- Mechaniker-Trickärmel: Wenn du tödlich verwundet bist und zu einer Pistole wechselst,
verursacht sie mehr Schaden (2x in PvE, 1,33x in PvP).
- Der Schatten des Drachen: Ausweichen lädt alle Waffen gleichzeitig nach.
- Der Schatten des Drachen: Ausserdem gewährt Ausweichen jetzt auch +5 Mobilität für die Dauer
von „Geistermetall-Kettenpanzer“, zusätzlich zu den da gewesenen
- Der Schatten des Drachen: Eine UI-Anzeige für den „Geistermetall-Kettenpanzer“-Buff wurde
- Unbändiger Löwe: Hüftfeuer unterbricht Schweben nicht mehr. Erhöhte
Hüftfeuer-Präzision während man sich in der Luft befindet.
- Synthozeps: Wenn man von drei oder mehr Gegnern umzingelt ist, erhält man einen
Nahkampfschadenbonus von 8 Sekunden (3x in PvE, 2x in PvP).
- Synthozeps: Dieser Buff erhöht auch Super-Schaden, wenn aktiv (+50%).
- Lunafaktur-Stiefel: Dein Rift lädt jetzt dauerhaft Waffen nach, während du und deine
Verbündeten darin stehen.
- Lunafaktur-Stiefel: „Stärkendes Rift“ gewährt nun erhöhte Reichweite und Zielhilfe.
- Sonnenarmschienen: Solar-Nahkampftreffer geben jetzt für eine kurze Zeit unbegrenzte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler
Ruhm-Rangpunkte verloren,
wenn sie nach Match-Ende das Match zu schnell verließen.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
Clan-EP-Meilenstein keine mächtigen Prämien gewährte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Vorhut-Günste
den Fortschritt
von strike-spezifischen Quest-Schritten und Meilensteine
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das sich Kreischer
während des Öffentlichen Events
mit dem Kriegssatelliten zu schnell schlossen und so
Spieler daran hinderten das Heroische Öffentliche Event auszulösen.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Calus' Schilde
nach Destiny-Update 1.2.0
zu viel Schaden wegstecken konnten, bevor man sie
durchbrechen konnte.
- „Exodus-Absturz“ wurde aus der Spielersuche für Heroische Strikes
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler mittendrin einsteigen konnten,
aber dann hinter einer Tür im Strike „Exodus-Absturz“ feststeckten.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem es bei Heroischer Strike-Meilensteine und
Quests wegen den Vorhut-Günsten keinen Fortschritt gab.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler wiederholt beim
Verbündetenbeitritt im Strike „See der Schatten“ feststeckten.
- Den Dämmerungs-Herausforderungskarten wurde eine
Punkte-Modifikator-Anzeige im Gegenstandsdetailbildschirm hinzugefügt.
- Man bekommt nun in Heroischen Strikes
- Bei Heroischen Strikes besteht nun die Chance (~25%), dass man mächtige
Engramme mit bis zu 360 Power bekommt.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Aktivierung einer
Einmalgebrauch-Super keine Super-Energie verbrauchte, wenn man gerade in dem
Moment das „Sternenschleuse“-Relikt fing.
- Der Time-Out-Explosionsschaden des „Sternenschleuse“-Relikts wurde so
geändert, dass er jetzt auch Ziele beschädigt.
- Der Raid-Händler hat jetzt eine spezifische Performance, wenn man
„Sternenschleuse“ durchgespielt hat.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Calus‘ Schild widerstandsfähiger ist als
- Der Guide-Spiel-Tooltip wurde aktualisiert, um das erforderliche
Powerlevel korrekt beim Start anzuzeigen.
- Die „Robe von Sekris“ (Warlock-Raid-Brustschutz) zeigt jetzt den
herunterhängenden Stoff korrekt an.
- Der Preis für „Sternenschleuse“-Prämien von Benedict 99-40 wurde auf 50
Token angehoben.
- Benedict 99-40s Ruf-Engramm vergibt keine Waffen mehr.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem manche Feinde in der Mission
„Pilgerreise“ mehr EP gewährten als beabsichtigt.
- Leuchtende Sphäre: Das „Pulsmonitor“-Perk wurde mit „Fixer Zug“ ersetzt.
- Himmelsbrennereid: Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die Soundeffekte dieser Waffe in
der Zielvorrichtung zu leise waren.
- SUROS-Regime: Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler in der Zielvorrichtung nicht
nachladen konnten.
- Röhrenlauf: Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Perk aktiviert wurde, nachdem man
freundliche Ziele mit Nahkampf angriff.
Exotische Meisterwerke
- MIDA Multi-Werkzeug: Der Meisterwerk-Katalysator kann jetzt von den entschlossensten
Wettkämpfern im Schmelztiegel erhalten werden.
- Geist-Hülle: Die Hülle Mokassinschlangenüberlegenheit-Hülle wurde aus Platzmangel in
Kupferkopfsupremat-Hülle umbenannt.
- Ein Problem wurde gelöst, durch das manche Spieler, die die
„Salutieren“-Geste besitzen, sie nicht einsetzen konnten.
- Die Geste „Erwecke den Kriegsgeist“ wird jetzt nicht mehr angezeigt,
nachdem sie unterbrochen wurde.
- Der Zusatztext erscheint nun in der Gestenvorschau.
- tägliche Beutezüge werden wieder eingeführt
(erhältlich beim Händler)
Diesemal laufen die Beutezüge ab und können später beim
Händler für Glimmer neu erworben werden
In neuen Addon Forsaken im Herbst 2018 können diese auch
wieder gefunden werden
Exotische Rüstungsfixes
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den Ziele, die von
„Blutrote Alchemie“ markiert worden waren, Sphären abwarfen, wenn sie besiegt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den „Sternfeuerprotokoll“
nicht mit dem Fähigkeitspfad von „Himmelseinstimmung“ der Dämmerklinge
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Warlock-Nahkampf
keinen Schaden anrichtete, wenn „Ophidianischer Aspekt“ und Schar-Schwerter oder
sphärentragende Objekte benutzt wurden.
Verschiedene Änderungen an der Lebensqualität
- Sobald alle Merkur-Schmiede-Waffen erhalten wurden,
kann man sie direkt bei Bruder Vance im Leuchtturm kaufen (zweite
- „Momentum“ wurde von den Heroischen Abenteuern
- Die „Aufträge“ findet man nun oben bei den
- Große Nummern im IGCR und in der Nachspielstatistik
sind jetzt leserlicher dargestellt.
Diverse Änderungen
an der Lebensqualität
- Die Waffenprämien für Eskalationsprotokoll sind nun
- Spieler verbessern ihre Chance mit jedem Mal, mit dem
sie den Boss besiegen.
- Sobald alle Merkur-Schmiede-Waffen erhalten wurden,
kann man sie direkt bei Bruder Vance im Leuchtturm kaufen (zweite
- "Momentum" wurde aus den Heroischen Abenteuern
- Die "Aufträge" findet man nun oben bei den
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den nicht ausrüstbare
Gesten ausgewählt werden konnten.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem kein Sound abgespielt
wurde, wenn das Handicap bei Herausforderungskarten angehoben oder reduziert
- Große Nummern im IGCR (in game carnage report) und in
der Nachspielstatistik sind jetzt leserlicher dargestellt.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Saison
3-Panzerhandschuhe-Ornament des Toten Orbits keinen Fortschritt bekamen, wenn
der Arkusakrobat den Fokuspfad "Weg des Kriegers" benutzte.
- Man kann nun bei den Eisenbanner- und
Gruppenkämpfe-Händlern Rüstung kaufen
- Katalysatoren für Legende von Acrius, Telesto sowie
Schläfer-Simulant gibt es nun als Prämien in Prestige-Leviathan,
Prestige-Leviathan-Weltenverschlinger und Prestige-Leviathan-Sternenschleuse.
- Exotische Katalysatoren in Heroischen Strikes haben
nun eine leicht erhöhte Drop-Chance.
- Der Exotische Katalysator für "Himmelsbrennereid" hat
nun eine leicht erhöhte Drop-Chance im Leviathan-Raid.
- Der Katalysator für "Sturm" kann nun bekommen werden,
wenn man Feinde auf Nessus besiegt.
- Waffen- und Rüstungsmods
wurden überarbeitet
Mods sollen einen größeren
Einfluss auf die Charakterstärke haben, heißt es.
- Hexenkessel rotieren jede
Woche im wechsel
Das Match-Zeitlimit liegt bei 12 Minuten
Das Punktelimit liegt bei 125 Punkten
Die Wiedereinstiegszeit liegt bei 7 Sekunden
Alle Kontrolle-Zonen sind zunächst neutral
Es dauert jetzt ein weniger länger, eine Kontrolle-Zone
Zusätzliche Hüter in einer Zone (maximal 3) erhöhen das
Hüter, die an einer Einnahme beteiligt sind, erhalten
mehr Super-Energie
- Rumble (8-Spieler) "Jeder gegen Jeden" wird auch beim
wechsel jede Woche dabei sein
- Bestrafung für das Aufgeben im Schmeltztiegel
- Schutz vor wiederholenden Schmeltztiegel-Karten /
- Spieler sollten sichergehen, dass sie den Triumph von
der Statue der Helden bekommen haben, bevor sie ihn abschließen wollen.
Manche Triumphe muss man wieder abschließen, wenn der
Triumph nicht im Spielerinventar ist, wenn man ihn abschließt.
- Für die Triumphmomente werden Abenteuer und
Regions-Truhen des Charakters gezählt, der die meisten davon abgeschlossen hat.
Sie werden nicht über das ganze Konto verteilt gezählt.
Spieler, die Probleme beim Erreichen dieser Triumphe
haben, sollten mit dem Charakter spielen, der den meisten Fortschritt für diese
Triumphe erzielt hat.
- Fortschritt bei den Triumphen und Event-Prämien kann
verloren gehen, wenn Spieler einen Charakter auf ihrem Konto löschen.
Am besten ist, wenn Spieler keine Charaktere löschen,
bis alle gewünschten Prämien erhalten wurden und die „Sonnenwende der Helden“ am
28. August 2018 endet.
- Vorbereitungen für das Forsaken Addon wird
- Auch die Vorbereitungen für das Event Gambit Modus für
alle Spieler am 1.9.18 19 Uhr bis 2..189 19 Uhr
- Speicherverbrauch um 20 GB erhöht
Neue Funktionen
- Massen-Shaderlöschung endlich möglich
- Änderungen (mehr Freiheit) bei den Waffenslots
- 200 Plätze mehr im Tresor (nun 500 Plätze insgesamt)
Waffen und Rüstung
Exotische Rüstung
- Gewährt keine Super-Energie mehr für Leere-Explosion (Blüte)
und geteilten Schaden
- Erhöhter Super-Basiswert, der von Bindungen kommt, um ein
gleichmäßigeres (und nicht mehr exponentielles) Erlebnis zu
- Erhaltene Super-Energie erhöht sich, wenn stärkere Feinde
gebunden werden
- Gewährt in Verbindung mit dem Möbius-Köcher zusätzliche
Gewährt keine Fähigkeiten-Energie, wenn Ziele
gebunden werden
Himmlischer Nachtfalke
- 33 % der Super-Energie wird zurückgewonnen, wenn das Ziel
durch den Schuss eliminiert wird
- Startet nicht mehr die Regeneration von Gesundheit und
- Gewährt stattdessen erhöhte Gesundheit und Schild am Anfang
des Ausweichens statt am Ende
- Verbesserte Radar-Auflösung beim Ducken
- Verlängerte Nutzungsdauer des Illegal verbesserten Holsters
Shinobus Gelöbnis
- Sprunggranate gibt einen Anteil der Energie zurück, wenn ein
Feind getroffen wird
Der Hirsch
- Durch Tod erzeugtes Rift hat jetzt die Standard-Riftdauer
Auge einer anderen Welt
- Fähigkeits-Aufladebonus erhöht
Nezareks Sünde
- Erhöhte Wirkungsdauer der Abyssal-Extraktoren
- Schnelle Kills erhöhen die Dauer um bis zu 20 Sekunden
Schädel des schrecklichen Ahamkara
- Mehr Super-Energie gewährt durch Nova-Bomben-Kills
- Das Eliminieren hochrangigerer Feinde gewährt jetzt mehr
Transversive Schritte
Verbesserter Mobilität
- Nach kurzem Sprint wird die aktuell ausgerüstete Waffe
automatisch nachgeladen
- Schaden und Dauer pro Stapel wurden angepasst, um
gleichmäßiger zu sein
Typ 44 Im Abseits
- Durch Sprinten gewährtes Überschild erscheint schneller
- Basis-Abklingzeit-Reduzierung bei ungeladener Super
zusätzlich zur Abklingzeit-Reduktion bei geladener Super
Helm des 14. Heiligen
- Gewährt Verbündeten für kurze Zeit einen Überschild, wenn
sie durch den Schutz der Dämmerung gehen
Maske des Stillen
- Erhöhter Energieerhalt durch erlittenen Schaden
- Wenn man schwer verletzt ist, gewähren Kills Gesundheit
Signa von Alpha Lupi
- Heilungs-Impuls ist effektiver
- Erhöhtes Bewegungstempo beim Einsatz einer Maschinenpistole
- Schaden und Dauer pro Stapel wurden angepasst, um
gleichmäßiger zu sein
- Primärmunitionswaffen und Spezialmunitionswaffen können sowohl im
Kinetik- als auch im Energie-Slot existieren.
- Waffen, die Schwere Munition nutzen, können nur im Power-Slot
- Munitionstyp und Schadenstyp sind jetzt festgelegte Attribute einer
bestimmten Waffe.
- Munitions-Verteilungsmodelle wurden komplett aktualisiert, um die
Änderungen an den Waffenslots zu unterstützen.
- Energiewaffen erzeugen keinen Bonusschaden bei aktiven Gegner-Supers
„Schwere Munition“-Waffen
Die folgenden Waffen aus Jahr 1 sind jetzt im Kinetik-Slot
Zuflucht des Hirten
Hawthornes feldgeschmiedete Schrotflinte
Alleiniger Gott
Perfektes Paradoxon
Der kühle Schakal
Die folgenden Waffen aus Jahr 1 sind jetzt auf Solar-Schaden festgelegt
Die folgenden Exotischen Waffen haben ihren Slot nicht geändert und
benutzen weiterhin Schwere Munition
Legende von Acrius
Wispern des Wurm
- Erhöhter verursachter Präzisionsschaden für Primärmunition-Waffen
- Erhöhte Präzision in der Luft
- Verringerter Körpertreffer-Schaden im PvE
Der Automatikgewehr-Schaden, der benötigt wird, um Feinde
zum Taumeln zu bringen, wurde verringert, um den reduzierten
Körperschaden zu kompensieren
- Verringerter verursachter Schaden für Spezialmunition-Waffen
- Erhöhter Spurgewehr-Schaden
- Spurgewehre lösen besiegte Feinde jetzt auf
„Schwere Munition“-Waffen
- Erhöhter Schaden und Explosionsradius
- Erhöhter Schaden
- Verringerte Lade- und Schusszeit
- Reduzierte Zielhilfe
- Erhöhte Munitionsmenge
- Erhöhte Schadensmilderung beim Schützen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Aufladezeit
nicht richtig auf der Waffe angezeigt wurde
- Magazingröße wurde vergrößert
- Basisschaden wurde reduziert
- Bonus-Schaden nach Durchbrechen eines Schildes wurde für
Präzisionstreffer erhöht
- Es gibt weiterhin Bonus-Schaden für Körpertreffer
- Erzeugt bei einem Kill keine Spezialmunition mehr
- Der Schwächungseffekt von Repulsorkraft erhöht jetzt auch
Nicht-Leere-Schaden um 33 %, lässt sich jedoch nicht mehr mit
anderen Schwächungseffekten stapeln. (Schattenschuss,
Hammerschlag, etc.)
- Verursachter Bonus-Schaden wurde verringert
Ambitionierter Assassine
- Zeit zwischen Kills zum Verdienen von Bonus-Munition wurde
Allerhöchste Eisenbahn
- Die Dauer, die die Waffe weggesteckt sein muss, um den Perk
verfügbar zu machen, wurde verringert
- Dauer zum Aktivieren des Perks wurde verringert
- Reduzierter Präzisionsbonus
- Perk wird jetzt nach dem Schießen zurückgesetzt
Durchschlagende Reserven
- Schadensbonus wird zu einem früheren Magazinstand
- Lädt jetzt das gesamte Magazin nach
- Primärmunition wird dem Magazin direkt hinzugefügt
- Schwere und Spezialmunition werden von den Reserven ins
Magazin übertragen
Auf alles gefasst
- Erhöhte Inventar-Reserven
- Erhöhtes Tempo beim Halftern, Bereitmachen und Nachladen,
wenn man geduckt ist
- Dauer zum Aktivieren des Perks, wenn die Waffe gehalftert
ist, wurde verringert
Erster Schuss
- Erweiterte Schadensabfall-Reichweite (die Waffe macht auf
längere Distanz mehr Schaden)
- Fügt dem Magazin direkt Munition zu; zieht nicht länger aus
den Reserven
- Ab (04.09.2018), können Mods aus Jahr 1 nicht mehr auf
Waffen oder Ausrüstung angewendet werden.
Ab nächster Woche kann man
keine Mods in Jahr 1-Ausrüstung einfügen oder den Elementarschadenstyp
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
Raketenwerfer-Stabilitäts-Stat nicht wie vorgesehen funktionierte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, wodurch der Einschlaggehäuse-Perk bei
Granatenwerfern nicht funktionierte
- Shader können jetzt auf Schwerter angewendet werden
- Das visuelle Layout in den Fokus-Pfaden wurde geändert
- Der Basisschaden von Hüter-Nahkampfangriffen wurde erhöht
- Zwei Treffer besiegen jetzt einen gegnerischen Hüter im PvP
- Der Basisschaden von Seismischer Schlag, Hammerschlag und
Schildexplosion wurde erhöht
- Die Schadensresistenzwerte der aktiven Super wurden angepasst
Dem Statuseffekt für „Heilendes Rift“, „Stärkendes Rift“ und
„Schusswechsel-Barrikade“ wurde ein Timer hinzugefügt, um deren
Einsatzdauer besser zu kommunizieren
- Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Die Dauer, bis die Verfolgungsstärke schwächer wird, wurde
- Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Die Reichweite und Schadensabfall-Reichweite der Explosionen
wurde erneut angepasst, um verlässlicheren Schaden zu
- Magnet-, Fusions- und Fluxgranate
- Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Der Schaden ist jetzt bei der Explosion der Granate gleich,
egal ob diese am Ziel haftet oder das Ziel auf sie tritt
- Magnetgranaten explodieren nur ein zweites Mal, wenn sie an
einem Ziel haften
- Die zweite Explosion geschieht nicht mehr nur an der Granate
selbst, sondern erwischt jedes einzelne Ziel, das von der
ursprünglichen Detonation getroffen wurde
- Erhöhter Einschlagschaden für jeden Sprungdronen-Einschlag
für erhöhten potentiellen Gesamtschaden
- Erhöhter Schaden der ersten Leerewall-Welle
- Scharfschützen-Ausweichen wird jetzt als Nachladen gewertet;
es kann mit Kill Clip, Rattenkönig etc. interagieren
- Der „Übung macht den Meister“-Perk gewährt jetzt
Super-Energie für Wurfmesser-Kills
- Die Dauer aller Versionen der Goldenen Kanone wurde
- Sobald diese aktiviert ist, findet die
Schattenschuss-Bindung feindliche Ziele innerhalb des Suchradius
- Bei der Schusswechsel-Barrikade müssen sich Spieler nicht
mehr ducken, um nachzuladen – sie speist das Magazin jetzt über
Zeit mit Munition
- Ist „Endgeschwindigkeit“ aktiviert, hinterlässt der erste
„Chaosfäuste“-Schlag keinen bleibenden Schadensbereich mehr
- Die Gesundheitsgrenze für das Auslösen von Knockout wurde
heruntergesetzt, sodass es früher ausgelöst wird und mit den
PvP-Sterblichkeitsänderungen mithalten kann
- Die Ausfallschritt-Reichweite des
Chaosfäuste-Nahkampfangriffs wurde erweitert
- Sol Invictus wird jetzt bei Brenn-Kills ausgelöst
- Schutz der Dämmerung wurde stark verbessert
- Die Gesundheitsmenge, die vom „Schutz der
Dämmerung“-Überschild erhalten wird, wurde erhöht
- Erhöhte Schildwurf-Projektilgeschwindigkeit
- Der durch Schildwurf verursachte Schaden nimmt nicht
mehr ab, wenn es von Zielen abprallt
- Schnellere Angriffsanimationen für Nahkampfangriffe
am Boden
- Erhöhter Sentinel-Super-Schaden in PvE
- Erhöhte Effektivität von „Heilendes Rift“
- Stärkendes Rift erhöht jetzt den Präzisionsschaden (bisher
entsprach der maximale Bonusschaden dem Präzisionsschaden der
Waffe im PvP)
- Erhöhter PvP-Schaden für Sturmtrance
- Erhöhte Projektilgeschwindigkeit für Arkus-Seele
- Erhöhte Projektilgeschwindigkeit und
Basis-Zielverfolgungsstärke für die Dämmerklinge
- Die Dauer, für die das Radar und das HUD durch
„Kurz-Teleport“ deaktiviert werden, wurde stark verringert
- Chaos-Beschleuniger einzusetzen, kostet keine Super-Energie
- Erhöhter Schadensbonus, der von „Chaos-Beschleuniger“ für
jede Leere-Läufer-Granate gewährt wird
Tägliche Story-Playliste (Heroisch)
- Meditationen aus Jahr 1 wurden deaktiviert und durch eine Heroische
Story-Playliste ersetzt
- Diese teilen sich Modifikatoren mit Heroischen Abenteuern und
- Forsaken-Kampagnen-Missionen werden auf 500 Power gefeatured,
während Kampagnen-Missionen aus Jahr 1 auf Powerlevel 200 gesetzt werden
- Gesuchte Entflohene aus dem Gefängnis der Alten sind jetzt in der
Open World unterwegs
Bis zum 4. September 2018 werden sie keine Prämien droppen
- Die Schwierigkeit von Verlorenen Sektoren wurde erhöht
Beispiel: Verlorene ETZ-Sektoren liegen jetzt bei 240 Power
- Erneut spielbare Abenteuer wurden von Zielort-Händlern entfernt
- Heroische Abenteuer wurden allen Zielorten hinzugefügt
- Auf Zielorten, die vor Forsaken keine Heroischen Abenteuer hatten,
gibt es diese jetzt während der jeweiligen Flashpoint-Wochen
- Ein zufälliges Heroisches Abenteuer wird jeden Tag verfügbar sein
- Heroisches Abenteuer auf Mars und Merkur bleiben unverändert
- Heroische Abenteuer teilen sich ähnliche Modifikatoren mit täglichen
Heroischen und Strikes
- Heroische Strike-Playlisten wurden für alle Spieler
deaktiviert und mit einer inhaltsspezifischen Playliste ersetzt:
- Matches aus der Strikes-Playlist entsprechen
der Legacy-Playlist, die gerade in Jahr 1
spielbar ist
- Empfohlene Power ist 200
- Wird Modifikatoren haben
- Strike-Playlist hat 3 Schwierigkeitsstufen
- Empfohlene Power: 300 (nicht
verfügbar, wenn das Spielerlevel 40
Power höher ist)
- Empfohlene Power: 400 (nicht
verfügbar, wenn das Spielerlevel 40
Power höher ist)
- Empfohlene Power: 500 (immer
- Wird Modifikatoren haben
- Prestige-Schwierigkeit wurde in den Ruhestand geschickt
- Erhöhte Basis-Schwierigkeit für Dämmerungs-Aktivitäten
- Spieler können jede Woche einen von drei Dämmerung-Strikes
- Spieler können nur die Strikes spielen, für die sie auch die
entsprechenden Erweiterungen besitzen
- Legacy-Spieler können zwar immer noch Modifikatoren per
Herausforderungskarte aktivieren, aber in der 270
Power-Dämmerung wird Scoring deaktiviert
Raids (Wiederbelebungs-Mechaniken)
- Ein Einsatztrupp hat in einer Raid-Boss-Kampf insgesamt 2 Minuten
und 30 Sekunden Zeit, gefallene Truppmitglieder wiederzubeleben
- Diese Zeit wird nur zurückgesetzt, wenn ein Spieler komplett
eliminiert wird
- Wenn ein Spieler innerhalb der verbleibenden Zeit nicht wiederbelebt
wird, wird der gesamte Einsatztrupp unter dem Titel „Geteiltes Leid“
- Jeder Spieler hat ein Token, mit dem ein Spieler wiederbelebt werden
- Wenn mehrere Spieler gleichzeitig eliminiert wurden, läuft der Timer
nicht schneller ab
- Entflohene aus dem Gefängnis der Alten tauchen jetzt in Strikes,
Verlorenen Sektoren und Öffentlichen Bereichen auf
- Neues Munitionsmodell für Karten, um den Waffen-Slots zu entsprechen
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Sammlungen (Abzeichen und Exotische), die sich im Tresor befinden,
sind in der Woche vom 28. August bis zum 4. September nicht verfügbar,
kehren aber mit im neuen Sammlungen-Tab zurück
- Exotische droppen jetzt immer mindestens mit dem Powerlevel des
- Herausforderungen aus Jahr 1 gewähren keine Zielortmaterialien oder
-Token mehr
- Zielortmaterialien können durch Beutezüge erlangt werden, die es bei
den jeweiligen Zielort-Händlern gibt
- Alles, wofür man vorher Zielort-Token oder seltenes Material bekam,
gewährt jetzt normales Zielortmaterial
- Zielort-Token und seltene Zielortmaterialien gibt es nicht mehr als
Prämien, können aber gegen Ruf eingetauscht werden, falls sich davon
noch welche im Inventar befinden
Sein Wille gehört nicht ihm selbst
- Zeigt kein Händler-Symbol mehr auf Zielort-Karten
- Nicht länger an Flashpoints gebunden
Er hat einen bestimmten Zweck, kann diesen aber nicht erklären –
vergib ihm
- Schicksal-Engramme gewähren nur Exotische aus der Zeit vor
Der Turm
- Tresorplatz wurde auf 500 Slots vergrößert
- Spieler können in Meister Rahools Händleransicht jetzt Shader in
Fünferstapeln zerlegen
- Cayde-6 hat den Turm verlassen, um Unruhen im Riff auf den Grund zu
- Schatzkarten und Scoutberichte wurden entfernt
- Koreanische Sprache wurde Konsolen hinzugefügt
- Titelbildschirm wurde aktualisiert, um der Forsaken-Veröffentlichung
zu entsprechen
Die Navigator-Anzeige wurde geupdated, um Herausforderungen, Meilensteine,
Flashpoint und Quests auf andere Weise anzuzeigen:
- Das Herausforderungssystem aus Jahr 1 wurde entfernt und in
Beutezüge umgewandelt, welche durch die jeweiligen
Zielort-Aktivitätshändler ab dem 4. September verfügbar sind
- Beutezüge werden im Aufträge-Bereich der Inventar-Ansicht
- In Jahr 2 (Forsaken) bezieht sich das Wort
„Herausforderungen“ auf die Boni, die täglich oder wöchentlich
Prämien bieten
- Diese findet man im Navigator über neue Symbole auf einer
Playliste oder einem Zielort, wenn sie verfügbar sind
Die Meilenstein-Anzeige zeigt jetzt nur noch bestimmte
Quests und Quest-Schritte
- Einmalig abschließbare Aufgaben (wie
Kampagnen-Missionen, Fokus-Missionen und
Strike-Einführungen) bleiben als Meilensteine erhalten
- Spieler, die keine aktiven Meilensteine haben, sehen
den Meilenstein-Reiter nicht
- Viele Meilensteine aus Jahr 1 wurden in Herausforderungen
- Diese Herausforderungen liefern weiterhin mächtige
Wöchentliche und Tägliche Meilensteine
- Vorherige Wöchentliche und Tägliche Meilensteine, wie
Strike-Abschlüsse und Schmelztiegel, erscheinen jetzt als
Wöchentliche oder Tägliche Herausforderungen in ihrer jeweiligen
- Der Flashpoint-Meilenstein erscheint jetzt als
Herausforderung, die beim jeweiligen Zielort-Händler sichtbar
- Flashpoint-Fortschritt wurde erweitert und
beinhaltet jetzt Verlorene Sektoren und Heroische
Exotische Quests
- Exotische Quests werden jetzt im Aufträge-Bereich des
Inventars angezeigt
- Sie können erneut beim jeweiligen Quest-Händler abgeholt
werden, wenn sie abgebrochen wurden
- Exotische Quests zeigen jetzt die richtige Farbe für
Exotische in der UI
- Symbole für Exotische Quests werden jetzt richtigerweise mit
Exotischer Seltenheit angezeigt
- Welt-Quests werden jetzt im Aufträge-Bereich des Inventars
Der Navigator hat ein neues Design und Layout erhalten, um die
Zielorte für Jahr 2 besser zu repräsentieren
- Vorbestellen kann man beim Riff-Zielort
- Der Leviathan-Raid und die Raid-Trakte wurden zu Nessus
Waffen-Tooltips zeigen jetzt die Munitionstypen an
- Weißes Munitionssymbol: „Primär“
- Grünes Munitionssymbol: „Spezial“
- Lilafarbenes Munitionssymbol: „Schwere“
- Das HUD zeigt eine Farbe basierend auf den jeweiligen
Munitionstypen neben jeder Waffe in der Waffenansicht
- Der Pfadname wird jetzt unter dem Charakter-Bild angezeigt
- Sammlungen sind bis zum 4. September nicht verfügbar
- Triumphe sind bis zum 4. September nicht verfügbar
- Perks werden bei den Tooltips für Geist-Hüllen, Waffen und
Rüstung nur mit Namen angezeigt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
„Antaeus-Schutzausrüstung“ manchmal Sphären erzeugt hat, wenn sie von
Sentinels benutzt wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
„Galanor-Bruchstücke“ keine Energie zurückgaben, wenn Messer über lange
Distanz trafen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler 10
Totfalle-Leere-Anker mit „Orpheus-Rigg“ und dem „Möbius-Köcher“ erzeugen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
„Umhang der Erinnerung“ nicht richtig mit anderen Objekten interagierte
Exotische Waffen
- Lord der Wölfe: Es wurde ein Problem behoben,
durch das „Lord der Wölfe“ Munition verlieren konnte
- Pikass: Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
visuelle Perks des „Memento Mori“-Perks beim Waffenwechsel beibehalten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Explosivgeschosse weniger Schaden als beabsichtigt verursachten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das einige
visuelle Effekte bei „Donnerkrachen“ fehlten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Super-Energie verloren ging, wenn man beim Blockieren mit dem
Sentinel-Schild in den Dämmerklinge-„Brunnen des Glanzes“ ging
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Sentinel-Super-Kills den Fokus-Pfad „Code des Commanders“ nicht
fortschreiten ließen
- Die zurückerhaltene Menge an Gesundheit,
Nahkampfenergie und Granatenenergie beim Einsatz des
Sentinel-Commander-Fokus wurde reduziert
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Phönix-Sturzflug bei unterschiedlichen Bildraten auf PC unterschiedliche
Mengen an Gesundheit gewährte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
explodierenden Messer bei unterschiedlichen Bildraten auf PC
unterschiedlichen Schaden verursachten
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Charaktere, auf die der Boost angewandt wurde, die „Fluch des Osiris“- und
„Kriegsgeist“-Triumphe nicht freischalteten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Beutezüge
im Aufträge-Bereich des Charakterinventars nicht richtig sortiert wurden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
„Verlorener Sektor“-Beutezüge den Fortschritt nicht richtig anzeigten, wenn
man sich in einem Einsatztrupp befand
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Faust
des Urteils“-Beutezug ein falsches Auftragsziel hatte
- Der Gesuchten-Beutezug für Irxis Partisan zeigt
jetzt das richtige Fahndungsfoto
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
„Relikt-Rumble“-Triumph den Fortschritt nicht richtig anzeigte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Die
beste Verteidigung“-Triumph freigeschaltet wurde, bevor das richtige Ziel
abgeschlossen wurde
- Es wurde ein doppeltes Kontrollkästchen im
„Verlorene Sektoren“-Triumph für Merkur entfernt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Baron-Triumphe nicht für Spieler freigeschaltet wurden, die einer laufenden
Aktivität beitraten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
„Abenteuerlich“-Triumph auf Io nicht die richtige Triumphpunktzahl anzeigte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler zu
Welle 1 zurückgesetzt wurden, wenn sie eine Welle nicht geschafft hatten und
diese neustarten wollten
- Spieler können jetzt auf Welle 6 neustarten, wenn
sie Welle 7 abgeschlossen haben
Die Option ist nach dem Abschluss von Welle 7 für 60
Sekunden verfügbar
- Libellen-Insignien-Rüstung hat jetzt eine
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Handfeuerwaffen für Spieler auf dem PC nicht die richtigen Rückstoß-Stats
- „Schweres Schwertgefäß“ und „Schwertgefäß eines
Schwertmeisters“ funktionieren jetzt bei Adaptiven Schwertern richtig
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler im
letzten Kampf von „Auf lange Sicht“ eventuell in den Orbit zurückgebracht wurden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler
manchmal keine Saat des Lichts erhielten, wenn sie am Ende der Mission „Visionen
des Lichts“ mit dem Baum interagierten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Nachspielstatistik am Ende von Strikes nicht angezeigt wurde, wenn diese über
strike-spezifische Navigatorpunkte ausgewählt wurden
- Der „Spurgewehr-Perfektion“-Triumph wurde
vorübergehend von Plattformen entfernt, auf denen Spieler nicht alle Aufgaben
abschließen konnten
- Dieser Triumph wird in einer zukünftigen
Veröffentlichung geändert, um auf allen Plattformen verfügbar zu sein
- Die „Andauernde Glut“-Abzeichenvariante erfordert
jetzt 40 Perfektionstriumphe
- Die Aktivitäts-Wiederverbindung wurde in der
Kompetitiven Playlist wieder aktiviert
Spieler, deren Verbindung zu den Destiny 2-Servern
getrennt wird, haben die Möglichkeit, sich unter den folgenden Bedingungen
wieder mit ihrem Match zu verbinden:
- Das Match muss immer noch aktiv sein
- Eine Verbindung zum Match kann wiederhergestellt
Spieler, die sich wieder mit einem Match verbinden,
erhalten KEINE Strafe, wenn diese Wiederverbindung erfolgreich ist
- Die Spieler-Status-Anzeige wird jetzt in den
Kompetitiven Versionen von „Kontrolle „ und „Konflikt“ angezeigt
- Die Wiederverbindung wurde in der Gambit-Playlist
deaktiviert, damit zahlenmäßig unausgeglichene Teams schneller durch neue
Spieler ausgeglichen werden können.
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die „Die
Auserwählten des Reisenden“-Pistole nicht zerlegt oder im Tresor abgelegt werden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „BrayTech RWP
Typ II“ keine Waffen-Mods durch Zerlegung gewährte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Hermaion-Blütenfossile nicht durch Strikes gewährt wurden
- Die „Die Auserwählten des Reisenden“-Pistole wurde
durch die beschädigte Version ersetzt
- Die Irispulsator-Hülle wurde aus den Sammlungen
entfernt und ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar
Die Träumende Stadt
- Es dauert jetzt eine Weile, den Beutezug „Audienz bei
der Königin“ zu verlassen, damit man ihn nicht versehentlich verlässt
- Die Opfergabe für das Orakel geht jetzt an die
Poststelle, wenn das Verbrauchsgegenstandsinventar des Spielers voll ist
- Tägliche Clan-Beutezüge sollten jetzt durch die
Tägliche Zurücksetzung wechseln, statt wöchentlich
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Barone
außerhalb von Heroischen Abenteuern Legendäre Prämien gewährten
Barone in Heroischen Abenteuern gewähren jetzt
garantiert einen Legendären Gegenstand pro Tag
Nachfolgende Kills gewähren mit einer
reduzierten Chance Legendäre Prämien
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Spieler die Waffen „Ursprungsgeschichte“ und „Letzter Tanz“ nicht
ablegen konnten,
wenn sie einen Charakter-Level-Boost
benutzten, nachdem die Waffen in „Heimkehr“ erhalten wurden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
das Legendäre Scout-Gewehr von BrayTech beim Zerlegen
Mod-Komponenten erzeugte
Die Träumende Stadt
- Die Opfergabe für das Orakel wird
jetzt im Aufträge-Bereich abgelegt statt in den
Der Wöchentliche Beutezug, in dem man
eine Opfergabe für das Orakel einlösen musste, wurde entfernt
- Die Wöchentliche Herausforderung der
Träumenden Stadt erfordert jetzt nur noch zwei Abschlüsse von
Wöchentlichen Beutezügen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem
manche Feind-Kills fälschlicherweise Truhen produzierten
- Spieler können keine „Träumende
Stadt“-Prämien mehr erhalten, wenn sie die Mission „Erwachen“
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch
das man mit „Telesto“ den Aufgabenfortschritt im Blinden Quell
beschleunigen konnte
- Spieler können den Quest-Schritt von
„Caydes Testament“ jetzt durchführen, indem sie Eindringlinge
oder allgemeine Feinde mit Handfeuerwaffen besiegen
- Die Wiederverbindungsfunktion in
Gambit wurde deaktiviert
- Wenn man über Verlorene Sektoren fährt, sieht man ihre Namen, sobald der
Spieler sie einmal gelootet hat
- Spieler können nun bis zu drei Aufträge verfolgen
- „Durch Feuer und Flut“, „Zenobia D“ sowie „Schiefer Reißer-4fr“ wurden
dem legendären Weltfundus hinzugefügt, „Rand-Transit“ hat Gesellschaft
- Scout-Gewehr-Schaden in PvE und Nichtspieler-Feinde in Gambit wird
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Primus-Engramme nach
Schmelztiegel-Matches direkt an die Poststelle gingen,
jetzt sieht man sie
wie alle anderen Prämien am Ende des Matches
- Teleporteffekte sind jetzt bei den Sammlungen zu finden, und zwar in der
Mit dem Launch von Forsaken am 4. September kam Tracking für
erhaltene Teleporteffekte; Teleporteffekte,
die man nach diesem Datum
erhalten (Inventar oder Poststelle), benutzt oder zerlegt hat, werden in
den Sammlungen freigeschaltet
Teleporteffekte sind freigeschaltet, wenn sie dem Spielerinventar
hinzugefügt werden, NICHT, wenn man Schiffe bekommt, die mit ihnen
ausgestattet sind
- Wir haben ein seltenes Problem identifiziert, bei dem das
Gambit-Invasionsportal sich nicht mehr öffnet,
wenn man es einmal benutzt
hat. Wir arbeiten an einem Fix.
- Wir arbeiten an einem Fix für das Problem, bei dem Eintausend Stimmen
laute, kreischende Geräusche macht,
wenn man schießt, während man springt
oder lenkschwebt
- „Glückshose“ lädt keine Handfeuerwaffen mehr nach,
die nicht verstaut sind
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem
Munitionshamsterer-Perks manchen Waffen weniger Munition gab als vorgesehen
- „Verschwender-Griffe“ „Libellen-Insignien-Griffe“
versperren dem Spieler nicht mehr die Sicht, wenn man einen Bogen benutzt
- Erhöhter Scout-Gewehr-Schaden gegen Gegner
- Das Zielfernrohr beim „Wolfsgesicht“-Ornament für
„Löwengebrüll“ wurde neu positioniert, damit die Sichtbarkeit in der
Zielvorrichtung besser ist
- „Löwengebrüll“-Schaden wurde reduziert, damit er
gleich auf mit dem Schaden anderer Hinterlader-Granatenwerfer ist
- Reduzierte Zielhilfe bei Schläfer-Simulant
- Zielhilfe bei Linear-Fusionsgewehren wurde
verstärkt (nicht bei Schläfer-Simulant)
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Perks
„Dynamische Schwungreduktion“ und „Zen-Moment“ nicht richtig funktionierten,
wenn sie mit Lunafaktur-Stiefel oder
Schusswechsel-Barrikade kombiniert wurden
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die
Besessenen-Spezifikation-Modbeschreibung zweimal in Waffen-Tooltips
angezeigt wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Ornament „Zwischen
Atemzügen“ für Wispern des Wurms nicht korrekt angezeigt wurde
- Die Aufladeleiste bei Compound-Bögen füllt sich
jetzt in 2 Etappen, um eine direkte Reflexion der zwei Schritte in der
Anspannanimation zu sein
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem visuelle Effekte
bei manchen Waffen immer noch sichtbar waren neben einem Charakter, der
seine Super-Fähigkeiten einsetzte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem es zu einem Crash
kommen konnte, wenn ein verbündeter Hüter einen mit Telesto beschoss
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die „Eintausend
Stimmen“ manchmal mit der Lautstärke von Einhunderttausend Stimmen sprach
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Bögen nicht richtig
angelegt wurden, wenn der Charakter sprintet
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die
Ödländer-Schrotflinte keinen Nachlade-Sound hatte
- Das ATC Rex-Häkke-Zielfernrohr wurde überarbeitet,
damit es wie die anderen Waffenfernrohre ist
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Teile von Borealis
nicht das richtige Element anzeigten
- Der übertriebene Sound für Redrix’ Breitschwert,
der ertönte, wenn Spieler das Desperado-Perk aktivierten, wurde
- Der übertriebene Sound des
Blitzableiter-Perks für Dreifaltigkeitsghoul, wenn die Waffe verstaut wird,
wurde heruntergeschraubt
- Die Anspannanimation für Dreifaltigkeitsghoul
wurde überarbeitet
- Die Beschreibung von „Ionen-Rückkehr“ von Borealis
wurde überarbeitet, um akkurater das Bonus-Schadensverhalten darzustellen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den
Gambit-Clan-Engramme nicht richtig funktionierten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Schildmauern nicht
am Anfang eines Matches erschienen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die Spielersuche
in Gambit manchmal länger als vorgesehen brauchte,
was manchmal dazu führte, dass Spieler aus dem
Match entfernt wurden
Gambit-Aufgabe-Strafen wurden wieder eingeführt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Invasionsportal
sich manchmal während eines Matches nicht öffnete
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Eisen-Engramm
ein höheres Powerlevel als vorgesehen anzeigte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den man doppelte
Eisenbanner-Token-Prämien von Matches erhielt
- Alle Eisenbanner-Beutezüge vergeben jetzt mächtige
- Eisenbanner-Beutezugbedingungen wurden vermindert:
Lichtträger: Die benötigte Anzahl der Super-Kills
wurden von 25 auf 20 reduziert
Eisen im Blut: Die benötigte Anzahl der
Match-Abschlüsse wurden von 30 auf 15 reduziert
Strahle weiter: Die benötigte Anzahl der
erschaffenen Sphären wurde von 100 auf 50 reduziert
Eisensieg: Die benötigte Anzahl der Match-Siege
wurde von 10 auf 7 reduziert
Um genau zu sein: Die benötigte Anzahl der
Präzisionskills wurden von 100 auf 50 reduziert
Eine Woche Arbeit: Die benötigte Anzahl der Kills
wurden von 250 auf 150 reduziert
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Kill-Feed
unter bestimmten Umständen nicht angezeigt wurde
- Wegweiser für Eroberungszonen pulsieren nicht
mehr, wenn sich der Fortschrittsstatus ändert oder wenn Powerplay im
Eisenbanner stattfindet
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Audiosignale
nicht abgespielt wurden, wenn Spieler in „Countdown“ wiederbelebt wurden
- In Durchbruch wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem
die „Blitzschnell“-Medaille nur kurze Zeit nach Loslassen eines Brechers
vergeben wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die
Überleben-Medaille „Einsam und Allein“ an alle Spieler ging, wenn eine Runde
gewonnen wurde
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die neue
Medaille „Perimeter-Kontrolle“ aus „Kontrolle“ nicht korrekt die nicht mehr
existierende „Ich wohn jetzt hier“-Medaille ersetzte
- Der Quest-Schritt „Der Kandidat“ in „Das Schmieden
des Breitschwerts“
hat jetzt neue Bedingungen: „Besiege im
Schmelztiegel schnell Gegner in Gruppen von mindestens zwei.“
Dieser Schritt verfolgt jetzt einzelne Spieler, die
in einem Multikill besiegt wurden statt nur „Double Play“-Medaillen zu
Vorher bekam man bei „Triple Play“ +1 Fortschritt
für ein „Double Play“ Jetzt vergibt „Triple Play“ +2 Fortschritt für „Double
Play“ und +1 für „Triple Play“.
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem man mächtige
Ausrüstung manchmal auf dem gleichen oder gar auf niedrigerem Powerlevel
eines Charakters bekam
- Das untere Ende der mächtigen Ausrüstung wurde
angehoben, womit auch das durchschnittliche Power-Upgrade pro mächtigem Drop
angehoben wurde
- „Durch Feuer und Flut“, „Zenobia D“ sowie
„Schiefer Reißer-4fr“ wurden dem legendären Weltfundus hinzugefügt,
„Rand-Transit“ hat also Gesellschaft bekommen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Primus-Engramme
nach Schmelztiegel-Matches direkt an die Poststelle gingen,
jetzt sieht man sie wie alle anderen Prämien am Ende
des Matches
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das
Katalogisierer-Abzeichen immer an die Poststelle zurückging
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem „Opfergabe für das
Orakel“ bei Benutzung für manche Spieler nicht richtig verbraucht wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den der „Letzter
Wunsch“-Geist und -Sparrow nicht zu geplanten Dropraten erschienen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das einige
Waffen nicht in die richtigen Materialien zerlegt wurden
- Der Schmelztiegel-Triumph „Spurgewehr-Perfektion“
wurde für Spieler auf allen Plattformen entfernt
- Triumphe für den Abschluss von exotischen
Plaketten wurden den Sammlungen hinzugefügt
- Es ist nun möglich, den Triumph „Vertraute rechte
Hand“ abzuschließen
Es werden nun nicht mehr mehr Wöchentliche Beutezüge
als in einer Woche verfügbar benötigt
- Triumphe, bei denen man alle Aszendenten-Truhen in
der Träumenden Stadt finden muss,
verlieren jetzt bei der Wöchentlichen
Zurücksetzung nicht mehr den Fortschritt, wenn man sie zwar abgeschlossen,
aber noch nicht abgeholt hat
- Teleporteffekte sind jetzt bei den Sammlungen zu
finden, und zwar in der Flair-Kategorie
Teleporteffekte, die man nach dem 4. September 2018
erhalten (Inventar oder Poststelle),
benutzt oder zerlegt hat, werden in den
Sammlungen freigeschaltet
Teleporteffekte sind freigeschaltet, wenn sie dem
Spielerinventar hinzugefügt werden, NICHT, wenn man Schiffe bekommt, die mit
ihnen ausgestattet sind
- Geister wurden den Sammlungen hinzugefügt
- Forsaken-Abzeichen-Varianten wurden den Sammlungen
- Fehlende Abzeichen wurden den Sammlungen
- Die Quelle für den Granatenwerfer „Durch Feuer und
Flut“ wurde aktualisiert: Erhalt durch Legendäre Drops sowie
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Beutezüge
in der Poststelle eines Spieler ablaufen und WEASEL-Fehler erzeugen konnten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den koreanische
IGR-Beutezüge keine „Zurücklassen“-Option besaßen
- Erholungsstatus wurde für die Spieler hinzugefügt,
die IGR-Beutezüge zurücklassen, um einen wöchentlich rotierenden
IGR-Beutezug für 250 Glimmer zu erstehen
Dieser Erholungsstatus besteht bis zur nächsten
Wöchentlichen Zurücksetzung
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den der
Everversum-Beutezug „Stell dich der Herausforderung“ keine
„Zurücklassen“-Option besaß
Spieler, die „Stell dich der Herausforderung“
zurücklassen, können sie bis zur nächsten Wöchentlichen Zurücksetzung für
250 Glimmer im Everversum wieder erstehen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler, die einen
Boost benutzt hatten, keine Destiny 2-Erfolge für die Klasse mit Boost
Spieler erhalten den Erfolg nun, wenn sie die erste
Node eines neuen Fokusses freischalten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler keinen
Credit für den Destiny 2-Erfolg erhielten, wenn sie den wöchentlichen
Flashpoint abschlossen
- Die Sturm-Quest schreitet nun fort, wenn man
Legendäre und Exotische Engramme aufhebt
- Schwierige Gesuchten-Beutezüge von Spider werden
nun für alle Truppmitglieder abgeschlossen
- Bakken, der Unnachgiebige kann nun im
Divalianische Nebel herbeigerufen werden
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Blinde Quell
gesperrt wurde, wenn mehrere Spieler ihn gleichzeitig öffnen wollten
- Der heroische Abschluss des Öffentlichen Events
vergibt nun konsistent die korrekten Prämien und
zählt auch wie vorhergesehen zu den Heroischen öffentliche Event-Abschlüssen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem manche Spieler
keinen Zugriff auf die Strike-Playlist hatten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das während
dem Raid-Encounter mit „Kalli, die Korrumpierte“ keine Feinde erschienen
- Neu-Balance der Funktionen von Verteilung-/Dynamo-Perks, was
dass der Spieler in der Nähe des Gegners sein muss, um
Super-Energie-Vorteile zu haben
- Schwertschaden wird in PvE leicht erhöht, um Spieler-Feedback zu
- Fusionsgewehrschaden wird in PvE leicht erhöht
- Effektivität von „Dienstvergehen“ in PvE- and Gambit-Aktivitäten wird
- Die Sichtbarkeit des Banner-Schilds des Titans wird angepasst, damit es
für Spieler leichter ist, durch die Effekte hindurchzusehen
- Exotische Prämien wurden angepasst, um die Anzahl der Duplikate zu
Spieler können immer noch Duplikate erhalten, aber es gibt bessere
Chancen auf Forsaken-Exotische, wenn man Exotische Prämien erhält
- Die Chance, dass eine einzigartige Dämmerungsprämie droppt, erhöht sich
mit jedem Mal,
wenn eine Dämmerung ohne einen einzigartigen Drop
abgeschlossen wurde
- Der Explosionsschaden von „Explosiver Schatten“ wurde erhöht
- Schaden gegen Besessene und Eindringlinge wurde erhöht
- Wunschender-Basisschaden wurde erhöht
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Breitband-Kopf-Perk
des Wunschenders nicht richtig aktiviert wurde, wodurch weniger
Schaden verursacht wurde
- Die „Zorn der Königin“-Perk-Effekte des Wunschenders sind jetzt
leserlicher und einheitlicher
- Wiedereinstieg jetzt mit 50 Munition im Schmelztiegel
- Ziehen jetzt Nutzen aus den folgenden Rüstungsperks:
- Automatikgewehr-Lader
- Ruhiges Automatikgewehr-Zielen
- Automatikgewehr-Zielen
- Präzisionswaffen-Zielen
- Automatikgewehr-Geschick
- Schwertschaden im PvE wurde erhöht
- Fusionsgewehr-Schaden im PvE wurde erhöht
- Näherungsgranaten haben jetzt einen Stat-Malus für den Explosionsradius
- Der Grad, mit dem „Vollchoke“ die Projektilstreuung schmälert, wurde
- Die Perks „Dynamo“ und „Verteilung“ wurde verändert
- Man muss die Klassenfähigkeit in der Nähe von mindestens einem
Feind aktivieren, um daraus Nutzen ziehen zu können
- Energie-Erhalt wurde um 20 % erhöht, um die neue Voraussetzung
ein wenig zu kompensieren
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Dynamo-Effekt nicht
entsprechend der Klasse des Spielers skaliert war; dieses Problem
bestand beim „Verteilung“-Perk nicht, jedoch fehlte die Skalierung
bei „Dynamo“.
- Verbesserte Sicht durch das Banner-Schild eines Titanen für Verbündete
- Der Perk „Weißer Nagel“ sollte jetzt nicht mehr gelegentlich aktiviert
werden, wenn die benötigte Anzahl von Präzisionstreffern nicht erreicht
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das SUROS-Regime-Zielfernrohr
undurchsichtig gelb war
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Perfekte Fünfte“-Perk der
Polaris-Lanze nicht ausgelöst wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Vex-Zyklopen die Spieler nicht
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Schar-Ritter und
Besessenen-Vandalen keine Spezial-Fähigkeiten einsetzten
- Die Angreifer-Wiedereinstiegszeit wurde von 7 auf 5 Sekunden
reduziert (gilt, sobald der Brecher losgelassen wurde)
- Die Spielregeln wurden angepasst, um Teams daran zu hindern,
eine Pattsituation zu verursachen:
- Im anfänglichen Kampf um den Brecher gewinnt das Team
mit dem meisten bisherigen Einnahmefortschritt (höchster
Stand) den Brecher,
wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist und zu
diesem Zeitpunkt von keinem Team Fortschritt gemacht wird.
Es findet Extrazeit statt, wenn die Zeit abläuft und zu
diesem Zeitpunkt Fortschritt von einem Team gemacht wird.
Der Brecher wird dann von dem Team gewonnen, das am Ende der
30 Sekunden Fortschritt macht.
Sollte keines der beiden
Teams am Ende der Extrazeit Fortschritt machen, geht der
Brecher an das Team mit dem bisher höchsten Stand.
- Während ein Team den Tresor eines anderen Teams hackt,
beschleunigt sich der Fortschrittverfall während „Plötzlich
ausgelöscht“ für bis zu 30 Sekunden.
Danach endet die Runde,
sobald sich keine Angreifer mehr in der Eroberungszone
- Endet die Runde zweimal mit einem Gleichstand, endet auch das
Match mit einem Gleichstand.
- In diesem Fall bekommt keines der Teams Ruhm-Rangpunkte.
- Siegesserien bleiben aber erhalten.
- Schläfer-Simulant erhält jetzt weniger Munition aus „Schwere
Munition“-Kisten an den Wänden in Gambit (jetzt 2 statt 4)
- Schwerter erhalten jetzt mehr Munition aus „Schwere Munition“-Kisten an
den Wänden in Gambit (jetzt 12 statt 6)
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das sich das Invasionsportal eines
Teams manchmal nicht öffnete
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das manchmal das falsche Team den
Sieg für das Besiegen des Aszendent-Urzeitlers zugesprochen bekommen hat
- Die Spawn-Rate des Aszendent-Urzeitler-Servitors wurde erhöht
- Gambit-Schiff und Sparrow sind keine garantierten Drops mehr
- Schutz vor Leuten, die das Spiel vorzeitig verlassen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Spielersuche
manchmal dazu führte, dass Spieler aus Gambit-Matches gekickt wurden
und eine Strafe fürs Aufgeben ausgelöst wurde
- Gambit-Aufgabe-Strafen wurden wieder eingeführt
- Spieler erhalten jetzt zwei Verwarnungen, bevor sie eine Sperre
für Gambit erhalten
- Spieler werden nicht direkt beim ersten Match des Tages
suspendiert, wenn sie in der Nacht zuvor in einem Match aufgegeben
- Die Sperrzeit wird auf 30 Minuten erhöht
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler den Strike „Die
Korrumpierte“ mit einem 6-Spieler-Einsatztrupp spielen konnten
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
Gewichtung von doppelten Exotischen
- Wenn ein Spieler eine Exotische erhält, dann werden alle Exotischen, die
dieser bisher gefunden hat, in Betracht gezogen und mit denen abgewogen, die
ihm noch fehlen.
Dadurch verringert sich die Chance, dass der Spieler
Exotische erhält, die dieser bereits besitzt
- Exotische, die der Spieler noch nicht hat, erhalten so eine höhere
Gewichtung als Duplikate
- Wenn der Spieler doppelte Exotische erhält, wird es sich dabei
wahrscheinlicher um Rüstungsteile handeln, da diese zufällige Perks haben
- Exotische Quest-Waffen wurden aus dem Beute-Pool der Exotischen Engramme
Weltlinie Null
Eintausend Stimmen
Lord der Wölfe
Der Chaperon
- Meisterwerk-Kerne wurden in „Verbesserungskerne“ umbenannt
- Man erhält Verbesserungskerne jetzt durch Schrottsammler-Beutezüge sowie
durch sechs von Spiders Wöchentlichen Beutezügen
- Verbesserungskerne werden im Lootstream besser sichtbar sein
- Banshee-44 akzeptiert jetzt bis zu 25 Waffenmeister-Materialien auf
einen Schlag
- Die Tasten-Haltezeit für die Materialtausch-Interaktionen bei Spider
wurde entfernt
- Die Stapelgröße für Geist-Fragmente wurde von 10 auf 20 erhöht
- Die Zerlegungszeit für Shader wurde von 1 Sekunde auf 0,25 Sekunden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „Geheime Siege“-Abzeichen
die falsche Tracker-Beschreibung angezeigt hat
- Es zeigt jetzt richtigerweise „Aszendenten-Truhen geplündert“ an
- Die Voraussetzungen für den „Säuberungsritual“-Beutezug der Königin sind
jetzt deutlicher beschrieben, und als Ziel werden jetzt „Abyssal-Champions“
statt „schwerttragende Ritter“ angegeben
- Raid-Herausforderungs-Beutezüge wechseln sich jetzt in einer bestimmten
Reihenfolge ab
- Einzigartige Dämmerungs-Prämien droppen jetzt regelmäßiger; je länger
man keinen einzigartigen Drop erhält, desto mehr Chancen hat man, beim
nächsten Dämmerungs-Abschluss eine einzigartige Prämie zu erhalten
- Die Chancen werden wieder zurückgesetzt, sobald man eine einzigartige
Dämmerungs-Prämie erhält
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den viele Chaosspannungsstrahlen,
die gleichzeitig aktiv sind, so aussahen, als ob sie ein Bündel
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Chaosspannungsstrahlen
freundliche Banner-Schilde penetrieren konnten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Chaosspannung keinen Schaden bei
Besessenen-Fäule anrichtete
- Anmerkung: Die Änderungen an der Chaosspannung-Auflösung kommen
mit Destiny 2-Update 2.1.1, das für den 4.12.2018 geplant ist.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den Nova-Warp manchmal beim
Loslassen nicht explodierte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Sentinel-Schilde und
Banner-Schilde Energie verloren, wenn sie in der Nähe freundlicher
Explosionen aufgestellt waren (am auffälligsten bei Donnerkrachen)
- Spektralklingen wurden stark angepasst, um die Verlässlichkeit
von Nahkampfangriffen im PvP sowie die Effektivität der
Tarnfähigkeiten dieser Super zu erhöhen
- Kamerawackeln und Bildschirmblitze bei Treffern wurden
reduziert, damit Spielern hoffentlich nicht mehr schlecht wird, wenn
sie die Brandhammer-Super benutzen
- Kamera wurde bei den Flugsequenzen bei eingestellt, damit
Spielern hoffentlich nicht mehr schlecht wird, wenn sie die
Donnerkrachen-Super benutzen
Exotische Rüstung
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem „Ophidianischer Aspekt“ bei verschiedenen
aufgeladenen Warlock-Nahkampfangriffen die Nahkampfreichweite nicht erhöhte
(Feuerzange, Ballblitz, Entropie-Zug, Verschlingen und Atomfraktur)
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Buffs von „Lunafaktur-Stiefel“ im Brunnen
des Glanzes nur 15 Sekunden andauern statt die komplette Dauer
- Ein Bug bei „Ursa Furiosa“ wurde behoben, damit Super-Zunahme vom
Bewachen konsistenter zwischen PvE und PvP ist
Das Gesetz des Aufsehers
- Perks bei „Das Gesetz des Aufsehers“ wurden ersetzt, da sie
nicht gut mit dem Archetyp der Waffe funktionierten
- „Dreifach“ wurde mit „Futterrausch“ ersetzt
- „Aller guten Dinge sind Vier“ wurde mit „Zen-Moment“
- „Das Gesetz des Aufsehers“ kommt nun mit Kugel-Kondensstreifen
- Das zugehörige Perk von „Das Gesetz des Aufsehers“ wurde
aktualisiert, damit man es besser von den „Aggressive
Salve“-Pistolen unterscheiden kann
Scout-Gewehre mit hohem Einschlag
- Schaden von Scout-Gewehren mit hoher Einschlagskraft um 1.87 %
- Schnellfeuer-Gehäuse bei Schrotflinten beschleunigt nun das
Nachladen aller Schrotflinten-Hülsen, wenn sie leer sind, statt nur
bei der ersten Hülse
- Das Röhrenlauf-Perk wird jetzt nach 3 Schüssen
- Die Röhrenlauf-Beschreibung wurde aktualisiert, um die
neue Funktionsweise zu erläutern und um einen Fehler zu
korrigieren, bei dem erhöhte Präzision statt erhöhtem
Nachladetempo beschrieben wurde
- Erhöht Reichweite bei MPs leicht
- Leicht erhöhte Präzision bei Schweren Maschinengewehren
Exotische Waffen
- Schaden der Prometheus-Linse um 10 % erhöht
Hartes Licht
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem „Hartes Licht“ feindliche
Banner-Schilde überpenetrieren konnte
- „Memento Mori“ wurde auf 5 Kugeln reduziert, aber kann jetzt
beim Nachladen aktualisiert werden ohne, dass man alle
Bonusschaden-Kugel loswerden muss
- Hüllenanimation für „Der Königinnenbrecher“ wurde gefixt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem manche Partikeleffekte in
Erste-Person-Ansicht erschienen, wenn man „Eintausend Stimmen“ benutzte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Bögen manchmal unsichtbar wurden, wenn
man sie anlegte
- Die Klingenfeuer-Animation wurde aufgebessert, wenn der Spieler einen
Bogen hält
- Ein Fleck, den man vergessen hatte, wurde im Borealis-Ornament der
Freundesempfehlung poliert
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Nockpunkt eines Pfeils verzögert
wurde, wenn der Spieler Munition aufhob, während der Bogen sowohl verstaut
als auch ohne Munition war
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den das „Kopfsucher“-Perk nicht mehr
funktionierte, wenn es mehrere Male aktiviert wurde, ohne dass man gestorben
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Ikelos- Handfeuerwaffe und -Schrotflinte
die Symbole für Dienstvergehen und Chaperon im Nachruf anzeigten
- Die Schussanimationen des Granatenwerfers wurden verbessert, um das Auf-
und Abdrehen des Fadenkreuzes zu entfernen
- Granatenwerferanimationen während Springen wurden verbessert, damit der
Schaft nicht die Erste-Person-Kamera versperrt
- Scharfschützengewehr- und Maschinengewehranimationen während Springen
wurden verbessert, damit der Schaft nicht die Erste-Person-Kamera versperrt
- Ein Animationsbug wurde gefixt, der auftrat, wenn man mit einem
Maschinengewehr gleichzeitig ging und schoss
- Sprintanimation der Traktorkanone wurde verbessert, damit es sich
natürlicher anfühlt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Schwerter mit Mods droppten, die für
Raketenwerfer gedacht waren und Raketenwerfer mit Mods, die für Schwerter
gedacht waren
- Schnelltreffer zeigt jetzt einen Statuseffekt-Buff bei Aktivierung an
- Bekanntes Problem: Präzise Scharfschützengewehr-Kills stapeln
das Perk zweimal – wird in einem späteren Patch gefixt
- Exotische Perkbeschreibung von „Treueschwur“ wurde aktualisiert, um die
Änderung am Bogenwechseltempo zu entfernen
- Beschreibung für das „Unermüdliche Klinge“-Perk wurde aktualisiert, um
das eigentliche Verhalten zu reflektieren, bei dem Munition bei jedem
zweiten Schwert-Kill zurückgegeben wird
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den das Schwungübertragung-Perk nicht
richtig funktionierte
- Hexenkessel wird als 6v6-rotierende Playlist mit Scoring-Unterstützung
für neue Forsaken-Supers zurückkommen
- Lockdown und Showdown kommen als rotierende Playlisten zurück und wurden
den Privatmatches hinzugefügt
- Versengt und Team-Versengt wurden den Privatmatches hinzugefügt
- Es gibt neue Shaxx-Lines, die zwischen Rumble, Lockdown, Showdown und
ein paar speziellen Medaillen verteilt sind
- Modi mit Einzelrunden (Konflikt, Kontrolle, etc) enden nun mit einem
„Match abgeschlossen“-Countdown, ähnlich denen, die bei abgeschlossenen
Runden in rundenbasierten Modi angezeigt werden
- Neue Schmelztiegel-Medaillen und zugehörige Triumphe für
Forsaken-Supers, dem Maschinengewehr-Waffenarchetyp sowie für den
Lockdown-Modus wurden hinzugefügt
- Zwei neue Goldstufen-Medaillen wurden hinzugefügt – Frohe Jagd!
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die „Der Zyklus“-Medaille nicht korrekt
gezählt wurde
- Eisenbanner vergibt nun einzigartige Medaillen im Eisenbanner-Stil mit
dazugehörigem Audiosignal
- Eisenbanner hat nun neue „Match abgeschlossen“-Banner
- Tapferkeit und Ruhm sind nun in drei Unterränge aufgeteilt, ähnlich wie
in Gambit
- Der Rang „Legendär“ für Tapferkeit und Ruhm wurde NICHT unterteilt
- Bei Tapferkeit müssen Spieler NICHT auf „Legendär“ gewinnen
Shaxx bietet neue Gegenstände zum Direktkauf an
- Spieler müssen Tapferkeit verdienen, um diese Gegenstände zu
- Ein neues Set saisonaler Gegenstände wurde zu Shaxx‘s Inventar
- Exklusive Gegenstände aus vergangenen Saisons wurden entfernt
- Ein neue Quest für eine Spitzenwaffe wurde zu Shaxx‘s Inventar
- Damit Spieler mit jedem Charakter Fortschritt erzielen können,
hat jeder Schritt kontoübergreifende Ziele
- Für diese Quest muss man zwei Arten von Zielen abschließen:
Erreiche einen bestimmten Rang und schließe einen bestimmten Triumph
ab; diese können in beliebiger Reihenfolge abgeschlossen werden
- Vorherige Spitzenwaffen-Quests werden weiterhin bei Shaxx verfügbar sein
- Ruchlosigkeits-Rangprämien wurden geändert, um besser zu Tapferkeit und
Ruhm zu passen Unterrangaufstiege vergeben nun immer Legendäre
Beutezüge und Quests
- Ruchlosigkeits-Rangpunkte für alle Gambit-Beutezüge wurden verdoppelt
- Die Ziele zahlreicher Beutezüge wurden neu getunt, damit sie weniger
Zeit beanspruchen und einfacher abzuschließen sind
- Neuer Täglicher Beutezug, bei dem man Urzeitler-Gesandte vernichten
muss, wurde der täglichen Rotation hinzugefügt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem man bei der „Dienstvergehen“-Quest auch
im Schmelztiegel Fortschritt erzielen konnte
ANMERKUNG: Wenn S5 beginnt und Ruchlosigkeit zurückgesetzt wird, muss
man ein Gambit-Match spielen, bevor man Beutezüge (egal, welche) einlöst.
man sie in Saison der Schmiede ab, bevor man ein Gambit-Match gespielt hat,
erhält man keine Punkte für den Ruchlosigkeits-Rang aus diesen Beutezügen.
- Aufholmechaniken wurden angepasst, damit das führende Team einen
größeren Vorteil hat
- Das zurückliegende Team erhält nun höchstens einen Bonus-Stapel des
Urzeit-Schlächter-Buffs (vorher erhielten sie bis zu drei Stapel, je
nachdem, wie weit sie zurücklagen)
- Die Zeit bevor der Bonus-Stapel aktiv wird, wurde von 22 Sekunden auf 32
- Urzeitler werden nicht mehr so oft betäubt bei rapiden Attacken von
äußerst koordinierten Teams
- Fehlercodes, die in der Spielersuche auftreten und zu potenziellen
Aufgabestrafen führen, werden weiterhin untersucht
- „Letzter Wunsch“-Raid-Beutezüge stehen jetzt jedem offen, der Zugriff
auf eben jenen Raid hat
Erfordert nicht Clan-Rang 4
- Eine neue Fortschrittssaison ist verfügbar, mit neuen Höhepunkten, denen
man nachjagen kann
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Verbrauchsgegenstand „Regenmacher“
keinen Glimmerregen von besiegten Feinden einbrachte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Geist-Perk „Pflichtverteidiger“ nicht
korrekt bei Öffentlichen Events auf Mars, in der Wirrbucht oder der
Träumenden Stadt aktiviert wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die einzigartigen Dämmerungs-Prämien
nicht wie vorgesehen für Leute, die Forsaken NICHT besitzen, droppten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem man, wenn man keine Primus-Engramme
aufhob, man mehr verdienen konnte als der Primusbestimmtheit-Buff vorsah,
dass man eine Zeit lang ein Defizit an Primus-Engrammen hatte und zwar
korrespondierend zur Anzahl der extra Primus-Engramme
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Titel des „Standhaft“-Triumphs „Triff
Sloane auf dem Mond Titan“ war (Man muss immer noch zu Sloane auf den Mond
- 2 fehlende Jahr 2-Waffenmeisterwaffen wurden den Sammlungen hinzugefügt
(wegen Zufallsrolls kann man sie nicht kaufen)
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „BrayTech RWP Typ
II“-Scout-Gewehr für manche Spieler nicht in den Sammlungen zählte
- Noch nicht verdiente Saison 4-Ausrüstung ist nun versteckt
PvP Karte "New Pacific Arcology" auf Titan nun auch auf Xbox verfügbar
Rüstung / Waffen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das man Plünderer-Perks nutzen
konnte, um Schwere Munition von Truppkameraden zu erhalten, die selbst
ein Missgeschick verursacht haben
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Feuerrate bei
Scout-Gewehren mit hoher Einschlagskraft nicht bei 150 SpM lag
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Schlagkraft-Anzeigeleiste für Fusionsgewehre beim Upgrade eines
Aufladezeit-Meisterwerks nicht aktualisiert wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das keine Kills
erforderlich waren, um die Super-Dauer zu verlängern
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Super nach 10
oder mehr Kills nicht verlängert wurde
Chromatisches Feuer
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Explosionen weniger
Schaden als beabsichtigt verursachten
- Die Munitionsmenge, die man vom Maschinengewehr-Plünderer-Perk
erhält, wurde reduziert, um sie an andere Plünderer-Perks für
Powerwaffen anzugleichen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Schwarze
Waffenkammer“-Waffen manchmal zweimal den gleichen Perk als Zufallsroll
- Doppelte Perks wurden im Talentgrid der einzelnen Waffen ersetzt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Der Gipfel“ für Spieler,
die Forsaken nicht besitzen, über dem angemessenen Powerlevel droppte,
wodurch die Waffe nicht ausgerüstet wurde und man sie erst aus den
Sammlungen holen musste
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Tapferkeits-Ränge nicht die
eigentlichen Rangwerte anzeigten
Das ist nur ein visueller Fix. Die Ränge haben seit dem
Beginn der Saison der Schmiede richtig funktioniert.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das manchmal das falsche Team
den Zuspruch für das Eliminieren des Aszendent-Urzeitler-Servitors bekam
- Die Menge der Munition, die man in Gambit aus den
Powermunition-Kisten erhält, wurde für Fusionsgewehre von 5 auf 3 Schuss
„Schläfer-Simulant“ erhält weiterhin nur 2 Schuss
- Spieler, die mit weniger als 2 Schuss Spezialmunition eliminiert
werden, steigen jetzt immer mit 2 Schuss wieder ein, um den Mangel an
Spezialmunition zu lindern
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler im Ladebildschirm
feststeckten, wenn ein anderer Spieler Gegenstände in ihrem Inventar
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Protheon, der Modul-Geist,
dreimal so groß wurde wie in Update 2.1.0 beabsichtigt
Dieser Strike ist wieder Teil der Spielersuche und kann über
den Navigator gestartet werden
Leviathan & Raid-Trakte
- Die Voraussetzung „Abschluss des Normalen Modus“ wurde für den Start
der Prestige-Modi von „Leviathan, Weltenverschlinger“ und
„Sternenschleuse“ entfernt
Letzter Wunsch
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Destiny 2 während des Kampfs
gegen Morgeth abstürzte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Clan-Perk „Hawthornes
Helden“ nicht die richtigen Prämien gewährte
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Der Besitz des Jahrespasses ist nicht mehr nötig, um den Exotischen
Sparrow „Hecuba-S“ aus den Sammlungen zurückzuerlangen
- Der Besitz des Jahrespasses ist jetzt richtigerweise erforderlich,
um den Sparrow „Imitationsantrieb“ aus den Sammlungen zurückzuerlangen
- Das Zurückerlangen eines Shaders wurde von 3 Sekunden auf 1 Sekunde
- Primus-Engramme erscheinen jetzt häufiger für Spieler unter 550
Power und bieten größere Power-Vorteile, wenn sie entschlüsselt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Sparrow „Echos des
Herolds“ für Spieler gesperrt war, die Dracheneier über mehrere
Charaktere zerstört haben
- Wir entwickeln zurzeit einen Fix für einen zukünftigen
Patch, um Spielern zu helfen, die vor diesem Update bereits
alle Eier zerstört haben Update 2.1.3 ist vorläufig für den
18. Dezember 2018 geplant
- „Saat des Lichts“ wurde für „Der Blinde Quell (Heroisch)“ als
Drop-Möglichkeiten hinzugefügt
- Der Erfolg / die Trophäe „Auf dass du nicht gerichtet wirst“ kann
abgeschlossen werden, indem man Xûr besucht
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Löse das
Rätsel“-Triumph nicht richtig freigeschaltet wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Amanda Holliday einen
fehlerhaften Benachrichtigungs-Wegweiser hatte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Festival der
Verlorenen“-Rüstung nicht zum Meisterwerk gemacht werden konnte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Gegenstände nicht zum
Meisterwerk gemacht werden konnten,
wenn Spieler keine
Verbesserungskerne im Inventar hatten, selbst wenn das Meisterwerk gar
keine Kerne kostet
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Amanda Hollidays Inventar
nicht zu den richtigen Zeiten aktualisiert wurde
- Wenn eine Aktivität im Navigator ausgewählt wird, die über
Checkpoints verfügt, können Spieler jetzt ihren aktuellen Checkpoint vor
dem Start der Aktivität löschen
Dazu gehören „Letzter Wunsch“, „Geißel der Vergangenheit“,
„Leviathan, Weltenverschlinger“ und „Sternenschleuse“
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Vorhut-Knoten im
Navigator keine aktiven Herausforderungen anzeigte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die
Endgegner-Begegnung in „Geißel der Vergangenheit“ nicht richtig
- Animationsfehler bei den
Erwachten-Korsaren wurde behoben, sodass es nicht mehr so
aussieht, als ob sie unsichtbare Gewehre halten
- Ein seltener Bug in „Geißel der
Vergangenheit“ wurde gefixt, durch den Spieler keinen
Ladungsstrahlen-Buff erhielten, wenn sie ein Terminal mit
Nahkampf attackierten
- Ein Fehler bei Brakions Waffe wurde
behoben, damit er jetzt wieder auf Hüter schießen kann
- Spieler werden jetzt innerhalb der
Arena mit dem abgestürzten Schiff gespawnt statt am Spawn-Punkt
der vorherigen Phase, was sie hinter die
Spawn-Encounter-Schranke platzierte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Schwere
Munition nicht korrekt in der Konvergenz auftauchte
Gegenstände und Wirtschaft
- Spieler unter 600 Power können nun
mächtigere Prämien erhalten, wenn sie
Navigator-Herausforderungen absolvieren
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem
Waffenformen fälschlicherweise aus dem Inventar verschwanden,
wenn man andere Schmieden abschloss
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler
nicht richtig belohnt wurden, wenn sie eine Schmiede-Aktivität
abschlossen, der sie beigetreten waren, während sie bereits im
Gange war
- Spieler können nun auf
Schmiede-Beutezüge zugreifen, bevor sie eine Schmiede-Aktivität
abgeschlossen haben
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler
nicht das „Geißel der Vergangenheit“-Abzeichen oder den Triumph
erhielten, obwohl der Raid in den ersten 24 Stunden
abgeschlossen wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem
Maschinenpistolen, die man aus Forschungs-Waffenformen bekam,
nicht mit den richtigen Perks kamen
- Wenn man den Träumende Stadt-Triumph
„Aszendenten-Paragon“ abschließt und abholt, bekommt man immer
das „Geheime Siege“-Abzeichen und seine Transzendent-Variante.
Für Spieler, die diesen Triumph bereits
abgeholt haben, wird die Variante automatisch freigeschaltet,
wenn sie in den Orbit zurückkehren
- Der Saison 4-Shader
„Schmelztiegel-Festlichkeit“ wurde als Bedingung für die
Sammlungen-Plakette „Im Feuer geschmiedet“ entfernt
- Ein Bug wurde endlich behoben, bei dem
Spieler nicht „Echos des Herolds“ bekamen, obwohl sie Eier mit
verschiedenen Charakteren zerstört hatten.
Der Sparrow wird im Inventar betroffener
Spieler erscheinen und bei der Rückkehr zum Orbit in den
Sammlungen freigeschaltet
- Die Jahrespass-Bedingung zur Abholung
des „Kuratorin der Schwarzen Waffenkammer“-Triumph wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der
„Gesandte aus der Hölle“-Beutezug nicht korrekt in Spanisch,
Russisch oder Französisch angezeigt wurde
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Saison
der Schmiede-Shader nur langsam zerlegt werden konnten
- Wenn man „Nachladen“ drückt, während
man ein Fusionsgewehr auflädt, wird nachgeladen.
Wenn man zuvor
„Nachladen“ drückte, während man ein Fusionsgewehr auflud,
passierte nichts
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem
SUROS-Maschinengewehre (Lawine) mehr Rückstoß als beabsichtigt
- Kills mit der sechsschüssigen Kanone bringen eine Kugel ins
Magazin zurück
- Die Super-Regenerierung für „Übung macht den Meister“ wurde
- Der Schaden liegt jetzt sehr stark auf der verzögerten Explosion
statt auf den Messertreffern
- Verursacht jetzt Selbstschaden, wenn die Messer zu nah am
Spieler explodieren
- Wir haben einen Bug behoben, durch den die Messer Verbündete
Nachtpirscher Änderungen
- Der gesamte Schadensbonus liegt auf dem ersten Treffer, statt
dass dieser sich stapelt und multipliziert
- Der Radius und die Dauer der Bindung wurden erhöht
- Es ist jetzt leichter, aufeinanderfolgende Bindungen abzufeuern
- Die Schadensresistenz, während man sich im Tarnzustand befindet,
wurde verringert
- Die Dauer der Super wurde leicht verringert, während man sich im
Tarnzustand befindet
Arkusakrobat Änderungen:
- Der Super-Schaden liegt jetzt mehr auf dem Schweren Handstoß-Angriff
Kein Angriffsschaden wurde verringert, aber der Großteil des
erhöhten Schadens dieser Super liegt jetzt beim Schweren Angriff
- Der Bonus-Schaden für „Tödlicher Strom“ wurde erhöht
Sonnenbezwinger Änderung:
- Sonnenflecken: Wir haben den Schaden des Feuers gegenüber Feinden verdoppelt
- Die Buff-Dauer wurde von 3 Sekunden auf 5 Sekunde erhöht
- Jetzt wird dadurch SÄMTLICHER verursachter Schaden erhöht
Brandhammer Änderungen
- Der Einschlagsradius wurde erhöht
- Die Zielsuche des Feuertornados wurde verbessert
Sentinel Änderungen:
- Der Super-Schaden liegt jetzt mehr auf dem Schweren Schild-Angriff
Kein Angriffsschaden wurde verringert, aber der Großteil des
erhöhten Schadens dieser Super liegt jetzt beim Schweren Angriff
Stürmer Änderungen:
Die Zeit in der Luft wird jetzt in drei Stufen eingeteilt
- Die Dauer und Höhe der Zeit in der Luft wurde für jede
Stufe überarbeitet
- Jede dieser Stufen lässt euch jetzt vier statt drei
Schocks ausführen
- Der Schaden für den Bonus, den ihr durch Zeit in der
Luft erhaltet, wurde stark erhöht
- Die Super-Nutzungskosten für den Leichten Schulterangriff wurden
um circa 85 % reduziert
- „Stampfen“ kann jetzt alle 0,5 Sekunden statt einmal pro Sekunde
eingesetzt werden
Dämmerklinge Änderung:
- Die Super-Dauer wurde verlängert
Leere-Läufer Änderungen:
- Der Explosionsradius wurde erhöht
- Der Schaden durch Clusterbomben wurde erhöht
- Wir haben die Zielsuche der Clusterbombe verbessert, um sie
gegen einzelne Ziele wirkungsvoller zu machen
- Clusterbomben lassen sich jetzt nicht mehr gegenseitig
- Der Verweilschaden wurde stark erhöht
- Während des Aufladens bewegt man sich langsamer
- Das Aufladen verbraucht mehr Energie und die Nutzungsdauer wurde
- Die Schadensresistenz wurde leicht reduziert
- Der PvP-Schaden wurde reduziert
Eine aufgeladene Explosion kann einen Spieler, der eine
Super gezündet hat, nicht mehr mit einem Treffer eliminieren,
wenn diese Super Schadensresistenz bietet
Sturmbeschwörer Änderungen:
- Die Anzahl der Ziele für den Kettenblitz wurde um 1 erhöht
- Die Landezone beim Turm-Anbau ist jetzt für alle Spieler verfügbar
- Der Vagabund ist in den Turm-Anbau umgezogen
- Tägliche Clan-Beutezüge wurden entfernt
- In Saison 6 kann wieder Clan-EP verdient werden, indem man einfach
Aktivitäten abschließt
- Wöchentliche Clan-Beutezüge wurden in „Hawthornes Beutezüge“
umbenannt, um sie von den Raid-Herausforderungen zu unterscheiden, die
sich auch in Hawthornes Inventar befinden
- Diese Hawthorne-Beutezüge sind in 3 Kategorien unterteilt: PvE, PvP
und Raid.
- Raid-Herausforderungsbeutezüge werden bei Hawthorne weiterhin für
die „Letzter Wunsch“- und „Geißel der Vergangenheit“-Raids verfügbar
- Für Saison 6 wurden einige neue Clan-Perks hinzugefügt und einige
alte Clan-Perks sind zurückgekehrt
- Der Feuerratenbonus beim vollautomatischen Abzugssystem
wurde von 100 % auf 10 % reduziert
- Das vollautomatische Abzugssystem erhöht die Streuung der
Schrotkugeln nicht mehr
- Alle Schrotflinten erhalten einen Schadensmultiplikator in
PvE-Aktivitäten, wodurch der verursachte Schaden quasi
verdoppelt wird („Legende von Acrius“ ist davon ausgenommen)
- Die Munitionsreserven für Schrotflinten wurden überarbeitet,
um den erhöhten Schaden zu kompensieren
- Der Basisschaden für Schrotflinten wurde durch die Bank
reduziert, um den neuen Feuerraten der Sub-Archetypen zu
Die Feuerratenwerte wurden angepasst
- Aggressive Gehäuse liegen jetzt bei 55 Schuss pro
Minute (vorher 45 SpM)
- Präzise Gehäuse liegen jetzt bei 65 SpM (vorher 55
- Leichtgewichtige Gehäuse bleiben bei 80 SpM
(fälschlicherweise wurden für sie zuvor 90 SpM
- Schnellfeuer-Gehäuse liegen bei 140 SpM – inklusive
der intrinsischen Vollautomatik (vorher 100 SpM, aber
die intrinsische Vollautomatik verdoppelte dies zu einer
Rate von 200 SpM)
- Der Chaperon liegt jetzt bei 70 SpM (vorher 60 SpM)
- Die Traktorkanone kommt auf 80 SpM
(fälschlicherweise wurde für sie zuvor 84 SpM angegeben)
- „Legende von Acrius“ liegt jetzt bei 55 SpM (vorher
45 SpM)
- Der Basisschaden wurde leicht erhöht
- Der Präzisionsschaden wurde leicht verringert
- Der Munitionsbonus des Maschinengewehr-Reserven-Perks wurde
um die Hälfte reduziert
- Schaden gegen Bosse und Mini-Bosse wurde um 21 % verringert
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 30 % erhöht
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 25 % erhöht
- Die Munitionsreserven wurden für die meisten Granatenwerfer
- In den meisten Fällen haben Granatenwerfer drei Geschosse
für die Reserven erhalten, jedoch kann diese Zahl von den Perks
abhängen (Auf alles gefasst, etc.)
- BEKANNTES PROBLEM: Die Startmunition in PvE wurde reduziert
– dies wird in einem zukünftigen Patch behoben
- Magazin-Perks und -Mods beeinflussen jetzt nicht mehr die
- Der „Schnellzugriff-Riemen“-Mod kann jetzt auf jeden
Archetyp angewandt werden (dadurch kann dieser Mod auch auf „Der
Gipfel“ angewandt werden)
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 60 – 65 % erhöht
- Schaden wurde um 80 % reduziert
- Der dadurch verlorengegangene Schaden wurde auf das
Hauptprojektil des Raketenwerfers übertragen
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 10 % erhöht („Schläfer-Simulant“ ist
davon ausgenommen)
- Zielhilfe wurde reduziert
- Der Zielhilfe-Bonus wurde vom Kampfvisier-Zielfernrohr
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
Königinnenbrecher die doppelte Zielhilfe hatte
Doppelschwänziger Fuchs
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 26 % erhöht
Eintausend Stimmen
- PvE-Schaden wurde um 25 % erhöht
- PvE-Schaden gegen Boss-Feinde wurde um 115 % erhöht; bei
schwächeren Feinden kann die Erhöhung bis zu 160 % erreichen
Schwarze Klaue
- PvE-Projektilschaden wurde um 15 % erhöht
- Die Munitionsreserven wurden verringert (von maximal 13 auf
maximal 9 Schuss ohne Rüstungsperks oder Meisterwerk)
Wispern des Wurms
- Die Munitionsreserven wurden verringert (von maximal 20 auf
maximal 9 Schuss ohne Rüstungsperks)
Tyrannei des Himmels
- Der „Tyrannei des Himmels“-Bogen kann jetzt mit zufälligen
Perks droppen
Allgemeine Waffen- und Perk-Fehlerbehebungen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das
Blitzableiter-Perk von „Dreifaltigkeitsghoul“ manchmal trotz
eines Präzisionskills nicht aktiviert wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das man aus der Dritten
Person die Arkus-Effekte des „Gespaltenes Elektron“-Perks
schweben sehen konnte, wenn dieses für „Dreifaltigkeitsghoul“
angewendet wurde
- Die Auflösung der Aufkleber des „Schmuse-Explosion“-Ornaments von
„Doppelschwänziger Fuchs“ in der Dritten Person wurde verbessert
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „Kurz und
bündig“-Ornament von „Das Letzte Wort“ in der Dritten Person nicht
richtig angezeigt wurde
- Die Animation, die zeigt, wie die Kugeln durch das Magazin laden,
wurde für das „Fix und fertig“-Ornament von „Gefürchtetes Wagnis“
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Schnelltreffer“ bei
einem Präzisionskill mit einem Scharfschützengewehr zweimal
aktiviert wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Timer für
„Schnelltreffer x5“ nach einem weiteren Präzisionstreffer nicht
verlängert wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Wirbelwindklinge mit
bestimmten Perk-Kombinationen nicht fünfmal gestapelt werden konnte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
Meisterwerk-Schlagkraftschaden bei Schwertern zwischen Stufe 7 und 8
gleich war
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das bestimmte Perk-, Mod-
und Meisterwerk-Kombinationen dazu führten, dass Schwert-Perks auf
„Strykers Verlässlichkeit“ nicht funktionierten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Le Monarque“ über
längere Distanzen nicht immer Gift freisetzte
- „Le Monarque“ ist jetzt richtigerweise unter dem Energie-Tab
in der Sammlungen-Ansicht zu finden
- Die Beschreibung für das „Hochspannungssehne“-Perk wurde
aktualisiert, um die deutlich erhöhte Präzision wiederzugeben
- Die Beschreibung für das „Ladungsschuss“-Perk von Jötunn wurde
aktualisiert, um zu beinhalten, was gedrückt gehalten werden muss, um
den Schuss aufzuladen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Libelle-Spezifikation
unter bestimmten Latenz-Bedingungen nicht richtig funktionierte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das beim Zielfernrohr von
Izanagis Bürde gewisse visuelle Effekte von Fähigkeiten oder beim
Überfallen in Gambit dazu führten, dass die Sicht beim Zielen versperrt
Langer Schatten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „ATD
Raptor“-Zielfernrohr Feinde nicht markierte
- Dieser Fix hat jedoch ein weiteres Problem verursacht, bei
dem das „ATB Langstrecke“-Zielfernrohr Feinde markiert; dies
wird in einem zukünftigen Update behoben
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Zufalls-Perk-Warnung bei
den Tooltips für die Zufalls-Perk-Versionen von „Crimils Dolch“ und „Die
Last des Helden“ nicht angezeigt wurde
Memento Mori
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „Memento
Mori“-Perk von „Pikass“ nicht aktualisiert wurde, wenn das
Scharfschützen-Ausweichen des Jägers benutzt wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem „Memento Mori“
frühzeitig abgebrochen wurde, wenn der Spieler sprintete
- Anmerkung: Diese Fehlerbehebungen führen dazu, dass „Memento
Mori“ durch das Nachladen von „Pikass“ nicht länger deaktiviert
aber man kann „Memento Mori“ weiterhin durch das Nachladen
nach einem Kill erneuern
- Hinterlader-Granatenwerfer haben jetzt ihr eigenes Symbol im
Kill-Feed und im Nachruf, um sie von Trommel-Granatenwerfern zu
- „Röhrenlauf“ wird jetzt bei Ballblitz-Angriffen auf kurzer Distanz
ausgelöst, die dazu führen, dass der Spielercharakter einen
Ausfallschritt macht
- Das maximale Titanen-Tempo, das durch die Verwendung von
Makros auf dem PC erreicht werden kann, wurde reduziert (soll
heißen: Die Effektivität des „Titan-Skaten“ wurde verringert)
- Die Supermenge, die man vom Code des Juggernaut bekommt,
wurde angepasst, damit die Super nicht unendlich genutzt werden
- Dadurch wird die Rückgewinnung vermindert (100 % -> 30 %
Energie-Rückgewinnung im Verlauf von 15 Kills)
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das die Hand-Supernova beim
Überfallen in Gambit nicht richtig wiedergegeben wurde
Rüstung aus Jahr 2 droppt jetzt mit einem zufälligen Stat-Paket
- Schwer
- Restaurativ
- Mobil
- Die Markierungsdauer wurde von 15 Sekunden auf 8 Sekunden
- Gesundheit wird nicht mehr automatisch zurückgegeben,
sondern wird zusammen mit Überschild aufgeladen
- Kann nicht mehr ausgelöst werden, während man eine Super
Khepris Horn
- Die Energieaufladung für Klassenfähigkeiten durch
Solar-Schaden-Kills wurde von 10 % auf 15 % erhöht und die
Abklingzeit wurde von 2 Sekunden auf 1 Sekunde verringert
- Die Solar-Explosionswelle beinhaltet jetzt eine zweite
Welle, die zum Spieler zurückführt
- Der Schaden durch die Explosionswelle wurde von 80 auf 100
- In PvE verursacht die Explosionswelle den doppelten Schaden
Abendandacht von Radius
- Der Schaden wurde von 70 auf 100 erhöht
- In PvE wird der dreifache Schaden verursacht
Versiegelte Ahamkara-Griffe
- Werden jetzt durch Rauchbomben-Schaden ausgelöst
Ursa Furiosa
- Selbstschaden am Leereschild zählt nicht mehr, wenn die
Super-Energie berechnet wird, die zurückgegeben werden soll
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das verbesserte
Rutschen der Antaeus-Schutzausrüstung nicht durchgängig
angewendet wurde
Fehlerbehebungen an Accessoires
- Stoff verhält sich jetzt richtig, wenn man Chopper-Sparrows fliegt
(zum Beispiel: Graue Hornisse und Kriegerross)
- Es wurde ein Problem mit dem Burnout-Sparrow behoben, bei dem der
Hüter manchmal die Lenker nicht griff
- Ein Shader aus der „Fluch des Osiris“-Erweiterung wurde von
„Metallischer Sonnenaufgang“ in „Merkurianischer Sonnenaufgang“
Dadurch sollte ein Problem gelöst werden, bei dem ein
Forsaken-Shader den gleichen Namen trug. Der Forsaken-Shader heißt
weiterhin „Metallischer Sonnenaufgang“
- Die Linsenreflexionseffekte für mehrere Schiffsmotoren wurden
- Die maximale Power wurde auf 700 angehoben
- Mächtige Beutezüge können nur die maximal mögliche Power aus der
Saison gewähren, in der sie angenommen wurden
- Mächtige Beutezüge, die in der Saison der Schmiede
abgeschlossen wurden, können nur eine Prämie mit einer maximalen
Power von 650 gewähren
- Eisenbanner-Beutezüge aus der Saison der Schmiede sind
abgelaufen und wurden ersetzt
- Ätherische Schlüssel aus dem „Letzter Wunsch“-Raid können jetzt bis
maximal 5 gestapelt werden
- Alle Schlüssel über dem Stapellimit von 5 wurden entfernt
- Zielort-Händler zeigen jetzt keinen Wegweiser mehr an, wenn man
genug Materialien für ein Rufpaket hat
- Dies wurde geändert, weil Spieler jetzt Zielort-Materialien zur
Infusion benutzen
- Tapferkeit- und Ruhm-Abzeichen wurden aktualisiert, um nur noch die
Rang-Erfolge der aktuellen Saison anzuzeigen
- Vorherige Saison-Erfolge wurden als Triumphe hinzugefügt; alle
saisonalen Rang-Erfolge werden ab jetzt als Triumphe aufgezeichnet
- Spieler können eine wiederkehrende Waffe mit festgelegten
Perks über den Tapferkeits-Rang erhalten
- Spieler, die die Originalversion erhalten haben, können
diese Waffe durch Engramm-Entschlüsselung mit Zufalls-Rolls
bekommen, ohne den Tapferkeits-Rang erreichen zu müssen.
- Es gibt ein neues Abzeichen, das sich Spieler durch
Triumph-Abschluss verdienen können
- Wiederkehrender Shader, den sich Spieler durch
Triumph-Abschluss verdienen können
- Spieler, die den ursprünglichen Shader bereits verdient
haben, müssen ihn nicht erneut verdienen
- Neue Spitzenwaffen-Quest
- Beinhaltet Triumph-Abschluss-Schritt ähnlich wie bei der
„Der Gipfel“-Quest von Saison 5
- Spieler können eine neue Waffe mit festgelegten Perks über
den Ruchlosigkeits-Rang erhalten
- Es gibt ein neues Abzeichen, das sich Spieler durch
Triumph-Abschluss verdienen können
- Neue Spitzenwaffen-Quest
- Beinhaltet Triumph-Abschluss-Schritt ähnlich wie bei der
„Der Gipfel“-Quest von Saison 5
- Spieler können eine wiederkehrende Waffe mit festgelegten
Perks durch Triumph-Abschluss erhalten
- Spieler, die die Originalversion erhalten haben, können
diese Waffe durch Engramm-Entschlüsselung mit Zufalls-Rolls
bekommen, ohne den Triumph abschließen zu müssen
- Es gibt ein neues Abzeichen, das sich Spieler durch
Triumph-Abschluss verdienen können
- Wiederkehrender Shader, den sich Spieler durch
Triumph-Abschluss verdienen können
- Spieler, die den ursprünglichen Shader bereits verdient
haben, müssen ihn nicht erneut verdienen
- Neue Spitzenwaffen-Quest
- Beinhaltet Triumph-Abschluss-Schritt ähnlich wie bei der
„Der Gipfel“-Quest von Saison 5
- Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass er Forsaken-Exotische
- Beim Schicksal-Engramm besteht keine Chance auf
Forsaken-Exotische (wird in einem zukünftigen Update behoben)
Schwarze Waffenkammer
- Die Lore-Gegenstände „Die Aufzeichnungen der Schwarzen Waffenkammer“
droppen jetzt garantiert, wenn die Gofannon- und Bergusia-Schmieden
erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Obsidian-Beschleuniger-Gegenstände der Schwarzen Waffenkammer nicht in
der Poststelle auftauchten, wenn das Spielerinventar voll war
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Obsidian-Beschleuniger-Gegenstände der Schwarzen Waffenkammer sich nicht
im Spielerinventar stapelten (maximal bis 5 stapelbar)
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Schlüsselguss-Quest der
Schwarzen Waffenkammer an das Konto gebunden war und nur ein Charakter
diese Quest von Ada-1 annehmen konnte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Träumende Stadt“-Truhen
kein Glanz-Amethyst für die Schlüsselguss-Quest der Schwarzen
Waffenkammer gewährten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den bei Spider ein leerer „Schloss und
Schlüssel“-Dialog angezeigt wurde, wenn Spieler diesen Schritt bereits
abgeschlossen und Izanagis Bürde erhalten hatten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Der gehässige
Reißer“-Bogen von der Schwarzen Waffenkammer keine Entwürfe der
Schwarzen Waffenkammer gewährte, wenn er zerlegt wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Seltene
Fortschungs-Waffenformen der Schwarzen Waffenkammer nicht für den
Fortschritt des „Meisterschmied“-Triumphs zählten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Verehrer der Schwarzen
Waffenkammer“-Beutezug nicht weitergeführt werden konnte, wenn
neugeschmiedete „Schwarze Waffenkammer“-Waffen benutzt wurden
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das einige Tägliche
Herausforderungen nicht richtig gestaffelt wurden, wodurch Spieler
manchmal nach der Zurücksetzung keine neue Tägliche Herausforderung
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das für Charaktere, auf die ein
Boost angewandt wurde, die klassenspezifischen Schwerter nicht
freigeschaltet wurden und diese nicht in der Sammlung verfügbar waren
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das für Charaktere, auf die ein
Boost angewandt wurde, die klassenspezifischen Abzeichen nicht
freigeschaltet wurden und diese nicht in der Sammlung verfügbar waren
- Es wurde ein Bug behoben, durch den sich einige Spieler in einem
ungewollten Zustand befanden und keine Saat des Lichts erhalten konnten
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den es so aussah, als würde die
Ausrüstung von Spielercharakteren nicht laden („Tron-Effekt“), wenn zu
viele Spieler ihre Geister aufgerufen hatten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das es länger dauerte als
beabsichtigt, Shader aus der Sammlung zu holen; es dauert jetzt 1
Sekunde, um Shader zurückzuerlangen
- Der Sturm-Quest-Schritt „Relikte des Goldenen Zeitalters“ wurde
aktualisiert; Exotische Engramme, die sich automatisch entschlüsseln,
zählen jetzt für diesen Quest-Schritt
Sammlungen / Triumphe
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das für Spieler, die die „Im
Feuer geschmiedet“-Plakettensammlung von Saison 4 abgeschlossen haben,
der entsprechende Triumph „Im Feuer geschmiedet“ nicht freigeschaltet
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler, die das „Es weht
ein kalter Wind“-Abzeichen in Saison 4 erhalten haben, dieses Abzeichen
nicht aus ihrer Sammlung zurückerlangen konnten
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das „Die ewige
Rückkehr“-Abzeichen die Abschlüsse von „Der Zerbrochene Thron“ nicht
- Es wurde ein Problem mit den Voraussetzungen der
Dämmerung-Herausforderung des „Relikt-Rumble“-Triumphs behoben, um eine
defekte Funktion zu reparieren
- Dies ist die neue Voraussetzung: „Schließe den Dämmerung-Strike ‚Die
Korrumpierte‘ ab, indem du Sedia besiegst und nicht mehr als zwei
Relikte benutzt.“
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Träumende
Stadt“-Triumph „Unversehrt“ nicht richtig freigeschaltet wurde, wenn das
Öffentliche Event „Rift-Generator“ abgeschlossen wurde, ohne dass der
Generatorkern unter 100 % fiel
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Exotische
Sternenkarte-Geisthülle Truhen in der Träumenden Stadt nicht aufspürte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das
Freundesempfehlung-Abzeichen „Pro-Rekrutierer“ nicht die aktuelle Anzahl
an Empfehlungsabschlüssen anzeigte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der
Sammlung-Plaketten-Zähler die falsche Anzahl aller verfügbaren Plaketten
- Aktivitäten, die vom Vagabunden veranstaltet werden, befinden sich
jetzt im Navigator unter dem Knoten namens „Gambit“
- Gambit-Privatmatches wurden für alle Forsaken-Besitzer hinzugefügt
Gambit Prime-Privatmatches sind ab dem 2. April 2019 zu
- Die Auswahl der Spawn-Positionen für Eindringlinge wurde
überarbeitet und die Anzahl der Eindringling-Spawn-Positionen wurde für
jede Karte deutlich erhöht:
Die Chance, dass man ganz in der Nähe oder in direkter
Schusslinie eines gegnerischen Hüters spawnt, wurde stark
- Die dritte Runde von Gambit ist jetzt eine K.O.-Runde, die direkt
mit dem Urzeitler beginnt, dadurch werden Gambit-Matches im Allgemeinen
verkürzt und das Tempo der letzten Runde wird verändert
Der Urzeitler erscheint sofort
Supers/Granaten/Fähigkeiten/Nahkampf aller Spieler sind
sofort aufgefüllt, damit beide Teams die gleichen
Voraussetzungen für die Schlacht haben
Die Nachladerate für Supers/Granaten/Fähigkeiten/Nahkampf
ist für den Rest der Runde erhöht
- Die Spawn-Rate des Aszendent-Urzeitler-Servitors (der Fleischklops)
ist nicht länger an den Fluch-Zyklus gebunden und wurde deutlich erhöht
- Schutz vor Inaktivität: Spieler, die zu lange inaktiv sind, erhalten
am Ende des Matches keine Prämien oder Ruchlosigkeitspunkte
- Anpassungen der Blocker-Typen nach Abgabe-Menge:
Kleiner Blocker = Besessenen-Goblin mit weniger Gesundheit
als bisherige Phalanx
Mittelgroßer Blocker = Besessenen-Captain mit mehr
Gesundheit als bisheriger Ritter
Großer Blocker = Besessenen-Ritter mit mehr Gesundheit als
bisheriger Oger
- Teams werden jetzt immer aufgelöst, wenn die Spielersuche nach einem
Match beginnt
- Zuvor wurden Spieler, die bei Match-Ende nicht in den Orbit
zurückkehrten, zusammen zurück in die Spielersuche gebracht. Das ist
jetzt nicht mehr der Fall
- Dadurch wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit, erneut gegen dieselben Spieler
anzutreten, deutlich verringert und die Spielersuche hat die
Möglichkeit, die bestmöglichen Kombinationen zu finden
- Spieler können jetzt Ruchlosigkeitspunkte verdienen, indem sie
Gambit Prime-Matches und -Beutezüge abschließen
- Die zu erhaltenden Ruchlosigkeitspunkte für Gambit-Matches wurden um
25 Punkte erhöht
- Die HUD-Statusleisten sind jetzt animiert, wenn man das Zielen durch
die Zielvorrichtung beendet
- Das Symbol auf der Statusleiste, das anzeigt, dass das
Eindringlingsportal bereit ist, wurde aktualisiert, um auf einen Blick
deutlicher und verständlicher zu sein
Triumphe und Medaillen
- Für „Licht gegen Licht“ kann jetzt Fortschritt erzielt werden, indem
man beliebige Hüter (nicht nur Eindringlinge) mit einer Super eliminiert
– dadurch liegt der Titel „Dredgen“ in erreichbarerer Nähe
- Die „Erster Block“-Medaille kann jetzt einmal pro Runde ausgelöst
werden (zuvor ging das nur einmal pro Match)
- Das Zeitlimit des „Schnell gefüllt“-Triumphes wurde von 5 Sekunden
auf 7.5 Sekunde erhöht
Allgemeine Fehlerbehebungen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Eindringling-Kills während
der Urzeitler-Phase, die erst nach der Rückkehr des Eindringlings
eintraten, dem Eindringling die Heilung des Urzeitlers nicht
zugesprochen haben
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Audio-Ankündigungen,
dass das Hochrangige Ziel eliminiert wurde und dass das Hochrangige Ziel
entkommen konnte, beide abgespielt wurden, wenn ein Spieler das HZ
eliminierte, kurz bevor es verschwand
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler jedes Mal die „Halbe
Miete“-Medaille erhielten, wenn sie nach dem Erreichen von 38 abgegeben
Partikeln weitere Partikel abgaben
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die „Der Reihe
nach“-Medaille ausgelöst wurde, wenn 3 statt 4 unterschiedliche Spieler
Eindringling waren
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das bei einem Wasserfall in
„Legion-Prunkbau“ ein grafischer Fehler zu sehen war
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Vagabund gelegentlich
Spielern mehrmals hintereinander ankündigte, dass das andere Team den
Urzeitler beschworen hat
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Vagabund in einem
längeren Match die Spieler daran erinnerte, dass sie für einen Sieg den
Urzeitler beschwören müssen, nachdem dieser bereits eliminiert wurde
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Beutezug „Da habe ich
Block drauf“ nicht weiterzählte, wenn ein großer Blocker geschickt
wurde, der auch gleichzeitig den Urzeitler beschwor
- Die Sicherheitsrichtlinien und -Funktionen wurden aktualisiert,
damit Spieler, die von kompetitiven Aktivitäten ausgeschlossen wurden,
nicht auf die Gambit-Playlist zugreifen können
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das Heilen in
Schmelztiegel-Matches den Gesamtschaden eines Spielers in der
Nachspielstatistik verringerte
Letzter Wunsch
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Spieler häufig auf
GUITAR-Fehlercodes stießen
- Das Glanz-Engramm aus Saison 5 („Brand-Engramm“ genannt) gibt es
nicht mehr. Stattdessen können Spieler jetzt das neue Glanz-Engramm von
Saison 6 erhalten, das „Gesetzloses Engramm“ heißt
- Die Prisma-Matrix wurde entfernt. Zusätzliche Informationen dazu
gibt es in „Diese Woche bei Bungie – 28.2.2019“
- Es wurde ein Pop-Up-Fenster hinzugefügt, das erscheint, wenn man mit
vollem Inventar Pakete öffnet. Es weist darauf hin, dass Gegenstände zur
Poststelle geschickt werden, wenn man fortfährt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Fortschrittsleisten für
Meisterwerk-Aufgaben 100 % anzeigen konnten, obwohl diese nicht
abgeschlossen waren
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Legendäre
Meisterwerk-Gegenstände nicht als Meisterwerke angezeigt wurden, wenn
man andere Spieler inspizierte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Meisterwerk-UI nicht
skaliert wurde, um ultraweite Monitore auszufüllen
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Fortschrittsleiste unter
Triumphen manchmal vollständig gefüllt waren, auch wenn ein Triumph noch
nicht abgeschlossen war
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das das Übertragen von
Gegenständen mit der Destiny-Gefährten-App kontinuierlich
Triumph-Benachrichtigungen auslöste
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das
Wöchentliche Beutezüge sonntags statt mit der Wöchentlichen Zurücksetzung
dienstags zurückgesetzt wurden.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Aufträge von „Dienstvergehen“ und „Halsbruch“ in Gambit und Gambit Prime
nicht wie erwartet fortschritten.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem der „Der
beste Angriff“-Triumph, durch welchen man Sauerstoff SG3 erhält,
nicht die korrekte Anzahl der erschaffenen Sphären
des Lichts zählte, die in Strikes erzeugt wurden.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das gewisse
Urzeitler in Gambit Prime verschwanden.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das auf
„Kell-Grab“ und „Kathedrale der Narben“ Blocker nicht erschienen. Wir
aktivieren diese Karten wieder, sobald das Problem gelöst ist.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das einige
Gambit-Quests und -Beutezüge nicht richtig fortschritten.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem in Gambit
fälschlicherweise angekündigt wurde, dass Partikel von Spielern verloren
gegangen sind, wenn sie von einem gegnerischen Eindringling besiegt wurden.
- Spieler sollten jetzt mächtigere Prämien bis 690 Power
von Täglichen und Wöchentlichen Navigator-Herausforderungen erhalten
Sobald man 690 Power erreicht, bekommt man von diesen
Prämien immer noch kleinere Poweranstiege (meist +1 Power verglichen mit der
Durchschnittspower eines Spielers)
Quests und Beutezüge
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem manche Spieler keinen
Zugriff auf die Loyalitäts-Quest hatten, wenn ihr Aufträge-Inventar voll war
- Die Bedingungen, um den Wöchentlichen Sammler-Beutezug
für Gambit Prime abzuschließen, wurden reduziert
Die Bedingungen für diesen Beutezug sollte jetzt denen
der anderen Wöchentlichen Beutezüge gleichen
- Der Glas-Modifikator wurde aus der Täglichen
Abrechnung-Modifikatorrotation entfernt
Er wurde mit dem Prisma-Modifikator ersetzt
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der „Arsenal
des Dunklen Zeitalters“-Triumph nicht richtig freigeschaltet wurde,
wenn man
Gambit-Matches mit einem kompletten Gambit-Ausrüstungsset gewann
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem
Ruhm-Gewinnsträhnen-Triumphe von vorherigen Saisons bei Siegen in der Saison des
Vagabunden aktualisiert wurden
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler die
Klingenfeuer-Super canceln konnten, so dass sie in nichtspielbare Gebiete
geschleudert wurde
- Spieler können nun Stapel aus 5 Gambit-Synths beim
Vagabund gegen 100 Glimmer eintauschen
- Dropraten für Geist, Schiff und Sparrow wurden für
ihre jeweiligen Aktivitäten verdoppelt, verdreifacht oder sogar noch mehr
„Letzter Wunsch“-Deko
- Dropraten für Geist, Schiff und Sparrow wurden für
ihre jeweiligen Checkpoints verdoppelt, verdreifacht oder sogar noch mehr
Eintausend Stimmen
- Diese Exotische bleibt auch weiterhin ein rares
Stück, aber die Chancen darauf sind jetzt eeetwas besser
Höhere Dropraten für verschiedene Lore-Bücher
Caydes Versteck
Die Träumende Stadt
Einladungen der Neun
- Aktuell müssen Spieler eine Einladung der Neun bis
zur Zurücksetzung dienstags abgeschlossen haben, damit freitags eine neue
- Nach Update 2.2.1 hat man bis zur Zurücksetzung
donnerstags um 19 Uhr MESZ Zeit, um die Einladung abzuschließen
Power-Malus in der Dämmerung
- In der Saison des Vagabunden wurde die Fünf der
Schwerter-Karte aktualisiert, sodass Punkte-Multiplikatoren nur noch
angewandt werden, nachdem ein Power-Malus von 100+ angesetzt wurde
- In Update 2.2.1 fügen wir 25+ sowie maximale
Malus-Buttons hinzu, damit Spieler ihren Malus effizienter setzen können
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den man die Träumende
Stadt-Lore nicht bekam, obwohl man die Aszendenten-Herausforderung
abgeschlossen hatte.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Chaosspannung
keinen Schaden bei Feinden verursachte, die von anderen Statuseffekten
betroffen sind (wie Seelenverschlinger von Dorn oder die Jäger-Stricke).
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch Warlocks keinen
Kurz-Teleport ausführen konnten, nachdem sie durch ein Portal gegangen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den Kombo-Schlag
unbeabsichtigt den Schaden von Arkus-Stab-Superangriffen verstärkte.
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der
Eisenrubin-Shader nicht erschien.
Man kann den Shader jetzt aus der Zerlegung von
Eisenbanner-Ausrüstung erhalten.
- Einladungen der Neun:
Das Problem, das wir letzte Woche erwähnt haben, bei dem der „Der
Turm“-Auftrag von X nicht abgeschlossen werden konnte, wird behoben.
- Grünes Licht:
Mit Update 2.2.2 ändert der „Grünes Licht: Kompetitiv“-Triumph der
Schwelgerei seine Bedingung zu nur 20 Sphären und wird rückwirkend für
Spieler freigeschaltet, die bereits die neue Bedingung erfüllt haben.
Dadurch wird auch der „Härter gefeiert“-Triumph für
diejenigen abgeschlossen,
die alle anderen Bedingungen in der Schwelgerei
erfüllt haben, und sie erhalten das „Es grünt so grün“-Abzeichen.
- Frohlockende Engramme:
Die Spieler, die Duplikate aus dem Frohlockenden Engramm der Schwelgerei
bekommen in der Woche nach Update 2.2.2 eine Nachricht im Spiel,
die ihnen sagt, wie das Problem für ihr Konto behoben wird.
- Arkus-Woche-Gesten:
Die Spieler, die die falsche Arkus-Woche-Geste von ihrem Everversum-Kauf
bekommen in der Woche nach Update 2.2.2 eine Nachricht im Spiel,
die ihnen sagt, wie das Problem für ihr Konto behoben wird.
Waffen und Rüstung
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Actium-Kriegsausrüstung
Automatikgewehre mit dem Grabräuber-Perk davon abhielt,
Meisterwerk-Sphären zu produzieren
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das „Vestianische Dynastie“
nicht zum Meisterwerk gemacht werden konnte
- Man kann nun Der kluge Tadel mit Zufalls-Rolls aus
Eisenbanner-Engrammen und Match-Prämien bekommen, sobald der damit
verbundene Triumph abgeschlossen wurde
- Das Entfernen von Wächter-Rüstung mit aktiven
Umbral-Schlag-Stapeln gibt nicht mehr einen permanenten
Schadens-Buff gegen Besessene
(Anmerkung: Die Buff-Beschreibung
besteht noch, der Schadensmodifikator verschwindet, wenn die Rüstung
abgelegt wird. Die Beschreibung wird in einem späteren Patch
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den man die Träumende Stadt-Lore
nicht bekam, obwohl man die Aszendenten-Herausforderung
abgeschlossen hatte
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Aufgabe „Vex-Proben“
im „Der Turm“-Beutezug nicht im „Wächter des Nichts“-Strike
abgeschlossen werden konnte
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem alle Boss-Gegner im Gambit
Prime-Beutezug „Wächter bleiben standhaft“ unbeabsichtigt bei
Beutezug-Fortschritt zählten
Der Beutezug wurde neu balanciert, damit man eindeutig
mehr Fortschritt für Blocker und Urzeitler-Kills bekommt
- Der Triumph „Grünes Licht: Kompetitiv“ wurde auf nur 20
Schwelgerei-Sphären gesenkt
Der Triumph wird für Spieler, die während der Schwelgerei 20
Sphären gesammelt haben, rückwirkend abgeschlossen
Sollten Spieler alle anderen Triumphe auch abgeschlossen
haben, wird der Triumph „Härter gefeiert“ auch automatisch
abgeschlossen und vergibt die Abzeichen-Prämie
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem „Im Dutzend billiger“- und
Schlüsseldienst-Medaillen nicht in Gambit Prime erschienen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Eisenrubin-Shader nicht
Man bekommt diesen Shader nun, wenn man
Eisenbanner-Ausrüstung zerlegt
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Legendäre Everversum-Geist-Hüllen
nur Merkur-Perks besaßen
- Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Geste „Braver Hund“ aus
nicht-gewollten Quellen erschien
Eskalationsprotokoll (Level 7 muss
abgschlossen sein und Spieler müssen die
Truhe öffnen)
Clan-EP-Prämien wurden neu balanciert
Raid: 2.000
Raid-Trakt: 1.500
Dämmerung: 1.000
Schmelztiegel: 500
Strikes: 500
Patrouille 250
Story 250
Abenteuer 250
Heroisches Abenteuer 500
Schmiede 500
Menagerie 1.000
Stufe 1: 500
Stufe 2: 750
Stufe 3: 1.000
Eskalationsprotokoll 750
Gambit: 500
Öffentliche Events 250
Der Blinde Quell: 250
„Perfektionierter Ausbruch“ generiert keine
Naniten mehr, wenn man immune Ziele damit beschießt
Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die
Anzeige der Magazingröße beim Ändern der
Magazinperks bei manchen Maschinenpistolen nicht die
richtigen Pfeile zeigt
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das
„Helfershelfer“-Perk für Sturm keine Pistolen außer
Drang oder Drang (Barock) nachlud
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das
„Helfershelfer“-Perk für Sturm übertriebenes
Nachlade-Audio bei Kills abspielte, wenn es mit
Drang oder Drang (Barock) zusammen benutzt wurde
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem das Saison 5:
Vorhut-Impulsgewehr „Nachtschatten“ nach Saison 5
nicht mehr erhältlich war
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem 21 % Delirium
durch Kill-Strichliste Stapel erhielt, wenn man
konstant zerstörbare Objekte zerschoss
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler einen
vorteilhaften Platz außer Reichweite bei
Schmelztiegel-Matches auf der Karte „Frist des
Imperators“ erreichen konnten
Krone des Leids
Ein Bug wurde behoben, der Spieler davon
abhielt, die Hexengefäß-Objekte in den „Krone des
Leids“-Encountern zu aktivieren
Spieler können den Kelch nicht mehr benutzen, um
mehrere Prämien im selben Menagerie-Durchlauf
In den Circus-Encountern in der Menagerie
bekommen nur lebende Spieler Credit, wenn eine Runde
überstanden ist
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Wöchentlichen
Beutezüge von Werner keine mächtigen Prämien mehr
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Runenbonus II für
den Kelch nicht immer eine Rune zurückgab
Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die Truhen auf
der Barge sonntags zurückgesetzt wurden
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem saisonale
Everversum-Rüstung aus Everversum-Paketen mit
zufälligen Perks droppte
Spieler, die solche Rüstung besitzen, behalten
die Perks, die auf ihr sind
Spieler, die vom Frohlockenden
Glanz-Engramm-Problem vom Schwelgerei-Event
betroffen sind, können jetzt jegliche fehlenden
Frohlockenden Everversum-Rüstungsteile im saisonalen
Store-Tab abholen
Fortschritt bei der Aufgabe „Plattformen
gespawnt“ der Wahrheit-Quest wird beim Auslöschen
des Einsatztrupps nicht mehr zurückgesetzt
Vex-Orakel beim Öffentlichen Merkur-Event
explodieren jetzt wie vorgesehen, wenn sie zerstört
Weltenverschlinger-Kristalle, die Argos
beschützen, sind zu ihrer normalen Größe
Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das manche
Spieler ihren Ruchlosigkeits-Rang unendlich
zurücksetzen konnten
Spieler, die in zu vielen Gambit-Matches untätig
sind, werden wieder Spielersuche-Suspendierungen
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die /join und
/invite Commands auf PC nicht immer funktionierten
Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den man bei der
Vagabund-/Vorhut-Loyalitäts-Quest nicht weitermachen
Fleischt steht wieder auf der Karte,
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Wegweiser auf
Ikora und dem Vagabunden blieben, nachdem man die
Loyalitäts-Quest abgeschlossen hatte
Die Munitionsmenge wurde reduziert, die
Schrotflinten-Plünderer-Perks dem Lord der Wölfe im
Status „Lasst die Wölfe los“ gewähren
Verringerung der effektiven Reichweite von Lord der
Die Verringerung ist stärker, wenn die Waffe
im Status „Lasst die Wölfe los“ ist
Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den man das Perk
„Fressrausch“ auf jede Waffe anwenden konnte
Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die Stoffkomponente des
Eisen-Symmachie-Umhangs nicht korrekt angezeigt wurde
Ein Bug wurde behoben, durch den die Stoffkomponente des
Terra-Concord-Zeichen nicht korrekt angezeigt wurde
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem die Exotische Beinrüstung
„Wanderfalken-Beinschienen“ für Titanen 130x zu hell schien,
wenn Träger auf Höchstgeschwindigkeit waren
Wir wollten zwar, dass diese Exotische Titanen dabei hilft,
Gegner 130x effizienter zu zerstören, aber wir wollten nicht,
dass der Schein euch die Netzhaut wegbrennt
Ehrenhalle-Triumphe für „Der Gladiator des
Imperators“ und „Schlitzohr in Uniform“ erfordern
kein vollständig ausgerüstetes Leviathan-Set mehr
für ihren Fortschritt
Ähnlich anderen Triumphen verdienen Spieler
jetzt mehr Punkte basierend auf der Anzahl von
Ausrüstungsteilen, die sie tragen
Spieler können keine Intro-Tribute in der
Tributhalle auf einem alternativen Charakter
platzieren, um Punkte für eine Vielzahl platzierter
Tribute zu bekommen
Spieler, die dadurch den Katalysator oder die
Gestenprämie bekommen haben, sehen diese Gegenstände
wieder gesperrt, bis sie genug einzelne Tribute
platziert haben, um tatsächlich die Bedingungen zu
Eisenbanner-Auftrag-Aufgabenwerte wurden angepasst
Erforderlichen Granaten-Kills wurden um 50 %
Verbündeten-Granaten-Kills zählen jetzt so viel
wie deine eigenen
Erforderlichen Schwert-Kills wurden um 25 %
Verbündeten-Schwert-Kills zählen jetzt so viel
wie deine eigenen
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler keine Saison 3:
Eisenbanner-Ornamente auf ihre Saison 7-Rüstung anwenden
Die Gefälligkeit des Wolfs gibt es jetzt in täglichen
und wöchentlichen Eisenbanner-Herausforderungen nicht mehr
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem der Triumph „Efrideets
Geschenk“ für Spieler nicht freigeschaltet wurde, die genug
Eisenbanner-Rangaufstiegspakete in Saison 7 freigespielt
Dieser Fix ist rückwirkend, Spieler, die die
Bedingungen erfüllt haben, können jetzt aufholen
Die Heroische Menagerie gewährt jetzt beim ersten
Abschluss ein Schwert (100 %)
Folgeabschlüsse bieten die moderate Chance auf
ein Schwert (25 %)
Wir untersuchen ein Problem, bei dem der Triumph „In
großen Schlucken“ nicht für Spieler freigeschaltet wird,
obwohl sie den Meisterwerk-Slot im Kelch der Opulenz haben
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem man in der Saison der
Opulenz-Intro-Quest stecken bleiben konnte, wenn man den
ersten Kelch-Slot freischaltete, bevor man den Verlorenen
Sektor „Der Konflux“ durchgespielt hatte und auf dem
korrekten Quest-Schritt war
Kaisermünzen und Runen können nicht mehr verdient
werden, indem man in Schmelztiegel- und Gambit-Matches
untätig ist
Der Schritt der Wahrheit-Quest, bei dem man den Beutezug
„Korsarin außer Gefecht“, der den Abschluss von 3
Patrouillen in der Träumenden Stadt erforderte, wurde
Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler davon abgehalten
werden konnten, „Wahrheit“ zu erhalten, wenn sie die
Aszendenten-Truhe im Strike „Wächter des Nichts“ öffneten,
bevor sie sich im richtigen Quest-Schritt befanden
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, durch den
Abschluss-Benachrichtigungen nach dem Abschluss eines
Beutezugs nicht angezeigt wurden
Dadurch wird gleichzeitig der Fehler behoben, dass
Spieler manchmal während eines Schmelztiegel-Matches nicht
spawnen konnten
- Das Stapel-Limit von planetaren
Materialen, Waffenmeister-Materialien, Vorhut-Token,
Schmelztiegel-Token und Eisenbanner-Token wird von 999 auf 9999
- Braytech-Schaubilder sind nicht mehr auf 1
pro Tag limitiert.
- Braytech-Schaubilder haben eine 25%
Drop-Chance, wenn man ein Rasputin-Data-Cache öffnet
- Die vier Braytech-Waffen, die Ihr für
den Wanderer-Titel braucht, haben nun eine größere Chance, dass man
jene bekommt, die man noch nicht hat
- Gegner in der Abrechnung richten weniger
Schaden an und haben selbst weniger Leben
- In der Abrechnung und in Gambit Prime
werden die Waffen-Drop-Raten erhöht. Auf Rang 3 in der Abrechnung
sind die Chancen höher. Zudem wird der Pech-Schutz verstärkt
das heißt, habt Ihr mehrere Matches
ohne Prämien abgeschlossen, steigt die Chance mehr, dass Ihr nach
dem nächsten Match eine erhaltet
- Der Forsaken-Charakter-Boost ist nicht
mehr zum Kauf verfügbar.
- Zudem wird ein Problem im Everversum
behoben, durch das Gegenstände nach der Übertragung zwischen
Charakteren nicht mehr erstattet werden konnten
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 90 MB groß
17.09.2019 (Version Server aus geändert)
- Der Exotische Bogen „Leviathan-Hauch“ kann zur Zeit
aufgrund eines Problems im Strike „Der Waffenhändler“ nicht erhalten werden, bei
dem dieser nur in Saison 8 abgeschlossen werden kann.
- Manchmal kann man nicht auf den Turm-Obelisken
zugreifen. Spieler, denen das passiert, sollten zum Orbit zurückkehren und
erneut in den Turm laden.
- Die Geste „Aufgedrehtes Lachen“ lädt kontinuierlich in
der Gesten-Sammlung und kann nicht abgelegt werden, wenn sie bereits
ausgestattet ist.
- Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender’s Broadhead perk
was dealing more damage than intended
- Equipping both a Fusion Rifle Scavenger mod and a
Linear Fusion Scavenger mod will no longer cause Heavy ammo to be gained
from Special ammo boxes
- Using Telesto with the Heavy Handed obelisk mod
will no longer generate unintentional extra Special ammo
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Sundial reward
currency to be issued to players twice
- Eververse waypoint notification has been disabled
- The Season 9 Seasonal Starter Bundle will no
longer appear as owned for players who bought the Season 8 Seasonal Starter
- Gunsmith weekly destination bounty will be
re-enabled and properly rotate weekly (instead of daily)
- Crucible daily bounties will now rotate daily
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
28.01.2020 (Version Server aus geändert)
- der Triumph „Efrideets Geschenk“ rückwirkend für alle
Spieler freigeschaltet werden, die 50 Eisenbanner-Pakete in Season 9 eingelöst
- der Fortschritt des Auftrags „Komm näher“ nun nicht
länger zurückgesetzt werden, wenn ihr euren Ruchlosigkeits-Rang zurücksetzt.
Dies gilt zudem rückwirkend.
Dadurch wird dieser Auftrag für alle automatisch
abgeschlossen, die es in Season 9 bereits über den Mythisch-Rang schafften.
- ein neuer Saison-9-Triumph für das Eisenbanner
hinzugefügt werden, der gekaufte Pakete von Lord Saladin zählt. Auch hier wird
der Fortschritt retrospektiv angerechnet.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Prüfungen von
Osiris“-Herausforderungen nicht richtig zurückgesetzt wurden, sodass einige
Spieler keine Belohnungen erhalten haben.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler eine
inkorrekte Anzahl planetarer Materialien von Bunker-Upgrades erhielten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das
Titanen-Panzerhandschuh-Ornament des Saisonpasses die Erste-Person-Sicht
eingeschränkt hat.
- Saisonpass-Maschinenpistolen und -Schrotflinten
erstellen jetzt Kriegsgeist-Zellen, wenn Saisonpass-Ornamente ausgerüstet sind.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Sentinel-Titanen
ihren Sentinel-Schild/Banner-Schild verlängern konnten, indem sie sich
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler mit Raijus
Harnisch unendlich lange Wirbelwindschutz halten konnten.
Neue Event "Festung der Schatten" ist gestartet und wird
vom 21.4.2020 bis zum 12.5.2020 stattfinden
- Zunächst soll das Problem mit dem Fehlercodes Beetle
übergangsweise gelöst werden,
in dem man im Turm die Anzahl der maximalen Spieler von
26 auf 12 begrenzt. Offenbar kam der Fehler zustande, wenn 13 oder mehr Spieler
sich im Turm tummelten.
- „Schutz der Dämmerung“ wird jetzt Sphären des Lichts
richtig generieren.
- Das vollstände Upgraden eines beliebigen Bunkers
schaltet jetzt den damit verbundenen „Kriegsgeist-Sicherheit“-Triumph frei.
- Interaktionen mit der Statue von Sjur Eido für die
„Wunschender“-Quest in „Der Zerbrochene Thron“ wird keine Abstürze mehr
- Das Level 32-LAS-Upgrade kann jetzt von jedem
Charakter zum Räumen des Bunkers verwendet werden.
- Rasputins tägliche Seraph-Waffe kann jetzt von jedem
Charakter erhalten werden.
- Für Spieler, die die Forsaken-Kampagne abgeschlossen
haben, wird der „Das Gesetzlose Grenzland“-Lorebuch-Eintrag abgeschlossen und
zum Abholen verfügbar sein.
- Freunde, die in der Übersicht eines Spielern
aufgelistet sind, sollten nicht länger mit schwarzen Namensplaketten und 0 Power
angezeigt werden.
- Fixed an issue with Titan exotic Wormgod Caress which
was allowing for upkeep of the Burning Fists stacking melee buff far beyond it's
intended duration.
- Fixed an issue with Warlock exotic Winter's Guile
which was allowing for upkeep of the Warlord's Sigil stacking melee buff far
beyond it's intended duration.
- Fixed an issue where players could earn a Sentinel
Super within 10 seconds using the Grasp of the Warmind carry object.
- Players can no longer melee while holding on to the
Grasp of the Warmind carry object.
- Fixed an issue where the additional Clan Bounty
unlocked from reaching Clan rank 6 was not being made available from Hawthorne
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for the Small
Fireteam XP Boost from the Season Pass to apply the wrong XP Boost.
- Season 11 "Season der Ankunft" ist gestartet und endet
am 10.11.2020
- Neue kostenloser Inhalt für alle Spieler:
Neue Einstellung für den Controller
- Tastenbelegung in Destiny 2 kann nun individuell
anpasst werden.
- Das „Leuchtende Engramm“ aus Saison 10 gibt es nicht
mehr. Stattdessen können Spieler jetzt das neue Mnemonische Glanz-Engramm aus
Saison 11 erhalten.
- Es gibt jetzt einen neuen Flair-Bereich im Everversum,
der nur Shader und Spawn-Effekte enthält.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Bildschirme
nach dem Kauf des Saisonpasses in verkehrter Reihenfolge angezeigt wurden.
- Ein Kriegsgeist-inspirierter Exotischer Geist kann
kostenlos von allen beim Kryptarchen abgeholt werden, die den Saisonpass für
Saison 10 besessen haben.
- Dropchance der Heroischen Menagerie von 5 % auf 20 %
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem ältere Quests vor
neuere Quests sortiert wurden, wenn Spieler sich eingeloggt haben.
- Ein Saisonpass-Rangaufstieg füllt nicht mehr eure
Super-Leiste auf.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, das Spieler davon
abgehalten hat, den Wohlwollen-Triumph zu verdienen.
- Ein Absturz wurde behoben, der auftreten konnte, wenn
man einen Finisher in Gambit ausgeführt hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler 15
Partikel sammeln und deponieren konnten, bevor sie das Geschenk
„Umbral-Meisterung II“ beim Prisma-Umformer freigeschaltet haben.
- Erhöhte Glimmer-Belohnungen in den Prüfungen
von Osiris.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
Albtraumjagden mehr „Saison der Ankunft“-Belohnungen als beabsichtigt
gewähren konnten.
Die folgenden Raids werden kein Limit für
wöchentliche Belohnungen von Hauptbegegnungen mehr haben:
- Leviathan
- Weltenverschlinger
- Sternenschleuse
- Krone des Leids
- Geißel der Vergangenheit
Anmerkung: Geheime Truhen werden weiterhin
wöchentliche Sperren haben
Alle Rüstungen der oben genannten Raids wurden
aktualisiert, um die Infusionsgrenze der Saison der Ankunft zu
„Letzter Wunsch“- und „Garten der
Erlösung“-Raidwaffen und -Rüstung wurden ebenso aktualisiert, um die
Infusionsgrenze der Saison der Ankunft zu verwenden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der
„Schwergewicht“-Triumph nicht richtig gezählt hat, welche
Kontakt-Event-Bosse besiegt wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der „Saison
der Würdigen“-Rang-Stat-Tracker nicht richtig angezeigt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler die
„Hüter-Spiele“-Quest in ihren Inventaren hatten, nachdem Titanen das
Event komplett dominiert haben.
sind deswegen immer noch ziemlich traurig.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem im
Quest-Schritt „Riskanter Raubüberfall“ Waffen- und Munitionstypen
inkonsistent verwendet wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
Seraph-Waffen keinen Fortschritt für die
Schläfer-Simulant-Katalysatorquest gewährten.
- Ein seltener Absturz mit „Anarchie“ wurde
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
Umbral-Verbesserung III „Kalte Verweigerung“ und „Fallende Guillotine“
keinen zusätzlichen Perk gewährte.
- Ein Problem mit Vortex-Gehäuse-Schwertern
wurde behoben, bei dem der schwere Angriff nicht richtig über das
Netzwerk beendet wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
verschiedene „Saison der Ankunft“-Waffen keine Einträge in den
Sammlungen hatten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem saisonale
Rüstungsmods der Saison der Würdigen nicht bei Banshee-44 gekauft werden
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler das
„Ruhiges Maschinengewehr“-Mod nicht von Banshee-44 kaufen konnten.
- Rüstung der Saison der Ankunft kann jetzt „Mit
Licht aufgeladen“-Mods der Saison der Dämmerung verwenden.
- Ein paar inkorrekte Rüstungsmod-Symbole für
diverse „Saison der Ankunft“-Mods wurden korrigiert.
- Inkorrekte Perk-Beschreibungen für zwei
„Saison der Ankunft“-Mods – Reaktiver Puls (vorher Font des Lichts) und
Strahlendes Licht – wurden korrigiert, um mit ihrer Funktionalität
- Die „Saison der Ankunft“-Modfassung wurde zu
den Rüstungsteilen des ETZ-Zielort-Rüstungssets hinzugefügt, die sie
bisher nicht hatten.
- Das „Unaufhaltsam“-Artefaktmod für
Impulsgewehre führt nicht mehr dazu, dass Schaden anderer Waffen
Unaufhaltsame Champions ins Wanken bringt, während man die
Zielvorrichtung eines Impulsgewehrs benutzt.
- Die Warlock-Rivalen-Geist-Hülle der
Hüter-Spiele zeigt jetzt Geist-Projektionen an.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Symbol
des Unaufhaltsam-Mods von Impulsgewehren ein Scout-Gewehr anzeigte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, das die Zielhilfe
betraf, wenn man mit Citans Bollwerk ausgerüstet durch Barrikaden
geschossen hat.
- Der Titel des Flair-Bereichs im Everversum
zeigt jetzt den korrekten Text an.
- Die Beschreibung für „Sprint togglen“ wurde
- Die Beschreibung von Exotischen Engrammen bei
Xûr wurde aktualisiert, da Spieler jetzt in einer beliebigen Woche mit
Exotischem Kode mehr als eins kaufen können.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Untertitel
der Dialoge des Vagabunden in der Saison der Ankunft Spieler
fälschlicherweise als „Bruder“ adressiert haben, wenn mit einem
weiblichen Charakter gespielt wurde.
- Der wöchentliche Strikes-Beutezug-Pool für den
saisonalen Fokus wurde angepasst.
- Hohn-, Kabal-, Vex- und Gefallenen-Varianten
sollten nicht mehr während der Saison der Ankunft erscheinen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der erste
Schläferknoten „CB.NAV/RUN.()Dynamo.Zugang.Bogen“ nicht für Spieler
angezeigt wurde, die versucht haben, die Exotische Quest „Nahende
Dämmerung“ abzuschließen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem eine Tür im
Hexaeder sich manchmal nicht öffnete.
Gameplay und Aktionen
- Die Neukonfiguration der Eingabe für
„Interagieren“ ändert nicht mehr die Tastenbelegung für „Wiederbeleben“,
was immer mit X/Quadrat verbunden sein wird.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Abbruch
eines Gleitsprungs bei Warlocks und Titanen dazu geführt hat, bei der
Landung automatisch zu springen.
- Der Standard der benutzerdefinierten
Controller-Belegung für das Verlassen eines Fahrzeugs wurde
aktualisiert, um dem Standard der Controller-Voreinstellung zu
entsprechen (X/Quadrat -> A/Kreuz).
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Jäger sich
nach dem Ausweichen bei der Verwendung von „Ducken halten“ geduckt
haben, aber bei der Verwendung von „Ducken ändern“ stehen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
„Fortschrittliche Pyramiden-Fokussierung“ nur 50 Veränderte Elemente
anstelle von 150 gewährte, wie es im Triumph steht.
- Um Spielern dabei zu helfen, tägliche
Waffen-Beutezüge zu optimieren, wählt Banshee jetzt jede Woche sechs
neue Waffen als Fokus aus – drei Primär-, eine Spezial- und zwei Schwere
- Ein Saisonrang-Stat-Tracker für die Saison der
Ankunft wurde hinzugefügt.
- Der Triumph „Gesandten-Flüsterer“ wurde
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Projektile
des Dürresammlers zufällig auf dem Bildschirm auftauchten, während er
verstaut war oder wenn Fähigkeiten genutzt wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, das dazu führte,
dass der direkte Schlagschaden des Dürresammlers unbeabsichtigt
verdoppelt wurde, wenn ein Spieler direkt danach zu „Der Gipfel“
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Perk
„Überraschungsangriff“ nicht richtig de- und reaktivierte, wenn Pistolen
getauscht wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Geste
„Fecht-Gruß“ es den Spieler ermöglichte, die Umgebung zu verlassen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Einstellungsoption „Hinweisanzeige aus“ als „Niemals vollständige Steam
ID anzeigen“ angezeigt wurde und nicht richtig funktionierte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Feuerprobe-Version des Strikes „See der Schatten“ für Spieler, die
Forsaken nicht besitzen, auf Schwierigkeitsstufen über „Meister“
unzugänglich war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Großmeister-Dämmerung „Der Schwärende Kern“ im Navigator mit 1080 Power
aufgeführt wurde, obwohl er bei 750 Power war.
- Hüter sollten eine viel größere
Herausforderung erwarten, wenn sie diesen Strike spielen.
- Die Leviathan-Belohnungen wie EP, Glimmer und
Chancen auf Exotische Engramme oder Glanz-Engramme haben jetzt wieder
ein wöchentliches Limit.
Anmerkung: Waffen und Rüstung sind vom
wöchentlichen Limit nicht betroffen und können mehrfach pro Woche
verdient werden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem einige
Spieler die Quest „Mittel zum Zweck“ nicht vom Prisma-Umformer erhalten
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
„Verfallenes Abbild“ die Heilung der Exotischen Handfest-Rüstung für
Titanen auslösen konnte, während mit dem zu tragenden Objekt geblockt
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
Werte-fokussierte Umbral-Engramme weniger als 10 für den ausgewählten
Wert bereitstellen konnten.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to freeze
when spawning into Gambit.
Prophecy Dungeon
- Fixed an issue where enemies could stop
spawning in Hexahedron area, blocking players from progressing.
- Fixed an issue where enemies would stop
responding to players if they carried motes from a Contact event into
the Savathun's Song or Festering Core Nightfall.
- Fixed an issue where players who completed
Tommy's Matchbook catalyst pursuit were re-awarded it.
- Fixed an issue where the Trials vendor engram
advertised rewards at zero Power level.
Note: This was simply a display error; the
actual Power you would receive was not affected.
- Fixed an issue where the Cold Denial ornament
ADS view looked very different from the base weapon.
- Prestige Eater of Worlds and Spire of Stars
ornaments can be viewed in collections.
- The "Become Legend" step of the New Light
quest incorrectly asked players to reach Power level 950.
It now correctly ask players to reach Power
level 1000.
- Redrix’s Broadsword will now be available to
reclaim from Collections.
Note: This will be locked to the first roll
rewarded when completing the Broadsword quest.
Made improvements to Sleeper Node RNG on Mars.
- When combining Resonate Stems, it is very
unlikely that the resulting Override Frequency will unlock a node in
your current area.
For example, if you need to unlock a node in
Heatsink, you should leave Heatsink before creating an Override
- Destiny 2 has an internal checklist of nodes
you have unlocked.
This checklist is separate from the count you
see in game, and prior to this fix, the checklist would frequently be
Clearing this checklist is the reason duplicates
were so common.
Going forward, the checklist will never be
Note: If you create an Override Frequency for a
node that you have opened in the past, you should open the node again
instead of deleting the Override Frequency.
This will allow the internal checklist to
be updated, and help prevent future duplicates.
- Spider will begin offering three weekly Wanted
bounties, up from one.
Note: These bounties will now award 10k Glimmer,
down from 15k.
- Fixed an issue where the Guardian Games quest
was still present in some players’ inventories.
- Seriously, if this Quest isn’t fully removed
this time, we’re going to need to talk to Zavala about how Titans are
rubbing their win in everyone’s faces.
It’s not very nice of them to do that.
Please stop reminding me that Hunters lost.
- Fixed an issue where players could block quest
progress by acquiring Calcified Light without the quest active.
- Reduced amount of Shader drops from Umbral
Ruinous Effigy:
- Transmutation Spheres can no longer be picked
up by players with active Super abilities.
- Perks that provide ability energy on Super
activation (Apotheosis Veil, Radiant Largesse) now activate after Super
energy is consumed.
These perks used to activate during the Super's
warmup, but that allowed players to cancel their Super during warmup to
gain ability energy without consuming their Super energy.
This change will prevent activating these perks
for "free."
- Fixed an issue affecting the perks on Jade
Rabbit and Merciless.
Perks that activate "on hit" weren't triggering
properly when projectiles over-penetrated their target.
Solstice of Heroes:
- When in first person view, most of the
Gauntlets are invisible except for the gold trim and hands.
- Fixed a misaligned solstice glow on Hunter
Solstice leg arrangement.
- Increased glow intensity.
- Fixed an issue on Steam where certain player
persona names could cause Weasel errors.
- The Refurbished Black Armory shader now drops
100% of the time when dismantling Black Armory Refurbished weapons
acquired from completing Forge Ignition activities.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when too many
arrows were shot into a Titan’s barricade.
- Alle legendären Waffen, die am Ende der Season 12 in
den Waffenruhestand kommen (Infundier-Grenze) verschwinden aus dem Loot-Pool
- Alle Siebter-Seraph-Waffen aus Season 10 kommen neu
dazu: die waren früher durch Rasputin und dem entsprechenden Season Pass zu
- Das legendäre Arsenal an Waffen aus Saison der Ankunft
kommen wieder dazu: das gilt für die Season-Pass-Knarren und die aktualisierten
Planeten-Waffen der Season 11
- Je neuer ein Item ist, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es,
dass es als Belohnung droppt
- Xbox Series X & PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS
- Xbox Series S Support: 1080p mit 60 FPS
- 120 FPS Modus für Schmelztiegel
- schnellere Ladezeiten, Field of View Slider
Neues Licht - Gelöste Probleme
- Ein Problem mit der „Neues Licht“-Fokus-Quest
wurde behoben, bei dem Ikoras Wegpunkt nicht angezeigt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Veteranspieler
mit zwei Charakteren der gleichen Klasse daran gehindert wurden, ihre
Fokusse zu erhalten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem ein Schritt der
„Neues Licht“-Quest keine Erfahrung gewährte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler, die
die Schrotflinten-Truhe in der ersten Mission überspringen, nach dem
Erhalten der Schrotflinte keine Spezialmunition erhalten haben.
Monument der Verlorenen Lichter
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Wegpunkt
des Exotischen Archivs kontinuerlich geblinkt hat, auch wenn Spieler alle
Exotischen besitzen.
- Plaketten und Rüstung in den Sammlungen wählen
jetzt die Klasse des Spielers richtig aus.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Benutzeroberfläche vergessen hat, auf welcher Seite ein Spieler war, nachdem
man sich die Vorschau eines Gegenstands in den Sammlungen angesehen hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem ein paar neue
Rüstungsmods die falschen Quellen in den Sammlungen aufgelistet haben.
- Die Gnadenregel für Kontrolle und Konflikt wurde
aktualisiert, um sie davon abzuhalten, im Match zu früh ausgelöst zu werden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spielern die
„Überlebende“-Medaille verliehen werden konnte, obwohl sie während der Runde
besiegt wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
„Unantastbar“-Medaille nicht verdient werden konnte.
- Der Stasis-Warlock (Schattenbinder) erhält einen Buff:
Die Reichweite des Nahkampf-Angriffs „Penumbral-Explosion“ wird um 37 % erhöht.
Zudem wird der Mindestabstand für
Reichweiten-Nahkampf-Angriffe um 32 % reduziert – ihr könnt also näher an einem
Gegner sein und trotzdem euren Eisball schleudern.
- Spieler auf PS4 haben Probleme ihre Freundesliste und
den Einsatztrupp zu sehen und zusammenzustellen – das soll heute gefixt werden
- Das lästige Einfrieren beim Login auf Xbox Series X/S
soll behoben werden
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Stasis-Kristalle
genutzt werden konnten, um sich zwischen einem Stein und einer harten Stelle
einzuklemmen, was dazu führte, dass Hüter durch geschlossene Türen geführt
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler einen
Absturz erleben konnten, wenn sie eine Geste wechselten, während sie eingefroren
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Warlocks einen
Schadensimpuls durch „Abendandacht von Radius“ abgeben konnten, ohne ihre
Riftladung zu verwenden.
Mit dieser Behebung kann „Abendandacht von Radius“
wieder ausgerüstet werden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler
Solo-Makellos-Dungeon-Triumphe abschließen konnten, indem sie Checkpoints
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Einstellungen für
Bewegungsunschärfe, Filmkörnung und Chromatische Aberration auf Standard
zurückgesetzt wurden, wenn man auf Next-Gen-Konsolen spielt.
- Season 14 ist gestartet vom 09.02.2021 bis zum
- Transmogfikationen werden eingebaut (so kann man nach
belieben alles optischen Anpassungen)
- Neuer kostenpflichtiger DLC: The Witch Queen
- 2 neue Strikes: Fallen SABER & Devils Lair
- Raid "Vault of Glass" kommt zurück
Diese Fehler werden gefixt
- Die Schmelztiegel-Tapferkeit- und die
Gambit-Ruchlosigkeits-Quests als Teil von „Neues Licht“ können jetzt
abgeschlossen werden, nachdem die Ränge zurückgesetzt werden.
- Die Ahamkara-Knochen erscheinen jetzt in den
Aszendenten-Herausforderungen „Preisrichter-Abgrund“ und „Cimmerische Garnison“.
- Triumphe: Die Triumphe „Mond-Überlieferungen“,
„Weisheit der Hexe“ und „Spießrutenlauf“ können jetzt in der Cimmerischen
Garnison abgeschlossen werden.
- Die Bosse des Altars der Sorgen rotieren jetzt
- Das öffentliche Kriegssatellit-Event im Falterhof des
Kosmodroms zählt jetzt für Beutezüge.
- Der Aufzugschacht im Strike „Wächter des Nichts“
öffnet jetzt für alle Spieler.
- Der Boss des Strikes „Der Terminus der Einsicht“
teleportiert jetzt immer weg, nachdem er das Vex-Terminal scannt.
- „See der Schatten“ wird nicht mehr blockiert, wenn
Spieler Punkte zum Auslösen des Audios umgehen.
- Sturm wird bei Kills die ausgerüstete Energiewaffe
wieder nachladen.
- Unbarmherzig wird seine Aufladerate bei
nicht-tödlichen Treffern wieder erhöhen.
- Donnerlord, Unbesonnenes Orakel und andere Waffen
zeigen jetzt wieder ihr Zielfernrohr und/oder Fadenkreuz an.
- „Plünderer-Salve“ kann jetzt aus den Sammlungen
zurückerhalten werden.
- Händler-Tooltips besagen nicht mehr, dass
Prüfungstokens benötigt werden, um den Ruf-Rang zu erhöhen.
- Das Stasis-Fragment „Wispern der Ketten“ gewährt jetzt
korrekt Schadensresistenz in der Nähe eingefrorener Feinde.
- Wenn man zwischen Herausforderer-Medaillons oder
Kabal-Runen am Feuerprobenhammer wechselt, werden genutzte Währungen jetzt
- Der fehlende S.A.B.E.R Strike soll zugänglich sein.
- Einige exotische Ornamente wurden gefixt.
- Spieler die Items aus dem Everversum bezogen, aber
nirgends vorfanden, erhalten später eine Rückerstattung. Zudem sollen alle
Herausforderungen nun die richtige Menge Glanz Staub gewähren.
- Ihr könnt nun nicht mehr als ein Falkenmond-Exemplar
pro Run erhalten.
- Ihr könnt nun Gambit- und Schmelztiegel-Ränge richtig
- Barriere-Kolosse in „Schlachtfeld: Koloss“ werden
nicht mehr aus ihren Barriere-Schilden abhauen, um nichtsahnenden Hütern Hallo
zu sagen.
- Vorteilbringende Modifikatoren in der
Schlachtfelder-Playlist funktionieren jetzt wie beabsichtigt.
- Spieler können jetzt mit der „Ausgewählte
Zerstörung“-Umbral-Engramm-Fokuslinse Umbral-Engramme fokussieren.
Vorzeichen Mission
- Es gibt keine Champions in der
Großmeister-Vorzeichen-Mission, weil Hohn-Champions nicht existieren. Das steht
nun auf Bungies Liste der bekannten Probleme.
- Wenn ihr euch den Katalysator also noch nicht verdient
habt, solltet ihr die “einfachere” Variante der höheren Schwierigkeit möglichst
bald laufen:
- Bevor ihr Vorzeichen startet, solltet ihr darauf
achten, dass die Quest “Die Stimme auf der anderen Seite” im Inventar ist. Ihr
findet sie sonst im Quest-Archiv im Turm (neben dem Postmeister).
- Habt ihr den Horror-Trip überlebt, müsst ihr eine
Weile warten bis ein Timer beginnt abzulaufen. Verlasst ihr das Raumschiff
frühzeitig manuell, erhaltet ihr keinen Questfortschritt.
- [PS5] Denn die Schnellstart-Aktivitätskarten wurden
mit dem neuen Update hinzugefügt.
- [PS5] Auch ein weiterer Punkt widmet sich explizit der
PS5-Version von „Destiny 2“. So wurde ein Problem wurde, durch das bei manchen
Spielern Freunde oder Clan-Mitglieder in ihrer Übersicht auf der PlayStation 5
- “Arbalest” hat weniger Zielhilfe, was explizit präzise
Treffer im Schmelztiegel schwerer machen soll.
- Im Strike “Gefallener S.A.B.E.R.” wurden zahlreiche
Probleme behoben: Der Boss erscheint nun korrekt, Fehler im Dialog der Mission
und andere Ärgernisse sind Geschichte.
- Der Strike “Höhle der Teufel” soll runder laufen: Der
Boss hat eine Gesundheitsleiste, die Physik der Mission und Spawns funktionieren
wie vorgesehen.
- Diese exotische Rüstungen erhalten Fixes: “Harnisch
der Sternschnuppe” gibt den Überschild nur beim Donnerkrachen, “Dünenwanderer”
lösen ihren Schock nun richtig aus, “Omnioculus” gewährt Nahkampf-Energie wie
geplant und einige fehlerhafte Beschreibungen wurden korrigiert.
- Bei zahlreichen Waffen und deren Perks werden
Beschreibungen oder Effekt-Anzeigen korrekt dargestellt.
- Der Triumph “Doppelter Ärger” der Träumenden Stadt
kann jetzt erhalten werden.
- Der Abschluss der Aszendenten-Herausforderung
“Bußschrein”gewährt jetzt korrekten Fortschritt für die Triumphe
“Aszendenten-Champion” und “Auf Tempo geschliffen”.
- Neuer Nightfall Strike „Prüfgelände“ wurde hinzugefügt
(nur spielbar mi dem Season Pass)
- Neuer Strike „Prüfgelände“ wurde hinzugefügt (nur
spielbar mi dem Season Pass)
- Ein Problem wird behoben, bei dem Scan- und Heroische
VIP-Patrouillen auf Europa nicht auftauchten.
- Ein Problem wird behoben, bei dem das Ornament „In der
Zeit eingefroren“ auf dem exotischen Impulsgewehr „Keine Zeit für Erklärungen“
nicht ausgerüstet werden konnte.
- Ein Problem wird behoben, bei dem der exotische
Raketenwerfer „Augen von Morgen“ gegen Feinde mit gelbem Balken weniger Schaden
- Viele Änderungen an den Stasis-Klassen werden
- Season 14 ist gestartet und ein neuer Season Pass kann
erworben werden
- Bungie hat schon etliche Buffs vorgestellt, die eure
Waffen stärker machen
besonders Lineare Fusionsgewehre profitieren, aber auch
zahlreiche mittelmäßige Perks erhalten mehr Bumms.
- Nerfs für Schwerter wie die Klage und Fallende
Guillotine betreffen das PvE. Im PvP geht es den 120er Handfeuerwaffen an den
Kragen. Hier lest ihr mehr zu den Nerfs an euren besten Waffen in Season 14.
- Destiny 2 überarbeitet auch die schlechtesten Perks
auf euren besten Waffen.
- All eure Shader sind plötzlich weg, sobald die Saison
des Spleißers startet. Dafür habt ihr endlich richtiges Transmog, über das die
Hüter aber schon schimpfen.
- Kein Waffenruhestand mehr – Destiny 2 killt endlich
seinen größten Kritikpunkt
- Zu den großen Änderungen gesellen sich noch zahlreiche
kleinere Anpassungen und Fixes. Hier die wichtigsten Patch Notes, die wir schon
- Stasis-Jäger (Wiedergänger): Der Radius der Super wird
von 12 Meter auf 8,5 Meter reduziert.
- Arkus-Warlock (Chaosspannung): Die Chaosspannung-Super
trifft euch nicht mehr hinter Objekten oder Wänden.
- Der “Dämmer-Wächter”-Aspekt erhält 2 Fragment-Slots.
Das bedeutet wohl, dass der Aspekt generell repariert wird, denn aktuell ist die
Warlock-Fähigkeit deaktiviert: Neuer Glitch ist in Destiny 2 so stark, dass
einer Klasse ein Skill weggenommen wird.
- Stasis-Fähigkeiten verfügen jetzt über Unterstützung
bei Farbenblindheit.
- Der Nav-Modus, wenn ihr euren Geist ruft, wird
überarbeitet: Ihr könnt überall zwischen Quests, Beutezügen und verfolgten
Triumphen umschalten.
- Die H.E.L.M.-Zentrale könnt ihr jetzt direkt vom Orbit
aus anwählen.
- Umbral-Engramme werden automatisch entschlüsselt, wenn
ihr die fokussiert.
- Ruhm, Tapferkeit und Ruchlosigkeit (PvP und Gambit)
werden übersichtlicher und einheitlicher gestaltet – Das geschieht, da in Season
15 große Änderungen für das Rang-System geplant sind.
- Spurgewehre erhalten eigene Mods (waren vorher
teilweise bei den Automatikgewehren inkludiert).
- Speichergröße von 76,1 GB auf 82,1 GB erhöht (nur für
Xbox Series X|S)
- Vier Verlorene Sektoren wurden zur täglichen
Rotation von Verlorenen Sektoren auf den Schwierigkeitsstufen „Legendär“
oder „Großmeister“ hinzugefügt!
- Einige vereinzelt auftretende Probleme wurden
gelöst, bei denen Kämpfer in verschiedenen Aktivitäten teilnahmslos oder
dicht beieinander gedrängt waren.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, das KI-Feinde davon
abhielt, in Bereichen von 6-Spieler-Aktivitäten zu schießen, wo viele Feinde
am Leben waren.
- Die Einstiegserfahrung für
6v6-Schmelztiegel-Aktivitäten wurde überarbeitet.
Ihr könnt bei euren Teamkameraden jetzt nach
Metriken schauen, die sich auf die Aktivität beziehen, die ihr gerade
- Dynamik-Kontrolle und Team-Versengt sind
zurückgekehrt und werden Teil der wöchentlichen Playlist-Rotation sein.
- Die Wiedereinstiegspunkte an den Todeskliffs
wurden angepasst, sodass Spieler bei Matchbeginn nicht mehr am Rand der
Kliffs platziert werden.
- Das Audio, wenn ein Teamkamerad jemanden besiegt,
wurde in Privatmatches und Showdown angepasst.
- Die Gnadenregel wurde in Privatmatches
- Spieler können jetzt jederzeit einem laufenden
Privatmatch beitreten, egal wie viele Punkte das Team hat oder wie viel Zeit
noch verbleibt.
- Platzierungen von Schwerer Munition, die vorher
unerreichbar waren, wurden auf folgenden Karten angepasst: Fernstrand,
Bannerfall, Witwenhof und Altar der Flamme.
- In der Saison der Jagd wurden viele Rüstungsmods
als Resultat dessen gelöscht, dass die Energietypen aller
Waffen-fokussierten Rüstungsmods zu einem allgemeinen Energietyp geändert
Die Version dieser Mods von vor „Rüstung 2.0“ wurde
ebenfalls gelöscht.
- Das Gedankenspeicher-Ornament kann jetzt an der
Jahr-1-Version von „Eine unüberwindbare Schädelfeste“ angewendet werden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem für weibliche
Charakter männliche Charakter-Hände während bestimmter Filmszenen verwendet
wurden (z. B. auf Ausrüstungs- oder Charakter-Vorschau-Bildschirmen).
Dies führte dazu, dass die Hände sich mit der
Ausrüstung visuell überschnitten.
- Telesto triggert nicht mehr fälschlicherweise den
Perk „Todeskampf“ des Exotischen Helms „Braue der Wahrheit“.
- Khepris Stachel gewährt keine Wahre Sicht mehr,
wenn man durch eine Rauchbombe eines anderen Hüters unsichtbar gemacht wird.
- Felwinters Helm wird nicht mehr dafür sorgen, dass
das Rüstungsglühen der Sonnenwende 2020 standardmäßig auf Leere eingestellt
ist, egal welchen Fokus der Spieler gerade benutzt.
- Der Mod „Schwerhändig“ funktioniert jetzt richtig
mit dem Zitterschlag-Nahkampf.
- Die Effekte von Assassinenkappe, Spaltungspferch
und Felwinters Helm triggern jetzt bei aufgeladenen Stasis-Nahkampf-Kills.
- Die Effekte von Spaltungspferch und Felwinters
Helm beginnen jetzt an der Stelle, wo der Feind von einem aufgeladenen
Nahkampf besiegt wurde, anstatt dort, wo sich der Spieler befindet.
- Wir haben dem Spiel eine komplette Reihe an
Spurgewehr-bezogenen Rüstungsmods hinzugefügt.
- Alle Infusionsgrenzen von Legendären
Rüstungsteilen wurden entfernt, die in der Saison der Würdigen oder in einer
späteren Saison (erneut) ausgestellt wurden.
- Bei Rüstungssets, die in der Saison der Würdigen
oder der Saison der Ankunft ausgestellt wurden, wurde der
Vermächtnis-Rüstungsmod-Slot durch einen Kampfstil-Rüstungsmod-Slot ersetzt.
- Der sekundäre Stat-Malus von „Meister-Magazin“ und
„Meister-Zielen“ wurde von -20 auf -15 reduziert; „Meister-Magazin“ gewährt
jetzt auch Reserven, wenn es an einem Schwert angewendet wird.
- Der Rückstoßrichtungs-Vorteil von
„Meister-Gegengewicht“ wurde erhöht.
Exotische Ausrüstungsteile
- Wir haben den MIDA Multi-Werkzeug-Katalysator-Perk
„Gesetzloser“ mit „Keine Ablenkungen“ ersetzt.
- Die Priorität der Falkenmond-Bufftexte
„Parakausale Ladung“ und „Parakausaler Schuss“ wurde erhöht, weil sie
manchmal am unteren Ende der Liste verschwanden.
- Der Schaden eines intensivierten Schweren Angriffs
mit „Die Klage“ wird um ca. 16 % reduziert.
- Der schilddurchdringende Schaden von Bastion wurde
entfernt und die Waffe bringt Unaufhaltsame Champions jetzt sofort ins
Wanken. Der Streuungswinkel wird um 13 % vergrößert.
- Ticuus Wahrsagung kann jetzt am Denkmal der
Verlorenen Lichter im Turm erhalten werden.
- Der Buff durch den Umzingelt-Perk ist nicht mehr
dauerhaft aktiv, wenn der Umzingelt-Spezifikation-Mod verwendet wird.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Symmetrie im
alternativen Feuermodus Teamkameraden im Schmelztiegel Schaden zufügen
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das bei
Präzisionshandfeuerwaffen einen Pfeil nach unten beim Magazin-Wert angezeigt
wurde, wenn man den Mod „Backup-Magazin“ verwendet hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Magazingröße immer mit einem grünen, nach oben zeigenden Pfeil angezeigt
wurde, wenn das Magazin bei „Temporalsatz“ verkleinert wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Dreschen“ bei
jedem Kill allgemeine Buff-Soundeffekte getriggert hat, selbst wenn die
Super-Energie voll war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Wolkenschlag“
die Blitze selbst dann triggern konnte, wenn man auf unverwundbare Ziele
geschossen hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Farbe, die
„Schlechtes Karma“ ausstrahlt, Weiß statt Grün war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Farbe, die
das Automatikgewehr „Der Beschwörer“ ausstrahlt, Weiß statt Orange war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Siebter
Seraph-Schrotflinten-Ornament beim Bolzen visuelle Fehler aufwies.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das
Scharfschützengewehr „Verehrt“ das Wasserzeichen von „Jenseits des Lichts“
anstelle der Saison der Jagd angezeigt hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem MIDA
Multi-Werkzeug in der Egoperspektive falsche Animationen anzeigte, wenn man
einen Sprint beendete.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
„Meister-Magazin“ nicht bei „Solas Narbe“ funktionierte.
- Die Infusionsgrenze von Waffen und Rüstung wurde
um 10 Punkte angehoben. Alle Quellen bieten jetzt Upgrades bis zu 1260,
mächtige Quellen bis zu 1310 und Spitzenquellen bis zu 1320 Power an.
- Optionen für Bewegungsunschärfe, Filmkörnung und
Chromatische Aberration wurden für Xbox One und PS4 hinzugefügt.
- Ein Bug wurde gefixt, durch den Sparrows nicht
verschwinden, wenn Spieler unerwartet das Spiel verlassen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem in Strikes
fälschlicherweise Rüstung aus dem Destiny-Inhaltetresor gedroppt ist.
- Sparrows verschwinden jetzt nicht mehr nach 7
Sekunden und können quasi unendlich lange an einem Ort bleiben.
Sucht euch nur bitte einen ordentlichen Parkplatz.
- Spieler können jetzt ganz einfach die Angebote im
Everversum-Archiv-Tab filtern.
Angebote im Archiv wurden auf mehr als 200
Gegenstände erhöht.
- Der Store-Tab glänzt jetzt, wenn man ein
Glanz-Engramm entschlüsseln kann.
- Removed Vex Oracles and a Minotaur which were spawned
at the end of the Kingship Dock Lost Sector on Tangled Shore.
- Fixed an issue where applying certain shaders to the
Hunter Guardian Games ornament would cause it to glow too brightly and dim out
other armor items.
- Dreaming City Reverie Dawn armor now correctly
includes the full list of shaders a player has unlocked in its shader socket.
- Fixed an issue where The Last Word ornaments had
different recoil behavior than the base version.
- Fixed an issue where Bleak Watcher could allow players
to continue using Winter's Wrath even after running out of Super energy.
- Bleak Watcher Aspect has now been reenabled.
- Fixed an issue where the Deep Stone Crypt activity
node advertises the weekly challenge provides a Pinnacle drop instead of a
Powerful drop.
- Fixed an issue where the Special Finisher mod could be
purchased from Ada-1 more than once.
- Fixed an issue where audio was cutting off when
interacting with specific NPCs, affecting multiple languages.
- Abschließen von 8 Beutezügen für die wöchentliche
„Spleißer-Servitors”-Herausforderung wird nun wie vorgesehen mit
Spitzenausrüstung belohnt.
- Die Vorzeichen-Aktivität wird nun wie vorgesehen mit
Spitzenausrüstung belohnt. Dem Ausflug auf dem Geister-Schiff steht also nichts
mehr im Weg.
- Der Energie-Beschleuniger erhöht nicht mehr den
Schaden gegen Spieler. Außerdem erhöht der Energie-Beschleuniger nicht mehr den
Basisschaden von „Symmetrie“, „Telesto“, „Schwarze Klaue“ und „Todbringer“.
- Die Mod Energie-Beschleuniger aus dem saisonalen
Artefakt wurde daher deaktiviert und dürfte nun endlich wieder ausgerüstet
- Der Exotische Katalysator für die Pistole „Kryosthesie
77K“ erhielt fälschlicherweise Fortschritt durch Energiewaffen-Kills.
- Umfangreiche Stasis-Anpassungen werden vorgenommen.
Eigentlich waren diese erst für die Season 15 geplant,
doch aufgrund des Feedbacks und der anhaltenden Kritik hat sich das Studio dazu
entschieden, einen Großteil dieser Balance-Änderungen auf die laufende Season 14
- Der Verlorene Sektor „Leerer Tank“ gewährt nach dem
Update wirklich einen exotischen Beinschutz, wenn es so angegeben ist.
- Die Couturier-Panzerhandschuhe werden dem Spieler
nicht mehr die Sicht versperren, wenn man einen Bogen verwendet.
- Das Maschinengewehr „Archon-Donner“ sowie die
Schrotflinte „Risswandler“ können nach dem Update von Lord Saladin, aus
Eisen-Engrammen, über Beutezüge oder über Eisenbanner-Prämien nach einem Match
erhalten werden.
- Weiterhin gesperrt bleiben hingegen die exotischen
Panzerhandschuhe „Winterlist“- und „Wurmgott-Berührung“, die trotz Abklingzeit
erhöhten Nahkampfschaden behalten.
- Das Problem mit dem verschwundenen Engramm aus der
Prüfungen-Makellos-Truhe für die Spieler, die alle verfügbaren Prüfungsprämien
verdient haben, wurde ebenfalls noch nicht gefixt.
- Die Barrieren um die Versengungswaffen im öffentlichen
Gefallenen-Läufer-Event stoßen Spieler nicht mehr ab.
- Spieler bleiben nicht mehr im Strike „Brutfeste“ oder
im Verlorenen Sektor „Wolfschiff-Turbine“ stecken.
- Nova-Warp erlaubt den Kurz-Teleport auch, wenn
„Sprinten halten“ aktiv ist.
- Die „Vorhut-Serie“ wird wieder funktionieren. Das ist
diese Woche besonders wichtig, da ihr Bonus-Ruf erhaltet.
- Der Gefahrenzone-Perk gewährt jetzt korrekt einen
größeren Explosionsradius bei Raketenwerfern
- Der Triumph „Offenleger“ verzeichnet nun korrekt den
Fortschritt, wenn ihr Vex-Wyvern mit Präzisionsschaden tötet. Somit könnt ihr
euch den neuen Titel holen.
- Der Exotische Warlock-Helm „Dämmerungskonzert“
verlängert korrekt den Verbrennungsschaden an Feinden.
- Mit dem Start der ersten Trails of Osiris am 09.
September geht das „BattlEye“ ein neues Anti-Cheat-System online
- Man sieht nicht länger, wie viele Gegner im
Matchmaking sind. Ihr könnt also nicht mehr gezielt 3er Teams ausweichen, da der
Zähler ausgeblendet ist.
- In den Trials-Labs: eine experimentelle Playliste –
wird ein neuer Modus probiert. Hier müsst ihr eine Zone schnell einnehmen, die
zufällig ihren Standpunkt in jeder Runde ändert.
- Nach einer Wiederbelebung habt ihr keine neue
Spezial-Munition (grün).
Bungie hat hier essenzielles an der Funktion der Telesto
überarbeitet und wir können unseren Timer bis zum nächsten
ultimativen Gamebreaker durch Telesto damit wieder zurücksetzen.
- Telesto-Bubbles halten sich nicht mehr an Verbündeten
fest, sondern schlagen jetzt ein und explodieren.
- Auf Telesto-Bubbles kann nicht mehr geschossen werden/
zerstört werden.
- Die Lebensdauer von Telesto-Bubbles wurde von 10
Sekunden auf ~5 Sekunden geändert. Wenn sie in der Umgebung von Feinden
auftrifft detonieren sie immer noch.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem man 3 statt 2
Gegner besiegen musste, um die Medaille „Meine MG und ich“ zu erhalten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem einige Fokus- sowie
Exotische Rüstungsperks ungewollt aktiviert wurden, wenn Stasis-Kristallen
Schaden zugefügt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Perks „Raserei“
und „Toben“ in Polnisch als „Szał“ bezeichnet wurden.
- Destiny 2 veröffentlicht sein
großes „30-Jahre-Bungie-Paket“, um mit den Spielern zu feiern.
- Darin enthalten ist die neue, kostenlose Aktivität
„Mutproben der Ewigkeit“ für 6-Spieler (mit Spielersuche).
- Der Dungeon „Sog der Habsucht“ sowie die Cosmetics zum
Event sind jedoch kostenpflichtig und damit exklusiv nur für Paketbesitzer.
Hierzu gehört auch die Verfügbarkeit des ikonischen Raketenwerfers Gjallarhorn.
- Das Paket beinhaltet anscheinend auch
von Halo-inspirierte Waffen. Auf den Bildern zur Aktivität waren Schießeisen zu
sehen, die dem MA40 Sturmgewehr und dem lilafarbenen Sturmkarabiner aus Halo
sehr nahekommen. Ob das schon alles zum Halo-Cross-Over war bleibt offen.
- Weiterhin erwartet die Spieler der größte
Balance-Patch aller Zeiten. Das bedeutet massive Änderungen bei den
Abklingzeiten von Fähigkeiten, einen stärkeren Fokus auf Gunplay und die klare
Trennung zwischen PvP und PvE.
Erwartet werden im Patch heute auch noch neue
Informationen zu Timern für Granaten und Nahkampf, die Bungie bisher nicht
angesprochen hat.
- Es wird Nerfs und Buffs für Waffen geben, darunter ist
auch der Nerf für das Raid-Exotic Vex-Mythoclast.
- Im Rahmen des kreativeren Build-Craftings werden die
neuen Quality-of-Life-Änderungen in Zukunft vieles einfacher machen.
Die Glimmer-Kosten für Mods sind ab heute Abend
Geschichte sein und auch bei exotischen Ornamenten wird es leichter, den
Überblick zu behalten.
- Zudem können im Update noch weitere Neuerungen
enthalten sein, die bisher noch nicht bekannt sind.
- Im Strike „Die Korrumpierte“ wurden viele Fehler
angegangen. Beispielsweise wurde die Menge der Gegner reduziert und Portalfehler
behoben, die vor allem im Spitzenreiter ein Problem darstellten.
- Die Waffen aus der Träumenden Stadt erscheinen nun
häufiger nach Abschluss des Blinden Quells.
- Auf der PvP-Map “Rostlande” wurden einige
Darstellungsfehler beseitigt, die dazu führten, dass dynamische Objekte nicht
angezeigt wurden.
- Sowie weitere Fixes für einige der nervigsten
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 88,8 GB auf 91,7 GB erhöht (nur
Xbox Series X|S)
- Der Dungeon „Sog der Habsucht“ beispielsweise sollte
bereits seit dem Weekly-Reset am Dienstag farmbar sein.
Nach Aussagen der Spieler wurde das aber anscheinend
doch noch nicht von Bungie implementiert. Möglich, dass dies heute im Hotfix
korrigiert wird.
- Zudem gab es die Vermutung, dass die Droprate des
Schwerts „Die andere Hälfte“ vielleicht buggy ist, weil die Waffe den Spielern
nur sehr selten droppt.
- Anscheinend kommt es auch in den “Mutproben der
Ewigkeit” häufiger zu Abstürzen, sodass Spieler nicht in die Aktivität fliegen
können und nur einen schwarzen Bildschirm sehen.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 87,1 GB auf 87,2 GB erhöht
- Speicherverbrauch von 91,7 GB auf 91,8 GB erhöht (nur
Xbox Series X|S)
- Das heutige Update soll das Problem der
Gambit-Abstürze wegen Finishern beheben
- Ebenso berichten die Spieler von Leistungsproblemen
auf Konsolen
- Es gibt Probleme mit dem vermehrten Auftreten des
MARMOT-Fehlers. Die Meldung erhalten Spieler normalerweise nur, wenn die
Spieldateien von Destiny 2 beschädigt wurden und repariert oder überprüft werden
- Zudem wurde der Shader „Wilde Überwucherung“ bei
einigen Spielern nach dem Hotfix nicht in den Sammlungen freigeschaltet.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 91,8 GB auf 91,9 GB erhöht (nur
für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 87,2 GB auf 87,3 GB erhöht
- Vermehrte Auftreten der Fehlercodes Marmot, Centipede
und Calabrese.
- Spieler, die in den Prüfungen Makellos werden,
erhalten keine Waffen oder Prämien nach ihrem Sieg. Auch droppen keine Mementos
in den Prüfungen von Osiris.
- Die Fortschrittsverzeichnung für „Der Schwur des
Schülers“-Raid-Begleitungen scheint defekt.
- Saison-15-Pfadfinder- und
Saison-14-Lichtvolk-Rüstungssets können nicht mehr als Ornamente angewendet
werden, wenn sie zuvor durch die Rüstungssynthese freigeschaltet wurden.
- Die gelben Untertitel auf der PS5-Plattform sind
entweder nicht zu sehen oder erscheinen nicht mehr und werden nur noch als
weißer Text angezeigt.
- Und leider liegt auch weiterhin ein Problem bei den
Bungie-Namen vor, denn nicht alle Spieler konnten nach der Freigabe ihren
Bungie-Namen ändern.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Xûr Exotische
Rüstung mit niedrigen Stat-Rolls und identischer Stat-Zuweisung anbot
Dieser Fix hat zu einem anderen Problem geführt, bei dem
sich die angezeigten Stats auf Xûrs Inventarbildschirm leicht vom erhaltenen
Gegenstand unterscheiden. Das Problem wird derzeit untersucht.
Xûr hatte eine ziemlich anstrengende Zeit, aber er ist
bereit, sich wieder an die Arbeit zu machen. Er bedankt sich für eure Geduld.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler:innen nicht
die vorgesehenen zusätzlichen Prämien erhielten, wenn sie sich im Makellos-Pool
- Fixed an issue that could cause teams to incorrectly
wipe on PED difficulty during the ritual disruption phase of Attack if they
completed the objective with only a few seconds left on the clock.
- Added failsafe to all carry objects in the ritual and
boss phases so that they respawn in a reachable location if they are never
picked up for 30 seconds. This should unblock the activity if they somehow spawn
or fall out of bounds.
Altar of Reflection
- Fixed an issue where the Altar of Reflection was not
appearing, blocking players from completing Evidence Board Quest: Report:
Lost Sectors
- Fixed an issue where Rare (blue) engrams were dropping
from PED Lost Sector chests
Vow of the Disciple
- Fixed an issue where players could bring relics out of
the Exhibition area.
- Fixed multiple places where players could get out of
- Fixed an issue where the Resonant Shard timer would
not decrement.
- Fixed an issue where the Symmetrical Energy triumph
would trigger inconsistently.
- Fixed an issue where Rhulk would sometimes not
transition back to his initial phase properly.
- Fixed an issue where players could have one of Rhulk's
weakspots open prematurely by depositing Emanating Force late in the encounter
- Fixed an issue where The Caretaker could be
permanently stunned before being able to deal damage.
- Fixed an issue where players could spread Leeching
Force and charge it at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where The Caretaker's dynamic health
threshold UI would not consistently display for all players.
Throne World (Freeroam):
- Fixed an issue where runes could appear before
activating deepsight, and couldn't be revealed again if player didn't complete
puzzle from the first try.
- Fixed an issue where a material node in Miasma bubble
was not appearing.
- Fixed an issue where players could duplicate the
Resonant Charge carry object.
- Fixed issue with available lucent executioner not
rotating out of Flourescent Canal.
- Fixed issue with qualichor pursuit auto-completing
reward step.
- Fixed an issue where stacking the Primeval Slayer buff
also ramped up super recharge to larger than intended rates.
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn into maps
early by defeating themselves in the ready room.
- Fixed an issue where players would see an empty box
next to enemy player names when invading.
- This should now consistently show the enemy players'
class icon
- Fixed an issue where placing Titan Barricade through
the Allied Invasion Portal could disable said portal.
- Fixed an issue where revives did not award points for
- Fixed an issue where enemies sometimes didn't spawn
after entering the Dark Forest area.
Trials of Osiris:
- Fixed an issue where Adept Trials weapons were
dropping for wins past 7 on a Passage of Confidence without first requiring a
Flawless ticket.
- Once players have gone flawless in a given week, they
now have a chance of earning Adept Weapon drops on any Trials Ticket that has
earned 7 or more wins while the Flawless Pool is active, regardless of loss
This will reset weekly.
- Updated audio and visuals when receiving Fireteam
Invites, Bungie Friend Requests, and Clan Invites
- Fixed an issue preventing Clan invites from
consistently showing a tooltip within the Invite Management section of the
- Updated visuals on Roster nameplates to improve
legibility, particularly when a player is using a nameplate with a bright
background color
- Added a new privacy setting provide more control over
who may see your Cross Save-linked identities.
- The Share Platform Names setting may be found in the
Social Preferences tab on the Roster screen.
- Fixed an issue where Player Search would not
consistently refresh info for a searched player if they changed various social
or investment states, mid-inspect.
Dares of Eternity
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the Dares of
Eternity header UI from displaying game mode information during the activity
intro cinematic.
- Fixed an issue that was causing icons in the
reputation tooltip to appear squished.
Seals and Triumphs
- Fixed an issue that prevented Seals from sheening when
a triumph within them was available to claim.
- This could lead to situations where a pagination
button would show something was ready to claim on another page but no seals
would sheen when you changed pages.
Text Chat
- Virtual keyboard support is now available for console
text chat
- Updated text chat messages sent by the Destiny
services to be more easily distinguished from Local chat messages
- Fixed an issue that could soft lock console players
who attempted to send text chat whispers to other players
- Whisper chat has been disabled for console players
while the team investigated this issue but is now re-enabled and available to
all platforms
- Updated the background color for the number indicator
on inventory item stacks that are full
- Increased the subtitle opacity on tooltips within the
Director to improve legibility
Seasonal Artifact
- Increased the opacity of mods within the Artifact
screen that are still locked to improve legibility
- Updated the Sort button UI to be consistent across all
screens where it is present
- Shifted the Sort button upward to fill the space left
by the removal of the Shaders tab alongside The Witch Queen
- Fixed an issue where the "Eyes of Tomorrow" rocket
launcher was not tracking as intended and would sometimes kill the wielder.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the "Empirical
Evidence" sidearm to be less stable than intended.
- This has been updated to be closer in feel to the
"Breachlight" sidearm.
- Fixed an issue where the "Explosive Personality"
grenade launcher was displaying the wrong RPM stat in the crafting screen.
- Fixed an issue where the "Adaptive Munitions" perk
would no longer increment when the target had a weaken debuff.
- The damage bonus from the "Bait and Switch" perk has
been increased from 20% to 35%
- Fixed an issue where Drifter would always give the
Stasis Containment Device from The Stasis Prototype Quest after the quest is
- Fixed an issue where "Immovable Object" and "Tilting
at Windmills" had unclear descriptions.
- Fixed an issue where grounded sword light attacks off
an edge can be looped until the player runs out of ammo, letting the player move
long distances through the air.
- Fixed an issue where the Divinity exotic weapon has
two kill tracker columns.
Weapon Crafting
- Adjusted Enhanced Chain Reaction and Enhanced Field
Prep to provide benefits to more archetypes.
- Added an additional Deepsight Resonance extraction
option that focuses only on Neutral Element.
- Added a consumable item that allows viewing of Element
counts. Acquired from the Relic Conduit.
- Fixed an issue where the Father's Sins Wellspring
Sniper rifle didn't initialize the kill tracker as active on crafting the weapon
- Made adjustments to the physical melee scalar on
Wormgod and One-Two Punch to prevent high damage output.
- Hopefully this completely removed the ability for
Guardians to delete raid bosses in 4 shotgun blasts and two punches, but we’ll
be watching for the next mega-melt strategy...
- Fixed an issue where elemental Siphon mods for helmet
head armor cost glimmer to apply for each armor elemental affinity.
- Fixed an issue where Osmiomancy Gloves lost a grenade
after dying.
- Fixed an issue where the activator for Exotic Hunter
perk Voltaic Mirror could become perpetually enabled.
- Fixed an issue where players could continue to block a
few seconds after the Arcstrider Super deactivated while wearing Raiju's
- Fixed an issue where the countdown for the Resist buff
perks were not synced with the duration of the Duskfield Grenade.
- Fixed an issue where the Shield Throw Void Melee was
not giving the Fury Conductor buff for the ACD/0 Feedback Fence Exotic.
- Fixed an issue where sidearm mods were not dropping.
- Fixed an issue where players could cancel Nova Warp's
cast sequence and spawn the initial detonation blast without costing Super
- Fixed an issue where Devour would sometimes grant less
buff time if multiple targets were killed very rapidly.
- Added aim assist targeting to enemy Axion Bolt
secondary projectiles to help players hit bolts that are chasing themselves or
- Fixed an issue where the "Echo of Instability"
fragment was not activated by initial explosions from Void Spike Grenades.
- Fixed an issue where players could remain Invisible by
timing a Sword attacks with invisibility activations.
- Fixed an issue where the Hunter ornament, Nemean
Strides, appears twice in the transmog menu when acquired and equipped.
- Fixed an issue where multiple vehicles had missing
flavor texts when viewed from their details menu.
- Fixed an issue where Prime Gaming entitlements didn't
unlock the One of US emblem in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where the "Ruinous Clash" shader
appeared twice in the appearance customization menu.
- Fixed an issue where the "Paragon" Vanguard shader
appears twice in the shader customization screen.
- Fixed an issue where the seasonal shotgun Reckless
Endangerment couldn't be reacquired from Collections after being dismantled.
- Fixed issue where players have clan banners going into
their postmaster every time the went to orbit
PlayStation 4
- Background compatibility files now download at full
speed while Destiny 2 is running.
- Several stability and crash fixes.
- Fixed an issue where seasonal pursuit weapon ornaments
were not available on the exotic archive vendor.
- Fixed an issue where Exotic armor purchased from Xur
had slightly different stats than advertised.
- Fixed an issue where Rahool Destination Material
purchase options were not rotating with daily reset.
- Updated Vanguard ritual bounties to gate status effect
bounties on matching element burn weeks.
- Ex: Void bounties should appear when Void is a
featured element on the Vanguard Ops playlist.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasonal challenge for Scorn
strike bosses could be incremented by completing any strike.
- Fixed an issue where Vostok and Eternity Crucible maps
were not being weighted heavily enough for Season 16.
- There is now a tip leading to the
Bungie.net/MentalHealth help page.
- French: Fixed an issue where The Flow, The Metal
emblems did not have text strings.
- Italian: Fixed an issue where Vanguard OPS weekly
challenge objective tooltips would overlap.
Spieler haben weitere Bug FIxes gefunden
- Eine Zunahme der Fehlermeldung MARMOT- wird untersucht
- Beim Versuch, Freunde von anderen Plattformen
für Bungie Friends zu importieren, zeigen einige Plattformen einen Fehler an und
können keine Freunde importieren.
- Das „Keine Zeit für Erklärungen“-Portal schießt immer
noch auf besiegte Feinde
- Fixed an issue where killing a Hive Ghost was granting
more than one revive token in activities.
- Fixed an issue where Grandmaster The Lightblade and
Birthplace of the Vile were not contributing to the Total Conquest Triumph.
Fixed an issue allowing players to exit the play area on
- Fixed an issue where killing the Envoys would not drop
the Primeval’s shield.
- Fixed an issue where the Primeval would not appear
after banking 100 Motes.
- Fixed an issue where the Biotic Enhancements perk
prevented shattering an encased player with an uncharged melee.
Renewal Grasps
- While equipped, Renewal Grasps now increases the base
cooldown of the Duskfield Grenade from 62s to 152s.
- The outgoing damage penalty applied to players
affected by a Renewal Grasps’ Duskfield Grenade has been reduced from 50%
to 20%.
Damage unchanged vs. PvE targets.
- Fixed an issue where The Summoner Auto Rifle on
Saint-14’s rank reputation rewards is missing a Masterwork.
- The Offensive Bulwark Void Aspect now grants 60% less
bonus grenade energy regeneration in PvP game modes.
- Titan Barricade’s base cooldown when the Bastion Void
Aspect is equipped is now 82s, up from 53s.
This matches the recharge rate of Warlock Rift
- Skip Grenade impact damage reduced from 8 to 4. Skip
Grenade tracking strength now begins to decrease after 1s, down to 50% strength
after 3s
- Axion Bolt base cooldown increased from 91s to 152s.
- Whisper of Chains now provides 15% bonus damage
resistance against players when near a Stasis crystal, down from 25%.
Unchanged vs. PvE targets.
- Stability and crash fixes: Fixed a memory leak
contributing to crashes and instability.
- Reduced the text chat spam throttle to allow for more
messages to be sent by a player before receiving the "You're sending messages
too quickly!" message.
- Der Einsatz von Nova-Impuls scheitert, wenn
Nova-Impuls zu früh nach dem Eintritt in die Nova-Warp eingesetzt wird.
- Der Einsatz von Nova-Impuls mit niedriger
Nova-Warp-Super-Energie kann dazu führen, dass Spieler ihre Super verlieren,
bevor der Fähigkeiten-Schaden zugefügt wird.
- Der Exotische Titanen-Beinschutz
„Antaeus-Schutzausrüstung“ ändert je nach Fokus die Farbe des Leuchtens nicht.
- Waffen und UI-Elemente laden manchmal nicht richtig,
wenn Spieler den Geistraum in den Psi-Ops-Schlachtfeldern betreten.
- Season 17 "Season der Heimgesuchten" ist gestartet
Der Charakter-Powerschub bringt alle Spieler nach dem
Update automatisch auf Powerlevel 1510.
Das Hardcap in Season 17 beträgt 1570, steigt also nur
um 10 Powerlevel an.
- Spieler erhalten bald 3 statt nur einer Seltsamen
Münze, wenn sie die Prämientruhe in den „Mutproben der Ewigkeit“ öffnen.
- Der Schaden von Hohn-Scharfschützen wird an die
Scharfschützen anderer Kämpfertypen angepasst, also reduziert. Auch die
Projektil-Streuung wurde erhöht, damit man nicht mehr so oft getroffen wird.
- Manchmal werden auf dem
Bungie-Namen-Änderungsbildschirm fehlerhafte Informationen angezeigt, nachdem
Spieler auf Bungie.net euren Namen geändert hatten.
- Speicherverbrauch von 105,6 GB auf 112,5 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 100,7 GB auf 106,3 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue where players were spawning in an
undesirable location after joining the existing fireteam. You really didn’t want
to be there.
- Standard Bearers are now spawning where intended.
- Spamming the bell should no longer stop it from
- Fixed numerous texture and environment issues.
Grasp of Avarice:
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t progress in the
Vow of the Disciple:
- Fixed an issue where previewing weapons in the vendor
shop showed placeholder shaders.
Gameplay and Investment
- Players will be less likely to spawn into the opposing
team’s Witherhoard pools in PvP.
- Bump in the Night Rocket Launcher now has a tracking
indicator in the scope when used with the Tracking Module perk.
- Fixed several Hand Cannons which had missing scopes
including The Steady Hand and True Prophecy.
- Fixed an issue where Seasonal Challenges were not
correctly tracking Seasonal quest progress across different characters in some
and Systems
- Fixed an issue where players on Xbox platforms could
sometimes only see limited invite and join actions in the roster when viewing
Xbox network friends.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spitzenausrüstung
in der Großmeister-Schwierigkeitsstufe des Dungeons „Dualität“ mehr als nur
einmal pro Woche droppte.
Begegnungen in den Legendär- oder
Großmeister-Schwierigkeitsstufen, je nachdem, was zuerst abgeschlossen wird,
gewähren einmal pro Woche und Klasse Spitzen-Prämien.
Vor dieser Änderung waren die Spitzen-Prämien in der
Großmeister-Schwierigkeitsstufe nicht begrenzt.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der
Endgegner-Fortschritt in „Sog der Habsucht“ blockierte.
Beim Kampf gegen Captain Avarokk könnten noch immer
wackelige Animationen angezeigt werden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, es vorkam, dass die
Aktivität während der Fürsorger-Begegnung in „Der Schwur des Schülers“
- Mächtige Prämien wurden aus Tiefsteinkrypta in nicht
wöchentlichen Raids entfernt.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem bei einigen Waffen
kein Tiefenblick-Fortschritt angezeigt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die verbesserte
Version von Locken und wechseln nicht funktionierte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Adaptive Munition
bei Glefen nicht funktionierte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Exotische
Pistole „Unbefugter“ nicht in der Sammlung verfügbar war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das
Saisonpass-Automatikgewehr „Feuerschrecken“ nicht in der Sammlung verfügbar war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Ornament
„Einberufen“ nicht mehr an „Auserwählte des Reisenden“ ausgerüstet werden
- Die Beschreibung des Perks „Röste sie“ für die
Exotische Jäger-Waffe „Calibans Hand“ wurde aktualisiert: „Deine
Nähe-Explosionsmesser versengt Ziele, die durch seine Explosionen Schaden
erleiden, oder entzündet Ziele bei einem direkten Kill.“
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Kunstvolle
Rüstungsteile nicht mehr über Extra-Mod-Slots verfügten.
- Hinzugefügt: Wenn ihr eure Granate benutzt, wird jetzt
auch eine Heilungswelle x2 um euch herum freigesetzt, die euch und eure
Verbündeten in der Nähe heilt.
Wenn ihr eine Heilende Granate benutzt, erhöht sich die
Stärke dieser Welle auf x3. Wenn ihr eine Heilende Granate mit Flammende
Berührung benutzt, erhaltet ihr zusätzlich Wiederherstellung.
- Hinzugefügt: Das schnelle Besiegen – in der Luft – von
Zielen mit der Super oder einer beliebigen Waffe gewährt Heilung.
Himmlisches Feuer:
- Jedes „Himmlisches Feuer“-Projektil wendet jetzt 10
Versengen-Stapel an. Dieser Wert erhöht sich auf 15 Stapel, wenn Glut der Asche
ausgerüstet ist.
- Der Schaden im PvE wurde um 25 % erhöht.
Tosende Flammen:
- Solange Tosende Flammen aktiv ist, verursacht euer
ungeladener Nahkampf-Angriff jetzt Solar-Schaden und fügt dem Ziel pro Treffer
30 Stapel „Versengen“ zu. Dieser Wert erhöht sich auf 40 Stapel, wenn Glut der
Asche ausgerüstet ist.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Aspekt „Tosende
Flammen“ bei Solar-Granaten-Kills nicht funktionierte.
- Die Fragment-Slots wurden von 1 auf 2 erhöht.
- Die Höhe der Bodenwelle des zweiten Angriffs wurde um
25 % erhöht, um Spieler:innen, die zu spät springen, leichter aufzufangen.
- Ein Problem mit Vortex-, Leerewall- und Solar-Granaten
wurde behoben, das dazu führte, dass sie gegen PVE-Ziele weniger Schaden als
vorgesehen verursachten.
Glut des Wohlwollens
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem dieses Fragment
sich unregelmäßig aktivierte und aktualisierte.
Von nun an sollte es immer aktiviert werden, wenn:
- Verbündete euer Heilendes Rift oder euren Brunnen des
Glanzes betreten.
- Ihr mit Heilenden Granaten Verbündete heilt,
Hitzewelle-Granaten benutzt oder „Klinge der Absicht“-Warlock-Glefen-Geschütz
oder „Phönix-Sturzflug“-Landungsexplosion einsetzt.
- Außerdem wird es von Treffern auf Verbündete mit Edlen
Kugeln der Lumina oder den „Stiefel des Tüftlers“-Sphären aktiviert.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem bestimmte seltene
Rüstung für Legendäre Prämien zerlegt werden konnte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das
Saisonpass-10-Ränge-Paket der Saison 17 nicht korrekt im Everversum angezeigt
- Ein Problem mit der russischen Übersetzung des
Fingerfertigkeit-Perks wurde behoben. Jetzt wird die Funktionalität des Perks
korrekt erklärt.
- Moving forward, Grasp of Avarice dungeon will only
drop a Pinnacle reward upon completion when it is the featured dungeon of the
- Encounter completions during non-featured weeks have a
chance to drop a Powerful reward.
- You can learn more about the new rotator system in the
previous TWAB
- Vault of Glass: Fixed an issue where a Titan’s Solar
Throwing Hammer could interrupt boss attacks from the Templar.
- Fixed an issue where Sunspots could break immune
shields in Vault of Glass, Garden of Salvation, and Vow of the Disciple.
- Sever: Fixed an issue where players could not teleport
all out of Shame and Reconciliation Sever activities after the boss is defeated.
- Look. Sever is supposed to be emotional but that
doesn’t mean we meant to trap you there, OK? We’ll call it bonding.
- Nightmare Containment: Fixed an issue where The
Machinist refused to rocket and stomp players when she was supposed to, so we
gave her a stern talking-to and now she's back to usual shenanigans.
- The Machinist will now periodically shoot a blaze of
rockets at players and stomp when they get too close.
- Fixed an issue where players were not appropriately
matched based on win count in Trials of Osiris.
- With this issue fixed, the Flawless pool and Flawless
pool loot will once again be enabled on Sundays at 10 AM Pacific.
and Investment
- Well Rounded perk will no longer trigger when a player
cancels a charged grenade.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Mods nicht droppten
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Dauer der
Schadensphase in der Leidträger-Begegnung nicht wie vorgesehen ablief.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die
Leidträger-Begegnung nach dem ersten Glocken-Teleport automatisch abgeschlossen
werden konnte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Perks
„Himmelsbrennereid“ und „Explosivladung“ die Schilde der Bosse in der
Tresor-Begegnung im Dungeon „Dualität“ durchbrechen konnten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler:innen
Schilde in „Gläserne Kammer“, „Garten der Erlösung“ und „Der Schwur des
Schülers“ durchbrechen konnten, indem sie Versengen einsetzten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler:innen in
der Schmelztiegel-Karte „Trennung“ die Umgebung verlassen konnten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das „Schwer wie der
Tod“-Abzeichen nicht zur Erhöhung des Ruf-Rangs führte, wenn es ausgerüstet war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem man im 5. Schritt
der Quest „Eisen schmieden“ nicht weiterkommen konnte, wenn die ausgerüstete
Eisenbanner-Rüstung auch Eisenbanner-Ornamente hatte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die täglichen
Herausforderungs-Rang-Boosts nicht für das gesamte Konto freigeschaltet wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Abgeben des
Funkens eine unendliche Teleportations-Schleife auslösen konnte, wenn keine Zeit
mehr auf dem Runden-Timer übrig war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Funke für den
Rest des Spiels verschwand, wenn Spieler:innen beim Aufheben des Funkens zur
gleichen Zeit besiegt wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Verlorene
Sektor „Konflux“ für einige Spieler:innen nicht im Legendär- oder
Großmeister-Modus verfügbar war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der erste Schritt
der Quest „Im Leid verbunden“ nach dem Sammeln von 500 Spuren des Grauens nicht
abgeschlossen werden konnte.
Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem bei bestimmten
Exotischen Rüstungsteilen die Vorteile für Effektivität in der Luft nicht
vorhanden waren:
- Versiegelte Ahamkara-Griffe: +50 für alle (für eine
Dauer von 5 Sekunden nach einem Nahkampf-Angriff).
- Flügel der heiligen Morgendämmerung: +50 für alle.
- Unbändiger Löwe: +50 für Hüftfeuer.
- Friedenswächter: +40 für Maschinenpistolen.
- Wanderfalken-Beinschienen: +20 für alle.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler:innen durch
Barrikaden, „Schutz der Dämmerung“ und dünne Wände schießen konnten, wenn die
„Durchschlagende Pistolen“-Artefakt-Mods an Waffen mit dem „Panzerbrechende
Geschosse“-Waffen-Perk ausgerüstet waren.
Der Artefakt-Mod „Durchschlagende Pistolen“ wird wieder
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Glefe „Nezareks
Flüstern“ manchmal nicht zum Meisterwerk gemacht werden konnte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Hammerschlag nicht
den vorgesehenen Bonusschaden von „Tosende Flammen“ bekam.
Anmerkung: In Patch wurde ein Problem behoben,
bei dem „Tosende Flammen“ nicht die vorgesehenen reduzierten Skalare erhielt,
während Nahkampf verstärkende Exotische Rüstungs- oder Waffen-Perks aktiv waren.
Diese Änderung wurde aber nicht in den Patch Notes
dieser Version erwähnt, deshalb wollten wir sie in diesen Patch Notes hier mit
Tosende Flammen gewährt jetzt 20 % Bonusschaden auf den
Aufgeladenen Nahkampf pro Stapel.
Tosende Flammen gewährt 10% Bonusschaden pro Stapel,
wenn Synthozeps, Wanderfalken-Beinschienen, Wurmgott-Berührung oder der
Doppel-Punch-Waffen-Perk aktiv sind.
- Der Shader „Schmelztiegel-Zinnoberrot“ für glühende
Materialien wurde angepasst, um Probleme mit der Lichtempfindlichkeit zu
- Die Powerlevel von schwächeren Kämpfern im „Geteilte
Ängste“-Triumph wurden korrigiert, da sie höher als beabsichtigt waren.
- Das Gleichgewicht zwischen Rüstungs- und Waffenprämien
wurde angepasst und die Waffendrops so umgestellt, dass Waffen, deren Baupläne
noch nicht freigeschaltet wurden, eher erscheinen.
- Die Dropchance der Tiefenblick-Waffen im Dungeon
„Dualität“ wurde angepasst.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler:innen
manchmal im Albtraum gefangen wurden.
- Explosionsschaden (Granaten, Solar-Explosionen,
Raketen usw.) gegen Glocken führt nicht mehr dazu, dass ein Teleport erscheint.
- Beim „Dualität“-Start wird jetzt eine Filmsequenz
Sog der Habsucht
- Der Endgegner teleportiert sich nicht mehr zu Beginn
des Kampfes aus dem Einstiegspunkt.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Himmlisches Feuer“
und „Brunnen des Glanzes“ nicht die Schlüsselwörter „Versengen“ und „Entzünden“
anzeigten, wenn man den Mauszeiger über die entsprechenden Fähigkeiten bewegt.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Super-Symbole
nicht neben der Super-Beschreibung angezeigt wurden, wenn man den Mauszeiger
über den ausgerüsteten Fokus im Charakter-Bildschirm bewegt.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der
Waffen-Schadensboost von „Strahlend“ ungewollt mit Stufe-1-Schadensboosts (z. B.
Stärkendes Rift, Hochenergetisches Feuer) gegen PvE-Ziele gestapelt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Solar-Granaten mit
„Schmelz-Überladung“ Überladungs-Champions nicht betäubten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem eigene
Vortex-Granaten manchmal einen brennenden Statuseffekt bei den eigenen Zielen
anzeigen konnten.
Anmerkung: Wir sind uns bewusst, dass die Vortex-Granate
gegen PvE-Ziele weniger Schaden verursacht als beabsichtigt und planen einen Fix
für eine spätere Veröffentlichung.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem sich Calibans Hand
im PvE und PvP unterschiedlich verhielt.
Entzündung wird jetzt sowohl im PvE als auch im PvP beim
Besiegen von Feinden durch direkte Treffer und Explosionen ausgelöst.
Mit diesem Fix wurde ein neues Problem verursacht, das
wir derzeit untersuchen: Calibans Hand kann nur ein einzelnes Ziel versengen.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Calibans Hand nicht
wie vorgesehen mit „Strahlend“ und dem Aspekt „Mäh sie nieder“ funktioniert hat.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Explosive
Solar-Bedrohung dem Spieler innerhalb des Explosionsradius der Entzündung
Schaden zufügte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Rechtschaffener
Umhang“ beim weiblichen Charakter ohne Umhang angezeigt wurde.
Dadurch kam es zu einem neuen Problem, das wir derzeit
untersuchen, da die Farbmarkierung des Umhangs auf die Standardwerte
zurückgesetzt wurde.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der obere Teil des
„Zeichen der Sternschnuppe“-Ornaments verschwand, wenn das Spieler-Helmdisplay
ausgeschaltet war.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Kampf-Mod
„Schwerhändig“ nicht mit dem Titanen-Stasis-Nahkampf funktionierte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Exotische
Jäger-Brustschutz „Omnioculus“ am Frumiosen Umhang klemmte.
- Reduzierte Strafen beim Bewegen in der Luft für alle
Reduzierte Luft-Präzisionsstrafe bei niedriger
„Effektivität in der Luft“ um 20–40 % (variiert je nach Primärwaffentyp).
Reduzierte Strafe für automatisches Zielen in der Luft
(Geschoss-Biegewinkel) bei mittlerer und hoher Effektivität in der Luft um 20 %.
Reduzierte Strafe für Magnetismus in der Luft
(Fadenkreuz-„Klebe-Effekt“, nur Controller) bei mittlerer und hoher Effektivität
in der Luft um 40 %.
- Einige Perks gewähren jetzt zusätzlich zu ihren
anderen Effekten einen statischen „Effektivität in der Luft“-Stat-Buff.
Luftangriff: +10 Effektivität in der Luft zusätzlich zu
+60 (insgesamt 70 AE) bei geringer Gesundheit.
Vergrößertes Magazin: +10 Effektivität in der Luft.
Stabile Geschosse: +7 Effektivität in der Luft.
- Präzision (Feuerrate von 180)
Körpertreffer-Schaden wurde von 37 auf 40 erhöht.
Kritischer von 57 auf 60 erhöht.
Körpertreffer-Schaden wurde von 37 auf 40 erhöht.
Kritischer von 57 auf 60 erhöht.
Kann jetzt Hüter mit 2 krit. Treffern pro 2 Körper
besiegen, tötet in 1,33 Sek. mit Körperschüssen.
- Körpertreffer-Schaden wurde von 19 auf 20 erhöht.
Präzisions-Multiplikator von 1,6 auf 1,5 reduziert (Kritischer Schaden bleibt
gleich bei 30).
- Präzision (Feuerrate von 180)
Körperschaden wurde von 34 auf 38 erhöht. Kritischer von
54,4 auf 60,8 reduziert.
Kann jetzt Gegner mit 2 krit. Treffern pro 2 Körper
gegen 197 HP (Gesundheit + Schilde) oder niedriger besiegen, tötet in 1,33 Sek.
mit Körperschüssen gegen 190 HP oder niedriger, 1,67 Sek. gegen höherer
- Hohe Schlagkraft (Feuerrate von 150)
Körperschaden wurde von 38,2 auf 42 erhöht. Kritischer
von 66,9 auf 73,5 reduziert.
Kann jetzt Gegner mit 2 krit. Treffern pro 1 Körper
gegen 189 HP (oder niedriger) besiegen, tötet in 1,6 Sek. mit Körperschüssen.
- PvE-Schadensbonus von Pellet-Schrotflinten von 10 %
auf 25 % erhöht.
- Die zuvor hinzugefügte Erhöhung des Zurückweichens
gilt jetzt nur noch für Schaden, der durch andere Spieler:innen verursacht
- Erhöhte Munition pro Spezialmunitionsblock von 1 auf 2
im PvP.
- Zielhilfe-Stat wurde von 32 auf 22 reduziert.
- Reduzierter Sog gegen Spieler:innen.
- Der universelle 2x Zurückweichen-Nerf aus der
vorherigen Änderung wurde entfernt.
- Die Primärrakete verfügt nicht mehr über eine
- Rudelgeschosse fügen den Spieler:innen jetzt nur noch
halben Schaden zu.
Das Letzte Wort
- Hüftfeuer-Präzisionswinkel wurde um 50 % reduziert.
- Die Schadens- und die Zielhilfeabnahme wurden um 3 m
- Erhöhte Munition pro Spezialmunitionsblock von 3 auf 4
im PvP.
- Reduzierte Munition pro Spezialmunitionsblock vom max.
auf ca. 16 im PvE.
- Erianas Schwur: Erhöhte Munition pro
Spezialmunitionsblock von 1 auf 2 im PvP.
- SUROS-Regime: Effektivität in der Luft von 23 auf 31
- Wispern des Wurms: Effektivität in der Luft von 9 auf
20 erhöht.
- Monte Carlo: Effektivität in der Luft von 21 auf 29
- Wegbereiter: Effektivität in der Luft von 22 auf 27
- Die für das Scout-Gewehr „Tränen der Reue“ verfügbaren
Perks für Umformungen wurden aktualisiert, um die vorgesehene Auswahl zu
Dadurch wird auch der Perk „Verbesserte Geschosse“ korrekt auf
alle früheren Waffen angewendet, die so umgestaltet wurden, dass sie keine
weiteren Perks mehr haben.
- Die Zeit, um eine geformte Waffe aufzuleveln, wurde
geringfügig reduziert.
- Verbessertes „Weißglühend“ wendet jetzt nur noch +5
Versengen-Stapel an; das Verhalten bei der Anwendung zusätzlicher
Versengen-Stapel wurde korrigiert und variiert nun je nach Kämpfer.
- Ein Problem mit geformten Instanzen von „CALUS
Mini-Werkzeug“ und „Drang (Barock)“ wurde behoben, bei dem der
Meisterwerk-Rahmen nicht angezeigt wurde, wenn die Waffe eine verbesserte
Eigenschaft und zwei verbesserte Attribute hatte.
- Der Katalysator-Perk des Exotischen Schwerts
„Herzschatten“ bringt keinen Vorteil mehr, wenn die Waffe keine Munition mehr
- Der Ursprungsattribut „Extrovertiert“ wird jetzt
korrekt im Nahkampf mit der Glefe aktiviert.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass
die Geschosse des Exotischen Schwerts „Herzschatten“ bei allen Treffern
geschwächt wurden, anstatt nur bei Treffern mit „Schuss ins Leere“.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem das Gallu
RR3-Scharfschützengewehr anzeigte, dass es Primärmunition verwendet.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Anarchie
inkonsistenten Schaden verursachte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem
Linear-Fusionsgewehre schneller als beabsichtigt feuern konnten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem „Befehlskette“
durch den Wechsel zwischen Perks auf Kinetisch umgestellt werden konnte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Cyrosthesia 77k
nicht wie vorgesehen mit dem Artefakt-Mod „Durchschlagende Pistole“
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Python und
Fluchtplan nicht für den Abschluss des Triumphs „Arsenal des Dunklen Zeitalters“
mitgezählt wurden.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem alle
Linear-Fusionsgewehre und einige Exotische Waffen ungewollt weniger Schaden
gegen Champions verursachten.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das SUROS-Regime das
Attribut „Hochdrehen“ zwischen den Nachladungen behalten konnte.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem viele Waffen mit
nicht standardmäßigen Munitionstypen für ihren Archetyp nicht die richtigen
Schadensmultiplikatoren erhielten.
Das führte dazu, dass bei einigen Exotischen oder
Legendären Perks dieser Waffen der Schaden und/oder die Gesundheitsleiste nicht
korrekt angezeigt wurden.
Erianas Schwur
- Die Geste „Erster Auftritt“ wird ihre ansteckenden
Melodien nicht mehr auf andere Gesten übertragen.
- Wenn ihr eine Saisonale Herausforderung verfolgt,
bevor die Saison zurückgesetzt wird, kann dies dazu führen, dass ihr die
Verfolgung der Herausforderung in den folgenden Saisons nicht mehr unterbrechen
- Es wurden Bilder für Prämien zum Verdienen für den
Dungeon-Key „Die Hexenkönigin“ hinzugefügt.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't unlock the
appearance of the Solstice armor sets to transmog.
The beacons are lit, fashion calls for aid!
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't reobtain armor
from Eva Levante (Space Grandma) if armor has been dismantled after completing
the step where players need to speak with her, post-equipping.
- Fixed an issue where players weren't receiving the
Seashore Pack at the Eververse store.
Players can now grab their loot from Cryptarch.
- Progress accelerators are now in place for players
completing Solstice Event Challenges on second and third classes (Titan,
Warlock, and Hunter, for any new players).
Partially fixed, progress accelerator missing on Hand
Cannon challenge for Titans.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to progress
second and third character armor sets after fully upgrading their primary
Guardian's armor.
- Neuer Raid wird hinzugefügt (Remake aus Destiny 1) und
ist ab dem 26.08.2022 freigeschaltet
- Fixed an issue where exploring the Director screen
would impact FPS.
The team will continue to monitor FPS while using this
- Added a new option to allow players to invite their
friends to their fireteam without redirecting them to the Roster tab.
- Updated the visuals to make it easier to understand
when a player has been blocked.
- Fixed an issue where viewing one's own details in the
Roster might not consistently respect the Share Platform Names.
- Fixed an issue where pre-match cinematics would end
before the countdown timer reached zero.
- Fixed an issue where an opponent’s nameplate would not
pulse when their Super is active.
- Fixed an issue where Derelict Leviathan did not have a
Director label
- Fixed an issue where some items would show extra
spaces near the bottom.
- Updated the UI on the Clan tab to match other
locations in the game where multiple pages are present.
- Fixed an issue where some perk information was not
displayed when inspecting another player's equipped Stasis Aspects and
- Triumphs or Seasonal Challenges that are claimed and
tracked may now be untracked.
The team is investigating situations where players may
get into these states.
Starting with Season 18, Seasonal Challenges and your
currently tracked Triumph, weapon catalyst, pattern, medal, etc. will be
untracked at each Seasonal reset to help avoid similar issues.
- Updated the parallax boundaries on armor inspection
screens to keep the armor stats from moving off screen on consoles
- Fixed an issue in Survival where tied rounds still
granted a point to one of the teams.
- Loose skill-based matchmaking enabled on Control
- In 3v3 Crucible modes, special ammo will no longer
refresh upon being resurrected, bringing them inline with Trials of Osiris.
- Self-reviving still restocks with special ammo
- Fixed an issue where Crucible streak protection
message was unnecessarily displaying when joining a match in progress
- Fixed an issue where the Three Birds, Three Stones
triumph did not progress in all Crucible playlists
- Fixed an issue where pre-match cinematics would end
before the countdown timer reached zero.
- Fixed an issue where an opponent’s nameplate would not
pulse when their Super is active.
- Fixed an issue where the Fourth Daily Challenge would
not contribute to Iron Banner reputation multiplier
- Fixed an issue where seasonal metrics did not display
during the intro scene when loading into a match
- Fixed an issue where there was a missing progress
display string in the Iron Banner introduction quest
- Fixed an issue where an outdated loading screen
hint about power level being enabled in Iron Banner was showing up
- Fixed an issue where Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard
dropped and focused weapons could not drop with more then 3 combinations of
multiple perks
- They can now drop with a more combinations of multiple
perks for each seasonal reputation resets, up to 4.
- Added new Arc 3.0 bounties for Crucible, Gambit, and
- Tuned bounties with Void 3.0 status effects
- Fixed an issue where all Skydock IV Lost Sector
champions were not counting properly for scoring
- Wellspring now uses the proper scoring during Master
difficulty; players can now earn Platinum rewards based on score rather than
killing Champions
- Vow of the Disciple: Fixed an issue where The
Bombardiers Hunter Exotic could break the payload route during the entrance
No more payload escaping.
- Fixed an issue introduced in the 30th Anniversary
update that caused too much Heavy ammo to drop when running double Special
- Several weapon stats were previously hidden, which
made fully evaluating weapons difficult.
Airborne effectiveness, recoil direction, zoom, and aim
assist are now visible on the weapon inspection screen.
- Increased the vibrancy of the glow colors in the
"Candescent Prism" Solstice ornament sets in order to bring them back to parity
with Update 4.1.5.
This also fixed shaders not correctly applying to these
- Fixed an issue where The Path of Burning Steps would
not admit to killing a Guardian with its Solar burst and blamed The Architects
- Fixed an issue where the Antaeus Wards was not
changing its glow color based on the Guardian's current subclass.
- Stasis Rocket Launchers and Stasis Grenade Launchers
with the perks Chain Reaction, Dragonfly, and Cluster Bombs will now
have cool Stasis-themed VFX and audio.
- Updated the Polaris Lance catalyst requirements to be
more achievable.
Removed Perfect Fifth kill objective entirely. It now
only relies on kills by the weapon.
- Fixed various issues where the Wish-Ender Exotic Bow
would lose its Truesight in certain circumstances.
- The shaping alloy "Drowned Alloy" has been renamed to
"Harmonic Alloy."
- Dismantled weapons with Deepsight will provide pattern
progress if a pattern is available.
Dismantled weapons with Deepsight will provide 100
Neutral Element.
If the objective is completed and the item is dismantled
or the Deepsight mod extracted, 300 Neutral Element will be acquired.
When a Deepsight weapon with a pattern is dismantled or
extracted, players will be notified via loot stream that pattern progress has
been made.
- Starting in Season 18, Deepsight weapons that are
acquired prior to their pattern becoming available will no longer output pattern
The Deepsight weapon's tooltip will indicate whether a pattern is
available or not.
- Fixed an issue where One for All would grant more
bonus damage than intended on Grenade Launchers.
- Fixed an issue where using Shoot to Loot with Enhanced
Overflow would overflow the weapon much more than intended.
- Explosive Payload detonations will no longer pick up
ammo via Shoot to Loot to prevent an ammo exploit.
This interaction will be re-enabled once the underlying
issue has been fixed in a future patch.
Scout Rifles
- Increased damage of all Scout Rifles vs minor enemies
(red bars) in PvE by 10%
This change is in addition to the baseline damage buff
given in the Solstice balance patch.
High-Impact (360 RPM) Auto Rifles
- Increased base stability stat of all non-sunset
High-Impact Auto Rifles by 6-12, depending on the weapon.
Herod-C: 27-33
False Promises: 17-29
Age-Old Bond: 18-30
Chrysura Melo: 13-25
Come to Pass: 14-26
Lightweight Bows
- Reduced base draw time by 5% (from 612ms to 580ms).
- Increased the “perfect draw window” (how long you can
hold the drawn bow before you begin to lose accuracy and damage, stability
modifies this window).
From .30s to .50s on the low end.
From .55s to .80s on the high end.
Hand Cannons
- Fixed Dire Promise's zoom stat (got changed to 13
inadvertently, it's now 14 again).
- Glaive melee attacks can now activate the Exotic armor
perks on ACD/0 Feedback Fence, Karnstein Armlets, and Necrotic Grip.
Breech Grenade Launcher
- Concussion grenades can no longer roll in the magazine
Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Increased damage vs. majors and above by ~10%,
excluding Parasite.
- Updated the Dares of Eternity weapon set's perk pools
and added an origin trait.
- Addressed an issue where Playlist (Crucible, Gambit
and strike) weapons weren't randomizing perk count correctly based on number of
Ambitious Assassin
- Increased magazine overflow from 10% to 20% per kill
on Primary weapons only (Special and Heavy weapons are still 10%).
- Increased overflow cap from 50% to 150%.
Invader Tracker (Gambit origin trait)
- Renamed Gun and Run.
- Redesigned functionality to give a sprint speed
increase on multi-kills.
Skulking Wolf (Iron Banner origin trait)
- Redesigned to activate on kills while at low health.
- Cooldown has been removed, allowing for Rocket
Launchers and Grenade Launchers to return more ability energy when defeating
groups with a single shot.
Perpetual Motion
- Disabled audio/visual feedback on perk activation,
since it was triggering frequently enough to be annoying.
Lead from Gold
- Now gives the correct amount of ammo when two Special
weapons are equipped.
Concussion Grenades
- Can no longer roll on Breech Grenade Launchers.
Veist Stinger
- Fixed an issue where it was applying a charge time
reduction to Linear Fusion Rifles.
It will correctly only refill the magazine
from reserves when it triggers on these weapons.
Zen Moment, Particle Repeater
- Updated descriptions to say what they actually do.
Le Monarque
- Added intrinsic Overload to Poison Arrows.
- Added intrinsic Overload.
- Added intrinsic Unstoppable to explosions.
- Added +25 to the base airborne effectiveness stat (28
to 53) to match other Precision Hand Cannon’s intrinsic bonus.
- Added intrinsic Anti-Barrier.
- Increased number of hits vs. most targets from 2 to 3
(more hits against vehicles, still 2 against players).
- Increased damage vs Champions, majors, and minibosses
by 10%.
- Draw time decreased from 828ms to 820ms.
Ticuu's Divination
- Draw time decreased from 612ms to 580ms.
Legend of Acrius
- Catalyst now grants the Trench Barrel perk in addition
to its other effects.
Exotic Paired Legendary Weapons
CALUS Mini-Tool
- Increased airborne effectiveness from 23 to 28 to
match MIDA Mini-Tool.
MIDA Mini-Tool
- Increased zoom from 13 to 14 to match CALUS Mini-Tool.
Drang (Baroque)
- Increased airborne effectiveness from 21 to 23 to
match standard Drang.
Sweet Business
- Increased airborne effectiveness from 27 to 32.
Fighting Lion
- Season 17 damage increase has been reimplemented and
slightly increased from 5% to 8%.
- Increased the grace time for the instant reload effect
of Thin the Herd from 5 to 6s.
Lord of Wolves
- Decreased starting ammo in PvP from 15 to 10 (PvE
- Reduced the burst size (shots fired per trigger pull)
from 10 to 5 shots when Release the Wolves is active.
- Reduced the burst delay (the time between bursts) by
~60% when Release the Wolves is active.
- Decreased Lord of Wolves base damage by ~20% in (now
deals 35 per shot to the body in PvP, 44 with Release the Wolves active).
- Increased damage in PvE by 20% to compensate.
Dead Man's Tale
- Changed Cranial Spike's effects:
Cranial Spike no longer buffs damage vs players;
instead, it grants increased reload, aim assist, and range per stack.
It still grants additional damage vs. PvE combatants.
Upon reaching max stacks of Cranial Spike, the Catalyst
will now increase hip-fire RPM by 50 (i.e., it will fire at 180 RPM), but will
deal reduced damage per bullet (20% decrease).
Collective Obligation
- Increased Void Leech timer to 15 seconds in PvE
PvP remains at 10 seconds.
- Removed the Void Leech cooldown.
- Add a 20% damage bonus against PvE combatants only
while Void Leech is active.
- Takes less hits to fully charge Void Leech.
- Kills against debuffed targets instantly charge Void
- Void Leech is also instantly charged when your
character is affected by Void debuffs.
Does not work if hitting yourself with your own
Suppressor grenade.
- Fixed an issue where Umbral Sustenance was activating
with non-Void overshields.
- Fixed an issue on PlayStation platforms where the text
in many areas of the game would display an extra line break.
- Fixed an issue where text chat messages persist after
being kicked out to the login screen without exiting the game.
- Glimmer pickups will now play dematerialization VFX
when picked up.
- Added key binding options for vehicles which support
lateral dodging functionality.
- There is a known issue on Stadia where the title texts
for these settings are not appearing as expected. The team is aware of the root
cause, and a fix is expected in an upcoming hotfix.
- Updated tooltips for various vehicle key binding
options with more relevant information.
- Multiple key bindings for vehicles have missing or
incorrect definitions.
- Destiny 2 now available in the Epic Games Store.
- Speicherverrbauch von 113,3 GB auf 121,6 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 107,0 GB auf 114,8 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue where the treasure object could be
duplicated. This was contributing to inflation across the intergalactic economy,
and we can't have that.
- Fixed an issue where A Single Thread quest did not
complete if players completed Duality on Master difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where DPS for Golgoroth sometimes
didn't end properly.
- Fixed an issue where King's Fall Carries stat tracker
mentions Seasonal carries instead of weekly carries.
- Fixed an issue where total badge count was incorrect.
- Reduced damage resistance tiers in PvP (used by
Omnioculus and Whisper of Chains)
Tier 1: 10% to 2.5%
Tier 2: 15% to 5%
Tier 3: 20% to 7.5%
Tier 4: 25% to 10%
- Fixed an issue where certain Bows would reload
themselves while stowed.
- Fixed an issue where having Quicksilver Storm in
grenade mode could cause excess recoil on other weapons and other badness.
- Fixed an issue where the Season 18 Seasonal Machine
Gun and Sidearm had two Masterwork slots.
- Fixed an issue where most Heavy Grenade Launchers were
doing significantly more damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Combination Blow melee
ability was able to continually stagger boss combatants.
- Fixed an issue where Combination Blow's melee damage
scalar was also applying to Tempest Strike.
- Fixed an issue where Combination Blow's melee energy
regeneration bonus was also applying while Tempest Strike was equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the damage resistance provided by
the Flow State Aspect and Arc Staff Super while dodging was significantly higher
than intended in PvP.
- Fixed an issue where the Striker and Stormcaller
subclasses were not benefiting from resilience-based PvE damage resistance and
incoming flinch reduction.
- Fixed an issue where Tempest Strike could retain its
energy when activated after sliding off of a ledge.
- Fixed an issue where completing the Master Ketchcrash
weekly challenge didn't award gear.
- The Loyal Companion charity emote is available for
purchase in the archive.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes show ornaments as
owned, even though they were not.
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to claim
Prime Rewards from Amanda Holliday.
- Fixed an issue where a very loud sound plays when a
team wipes to Golgoroth's Drained of Light mechanic.
- Fixed issues where players could repeatedly die when
revived during the Basilica and Oryx encounters while the encounter wipe
- Fixed an issue where the Overzealous Triumph
requirement was unclear and could not be completed.
- Fixed an issue where the selection of the rune during
The Crux section of King’s Fall would prevent completion of the secret Deepsight
weapon chest puzzle.
- Fixed an issue where the King's Fall carries stat was
not being incremented.
- Fixed an issue where the following buffs and debuffs
were missing icons:
Aura of the Unraveler
Aura of the Weaver
Unstable Light
Channeling Corrupted Light
- Fixed an issue where the Vallhund Exotic
ornament had an incorrect tooltip and was missing from the ornaments screen.
- Loreley Splendor Helm Titan Exotic has been adjusted
to grant x1 Restoration.
From x2.
- Fixed an issue where a shaped BxR-55 Battler didn't
receive a Masterwork border when a player included two enhanced perks and an
enhanced intrinsic perk.
- Fixed an issue where Quicksilver Storm grenades could
add permanent buffs to your character.
- Quicksilver Storm has been re-enabled.
Telesto has been reprimanded.
- Fixed an issue where Stormtrance's damage was not
increasing over time while attacking.
- Fixed an issue where Fists of Havoc could be activated
while the player was in an active Ballistic Slam, resulting in a very, very...
very long initial leap.
- Fixed an issue where specific melee abilities (notably
Shiver Strike and Thunderclap) were not activating at close range when using the
Charged Melee keybind.
- Fixed a Silver sync issue on the Epic Games Store that
blocked some players from completing Silver and entitlement purchases.
- Adjusted map frequency weighting for Disjunction and
Cathedral of Dusk.
- Fixed an issue where Players could not progress the
weekly Crucible challenge in Crucible Labs.
- Fixed an issue where the Daughters of Oryx were taking
extra damage from Rocket Launchers and other sources.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to survive
certain wipe mechanics throughout the activity.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes spawn
behind doors during the Warpriest encounter.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasonal mod Improved Sword
Scavenger and leg armor mod Sword Scavenger would stack. If you equip one of
these mods you no longer can equip the other.
- Additionally, the regular and artifact Machine Gun
Scavenger mods were able to stack as well. This has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where Touch of Malice blight projectile
could affect allies, blinding them and causing them to take increased damage
from Weapons of Sorrow.
- Fixed an issue where the Touch of Malice final round
was incorrectly doubling its damage when hitting a Divinity field.
- Fixed an issue where the Spark of Feedback Fragment
could cause abilities, buffs, and debuffs to stop functioning in rare cases.
- Removed embedded links in Korean purchase dialogs that
are not functional on Xbox and PlayStation consoles.
- Fixed a crash that could occur at startup on
PlayStation 4 when users own a large number of platform entitlements.
- Fixed an issue where the 120Hz refresh rate option was
missing on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.
- Fixed an issue where players were blocked from
completing the Season 18 intro mission if they lost connection during the
- Fixed an issue where the Deepsightmodded weapon from
the Hidden Compartment Crew Upgradewasn’t appropriately refreshing at the weekly
- To alleviate some of the pressure in acquiring Season
of Plunder weapon patterns, the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Crew Upgrade will now
give you a Deepsightmodded weapon the first time you focus a weapon each week.
Note: this change is not yet reflected in the upgrade
description in-game.
- Fixed an issue where the Reactive Pulse mod provided
permanent overshield.
- Fixed an issue where Eager Edge could be used multiple
times in a single activation.
- Fixed an issue where players completing the new Season
18 crafting quests failed to have pattern Triumphsunlocked when acquiring the
weapon patterns.
- We’ve reduced the brightness of the effect that
appears when you damage yourself with the final round in Touch of Malice’s
- Fixed mislabeled Cry Mutiny ornament names.
- Fixed an issue where the legacy War
Table weekly challenge was unavailable.
- It now requires defeating Champions in
PsiOpsBattlegrounds for a powerful reward.
- Fixed an issue where players using Chinese characters
in their name were unable to play on the Microsoft Store platform.
- Neue Event "Festival der Verlorenen" ist gestartet und
ist vom 18.10.2022 bis zum 08.11.2022 verfügbar
- Fixed an issue where Crucible and Iron Banner Seasonal
kills and deaths were only being updated at match complete, rather than
continually during the match.
- Fixed an issue where Guardian eliminations did not
progress the Seasonal Greetings Triumph. Fixed an issue in Rumble where some
incorrect voiceover lines were playing.
- Shaxx apologies profusely.
- Fixed an issue where Crucible medals were awarded
rather than Iron Banner ones.
- Fixed issue where shutdown bonus points were awarded
multiple times if more than one player contributed to the shutdown.
- It will now only award points to the team once
- Fixed an issue where the game type icon did not
display on the activity intro screen.
- Ruffians will no longer despawn when drill phases end.
Additionally, their spawn rate has increased by 7%
- Treasure Coordinates will now drop after activity
- Added mitigations for issues where players could
inadvertently die after ringing the Bell of Conquest in the Duality dungeon.
- Fixed an issue in Duality dungeon where rapidly
interacting with Calus statues could block progression.
- Fixed an issue in King's Fall where players received
confirmation on completion of the Deepsight puzzle but didn't have the chest
- Fixed an issue in King's Fall where players would join
in progress at the wrong location before starting the Golgoroth encounter.
- Fixed an issue where Gyrfalcon's Hauberk Overshield
allowed players to gain infinite Juggernaut melees, Loreley Splendor Helm
Sunspots, and Promethium Spur Rifts.
- Fixed an issue where Ionic Traces Generated from
Fallen Star granted Glaive shield energy.
- Fixed an issue where Dawn Chorus was not showing in
players Collections.
- Second Chance Anti-barrier shield throw will now fully
deplete a Barrier Champions barrier at the Grandmaster level.
- Version of Horrors Least no longer in the game has
been removed as a requirement for the Dreaming City badge for all three classes.
- Blood Feud Submachine Gun will no longer appear tiny
on the inspection screen.
- Fixed Wish-Ender’s Queens Wrath perk not working in
- Fixed Iron Banner Sidearm and Rocket Launcher from the
rewards track not having Masterwork slots.
- Fixed King’s Falls Sundered Flesh shader that was
applying inconsistently.
- Fixed the glow on the Peacebringer weapon ornament.
Auto Rifles
- Increased the effects of the stability stat on recoil
reduction by around 20% at the high end.
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 1.5 to 1.55
which raises the critical damage from 30 to 31.
- Increased Bows stow duration. Duration varies by
subfamily and handling stat.
Before with 0 to 100 handling.
Lightweight: 0.4 to 0.2s.
Precision: 0.433 to 0.2s.
After with 0 to 100 handling:
Lightweight: 0.45 to 0.3s.
Precision: 0.48 to 0.33s.
Pulse Rifles
- Rebalanced the effect of the handling across Pulse
Increased effects of handling by 5% at the high end
(mostly affects Lightweights and Adaptives).
Reduced effects of handling by 2% at the low end (mostly
affects High-Impacts and Rapid-Fires).
- Adjusted damage falloff scale based on the range stat.
0 range: reduced from 16 to 15m.
100 range: unchanged.
- Increased the precision multiplier from 1.6x to 1.65x
(crit damage goes from 30.4 to 31.4).
- Piece of Mind base zoom reduced from 19 to 18.
Scouts Rifles
- Reduced body damage from 42 to 40, and crit damage
from 73.5 to 70.
- Increased auto aim fall-off distance by 30% across the
- Previously Sidearms were the only primary weapon where
auto aim fell off significantly before damage, this brings them up to parity
with other primary weapons.
- Reduced damage fall-off end (the distance at which the
damage dealt by the weapon in hip-fire reaches its lowest point, going ADS
extends this distance) from 24m to 23m across the board.
- This means damage fall off will begin at the same
point, but damage will decrease a bit faster.
Increased critical damage from 22.4 to 23.8 and base
damage from 16 to 17.
Reduced the zoom of Shayura's Wrath, Shayura's Wrath
(Adept), and Friction Fire from 16 to 15.
Reduced critical damage from 18.2 to 17.9 and base
damage from 11 to 10.85.
Fusion Rifles
- Reduced the effect the intrinsic Precision Frame perk
has on recoil direction by 50% for Fusion Rifles only.
- Reduced Glaive shield damage resistance vs players
from 75% to 50%.
Damage from player supers unchanged at 50%.
Damage from non-players unchanged at 97.5%.
Sniper Rifles
- Increased the settle time after receiving flinch by
- Reduced received flinch in PvE.
Trace Rifles
- Increased effect of the stability on recoil reduction
at the low end of the stat by around 10%, at the high end of the stat by around
Rocket Launchers
- Increased blast radius by 0.4m across the board.
- Gutshot Straight: Removed audio cue from activation.
- Fixed an issue where the Queen's Wrath perk was not
properly applying Truesight in certain PvP maps, Lost Sectors, and other
Jade Rabbit
- Reduced aim assist by 20.
Lord of Wolves
- When Release the Wolves is active:
- Reduced ADS accuracy penalty 10x to 3x.
- Removed the previously existing 25% universal base
damage buff.
- Added 40% additional PvE damage buff.
- Removed the 50% critical hit multiplier penalty.
- Fires full auto.
No Time to Explain
- Reduced recoil direction stat from 90 to 73.
- Reduced aim assist stat from 45 to 40.
- Reduced damage resistance versus players when Arc
Superconductor is active from 50% to 15%.
- Fixed an issue where some icons were displaying with
the wrong background at Ikora.
- Fixed an issue with Burning Mail where the camera
sometimes could detach while spinning at specific sensitivities.
- Fixed an issue where both Lightning Surge and
Thunderclap abilities were not doing damage to Stasis crystals or Bleak
- Fixed an issue where Gathering Storm, Lightning Surge,
Thunderclap, and Jolt icons were not showing up in the kill feed.
- Fixed an issue where Combination Blow wouldn't
deactivate when swapping subclasses.
- Fixed an issue where Void Overshield keyword flyout
was shown when inspecting Whisper of Rime.
- Fixed an issue where players on PlayStation Network
continued seeing the Lightfall pre-order upsell dialog after they had purchased
the pre-order. Interacting with the dialog sent them to the store product page,
which correctly showed Lightfall as already owned.
- Fixed an issue where the purchase confirmation toast
did not appear on Xbox, Microsoft, or Sony platforms after purchasing the Season
18 Season Pass.
- Fixed a photosensitivity issue where the Ketch turrets
were flashing in the player's camera when targeted.
- Fixed an issue where new Hunter characters made on
veteran accounts may have incorrect subclass access.
- Fixed an issue where the Deepsight platforms would
block a portal in the Throneworld mission, The Ritual.
- Fixed an issue where Iron Banner: Eruption was
awarding Crucible medals instead of Iron Banner medals.
- Fixed an issue where players were prevented from
placing Ships of the Shipstealer relics in the H.E.L.M.
- Fixed an issue where the week-seven Seasonal Challenge
"Shaper II was significantly harder to achieve than other Challenges that are
required in order to gain Repute.
- Fixed an issue where players sometimes didn’t teleport
to reward location after completing final encounter.
- Fixed an issue where certain raids and dungeons were
not progressing the Masked Mayhem Triumph for gilding the Ghost Writer Seal.
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed an issue where Enhanced Repulsor Brace was not
stronger than the base perk.
- Fixed an issue where Mindbender's Ambition (Adept)
wasn't dropping with two perks in the left trait column.
- Fixed an issue where the scope for Arbalest’s
Electromagnetic Execution ornament would flicker under some circumstances.
- Reduced the number of Headless Ones needed to be
defeated in Haunted Lost Sectors for the One of Many Triumph.
- Manse Macabre ship preview is now brighter.
- Festival of the Lost Event Card
- Fixed an issue where the purchase button tooltip on
the Event Card upgrade dialog was missing ticket expiration text.
- Fixed an issue where the image and instant reward icon
of the Bold Chapalu Sparrow on the Event Card upgrade dialog were using
incorrect dyes.
- Fixed an issue where the Automatic Transmission Event
Card challenge was rewarding the Mechabre Sniper Rifle instead of the BrayTech
Werewolf Auto Rifle.
- Fixed an issue where dungeon solo flawless Triumphs
had the incorrect description.
- Now clarifies that players need to do it in a single
activity session (Note: This has always been the behavior for all flawless
related Triumphs, but it wasn't explicitly mentioned in these Triumph until now)
- Fixed an issue where Lord of Wolves was increasing
ability damage in addition to its own.
- Fixed an issue where the extra 20% bonus to aim assist
fall off was not removed from Rangefinder.
- Fixed an issue where Angel's Gleam and Flower Child
shaders had incorrect sources listed in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where players were not able to acquire
Scallywag Seal due to being blocked by the Semaphore Signals Triumph. The
Semaphore Signals Triumph is no longer needed for Scallywag Seal.
- Players can still unlock the Semaphore Signals Triumph
for Triumph score and hear that sweet, sweet narrative radio content by
proceeding on their Sails of the Shipstealer quest.
- If players have a character that has finished the
quest but are blocked by this issue, they must progress on characters that have
not yet finished the quest.
For maximum efficiency in unlocking radio content, we
don’t advise progressing on this quest on multiple characters.
- Fixed an issue in Vow of the Disciple where encounter
challenges were unintentionally active for Guided Games.
- Fixed an issue where the Regicide Triumph for King's
Fall remained visible when it could no longer be obtained.
- Fixed an issue in King's Fall during the Warpriest
encounter where players could bypass plate mechanics.
- Fixed an issue in King's Fall during the Daughters
encounterchallenge that bypasse intended completion requirements.
Fixed an issue in Duality where players
sometimesself-revived and respawned outside of the final encounter.
- Artifice Armor pieces that previously lost their bonus
artifact mod sockets have had those sockets restored and can be used to slot
Season 19 artifact mods.
Quickplay (6v6)
- It is now a playlist with both Clash and Control.
- Uses loose skill-based matchmaking (SBMM), which we
have tuned during Season 18.
Weekly Rotator (6v6/Free For All)
- Rotates weekly between Momentum Control, Mayhem,
Scorched, Rift, and Rumble.
- Use purely connection-based matchmaking (CBMM).
Competitive Division / Freelance (3v3)
- This is now a playlist, randomly picking Survival,
Rift, and Showdown.
- Uses a new SBMM setting built using concepts we
developed for loose SBMM tuning but tightened to match you more closely against
opponents of your skill.
Crucible Labs
- Shaxx has an intro quest to get you started!
- During Season 19, Labs is showcasing 3v3 Rift with
asymmetric maps.
- Labs now have a stacking +25% reputation booster.
- Crucible Labs uses CBMM.
Trials of Osiris (3v3)
- When Trials is active, it replaces Crucible Labs.
Iron Banner / Freelance (6v6)
- When Iron Banner is active, it replaces the Quickplay
Competitive Division
- Glory progression deprecated.
- New Competitive Division ladder implemented.
- Progress through seven divisions, based on your skill
in the Crucible:
- Earn/lose more/less skill by:
Playing well.
Having your division be above/below your skill rating.
Being better/worse than the rest of the lobby.
- Participate in:
Placement Series to start each Season and be placed in
an initial division based on skill.
Promotion Series to promote to a higher division.
Relegation Series to avoid demotion to a lower division.
- Avoid division decay by playing some matches each
week. Avoid division decay by playing some matches each week.
Competitive Division Rewards
- A cool division.
- Once a week, each character can complete a Competitive
Division challenge to earn a drop of the Rose Hand Cannon.
- Your division gives you a stacking Crucible Rank
Copper and Bronze - 1.0x
Silver - 1.1x
Gold - 1.2x
Platinum - 1.3x
Adept - 1.4x
Ascendant - 1.5x
- We are implementing a new matchmaking parameter in
Quickplay: fireteam size. Expect more fireteam vs. fireteam matches in Quickplay
and, as the Season continues, other playlists.
- Lowered the amount of suspension time handed out for
serial quitting in the Quickplay playlist.
- Added the amount of time remaining to all suspension
messages and made the messages trigger when clicking on the node.
If you want to know how much time you have left before
you can play again, the information is now available.
New Crucible Seal and Title
- Unbroken and its Glory related Triumphs have been
- Added new Crucible title 'Glorious' and new Triumphs.
Crucible Engrams
- Crucible Engrams will be a virtual currency and live
exclusively on the Rank Progress bar on Lord Shaxx.
- Players can open Crucible Engrams by visiting Shaxx,
no Rahool needed.
Crucible Gear Focusing
- You can focus the Crucible Engram directly into either
Crucible armor or Crucible weapons.
- Crucible gear focusing cost for Season 19:
One Crucible Engram
10,000 Glimmer
50 Legendary Shards
- Crucible Engrams DO NOT need to be “claimed” to be
spent on focusing.
- Individual pieces of gear must have been acquired at
least once prior to being available for focusing.
Crucible armor available for focusing in Season 19:
Clutch Extol Set
Crucible weapons available for focusing in Season 19:
Stars in Shadow
The Keening
Frozen Orbit
Survivor’s Epitaph
Sorrow’s Verse
Crisis Inverted
Out of Bounds
- Brand new Crucible weapons are only available as drops
during their introductory Season and are then available for focusing the
following Season.
- Other Shaxx changes
The Kill-Tracker Ghost Shell will no longer appear at
Lord Shaxx if it has already been acquired. It may be reacquired from
- Fixed some issues where Void objectives for weaken and
suppress were not counting correctly against Guardians.
- Reduced number of final blows required for some
bounties calling for elemental status effects in Crucible.
- Updated Crucible bounty availability to align with
Crucible revamp changes.
- Quickplay suspension timer is now separate from
Competitive. Suspension time remaining is now displayed.
- Showdown Heavy ammo initial spawn time increased to
60s, is not shareable, and only spawns once per round.
- Rift Heavy ammo is not shareable.
- 3v3 Rift and Showdown resurrect timer set to 2s;
respawn timer set to 7s.
- Mode rule descriptions added to launch screen of all
Crucible modes.
- Loading screen hints added for all Crucible and Iron
Banner modes.
- Curated maps in all Crucible modes.
- Eternity should now award progress towards This Is the
Way Triumph in Trials.
- Fixed landing cinematic for Disjunction in Glory
- Crucible Rank reputation is increased based on your
Ranked 3v3 ladder rank.
- MIDA Multi-Tool catalyst can now drop from any
Crucible win.
- Players will no longer be able to summon Sparrows in
Maevic Square during the Lake of Shadows strike.
- Fixed an issue where some Champion strings displayed
the wrong icons.
- Fixed rare issue of objectives not updating in the
Warden of Nothing strike.
- Increased Glimmer rewards for completing public
- Heroic public events reward 10K and 12.5K Glimmer.
- Non-heroic public events reward 3300 and 4645 Glimmer.
- Fixed an issue preventing the color preview squares
for Colorblind settings from updating until navigating away from the Settings
screen and back.
- Fixed an issue where the Fast Travel tutorial would
appear multiple times during New Light and could not be dismissed.
- Reduced glow intensity of Gambit Jadestone to be in
line with that of other shaders.
- This was done to diminish the negative impact of the
shader on fellow Guardians.
- Other such shaders will follow in the future.
Wormgod Caress
- Reduced maximum damage multiplier from 7.5x to 3.5x.
Winter's Guile
- Reduced maximum damage multiplier from 7.5x to 3.5x.
Lucky Pants
- No longer scale the damage of the jolted status effect
when applied by a Hand Cannon.
- Restorative Finisher no longer prevents you from
performing a finisher if you do not have enough Super energy to trigger its
- Unstoppable Hand Cannon now correctly requires you to
aim down sights without firing your Hand Cannon before activating the
unstoppable effect.
- Added a full auto toggle to the Gameplay section of
the Settings menu. This will make all weapons fire at full auto.
- Reduced the size and intensity of Lumina's muzzle
flash in order to alleviate photosensitivity concerns.
- Omolon weapons will now correctly display the liquid
ammunition color that corresponds to their damage type while in the inspection
- Shoot to Loot can once again pick up ammo via
explosion damage.
- To Excess (Opulent origin trait) no longer displays a
stacking counter when triggered on multiple weapons. (This is purely a visual
Weapon Archetypes
- Reduced zoom stat on Drang and Drang (Baroque) from 14
to 13.
Fusion Rifle
Main Ingredient
- Reduced stability from 49 to 35.
- Reduced aim assist stat from 59 to 45.
- Rebuilt the Fusion Rifle hip-fire reticle to react
more obviously to changes in accuracy cone.
- Added a fixed pellet spread to each Legendary Pellet
Shotgun subfamily and a matching custom reticle.
- Updated reticle for slug Shotgun to better represent
- Increased PvE damage by 5%.
- Reload speed benefit now applies at all times instead
of only when reloading from empty.
- Fixed several Shotguns which were using the incorrect
intrinsic Aggressive perk. Now all Aggressive Shotguns will increase RPM after a
kill, as intended.
- Glaive projectiles have been adjusted for more
reliable hit detection.
- Glaive melee attacks can now benefit from the Exotic
armor perks on Synthoceps, Wormgod Caress, and Winter's Guile.
- Glaive melee damage multipliers reduced by 25-30%
against Champions, minibosses, bosses, and vehicles. Majors and minors are
- Glaive melee base damage reduced from 75 to 67.
- Grenade Launchers, The Queenbreaker, and Grand
- Switched from the old blinding screen effect to the
new Arc blind one with reduced screen effect brightness.
Hand Cannon (Rose has new stats.)
- Increased range from 38 to 43.
- Reduced stability from 45 to 40.
- Reduced handling from 68 to 60.
- Airborne effectiveness is 20.
Weapon Mods
- The Dragonfly, Rampage, and Surrounded perks now have
their spec mod behaviors enabled by default.
Air Assault
- Now grants a stacking bonus to airborne effectiveness.
Maximum two stacks: one per final blow, two per airborne final blow. Each stack
is +30 AE.
- Body shots now increase your precision multiplier and
increase aim assist. Additional body shots reset the timer.
- It has a 0.55s base timer. Body shots while the perk
is active reset the timer.
- Final blows now grant stacks of Encore. Stacks grant
increased stability, range, and accuracy (+8 stability, +5 range, and +1.25%
accuracy per stack).
- Body shot final blows grant one stack, precision final
blows grant two stacks, with a maximum of four stacks.
- Lasts 7s, Enhanced Encore lasts 7.5s. Final blows
refresh the timer.
Seraph Rounds
- Removed +10% range scalar.
- Now gives +7 stability, +3 range.
Tunnel Vision + Kill Clip
- The duration of these buffs can now be refreshed if
activated while already active.
- Reduced damage bonus from Kill Clip from 33% to 25%.
- Now builds stacks against minor enemies and consumes
them on everything else (i.e., matches Minor Spec and other perks that use
similar language).
Häkke Breach Armaments
- Now increases damage vs. Ward of Dawn and Well of
Radiance sword by 30% (60% with the artifact mod).
- Damage bonus against Stasis crystals has been
increased by 15% (both base and with artifact mod).
Gutshot Straight
- Increased bonus Auto Rifle body shot damage from 10%
to 20%.
Compulsive Reloader
- Now remains active down to half ammo.
High-Impact Frame intrinsic perk
- Now allows a very small amount of movement instead of
turning off with any movement.
Ambitious Assassin
- Increased allowed time between final blows from 5s to
- Duration increased from 10s to 15s.
- Stacking the effect still resets the timer.
- Fixed the perk to work correctly in PvP.
- Grants up to 100% bonus damage at max stacks in PvE.
5- 0% in PvP.
Zen Moment
- No longer deactivates on a miss. Now has a 1s timer.
Rewind Rounds
- Now work correctly when hitting the cage created by
- Now triggers on breaking player shields.
One Quiet Moment
- Now reactivates much faster after a final blow.
Gun and Run
- Reduced the number of final blows needed to activate.
Box Breathing
- Reduced damage bonus on Scout Rifles by 5%.
Unstoppable Force
- Reduced damage bonus from 30% to 20%.
One-Two Punch
- Reduced bonus melee damage as follows:
- From 3x to 2x vs. most enemies with unpowered melees.
- From 1.8x to 1.4x vs. most enemies with charged
- Reduced the additional bonus vs. bosses from 0.5 to
Enhanced Perks
Enhanced Unrelenting
- Removed +5 handling.
- Added +5 health regeneration.
Enhanced Perpetual Motion
- Removed .1s faster activation.
- Removed .1s grace period on end.
- Added 1s faster activation of x2 stacks.
Enhanced Timed Payload
- Shifted from +5 range to +5 stability.
Enhanced Explosive Payload
- Shifted from +5 range to +5 reload.
Enhanced Firing Line
- Added +10 handling when near allies.
- Removed increased neutral range.
Enhanced Grave Robber
- Changed +5 reload to +5 handling.
Enhanced Explosive Light
- Added one more charge (stack caps at 7).
Enhanced Cornered
- Added +10 stability when active.
Enhanced Cold Steel
- Now adds +10 energy and weapon sizw to be consistent
with other ammo capacity-increasing perks.
Enhanced Vorpal Weapon
- Changed from +5 reload to +5 stability.
- This will apply to the guard resistance stat on
Enhanced Genesis
- Removed Primary ammo overflow.
- Now provides additional handling.
Enhanced Flash Counter
- Corrected an issue where this only provided a display
stat to Swords; now this will properly provide increased ammo capacity.
- Enhanced Chain Reaction
- Updated its definition as inventory provides a
different benefit to Swords.
Enhanced Ambitious Assassin
- Increased allowed time between final blows from 6s to
- The Fundamentals trait (present on the damage-type
switching Exotics like Borealis, Hard Light, and Dead Messenger)
Added stats to each element
- Arc: +25 handling and +5 range.
- Solar: +35 reload speed and +20 airborne
- Void: +20 stability and +10 aim assist.
- Breaking a matched shield now refills the magazine
from reserves and allows your next five shots to deal bonus damage.
- Not deactivated by reloading anymore.
Jade Rabbit
- New perk design:
- Quickly landing three crits returns one round to the
magazine, and allows your next body shot to land for increased damage.
- Can stack up to three increased damage body shots.
- Resets if you reload.
With the addition of the Full Auto setting, we've
replaced the Full Auto Trigger System perk with something else on each weapon
that had it.
No Time to Explain
- Replaced with Feeding Frenzy.
Traveler's Chosen
- Catalyst perk replaced with Surplus.
- It still has Osmosis.
Vigilance Wing
- Catalyst perk replaced with Ensemble.
Dead Man's Tale
- Now prefers critical hits over body hits in hip-fire
if both types of targets are inside the precision aim cone.
- Increased body shot damage from 46 to 54, reduced crit
damage from 81 to 80.
- Now applies Jolt when damaging targets affected by
Personal Assistant.
- Increased base airborne effectiveness to 80.
- Increased its hidden damage bonus vs
Witherhoard-blighted targets from 10% to 25%.
Whisper of the Worm
- Increased base airborne effectiveness to 80.
The Prospector
- Added Chain Reaction to the intrinsic perk.
The Fourth Horseman
- Decreased recoil by 50%.
- Increased crit damage by 30% in PvE.
- Reduced base damage from 40 to 37 and crit damage from
72 to 67 in PvP.
The Rock perk:
- Increased damage by 60% in PvE.
- Increased damage at the outer edge damage radius from
0% to 20%.
- Reduced ammo cost to activate from 6 to 4.
- Decreased charge time on hit no longer resets on kill
or on reload and now works on a five-second timer.
- The timer is refreshed when landing hits.
Rat King
- Radius required to activate its perk increased from
15m to 20m.
Legend of Acrius
- Removed movement penalties.
- Reduced spread angle by 6%.
- This halves the effect of Season 14's spread angle
Quicksilver Storm
- Increased PvP maximum grenade damage from 80 to 120.
Increased explosion radius from 3m to 4m.
- Switched rocket damage from Arc to Kinetic.
- Reduced cooldown on Ionic Trace generation from 3.5s
to 2s.
- Now maxes out stability and reload speed when at
maximum damage.
- Picking up an Ionic Trace now reduces the time it
takes to get to max damage.
Grand Overture
- Increased missile damage by ~50%.
- Now deals part (roughly half) of its damage as impact
damage, and the rest as detonation.
- Overall damage increased by 5%.
- The lightning storm will now correctly activate when
hitting Divinity's cage.
- Reduced Taken blight duration from 7.5s to 4.5s.
- Reduced Divinity's weaken from 30% to 15%.
- Still self-buffs to 30%.
- Reduced primary rocket's impact and detonation damage
by 25%.
- Wolfpack Rounds damage unaffected.
- Reduced body shot damage to match Lorentz Driver.
- Fixed an issue where Shaw Han's supply chest in the
Cosmodrome could award items that have been removed from the game.
- Fixed an issue where Europa and Beyond Light content
may have been inaccessible to some players.
- You can no longer preview a focusing engram where you
have no eligible items to decrypt.
- Daily and weekly bounties from Xûr and Starhorse now
reward Strange Favor reputation.
- The amount of Strange Favor reputation earned by
completing Dares on Legend difficulty has been increased.
- Destiny 2: Year-4 weapons and armor sets and Tangled
Shore armor sets have been added to the Dares of Eternity reward pool.
- Destiny 2: Year-3 weapons and older, no longer
available, destination armor sets (from Io, Mars, Mercury, and Titan) have been
removed from the Dares of Eternity reward pool.
- All existing in-game sources of destination materials
will be disabled. Players will no longer earn destination materials via
interacting with resource nodes, opening chests, completing public events,
finishing strikes, etc.
- Harvesting resource nodes will now grant Glimmer and
XP directly instead of destination materials,
Destination materials removed:
Glacial Starwort - Europa
Dusklight Shard - EDZ
Helium Filaments - Luna
Spinmetal Leaves - Cosmodrome
Baryon Bough - Dreaming City
Microphasic Datalattice – Nessus
- Rahool will no longer sell destination materials.
- Players who have destination materials on their
account will still be able to exchange them for Glimmer at Rahool, although at a
reduced rate compared to what is currently offered.
- Current exchange rate: 20 destination materials =
10,000 Glimmer.
- Rahool will provide context sensitive offers that will
display depending on how many of each material players have in their inventory,
offers will be invisible to players who do not have any destination materials.
- New exchange rate: 20 destination materials = 5,000
Offers are Only visible if players have more than 20 of
the associated material in their inventory.
- New exchange rate: 1 destination material = 250
Offers are only visible if players have less than 20,
but more than zero of the associated material in their inventory.
- This will be the only use for destination materials
beyond Season 19.
- These offers are unavailable for previously deprecated
materials such as Etheric Spirals, Alkane Dust, Phaseglass Needles, or
We don’t want players to feel bad if they have thrown
these resources away.
- Rahool now allows players to exchange the following
materials for Glimmer:
Dark Fragment
Phantasmal Fragment
Herealways Piece
- Destination material cost has been removed from
Upgrade Module purchases.
- Purchasing costs for the Monument to Lost Lights will
see the destination material costs replaced with Legendary Shard costs.
- As mentioned earlier in these patch notes, the
Kill-Tracker Ghost Shell will no longer appear on Lord Shaxx if it has already
been acquired. It may be reacquired from Collections.
- Devrim Kay and Failsafe will see their current
reputation system, which required players to spend Dusklight Shards and
Microphasic Datalattice, respectively, removed.
- Currently out of scope to create new reputation system
akin to what we saw with Finch on Throneworld.
These vendors will no longer sell sunset weapons.
Destination armor will be available for purchase without
requiring players to earn ranks with the vendor.
Cost will be 1000 Glimmer and 25 Legendary Shards.
- Emblems and rewards that were once unlocked through
ranking up vendor will become purchasable on vendor.
Ghost Shell Cost: 10 Legendary Shards.
Emblem Cost: 25 Legendary Shards.
- Increase the number of daily bounties available at the
vendor from 3 to 4 to be in line with other destinations.
- The following Ghost Mods will be removed as they no
longer will have any functionality in the game:
Materialism (Vanguard)
Materialism (Crucible)
Materialism (Gambit)
- The Following Ghost Mods will see changes to their
Public Defender: no longer increases destination
material acquisition, now offers increased Glimmer rewards.
Bountiful Harvest: no longer increases destination
material acquisition, now offers increased Glimmer rewards.
- Fixed an issue where, after joining a player through a
Bungie invite, attempting to join a different player by accepting a platform
invite will send them to first player’s fireteam.
- Fixed an issue where emblems rewarded by completing
the King's Fall raid or raid carries are missed by the raid metrics category.
- Fixed an issue where chat disabled via in-game
settings would remain inactive when players try to engage by text in the chat.
- Fixed an issue where subclass emblems were not
properly unlocked with New Light completion.
- French Exo Stranger voice talent has been recast.
- Spanish Castilian Exo Stranger voice talent has been
- Russian Mara Sov was temporary recast for Season 19.
- Original talent will come back for future releases.
- Lightfall expansion renamed for Portuguese-BR to Queda
da Luz.
- Speicherverbrauch von 124,8 GB auf 131,4 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 115,9 GB auf 122,2 GB erhöht
- Neues Event "Der Anbruch" ist gestartet und ist vom
13.12.2022 bis zum 03.01.2023 verfügbar
- Fixed an issue where the Lightning Surge Warlock melee
ability was not correctly triggering the effects of the Felwinter's Helm Exotic
- Reworked the activation triggers and effects of the
Gyrfalcon's Hauberk Exotic chest. The new functionality is:
- When you emerge from invisibility, your Void weapons
gain Volatile Rounds for a short time.
- When you perform a finisher on an enemy while you are
invisible, you gain a temporary bonus to weapon damage and a reserve overshield
for you and nearby allies.
- Fixed an issue where hip-fire reticles were missing on
Slug Shotguns.
- Pugilist, Demolitionist, and Wellspring now properly
grant ability energy even when the ability is overridden. For example, melee
abilities will now get melee energy from Wellspring when holding a Sword or
- Fixed an issue where the Encore perk icon was showing
when the weapon was stowed.
- Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Chain Reaction
didn´t show that Swords receive improved guard endurance.
- Fixed an issue where Icarus Grip and Air Assault
wouldn´t show the weapons improved Airborne Effectiveness value.
Void Invisibility:
- While invisible, your maximum radar range is now
capped at 24m.
- Reduced the number of Triumphs required for the
"Seraph" title from 10 to 9. Reduced the completion requirements by ~50% for the
Precision Loadout Seasonal Challenge.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect Season was shown on
the archive carousel.
- Speicherverbrauch von 131,4 GB auf 131,5 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 122,2 GB auf 122,3 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when
depositing an Arc charge while the boss is immune in Heist Battlegrounds.
- Players can now join in progress during the boss
encounters in the Heist Battlegrounds playlist.
- Fixed an issue where the Heist Battlegrounds: Legend
node would sometimes display incorrect activity details, such as matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue where the Devil's Lair strike boss did
not count as a Fallen boss for certain objectives.
- Fixed an issue where the rank reputation booster
modifier icon would not display on activity launch screens.
- Fixed an issue where the rank reputation booster
modifier icon would not display on activity launch screens.
- Fixed an issue that caused Promotion and Relegation
series director dialogs to display at the wrong time.
- Reduced round score limit in Showdown to 10 from 15.
- Adjusted the match score limit for 3v3 Rift and
Survival to 3 rounds to win.
Adjusted the quitter penalty system to be more lenient
before triggering the quitter warning message and suspension timer.
Game History
Fixed an issue where Season 19 Competitive Crucible and
Iron Banner matches were missing from Bungie.net Game History APIs.
- Spire of the Watcher: Fixed an issue that
allowed the Warlock Stasis Super to activate Arc node circuits without line of
- Unstoppable Hand Cannon perk now activates more
quickly and no longer plays its audio cue when using a non-Hand Cannon weapon.
- The Energy Diffusion Substrate mod now correctly
stacks up to three times.
- The Candescent armor sets now appear correctly in the
Appearance Customization screen.
- Crown of Tempest will no longer provide ability
energy when using a non-Arc subclass.
- Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender's additional hits were
disabled when the Anti-Barrier Bow mod was equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Kill Clip wasn't correctly being
refreshed when already active.
- Fixed an issue where Revision Zero's weapon glint
wasn't consistently visible when in the alternate high damage mode.
- Fixed an issue where Rapid-Fire Shotguns didn't have
the intended bonus reserves.
- Fixed an issue where Jade Rabbit's Exotic perk applied
its damage buff to all outgoing damage.
Fixed an issue where the lights
on Witherhoard's Exotic ornament Drowned in Strife operated in reverse (they
were lighting up when the weapon was empty, now they light up when it's full).
Fixed an issue where Spark of Frequency was not
consistently granting its reload speed bonus on melee hit when paired with some
Arc melee abilities.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from progressing the
intro mission for Season of the Seraph on characters that had not completed the
intro for The Witch Queen. To access Season of the Seraph, complete the
"Hierarchy" activity on Europa.
- Updated the Crucible Threader bounty for capturing
Control Points, now requires 15 captures (down from 30).
- Xûr will now sell the v1.0.3 version of
the IKELOS weapons rather than the v1.0.2 versions he sold before.
- UI loader has been optimized to improve snappiness
when switching between multiple screens quickly.
- Spieler können sich möglicherweise nicht mehr ducken,
nachdem sie in der Exotischen Mission „Operation: Seraphs Schild“ die erste
Scanner-Stärkung erhalten haben.
- Der Fortschritt bei der Exotischen Mission „Operation:
Seraphs Schild“ kann nicht immer getriggert werden. Spieler können dann die
Scanner-Stärkung nicht mehr abgeben und müssen von vorne beginnen.
- Konsolen-Spieler sind manchmal unsichtbar oder können
ihre Waffe nicht sehen.
- Namensänderungen von Spielern sind nicht über
bungie.net anpassbar. Die Spieler warten hier immer noch auf die Option ihren
Spielernamen wieder mehrmals statt nur einmal anpassen zu können.
- Der exotische Dungeon-Bogen “Hierarchie der Ansprüche”
durchdringt Hydra- oder Phalanx-Schilde nicht richtig, wenn er mit dem
Artefakt-Rüstungs-Mod „Durchdringende Bogensehne“ kombiniert wird.
- Fixed an issue where Shadebinder Warlocks couldn’t
shoot Stasis projectiles during their Super.
- Legend difficulty now grants progression toward
various Triumphs and Challenges.
- Year-5 Seasonal ritual activities now count toward
ritual progress of all Season Pass Exotic catalyst quests.
- Fixed an issue where the Ritual of the Season Triumph
progressed with Heavy Grenade Launchers instead of Pulse Rifles.
- Rumble: Restored as a game mode and removed from the
weekly rotation.
- Showdown: Fixed an issue where revives where not
properly displayed on the scoreboard.
- Increased reputation gains by over 50%.
Citan's Ramparts:
- Increased the cooldown of the Barricade ability while
Citan's Ramparts are equipped by 70%.
- Increased the amount of damage players deal to a
Citan's Barricade by 25%.
- Developer note: This change should decrease how often
one sees a Citan's Barricade in PvP, as well as add more opportunities for
effective counterplay.
- Adjusted Deep Stone Crypt raid encounter rewards to
favor Deepsight weapons that have not had their patterns fully unlocked.
Happy farming.
- Updated Deep Stone Crypt's Commemoration Machine Gun
to properly allow Rapid Hit and High-Impact Reserves as crafting options, as
well as Feeding Frenzy and Under Pressure.
This includes crafting support for the enhanced versions
of these perks.
- Fixed an issue where Tripwire Canary was not
displaying the correct draw time stat in the UI.
Submachine Gun
- Increased damage and aim assist falloff start at 0
range by ~30%.
- Reduced damage and aim assist falloff start at 100
range by ~10%.
- Increased critical hit multiplier from 1.44 to 1.5.
- Crit damage goes from 16.2 to 16.9.
- Increased Forensic Nightmare's zoom from 13 to 14.
Pulse Rifle
- Reduced aim assist falloff start at 100 range by ~10%.
- Reduced damage falloff start at 100 range by ~5%.
- Increased recoil by 20% on mouse and keyboard only
- Reduced BXR-55 Battler zoom from 20 to 18.
- Reduced the Season 18 aim assist falloff distance buff
from 30% to 20%.
Primary weapons
Aim Assist
- Reduced all additional primary weapon auto-aim (bullet
bend) penalties by ~60% at 0 AE (i.e., reduced penalty from 1.2 degrees to 0.5
degrees) for both mouse and keyboard as well as controller.
- Increased the precision angle (how far off target you
can be and still have auto-aim help you land a headshot instead of a body shot)
by 50% at 100 AE.
- Changed the curve to be exponential, so you'll get
more benefit at high AE for both mouse and keyboard and controller.
- Removed all additional Primary weapon magnetism
(reticle friction) penalties, and at 60 to 100 AE you get a magnetism bonus
compared to pre-AE (0.5 degrees at 100 AE) for controller only.
- Reduced accuracy penalty for all Primary weapons.
- At 10 AE they're now as accurate as if they had an
Icarus Grip mod slotted before Season 17. (Previously they reached this level of
accuracy at 30 AE.)
Approximate reduction in penalty:
- Hand Cannon, Sidearm: 60%.
- Auto Rifle, Scout Rifle, Pulse Rifle, Submachine Gun:
- Bow: 30%.
Special weapons
- Sniper Rifles and Slug Shotguns
- Reduced base airborne accuracy penalty by 50%.
Pellet Shotguns
- Fully removed airborne accuracy penalty.
- Airborne spread angle penalty is still present.
Dead Messenger
- Reduced splash damage against players from waves by
Dead Man's Tale
- Removed the damage penalty for 5 stacks of Cranial
- Reduced hip fire and airborne aim assist cone angles
by 25% on mouse and keyboard.
- Reduced hip fire cone angle bonus scaling from 20% to
- Reduced hip fire precision aim cone angle from 3
degrees to 0.8 degrees.
- Reduced hip fire auto-aim falloff scalar from 1.5 to
- Reversal of Fortune now triggers on two misses within
- Fixed an issue where the Perfect Float perk could
cause the Frenzy perk to activate prematurely.
- Increased the base cooldown time of the following
class abilities by ~20%:
- Towering Barricade base cooldown increased from 40s to
- Rally Barricade base cooldown increased from 32s to
- Thruster base cooldown increased from 30s to 36s.
- Marksman's Dodge base cooldown increased from 29s to
- Gambler's Dodge base cooldown increased from 38s to
Touch of Thunder - Storm Grenade:
- Roaming Storm lightning strike damage reduced from 40
to 30.
- Added a 0.24s delay on Roaming Storm creation after
the primary grenade detonation.
- Travel speed now begins at 1.5 meters/second and ramps
up over 1.3s to a maximum speed of 3 meters/second.
It previously was a flat 3.5 meters/second at all times.
- Tracking search range now increases in size over 2s
after creation, rather than starting at full size.
- Removed weapon stability, incoming flinch, and Shotgun
pellet spread angle penalties applied to the player while sliding.
- Rare (blue) engrams no longer drop after reaching the
soft gear cap. Equivalent Glimmer amount will be rewarded instead.
- Gunsmith reputation gains increased by 25% to
compensate for the lack of Rare engrams.
- The Exotic Catalyst Quest Boost now applies to all
previous Season Pass Exotic weapon catalysts.
- Season of the Haunted’s gear Triumphs "Shape Opulent
Weapons" and "Nightmares Take Shape" will now correctly track weapon shaping.
If you shaped one of these weapons and did not complete
the objective for it, you can reshape the weapon with no changes (and thus no
cost) to advance the objective.
- Step seven of the Revision Zero quest "The Hidden
Shape" will now correctly track weapon shaping.
Like the aforementioned Triumph, you can reshape
Revision Zero with no changes to advance this objective.
- Adjusted the pattern requirements of the “Report:
Reverse-Lure" Exotic Glaive quest.
Recipe now only requires one portion of the required
Wellspring weapons' pattern.
Additionally, the first daily drop of a Wellspring
weapon will have Deepsight.
Once unlocked on a character, each class’s respective
Exotic Glaive recipe will be available for purchase on the Evidence Board.
- Step four of The Witch Queen quest "Report:
Relic-Data" now tracks weapon shaping.
The requirements for reshaping a weapon with enhanced
perks have been temporarily removed.
Reshaping any weapon will complete this objective,
regardless of whether the weapon has been upgraded with enhanced perks or not.
- Step six of The Witch Queen quest "Reshaping the
Enigma" will now track weapon shaping.
Like the “Relic-Data” quest, the Enigma quest step has
had the enhanced perks requirement temporarily removed.
Reshaping The Enigma will progress this step regardless
of the existence of enhanced perks on the weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the Glorious Seal icon was
inconsistent with other Seals.
- Fixed an issue where Security Drone 01 from Operation:
Seraph's Shield was not visible for players who had not completed enough Beyond
Light campaign missions.
- You now can obtain Deepsight weapons from the Seasonal
vendors daily instead of weekly. Get your patterns, Guardian!
- Increased Iron Banner Rank gains.
- Doubled multipliers from wearing Iron Banner gear.
- Halved the multipliers for completing challenges.
- Significantly increased the multiplier for wearing an
Iron Banner emblem.
- Added quitter protections to Competitive Division.
- Players completing matches that end in losses where
one or more teammates were missing from the start of the match will not result
in division point loss.
- Fixed an issue where the Full Auto setting could
occasionally stop firing while the trigger is held.
- Fixed an issue where with Full Auto setting turned on,
auto loading a charge-based weapon after emptying the mag allowed you to shoot
them without a charge delay.
- Fixed an issue where a dialog prompt during the
initial Enigma crafting quest would fail to advance.
- Neuer kostenpflichtiger DLC: Lightfall ist ab dem
28.02.2023 verfügbar
- Added an Exotic Armor Swap penalty applied to Trials
of Osiris and Competitive Division. Equipping a different piece of Exotic armor
drains all ability energy in these modes.
Competitive Division
- Fixed a bug that caused the Competitive intro quest to
auto-claim the completion reward. Rewards are now claimed upon interacting with
- Competitive Rift & Showdown have reduced revive delay
time to 1.5s from 2s; reduced respawn time to 5.5s from 7s.
- Fixed an issue in Heist Battleground: Europa where a
Heavy ammo crate could respawn for players who get quarantined into the boss
fight arena.
- When you play Vanguard Ops or Nightfall, your final
score determines a reputation multiplier for that activity's completion.
Multipliers run from 1.0 (under 30,000 points) to 7.0
(above 250,000). We also tuned the amount of Vanguard rank you receive for
completions, Nightfall quality, and streaks.
- Full pass on all Vanguard map and mode multipliers,
with an eye toward balancing score-per-hour, rather than score-per-attempt.
- Vanguard and Nightfall strikes: Added on-screen health
bar for bosses previously missing them.
- Fixed an issue where player could be given the same
objective twice in quick succession in The Devil's Lair strike.
- The Vanguard Ops playlist has increased in difficulty
– players can no longer level beyond the enemy combatants.
- Additional rotating modifiers have been added to the
Vanguard Ops playlist.
- Hero, Legend, and Master difficulties have been
reworked for greater challenge and to accommodate new modifiers. Adept
difficulty has been removed.
Hero activity level is now soft cap + 20. Legend is
Power cap + 30, and Master is Power cap + 40. Each has a scaling combat delta
that keeps you under level in the activity and provides a smoother pathway to
- Most Hero/Legend/Master/Grandmaster activities now
feature the ability to use “overcharged” weapons for increased damage. Which
weapons are overcharged are determined by your Seasonal Artifact unlocks and
activity modifiers.
- Elemental singes and burns have been replaced and
broken out into incoming and outgoing components: “threats” and “surges”. Damage
bonuses for surges and overcharges do not stack.
- Armor pieces from Master difficulty Grasp of Avarice,
Duality, and Spire of the Watcher drop with higher stats.
Lightfall title screen
- The title screen has received a visual and audio
update for Lightfall.
Guardian Ranks
- UI throughout Destiny 2 has been updated to display
player’s Guardian Rank.
Orbit Screen
- Added a button to directly access the Journey tab.
Triumphs tab → Journey tab
- Additionally, to focus the information shown at the
top level, both Triumphs and Titles have been migrated to bespoke sub-screens.
Added the ability to equip/unequip Titles from the
sub-screen rather than going into the details screen.
- When building the Guardian Ranks feature, the team
leaned into the opportunity to refresh and relabel the Triumphs tab to better
encapsulate the player's journey through Destiny 2.
Many of the changes will be immediately visible but some
are more subtle including:
- An access point to view details about the
Commendations you have sent and received.
- An additional access point for Seasonal Challenges.
- Seals are no longer broken into two categories - Seals
and Titles - they are just Titles.
- Commendations may be sent and received near the end of
most activities.
- In all locations where Commendations may be viewed or
given, the player's Colorblind preferences are respected.
This includes VFX in the post-game carnage report.
Post Game Carnage Report (PGCR)
- Updated the PGCR to complement the new Commendations
feature and updated some features.
- The PGCR now consists of two tabs, the Commendations
screen and the scoreboard.
- The reputation wheel has been simplified and is
displayed on the top right of the scoreboard page.
- The player can now access the PGCR during the mission
end countdown by pressing a button to open Nav mode. Holding it down will still
take you to the Director.
A tradeoff for this functionally is that when the
mission end countdown is active the Nav mode cannot be opened. Pressing a button
to open Nav mode will open the PGCR instead.
Ritual Rank Tooltips
- Updated rank tooltips to have an added section that
shows a player's total reputation rank points.
- Tracked Seasonal Challenges properly display their
challenge type in its tooltip on the tracking screen.
More items can be tracked at a time:
- Up to three Guardian Ranks objectives can be tracked.
- Up to six non-Guardian Ranks objectives can be
Nav mode updates:
- A tab has been added specifically to display tracked
Guardian Ranks objectives.
- Tracked objectives that are not specific to Guardian
Ranks are grouped together.
- Tracking now split into multiple sections on the
Journey tab.
- All currently trackable, non-quest objectives are
shown below the Seasonal Challenges access point.
Guardian Ranks auto-tracking is enabled by default.
- The goal is to immediately point players towards
objectives they can work on to increase their Guardian Rank.
- This may be toggled on the Journey screen if manual
tracking is more your speed.
- Increased the number of visible 'recently discovered'
Some access points have migrated from the Triumphs tab
to the Collections tab:
- Lore
- Weapon patterns & catalysts
- Medals
- Stat trackers
- Rectangles are out. Circles are in.
- Guardian Ranks replaces Season Pass level for
- In order to help call out which Guardian Rank records
are Seasonal, a blue gradient has been added to the bottom of all Seasonal
records including those on the Seasonal Challenges screen.
- Ritual vendors in the Tower (Zavala, Shaxx, Drifter,
Banshee-44, Saladin, Saint-14) now have help tooltips describing the core ritual
and reputation, as well as explaining some of the less visible features.
Character screen
- Removed the currency display on the Character screen.
- Fixed an issue where Hawthorne's icon on the Tower map
wouldn't consistently pulse when a clan engram was available to claim.
- Improved contrast between player names and background
colors on the Roster.
- Fixed an issue causing the Director screen to refresh
the footer UI when players in the Roster changed states.
- Fixed an issue causing the Settings menu to close when
leaving a submenu.
- Armor energy type has been deprecated. Armor now has
untyped armor energy, and all mods use that untyped energy when socketed.
- Armor mods that were previously based on weapon
archetype are now based on weapon damage type.
- Most armor mods that are based on weapon damage type
also have a harmonic version, which is discounted when the weapon's damage type
matches your subclass damage type.
- Armor mod costs have been generally reduced across the
- The Combat Style mod socket has been deprecated and
replaced on all armor pieces with an extra socket for mods associated with that
armor slot (helmet, gauntlets, etc.).
- Warmind Cells have been deprecated.
The Charged With Light and Elemental Wells armor mods
have been merged into a single system: Armor Charge.
- Players using the Armor Charge system can gain up to
three stacks of Armor Charge at a time (expanded up to six stacks by equipping
Charged Up mods).
- Picking up an Orb of Power grants one stack of Armor
- Many mods that previously created Elemental Wells or
granted stacks of Charged With Light directly have been modified to instead
spawn Orbs of Power.
- Mods that provide an ongoing benefit (such as Font of
Wisdom) now grant that benefit as long as you have stacks of Armor Charge; these
mods cause Armor Charge stacks to decay every 10 seconds.
- Some redundant mods have been deprecated when their
effect would overlap with an existing mod's effects.
- Some armor mods (such as the Kickstart mods and most
mods triggered by using a finisher) now make use of the Armor Charge system.
- Some of the functionality of Elemental Wells and their
associated mods have been moved into subclass fragments and the new Firesprite
and Void Breech.
Seasonal Artifact
- Artifice armor has had its bonus socket converted into
a socket that allows you to increase any one stat on that armor piece by +3.
- Adjusted the amount of damage reduction provided by
the Resilience stat in PvE.
At tier 10 damage reduction now caps at 30% (down from
40% in Season 19), and the progression of the damage reduction across tiers has
been smoothed to give more relative value to lower tiers of Resilience.
- The armor mods granting Resilience have had their
armor energy costs increased to 4 (+10 Resilience) and 2 (+5 Resilience).
- The Iron Lord's Pride perk has been added to all Iron
Banner armor sets from Season 8 to the present.
- Unlocking a perk in the Seasonal Artifact now grants
that perk directly to the character when it is relevant; you no longer need to
socket an armor mod to gain an Artifact perk's effect.
- Column 2 of the Artifact now unlocks multiple
discounted mods per node.
- The maximum number of unlocked perks has been reduced
to 12.
- Resetting your selections in the Seasonal Artifact is
now free.
- Removed the one-second button hold to unlock an
Artifact perk; a single button press now unlocks the perk.
Exotic Armor changes
- Khepri's Sting: Truesight is now granted when damaging
an enemy with a smoke bomb.
Additionally, when you have an undetonated smoke
bomb on the battlefield and have not been made invisible by a smoke bomb, you
gain significantly increased melee energy generation.
- Heart of Inmost Light: Reduced duration of the
empowered ability buffs in PvE to five seconds (down from 10 seconds).
Reduced bonus class ability regeneration while empowered
to +25% per stack in both PvE and PvP (down from +150% and +38%, respectively).
This change is intended to decrease how easy it is to
get and maintain a 2x empowerment bonus in PvE, as well as reduce the total
amount of bonus ability energy provided.
The goal is for Heart of Inmost light
to remain strong in ability-focused builds, while giving room for other Exotics
to shine as well.
- The Bombardiers now cause targets damaged by its
explosive to become severed when used by a Strand Hunter.
- Chromatic Fire has been updated to work with Strand.
- Mantle of Battle Harmony updated to work with Strand.
- Verity's Brow updated to work with Strand.
- Felwinter's Helm triggers weaken burst off Strand
- Claws of Ahamkara will not provide an additional melee
charge when equipped to a Strand subclass.
Armor that supports coloration and appearance change
based on your currently selected subclass has been updated to support Strand.
This includes the following:
- 2020, 2021, and 2022 Solstice Armor sets.
- Antaeus Wards and ornaments.
- No Backup Plans and ornaments.
Crafting changes
- Resonant elements have been removed.
- Crafting component costs have been replaced with
standard currencies such as Glimmer and Enhancement Cores.
- Deepsight will now only manifest on weapons that have
a pattern available to unlock.
- Deepsight has been removed on existing weapons that do
not have a pattern available to unlock.
- The Deepsight attunement objective has been removed.
You can immediately extract or dismantle the weapon to obtain pattern progress.
Crafting bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where a crafted perk cost was doubled
for the King’s Fall weapons Defiance of Yasmin and Smite of Merain.
- Updated several different weapon VFX to address
miscellaneous bugs and performance issues.
- Restored the correct audio to Field-Forged shotguns.
- Red reticle is now enabled on PC.
Linear Fusion Rifles
- Reduced damage vs. Champions, minibosses, bosses, and
vehicles by 15%.
Sleeper Simulant and The Queenbreaker are unaffected.
Machine Guns
- Increased damage by 10%.
- Increased reserve ammo by 50% at 0 inventory stat and
20% at 100 inventory stat.
Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Increased damage vs. Champions, minibosses, bosses,
and vehicles by 20%, minors by 40%.
- Improved projectile collision, making it slightly
easier to land hits.
- Increased blast radius by 1m.
- Parasite is unaffected.
- Shotgun reticles now change in size proportional to
spread angle.
- Related note: The Legend of Acrius hip-fire reticle is
now a bit more representative of its (very large) spread angle.
Kinetic Weapons
- Kinetic Primary weapon damage multiplier against
unshielded combatants increased from 1.05 to 1.1.
- Kinetic Special weapon damage multiplier against
unshielded combatants increased from 1.05 to 1.15.
- Kinetic slot Stasis weapons no longer have the 5%
damage bonus versus unshielded targets in PvE.
The Queenbreaker
- Now uses Arc 3.0 blind.
- Shot now chains to multiple nearby enemies.
Ruinous Effigy
- Transmutation sphere slam attack now suppresses.
Leviathan's Breath
- Now applies volatile on perfect draw impact.
- Increased damage from 396 to 442. This allows it to
once again one-hit kill all Supers in PvP.
- Increased damage vs. Champions by 30%.
One Thousand Voices
- Each explosion now applies 10 + 5 (with Ember of
Ashes) scorch stacks.
- Explosion on kill now applies 10 + 5 scorch stacks.
Polaris Lance
- Perfect Fifth shots now apply 40 + 20 scorch stacks
instead of a custom burn.
Two-Tailed Fox
- Solar rocket now applies 60 + 30 scorch stacks instead
of burn.
Prometheus Lens
- Added the Incandescent perk to the catalyst.
Grand Overture
- Switched the catalyst to use Arc blind.
The Manticore
- Added a hip-fire reticle element to showing current
stacks of Antigrav Repulsor.
Tractor Cannon
- Fixed a crash when Tractor Cannon was fired at large
groups of Stasis crystals.
The Fourth Horseman
- Fixed an issue where this weapon had received an
unintended 20% damage nerf.
- Fixed an issue where this weapon's lightning strikes
could disrupt you or your teammates.
These perks have been updated to work with Strand:
- Osmosis
- Golden Tricorn
- Elemental Capacitor
Grants +20 airborne effectiveness (+25 for the enhanced
Rewind rounds
- Rebuilt to work on non-Vault of Glass weapons.
Eager Edge
- No longer deactivates when moving faster than 35m/s.
- Deactivates correctly after a single melee swing.
- Reduced the base lunge distance buff from 2 to 1.8.
- Reduced airborne lunge distance penalty from 25% to
- The enhanced perk now increases lunge distance
slightly, back up to 2.
Blinding grenades
- Renamed to "Disorienting Grenades".
Veist Stinger
- This was typically a full reload when the perk
activated, it now reloads 25% of the magazine.
Zen Moment
- Now also reduces incoming flinch.
- The perk has been branched so that shots from
different archetypes ramp up the effect more quickly.
1x for Submachine Guns, Auto Rifles, and Machine Guns.
1.5x for Pulse Rifles and Sidearms.
2x for Hand Cannons and Scout Rifles.
Danger Zone
- Updated the description to include that, while active,
the perk also reduces self-damage from the weapon.
- Fixed an issue where this perk was not rewarding the
correct amount of energy.
- Now works with abilities that have multiple charges.
- For abilities with multiple charges, once the ability
has one full charge it is considered "charged" and will divert excess energy
into the other abilities while giving the "charged" ability the least amount.
The fix for the enhanced version of this trait is coming
in a future patch.
Cascade Point
- No longer triggers off of non-precision damage against
weakened targets.
Rescaled the efficacy of Discipline, Strength, and each
class ability stat on grenade, melee, and class ability regeneration rates:
- In general, Tier 10 stat is roughly equivalent to Tier
8 in the previous system.
- Each increase in Tier now provides a more consistent
benefit to the ability's cooldown reduction, rather than spiking heavily at low
Arc Staff
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Golden Gun: Marksman
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Golden Gun: Deadshot
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Spectral Blades
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Reduced base cooldown time from 10m25s to 9m16s.
Gathering Storm
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
Silence and Squall
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
Blade Barrage
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
Class Abilities
Marksman's Dodge
- Reduced base cooldown time from 34s to 29s.
Gambler's Dodge
- Reduced base cooldown time from 46s to 38s.
Weighted Throwing Knife
- Increased base cooldown time from 109s to 137s.
Lightweight Knife
- Increased base cooldown time from 90s to 100s.
Proximity Explosive Knife
- Increased base cooldown time from 100s to 111s.
Withering Blade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 113s to 100s.
Fists of Havoc
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Increased PVE damage by 20%.
Glacial Quake
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Hammer of Sol
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Reduced base cooldown time from 10m25s to 9m16s.
Burning Maul
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Sentinel Shield
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
- Reduced maximum flight time from 5 seconds to 4.5
- Reduced size of the damaging volume around the player
and pushed it further forward in front of the player to make drive-by
disintegrations more intentional.
- Reduced detonation size vs. players by ~20%; unchanged
vs. PVE combatants.
- Downward vertical influence now begins earlier in
Ward of Dawn
- Ward maximum health reduced from 13500 to 8000.
- Rescaled PVE combatant damage vs. the Ward to
compensate; in general, Ward of Dawn's effective HP against PvE combatants
should not meaningfully change.
- Standardized the damage dealt by each type of Kinetic
and Energy weapon against the Ward. Previously, Energy weapons did 2.5x damage
to Ward of Dawn and Kinetic weapons did 1x damage.
Now regardless of damage type, weapons do 1.5x
damage to the Ward.
- Armor of Light has been updated to reduce its potency
in PVP:
Maximum health reduced from 425 to 300.
Now inherits Void Overshield's 50% PvE damage resistance
to compensate.
No longer negates precision damage.
Ballistic Slam
- Now suppresses the attacking player's base melee for
0.9s after landing, so a follow-up melee cannot be performed until the player
returns to first person.
- Increased base cooldown time from 90s to 114s.
Shield Bash
- Increased base cooldown time from 90s to 114s.
Seismic Strike
- Increased base cooldown time from 90s to 101s.
Hammer Strike
- Increased base cooldown time from 90s to 101s.
Shield Toss
- Reduced base cooldown time from 100s to 91s.
- Reduced basic melee damage bonus vs. players from 60%
to 50%.
- Reduced full body melee damage bonus vs. players from
25% to 20%.
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Nova Warp
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
Winter's Wrath
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Increased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 5 to 7.
- Throw cost reduced from 10% to 6.5% per swing.
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 25%.
- Reduced base cooldown time from 10m25s to 9m16s.
Chaos Reach
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
Nova Bomb
- Decreased the maximum number of Orbs that can be
created via defeating targets from 7 to 5.
Class Abilities
Phoenix Dive
- Reduced base cooldown time from 82s to 55s.
- While Daybreak is active Phoenix Dive's cooldown is
significantly reduced, allowing for rapid reactivations.
- While Daybreak is active, Phoenix Dive's detonation
damage increased from 40/80 min/max to 100/220.
- Restoration duration when activated while Heat Rises
is active increased from 1s to 3s.
Celestial Fire
- Increased base cooldown time from 100s to 112s.
Incinerator Snap
- Reduced base cooldown time from 90s to 83s.
Penumbral Blast
- Reduced base cooldown time from 114s to 101s.
Heat Rises
- Split the airborne effectiveness bonus previously
granted by consuming your grenade between a passive and active benefit:
Previously, granted 70 airborne effectiveness when Heat
Rises was active after consuming a grenade.
Now grants 20 airborne effectiveness passively while
Heat Rises is equipped, and an additional 50 airborne effectiveness while Heat
Rises is active, for the same total of 70 airborne effectiveness.
Lightning grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 121s to 152s.
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
Storm grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 105s to 121s.
Flux grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 182s to 152s.
Pulse grenade
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
Healing grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 82s to 91s.
Tripmine grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 91s to 121s.
Solar grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 121s to 152s.
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
Thermite grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 105s to 121s.
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
- Incendiary grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 121s to 105s.
Void Spike grenade:
- Increased base cooldown time from 91s to 121s.
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
Voidwall grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 105s to 152s.
- Increased PVE damage by 20%.
Vortex Grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 121s to 152s.
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
Magnetic grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 121s to 105s.
Scatter grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 121s to 105s.
Duskfield grenade
- Increased base cooldown time from 64s to 91s.
- Added new elemental pickups to the Void and Solar
Void Breach
- Void Breaches are created by a selection of new and
existing Void fragments, and grant class ability energy on pickup.
- Firesprites are created by a suite of new and existing
Solar fragments, and grant grenade energy on pickup.
Spark of Resistance
- Increased nearby enemy count requirement for
activation from 2 to 3.
- Reduced linger time after you're no longer surrounded
from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
Spark of Instinct (New!)
- When critically wounded, taking damage from nearby
enemies emits a burst of damaging Arc energy that jolts targets.
Spark of Haste (New!)
- You have greatly increased Resilience, Recovery, and
Mobility while sprinting.
Ember of Tempering
- Now creates a Firesprite on Solar weapon kills while
active, in addition to its original effects.
Ember of Combustion
- Now creates a Firesprite on Solar Super defeats, in
addition to its original effects.
Ember of Searing
- Now creates a Firesprite when defeating scorched
targets, in addition to its original effects.
Ember of Mercy (New!)
- When you revive an ally, you and other nearby allies
gain Restoration. Picking up a Solar Flare grants Restoration.
Ember of Resolve (New!)
- Solar grenade final blows heal you.
Echo of Domineering
- Now creates a Void breach when defeating suppressed
targets, in addition to its original effects.
Echo of Harvest
- Now creates a Void breach when defeating weakened
targets with precision damage, in addition to its original effects.
Echo of Starvation
- Now grants devour on picking up a Void Breach, in
addition to its original effects.
- Now allows Orb of Power pickup with full Super energy.
Echo of Cessation (New!)
- Finisher final blows create a burst of Void damage
that causes nearby enemies to become volatile. Defeating volatile targets
creates a Void breach.
Echo of Vigilance (New!)
- Defeating a target when your shields are depleted,
grants you a temporary Void overshield.
Subclass Keywords
- Jolt lightning damage now stuns Overload Champions.
- Blinding Unstoppable Champions now stuns them.
- While radiant, your weapons now also pierce Barrier
Champion shields and stuns them.
Note: Weapons that already have an existing
anti-Champion behavior (i.e. an Artifact mod, an intrinsic anti-Champion
or the ability to apply another subclass keyword that
stuns a Champion type) will not be granted the anti-barrier behavior from being
- Ignition damage now stuns Unstoppable Champions.
Volatile Rounds
- While you have volatile rounds, your Void weapons now
also pierce Barrier Champion shields and stuns them.
Note: Weapons that already have an existing
anti-Champion behavior (i.e. an Artifact mod, an intrinsic anti-Champion
capability, or the ability to apply another subclass keyword that stuns a
Champion type) will not be granted the anti-barrier behavior from volatile
- Suppressing Overload Champions now stuns them.
- Slowing Overload Champions now stuns them.
- Shatter damage now stuns Unstoppable Champions.
- Champions now correctly stun even when they're playing
another animation, such as a spawn-in.
This was a tricky one, so thank you for your patience!
- Champion stun time is now consistent across all
This used to be dependent on the animation length,
leading to slightly different times between combatants.
- Champions can now be stunned with various elemental
Barrier Champions are weak to:
Shots from a player with the Solar radiant buff
Void volatile rounds
Strand unraveling rounds
- Overload Champions are weak to:
Arc jolt
Void suppression
Stasis slow
- Unstoppable Champions are weak to:
Arc blind
Solar ignition
Stasis shatter
Strand suspend
- All subclass-agnostic finishers now support Strand
coloration when using a Strand subclass.
- Updated the VFX for Stasis finishers to fix a
coloration issue.
- The "Ghost Fist Bump" Exotic emote now supports Strand
coloration when using a Strand subclass.
- Weekly powerful rewards have been removed from Throne
World and added to Neomuna.
- Direct launch versions of the seasonal battlegrounds
will not have chests and instead award world pool weapons and armor.
- Umbral engrams are no longer used to focus seasonal
weapons and armor and will no longer drop from the game.
As a result, there will no longer be Seasonal umbral
- Seasonal engrams are a new type of engram.
You can visit the seasonal vendor to open them.
Or you can spend multiple seasonal engrams to focus into
specific weapons or armor.
Seasonal focusing is now a separate screen and can be
accessed at the vendor by pressing the button next to upgrades.
If you focused Crucible engrams in Season 19 at Shaxx,
you'll be familiar with this system.
Seasonal engrams are stored at the vendor and do not
require inventory space.
There is a wallet item you can acquire by visiting the
seasonal vendor. Hovering over this item in your inventory will show you how
many engrams you have for each vendor. If you delete this item, you can
reacquire it from the vendor.
- Owners of a season will now periodically be rewarded
with a seasonal engram and/or a seasonal key upon completing activities
throughout the game.
These are known as defiant engrams and defiant keys for
Season of Defiance.
- Playlist versions of the seasonal battlegrounds have
one chest at the end of the activity.
If you DO NOT have a seasonal key when you open that
chest, you will receive a seasonal weapon or armor.
If you DO have a seasonal key, it will be consumed and
you will receive the following:
EITHER a seasonal weapon with Deepsight resonance that
you have not completed the crafting pattern for OR a high stat piece of seasonal
AND a seasonal engram.
Make sure you open the chest at the end of the activity!
World pool weapons and armor no longer drop at the end
of the playlist version of seasonal activities.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverrbauch von 131,5 GB auf 110,7 GB reduziert
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 122,3 GB auf 89,3 GB reduziert
- Fixed an issue where the Silkstrike Super’s Light
attack was doing hidden double damage. We´ve removed the critical strike at the
tip of the dart and instead granted the critical-strike behavior to the full
length of the dart.
The damage has been tuned to compensate.
- Fixed an issue where Arcstrider´s Disorienting Blow
melee ability was not costing energy on hit.
- Fixed an issue where the Lightfall quest previously
only tracked the campaign version of the Hypernet Current strike. It will now
progress upon completion of any version of the strike.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Commendations screen to
- Fixed an issue where the Manticore, Season of the
Seraph´s Season Pass Destiny Exotic weapon was missing from collections.
- Fixed an issue where element-focused armor mods would
deactivate when spawning into an activity or respawning after death.
- Fixed an issue where the seasonal artifact could cost
Glimmer to reset.
- Fixed an issue where Scavenger armor mods were
incorrectly activating in Crucible game modes.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to duplicate
ammo drops.
- 1,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 913,00 MB groß
10.03.2023 (Vom Server aus freigeschaltet)
- Animation changes made to the Data Collection boss
encounter in The Variable Exotic mission that had the potential to cause issues
with photosensitive players.
- Increased drop rate for Exotic armor in Legend and
Master Lost Sectors when playing solo.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the “Vex Incursion
Countermeasures” weekly bounty from resetting at rest.
- Fixed an issue where players on their alternate
characters could not progress the Hall of Heroes intro quest after interacting
with the statues early.
- Any players who ran into this issue may now progress
- Made an adjustment to how the Return to Orbit option
is triggered after completing a specific Battleground.
- Previous implementation enabled mistakenly skipping
end-of-mission cinematics when returning to orbit from the Commendations screen.
- Fixed an issue where some Artifact mods were not
properly proccing Anti-Barrier capabilities.
- Hunters: Fixed an issue where Volatile Rounds granted
by the Gyrfalcon's Hauberk exotic chest were not providing Void weapons with
anti-barrier capabilities.
- Armor Scavenger Mod: Fixed an issue where Jötunn would
get an unintentional boost in ammo, particularly in PvP, with the Solar
Scavenger mod equipped on a player’s chest armor.
Put. The toaster. Down.
- Fixed an issue where the Winterbite Exotic Glaive was
doing more damage than intended to targets.
- Titans: The bonus to Glaive melee damage granted by
Exotic Synthoceps gauntlets has been reduced against both combatants and enemy
- Fixed an issue where the Lightfall versions of The
Inquisitor and Mindbender’s Ambition Shotguns had the incorrect magazine perks.
- Fixed an issue where Grand Overture’s blinding effect
applied to other sources of splash damage.
- Strand: Increased the internal cooldown of the Thread
of Ascent Fragment from two seconds to four seconds.
- Strand: Fixed an issue where after a player grappled
to a thrown Tangle, the Berserker’s Into the Fray Aspect would fail to activate
on further Tangle detonations.
- Strand: Fixed an issue where the suspending detonation
from the Broodweaver’s Mindspun Invocation Aspect was not properly stunning
Unstoppable Champions.
- Solar: Fixed an issue where the radiant effect was not
increasing the damage of Strand weapons.
- Strand: Fixed an issue where the Thread of Generation
Fragment would stop functioning after a Silkstrike Super deactivation when
either the Shackle or Threadling Grenade is equipped.
- Guardian Ranks: To more closely match the goals of
Guardian Ranks, we have reduced the required Commendations score to complete
objectives across all Guardian Ranks.
- Guardian Ranks: Rank-8 objectives require tier-3
difficulty or higher.
- Fixed an issue where only tier-4 or higher applied
towards Rank progression.
- Commendations: Players can no longer offer
Commendations to others following a failed mission activity.
- Fixed an issue where Guardians and their weapons were
not rendering properly, effectively making them appear as “invisible” when
- Twitch Gift Sub Bounty reward now correctly appears in
the Cryptarch.
- Fixed an issue where players were being locked out of
the Red Border Chest after the weekly reset.
- Fixed an issue where Focused Light and Focused
Darkness would not trigger in the Zo'aurc encounter.
- Fixed an issue where Sunblight enemies could be
damaged through their shields by The Colony Exotic Grenade Launcher. -> Update:
This issue was wrongly stated as fixed. A solution will be available in a future
- Fixed an issue where players could equip raid mods
without obtaining them first.
Shattered Throne
- Fixed an issue where the dungeon node would not appear
to some players.
- Fixed an issue where Cabal Threshers were doing more
damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the European Dead Zone node would
not unlock for some players.
- Fixed an issue where the Winterbite Exotic Glaive was
benefitting from other Glaives damage increasing perks.
- Fixed an issue where the Glaive melee feed kills where
showing the projectile label.
- Fixed an issue where the extra Arc volley granted by
the Two Tailed Fox's Exotic Catalyst was not firing properly.
- Fixed an issue where some weapon mods were not
available for some players.
- Fixed an issue where equipping too many passive Armor
Charge benefits would deactivate artifact perks.
- Changed Empowered Finish to count as a finisher mod
for purposes of mutual exclusivity. This mod can no longer be equipped alongside
a finisher mod that also consumes Armor Charge stacks.
Having the ability to generate and spend Armor Charge
stacks on the same mod was creating conditions where latency would sometimes
cause the perks to activate in an incorrect order.
Additionally, when combined with Stacks on Stacks,
Empowering Finish was circumventing the basic Armor Charge mechanics too easily,
resulting in generating too many Orbs of Power, ammo bricks, overshields, etc.
- The Untangler Artifact perk will no longer trigger
melee perks.
- Fixed the issue introduced in that reverted
Mandarin voice over to English.
- Increased the time to give Commendations to other
players after finishing certain activities.
- Moved the Legend Lost Sectors Solo and the Legend Lost
Sector Solo Flawless requirements from Guardian Rank 7 to Rank 8.
- Moved the Master Lost Sectors Solo and the Master Lost
Sector Solo Flawless requirements from Guardian Rank 9 to Rank 10.
Note: Players will keep keep their earned progress after
these Lost Sector requirements move to the higher Rank.
- Fixed an issue where the Consecrated Essence could
appear duplicated.
- Added a new 6v6 connection-based matchmaking (CBMM)
Weekly Rotator, which includes Clash, Zone Control, and Rift.
- The existing 6v6 Party Rotator is now Mayhem, Momentum
Control, and Scorched.
- Updated tutorial crucible quest to reflect changes to
available playlists.
- Added a metric showing off your Competitive Division
- Ascendant Competitive Division players can now
purchase an emblem from Shaxx.
- Fixed errant Glorious and Dredgen awarding/gilding.
All players must reclaim/regild their titles if they have completed the
requisite Triumphs.
- Increased the strength of the respawn overshield in
- In Rift, activating Grapple no longer drops the Spark.
- In Rift, players can no longer dunk the Spark while
moving faster than 15 meters per second or while using a Grapple ability.
- Legend difficulty Defiant Battlegrounds now rotate
their weapon overcharge weekly.
- Defeating Tormentors now provides revive tokens like
Champions and Hive Guardians in some activities.
- Fixed Hive door locks in Heist Battlegrounds to behave
the same in all versions of the activity.
- Tuned difficulty in Heist Battlegrounds present in
Vanguard and Nightfall playlists.
- Fixed an issue where a crash could rarely occur
shortly after picking up the first Solar Cell in The Arms Dealer.
- Fixed an issue where The Arms Dealer enemies, which
continually respawn to drop required Solar Cells, could be farmed limitlessly
for points.
- Fixed an issue in the Duality dungeon where Nightmare
of Gahlran could not teleport back to the encounter space after falling out of
the environment.
- Fixed an issue where checkpoints were shared between
Legend and Master mode for raids and dungeons.
- Fixed an issue in Root of Nightmares where the
Scission encounter would sometimes soft lock preventing progress.
- Fixed an issue in Root of Nightmares where sometimes
the intended screen VFX did not play when players failed the encounter.
- Fixed an issue in Root of Nightmares where Nezarec
will sometimes not cast a wipe when intended.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes get
pushed through walls by Vex traps and then get stuck there.
- Fixed an issue where the Peacekeepers’ reload perk
wouldn´t activate after you stowed an energy slot SMG.
- Fixed an issue where Phoenix Cradle was not
consistently extending the duration of the Sol Invictus buff while Burning Maul
was equipped.
- Fixed an issue where certain Gambit weapons were not
contributing to the Dark Age Arsenal Triumph.
- Increased the damage of the following weapon types
against red and orange-bar enemies in PvE.
- Auto Rifles: 25%
- Pulse Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Sidearms: 20%
- Scout Rifles: 10%
Submachine Guns
Ikelos SMGs
- Removed some tuning in the custom scope that was
causing this weapon to have significantly less recoil than intended.
The recoil is now in line with other Aggressive
Hand Cannons
- Fixed an issue causing the Adept Exalted Truth to have
a lower magazine size than the standard version.
Fusion Rifles
Rapid Fires
- Per burst: 245 to 260
- Per bolt: 27.2 to 28.9
- Damage in PvE is unchanged.
Trace Rifles
- Increased base damage by 4% (base damage goes from 12
to 12.5).
- Reduced precision hit multiplier from 1.4x to 1.35x
(crit damage goes from 16.8 to 16.9).
- Reduced flinch by 10% at 100 stability stat (scales
down at lower values).
Sniper Rifles
- Rapid-Fire Sniper Rifles
- Reduced recoil by 50%.
- Increased total ammunition (magazine + reserves) by
Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Fixed an issue where Omolon Heavy Grenade Launchers
were missing their VFX.
- Fixed an issue where Dimensional Hypotrochoid could be
obtained with a range masterwork.
This fix prevents the weapon from dropping with
range and changes any existing copies with range to the equivalent handling
Final Warning
- Can no longer mark targets through Titan Barricades.
- Reduced the amount of Ravenous Beast energy generated
when taking damage from 3% to 1%.
- Reduced zoom from 16 to 15.
Revision Zero
- Fourth Times the Charm will now be reset when entering
Hunter's Trace.
This will prevent the issue of firing a single shot
while in Hunter's Trace and being forcibly returned to pulse mode when Fourth
Times the Charm activates.
- Increased PvE damage of the Hunter's Trace rounds by
- Increased PvE damage of the Häkke Heavy Burst rounds
by 75%.
- Fixed an issue in which the enhanced version of the
Wellspring perk generated too little energy when the player had any number of
charged abilities.
- Added the capability to upgrade Root of Nightmares
Adept weapons with enhanced traits.
If you have unlocked Deepsight on weapons, an
enhancement socket will be available to perform this upgrade in the weapon
details screen.
- Fixed tooltips for Master dungeons to properly list
Artifice Armor as rewards.
- Rally Barricade: The area of effect now extends
slightly further behind and above the Rally Barricade to make staying in the
buff area more achievable, especially on uneven terrain.
- Fixed an issue where Stasis Shards created by the
Glacial Harvest aspect would not grant melee ability energy to Penumbral Blast
if the player had a Sword or Glaive readied.
- Fixed an issue where Jolt chain lightning was unable
to target some types of PvE combatants.
- Fixed an issue where trying to throw rapidly while
carrying a Tangle could result in an uncharged melee attack.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn´t interact with
the Evidence Board after the Exotic Glaive pursuit is completed.
- Added the Best Dressed Commendation.
- Fixed an issue where the objective to complete a
dungeon solo Solo Spelunker does not count completions from before the player is
Guardian Rank 10.
- Fixed an issue where the objective to complete the
raid on Master difficulty does not count completions from before the player is
Guardian Rank 10.
- Players who have crafted their first Exotic Glaive
from The Witch Queen can now claim the Patterns for their other characters from
the Evidence Board.
- Veteran players now receive the correct amount of lore
books when they reach Guardian Rank 7 for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where players are blocked from
progressing past Guardian Rank 3 if they previously bought all available
subclass Aspects.
Below are the patch notes added after the hotfix post
went live:
- Fixed an issue where the Terminal Overload chest could
be looted multiple times for rewards and crafted weapon progress.
Crafting progress now comes from the key chest and not
the base chest.
- When the mods Ashes to Ashes and Hands On are equipped
at the same time, players will only receive Super energy from one of the mods
when killing an enemy with a grapple melee.
When these mods are equipped individually, each will
work with the grapple melee.
- Grenade Kickstart will no longer activate when using a
grapple point.
- When the mods Firepower and Heavy Handed are equipped
at the same time, only one Orb of Power will spawn when killing an enemy with a
grapple melee.
When these mods are equipped individually, each
will work with the grapple melee.
Reduced Super gains from Ashes to Assets by 50% when
getting a grapple melee kill after using a grapple point.
Players no longer need to have the Strand subclass
equipped to gain Unraveling Rounds for their Strand weapons from the Allied
Unraveling perk.
- Heavy weapons will more consistently gain increased
ammo capacity from multiple Reserves mods.
This does not apply to Rocket Launchers, Grenade
Launchers, Heavy Glaives, Leviathan’s Breath, and One Thousand Voices, since
their maximum ammo capacity is reached by equipping fewer mods.
- Fixed an issue where the Fighting Lion Grenade
Launcher was incorrectly benefitting from the Void Holster mod.
- Fixed an issue where the Harsh Language Shotgun now
correctly activates Void artifact perks.
- Fall damage is now nonlethal to players. Previously,
only collision damage was nonlethal.
- Fixed an issue where the raid jacket director dialog
was appearing after the March 21 deadline to unlock the purchase.
- Adjusted brightness and flashing in the Daughters of
Oryx encounter.
- Fixed an issue where gauntlets would not equip when
changing loadouts.
- Fixed an issue where opening the loadout menu could
cause Destiny 2 to crash.
- Fixed an issue where making changes to the weapon in
an inventory after selecting the weapon to reshape would not automatically
update to the item in the reshape slot.
- Fixed an issue where too many particle effects in
certain areas on Neptune could cause Destiny 2 to crash.
- Fixed an issue where players were getting suspended in
Crucible when completing a match without quitting.
- Matchmaking for Clash, Zone Control, and Rift is now
connection based.
- Fixed an issue where players weren’t able to complete
the Last Will and Testament quest if they had picked up the Brazen Spark ship
via the War Table. You can now go forth and complete the quest.
- Fixed an issue with the Firepower armor mod where Orbs
of Power were spawning at their origin point instead of on defeated enemies.
- Fixed an issue where the Guardian Games class item
could be dismantled for Legendary Shards and Glimmer.
- Moved the Twitch gift sub bounty rewards back to the
- Audio distortion has been improved on consoles and PC.
- Season 21 "Saison der Tiefe" ist gestartet
und ein neuer Season Pass (Battle Pass) kann erworben werden
- Supremacy has been added to the Relentless rotation.
Supremacy will go live in week 4 of Season of the Deep.
Supremacy uses standard connection-based matchmaking and
does not provide enhanced Super regeneration on crest pickup.
Go wild, don’t be scared.
- Lord Shaxx has a special treat for any Guardians who
have completed their Competitive Division placement matches and are Silver III
or above.
- The Season 20 Ascendant emblem is no longer available
to purchase and has been replaced by a new Season 21 Ascendant emblem.
- The game mode for Trials of Osiris is moving from
Elimination to Dominion.
- The intro quest has been updated to better serve as an
onboarding path to Trials, and it now offers new players a reward for completing
- The Flawless pool will no longer activate on Sunday,
and the Challenger and Practice soft pools will be active all weekend. (“Soft”
means that matchmaking initially prefers not to blend the pools but will, if
necessary to find a good game quickly.)
If you are on your first game of the week or playing on
a card with a loss recorded on it, you will be placed in the Practice pool.
The Practice pool utilizes weekly performance and
connection-based matchmaking.
If you are playing on Flawless card or playing with
someone on a Flawless card, you will be placed in the Challenger pool.
The Challenger pool utilizes only connection-based
Matchmaking no longer filters by wins on a card.
- An issue has been corrected that was causing lobby
balancing to exist in solo and duo Trials matches.
All players in the Challenger pool will have their skill
overwritten with the same value to effectively randomize the lobbies.
- Going Flawless for the first time in a Season will now
award a Seasonal Flawless shader for use on any piece of gear.
- The Passage of Mercy will now forgive two losses if
you have not yet been Flawless for the week.
- After you have gone Flawless, the Passage of Mercy
will revert to forgiving a single loss for subsequent attempts.
- The Passage of Wealth now grants bonus Trials
reputation on all wins.
The bonus amount increases in proportion to your major
Trials rank.
- After going Flawless for the week, any win on a 7-win
card (regardless of whether the card is Flawless or not) will have a chance to
drop the weekly Adept weapon.
This bonus reward was previously exclusive to the
Flawless pool starting on Sunday, but it will now be active all weekend and does
not require you to be in a specific pool.
The chance of getting an Adept from a win has been
slightly reduced to account for the increased duration and availability of the
- The Gilded Flawless requirements have been updated.
- A new emblem has been added which is rewarded for
going Flawless without ever trailing in any wins on the card.
- Upgraded Super/Ability Kills Patrol to a Gold Patrol
to better reward players.
Fixed an issue where some Strand kills were not counting
towards patrol progress.
- Last Wish, Deepstone Crypt, Vow of the Disciple, Vault
of Glass, and Kingsfall have all had Exotic drop chance boosters added to
several existing Triumphs.
Completing these Triumphs gives increased chance of
initial drop of the Exotic when killing the final boss of the raid.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes crash
during the final encounter against Oryx in King's Fall.
- Fixed an issue where players would be able to kill
Nezarec in Root of Nightmares during his Last Stand wipe animation.
Fixed an issue where players navigating with Strand
grapple would sometimes soft lock the traversal to the Macrocosm encounter in
Root of Nightmares.
- Adjusted tracking properties of some projectile
attacks from Nezarec in Root of Nightmares.
- Fixed an issue where players progressing backwards in
Root of Nightmares to the hidden chest location in the Scission encounter space
would see Cavum of Nezarec in a T-Pose and be unable to defeat it.
- Fixed an issue where some VFX was not presented while
completing nodes in traversals between encounters in Root of Nightmares.
- Fixed an issue where Needlestorm would push Akelous in
Spire of the Watcher away from the playable spaces.
- Fixed an issue where the player that casts Well of
Radiance would do more than intended damage against Persys in Spire of the
- Fixed an issue where the Rally Banner would sometimes
remain active after starting Akelous, the Siren's encounter in Spire of the
- Fixed an issue where Persys in Spire of the Watcher
could be indefinitely staggered with some weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the player that casts Well of
Radiance would do more than intended damage against Persys in Spire of the
Fixed an unintended interaction between sandbox
abilities and defeated combatant bodies that would cause Persys in Spire of the
Watcher to be deleted.
- Fixed a rare issue where players would not be able to
farm Artifice armor in Master difficult of Grasp of Avarice while it's active in
the rotator.
- Fixed an issue where the Spire of the Watcher emblems
appeared in the Raids collection category instead of the World collections
- All dungeon Triumphs for Solo, Flawless, and Solo
Flawless descriptions are updated to explicitly mention it must be done without
leaving the activity in order for it to count.
- The Inspection Screen and Eververse Preview Screens
have been updated with several enhancements:
Weapons and weapon ornaments can be rotated while In the
Inspection screen and Eververse Preview Screen.
Weapons that have ambient VFX will now display within
the Inspection screen and Eververse Preview Screen.
Ships can now be rotated while in the Inspection Screen
and Eververse Preview screen.
Ship engine contrails can now be previewed in the same
way Sparrows can.
Removed depth of field blur from all Inspection screens.
- Players will now have the option to swap their Confirm
/ Cancel buttons in the settings Button Layout Input subscreen.
- The Journey Page has been updated to include a new way
for memorialization for previously attained Guardian Ranks, Commendation Score
Total, and Season Pass Ranks.
- Fixed an issue in which the active Triumph score did
not fit in one line in the Triumphs page.
- Fixed an issue in which the Those Held Dear emblem was
not displaying correctly upon hovering.
- Added a visual indicator that displays on top of a
title Seal and Triumphs when there are unclaimed objectives.
- Tweaked a visual adjustment to the indicator tracking
objectives in the Journey page to be smaller in size.
- Fixed an issue in which the Mark All as Seen button in
Collections was no longer working as intended.
- Added a visual treatment to the tracked objectives
area in the Journey Page that highlights when auto objective tracker is On/Off.
- Added an additional yellow coloring for subtitle text.
- Fixed an issue in which Text Chat's Auto Hide settings
were not being applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue on the Director in which the clouds and
certain visual effects on Neptune would disappear.
- Fixed an issue on the Director where clipping was
present on effects related to the Dreaming City and Luna.
- Added streak information to ritual rank tooltips
associated with the rank display on the launch overlay for playlist activities.
- Fixed an issue where certain stat headers on the Post
Game Carnage Report in certain languages would incorrectly break a single
character to a second line.
- Added an icon to the Director to indicate what planet
the active Legend/Master Lost Sector is.
- Fixed interlude/objective totem overlays to be more
responsive to text content.
Exotic Armor Tuning
- Sealed Ahamkara Grasps: Now reloads the magazine of
all of your weapons when you defeat a target with your powered melee, and for 5
seconds after dealing melee damage you gain increased movement speed and jump
- Athrys’s Embrace: Gain additional strength while the
Weighted Knife damage bonus is active.
- Oathkeeper: When fully drawn, Bows gain a bonus to
damage against combatants that increases as you hold the draw but deactivates
after a few seconds.
- Raiju’s Harness: When deactivating your Arc Staff
Super, you create a blinding explosion that temporarily increases your Arc
weapon damage.
Super energy refunded upon deactivation was increased.
However, blocking with Whirlwind Guard will no longer consume energy more
slowly and the Super drains 30% slower down from 50% slower.
- Radiant Dance Machines: Kills while your free dodge is
active extend the duration of free dodging. No longer deactivates when you get
too far away from enemies. Deactivates after using Suspending Slam.
- ST0MP-EE5: Removed airborne effectiveness penalties.
You only gain the increased speed, slide distance, and improved jumping while
your dodge energy is full.
- Mask of Bakris: Changed to use the tier-4 non-stacking
weapon damage bonus, increasing damage bonus in PvE from 10% to 25% and granting
a 6% bonus to weapon damage in PvP.
- Point-Contact Cannon Brace: Lightning strikes now jolt
targets. Increased PvE damage per lightning bolt from 50 to 200. Being amplified
now increases the damage of the lightning strikes by 50% instead of extending
their range.
- No Backup Plans: Provides a moderate benefit to the
airborne effectiveness and reload speed of Shotguns.
While you have a Void overshield, Shotguns deal
additional damage and Shotgun final blows refresh your overshield.
While using a Void subclass, rapid Shotgun final blows
or defeating a powerful enemy with a Shotgun grants you a Void overshield and
kicks off your health regeneration.
- Second Chance: Shield throw melee now weakens enemies.
Stunning a Barrier Champion with your shield throw melee grants a single full
melee charge.
- Stronghold: Replaced the healing from blocking shots
precisely with significant damage reduction (50% in PvE, 10% in PvP) while
blocking with a Sword.
When you stop blocking, gain restoration x2, with a
duration that increases based on the number of shots you blocked.
- Eternal Warrior: Rapid takedowns with an Arc weapon
grant an escalating bonus to Arc weapon damage, using the same non-stacking
damage bonuses used by Surge mods.
This can go all the way up to the tier-4 damage bonus,
granting a damage bonus in PvE of 25% and granting a 6% bonus to weapon damage
in PvP. While at the tier-4 damage bonus, Arc kills refresh the bonus’s
After your Fist of Havoc Super ends, you gain the tier-4
damage bonus.
- Khepri’s Horn: The Solar damage wave now scorches
- Path of the Burning Steps: Changed to use the
non-stacking weapon damage bonuses used by Surge mods.
This can go all the way up to the tier-4 damage bonus,
granting a damage bonus in PvE of 25% and granting a 6% bonus to weapon damage
in PvP.
While at the tier-4 damage bonus, Solar kills refresh
the bonus’s duration. Becoming encased immediately grants you the tier-4 damage
- Dunemarchers: Reduced the range of the chain damage
from 20m to 12m and PvP damage from 85 to 50.
- Vesper of Radius: Your rifts emit an Arc shockwave
every 5 seconds that deals damage (200 in PvE, 70 in PvP).
Enemies defeated by these shockwaves explode for an
additional 100 damage.
If you have an Arc subclass equipped, the
shockwaves and the explosions created when they defeat an enemy also blind
nearby enemies.
- Chromatic Fire: Increased the radius and damage of the
explosion created by prevision Kinetic takedowns.
The explosion also applies a status effect to targets
damaged by it, depending on which subclass you have equipped: blind (Arc),
scorch (Solar), slow (Stasis), sever (Strand), weaken (Void).
- Dawn Chorus: Daybreak projectiles deal increased
damage. Daybreak damage bonus no longer limited to scorched enemies.
- Sanguine Alchemy: Standing in a rift grants a
non-stacking bonus to weapon damage matching your subclass damage type (17% PvE,
4.5% PvP).
- Claws of Ahamkara: Powered melee kills create an Orb
of Power. When Heavy Handed mods are equipped, increases the potency of the Orb
spawned (no more than 1 Orb can be spawned per enemy takedown).
- Mantle of Battle Harmony: Changed damage bonus to
weapons when Super is full changed to tier-4 non-stacking weapon damage bonus,
increasing damage bonus in PvE from 20% to 25% and reducing the damage bonus
from 15% to 6% in PvP.
Damage bonus only applies to weapons that match your
subclass damage type, and now stacks with Empowering Rift and other similar
damage bonuses. Extended base duration of this bonus from 6 seconds to 10
seconds (PvE) and 3 seconds to 5 seconds (PvP).
- Ophidian Aspect: Removed the extended melee range.
- Promethium Spur: Grants rift energy for any Solar
weapon takedown, with more energy granted for Solar weapon takedowns while
standing in a rift.
You now have to be standing in a rift when you get a
final blow for the Exotic to consume your class ability energy and create a rift
at the target’s location.
- Starfire Protocol: Reduced the amount of energy gained
per instance of damage from 20% to 2.5%. Empowered weapon kills now grant 20%
grenade energy.
- Fixed an issue causing Gyrfalcon's Hauberk to
immediately deploy the granted reserve overshield if the player finished an
enemy while having less than 10% class ability energy.
- Fixed an issue with Ballidorse Wrathweavers that
caused them to grant bonus weapon damage to non-Stasis weapons.
- Speedloader Slack's buff now has unique text when
displayed in the HUD.
- Fixed an issue causing Severance Enclosure to not
function on a Strand subclass.
- Fixed an issue where using the Exotic armor Abeyant
Leap would cause the Aspect Drengr's Lash to not gain increased suspend duration
from the Fragment Thread of Continuity.
- Fixed an issue with Swarmers that caused Threadlings
created from Tangles to trigger the Fragment Thread of Fury.
- Fixed an issue where Verity's Brow would grant bonus
grenade energy to allies for longer than intended.
- Updated the Citan's Ramparts perk description string
to better reflect its behavior.
Armor mods
- Added 2 new armor mods:
Powerful Attraction: when using your class ability, you
collect all Orbs of Power within a radius determined by the number of copies of
the mod you have equipped.
Elemental Charges: collecting the subclass collectible
associated with your damage type (firesprites, ionic traces, Stasis shards, Void
breaches) has an escalating chance to grant you a stack of Armor Charge; on
Strand, this is granted by destroying Tangles.
- Fixed an issue causing the Melee Kickstart mod to
consume Armor Charge when the player used an unpowered melee attack.
- Targeting, Dexterity, Loader, Reserve, Unflinching,
Surge, and Holster mods now work correctly when a weapon changes damage type.
- Fixed an issue causing the armor mod Distribution to
grant Super energy.
- Fixed an issue where ammo finder mods could trigger on
non-weapon kills.
- Multiple copies of the Reaper mod no longer provide
any additional benefit.
- Ensnaring Slam now counts as a class ability for
relevant armor mods.
- Fixed an issue causing three Resistance mods to not
provide any additional benefit compared to two.
- Fixed an issue causing swords attacks with no ammo to
trigger the Heavy Handed mod.
- Fixed an issue causing the Dynamo mod to extend active
Supers when a class ability was used.
- The Harmonic Resistance now displays a message while
used on a Strand subclass indicating that it provides no benefit.
- Fixed issues causing Artifice Armor from Spire of the
Watcher and the Warlock Deep Explorer Boots to not be able to be made into armor
- Players can no longer reacquire the Season 17 or 18
Artifact from Collections.
- A full-auto melee setting is now available.
Weapon Reticles
- A setting to change the reticle color when it is over
an enemy target is now available. Players can now change their hip-fire reticle
color both in its normal state and in the state where it is above an enemy.
Weapon Crafting
- Crafted and enhanced weapons using Special ammo now
make slightly faster weapon progress from kills.
- Weapon crafting components no longer require Legendary
Shards. This change is excluded from weapon enhancing, which still requires
Legendary Shards at enhancement tier 1.
- Last Wish weapons can now be crafted. Each week,
players can visit Hawthorne in the Tower to acquire a pursuit to complete all
encounters of the Last Wish raid.
Completion will award guaranteed Last Wish pattern
progress until all patterns are acquired.
In addition, completion of the pursuit will unlock a
vendor exchange on Hawthorne for that week where players can spend Spoils of
Conquest to purchase 1 additional Deepsight weapon from a selection of Last Wish
weapons they've previously obtained.
- Players can now obtain a limited number of Deepsight
Harmonizers from the Season Pass.
On a weapon with an available pattern that has never had
Deepsight, a player can apply this currency to immediately give the weapon
Deepsight for Pattern Extraction through Deepsight Activation.
Weapons will have an information section display
if a weapon is available for Deepsight Activation.
- Fixed an issue where crafted Bows were not getting
their stats upgraded when reaching Level 20.
- The Marsilion-C Heavy Grenade Launcher pattern Triumph
has been removed as this weapon can't be shaped nor enhanced.
- Fixed an issue where Memento trackers were not working
on Imperial Decree, Goldtusk, Throne-Cleaver and Death's Razor.
- Fixed an issue preventing crafted Menagerie weapons
with Memento Trackers from tracking progress.
Weapon Archetypes
- Updated tier-10 Masterwork stats provided on Adept
weapons so Bows, Glaives, and Fusion Rifles properly inherit +3 to all stats
they can roll as Masterwork options.
- Fixed an issue where Adept mods could be inserted into
non-Adept weapons.
Non-Adept weapons with an Adept mod inserted will have
their perk deactivated.
- Fixed an issue causing Shotgun reticles to be visible
in some circumstances they shouldn't.
Shotgun reticles should no longer be visible while
sprinting, and in finishers, emoting, and other third-person actions.
- Fixed an issue where the brief rate of fire increases
on Aggressive Shotguns after getting a kill could be sustained after swapping
off the Shotgun immediately after a kill.
Sniper Rifles
- Increased PvE damage by 10% (Izanagi's Burden's Honed
Edge perk shots don't receive this buff).
Scout Rifles
- Fixed an issue where the Long Arm Scout Rifle was
getting the PvE damage bonus for Exotics.
Grenade Launchers
- Fixed an issue where some Grenade Launcher explosions
were missing their proper visual effects.
- Fixed an issue where Omolon Heavy Grenade Launchers
would not benefit from the recent buff to their projectile collision radius.
They are now consistent with other Heavy Grenade Launchers.
Submachine Guns
Aggressive Submachine Guns
- Reduced base damage from 15 to 14.
- Increased precision hit multiplier from 1.45 to 1.5
(crit damage goes from 21.8 to 21).
The Immortal
- Reduced base range value by 10.
- Fixed an issue where the Arsenic Bite Bow would
display an incorrect charge time on its tooltip.
- Updated the stats on the Tyranny of Heaven Bow to
better compete with the current selection of Lightweight Bows.
Miscellaneous and Visuals
- Fixed an issue where the glow when firing on the
Nessa's Oblation Legendary Shotgun was not as bright as intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Nasreddin and Caretaker
Legendary Swords would not display their proper stats.
- Fixed an issue where the muzzle flash on the Stay
Frosty Pulse Rifle was brighter than intended.
Exotic Weapons
Eyes of Tomorrow
- Killing 4 targets with a missile volley will refund 1
Graviton Lance
- Increased RPM from 257 to 300 (reduced burst delay by
20%, now matches Revision Zero's Häkke Heavy Rounds rate of fire).
- Rebalanced damage per shot.
Increased first shot damage from:
Body: 9.5 to 19
Crit: 15.7 to 31.4
- Decreased second shot damage from:
Body: 35.6 to 25.6
Crit: 58.7 to 42.3
Jade Rabbit
- Added buff text to show when Fate of All Fools
increased body shot damage is active.
- Quickly hitting 3 critical hits now refunds 3 shots
instead of 1.
The Manticore
- Increased the catalyst's damage resistance from tier 3
to tier 4.
- Increased movement speed during hang time.
- Activating the catalyst perk (through an airborne kill
or sustained damage following an airborne kill) now partially refills the
- Fixed an issue allowing players to hover around with
the Manticore while frozen or suspended. Becoming frozen or suspended now ends
the Manticore's hover effect.
- Increased Noble Rounds cap from 5 to 6 to account for
the catalyst granting 2 noble round remnants per kill.
- Damage increase now activates quicker while invisible,
after 0.25s instead of 1s.
- Heartshadow now weakens targets upon dealing any
damage while the damage increase is active.
Sweet Business
- Now fires explosive rounds every 20 shots (fewer shots
while fully spun up).
Legend of Acrius
- Increased total ammo from 12 to 16.
- Increased maximum projectile distance from 9m to 12m.
Tommy's Matchbook
- Catalyst updated: while overheated, every 5 shots
applies 14+7 (with the Ember of Ashes Fragment) scorch stacks.
No Time to Explain
- Updated drone to work with anti-barrier (will break
Barrier Champion shields and over-penetrate combatant shields).
- Updated drone to work with Feeding Frenzy (from the No
Time to Explain catalyst).
This also resolved an issue where the audio cue and
screen feedback for Feeding Frenzy would always play when the player spawned
regardless of perk state and then wouldn’t play on perk activation.
Skyburner's Oath
- Increased scorch stacks from 3 to 5 and 5 to 10 with
the Ember of Ashes Fragment.
Salvation's Grip
- Reworked to have 2 firing modes. Charged shot creates
a pattern of Stasis crystals (where the number of crystals is no longer
dependent on charge time).
Uncharged shot is a normal Grenade Launcher shot, but
does more damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets.
- New perk added that reloads the magazine from reserves
when you quickly shatter at least 3 crystals with the uncharged shot.
Bad Juju
- Fixed an issue that was causing the weapon to recoil
like an Auto Rifle, making it harder to control. The recoil pattern will now be
similar to other Pulse Rifles.
Fighting Lion
- Fixed an issue that was causing this weapon to do more
damage than intended to red-bar combatants.
Whisper of the Worm
- Whisper of the Worm now has a unique head-up display
(HUD) icon in the weapon tray, similar to other Exotics.
Worldline Zero
- Worldline Zero's sprinting teleport slash now costs
50% energy, down from 100%, and can be chained into itself once when used on the
- Damage from an individual heavy attack was increased
by 8.3%.
- The impact damage has been removed and redistributed
to the detonation damage. This addresses an issue where Winterbite's primary
projectile could sometimes multiply hit a single target depending on performance
and network conditions.
The self-damage scaling has been tuned to account for
the increased damage of the detonation.
- Fixed an issue that caused Winterbite's melee to
mistakenly count as an Energy weapon slot kill for the purposes of progression.
- Vexcalibur's upgraded intrinsic traits at the crafting
table now provide slight stat increases.
Veriglas Curve
- Fixed an issue causing Verglas Curve's Stasis crystals
to fail to spawn if shot at a titan bubble.
Tractor Cannon
- Fixed an issue where Tractor Cannon was impacted by
the recent non-lethal collision damage changes.
- Now causes hit targets to be able to suffer lethal
collision damage for a brief duration.
- Fixed an issue with Thunderlord where damaging a
target under the effects of Divinity’s debuffcould cause lightning strikes with
unintentional frequency, as the hit would count as two precision hits, instead
of one.
Miscellaneous and Visual
- Exotics with lock-on reticles, like Ticuu's
Divination, Final Warning, and Eyes of Tomorrow should no longer auto-target
allied Tangles and grapple points.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the special
first-person recoil animation on Cryosthesia 77k's special shot to play
This is an animation-only change.
- Symmetry's visual effects are no longer persistent on
screen if you switch weapons while the special fire mode is active.
- Fixed an issue on Sleeper Simulant's weapon model that
was causing the display screen to be an incorrect color.
- Fixed an issue where Hierarchy of Needs had its
catalyst located under Kinetic Weapons on the Triumph screen.
- Revision Zero now has its high-zoom scope flip up
slightly earlier when special reloading.
- Revision Zero had its UI buff progress bar adjusted to
turn more opaque when the weapon is full on targeting data, similar to how other
Exotic UI bars work.
Weapon Perks
Fragile Focus
- Bonus now lasts until shield is depleted.
- Bonus now returns when shield regenerates to 100%.
Shoot to Loot
- The Shoot to Loot perk can now be used to collect Orbs
of Power in addition to ammo boxes.
- Rebuilt to allow it to be put on more weapons without
exceeding perk budgets.
Time before activating and before successive reloads
have been unified. Previously they were different values.
Base perk now takes 4 seconds between each reload.
Enhanced now takes 3.5 seconds between each reload.
Vorpal Weapon
- Fixed an issue where this perk would override certain
damage types, breaking functionality on some damage over time effects.
- Now provides its effects even when the weapon is
For example, a rocket shot from a Rocket Launcher with
Vorpal Weapon will retain the damage increase against bosses even if you swap to
another weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of the Subsistence
perk could cause Reservoir Burst to fail to activate under certain networking
- No longer resets by destroying Stasis crystals.
Valiant Charge
- No longer activates when taking environmental hazard
- Fixed an issue where the enhanced version of this perk
status would appear on the buff tray screen twice.
Thresh, Demolitionist, and Pugilist
- Now provide additional energy on Glaive kills, on pair
with Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and Fusion Rifles.
Weapon Traits
To Excess
- Fixed an issue where the timer for this Origin Trait
was not showing. Had an issue suppressing its countdown timer addressed and the
countdown timer is now visible in the tray.
Bray Inheritance
- Fixed an issue where this Origin Trait would activate
on Titan Barricades, Stasis crystals and other destructible objects.
Arc Subclasses
Arc Staff
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Gathering Storm
- Increased direct impact damage vs. players from 200 to
- Increased secondary lightning strike maximum damage
vs. players from 300 to 500.
- Increased lingering lightning tick damage vs. players
from 40 to 60.
- Now deals increased damage to Well of Radiance and
Ward of Dawn.
- Fixed an issue causing Super energy to be costed
before the staff projectile was created, specifically in cases where the casting
player was killed (or was suppressed, frozen, or suspended) during a specific
0.07 second window during the cast performance.
- The staff projectile now embeds into the following
combatant types regardless of target tier, rather than overpenetrating:
Hive and Taken Ogres
Scorn Abominations
Vex Wyverns
Fallen Brigs
Fist of Havoc
- Reduced light attack energy cost from 8.5% to 6%.
- Reduced heavy attack energy cost from 18% to 12%.
- Increased heavy slam damage by 33% vs. PvE enemies.
- Reduced lunge range while active from 6.5 meters to
5.5 meters.
- Increased damage bonus for uncharged melees vs. PvE
combatants from 60% to 100%.
- Increased Fragment slots from 1 to 2.
Seismic Strike
- Now costs 15% energy on activation if no target was
- Reduced base cooldown time from 101 seconds to 91
- Fixed an issue where the player's field of view could
pop if Thruster was activated while sprinting.
- Slightly increased upward acceleration on activation
to reduce instances where the player could be caught on the ground.
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 25%.
- Reduced time to reach maximum damage ramp while
attacking from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Landfall detonation and seekers now jolt targets on
Chaos Reach
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 25%.
- Increased damage resistance vs. players from 40% to
- Increased maximum strafe speed from 3.5 meters per
second to 4.5 meters per second.
- Adjusted Super camera to avoid the player's body
blocking view of targets while strafing.
- Sustained Chaos Reach damage on a single target now
creates a jolting lightning strike at the target's location.
Lightning Surge
- Fixed an issue allowing Lightning Surge to deal more
instances of secondary strike damage than intended
now targets can take a maximum of two instances of
damage from a single activation of the ability: one from the primary lightning
strike around the player, and one from a secondary lightning strike.
- This change necessitated some changes in damage
values, but in general its damage output should be significantly more consistent
and slightly higher than the intended value previously, but without the ability
to one-shot a single enemy Guardian from full health.
Ball Lightning
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 30%
- Reduced ping scalar on downward lightning strike
detonations so combatants are less likely to flinch out of the repeated
lightning strike volume while the player is amplified.
Arc Grenades
Flux Grenade
- Increased aim assist cone half-angle from 3 degrees to
4.5 degrees.
Arc General
Speed Booster
- Reduced jump acceleration bonus scalar from 1.5x to
- Reduced activation time while sprinting from 3 seconds
to 2.5 seconds.
- Increased linger time after the player stops sprinting
from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where if the player was already
sprinting and then became amplified, Speed Booster would not be granted.
- Reduced damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
- Reduced additional bonus damage scalar vs. major
combatants by ~20%.
- Jolt damage triggers now correctly attribute ownership
of the chain lightning damage - previously, this would show damage numbers for
the player that applied the initial jolt debuff.
Now, the player that deals damage to trigger the jolt
chain lightning will be the owner of that damage and see the damage number
Solar Subclasses
Golden Gun (Marksman and Deadshot)
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Gunpowder Gamble
- Increased Fragment slots from 1 to 2.
- Reduced cooldown time from 12 seconds to 6 seconds.
Weighted Throwing Knife
- Reduced minimum projectile tracking shape size by 25%
and maximum projectile tracking shape size by 10% on mouse and keyboard.
Proximity Explosive Knife
- Reduced detonation damage vs. players from 105 to 90.
- Increased impact damage vs. players from 14 to 20.
Lightweight Knife
- Increased projectile speed from 30 meters per second
to 40 meters per second.
-Increased size of projectile tracking shape by 20%.
Hammer of Sol
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
Burning Maul
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
- Heavy slam cyclone now applies a small amount of
scorch over time.
- Now creates a Sunspot on activation while the Sol
Invictus Aspect is equipped, matching the behavior of Hammer of Sol.
Sol Invictus
- Increased Sunspot damage per tick vs. players from 15
to 22.
Hammer Strike
- Now costs 15% energy on activation if no target was
- Reduced base cooldown time from 101 seconds to 91
Throwing Hammer
- Now adjusts its initial trajectory based on your aim
assist target to increase consistency vs. fast-moving targets.
- Adjusted Super camera to allow the player to look down
further, and avoid VFX blocking view of targets when moving quickly.
Incinerator Snap
Fixed an issue preventing projectiles from proximity
Reduced total damage vs. players from 150 to 135 - this
is intended. primarily to offset Incinerator Snap's increased consistency
following this fix.
Solar Grenades
Swarm Grenade
- Increased size of secondary projectile detonation from
1 meter to 1.4 meters to reduce the number of instances where the secondary
projectile could bounce far enough away from their tracked target to fail to
damage or scorch them.
Healing Grenade
- Reduced detonation screen shake feedback for allied
players. This reduction is further increased for players that are aiming down
Solar General
- Increased stun time before scorch stacks begin falling
off from 1.5 seconds to 2.3 seconds vs. enemy players.
- Increased stun time before scorch stacks begin falling
off from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds vs. PvE combatants.
- Fixed an issue where the scorch screen fx would
immediately pop off when the player transitioned from being scorched to
- Fixed an issue where damaging a scorched target with
some poison effects would forcibly remove scorch.
Ember of Benevolence
- Increased bonus energy regeneration scalar by 100%.
- Reduced active duration by 50% in Crucible and Gambit.
Void Subclasses
Spectral Blades
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 35%.
- Heavy attack now weakens targets on hit.
- Fixed an issue causing right-handed attacks to fail to
connect when attacking at fully ramped attack speed.
Trapper's Ambush
- Increased Fragment slots from 1 to 2.
Snare Bomb
- Increased duration of weaken debuff on PvE combatants
from 4 seconds to 8 seconds.
Sentinel Shield
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
- Increased in-Super shield throw ability regeneration
rate to offset the reduction in stat-based regeneration introduced with the
release of Lightfall.
- Increased Fragment slots from 1 to 2.
Shield Throw
- Increased base impact damage from 60 to 70.
- Increased consistency of finding and adjusting the
projectile's flight trajectory toward a new target after a bounce.
Shield Bash
- Now costs 15% energy on activation if no target was
- Reduced base cooldown time from 114 seconds to 91
Nova Bomb (Cataclysm and Vortex)
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Nova Warp
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
- A fully charged attack now makes enemies volatile on
Chaos Accelerant
- Fragment slots increased from 1 to 2
Charged Scatter Grenade
- Increased tracking consistency of charged Scatter
Grenade submunitions.
- Increased submunition arming duration to improve
likelihood of submunitions reaching their target.
- Fixed an issue where some submunitions were impacting
the ground on creation, resulting in early detonations.
Charged Magnetic Grenade (Handheld Supernova)
- Increased hold time for a charged Magnetic Grenade
from 3.2 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
Void Grenades
Void Spike
- Reduced damage per tick vs. enemy players from 28 to
23 - unchanged vs. PvE combatants.
Void General
- Now displays a timer in the player HUD when they are
- Reduced duration vs. players from 10 seconds to 6
Echo of Harvest
- No longer requires a precision kill to activate.
Stasis Subclasses
- Increased Fragment slots from 1 to 2.
Withering Blade
- Increased maximum projectile tracking strength by
- Increased projectile tracking search range on bounce
vs. players by 20%.
- Fixed an issue where boss combatant auto-shatters when
frozen by Withering Blade were dealing significantly more damage than
auto-shatters from a freeze applied by any other Stasis melee ability.
Glacial Quake
- Increased Shiver Strike thrust while Glacial Quake is
active by 10%.
- Increased light attack damage by 20% against all
target types.
Howl of the Storm
- Increased width of freezing cone vs. players by 31%.
Shiver Strike
- Increased maximum thrust while in flight by 16%.
- Decreased maximum downward influence of gravity while
in flight by 18%.
Winter's Wrath
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
- Now grants 2.5 meters of additional melee target
search and lunge range for 1.2 seconds on rift activation.
Stasis Grenades
Duskfield Grenade
- Fixed an issue where equipping Bleak Watcher or
Renewal Grasps would extend Duskfield Grenade's cooldown time significantly
further than intended.
Coldsnap Grenade
- Fixed an issue where Coldsnap Grenade would not create
followup seekers if the initial projectile landed too close to the target.
- Fixed an issue where Coldsnap Grenade would not freeze
a target if the initial projectile landed directly below the target.
- Increased Coldsnap Grenade seeker detonation size vs.
players from 1.5 meters to 1.75 meters to fix an issue where the seeker could
detonate but fail to freeze a target, but would then still create a follow-up
Stasis General
- Fixed an issue where the Tectonic Harvest, Grim
Harvest, and Glacial Harvest Aspect buff tray icons were incorrect.
Strand Subclasses
- Reduced the amount the player was slowed when casting
Silkstrike immediately after a grapple.
Threaded Spike
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by ~55%.
- Increased projectile travel range before beginning to
return to the player by 30%.
- Slightly reduced the speed of the dart as it returns
to the player to make catching it easier.
- Increased energy gain for catching the dart based on
the number of enemies hit.
- Now pierces Cabal Phalanx shields.
- No longer prioritizes the catch action over the
grapple melee if an enemy target is within grapple melee range.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to use their Super
infinitely in Mayhem under specific conditions.
Frenzied Blade
- Reduced cooldown based on the number of melee energy
charges the player has stored.
At 0 charges, cooldown reduced by 15%. At 2 charges,
cooldown reduced by 30%.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from using Hive
Sword attacks while they had a Frenzied Blade melee charge.
Drengr's Lash
- Fixed an issue resulting in Drengr's Lash projectiles
getting stuck and lingering in level geometry (specifically corners) for
extended periods of time.
- Reduced physics acceleration per projectile by ~70% to
reduce instances of bosses (e.g., Akelous in Spire of the Watcher) flying into
the stratosphere when struck by every projectile at once.
Arcane Needle
- Decreased cooldown based on how many melee charges the
player has stored.
At 0 charges, cooldown reduced by 15%. At 2 charges,
cooldown reduced by 30%.
- Increased projectile speed based on the projectile’s
flight time.
Initial velocity increased to 40 meters per second, up
from 30.
Final velocity increased to 70 meters per second, up
from 60.
- Increased projectile tracking strength by ~10%.
- Fixed an issue preventing Claws of Ahamkara from
granting a fourth melee charge to Arcane Needle.
- Fixed an issue where players could very rapidly
initiate unpowered melees back-to-back while jumping while Arcane Needle was
Strand Grenades
- Reduced base cooldown time from 105 seconds to 82
- Reduced minimum time between grapple activations from
2.5 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to mount Sparrows
while grappling.
Strand General
- Thread of Generation
Reduced energy regeneration provided by some
damage-over-time mechanics.
Reduced energy generation provided by Trace Rifle damage
by 36%.
- Fixed an issue that could result in players remaining
in first person after picking up a new Tangle quickly after throwing a Tangle.
- Updated placement of Tangle carry objects in the
player's arm in locomotion animation set.
New Strand Aspects
Hunter: Threaded Spike
- Activate your class ability to leave behind a decoy
woven from Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants and pings
the radar for other Guardians.
- After taking significant damage or when combatants
approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings that
seek out and attack nearby foes.
Titan: Flechette Storm
- While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to
leap into the air, knocking nearby targets away and dealing damage.
- While airborne, activate your charged melee again to
launch a cluster of damaging, unraveling projectiles.
- Repeatedly activating melee will chain additional
Warlock: The Wanderer
- Tangles you throw attach to enemies and detonate into
a suspending burst.
- Threadling final blows create a Tangle.
The following Ghost Shells now support Trials Flawless
glows when you've gone Flawless:
- In Memoriam
- Horus
- Hero's Wake
The following Ships now support Trials Flawless glows
when you've gone Flawless:
- Winds of Change
- Hushed Syrinx
- Valiant Memory
The following Sparrows now support Trials Flawless glows
when you've gone Flawless:
- Resurrection's Guide
- Paradigm Shift
- Falcon's Chase
- Survivor's Journey
- Subclass agnostic finishers can now display their
Stasis and Strand variants when previewing them in the Eververse store or
Inspection screen.
- We have added Exotic focusing options to Rahool:
Standard Decryption: Any Exotic engram can be decrypted
into a random previously owned armor piece for free (current behavior).
Advanced Decryption: An Exotic engram can be focused
into any armor from a specific expansion for a small cost. You must have
previously acquired all Exotic armor for your class from an expansion to use
this option.
Precision Decryption: An Exotic engram can be focused
into a specific piece of armor you have previously acquired for a higher cost.
- All Exotics from any source should now drop with
higher average stats, and more frequent spikes.
- Rewards for the Crucible Playlist Challenge, Weekly
Strike Challenge, and Weekly Gambit Challenge have been changed to a Powerful
focusable Exotic engram.
- The following Exotic engram rewards have been changed
from auto-decrypt to focusable:
Season Pass paid and free tracks
Vendor reputation tracks (after the first reset)
World drops
- A new Lightfall post-campaign pursuit has been added.
Visit Nimbus after completing the Unfinished Business Exotic quest to learn
- Fixed an issue where the Preservation mission on the
Throne World wasn't appearing blocking completion of Report: Pyramid-Inspect.
- Region Chest icons have been added to the description
and objective progress text for the "From Zero..." and "...to Hero" quests.
Vanguard Bounties:
- Some Vanguard daily bounties requiring killing blows
can now be completed anywhere in the game, with significantly increased progress
in Vanguard Ops and Nightfall activities.
- Added bounty for killing elites, mini-bosses and
- Added bounty for completing 2 Vanguard activities
- Added bounty for kills with various elemental
abilities, with bonuses for using a subclass verb.
Repeatable Bounties:
- Enemy race kill bounties can now be completed by
killing any enemy in a Vanguard activity, with significantly increased progress
for killing the correct type.
- Reduced the number of kills needed in the Super kill
- Added bounty for getting fireteam kills.
- Faction chests on EDZ and Nessus are now awarding
Glimmer and XP.
- Added Neomuna weapons as a drop change from completing
Heroic Public Events
Reduce Neomun weapons drop chance from VIP Patrols
- Finest Matterweave no longer drops in the game.
Whenever Matterweave would have dropped in the past 1 Enhancement Core drops
instead. Existing Finest Matterweave can be dismantled to gain 1 Enhancement
- Rainmakers no longer drop in the game. Whenever
Rainmakers would have dropped in the past, 3,000 Glimmer drops instead.
Existing Rainmakers can be dismantled for 3,000 Glimmer
Make it rain(maker).
- The Conqueror's Discipline Triumph now requires
completing any Grandmaster Nightfall using Strand, in addition to its existing
If you've previously claimed this Triumph, it will
remain claimed.
If you've previously claimed the Conqueror Seal, that
will remain claimed as well.
- When starting a new Season (or if you are returning
Veteran player who has never played around with Guardian Ranks) you now are
reset to Guardian Rank 5.
- All Seasonal (Blue) Guardian Rank objectives are reset
and must be completed again to get your Guardian Rank back.
- Guardians display their previous rank for the entire
following Season.
- We have taken a pass at placement of all Guardian Rank
objectives to make for a more intuitive experience
- Added the Best Dressed Commendation card to the
Ironwood Tree in the Tower.
- Fixed an issue in which Commendations objectives in
Guardian Ranks were displaying the incorrect Commendations icon.
- Fixed an issue in which the text container for
Commendations for some non-matchmade, higher difficulty activities were not the
correct size.
- Fixed an issue with 3D audio causing undersirable
audio distortion.
3D audio may now be enabled on all platforms without
- Fixed an issue where entering the King's Fall raid or
the Pit of Heresy dungeon with 3D audio enabled could cause a crash to some
- Fixed an issue where autoexposure would
over-compensate for sniper-scope borders on ultrawide resolutions, washing out
the screen.
- Seasonal armor and ornament name corrections:
Season of Defiance released with the Techeun-styled
activity armor called the "Unyielding Favor Set," with the "Techeun's Regalia
Set" as the name for the Seasonal ornaments.
Fashion-forward Techeun enthusiasts pointed out the
mismatch, so the names have been swapped. The activity armor is now called the
"Techeun's Regalia Set" while the Seasonal ornaments are the "Unyielding Favor
- Rallying at a Campaign Banner, Raid Banner, Public
Event flags, and initiating Battleground Boss encounters now also
refills/reloads the magazines of all equipped weapons.
- Fixed an issue where Persys, the final boss in Spire
of the Watcher, was being deleted from the game world when players used the
Gathering Storm Super or Storm grenades under specific circumstances.
Eververse Recommendations:
New feature: Eververse will now provide players with
personalized recommendations that highlight items from across the store that are
tailored to the currently active character.
Eververse recommendations can be
found in their own tab or on the Featured page.
The Daily Deal system has been retired.
- The Good Boy Protocol stat tracker has been re-enabled
with all Season 19 progress intact and moved from the Seasonal category to
- Artifact perks can now be individually refundable by
clicking on an active perk.
- Voice Over: German Saint-14 has been permanently
- Fixed an issue in which Korean rating icons were
displayed incorrectly in the Controller menu in Settings.
- Fixed an issue in which the title screen for Destiny
2: Lightfall was displaying game title with a slight overlap.
- Speicherverbrauch von 111,3 GB auf 119,5 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 89,9 GB auf 97,3 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue where the Dazzling Iridescence Trials
emblem could be awarded from the Flawless chest without completing the necessary
- Players who have already acquired the emblem will need
to complete the requirements after this patch goes live in order to equip the
- Fixed an issue with spawn trapping that could occur on
- Fixed an issue where players can damage bosses in
Ghosts of the Deep through immunity shields.
- Gyrfalcon's Hauberk's reserve overshield now deploys
when a player uses Ensnaring Slam.
- Fixed an issue where Khepri's Horn could disable
various non-enemy objects.
- Fixed an issue where Vesper of Radius's effects were
triggering on things other than casting a rift.
- Fixed an issue where Point-Contact Cannon Brace would
create lightning strikes on melees other than Thunderclap.
- Fixed an issue where becoming frozen would disable
Arbor Warden's Exotic perk.
- Fixed an issue where Arbor Warden would cause the
Juggernaut aspect to not interact with your class ability energy correctly.
- Fixed an issue causing Sunbracers to not improve Solar
- Fixed an issue causing Helm of Saint-14 to not provide
any effects.
- Fixed an issue causing Verity's Brow to not function
in PvP.
- Fixed an issue causing No Backup Plans to buff
non-Shotgun damage in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where Athrys's Embrace's buff icon
wasn't appearing in the HUD in PvP.
- The artifact perks Amped Up and Electric Armor no
longer have their perk names switched.
- Fixed an issue where some older Iron Banner
Special/Power weapons had lost their scope glint.
- Fixed an issue where purchasing a Last Wish deepsight
weapon from Hawthorne would unintentionally award bonus pattern progress on top
of the progress provided by consuming the deepsight on the weapon itself.
- Increased the size of the red dot in Mecurial
Overreach's scope to respond to player feedback.
- Reduced the Collective Action weapon perk's damage
against Guardians to 10%, (from 20%).
- Changed the Navigator's intrinsic trait icon.
- Fixed an issue where certain thrown projectiles were
able to over penetrate allied Titan Barricades.
- Fixed an issue where Arc Jolt damage to minor
combatants was lower than intended following the scaling changes in 7.1.0.
- Fixed an issue where the Twitch sub bounty emblem,
Pulsar Approaching, is not re-acquirable or equippable.
- The "Second Reckoning" Triumph now displays the
correct weapon names.
- The "Spend Salvage Keys" Triumph now correctly
progresses when a Salvage Key is spent instead of erroneously progressing the
"Spend Deep Dive Keys" Triumph.
- Fixed an issue on the Ambitious Angler Triumph where
all players were getting credit for one player catching an exotic fish.
- Weekly Challenges for Vanguard Ops and Gambit now
reward the correct number of Exotic engrams.
- Re-enabling Tier 1 Exotic Focusing on Master Rahool.
- Fixed an issue where the Powerlifter Triumph could be
completed before gilding the Glorious Seal.
- Competitive: Improved matchmaking times at higher
skill tiers.
- Trials of Osiris: Fixed an issue where some players
were unable to access the game mode while on step 3 of the introductory quest.
- Trials of Osiris: Increased the drop rate of Adept
weapons on 7-win cards after going Flawless that week.
- Ghosts of the Deep: Fixed an issue where players could
respawn outside the final encounter's arena.
- Fixed an issue where players could not access the
Commendations screen after using the Wish Wall in The Last Wish Raid.
- Fixed an issue where players could not access the
Commendations screen after finishing a Deep Dive activity.
- Fixed an issue where the new Exotic fish Whispering
Mothcarp could not be obtained.
- Updated the Cenotaph Mask description to correctly
state its perk behavior. The description has been updated to the following:
- Steadily reloads a portion of your equipped Trace
Rifle's magazine from reserves. Damaging a vehicle, boss, or Champion with a
Trace Rifle marks them as the target.
When an ally defeats the marked target, Special ammo is
generated for you and Heavy ammo for your allies.
- Fixed an issue where the rebound wave from Khepri's
Horn was not dealing damage to enemies already damaged by the first wave.
- Fixed an issue where the Couturier Longcoat ornament
would show a hole underneath the right arm. If the issue persists, Warlocks are
advised to contact their local Tower tailor.
- Fixed an issue where both Sweet Business and Telesto
explosions could damage enemies through walls or other geometry.
- Fixed an issue where Hollow Denial's sound effects
could trigger sensitivity episodes for players with Semicircular Canal
Dehiscence (SSCD).
- Fixed an issue where unlocking the pattern for the
Bump in the Night required a Season 17 entitlement to unlock.
- Fixed an issue where the Eververse tab would
experience slowdowns in PC.
- Fixed an issue where Red War Exotic focusing could
award incorrect Exotics.
- Fixed an issue where audio would not play during a
Forsaken cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where a few subtitles did not
correspond to the audio.
- Neues Event "Sonnenwende" ist gestartet und ist vom
18.07.2023 bis zum 08.08.2023 verfügbar
- Adjusted spawn points on Burnout for Trials of Osiris
- Fixed some positions where players could get outside
of the playable area on these maps:
Radiant Cliffs
Altar of Flame
- Fixed an issue where the voiceover at the end of
Mayhem matches would not play.
- Fixed an issue where Terminal Overload could stop
progressing at Stage 3.
- Fixed an issue where the Guardian Ranks icon
decorations for higher ranks were missing.
- Fixed an issue where Season Pass ranks past 100 were
not being properly registered on the Journey screen.
- Fixed an issue where the reward for rank 71 on the
Season Pass was not unlocking properly.
This issue was only visual, and the boost was properly
applied when unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where the Eververse featured carousel
sound effect could be heard while previewing other items.
- Fixed an issue where dexterity mods were not providing
the proper benefits to weapon's ready speed.
- Fixed an issue where the Stronghold Exotic gauntlets
were not properly extending the duration of restoration based on the number of
shots blocked and
causing it to grant restoration on dealing damage
with any Sword.
Now applies restoration after blocking damage
immediately after a swing and extends its duration based on the number of enemy
attacks blocked.
- Fixed an issue where the Blight Ranger Exotic helmet
was consuming Super energy while guarding
- Fixed an issue where the NPA Weir-Walker armor sets
had inconsistent glowing effects.
- Fixed an issue where the Channeling Robes chest armor
was missing a texture.
- Fixed an issue where Stasis weapons with splash damage
were dealing less damage than intended to Stasis crystals.
The New Pacific Epitaph Grenade Launcher was a notable
example of this.
- Fixed an issue where Season of the Deep’s reprised
Reckoning weapons would incorrectly apply a Taken visual effects to their
This patch note has been updated to better address the
issue fixed.
- Fixed an issue where the Until Its Return Legendary
Shotgun showed a slightly displaced glare.
- Fixed an issue where enhanced weapons could not apply
nor preview Memento shaders.
- Fixed an issue where the Targeted Redaction Hand
Cannon was using the incorrect firing animation.
This aggressive-frame Hand Cannon was using the recoil
pattern from the lightweight frame, giving it a marginally unintentional
Pulse Rifles
- At 0 Aim Assist, reduced the auto aim angle by ~10%.
- Increased final accuracy by ~10%.
Submachine Guns
- Improved the dynamic reticle for Shayura's Wrath when
aiming down sights.
- Reduced the spread angle of the outer horizontal
pellets by 15%.
Graviton Lance
- Increased PvE damage by 67%.
- Removed the extra aim assist provided by the catalyst.
- Reduced the damage dealt to players by the Cosmology
explosion by 40%.
- Damage in PvE unchanged.
No Time To Explain
- Reduced range stat by 10.
- Fighting Lion
- Fixed an issue where the Chimera perk on the catalyst
wasn't applying the buffs to Kinetic and Power weapons.
The Navigator
- Fixed an issue where the catalyst perk timer was not
showing in the buff tray.
- Reduced damage to Stasis crystals.
Perks & Traits
Gutshot Straight
- Reduced auto-aim penalty by 37.5%.
- Reduced auto-aim penalty by 33%.
Target Lock
- Reduced maximum damage versus players from 40% to 25%.
Damage in PvE unchanged.
Whisper of Rime
- Reduce max overshield amount from 100 hp to 50 hp.
- Reduce overshield gain per Stasis Shard from 12.5 hp
to 5 hp.
- Non-player combatants now deal 50% damage to Whisper
of Rime overshield.
Whisper of Chains
- Reduced damage reduction in PvP from 15% to 5%.
- Threaded Specter, Flechette Storm, and The Wanderer
will now display unique icons in the kill-feed in PvP activities.
- Fixed an issue where Threadlings were colliding and
detonating near Supremacy crests.
- Fixed an issue where The Wanderer Aspect erroneously
showed the Threadlings flyout tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where the Standard Fare bounty would
not progress on Kinetic weapons kills.
- Fixed an issue where Tormentor’s abilities were
missing some visual effects.
- Fixed a mismatch with audio and subtitles when
interacting with Cayde's memorial in the Tower.
Various languages
- Fixed an issue where some descriptions in the Loadouts
screen would overflow their text boxes.
- Fixed some volume inconsistencies when playing the
archive recordings in the Veil Containment mission.
- Join In Progress has been enabled for Deep Dive
activities during gameplay sections of activities.
- Fixed the number of surges/skulls applied to multiple
Vanguard Ops Playlist activities & Seasonal activities.
- Experience is now properly being awarded for Weapon
Crafting via Solstice Bonfire activity.
- Player progression in Solstice is no longer blocked by
completing Kindling objective early.
- Fixed an issue with Utility Kickstart that was
allowing more class ability energy to be gained than intended.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to cancel the
activation of their Super by picking up a Diamond Lance during cast causing them
to regain ability energy.
- Fixed an issue where people launchers would repeatedly
play their SFX.
- Clarified the objective text for Week 5 Seasonal
Challenge "Battle Rhythm"—must earn progress in Ritual activities specifically.
- Fixed an issue where not all expected activities on
Neomuna were counting towards the Solstice challenge In the Hot Seat.
- Enabled Sparrows in the Bonfire Bash activity.
Get your zoom-zoom on.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to finish the
quest A Guardian in Shining Armor.
- Fixed an issue where the Lightfall tooltip wasn’t
mentioning the current Season.
- Fixed an issue where some Solstice items were missing
from the Collections tab.
- Fixed an issue where the armor mods Bolstering
Detonation, Focusing Strike, Impact Induction, and Momentum Transfer could
provide more ability energy than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Warlock Aspect Child of the
Old Gods would not provide the right amount of health and ability energy.
- Removed objective to rank up the seasonal vendor from
Rank 6 to allow all players to access Armor Charge Mods.
- Season 22 "Saison der Hexe" ist gestartet
und ein neuer Season Pass (Battle Pass) kann erworben werden
- Relive the past. Ikora offers a Timeline Reflections
quest to help new and lapsed players get caught up on major story beats by
replaying three key moments:
Cayde’s Fate from Forsaken, Communing with Stasis
from Beyond Light, and the Lucent Hive from The Witch Queen.
Includes new cinematics and rewards for new
players to quickly get up to speed before The Final Shape.
- Ritual rank-ups now happen immediately on receiving
reputation instead of the next time you go to orbit.
- Weekly ritual Director challenges have been updated,
removing the requirement to play three instances of a specific ritual to obtain
Challenges now allow completion of any ritual activity
(Crucible, Vanguard, or Gambit) to progress the challenge in sets of three, to
earn up to a max of three Extotic engrams.
Surge matching has been removed as a requirement
for Vanguard completions to progress the weekly challenge
- Ritual Vendor Challenges for completing 8 bounties on
Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit vendors have had their rewards updated to reward
- Ritual-specific Engrams will now drop more often
allowing players more choice on what rewards they get through focusing.
- Ritual weapons will now be focusable during the first
season they are available.
General Crucible
- Added Fireteam Matchmaking to CBMM (Connection-Based
Matchmaking) playlists.
- Fixed a cinematic issue for Crucible maps Meltdown and
Cathedral of Dusk.
- Revised playlist tooltips to remove redundant
- Fixed out of bounds issues on Crucible maps Meltdown
and Radiant Cliffs.
- Fixed an issue with textures on Crucible map
- Competitive 3v3 placement series challenge progress is
now synced across characters.
- Fixed an issue where the placement series challenge
would not grant a reward.
- Fixed an issue that caused Spark dunks to count as
more than one dunk.
- Fixed an issue where certain subclasses could use
their air move abilities.
Zone Control
- Fixed an issue where the bonus reputation icon did not
display while Crucible reputation booster is active.
Iron Banner
- Daily Iron Banner challenges have been split into 2
series. Each series has 4 challenges rolled out daily over the week.
Series 1: Players complete Iron Banner matches (with no
restrictions) to earn Iron Banner Rank bonus multipliers.
Series 2: Players earn points in Iron Banner as a
Seasonal subclass to earn Pinnacle rewards.
- Matches no longer reward twice as much Crucible
reputation as other Crucible modes when specific conditions are met.
Iron Banner Fortress
- Added mode-specific voice-over to Iron Banner
Loose SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking)
- Altered parameters to improve search times and match
quality for players at either end of the skill spectrum, or for those playing in
low population regions or times.
Lobby Balancing
- Corrected an issue where highly skilled players could
be misallocated across teams.
Clash and Control
- Changed Iron Banner Clash and Control map weighting to
match that of the core Clash and Control playlists.
- Fixed an issue where the bonus reputation modifier
icon did not display for Nightfall activities.
- Added FBMM (Fireteam-Based Matchmaking) and removed
Freelance node.
- Updated the Gold Coins gilding Triumph progress string
to reflect the change from wins to matches played.
- In the campaign mission Downfall, improved the physics
in gravlifts and removed ability drain.
- Added Nimbus vendor rep as reward to event chests that
were previously only awarding Glimmer.
Ghosts of the Deep
- Fixed some quarantine volumes that were causing
players to get a “joining allies” message while the Emerge encounter was in
- Fixed an issue where the final boss of the dungeon was
teleporting more than intended during the damage phase.
Root of Nightmares
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to purchase
the Shotgun because the raid weapon vendor was incorrectly checking for
available inventory space.
- Updated the objective Pinnacle Rewards in Guardian
Rank 8 to reflect the updated weekly challenges to complete bounties for
Drifter, Shaxx, and Zavala.
- Players can now see their rank-up buffs displayed in
their Guardian's character sheet.
- Fixed an issue in which the Guardian Rank 4 objective
Glimmer was continuing to show progress after completing it.
- Loadouts + 4 message will now display the correct
- Fixed an issue in which some of the system unlock
messages for Guardian Ranks did not have a proper icon.
- Players now will get credit for completing the
Kingsfall raid in a higher difficulty without having completed the regular
- The Inspection screen and Eververse Preview screens
now support playing audio for Exotic weapons, Sparrows, ships, Ghosts, and other
items that may have custom ambient audio.
- Fixed an issue preventing the player from crouching in
the Exotic mission Operation: Seraph's Shield.
- Fixed an issue where some quest step objectives would
display as incomplete even if they were completed.
- Fixed an issue where Commendations were incorrectly
greyed out as already given in some activities.
- Corrected an issue that prevented the visual effects
from displaying for The Witch Queen expansion node on the Timeline.
- The Eververse Recommendations tile on the Featured
page of Eververse will no longer inform players that they lack inventory space.
- Fixed a text display issue in the Russian language
version of the Season Pass description page.
- A number of activities were pushing a New Adventures
Available announcement to the HUD when they became available, either through
progression or after the daily reset.
We've reworked this system to reduce the frequency of
that particular announcement's appearance and, moving forward,
enable us to more readily provide specific
announcements starting with a New Legend Lost Sector Available announcement
when new Legend or Master Lost Sectors become available.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain background details
and colors to not be visible on some destination maps when navigating between
Director tabs.
- Fixed an issue with the Memorialized emblem in which
it didn't slot raid and dungeon trackers.
- Fixed an issue in which the Total Triumph Score was
not accurate.
- Players can now interact with past Seasonal Artifact
Lore tabs.
- Fixed an issue in which the Commendation Score,
Guardian name, and icon were not visible in some instances in the Commendations
screen within the Journey screen.
- To help new players understand the fundamentals,
Destiny Calls and Witness Backstory cinematics can be played directly from the
first page of the Timeline (upper-right corner of the Director).
- To help new players learn the game, added a QR Code
that opens the New Player Guide on Bungie.net.
Featured Quests
- Added a new tab to Quest Log that helps players focus
on completing key quest lines.
- Players can now launch into many quest activities or
to quest locations directly from the Quest Details screen.
- Players can prioritize the quests that appear in
Featured Quest categories by tracking them in the Quest Log.
- Fixed an issue where ability energy wasn't cleared
when changing class ability.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to activate sprint
melees without sprinting.
- Fixed an issue that caused Threadling grenades to
spawn double Threadlings when thrown against some surfaces.
- Fixed an issue where at specific resilience stat
values, players could receive the previous tier's PvE damage resistance value
rather than their current tier's.
- Fixed an issue where the Wish-Ender bow in combination
with abilities like Shadowshot was able to generate significantly more Super
energy per shot than intended.
- Increased Towering Barricade base cooldown time from
48 seconds to 70 seconds.
- Reduced Barricade (all variants) maximum health from
600hp to 500hp and increased damage resistance from PvE combatants to
Lift (all variants)
- Removed soft ceiling for Lift to eliminate instances
where players could activate the movement mode but receive no upward movement
(e.g., while Speed Booster was active).
Note: Warlock Glide already had no soft ceiling.
Double Jump (all variants)
- Removed soft ceiling for Double Jump to eliminate
instances where players could activate the movement mode but receive no upward
movement (e.g., while Speed Booster was active).
Note: Warlock Glide already had no soft ceiling.
- Fixed an issue where the Lethal Current aftershock
could deactivate Liar's Handshake's Cross-Counter perk.
- Reduced Knockout’s bonus melee damage vs. players from
50 to 30.
- Increased Thundercrash’s base cooldown time from 500
seconds to 556 seconds.
- Now costs energy on attack, rather than during the
- Reduced weapon ready speed penalty after attacking by
Skip Grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 121 seconds to 105
- Fixed an issue where the Scorch applied from Celestial
Fire could fail to activate perks requiring melee defeats (e.g., while using
- Fixed an issue where the Heat Rises description did
not include the healing burst on grenade consume added in Patch
- Fixed an issue where the Icarus Dash description
displayed the air move key bind rather than the air dodge key bind.
- Fixed an issue where Swarm Grenade submunitions could
become stuck in Ward of Dawn geometry,
rapidly dealing impact damage to it rather than
detonating after reaching its maximum impact count.
- Fixed an issue where the death screen obituary text
for Sunspots was missing.
- Fixed an issue where Shield Bash damage was being
scaled to 0 against players in an active grapple.
- Reduced Voidwall Grenade’s base cooldown time from 152
seconds to 121 seconds.
Echo of Instability and Echo of Provision
- Fixed an issue where defeating targets with non-Void
grenades (e.g., Forerunner's The Rock) would fail to activate the Fragment perk.
Echo of Harvest
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown buff tray text did
not correctly indicate the name of the Fragment.
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to
purchase Void Fragments from Ikora until they had purchased at least two Void
- Increased consistency of Penumbral Blast freezing
fast-moving targets (e.g., players Grappling toward the casting Warlock).
- Whisper of Bonds: Now creates an Orb of Power for you
and allies when defeating frozen targets, rather than directly granting Super
- Players can no longer perform interactions (revives,
Countdown bomb plants, etc.) while frozen.
Hunter- Fixed an issue where the Threaded Spike was
unable to return to its owner if the owner was Invisible (e.g., from Assassin's
Cowl activating).
- Increased Silkstrike damage resistance from 40% to
- Reduced suppression time between Silkstrike super air
- Reduced vertical lift provided by Silkstrike heavy air
attack to reduce instances of missing the primary target.
Threaded Specter
- Increased Threaded Specter lifetime from 10 seconds to
12 seconds.
- Increased Threaded Specter health vs. PvE combatants.
- Threaded Specter now takes longer to detect nearby PvE
combatants at the beginning of its lifetime.
- PvE combatants now more consistently focus on Threaded
Specter instead of the Hunter.
- Allied players no longer have reticle magnetism toward
Threaded Specter.
The Wanderer
- Destroying a Tangle now creates a delayed suspending
- Increased suspend detonation radius from 6 meters to 7
meters against PvE combatants.
- Increased thrown Wanderer Tangle detonation damage to
match standard Tangle detonations.
Thread of Generation
- Reduced the overall energy gain per damage event
against PvE enemies by ~20%.
- Rebalanced the energy gain multiplier across Primary
weapon archetypes to bring energy gains for dealing damage with precision
weapons and fully automatic weapons closer together.
Note: This means that, overall, while fully automatic
Primary weapons have had their efficiency reduced, precision Primary weapons
have had their efficiency increased to compensate.
Thread of Mind
Reduced class energy gain based on the tier of the
defeated target:
- Minor combatants reduced from 15% to 10%.
- Major combatants and players reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Bosses, Champions and minibosses reduced from 50% to
Thread of Propagation
- Now grants +10 Strength.
Thread of Continuity
- No longer grants +10 Strength.
Thread of Wisdom
- No longer requires a precision kill to activate.
Thread of Isolation
- Reduced the number of precision hits to activate by an
average of ~30%; varies by weapon archetype.
Thread of Rebirth
- The number of created Threadlings now varies based on
the tier of the defeated target:
- Minor combatants: 1.
- Elite combatants or players: 2.
- Boss, Champion, or miniboss combatants: 3.
- Reduced base suspend duration vs. non-Champion PvE
combatants from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Thread of Continuity now extends this duration to 7
seconds, down from 12 seconds.
- Reduced base suspend duration vs. Champion combatants
from 8 seconds to 3 seconds (4 seconds with Thread of Continuity).
- Increased snap damage dealt to suspended boss
combatants by 67%.
- Players can no longer perform interactions (revives,
Countdown bomb plants, etc.) while suspended.
- Increased Threadling damage vs. PvE combatants by 30%.
- Reduced Tangle creation cooldown time from 15 seconds
to 12 seconds.
- Reduced Woven Mail’s damage resistance vs. PvE
combatants from 60% to 55%.
- PvE combatants affected by Sever now have their
outgoing damage reduced by 40%, up from 30%.
- Grapple melee now always takes priority during the
grapple melee window regardless of melee charge state
(whether players have a Threaded Spike or Arcane
Needle charge readied), and regardless of whether there is a valid target
- The functionality of the Foetracer hunter Exotic
helmet has been moved to the Knucklehead Radar Exotic helmet.
- Foetracer's previous perk has been completely replaced
by the following perk: Damaging a powerful combatant or Guardian with an ability
grants you a temporary bonus to weapon damage matching your subclass type.
Defeating that target with a weapon matching the damage
type of your subclass creates an elemental pickup.
- The Lucky Raspberry Exotic armor has been reworked and
now reads: Increases the chaining capabilities of Arc Bolt Grenade.
Damaging enemies with jolt lightning strikes and
collecting Ionic Traces grant additional Arc Bolt Grenade energy.
Arc Bolt Grenades stun Overload Champions and delay
their health regeneration.
- Reverted the previous change to the cooldown of
Duskfield grenades granted by Renewal Grasps.
- Reworked ACD/0 Feedback Fence to make use of the Armor
Charge system. New perk: Melee hits grant Armor Charge, and you take reduced
melee damage while you have Armor Charge.
Taking melee damage causes you to emit a burst of
damaging Arc energy that jolts targets, consuming your Armor Charge and dealing
more damage based on the number of stacks consumed.
- In addition to its existing functionality, Icefall
Mantle now has a chance to grant an escalating bonus to Stasis weapon damage on
Stasis kills.
Activating your class ability grants you the highest
tier damage bonus.
- The Hallowfire Heart Exotic has had its perk reworked:
While standing in a Sunspot, defeating an enemy with Solar damage creates a
It greatly improves recharge rate of your abilities
while your Super is charged and provides a small benefit to the airborne
effectiveness stat of all weapons.
Design note: Hallowfire Heart had too much overlap with
Heart of Inmost Light and yet was restricted to one damage type.
With this rework, we are looking to lean harder into the
Solar subclass by letting you create more frequent Sunspots, while still
retaining some elements of its previous functionality.
- The tier-4 Arc weapon damage bonus granted by your
Fist of Havoc Super ending has had its duration extended to 30 seconds, up from
- Path of the Burning Steps now grants the tier-4 Solar
weapon damage bonus on Solar grenade kills.
- In addition to its existing functionality, Doom Fang
Pauldrons now have a chance to grant an escalating bonus to Void weapon damage
on Void kills.
Void melee kills automatically grant the highest tier
damage bonus.
- When you use Blink, Astrocyte Verse now causes enemies
near you to become volatile. When using the Nova Warp Super, your Dark Blink
movement ability does not cost Super energy.
- In addition to its existing functionality, Geomag
Stabilizers now grants energy for your Chaos Reach super when picking up an
Ionic Trace.
- In addition to its existing functionality, Wings of
Sacred Dawn now reloads your Solar weapons from reserves when you get a kill
while suspended in midair.
- Winter's Guile now causes enemies encased by the
Penumbral Blast melee to automatically shatter.
- Arbor Warden's unique class ability should now benefit
from all sources of bonus class ability energy correctly.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Arbor Warden's class
ability to not animate properly when used with Jotunn or Tractor Cannon.
- Fixed an issue where Eternal Warrior's Arc Weapon
damage bonus wouldn't function unless you had the super Fist of Havoc equipped.
- Fixed an issue causing Chromatic Fire's elemental
explosions to fail to apply their status effects in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue causing Liar's Handshake's bonus melee
damage to not function correctly with the Lethal Current Arc Aspect or the
Gathering Storm Arc Super.
- Fixed an issue where Swarmers would not create
Threadlings when a Tangle was thrown after grappling to a different Tangle.
- Threadlings spawned via Swarmers now work properly
when The Wanderer Aspect is equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Peregrine Greaves' HUD status
effect didn't have an icon.
- The Armor Charge HUD element will now show your actual
maximum number of potential Armor Charges, rather than always showing 6 empty
- Fixed an issue causing Swords to not benefit from Ammo
Reserves armor mods.
- Fixed an issue causing the Hunter’s Golden Gun Super
to benefit from Kinetic Surge armor mods.
- Fixed an issue where the Season 20 Guardian Games
class items were not available as armor ornaments.
- Added unkindled versions of both the Candescent and
Sunlit universal ornaments for all classes.
For Guardians that unlocked the armor glows for these
sets during Solstice, both versions will be available to unlock in the
Appearance screen.
Guardians that have not unlocked the glows will not see
any changes to these sets in their available ornaments.
- The Warlock armor Psionic Speaker Robes, Resolute
Champion Robes, and Wraps of the Emperor's Minister have had their visual issues
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hunter chest armor Vest
of the Taken King to be invisible when worn in the H.E.L.M.
- PvE kills with two Special weapons equipped now
generate Heavy ammo at the same rate as two Primaries or one Primary and one
- Decoupled damage falloff from zoom.
- Added a fixed ADS Damage Falloff Scalar to all guns
with damage falloff
- Replaced the perk active hipfire reticle element. The
new one should work better at different field-of-view (FOV) settings.
- Added a perk active indicator to Symmetry.
- Moved Grand Overture's charge meter further down the
screen to reduce instances of overlapping other reticle elements.
Hand Cannons
- Increased reload speed at 0 stat by 15%.
- Increased damage against minor combatants (red bars)
by 20%.
- Increased damage against major combatants (orange
bars) by 75%.
- Changed Warden's Law to be the first member of a new
sub-family, Heavy Burst.
Fires a 2-round burst.
- Reduced minimum reload animation duration from 0.5
seconds to 0.3 seconds. (This means that applying reload speed scalars on top of
high reload stat will still have an effect.)
- Increased the projectile velocity at full draw so that
the projectiles will continue to perform as if they were hit scan at longer
distances at higher framerates.
- Equalized the full draw projectile velocity with
Combat Bows.
- Fixed the RPM stat of Aggressive Submachine Guns to
correctly show 720 RPM.
- Reduced Aggressive Sidearms base damage from 32 to 30.
- Increased BxR Battler Pulse Rifle’s zoom back to 20.
- Fixed the impact stat on The Comedian Shotgun. This is
cosmetic only, damage per pellet is unchanged.
- Fixed an issue where the Adept Masterworks and
Enhanced Intrinsic perks for Fusion Rifles were decreasing the damage dealt by
fusions when they changed the Charge Time stat.
Wave Frame Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Reduced the size and damage of the self-damage AOE.
- This should make it much safer to fire the projectile
closer to your feet.
- Sword guard has been reworked. Energy now recharges
after a short delay when used but recharges much faster.
The delay before recharge and recharge rate are both
governed by the guard charge rate stat.
This delay ranges between 2.7 seconds and 1.05 seconds,
depending on charge rate.
The rate energy returns after the delay has massively
increased to compensate, increasing even more at higher charge rate.
Even after the delay, Swords now return to full energy
from empty faster than before this rework.
- Full-power heavy attacks can now be used with any
non-zero amount of Sword energy, rather than requiring full sword energy.
- Sword guard damage resistance has been massively
increased and now provides between 82.5% and 95% damage reduction depending on
guard resistance stat.
This damage resistance value is sharply reduced against
other players, similar to glaives, providing between 52.5% and 65% damage
reduction depending on guard resistance stat.
- Sword guard no longer loses energy when taking damage.
As a result of the above, guard efficiency has been
removed as a stat.
- Sword guard duration increased across every guard
type, with those with shortest durations benefiting most.
- Sword guard talent nodes have had their stats squished
Combined with the above, even though their stats have
been reduced, their damage reduction, charge rates, and guard durations have
increased across the board.
This allows origin traits and other Sword perks more
room to increase these stats and allow performance beyond their previous
- Sword guard talent nodes now visually affect the
Charge Rate bar on the inspection screen when hovered or selected, similar to
other stat-affecting nodes.
- Sword movement speed while blocking increased from a
0.75x multiplier to 0.85x multiplier.
- The Lament Exotic Sword has been special-cased so its
charge rate and delay are unaffected, but it still benefits from the increased
guard damage reduction and duration.
- Fixed an issue where ammo was loading into Quicksilver
Storm slightly too late in the reload animation.
- Fixed the impact stat on Dead Man's Tale. This is
cosmetic only, damage per bullet is unchanged.
- Two-Tailed Fox's catalyst perk Third Tail has been
reworked. Two-Tailed Fox now fires all 3 shots burst-fire with the catalyst,
instead of firing 3 rockets in 2 bursts.
This improves the weapon's consistency and prevents
situations where the rockets could collide mid-flight.
Slightly increased the direct impact damage of the
catalyst Arc rocket.
Verglas Curve
- Whisper of Fissures detonations now generate Hail
Barrage stacks if the crystal was created by this weapon.
- Shiver Quiver now activates when slowing enemies.
- Increased the slow stacks from 40 to 60 when hitting
players directly with Hail Barrage arrows. This allows for a freeze if two Hail
Barrage arrows hit the same player.
Le Monarque
- Reduced draw time from 684 milliseconds to 612
- Reduced body shot damage from 100 to 85.
- Increased critical hit multiplier from 1.5x to 1.6x.
(Crit damage against players goes from 150 to 136.)
- Reduced DoT burn time from 3s to 1.75s (goes from 8
ticks to 6).
- Increased DoT burn damage against players from 1.875
to 2.5 per tick. (Burn damage also increased in PvE by 50%.)
Vex Mythoclast
- RPM reduced from 390 to 360 to match other high-impact
Auto Rifles.
- Increased damage against minor combatants (red bars)
and major combatants (orange bars) by 25%.
- Tommy’s Matchbook Scorch values updated to 15 +5. Was
14 + 7 (with the Ember of Ashes fragment equipped).
Touch of Malice
- Increased Final Round damage in PvE by 20%.
- Decreased the self-damage from the final round from 10
to 7.
- Final round damage can no longer kill the user.
- Increased the health awarded by the Touch of Mercy
perk from 30 to 75.
- Set up Touch of Mercy to work like Unrelenting
(Guardians and major combatants give more points towards activation, increased
the time allowed between kills).
- Ball of Darkness now appropriately deals Arc damage
and will blind combatants and stun Unstoppable Champions.
- Fixed an issue with Malfeasance where the Vorpal
Weapon catalyst wasn't displaying the status buff text.
- Reduced the lethal kill distance of Cloudstrike’s
lightning strike against players.
Wicked Implement
- Timing window for Creeping Attrition has been
increased from 3.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
- Tithing Harvest can now also be activated by
destroying Stasis crystals.
- Wicked Implement Exotic catalyst now also includes the
Headstone perk.
- Fixed an issue where Centrifuse could blind some
non-combatant, non-player objects, like doors, resulting in a visual-only debuff
- Fixed an issue where Centrifuse's blind did not
respect the direction a player was facing.
Players who face away from the blind detonation
will now suffer less visual impact than if they were looking directly at it,
similar to other sources of blind.
- Reduced Bipod’s damage penalty from 40% to 25%.
Envious Assassin
- There is no longer a time limit after kills within
which you have to activate the perk or get another kill.
- The perk will now activate even if the magazine is
overflowed (will stop activating once you hit maximum magazine size of 2.5x or
- Enhanced Envious Assassin now provides fractionally
more ammo per kill, instead of a longer window of time after a kill.
- Now provides bonus body shot damage against players
with Woven Mail.
- Increased the bonus damage against combatant shields.
- Deals significantly increased damage to enemies who
are enhanced by a Dark Cabal overshield in addition to enemies shielded by
Lucent Moths.
- Reduced Under Pressure’s maximum accuracy cone scalar
from 0.5 to 0.75.
Shoot to Loot
No longer triggers the reload when shooting a Special
brick that could not be picked up while also having an overflowed weapon
Explosive damage now interacts with Orbs of Power.
- Valiant Charge now deactivates after the initial Sword
- Ambush no longer deactivates from healing, fall
damage, or being shot by allies.
- Fixed an issue where the enhanced version of Explosive
Light was granting two stacks on the initial orb pickup.
Chill Clip
- Reduced the slow stacks from 60 to 40.
- Wolfpack Rounds no longer trigger this perk.
Fixed a number of other issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Vexcalibur ornament would be
reset during reshaping.
- Fixed an issue where the Revision Zero pattern Triumph
could not be claimed despite the pattern being unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where a level requirement was shown on
enhanced intrinsics in the shaping screen (enhanced weapons only).
- Fixed a number of issues where damage types were not
being properly detected on weapons, preventing Artifact perks related to damage
from proccing.
- Fixed an issue where Deepsight drop rates could
decrease slightly as the number of patterns within a weapon set were unlocked.
- Fixed an issue with Swap Mag's tooltip appearance in
the shaping screen.
- Fixed an issue where tracking weapon projectiles would
not track Threaded Specter decoys.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Wish_Ender to hit more
times than intended when shooting through a Citan's Ramparts barricade.
We've reworked a number of catalyst objectives in an
effort to standardize the behavior of unlocking these perks.
Fighting Lion
Reduced the number of total kills required.
Reduced the number of total bounties required for
completion (with event bounties worth a bit more).
- Reduced the number of total kills needed with the
Sunshot Sun Blast perk detonation.
- Reduced the number of kills required with Graviton
Lance’s Cosmology perk.
- Reduced the number of kills required to bring
Skyburner’s Oath more in line with other Primary weapons.
- Reduced the number of kills required to bring Legend
of Acrius closer to other Heavy weapons.
Rat King
This catalyst will now progress through use by the
player, not only from fireteam use.
Additional players in your fireteam using Rat King will
provide bonus progression toward your catalyst.
- With how we've tuned D.A.R.C.I. to involve jolt, you
often run out of targets to headshot.
Therefore, we've reduced the number of headshots
required to complete the catalyst.
Leviathan's Breath
Reduced the number of kills required.
Updated the string to denote that bonus progression is
applied from defeating higher tier enemies.
- Reduced the number of kills required to bring Eriana’s
Vow more in parity with other Special weapons.
- Reduced the number of kills to bring Ruinous Effigy
closer to other Special weapons.
Other Crafting Changes
- Dead Man's Tale and Dead Messenger can now be crafted.
Patterns and upgrades can be obtained from Presage and Vox Obscura,
- Weapon level progression per kill in PvP modes has
been increased slightly.
- Weapon progression rollover behavior has been added.
If weapon level progression earned from activity
completion exceeds what is required to level up the weapon, the excess will now
be applied to the next level.
- Resonant and Harmonic Alloys have been removed from
weapon crafting costs and will no longer drop from dismantling specific weapons.
Players can exchange their existing inventory of these
Alloys for Glimmer by visiting Rahool in the Tower.
- Crafted and Enhanced Weapons now have a new mod socket
visible in the inspection screen for weapon level boosting.
Players can use Glimmer and Enhancement Cores to apply a
Weapon Level Boost mod to directly level their weapon with escalating costs as
the weapon level increases.
- The Neomuna weekly pinnacle story mission score
challenge will now provide guaranteed pattern progress the first time it is
completed each week for any Neomuna crafted weapons you have not unlocked.
- The Neomuna vendor engram upgrade will now increase
the drop chance of Deepsight Neomuna weapons.
This bonus will be automatic if you've already claimed
the vendor engram upgrade.
- The Throne World vendor engram upgrade will now
increase the drop chance of Deepsight Throne World weapons.
This bonus will be automatic if you've already claimed
the vendor engram upgrade.
Weapon level progression for activity completions has
been increased slightly for the following areas:
- Crucible
- Trials of Osiris
- Dares of Eternity
- Wellspring
- Gambit
- Platinum score completions of Master and Legend Lost
- Increased the time before an Incendior gas tank on the
ground explodes. Added grenade proximity indicators to them when they are primed
for explosion.
- This should give you more time to react and also
reduce the seemingly instant explosions from boss stomps.
- Scorn Stalkers will deal consistent damage to all
Guardians regardless of framerate.
- Shortened Banshee-44’s comments on the Centrifuge
catalyst quest Higher Voltage.
- Added progress on the Xenology quest when doing the
Exotic Cipher quest on regular or enhanced difficulty (4 points for regular
difficulty, 7 for enhanced difficulty).
- Step 4 of the Void and Solar Mastery pursuits now
display correct objectives.
- Subclass Mastery pursuits now display correct text
strings, when associated items are equipped.
- Fixed an issue preventing the 21% Delerium Machine Gun
and Hush Bow from contributing progress for the Dark Age Arsenal Triumph.
All of Season of the Deep's reckoning reprise weapons
and their Taken counterparts have been allowed to contribute progress as well.
- Wish-Ender pursuit has been reconfigured to no longer
require 3 effectively permanent inventory items to store quest state.
These items have been removed from inventory. If you own
any Forsaken entitlement and do not have the Wish-Ender pursuit, visit Petra or
the Quest Terminal to acquire it!
- There is a new Strand Aspect available at the
Meditation Pool for any player who completed the Veil Containment quest.
- MK .44 Stand Asides and Khepri's Horn now drop from
the appropriate Red War focused engrams.
- Ascendant Shards, Ascendant Alloys, and Enhancement
Prisms no longer go to the Postmaster, but any that were with the Postmaster are
still recoverable.
Ascendant Alloys and Ascendant Shards now have a cap of
30. Enhancement Prisms have a new cap of 100.
- Fixed a missing Salvage Chest reward indicator on the
Master Salvage node in the Director.
- (NEW) Special Deliveries Kiosk - Promotional rewards
that were previously claimable from Amanda Holliday and Master Rahool will now
be delivered to and claimable at the Special Deliveries Kiosk in The Tower.
It is located between Master Rahool and
Banshee-44. Examples of items moving include:
Prime Drops, Secret Stash rewards, pre-order items, and
Annual Pass/Collector’s Edition rewards, among others.
- Fixed an issue where preorder rewards for Forsaken and
Lightfall were not delivered to Shaw Han.
- Non-Seasonal vendor engrams are once again cleared at
the end of each Season. Seasonal vendor engrams remain for the entire year.
- Focused engram previews now show items at the same
power they focus at.
- For engram focusing that requires a specific yearly
expansion to utilize (Exotic decryption on Rahool for example) the warning
message telling you about the entitlement requirement (if you don't have it)
should come before any other warning message on the decryption item.
- Focusable Exotic engrams on Rahool now have previews
that show all armor pieces your class could receive from that engram, or what
pieces you need to acquire before you can focus it!
- Previews for Legendary armor focusing now show custom
armor perks if the armor has one.
- Updated Light 3.0 ability tooltip error message in
subclass screen to indicate if a meditation is necessary.
- The Talk to Shaxx objective message is no longer
triggered (that Shaxx interaction was previously removed).
- Fixed an issue where Ikora was saying an incorrect
line for purchasing a Fragment if a player hasn’t unlocked Aspects for that
- Stasis acquisition on the Exo Stranger has been
converted to the new vendor subclass system.
Quest rewards that previously granted Stasis currency
have had their rewards changed.
- An engram tracker can now be recovered from the Sonar
Station (in addition to other vendors, such as the War Table) once deleted.
- Mandarin voiceover support is now available across all
content in Destiny 2 for players with their language set to Simplified Chinese.
- Updated Korean translations for Festival of the Lost.
Loadout improvements
- Equipping a loadout will no longer fail when swapping
between similar mods (e.g., class item finisher mods like restorative finisher
and special finisher)
where you can only have one equipped at a time.
- Equipping a loadout with mod or perk selections that
are no longer legal will now be able to successfully equip more of the original
- Seasonal Artifact perks can no longer be changed while
in an activity with locked loadouts.
- Orbs of Power have had their physics layer reworked,
bringing them in line with pre-patch 7.1.0 behavior.
They should no longer roll all over the place.
- New and persistent flashing on the vendor upgrade node
was fixed after additional upgrades were awarded.
- Corrected the Collections entry for the Outrunner
ornament for Arbalest.
- Fixed an issue where a promotional emote would
erroneously appear in the Recently Discovered feed in Collections.
- Added a Resources tab to Collections where you can
find information about all currencies and materials found in the game.
- Transmats are now considered account-unlocks, and any
Transmat in Collections will be available from your Ship Transmat menu.
Any existing Transmat items can be safely
- Speicherverbrauch von 120,3 GB auf 133,1 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 98,0 GB auf 109,9 GB erhöht
- Rolled back changes to spawn points in Control and
Clash to their state before Season 21.
- Fixed an issue where a player joining another could
block progression during Mission: Invoke.
- Fixed an issue where the Weekly Challenge completion
on-screen message was missing text.
- Fixed an issue where The Ascension VIII card would
increase the rate of scorch too fast.
- Fixed an issue where the Luminous Void shader and the
Warped Rachis shader were not properly applying to certain pieces of armor.
- Fixed an issue where Titans using the Pyrogale
Guantlets could start their one-off Burning Maul Super and then switch to
Synthoceps to increase its damage input.
- Fixed an issue where the Photonic Cloak model was
partially offset.
- Fixed an issue where using a sequence of actions
through Loadouts could cause weapon models, ornaments, and other characteristics
to be incorrectly mixed and applied to weapons.
- As a result of this, Loadouts have been reenabled but
won't pull weapons from a player’s vault. This issue will be addressed in a
future fix.
- Fixed an issue where the Origin Perk Specialization II
Artifact perk was not correctly overcharging The Eremite Fusion Rifle and Brya's
Love Scout Rifle from Season 22.
- Fixed an issue where Unstoppable Taken Phalanxes
couldn't be damaged on their crit spot.
- Fixed an issue where Strand related bounties were only
displayed if Strand was the equipped subclass.
- Fixed an issue where certain Exotics in the Monument
to Lost Lights required the wrong entitlements.
- Fixed an issue where the vendor UI would display
during conversations with Ikora.
- Match wins in Trials of Osiris now have a high chance
to drop a non-Adept Trials weapon.
- Fixed an issue where Shaxx's Competitive Ascendant
Rank emblem was not updated to the new emblem in Season of the Witch.
- Added a new armor set as ritual rewards. At the end of
any Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit ritual playlist activity, players have a
chance to earn a piece of this new set.
- Fixed an issue where Director-level ritual challenges
were not distributing Exotic engrams.
- Fixed an issue where some players could not easily
enter the Hive portal in the Season of the Witch wing of the H.E.L.M.
- Fixed an issue where the Deepsight Exotic weapon was
not being awarded from the Legend difficulty versions of the Exotic missions.
- Fixed an issue where players were not able to reach
Archie, due to lasers and a non-functioning teleporter.
- The Seasonal sub menu in the Quests tab is now using
the appropriate Seasonal icon.
- Stacks of transmat effects do not split into
individual items in player inventories now.
Instead, they convert to one, for players who have not
previously logged into the game after Season of the Witch launched.
- The Apply to All shader bucket now adopts the same
shader item ordering as that used by the shader socket of armor items.
- Adjusted the description text for Weavewalk to
correctly call out the use of melee energy.
- Fixed an issue that was causing multiple Banner of War
effects to stack.
- Reverted changes to the Luminous Void shader's
application on armor pieces.
- Fixed an issue causing Malfeasance and Le Monarque to
benefit from anti-Champion artifact perks.
- Anti-Champion artifact perks should now all overcharge
their respective weapon types in activities where that modifier is active.
Note: The Overload Machine Gun's artifact perk
description will not reflect this functionality. This will be addressed in a
future patch.
- Fixed an issue causing the Festival Dance Exotic emote
to not perform the correct animations or effects.
- Disabled weapon crafting progression from base
difficulty campaign mission completions.
- Adjusted Kinetic Tremors to take 14 bullets to trigger
on Submachine Guns.
Note: We will be adjusting other archetypes in a future
- Fixed an interaction between Tessellation and
Stormtrance that allowed players to shoot special shots more often than
- Fixed an issue where the Anthology lore book pages
were being unlocked early by listening to the same radio message on multiple
- Fixed an issue allowing for exploitation of spawns in
- Fixed an issue where you can weaken other Guardians
when the Rapid-Fire Ranger Artifact perk is active.
- Fixed an issue where Arc Attunement Runes could be
destroyed with certain weapons.
- Improved Essence of the Oversoul drop rates for full
clears and for repeated clears.
- Fixed an issue where the Void crystal encounter would
not progress if the crystals were destroyed too quickly during the third phase.
- Fixed an issue where players could activate their
Glaive melee while in Weavewalk.
- Fixed an issue where changing a mod on an equipped
item during an equipment-locked activity could boot you from the activity.
- Fixed an issue where the damage resistance from
Elemental Embrace was applying to damage done in PvP.
- Fixed an issue where the jolt from Arc Elemental Orbs
was applying to game objects.
- Fixed an issue where Secant Filaments were granting
Overload anti-Champion to weapons that already have anti-Champion intrinsically.
- Fixed an issue where changing a mod on an equipped
item during an equipment locked activity could boot you from the activity.
- Fixed an issue where Husk of the Pit and Eidolon Ally
would be missing their weapon fire sound effects on console platforms.
- Added the Wendigo Grenade Launcher and Hung Jury Scout
Rifle to legacy Vanguard Ops focusing
- Fixed an issue where the Minor Arcana Empowered
Rewards didn’t function as intended.
Opening a Season of the Witch chest (while using a
Witch’s Key) at the end of the Legendary Savathûn's Spire,
will now properly give a Deepsight Seasonal weapon if
there are any remaining to find, otherwise it will give a high-stat Seasonal
piece of class appropriate armor.
- Fixed an issue with The Bulbul Tarang emblem, in which
it didn't appear in-game and couldn't be equipped.
- Players now have a chance to earn Iron Banner engrams
at the end of every Iron Banner match. Wins have a higher drop chance.
- Slightly tuned the spawning zones for Burnout.
- The Vermillion Defender emblem can now be reacquired
from Collections.
- Fixed several out-of-bounds spots in the Multiplex
- Fixed an issue in Disjunction where players could
spawn under the map.
Crota's End
- Crota's End loot pool has been modified to have a more
balanced distribution of armor pieces.
This change only affects armor. Weapon drops remain as
This is the new loot pool, per encounter:
Abyss: helmet, gauntlets, and chest armor
Oversoul Throne Bridge: gauntlets, chest armor, and leg
Ir Yut: chest armor, leg armor, and class item
Crota, Son of Oryx: leg armor, class item, and helmet
- Eidolon's Ally can now be reacquired from Collections
with the correct purchase requirements.
- Fixed the Spoils of Conquest Triumph to only require
the player to find two hidden chests.
There was never a third chest to find.
Heist Battleground Mars
- Reduced combatant count and frequency during some
encounters in higher difficulty levels.
- Fixed an issue where Astrocyte Verse was applying the
Volatile debuff to unintended objects.
- Fixed an issue where having too many perks active at
the same time could kick players to orbit.
- Fixed an issue where Shotguns had more damage falloff
than intended when aiming sights down.
- Fixed an issue where Special Ammo could be generated
by swapping weapons very quickly.
- Fixed an issue where Necrochasm's Cursed Thrall Arc
explosions dealt less damage than intended to combatants.
- Updated the Necrochasm Catalyst description to reflect
the requirements needed.
- The Catalyst unlocks after obtaining 35 Essences of
the Oversoul, no combatant defeats needed.
Strand Warlock
- While the player is in Weavewalk, Arc Soul and No Time
To Explain drones deal reduced damage.
- Any perched Threadlings deployed while the player is
in Weavewalk will deal reduced damage.
- Players can no longer dunk the Spark while in
While carrying the Spark, the damage resistance provided
by Weavewalk is reduced.
- Fixed an issue where Monochromatic Maestro was not
working with Strand.
- Fixed an issue where Elemental Munitions was granting
more Special and Heavy Ammo than intended in combination with the Whirling
Maelstrom Strand Hunter Aspect.
- Fixed an issue where the High Energy Crucible bounty
did not progress on energy weapon kills.
- Fixed an issue where the description of the Ritual
Violence Seasonal Challenge was asking for combatant kills from Season of the
Witch activities instead of ritual playlists.
- Fixed an issue where the Featured Quest tile had
higher cursor friction than intended.
- The description of Savathûn's Spire now properly
reflects its two difficulty options.
- The Season Pass will now properly reflect Pass
ownership state for the Rank 71 reward.
- The Dance Off emote now correctly reflects its
additional effects when viewed in Eververse.
- Neues Event "Festival der Verlorenen" ist gestartet und ist vom
18.10.2023 bis zum 07.11.2023 verfügbar
- Fixed multiple out of bounds areas on Multiplex.
- Disabled Icarus Dash while using Aegis shield in the
Crucible Relic game mode.
- Fixed an issue where Sparrows could be used on
- Meltdown - Made some adjustments to the Dominion Zone
and the Heavy ammo spawn positions.
- Root of Nightmares: Encounter challenges are now
- Grasp of Avarice: Players no longer lose additional
ability charges when acquiring ten Burdened by Riches.
- Fixed an issue where the Lacuna Card would suppress
players after eliminating a combatant with a weapon with Repulsor Brace.
- Fixed an issue where the Victory Lap Braziers and
Deepsights that have been interacted with disappeared before newly joining
players could interact with them.
- Fixed the missing speaker name for holographic message
- Fixed an issue that caused a small number of players
to be granted owned Exotics from Legend and Master Lost Sectors and from Vex
Strike Force instead of unowned ones.
Antaeus Ward
- Reflective Vents now requires full class ability to
Following deactivation of Reflective Vents, your class
ability energy is drained proportional to the amount of damage reflected.
- No longer provides an improved slide.
Young Ahamkara's Spine
- Reduced the Tripmine Grenade's increased HP to 70
(down from 100) and removed the bonus 50% damage resistance.
- Grenade energy is now provided on ability kills
instead of damage with abilities.
- No longer grant max surge bonus on Glaive and Sword
Icefall Mantle
- Fixed an issue where players spawned without class
ability energy in the Crucible.
Astrocyte Verse
- Description has been updated to better match its
Path of the Burning Steps
- Fixed an issue where having the Exotic perk active
wouldn't change its appearance.
Pyrogale Gauntlets
- Updated the Exotic perk description to match its
- Fixed an issue where Photonic Vest was not available
in the Armor Synthesis screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Hinterland, Biosphere
Explorer, and Ossuary ritual armor sets dropped with lower than intended stats.
- The Valkyrian Mask Hunter helmet no longer has a hole
in it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the new ritual armor to
drop with low stats.
Submachine Guns
- Increased recoil globally by 10%.
- Reduced the mouse and keyboard Stability bonus from
20% to 10%.
Auto Rifles
- Reduced the Aim Down Sights (ADS) Damage Falloff
Scalar from 1.7x to 1.6x.
- Reduced the ADS Damage Falloff Scalar from 1.7x to
- Increased base damage from 14.25 to 15.
- Decreased critical hit multiplier from 1.6 to 1.55
(crit damage goes from 22.8 to 23.3).
- Reduced the ADS Damage Falloff Scalar from 1.7x to
- Reduced the zoom on Ammit AR4 from 17 to 15.
Pulse Rifles
- Increased damage falloff range at 0 stat by 1m.
- Increased the ADS Damage Falloff Scalar to 1.8x.
Fusion Rifles
- Reduced the minimum damage fusions can deal after
damage falloff from 50% to 45%.
Sniper Rifles
- Decreased the airborne accuracy penalty by 20% (Sniper
Rifles are now as accurate at base as they were before airborne effectiveness
(AE) with Icarus Grip).
- Decreased body shot damage from 157.5 to 135.
- Increased critical hit multiplier from 3x to 3.5x.
- Decreased body shot damage from 131 to 119.
- Increased critical hit multiplier from 2.95x to 3.25x.
- Decreased body shot damage from 90 to 85.
- Increased critical hit multiplier from 3.25x to 3.45x.
- Decreased the airborne accuracy penalty for Precision
Slug Shotguns by 20% (Slug Shotguns are now as accurate at base as they were
pre-AE with Icarus Grip).
- Decreased the airborne pellet spread penalty for
Pellet Shotguns by 20%.
Pulse Rifles
- Decreased bonus damage very slightly to decrease some
resiliency forgiveness (critical to body shot ratio) thresholds by 1 tier.
This does not shift optimal time-to-kill against base
resilience for any Pulse Rifles.
Hand Cannons
- Increased bonus damage slightly to remove the
resiliency threshold that shifts optimal time-to-kill for Adaptive (140 RPM)
Hand Cannons.
Adaptive HCs will again kill all resilience levels with
3 critical hits.
However, they will lose the ability to kill with 3 shots
sooner into damage falloff than in standard Crucible.
How quickly that happens will still depend on the
resilience of the opponent.
- Perfect Float: Increased base duration from 6s to 10s,
increased extended duration from 7s to 12s.
- Kickstart: Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15%.
- Enhanced Heal Clip: Now heals allies when reloading
after a kill.
- Modified the descriptions on how to obtain the
intrinsic perks for crafted Dead Man's Tale and what each of them unlocks.
- Fixed an issue where the Defiant Ghost Projection was
not showing the right image.
- Fixed an issue where the Word of Crota Hand Cannon
could be crafted with unintended magazine perks.
- Fixed an issue where the Cataphract GL3 Grenade
Launcher was still showing grenades in its magazine when empty.
- Fixed an issue where Tessellation was impairing vision
when combined with certain armor pieces.
- Fixed an issue where Tessellation could reload its
alternative fire mode an unlimited number of times in combination with Gunpowder
Gamble or Arbor Warden.
- Fixed an issue where Aggressive Frame Sword’s airborne
heavy attacks required full energy and did not start the energy recharge delay.
Strand Warlock
- Fixed an issue where The Wanderer Tangles didn’t
suspend Champions.
- Fixed an issue where tangles created using the
Thanatotic Tangles Seasonal perk had a longer cooldown than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Unstoppable Fusion Seasonal
perk would incorrectly activate on Linear Fusion Rifles.
- Reduced the price of Exotic armor tier-2 focusing.
- Fixed an issue where Guardian Rank objectives were
displayed as completed before the player reached the rank required to claim
- Fixed a spelling error on the Seasonal Challenges
objective for Guardian Rank 6.
- The Luminous Paragon Sparrow from Guardian Games is
now available in Collections.
- Favorited Ornaments no longer act chaotically.
- Fixed issue where players could send whisper messages
in text chat to recipients who could not read the message due to having
restricted message settings.
Players will now get an error when sending a message to
someone who cannot receive it.
- Fixed issue where text chat whisper command would fail
to open the text chat channel in certain cases.
- Fixed missing subtitle for Cayde's coughing in
Forsaken’s opening cinematic. [cough]
- Updated the quest icon for the Grenade Logic catalyst
- The Refined Revels shader now correctly reflects its
additional effects when viewed in Eververse.
- Fixed an issue that was causing players to earn
Triumphs for certain Guardian Games Vanguard Medals when Guardian Games is
- Fixed an issue where the Learning Light quest was not
available to some players.
- Fixed an issue where the proc rate calculation of the
number of active cards for Deck of Whispers Liminal Card (Arc) was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where Deck of Whispers Liminal Card
(Arc) and Lacuna Card (Void) could trigger effects for other players.
The Imbaru Engine mission
- Fixed an issue where dialog would not play after
solving a navigation puzzle. The aforementioned navigation puzzle can be
replayed to hear dialog missed in the first playthrough.
- Fixed an issue where the ship Nyxpterón, which is
earned from the Bookworm III event challenge, was not available in Collections
once acquired.
- Fixed an issue where Lightfall campaign checkpoints
could be used to gain far more Spectral Pages than intended quickly and
- Fix an issue where the Event Challenge Heads Will Roll
could only be progressed by defeating Headless Ones in Legend Haunted Sectors.
- Revised the Festival of the Lost Event Card pop-up to
note that the event offers a title rather than a Seal.
- Revised animation causing flickering on the Deck of
Whispers in the H.E.L.M. on certain platforms.
- Fixed an issue where players who reached Ascendant
rank in Competitive were unable to claim the Adept Guardian Spec Triumph.
Player Journey
- Now allows players to access The Plunge, Dive Tank to
complete Season of the Witch quests if they have not completed Season of the
Deep quests.
- Fixed an issue where two Festival of the Lost
Universal Ornament sets, the Hunters’ Mygalomorph set and the Titans’ Crawling
Chaos set, were not animating correctly in inspection screens.
- Fixed an issue where the worm in the Wiggle Worm emote
would disappear partway through the emote.
- Fixed an issue where Lord of Wolves was dealing too
much damage at range when aiming down sights.
- Fixed an issue where the Icarus Dash description
string was missing additional functionality added in Destiny 2 Update
The following items have been removed from sale in
- Season 23 "Saison des Wunsches" ist gestartet
und ein neuer Season Pass (Battle Pass) kann erworben werden
RITUAL PLAYLISTS (Rewards for all ritual activities have been updated.)
- Base Glimmer award has increased.
- Added a reward chance for Enhancement Cores.
- Glimmer and Enhancement Core awards and chances increase
You win a Gambit match.
You win a Competitive Division match.
You obtain a high score in a strike or Nightfall.
- Crucible Director screen has been updated.
- Implemented a double rewards booster for Crucible.
- Citadel map is back. Crucible matches make a return to the
Dreaming City.
- Sparrow Control mode has been added to Crucible.
- Adjusted spawn points on Endless Vale, Midtown, and
Meltdown maps to alleviate certain spawn killing and trapping issues.
- Fixed an issue with Elimination's icon on the Director
screen when it appears as a rotating mode.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to revive a fireteam member
can be interrupted by their respawn timer running out.
Competitive Division
- Removed Promotion and Relegation Series from all divisions
except Adept and Ascendant.
- Fixed an issue with Competitive Division where players were
directed to complete placement matches twice.
Competitive playlist now only has Survival and Countdown
Rush as featured modes:
Revised mode rules
- Increased respawn count from 4 to 6.
Countdown Rush
- Decreased score to win from 6 to 5.
- Decreased round time from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Decreased Heavy ammo spawn time from 90 seconds to 60
-Enabled unlimited respawns and revives.
- If the final round starts at 4-4, Elimination ruleset is
enabled. This will show up as Sudden Death.
Competitive Division rating adjustments revised.
- Rank adjustment prioritizes wins and losses and ignores
inflation protection.
Iron Banner
- One and Done Triumph now requires 8 challenge completions
to align with the 2 separate challenges.
- Iron Banner Eruption: Fixed an issue where some Eruption dialogue lines would
play simultaneously.
- Added medals for Strand Supers.
- You can now earn a Crucible medal for eliminating with
Crucible Labs
- Added Checkmate Dominion to Crucible Labs.
- Added Checkmate Countdown Rush and Checkmate Clash to
Crucible Labs.
- Ability cooldown penalty modifier decreased from 50% to
- Cooldowns should remain similar in combination with the
Season of the Wish abilities tuning.
- Updated round victory banner for defenders to display
Defense Successful instead of Attack Failed.
- Added Countdown Rush as a Competitive Crucible mode.
Countdown Rush
- Fixed an issue where music would cease to play after the
first bomb has been detonated.
Countdown Rush
- Fixed an issue where sudden death would incorrectly begin.
Checkmate Countdown
- Updated score to win to 5.
Trials of Osiris
- Added a weekly reward that is granted for the number of
wins in a row you get before your card is flawed.
Getting a longer win streak
grants the rewards of all the tiers below it, if they have not already been
3 wins – Trials Armor
4 wins – 5 Enhancement Cores
5 wins – Trials weapon
6 wins – 3 Enhancement Prisms
- Initial order of relics given out is now randomized per
- Added temporary overshield when picking up a relic from the
Relic Depot.
- Maximum number of Relic Depots decreased from 4 to 3.
- Added new voiced lines.
- Players will tend to spawn near teammate relic holders.
- Score to win increased from 150 to 175.
- Angular velocity on Super's projectile tuned down from 43
to 30.
- Multiplier on damage tuned from 0.3 to 0.75.
- Increased Shield Super regen time from 3% per second to 5%
per second.
- Decreased Shield bubble regen time from 15 seconds to 10
seconds and increased full uptime from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Spear ammo tuned up from 21 to 33.
- Decreased Scythe ammo from 45 to 38.
Relic Charge
- Passive relic charge increased from 1% every 5 seconds to
2% every 5 seconds.
- Increased relic charge gain from player loadout kills,
and the player who dealt the final blow gets an additional charge.
All damage participant players receive 10%.
The player who dealt the final blow gets an additional 15%.
- Removed teammates gaining relic charge from Relic Depot
- Relic waypoints blink when they're low on ammo.
- Relic waypoints will no longer show if it's not in your
field of view.
- New scoreboard stats added.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed persisting arrow waypoint over respawning Relic
- Fixed duplicate "relic energy charged" incident
Lake of Shadows
- Fixed a map issue that allowed players to skip the dam
section and jump directly into the boss arena.
- Adjusted the number of Champions on Hero and Legend
difficulties and resolved an issue where certain Champions were not counting
correctly toward score.
Warden of Nothing
- Fixed an issue where players could become soft locked at
the treasure room.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be returned to orbit
when failing the activity on Legend or Master difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where the Lost Sector had an unusually long
respawn timer on open-world difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where players who join in progress during
the boss fight will spawn inside the room but then teleport back up and into the
water tube.
- Asha's Empowerment buff now has a proper icon.
- Fixed an issue where players who joined during a buff
selection phase would not be able to select the buffs.
Crota's End
- Fixed an issue with players losing enlightenment when
attempting to pick up a sword while performing a finisher.
- Fixed an issue where some player abilities could go through
Hive barriers.
Last Wish
- Fixed an issue in the finale of Queen's Walk, after
depositing the heart, where VFX would appear in the incorrect location.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Vault of Glass Oracle sound
effects to play.
Seasonal Challenges
- Fixed an issue where Seasonal Challenges from previous
Seasons were not automatically untracked and couldn't be manually untracked.
- Fixed an issue where bonus challenges counted toward the
completion count for Seasonal Challenges.
Guardian Ranks
- Fixed the background tree in the drawer so that it shows up
on various states.
- Fixed body text in the drawer so it would display
- Added a visual element to help track Guardian Rank
progress on the Journey Screen and Guardian Rank details screen.
- Fixed an issue where, when first navigating to the
Journey screen, the Guardian rank button starts off wide and then snaps to its
correct size.
- Fixed an issue where defeating another Guardian in
Crucible would show the winning Guardian's rank incorrectly on their emblem.
- Made a change in the Guardian Ranks' notification when
renewing ranks.
It will now look different from the notification to when
you earn another rank.
- Fixed an issue where Milestone icons were not appearing on
the H.E.L.M.'s Director node.
- Fixed an issue where the keyboard layout for Brazilian
Portuguese was not working properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Gear Stats button in
Collections in the Mods category was displaying incorrectly.
- Button is not displayed anymore, as it is not
contextually accurate.
Exotic Armor
Aeon Swift, Aeon Safe, and Aeon Soul
Sect of Force
- Rapid precision hits provide quicker reload and weapon swap
speeds, and the bonus now lasts for 10 seconds (up from 6).
- No longer grants bonus melee, grenade, or Super energy on
stunning a Champion or defeating a boss or miniboss.
Instead, stunning a
Champion or rapid precision hits against Champions, elites, or minibosses will
mark them for your allies.
Allies deal +20% more damage to marked targets.
When a target is first marked, nearby Aeon Cult allies who
do not have the Sect of Force role equipped gain grenade and melee energy.
Sect of Insight
- Nearby Aeon Cult allies who do not have the Sect of Insight
role equipped no longer gain a bonus to weapon damage for a short time.
they gain a burst of Super energy.
Sect of Vigor
- Now provides damage resistance against combatants when an
ally dies or is resurrected, in addition to the existing class ability energy.
- When you cast your Super, nearby allies no longer gain an
instant burst of healing or an Overshield. Instead, nearby critically wounded
allies gain damage resistance from combatants as long as they stay near you.
Nearby Aeon Cult allies who do not have the Sect of Vigor role equipped will
also recover class ability energy more quickly.
Shards of Galanor
- Throwing Knife kills now grant Super energy ranging between
+2.5% and +5%, depending on the type of combatant killed.
Ophidia Spathe
- Knife kills now grant a stacking damage bonus to throwing
- Stacks up to 3 times for 5 seconds: 30%, 60%, 100%.
Dodging refreshes the timer.
- Removed previously added requirement to have full class
ability energy to benefit from the movement bonuses.
- Reduced the airborne lateral acceleration bonus.
- Now provides damage resistance against combatants while
Mechaneer's Tricksleeves
- The Sidearm damage bonus now persists for 5 seconds after
your shields begin to recharge.
- Sidearm kills extend the damage bonus' duration by 3
seconds and completely reload your Sidearm from reserves.
- The damage bonus has been reduced in PvP to compensate for
it lasting longer. It is now +10% Sidearm damage (down from +35%).
The Bombardiers
- Now applies 20 slow stacks to enemy players and 40 slow
stacks to PvE combatants.
Triton Vice
- Increased Glaive melee damage bonus while surrounded to
+100% for both PvE and PvP (up from +30% in PvE and +10% in PvP).
Celestial Nighthawk
- Precision kills now grant Super energy ranging between
+1.5% and +4.5%, depending on target type killed.
- Increased Golden Gun impact damage by 25%.
Precious Scars
- Kills with weapons matching your subclass now apply
restoration Tier 1 for 1.5 seconds in PvP and 3 seconds in PvE.
Severance Enclosure
- Increased size and damage of the explosion.
- Kills with this Exotic's explosion will now trigger an
additional explosion.
Peregrine Greaves
- You now have to be airborne for a brief time before the
Exotic effects will apply.
- Damaging Champions, Tormentors, or minibosses with a
Shoulder Charge deals further increased damage and refunds your melee energy.
Wormgod Caress
- The Burning Fist Exotic effect has been reworked. It is now
a meter that increases on melee kills and finishers and decays over time.
The meter decays more quickly the more full it is.
The meter is broken up into 5 sections which provide
escalating melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses. The upper end of the meter
also provides escalating weapon damage bonuses.
Ashen Wake
- Fusion Grenade impacts now stun Unstoppable Champions.
- Removed extended melee lunge distance.
- Increased Glaive melee bonus to +100% (from +50%).
- Reduced the PvE surrounded melee damage bonus to +165%
(from +200%).
- Now improves weapon handling and reload speed while
Ballidorse Wrathweavers
- Now when you cast a Frostpulse rift nearby allies gain a
Tier 2 Stasis Surge weapon bonus for 10 seconds in PvE and 5 seconds in PvP.
They also gain a 50hp overshield.
- The Stasis damage bonus provided to allies by the Winter's
Wrath Shockwave is now the Tier 4 Stasis Surge weapon bonus.
- When Winter's Wrath ends, you now gain the Tier 4 Stasis
Surge weapon bonus.
Apotheosis Veil
- Casting your Super now grants Cure Tier 3 for you and
nearby allies.
- After your Super ends you now temporarily gain greatly
increased melee and grenade regen for 8 seconds.
Felwinter's Helm
- Moved the size of the weakening burst and duration of
Weaken up one tier against all targets, except for finishers against bosses,
which retains the maximum size and duration.
Karnstein Armlets
- Melee kills now grant Cure Tier 3 and restoration Tier 1
for 8 seconds.
- Finishers now grant Cure Tier 3 and restoration Tier 2 for
8 seconds.
Armor Mods
Heavy Handed, Firepower, and Reaper
- Added a 10-second cooldown for generating Orbs of Power.
- Reaper now requires a kill be secured within 10 seconds of
using your class ability to generate an Orb of Power.
Melee Kickstart, Grenade Kickstart, and Utility Kickstart
- Now only refund ability energy if the player has at
least a single armor charge.
- They now provide between +16% and +45% ability energy (down
from +17% and +50% respectively) based on how many stacks of the mod are
equipped as well as how many armor charges they consume.
Momentum Transfer, Bolstering Detonation, Impact
Induction, and Focusing Strike
- Now provide 12%/17%/20% ability energy for 1/2/3 stacks
respectively (down from 20%/25%/25%).
- Impact Induction and Focusing Strike now require a powered
melee attack to function.
Outreach and Bomber
- Now provides 12%/17%/20% ability energy for 1/2/3
stacks respectively.
- The energy gained is further reduced based on the cooldown
of the class ability used, with the shortest cooldowns reducing it by 60%.
- Now provides 4%/6%/7% ability energy to the neutral
game abilities and 2%/3%/4% Super energy for 1/2/3 stacks respectively.
- The energy gained is further reduced based on the cooldown
of the class ability used, with the shortest cooldowns reducing it by 60%.
Additional note: All of the above mods continue to provide
only 50% of their ability energy returns in PvP.
- Fixed an issue where Triton Vice's buff was not displaying
correctly in the HUD.
- Fixed an issue where acquiring Artifice Armor before
non-Artifice Armor would prevent it from being available as an armor ornament.
- Fixed an issue where slotting many decaying Armor Charge
mods would cause them to stop functioning.
- Updated the Iron Symmachy armor set to current Iron Banner
rewards and focused decoding, and moved Iron Companion set to legacy decoding.
- Fixed an issue where Arc Souls could shoot at a low rate of
fire if created via Getaway Artists.
- Fixed an issue where Arbor Warden was not playing barricade
sound effects for other players.
- Fixed an issue preventing Foetracer's visor visual effects
from functioning.
Weapon Archetypes
- Updated Drang and Zaouli's Bane to load ammo at the
correct point in the animation.
Auto Rifles
- Increased damage against Minor (red bar) combatants by 10%.
Pulse Rifles
- Increased damage against Minor (red bar) and Major (orange
bar) combatants by 12.5%.
- Increased projectile speed by 30%.
- Increased projectile damage in PvE by 25%.
- Decreased projectile damage in PvP.
Aggressives: 123
Adaptives: 113
Rapid-Fires: 101
- When the Glaive is held, shield energy now recharges
passively at a rate of 1% per second.
- Set up the base Glaive shield damage resistance to be
tiered in PvP.
Base Glaive shield damage resistance remains at 50%.
Reduced damage resistance against Primary ammo weapons and
melee attacks to 30%.
- Reduced the delay after firing before you can melee from
0.75 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
Sniper Rifles
- Increased Sniper Rifle PvE damage with a flat buff of 15%.
(This also applies to Exotic Sniper Rifles that use Heavy ammo.)
- Updated the Sword reticle to convey more information, and
now have elements that better show its current charge state and reflect its
current recharge delay.
- Caster Swords and other Swords that fire projectiles now
have a subtle central element on their reticles in addition to these updates to
assist in aiming.
- Fixed an issue causing Sword perks that activate while
guarding to not activate properly while the player has an overshield of any
- Fixed an issue causing knockback to not be negated while
blocking with a Sword while the player has an overshield of any kind.
- Fixed an issue where unpowered (ammo-less) Swords still
received buffs from Banner of War.
Exotic Weapons
Vex Mythoclast
Increased damage versus
- Minor (red bar) combatants by 10%.
- Bosses by 25%.
- Champions by 200% when in the LFR mode.
Revision Zero
- Increased damage versus Champions by 100%.
- Picking up a Remnant can overflow the magazine, up to 40
rounds max.
- Thorn Catalyst improves stats and functionality:
Adds +20 to range.
Adds +10 stability.
Kills or picking up a Remnant grants additional range, as
well as handling and mobility.
Class Glaives
General changes
- Grant 1 ammo when you activate the perk, so you can use it
even if you are out of ammo.
- No longer passively drains shield energy when you Special
ammo reload to activate the perk.
- Can no longer be deactivated by reloading or stowing the
Edge of Intent (Warlock)
- Healing turret projectiles now provide Cure and restoration
and detonate in an 8m radius area of effect (AoE) to provide the benefits to
nearby allies.
- Increased mag size from 4 to 5.
Edge of Action (Titan)
- Passing through the bubble now grants bonus reload speed,
handling, and a small amount of stacking bonus damage in addition to the
- Reduced the health of the bubble from 8000 to 2400 to
account for the increased uptime and improved effects.
Edge of Concurrence (Hunter)
- Lightning Seeker now jolts targets on impact.
- Reduced the direct hit damage of the round that generates
the lightning bolt, to account for the free ammo being granted.
Osteo Striga
- Removed the Submachine Gan (SMG) damage bonus scalar that
was affecting the poison damage.
This brings Osteo Striga poison down to match standard
Necrotic Grip poison, though it will still deal 40% bonus damage vs. Minors for
being an Exotic.
Salvation's Grip
- Placed a speed limit on the detonation when damaging Stasis
This will help prevent the detonation from being able to shatter too
many crystals on a single frame, which would sometimes kick the player to orbit
with an error code.
- Salvation's Grip shatter kills and Headstone Stasis crystal
shatter kills no longer use a blank icon on the kill screen.
Tommy's Matchbook
- Updated the description strings to properly communicate
that the Scorch functionality is tied to the catalyst being equipped.
- Increased the detonation damage of the large projectile by
- The self-damage blast radius has been halved, and the
self-damage has been reduced.
Monte Carlo
- The bayonet stab now has controller rumble.
Wicked Implement
- Fixed an issue causing Wicked Implement's spawned Stasis
shards from activating the Collective Action perk.
Two-Tailed Fox
- Fixed an issue causing Two-Tailed Fox to revert to Void
damage when stowed while empty.
Quicksilver Storm
- Fixed an issue where Quicksilver Storm plays special reload
animation in third-person instead of normal reload when a normal reload is
- Fixed an issue where Quicksilver Storm foregrip animates
when firing in Auto Rifle mode.
Tractor Cannon
- Fixed an issue where Tractor Cannon was missing a hip-fire
Danger Zone
- We made a small change to how it works on Rocket Launchers.
You can figure it out...
Heavy Grip
- Removed an unintended effect that was slightly increasing
incoming flinch.
Precision Instrument
- Increased Enhanced Precision Instrument damage bonus at max
stacks from 26% to 30%.
Kinetic Tremors
- Made the activation requirements more consistent
across archetypes.
Pulse Rifles: Reduced from 12 to 11 (Enhanced increased
from 9 to 10).
Non-burst Sidearms: Reduced from 12 to 8 (Enhanced reduced
from 9 to 7).
- Added foundry weapons as a reward from Lost Sectors.
- Changed price for Common and Uncommon Hand Cannons in
collections to match the price of other Common and Uncommon weapons.
- Fixed an issue where some sunset weapons had their
damage type changed, relative to what damage type mod players had inserted.
- Reduced the duration of time it takes to dismantle a
Deepsight weapon, since dismantle grants pattern progress.
- Fixed an issue where some Exotic weapons had incorrect tray
icons shown on kill feeds.
- Fixed an issue where the camera shifts slightly to the left
when equipping a Sidearm or Hand Cannon.
- Fixed an issue where the Compass Rose Solstice Shotgun was
not in Collections for some players.
- Fixed an issue where the Subjunctive SMG was not in
Collections for some players.
- Fixed an issue where Kinetic-slot Special ammo weapons were
starting with max ammo reserves when landing into PvE activities.
- Updated Legendary and Exotic Sparrows to have 150 health
(matching Always on Time).
- Updated Legendary and Exotic Sparrows to have two speed
selections, one matching Always on Time and one matching the previous highest
All Subclasses
- Reduced melee lunge suppression time for victims struck by
certain displacing melee abilities from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
This affects the following melee abilities:
Grapple Melee
Pocket Singularity
Shield Bash
Seismic Strike
Hammer Strike
Shiver Strike
- Sprint and slide-activated melees can no longer be
activated after the player fires their weapon during a slide, preventing
effective one-shot-eliminations from combinations like slide + Shotgun +
shoulder charge.
This affects the following melee abilities:
Seismic Strike
Shield Bash
Hammer Strike
Howl of the Storm
Flechette Storm
Lightning Surge
Tempest Strike
- Fixed an issue where rapid Blinks could result in failed
slide attempts.
All non-Super abilities
Neutral game abilities now receive variable amounts of
ability energy from perks that grant instant percentage chunk energy, based on
the ability's passive cooldown tier.
The shortest cooldown abilities will receive the same
percentage of energy as they did previously, but as passive cooldown increases,
the energy granted from perks scales per tier,
down to a floor of 50% for
grenades and class abilities and 60% for melee abilities.
This means that the
number of seconds of raw cooldown reduction granted from chunk energy perks is
more closely equivalent across all ability cooldown tiers.
For example, with Firebolt Grenade (which have a 64-second
base cooldown time) vs. Lightning Grenade (which have a 152-second base cooldown
With the previous system, a 10% base energy chunk reduced
the cooldown of Firebolt Grenade by 6.4 seconds and reduced the cooldown of
Lightning Grenade by 15.2 seconds.
With the new system, a 10% base energy chunk reduces the
cooldown of Firebolt Grenade by 6.4 seconds and reduces the cooldown of
Lightning Grenade by 7.6 seconds.
Note: Perks that were designed to grant full energy refunds
(e.g., Knock 'Em Down) or perks that target a single, specific ability (e.g.,
Shinobu's Vow) are not affected and grant the same energy that they did in the
previous system.
- Fixed an issue that prevented shoulder charges from
breaking invisibility.
Arc Subclasses
Tempest Strike
- Increased base damage from 110 to 125.
- Reworked tracking behavior to be more consistent at further
- Improved consistency when traveling over rough terrain.
- Reduced damage resistance vs. players from 53% to 25%.
- Fixed an issue where Thundercrash was using the incorrect
tier of damage-based energy recharger.
Chaos Reach
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Reach was using the incorrect
tier of damage-based energy recharger.
Arc General
- Updated first-person amplified visual effects.
Solar Subclasses
Throwing Hammer
- When picked up, it now returns melee energy over 1.4
seconds rather than instantly.
- Increased projectile tracking strength by about 20%.
Sol Invictus
- Reduced maximum Sunspot duration from 20 seconds to 12
Well of Radiance
- Increased base cooldown time from 417 seconds to 455
Solar General
- Reduced healing rate at restoration 1
Old: 40hp/s (PvE) - 20hp/s (PvP)
New: 35hp/s (PvE) - 17.5hp/s (PvP)
- Reduced healing rate at restoration 2
Old: 65hp/s (PvE) - 32.5hp/s (PvP)
New: 50hp/s (PvE) - 25hp/s (PvP)
Void Subclasses
Ward of Dawn
- Increased base cooldown time from 417 seconds to 455
Sentinel Shield
- Shield Throw ability energy regeneration while Sentinel
Shield is active is no longer dependent on the player's Discipline stat.
Regeneration time previously ranged between 2.5 and 5
seconds, based on Discipline, and is now a flat 3 seconds at all times.
Note: This regeneration rate is reduced for the second
Shield Throw charge when Offensive Bulwark is equipped.
Feed the Void
- Increased grenade energy regeneration per kill while Devour
is active by 100%.
Note: Actual energy gain amounts vary based on target type
and grenade recharge tier.
- Now also improves the strength of Devour's heal when
equipped.- See below for base Devour behavior changes.
Pocket Singularity
- Increased projectile arming shape radius from 0.75m to 2m.
- Increased projectile detonation radius from 3m to 3.75m.
- Increased vertical acceleration bias in detonation physics
impulse by about 10%.
- Increased physics acceleration strength vs. players by
about 15%.
- Now interrupts active slides on targets hit by Pocket
Void General
- Healing amount on activation and when refreshed reduced
from a full heal to 100hp. unless Feed the Void is equipped.
- Now heals both health and shield sections more smoothly
rather than adding health to each section separately.
Stasis Subclasses
Withering Blade
- Increased projectile speed by 10%.
- Increased maximum projectile lifetime by 10%.
- Increased maximum bounce count from 2 to 3.
- Increased tracking consistency.
- Fixed an issue where projectile tracking would shut off
completely if your first bounce was off the floor.
Winter's Shroud
- Increased Slow stacks applied to PvE combatants from 40 to
- Increased Slow duration applied to PvE combatants from 4
seconds to 8 seconds.
- Increased Slow detonation size vs. PvE combatants from 8m
to 9m.
Shiver Strike
- Now slows players on hit, a behavior previously removed in
- Fixed an issue where Shiver Strike would not function with
the Melee Kickstart armor mod.
Glacial Quake
- Now freezes nearby players on cast, a behavior previously
removed in Hotfix
Note: On-cast pulse size vs. players has been reduced from
8m to 6m.
Howl of the Storm
- Fixed an issue where Howl of the Storm was not consistently
freezing targets in contact with the created Stasis crystals.
Penumbral Blast
- Increased detonation size when impacting environment from
1.5m to 2m.
- Increased consistency against fast-moving targets.
- Freeze detonation size vs. PvE combatants increased from 8m
to 8.5m.
Stasis Grenades
Glacier Grenade
- Reduced base cooldown time from 152 seconds to 121 seconds.
Note: The cooldown penalties for Duskfield Grenade and
Coldsnap Grenade when Bleak Watcher is equipped have also been updated so that
their cooldown times match the new Glacier Grenade cooldown time.
Coldsnap Grenade
- Fixed an issue where the seeker was not consistently
created in the direction the projectile was moving after a bounce.
- Increased arming shape size from 0.9 meters to 1.4 meters.
- Tracking strength now ramps down from full strength to 0
over the course of the grenade's lifetime, rather than immediately turning off
after the seeker had reached 0.5 seconds lifetime.
Stasis General
- Whisper of Hedrons: Removed -10 Strength penalty.
- Whisper of Impetus: Now provides +10 Resilience.
- Whisper of Shards: No longer provides +10 Resilience.
- Whisper of Hunger: Stat penalty changed from -10 Mobility/Intellect to -20
- Whisper of Bonds: Removed -10 Discipline penalty.
- Increased Special ammo weapon damage bonus vs. frozen
targets from 5% to 10%.
Strand Subclasses
- Heavy attack ability energy regeneration while Bladefury is
active is no longer dependent on the player's Discipline stat.
Regeneration time previously ranged between 2.5 and 5
seconds, based on Discipline. It’s now a flat 3 seconds at all times.
Banner of War
- Increased the number of enemy defeats necessary to
increment the banner level and increased the amount of time added per enemy
defeat at each level to compensate.
- Fixed an issue where unpowered Swords were being granted an
incorrect buff by Banner of War.
- Fixed an issue where only 1perched Threadling would appear
to orbit on the player for networked clients, regardless of the number of
Threadlings perched on the local player.
- Fixed an issue where the Weavewalk visual effects could end
early in some situations.
- Fixed an issue where damage from environmental hazards was
not reduced while the player was in an active Weavewalk.
Strand General
Woven Mail
- Reduced damage resistance vs. PvE combatants from 55% to
Legendary Shards
- Removed all Legendary Shard costs from the Monuments to
Lost Light.
- Removed all Legendary Shard costs from all ritual and
lfocusing costs.
- Updated focusing costs to cost engrams and Glimmer only:
Iron Banner
Trials of Osiris
- Legendary Shards will continue to drop from all existing
sources in the game until The Final Shape launches.
- Legendary Shard rewards on the Season Pass have been
replaced with Enhancement Core or Glimmer rewards.
- Legendary Shard Dismantle Bonus on the Season Pass has been
replaced with an additional Ritual Glimmer Boost.
Triumphs and Seals
- Fixed an issue where some players could not equip the
Chosen title.
Seasonal Challenges
- Bonus Seasonal Challenges no longer count toward the
cumulative Seasonal Challenge for completing all of the standard Seasonal
- Fixed a systemic issue where networked projectiles could
predictively cause impact damage multiple times. This issue was made worse with
higher framerates.
- The Seal the Deal platform achievement now completes with
Seals created after Forsaken.
- Fixed an issue where ornaments couldn't be favorited before
they had been equipped for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where a weapon with 4 perks in one column
would push the mod slots off the bottom of the screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Veteran's Flair transmat effect
was not visible in the ship customization screen.
- Fixed an issue where Glimmer in some chests would disappear
for all players, even when loot was still available for other fireteam members.
- The tutorial screen for Bright Engrams will now properly
appear the first time a Bright Engram is received.
- The definition for the Knitting Time emote will now be
ordered correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the 3rd Player interaction text was
missing from the emote Cozy Campfire.
- The purchase restriction on Instant 10x Season Pass Ranks
has been removed.
- Fixed an issue where the Wind Up finisher had an odd
transition back to idle.
- Players in a vendor performance will no longer get soft
locked if their fireteam members start a cinematic.
- Players can no longer pull the Season 21
Artifact out of their Collection
- Speicherverbrauch von 133,6 GB auf 139,7 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 110,4 GB auf 116,0 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue that was causing delayed sound effects
when depositing crests at a high-value beacon.
- Fixed an issue where the score to win value was
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to revive
themselves during revive enabled modes.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to spawn outside of
the playable area in the Tower Hangar, preventing access to the rest of the
- Fixed an issue where inspecting items in the Eververse
store could cause the game to crash.
Crota's End
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to complete
the All for One challenge.
Riven's Lair
- Fixed an issue where only the first player to interact
with end rewards chest was receiving loot.
- Fixed an issue where the encounter would not properly
progress after dispatching Wardweavers.
- Fixed a rare issue where transferring between areas
could cause the game to crash.
- Fixed an issue where player help messages were not
properly displaying in the New Light introduction.
Fireteam Finder
- Fixed an issue where player details were not
displaying while in the waiting room.
- Fixed an issue where emojis were not working properly
on consoles.
- Fixed an issue where Listing Details and Leader Info
did not appear in search.
- Fixed an issue were Fireteam Finder was showing as
active for players that did not have PlayStation Plus.
- Fixed an issue where using Arc, Kinetic, or Strand
Weapon Surge armor mods would occasionally cause errors.
- Fixed an issue where Monte Carlo was not granting a
full melee charge on its Monte Carlo Method activation when the player had
certain melee abilities equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the descriptions of Deconstruct
and enhanced Deconstruct had missing information between the two.
- Fixed an issue where fully charged Nova Warp attacks
could cause some moving objects to stop working.
Guardian Ranks
- Fixed an issue where the points awarded for
non-Seasonal objectives and the points shown in the progress bar were
inconsistent for Guardian Rank 8.
- Fixed an issue where throwing a Strand Tangle at
specific Oracles could cause the game to crash.
- Fixed an issue where viewing player details with
invalid characters could cause the game to crash.
- As of this week, Checkmate has been moved back to the
Labs node for continued iteration with the updated tuning detailed below.
Next week will feature 3v3 Clash, which has been
modified to reflect a fan favorite from the original Destiny, Skirmish, so
revives are enabled.
We will run one more Checkmate Trials Lab later this
season (on February 9) with the new tuning, but Checkmate is not currently
planned to be in the Control node again.
- Next Iron Banner, there will be an unmodified mode
(e.g., Clash, Zone Control, or Supremacy as opposed to Scorched, Momentum, or
Mayhem) in the 6v6
Quickplay node, so that those who do not wish to
participate in Iron Banner can still find the standard Destiny 6v6 PvP to play.
- The double rewards icon is now correctly appearing on
playlists in Crucible Labs.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to summon
Sparrows during Showdown matches in 3v3 Quickplay.
Countdown Rush
- PvP Strike Team Note: At the end of January, we’ll
have a larger update aimed at addressing the community feedback on Countdown
Rush as a Competitive
game mode, including reducing Heavy ammo
frequency, updating Sudden Death rules, spawn tuning, and reducing the advantage
the attacking team has in the mode.
- Fixed an issue where a player could be forcibly
respawned while a teammate was reviving them.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s Ghost would spawn too
close to the charge, preventing interaction.
- Citadel and Multiplex maps should no longer be
appearing in the Competitive playlist for the Countdown Rush game mode.
Sparrow Control
- Brought back a special medal that can only be earned
in this game mode.
- Some larger maps have an increased frequency of
appearing in the upcoming Sparrow Control playlist to provide more room for
- PvP Strike Team Note: We have been listening to your
feedback on Checkmate and have made a substantial overhaul to the mode to
address these pain points.
- PvP Strike Team Note: Threaded Specter uptime and
Threadling strength versus players will be tuned individually in a future global
patch later this season.
- Reduced melee, grenade, and class ability penalties
from 30% to 15%, Super penalties remain at 20%.
- Increased melee damage by 16%.
Special Ammo Acquisition
- Set up modes like Control and Clash to start the game
with 2 kills worth of Special ammo.
Respawning after death does not grant additional ammo,
which must be earned.
For now, round-based modes will still start with no
Special ammo.
- All Ammo Transmats will now grant 2 kills worth of
Special ammo.
- Being revived no longer removes earned special ammo.
- Base Checkmate ammo point reward changes:
Assist rewards increased from 7 to 10 points.
Death rewards increased from 5 to 10 points.
Zone capture rewards decreased from 20 to 14 points.
Heavy pull rewards decreased from 10 to 8 points.
Weapon Balance
- PvP Strike Team Note: With these changes, all Primary
weapons will join Hand Cannons in having the same optimal Time-to-Kill (TTK) as
they do in the base sandbox.
For background info, player health is increased by 30 HP
in Checkmate, so players have 100 health and between 116 and 130 shield,
depending on Resilience values.
Hand Cannons
- Note: It is a known issue that Adaptive Hand Cannons
with Explosive Payload are resiliency gated for killing in 3 Critical Hits.
This is not an intended change and will be corrected in
the future.
- Body shot damage scalar increased from -10% to -5%.
- Critical hit damage scalar will remain at +10%.
Submachine Guns
- Body shot damage scalar decreased from 0% to -3%.
- Critical hit damage scalar increased from 0% to 12.5%.
- Body shot damage scalar increased from -5% to 0%.
- Critical hit damage scalar increased from -5% to 14%.
Auto Rifles
- Body shot damage scalar decreased from 2% to 0%.
- Critical hit damage scalar increased from 2% to 14%.
Pulse Rifles
- Body shot damage scalar decreased from 4% to 0%.
- Critical hit damage scalar increased from 4% to 14%.
Scout Rifles
- Body shot damage scalar increased from -9% to 0%.
- Critical hit damage scalar increased from -9% to 14%.
Trace Rifles
- Increased base damage by 20%.
- Increased projectile damage by 20%.
- Increased melee damage by 16%.
Machine Guns
- Increased base damage by 20%.
Game Mode Rules
Checkmate 3v3 Dominion
Ammo point reward changes:
- Kill rewards decreased from 34 to 22 points.
- Assist rewards increased from 10 to 16 points.
- Death rewards increased from 10 to 16 points.
Checkmate 3v3 Countdown Rush
- Score to win decreased from 5 to 4.
- Round time decreased from 90 seconds to 75 seconds.
Ammo point reward changes:
- Kill rewards decreased from 20 to 14.
- Assist rewards increased from 10 to 12.
- Death rewards increased from 5 to 11.
Checkmate 3v3 Clash
- Score to win: 40.
- Time 8 minutes.
- Ammo point rewards:
14 for kills.
12 for assists.
11 for deaths.
- Adept weapons now drop using Knockout logic.
Once every drop is unlocked, the drop becomes random.
- Fixed an issue during the second encounter where the
right-side Warlord would sometimes not summon a totem after doing the animation.
- Fixed an issue where players would spawn far behind
their fireteam during the summit climb.
- Fixed an issue during the final encounter where
players could get out of the last stand arena.
- Fixed an issue where the Withstand the Siege, O
Vengeance Mine (Master difficulty completion), She Stood Alone, and O Vengeance
Mine (solo completion) Triumphs gave the wrong rewards.
The correct rewards will be awarded retroactively to
players who unlocked these Triumphs.
- Fixed an issue where players were not awarded the
weekly pinnacle reward upon Master difficulty dungeon completion.
- Togetherness will no longer appear as an activity
modifier in The Coil.
- Fixed an issue in The Coil where a very loud sound
would play when exiting the Riven vendor menu.
- Fixed an issue where the same dialog would play twice
at the beginning of Riven's Lair.
- Fixed an issue where some dialogs would not play until
the end and overlap during Riven's Lair.
- Fixed an issue where players were being removed for
inactivity while waiting for a revive for more than 3 minutes.
- Fixed an issue where the Scorching Wish perk paired
with Well of Radiance could result in a game crash.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasonal Exotic catalyst
quest was not progressing in Seasonal activities.
- Fixed an issue where the Veiled Threats mission was
missing its description.
- Fixed an issue where no Glimmer or Loot rewards were
given when completing the PsiOps Battlegrounds in the Vanguard Ops playlist.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be
blocked from completing PsiOps Battlegrounds: Cosmodrome after wiping in the
first Darkness Zone.
- Reverted a fix that prevented fireteam leaders from
unintentionally accessing their Vault in activities.
- Access to the Vault outside of orbit was unintended
but will be made available for all who want to use it until a fully polished
version is made available in the future.
- Fixed an issue where the Ascendancy Rocket Launcher
didn't appear in the preview screen of the Legacy Gear menu.
- Peacekeepers: Reduced Handling, Mobility, and ADS
Movement Speed buffs by 50%.
- Fixed an issue where Hexer Robes were not properly
animating on female Warlock characters.
- Thorn Catalyst: Changed stats from +20 Range and +10
Stability to +15 Range, +5 Stability, and +5 Airborne Effectiveness.
Stay Frosty
Stay Frosty's muzzle flash is no longer too large and is
a more appropriate size.
- Fixed an issue where Legendary Shotguns were retaining
radar while aiming down sights.
- Fixed an issue where Trace Rifles would have a too
large of a muzzle flash.
- Fixed an issue where An Old Flame quest for the
Dragon’s Breath Catalyst would not progress during the Seasonal activity.
- Reduced the drop rate of Gunsmith engrams from Awoken
faction chests on the Dreaming City.
- Fixed an issue where the Season 20 Exotic Ship Brazen
Spark could not be acquired, blocking the Seasonal quest line.
It can now be obtained by interacting with the Amanda
Holliday statue.
- Fixed an issue where the objectives for the Ahamkara
Tales and Bonus Action Triumphs were missing in the Japanese game client.
- Fixed an issue where the title of the reward for the
Warlord’s Ruin dungeon completion was too long and is overlapped by another
reward (an emblem) for one of the Triumphs.
- Fixed an issue where some placeholder strings in
Collections were replaced with proper names.
- Fixed an issue where the Nightfall activity selection
was unavailable on weeks when Battlegrounds were the featured Nightfall.
- Fixed an issue where checkpoints were not respected
for activities, once summoned via Fireteam Finder.
- Heavy ammo spawn time increased from 60 seconds to 90.
- Round timer reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
- The score required to win increased from 4 to 5.
- Updated the spawn policy for Countdown.
Players are now less likely to spawn too far from an
active objective site.
- Fixed an issue where Sudden Death rounds did not abide
by Elimination rules.
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue where a gilding Triumph could be
completed before claiming the Flawless title.
- Added a second tier of weekly challenges that award
Ascendant Alloys.
Fixed a scoring issue where players would erroneously
see a +10000 score.
- Fixed an issue where players purchasing the Strand
Enhancement would see Stasis Enhancement instead.
Purchasing the Strand Enhancement will now display the
correct buff text.
- Fixed issue where players could get out of the
environment in Riven's Lair.
- The Rare armor sets Gumshoe Gumption, Midnight Oil,
and Inspector released alongside The Witch Queen are now available for Armor
This unlocks access to players that might have missed
them after reaching the soft Power cap.
Synthweave is still needed to apply their designs to
armor pieces.
- Fixed an issue where the Palmyra-B Rocket Launcher was
not appearing duringinspections.
- Fixed an issue with how some shaders applied to the
Vengeful Whisper Bow.
- Fixed an issue where the Bonus Action Triumph required
10 Seasonal bonuses when there are only 9.
- UI has been improved for visibility and accessibility
in Fireteam Finder.
- Fireteam Finder group creation and group joining
through Roster contacts now displays a dialog if the player needs to purchase
missing content for the listing's activity.
- Fixed an issue where the Dragon's Breath catalyst
displayed placeholder text when examined in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect Director prompts could
appear for newer players.
- Increased the glimmer cap to 500,000.
- Reduced the number of Seasonal Challenges required by
the A Wish Fulfilled final challenge from 66 to 63.
Now allow players to skip 3 challenges.
- Activation of a lobby in Fireteam Finder no longer
creates a new listing.
- Fixed an issue where spawning in using the Highly
Commendable Transmat Effect would cause movement animations to not play.
- Fixed an issue where the Season of the Hunt node
showed a placeholder icon on the Timeline.
- Speicherverbrauch von 140,4 GB auf 140,6 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 116,6 GB auf 116,8 GB erhöht
- Neues Event "Hüter Spiele All Stars" ist gestartet und ist vom
05.03.2024 bis zum 26.03.2024 verfügbar
- Fixed an issue causing crests to bounce on water in
- Altered the way the experimental Snake Draft lobby
balancer handles fireteams.
- Updated the playlist tooltips to correctly display
which matchmaking style is being used for each mode.
- Tuning pass over the initial spawning, Heavy ammo
crate, and tiebreaker zone locations for all maps.
- Map spawning quality of life pass.
Addressed spawn traps for Eternity and Fortress.
Removed all backfield spawns for non-Rift modes: The
Citadel, Cathedral of Dusk, Disjunction, and Convergence.
Game Modes
- Moved 3v3 Clash to the 3v3 Quickplay rotator and
updated the rules:
Heavy ammo is no longer shared.
Respawn timer increased from 5 to 7 seconds.
Match timer increased to 10 minutes, score to win
remains 40.
- Added Collision, a new 3v3 king of the hill game mode,
to Crucible Labs.
A single, larger zone will rotate between five points
around the map on a timer. Capturing and controlling that rotating zone will
earn a team points.
This mode will also feature test an
alternative Special ammo crate system.
The Special ammo crate system will feature four
shareable Special ammo crates that spawn simultaneously at the beginning of the
game or round, and then on a timer afterwards.
Each control zone location (A, B, and C) will have an
associated Special ammo crate, and the fourth crate will be in a neutral
Players who currently have Special ammo will drop
Special ammo bricks upon defeat.
- Iron Banner Tribute has been reworked:
Simplified objectives and scoring.
Changed the trigger for the Hunt from depositing max
crests to a team score threshold.
User-experience improvements.
Decreased the distance at which crest icons can be seen.
Reworked how quickly the beacons de-spawn and rotate.
Significantly decreased the time it takes to dunk
Reduced the number of turrets that spawn with the Hunt
beacon from 4 to 3.
Removed the visual indicator (“wall hacks”) on players
carrying max crests.
Added a third tier to the Competitive weekly
challenge with a new reward of Artifice Armor.
This tier is unlocked for all players who reach rank
Gold III or above each Season.
This tier requires match victories instead of
Upon completion of the challenge, each victory
thereafter has a chance to drop Artifice Armor, and the drop rates increase
alongside a player’s rank.
Drop rates are based on a player’s highest rank achieved
for the Season, not their current rank.
Competitive matches will also have an increased chance
to drop Exotic weapon catalysts on victories.
Trials of Osiris
- Updated the 50% chance to get a Trials weapon on
wins to always drop the weekly weapon reward, to better allow for targeted
farming of the specific weapon a player wants.
- Added rewards on match completions for three-person
fireteams (gated on participation).
An additional 50% chance to drop the non-Adept Trials
weekly weapon reward.
A 50% chance at a Trials Engram drop.
Additional Trials reputation.
- Trials Passages
Updated: Passage of Ferocity - If a player hasn’t been
Flawless for the week, then losses after 3 wins will reset them back to 3 wins
instead of Flawing their card.
Added: Passage of Persistence - Losses following a
win will remove the win from a player’s card. Consecutive losses do not
remove additional wins.
Getting to 7 wins grants a drop of the weekly Adept
weapon, regardless of how many losses the player has taken.
- Added two weapons to the Trials of Osiris rewards
The Summoner Auto Rifle and its Adept version will be
the featured Trials of Osiris weapon for the first time during the week of March
The Prophet Scout Rifle and its Adept version will be
the featured Trials of Osiris weapon during the week of March 19.
Iron Banner
- Added two weapons to the Iron Banner rewards rotation
that will be available starting April 2.
Tusk of the Boar Grenade Launcher
Multimach CCX Submachine Gun
- Added two weapons to the Nightfall loot pool rotation.
The Wild Style Grenade Launcher and its Adept version
will be the featured Nightfall weapon for the first time during the week of
March 5.
The Slammer Sword and its Adept Version will be the
featured Nightfall weapon for the first time during the week of March 19.
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect Hive variant
- The dungeon weapon pool has been updated. All the
added and updated weapons below will also be given this new Origin Trait:
Crossing Over: These weapons have increased range and
handling for the top half of the magazine, while rounds from the bottom half of
the magazine deal increased damage.
A Swift Verdict Sidearm
The Long Walk Sniper Rifle
The Last Breath Auto Rifle
- These weapons will be added to the weapon pool and
have received all-new perk pools and, in some cases, new damage types:
Prosecutor Auto Rifle
Precision Frame
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Adjudicator Submachine Gun
Precision Frame
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Relentless Pulse Rifle
High-impact Frame
Damage changed from Kinetic to Strand
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
- These weapons will remain in the dungeon weapon pool
rotation with new perk pools and new damage types.
Judgment Hand Cannon
Adaptive Frame
Damage changed from Kinetic to Stasis
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Darkest Before Pulse Rifle
Rapid-Fire Frame
Damage changed from Arc to Solar
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
A Sudden Death Shotgun
Aggressive Frame
Damage changed from Arc to Void
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Warlord’s Ruin
- The correct nameplate now appears when the boss spawns
during traversal.
- Fixed an issue during the Ogre encounter where killing
the Wardens quickly could soft lock the player.
- Gunsmith Engrams are now listed in the Engram wallet.
- Fixed an issue where some multiplayer emotes would not
display their interaction dialogue.
- Players are now able to change the location of their
reticle, regardless of platform (Center or Below Center) in the Gameplay
Settings menu.
- Added controller Dead Zone settings in the Controller
Settings menu.
- Players are now able to adjust the opacity of the
radar background on the Character Settings menu.
- Fixed an issue where the Create a Listing button
prompt would incorrectly say that players' listing title and tags would be reset
when reselecting the same activity.
- Fixed an issue where the names of players joining
Fireteam Finder lobbies were not displayed in group text chat.
- Improved activity selection for activities that
players may not have access to yet in their progression, notifying them earlier
in the selection process the requirements to have it available.
- Fixed an issue where the Fireteam Finder application
pop up would freeze while it was being accepted.
- Fixed an issue where Listing Tags and Minimum Guardian
Rank filter categories were reset after closing the filter screen.
- Improved search flow by adding feedback when there are
active filters applied to the View Listings page.
- Fixed an issue in which search filters were not being
reset when choosing another activity.
- Private Match titles in Fireteam Finder lobbies now
include the activity name.
- Improved error messaging when players are unable to
join or apply to a listing.
- Fixed an issue in which stale information was being
shown when reselecting activities.
- Added Visual Impairment tag in the Listing Tags
- Fixed an issue in which the tooltip on roster contacts
was inconsistent displaying "Finding Fireteam" when not in Fireteam Finder.
- Fixed an issue in which text would be stretched or
spaced incorrectly in the Fireteam Finder text chat.
- Fixed issue where the Application modal stayed open if
a player was looking at it while it was accepted.
- Promethium Spur: Fixed an issue where Solar weapon
kills were not providing the correct amount of Rift energy, both inside and
outside of the Rift.
- Ballidorse Wrathweavers: Fixed an issue where this
armor was providing bonus Stasis damage when using non-Stasis Supers.
- Apotheosis Veil: Fixed an issue where Insatiable could
be applied when casting Super with relic weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the Dark Age and Wyrmguard armor
sets were appearing in the Appearance screen before being earned.
- Fixed an issue where the artifact mod Revitalizing
Blast failed to apply weaken when using Consecration.
- In base Crucible, increased player health by 30, from
70 to 100.
Shields will still be between 116 and 130, depending on
the player’s Resilience values.
Ability cooldowns:
- Melee, Grenade, and class ability cooldowns now have a
15% penalty applied to them in Crucible only.
- Super cooldowns now have a 20% penalty applied to them
in Crucible only.
Ability damage:
- Increased base Super damage by 31%.
- Increased base melee damage by 16%.
- Increased Arc Flux Grenade damage by 16%.
Primary weapon damage:
Pulse Rifles, Auto Rifles, Sidearms, and Scout Rifles
- Increased critical hit damage by 14%.
Hand Cannons
- Increased critical hit damage by 10%.
- Reduced body shot damage by 5%.
- Reduced flinch dealt to players by projectile impact
by 12.5% and by Explosive Payload by 10%.
Submachine Guns
- Increased critical hit damage by 12.5%.
- Reduced body shot damage by 3%.
- Reduced base damage by 15%.
Special ammo acquisition:
- All players will start every game (all game types,
including round-based modes like Dominion) with two kills worth of Special ammo
for their chosen weapon.
- Instead of two kills worth of Special ammo being
granted every time a player respawns, they will earn more ammo by filling up a
Special ammo meter, with points given for getting kills, assists, or completing
Getting 100 points grants two kills worth of Special
ammo for their chosen weapon.
- Kills from Special ammo weapons and Heavy ammo weapons
do not grant any points toward Special ammo meter progress.
- Jumping off the map will subtract progress from the
Special ammo meter.
- Ammo is not dropped on death, and players will not
lose the Special ammo they earned when they are defeated or revived.
- Earned Special ammo will carry over between rounds.
- Swapping from double Primary weapons to a Special ammo
weapon will reset the player’s Special ammo meter progress.
Special weapon damage
Trace Rifles, Shotguns, and Fusion Rifles
- Increased base damage by 20%.
- Increased projectile damage by 20%.
- Increased melee damage by 16%.
Heavy weapon damage
Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Reduced detonation damage by 5%.
Machine Guns
- Increased base damage by 20%.
Exotic weapons:
Fighting Lion
- Decreased damage versus players in Crucible by 20%.
Devil's Ruin
- Decreased charged beam damage versus players in
Crucible by 15%.
- Reduced flinch dealt to players by projectile impact
by 17.5%.
- Increased damage versus players in Crucible by 20%.
- Increased Revolution damage versus players in Crucible
by 16%.
- Fixed an issue where players who have unlocked a
weapon pattern via Riven's Wishes and don't own the Forsaken Pack will now be
able to craft that weapon.
- Fixed an issue where players could swap weapons faster
than intended in combination with a grenade or grapple ability.
- Fixed an issue where bonus damage from the Surrounded
perk would not apply to a Rocket-Assisted Frame Sidearm’s detonation damage,
Weapon Archetypes
Hand Cannon
Heavy Burst
- Fixed an issue where Heavy Burst Hand Cannons had 25%
less aim assist than other Hand Cannons when hip firing or airborne on mouse and
- Reduced auto aim falloff distance start and end by
- Reduced auto aim cone size by 5% at 100 Accuracy stat
(unchanged at 0 stat).
Auto Rifles
- Added the missing twelfth perk to Breakneck's second
trait column.
Scout Rifles
- Increased base damage by 5%.
Sniper Rifles
- Reduced auto aim by 10%.
Rocket Launcher
Diversified subfamilies:
- Precision: Increased reserve ammunition by 2 and
reduced damage penalty from -10% to -5%.
- High Impact: Increased reserve ammunition by 2 and now
deals more area-of-effect damage and less impact, for roughly the same total
- The above two changes also affect Deathbringer,
Gjallarhorn, and Truth.
Heavy Grenade Launcher
- Increased reserve ammunition by 6 rounds at 0
inventory stat and by 10 rounds at 100 inventory stat.
- Reduced Spike Grenade's impact damage buff from 50% to
With the below changes, this reduces the total Spike
Grenades damage buff from about 8% to ~3%, making them less mandatory.
- Increased direct hit impact damage by 10%.
- Increased detonation damage by 5%. (This is offset by
a 5% reduction to detonation damage in PvP.)
- Increased Heavy Wave Grenade Launcher damage by 20%.
- Increased Heavy Wave Grenade Launcher wave width by
Caster Swords
- Reduced Heavy attack energy cost from 5 to 4.
- Increased Heavy attack damage by 16%.
Vigilance Wing
- Now has a deterministic recoil pattern.
Vex Mythoclast
- Increased aiming down sights (ADS) damage falloff
scalar from 1.5x to 1.7x.
- True Sight will now deactivate if the player leaves
ADS or holds it for longer than 3 seconds. To reactivate, fully redraw the bow.
Edge of Action
- Added damage resistance against combatants in PvE.
- Resists 85% against all combatants except bosses and
15% against bosses.
- Must now be airborne for 0.5 seconds and deal damage
with the weapon to activate the perk.
(This prevents accidental activation while running down
stairs or doing small jumps.)
- Special reload to disengage antigrav thrusters.
- While antigrav thrusters are engaged, combatants will
be less accurate when targeting the player.
- Catalyst: Final blows and sustained damage with this
weapon while airborne grant a Void overshield and return ammo to the magazine.
Ex Diris
- Increased impact damage vs PvE enemies by 50%.
- Increased maximum rate of fire by 16%.
Conditional Finality
- Fixed an issue where the Freeze and Ignition effects
could sometimes be applied at extremely long distances.
Outbreak Perfected
- Fixed a flashing photosensitivity issue when firing
the weapon.
Heal Clip
- Now grants cure x2 to the player (still grants cure x1
to nearby allies).
Trench Barrel
- Can now be activated by dealing damage with ranged
melee attacks.
Barrel Constrictor
- No longer deactivates upon firing a shot and lasts for
7.5 seconds (enhanced 8.5 seconds).
Loose Change
- Applying an elemental debuff now increases aim assist
and ADS movement speed, in addition to reload speed.
Dual Loader
- Removed the reload speed penalty.
Tex Balanced Stock
- Now grants +20 range and +1.5 degrees hip fire
precision cone angle, in addition to its other effects.
Envious Assassin
- Each activation is now capped at 100% of mag size
instead of 150%, and maximum overflow is now 3x the mag size instead of 4x.
Bait and Switch
- Reduced the damage bonus from 35% to 30%.
One-Two Punch
Now correctly deactivates after dealing damage with a
powered melee attack.
- Hakke Breach Armaments, Deconstruct, and Sundering now
work with Void Souls, Strand Clones, Cabal Projection Shields, and Brigs.
Hakke Breach Armaments
- Damage bonus vs. Stasis crystals reduced from 85% to
60% to match other constructs.
- Updated the perk description to correctly state that
it pulls ammo from thin air, not reserves. Also updated Deconstruct to work on
Fusion Rifles and weapons that deal splash damage.
- Corrected an issue preventing the perk from activating
on enemy constructs in Crucible.
- Fixed an issue where Deconstruct would not work as
expected when dealing explosive damage.
- Fixed an issue where Deconstruct’s ammo refund was not
working correctly on Fusion Rifles.
- Can now trigger on shield break in addition to final
blows on vehicles and constructs, added a small reload speed scalar and reduced
charge rate benefit to account for higher uptime.
- Sundering buff is no longer active while weapons are
- Activation requirements are no longer locked to the
archetype in terms of precision or non-precision kills.
Previously, a Scout Rifle could only activate the perk
from a precision kill.
Now Scout Rifles can activate on a precision kill or
three rapid non-precision kills.
Target Lock
- Now activates later in the magazine for Submachine
Guns, at 20% instead of 12.5%.
Major Spec
- Fixed an issue where mini-bosses were incorrectly
included in its effects.
Boss Spec
- Now correctly increases damage versus mini-bosses.
Seasonal Weapon Focusing
- Fixed an issue where the Wish weapons and Undying
weapons engrams didn't reward a weapon if the player had already unlocked all
crafting patterns for weapons contained in the engram.
Radiant and Restoration
- Fixed an issue where Restoration and Radiant buffs
were being reapplied rather than having their duration extended.
Note: This also resolves similar issues with shorter
Restoration sources like Sunspots.
Ember of Empyrean
- Increased maximum extension duration from 12 to 15
- Reduced timer extension granted per Solar kill to
compensate for drastically improved consistency.
Previously, this granted a flat timer extension,
regardless of the type of target defeated.
- Now, this time varies based off the target's tier,
with lower time extension returns than previously for minor combatants and
higher returns for Champion+ tier combatants.
Ember of Mercy
- Now grants a flat 2 additional seconds to the player’s
active Restoration or Radiant timer, rather than refreshing its duration. This
value is increased to 3 seconds with Ember of Solace equipped.
Threaded Specter
- After creating a Threaded Specter, it now applies the
same Dodge cooldown penalty that Ensnaring Slam applies.
- Increased detonation damage vs. PvE targets by about
Ensnaring Slam
- Reduced duration of Dodge cooldown penalty after
performing an Ensnaring Slam in PvE activities by 50%.
- Reduced base damage vs. players from 40 to 35 and
fragment-enhanced damage from 45 to 38.5 vs. players.
Note: Unchanged vs. PvE combatants.
- Fixed an issue where the Threadling destruction
impulse that was looking for other Threadlings had standard falloff, so they
weren't reliably popcorn detonating as intended when one Threadling was
- Fixed an issue where Threadlings were sometimes not
playing their destruction performance when destroyed.
- Increased aim assist target size from 0.41m to 0.5m.
Arcane Needle
- Increased aim assist angle by about 50%.
- Increased aim assist falloff distance from 30 to 45
- Increased tracking angular velocity by about 5%.
- Increased length of projectile's tracking shape.
Note: These changes result in improved tracking
consistency at all ranges, with the greatest improvement felt against close- to
mid-range targets.
- Fixed an issue where using uncharged melees while
Arcane Needle is equipped resulted in the player appearing to freeze in a melee
- Increased Primary Scorch ground-follow projectile
travel distance from 18 to 20 meters.
- Increased height of slam ground-follow projectile
detonation by about 1 meter.
- Increased travel distance of slam ground-follow
projectile from 16 to 20 meters.
- Increased travel speed of slam ground-follow
projectile (including Pyrogale's enhanced version) from 16 to 24 meters per
Gunpowder Gamble
- Reduced maximum self-damage on detonation by 33%.
- Fixed an issue where Omnioculus's melee energy return
perk was unintentionally being reduced by the melee ability's chunk energy
scalar. It now returns its original energy values when making allies invisible.
- Fixed an issue where Flashbang Grenade was receiving
less chunk ability energy from perks than intended.
- Fixed an issue where Rally Barricade was receiving
more chunk ability energy from perks than intended while the Bastion Aspect is
- Armor Synthesis Bounties have been reset.
- Added a new text chat command called "/clear". When
used, it will clear out all text chat messages on screen.
- Multiplayer emotes added during Seasons of the Deep,
Season of the Witch, and Season of the Wish will now properly display their chat
messages when used with other players.
- The Veteran's Flair transmat effect can now be
acquired from Collections and equipped to ships by those players eligible to use
- The Laser Cutter ship has had a missing engine
component restored.
- The Duel emote can be properly acquired from the
Special Deliveries vendor in the Tower for those players who claimed its
associated Prime Gaming Drop.
- The General Triumphs for each ritual weapon ornament
now correspond to the correct ornaments.
- Players must now be present during the first phase of
the activity to get the Deathless Triumph to gild the Champ Title.
- Festival of the Lost quests that were not completed
should be correctly cleaned up from the player’s inventory.
- Champions will no longer spawn in the Vanguard Ops
playlist version of the PsiOps Battlegrounds.
- Players are no longer awarded a second Veil
Spectrometer consumable on subsequent characters after completing the pursuit.
- Take out the Trash emote no longer allows players to
hide in geometry.
- Speicherverbrauch von 140,6 GB auf 141,2 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 116,8 GB auf 117,3 GB erhöht
- Fixed several issues where Special ammo crates were
incorrectly spawning in Control and Supremacy game modes on Fragment, Pacifica,
and Cathedral of Dusk.
- Fixed an issue where Lord Shaxx's announcement for
Supremacy game mode was missing in Guardian Games Supremacy playlists. (He took
some throat lozenges and was feeling up to the task once again.)
- Fixed an issue where the Mercy ruling was absent in
all Supremacy-based game modes, including Guardian Games playlists.
- Fixed an issue where the game mode banner icon was the
placeholder version for Collision mode in Crucible Labs.
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue where incorrect Special ammo meter
reward amounts were used. The meter should fill slightly faster now.
- Fixed an issue where the Passage of Persistence could
become flawed when losing a game while at 0 wins, preventing players from
earning the Adept reward at 7 wins.
- Fixed an issue where the Heir Apparent Exotic Machine
Gun catalyst quest could drop for players who have already obtained the Heir
Apparent Catalyst.
- Fixed an issue where the Hullabaloo Legendary Grenade
Launcher rewards obtained from the weekly Gold and Platinum podiums could drop
with a Range Masterwork.
- Fixed an issue where the Drop In and Top of Class
pursuits would remain available on Eva after claiming them.
- Fixed an issue where the Trials of Osiris Diamond
Contender Card would be collected more than one time.
- Fixed an issue in which the emblem Out of the Airlock
was not displaying properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Stronghold Exotic Gauntlets
was incorrectly granting Restoration x1 instead of Restoration x2.
- Fixed an issue where the Allstar Cloak and Allstar
Mark class items were not available to convert into universal ornaments.
- Fixed an issue where the Titan Lion's Might Helmet
ornament wasn't displaying properly.
- Players stuck on the first step of Season 22's Toil
and Trouble quest line should now have access to the Way of the Witch mission.
- Completing this activity properly advances the quest
line, ensuring eventual access to the portal in the H.E.L.M.
- Affected players will briefly lose access to the
Savathun's Spire node until the Way of the Witch mission has been completed to
advance the quest.
- Players who were able to acquire Season 22's Bladed
Path quest line prior to the Toil and Trouble quest line were blocked from ever
receiving Toil and Trouble.
- Upon logging in (assuming the completion of the Season
23 introductory quest line), affected players should receive Toil and Trouble
and be able to progress through that quest line to gain access to the portal in
the H.E.L.M.
- Affected players will briefly lose access to the
Savathun's Spire node until the Way of the Witch mission has been completed to
advance the quest.
- Fixed an issue where collecting the Cabal Missive did
not advance The Final Strand quest. Collecting the Cabal Missive will now
advance the quest.
- Fixed an issue where Skimmer grinding would not work
when using the hold to crouch command.
- Fixed an issue in which text and voice chat were not
available for console play.
- 950,71 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 805,70 MB groß
(Version wurde direkt in verschoben
- Updated the playlist tooltips to correctly display
which matchmaking style is used for each mode.
- Fixed an issue where the Special ammo crate location
was incorrectly displayed in the announcement when picked up on Vostok.
- Added the Hardware modifier to Crucible Labs for
- Added a sound effect for the "Special ammo incoming"
announcement when a Special ammo crate is about to spawn.
- Expanded the Not Swap modifier to cover changing ammo
types in either your Kinetic or Energy slot mid-life.
- Reduced variation in Competitive rank adjustment on
match completion.
- Removed Survival and Countdown Rush from the
Competitive playlist and replaced with 3v3 Clash and Collision.
- Updated the zone placements for Vostok and Dead
- Updated several Special ammo crate placements on Altar
of Flame, Anomaly, Endless Value, Eternity, and Multiplex.
- Replaced the Special ammo meter system with Special
ammo crates for 3v3 Clash.
Enabled a unified Competitive ruleset for Collision and
- Game Length: 10 minutes.
- Respawns: 7 seconds.
- Revives: Enabled.
- Special ammo spawns: 4 crates, 60 seconds, shared.
- Heavy ammo spawns: Single crate, 120 seconds, not
- Post-game weapon drops will now reward the weekly
- For the first two weeks, Special ammo crate variants
will be tested in Trials, alongside the Not Swap modifier.
Crota’s End
- Fixed an issue where all players could die and wipe at
the same time that Crota is defeated, awarding loot but not awarding completion
of the encounter.
Deep Stone Crypt
- Fixed an issue where shooting the Atraks replication
attached to a player would cause ammo to spawn.
Warlord’s Ruin
- Fixed an issue in the jail puzzle where Glaive
projectiles and Bow arrows could not hit targets consistently.
- Fixed an issue in the Ogre encounter where the Warden
Knight on the right side of the stage wouldn't spawn totems consistently.
- Improved respawn placement in the room with the giant
Taken orb and flying debris hazards.
Vow of the Disciple
- Adjusted some visual effects in the final encounter to
mitigate some photosensitivity concerns.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash after
The Arsenal Walker public event.
- Fixed an issue where a loud volume spike could occur
when exiting the Fynch vendor screen on Throne World.
- Fixed an issue where players had to spam click to give
commendations to other players that left their activity.
- Fixed an issue where direct launching a quest from the
Quest Details screen wouldn't always launch players to the landing zone closest
to the objective.
- Fixed an issue where the Dawning emblem icon displayed
no background.
- Fixed an issue where the Legacy button on the
Character Select screen was not working.
- Fixed an issue where Iron Banner Legacy ornaments were
missing a reward acquire sound.
- Fixed an issue where the Stasis subclass category
icons at the Exo Stranger/Elsie vendor were using Void iconography.
- Fixed an issue where the icons for the Trials Auto
Rifle, Strike Grenade Launcher, and dungeon Pulse Rifle Relentless were facing
the incorrect way.
- Fixed an issue where the icon for the Warlock Guardian
Games class item was not accurately representing the armor art.
- Reduced the size of the Fireteam Finder banner in the
Roster screen.
- Added an animation to a Listing when successfully
submitting an application.
- Improved notifications for applications and join
requests to Roster contacts when the players don’t own the required game
- Players will now be able to see all players that are
included in an application to help make a more informed decision on applying or
joining Listings.
- Improved the way Listing Settings and Filters are
stored for quicker Listing creation.
- Fixed an issue where pressing Reset in the Join
Settings Filter screen did not reset options.
- Fixed an issue where a random Select button appeared
in the Fireteam Finder application screen.
- Fixed an issue where spamming buttons could load an
empty Activity screen.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong selection screen
appeared in Fireteam Finder when using the Activity Launch screen while already
in a Fireteam.
- Fixed an issue where the Accept Application pop up
would shift when attempting to Accept Applications.
- Fixed issues with text overlaps and alignment for
various languages in The Guardian Oath screen.
- Fixed font issues for some languages in the Summon
Fireteam button.
- Extended the handling bonus granted by Lucky Pant's
Illegally Modded Holster buff by 2 seconds so that it lasts until the Out of
Luck debuff is activated.
- Fixed an issue where a visual bump would occur when
Overload Artifact perks were triggered.
- Fixed an issue where weapons that can change their
element type were benefitting from multiple surge bonuses at once.
- Fixed an issue where the intrinsic perk Warlord's
Sigil used an incorrect term for Freeze.
Auto Rifles
- Reduced base damage by 5%.
Hand Cannons
- Increased base damage by 6%.
- Increased body shot damage by 1% and critical hit
damage by 4%.
- Improved the stats of Luna's Howl and Midnight Coup.
Pulse Rifles
- Increased body shot damage by 3.5% and critical hit
damage by 1%.
- Increased body shot damage by 6% and critical hit
damage by 3%.
- Increased body shot damage by 5% and critical hit
damage by 2%.
- Improved the stats of Blast Furnace.
Scout Rifles
- Increased base damage by 2%.
Submachine Guns
- Improved the stats of Recluse.
- Increased base damage by 6%.
- Le Monarque and Wish-Ender are not affected in this
- Corrected a rounding issue that was causing Precision
Shotguns to require one extra pellet to kill max-resilience Guardians.
Breech Grenade Launchers
- Increased direct impact damage by 40%.
This works out to be roughly a 15% overall damage buff,
though total damage varies depending on the blast radius stat.
- Reduced Disorienting Grenade radius for both damage and
the disorientation effect by 15%.
- Increased The Mountaintop's PvE damage to make it
competitive with other Breech-Loaded Grenade Launchers.
- Reverted a change from Season 12 that made The
Mountaintop less accurate while airborne.
Heavy Grenade Launchers
- Increased the stats of Edge Transit.
- Updated perk descriptions to include subclass verbs for
the following weapons (these weapons already had this functionality, but it just
wasn’t explained in the perk descriptions):
Sunshot, Polaris Lance, One Thousand Voices, and
Leviathan's Breath.
Whisper of the Worm
- Increased total ammunition from 18 to 24 (before reserves
One Thousand Voices
- Increased total ammunition from 7 to 11 (before
reserves mods).
Quicksilver Storm
- Increased the shots needed to trigger rockets by 50%.
Reduced grenade area-of-effect damage vs. combatants by
The Last Word
- Increased base damage by 6%.
- Increased base damage by 6%.
- Reintroducing Dares of Eternity weapon perks that were
previously removed. These can now roll on new drops or be added to shaped
versions of the weapon.
Master of Arms
- Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15%.
Magnificent Howl
- Precision final blows grant stacks, and reloading
converts the stacks into Magnificent Howl rounds that deal greatly increased
damage and have additional range.
Getting a precision kill with a Magnificent
Howl active converts an additional round.
- Redesigned this perk to be a weapon intrinsic. It’s
rebuilt to do less direct damage vs. players, but with dramatically more
self-physics impulse.
- Retuned its PvE damage to be competitive with other
Breech-Loaded Grenade Launchers.
- Increased its reload speed slightly.
- Since this is now an intrinsic on The Mountaintop,
Micro-Missile has been replaced with Rampage in the first trait slot on old
versions of the weapon.
- Fixed an issue where this perk was causing the The
Slammer Sword to get stuck on the Strand damage type.
- Fixed an issue where overflowing the magazine could break
the Omolon origin perk.
- Deconstruct will no longer activate on Scorch,
Threadling, Stasis Shatter, and Jolt damage.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Slice to lose stacks when
shooting an enemy with a weapon that has a rapid rate of fire.
- Fixed an issue where Headstone's cooldown was using the
wrong icon. Headstone now uses the standard cooldown icon instead of a Stasis
buff icon.
- Reduced flinch taken by all Primary weapons by 15%
-.Corrected several weapons getting the wrong ammo amounts
from either the Special ammo crates or meter systems, including Buried
Bloodlines and some Fusion Rifles.
- Increased precision damage by 11%.
- Reduced base damage by 5%.
- Removed the critical hit damage bonus that was supposed
to be just for Primary ammo sidearms, and replaced that with the 6% global base
damage bonus.
- Fixed an issue where reprised Dreaming City weapons could
not obtain the Rare shader Burnished Dreams or the Legendary shader Blueshift
- Improved the chance a player will obtain the Burnished
Dreams shader when dismantling a weapon with the shader.
- Improved the likelihood of Blueshift Dreams appearing on
Dreaming City weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the Last Rite Scout Rifle had an
incorrect appearance.
- Fixed an issue where the Xenology quest incorrectly stated
that having an Exotic cipher would prevent rewarding another, despite the player
being eligible.
- Fixed an issue where Word of Crota was using the incorrect
stat group.
- Fixed a photosensitivity issue with Outbreak Perfected.
- Fixed an issue where Mountaintop and Jotuun's hip-fire
reticles were not centered.
- Fixed an issue with Vengeful Whisper where an arrow was
visible when holstered and stored on the players back.
- Fixed an issue where the updated Dreaming City weapons were
not appearing in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where notifications specific to The Coil
could appear in Riven's Lair.
- Reduced the cost of Strand fragments at the Pouka Pond from
200 Strand Meditations to 100 Strand Meditations.
- Fixed an issue where Overload or Antibarrier capabilities
granted through artifact mods or subclass keywords could reduce ignition damage
created by some weapons.
- Fixed an issue where completing the 2023 Moments of Triumph
title did not count towards the appropriate Guardian Rank objectives.
- Fixed an issue where Dares and Wellspring Fireteam Finders
would try to launch the Salvage activity.
- Fixed a visual issue causing the Chill Out finisher effects
to persist after the finisher ends.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Ascendant Realm sky to
block out the Dreaming City skybox in certain areas.
- Fixed an issue where players could regenerate Skimmer
energy in midair by re-summoning their Skimmer.
- Speicherverbrauch von 141,2 GB auf 144,5 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 117,4 GB auf 120,0 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue where a single player would be unable
to spawn every-other round on Burnout in the Elimination playlists.
- Fixed an issue where Mercy ruling was present in
Competitive playlists.
- Fixed an issue where Special ammo crates were not
respawning on Wormhaven in 3v3 Clash Competitive playlists.
Warlord’s Ruin
- Fixed issue where solo players were unable to complete
Warlord’s Ruin due to blocked doors at the imprisoned puzzle after the first
encounter is completed.
- Fixed an issue where two players could receive the
Unstable Light debuff at the same time during the Golgoroth encounter.
- Adjusted reward drops to ensure a guaranteed weapon
drop within a 50-wave run and an additional bonus weapon drop upon completion of
wave 50 in any difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where the portal out of the Pyramid
arena would occasionally not spawn.
- Fixed an issue where the activity would end after
looting the default reward chest in wave 50 instead waiting for all chests to be
- Fixed an issue where players could access unintended
locations in the Pyramid arena boss encounter.
- Fixed an issue where players could duplicate batteries
using class abilities.
- Fixed a crash caused by environmental objects.
- Fixed an issue where repeatable Onslaught bounties
would take up two quest slots and only allowed players to abandon one of them.
- Updated the reticle bounce behavior on the BRAVE
Recluse to more closely match the behavior on the original Recluse.
- Fixed an issue where the Gilded Cage ornament was
missing spikes on one side of the barrel.
- Fixed an issue where jumping and interacting with a
vendor would not display the vendor screen correctly.
- Fixed an issue where picking up a New Light Kit would
override existing abilities for that subclass in saved loadouts.
- Fixed issue where the Vanguard node was locked for New
Light players after completing the Tower tutorial.
- Unified all respawn mode ammo point reward values
under the previous 3v3 respawn mode point values.
(On average, it now requires less actions to earn the
same amount of ammo.)
- Ammo transmats (including the initial one at the start
of the game) will now reward one kill’s worth of ammo, but the meter will charge
slightly more than twice as fast.
- Removed the ability for ability kills to contribute to
the ammo meter.
- Unified the point rewards into two distinct groups to
reduce variability and make the system easier to understand.
New point reward values:
Respawn modes
Primary weapon kills: 50
Actions (includes assists, deaths, control zone
captures, and Heavy ammo pulls): 25
Elimination Modes
Primary weapon kills: 70
Actions (includes assists, deaths, and Heavy ammo
pulls): 35
An ammo transmat is rewarded when a player has accrued
100 points.
- Increased preference for spawning near allies in Clash
3v3 for Competitive and Quickplay playlists.
- Fixed an issue where Extinguish was not being cleared
properly during a Tormentor heatwave.
- Fixed an issue where larger enemies teleported behind
the ADU.
- Fixed an issue where ADU batteries could heal enemies
when thrown.
Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at
defenses has been increased at the cost of consuming the ADU battery.
- Fixed an issue where players hide from enemies in a
spot in the boss room.
No more cheese for you.
- Fixed an issue in Legend difficulty where the portal
to the boss room would not appear after wave 50.
The Whisper
- Fixed an issue with the spawning visual effect of
Taken bosses.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be kicked to
orbit after the timer runs out.
- Fixed some out-of-bounds spots.
- Removed the red dot from the Tusk of the Boar Grenade
Launcher when aiming down sights, as it was not supposed to have one.
- Fixed a bug that prevented The Mountaintop's
projectiles from piercing barrier Champion shields.
- The BRAVE versions of The Recluse and Hammerhead
sights now correctly highlight enemies.
- The Shaxx bounty to complete a pathway in Riven’s Lair
will now correctly count The Coil.
- Edited description for Breaking the Charge Triumph to
make its requirement clearer.
- Fixed an issue where the Pyramidic Vessel ship showed
bright flashing lights in Orbit.
- Fixed an issue where Heavy ammo sharing was enabled on
Clash 3v3 Quickplay and Map Pack playlists.
- Fixed an issue where players could get into an
unintended location on Eventide Labs.
- Fixed an issue where killing the boss too quickly
could prevent further Onslaught progress on Vostok and Mothyards.
- Fixed an issue where the Boss Portal could fail to
spawn at Wave 20 on Midtown.
- Fixed an issue where some Pyramid ship boss room
switches would occasionally not activate.
- Fixed an issue where the critical health damage bonus
for Mechaneer's Tricksleeves was doing more damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where equipping Scavenger mods would
allow Xenophage and Grand Overture to receive more ammo than intended from Heavy
ammo bricks.
- Fixed an issue where the Multimach CCX Submachine Gun
and Tusk of the Boar Grenade Launcher did not count as Iron Banner weapons
towards challenges and Triumphs.
- Fixed an issue where some BRAVE weapons were not
progressing the BRAVE Weaponsmaster Triumph.
- Der letzte DLC " The Final Form" wurde eingebaut und
kann erworben werden
- Competitive will now use the Blended “1-1-1" Special
Ammo system in place of the Crates system. We will begin rolling this system out
to other playlists soon.
- Adjusted spawns on Altar of Flame and Dead Cliffs for
Countdown Rush to improve match balance.
-Updated Private Match screens to support expanded
options and to improve usability.
- Updated sound effects for rank promotion and defense
toasts in Competitive to better convey success or failure.
- Fixed an issue where Relic meter was not correctly
progressing in Relic.
- Fixed an issue where Private Match activity modifiers
would display inaccurately.
- Fixed an issue in the mission Beyond where players
would sometimes get stuck without the activity progressing them correctly.
- Fixed an issue in Warlord's Ruin where the sound
effect that occurs after a player is frozen by the tempest storm did not play
- Fixed an issue preventing completion of the All for
One challenge and associated Triumph.
- Fixed an issue where The Pantheon emblems appeared in
the General category rather than the Raids category in Collections.
- Added a gameplay subtitles option that displays the
speaker's name before their dialog.
- This option is off by default. To activate it,
navigate to the Options menu and toggle it to on.
This feature does not affect cinematic subtitles.
- Added Reputation Boost information for ritual
activities to the Director.
Hovering over the Rituals nodes at the top of the
Director (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Gambit) will display when reputation boosts
are active.
- Fixed an issue where dungeon tracking stats were not
displayed on emblems.
- Improved placement and visuals of the Reselecting
Activity button so players have better access to it.
- Fixed an issue where Fireteam Finder lobbies for
Crucible Labs weren't allowing the correct max number of players for the
- Fixed an issue where in some Fireteam Finder
applications, player status was not displayed properly.
- Made visual and functional improvements to the Journey
screen and Guardian Ranks icons.
- Fixed an issue where the Cherished Guardian Rank
objective displayed the incorrect Commendation score requirement.
- Added Milestones to the quest log.
Milestones will not count against a player's maximum
quest/bounty capacity.
- Tracked quests will be sorted to the top of their
categories when the quest log is reloaded next.
- Added an option to set a specific Quest tab as the
The default Quest tab will be the first tab opened when
the quest log is loaded.
- Added text to the Quest tooltip to communicate when a
Quest is directly launchable from its Quest Details screen.
All Subclasses
- All Super abilities now use the same damage-based
recharge parameters.
Previously, energy gained through damage dealt and
received was scaled based on the passive recharge rate of the Super, resulting
in a broader delta between long-recharge Supers and short-recharge Supers than
This will, for example, bring the real-world uptime of
Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance closer to the uptime of a Super like Arc Staff
or Fists of Havoc.
- Arc Staff: Heavy palm strike attacks and heavy air
slam blind enemies.
- Disorienting Blow: Decreased base cooldown time from
100 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Tempest Strike: Added additional damage resistance vs.
PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
- Increased bonus damage granted to powered melee
attacks vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 50%.
- Reworked healing behavior:
- No longer unstuns health regeneration on melee
defeats. Now instantly grants a chunk of healing that scales with the type of
target defeated.
Player: 30 health points.
Minor combatant: 50 health points.
Major combatant: 75 health points.
Champion+ combatant: 100 health points.
Touch of Thunder
Lightning Grenade:
- Now applies Jolt after the first damage event, rather
than prior.
- This means that the Jolt won't instantly pop on
application, and attackers will need to either wait for the second lightning
burst from the grenade or deal additional damage via other means to trigger the
Jolt's chain lightning.
Storm Grenade:
- Increased tracking travel speed when targeting PvE
combatants by between 0.5 and 1 meters per second, increasing with the storm’s
- Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants
when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
- Increased minimum damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
- Increased maximum damage vs. PvE combatants by 33%.
- Increased maximum damage vs. enemy players by 14%.
Lightning Surge
- Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants
when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
- This is intended to help players survive during the
final lightning strike performance until the player returns to first person and
can maneuver out of danger
Ball Lightning
- Increased the final arming shape size by 30%.
- Fixed an issue where the arming shape was offset
upward, higher than the maximum damage range of the projectile’s detonation.
Chain Lightning
- Increased secondary chain projectile’s base damage
from 27 to 54.
Arc Grenades
Storm Grenade:
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
- Touch of Thunder variant’s damage is unchanged.
Skip Grenade:
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
Arcbolt Grenade:
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
Arc Fragments
Spark of Recharge:
- Ability regeneration bonus now persists until the
player returns to full shields, rather than deactivating as soon as shields
begin to recharge.
Spark of Beacons:
- Now also triggers on defeating targets with Arc Power
ammo weapons while amplified.
Spark of Frequency:
- Now also grants 15 weapon stability on powered melee
hit, in addition to its reload benefit.
Solar General
- Restoration’s full-body visual effects now reduce
their intensity while the player's Super is active.
- Cure's healing now takes place over 0.1 seconds rather
than instantly.
This change is unlikely to affect Cure's efficacy in a
meaningful way but is primarily intended to improve the readability of Cure's
heal in the middle of combat in the UI.
Lightweight Knife
- Now has 2 melee charges by default.
- Increased throw animation speed by 33%.
- Reduced suppression time between throws, so both
knives can be thrown very quickly back-to-back.
- The additional melee charge does not stack with
Ophidia Spathe, due to the Exotic’s unique energy recharge behavior. We’ll be
monitoring this and evaluating how things are playing once things go live.
Knock 'Em Down
- Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund
from 1 second to 0.2 seconds.
Gunpowder Gamble
- Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gamble was unable to
damage Strand Tangles.
Golden Gun - Marksman
- Reduced strength of Orbs of Power created on precision
hit as follows:
When hitting non-boss enemies, reduced strength from
0.75x to 0.5x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
When hitting boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x
to about 0.4x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
When hitting boss enemies while Star-Eater Scales is
equipped, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.35x of a normal Super Orb of
- Consecration’s slam attack can now shatter Stasis
- Ignitions generated by Consecration now deal 20%
additional damage to PvE combatants.
- Fixed an issue where Consecration’s slam attack was
sometimes unable to damage floating combatants while they were grounded.
- Fixed an issue where Consecration’s intended PvE
damage resistance was not being applied.
Hammer of Sol
- Increased projectile submunition count when Sol
Invictus is not equipped as follows:
If the projectile detonates within the first 0.7 seconds
of its lifetime, it now creates 4 shrapnel submunitions, up from 3.
If the projectile detonates after the first 0.7 seconds
of its lifetime, it now creates 6 shrapnel, up from 5.
When Sol Invictus is equipped, only 3 shrapnel
submunitions are created, regardless of flight time.
- Shrapnel submunitions now deal additional damage when
Sol Invictus is not equipped, with the damage increasing after the first 0.7
seconds of the projectile's lifetime.
Heat Rises
- Fixed an issue where throwing some grenades while Heat
Rises was equipped would produce Void visual effects on the player's hands
during the throw.
Well of Radiance
- Now grants radiant for 8 seconds when players exit the
Well of Radiance area.
- Reduced player survivability while standing in the
Well of Radiance aura.
Reduced healing per second from 100 to 50 health points,
matching restoration x2.
Increased heal on cast from 40 to 300 health points.
Reduced damage resistance vs. non-boss combatants from
40% to 20%.
Reduced damage resistance vs. boss combatants from 40%
to 10%.
Damage resistance vs. enemy players is unchanged.
- Increased maximum Orbs of Power from defeating targets
while in the player's Well of Radiance aura from 4 to 5.
Solar Grenades
Swarm Grenade
- Increased tracking shape size from 4 meters to 6
- Increased linger duration from 7-8 seconds to 10-11
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Void General
- Fixed an issue where Volatile could fail to
auto-detonate if the target was defeated by the damage event that applied the
Volatile effect.
Snare Bomb
- Increased linger duration of smoke after detonation
from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Now applies small damage over time to enemies in the
smoke, which increases in strength the longer they remain in the smoke.
Trapper's Ambush
- Increased linger duration of the smoke after
detonation from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Now applies Snare Bomb’s damage over time to enemies
caught in its smoke.
- Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Ambush’s smoke effects
could be obstructed by ground geometry.
Stylish Executioner
- Stylish Executioner’s weaken effect can now be applied
by Glaive melee attacks.
Shield Throw:
- Increased maximum bounce count from 4 to 5.
- Increased maximum lifetime from 3 seconds to 4
- Now increases its tracking shape size and strength
after each bounce, increasing its ability to consistently find a new target.
- Slightly increased gravity and decreased thrust speed
with each bounce.
- Increased damage vs. PvE targets by 20%.
Ward of Dawn:
Armor of Light:
- Removed Armor of Light overshield. Ward of Dawn now
immediately applies a full Void Overshield to the caster and allies that enter
its dome.
- Armor of Light now instead grants additional damage
resistance to players inside the Ward of Dawn:30% vs. enemy players and 60% vs.
enemy combatants.
Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome
remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants.
Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn is
significantly lower than it was before vs.other players in PvP,
and cannot be further increased by stacking Bastion
Barricades inside the Ward to gain additional Overshield layers.
- No longer provides Weapons of Light by default. This
behavior has been moved to the benefits of Helm of Saint-14.
- Allies near the Ward of Dawn dome now have Void
Overshield trickled on over time, similar to the volume behind a Bastion
This trickle rate is reduced in PvP activities.
- The Ward of Dawn caster can now generate additional
Orbs of Power by defeating enemies with melee attacks in or near their Ward of
Dawn dome. Up to a maximum of 5.
Offensive Bulwark
- Can now only extend Void Overshield’s timer to its
normal maximum duration, to prevent an issue where players could get into a bad
timer state.
- Now regenerates a small portion of the player's active
Void Overshield with each melee defeat.
Chaos Accelerant
Magnetic Grenade
- Increased maximum intensity of physics knockback
impulse by 10%.
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
- Now passively decreases the player's Magnetic
Grenade’s cooldown by 10% while Chaos Accelerant is equipped.
Pocket Singularity
- Increased detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by
about 50%.
Nova Bomb
Cataclysm variant:
- Increased seeker count from 4 to 6.
- Fixed an issue where seekers could impact the
environment on creation.
Vortex variant:
- Increased Vortex linger duration from 7 seconds to 10
- Fixed an issue where the linger visual effects were
shutting off early.
Void Grenades
Suppressor Grenade
- Damage radius now matches Suppression radius.
This does not meaningfully change the damage profile of
the grenade but is intended to provide additional feedback to the player when
they have successfully Suppressed a target.
Voidwall Grenade
Fixed an issue where the central damage volume was
offset significantly lower than the left and right volumes.
Void Fragments
Echo of Instability
- Can now be activated by defeating targets with
Forerunner's The Rock grenade.
- No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Void
weapon is readied.
Stasis General
New Frost Armor keyword:
- You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter,
reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as the
player gains additional stacks.
- Reduces damage from PvE combatants by 4.5% per stack
and from enemy players by 2% per stack.
Stasis Shatter
- Increased base PvE shatter damage from 200 to 400.
- Fixed an issue where bosses auto-shattering were being
hit by two instances of shatter damage.
- Fixed an issue where players in an active Super would
show immune damage flyouts when automatically breaking out of Stasis freeze.
Grim Harvest
- Added new behavior:
While Grim Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a
small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
Large Stasis Shards from Grim Harvest grant more health
and Frost Armor stacks.
- Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of
Shards are created very quickly.
Winter's Shroud
- Added new behavior:
Slowing targets briefly increases the player's class
ability regeneration rate.
Bonus is reduced in PvP game modes.
Now grants PvE damage reduction when activated.
Touch of Winter
Coldsnap Grenade:
- No longer chains an additional time while Touch of
Winter is equipped.
- Instead, seekers now duplicate when they freeze a
- Second and third seeker chains now create a medium and
large Stasis crystal respectively, rather than every chain creating a small
Glacier Grenade:
- Added an additional Stasis crystal to the ring
formation, increasing total count from 6 to 7.
- Glacier Grenade ring now forms over 0.27 seconds,
rather than instantly.
Silence & Squall
- Increased Squall maximum travel speed by 10%.
- Squall storm now slows down when any target is within
its area of effect to reduce instances where it could overshoot its target.
- Increased damage and slow tick rate vs. PvE combatants
by about 40%, bringing its freeze time from approximately 0.8 seconds to ~0.5
Tectonic Harvest
- Added new behavior:
While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant
a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
Now creates a Stasis Shard when shattering a frozen
target in addition to shattering Stasis crystals.
- Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of
Shards are created very quickly.
Glacial Quake
- Now automatically begins sprinting when the player
throttles forward.
This change should make Shattering the player's Stasis
Crystals significantly more intuitive in the heat of combat.
- Increased on-cast Freeze impulse radius vs. PvE
combatants from 6 meters to 8 meters.
Shiver Strike
- Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
- Increased size of melee target search area cone by
about 50%.
- Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7
degrees per second to 21 degrees per second.
The end result of these changes is that Shiver Strike
misses significantly less and is able to bend its lunge trajectory more to find
a target within its search area.
Diamond Lance
- Increased thrown Diamond Lance detonation radius from
3.5 meters to 5 meters.
- Increased Diamond Lance slam detonation radius from
6.75 meters to 8 meters vs. PvE combatants.
- Diamond Lance now shatters Stasis crystals on direct
- Reduced Diamond Lance pickup interaction time from 0.2
seconds to 0.1 seconds, matching Strand Tangles.
- Increased Diamond Lance pickup interaction radius from
0.7 meters to 3 meters, matching Strand Tangles.
- Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on
cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.
Glacial Harvest
- Added new behavior:
While Glacial Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a
small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
- Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of
Shards are created very quickly.
Iceflare Bolts
- Increased maximum seekers created before going on
cooldown from 5 to 7.
Stasis Fragments
Whisper of Rime reworked:
- No longer grants a Stasis Shard Overshield when
collecting a Stasis Shard.
- Now increases the maximum duration and stack count of
the player's Frost Armor.
Whisper of Chains reworked:
- No longer grants passive damage resistance when near a
Stasis crystal or frozen target.
- Now grants a chance to create a Stasis Shard when
defeating a target while the player have one or more stacks of Frost Armor.
Whisper of Fractures reworked:
- No longer increases melee energy regeneration while
surrounded by enemies.
- Now grants a stack of Frost Armor when the player
shatters any frozen target with a melee attack.
Whisper of Torment
- Grenade energy gains are no longer dependent on the
player's current health value. Base grenade energy regeneration amount per
incoming damage event increased from 5% to 7%.
- While the player has Frost Armor, energy per damage
event increases from 7% to 12%.
Whisper of Chill - New Fragment:
- Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a
Stasis Shard.
Whisper of Reversal - New Fragment:
- While the player has Frost Armor, dealing or receiving
physical melee (i.e., not projectile melee) damage slows the player's victim or
Strand General
Grapple Tangles
- No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled
- Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds
per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive
Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle.
Grapple Melee
- Can no longer be activated after firing a weapon,
similar to sprint-or-slide-activated melee abilities.
- Tangles will now be paired with the text "Pick Up
Tangle" instead of only "Pick Up".
Ensnaring Slam
- Detonation volume vs. enemy players is now a cylinder
with a 6.5-meter radius, rather than a sphere with an 8-meter radius.
This results in fewer instances of victims correctly
attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam
detonation high up in the air.
Threaded Specter
- Arming shape vs. PvE combatants now grows more
quickly, resulting in more responsive detonations when used in close quarters.
Threaded Spike
- Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70.
- Catching a Threaded Spike no longer breaks
Into the Fray
- Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x
in PvE activities.
- Unchanged in PvP activities.
Banner of War
- Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.
- Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have
diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows:
- Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x.
- Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x.
Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x.
- Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have
diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too.
- Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on
stack count.
Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based
on stack count.
Frenzied Blade / Bladefury
- Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target
point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters.
This should reduce instances where attempting to lunge
to a target while at very close range resulted in the character lunging
Weaver's Call
- Added new behavior:
Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance
to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from
defeating more powerful targets.
This damage can be from any source, including other
- Fragment slots have been increased from 1 to 2
Strand Fragments
Thread of Warding
- Reduced Woven Mail duration on Orb of Power pickup
from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
Thread of Propagation
- No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Strand
weapon is readied.
- Exotic armor can now be upgraded after it has been
fully masterworked, granting an Artifice mod slot.
This comes at the cost of an Exotic Cipher and 10,000
Renewal Grasps
- Replaced generic damage resistance with Frost Armor:
On entering your Duskfield Grenade volume, you or allies
gain a stack of Frost Armor.
About every 0.9 seconds, an additional stack of Frost
Armor is granted, resetting the timer.
Triton Vice
- Glaive projectile final blows now always trigger a
detonation that matches the Glaive's damage type, even when the Glaive does not
match the equipped subclass.
- The surrounded effect provided by Triton Vice while
wielding a Glaive now lingers on the player for five seconds after no longer
being surrounded.
The Sixth Coyote
- Now creates an Orb of Power from final blows after
using a class ability in addition to its previous behavior.
This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy
of the Reaper armor mod's effects.
Star-Eater Scales
- Increased the Orbs of Power required to grant maximum
benefits from 4 to 6.
- Reduced the increased Super energy gained per Orb of
Power when the Golden Gun is equipped from 2% down to 0.5%.
- Fixed an issue where the Super damage boost for
attacks that occur quickly after initial cast, such as Shadowshot at close
range, was not always applied.
- Fixed an issue where a player could maintain the
damage bonus after removing Star-Eater Scales.
- Now grants the bonus damage it inflicts on a target to
weapons. The damage type also matches that of the ability used to damage that
target, instead of always matching the equipped subclass.
Assassin's Cowl
- Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or
defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
Mask of Bakris
- Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of
a Stasis subclass.
- Re-enabled the "Light Shift" debuff in the HUD when a
class ability is not recharging.
This is a cosmetic-only change to keep the cooldown
visible even while not holding a weapon that benefits from its damage boost.
- Fixed an issue where Mask of Bakris applied a Tier 2
damage buff instead of a Tier 4 and failed to display the time remaining on a
certain Solar weapon.
Additionally, the Solar damage buff will now function in
the Crucible.
The Bombardiers
- Now triggers an effect based on the equipped Super
element, instead of the equipped subclass.
Celestial Nighthawk
- Fixed an issue where players could swap from Celestial
Nighthawk to Knucklehead Radar after activating their Super and be granted the
benefits from both Exotics.
Dragons Shadow
- Now triggers its effects when the player uses
Ensnaring Slam or the new Ascension Arc Aspect.
Liars Handshake
- Counterpunch now does Arc damage instead of Kinetic.
Helm of Saint-14
- Now causes the wearer's Ward of Dawn to apply the
Weapons of Light buff to allies.
Ursa Furiosa
- Now provides increased movement speed while guarding
with the new Unbreakable Void Aspect.
- Also grants Super energy for guarding with Unbreakable
that scales based on the amount of incoming damage the shield absorbs.
Eternal Warrior
- No longer requires an Arc subclass for Arc final blows
to grant its escalating Arc weapon damage bonus.
- Now creates an Orb of Power from grenade final blows
in addition to its previous behavior.
This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy
of the Firepower armor mod's effects.
Khepri's Horn
- Increased the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in
- The Solar blast now Scorches each time it hits a
target, instead of Scorching only once.
- Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and
Ember of Ashes (+30 Scorch in PvE and +15 Scorch in PvP).
- Reduced the amount of time that Bionic Enhancements
lingers after no longer being surrounded, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.
This duration is now visible as a timer on the buff.
Severance Enclosure
- Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or
defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
- Its explosions now require line of sight to damage
We also reduced the knockback intensity of these
explosions, which will now launch enemies more consistently vertically.
Heart of Inmost Light
- Now displays a single, consolidated status effect icon
in the HUD to communicate its state, instead of the two to three it used before.
The functionality of the Exotic is unchanged.
One-Eyed Mask
- Fixed an issue where the negative status effects
applied to victims by One-Eyed Mask no longer persist after death.
Precious Scars
- Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super
element, instead of the equipped subclass.
- Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of
a Stasis subclass.
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
- Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of
a Stasis subclass.
Lorely Splendor
- Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of
a Solar subclass.
No Back Up Plans
- Now requires a Void Super to be equipped, instead of a
Void subclass.
Path of Burning Steps
- Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of
a Solar subclass.
Hallowfire Heart
- Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of
a Solar subclass.
Ballidorse Wrathweavers
- Replaced Stasis Shard Overshield with Frost Armor.
- Activating a Rift grants the player and nearby allies
the maximum Frost Armor stacks when Frostpulse is equipped.
- Activating a Winter's Wrath shatter attack grants
nearby allies the maximum amount of stacks of Frost Armor.
When Winter's Wrath ends, the player gains maximum
stacks of Frost Armor.
Mantle of Battle Harmony
- Now grants Super energy ranging between +1.5% and
+4.5%, depending on the target type killed.
- Removed the 2-second cooldown for the perk's
- Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super
element, instead of the equipped subclass.
Secant Filaments
- Updated Secant Filaments to require a Void Super
instead of a Void subclass.
- Secant Filaments Empowering Rift will now reset a
player's existing Devour buff duration back to 11 seconds when they enter it, in
addition to its previous behavior.
- Fixed an issue where Secant Filament's Overload Rift
was removing anti-Champion capabilities granted by the artifact.
- Reduced the increased Solar Grenade duration from 4
seconds to 2 seconds.
- Reduced its increased grenade recharge rate to allow a
max of 4 grenades while the effect is active, down from 5.
- Fixed an issue where Sunbracers would not remove the
"Sunbracers Ready" buff from the player when they throw a grenade.
Cenotaph Mask
- Multiple players using Cenotaph Mask can no longer
trigger its effect using a single enemy target.
- Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for
the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies.
Verity's Brow
- Now requires final blows with a weapon matching the
player's grenade damage type, instead of one matching the equipped subclass.
Felwinter's Helm
- Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or
defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
Wings of Sacred Dawn
- Updated its description to correctly indicate that its
effects are only active with Dawnblade equipped, rather than all Solar Supers.
Contraverse Hold
- Updated its description to clarify it only works with
Void grenades charged with the Chaos Accelerant Aspect.
Chromatic Fire
- Now triggers an effect based on the player's equipped
Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
Promethium Spur
- Now works with any equipped Solar Super.
Sanguine Alchemy
- Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super
element, instead of the equipped subclass.
Vesper of Radius
- The ability for the shockwave to blind now requires an
Arc Super to be equipped, instead of an Arc subclass.
Karnstein Armlets
- Fixed an issue where Karnstein Armlet's visual effects
were not functioning correctly.
Necrotic Grips
- Updated Necrotic Grips description to note that it
requires a melee and that it works against both combatants and players.
- The Artifice mod socket icon has been updated to make
it more distinct.
- Removed the energy cost from raid-specific armor mods.
- Updated all Harmonic armor mods to change their
element based on the currently equipped Super, rather than subclass.
This behavior is also now explained in their
- A Strand Resistance mod has been added.
Additionally, Harmonic Resistance is now compatible with
- Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods
now persist their progress towards an ammo brick through death.
- Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods
no longer function in Crucible, and opposing-team kills will no longer grant
Ammo Finder progress in Gambit.
- Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods
have had their kill requirements increased by 20% for Guardians in a fireteam.
Solo Guardian requirements are unchanged.
- Fixed an issue where Orb of Power mods would not pick
up Orbs when Super energy was full. Mods affected are:
Recuperation (Leg Armor Mod)
Better Already (Leg Armor Mod)
Innervation (Leg Armor Mod)
Invigoration (Leg Armor Mod)
Insulation (Leg Armor Mod)
Absolution (Leg Armor Mod)
Orbs of Restoration (Leg Armor Mod)
Powerful Friends (Helmet Armor Mod)
- Fixed an issue where multiple copies of Empowered
Finisher could be active at once in rare cases.
Additionally, corrected an issue where its tooltip did
not describe it as having no stacking benefits.
- Fixed an issue where older Solstice armor did not
display the correct glow color when using a Strand or Stasis Super.
- Updated Heavy, Adaptive, and Aggressive Burst weapon
intrinsic names to match burst count across all weapon archetypes. Functionality
is unchanged.
2-burst: Heavy Burst
Includes Sidearms, Hand Cannons, and Pulse Rifles.
3-burst: Adaptive Burst
Includes Sidearms, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Adaptive
Pulse Rifles.
4-burst: Aggressive Burst
Includes Pulse Rifles.
- Removed the foundry name from the Veist Rapid-Fire,
Häkke Precision, and Omolon Adaptive weapon intrinsics.
Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles
- Reduced damage bonus versus Minors from 40% to 30%
(except Fighting Lion).
- Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles benefit from
the below damage buffs versus Minor combatants.
Increased base PvE damage versus all combatants.
- Pulse Rifles: 20%
Exceptions: Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy
Burst mode. (These both have an intrinsic PvE damage buff built in.)
- Pellet Shotguns: 10%
Exceptions: Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon,
Conditional Finality, and The Fourth Horseman. (These are all already performing
as intended.)
- Slug Shotguns: 9%
- Fusion Rifles: 7%
Exceptions: One Thousand Voices. (This one was just
- Sniper Rifles: 7%
Exceptions: Izanagi's Burden's Honed Edge shots and
Cloudstrike's storm. (These are both performing well.)
- Glaive projectiles: 7%
- Linear Fusion Rifles: 5%
Increased damage versus Minors (red bars)—this stacks
with the base PvE damage increase.
- Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Bows: 20%
- Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles: 15%
- For Pulse Rifles, this is in addition to the above
buff, and Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode are included.
I.e. Pulse Rifles will do 1.2 * 1.15 = 38% more damage
to red bars.
- Submachine Guns: 10%
- Hand Cannons: 5%
Increased damage versus Major combatants (orange bars).
- Trace Rifles: 20%
Increased damage globally, including PvP.
- Machine Guns: 7%
- Swords: 7%
With these damage increases, the following Spec mods
have been retired:
- Boss Spec, Taken Spec, Minor Spec, Major Spec, and
Adept Big Ones Spec.
Scout Rifle
- Updated the hip-fire reticle to better show accuracy
and aim-assist state.
Hand Cannons
- Reduced the screen shake dealt to players by Hand
Cannon projectile impacts by 33% (does not affect flinch dealt to Combatants).
Heavy Burst
- Reduced the base recoil of this sub-family to make
them more stable.
- Improved the stats of two Aggressive Hand Cannons that
are returning in The Final Shape to be more competitive with our current
Crimil's Dagger (Iron Banner)
Stability: 23 to 31
Handling: 23 to 31
Magazine Size: 8 to 9
Airborne Effectiveness: 10 to 21
Something New (Solstice)
Stability: 27 to 30
Handling: 24 to 30
Magazine Size: 8 to 9
Sniper Rifles
- Increased minimum reserves from 14 to 17 shots;
maximum reserve is unchanged.
- Changed the way flinch works when taking damage from
players (this does not affect incoming damage from combatants).
Increased the screen shake duration by 25%.
Increased the screen shake intensity by 350%.
Reduced the camera roll by 25%.
Linear Fusion Rifles
- Reduced firing animation kick and recoil for Adaptive
Linear Fusion Rifles.
Kinetic damage type weapons
- No longer deal bonus damage to bosses; damage to other
combatant tiers is unchanged.
For example, a kinetic Sniper Rifle and a Stasis Sniper
Rifle of the same subfamily will both deal the same damage to a boss.
Wave Grenade Launchers
- The size of the wave is now affected by the blast
radius stat. This will mostly impact the width of the wave, though the length
and height will also be scaled.
The default display stat for the blast radius has been
changed from 100 to 50 (where 50 represents the previous baseline—any stat over
50 will result in a larger wave segment than what was possible before).
- Special ammo Wave – Frame Grenade Launchers
overperform as add clear weapons in their current state, so we've pulled the
length of the wave back a little.
Reduced the length of the waves from 22 meters to 15
meters (except for Dead Messenger).
- Updated the Sword reticle to better indicate its
charge state. When Sword energy is consumed, the amount of delay the Sword has
before it begins to recharge now subtly appears in the reticle.
- Fixed an issue where the Overwhelming Battlesong
debuff from some missions would prevent Swords from recharging or losing energy
while guarding.
- Fixed an issue where unpowered caster Sword heavy
attacks would not reset the Sword's energy recharge delay.
- Fixed an issue where uncharged adaptive Sword heavy
attacks cost the same amount of ammo as their charged counterparts. They now
cost 1 ammo, same as other uncharged heavy attacks.
Rocket Sidearms
- Added a slight delay to the detonation to allow perks
to activate correctly if they required precision kills.
Non-precision based add clear-Exotic Primary weapons:
- Reduced splash damage by 10% on the following weapons:
Trinity Ghoul
Polaris Lance
Graviton Lance
Rat King
- Swapped the firing animation to the same one used by
other auto-fire Sidearms.
Dead Man's Tale
- Cranial Spike stacks now grant stability in addition
to aim assist stat and range (+2 per stack).
- Increased reload speed benefit of Cranial Spike
With catalyst, when hip-firing:
- Slightly reduced accuracy benefits.
- Increased magnetism falloff scale (1.6 to 1.7).
- Increased baseline rate of fire from 130RPM to 140RPM.
- Removed PvE-only damage buff that scaled with stacks
of Cranial Spike and added a 15% damage bonus at maximum stacks of Cranial
- Now spawns additional insectoid robots on final blows.
More robots (up to five) spawn from tougher combatants.
Touch of Malice
- Increased duration of burn applied by the Darkness
Ball against combatants from 2 to 3.5 seconds.
- Intrinsic perk now provides increased reload speed
after precision kills.
- Increased duration of burn applied by the Cursed
Thrall explosion against combatants from 2 to 3.5 seconds.
- Catalyst has been rebuilt.
One for Thrall: Damaging 3 combatants in quick
succession provides a period of increased damage, range, and aim assist.
- Increased area-of-effect (AoE) damage such that it
doesn't lose noticeable damage due to not dealing impact damage.
- Increased total reserves by 3. (This is on top of the
reserves change to high impact Rocket Launchers from the 7.3.5 update.)
- Increased damage versus bosses, minibosses, Champions,
and vehicles by 12%.
- Increased reserve ammunition by 3.
- Catalyst now provides +10 reload speed, +10 handling,
and the Eddy Current perk, in addition to its existing effects.
- Focus fire now will activate on Special reloads
following a kill and will no longer reduce range or rate of fire.
- Updated hipfire reticle to better convey weapon
- Reworked Saint's Fists perk: Dealing damage with melee
increases the charge rate, damage, and reload speed for a short duration.
Landing a majority of pellets in a burst increases
melee damage.
Eriana's Vow
- Breaking a matched shield or piercing a Champion's
Barrier will cause the target to ignite.
Devil's Ruin
- Fixed an issue where the firing animation from Devil's
Ruin would get applied to other equipped Sidearms if the weapon was swapped
during the firing animation.
- Updated the visuals of Wolfpack Rounds to match the
damage type of the weapon. For example:
On Gjallarhorn, they will use Solar effects.
On the Royal Entry Void Rocket Launcher buffed by
Gjallarhorn, they will have Void effects.
Grand Overture
- Grand Overture now displays 'Volley Ready' instead of
'Rockets Loaded' after special reload, to help better indicate when the rockets
are primed to fire on trigger pull.
Osteo Striga
- Now has a 4-second cooldown on the poison burst on
kills. (Poison burst from sustained damage doesn't receive this cooldown.)
The Lament
- Reduced healing effect by 20%.
- While this weapon does inherit the 7% global buff to
Swords, we've reduced the damage of the high end of the chained heavy attack by
20% from that point.
This means combos at lower stacks are less affected by
the change than combos at higher stacks.
Deterministic Chaos
- This weapon is now intrinsically anti-barrier.
- The Heavy Metal and Vexadecimal perks have had their
locations and behavior swapped.
Heavy Metal now causes every 4th bullet to make targets
Vexadecimal now causes every 16th bullet to also weaken
- Increased the number of shots required to generate the
cage by 75% against combatants (PvP unchanged).
Ace of Spades
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Memento Mori sound
effect to replay when exiting out of sprint.
Edge of Intent
- Edge of Intent Healing Turret updated to match
Speaker's Sight Healing Turret.
- Edge of Intent's alternate weapon action projectile no
longer bounces off walls and non-floor geometries.
- Healing Turret will spawn offset along the tangent of
the surface hit.
- Healing Turret now applies Cure and Restoration.
Having the Aspect Touch of Flame equipped improves these effects.
- Will no longer work in Rumble.
Archer's Gambit
- Reduced the effect so it can be used on Legendary
Reduced draw time buff from 66% to 60%.
Reduced buff duration from 8 to 4 seconds (but it can
now stack up to 8 seconds).
Grave Robber
- Will now activate on dealing damage with a powered
melee, in addition to standard melee kills.
The Fundamentals
- The Fundamentals now maintains its state across death
or respawn.
Chain Reaction
- Branched between Heavy and Special ammo weapons.
Special: About 15% smaller AoE size and 20% less damage.
Heavy: Same AoE as before and 30% more damage.
Eddy Current
- Now takes 1.5 seconds of sprinting to activate instead
of 3 seconds.
- Also provides a bonus to handling and a 5% scalar on
each stat at base.
- Being amplified will immediately activate the perk at
its maximum effectiveness.
- Instances of Underdog have been replaced with Pulse
Osmosis and Permeability:
- These no longer drop off when pulling out a Ghost or
similar actions.
- Now partially refill the weapon's magazine on
Chill Clip
- Adjusted the number of slow stacks applied based on
properties of the weapon.
In this case, Rapid-Fire Fusions like Riptide will still
require 3 shots to freeze, but slower firing Fusions only require 2.
- All other archetypes have been un-nerfed and only
require 2 shots to freeze.
Killing Tally
- The Killing Tally perk on the original 21% Delirium
Machine Gun has been updated to match the version found on random-rolled
High Ground
- Reworked to provide a stacking damage bonus when
getting kills in any context (like Rampage) or instantly granting the maximum
amount of stacks when damaging an enemy from the high ground.
- PvE max bonus increased to a 25% damage bonus, and PvP
max increased to 15%.
Perks that currently match the player's equipped
subclass have been changed as follows:
- Osmosis and Tessellation now match the damage type of
the equipped grenade.
- Permeability and Elemental Capacitor now match the
damage type of the equipped Super.
- Now refills from reserves instead of from thin air and
should trigger more reliably across weapon types.
- Fixed an issue where Headstone used a Stasis positive
buff icon for its cooldown status message. Headstone now uses a cooldown icon,
similar to other cooldowns.
- Fixed an issue where the melee buff visual effect
repeatedly flashed when Pugilist was activated by melee damage-over-time.
Dream Work
- Updated to work with additional weapon archetypes.
Precision Instrument
- Fixed an issue that caused this perk to activate too
quickly on burst-fire Linear Fusion Rifles.
Heavy Burst Intrinsic
- Now slightly reduces incoming flinch.
- The Wicked Implement Scout Rifle has been moved to the
Monument to Lost Lights.
Its catalyst will now be available as a random drop via
ritual playlist post-match rewards.
- Updated new drops of Raid Adepts from Crota's End and
Root of Nightmares to have 2 traits in their trait columns.
- Added Weapon Enhancement to the Raid Adepts from Vow
of Disciple and King's Fall.
- Collecting base weapon patterns will now provide a
boost per weapon set to the chance of getting a third trait in the trait columns
on new drops.
This can be tracked via new Triumphs in each raid's
respective collection.
- Memento stack size limit has been increased from 1 to
- Mementos are no longer tracked in the Inventory tab.
Players can now view, track, and apply their collected
Mementos within the inspection screen of an enhanced or shaped weapon.
Dismantling Faded Mementos will provide +1 Memento to
use within the inspection screen.
If a player is at the new stack size limited of 3
Mementos, that Memento will not drop again until they are holding less than 3
- Fixed an issue where Raid Adept Weapons from The
Pantheon Triumphs dropped without selected perks. Players will now see these
perks applied on those items.
At a later date, a fix will be applied to correct bad
masterwork or enhanced intrinsic options on these weapons to the intended roll.
We recommend players select a Masterwork option that
functions on that weapon type to get the stat benefit when upgrading to
- Removed Resonant and Harmonic Alloys.
- Acquiring an Adept version of a weapon now unlocks
Focusing for base version of that weapon.
- Fixed an issue where anti-Champion mods were causing
other weapon perks to fall off.
- Fixed an issue causing Mindbender’s Ambition to not
glow when getting kills.
- Fixed an issue where the intensity on some damage
screen effects and various projectiles could cause potential photosensitivity
- Power Bands have been updated.
Power Floor: 1900
Soft Cap: 1940
Powerful Cap: 1990
Hard Cap/Pinnacle Cap: 2000
- Adjusted the Alpine Dash Sparrow to have available
speed options similar to other Sparrows and made the auto-reloading perk always
In the spirit of the original Sparrow upgrade
progression from 2019, the side-to-side boost perk is only available during the
- Added Strand fireteam Triumphs to all previous raids.
These are not required for Seal or title but provide an
additional optional challenge for all interested fireteams.
- The Tower's weapons vendor, Banshee-44, will now reset
his weapons and their perks at the same time along with all other vendors at 10
- Fixed an issue where the tutorial prompt teaching
players how to summon their Sparrow wasn’t always appearing.
- Fixed an issue where the shader library order in the
Appearance Customization did not match the layout in other screens.
- Fixed an issue where the header for Ascendant Alloys
did not match the format of other items in Special Orders.
- Fixed an issue where Paraversal Haul did not appear in
- Fixed an issue where the Bonus Objective progress bar
could overlap with status effects UI.
- Fixed an issue where several emotes were not properly
sorted with their associated quality level when viewed in the emote selection
- Fixed an issue where the Season of the Dawn icon was
not properly applied to items acquired from the Season of the Dawn Flashback
- Fixed an issue where previewing associated Exotic
weapon ornaments whose Pattern has been unlocked showed as Unacquired rather
than Craftable in the Eververse.
- Fixed an issue where the Season Pass messaging did not
note that a 20% XP bonus is unlocked alongside the Exotic weapon when the
premium track is unlocked.
- Speicherverbrauch von 145,1 GB auf 156,5 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 120,6 GB auf 130,0 GB erhöht
- Fixed an issue in Collision where capturing a zone
while at full Super energy would slightly reduce Super energy.
- The sky has now changed in the Pale Heart after the
events of Salvation's Edge being completed.
- Requires players to have completed the campaign to see
the sky has changed.
- Fixed an issue where the mote counter status UI would
sometimes not appear with the mote collection encounter in The Impasse location.
- Fixed an issue where certain elements of the
Liminality strike would not load upon entering the first area of the Abscess.
- Fixed an issue in campaign Lost Sectors that would
prevent combatants and objectives from spawning.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during the final
encounter in the Iconoclasm mission.
- Fixed an issue where the art shown in Director dialogs
when exiting The Final Shape campaign was not appearing correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Turret upgrade costs were
referencing Decoy upgrade costs.
- Fixed an issue where the Salvation's Edge Carries stat
tracker did not properly increment.
- Fixed an issue where Strand Triumphs added from
previously shipped raids had missing strings.
- Fixed an issue where Grenade Ascension had an
incorrect objective string.
- Fixed an issue where the Risky Archery emote would
cause players to become invisible.
- Fixed an issue where the Knock ‘Em Down Aspect was not
increasing the number of projectiles fired by Blade Barrage.
- Fixed an issue where the Bladefury Super was not
granting Woven Mail to nearby allies in PvP with the Into The Fray Aspect
- Fixed an issue where players weren't granted the
Prismatic subclass if they missed a required cinematic.
We’re still investigating an issue where players do not
unlock Prismatic if they play the Transmigration mission with a player who has
already unlocked Prismatic.
- Fixed an issue where players could bypass Lucky Pants
cooldown by un-equipping and re-equipping the armor.
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect description for the
Arm's Reach armor mod.
- Fixed an issue where the Non-Denouement Bow had the
wrong damage profile.
- Fixed an issue where Magnificent Howl could be active
for an extended duration.
- Fixed an issue where the cost for purchasing the
Legendary version of Khvostov 7G-0X from collections was lower than intended.
- Fixed issues stopping players from getting their
Prismatic subclass in the following circumstances:
Being in a fireteam where at least one player already
had the subclass.
Playing on a second character of the same class after
getting Prismatic on the first character of that class on the same account.
Joining another player AFTER the subclass part of the
mission, then got kicked to orbit during the cinematics.
- Affected players will get the Prismatic subclass and
all missing unlocks the next time they visit The Pale Heart.
The Final Shape Campaign: Transmigration
- Fixed an issue in the Empower Font step where the
activity would become soft locked if a player immediately defeated the Eaters of
Light and Dark before they stood up.
- Fixed an issue preventing Hazardous Propulsion's
Enhanced Rockets buff from applying to rocket damage when some lower-strength
weapon damage buffs, such as Radiant, were active.
Hazardous Propulsion will only override Radiant and
other similar bonuses when the stack count is high enough to exceed Radiant's
damage bonus. It will also not override in cases where it does not apply (g.,
- Fixed an issue where players would hit a Weasel error
code when reshaping their Exotic class Glaives from The Witch Queen release.
- Fixed an issue where the Vow of the Disciple Adept
weapons did not cost Spoils of Conquest to perform weapon enhancement.
- Fixed an issue where Seasonal weapons from the
Lightfall year required Lightfall to be craftable.
Players still need the pattern unlocked to craft these
- Fixed an issue where the Tusk of the Boar Grenade
Launcher and the Multimach CCX Submachine Gun wouldn't enhance properly.
These weapons will now enhance correctly, and those
previously enhanced should be updated to work as expected.
- Fixed an issue causing the Lore tab for the Nacre ship
to not display properly
“How thoughtful, you waited for a visit from me until
the very end. Let's chat, shall we...”
- Fixed an issue that would cause audio output to be
silent on the PC when using spatial sound formats, including Windows Sonic for
- Fixed an issue that would cause audio output to
be silent on the PS5 when emulating the PS4 executable with 3D Audio for
Headphones enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a
player's Consumables inventory was full when trying pick up these items:
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect expansion was
required for the Trials of Osiris playlist.
- Fixed an issue where Trace Rifles had an incorrect
amount of ammo at the start of a match.
- An Epilogue option is now available in the difficulty
selection menu for Excision where players can rewatch the Excision end
cinematics without replaying the activity.
- Fixed an issue where players could matchmake into the
campaign narrative version of Liminality after the final boss encounter.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to earn double
Exotic class items.
- Fixed an issue where Cooperative Focus Missions were
not unlocking correctly.
- Removed surges from raids and dungeons and added the
equivalent damage buff to all subclass and Kinetic damage types.
- Fixed an issue where Piston Hammer charges were being
reset daily instead of adding a charge.
Note: This fix was applied in a mid-week update shortly
- Fixed an issue where Storm Grenade was receiving 40%
more energy than intended from perks that grant instant percentage chunk energy
such as Devour or armor mods.
- Fixed an issue where Precious Scars could trigger from
final blows with Kinetic weapons instead of Solar weapons on a Solar subclass.
- Fixed an issue where Riposte would only drop as a
fixed weapon roll after completing your placement matches.
Updated the fixed weapon roll to drop with the perk
Desperate Measures instead of Golden Tricorn.
In a future update, instances with Golden Tricorn will
be updated to Desperate Measures.
- Fixed an issue where Sword Wolfpack Round hits could
activate the Relentless Strikes Sword perk.
- Fixed an issue where the New Light quest “On the
Offensive” required completion of a Vanguard Ops bounty.
- Fixed an issue where a player was unable to dismantle
Dyadic Prism after obtaining Ergo Sum on an alternate character.
- Fixed an issue where collecting Encryption Bits with a
full inventory would block a player from acquiring Khvostov 7G-0X.
- Replaced Ritual Pathfinder Gambit nodes with a general
node on some cards. There should now always be a path that can be completed
through PvE-only or PvP-only.
- Fixed an issue where Ritual Pathfinder objectives
involving banking motes did not track correctly.
- Fixed an issue where resetting the Pale Heart
Pathfinder would reduce the number of Ergo Sum drops available without providing
the item if the player had not yet unlocked Ergo Sum.
- Fixed an issue where the Urban Parkour objective in
the Pale Heart Pathfinder did not update once the Stitching activity was
complete in the Lost City Outskirts.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes be killed
shortly after using The Final Slice finisher.
- Fixed an issue where all players would not see the
same results when rolling the D&D Emote, Natural 20.
- Fixed an issue where VFX for the Prismatic class
screens could cause an overheating issue on Xbox consoles.
- Fixed an issue where the Rank 16 reputation reward for
Ghost had an incorrect shader reward.
Players who already received this reward will keep it
and be automatically granted the updated shader reward upon log in.
- Fixed an issue where a Bungie Reward Director Dialog
image was not properly scaled.
- Fixed an issue where players could level weapons
faster than intended in Overthrow.
- Fixed an issue where the Heart's Hidden Depths
Pathfinder objective could not progress by completing the Forgotten Deep and the
Broken Deep Lost Sectors.
- Fixed an issue where the Overthrow boss Triumphs did
not count specific bosses.
- Fixed issue where Swords in Sword Dance Cyst would
report that the player never picked up a Sword and failed the Triumph.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a game crash when
breaking hive “gunk” with a Sword.
Made the following changes to Infested Caverns:
- Fixed issue in Moth Infested Caverns where an Acolyte
had a delayed spawn, causing plate capture delay.
- Removed moth respawns during the boss fight.
- Added 2 minutes to the time trial timer to give
players a total of 6 minutes to complete it.
- Fixed issue where Lightfall and The Witch Queen
expansions were required to access certain Vanguard Ops contents.
- Fixed an issue where the Still Hunt Exotic Sniper
Rifle was getting more Special ammo than intended in some modes.
- Fixed an issue where Ghost Mods were erroneously
granting bonus rewards for private mode match completions.
- Fixed an issue where private mode Rumble matches were
granting players reputation incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the Resonant Synergy challenge
does not work with the Prismatic subclass.
- Fixed an issue where the Light Magnitude node
incorrectly mentioned Masterworked weapons as a requirement to generate Orbs of
- Reduced the number of ability kills required for the
Proof of Ability node from 100 to 25.
Salvation's Edge
- Extended the timer after the last encounter has been
- Fixed an issue where purchasing Adept weapons from the
vendor on Master difficulty did not provide a weapon.
The Shattered Throne
- Fixed an issue where Surges were still applied.
Enigma Protocol
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the countdown timer
would not appear until the second half of the mission.
Breach Executable
- Fixed a rare game crash that could occur when
collecting materials during the activity.
- Fixed an issue where the Weekly Activity challenge
wasn't properly tracking Expert difficulty completions.
- Fixed an issue where Expert level Vex combatants were
dealing higher than intended damage.
- Fixed an issue where the banner for reaching score
tiers (Silver, Gold, Platinum) was missing some text.
Made the following changes to material gathering:
- Reduced the time needed to extract samples.
- Two Pistons are now always available per run.
- Navigation points for Pistons are now visible from
further away.
- We have increased the roaming time available after a
player has started the next encounter.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from gaining an
improved glide if Heat Rises was activated while already gliding.
- Fixed an issue where Facet of Hope was not correctly
working with certain buffs.
- Removed Year 6 gear from the Blind Well loot pool.
Speaker's Sight:
- We have disabled the ability to create Orbs of Power
in PvP.
We will be considering ways to approach this in a more
balanced way in the future.
- Corrected an issue that was significantly reducing
To partially offset this change, we have increased its
stability stat by 30.
- Reduced the damage of its ricochet shots against
players only.
Initial damage bonus decreased from 15% to 5%.
Bounce impact damage decreased from 18.4 to 4.6.
Red Death:
- Reduced the intrinsic stability bonus granted by the
custom recoil pattern.
- Corrected an issue that allowed it to have more final
bullets than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the base and Adept versions of
Undercurrent could obtain non-Wave Frame Grenade Launcher magazine options.
Versions that received these incorrect magazine
options will be updated to receive High-Velocity Rounds.
New drops of Undercurrent will feature High-Velocity
Rounds and Implosion Rounds as selectable magazine options.
Air Trigger:
- Corrected an issue that was allowing this perk to
apply to any equipped weapon.
- Reduced the Aim Assist penalty when airborne.
Enhanced Physic:
- Fixing an issue where it was providing Restoration x2
instead of Restoration x1.
- Physic now correctly gives increased Restoration x1
- Fixed an issue where some of Failsafe’s voiceover and
subtitles would not match.
- Added more information to the Character Boosts
screens, to better reflect what’s unlocked after acquiring a The Final Shape
Campaign Skip Boost.
- Fixed an issue where theWishbearer Title was no longer
available to players.
- Fixed an issue where the Season Rank number was
displayed incorrectly in the Player Menu after reaching rank 100.
The Season Rank cap is 100 until Act II starts.
- Fixed an issue where Echoes Engrams can be focused at
the War Table before Failsafe is moved to the H.E.L.M.
- Fixed an issue where the Exotic Glaive patterns from
the Evidence Board still required Legendary Shards.
- Fixed the issue preventing gear from properly loading
in certain activities and destinations.
- Fixed an issue where the initial dialog may not
trigger correctly.
- Fixed the respawn timer option not setting correctly
in Crucible Private Match.
- Fixed an issue with endgame timers being too short.
Ghosts of the Deep
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from seeing
their buffs and debuffs while underwater.
Salvation's Edge
- Fixed an issue where the Witness's health could be
emptied as Final Stand ended, leading to a softlock.
- Fixed an issue that prevented enemies from despawning
after the Witness's defeat.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from claiming the
Monolithic Memento from the vendor at the end of Salvation's Edge, after
successfully meeting the unlock requirements.
- Fixed an issue where Avalon and Starcrossed were not
including the weekly activity challenge for rotator mission completions.
- Fixed an issue where last season's Grandmaster
Nightfalls appeared as listing options, and if selected, players might launch
into the incorrect Nightfall.
- Fixed an issue where the Urban Parkour Pathfinder
objective was not being updated when completed in Lost City Outskirts.
- Fixed an issue with the map location for the Blighted
Clash Pathfinder objective on The Pale Heart.
- Fixed an issue where the Resonant Synergy Pathfinder
objective didn't work with the Prismatic subclasses.
- Fixed an issue where a non-PvP option wasn't available
on one of the Rituals Pathfinder options.
- Changed the node that required 150 Cabal kills so that
it takes all combatants into consideration. Cabal kills grant additional
Shieldcrush (Artifact Perk)
- Fixed an issue where Grapple Punch was gaining full
bonuses from either half of the Artifact perk.
While Radiant or Amplified, Grapple Punch will gain a
12% bonus.
While Radiant or Amplified, if Woven Mail, Frost Armor,
or a Void Overshield are active, Grapple Punch will gain another stacking 12%
This results in a net 25% bonus.
Winter's Shroud
- Fixed an issue where it was providing a damage resist
in PvP.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if players casted
Thundercrash while holding the Unbreakable shield.
Precious Scars
- Fixed an issue where the Sol Invictus and Offensive
Bulwark Aspects would block Kintsugi from properly working.
Osmiomancy Gloves
- Fixed an issue where grenade regeneration would work
with grenades other than Coldsnaps.
This fix does not affect Spirit of Osmiomancy.
- Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Eddy Current perk
was being applied twice.
- Fixed an issue where keys from the raid used in
Excision could provide a weapon whose pattern is already unlocked.
Now it will drop a Salvation's Edge
raid Deepsight weapon that always provides pattern progress until all patterns
for Salvation's Edge are unlocked.
- Fixed a rare issue where the Guardian Games weapons
Taraxippos and The Title could errantly cause crashes when weapon leveling
Enhanced or crafted weapons.
- Reduced the muzzle flash visual effects of The Riposte
Auto Rifle.
- Fixed an issue blocking acquisition of the Lightfall
Exotic armor reward for Legendary campaign completion.
- Fixed an issue where the Ignited Light Triumph was not
tracking encounter challenges.
- Fixed an issue where Dread combatants and Tormentors
were not providing the intended amount of XP and Glimmer upon death.
- Fixed an issue that could cause thermal errors on Xbox
platforms when near Prismatic wells.
- Increased the weighting of popular maps and decreased
the weighting of less popular maps.
Increased the weight for Javelin-4, Burnout, Endless
Vale, Cirrus Plaza, Dissonance, and Eventide Ruins.
Reduced the weight for Disjunction, Cathedral of Dusk,
Convergence, Twilight Gap, Exodus Blue, Dead Cliffs.
All other maps have standard weighting.
- Updated snake draft to better account for fireteams.
- Updated the quitter penalties to be more lenient for
players who rarely quit or get disconnected, but much more restrictive for
players who quit regularly.
- Competitive Artifice armor challenge is available
after placement series if player is gold or higher.
- Reduced the score to win in Clash mode from 40 to 35.
- Improved the spawn logic in Collision mode to
prioritize spawning you closer to teammates.
- Fixed an issue where the rank-based matchmaking
tooltip referenced glory instead of competitive rank.
- While in a three-person fireteam, losses will not
remove a win from Passage of Persistence.
- Enabled the blended ammo system in Trials.
The prototype Special ammo meter has now been fully
deprecated from our core Crucible experience, though it will still be available
in private matches and when Checkmate is in a rotator.
The meter system is currently being rebuilt to address
technical and balance concerns, and we will have more info on its return at a
later date.
- Fixed an issue where the newer versions of Summoner
and Eye of Sol did not unlock the collectible in the Trials Collection badge.
- Fixed an issue where disconnecting while on the
Passage of Ferocity would sometimes prevent players from launching the activity.
Iron Banner
- Temporarily removed Tribute for additional
- Fixed an issue where Crimil’s Dagger and Claws of the
Wolf did not count towards the Orimund’s Taste Triumph.
Private Matches
- Increased the player cap for Rumble in private match
lobbies to 12 players.
Salvation’s Edge
- Fixed an issue where extra Resonance pickups would not
be removed after the completion of some activities.
- Fixed an issue where players who died in traversal
areas could respawn in locations that made it difficult to return to the
intended path.
- Fixed an issue where the Lore Book Triumph was missing
individual steps, descriptions, and icons.
- Fixed an issue in the Verity encounter where extra
Ghost pickups could unintentionally be created, causing difficulties in
determining the correct Ghost pickup.
- Fixed an issue where an enrage warning was missing
from the Herald of Finality boss encounter.
- Fixed an issue where the raid armor mods had duplicate
text in the description.
- Fixed an issue where objective progress text was
missing for multiple Triumphs.
Seasonal Activities
Breach Executable
- Adjusted tuning for the laser walls during the
minotaur boss (Tym) encounter.
Increased delay time on the laser wall cadence.
Reduced damage of laser wall by 50%.
- Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds
during the minotaur boss (Tym) encounter.
- A new Onslaught Attunement option is available from
Zavala in the Tower.
Players can select a single BRAVE Arsenal weapon to
attune to, increasing the drop chance by 60% in Onslaught.
- Fixed an issue where selecting the narrative version
of Excision did not play the End/Epilogue cinematics after completion.
Dual Destiny
- Added a weekly challenge to Dual Destiny that rewards
an Exotic class item (Powerful Tier 1) upon completion.
- Fixed an issue where waterfalls could lose their sound
if players returned to them after already passing through.
Vanguard Ops
- Fixed an issue where Champions appeared in
Battlegrounds launched from the Vanguard Ops playlist.
Fireteam Finder
- Added “All” as a search option to activity selection.
- Added a toast for all members after leader’s summon
via Fireteam Finder.
- Added an alert when a player is kicked from the
- Added a notification to text chat when friends come
- Added a setting to toggle on/off the notification for
friends coming online.
- Added more accurate location information when viewing
players in the roster.
- Fixed an issue that could allow an unavailable
activity to be selected using Fireteam Finder.
- Fixed an issue where inviting players to a Fireteam
Finder lobby did not take into account the Fireteam invite privacy settings.
- Fixed an issue where Empire Hunt activities were
missing from Create/Search.
- Fixed an issue where system messages could fill up
text chat and make messages vertical.
- Fixed an issue where player names were not showing in
roster tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the invite modal did not close
after rejecting a Fireteam Finder invite.
- Fixed an issue where the Bungie Friends list did not
refresh immediately upon login.
- Fixed an issue where New Light quests had a blank
image when on Featured Quest view.
Gameplay and Investment
- Reduced the amount of Super energy gained by Rocket
Sidearms per damage event by ~20%.
- Fixed an issue where Strand fragments incorrectly
referenced "Locked Until Raid World First Achieved" purchase requirement.
- Reduced the distance that Swarm grenade submunition
projectiles can travel once they begin tracking a target.
- Increased Hammer of Sol damage against boss and
mini-boss combatants by 25%.
- Increased Twilight Arsenal damage against boss and
mini-boss combatants by 20%.
- Fixed an issue where Twilight Arsenal axes would
unintentionally track to combatants below the player during cast.
- Fixed an issue where the detonation produced by the
Unbreakable Aspect was being scaled without absorbing damage while thermite
grenade was equipped.
- Reduced aim-assist strength on Threaded Specter by
~50% vs. players and added a short delay before the aim-assist takes effect.
- Reduced Threaded Specter detonation damage against
players from 100 at maximum to 60 at maximum.
- Reduced Threaded Specter detonation damage against
players from 60 at minimum to 30 at minimum.
- Fixed an issue where kills with Gun Powder Gamble
would not activate Facet of Mending.
- Fixed an issue where "Gunpowder Gamble Ready" buff
notification would remain visible after swapping of the Gunpowder Gamble Aspect.
- Fixed an issue where Threadlings did not roost onto
Prismatic Warlocks with just Weaver’s Call and Phoenix Dive equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Penumbral Blast would not
auto-shatter enemies it froze while Winter's Guile was equipped on Prismatic
Exotic Armor
Radiant Dance Machines
- Fixed an issue where players could repeatedly activate
the Ascension Aspect when they had Radiant Dance Machines equipped.
Arthys’s Embrace
- Fixed an issue where the Arthys's Embrace Exotic could
have its damage bonus extended by shooting allied targets.
Arbor Warden
- Fixed an issue that caused Arbor Warden to block
players from gaining Transcendence energy from Prismatic rifts.
Lion’s Rampart
- Fixed an issue where you could aim down sights (ADS)
while Lion Rampant's-enhanced lift was active without disrupting the lift.
Hazardous Propulsion
- Fixed an issue where Hazardous Propulsion was not
boosting the splash damage of Quicksilver Storm's micro-rockets.
Getaway Artist
- No longer grants grenade energy on Arc Soul hit while
the player has Devour active.
- Fixed an issue where Vortex grenades were granting
more energy back than intended with the Spirit of Osmiomancy perk.
- Fixed an issue where the Super damage bonus from
Spirit of the Star Eater was being applied to ignitions caused by Song of Flame.
Armor Mods
- Updated the Exotic Artifice upgrade icon to be more
distinct from an empty Artifice mod socket.
- Fixed an issue that allowed swapping between regular
armor mods and Reserves mods to enable a higher ammo count than the current
This was never intended functionality. To help offset
this fix, we’re buffing the following ammo-related aspects:
Reserve ammunition for all weapon types has been
increased by up to 15%, with weapons with low reserves for their weapon type
getting a larger buff.
Reduced the cost of Reserves mods by 1.
- Fixed an issue where Special and Heavy ammo finder
mods would not provide additional benefits when equipping a third copy.
Weapon Archetypes
Scout Rifles
Aggressive Scout Rifles
- Increased PvE damage by 30%.
- Dead Man's Tale is affected by this change.
Pulse Rifles
Heavy Burst
- Fixed an issue where these weapons were displaying
their RPM as 395 instead of 300. This does not affect the weapons actual RPM; it
is just a visual fix.
- Reduced flinch taken from combatants by 50%.
- Increased melee damage in PvE by 20%.
- Fixed an issue where Lightweight Shotguns were not
receiving the Lightweight intrinsic buff to movement speed and mobility.
Special Ammo Sidearms
Rocket-Assisted Frame
- Corrected an issue that was allowing them to progress
Ammo Finder mods as if they were Primary weapons.
PvP Weapon Tuning
- Precisions: Base Damage - 84.6 to 90, Critical Hit
Damage - 126.9 to 130.5.
Exotic Weapons
- Corrected an issue where Duality was not using the
Slug Shotgun ADS damage falloff scalar value of 1.2x.
Conditional Finality
- Reduced base handling by 15.
- Can no longer freeze players who are in a Well of
- Corrected an issue where Bastion was not spawning with
ammo in the Crucible.
Eriana's Vow
- Increased damage versus Anti-Barrier Champion shields
by 67%.
Monte Carlo
- Fixed an issue that allowed Monte Carlo's bayonet
damage to persist when picking up a carry object.
Ergo Sum
- Fixed an issue where Ergo Sum's Sacred Flame Trait's
effects counted as Primary weapon damage.
- Fixed an issue where some versions of the Wishkeeper
Exotic Bow had unintentional access to the Combat Grip. These have been updated
to have Heavy Grip.
- Corrected an issue where the perk would sometimes
deactivate before dealing the bonus damage.
Threat Remover
- Increased buff duration from 5 to 7 seconds.
- Reduced Pellets to proc from 12 to 11.
- Added a handling scalar.
Golden Tricorn
- Fixed an issue where Golden Tricorn was activating on
ability kills that did not match the weapon's damage type.
- Fixed an issue where enhanced Onslaught could activate
on grenade kills.
Weapon Mods
- Removed the range penalty from the Adept
Counterbalance mod.
- Removed the handling penalty from the Adept Mag mod.
- Removed the stability penalty from the Adept Targeting
mod and reduced the aim assist stat bonus from 10 to 7.
- Weapons granted during The Pantheon raid event that
equipped non-functional masterworks will be corrected to a working masterwork
for that weapon archetype, or enhanced intrinsic if the weapon has been enhanced
- Fixed an issue where the Circular Logic Machine Guns
would only drop with Feeding Frenzy in the left trait column.
- Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gambit kills would not
activate Adrenaline Junkie.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Special ammo weapons
to deal more damage to frozen targets than intended and Rocket Sidearms to deal
- Fixed an issue where older curated rolls of Riposte
received the weapon trait Golden Tricorn. These instances have been updated to
have Desperate Measures.
If the weapon was enhanced to Tier 3 Weapon Enhancement,
it will be updated to Enhanced Desperate Measures.
- Fixed an issue where older curated rolls of Rose
received both Outlaw and Pulse Monitor.
These perks were not intended to be available on this
weapon and have been replaced with Rapid Hit and Eye of the Storm respectively.
If the weapon was enhanced, the perks will be updated to
Enhanced Rapid hit and Enhanced Eye of the Storm.
- Fixed an issue where a curated version of the Acosmic
Grenade Launcher received Snapshot and Opening shot at the release of The Final
This curated roll has been updated to Field Prep and
- Fixed an issue where old versions of the Blasphemer
Shotgun had unintentional access to High Caliber Rounds.
These instances have been updated to now have Accurized
- Fixed an issue where the Season of the Forge-issued
Nightshade had unintentional access to Armor Piercing Rounds.
These instances have been updated to now have
Tactical Magazine.
- Fixed a rare issue where some Root of Nightmares Adept
weapons updated by players during the Craftening had Enhanced Traits ahead of
schedule in the weapon enhancement progression.
In these rare cases, the Enhanced Trait has been swapped
with the base trait to facilitate enhancing the weapon properly.
- Fixed several reprise weapons that had incorrect lore
tabs: Eye of Sol, Astral Horizon, The Summoner, Loaded Question, Sleepless,
Twilight Oath, The Messenger.
- Added a speed limit to the acceleration applied to the
player when rocket jumping with The Mountaintop.
- Reduced kill requirements in PvP for grenade and melee
kill objectives.
- Removed single life requirement from melee and grenade
kill objectives.
- Removed subclass verb requirements from elemental
ability kill objectives and now reward bonus progress on subclass verb
interactions (ex. jolt).
- Fixed an issue where the Bungie Foundation Disciple's
Shell listed an incorrect source in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where Tessellation was incorrectly
being granted to players without The Final Shape Annual Pass Edition.
The weapon will not be removed from anyone who already
has it.
- Fixed an issue where certain legacy Iron Banner
ornament items were missing a description.
- Adjusted chances for acquiring Exotic class items from
chests to be more generous.
Increased progression on escalation chest chances.
Removed progression on world chest chances.
World chests can still drop the item but won't increase
drop chances from future chests.
- Fixed an issue where Xûr's Strange Favor buff was not
available to be redeemed for all characters on the account once it was unlocked
for the week.
- Speicherverbrauch von 156,7 GB auf 159,6 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 130,2 GB auf 133,0 GB erhöht
- Fixed issue where some players were unable to access
Trials despite having the latest expansion.
Raids and Dungeons
Salvation’s Edge
- Fixed an issue where completing the Substratum
encounter with an all-Warlock fireteam was not counting towards the "Unified
Front" Triumph.
Fireteam Finder
- Fixed an issue in Fireteam Finder where listings
created for Grandmaster Nightfalls could launch you into a different Nightfall.
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed an issue that allowed Eager Edge's lunge
benefits to occasionally apply to non-Sword melee attacks.
- Reduced Gambit Big Game Hunter objective completion
value to 1.
- Fixed an issue where melee and grenade kill objective
completion values were reversed for the lower and higher tier variants.
- Fixed an issue where elemental ability kill objectives
were missing text.
- Fixed an issue where the Solstice Keepsake memento
would not drop if a player was already holding one. Now, the Solstice Keepsake
will continue to drop until the player has three in their inventory.
- Fixed an issue where the description of the Solstice
Ghost projection "Fireworks Projection" did not note that it is subclass
- Fixed an issue where the store tile icons for the
"Aggressively Affirmative", "Confident Strut" and "Raise the Roof" emotes were
not appearing with correct art.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghost Shell "IX Shell"
to glow extremely brightly when certain shaders were applied.
Updated the Special ammo rules for Trials of Osiris.
- Players will no longer spawn with one kill’s worth of
Special ammo at the beginning of the round.
- A second set of Special ammo crates will now spawn at
two fixed neutral locations 10 seconds before the Dominion zone becomes active.
- Each crate will still grant a single kill’s worth of
Osmiomancy Gloves & Spirit of Osmiomancy
- Fixed an issue where Coldsnap grenades were not
consistently granting energy back when used against Champions.
- Added an unkindled (non-glow) version of the Solstice
2024 Sublime armor as universal ornament options for Hunters and Titans (see
note below).
For players that have unlocked the armor glows for these
sets during this year's Solstice, both versions will be available to unlock in
the appearance screen.
If a player has not unlocked the glows, they will not be
able to view the unkindled ornaments.
- Fixed an issue where after acquiring all six of the
Salvation's Edge weapon patterns, Adept weapons did not drop with a third perk
in the right trait column.
- Fixed an issue where Glaives had their melee damage
Graviton Lance
- Fixed an issue where Graviton Lance's RPM was
unintentionally nerfed.
Fortunate Star
- Fixed an issue where the Fortunate Star Bow was
showing incorrect stat values on the inspection screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Flamekeeper Event Challenge
would not count towards completing the Reveler Title.
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed an issue where the Cryoclasm Aspect would
deactivate on subsequent slides if the player sprinted after the first one.
- Fixed an issue where the non-glow version of the
Solstice 2024 Sublime armor was not available for Warlocks for Armor Synthesis.
If a player has not unlocked the glows, they will not be
able to see the unkindled ornaments.
- Corrected an issue where the non-glow versions of the
Solstice 2024 Sublime armor were missing names in the Armor Synthesis screen
once the glows were unlocked.
- Fixed an issue with the Korean localization for a
number of bounties.
- Fixed an issue where some Solar and Strand ability
objectives used incorrect terms for subclass verbs in Pathfinder.
- Fixed an issue where the catchup node wasn't available
for players that had completed six different Grandmaster Nightfalls.
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue where players could retain Special ammo
between rounds.
Exotic Missions
- Fixed an issue where progression could be blocked in
the final boss encounter if the player had to repeat either the left or the
right capture ring.
- Fixed an issue where depositing a Connection Module
too early during a certain section of the mission could trigger a team wipe.
- Set the text and waypoint of a certain step of the
final boss encounter sequence to always appear on-screen to help clarify the
need to repeat the sequence from the beginning after a DPS window ends.
- Fixed an issue where Eriana's Vow was not correctly
dealing 67% increased damage to Barrier Champions.
In addition, removed a -40% scalar the weapon had for
dealing damage against Barrier Champion shields.
Threaded Specter
- Increased cooldown duration of Marksman Dodge and
Gambler's Dodge when Threaded Specter is equipped.
- Removed dodge cooldown penalty after creating clone.
- If the clone is destroyed by attacks, it no longer
spawns Threadlings.
- Increased the amount of time the clone will distract
nearby combatants before exploding.
Snare Bomb
- Reduced the time the Smoke Bomb projectile lingers in
the world from 10s to 3.5s.
- Reduced the player movement speed penalty imparted by
the smoke by 25%.
- Fixed an issue where some players had the Twilight
Arsenal Super unlocked for Prismatic, but not their Void subclass.
Swarm Grenade
- Increased Swarm Grenade base cooldown duration by 15%.
- Moved Swarm Grenade to a slower recharge tier for
non-passive grenade-energy gains.
Fireteam Finder
- Fixed an issue where Encore would not appear as an
option in Fireteam Finder.
Due to Fireteam Finder display criteria, players should
only expect to see entries (Standard and Expert) for the version of the mission
they can currently launch from the HELM.
- Reprised the map Solitude for our Control, Quickplay,
and Competitive playlists (will return to Trials at a future date).
- Added several new UI features.
Class icons on enemy health bars.
"Assisted by..." message on the death screen.
Added Tools of Destruction to the teammate tombstone
- Fixed an issue where matches would not end in mercy
due to time elapsed, despite the delta in team score.
- Adjusted join-in-progress rules so that matches have a
better chance of back-filling.
- Fixed an issue with our second version of the snake
draft lobby balancer where fireteam members would sometimes be placed on
separate teams; re-enabled the snake draft lobby balancer.
- Fixed an issue where the weapons portion of Not Swap
was sometimes active in playlists other than Trials and Competitive.
- Fixed an issue where kills could sometimes drop an
additional ammo brick for teammates.
- Improved the placement match logic in Competitive to
provide a smoother experience while finding your expected rank.
- Improved the way points are awarded after Competitive
matches to make the values line up more appropriately with expectations.
- Fixed an issue where the placement series challenge
could erroneously appear after completing the Competitive intro quest "Dividing
the Ladder."
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable
to claim their Trials rank rewards.
- Post-game standard (non-Adept) weapon drops will now
focus on the weekly weapon, instead of exclusively being the weekly weapons.
- Nightfall activities on Expert difficulty or higher
now feature combatants with Banes.
Dungeons and Raids
- Fixed an issue where some dungeons had a
shorter-than-intended amount of time in the activity after completion.
Shattered Throne
- Fixed an issue where the second secret chest would
occasionally not reward players.
Salvation’s Edge
- Fixed an issue where the Ignited Light Triumph was not
tracking encounter challenges.
Vow of the Disciple
- Fixed an issue where Rhulk could catapult himself off
the encounter space.
Fight him, you cowards.
- When a raid or dungeon is featured, an icon will
appear in the destination's icon tray and the name of the raid or dungeon will
appear in the destination's tooltip.
- Rituals Pathfinder have been divided into distinct
Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit Pathfinders.
- When you are in a Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit
activity or PGCR, opening the Director will take you directly to the appropriate
ritual screen in the Director to select your next activity or access their
Pathfinder system.
This enables quickly opening the relevant rituals screen
to easily access reputation, streaks, Pathfinder, and re-launch related
- The activity launch overlay has been adjusted to
divide skulls (activity modifiers) into four categories to better inform player
Heads Up Display (HUD)
- Waypoints for dead allies now include an indicator of
the faction, ability, or weapon that downed them to improve situational
Fireteam Finder
- Fireteam Finder entry point is now grayed out in
launch overlay when current activity is unsupported.
- Fireteam Finder auto-selects your current activity
when entering through launch overlay.
- Fireteam Finder auto-returns players back to start
when Fireteam Privacy is set to closed.
Reminds players they need to use a Fireteam when using
Fireteam Finder.
Text Chat
- Text chat profanity setting received an update to
better reflect changes with our moderation service.
- Fixed text chat bug that was causing commands in
certain languages to say that the command was unknown.
Voice Chat
- Now correctly plays audio cue when swapping voice
- Fixed nameplate bug that would cause names with
certain emojis to flicker.
Objective Tracking
- No longer reset tracked records at the start of each
- Fixed an issue where the tracking icon would stick
around after objective was completed.
Gameplay and Investment
Exotic Armor
Lucky Pants
- No longer requires the Hand Cannon to be matched to
the Super damage type or Kinetic to receive the damage buff.
- Out of Luck cooldown will only trigger if you reach
seven stacks before swapping off the weapon or time expires.
- Maximum damage has been decreased from 600% to 450%.
- Now provides movement bonuses including increased
slide distance and sprint speed when a Hand Cannon is equipped.
- Airborne Effectiveness bonus is active whenever a Hand
Cannon is equipped, not just when the Illegally Modded Holster buff is active.
Raiju's Harness
- Fully reworked behavior of its Exotic trait, Mobius
Conduit, inspired by its lore tab.
Activating Gathering Storm calls down lightning on all
nearby targets, jolting them while also amplifying allies.
Defeating Arc debuffed targets grants a small amount of
Gathering Storm energy.
Blight Ranger
- the ability to cancel your Arc Staff Super while
equipped, damaging and blinding nearby enemies and granting a Tier 4 Arc weapon
damage boost.
Damage dealt by this effect scales based on the number
of projectiles reflected prior to cancelling.
- No longer creates Orbs of Power when reflecting
projectiles with Arc Staff.
Reflecting projectiles now instead directly refunds
Super energy, extending the duration of your Super.
Young Ahamkara's Spine
- Once again provides Tripmine Grenade energy for
ability damage (changed from ability final blows).
Provides +33% grenade energy in PvE and +8% in PvP.
Celestial Nighthawk
Reduced Super damage against bosses by 5%.
Solipsism: Spirit of Synthoceps
- Reduced the melee damage bonus provided when both
Bionic Enhancements and Stylish Executioner are active by 50%.
Icefall Mantle
- You now gain a stack of Frost Armor for rapid Stasis
final blows.
- Each time you gain a stack of Frost Armor you will
heal for a small amount.
- The unique class ability granted by Icefall Mantle now
provides maximum stacks of Frost Armor, instead of its custom overshield.
It will provide additional stacks of Frost Armor if you
have Whisper of Rime equipped.
You will also immediately heal for each stack that gets
It no longer prevents sprinting or jump abilities, and
it now works when Thruster is equipped.
Class ability energy now begins to recharge immediately
after using Icefall Mantle's class ability.
- No longer provides bonus Stasis weapon damage.
- Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped to benefit
from its Exotic effects.
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
- Removed the Stasis weapon requirement. Now any final
blows or rapid precision hits while behind a rally barricade (and with a Stasis
Super equipped) will create a Diamond Lance near you.
- Directly hitting any powerful combatant with a Diamond
Lance will now create three Stasis crystals (previously only bosses and vehicles
would create additional crystals).
Ursa Furiosa & Spirit of the Bear
- Increased maximum Super energy gain for Unbreakable in
PvE from 15% to 20%.
- Fixed an issue where you were gaining more Super
energy from Unbreakable in PvP than intended. Now provides a maximum of 10% per
Unbreakable use.
Cuirass of the Falling Star
- Melee final blows while amplified now grant Super
- Reduced the damage bonus from Cuirass to Thundercrash
from 2x to 1.55x.
When combined with the buff to Thundercrash base damage,
this results in the same damage as it did previously.
- Replaced the overshield after impact with damage
resistance (50% in PvE and 10% in PvP).
Pyrogale Gauntlets
- Increased damage of the super cyclone explosions by
- Dealing damage to combatants with an SMG increases SMG
damage for a short time. Maximum of 20 stacks (100% bonus damage), lasts for 1s,
each hit adds a stack and refreshes the timer.
Mask of the Quiet One
- With a Void Super equipped, rapid final blows and
final blows while at critical health will now grant Devour.
Hazardous Propulsion
- Fixed an issue where destroying certain objects, such
as Stasis crystals, was being counted as a final blow for loading Exodus
- Final blows caused by shattering crystals created via
the weapon perk Headstone will still have a chance to load rockets.
Spirit of the Star Eater
- Reduced the benefit granted Twilight Arsenal from 70%
to 25%.
- Reduced the benefit granted to Thundercrash from 70%
to 50%.
Spirit of the Horn
- Activating Thruster now leaves a ball of Solar energy
behind, exploding and applying scorch to enemies caught in the blast.
Spirit of Alpha Lupi
- Activating Thruster now heals you and nearby allies.
Spirit of Hoarfrost
- Activating Thruster now creates a pair of Stasis
Skull of Dire Ahamkara
- Added "Weapon final blows while Devour is active grant
Super energy," with more energy provided for defeating powerful combatants.
Ballidorse Wrathweavers
- Adjusted the perk to increase the shatter damage of
targets frozen by Shadebinder Super projectiles.
This means even allies breaking enemies out can activate
the perk as well.
- Added "Granting Frost Armor to your allies with
Frostpulse or Winter’s Wrath grants you Super energy,” with more energy provided
for aiding multiple allies.
Sanguine Alchemy
- Now marks targets you damage while standing in a Rift.
You deal 10% extra damage from any source against marked targets.
- Now provides Surge x4 to weapons that match your Super
Verity's Brow & Spirit of Verity
- Increased PvE grenade damage for the first stack of
Death Throes from 20% to 40%.
Each additional stack now provides +15% grenade damage,
up to a max of +100% at five stacks.
PvP bonus damage is unchanged.
Cenotaph Mask
- The changes to the target marking have been reverted
so that the applying player can once again see the marker.
Osmiomancy Gloves
- Reduced the increased seeker distance and speed by
Speaker's Sight
- Orb of Power generation has been reenabled in PvP,
where it now requires six instances of healing against a damaged ally to create
an Orb.
PvE behavior is unchanged.
Promethium Spur
- Fixed an issue where Promethium Spur would grant class
ability energy without a Solar Super equipped.
Spirit of the Star Eater
- Reduced the benefit granted to Nova Bomb from 70% to
Armor Mods
- The Emergency Reinforcements armor mod has been
updated to no longer overwrite other sources of damage resistance.
- Changed the order of Momentum Transfer and Impact
Induction to group with the other mods they better align with when looking at
Gauntlet mod inventory.
- Fixed an issue where Font of Agility would display its
perk description instead of its name in some tooltips.
- Fixed an issue with all seven Siphon mods that caused
them to generate extra Orbs of Power when swapping helmets.
- Fixed an issue with the Harmonic Reserves armor mod
where it would not reliably function while a Prismatic subclass was equipped.
Weapon Archetypes
- Auto Rifle, Scout Rifle, Pulse Rifle, Submachine Gun,
Sidearm, Hand Cannon
Rebalanced how PvE damage is dealt to slightly
prioritize critical hits.
Increased critical hit damage by between 5% and 7%
depending on subfamily.
Decreased body shot damage by between 5% and 7%
depending on subfamily.
Pulse Rifle
- Heavy Burst (includes Graviton Lance and Revision
Zero's Heavy Burst)
Increased RPM from 300 to 324.
Decreased damage in PvE by 18% for Legendary weapons in
this subfamily.
Graviton Lance and Revision Zero Heavy Burst mode
reduced by 8%.
Sniper Rifle
- Reduced flinch received from enemy AI by 50%.
- Reduced camera roll received from players by 10%.
- Increased damage against:
Minors - 60%
Majors - 75%
Minibosses - 35%
Champions - 25%
- Corrected an issue where perks that change magazine
size could sometimes display incorrect preview values.
- Increased minimum damage after falloff from 0% to 40%
vs AI only.
Rocket-Assisted Sidearm
- Reduced reserve ammo by 25%.
Trace Rifles
- Increased base PvP ammo from 25 to 29.
Machine Gun
- High Impact: Increased critical hit damage by 4%.
Heavy Ammo Grenade Launcher
- Decreased damage from the detonation by 5% against
- In PvE, total damage is the same, just split
differently between detonation and impact.
- In PvP, Heavy GLs now deal approximately 7% and 26%
more impact damage, depending on the Blast Radius stat.
Rapid Fire
- Increased impact and detonation damage by 7%.
PvP Weapon Tuning
- Rapid-Fire: Critical Hit Damage: 39.9 to 40
- Adaptive: Critical Hit Damage: 57.45 to 57.6
- Precision: Critical Hit Damage: 63.85 to 64
- Adaptive Burst: Critical Hit Damage: 36.5 to 37
- Heavy Burst: Critical Hit Damage: 47.9 to 48
- Lightweight: Critical Hit Damage: 49.5 to 49.6
Submachine Gun
- Lightweight -> Base Damage: 10.5 to 10.6
- Adaptive -> Base Damage: 10.9 to 11.5
- Aggressive -> Critical Hit Damage - 23.6 to 23.8
- Precision -> Base Damage: 16.5 to 16.7, Critical Hit
Damage 26.8 to 26.7
Auto Rifle
- Rapid-Fire -> Base Damage: 13.4 to 13.5, Critical Hit
Damage: 22.9 to 22.95
- Adaptive -> Critical Hit Damage: 26.5 to 26.25
- Precision -> Base Damage: 19 to 19.4, Critical Hit
Damage: 33.6 to 33.95
- High-Impact -> Base Damage: 22 to 23, Critical Hit
Damage: 40.1 to 41.4
Hand Cannon
- Precision -> Base Damage: 40.4 to 45.3, Critical Hit
Damage: 70.25 to 70.22
- Adaptive -> Base Damage: 44.7 to 44.5, Critical Hit
Damage: 80.3 to 80.1
- Heavy Burst -> Base Damage: 23.8 to 24, Critical Hit
Damage: 49.6 to 52.8
- Aggressive -> Base Damage: 47.5 to 47.6, Critical Hit
Damage: 88.1 to 88.05
Pulse Rifle
- Rapid-Fire -> Critical Hit Damage: 27.25 to 27.55
- Lightweight -> Critical Hit Damage: 31 to 31.45
- Adaptive -> Base Damage: 20 to 22, Critical Hit
Damage: 36.5 to 36.3
- Heavy Burst -> Critical Hit Damage: 41.95 to 42.55
- High-Impact -> Critical Hit Damage: 40.1 to 39.6
- Aggressive -> Critical Hit Damage: 30 to 30.2
Scout Rifle
- Rapid-Fire -> Critical Hit Damage: 54.25 to 54.6
- Lightweight -> Critical Hit Damage: 63.85 to 64
- Precision -> Base Damage: 38 to 38.5
- Aggressive -> Critical Hit Damage: 91.1 to 91.8
- High-Impact -> Critical Hit Damage: 83.8 to 84
- Lightweight -> Base Damage: 77.1 to 77, Critical Hit
Damage: 123.3 to 123.2
Exotic Weapons
Choir of One
- Reduced base reserves from 250 to 200.
- Reduced max reserves from 384 to 300.
- Reduced impact damage of the Point-Blank projectile by
- Increased hip fire projectile damage against players
by 10%.
- Now starts with seven ammo in Crucible and gains seven
from crates and ammo bricks
- Folded the original catalyst behavior into the base
perk (kills now fully refill the magazine) and replaced the catalyst perk with
Kinetic Tremors.
- When Ravenous Beast is active, gain damage resistance
against incoming Solar damage.
- Now gains a stack of Dynamic Charge on kills in
addition to precision hits.
- On Black Wings stacks for max effect reduced from 5 to
3. Extended duration of buff from 7s to 10s.
- Updated hip-fire projectiles to behave like Support
Auto Rifle healing shots.
Bad Juju
- Increased lifetime of String of Curses from 3.5s base
to 5.5s base.
Ex Diris
- Increased direct hit damage vs ai by 33%.
- Reduced camera recoil from firing by ~50%.
- +5 reserve ammo.
- Now spawns a moth on 2 direct hits.
- Reduced moth cooldown from 4s to 3s, shared with on
kill trigger.
- Increased projectile velocity.
- Reduced projectile gravity.
Fighting Lion
- Spawns a volatile burst on direct hits.
- Now spawns three cluster bombs on detonation.
- Removed sticky grenades, flame grenades, and remote
det function.
- Mag size reduced to six.
- +50 Reload speed instead of +70 inventory on MW.
- Added the ability to trigger Roadborn on two rapid
precision hits.
- Precision hits with Roadborn up also extend it by
- +20 stability, 0,75 reload mult with Roadborn active.
- +20 inventory base.
Ruinous Effigy
- Changed the "Transmutation Sphere" obituary string to
"Ruinous Effigy."
Weapon perks
- Fixed an issue where the Sever debuff was not properly
reducing outgoing damage from players.
- Can now be refreshed if you slide again following the
completion of the initial slide.
Alloy Mag
- Now increases reload speed when the magazine is near
Auto Loading Holster
- Increased time to reload by one second for both base
and enhanced.
- Increased time to start reloading by two seconds for
both base and enhanced.
Sticky Grenades
- On Heavy Ammo GLs, this perk now shifts the damage to
more focused on the splash, so they can be more effective traps without losing
out on the impact damage.
Stunning Recovery
- Now fully refills this weapon from reserves.
Master of Arms
- Can now stack up to x2.
x1 grants 15% damage for 7s
x2 grants 25% damage for 4s
Drops back to x1 when the timer expires.
Dawning Surprise Origin Trait
- Removed the time limit between kills, now requires
kills in a life instead of in rapid succession.
Air Trigger
- Fixed an issue where the enhanced version was not
granting additional reserves.
Iron Reach, Iron Gaze, and Iron Grip
- Reduced the downside stat penalties.
Base: From -30 to -20
Enhanced: From -25 to -15
Enhanced Eddy Current
- Fixed an issue where Amplified would not immediately
boost the perk to its highest state.
Weapon Mods
Added several new weapon mods
- Can be equipped on any enhanced or crafted weapon.
- Combo stat mod: bundles two stats (+6 / +6).
Ballistics: range/stability
Finesse: reload/handling
Aerodynamics: blast radius/projectile speed
Tension: draw time/accuracy
Edge: charge rate/guard resistance
- Anti-flinch: 15% flinch reduction
- Ammo Finder enhancement:
Special Finder Enhancement: faster progress on Special
Ammo Finder.
Heavy Finder Enhancement: faster progress on Heavy Ammo
CQC Optics: Hand Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Auto Rifle,
Submachinegun, Sidearm, Fusion Rifle, Breech Grenade Launcher, Drum Grenade
CQC Optics: High: +1 zoom
CQC Optics: Low: -1 zoom
Synergy: spawns a subclass bauble matching this weapon's
damage type every 12 kills - Kinetic weapons spawn an orb of power instead.
Stunloader: partially refills this weapon's magazine on
stunning a Champion.
Weapon crafting
The Garden of Salvation weapons are now craftable.
Each week, players can acquire a pursuit from Hawthorne
in the Tower asking them to complete all encounters of the Garden of Salvation
Completion will award guaranteed pattern progress until
all patterns are acquired and unlock a vendor exchange on Hawthorne for one
additional selectable Deepsight weapon.
- Updated the Season of Opulence reprised Swords and
Shotgun to allow for equipping mementos.
- Updated the Season of Undying reprised weapons to
allow for the equipping of mementos.
- Fixed an issue where weapon leveling boosting The
Engima Glaive during the crafting introduction quest line did not properly
complete the quest step.
- Fixed an issue where enhanced raid Adept weapons from
Vow of the Disciple displayed the crafting overlay on their icon instead of the
enhancement icon.
Weapon ornaments
- Fixed an issue causing some weapon ornaments to not
look as intended.
Coldheart: Theoretical Endothermics
- Fixed corrupted textures and pieces of the base weapon
showing through the ornament.
Salvation's Grip: Unyielding Grasp
- Decals only intended for the base weapon no longer
appear on the ornament.
Arbalest: Violent Exorcism
- Decals only intended for the base weapon no longer
appear on the ornament.
MIDA Mini-Tool: Defenseless, to Be Armed
- Fixed corrupted textures when applied to the base MIDA
Mini-Tool. No change when applied to CALUS Mini-Tool.
Drang: Alone, to Be Joined
- Fixed corrupted textures when applied to the base
Drang. No change when applied to Drang (Baroque).
Rapacious Appetite: The Bunker
- Fixed pieces of the base weapon showing through the
Weapon fixes
- Fixed an issue where some weapons acquired with
curated rolls pre-The Final Shape could not properly enhance their perks.
- Reduced the frequency of previewed magazine size being
different than the real magazine size when a perk or Backup Mod is actually
- Fixed an issue where Adept swords didn't receive +3
bonus stats to other stats when fully Masterworked.
- Fixed an issue where Ergo Sum didn't display in
- Added a missing range stat to the Aberrant Action
sidearm and adjusted some existing stats to distinguish it from Indebted
Kindness which had the exact same stats.
Range: 0→27
Airborne Effectiveness: 11→13
Reload: 28→36
Blast Radius: 35→32
Velocity: 56→53
We opted to buff the Reload and AE stats to better
synergize with Heal Clip and airborne gameplay with solar builds.
Blast Radius and Velocity were reduced to account for
the origin trait and Incandescent already contributing to the area-of-effect
capabilities of the weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the Sacred Flame trait's
explosion on Ergo Sum counted as damage from a Primary ammo weapon for the
purposes of other systems, like Super or Transcendent energy gain or bounties.
- Fixed an issue where Caster Sword heavy attacks would
not trigger perks like Whirlwind Blade and Cold Steel.
- Fixed an issue causing Two-Tailed Fox to not apply
correct scorch values with the Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes fragments.
- Fixed an issue where using a Sword heavy attack would
trigger a recharge delay on all equipped Swords - this now just applies to the
Sword that performed the attack.
- Fixed an issue where the Loose Change weapon perk
would not trigger when applying Weaken.
- Fixed an issue where Sniper Rifles, Glaives, Trace
Rifles and Leviathan's Breath did not get ammo reserves bonuses in our recent
- Fixed an issue where Wolfpack Rounds granted by Ergo
Sum would not be created if given to user's wielding Aggressive Frame Swords.
- Fixed an issue where Collective Action could not be
triggered by Stasis shards created by the Whisper of Chains Stasis fragment.
Void Overshield
- Increased Void Overshield PvE damage resistance from
50% to 70%.
This increases maximum effective HP from 90 to 150.
Facet of Command/Echo of Domineering
- Cooldown reduced from 11 seconds to 4 seconds.
Swarm Grenade
- Swarm Grenade submunitions are now easier for players
to shoot down.
- Swarm Grenade submunitions can now chain detonate
other submunitions when destroyed.
Towering Barricade, Rally Barricade
- When a player is standing behind a barricade, the
barricade now taunts combatants in front of the barricade.
- Combatants in front of the barricade now shoot at the
barricade instead of at the player behind the barricade.
- Reduced non-boss combatant damage vs. barricades by
- Increased combatant splash-damage reduction when
standing behind the barricade from 20% to 60%.
- Now grants moderate damage resistance vs. combatants
during cast.
Unarmed Melee
- Increased damage to players by 5%.
- Increased damage against PvE combatants by 20%.
- Increased stun multiplier.
Howl of the Storm
- Howl of the Storm can now be used during the Glacial
Quake Super.
Shiver Strike
- Now attaches a Stasis explosive to the target on
This detonation slows players and freezes combatants.
- Now refunds 80% melee energy on whiff.
- Increased energy recharge rate by 12.5%.
- Immediately after landing a Shiver Strike attack, the
attacker’s melee ability is now suppressed for 0.5s.
Diamond Lance
- Thrown or slammed Diamond Lances will now shatter
Stasis crystals.
- Slamming a Diamond Lance will grant you and nearby
allies two stacks of Frost Armor.
- Changed the weapon tray HUD to display how many
seconds are remaining before the Diamond Lance disappears, like a Tangle.
- Now taunts enemies in front of the shield.
- Damage blocked by Unbreakable now generates grenade
- Increased max duration the shield can be held.
- Forward movement speed now slows down briefly when the
shield is shot.
- Reduced Unbreakable’s throw attack damage vs. players
by 20%.
- Increased damage bleed through from players by 15%.
- Fully charged Unbreakable attacks will now one-shot
Barricades in PvP except when the Barricade is under the effects of Heart of
Inmost Light.
Banner Shield
- Now taunts enemies in front of the shield.
Twilight Arsenal
- Thrown axe projectiles now more consistently track
towards targets closer to the reticle.
- Increased Twilight Arsenal’s axe relic weapon damage
vs combatants by 23%.
- Increased base detonation damage by 33%.
Fist of Havok
- Increased damage resistance from 51% to 58%.
- Changed how the light attack works under the hood to
improve consistency in hitting targets.
- Slightly increased light attack lunge range and
ability to target enemies vertically.
- Fully charged Thunderclap attacks will now one-shot
barricades in PvP except when the barricade is under the effects of Heart of
Inmost Light.
- Melee kills now cancel health and shield stun, in
addition to healing, allowing you to immediately start regenerating.
- Scorch and slam waves now shatter Stasis crystals.
Hailfire Spike Prismatic Grenade
- Added projectile tracking and aim assist to increase
consistency in hitting targets.
Combination Blow
- Rescaled healing from a flat 80 HP per kill to
100/80/60/40 per kill based on stack count.
- No longer clears health and shield stun on kill.
- Removed the 1.5 second internal cooldown on healing.
Disorienting Blow
- Reduced cooldown from 90 seconds at T3/45 seconds at
T10 to 80 seconds at T3 and 41 at T10.
Disorienting Blow now has the same cooldown and energy
gains as Combination Blow.
- Threaded Specter: Increased detonation damage vs.
combatants by 33%.
Golden Gun – Marksman and Deadshot
- Increased damage against base, elite, and miniboss
combatants by 30%.
Spectral Blades
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
- Increased damage resistance from 47% to 58%.
- Increased damage resistance from 53% to 58%.
Chaos Reach
- Increased damage resistance from 45% to 55%.
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Reach would not Jolt
at high framerates.
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Reach would not go through
Sentinel Shield’s guard or a Citan’s Barricade.
Lightning Surge
- The Warlock casting Lightning Surge now has 50% damage
resistance vs. Titan Barricades during the lunge.
- Casting Lightning Surge now also makes you Amplified.
Nova Warp
- Increased PvE damage by 20%.
- Increased damage resistance from 51% to 58%.
- Now any Nova Warp detonation applies Volatile,
regardless of charge duration.
- Separated Rituals pathfinder into three separate
Each pathfinder includes objectives that can be
completed in any of the three ritual activities.
- Added a "freebie" objective in the first column for
the first card of the week (one for each Pathfinder).
- Objectives rebalanced to reduce overall path
completion times.
- Reward story is shared across Pathfinders (i.e.
completing 3x of one Pathfinder is the same as completing 1x of each of the
three Pathfinders).
Increased the Power Bands
- Power Floor: 1900
- Soft Cap: 1950 (increased from 1940)
- Powerful Cap: 2000 (increased from 1990)
- Hard Cap/Pinnacle Cap: 2010 (increased from 2000)
- In higher difficulty activities such as Expert
Nightfalls, combatants will randomly spawn with a random Bane applied.
Banes add an additional gameplay element to the
combatant without interfering with their base combat behavior.
Several voice talents have been temporarily recast.
- Polish Crow
- German Eramis
- Mexican Spanish Eramis
- Italian Eido
- Italian Eramis
Several voice talents have been permanently recast.
- Polish Variks
- Mexican Spanish Spider
- Mexican Spanish Variks
- Fixed an issue keeping some players from acquiring the
Encryption Key necessary to obtain the legendary Khvostov in the Pale Heart.
Affected players will need to make space in their
consumables inventory; the next time they reach orbit they should have the
Encryption Key.
- Fixed an issue causing Motes of Light to get stuck in
some players' postmaster or inventory after obtaining the exotic Khvostov.
Affected players should now be able to discard Motes of
Light once they've obtained the Exotic.
- Fixed an issue where some conditional dialog from
Failsafe on Nessus wouldn't trigger as expected.
- Bundles that feature ornaments to your currently
previewed Weapon or Armor will now also appear as options for purchase in the
Appearance Modification screen
- Speicherverbrauch von 160,2 GB auf 169,9 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 133,6 GB auf 141,8 GB erhöht
- Nightfall activities on Expert difficulty or higher
now feature combatants with Banes.
- Fixed an issue where Eventide Ruins on Expert mode did
not grant the correct starting enemy Power level or increase Power level when
completing waves.
- Neues Event "Festival of the Lost" ist gestartet und
ist vom 29.10.2024 bis zum ??.11.2024 verfügbar
Spectral and Manifested pages
- Spectral pages have been cut to simplify the loop and
give players more ways to restore the Forgotten Book during the event.
- Manifested pages drop from the broad game while
Guardian is wearing a FOTL mask, or from Haunted Sectors.
- Extra pages can be earned from Haunted Sectors by
defeating up to ten Headless Ones in a single run.
Mask Rolls
- Introductory quest masks and Expert Haunted Sector
masks drop with spikey high stats and Masterwork level 7 (previously was level
3) to make them more exciting for their limited duration.
- Base Haunted Sector masks will now drop with high
stats (previous was regular stats).
- Masks purchased from Eva are unchanged (a static high
stat roll).
- Brought back an updated version of the Twilight
Memento Triumph with new hidden objectives to earn the Memento.
- Festival of the Lost Memento storage limit increased
from one to three.
- Any focusing option that costs an Eerie Engram now has
a chance to drop the Memento (previously was only the basic engram focusing
- New Exotic Class Items focusing options added.
Forgotten Book
- Reduced Manifested Page cost for all old volumes to
one Manifested Page per chapter.
Expert difficulty
- Removing matchmaking and added Haunted Sectors to
Fireteam Finder.
- Removed the quest to complete each of the Expert
Haunted sectors. Sweetened the Horrific Haunts event challenge with an
additional 500 candy as a reward.
- Fixed an issue where Warlock masks from vendor dropped
with random stats.
Episode Revenant
- Fixed an issue where onscreen tutorials for Fieldworks
could not be closed.
- Fixed an issue where in some instances Major
Fieldworks voiceover was playing out of order.
- Fixed an issue where Eramis’ voiceover was louder than
- Fixed an issue where the H.E.L.M. landing zone spawned
players into The Last City hub instead.
Onslaught: Salvation
- Fixed an issue where the Class Warfare and Shot Caller
modifiers would not activate during Expert Onslaught.
Raid and Dungeons
Vesper's Host
- Fixed an issue where players that dismantled the Rogue
Network quest couldn't reacquire it.
Salvation's Edge
- Implemented a potential fix to an issue where the
Memento wasn't dropping for players other than the fireteam leader.
We'll update this patch note to confirm if the fix was
Exotic Mission Rotator
- Fixed an issue where players could potentially respawn
in the Ancillary Transit Nexus during the final boss encounter and be unable to
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed instances of the curated Deadlock that dropped
with incorrect perks.
- Hammer forged will be replaced with Rifled Barrel,
High Caliber Rounds will be replaced with Light Mag, Killing Wind will be
replaced with Lone Wolf, and Desperate Measures will be replaced with Closing
In cases where perks are enhanced, the perk will be
swapped to the enhanced perk.
- Fixed an issue where the Vantage Point Pulse Rifle
could equip Rocket Launcher mods instead of Pulse Rifle mods.
In some instances, if a rocket exclusive mod was
equipped, this mod will be removed and players can add a Pulse Rifle mod of
their choosing.
- Fixed an issue where the Vantage Point Pulse Rifle
could receive Voltshot instead of the new Jolting Feedback perk.
Instances of Voltshot will be replaced with Jolting
Feedback and enhanced versions with the enhanced instance.
- Fixed an issue where Desperate Measures had its damage
bonus reduced.
- Fixed an issue where Artifact power was not being
granted by the Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel unless you had acquired the
Hunter's Journal.
- Increased the score limits for triggering mercy rules.
Previously, the mercy rule would trigger only during a
small window in the match, so the score limit to trigger it was intentionally
set low.
We have increased the window within which the mercy rule
can trigger and increased the score limit accordingly to prevent games which
still have a chance to be competitive from ending early in a mercy.
Control, Iron Banner Control, Iron Banner Eruption,
Supremacy - 60 to 70.
Zone Control, Iron Banner Zone Control - 50 to 60.
Clash - 40 to 50.
- Fixed an issue where Competitive post-game point
allocations were causing certain players to lose more than intended and gain
less than intended.
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue where the Shaded Envy shader was not
able to be equipped or viewed in Collections.
Raids & Dungeons
Vesper’s Host
- Fixed an issue where players could use terrain to skip
straight to the first encounter.
Garden of Salvation
- Fixed an issue where secret chests only dropped armor.
They can now also drop weapons.
Episode Echoes
Exotic Mission: Encore
- Fixed an issue where attempting a particular Secret
Triumph could cause errors in the second half of the mission if reached without
Breach Executable
- Fixed an issue where launching into the Expert version
of the activity would cause errors.
Episode Revenant
- Fixed an issue where the Week 1 Seasonal Challenge
“Onslaught Banes” did not correctly specify Expert Onslaught in the description.
- Fixed an issue where Eido's featured tonic requests
could include unobtainable tonics.
- Fixed an issue where players who unlocked the 10%
tonic buff had it only apply to the character that claimed the Act 1 Key
Fieldwork item.
- Fixed an issue where Mask of Fealty would not
consistently create crystals when defeating frozen targets with Withering Blade.
The spread of Withering Blades released now has slightly
increased gravity to tighten the spread to account for this fix.
- Fixed an issue where some random perk combinations
were harder to earn per legendary weapon perk set.
- Fixed an issue where Foundry Weapons are dropping with
more perks within certain columns outside of Master Lost Sectors.
- Added 50 Seasonal Pass levels and their rewards.
- Added new Artifact perks.
- Added new Tonics.
- Added new Fieldwork missions.
- New activities: Tomb of Elders and Gauntlet of Elders
- New Weapons available
Noxious Vetiver - Arc - Precision Submachine Gun
Scavenger's Fate - Void - Precision Shotgun
Gridskipper - Void - Rapid-Fire Pulse Rifle
- Fixed an issue where certain projectiles could collide
and detonate with Ether Siphon orbs.
- Fixed an issue where Ether Siphon would remove
magazine overflow
Onslaught: Salvation
- Fixed an issue where ability spamming while Ether
Overload is active could crash the activity.
- Fixed an issue where in Widow's Court a turret could
spawn inside the ADU and damage it indefinitely.
- Fixed an issue where immune enemies with a bane could
not be defeated.
- Fixed an issue where picking a Cannon Relic could
trigger an activity error code.
- Fixed an issue where Rocket Assisted Sidearms could
not break Scorn cages.
- Reduced the number of Cabal shooting blinding rockets
on the boss arena.
- Fixed an issue where the Storm's Edge Hunter Super
would not properly teleport the user inside of the boss arena.
- Fixed an issue where players could not commend each
other when completing 50 waves.
- Fixed an issue where Enigma Protocol had a higher than
intended activity target Power.
It's returned to its original value of 2005.
- Fixed an issue where some players could not access the
main questline.
The Final Shape
- Fixed a rare issue where players could not grab the
Hunter's Journal.
- Fixed an issue where the Heavy ammo crate on Dead
Cliffs was spawning at inconsistent locations in a variety of modes.
- Reduced the size and visibility distance of Special
ammo brick icons in Crucible.
Private Matches
- Fixed an issue where enabling infinite Special ammo
would grant players an Overshield.
Iron Banner
- New Armor set: Iron Intent
- New Weapon: Tinasha's Mastery
Element: Stasis
Archetype: Rocket Assisted Sidearm
- Reprised Weapon: Archon's Thunder
Element: Stasis
Archetype: High-Impact Frame
- Fixed an issue where sometimes players could not
regenerate health.
- Fixed an issue where Champions would appear on the
regular version of Heist Battlegrounds: Europa.
Grandmaster Nightfalls
- Catch up node with all Seasonal Nightfalls is now
Vesper's Host
- Fixed an issue where the first secret chest would only
reward the player opening it for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where players could not open the second
secret chest, preventing them from completing step 7 of the Rogue Network quest.
- Fixed an issue where players could not respawn after
joining the fireteam.
- Fixed an issue where players could duplicate nuclear
- Fixed an issue where Grand Overture could gain rocket
stacks by shooting immune panels.
Second encounter
- Fixed an issue where the boss wouldn't reform,
allowing for an unlimited damage phase.
Third encounter
- Fixed an issue preventing the encounter from starting.
- Added some extra cover to the ‘red room.’
- Fixed an issue where the combatant carrying augments
could not appear.
- Fixed an issue where rally barricade could nullify the
radiation debuff.
Garden of Salvation
- Fixed an issue preventing completion of the Voltaic
Tether Triumph by allow players to trigger the encounter by shooting the boss
instead of the Minotaur.
Exotic Missions
- Fixed an issue where the Standard difficulty for Zero
Hour and The Whisper was higher than intended.
Timeline Reflections
- Fixed an issue where ‘Cayde's Fate’ could not be
Armor - Exotic Armor
Raiden Flux
- Increased bonus Super damage perk stack from 14% to
This maxes out at about a 70% damage increase (up from
Knucklehead Radar
- Changed the activation requirements of its perk; now
requires the wearer to damage a player to mark them as target.
Target is marked for 3s.
Point Contact Canon Brace
- Amplified lightning bolts now do 100% increased damage
over base, up from 50%.
- Lightning strike final blows now also refund melee
Reduced Thunderclap refund by 10% to compensate for
increased energy gains on average.
Ballidorse Wrathweavers
- Increased bonus shatter damage from 100% to 150%.
Increased shatter damage now shows as a yellow number to
aid with visibility of the perk.
- Fixed an issue where enemies were inconsistently
getting the boosted shatter damage at higher framerates.
Armor Ornaments
- Fixed some issues with the GR1P-EE5 ornament textures
and geometry.
Weapon Archetypes
- Precision: Increased body shot damage by 10%.
Hand Cannons
- Increased damage by 3% (this allows them to kill all
resilience levels in 2C1B).
- Igneous Hammer: Reduced Stability, Handling, and Aim
Assist stats by 3.
- Better Devils: Increased Stability, Handling, and Aim
Assist stats by 3.
- Heavy Burst: Fixed an issue where Headseeker was not
appropriately increasing critical hit damage after dealing body shot damage.
Machine Guns
Changed the scalar that determines how much ammo you can
pick up from a crate.
- Magazine sizes of 50 or less should get 21 rounds.
- Magazine sizes between 51 and 59 get between 21 and 26
- Magazine sizes between 60 and 80 get between 26 and 27
- Magazine sizes between 81and 99 get between 28 and 44
- Magazine sizes over 100 should get 45 rounds.
Breech Grenade Launchers
- Micro-Missile: Increased the velocity players can
generate with the rocket jumping blast.
Exotic Weapons
- Fixed an issue where Telesto was doing less damage
than intended in PvP.
- Increased Telesto detonation damage by 20% in PvE.
Eriana's Vow
- Fixed an issue where Eriana's Vow was dealing reduced
critical damage in PvP.
- Increased base Stability by 5.
- Increased base Stability by 5.
Grand Overture
- Fixed an issue that allowed missiles to be loaded by
shooting at immune targets.
- Fixed an issue where Tessellation lost all ammo and
could not be fired or reloaded if an Artifact mod, Armor mod, or subclass change
was made with 'Property: Irreducible' active.
- Players can now reload Tessellation while 'Property:
Irreducible' is active. Doing so removes 'Property: Irreducible,' similar to
Izanagi's Burden.
Weapon perks
High Ground
- Dealing damage to a player with a Primary weapon now
only grants a single stack of the damage buff.
- Dealing damage with a Special weapon, or against
combatants, continues to grant maximum stacks.
- Fixed a bug that allowed some archetypes to activate
the perk when damaging targets while airborne.
Explosive Payload
- Reduced splash damage against players only on
Legendary Hand Cannons by 7%.
Withering Gaze
- Fixed an issue where the weaken debuff could be
applied to allies.
Weapon fixes
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Embrace could be obtained
with Trench Barrel.
This perk was unintended and instances of it or Enhanced
Trench Barrel will be replaced with Swashbuckler or Enhanced Swashbuckler.
- Fixed an issue where the Ether Siphon Trait would
reset overflown magazines.
- Fixed an issue where the sound effect for some Hand
Cannons had been changed to the default Hand Cannon sound effect.
- Fixed an issue where Ignitions were incorrectly
scaling damage against all bosses instead of just Raneiks Unified, resulting in
lower-than-expected damage.
Prismatic Hunter, Warlock and Titan
- Increased ability cooldown in the Crucible by 15%.
Storm's Edge
- Reduced height of damage impulse from 5m to 3.75m.
- Reduced DR against players from 53% to 45%, both on
cast and during the spin attack.
- Moved from tier 3 to tier 1 Super cooldown.
Arc Staff, Golden Gun, Spectral Blades, Silkstrike
- Increased Super energy gains per damage event against
PvE combatants by roughly 3x.
- Increased damage against Champions by 30-55% depending
on Super.
Note: This change excludes the Celestial Nighthawk
Golden Gun variant
Combination Blow
- Reduced bonus damage against combatants by around 17%.
Stylish Executioner
- Fixed a bug where some projectile melee attacks
activated Stylish Executioner if the attack hit in the first frame of the
projectile melee's lifetime.
Stylish Executioner is only meant to work with physical
melee attacks.
- Fixed an issue where Warlocks could not blink during
Stormtrance, Daybreak, Nova Warp, Winder's Wrath
- Increased Super energy gains per damage event against
PvE combatants by roughly 3x.
- Increased damage against Champions by 30-55% depending
on Super.
Ward of Dawn
- Ward of Dawn now draws enemy fire when an ally is
standing inside it.
This behavior is similar to the Barricade taunt.
- On cast, Ward of Dawn now knocks enemies back.
Fist of Havok, Burning Maul, Hammer of Sol, Sentinel
Shield, Glacial Quake, Bladefury
- Increased Super energy gains per damage event against
PvE combatants by roughly 3x.
- Increased damage against Champions by 30-55% depending
on Super.
- Note: This change excludes the Pyrogale Gauntlets
Burning Maul variant.
Knockout and Roaring Flames
- Fixed an issue where Knockout and Roaring Flames were
not benefitting from the Titan Unpowered Melee buff from Update 8.1.0.
Kinetic Impacts
- Fixed an issue where the column 5 Artifact mod was not
working with all Grenade Launchers.
- Fixed an issue where the mod’s bonus impact damage was
not being scaled correctly.
- Fixed an issue where triggering the mod took more
damage instances than intended.
- Reduced the effectiveness of the Counterfeit modifier.
- Spawn rate of trick loot reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Reduced damage impulse size on all trick loot items by
Updated shockwave size to match the new damage radius.
- Reduced damage of all trick loot items.
- Increased animation before exploding from 2s to 3s.
- Fixed an issue where the Ancient Gospel offer in the
Garden of Salvation menu showed the wrong element.
- Fixed an issue where Episode Revenant Triumphs would
not progress the Active and Lifetime Triumphs Score.
- Fixed an issue where certain engrams would not advance
the 10th Anniversary Triumph "Disappointed."
- Fixed an issue where the Plaguebreaker Armor Sets
showed an incorrect name.
- Fixed an issue where the Jade Filament Armor Sets
showed an incorrect name.
Music and Sound
- Fixed an issue where some sound effects would cut out
or delay.
- Fixed an issue with the color of health bars for major
combatants (orange bars), making it difficult to distinguish them from minor
combatants (red bars).
For the color theory fans: #df6d1c.
Character Screen
- Fixed an issue where the left and right inputs could
not open the Loadouts and Mod Customization side panels.
Appearance Customization
- Fixed an issue where Ornament would not show their
hovering menu when inspecting them.
Mexican Spanish
- Fixed an issue where the Feed the Void Prismatic
Aspect incorrectly says it requires ‘Void ability’ instead of ‘any ability.’
- Fixed an issue where the current Season highlight
wasn't properly displaying on the Timeline.
- Removed an erroneous dialog that would appear when
opening the Mass Effect Accessories bundle on an account based in South Korea.
- Corrected the messages that appear with multiplayer
instances of the Venus Flytrapped emote.
- Revised Season Pass + Ranks bundle description to
highlight the Season Pass sources.
- Speicherverbrauch von 170,1 GB auf 170,6 GB erhöht
(nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 142,0 GB auf 142,5 GB erhöht
- Der Exotische Jäger-Brustschutz „Omnioculus“ klemmt am
Frumiosen Umhang.
- Bei den Triumphen „Nicht glauben“ und „Elementar, mein
Lieber“ wird kein Fortschritt aus allen Tiefenblick-Truhen gewährt.
- Kills, die im Brunnen des Glanzes eines Teamkollegen
erzielt werden, zählen nicht als Super-Kills für die
- Die Super-Serien-Strike-Medaille wird nicht mehr für
Kills verliehen, die während eines „Waffen des Lichts“-Buffs erzielt wurden.
- Kills, die von Teamkameraden an mit Totfalle
gebundenen Feinden erzielt werden, gelten nicht für die
- Bei Spielern auf Steam kann es vorkommen, dass „Die
Hexenkönigin“ fälschlicherweise zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt wird, wenn die
Infografik der Hüter-Spiele im Spiel verlassen und das Hüter-Spiele-Playbook
ausgewählt wird.
Wegen dieses Problems ist das Hüter-Spiele-Playbook
deaktiviert worden.
- Die Quest „Kompetitiver Katalysator“ droppt für
Spieler, die den Katalysator „Rechtmäßiger Erbe“ bereits in früheren
Hüter-Spielen erhalten haben. Diese Quest kann entfernt werden.