightly Packed Marksman Mag to not be visible in the Crafting Bench.

- Fixed an issue that caused the information that Torrez is available for transpo to Kenly College was repeated too often.

Did you know that Dark Zone Perks are available at the Base of Operations though?

- Fixed an issue that caused multiple application of the Opportunistic talent to stack instead of refreshing the duration.

- Fixed an issue that caused Unwavering to immediately go on cooldown when swapping to an item with the talent while it’s off cooldown.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Reformation talent to apply incorrect amounts of healing (now is +150% and 175% for Perfect Reformation).

- Fixed an issue that prevented players using the Technician Specialization to sometimes be unable to restock EMP grenades from enemy NPCs and crates.

- 3,02 GB groß

Release: 12.02.2020

Quelle: play3,de | play3.de || play3.de

- Episode 3 "Coney Island" wird kostenlos freigeschaltet

- Year-1-Pass Besitzen können sofort loslegen! Alle Spieler können ab dem 19.02.2020 loslegen

- zwei neue Waffen (das Chamäleon und der Honey Badger)

- Eine neue Spezialisierung ist verfügbar

- Im Hardcore-Modus (Beta) hat der Tod endgültige Konsequenzen.

Im Koop-Modus stehen eure Überlebenschancen besser, sodass Ubisoft gemeinsame Sessions empfiehlt.

- 14,20 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2020

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de

- New Expansion: World of New York (ab dem 03.03.2020 für Season Pass-Besitzer)

- Fortschritt bis Stufe 40: Mit der neuen Erweiterung wird die maximale Stufe auf 40 angehoben.

Außerdem kommen neue SHD-Stufe für unendliche Fortschritte hinzu.

Zudem können Neueinsteiger einen neuen Agent der Stufe 30 erstellen und sich direkt in den Kampf um New York stürzen.

- Überholtes Division 2-Erlebnis: Vier neue Fertigkeiten können freigeschaltet werden.

Gleiches gilt für exklusive exotische Objekte, Ausstattungen und viele benannte Objekte, die verschiedene Spielstile erlauben.

Free Content

 New Level 30 Power Level

Gear Score 515

Ausstattung 2.0

- Überarbeitete Marken-Satz-Boni, die sich den Spielstilen besser anpassen

- Rückkehr des sogenannten „God Roll“, sodass Objekte mit maximalen Attributen in allen Bereichen erbeutet werden können.

- Kernattribute für alle Objekte

- Verbesserte UI, um auf einen Blick die Qualität eines Objekts abzuschätzen

- Kraftvollere, Build-bestimmende Talente

Die Talentanforderungen wurden entfernt

- Überarbeitung der Ausstattungsgarnituren und Exotischen Objekte

- Die Mod-Plätze wurden neu verteilt und sind nun an besondere Ausstattungsplätze gebunden


Änderungen an der Rekalibrierung

- Extraktion von Objekt-Talenten und Attributen, die nun permanent in der Rekalibrierungssammlung gespeichert werden können

- Wenn du einen höheren Wert für ein gespeichertes Attribut findest, kannst du es jederzeit ersetzen

- Die UI wird sofort anzeigen, dass du einen besseren Wert auf Lager hast

- Gespeicherte Attribute können unendlich oft verwendet werden und verbrauchen sich nicht bei der Rekalibrierung

- Talente, Werte, Kernwerte und Mod-Plätze sind rekalibrierbar

- Das Limit für eine Rekalibrierung pro Objekt bleibt bestehen

Änderungen an der Fertigkeitenstärke

- Der Fertigkeitenrang ersetzt die Fertigkeitenstärke

- Es gibt sechs Fertigkeitenränge. Jedes Objekt mit dem Fertigkeitenrang-Kenrattribut fügt einen weiteren Rang hinzu.

- Jeder Rang verstärkt die Effektivität der Fertigkeit

- Überladung-Mechanik: Zusammen mit Ausstattung und exotischen Talenten können Fertigkeiten nun eine Überladung auslösen und so die Effektivität der Fertigkeit für kurze Zeit extrem steigern

- Fertigkeiten-Mods benötigen keine Anforderungen mehr

Verbesserungen der Dark Zone

- Dark Zone-EP kann nun nur noch aus Interaktionen im PvP, erfolgreichen Bergungen und der Einnahme von Nachschublieferungen erlangt werden

- Die gesamte Beute der Dark Zone ist nun kontaminiert und muss geborgen werden

- Die Werte der Objekte sind nun vor der Bergung sichtbar

- VOIP verwendet nun standardmäßig das offene Mikrofon, mit der Option es auf das Team zu begrenzen oder ganz abzuschalten

- Die neue Währung der Dark Zone kann nun durch Bestehlen oder Töten anderer Agents erlangt werden

- Die Fähigkeit alle Spieler in einem Radius von 100 Metern ist nun im Menü „Soziales“ möglich

- Individuelle Waffen und ihre Munition werden nun aus der Dark Zone entfernt

- Der graue Status Abtrünnig“ wurde entfernt

Jeder Dark Zone in Washington, D.C. wurde eine Bergungszone hinzugefügt

- 56,13 GB groß

Release: 03.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Ein Fehler wird behoben, der die Aufgabe „Reach City Hall“ der WONY Einführungs-Mission daran hindert, zu Aktualisieren und Spieler zu einer anderen Position teleportiert.

- Ein Fehler wird behoben, der dazu führt, dass die Hubschrauber-Szene abgebrochen wird und Spieler in der Trinity Church auftauchen und dort feststecken.

- Ein Fehler wird behoben, der Spieler daran hindert, mit Community Leader NPCs zu interagieren.

- Weitere Verbesserungen im Backend, um ECHO Fehler zu verhindern, die für Spieler auftreten.

Release: 05.03.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Zuvor waren Spieler auf der Xbox One, die durch Sharing-Partner auf die neue Erweiterung zugreifen wollten ausgeschlossen. Dieser Bug wurde nun beseitigt.

- 112 MB groß

Release: 10.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de

- Season 1 ist gestaret mit einem weiteren Belohnungssystem (Battle Pass)

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, in dem neue Gear Set Blaupausen nicht als Kontrollpunkt-Belohnungen gewährt wurden.

- Backend-Verbesserungen wurden implementiert, um die Server-Stabilität zu zu erhöhen.

Release: 10.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler unverwundbar werden konnten.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der es verhindert hat, dass die „Secure the Area“ Aufgabe auf Roosevelt Island nicht aktualisiert wurde.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der Freunde als offline angezeigt hat.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte, dass NPCs keine Materialien gedropt haben.

Release: 17.03.2020 (Version 8.0)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Wir werden die Möglichkeit, die Fahndungen manuell zurückzusetzen, temporär deaktivieren, um verlorenen Fortschritt in der Fahndung zu verhindern.

Dies ist eine temporäre Lösung, während wir an einem permanenten Fix arbeiten können, der für später im März angesetzt ist.

Sobald dieser finale Fix eingeführt ist, werden wir die Möglichkeit, Fahndungen zurückzusetzen, wieder einführen.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem NPCs in der letzten Stage in Castle Clinton feststecken.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der eine falsche Anzahl an Spezialisierungspunkten per SHD Level gewährt hat.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem blaue Items von NPCs in der DZ ohne Bezug auf den Spieler-Level gedropped wurden.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler mehrere Seasonal Chaches erhalten konnten

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Items aus dem Sesional Cache kontaminiert sein konnten, wenn man in der DZ auflevelt.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der Spieler daran hinderte, saisonale XP in der DZ zu erhalten.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Gegner NPCs am Nest Control Point verschwinden und den Fortschritt der "Defend Stage" stoppt.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der es verhindert, den Nest Control Point auf herausfordernd zu absolvieren.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte, dass einige NPCs am Spawnpunkt verschiedener Kontrollpunkte feststecken.

- Einige Puzzle Reset Probleme bei allen Hunter Begegnungen wurden behoben.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Hunter Begegnungen zu viele Schlüssel gewähren.

- Wenn ihr zu viele Schlüssel erhalten habt, werdet ihr so lange keine neuen Schlüssel erhalten, bis eure Anzahl wieder mit den abgeschlossenen Begegnungen übereinstimmt.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler in einem unendlichen Ladebildschirm in der Dark Zone feststecken können.

- 4,40 GB groß

Release: 25.03.2020 (Version 8.4)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

Gameplay changes

- Seasonal Manhunt is changed to allow progress at Normal difficulty and above. This will make playing together easier as all players will gain progress no matter what difficulty was set by the group leader.

- Seasonal Manhunt is receiving a button in the Manhunt UI that allows players to reset the Manhunt to replay it. This allows players to reset the progress specifically and without changing the Global Difficulty.

- This also means changing the Global Difficulty will not reset the Seasonal Manhunt and players are required to reset it via the Seasonal Manhunt UI.

- Coyote’s Mask will drop from Coyote with an increased drop chance on higher difficulties.

- We are also looking into providing the Mask for players that have not received them even though they reached Season Rank 35.

- Increasing the reward quality for the following Open World Activities to be in line with other activities: Public Execution, Settlement Blockade and Propaganda Broadcast.

- Reward caches from Conflict matches at maximum level are now of High-End quality.

Balancing changes:

- Reduce NPC Damage output for all difficulties.

- This applies to all NPCs and activities and enemies will do less damage to players compared to their current damage output.

- Reduce NPC Health and Amor for group scaling.

- Enemy Health and Armor scaling for 2-, 3- and 4-player groups based on Veterancy.

- This means Red, Veteran, Elite and Named enemies will have their Health and Armor reduced compared to their current values.

- Additionally, we are adjusting Health and Armor based on activity difficulty.

- This applies to Hard and Challenging difficulties where enemies will have lower Health and Armor compared to their current values.

- An exception are Heroic and Legendary difficulty enemies which will have their Health and Armor increased to compensate for the group scaling reductions to their values.

- Black Tusk specific adjustments which went live earlier last week

- Reduced the health of Warhounds.

- Reduced damage of Warhound Sniper.

- Reduced the damage of the 360 spin of Warhound minigun.

- Increased the intention icon duration of the 360 spin from Warhound Minigun to give players more time to react.

- Reduced weak point health of Warhound Grenadier’s Control Unit.

- Support Station

- Reduced Base Health of Support Station.

- Adjusted health scaling of Support Station with Veterancies.

- Increased likelihood of Support Stations being deployed in the open (away from cover).

- EMP effects will now damage the Support Station.

Lvl 30 WT1-WT5 Content

- NPC Damage, Health and Armor will receive additional reductions.

PvP Balance Changes:

- All PvP weapon damage: - 20%

- PvP Rifles: an additional - 10%

- PvP MMRs: an additional - 10%


- Cluster Seeker Mine:

- Reduced distance to bull charge from 12m to 10m.

- Reduced distance from end to explode from 6m to 4m.

Bug fixes

- Fixed missing dialogue localization for Brazilian Portuguese on Stadia.

- Fixed an issue causing developer UI elements being visible in the Language and Settings menu.

- Implemented improvements for data streaming issues on PlayStation 4.

- Fixed an issue that could cause in-game settings to reset after a player respawns.

- Fixed an issue causing the Seasonal Manhunt progress to reset when changing Directives.

- Fixed an issue causing the Apparel Event Urban Jungle schedule to not show correctly in-game.

- Fixed an issue causing Target Intel to be delivered to the mailbox. This was now removed as Target Intel is no longer used in the game.

- Fixed an issue causing the Sticky Bomb to not do damage under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue causing the Shock Trap deploys to be very close together when launched.

- Fixed an issue causing Global Difficulty to affect the Operation Dark Hours raid.

- Fixed an issue causing Specializations to not unlock while owning the Ultimate Edition or having purchased the Year 1 Bundle.

- Fixed an issue causing Season rewards to be skipped and instead giving players duplicates when gaining multiple Season Levels.

- Fixed an issue causing the objective “Complete the Roosevelt Island Mission on Hard or Higher Difficulty” to not count towards the Daily Project Outcast Hunt.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Level 35 Season reward to not be delivered.

- Fixed an issue causing unintended Health values on Shields.

- Fixed an issue causing Season Ranks to be reset.

- Fixed an issue that caused League Mission Timers to reset when a Rogue encounter wiped the group.

- 1,56 GB groß

Release: 31.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- So wird mit dem neuen Update ein Fehler in The Division 2 behoben, der dazu führte, dass die Tip of the Spear Talente "Aggressive Recon" und "Crossbow Expert" getriggert wurden,

 wenn man in einem DZ Safe House oder einem DZ Kontrollpunkt steht.

- Außerdem schafft der Patch einen Fehler aus der Spielwelt, bei dem gezieltes Loot mehrfach droppte, wenn die Zielübungen in Open-World-Aktivitäten gescheitert sind und dann neu gestartet wurden.

- Zudem sollte euer Charakter nach dem Update-Download keinen Schaden mehr erleiden, wenn ihr einen Gegner besiegt, der vom "Full Flag" Debuff betroffen war

Release: 07.04.2020 (Version 8.5)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de || ubisoft.com | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Änderungen einzuführen, die beispielsweise eine Überarbeitung der Nutzeroberfläche voraussetzen.

Bug fixes

- Fixed an issue causing the stack acquisition of “Striker’s Gamble” to be inconsistent.

- Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to revive other agents.

- Fixed an issue causing the revive UI to disappear if a player was killed too fast.

- Fixed an issue causing “Aggressive Recon” and “Crossbow Expert” talents of the “Tip of the Spear” Gear Set to trigger in the DZ Safe House or DZ Control Points.

- Fixed an issue causing the Joyride weapon skin to not be applied to “The Stinger” LMG.

- Fixed an issue causing League Reward Caches to be contaminated when leveling up in the Dark Zone.

- Fixed an issue causing the Exotic BTSU Gloves to always roll at a minimum roll range from certain sources.

- Fixed an issue causing the “Short Circuit” buff to not restart after the cooldown has expired for the Hard Wired Gear Set.

- Fixed an issue causing players to be able to gain infinite ammunition.

- Fixed an issue causing players to be able to gain more than intended Operation Dark Hour keys.

- Temporarily removing Warhounds from the first mission beat in the Manning National Zoo Main Mission.

- This workaround prevents Warhounds to get stuck on the roof in the Manning National Zoo. A proper fix for this issue is scheduled for TU9.

- Fixed an issue causing the checkpoint for Heroic Difficulty Darpa Research Lab Main Mission to be missing.

- Fixed an issue causing the checkpoint for Heroic Difficulty Pentagon Main Mission to be missing.

- Fixed an issue causing players to receive self-damage when killing an enemy player with the Full Flag debuff from the True Patriot Gear Set.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Season Level 60 and 65 rewards to be incorrect under certain circumstances.

- We are adding these rewards to players inventory if they were not correctly delivered at level 60 and 65.

Gameplay changes

- Control Points can now be reset by changing Global Difficulty.

- Changing Directives will not reset Control Points.

League UI

- The League UI should now be more intuitive when switching between week one and two.

Balance Changes


BTSU Support Station:

- Will now check line of sight between support station and NPCs more frequently.

- Decreased tick rate of Support Station healing to 2 seconds (up from 1.5 seconds).

- Elite Support Station now only provides overheal once per NPC.

- The Support Station heal amount is now capped.

- Support Stations no longer heal while affected by EMP / disruption effects.

Warhound Grenadier:

- Increasing windup warning of triple shoot of Warhound Grenadier.

- Increasing aftershoot delay of triple shoot of Warhound Grenadier.

- Slightly increasing cooldown of moving shoot of Warhound Grenadier

Warhound Minigun:

- Adjusting Warhound Minigun behavior to flank less frequently and to maintain more distance to the players.

- Adjusting Warhound Minigun to path less close to players.

- Increasing intention icon duration of 360 spin from Warhound Minigun to 2.5 seconds (up from 2)

- Reducing 360 spin from Warhound Minigun to only 2 spins (down from 3)

- Reducing range of 360 spin of Warhound Minigun to 30m (down from 70m).

Tank archetype reaction to Hive / Turret:

- Adding more distance checks so Tanks don’t rush at a hive next to a player.

- Reducing threat limit so Tanks don’t switch targets too suddenly.

Outcast Incendiary / Molotov:

- Reducing duration and tick damage slightly.

Pentagon Bosses:

- Reducing Drone Helicopter health and damage.

- Slightly reduce health and armor for Brenner.

- Reducing Brenner’s mortar damage.

- Decreasing armor of John ‘Architect” Figgs.


- Reducing damage of mortars in Coney Island.

- Increase delay between UI warning and explosion damage of mortars in the Manning National Zoo.

- Fixing general damage scaling issues with mortars.


Assault Turret:

- Improving auto-targeting of Assault Turret to better prioritize NPCs it can shoot, and which are close to it.

Assault Drone:

- Improving behavior to prevent the Drone from becoming stuck.

- Improving the consistency of firing and pathing.

Status effects

Poison Status Effect:

- Reducing tick interval, damage and duration.


- EMP Skills and Shock effects will now do damage to several NPC Skills like the Jammer from Support units and the Nail Bomb from Thrower archetypes.


- Reset the leaderboards for Operation Dark Hours

- 1,51 GB groß

Release: 21.04.2020 (Version 9.0)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Das Titel-Update 9 wird kommende Woche veröffentlicht und enthält Balance-Anpassungen, Fehlerkorrekturen, Exotic-Verbesserungen und mehr.

- Das „Urban Jungle Apparel Event“ endet am 28. April. Spieler haben bis zum 21. April Zeit, um sich durch das Gameplay Keys zu verdienen.

- Die Northeast League endet ebenfalls am 28. April. Entsprechende Kisten aus dieser Aktivität können nach dem Datum nicht mehr verdient oder geöffnet werden.

Die Exotic-Neukonfiguration wird mit dem Titel-Update 9 veröffentlicht:

- Allows players to upgrade exotics up to level 40 at the crafting bench through a new Reconfigure menu.

- Reconfiguring allows players to reroll their exotics for a cost, allowing for a chance to get a god roll after acquiring the weapon.

- Players can reconfigure the same exotic multiple times.

- Reconfiguring uses exotic components and reconfiguration blueprints, which are available for all exotics.

- Blueprints are purchasable from Inaya, the crafting vendor.

- Existing upgrade blueprints that you own will automatically be converted to reconfiguration blueprints.

- Reconfiguration can yield positive or negative changes to the weapon’s roll, and is not impacted by the player’s Global Difficulty setting.


- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler den kontaminierten Bereich „Der Engel der Barmherzigkeit“ nicht erreichen konnten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Nemesis Exotic das Focus Gear-Talent nicht auslöste.

- Ersetzt die PS4-Trophäe „Thieves Den“, die seit dem Start der Erweiterung nicht mehr erhältlich war.

- Weitere Korrekturen an den Gear Sets.

- 10,22 GB groß

Release: 24.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Schadensreduzierung von 40 Prozent bei der M1A Classic/Baker's Dozen Rifle im PvE wurde wieder von Update 9 rückgämgig gemacht.

- Zudem wird ein Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler Generatoren nicht angreifen konnten und somit der Missionsfortschritt blockiert wurde.

- Dass Turret Skill-Varianten beim Auswerfen fehlschlagen und der Cooldown aktiviert wird, wurde behoben

Release: 28.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- So behob man ein Problem, bei dem es zu einer ungewollt hohen Anzahl an Schaden durch die Fähigkeit „Seeker Mine“ kam.

- Und das Talent „Unstoppable Force“ wird nach seiner Behebung nun nicht mehr durch freundliche Fähigkeiten ausgelöst.

Release: 05.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

- Es wurden weitere Spawnpunkte für Verstärkungen während der Aktivitäten des Warhound-Konvois hinzugefügt.

- Dadurch wird die Aktivität in Bezug auf die Fertigstellungszeit besser mit anderen Open World-Aktivitäten übereinstimmen.

- Ebenfalls wurde das Problem behoben, durch das Kajika vor der letzten Begegnung in der Pathway Park Hauptmission getötet werden konnte.

Release: 07.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Es wird der Fehler behoben, mit dem SHD-Level-Punkte, die im Konflikt-PvP-Modus ausgegeben wurden, nach dem Verlassen des Modus wieder gesammelt werden und wieder ausgegeben werden können

Alle zusätzlichen SHD-Stufen, die ihr durch diese Methode erreicht habt, werden entfernt.

"Wenn in eure Konto keine zusätzlichen Level vorhanden sind, die durch diesen Fehler gewonnen wurden, werden keine Änderungen vorgenommen und eure SHD-Level bleiben gleich"

Release: 14.05.2020 (Version 9.1)

Quelle: gamezone.de | ubisoft.com | verschoben=gamezone.de | release=gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de


- Framerate drops in the Dark Zones.

- Friendly Oxidizers damaging ally Skills.

- Recommended Activity tab not closing.

- The Frenzy talent staying active when swapping weapons.

Gameplay Changes

- Nerfed damage and out-of-cover accuracy of the SMG used by red-bar Hyena Assault

- Reducing damage from Burn and Bleed status effects (also affects PvP)

- Nerfed NPC grenade-throw accuracy. Accuracy is reduced further based on the distance to target.

Elites have better accuracy, and Hunters, Rogue Agents, and Legendary NPCs have better accuracy than Elites.

-Decreased accuracy of Hyena Thrower's airburst, Black Tusk Mini-Tank's grenade, and Cleaner’s napalm airburst turret.

- Reduced NPC accuracy while blind-firing. Legendary NPCs get more accurate the longer they blind-fire.

- NPCs will no longer blind-fire with a shotgun or sniper rifle; instead, they will switch to a pistol to blind-fire. Hunters, Rogue Agents, and some bosses are an exception, and can break this rule. Also, Tank archetypes will no longer blind-fire.

- Reduced the frequency and aggressiveness of NPC behavior when advancing on hidden targets (players who have not been exposed for a long duration).

- Fixed some status-effect reactions that could cause non-tank NPCs to path towards players aggressively.

(Note: This fix and the one above only address some sources of the perceived NPC aggressiveness; developers are still investigating other sources and working on fixes.)

- Reduced how much damage player Skills take from NPCs

- Nerfed range of Cleaner Tank's flamethrower

- Nerfed Hyena RC Cars to reduce the damage of their explosions, the duration of lingering ground fire and the Burn/Confuse status effect, and the frequency at which Hyena RC Cars are deployed.

- Nerfed Black Tusk Suicide Drones to reduce damage from their explosion and how often they’re deployed.

- Black Tusk Support Station no longer heals mechanical NPCs or destructible props (objects players have to destroy in a mission).

- The Legendary version of the Support Station now has healing cap amounts like normal version.

- Reduced the size of player hitboxes (against NPCs) when players are blind-firing from behind cover. This should make it feel less risky for players to blind-fire at NPCs.

- Armor kits no longer completely heal Bounties and other bosses (Hunters will still heal completely).

- Adjusted status effect reaction priorities to fix an issue that allowed Ensnared NPCs to still move if Blinded or Burned before being Ensnared.

- Further lowered likelihood of Tank archetypes rushing toward player hives or turrets to stomp them.


- Home League is currently in its second week.

- Home League runs for 1 more week.

- Complete 54 stages of Home League to earn an Exotic Cache.

- Complete all 60 stages to unlock a unique Lady Liberty backpack trophy.

- An issue has been discovered in which Rogue Agents are spawning in League-challenge missions. This will be fixed in Title Update 10.

New Global Event: Reanimated

- New enemy tech causes hostiles to reanimate after death.

- Reanimated enemies have lower health.

- To stop enemies from reanimating, take them down with a headshot.

- Headshots will cause corrosive brain matter to appear and infect anyone nearby.

- After a second takedown, enemies will stay down, so always double-tap.

- Reanimation can be activated and deactivated in the Global Event settings.

- Players can earn unique rewards for participating and finishing the event.

- 3,18 GB groß

Release: 16.06.2020 (Version 10.0)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | release=play3.de | gamezone.de

- Erhöhung der Gesamtqualität des Loots

- Verbesserung der Loot-Systemskalierung mit ansteigender Schwierigkeitsstufe

- Verbesserung der Qualität von gecrafteten Objekten

- Verbesserte Lagerbestände der Händler

- Weitreichende Anpassungen des generellen Balancing

- Hohe Anzahl von allgemeinen Bug Fixes

- 6,33 GB groß

Release: 02.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das Manhunt-Aktivitäten für Spielbesitzer von The Division 2 sichtbar wurden, nachdem die Server mit einem WONY-Besitzer in der Gruppe gewechselt wurden.

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das die Türen während der Aufgabe „Durchbrechen Sie die Black Tusk Truppen“ in der Hauptmission des DARPA Research Lab sich nicht wieder öffnen ließen.

Release: 23.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | release=gamezone.de | play3.de

- Season 2 wird gestartet

Release: 30.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | release= play3.de | gamezone.de

- neuer Raid "OPERATION STAHLROSS" wird freigeschaltet

Blutdurst, exotisches Gewehr mit zwei Läufen

Exotischer Revolver Regulus

Ausstattungsgarnitur „Gießerei-Bollwerk“

Ausstattungsgarnitur Zukunftsinitiative

Release: 07.07.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Level 30-"OPERATION STAHLROSS" wird freigeschaltet

Release: 21.07.2020 (Version 10.1)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

Attribute und Statistiken der Loot Drops optimieren

- Loot wird dann bei höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden erhöht, mit leichter Stärke bei herausfordernden und größerer Stärke bei heroischen und legendären Schwierigkeitseinstellungen

- Weitreichende Anpassungen des generellen Balancing

Audio & Subtitles

- Added missing audio for Keener’s Legacy collectibles.

- Added missing subtitles for Keener’s legacy collectibles.


- Changed maximum Rifle ammo capacity from 280 to 420


- Forge (named holster):  Shield health bonus increased from +10% to +50%

Gear Sets

- Foundry Bulwark 3-piece gear set bonus: Armor regeneration lowered from +3% to +1%

- Added +50% shield health


Chem Launcher

- Reinforcer repair over time strength increased by 11%

- Reinforcer ammo lowered from 3 to 2 at skill tier 0

- Reinforcer now gains +1 ammo at skill tier 4

- Firestarter base ammo lowered from 2 to 1

- Firestarter now gains +1 ammo at skill tier 4

- Riot Foam now gains +1 ammo at skill tier 4

- Oxidizer now gains +1 ammo at skill tier 4


- Increased base duration of all hive variants from 50s to 180s

- Restorer Hive base range increased from 6m to 8m

- Restorer Hive range increase per skill tier reduced from +20% to +10%

- Restorer Hive charges lowered from 12 to 8 at skill tier 0

- Restorer Hive now gains +4 charges per skill tier

- Restorer Hive drone speed increased from +5% to +10% per skill tier

- Restorer Hive repair strength increased from +120% to +140% during overcharge

- Restorer Hive range increased from +175% to +200% during overcharge

- Stinger Hive now gains +5% drone speed per skill tier

- Stinger Hive now gains +80% drone speed during overcharge

- Reviver Hive charges lowered from 4 to 1 at skill tier 0

- Reviver Hive base cooldown lowered from 240s to 180s

- Reviver Hive now gains +1 charge per skill tier

- Reviver Hive now gains +5% drone speed per skill tier

- Reviver Hive range increased from +75% to +100% during overcharge

- Booster Hive charges lowered from 12 to 8 at skill tier 0

- Booster hive now gains +4 charges per skill tier

- Booster Hive no longer increases weapon damage

- Booster Hive buff effect now increases hazard protection, in addition to weapon handling and melee damage

- Booster Hive drones now cleanse status effects from the player on hit

- Booster Hive buff amount increased from +10% to +20% at skill tier 0

- Booster Hive stim efficiency increased from +10% to +33% per skill tier

- Booster Hive now gains +5% drone speed per skill tier

- Artificer Hive charges lowered from 10 to 8 at skill tier 0

- Artificer Hive now gains +4 charges per skill tier

- Artificer Hive now gains +10% range per skill tier

- Artificer Hive now gains +10% drone speed per skill tier

- Artificer Hive skill refresh increased from +1s to +3s at skill tier 0

- Artificer Hive skill refresh increased from +20s to +22s during overcharge

- Artificer Hive now gains +100% range during overcharge

- Artificer Hive now gains +150% skill haste during overcharge


- Shock Trap base cooldown increased from 50s to 60s

- Shock Trap base duration increased from 30s to 60s

PvP Modifiers

- Assault rifle damage increased by 9%

- Striker drone damage increased by 38%

- Firestarter chem launcher explosion damage reduced by -50%

- Deployed player skills now take 4x more damage from hostile players

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a delay between the EMP Sticky Bomb exploding and the start of the cooldown.

- Fixed a delay between the Firefly skill being destroyed and the start of the cooldown

- Fixed the Blinder Firefly failing to blind enemies.

- Fixed the Blinder Firefly cooldown starting before the effect ends if the player has not selected the maximum number of targets.

- Fixed the Demolisher Firefly not working on Support Stations in Legendary difficulty.

- Fixed inconsistent health at different skill tiers for the Striker Drone.

- Fixed Special Field Research not granting Apparel Cache rewards.

- Fixed a PC/Stadia issue causing players to be sent to the Inspect menu when attempting to buy weapon skins with a control.

- Fixed an issue causing Keener’s defender drone to become invulnerable when affected by a jammer pulse.

- Fixed the “Eliminate Guardians with another Guardian’s explosion” challenges not completing in the Guardian Global Event.

- Fixed an issue where only one of Lieutenant Gray bodyguards would deploy their shields in Operation Iron Horse.

- Fixed an issue where players could spawn inside spawn closets in Operation Iron Horse.

- Fixed multiple instances of robotic NPC voices encountered in missions.

- Fixed missing image for the Thermite Outfit in the in-game rewards menu.

- Fixed Termite league activities appearing as completed under certain circumstances.

- Fixed several crafting materials not being shared when purchasing the material sharing perk.

- Fixed an issue that would allow players to spawn another Javier Kajika if defeated very quickly.

- Fixed named NPC Alexandra “Tidy” Popov not spawning during the final boss fight in the invaded version of the Space Administration H.Q.

- Fixed a UI only issue on the Trauma Specialist talent where it states “REQUIRED” but gives no further context.

- Fixed missing League Timer on Stadia.

- Fixed missing leaderboards in the Base of Operations and Haven.

- Fixed FPS drop when opening multiple leaderboards.

- Fixed duplicate clan mates in the Top Clan leaderboards.

- Fixed the inability to remove facial hair at the Barber.

- Fixed incorrect texts being displayed for the Crafting Material Cache in season reward previews

- Fixed incorrect GearScore ranges being displayed in the World Tier crafting bench upgrade blueprints

- Fixed an issue where some brand, raid and other gear set crafting materials were not shared even if the material sharing perk was purchased:

Walker, Harris & Co. „RNGR“ Polymers

Ironworks Base Materials

Ironworks Bulwark Alloy

Ironworks Future Fabric

System Corruption Data Core

Strikers Battlegear Plating

Eclipse Protocol Membrane

- 1,99 GB groß

Release: 28.07.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.ubisoft.com

- Fixed an issue where The Chimera boss would not drop collectibles during Manhunt mission.

- Fixed an issue where Roosevelt Legendary Projects would not be completed.

- Fixed an issue where True Patriot set with Full Flag would cause a damaging explosion on the Agent if one of their skills was destroyed.

This is a relevant fix for PvP as well, since it could potentially kill your teammates.

- Fixed an issue that doubled the Spotter Talent damage increase for skill damage.

- Fixed an issue with the Future Initiative set that caused the Ground Control Talent to trigger when healing deploying skills.

- Fixed an issue with the Mantis Exotic that allowed it to be recalibrated.

PVP only:

- Dodge City Gunslinger's Holster Quick Draw damage per stack bonus lowered from 1% to 0.1% in PvP.

- Negotiator’s Dilemma now deals the correct amount of damage in PvP.

- Eclipse Protocol’s Indirect Transmission talent will now transfer the correct amount of damage and duration when spreading multiple status effects.

- First Blood Marksman Rifle talent now disabled.

Developer comment: We will revisit First Blood’s PvP behavior in the future, but for now we felt it necessary to disable it entirely when in the Dark Zone or a Conflict match.

- Decreased pistol damage by 22%

- Decreased rifle damaged by 30%

- Decreased Classic M1A damage by 12.5%

- Decreased marksman rifle damage by 30%

- Decreased Nemesis damage by 11%

Release: 04.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.ubisoft.com

- Alle fehlenden Belohnungen vom Polaritätsevent, werden dem Spieler hinzugefügt.

Release: 11.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com | gamezone.de

- Fixed an issue that caused Global Event challenge progression to be reset upon switching to a character that has progress on a previous event.

- Fixed an issue that caused Morozova's Phase 6 to not trigger when the Negotiator's Dilemma gear set caused Iron Horse's HP to deplete.

- Fixed an issue with crashes that also caused Delta-03 errors for players related to the Reanimated Global Event.

- Phoenix Down Apparel Event closing.

Release: 18.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: forum.ubisoft.com | gamezone.de

- Fix for a back end error introduced with Tuesday's maintenance.

Release: 01.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Wodurch es zu Unregelmäßigkeiten beim Zielen und Schießen des Sniper-Geschützturms kam.

- Zudem sollten fortan die Checkpoints für den heroischen Boss im Tidal Basin ordnungsgemäß funktionieren

Release: in Arbeit 20.08.2020 (Version 11.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | mp1st.com

- Season 3 ist gestartetr

- New PvE mode

- New gear

- “Rainbow Loot” fix

- Agnostic Mods

- Appearance Mods

Bug Fixes

- Gear dyes not working on the Striker gear set.

- Polycarbonate crafting cost for SMGs being too high in TU10.

- Inability to fast travel to the Dark Zones while in New York.

Release: 22.09.2020 (Version 11.0)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | release=gamezone.de | play3.de

- Season 3 ist gestartet

- Neues Spielmodus: The Summit

PvE Modus mit einem Hochaus mit 100 Etagen, alle 10 Etagen findet ein Bosskampf statt

kostenlos für New York DLC Besitzer

Weitere Änderungen

- Erscheinungsbild-Modifikation – oder Umwandlung – ist ein neues System zum bestehenden Charaktermenü für The Division 2.

Die Spieler werden in der Lage sein, das Aussehen ihrer Ausrüstung über die normale Farbe und Einfärbung hinaus zu verändern.

- Maske, Rucksack, Brust, Knieschützer, Handschuhe, Holster und alle Rüstungsteile sind jetzt austauschbar.

Erscheinungsbild-Mods werden es den Spielern ermöglichen, endlich das spezialisierte Aussehen zu erhalten, welches sie schon immer wollten, oder den Stil ihrer Ausrüstung zu ändern.

- Die Erscheinungsbild-Mods werden für alle Spieler zu einer Hauptgrundlage des Spiels, Stufe 1-40.

- Die Verbesserung des „Regenbogen“-Loots wird verändern wie Ausrüstungen das erste Attribut eines Ausrüstungsgegenstands zuweisen werden.

Das erste Attribut wird nun eine prozentuale Chance haben, dasselbe wie das Kernattribut zu erhalten.

Die Spieler werden weniger Regenbogenloot erhalten, was bedeutet, dass Gegenstände für eine Fertigkeitsmarke (Wyvern) mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit ein fertigkeitsbezogenes Attribut erhalten.

- Mit den Agnostik Mod Slots werden alle Ausrüstungsteile (Maske, Brust, Rucksack) so verändert, dass sie jeden beliebigen Ausrüstungsmod-Typ akzeptieren.

Das bedeutet, dass Spieler in der Lage sein werden, ihrem rein roten Build etwas Rüstungsregeneration hinzuzufügen, ohne auf eine Neukalibrierung des Mod-Slots verzichten zu müssen.

- 7,50 GB groß

Release: 29.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das die Manhunt-Zwischensequenz in einer Schleife abgespielt wurde.

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das die SHD-Stufe nicht auf Keener’s Uhr im Inventarbildschirm angezeigt wurde.

- Es wurde das Problem mit der Pistolero-Direktive behoben, was dazu führte, dass die Munition bei 0 blieb, sobald der Spieler die DZ von einem Kontrollpunkt betretet.

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das bei einigen neu kalibrierten Waffen 16,1% Waffenschaden angezeigt wurden.

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das der Inventarbildschirm für einige Spieler unsichtbar wurde.

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, durch das Kontrollpunkt-Warnlevelanzeigen nicht auf der globalen Karte angezeigt wurden.

- Fehlerhafte Modifikatoren für PVP-Schildschäden für Kreuzfahrer-, Reflektor- und Stürmer-Varianten wurden ebenfalls behoben.

Release: 08.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Behebung eines Problems beim Bekleidungsevent. Denn, offenbar haben nicht alle Spieler ihre Event-Schlüssel erhalten.

Release: 20.10.2020 (Version 11.1)

Quelle: gamezone.de | forum.ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de

Difficulty & Directives

- All Difficulties are selectable: Normal - Legendary

-For Directives, players are able to select from all 9 released Directives

The New Summit Experience

- With TU11.1, all players will initially start at floor 1 of The Summit

- Progress is now saved more frequently at each elevator players encounter

- After players finish floor 100, on their next Summit attempt they will restart at floor 1

Additional Gameplay Improvements

- Added a weekly project for finishing Summit (which along with other rewards grants an Exotic Cache)

- Added more objective types

- Quicker laptop interact animation

- Adjusted spawning of enemies during Hack Terminals objectives

- Holding SHD Crates is more beneficial

- Added new UI notifications about Exotic Fireteams, Bosses, etc.

Targeted Loot

- Added individual Targeted Loot Allocations for each Gear Set

This applies both to the normal rotation and to Summit's Personal Targeted Loot

Ex: Lincoln can have True Patriot


- Ridgeway's Pride exotic

For first part of exotic quest, parts now drop based on Summit floor numbers and increased drop chance of parts

For third part of exotic quest, lowered number of Rogue Agents and Hunters that need to be killed to 2

Increased radiuses of Bleeding Edge talent to 15m

Increased repair strength of Bleeding Edge talent to 1: 3%, 2: 6%, 3: 12%, 4: 24%, 5: 48% (per bleeding enemy within radius)


- These PvP balance changes affect both the DZ and Conflict:

Decreased overall time to kill by 10%

Decreased shotgun damage by 12.5%

Increased damage to shields by 25%

- Fixed issue in Conflict which caused the Firewall specialization's flamethrower to deal an excessive amount of damage.

Bug Fixes

The Summit

- Fixed loot crates not resetting if encountered twice in a session.

- Restored the ability to select Matchmake without reloading

- Mega-Map now has correct tabs (Projects/Manhunt/SHD)

- Improved loot from final 100th Floor enemy

- Swapped doors to be windowless in various spots

- Legendary Black Tusk have been taught how to hold guns properly

- Improvements to an issue that could cause the 100th floor to not complete after killing all enemies

- Fixed an issue where agents could fall through the map and become stuck between the elevators

- Fixed an issue causing legendary Black Tusk to sometimes appear on difficulties they should not be in

- Fixed occurrences of enemies not leaving their spawn closets.

- Fixed the objective requirements for Toxic Gas remaining on screen after a group member interacts with the laptop

- Fixed a loot room that could not be interacted with

- Fixes occurrences of enemies incorrectly spawning in parts of the floor that have already been cleared

- Fixed the lobby voice over triggering when returning to the lobby

- Fixed “Neutralize the Lieutenant” objective sometimes choosing a non-named NPC as the Lieutenant

- Fixed an issue where a controller button had double functionality on the mega map

- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in the spectate mode screen after switching camera from another player

- Various UI & Map fixes


- Fixed enemies sometimes being unreachable in the Grand Washington Hotel

- Fixed an issue causing the SHD level notification UI to not work

- Fixed an issue in the Operation Iron Horse raid where RPGs could stop dropping if disconnected or fast travels out of the raid when having one equipped

- Fixed an issue which occurred when the player dropped down from an object in combat causing the agent to be pushed forward then back

- Fixed an issue causing group members to have no ammo when the group leader activated the Pistolero directive in the Dark Zone

- Fixed Global Event modifiers not working as intended on Legendary difficulty.

 - 4,53 GB groß

Release: 27.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de


- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler beim Laden bestimmter Charaktere einen Delta-01-Fehler erhielten.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Selbstmorddrohnen nicht auf die Fähigkeiten der Spieler abzielten.

Store Änderungen:

- Last Resort Bekleidungs Event ist jetzt beendet und wird nicht mehr verfügbar sein.

- Last Resort-Kleidungsstücke können noch mit Premium-Credits erworben werden.

- Der Legacy-Cache wird mit einer anderen Auswahl an Kleidungsstücken verfügbar.

Release: 03.11.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Kontrollpunkt-Versorgungsräume nach dem Töten von Rogue Agents in der Aktivität gesperrt blieben.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem in bestimmten Stockwerken des Summits Ziele oder nicht funktionsfähige Aufzüge fehlten.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das Neukalibrieren von Attributen auf Elemente mit niedrigerer Punktzahl auch den neu kalibrierten Wert herabstufte.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem das Attribut „Feuerrate“ in der Neukalibrierungsstation nicht auf dem richtigen Maximum angezeigt wurde.

Release: 08.12.2020 (Version 12)

Quelle: ubisoft.com | details=ubisoft.com | release= mein-mmo.de, forum.ubisoft.com, play3.de, xboxdynasty.de

- Season 4 "End of Watch" ist gestratet

- Neue Waffen und Ausrüstung wird hinzugefügt: Exotic Shotgun: Scorpio & Exotic Holster: Waveform

- Inventory Size Increase: As another highly requested feature, we are happy to announce that TU12 will see the inventory size increased by 50 to 150.

- Loadout Slots Increase: The number of stored loadouts has also been increased by 4 to 16.

Es wird ein Filter für Mods eingeführt.

- Offensive

- Defensive

- Utility

Verbesserungen für The Summit

- Neue Belobigungen

- Zielgerichtete Beute für jeden freigeschalteten Checkpoint

- Häufigere Begegnungen mit abtrünnigen Agenten (NPCs)

- eine neue Ziel-Kategorie sowie erhöhte Vielfalt bei bereits bestehenden Zielen

- 5,53 GB groß

Release: 02.02.2021 (Version 12.1)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | event=play3.de, gamepro.de | upgrade=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K|1080p/1440p mit 60 FPS, keine grafischen Änderungen

- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS, keine grafischen Änderungen

- Resident Evil Crossover Event vom 02.02.2021 bis zum 15.02.2021

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where gear sets would not correctly display which talents were required to be active for their chest and backpack talents to activate.

- Fixed issue where Rigger would sometime refresh Tend and Befriend incorrectly.

- Fixed issue where Memento Kill Confirmed drops could come from friendly skills.

- Fixed an issue where Memento buffs could last beyond death. Which was both grim and ironic.

- Fixed issue where directives in the LZ could multiply experience earned in the DZ.

- Fixed and issue where Legendary Black Tusk would not count as "Black Tusk" for objectives in Leagues and Summit Challenges.

- Removed objectives for the Skill Demotions Summit Challenge which referred to the Firestarter Chem Launcher and the Shrapnel Trap. The objectives were misbehaving and have been put in timeout.

- Fixed issue where Vanguard and Perfect Vanguard granted their invulnerability to allies.

- Fixed issue where Summit Combat Merit Commendation would display unusually in the Commendations menu.

- Fixed issue where Merciless and Ruthless exotics would trigger a cosmetic explosion on the seventh stack in addition to really exploding on the first shot after.

- Fixed issue where Decoy Skill would not refresh correctly if it was deployed when getting a headshot kill with the Mantis exotic.

- Fixed issue where other players on the League leaderboards would show your own SHD level and point distribution.

- Fixed misaligned elbow pads when using specific apparel items.

- Fixed issue where The Summit matchmaking tab is not grayed out for groups containing level 30 agents.

- Fixed issue where the audio queue doesn’t trigger when killing the last enemy on floor 100 in The Summit.

- Fixed the Symptom Aggravator” talent description.

- 5,10 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2021 (Version 12.3)

Quelle: gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de | play3.de | ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Season 5 als Season 1 Re Run ist gestartet

- Behebung der Absturz-Probleme des Spiels.

- 4,55 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2021 (Version 12.?)

Quelle: ubisoft.com | gamezone.de

- Season 6 ist gestartet

- 4,60 GB groß

Release: 21.09.2021 (Version 12.?)

Quelle: ubisoft.com

- Fixed an issue that caused players to became invisible if a player detonated the EMP sticky bomb while interacting with a ladder.

- Fixed an issue were players could infinitely use/throw the Shrapnel Trap Skill with no cooldown while having four pieces of the Rigger set.

- Fixed an issue were players could climb over a fence in Coney Island Ballpark and reach non-playable area.

- 3,61 GB groß

Release: 24.09.2021 (Version 12.?)

Quelle: ubisoft.com

- Fixed the issue with invisible/invincible characters on Console

- Extended the Golden Bullet Event by one week on all Platforms

- 1,65 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2021 (Version 14.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | ubisoft.com | 14=twitter.com

Winter Rewards

- The end of year themed Hoarder is back in the Summit and the Open World. Killing them will drop the "Sleigher" weapon as well as the new "Chill Out" gear mask.

- The Santa Hunter is back on the prowl in the Summit penthouse, killing them will drop the "Santa Mask"!.

Bug Fixes

Performance & Stability

- Fixed an issue where the game will crash on a regular basis when DirectX 12 is enabled on PC.

Talents & Skills

- (Gear set rework) The "Striker's Battlegear" will no longer lose stacks for missed shots. Stack loss per second has been increased to 2.

- Fixed and issue where the Technician Specialization ammo would get refilled when equipping the 4th piece of the "Tip of the Spear" gear set.

- Fixed an issue where the "Outsider" Talent duration did not match it's description.The in-game duration has been reduced to 10s, compared to 20s previously.

- Fixed an issue where "Adrenaline Rush" would be triggered by enemy's skills and traps.

Summit Balancing

- Fixed an issue where the top floor of The Summit provided significantly more XP than intended (previously awarding more than 10 times the expected amount).

Audio & Narrative

- The missing Echo from Camp White Oak and the Fay Lau Manhunt mission is added to "Mission Rewards".

- Fixed an issue where the introduction music would not play.

Text & Localisation

- Fixed an issue where the Dark Hours Raid portrait was not showing the player's names correctly.

- Fixed an issue where right stick description in the German mentions "left" instead of "right".

- Fixed an issue where the Ubisoft Connect reward condition for the "Impromptu Weapon Skin" was incorrect in Japanese.

Visual Glitches

- Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck on background "Inspect Menu" when inspecting Weapon/ skill from a group member while being in a downed state.

- Fixed an issue where players would experience brightness changing from very dark to very bright at certain angles in the final garage door at Space Administration HQ.

- Fixed a stuck NPC's in a spawn room whilst players would attempt a resource convoy mission at Judiciary Square (Bakery & Cafe).

- Fixed a bunch of "WEIRD textures" & floating objects.

- Fixed some floating graffiti of the word "Checkpoint" at Washington Circle NW.

- Fixed floating trash at East Executive Ave NW.

- Fixed an issue with flickering posters in the Botanic Garden.

- Fixed an issue with a missing wall texture next to stairs on the house of the corner H St NW and 16th ST NW.

- Fixed a floating plant in Downtown West.

- Fixed an issue with flickering texture on ramp east of L'Enfant Promenade.

Level Design gaps

- Fixed a gap present between the building and the ground in Downtown West.

- Fixed a gap between the wall and the ground on the corner East Executive Ave NW and H street NW.

- Fixed a gap between the door and the ground at a building located near "National Bond Armory".

- 4,05 GB groß

Release: 08.02.2022 (Version 1?.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | ubisoft.com

- Preparation for Season 2 deployment on February 15th.

- End of the Winter Event.

- Fix of the Gila Guard brand set bonuses for the Chill Out Mask.

- 3,74 GB groß

Release: 15.02.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Season 7 ist gestartet

Release: 12.05.2022 (Version 15.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | mein-mmo.de

- Season 9 "Vorborgene Allianz" ist gestartet

- Neuer PvE-Modus: Countdown

- Speicherverbrauch von 67,1 GB auf 68,3 GB erhöht

- 6,12 GB groß

Release: 31.05.2022 (Version 15.1)

Quelle: ubisoft.com | release=ubisoft.com, twitter.com


- The “Bluescreen” and “Dread Edict” exotic weapons are now being displayed on the wall in the shooting range.

- Fixed an issue with the "Chill Out" mask missing Gila Guard branding.

- Fixed an issue with the “Dread Edict” Exotic SVD not stacking with the “Perfect Focus” armor talent.

- Players can no longer gain the "Disruptor Rounds" stacks by shooting wildlife and dead NPCs with the "Bluescreen" Exotic LMG.

- Fixed the pulse immunity: it is now protecting against headshots

- Fixed the issue with the headshots made with Heartbreaker set equipped giving the bonus armor even if the other player has 100% pulse resistance

- Fixed the issue with the named "Chill Out" mask not dropping from the Named Item Cache


- Fixed an issue with players getting stuck on 100% loading screen after exiting Countdown Mode.

- Fixed an issue with the enemy NPC spawning in reactor after encounter was completed.

- Fixed an issue with the Hunters being shown as Black Tusk on the "Inspect" frame of the death screen.


- “Donate All Junk” button functionality is now fixed and should be giving the same number of materials regardless of the menu category.

- Upgrade grades are now displayed on SKILL and SIGNATURE WEAPONS in the inventory similar to Gear and Weapon items.

The grade is also displayed in the Expertise Menu.

- Fixed an issue with the Upgrade animation not being displayed when upgrading a SKILL or SIGNATURE WEAPON in the Expertise Menu.

- Corrected the Expertise progression so that Proficiency ranks gained with kill XP will no longer count double towards expertise levels.



- Placeholder names are no longer present for some cosmetic premium rewards on the rewards track screen for languages other than English.


- Fixed an issue where only the session owner received the encryption key after completing Manhunt in a group.

- Players should no longer be missing the decryption key when resuming their personal progression after doing the decryption mission while in a group.

- The issue with the EMP drones in the “Hidden Alliance” Manhunt target missions having placeholder icons is now fixed.

- Fixed the issues when the investigation update does not appear on the HUD within the Manhunt investigation objectives after the Control Point completion.

- Fixed an issue with the server crashing when the player is entering a shared space while the VO from audio file is playing.

- Fixed an issue when the players do not receive a notification that the group leader cannot start a Takeover Bounty while the party members are in the mission area and the party leader is at least 100 meters away.

- Fixed an issue with the Prime Target mission objective not being updated if the players happen to stand close to the area leading to the mission's next beat when all hostiles are eliminated.

- Fixed an issue where the Team leader would see "Activate Bounty" as an option when their teammate was in the mission area of the Takeover Bounty.


- Fixed an issue with the Assault Rifle "TKB-408" icon not being centered in the Inventory tab.


- Fixed an issue with the layer becoming invisible if they detonate the EMP sticky bomb while interacting with a ladder.

- 3,91 GB groß

Release: 09.06.2022 (Version 15.2)

Quelle: ubisoft.com

- Added the Backpacks for the Fairview Crew Apparel Event!

- Hotzone & Meltdown outfit completions will now receive mask rewards.

- Fixed an issue where a red overlay light that was present in the Apparel Event Screens.

- 3,83 GB groß

Release: 05.07.2022 (Version 1.0.343.4600/15.?)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Fixed an issue where the blueprints for the Dread Edict, Bluescreen and Catharsis exotics were missing from Inaya's shop.

- Fixed an issue where The Setup and Closer did not drop with targeted loot.

- Fixed an issue where Season 9 blueprints did not appear in the Crafting Station before acquiring them.


- Fixed an issue where the menu would not appear when inspecting people in Countdown menu.


- Fixed an issue where items appear as proficient despite not being at proficiency rank 10.

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain high amounts of proficiency XP by disrupting Parnell's decoys in "The Tombs" mission.

- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to stack bonus expertise damage.


- Resolved the grade icon being shifted to the left on all item tiles in the inventory.

- Resolved visual stretching outside of borders with the new gear/vanity items in the Season 9 Rewards Tracker.

- 4,03 GB groß

Release: 09.08.2022 (Version 1.0346.5450/15.4)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


Fixed the issue with the climax mission progression halting after the first wave of NPCs.

- Fixed the issue with Captain Lewis not spawning if the first wave of NPSs is eliminated too fast.

- Killing Private Connor too fast will no longer halt the progress of the mission.

- Fixed the issue with two Agent Kelso's being present in the Base of Operations basement if player completes the "Prime Target" mission without turning in all decryption keys.


- Fixed the issue with days 2, 3 and 4 being locked in the Reanimated Global Event.


- Fixed the issue with the Season 9 Exotic blueprints missing the "Items required" requirement.

- Fixed the issue with the reconfigure blueprints for the three new Exotics being listed at the bottom of the list: the blueprints for the newest items should appear at the top part of the list now.


- Fixed the issue with the 0/0 Exotic Components upgrade requirement needing one Exotic Component for upgrade of Gear Expertise levels.


- Fixed incorrect translation from Spanish.

- Fixed minor UI issues.


- Fixed the issue with the Raid checkpoint system not working as designed even though the alert "Checkpoint reached" appeared after the boss is eliminated.

- 3,88 GB groß

Release: 16.08.2022 (Version 1.0347.8570/15.4)

Quelle: ubisoft.com

- LED Hoodie is back in stock and you can complete your LED outfit!

- The Apparel Event timer has been fixed and should now show the correct duration.

- 3,87 GB groß

Release: 13.09.2022 (Version 1.0347.8570/16.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de, mein-mmo.de

- 5,30 GB groß

Release: 27.09.2022 (Version 1.0353.8275/16.1)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- As a temporary solution, we decided to significantly reduce Shrapnel Trap efficiency in PvP to dissuade players from using it.


- Fixed an issue where Premium Credits were spent instead of Textiles when buying from the in-game store.

- Fixed an issue where “Add” and “Remove” options would appear when attempting to buy items more expensive than the premium credits balance.


- Reduced the HP of the Tidal Basin Legendary Stronghold Boss weak points.


- Fixed an issue where the Doctor Home Exotic rifle is not working in PvP.

- Fixed an issue where All High-End Assault Rifles had Rifle damage as a Core Attribute.

- Fixed an issue where the Closer and Uzina Getica Gear Brand Set chest pieces were missing an attribute roll.

- Fixed an issue where Dye slots weren’t functional on gear pieces from the Umbra Initiative Gear Set and Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set.


- Fixed an issue where the Doctor Home Exotic rifle does not have a proficiency rank.

- Fixed an issue where Busy Little Bee had two icons in the Expertise Pistols category.


- Fixed an issue where the "Show the Signature Weapon" Option is reset to default every time the user changes server.

- Fixed an issue where the primary weapon skins rewards visuals would stretch outside of the Season 10 Reward Tracker.

- Fixed an issue where the active event text from the Season menu overlaps with Progression when hovering it in the pause menu.

- Fixed an issue where text is present in the Main Menu Season Option for Manhunt Target Events on locales: Spanish, Latin-American Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Korean.

- Fixed an issue where the Screen/Image displayed on the “Expertise Table” section of the Tutorial was not localized in Brazilian Portuguese but in Italian.

- Fixed an issue where multiple weapon skin previews would not display properly in the apparel menu or on the weapons.

- Fixed an issue where the Season 10 Unique Weapon skins have small icons in the Apparel Menu.

- Fixed an issue where the icon for the Tendrils unique weapon skin was missing the drum mag.

- Fixed an issue where the "Fast Travel to Seasons Vendor" button could be used to start the "Initiate Fast Travel" animation while inside submenus that don't have this button present. 

- Fixed an issue where the Season Pass for Season 10: Price of Power was blurry.


- Fixed an issue where Apparel Items from Dark Path would drop as gear items.

- Fixed an issue where the Maintenance Shirt would clip with various pants from the store.

- Fixed an issue where the LED Pants icon from the Apparel Menu does not match the in-game pants.


- Fixed an issue where Legacy or Season 9 Hidden Alliance caches are rewarded instead of Season 10 Price of Power caches

- 3,91 GB groß

Release: 18.10.2022 (Version 1.0353.8275/16.2)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Fixed the issue with the Umbra Initiative Mask clipping with some vanity masks

- Fixed the issue with the Umbra Initiative Mask missing its visual and mod slots

- Fixed the issues with the Umbra Initiative Mask showing on even if the the “Always Show Mask” option from the Inventory is set to OFF

- Fixed the issue with the dye slots having no functionality on all gear pieces from the Umbra Initiative Gear Set

- Fixed the UI issue with the Umbra Initiative Kneepads visual slots wrong placemen

- Fixed: Both the regular and the named chest pieces from the Uzina Getica Brand Set have only one Attribut

Chest piece second Attribute was rerolled randomly

The randomly rerolled Attribute (second attribute) is now changed back to the original roll

The first Attribute remains unchanged

If you re-rolled the first attribute to that of the second attribute (original), you will get a random first Attribute, but both will be unlocked and available for recalibration

- Fixed the issue with the Striker's Battlegear Gear Set 4 pieces bonus not applying when swapping between identical Striker's pieces from the inventory

- Fixed the issue that nullified the set bonus effect when changing between two Gear Set loadouts that have at least 2 distinct item pieces for Ongoing Directive, Negotiator's Dilemma, Striker's Battlegear, Foundry Bulwark, and Rigger.


- Fixed: Busy Little Bee Exotic Pistol Talent damage buff applies to skills

- Fixed the issue with the Busy Little Bee Exotic Pistol blueprint not unlocking after reaching level 85 of the seasonal reward track

- Fixed the issue with The Picaro's Holster, Hermano Backpack, Bloody Knuckles and Busy Little Bee not dropping from their respective targeted loot pools

- Fixed the issue with the Ongoing Directive Gear Set Talent - The Rules of Engagement generating Specialization weapon ammo in the Dark Zone

- Updated the Striker's Battlegear localization: both Press the Advantage and Striker’s Gamble should have the correct Talent descriptions: (https://trello.com/c/hkxe5b9p/16-gear-strikers-battlegear)

- Fixed the issue with the Dread Edict Talent - Full Stop stacking with damage dealt by skill, talent or status effect

- Fixed the issue with the Sledgehammer Talent not showing in the Recalibration Station talent library

- Updated the Bluescreen Exotic LMG drop conditions for legendary enemies


- Won’t fix: Targeted Loot in Dark Zone drops as normal loot instead of contaminated loot

- We decided to keep the Targeted look uncontaminated for the time being.

- In order to obtain the DZ West backpack trophy players will have to complete 5 extractions from the DZ West 


- Fixed several server stability issues

- Fixed an issue with the game crashing after entering an Iron Horse Raid group through matchmaking and then going to the pilot and selecting Countdown 


- Fixed: Exotic components are not dropping from control points cashes

- Fixed the wrong icon for the Countdown on the Mega Map

- Fixed the Pilot menu so selecting Countdown doesn't overwrite the exciting Raid group

- Fixed the issue with the inspect menu overlapping with the social menu after creating a raid group and inspecting other players

- Fixed the issue with the "Mark All as Junk" button from Options menu not being functional

- Fixed the issue with the loading button appearing when trying to create a Countdown session while in a Raid group when the Raid difficulty is the same as Countdown one


- Fixed: The time for achieving stage 10 in the Seasonal timed challenges for Manning National Zoo, Roosevelt Island and Wall Street is set to one hour

- Fixed the issue with the Legacy or Season 9 Hidden Alliance caches being rewarded instead of Season 10 Price of Power caches for Global Events and Leagues

- Fixed the issue with the Chirpy League image being used as the thumbnail image for Lucky League trophy when viewing it in the Apparel Menu


- SHD Paragon Apparel Event has started: collect 6 unique outfits inspired by the Specialization Skills


- One-time offer will be available starting from October 20th, 2022

- 3,95 GB groß

Release: 15.11.2022 (Version 1.0359.5064/16.3)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Fixed the issue that allowed players to turn invisible by interacting several times with the Dark Zone entrance and Safe Room door 


- Players no longer receive the decryption key while being in another player's game

- Season 9 objectives are no longer active

Gear & Weapons

- Fixed the issues that allowed to stack the Foundry Bulwark Gear Set talent infinitely by changing the server instance

- Fixed the textures for the Carbine 7 Assault Rifle

- Fixed Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set items quality in the Appearance collection


- Fixed the issue where players were unable to matchmake for Raid or Expedition while in a group of two or three members from the Megamap Matchmake menu or Matchmaking Station


- Fixed multiple minor clipping issues


- Fixed the issue with extra "Boss Loot Drop" lines present for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo Stronghold on the Megamap 

- Players will no longer respawn with reset skills after going in unplayable area of the Tidal Basin Stronghold 

- Fixed the issue with the Boss Loot Drops not being detailed for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo in the Megamap

- Fixed the inconsistency in display between the name of the boss that has been damaged or killed and the boss's name shown in the objective UI for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo


- Compare Tab no longer overlaps with Reconfigure tab in the Crafting Station menu

- Fixed the issue that allowed players to receive unlimited SHD points to spend on resources when running the game in certain languages

 Store Exclusives

- Pink Tracksuit Outfit now available for 640 Premium Credits

- Speicherverbrauch von 69,1 GB auf 69,3 GB erhöht

- 4,11 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2022 (Version 1.0359.5064/16.4)

Quelle: ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | datum=twitter.com | notes=ubisoft.com | release=twitter.com

- Season 10 Price of Power ist gestartet


- Fixed multiple crashing issues that affected Season 10 Manhunt progression, Operation Dark Hours Raid and Operation Iron Horse Raid

- Tidal Basin: Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck at a specific location

- Countdown: Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck in a container

- Countdown: Fixed a few misaligned UI elements

- Lefty Named Shotgun no longer behaves like a SIX-12

- Fixed the issue with Sledgehammer and Perfect Sledgehammer Talents stacking when an incendiary grenade is used

- Heartbreaker: Fixed the issue with the missing mod slots on the Unflinching Vest on the female agent model

- Fixed the issue with The Ravenous defensive primes not granting the +4% bonus armor when disrupted

- Fixed the issue that prevented the players from change the body type due to missing button in the Barber menu

- Speicherverbrauch von 69,3 GB auf 69,4 GB erhöht

- 3,66 GB groß

Release: in Arbeit 02.2023 (Version 1.0359.5064/16.4)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Durch einen Fehler können keine weitere Update oder serverseitige Updates durcvhgeführt werden

Auch die Season 10 kann dadurch nicht verlänfgert werden und auch Season 11 nicht gestartet werden

Release: 28.02.2023 (Version 1.0371.225/17.0)

Quelle: neue roadmap=xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | ubisoft.com

- Season 11 "Reign of Fire" ist gestartet



- Lower Skill Tier players will be able to use the Jammer skill against Skill Tier players 3 levels above their own.

- Fixed an issue where Shrapnel Trap would apply PvE damage in PvP.

- Exotics that are otherwise exclusive to a specific source are available as random contaminated drops in the DZ. Exotic weapons that can be received as random loot drops after killing enemies in DZ:

The Ravenous

The Bighorn

Eagle Bearer


- Added an Inventory Pouch Space AR on the backpack to allow players see the remaining space in their Inventory after looting an item.

- Added a checkmark displaying the current Loadout equipped.

To find the checkmark go to the Main Menu - Inventory - Press H for Loadouts.

- The Caches tab from the Apparel Event Menu will display the ongoing Apparel Event cache image. When no Apparel Event is running, the default cache box will be displayed.

- Season tile background will display the current ongoing event.

- Added an item type display icon to the Apparel Cache Reveal button.



- Fixed with the Focus Chest Talent not being triggered when aiming with the Doctor Home Exotic Rifle and Oh Carol Named Marksman Rifle.

- Fixed the issue with The Doctor Home Exotic Rifle deconstruction not giving exotic components.

- Fixed the issue where changing between two loadouts of Gear sets that have at least two distinct item pieces nullified the effect of the set bonus.

- The Twinkling Lights Talent from the Oh Carol Named Marksman Rifle can no longer be added to the Recalibration Library at the Recalibration Station

- Fixed the issue with the mark from the Sledgehammer and Perfected Sledgehammer Talents applying the movement speed debuff to the player


- Exclamation mark now disappears after checking an item in the Expertise Menu

- Fixed the issue with the highlighted item in a Gear/Brand Set category not resetting when switching from one set to another.

- Fixed the issue where scrolling through a gear piece's stats in the Expertise Menu also caused scrolling through the items list.

- Fixed the issue with the incorrect manufacturer name being shown in the Donation Materials tab of the Expertise Menu for the Fox's Prayer Kneepads.

- Fixed the issues with the information panel for the highlighted item not updating the Mods and Dye fields.

- Fixed the issue with the Expertise level of the weapon not increasing when donating the Oh Carol Marksman Riffle at the Recalibration Station.

- Fixed the issue with the Expertise level being shown as -1 for all the specialization sidearms.

- Added the missing "Insufficient Materials" prompt that should appear when trying to upgrade any item from the Specialization category.


- Fixed the issue where players could enter both invaded and non-invaded Dark Zone with no other players around by turning Rogue just as they were about to log out


- Fixed the tooltip for the "True Sons Broadcast Outpost" SHD Side Mission.

- Fixed the issue with The Full Stop Talent displaying the TAC-50 C Rifle signature weapon ammo icon.


- Fixed minor clipping issues for the Dark Path Apparel Event items.

- Fixed minor clipping issues for the Santa Suit.

- Fixed minor clipping issues for the Gamology outfit.

- Speicherverbrauch von 69,4 GB auf 70,0 GB erhöht

- 4,62 GB groß

Release: 14.03.2023 (Version 1.0373.6789/17.1)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Fixed the issue where players were unable to start the Manhunt if they quit the game during the interaction with Wally at the Castle Settlement

- Fixed the issue where the Elite Minitank NPC appears as an Enemy Leader in any Black Tusk invaded Control Point the Global Difficulty is set to Challenging

- Doctor Home Exotic Rifle is no longer the only exotic awarded when completing General Anderson Climax Mission

- Fixed Multiple clipping issues affecting Wally model in the Castle Settlement

- Fixed the issue with Wally not moving her mouth while speaking

- The fix is available in all regions except MENA


- Fixed the issues with Habsburg Brand Set gear pieces not requiring Habsburg Guard Materials for crafting at the Crafting Station

- Fixed the issue with the Headache Talent from the Hotshot Gear Set resetting if the bullet that is shot hits multiple surfaces or props, despite having the Blessed Talent equipped from the Hotshot Backpack

- Fixed the issue with the Headache Talent not giving more armor bonus after activating the talent 6 times, even if the player has no armor bonus in the armor bar

- Fixed the issue with the locked Habsburg Guard Brand Set mask blueprint not being displayed in the Crafting Station Masks tab

- Fixed the issue with the dye slots not changing the appearance of the gloves from the Habsburg Guard Brand Set

- Fixed the issue the Sacrum Imperium Exotic Marksman Rifle Reconfiguration blueprint not requiring an Exotic Component for reconfiguring the weapon at the Crafting Station

- Busy Little Bee Talent's damage per stack value is now 2% in PVP environments and displayed correctly when toggling item details in View PVP Stats mode

- Added Season 10 gear to the general loot pool


- Fixed minor clipping issues for the Yellow, Green and Pink Tracksuits

- Fixed minor clipping issues for the Season 11 Season Pass reward track masks

- Added missing textures between the Gamology Pants and a couple of shoes

- Fixed the issue with the Heartbreaker jacket clipping with multiple pants

- Fixed the issue where the visuals didn’t change after replacing one pair of vanity gloves with another pair of vanity gloves

- The issue is still present on Firewall Gloves

- Fixed the issue with vanity items dropping as loot or being obtained as loot from Field Proficiency Caches


- Added the outfits to the cache in the cache menu: the picture from the Apparel Cache tab will change based on the current running Apparel Event

- Fixed the image size for the Seasonal Menu


- Fixed the issue with access to South and West DZ being blocked if the DZ East Recon mission is not completed before WONY walkthrough

- Fixed the visual bug affecting Weekly SHD Requisition Project & Weekly Summit Project rewards – Exotic Cache should now be displayed as a reward

- Fixed the issue with starting and completing "The Pentagon” Main Mission with maximum level characters that have not completed the Pentagon intro Side Mission (Pentagon Breach) before going through the New York walkthrough

- Fixed the agent’s hand clipping with the Sacrum Imperium Exotic Marksman Rifle and Relic Named Marksman Rifle

- Speicherverbrauch von 70,0 GB auf 70,1 GB erhöht

- 3,89 GB groß

Release: 18.04.2023 (Version 1.0379.6766/17.2)

Quelle: trello.com


- Fixed the exploit that allowed farming high amounts of XP by resetting Legacy Manhunt: Faye Lau mission

- Fixed the issue with the Flooded Levee, Ellipse Fuel Depot and the Washington Monument Control Points being blocked from capturing

- Fixed the issue with the XP not being awarded after clearing the Control Points that are part of the Manhunt

- Fixed the issue with the players being stuck with the decryption side mission when returning to their own sessions after interacting with the laptop in the host’s game

- Fixed the issue with the players being unable to collect loot dropped by Bantam if he is killed before descending from the platform during the last beat of his takeover bounty

- Fixed the issue with the Main Mission icon disappearing from the DC Mega Map after completing the brief

- Fixed the issue with the DARPA mission remaining locked after completing the Pentagon mission

- Fixed the issue with the League challenges not being tracked account wide


- Fixed the issue with the Regulus Exotic Pistol being unavailable for crafting

- Fixed the issue with the NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Backpack that was causing the previously equipped Brand Set bonuses to remain active after being unequipping or replaced

- Fixed the issue with scrolling through the Stats Tab with the NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Backpack equipped resulting in a brief game freeze and the Stats Tab disappearing

- Fixed the issues with the Habsburg Guard Brand Set named gear pieces The Courier and Cherished not giving brand specific materials when deconstructed

- Fixed the issue that allowed crafting the Hotshot Gear Set pieces without using any Hotshot Wires

- Fixed the issue with the Relic Named Marksman Rifle having no materials requirement for crafting

- Fixed the issue with the Prophet Named Pistol having no materials requirement for crafting

- Fixed the issue with the Prophet Named Pistol dropping in qualities other than High-End

- Fixed the issue where landing a killing body shot empowered by the Determined Talent or its Perfect version replenished the Talent

- Fixed the issue with The Trap Talent being applied to the group members in PVE

- Fixed the issue with the Ceasar's Guard Named Chest piece of the Empress International Brand Set dropping with the Weapon Damage Core Attribute instead of the Skill Tier Core Attribute

- Fixed the issue with the previously owned Ceasar's Guard Named Chest piece having no Core and Attributes

- Changed the time for the agent to mark an enemy from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds for the Sacrum Imperium Exotic Marksman Rifle

- Added c79 optics mod to the Sacrum Imperium Exotic Marksman Rifle

- Fixed the issue with Aggressor Kneepads of the Heartbreaker Gear Set missing its Appearance and Dye slots

- Fixed the issue with the Headhunter Talent being triggered by headshot killing wildlife

- Fixed the issue with the Determined and Perfect Determined Talents being triggered by killing wildlife

- Fixed the issue where activating the Rules of Engagement Talent of the Ongoing Directive Gear Set while holding any deployable skill or the Chem Launcher

 in hand caused the previously drawn weapon to receive Bleed ammo equal to the skill's number of charges and lose all other ammo it had after consuming them


- Fixed the issue with the Enduring custom weapon skin not equipping on the Black Market AK-M

- Fixed minor clipping issues for various Necessary Tactics apparel items

- Fixed the issue with the Aces Vest Dye Slot not changing the color of the vest

- Fixed the issue with the NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Backpack clipping with various shirts


- Fixed the issue with the Global Difficulty UI element being misaligned in Arabic language on Mega Map and Mini Map


- Fixed the issue with the information panel for the highlighted item not being updated properly for the Mods and Dye fields

- Fixed the issue with the "Insufficient materials" message appearing if the bench level is not high enough for the upgrade. Now changed to “Bench level is too low”.

- Fixed the issue with the exclamation marks in the Expertise Menu not disappearing after viewing the new item

- Fixed the issue with the highlighted item in the list not resetting for sets in the Expertise Menu

- Fixed the issue where scrolling through a gear piece's stats in the Expertise menu also scrolls through the items list


- Fixed the issue that allowed the Group Leader to lock themselves in the Summit lobby while other players from the group were going to the 100th floor


- Fixed the issue with the players becoming invisible and applying damage to other players with skills after going Out of Bounds


- Fixed the issue with the agents below Level 40 being able to start matchmaking for Countdown at the BOO Pilot

- Fixed the issue with the “Extraction zone” text being flipped when the agent is inside the said zone


- Fixed the issue with the Drone Controller not spawning inside BOO when player reaches World Tier 1

- Fixed the Stash tab SFX not playing when accessing it from the Buy Back tab in the Vendor Menu

- Fixed the noticeable inconsistency between neck and chest skin tones on any NPC who wears low-cut neck shirts

- Fixed the issue with one Heavy NPC will remaining stuck on the other side of the Gate during co-op in the Pentagon Intro Mission

- Speicherverbrauch von 70,1 GB auf 70,4 GB erhöht

- 4,85 GB groß

Release: 09.05.2023 (Version 1.0382.8287/17.3)

Quelle: trello.com


- Reverted the Resource Convoy XP gain reduction from TU17.2 to previous values


- Fixed the visual bug with the Metalhead gloves being displayed as the Firewall gloves in the Inventory

- Speicherverbrauch von 70,4 GB auf 70,2 GB reduziert

- 3,94 GB groß

Release: 07.06.2023 (Version 1.0387.238/18.0)

Quelle: neue roadmap=xboxdynasty.de | divisiondays=play3.de | roadmap 2023=xboxdynasty.de | notes=ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Year 5 Season 1 „Gebrochene Flügel“ ist gestartet

- Neuer Spielmodus: Abstieg

- Speicherverbrauch von 70,2 GB auf 71,4 GB erhöht

- 5,84 GB groß

Release: 20.06.2023 (Version 1.0389.8088/18.1)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Fixed the issue with the Electrique Gear Brand Set blueprint dropping from level 4 Control Points supply rooms.

- Fixed the issue where the mark from The Trap Talent of the Sacrum Imperium exotic did not disappear after killing a marked enemy with a headshot.

- Fixed the issue where leaving a party that had another Agent wearing The Cavalier Gear Set made the Hazard Protection stat appear in the Stats tab.

- Fixed the issue where players were unable to equip gear pieces belonging to the loadouts that were in the stash.

- Fixed the issue where players were unable to share Gear or Skill Mods.

- Fixed the issue with the Doctor’s Grip of the Doctor Home Exotic Rifle showing as grey instead of green and lacking animation in the Mods Menu.

- Fixed the issue where The Cavalier Gear Set and Electrique Gear Brand Set were missing from the targeted loot pool.

- Added the correct descriptions for TODO items that can be found at the Clan vendor


- Fixed the issue where Talent and Weapons/Skills Console interact button disappears if the player closes the console without making a choice.

- Fixed the issue where the "Leave Descent" option from the Social Menu did not trigger a pop-up warning.

- Fixed the issue where Leave Descent option in social did not work for group members.

- Fixed the issue with matchmaking for Descent being available at the matchmaking station prior to completing WONY for those players who had already started it.

- Fixed the issue where Offensive, Defensive, and Utility talent categories were not localized.

- Fixed the issue where the Nemesis would deploy two Sniper Turrets at the same time.

- Fixed the issue where "Replace & Equip" notification would appear when trying to equip a skill on the empty slot.

- Fixed the issue where friends could join a player already in Descent through the Ubisoft Connect interface.

Talents balancing

- Glass Cannon: Lowered the incoming damage amplification from 60% to 50% and the damage dealt amplification from 35% to 30%.


- Fixed the issue where the “Directives Activated” notification alert appeared at the start of any Countdown session.

- Fixed the icon color for Umbra Initiative Gloves and Kneepads to represent the initial gear color.

- Added other minor UI fixes.


- Fixed the issue with the last Vanity Appearance mod equipped remaining persistent on the character even if the Gear equipped has another Vanity Appearance Mod


- Fixed the issue with Stinger Hive AOE radius

- Fixed an unintended behavior where Dark Zone caches could give double rewards when opened simultaneously by two players.

- Fixed the issue where the SHD XP received from Conflict does not count towards Seasonal progression.

- Fixed the issue where basic movement actions such as vault, climb, combat roll, revive, etc. were not functional in Conflict.


- Fixed the issue where inviting a player to a raid other than Dark Hours on Normal would auto-cancel the invite if the player didn't open the raid UI since starting the new game session.

- Fixed the issue where the first shutter door remains open when the Raid Leader resets the Raid during the door opening sequence

- Fixed the issue where Directives were available for the Discovery difficulty.


- Fixed the issue where players could have two matchmaking sessions running at the same time while queueing from Megamap.

- Added multiple localization fixes.

- Stability improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 71,4 GB auf 71,5 GB erhöht

- 4,56 GB groß

Release: 04.07.2023 (Version 1.0391.5292/18.2)

Quelle: ubisoft.com


- Escalation Apparel Event is scheduled to start once the maintenance on July 4th is over


- Fixed the issue that prevented The Determined Talent and its Perfect version from triggering after restarting any mission with the Talent being active

- Fixed the issue where TODO items would show up in the game

- Fixed the issue with The Unbreakable Talent and its Perfect version not functioning as they supposed to after being triggered once, no longer repairing the agent's armor upon breaking

- Moved G28 MMR from Rifle to MMR category at the Crafting Station.

- Fixed the issue with the Habsburg Guard Brand Set pieces and its Named items missing requirement for any "Habsburg Guard Materials" for crafting at the Crafting Station

- Fixed the issue with the reload animation for The Capacitator Exotic Assault Rifle

- Fixed the issue that allowed deconstructing following Brand & Gear Sets’ blueprints dropping from level 4 Control Points' Supply Room caches:

Uzina Getica Brand Set

Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set

Habsburg Guard Brand Set

Umbra Initiative Gear Set

Hotshot Gear Set


- Fixed the issue with Nemesis spawning again after initially being killed following a player revival

- Fixed the issue with Weekly Descend project that could be completed twice if the player beat the Nemesis before completing the main Descent Project, restarting the game and thus resetting the Weekly Descent Project

- Fixed the issue with the Weekly Descent Projects resetting 8 hours earlier than the rest of the projects.

- Fixed the issue that caused players to remain in the group after disconnection while interacting with the menu

- Added missing names for Claire and Alexander Ortiz Robotics employees

- Fixed the issue with the Agent's arm patch being misaligned


- Fixed the issue with the "Show Mask" button not registering the "Hold" input from a controller

- Fixed the issue with the "Hide Signature Weapon" button not registering the "Hold" input when using a controller

- Fixed the issue with the "Stop Matchmaking" button remaining inactive while matchmaking for any Bounty

- Fixed the issue with the Twinkling Lights Talent placeholder icon missing for the Oh Carol Named MR

- Fixed the issue with the guiding marker not pointing to the Descent Entrance


- Fixed the issue with the FPS dropping down upon opening any Vanity Category in the Apparel Menu

- Fixed minor clipping issue with the female agent's model left-hand sleeve


- Fixed the issue with the Eva Garcia's Takeover Bounty not triggering the VO lines upon spawning the Bounty Target Boss and completing the Bounty


- Fixed the issue with the first shutter door remaining open when the Raid Leader resets the Iron Horse Raid during the door opening sequence


- Added multiple localization fixes

- Fixed the issue allowing to spam other players with Invites if the host quickly press "Invite to group" repeatedly from the in-game social menu

- Speicherverbrauch von 71,5 GB auf 71,5 GB erhöht

- 4,44 GB groß

Release: 07.05.2023 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Strafen / Sanktionen werden vollzogen

Kurz nach dem Start des "Descent"-Modus entdeckten Spielerinnen und Spieler von "The Division 2" einen Exploit, mit dem es möglich war, das Aufleveln des eigenen Charakters deutlich zu beschleunigen.

Wie die Entwickler von Ubisoft Massive ankündigten, wird es Strafen für alle geben, die Gebrauch von dem Exploit gemacht haben.

Wer sich zum ersten Mal eines Vergehens schuldig machte, wird mit einer zweiwöchigen Sperre belegt.

Darüber hinaus wird Ubisoft Massive die Accounts der betroffenen Spielerinnen und Spieler markieren, um bei weiteren Verstößen gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen noch längere Sperren verhängen zu können

Ubisoft Massive gibt außerdem an, dass bei Konten mit mehreren Vergehen permanente Sperren vorgenommen werden.

Gleichzeitig werden alle Fortschritte, die auf unfaire Art und Weise errungen wurden, zurückgesetzt.

Release: 25.07.2023 (Version 1.0395.3849/18.3)

Quelle: trello.com


- Fixed the issue with getting the Nemesis Arm Patch after defeating the Nemesis

- Reduced the damage Nemesis deals in solo mode by 10%

- Fixed the issue with the missing Descent Project

- Fixed the issue with the Weekly Descent Project listing the Descent loop rewards

- Fixed the issue where the missing floor at the Nemesis Arena could cause the player to fall under the map

- Global Directives no longer grant bonus XP in Descent

- Fixed the issue with the player remaining stuck inside the corridor between the Water Treatment and Generators rooms while standing in a specific part of the corridor

- Fixed the issue with the pop-up buttons not showing up as clickable when interacting with consoles

- Fixed the issue that allowed players to reset the Boss Arena in order to acquire multiple Exotic talents and Stat Buffs in one loop on the DARPA map


- Fixed the issue that caused the Companion Talent and its Perfect version to be activated without being near an ally or skill

- Fixed the issue with the Unbreakable Talent and its Perfect version not activating on a newly equipped item with the same Talent

- Added Sacrum Imperium Exotic MR and NinjaBike Messenger Bag Exotic Backpack to their targeted loot pool categories

- Added St. Elmo's Engine Exotic AR and Shocker Punch Exotic Holster to their targeted loot pool categories

- Please be aware that a blueprint needs to be unlocked through the Season Pass Reward Track first


- Temporarily removed the Grants Tab to perform the functionality update

- Fixed the overlapping text shown upon receiving the Johnson Glasses

- Player is no longer forced into the Descent mode when skipping the briefing cutscene after exiting the Descent


- Fixed the issue that caused the first shutter door to remain open while the Raid Leader resets the Iron Horse Raid before starting the Raid


- Added multiple localization fixes

- Removed the TO DO gear from the game

- Adjusted VFX for “Take my money” emote

- Fixed the issue with the infinite enemy spawn in the final beat of Medical Camp Attack Side Mission

- Fixed the audio issue affecting the settlement-specific music

- Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck when walking over the garden bed prop in the Castle Settlement

- Speicherverbrauch von 71,5 GB auf 71,8 GB erhöht

- 4,80 GB groß

Release: 22.08.2023 (Version 1.0399.8948/18.4)

Quelle: trello.com


- Fixed the issue with the Determined and Perfect Determined talent could be triggered by skills that have impact damage.


Added the following Global Events to the season’s schedule:

- Reanimated starts on August 22nd

- SHD Exposed starts on September 5th

- Golden Bullet starts on September 19th

- Speicherverbrauch von 71,8 GB auf 71,9 GB erhöht

- 4,66 GB groß

Release: 03.10.2023 (Version 1.0.407.5073/19.0)

Quelle: neue roadmap=xboxdynasty.de | divisiondays=play3.de | roadmap 2023=xboxdynasty.de | notes=ubisoft.com | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Year 5 Season 2 „Puppenspieler“ ist gestartet

 Umfasst laut Ubisoft einen herausfordernden Überfall und führt die Agenten zum Meret Estate, wo es zu einer weiteren Konfrontation mit den Cleaners kommt.


- Exotic Caches are now available for purchase at the DZ vendors in all locations.

- Reduced Stinger Hive's range by 30% in PVP.

- Added a message notification specifying why the player is not able to activate a Manhunt bounty with the list of side missions that need to be completed in order to activate the bounty.

- Added "Equip Set" button which equips all owned items from selected item set. The button is located at the bottom of the screen.

- Added Discovery Mission to the Manhunt menu activity list. Discovery Mission becomes available upon completing the Target Takeover Bounty.

Added Legacy Manhunt Menu where players will now be able to:

- Find the previous seasons' Prime Target missions.

- Read a narrative recap and Targets' profiles.

- Play missions in chronological order.

- See the rewards.

New Outfit Details widget:

The widget will display the set icon, set parts icons (hat, shirt, pants, shoes, scarf, glasses).

- Items not owned by the player marked in grey.

- Unequipped items owned by the player are indicated by low opacity item quality colour.

- Equipped items are highlighted in bright item quality colour.

- Speicherverbrauch von 71,9 GB auf 73,3 GB erhöht

- 7,38 GB groß

Release: 17.10.2023 (Version 1.0.410.9528/19.1)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with the weekly chest not resetting on Tuesdays.

If you have multiple keys in your inventory, you can open the weekly chest until there are no more keys in your inventory.

Players will be able to earn 1 key per week, and the chest will reset on Tuesdays.

- Fixed the issue where a Mission Objective can remain stuck on “Secure the Area” after eliminating all enemies and the last boss.

- The amount of damage that can be done to Bosses is now capped to prevent Moss, Wright, Martinez and Johnson from being killed with a single shot.

- Fixed the issue where the open world difficulty affected the scaling of some enemy NPC skills.

- Fixed the issue with the Directives remaining active and affecting gameplay.

- Fixed the issue that caused the final chest and Bosses drop Raid exclusive items.

- Leaderboards reset due to data tracking inconsistency and changes made to Bosses HP.


- Updated the description of the Collector Exotic Chest Piece Talent Hoarder:

- Automatically regenerate a grenade every 30s, if you have less than 2 grenades in your inventory.

- Speicherverbrauch von 73,3 GB auf 72,9 GB reduziert

- 5,35 GB groß

Release: 07.11.2023 (Version 1.0.415.9495/19.2)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


‌- Fixed the issue with the weekly chest not resetting.

The chest now doesn’t have a cooldown.

If you have multiple keys in your inventory, you can open the weekly chest until there are no more keys in your inventory.

Players will be able to earn 1 key per week.

- Fixed the issue with the agent not being able to get the collectibles after defeating the Lovebirds.

- Fixed the issue with the missing subtitles for Johnson during the "Vows" collectible comm.

- Fixed the issue with the glass windows still being present on the building instead of being destroyed in the final beat.

- Fixed the issue with Wright becoming immune if he has poison or bleed debuff active when reaching the armor cap.


‌- Fixed the issue with the blueprint for the TDI "Kard" Custom Named Pistol not dropping from Reconstructed Caches.

- Fixed the issue with a second blueprint for the Motherly Love Named Gloves dropping from Reconstructed Caches.

- Fixed the issue with the blueprint for the Test Subject Named AR being incorrectly placed in the rifles section at the Crafting Station.

- Fixed the issue with the blueprint for the Fox's Prayer Named Kneepads that wouldn’t appear as listed at the Crafting Station after receiving it.

- Fixed the issue with the blueprint for The Gift Named Backpack being incorrectly placed in the vests section at the Crafting Station.

- Added more weekly collectibles to Descent

- Fixed the issue with the Blueprints for the Named Sidearms of several specializations being received from Reconstructed caches:

Diceros Special (Demolitionist sidearm)

Maxim 9 (Technician sidearm)

Firestarter (Firewall sidearm)

Survivalist D50 (Survivalist sidearm).

- Fixed the issue with the blueprints for Named gear pieces gained from Reconstructed caches not requiring brand-specific materials. This includes:

Mohterly Love

Contractor's Gloves

Everyday Carrier

Caesar's Guard


Zero F's

Emperor's Guard

The Setup

The Hollow Man

The Closer

Ferocious Calm

Pristine Example

The Gift

Claws Out


Anarchist's Cookbook


‌- Fixed the issue with The Empress International backpack and the Battery Pack Named Backpack drops that could be bought with the Armor core attribute instead of the Skill tier attribute.

- Fixed the issue with the Incinerator Turret not exploding after being disabled or destroyed if the player has previously equipped another type of turret and then equipped the Ortiz: Exuro gearset.

- Fixed the issue with the Actum Est talent of the St. Elmo's Engine exotic weapon not working after a new St. Elmo's exotic weapon was equipped on the character.

- Fixed the issue with The Vigilance Talent resetting when the agent's shield takes damage.


- Fixed the issue with deployable skills not being usable while aiming them when the "Cool Skills" directive was active.


‌- Fixed the issue with the area objective marker that would persist after entering the final area of the "November Two" bounty.

- Fixed the issue with The Recruiter's name being present in Legacy Manhunt menu for Faye Lau Climax mission.

- Added other minor UI fixes.


- Fixed the issue with GEN Ramen set mods icons that would have Items icons instead of Mods icons when looking from the Apparel menu.

- Fixed various clipping issues with a few apparel event items on male Agent:

GEN Ramen pants

GEN Ramen neckpiece

Tomorrow gloves

Low Life shoes

- Fixed the issue with several NPC weapons having placeholder textures.


‌- Fixed the issue with the Monorail doing a 180° spin as the last fight of the Manning Zoo mission was about to start.

- Fixed the issue with the "Access the generators" sub-objective in Countdown from the Reactors arena not updating after interacting with the first button while holding down the Move Forward key.

- Added multiple localization fixes.

- 5,18 GB groß

Release: 05.12.2023 (Version 1.0.420.7400/19.3)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with the mission occasionally remaining stuck on "Secure the Area" after defeating the last boss and all enemies.

- Fixed the issue with the the door that leads to the next beat not opening after killing Moss if all party members are inside the room where he spawns.


- Fixed the issue with the Backbone, Empress International and Battery Pack backpacks showing wrong core attribute.

- Every affected backpack will have their core attribute changed to its original value. The attribute will not be reversed if it was recalibrated.

- Backbone will be changed back to Armor.

- Empress International and Battery Pack will be changed back to Skill Tier.

- Fixed the issue with Agent's hand clipping through the Carnage named Light Machinegun.

- Duplicates of specialization pistols obtained when transferring them between Agents through the stash can now be deconstructed but give no resources.


- Fixed the issue with server performance drop when Mel Arnold bounty was active.


- Fixed the issue with the missing art for the Woodwork and Wall Street bundles.

- Fixed the issue with the incorrect objective message display for the Goal Project Salvager Crew at The Theater.


- The annual winter holiday celebrations will be back in The Division 2 this December, and with it the return of festive-themed cosmetics – some old and new.

- The Winter Project Scavenger Hunt starts on December 5th and ends on January 9th

- Winter Project is available for all players, regardless of ownership of DLC. All objectives are located in Washington DC.

- 15 new projects for players to take on with 15 rewards to unlock – 10 of which are completely new items.


- Added murals to The Castle sliding gates.

- Added multiple localization fixes.

- Fixed multiple issues affecting audio.

- 5,70 GB groß

Release: 09.01.2024 (Version 1.0.423.6453/19.4)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


Disabled Winter Projects.

- Fixed the issue with the wrong optimization materials being received instead of “Backpack Weave” when deconstructing Festive Delivery backpack.


- Fixed the issue with The Recruiter mask backpack trophy not being received after completing the climax mission for the first time.

- The issue of not receiving extra XP when increasing the difficulty for the Mari Singh mission has been resolved.

- Fixed the issue with the takeover bounty area for Cindy McAllister being inaccessible to the player if the entrance door to the main mission was opened before starting the bounty.

- Fixed the issue that prevented Birdie from spawning at the Castle after completing the climax mission.


- Fixed the issue with Kelso getting stuck inside the wall in Haven.

- Added various stability improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 73,0 GB auf 73,1 GB erhöht

- 4,27 GB groß

Release: 06.02.2024 (Version 1.0431.6133/20.0)

Quelle: neue roadmap=xboxdynasty.de | divisiondays=play3.de | roadmap 2023=xboxdynasty.de | notes=ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Year 5 Season 3 „Vorposten“ ist gestartet

 Lässt die Agenten über die Feiertage nach New York City zurückkehren und beinhaltet neue Geheimnisse über Aaron Keener und seine Abtrünnigen.



Conflict Cache

- Extended loot pool.

- Dropped items are now of Legendary Difficulty quality equivalent.

- Cache now gives 2 items, with the possibility for an additional 3rd one.

XP Gain

- Significantly boosted XP gain to align with living world activities.

SHD and Expertise Normalization

- All players joining Conflict will have their Expertise and SHD Watch bonuses removed.



- Going Rogue in a normal Dark Zone now has a 3 second activation timer (activation time for invaded DZ remains 0.75 as before)

- First Rogue rank time duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.



- Added diminishing returns* for all Status Effects based on two categories:

Crowd Control: Shock, Ensnare, Blind

Damage Over Time: Bleed, Burn, Poison

- Plague of the Outcasts is now affected by diminishing returns with stacks being halved on each transfer. PVP only.

- Status effects are removed if the effect source is killed (after a short delay) PVP only.


- Reduced severity of immobilizing Status Effects

Ensnare/Riot Foam: The player will receive a 10% damage reduction for incoming body shots.

Shock: The player will have slower movement and is prevented from shooting. PVP only.


- While burning, rolling in any direction will apply a bonus of 10% burn damage resistance for 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 30%.


- Not moving grants 10% bleed damage resistance for the duration of the effect.


- All repair skills (Mender seeker, Reinforcer Chem Launcher, Fixer Drone, Restorer Hive) now give a 50% hazard protection bonus for 5 seconds per target.


- Added Poison to the list of effects that the Booster Hive cleanses.

- Boost duration now scales with tiers (from 5s to a maximum of 6.5s at skill tier 6).

- Increased maximum range up to 50%.

Increased drone speed by 20%.


- Reduced EMP explosion damage in PvP.

- Lower Skill Tier players will not apply Disrupt to higher Skill Tier players if the difference between them is bigger than 3 (same as jammer EMP).


- All Exotic Weapons' third attribute will be reconfigurable.

- The Carbine 7 and Stoner LAMG will no longer drop with a preset talent.


- ACR, ACR-E: +10% Weapon Damage

- AK-M, Military AK-M, Black Market AK-M, Black Market AK-M Replica, Manic: +8% Weapon Damage

- AUG A3-CQC, Invisible Hand, The Bighorn: +10% Weapon Damage

- CTAR-21, The Railsplitter: +10 Mag Size

- F2000, F2000 Replica, Shield Splinterer: +50 RPM, +10 Mag Size

- FAL, FAL SA-58, FAL SA-58 Para, FAL SA-58 Para Replica: +5% Weapon Damage

- Military G36, G36 C, G36 C Enhanced, G36 C Enhanced Replica, Born Great: +50 RPM

- Honey Badger, Savage Wolverine: +5 Mag Size

- Mk16, SOCOM Mk16, Tactical Mk16, Tactical Mk16 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage

- Military P416, Custom P416 G3, Glory Daze, Eagle Bearer: +50 RPM

- PDR, Test Subject, Capacitor: +10% Weapon Damage


- Stoner LAMG, Quiet Roar - +20% Weapon Damage

- Bluescreen - +10% Weapon Damage

- Military L86 LSW, Custom L86 A2, Custom L86 A2 Replica, Tabula Rasa: +20% Weapon Damage

- HK GR9, Dare: +20% Weapon Damage

- M249 B, Tactical M249 Para, Military Mk46, Military Mk46 Replica, Black Friday, The Stinger: +20% Weapon Damage

- Classic M60, Military M60 E4, Black Market M60 E4, Classic M60 Replica, Black Market M60 E6 Replica, Good Times: +20% Weapon Damage

- MG5, Infantry MG5, Infantry MG5 Replica, Big Show, Sleipner: +20% Weapon Damage

- Iron Lung: +10% Weapon Damage

- IWI NEGEV, Carnage, Bullet King: +20% Weapon Damage

- Classic RPK-74, Military RPK-74, Black Market RPK-74, Black Market RPK-74 Replica, New Reliable: +20% Weapon Damage


- AUG A3 Para XS, Enhanced AUG A3P, Tactical AUG A3P, Tactical AUG A3P Replica - +10% Weapon Damage, +25 RPM

- CMMG Banshee, The Grudge: +5% Weapon Damage, +50 RPM

- MP5 ST, MP5 ST Replica, MP5A2, MP5-N, Cabaret: +6 Mag Size

- MP7, Swap Chain: +5% Weapon Damage, +50 RPM

- Police T821, Black Market T821, Black Market T821 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage

- Converted SMG-9, Converted SMG-9 A1, Converted SMG-9 Replica: +50 RPM

- M1928, Tommy Gun, The Sleigher, Grown Great: +10% Weapon Damage

- Police UMP-45, Tactical UMP-45, Tactical UMP-45 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage


- ACR SS: +10% Weapon Damage

- Ruthless, Merciless: +10% Weapon Damage

- UIC15 MOD2: +30% Weapon Damage

- M16A2, M16A2 Replica, Whisper: +30% Weapon Damage

- MDR Battle Rifle, MDR Battle Rifle Replica, Vindicator: +10% Weapon Damage, +20 RPM

- Military Mk17, Police Mk17, Police Mk17 Replica, Everlasting Glaze: +25% Weapon Damage

- SIG 716, SIG 716 Replica, SIG 716 CQB, Artist's Tool: +25% Weapon Damage

- Ravenous: +10% Weapon Damage

- USC .45 ACP, USC .45 ACP Replica: +10% Weapon Damage

- Resolute Mk47, Harmony: +20% Weapon Damage


- M700 Carbon, M700 Carbon Replica, Brutus, M700 Tactical: +17% Weapon Damage, +8 Optimal Range

- Model 700, Model 700 Replica, Ekim's Long Stick: +25% Weapon Damage, +8 Optimal Range

- Covert SRS, SRS A1, SRS A1 Replica, Pinprick: +30% Weapon Damage

- Mantis: +15% Weapon Damage

- SR-1, SR-1 Replica, Adresia SR-1, Designated Hitter: +30% Weapon Damage

- Paratrooper SVD, Surplus SVD, Commando, Dread Edict: +15% Weapon Damage

- Tactical .308, Scalpel: +20 RPM, +8 Optimal Range


- Open-world loot crates are now scaled with world difficulty.

- An option has been added to display the item count in the Stash when approaching it, eliminating the need to access it.


Capped SHD watch HP bonus to LVL 2000 and increased the HP gain.

- LVL 1 to 1000: no changes.

- LVL 1001 to 2000: changed HP gain from 0.3 to 30HP per level.

- LVL 2001 and beyond: scavenging materials at each level.


- The Recalibration Station has been reworked, receiving a streamlined flow, UI changes and a new name: Tinkering Station.

- The functionalities of the Tinker Station can also be accessed on the go from the Inventory, in two ways:

- Pressing [M] while nothing is highlighted opens the general Tinkering Menu.

- Pressing [M] while a specific item is selected allows the player to make Tinkering operations directly on the highlighted item.


- It has received UI improvements and can be accessed from the Tinkering Station.

- Adjusted expertise costs to make upgrades more accessible.



- Lowered the required heat necessary to reach the Nemesis. This will reduce the minimum loop at which Players can encounter Nemesis to 4 and the maximum loop to 9.

- Decreased the reward requirements in Descent by 1-5 loops. Players will now receive more loot caches / rewards for completing the same number of loops as before.

- Added Exotic, Named & Reconstructed caches within the NSA Tech store found outside the Descent entrance.

- Added Descent Outfits in the NSA Store - all 4 different color variants.

- Added Talent pool rotations in Descent that update every 3 days. These pools have different thematic and consist of 35 talents and 6 exotic talents each.

- Descent Talents Pool rotation now has its own menu where the current rotation and available talents can be checked.

- The button prompt for the menu can be found within the Descent entrance AR window.

- The duration of the rotation and its name is now also displayed.


- Fixed the issue with the Summit LVL 100 XP.

- Various stability improvements and script optimizations implemented in Countdown, Descent, and Summit.


- Weapon & Gear caches in open world & missions were made to scale with the mission / global difficulty settings.

- There should be an increase in the quality of gear and its stats now, across the board - especially remarkable on Challenging & Heroic difficulties.

- Skill Mods of a higher level than the player can no longer be equipped.

- The scope mod from Oh Carol Marksman Rifle can no longer be applied to any weapon.

- Fixed the issue that made the blueprints from the named sidearms of certain specializations obtainable from Reconstructed Caches.

- Fixed the issue where the majority of Named Gear Piece Blueprints obtained from Reconstructed Caches did not require Brand-Specific materials.

- The Gift named backpack was in the Vests section of the Crafting Station.

- The blueprints for Big Show and Fox's Prayer could not be found in the Crafting Station after being acquired, now they have been added. 

- Fixed the issue that allowed keeping the increased magazine size from the True Patriot Gear Set even after swapping loadouts.

- Fixed the issue that allowed glitching through a ladder when entering cover directly behind it.


- Fixed the Corner Glitch.

- Fixed exploit where players could be invited at the end of the Raid to obtain Raid Specific Key without any participation.

- Speicherverbrauch von 73,1 GB auf 74,4 GB erhöht

- 10,72 GB groß

Release: 20.02.2024 (Version 1.0432.6133/20.1)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Added the new textile vendor, Danny Weaver, who sells a limited stock of caches which refreshes weekly and can only be purchased with textiles.

- To locate him, you need to find the Snitch, who will now reveal both Cassie Mendoza and Danny's locations on the map.


- Fixed the issue with Faye Lau Climax mission remaining stuck on “Secure the area” objective after neutralizing all hostiles.

- Fixed the issue that occurred when Faye Lau was killed too quickly resulting in a few waves of enemy NPCs spawning by helicopter after the Mission Complete prompt was displayed on the screen.

- Fixed the issue with the Year 5 Season 2 Climax mission “Secure the Dam”. The issue was related to the objective persisting throughout the mission if the enemy NPCs on the dam were killed before completing the "Reach the Dam" objective.


- Following the TU20 PTS Phase 2 feedback, some upgrades were made to the Tinkering Station:

Equipped items are now at the start of the grid.

- Fixed the issue with the required materials list sometimes missing from Optimization Tab in the Tinkering Library.

- Fixed an incorrect description for the Tinkering Library.

- Fixed the issue where reconfiguring any Exotic item with full inventory resulted in the deletion of the Exotic item.

- Details regarding the compensation will be provided at a later time.

- Added tutorial screen for the Tinkering Station.


- Fixed the issue with Vindicator Exotic Rifle stats not changing when re-rolling

- Fixed the issue with the Exotic console choices featuring duplicates of already equipped Exotics.

- Removed Hunter-Killer and Shield Splinterer blueprints from the Descent blueprint loot pool.

- Fixed the issue where the Vindicator Exotic Rifle was available and could be purchased before reaching level 30 from the NSA Store.

- Fixed the issue where no items were received from the Reconstructed Cache for Agents under level 40.

- Added Tier I – IV and a Nemesis Arm Patches.

- Fixed the issue with the missing description on the “Breathe Free” Exotic Talent when interacting with the console.


- Fixed the issue with Skill Mods used in loadouts that were automatically deconstructed and not replaced by the newly acquired upgrade.


- Fixed various clipping issues with a few apparel items on female and male Agent models:

Lovebird pants

Leopard Love hoodie

Crescent Jacket

Crescent eyewear

Crescent hat

Cresent gloves

Menpo gloves


- Fixed the issue with Reconstructed caches in Descent not showing the newly obtained Named blueprint.

- Fixed the issue with the season caches appearing as “Unmarked SHD Supplies” in the rewards section of the Leagues.

- Added other minor UI fixes.


- Fixed the issue that allowed using the Hackstep Protocol Talent in combination with Instant Armor kit instead of going on cooldown.

- Fixed the issue where Survivalist and Firewall specializations received 50% flat armor after using Instant Armor kit instead of intended 25%.

- Fixed the issue with Festive Delivery Named Backpack secondary explosion dealing more damage than the initial explosion.

- Fixed the issue with the Perfect Overclock Talent cooldown reduction being 0.2 seconds instead of 0.6 seconds.

- Fixed the issue with The Empress International backpack and the Battery Pack Named backpack having Armor core attribute instead of Skill tier.

- Fixed the issue with Vindicator Exotic Rifle’s Talent Ortiz Assault Interface not marking all NPCs.

- Fixed the issue with the incorrect description text for the following Talents:

Ortiz Assault Interface

Behind You

Perfectly Behind You


- Fixed the issue with players being able to change Skill after leaving the spawn point.

- Fixed the issue with the Match Reward Section showing a placeholder text.

- Added Combat Gear Lock so players will no longer be allowed to change individual Gear pieces or Loadouts after leaving the spawn area.

- Fixed the issue with the Determined and Perfect Determent Talents buff remaining active even after the Agent is killed.

- Updated bonuses for the Festive Delivery backpack.

- A new attribute applies a damage modifier to the secondary explosions in Dark Zone


- Fixed the issue with the Reinforcer Chem Launcher applying the hazard protection twice per charge in Dark Zone.


- Added new Countdown Commendations:

Countdown Cool – awarded for fixing the Cooling Tower’s cooling system in under 5 minutes from the start of the objective.

Countdown Shocker – awarded for neutralizing 24 shocked hostiles.

Countdown Big Spender – awarded for spending 1000 Countdown Requisition Tokens.

Countdown Counter – awarded for deactivating every type of countermeasure.

Countdown Supply – awarded for resupplying your teammates 20 times by sharing items from your inventory.


- Fixed the issue where after resetting the Manhunt and completing the Briefing mission multiple times the player received 130000XP each time.


- Fixed the issue with the Turret Boss dealing damage through the door in the final beat in Tidal Basin on Legendary difficulty.

- Fixed the issue with Weekly Legendary Project being available for a level 30 WONY character.

- Added all collectibles to the Legacy Manhunt for Year 5 Season 2: Puppeteers

- Added multiple localization fixes.

- Fixed multiple issues affecting audio.

- Updated the in-game text descriptions.

- Stability improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 74,4 GB auf 74,9 GB erhöht

- 6,88 GB groß

Release: 19.03.2024 (Version 1.0434.4175/20.2)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with the progression meter for the Prime Target displaying incorrect percentage on the Map after playing in co-op.

- Fixed the issue that was causing the Manhunt percentage to not update accurately when accessing the map.

- Added missing VOs reaction lines for story characters in Castle Settlement.

- Fixed the issue with the Year 4 Season 11 Climax Mission that allowed the fences to be jumped preventing the objective from updating.


- Fixed the issue that hindered the Optimization of the first attribute "Incoming Repairs" of the Catharsis Exotic Mask.

- Fixed the issue that hindered the Optimization of the second Core Attribute "Damage to Armor" of the Capacitor Exotic Assault Rifle.

- Fixed the issue that hindered the Optimization of the Attribute of Exotic weapons if it’s a weapon type-specific Core Attribute.

- Exotic items can now be optimized to maximum values by default, without the need to extract Attributes beforehand.

- Fixed the issue where the progress bar would incorrectly display the arrow for a lower value when Optimizing exotics if the player had extracted the Attribute in the library with a lower value than the maximum.

- Added missing localization for various elements in the Tinkering menu.

- Added missing audio feedback when pressing "M" for Tinkering.

- Fixed the issue with the menu crashing when two items of the same type are equipped and the Tinkering tab is opened in the Tinkering Station.


- Fixed the issue with the Strained Talent appearing twice in the Wrath Talent pool.

- To prevent the Vindicator Exotic Rifle purchased from the NSA Store from retaining the same Attributes and values as those initially displayed, its stats will now be rerolled in the store every 24 hours.

- Fixed the issue with the Black Friday Named LMG blueprint not dropping from Reconstructed Caches.

- Fixed the issue that resulted in not receiving any collectibles upon completing the weekly project.


- Fixed the issue that allowed the “Complete any Stronghold Mission on Hard or higher difficulty” objective in the Weekly DC Project to be completed by undertaking any mission on Hard difficulty.


- Resolved the issue of receiving a placeholder Backpack trophy instead of the "Hotdog" trophy when opening the Backpack trophy case at the National Bond Armory.

- Added a new feature enabling in-game characters with longer hair to visibly retain their hairstyles while wearing bandanas, hats, or helmets.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the Sewer Rat Uniform gloves and backpack.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the Daggers shirt.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the Handle boots.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the Leopard Love boots.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the Red Panda shirt.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues for the The Rig Eyewear.


- Various store updates.

- Resolved the issue of missing thumbnails when confirming a purchase for any Hats, Glasses, Scarves, Masks, or Shoes from the store.

- Removed the Arm Patches category from the Crafting Station until next time.

- Updated icons for Global Events.

- Updated the description of the Polyethylene Plating Talent from the Aegis Backpack to show the correct values.

- Updated the description of the Behind You Talent to clearly indicate that it does not work against other players.


- Fixed the issue with the Thunderstrike Talent missing from the Talent Library.

- Reverted Doctor Home Exotic Rifle changes; It now grants Armor Kit on kill instead of headshot.

- Fixed the issue with the Collector Exotic Chest blueprint not being purchasable at Inaya's after obtaining it from either Exotic Caches or the loot pool.

- Fixed the issue with the Iron Lung Exotic LMG blueprint not being purchasable at Inaya's after obtaining it from either Exotic Caches or the loot pool.

- Fixed the issue with the Focus Talent not working as intended when using Vindicator Exotic Rifle.

- Fixed the issue where the Pummel Talent would remain in either enabled or disabled state after equipping or switching to another weapon with the same Talent.


- Fixed the issue with the Countdown Requisitions Station unlocking after completing the tutorial.


- Updated the Aegis Gear Set 4-pieces Talent description for PvP.

- Updated the Mosquito Exotic Pistol’s Talent description for PvP.


- Fixed the issue with the Challenges Tracking UI missing for all Global Events.


- Fixed the issue with empty screens and infinite loadings when trying to load any character on consoles.

- Fixed the issue with the missing texture on handguns during the Pentagon safehouse cutscene.

- Fixed the issue that caused the Maniac blueprint to be obtained upon deconstructing any Skill Mod.

- Fixed the issue where the elite force of Black Tusk faction that spawn from helicopters in Legendary Strongholds were not registered as Black Tusk.

- Fixed the issue that that prohibited changing Loadouts at the Shooting Range.

- Updated the in-game text descriptions.

- Fixed the issue that prevented the players from reaching the final stage in the Federal Emergency Bunker Mission if they skipped interacting with the ladder.

- Fixed the issue that caused random Open World Rogue Encounters spawn with Story difficulty stats.

- Fixed the issue with the green quality Conflict cache incorrectly showing up in the Inventory after being bought from Danny Weaver.

- Fixed the issue with Danny Weaver’s shop restocking twice a week.

- Fixed the issue with the menu crashing when selecting multiple items in the Inventory using the Shift key.

- Speicherverbrauch von 74,9 GB auf 75,1 GB erhöht

- 6,52 GB groß

Release: 26.03.2024 (Version 1.0445.8047/20.2?)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- The fixes will focus on addressing Talents re-roll, the resources menu tab disappearance

- stability improvements to resolve the recent crashes.

- Speicherverbrauch von 75,1 GB auf 75,2 GB erhöht

- 4,91 GB groß

Release: 09.04.2024 (Version 1.0446.6686/20.3)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with The Lost Ellis Memos collectibles not dropping from named NPCs during the Faye Lau climax mission.

- Fixed the issue where progress would remain stuck at "Friendly takeover in progress" during any control point takeover in NY/DC, as a result of nearby side missions.


- Fixed the issue with the Nemesis arm patch not being rewarded upon defeating the Nemesis at loop 8.

- Fixed the issue where an Agent was able to enter the Descent game mode by interacting with the loot crate while positioned in front of the door.


- Fixed the issue with the Black Tusk challenges not including legendary elite force of Black Tusk faction in every Global Event.


- Fixed the issue with the Mantis Exotic Rifle not displaying additional information when using the scoped view.


- Fixed the issue with The Aegis Wires material amounts not being consistent across all characters on the same account.

- Fixed the issue with The Palisade Steelworks materials amount not being consistent across all characters on the same account.

- Fixed the issue where players were unable to scroll down on the Vindicator Exotic Rifle description in the NSA station.


- Fixed the issue where players were unable to modify any mask while using the Aegis Backpack as a cosmetic for any backpack.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with Theo Parnell Mask.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Skully Shirt.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Skully Boots.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Scrim Master Backpack.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Scrim Master Gloves.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Handle Pants.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Crescent Gloves.

- Fixed multiple clipping issues with The Rig Hoodie.


- Fixed the issue with normal Turrets firing through the walls in Tidal Basin.

- Fixed the issue with players being able to earn 90K XP per briefing mission reset while all global directives and target double XP event were active.

- Fixed the issue with The Tombs mission not being available for completion after encountering Rogue Agents in the Infirmary

- Fixed multiple animation issues.

- Stability improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 75,2 GB auf 75,0 GB reduziert

- 6,02 GB groß

Release: 14.05.2024 (Version 1.0446.6686/20.4)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- Addressing an issue in photo mode that caused functionality loss after one capture.

- 3,48 GB groß

Release: 11.06.2024 (Version 1.0453.5740/21.0)

Quelle: details=ubisoft.com

- Year 6 Season 1 „Erster Abtrünniger“ ist gestartet

Alle Spieler können Level 40 erreichen um den Endgame Content freizugeschaltet (The Summit, Countdown, Incursions, Seasonal Events)

- Speicherverbrauch von 75,0 GB auf 75,1 GB erhöht

- 10,78 GB groß

Release: 25.06.2024 (Version 1.0469.1085/21.1)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with players being unable to fast travel from the Legacy Manhunt menu to the Agent Kelso Climax Mission while in D.C.

- Fixed the issue with TODO item appearing in the collectibles tab instead of Aaron Keener’s first note.

- Fixed the issue with the Keener Climax Mission appearing in the Legacy Manhunt menu while in New York before completing the WONY campaign.

- Fixed the issue with Bosses not dropping all the Comms during the Manhunt: Vanguard mission.

- Fixed the issue with the Pentco Fairview Power Plant Manhunt: General Anderson mission not being unlocked for a fresh account and character after unlocking Level 1 on the rewards track.


- Fixed the issue with Sticky EMP, Shrapnel Trap, and Repair Trap not working if they were the first skill a player equipped.

- Fixed the issue with Agonizing Bite not functioning and missing the Talent description.

- Fixed synchronization issues.


- Fixed the issue with grenades having half damage values in Raids.

- Fixed the issue with Skill Damage and Repair Skills having half values in Raids.


- Fixed the issue with the pilot’s missing functionality in the shared space of the White House when players didn’t purchase the LVL 30 boost.

- Fixed the issue with Specializations not being unlockable when loading a level 30 save game that did not complete the Capitol Mission.

- Fixed the issue with previously active Global Projects disappearing after logging in on TU21 with an agent from a previous Title Update.

- Fixed the issue with the Weekly Legendary Mission Project mentioning World Tier 5 while in the party of a player who hasn’t completed the Invaded Strongholds.

- Fixed the issue with World Tier 5 being mentioned in the description of the Stage 4 Bag Man objective for Technician specialization.

- Fixed the issue with enemy NPCs having less health and armour at level 31 than at level 30.

- Fixed the issue with the Clan Vendor selling the PvP-exclusive Yaahl Gear Brand Set.

- Fixed the issue with missing interaction with the New York pilot from Haven after completing the Intro Mission.

- Fixed the issue with low-level players receiving The Summit tutorial when partying up with high-level players.

- Fixed the issue with players under level 40 being able to acquire and equip Specialization handguns of a higher level.

- Fixed the issue with unique sidearms from the Specializations not gaining extra levels with each point spent.

- Fixed the issue with the pilot from the BOO having no menu options after completing the Capitol Mission.


- Fixed the issue with the League UI not appearing in missions for level 40 characters without WONY.

- Fixed the issue with the seasonal menu displaying incorrect images for the Leto and Nyx Leagues.

- Fixed the issue where the targeted loot UI was not available in D.C. at level 40 if the WONY campaign was not completed.

- Fixed the issue with the Conflict tab missing in New York for level 30-39 characters.

- Fixed the issue with the Discover Pass button redirecting to the Year 1 Bundle instead of the First Rogue Season Pass.

- Fixed the issue with D.C. being mentioned instead of New York when trying to fast travel to Agent Kelso’s legacy mission.

- Fixed the issue with the One-Time Offer from the Store not appearing after the player purchases it.

- Added other minor UI fixes.


- Fixed the issue with hair and beard disappearing if the player previews any glasses with a full mask already equipped.

- Fixed the issue with the Sewer Rat uniform clipping with all glasses.


- Fixed the issue with Summit Combat Mastery Merit Level 2 not updating after destroying Cleaner grenades.

- Fixed the issue where XP gains for specific activities had significantly decreased compared to before the removal of World Tiers.

- Fixed the issue with the Control Point alert mechanic that was missing after the agent started WONY.

- Fixed the issue with an endless loading screen occurring if the game was closed using the Xbox interface.

- Fixed the issue with the player being redirected to an empty window after pressing the “Go to Store” option on the Keener Manhunt icon in the Mega Map.

- Fixed the issue with fast travel to Invaded Strongholds being available during story invasion.

- Fixed the issue with the Extra Payload skill mod having only the damage attribute for the purple quality.

- Added various stability improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 75,1 GB auf 77,2 GB erhöht

- 8,05 GB groß

Release: 09.07.2024 (Version 1.0475.2249/21.1) HOTFIX

Quelle: notes=twitter.com


- missing weapon sounds

- Keener's Watch access on older characters

- Crafting Station rolls issues

minor UI improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 77,2 GB auf 76,2 GB reduziert

- 9,71 GB groß

Release: 25.07.2024 (Version 1.0477.7456/21.2)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue where “Zeus Affairs” bounty was immediately completed upon killing Elwin Omae NPC first.

- Fixed the issue with the Pentco Fairview Power Plant Manhunt: General Anderson not being available for a new account and character after unlocking level 1 on the Rewards Track.

- Fixed the issue where players would receive the XP every time upon resetting the Manhunt Campaign and completing the "Find the Rabbit Hole" Briefing Side Mission.


- Fixed the issue with the Aegis Backpack Talent “Polyethylene Plating” not increasing the Damage Resistance bonus.

- Fixed the issue with the Brazen Talent not working after force swapping back to it.

- Fixed the issue with the Brazen Talent being active alongside another Talent on the same equipped Shotgun.

- Fixed the issue where stacks from the Brazen or Perfect Brazen Weapon Talent were not lost when swapping off the weapon.


- Fixed the issue where the Dark Zone entrance AR Panel was not displayed correctly for level 40 characters who had not completed the “Capitol Building” mission.

- Fixed the issue with tutorials not showing on level 30 boosted characters for Countdown and Incursion: Paradise Lost.

- Fixed the issue with the Season Pass not being purchasable from Spotlight on accounts that do not own WONY Expansion.

- Fixed the issue with an empty page opening when the player uses “Go to Store” button while hovering over the New York City expansion icon from the Megamap without having the WONY Expansion.

- Fixed the issue with the Control Point Alert Level System missing after the Agent starts WONY campaign.

- Fixed the issue with players who created characters before Year 6 Season 1 and began WONY campaign but did not complete it being unable to upgrade their Crafting Station.

- Fixed the issue where the Dark Zone highlighted as invaded was in the same state of gameplay as the other non-invaded Dark Zones for players under level 40.

- Fixed the issue with Control Points not being resettable from the Megamap for level 40 characters that do not own the WONY expansion.

- Fixed the issue where the crafting bench could no longer be upgraded after reaching level 31.

- Fixed the issue where Countdown modifiers were available as directives in any Classified Assignment mission for characters under level 40.

- The SHD Watch will now be unlocked after completing a side mission upon reaching level 40.


- Fixed the issue with the ISAC unit being misaligned on multiple Jackets when the Maira Backpack appearance mod is equipped.

- Fixed the issue with some masks becoming invisible when the Maira Jacket is equipped.

- Fixed the issue with Skills being misaligned with the Agent Leo Backpack when equipped in the left skill slot.

- Fixed the issue with the Camo Scarf clipping with multiple shirts, jackets and gear vests.

- Fixed the issue with previewing any glasses with certain uniforms causing the appearance to look distorted.

- Fixed the issue with some skills being misaligned with the Agent Leo Backpack.

- Fixed the issue with the Bomber Jacket clipping with multiple scarves.

- Fixed the issue with the Agent Brenda backpack colour scheme mismatch with the icon picture.

- Fixed the issue with the Weekend Warrior hat not appearing when filtering by the cap category.

- Fixed the issue with the Weekend Boots not appearing when filtering by the boots category.

- Fixed the issue with Renegade Shirt clipping with multiple scarves.

- Fixed the issue with the Agent Rowan Uniform clipping with the leg.

- Fixed the issue with the Agent Brenda pants clipping with multiple jackets.

- Fixed the issue with the Agent Leo pants clipping with multiple jackets.

- Fixed the issue with the Red Pandas Away Jersey shirt clipping through some uniforms when players previewed any glasses.


- Fixed the issue with no character model appearing when inspecting from Apparel Caches or Events after equipping a vanity item in the store.

- Fixed the issue with Invaded Dark Zones not displaying the Invaded UI on the Megamap.

- Fixed the issue with the Cavalier, Aegis, and Breaking Point chestplates and backpacks gear set Talents not being displayed in red when the player did not have at least four gear pieces equipped.

- Fixed the issue with players being unable to exit the Store from the Spotlight, Bundles, and Ubisoft Connect tabs after opening the Store from the Crossroads Apparel Event inside the Seasons tab.

- Added other minor UI fixes.


- Fixed the issue where players could craft perfect roll items and mods with new characters.

- Fixed the issue with inconsistent Year 1 Bundle redirections from different menus.

- Fixed the issue where Control Points could not be reset from the Megamap.

- Fixed the issue with the textile vendor Danny Weaver selling Year 5 Season 3 seasonal caches instead of Year 6 Season 1 caches.

- Fixed the issue with Clan XP not being awarded.

- Fixed the issue where completing 10, 20, 30, or 40 loops of Descent rewarded players with Arm Patches from the previous season.

- Fixed the issue with Control Points and Invaded missions resetting on every login.

- Fixed the issue where players could enter Verizon Center mission location without starting the quest for it first

- Added various stability and performance improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 76,2 GB auf 77,3 GB erhöht

- 3,98 GB groß

Release: 06.08.2024 (Version 1.0483.7047/21.3)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the crashing issues on the character selection screen.

- Fixed various crashing issues related to group activities and the loading screen.

- Added various stability and performance improvements.


- It’s the summer break, take some time to reset and refresh yourself with The Division 2!

- The Summer Event Projects Chain starts on August 6th and ends on August 20th.

- Summer Event is available for all players that have projects system unlocked.

- 7 new projects for players to take on with 9 rewards to unlock.


- Fixed the issue with several specialization skill mods requiring the player to be level 40 to equip.

- Fixed the issue with players being unable to talk to Agent Kelso in the “Reach the Castle” mission if they reached level 40 before progressing in the main story.

- Fixed the issue with being unable to matchmake once WONY was started on a new character.


- Fixed the issue with the Rules of Engagement Talent amplifying Skill Damage in addition to Weapon Damage.


- Fixed the issue with the textile vendor Danny Weaver selling Year 5 Season 3 seasonal caches instead of Year 6 Season 1 caches.

- Fixed minor visual issues with Agent gear, including the backpack strap, pants clipping, and hand discoloration.

- Fixed the issue where mods were not being deconstructed after enabling auto mod deconstruction and restarting the game.

- Iron Horse Clan Banner has no Leaderboard.

- Iron Horse clan banner says “No Leaderboard available” on all platforms.

- We are currently investigating this issue.

- Speicherverbrauch von 76,3 GB auf 76,9 GB erhöht

- 12,23 GB groß

Release: 03.09.2024 (Version 1.0488.8154/21.4)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with missing ammo when reloading after swapping to a fully loaded weapon.

- Fixed the issue with the Cooler Named Weapon consuming Rifle ammo.


- Players can no longer exploit the Manhunt Briefing Side Mission for XP.

- Players can no longer exploit the Dark Zone Matchmaking system by not claiming the SHD Watch.


- Fixed the issue with ODEA Cowboy sunglasses clipping with multiple hats.

- Fixed the issue with Ortiz Robotics jacket clipping with multiple backpacks.

- Fixed the issue with missing textures on multiple jackets and skirts when wearing the Ortiz Robotics pants.


- Players can now obtain Found Footage 9 and 10 from the Vanguard Legacy Climax Mission.

- Specialization Skill Mods no longer require level 40 to equip.

- Fixed the issue with Targeted Loot dropping during the WONY campaign.

- Added various stability and performance improvements.

- Speicherverbrauch von 76,9 GB auf 80,6 GB erhöht

- 13,23 GB groß

Release: 01.10.2024 (Version 1.0494.5043/21.5)

Quelle: notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with the enemies not reacting to the player if the player stayed in the bunker before the Arena.

- Fixed the issue with Chimera not using the grenade launcher weapon after players reached the third phase.

- Fixed the issue with Chimera attacking Keener during the final beat.

- Fixed the issue with Chimera using Shock Grenades instead of only Frag Grenades.

- Fixed the issue where Keener would deal 0 damage to Chimera when shooting it during the final beat.

- Fixed the issue with Keener healing himself after each hacking phase.

- Fixed the issue with steam pipe devices not taking damage and functionality was not interrupted when attempting to jam them.

- Fixed the issue where Disabling Shields timer would continue to count down after Keener was downed during the final beat.

- Fixed the issue where dying in Beat 3 after defeating all enemy waves would cause the bunker entrance to close, preventing players from returning.

- Fixed the issue where Keener would start attacking the NPCs if he was downed and revived during the hack animation.


- Fixed the issue with level 40 players being unable to gain XP towards the Season Pass and Manhunt events if they had not unlocked Keener's Watch.

- Fixed the issue with The Mast and Sinkhole Control Points not resetting when a player resets all control points with a DC-only boosted level 40 character.

- Fixed the issue with The Summit not appearing on the Megamap at level 30.

- Fixed the issue with the Kenley College off-site locations not appearing on the Megamap at level 30.


- Fixed the issue with the Dark Hours leaderboard, which incorrectly displayed the top clan from the Iron Horse Raid in the completion times.

- Fixed the issue with matchmaking in the Dark Zone where players were placed in parties outside of their SHD level bracket.

- Fixed the issue where players matchmaking for the two different Climax Missions located in Camp White Oak could sometimes be placed in the same group.

- Fixed the issue where players could start matchmaking for Kenley College despite it being inactive.

- Fixed the issue with any bullet shot from a Rifle causing the audio to play nonstop on any weapon.

- Fixed the issue where the description for the Mosquito Song talent was missing.

- Added other minor UI fixes.

- Added various stability and performance improvements.

- Fixed multiple issues affecting audio.

- Fixed various animation issues.

- Speicherverbrauch von 80,6 GB auf 80,7 GB erhöht

- 4,32 GB groß

Release: 29.10.2024 (Version 1.0496.5102/22.0)

Quelle: details/notes=ubisoft.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Year 6 Season 2 „Shades of Red“ ist gestartet


- The Master Climax Mission introduces a brand-new difficulty level, exclusively available for Manhunt Climax Missions.

 This level is designed for the most hardcore players seeking an extra challenge.

Expect tougher enemy scaling and the inclusion of seasonal modifiers that will push your skills to the limit.


Named Weapons

In TU22, a fresh batch of Named Weapons will be added to the loot pool for missions and mission bosses.

 While the original loot tables remain unchanged, they now offer additional opportunities to obtain these new items.

Although these weapons have a higher drop rate, they are not guaranteed rewards and may require multiple attempts to acquire.

The likelihood of these weapons dropping increases with the difficulty level of the mission.

These new loot drop chances are exclusively available for characters at level 40 or above and are limited to regular versions of missions - they do not apply to "invaded" missions.

- Camp White Oak: Pyromaniac, Mechanical Animal, Kingbreaker.

- The Pentagon: New Reliable.

- DARPA Research Labs: Lefty.

- Roosevelt Island: White Death.

- Manning National Zoo: White Death.

- Coney Island: Burn Out, Born Great.

- Tidal Basin: Dare, Big Show.

- Coney Island Ballpark: Tabula Rasa, Carnage.

- Bank Headquarters: Cabaret, Grown Great, Swap Chain.

- Capitol Hill: Safety Distance, Emeline's Guard, Cold Relations.

- Viewpoint Museum: Cuelebre, Tsunami

- Disctrict Union Arena: Baker's Dozen, Stage Left.

- Space Administration HQ: Ekim's Long Stick, Designated Hitter, Scalpel.

- Air & Space Museum: Prophet.

- Jefferson Plaza: Invisible Hand, Glory Daze, Test Subject.

- Jefferson Trade Center: Quiet Roar.

- Federal Emergency Bunker: Boomstick, Backup Boomstick, The Mop.

- American History Museum: Surge, Artist's Tool.

- Potomac Event Center: Relic, Commando.

- Grand Washington Hotel: Lightning Rod.


- Balaclavas now conceal player ears, allowing for better-fitting designs and a more realistic appearance.

- Moved Chest, Backpack, Gloves and Kneepad Appearance Mods from the Inventory Modding Menu to the Apparel Menu.

They can be found by scrolling down in the Apparel Menu and can be dyed by selecting the Dye option in the Buttons Bar, at the bottom of the menu.

- Updated Recurring Projects pool for all Level 40 Players.

- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to earn double Scavenger Points

- Speicherverbrauch von 80,7 GB auf 77,7 GB reduziert

- 10,85 GB groß

Release: 12.11.2024 (Version 1.0497.8629/22.1)

Quelle: details/notes=trello.com


- Fixed the issue with DELTA-03 errors and server disconnects occurring on the New York map.

- Fixed the issue with DELTA-04 error occurring when loading into the game.

- Added various stability and performance improvements.


- Added Seasonal XP as an additional standard reward for all Priority Objectives and removed it from the hidden pool of rewards instead.

- The Seasonal XP values scale with the type of objective just like any other reward.

- Fixed the issue with Seasonal XP and rewards not being granted when completing Conflict based Priority Objectives.

- Fixed the issue with the notification for available Priority Objectives prompting at the beginning of every Conflict match.


- Global Modifiers are now removed from Raids.

- Fixed the issue with aggro icons displaying over enemies with Enemy Modifiers, overlapping with the NPC’s health bar and level number.

- Fixed the issue with the “Bait and Switch” Modifier effect not triggering when equipped or activated in the presence of enemies.

- Fixed the issue with the “Pressure Piston” Modifier effect not being applied when equipped or activated with enemies already within its medium range.

- Fixed the issue with Modifier item details appearing in the Contaminated tab.


- Added the prompt to clarify that Journey Missions can be completed on Hard or higher difficulty.

- Fixed the issue with excessive XP being awarded after completing one of the objectives in the Seasonal Journey.


- Fixed the issue with incorrect skin previews appearing in the Season Pass and the Store.

- Fixed the issue with ISAC hologram being misplaced on female characters for “SHD level up,” “Going Rogue,” and “Calling for Backup” actions when using the Gunner, the Rigger, the Hunter’s Kit, and the Lucky backpack.

- Fixed the issue with Xbox controls being displayed when using PS4 or PS5 controller.

- Fixed multiple issues affecting audio.

- Added other minor UI fixes.

- Speicherverbrauch von 77,7 GB auf 78,7 GB erhöht

- 10,42 GB groß

Release: in Arbeit 2025 (Version 1.0346.5450/15.4)

Quelle: neue roadmap=xboxdynasty.de | divisiondays=play3.de | roadmap 2023=xboxdynasty.de | verschoben 2025=play3.de

- Year 7 Season 4 „Schwarzer Diamant“ ist gestartet

 Beinhaltet einen neuen Story-DLC, der neue Zonen, neue Hauptmissionen und eine neue Struktur für das Endgame bietet.

Release: in Arbeit

Quelle: play3,de

- Cross Play wird aktiviert (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

UBISOFT wird in allen Spielen mit PvP Modus Cross Play ermöglichen.

Leider fehlt die Information ob auch PvE dazu zählen wird. Im Fall von The Division 2 ist PvE natürlich interessanter!