0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
DayZ Update Details (75)
Spielevorschau-Beta | Release
Release: 27.03.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Aus der Beta wurde eine Vollversion für 49,99€
- Alle Charakter werden gelöscht und alle fangen wieder von vorne an
- Das Controller-Schema wird sich mit dem Update zudem ein wenig verändern.
- Auch das Inventar-System sowie das Interface wurde verbessert
- SK 59/66
- CR-527
- Hunting Scope
- Recovery backups to deal
with data corruption during crashes
- New stream from Kozlovka
to Balota
- Over time self-closing
of bleeding wounds
- Script versioning to
prevent future data incompatibilities
- Support for bullet
shells dropping, and new sounds
- New audio controller for
positional sounds, allowing us procedural control number or sound sources on
models (Used to reduce number of bird sounds on trees.)
- Tree stem creak sounds
- Sounds when dropping
- Implemented EQ filter
for unconscious state
- Sound position offset
feature to config
- New sounds for bullet
shells dropping
- Antibiotics can fight
- Vitamins can boost
player’s immune system
- Long torch (made of a
long stick and rags)
- Various severities of
- Bleeding from bare feet
- Status indicators for
bleeding and active medicament
- Masks and headgear
provide some level of biological protection
- Close/open compass
- Voice effects for
mumbling when gagged
- WeaponLength parameter
to weapons for precise weapon lifting
- Visual representation
for packing tents
- Speech Restriction:
Rags: VOIP filter/mute
- Inventory categories
- Pills badge icon now
shows when antibiotics are in effect
- Bleeding badge icon now
shows when character has bleeding sources
- Xbox Achievements
- A server crash when a
character with a corrupt inventory tries to connect
A server crash when a
server with a garden plot on it was restarted
- A server crash related
to script array manipulation crashes
- A client crash related
to script array manipulation
- A client crash related
to a light being removed while still in use
- Multitude of
environmental issues (missing collisions, sudden LOD changes, hit materials,
models adjustments): as reported in Ticket T136380
- Typos in localization
- Possibility to toggle
headlights when both are missing or destructed
- Some actions on target
have incomplete action messages
-Crafting improvised
suppressor took only 1% from the duct tape
- Landmine not detonating
when it becomes ruined while it is armed
- Various IK poses (Stone,
Medium Tent, BK-18)
- Chemlights glowing in
cargo for 10 seconds
- Animals have no
collisions with vehicles
- Shooting through a
ruined suppressor did not emit muzzle flash
- Fireplace does not
upgrade to stone circle if smaller stacks of stone are used
- Wolves attack animals
rather then humans
- Sound sources on trees
move with entity during cut down tree action
- SG5-K with compensator
uses regular gun shots sounds (used sounds for silencer)
- Sea chest can be put
into another sea chest – T135962
- When preforming suicide
headgear does not get damaged
- Player’s ankles can
disappear while wearing Orel police pants
- Bullets are not
registered after the weapon was raised close to the wall – as reported in
Ticket T136559
- AIs get stuck near
obstacles (reduced chance of occurrence)
- Motorbike helmet
visually disappears after few steps
- Player gear is
teleported to exact place where he logged in after being skinned and
quartered – as reported in Ticket T136367
- Icons representing ammo
are small – as reported in Ticket T136555
- Tactical googles have no
texture – as reported in Ticket T135082
- AI walking through
ground pipes
- Server crash: as
reported in Ticket T134543 + T136323 + T135501
- Server crash when HTTP
request does not return OK
- Player might not be
killed when shot with 12ga pellet
- Wooden logs get
duplicated when building base of Fence and WatchTower
- ADA 4×4 won’t stop after
driver jumps out of it
- Some clothes cannot be
damaged on ground
- Removing the rag from
the mouth, make the rag slots smaller
- Temperature measurement
has a question mark in the result text
- Players are able to
access dismantle action on towers from the outside: as reported in Ticket
- Bullets do not interfere
with the player’s body when fired through sea water
- Inventory: First
container stays highlighted
- Inventory: Closing
container breaks scrolling
- Inventory: Impossible
to scroll down if inventory is full
- Inventory: Button
tooltips when switching between containers and inventory parts
Inventory: Grey
containers – far right icons are cut off
- Inventory: Split
action(Y) is missing toolbar info
- Inventory: Vicinity:
Small arrow for collapsing container in lower right corner of the container
is missing
- Inventory: Item
Equipped In Hands Disappears When Making Surrender Gesture
- Inventory: Item will
retain containers capacity
- Inventory:
Micromanaging doesn’t work when using LT/RT and putting item to upper
- Inventory: Missing (B)
combine action in toolbar
- Inventory: Tooltips are
missing in infected inventory
- Inventory: UI:
Barrel_<color> inventory displacement
- Inventory: VICINITY and
HANDS does not display slot size
- Inventory: Watchtower’s
inventory is too long and difficult to scroll
- Inventory: Weapon
attachments: wrong inventory tooltip
Menu: Option hints not
- Menu: Tutorial screen
is missing button legend
- Menu: Xbox Player list
improved graphic design
Menu: Respawn button
gets skipped after dying.
- Menu: Translation IT:
Controls>Menu>“Press to sellect a gesture“ and „Press to cancel a
sellection“ are not translated
- Menu: Server Browser
After filter change, the message asking you to refresh the server list, does
not fit it’s designated area
- Radial Menu: Red
background for selected item
- RadialMenu for gestures: Subcategories are not available
Land_Construction_House1 ladder widget missing
- Items: CarBattery
attached to Zenit Broadcaster becomes invisible after reconnect
- Player can’t switch
between user actions in car
- Ladder exit state,
transition from swimming to ladder
- Driving over character
might not kill them
- Player gets hit by a
vehicle when standing close to it with engine turned on
- Player can get ejected
to air while standing close to a car
- Logging off next to open
barrel will make the close action unavailable
- Inventory: Collapse
containers worked on player container even if not focused
- Weapons: Unjamming SKS
breaks the weapons functionality
- Weapons: Bullets are not
registered after the weapon was being raised close to the wall
- Weapons: Fire mode can’t
be seen, probably misaligned out of weapon box
- Inventory: Player cannot
swap entities with full inventory
- Inventory: Storage
capacity isn’t shown anywhere
- Inventory: Player is not
able to loot dead players
- Menu localisation for
- Switching from YouTube
to DayZ crashes the whole console
- Can’t reload with full
- VoIP mute does not mute
other players
- Achievements: Title
unlocks the achievement Geared (Equipped a firearm, a melee weapon and a
backpack) before the criteria have been met
- The title does not allow
the user to join a Server after resuming from connected standby
- Improvements in the visuals and performance of inventory code, including:
addition of hierarchical
attachment visualisation,
hiding unused attachment
categories (greatly uncluttered the Watchtower for example),
inclusion of dedicated icons
for these categories and overall bugfixes.)
- Improvements to server
performance (central economy, networking and AI)
- Weapon muzzle
attachments now steam during rain while they are hot
- Weapons animations
polishing (animations speed, clipping)
- Sounds for climbing
- Sounds for take item
in hand action
- Projectile speed and
air friction
- Rebalanced projectile
- Rebalanced character
damage system
- Rebalanced armor
against projectiles
- Shock damage for
projectiles (chance to fall into unconsciousness increased)
- Chances for bleeding
wounds from projectiles hit
- Flickering effect
- Antibiotics and
vitamins only support single use consume action
- Traps no longer
function as melee weapons
- Hen spawn zone
reworked to better fit environment (should not spawn inside industrial and
other unnatural areas)
- Many improvements,
tweaks and fixes for ChernarusPlus terrain
- Improvements to server
performance (central economy, remote projectiles are not real)
- Damage to bare foot
for non-roadway surfaces
- Infected damage system
- Recoil (KA-M, BK-18,
M4-A1,Mosin 91/30 and VSD)
- Chance to spawn SG5-K
with 15Rnd magazine
- Updated: Inventory icons
(placeholder icons replaced)
- IK pose for long torch
- Rangefinder zoom set
to 4x
Updated: Credits
- GUI – Main Menu,
Server Browser, Options
- Main menu clouds
- Inventory: Added
header above hands
- Inventory: Set fixed
position for the tooltip
- Improved readability
of dialog menus
Added pills icon to
hud badge display
- All News Feeds
Inventory: Removed
close icons and renders from Xbox headers
- 7,81 GB groß
Release: 25.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
2 neue Waffen: LAR und M70 Tundra
- Usable backup iron sight of the ATOG
- Compensator for the Mosin 91/30
- Mini Sight (small red dot)
- RVN sight
- Individual zeroing of iron sight and telescopic sight for compatible items
- Holster and pouch for the plate carrier vest
- Assault vest and its butt-pack
- Possibility to kill an infected in melee hit (e.g. with an axe), from the back
- Changes to night lighting
- New Noise indicator to encourage stealthy gameplay
- Added: OLGA 24 with attachments
- Added: LAR with attachments
- Added: M70 Tundra
- Added: .308 WIN ammunition
- Added: Assault vest
- Added: Utility buttpack
- Added: Plate carrier holster and pouches
- Added: Mini red dot and RVN sights
- Added: Mini red dot sights now compatible with CR-75 and BK-133 as well
- Added: Functional back iron sights on ATOG optics
- Added: Precise weapon lifting by weapon length
- Added: HUD noise indicator
- Added: Ability to one hit kill infected from behind with selected items
- Added: Particle effects visible on the inventory player character
- Added: Inventory character has items in hands
- Added: Client-side personal night light
(environment is subtly illuminated from the camera at night to save players from becoming completely blind without a light source)
- Added: Mosin 91/30 compensator
- Added: Independent firearm zeroing for iron sights and scopes
- Added: Hand cramp for brain disease
- Added: Injury animation is visible in inventory view
- Added: Footsteps sounds for movement inside tents
- Added: Footsteps scuff sounds for grass surface
- Added: Sounds for lock/unlock doors action
- Added: Sounds for combination locks
- Added: Sound animation events for heavy hit animations
- Added: New set of sounds for male infected
- Added: Sounds for hot and freezing character animation
- Added: Foley sounds for movement with heavy items in hands (Power Generator, Barrel, Tents, Sea Chest)
- Added: Sounds for pick up and drop action for various items
- Added: Position dispersion when infected cannot see the target, but can hear it
- Added: Muzzle flash effect for Mosin compensator
- Added: Tutorial: Inventory screen
- Added: Logout timer: Disable quick logout
- Fixed: Server crash caused by in-game actions
- Fixed: Server/client errors upon loading weapon
- Fixed: Client error when equipping bandana
- Fixed: Server error when manipulating vehicles parts
- Fixed: Client error when manipulating barrel
- Fixed: Client error when manipulating radios
- Fixed: Client error when manipulating dead infected
- Fixed: Client error when removing wooden logs from fence or watchtower
- Fixed: Client error when disconnecting near a radio control panel
- Fixed: Client error when removing rag from the mouth
- Fixed: Client error when attaching combination locks
- Fixed: Client error when committing suicide with weapon
- Fixed: Multitude of environmental issues (models adjustments, objects collisions, incorrect LODs, )
- Fixed: Various IK poses (base building and electricity items, seeds packets, ammunition, vehicle parts)
- Fixed: Blending of textures on Skybox (previously causing sudden flashes)
- Fixed: Weak dynamic lights during dusk and dawn
- Fixed: Items can be picked up through walls (T137847)
- Fixed: Texture artefacts on the crosshair
- Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by staying crouched
- Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by jumping
- Fixed: Salute gesture keeps items in hand
- Fixed: BK-133 does not change textures according to damage states
- Fixed: FPS drop when dismantling/destroying base building parts
- Fixed: Barbed wire attached to fence will now move properly when opening gate
- Fixed: Player does not get proper damage while standing in flames
- Fixed: Driving over a character with a vehicle does not inflict damage
- Fixed: Some gestures with weapons make arms twitch
- Fixed: Infected do not inflict any damage to animals
- Fixed: Player becomes deformed for others while sitting in a car
- Fixed: Windows cannot be destroyed for some of the vehicles
- Fixed: Projectile impacts do not alert infected
- Fixed: Swapped clothing items can remain in characters inventory when standing in the vicinity (T136679)
- Fixed: Sawing off Mosin 91/30 with attached optic/loaded ammo deletes the items completely (T136205)
- Fixed: Players are able to access dismantle actions on towers from the outside (T136666 + T 137639)
- Fixed: Item size changes visually for wielded item when logging off (T136822)
- Fixed: Attacking infected clip through the player (T137370)
- Fixed: Hunting scope allows looking through walls (T137033)
- Fixed: Crafting improvised suppressor takes 1 % from the duct tape (T133200)
- Fixed: Collision of packed Car Tent remains in the middle of the unpacked Car Tent
- Fixed: Weapons cannot be reloaded while lying on the back
- Fixed: Handheld optic, binoculars or rangefinder were not usable (T137102)
- Fixed: AIs might get stuck mid-air after being killed by vehicle
- Fixed: Enduro helmet attachments are out of place in inventory
- Fixed: Fitting of localized item names in tool-tips and headers
- Fixed: Electric devices (spotlight, cable reel, etc.) getting unplugged after server restart
- Fixed: Server crash upon respawn
- Fixed: FX-45 was not functional
- Fixed: Getting shot underwater put the character into falling animation
- Fixed: The first gunshot caused FPS drop
- Fixed: Server VMEs related to the in-game map
- Fixed: Character noise indicator not being present
- Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values
- Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached
- Fixed: Rangefinder drawing its value on other clients‘ screens, assorted client error, and interference between rangefinders
- Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly
- Fixed: Client error connected to player presence indicator
- Fixed: A client-side crash connected to the base building feature
- Fixed: Fence gate cannot be opened after server restart
- Fixed: Fence can be walked through after server restart
- Fixed: Client error tied to base building
- Fixed: Ruined tires now affect vehicle behaviour
- Fixed: Fire geometry for offshore worker infected type
- Fixed: Invisible dynamic events and custom objects
- Fixed: Adjusted MRDS post-process on FX to make it more usable
- Fixed: Tuna can miss the „Open“ action in certain conditions (player/others nearby manipulating with a Compass)
- Fixed: Stacks of .308 Ammo spawning with 0 quantity
- Fixed: The player now dies properly from hypothermia, preventing client errors and other issues
- Fixed: Only one player in a VoN conversation can hear the others
- Fixed: Vehicle radiator cannot be refilled until the car has been started
- Fixed: Character movement speed desynchronization, where the character moves as if aiming down sights even when they are not
- Fixed: Client error connected to using a water bottle on a fireplace
- Fixed: Leaving ADS on weapon actions
- Fixed: Server Browser: Crash during network cable disconnect
- Fixed: Inventory: Equipping from vicinity can be done using both Y and B
- Fixed: Basebuilding: Player can move fences, gates and watchtowers using inventory
- Fixed: Radial Menu: Player cannot equip and hide item without leaving Quickbar slot
- Fixed: Controls: Remove iron sights on left trigger tap
- Fixed: Controls: Remove iron sights on left bumper double tap while holding left trigger
- Fixed: Radial Menu: Selecting main category in gestures menu doesn’t bring you to presumed subcategory
- Fixed: Controls: Character performs barrel rolls while moving in inventory in prone
- Fixed: Inventory: Can’t equip items from vicinity
- Fixed: Inventory: Hands: Missing capacity info for containers
- Fixed: Inventory: Tooltips are missing in zombies inventory
- Fixed: Inventory: Split action(Y) is missing toolbar info
- Fixed: Inventory: FPS drops when opening inventory in vicinity w/ multiple other items
- Fixed: Inventory: Closing container breaks scrolling
- Fixed: Inventory: 1st container stays highlighted
- Fixed: Inventory: 1st container header not shown when scrolling upwards
- Fixed: Radial Menu: Radial menu doesn’t work with sensitivities toned down to bare minimum
- Fixed: Radial Menu: It’s possible to use quickslot menu in car
- Fixed: Server Browser: Server scrolling freezes after refresh of servers
- Fixed: Server Browser: Favorite server is not saved after restarting the game
- Fixed: Controls: Player can`t switch between user actions in car
- Fixed: Menu: Respawn button gets skipped after dying
- Fixed: Menu: Game Displaying Wrong Copyright Year
- Fixed: Menu: Warning message that your character will die after pressing respawn button pops up when player is dead already
- Fixed: Items: Rangefinder/binoculars not usable
- Fixed: The title crashes to Xbox Home at various points during gameplay
- Fixed: The title enters an indefinite unresponsive state when using the Hold to talk feature during gameplay
- Fixed: Title crashes after suspending while in the Main menu or during the gameplay
- Fixed: Controller reconnect msg: Do not show during loading
- Changed: The weather simulation has been reworked, improving the network synchronization and lowering its performance cost.
- Changed: Improved the impact of dynamic lights on surfaces (including the roads)
- Tweaked: Minor tweaks to the global light config
- Tweaked: Alpha channel of mud road texture, so it’s lit up properly by the dynamic lights
- Tweaked: Inventory blur intensity is now at half of the previous value
- Changed: Items located in fireplace cargo will now be burned to ‚Ruined‘ state instead of ‚Badly damaged‘
- Tweaked: Damage system for ADA 4×4
- Tweaked: Central economy (minor adjustments)
- Changed: Item view bounding box enlargement when attachments are added
- Changed: Improved behaviour of all light sources (fade in / fade out effects and more)
- Changed: Light sources slowly fade out when they are low on energy instead of suddenly going completely dark
- Tweaked: Slightly darkened breath vapour particle to avoid glowing at night
- Changed: Improved behaviour of smoking chambers on all guns (smoke escapes only while the chamber is open)
- Tweaked: Decreased intensity of all light sources during daytime
- Changed: Reflector surface of all light sources now shines properly
- Tweaked: Chemlight illumination radius increased
- Changed: Torch is now always transformed to stick when its rags are removed from it
- Changed: Bear trap damage output is now dynamic (it always causes the victim to start limping, but it won’t kill them unless their health is already critical)
- Changed: Significantly improved quality of vehicle smoke particles during high speed
- Changed: Melee/weapons to animate with „spine3“ bone (different shoulder animation)
- Optimized: Size of entity create network messages
- Tweaked: In-game map behaviour
- Changed: All particles are now preloaded during the game’s initial loading
- Changed: ‚FullAuto‘ fire mode set as default mode on all relevant weapons
- Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night
- Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd
- Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by approximately 1/5th
- Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by approximately 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high
- Tweaked: Chemlight illumination range lowered to 7.5 m
- Changed: Updated tourist trail map model and textures
- Changed: Lowered the Infected alertness caused by projectile impacts nearby
- Changed: Disabled attaching of MRDS to CR75 (MRDS currently has issues on the weapon that need to be dealt with first)
- Changed: Amount of blood loss from haemolytic reaction raised
- Changed: Lowered the illumination range of chemlight and the light around character at night
- Tweaked: Lowered chance of jamming for pistols
- Tweaked: Inventory: Button tooltips when switching between containers and places
- Tweaked: Server Browser: Disable controls during connect
- Tweaked: Other visual and functional improvements for Inventory and Radial Menu
- 8,72 GB groß
Release: 23.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Verbesserung der Framerate
- Leider ein fehlerhaftes Update und verursacht Probleme bei Waffen-Visieren
7,84 GB großRelease: 03.07.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Hotfix und lösst das Problem mit den Waffen-Visieren vom letzten Update
- 865,36 MB groß
Release: 15.07.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Die betroffenen Server die abgeschaltet werden, sind:
DayZ EU – NL 9655 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 9658 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 9661 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 9664 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 4695 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 4710 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 4725 (Persistence ON)
DayZ EU – NL 4740 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4152 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4191 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4230 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4269 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4161 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4200 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4239 (Persistence ON)
DayZ US – WD 4278 (Persistence ON)
Release: 07.08.2019 (Version
- Neue Waffen, Granaten und Wurfmechanik
- Verbessertes medizinisches Gameplay
- Behobene Probleme wie Duping, Server-Hoping und Probleme mit der Bildrate
- Added: Ability to browse and join private servers
- Added: Localization for traditional and simplified Chinese
- Added: Japanese localization
- Added: Polish localization
- Added: New vehicle Gunter 2 with its attachments
- Added: VSS rifle with its attachments
- Added: KA-74 with attachments
- Added: KA-101 with attachments
- Added: Bayonets for KA, M4-A1, Mosin 91/30 and SK 59/66
- Added: P1-87-L Scope
- Added: Backup Iron Sights (BUIS)
- Added: Baraka sights
- Added: PSO-1-1 Scope, designed for the VSS rifle
- Added: 5.45x39mm ammunition
- Added: 9x39 ammunition
- Added: 9x39 armor-piercing ammunition
- Added: Tracer ammunition (5.45x39, 5.56x45, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, .308WIN)
- Added: Firearms Melee Attacks with pistols, buttstocks, and bayonets
- Added: Independent shoulders (possibility to carry two ranged/melee weapons at the same time)
- Added: Throwing of items
- Added: Grenades (EGD-5 and 6-M7 frag grenades, 1-M8 and EGD-2 smoke grenades, 8-M4 Flashbang)
- Added: Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
- Added: NVG head strap
- Added: NVG can be attached to Tactical Helmet
- Added: Universal Flashlight can be attached to Tactical Helmet
- Added: Hand saw
- Added: 4-dial Combination Lock
- Added: Strawberry Jam
- Added: Handheld Transceiver and Glow Stick attachments on backpacks
- Added: "You are here" marker on each tourist trail map stand
- Added: Quantity bar for energy based items and fireplace
- Added: Baseball/nailed bat
- Added: Sounds for death animations
- Added: Sounds for suicide animations
- Added: Lock/unlock sound for doors
- Added: Sounds for prone animation with a rifle in hands
- Added: One male and one female character sound set
- Added: Different character sounds when wearing certain headgear (e.g Combat Gas Mask, Motorbike Helmet)
- Added: Character sounds for male characters wearing a gag
- Added: Player can hear his voice when talking through a megaphone,
PAS (when receiver is nearby) or transmitter (when more than one on the same frequency nearby)
- Added: Positional rain sounds for the Coal Plant
- Added: Wooden Crate (crafted)
- Added: Sliding down a ladder without gloves (or ruined gloves) can cause a bleeding source, gloves receive damage
- Added: Music in the Main Menu
- Added: Vomit emote/gesture
- Added: Mitigation of so-called server hopping on public hives (when a player changes server, a hopping spawn point is used instead of the last log off position)
- Added: Support for multiple sets of player spawn points (only for public hives, currently fresh and hop sets available)
- Added: Fever now causes dehydration
- Added: Epinephrine restores the patients' stamina to its max value
- Added: Codeine Pills mitigate the patients' injured state for a limited time
- Added: Morphine suppresses the patients' injured state for a limited time
- Added: Charcoal Tablets can eliminate Salmonella bacteria
- Added: Check Pulse action now displays the blood pressure and pulse type if irregular
- Added: Stamina is depleted if a player is hit by a Flashbang
- Added: Shoes gradually wear off while using
- Added: Infected sometimes spawn with headgear, vests, and backpacks
- Added: Flare effect around the Road Flare
- Fixed: Duplicated items after joining friends online session
- Fixed: Player gets stuck in server browser after hosting Play Together while Game turned off
- Fixed: Client crash when player logs out of PS4 and then logs back in
- Fixed: Seats aren't adjustable from within the car
- Fixed: Hair clipping with headgear
- Fixed: Jammed weapons still created gun shots for other players
- Fixed: ClockHour and clockMinute animation sources now synchronize with the accelerated time
- Fixed: Breath vapor should now properly handle temperatures lower than its lower range threshold
- Fixed: Torch displaying "pieces" as quantity
- Fixed: Universal Light and Pistol Light, Road Flare and flashlight now face forward when dropped, not sideways
- Fixed: Infected can attack player through walls
- Fixed: Car/Truck battery were invisible when attached to Battery Charger
- Fixed: Player could not drink from pumps with item in hands
- Fixed: Weapons barrel hiding while using optics
- Fixed: Headlights could not be detached
- Fixed: Rangefinder displayed incorrect distance
- Fixed: Barbed Wire was not visible on Fence after mounting
- Fixed: Player could jump with heavy items in hands
- Fixed: It was not possible to loot dead body in car
- Fixed: There was no sound when mounting the barbed wire with pliers
- Fixed: Character could not perform actions after a magazine was detached from a weapon
- Fixed: AI herds were not releasing the territory after the last member of the herd died
(could prevent AI herds from re-spawning on smaller terrains with a lower number of territories)
- Fixed: Incorrect visual state of the speedometer
- Fixed: Liquid contents of the barrel do not persist upon server restart
- Fixed: Character started to float in some sections of small rivers
- Fixed: Punching walls was emitting unsuitable bullet impact particles
- Fixed: Spotlight had a hole where the reflector part should be
- Fixed: Opening/Closing of car doors was missing sounds
- Fixed: Character stamina did not replenish correctly when reduced by the gear
- Fixed: Action to eat pumpkin slices was missing
- Fixed: Missing footsteps sound while strafing with a heavy item in hands
- Fixed: Gas Stations can be blown up again
- Fixed: Combination locks couldn't be opened upon server restart
- Tweaked: Ladders on deer stands should be easier to get on
- Tweaked: Improved Road Flare particles
- Tweaked: Torch no longer illuminates the world during daytime
- Tweaked: Muzzle flash illumination range at night increased from 5m to 15m
- Tweaked: Improved variability of the muzzle flash particle for the VSD and LAR rifles
- Tweaked: Improved visibility of the blood splatter particle
- Tweaked: Smoke particles on weapons
- Tweaked: Decreased lethal radius of the landmines
- Changed: Unified unlocking behaviour for house doors (using Lock pick or brute force)
- Tweaked: Inventory icons for bladed weapons, food and drinks
- Tweaked: Projectiles damage
- Tweaked: Land Mine activation/explosion sounds
- Changed: Jumping is disabled when a player is significantly injured
- Tweaked: The output of sawing planks from Lumber Pile is now triple
- Tweaked: Reversing with a car now subtly illuminates the area behind it, allowing drivers to see there at night
- Tweaked: The connection timer is now up to 95 seconds in case of rapid server hopping.
In connection to this change, the previous database locks have been removed
- Tweaked: Player spawn logic for avoiding water surfaces
- Tweaked: Gunshot sounds are audible up to 3.5 km
- Tweaked: Improved plaster and concrete impact particle effects
- Tweaked: Bullet impact effects are scaled by impact force much more visible now
- Tweaked: The Portable Gas Lamp now burns 10x longer (~55 minutes with the smallest container, ~133 with the largest one)
- Tweaked: Optimized muzzle flash particles for CR-61, FX-45, CR-75, IJ-70
- 8,63 GB groß
Release: 15.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: dayz.com
- 275,80 MB groß
Release: 09.09.2019 (Version
Quelle: dayz.com
- 4,32 MB groß
Release: 03.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added: Character creation screen
- Added: Toggle for NVG and head torch via the quickslot menu
- Added: Aim Helper switch in Options
- Added: New pistol Mlock-91
- Added: New pistol MKII with its integral silencer
- Added: New rifle KAS-74U
- Added: New vehicle Sarka 120
- Added: Vaulting and Climbing enable players to pass obstacles up to 2,30 meters high (exception for base fences, gates, and watchtowers)
- Added: .22 LR Rounds
- Added: Food Poisoning
- Added: Smoothed the movement of thrown items from the thrower’s point of view
- Added: Foley sound for the base radio
- Added: Window destruction sounds for vehicles
- Added: Suicide functionality for bayonets
- Added: Bleeding effect on melee suicides
- Added: Infected wearing a headtorch now have it switched on
- Added: Torch can be soaked up with gasoline, but only if it’s not ignited yet
- Added: Dead bodies decay over time
- Added: The Stamina bar now blinks when the player doesn’t have enough stamina to perform an action
- Added: Cholera has a chance to appear in water bottles and canteens when initially spawned
- Fixed: Animation applied on items in inventory view
- Fixed: Attachments LOD
- Fixed: The countdown was missing during the respawn
- Fixed: Putting an item from your hands into inventory when inside a car could make it invisible when putting it back into hands
- Fixed: Backtracking correction of velocities
- Fixed: Thrown items could fall through the ground
- Fixed: Character’s physics speed
- Fixed: Grenades couldn’t be thrown through windows
- Fixed: IV Saline Bag and IV Blood Bag didn’t have any effect
- Fixed: The consequences of giving blood of an incompatible blood type were applied to the applying person instead to target
- Fixed: Bayonets couldn’t be used to cut off bark or cut down bushes
- Fixed: A weapon used to commit suicide could become inaccessible for other players
- Fixed: The player could not move after spraying disinfectant spray on another player
- Fixed: Items could be looted through walls using the inventory vicinity
- Fixed: Smoke particles on the bottle suppressor and USG-45
- Fixed: Hesco boxes would get damaged during deployment and folding
- Fixed: Items in hands could disappear if the player was saved in the vehicle
- Fixed: Misplaced/unnecessary collision above a ladder at the cement factory
- Fixed: It was possible to plug a Power Generator into a Cable Reel as an unintended reverse connection
- Fixed: Grenades were dealing much less damage to players browsing their inventory
- Fixed: Attachments weren’t damaged by explosions
- Fixed: The player weapon could disappear from its hands when climbing a ladder
- Fixed: Quantity indicator for the magazine items
- Fixed: The state of doors could get de-synchronized upon server restart
- Fixed: Water hit effect on piers and other places along the seashore
- Fixed: VSS sounds were very loud to other players when heard from a great distance
- Fixed: Flashbang grenades weren’t flashing the players‘ screens at night
- Fixed: Grenades did not affect players from within a fireplace
- Fixed: A burlap sack on the head would not hide other head-wear
- Fixed: It was not possible to manipulate with a restrained players inventory
- Fixed: A client error when placing a spotlight on a scaffolding
- Fixed: Barrel bottom clipped through the ground it was standing on
- Fixed: It was possible to wear the great helmet with other headgear
- Fixed: It was challenging to open and close vehicle doors in 3rd person
- Fixed: Cancelling the resuscitation action could create invisible weapons
- Fixed: Motor starting sound of the Gunter 2 would not play
- Fixed: An exploit to stack containers into each other indefinitely
- Fixed: De-synchronized rotation of flashlights after dropping them
- Fixed: Corrected the direction of the fuel station explosion and the following smoke
- Fixed: Rear lights on vehicles did not switch off when the engine was switched off
- Fixed: Gas lamps and gas stoves were making undesired sounds when they were put inside a cargo
- Fixed: Missing unpinning sounds for grenades
- Fixed: Car headlights not changing their material when being switched off
- Fixed: Car headlight lights did not change when the head-bulbs were destroyed
- Fixed: Grenades did not explode after shooting them
- Fixed: Belts with attachments could be put into cargo
- Fixed: Issue when a player was killed while switching between seats in a vehicle
- Fixed: Redundant animation was played while entering cars
- Fixed: 3rd person camera collision during leaning
- Fixed: Unable to turn on the Field Transceiver after throwing/dropping it
- Fixed: When (un-)chambering certain rifles, the ammunition would disappear
- Fixed: Random amount of water in canteens
- Fixed: Body parts were not rendered from a certain distance
- Fixed: Infected are now chasing only non-dynamic targets
- Fixed: Cholera only triggered vomiting once per session
- Fixed: Weapons dropped from killed players hands would become ruined
- Fixed: Infinite bleeding from corpses
- Fixed: Player was mumbling after respawning, if gagged before dying
- Fixed: It was not possible to equip bandanas as clothing
- Fixed: An animation issue when carrying the sea chest or metal plate while crouched
- Fixed: Audio of distant gunshots could be delayed or merged
- Changed: The saline bag is faster to apply and now increases the blood replenishment (visualized through the medication (pill) indicator)
- Changed: Giving the wrong type of blood can now cause the character to go unconscious and trigger a hemolytic transfusion reaction
- Changed: The hemolytic transfusion reaction is faster and more severe
- Changed: Sights misalignment configured for weapons and their attachments
- Changed: Ambient loot can now also spawn in „rotten“ and „dried“ states
- Changed: Randomizing fruit and mushroom spawning
- Changed: All restraining items now receive a certain amount of damage when removed from hands, even without a tool
- Changed: Car crashes now decrease the player’s health
- Tweaked: Despawn time for dead bodies and animals increased
- Tweaked: Bullet damage is reduced with longer bullet travel time
- Tweaked: Lowered regeneration rate of the character health
- Tweaked: Adjusted the injured stance thresholds to allow more mobility at lower character health values
- Tweaked: Increased the amount of blood loss from bleeding sources
- Tweaked: Quantity in UI is now hidden for the Saline Bag, IV Saline Bag, Epinephrine and Morphine (single-use items)
- Tweaked: Reduced damage and shock value received from infected
- Tweaked: Slightly increased chance for a bleeding source from an infected attack
- Tweaked: Fist-attacks now cause less health damage and shock
- Tweaked: Drinking from wells and ponds should no longer get the player replenished so fast
- Tweaked: Global lighting config tweaks (overall brightness during day, less prominent shadows during clear days, less blue in shadows)
- Tweaked: Interiors for certain bunkers and the control tower
- Tweaked: Increased chances of low-tier pistols to spawn with weapon attachments
- Tweaked: Spawning of LAR attachments and VSD parts attached at spawn
- Tweaked: Volume for falling tree and bush sounds
- Tweaked: Throwing animations
- Tweaked: Non-absorbing items don’t get wet any more
- Tweaked: Slightly prolonged the range of car headlights illumination
- Tweaked: Growing a beard now takes 4x as long as before
- Tweaked: Melee impact particle effects are now rotated randomly, not always up any more
- Tweaked: Refueling a power generator does not require precise looking at its fuel tank
- Tweaked: Prolonged the action of shaving to make it fit the animation itself
- Tweaked: Parameters of the rear lights of the Olga 24
- Tweaked: Reverse light fades out quickly now
- Tweaked: Player landing sounds are now quieter
- Tweaked: Drastically reduced unarmed attack damage to worn clothing
- Tweaked: Removed the crafting attachments from the barrel
- Tweaked: The Leather Sewing Kit can no longer be used for treating injuries
- Tweaked: Treating injuries using the Sewing Kit now takes 20% instead of 1% of the item’s quantity
- Tweaked: Salmonella (lowered the stomach volume threshold for vomiting, increased the vomiting chance, added removal of water and energy when vomiting)
- Tweaked: Cholera (over-time water drain added, lowered the stomach volume threshold for vomiting, increased chances of vomiting, added water and energy removal when vomiting)
- Tweaked: Fresh spawn player loadout (road flare switched for chemlight of random color)
- Tweaked: Increased blood loss from bleeding sources
- Tweaked: Bandaging using a rag or bandana no longer causes the wound infection, because wound infection had no effect on player characters
- Tweaked: All pants can be wrung out now
- Added: Banlist for private servers
- 8,08 GB groß
Release: 03.12.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karte "Livonia" mit 163 km2 wird hinzugefügt und kann für 13,99€ erworben werden
- 9,80 GB groß
Release: 12.12.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed: Swapping within cargo
- Fixed: The right side far resolution LODs of the Gunter 2 were only changing their color when damaged
- Fixed: Items would not attach to the correct attachment slot during base building
- Fixed: Base building/cars dragging attachments
- Fixed: Movement inputs would be obstructed while using radial menus
- Fixed: The boletus mushroom would spawn with a wrong rotation
- Fixed: When the weapon in hand was hidden during certain actions, loaded cartridges would float in the air
- Fixed: A server error when picking up items
- Fixed: Two exploits that could break the character animations
- Fixed: Head of the character was not healing from damage
- Fixed: Base building items would be assigned to the wrong slot
- Tweaked: Fireplace fuel consumption lowered (doubled the burning time)
- Tweaked: Increased the damage dealt by 9×39 projectile
- Tweaked: Increased the damage from projectiles to the zombie head (damage zone)
- Tweaked: Updated the offline database
- Added: Vaiga Shotgun
- Added: Blaze rifle
- Added: BK-43 with sawed-off version
- Added: Kolt 1911 with its magazine
- Added: Magazine variants for existing weapons (drum mags, high capacity mags, etc.)
- Added: Bears
- Added: Fishing
- Added: Item attachments can now be damaged
- Added: Ability to harvest sticks from bushes with bare hands
- Added: Ability to break long-sticks into small sticks with bare hands
- Added: Cars have now a chance to spawn with a certain amount of fuel
- Added: Distinguished color when swapping in the inventory where the target item will have a different location than the source item
- Added: Throwing in crouched and prone stance
- Added: Items are spawning in greenhouses
- Added: Ejecting rounds from firearms
- Added: GUI visualization of reserved attachments
- Fixed: Climbing over an object would break the holding animation
- Fixed: Footstep sounds were missing
- Fixed: Missing textures on the Tactical goggles
- Fixed: Picking an item with a battery attached would cause the battery to be detached
- Fixed: Damaged and destroyed textures of Night Vision Goggles
- Fixed: Swap indicator in the inventory wasn’t always correct
- Fixed: The players were unable to place land mines or bear traps on streets and side-walks
- Fixed: It was possible to drive a car when it was submerged underwater
- Fixed: An issue that could lead to a blocked hand-slot
- Fixed: Dropping a magazine or ammo during the reload action while moving would drop the item at the starting point of the action
- Fixed: Attaching items would be forced to follow a hierarchy (e.g., when assigning a battery to one of multiple attachments)
- Fixed: Object placement fixes to the Chernarusplus terrain
- Fixed: God rays were not visible with lower overcast values
- Fixed: Lightning density wasn’t properly synchronized in multiplayer
- Fixed: Several incorrect collision geometries that could be abused
- Fixed: White outlines on the tourist signs when in the shadow
- Fixed: The prison castle object was disappearing in the distance
- Fixed: Missing shadow on Roadblock_Bags_Curve
- Fixed: UV mapping of the opened map item
- Fixed: House_1W04 disappearing in the distance
- Fixed: VSD had its muzzle flashes going through an attached suppressor
- Fixed: Some commonly abused glitches on buildings
- Fixed: Clipping issues with notification system
- Fixed: Players weren’t able to open the chat
- Fixed: An issue with entering/leaving vehicles
- Fixed: An exploit that allowed to peek through walls
- Fixed: Character’s feet weren’t visible during the character creation
- Fixed: Punching walls with bare hands was emitting particle effects (dust, sparks, etc.)
- Fixed: Display of several of items in the inventory
- Fixed: Spawning orientation of several items
- Fixed: Added a missing spark plug proxy for the Sarka 120
- Fixed: Animals were fleeing towards the player in some instances
- Fixed: When swapping certain items in the inventory, they could overlap
- Fixed: Zeroing didn’t properly adjust the ballistics
- Fixed: The gesture menu would open in sub-sections, depending on the previous selection
- Fixed: Melee range against objects was too high
- Fixed: The player could see his old corpse while the respawn was in progress
- Fixed: Item spawn points on several buildings (deer stands, buildings under construction, etc.)
- Fixed: Weapon trembling during reload (mostly visible on weapons such as the Mosin or SK)
- Fixed: The sprint melee attack could be executed with a firearm
- Fixed: Various GUI bugs connected with attachments
- Fixed: Wrong sound while crafting rags with a hatchet
- Fixed: Removing a burlap sack from a players head would restore its condition to pristine
- Fixed: Certain weapons were missing their sound events in prone
- Fixed: Wrong sound was played when putting a knife into a sheath
- Fixed: Several minor building issues (textures not being displayed, text changes, ladders blocked, etc.)
- Fixed: Text overlapped in the tutorial screens in certain languages
- Fixed: The player could not open seed packs
- Fixed: Tents did not protect players from rain
- Fixed: Wellies could not be repaired
- Fixed: Cholera agents in a container could be removed by using disinfectant
- Fixed: Characters with beards were forced to shave before being able to dig for worms with knifes
- Fixed: The speed of the wind was applied to the drying process even when being in an interior space
- Fixed: An exploit allowing players to see through walls
- Fixed: Shoulder attachments could block the view through the PSO-1 scope in prone
- Fixed: The player could get stuck when drinking too far from a river
- Fixed: The Tactical Helmet could get wet
- Fixed: A server crash connected to flying vehicles
- Fixed: Players could get launched off buildings just after leaving a ladder
- Fixed: Animals would slide during certain animations
- Fixed: An exploit abusing a building occlude
- Fixed: Clipping camera when using the BK-133 shotgun in iron sights
- Fixed: A server error related to the swapping of item attachments
- Fixed: NBC clothing was not repairable
- Fixed: The Prison castle object was disappearing in the distance
- Tweaked: Balanced item health: This will affect your active items, so they might change their condition to the better or worse
- Tweaked: Lowered the chance to find food on infected
- Tweaked: Updated the loot group positions
- Tweaked: Damage to items within cargo items is no longer guaranteed
- Tweaked: Slightly increased the melee damage of the infected
- Tweaked: The bandage dressing can be used four times (instead of two)
- Tweaked: Lowered blood regeneration rate
- Tweaked: The fireplace in the Krasnostav airfield building is now usable
- Tweaked: The village of Guglovo now has a Public Announcement System
- Tweaked: The roadway faces of the trail objects have been made wider to cut more grass around trails
- Tweaked: Global lighting configuration (darker overcast, less blue in the sky during high sun angles and clear skies)
- Tweaked: Ovens made from a fireplace now last 7 days (instead of 2 hrs)
- Tweaked: Teddy bears are no longer spawning with items in their cargo
- Tweaked: The CR-61 Scorpion now spawns with a pistol suppressor instead of a normalized suppressor
- Tweaked: There now is less rain during „medium overcast“ on Chernarus
- Tweaked: The NBC suit is now completely water-proof
- Tweaked: Inventory view of the plate carrier pouches
- Tweaked: Health penalty from low heat comfort only active when severely freezing
- Tweaked: Increased energy consumption while being in low heat comfort
- Tweaked: Decreased rate in which items could dry
- Tweaked: Worn clothes should dry up faster near a fireplace
- Tweaked: Slightly increased the night-time temperature on Chernarus
- Tweaked: The bleeding tick rate is now applied every three seconds (overall loss is still the same)
- Changed: The default colour of the ADA 4×4 is now green instead of blue
- Changed: The Chernarus weather is more rainy, with occasional lightning
- Changed: The behaviour of swapping in the inventory
- Changed: Revamped tree and bush harvesting (varying resource yield depending on the bush or tree type, resource stacking tweaked)
- Changed: Improved shipping container textures
- Changed: Closed shipping containers now have visible locks and the doors open in twin mode
- Changed: The duration of the bandaging action is affected by the type of item used (bandage dressing being the fastest)
- Changed: The amount of blood loss from a bleeding source is affected by the total amount of blood left
- Changed: Increased the capacity of the water bottle from 50 to 100
- Changed: Reduced the inventory size of the canteen by 50% (now 2×2)
- Changed: Melee weapons are gradually getting damaged when executing attacks
- Changed: Ruined melee weapons will be dropped when trying to attack with them
- Changed: The amount of meat harvested from the animals is affected by the damage done to the animal damage zones
- Changed: Players are spawning with more initial hydration
- Changed: Water consumption was decreased, and energy consumption increased while moving
- Changed: Lowered the chance of paper spawning in other items
- Changed: Spawn points of the Sarka 120, Gunter 2 and Olga 42 on Chernarus
- Removed: Glasses spawning on infected
- Removed: Obsolete vehicle parts
- Removed: Magazine attachment icon for weapons that aren’t fed from a detachable magazine
- Removed: Unnecessary consume action for purification tablets
- Removed: Hardly reachable item-spawn points on car wrecks
- Added: isDigable and isFertile parameters for config class CfgSurfaces (See the documentation for more information)
- Added: ScriptAPI: array.resize, array.sort
- Added: Ability to control the base height for the height-based fog using volFogOffset parameter into CfgWorlds (value is in meters)
- Added: Ability to utilize the OnBeforeChange functionality for the weather events,
on custom terrains (see the constructor of the MissionBase class for more info)
- Added: swayModifier to weapon
- Added: Support for cURL headers
- 2,14 GB groß
Release: 14.01.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Maus & Tastatur Support für PS4 und XBox One
- Fixed: A client crash
- Fixed: Character stats would not properly synchronise and update in the main menu
- Fixed: Servers could get stuck in a loop trying to disconnect players
- 340,06 MB groß
Release: 13.02.2020 (Version
- 10,09 GB groß
Release: 19.02.2020 (Version
- 1,43 GB groß
Release: 20.02.2020 (Version
- 344,99 MB groß
Release: 03.03.2020 (Version
- 883,66 MB groß
Release: 16.03.2020 (Version
- 345 MB groß
Release: 30.06.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Zäune und Wachtürme sind demnach nicht mehr durch Aktionen zerstörbar, sondern nur noch durch normale Nahkampfangriffe, Schusswaffen oder Sprengstoff.
Jedes nicht lebenswichtige Teil kann beschädigt werden und weist neben einer Reparaturmöglichkeit auch optische Schäden auf.
- Darüber hinaus sind alle Zelte durch normale Nahkampfangriffe, Schusswaffen oder Sprengstoff zerstörbar sowie reparierbar.
- Viele Fehlerkorrekturen und Anpassungen wurden durchgeführt
- 8,22 GB groß
Release: 03.07.2020 (Version
- 806,74 MB groß
Release: 07.07.2020 (Version
- 531,63 MB groß
Release: 14.07.2020 (Version
- 422,30 MB groß
Release: 08.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added the Deagle pistol with its attachments
- Added the Magnum revolver
- Added the Flag Pole and Flags
- Added the NBC Respirator
- Added 7 new exterior and interior variants for rural houses
- Added new medium and small power lines in Chernarus
- Added police ADA 4×4 wrecks for Livonia (replacing Chernarus police Olga)
- Added information to items as to how many you can stack
- Fixed various issues with object placement of both Chernarus and Livonia terrains
- Fixed several exploits to glitch through collisions
- Fixed an issue with the characters sliding on steep slopes
- Fixed a bug that would spawn certain items slightly below the ground when swapped between the inventory and vicinity
- Fixed a bug that caused ropes and sticks to be left behind after destroying the watchtower or fence kit
- Fixed an issue that the player could hear themselves after using and leaving the PSA station behind
- Fixed a minor misalignment of the mouse cursor texture
- Fixed an issue that prevented full rounds from being displayed in 1st person view when ejected from the gun
- Fixed a bug that displayed the Plate Carrier Holster upside-down in the inventory view
- Fixed an issue that caused crafted items to float above the ground
- Fixed an issue that caused fish caught via fishing to float above the ground
- Fixed an issue that allowed the gas cooker to run even when stored inside the inventory
- Fixed a bug that placed the rope on the ground, if you removed it from a Watchtower Kit or Fence Kit into your hands
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up certain items that were dropped on the Watchtower
- Fixed a bug that would cause floating ammunition to appear next to the player while reloading
- Fixed a bug that would cause dropped items to clip through the garden plot
- Fixed a bug that caused wooden planks cut from a pile to be created wherever the first cut plank was moved
- Fixed a bug blocking players from opening vehicles doors caused by nearby dead bodies
- Jumping out of a car can no longer be used to glitch into objects or jump through fences (player will get teleported back)
- Fixed an issue with items in nested containers disappearing or spawning on the ground as new
- Fixed the damage calculation of the shotgun when using pellet ammunition
- Fixed a bug that allowed to see through the Olga 24 without hood in 1st person view
- Fixed a bug allowing infected to climb over closed party tent doors
- Fixed an issue with picking up items through certain walls
- Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents in the water
- Fixed a bug making it possible to place tents into steep terrain
- Fixed a bug that prevented foliage smoothing settings to be applied on game restart
- Fixed an issue that caused bullets shot via the double-fire-mode (BK 43 and Blaze) to only be registered as one hit
- Fixed a bug that allowed usage of a ruined lock pick
- Fixed an issue preventing quantities of items spawned within cargo at random capacity
- Fixed an issue blocking certain infected types from appearing within cities and industrial zones
- Fixed an issue with executing emotes in limited spaces, causing the character to clip into objects
- Fixed an issue causing vehicles with running engines to injure players close to it, even if the vehicle did not move
- Updated the textures for several buildings and various props
- You can now place up to 1
- to 10 Wooden Sticks into a fireplace
- Armbands are not stackable anymore and their inventory size are decreased to 1×2
- The doors of vehicle wrecks now open wider
- Locked doors only display their locked state after the player tried to open them once
- Changed the attachment slot icon for Stones
- Stacks of same items can also be combined on the ground (to the maximum of inventory stack)
- Updated the model of Olga 24 police car for Chernarus
- Balanced the dispersion values for all pistols
- Balanced the weapon durability during firing
- Increased the durability of suppressors (including improvised)
- Duct tape can no longer be used to repair weapons and their attachments
- Digging a garden plot now damages the tool used
- Locking/unlocking doors now damages the Lockpick
- New characters spawn with a T-Shirt and crop hiking pants
- New characters have a chance to spawn with damaged gear
- Reduced the penalty on heat isolation and absorbency from worn and damaged clothing
- The watchtower kit can only be placed under a ceiling that fits at least the 1st floor of the watchtower
- Items dropped from hands during a players death will share the lifetime of the dead body (1 hour by default)
- Items de-equipped when skinning a dead player share the dead player body’s lifetime (1 hour by default)
- The radial menu for emotes now shows whether an emote can be executed in the current position
- Adjusted the effective ranges of the Revolver and Deagle
- Added more loot points to the car wrecks
- Lifetime values of all items have been greatly increased
- Rare helicrash loot is now opted out from count in cargo of player-owned storage items (tents, crates,..)
- The restart of server no longer spawns new loot (ignoring restock timers) and loot is only spawned after restock timers run out
- Added new InitialSpawn parameter into globals.xml, allowing the definition of the % of items spawned into the world (only when there is no existing storage present)
- 6,90 GB groß
Release: 23.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 489,29 MB groß
Release: 20.11.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Added the M3S Truck (Covered variant) and associated vehicle parts
- Added abandoned M3S Truck wrecks to the maps, with parts spawning
- Added a respawn dialog, offering an option to spawn with a random or the main menu character (shows only when server has a disableRespawnDialog parameter set to 0)
- Added localization for Brazilian-Portuguese
- You can now break the players lower leg, damage is applied by falling or brute force (walking/fighting with a broken leg will result in shock damage)
- Added the Signal Pistol and its ammunition (in various colors)
- Added the crafted Splint
- Added crafted Tanned Leather using Garden Lime
- Added crafted Leather Backpack
- Added crafted Improvised Shelter
- Added Tarp (material)
- Added the ability to replace ruined parts of tents (entrance-/window-covers) with tarp
- Added the Pipe Wrench
- You can now repair a damaged car engine with the Pipe Wrench
- You can now repair parts of the vehicle chassis with an Epoxy Putty
- Clothing items now have an indicator for their insulation value
- Exposure to wind will make your character freeze more (forests can provide cover)
- Food decays over time
- Items dry up over-time when put on the ground or in a cargo space on the ground (proximity to a fireplace is no longer required, but the area of a fireplace dries items faster)
- Items cool down over-time in the player’s inventory and on the ground
- Added a heat buffer to supply an overtime heat bonus to the thermal comfort of the player character (you receive a temporary heat bonus after spending time near a fireplace)
- Added a smoking slot to several types of fireplaces, used to dry meat
- Added additional coastline details between Storozh (prison island) and Ostrog, making the sea traversal easier and more interesting (Chernarus)
- Punching now deals damage to gloves and can cause bleeding to bare hands
- Added a visual effect to increasing shock damage (both reflecting getting hit, and current state)
- Added damage when jumping out of a running vehicle (also including a chance for broken legs and death)
- New visual heat haze effect for the fireplace, flare, road flare and torch lights
- Fixed an issue where the game could freeze when accepting an invite while on the title screen
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from combining stacks of items from their inventory with the second stack being in their vicinity
- Gas stove with Canister + Frying Pan/Pot attached could be stacked infinitely
- Item wetting/drying was not taking into account attachments and nested inventories
- Sawed-off weapons now have a short weapon length (when it comes to collision with walls etc)
- Fixed an issue preventing the player from detaching their magazine
- Loading ammo into a weapon using hold on quickbar always loaded only one bullet
- Fixed an issue restoring a rag to the pristine state after being used as a gag
- Dead bodies of players should now fall through walls less often
- It should now be more intuitive to locate the inventory of dead bodies
- It was possible to consume pills and other items when they were ruined
- It was not possible to place traps, barrels and crates on slopes
- It was possible to wash bloody hands even while wearing gloves
- It was possible to get sick by drinking/eating when the player had gloves and bloody hands
- Dried raw meat would still trigger diseases
- Locked doors were not saved correctly when opened by force, making them lock themselves again after a server restart
- Water particles were appearing when hitting a player that is on an object above the sea
- The player was able to fish through piers
- Climbing on an object while it is being deleted could teleport the player
- A Gunter 2 was spawning badly in the Svergino parking lot (Chernarus)
- It was not possible to attach/detach headlights on Sarka 120 and Gunter 2 from the vicinity
- Gunter 2 lights were not visibly glowing
- Grass was not flattened when driven over with a vehicle
- Fixed a bug causing a stuck item widget
- Text was overlapping or cut off in the tutorials screens in certain languages and resolutions
- Fixed a server crash connected to user actions
- The player could use materials gained from de-crafting ruined construction kits
- It was possible to build watchtowers on top of each other
- Swapping an item in the hands and the inventory during an action could with the right timing cause the head to disappear
- It was not possible to wash hands in the sea
- It was not possible to swap items in hands under certain circumstances when it should be possible
- It was not possible to swap to small items when having heavy items in hands
- It was possible to induce desync of the hand slot by interrupting specific actions
- Wearing the Great Helmet would not change the player’s voice
- Swapping the last attachment of a fireplace would always give the max quantity of the item instead of the current
- The fireplace sound was still playing when coming back to it, after it had died out while the player was far away from it (should also work for flies stuck above a dead player’s body)
- It was possible to over-stack Wooden Sticks using a fireplace
- Fixed an issue with firewood disappearing when put into the indoor oven or fireplace )
- Fixed an issue where the player could use ruined attachments in base building objects to build parts
- Melee attacks to legs could sometimes deal damage to the head instead
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to duplicate rags using the quickbar
- Fixed an issue with stamina sometimes draining completely when holding breath while aiming down sight
- The inventory could not be opened while forcing vomiting through the gesture wheel
- Boiled steaks showed a wrong texture
- Added the missing engine to the ADA wrecks
- Fixed wrong decals on the legacy police Olga wreck
- Fixed various object placement fixes for both the Chernarus and Livonia terrains
- Fixed sound issues related to doors in several buildings
- Certain airfield objects were glowing at night
- Fixed window collisions in several buildings
- It is no longer possible to climb up the broken staircase on the industrial silo
- It was possible to open city store back doors at certain pieces of a furniture in the front part of the building
- Adjusted the base temperature behavior to be more authentic (warm afternoons, cold mornings)
- Windchill, fog and altitude penalties are not applied to the local environment temperature, if a player is inside a building
- Being under a roof provides a lower local environment temperature bonus than being inside a building
- Increased the effect of altitude on the local environment temperature around the player
- Cloud cover increases the base environment temperature more
- Adjusted the default comfort temperature of the player character (now 26 degrees Celsius)
- Balanced the heat insulation values of clothing items
- Balanced the maximum wetness level of clothing items
- The damage state and wetness of clothing impacts their heat insulation
- Lowered the max wetness value on Plate Carrier, Press Vest and Tactical Vest
- Items inside other items will only get wet when the container is soaked or drenched
- Automated drying of clothing (not wringing out) is now less effective
- The character speed has a larger impact on the overall heat comfort
- The backpack is now taken into account for heat comfort, the armband was removed
- Lowered the energy penalty in the lower warning cold state
- Lowered the maximum energy buffer of the player
- The pick axe can be used to dig hidden stashes
- You can now open food cans with the Hand Saw
- You can now skin animals with axes, saws, the pick axe, the crowbar, and the screwdriver
- Removed skinning from the shovel, as it was causing a conflict with the bury action
- Reduced the usability of duct tape for certain items
- Clothing will no longer get badly damaged during the initial spawn
- Shoes will no longer get damaged during the initial spawn
- Tools damage due to crafting is now consistent across recipes
- Balanced tool damage across actions
- Reduced the damage done to tools by burying ashes and players bodies by 60%
- Increased the health of the Stone Knife, Steak Knife and Kitchen Knife
- Increased the durability of the whetstone
- Sharpening knives costs less durability than sharpening axes
- Reduced the melee damage against animals
- Adjusted item drops from animals
- Damage to individual vehicle zones will be displayed in the UI (when you look at them)
- Adjusted the occurrence of arrows for bleeding in the HUD (now more progressive instead of nothing and then 3 arrows)
- Adjusted lard consumption when cooking (1 full Lard can be used to prepare 8 pieces of baked meat)
- It is no longer possible to dry meat by cooking it on low temperatures (replaced by smoking slot in stoves)
- Increased the speed of cooking when using the direct cooking slots
- Boathouse doors are now twin doors instead of single
- Resized the Heat Pack to 1×2 in the inventory
- Animal meat will fill your stomach more
- Increased the nutrition value of farmed vegetables
- Increased the overall energy values of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms
- Any drinking/eating with bloody hands bares the risk of infecting the player with Salmonella
- The influenza disease is generally slower in increase and has a slower immune response to it
- Antibiotics are now weaker and have a slower tick (in sync with the disease)
- Cholera takes longer to build up and disappear, penalties scaled with disease progression and higher resistance against immunity
- The build up of the Salmonella disease is faster, will activate sooner, and penalties are scaled with the progression of the disease
- Charcoal tabs have now a slower tick and a delayed response in fighting Salmonella
- Applying saline adds hydration in addition to blood
- Vitamin pills can be combined, but not split
- Medication can be split and combined
- Higher player character immunity levels are easier to get (requirements on water and energy lowered and they now correspond to the UI badges too)
- The tent packing action is now continuous (no more instant packing of tents)
- Trees now drop long wooden sticks instead of small wooden sticks
- Engines of all cars are now more durable thanks to decreased transfer of damage to them
- Tweaked the main menu character customization menu to better explain what a customized character means
- Lifetimes of items were lowered across the board (2 days have become 8 hours, 1 day has become 4 hours). This change may take up to 3 days to be in effect on the official servers
- Fixed an issue of the bear not spawning properly in all cases, when using the offline database
- Disabled the spawning of berries
- Pepper, Potato, Tomato and Zucchini can now appear also in dried or rotten state
- Infected on the coast of Chernarus have higher chances of dropping various items such as tools, clothes and food
- Added: Priority queuing (check the Nitrado admin panel)
- Added: CE global variables for toggle of wetting/drying/heating/cooling and food decay
- Added: Init flag in economy.xml now toggles randomizing door state every time the building loads in on server except for locked doors
- Added: disableRespawnDialog server config parameter, allowing to force always random respawn (1) or use custom character from the main menu (0)
- Fixed: Setting enableDebugMonitor on the server blocked inventory interactions on clients
- Changed: The priority queuing list is now editable at runtime
- Changed: Avoidance system buffer increased to reduce chances of seeing warning messages on server
- Tweaked: Avoidance system overloaded message now has more information
- 7,61 GB groß
Release: 02.12.2020 (Version
- 1,10 GB groß
Release: 16.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Verschiedene Zombie-Verhaltensweisen wurden behoben, z. B. dass die Infizierten mit dem Charakter des Spielers kollidieren und durch ihn hindurchgehen.
- Die Interaktion mit Autos ist realistischer, wobei zufällige Fehler des Charakters beim Betreten und Verlassen von Autos behoben wurden.
- Keine seltsamen Unterbrechungen mehr beim Meeresangeln.
- Enorme Verbesserungen beim Gartenbau.
- Aufpolierte Schadensverteilung und Auslöser.
- Massive Verbesserung des Engine-Skripts, wodurch die Server mehr Mods als je zuvor laden können.
- 7,70 GB groß
Release: 02.03.2021 (Version
- 324,98 MB groß
Release: 20.04.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | dayz.com | release=xboxdynasty.de, play3.de
Hightlights in deutsch
- Der Tooltip für den Attachement-Platz wurde nur für den ersten Attachment-Platz in jeder Reihe angezeigt
- Das Radialmenü für Lichter wurde nicht angezeigt, wenn die Brille zusammen mit dem taktischen Helm getragen wurde
- Der Spieler konnte sich nicht hinsetzen, wenn er bereits eine andere Geste ausführte und sich abmeldete
- Die Namen der Treppen am Zaun des Basisgebäudes wurden vertauscht
- Falsches „Nächstes Teil“-Aktions-Widget am Zaun des Basisgebäudes
- Warnmeldungen im Server-Browser wurden nicht angezeigt, wenn der Client nicht neu gestartet wurde
- Lange Gegenstandsnamen wurden in der linken unteren Ecke des HUD abgeschnitten
- Emotes wurden im Emote-Menü nicht richtig ausgegraut, wenn man in der Bauchlage war
- Das Ausrüsten oder Tauschen eines Gegenstandes im Inventar eines Spielers funktionierte nicht immer
- Attachment slot tooltip was shown only for the first attachment slot in each row
- Radial menu for lights was not shown when wearing glasses together with the tactical helmet
- Player would not sit down if already performing other gesture and logging off
- Names of stairs on the base building fence were switched
- Wrong "Next part" action widget on the base building fence
- Warning messages in the server browser would not display unless the client was restarted
- Long item names were cut off in the left bottom corner of HUD
- Emotes were not greyed out properly in the emote menu when in prone
- Equip or swap of an item in a players inventory was not always working
- It was possible to craft an infinite amount of long sticks from a broom
- A ruined Eggsperimental Capsule was still functional
- A collision part of the Large Tent was scaled badly
- It was possible to destroy a garden plot
- Infected or animals could get stuck mid-air when hit by a vehicle
- The damage indicator on tent doors was not showing the correct damage state
- The "Attach as cargo" widget would get stuck on the screen after combining a pot or pan with the gas stove
- Attachment slot tooltip would appear on top of the item tooltip
- Items would disappear inside a garden plot when dropped on top of it
- Wrong melee impact sounds of various tools
- 1PN51 scope has weapon iron sights allowed with some weapons
- Reduced blood loss from a bleeding source
- Removed the heavy hit animation being caused by all bullets except 762x54 and .308
- Slightly delayed the recovery from shock damage after receiving it
- Increased the chance of stunning an infected during melee combat
- Reduced the damage to gear dealt by the infected
- Infected now react less to the shots of the IJ-70 and the Sporter 22
- Fixed: The Fange and Kukri knives were not spawning on Livonia
- Fixed: Prints clogging up logs upon store load of plant base
- Fixed: It was not possible to repair tents when server had disableContainerDamage enabled
- Tweaked: Additional engine-side checks put in place for the values of weather
- 6,97 GB groß
Release: 05.05.2021 (Version
- 712,12 MB groß
Release: 14.07.2021 (Version
- 6,28 GB groß
Release: 22.07.2021 (Version
- 110,68 MB groß
Release: 28.07.2021 (Version
- 110,68 MB groß
Release: 29.09.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | forums.dayz.com
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS
Zu den weiteren Neuerungen gehören neue Jagdfallen in Form der Fischnetzfalle, der kleinen Fischflaschenfalle und der Schlingenfalle, die von euch hergestellt werden können.
Die Absturzstellen der Hubschrauber wurden überarbeitet
- Neben optischen Verbesserungen bekamen die Absturzstellen ein lautes Signal spendiert, das weithin zu hören ist.
- Darüber hinaus wurde von den Entwicklern die Chance erhöht, an den Absturzstellen wertvolle beziehungsweise seltene Beute zu finden.
- Xbox set to pt-BR was not always displaying Portuguese text
- PlayStation was sometimes not showing Portuguese language when pt-BR was selected as local
- Subtitles in the introduction video were not translated into pt-BR
- Materials attached to base building objects had arrows indicating that additional actions were possible when they weren't
- Logs attached to the watchtower kit could not be picked back up
- Mackerel was incorrectly placed in hands
- The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps
- Noise from rolling on the ground would not alert infected
- A previously extinguished fireplace would start to glow again when fuel was added
- Garden plots could appear floating in specific cases
- The brooms resembled the wrong material when hit
- Brooms could be used to open cans
- Texture of damaged tactical goggles wasn't displayed
- The placing hologram was not displayed properly inside the guardhouse
- It was possible to damage a prone player by hitting a nearby wall
- The character would turn towards a target it was not targeting during melee combat
- Player turning towards the first target it hit instead of the new target during melee combat
- Player turning towards the middle point of the target instead of the hit position during melee combat
- Player choosing to step forward when they are close enough to the target during melee combat (excludes certain animations such as bare fists)
- Bear and cow were not receiving damage when the player melees them in the face with bare fist or one-handed weapon
- Field transceiver simulated the wrong weight when thrown
- In several situations, sounds outside of the audible range would start from the beginning, regardless of how long the sound had been playing
- Removed push-back effect from explosions for the player
- Wind effect was enabled in the inventory item previews
- The foliage could provide cover from explosions
- Several Spanish letters were not properly capitalized
- AI could spawn in inaccessible locations
- Added missing collisions on the small ATC railing
- Added missing bed in the large medical tent
- One type of weapon reload was not functional while lying on the back
- Emptying animation was canceled when executed over water
- Removing materials from the Truck or base building objects via the widget could result in desync
- Players did not cough when aiming with a weapon or lying on their backs
- Grenade explosions would not reach all items throughout containers and attachments
- Rags and Bandages kept their disinfected status after being used to craft a Fireplace or Torch
- It was problematic to damage the M3S truck engine or find the widget to repair it
- Wooden crates could be accessed through walls
- Mushrooms did not decay properly
- AB- blood type wasn't properly displayed
- Exploit that allowed extended range of melee attacks
- Restraining a player could interrupt the actions of other users in the surrounding area
- When drinking from a pot in a prone position, the wrong animation would be played
- When splitting an M3S double wheel, the two wheels would spawn inside each other
- An empty gasoline canister would have the wrong weight after relog
- Names of 45rd KA-74 Mag and 60rd Standardized Mag were displayed with lower-case letters when on the ground
- Fixed some flawed building occluders
- Fixed some bad object LODs
- Hold breath "out of breath" sound effects were not working for some character models
- Flash grenade was not blinding in the vicinity enough
- Faster recovery from unconsciousness that was not induced by a projectile hit
- Doors that were locked on the server are showing as open on the client, making them impossible to open
- ATOG 6x Scope was having a rendering issue when observed from close distance
- Decay texture was missing on some dead player models
- The player is unable to close the fireplace inventory after opening it with something inside
- Splitting an item could cause a game crash
- Removing the last attachment from a fireplace would delete said item
- Quilted jacket was sometimes not visible in the inventory vicinity
- Combining matches would leave an empty box on the ground
- 9x39mm ammo boxes would yield only 10 shots instead of 20
- Attached flags and camo nets weren't properly displayed in the inventory
- Rangefinder and binoculars could not be used after using night vision goggles
- Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated
- Volume of the megaphone was not tied to the regular audio settings
- Wheels did not change their texture when ruined by land mines or crashes
- Increased the FPS limit on PlayStation 5 consoles to 60
- Wearing a gas mask slows down stamina regeneration
- Gas masks now prevent the wearer from eating, drinking, and taking pills
- Gas masks can now be repaired with epoxy putty and the tire repair kit
- The NBC respirator and the Gas Mask require Gas Mask filters to function
- The Combat Gas Mask has a limited, integrated, non-exchangeable filter
- Improved visual quality of the Combat Gas Mask
- Improved visual quality of the bear
- Removed spawn points that were too close to the static contaminated areas
- Improved targeting of melee combat to be more forgiving
- Tweaked the look of the Russian helicopter crash-site
- Helicopter crash-sites now emit sounds upon spawn in the surrounding area
- Tweaked the smoke quality of crash sites to make them more visible
- Adjusted collision geometry of the Machete
- Horticulture plants are now moving in the wind
- Cholera now causes fever
- Food poisoning now causes fatigue
- Salmonella now causes light pain
- Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time
- Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory
- NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit
- It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large item
- Two-handed and non-piercing weapons are no longer suitable for stealth attacks
- Names of servers will only show once the server browser is done loading and it is possible to connect
- The flash grenade uses a stronger light that lasts longer than that of regular fragmentation grenades
- The overheating effect of firearms appears later
- Boiled food will no longer burn from boiling
- Baked and dried food can be boiled without burning
- Damage of melee weapons is significantly lowered when they enter the ruined state
- The mackerel now yields two fillets
- Adjusted the mackerel filet model
- Water in fountains and metal troughs is now visual only
- Increased the armor of the bear
- Increased the brightness of the flare gun light
- Updated the credits
- Added: New ContaminatedArea usage flag
- Fixed: Typo in spawning presets SodaCan_Franta -> SodaCan_Fronta
- Fixed: Rify ship wreck loot spawn points
- Fixed: The infected zone definition inside cfgEventSpawns.xml is now properly read (previously it was ignored and used default values)
- Fixed: randomloot_deloot_perevent now properly overrides the amount of DE Loot per container per event
- Fixed: Village house 2w01 was not spawning any loot on Livonia
- Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas
- Changed: High tier weapons are not limiting spawning anymore, when stored in storage
- Changed: DELoot is now correctly randomized
- Changed: init_random on static dynamic event now properly randomizes nominal value between min and max parameters (nominal can be set to 0 in such case)
- Changed: The Woodland ghillie color now varies across maps
- Chernarus now spawns only mossy variants
- Livonia spawns woodland variants
- Tweaked: Slightly increased the amount of Tier 1 food
- Tweaked: Ammo Boxes now spawn with random ammunition packs inside
- Tweaked: Increased the maximum number of items that can spawn on a helicopter crash event by 50%
- 6,80 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2021 (Version
- 723,73 MB groß
Release: 19.10.2021 (Version
- 488,36 MB groß
Release: 23.11.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 6,32 GB groß
Release: 06.12.2021 (Version
- 629,89 MB groß
Release: 15.02.2022 (Version
- 8,48 GB groß
Release: 03.03.2022 (Version
- 295,05 MB groß
Release: 10.03.2022 (Version
- 295,08 MB groß
Release: 19.04.2022 (Version
- 6,36 GB groß
Release: 29.04.2022 (Version
- 295,89 MB groß
Release: 14.06.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia
- M79 grenade launcher
- 40mm grenade launcher ammunition
- Derringer pistol
- Sawed-off Revolver
- Sawed-off Blaze
- Craftable improvised explosive device (IED)
- Plastic Explosive
- Claymore mine
- Remote Detonation Unit
- PO-X Vial
- Fireworks Launcher
- Craftable armbands from flags
- Gas Canisters explode upon destruction
- Advanced sensitivity options for controller
- Game credits
- Doors of several structures could not be opened by force
- Adjusted some exploitable building collisions
- When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early
- The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached
- Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle
- The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD
- When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled
- Fixed an exploit related to fireplaces
- Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace
- Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing
- The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles
- The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states
- The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance
- The Revolver was missing its dry fire sound
- The land mine disappeared upon disarming
- Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode
- After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used
- Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds
- The fireplace was missing some particles when burning
- It was possible to boil food in gasoline
- Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases
- Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning
- It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached
- Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm
- The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection
- Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped
- Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads
- It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower
- Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items
- The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope
- Improved textures of the spear variants
- The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally
- Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades
- Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head
- Bus wreck model was levitating slightly
- Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires
- It was possible to unpin grenades silently
- Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character
- Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching
- Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations
- Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms
- Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook
- Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character
- Ownership of the Livonia DLC was not correctly reflected in the main menu
- Change of the control scheme was not saved after restart
- Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone
- Plants missed their name widget during growing stages
- Brooms would recover health after stopping burning
- Food lost quantity when baked with lard
- Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick
- PlayStation: Sea water would disappear on low tide
- PlayStation: Removed falsely displayed „Choose Account“ button
- Increased base building resistance against explosive damage
- Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked
- It’s now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver
- Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers
- Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3×3 to 2×2
- The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets
- Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking
- Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character
- Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more
- Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight
- Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands
- Controller sensitivity options are now visible even when mouse and keyboard is enabled
- Renamed the „Restart“ button during unconsciousness to „Respawn“
- 8,21 GB groß
Release: 30.06.2022 (Version
- 4,91 GB groß
Release: 01.07.2022 (Version
- 204,27 MB groß
Release: 14.07.2022 (Version
- 391,53 MB groß
Release: 28.07.2022 (Version
- 387,84 MB groß
Release: 18.10.2022 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Verbesserungen an der Livonia-Map
- Ein unterirdischer Bunker: Eine neue Spezial-Location auf der Karte Livonias
- Verbesserte Fahrzeugsimulationen und das neues Fahrzeug M1025
- Navigations-Verbesserungen und ein GPS-Empfänger
- SSG 82 Scharfschützengewehr und BK-18 Schrotflinte
- Blutungs-Indikatoren: Blutungen werden nun in der Form tropfenden Bluts auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt
- Neue dynamische Events: Polizei-Begegnungen und Militärkonvois erscheinen nun an verschiedenen Orten der Map
- Änderungen für Controller: Mehrere Exploits wurden entfernt und ein natürlicheres Bewegungsgefühl erzielt
- Speicherverbrauch von 11,0 GB auf 11,4 GB erhöht
- 9,82 GB groß
Release: 26.10.2022 (Version
- 1,50 GB groß
Release: 03.11.2022 (Version
- 1,46 GB groß
Release: 30.11.2022 (Version
- 228,71 MB groß
Release: 14.02.2023 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Mime masks
- Carnival masks
- Warning icons for the connection stability and server performance
- Changing stances could result in desynchronization blocking access to ADS and shooting
- Hitboxes of items in characters hands were misplaced
- It was possible to place items inside the stairs of the yellow church
- When approaching a restrained player with binding materials, the non-functional option was shown to restrain the player again
- It was possible to commit suicide with ruined firearms
- Carp, Mackerel, Chicken and Rabbit were always yielding 100% pieces of meat when skinned
- Character sounds when picking up heavy items were not played for the player themself
- Drink sounds were not played when drinking from pots or cauldrons while prone
- Impact sound of items when landing in water was repeating itself
- It was possible to shave characters while having their face covered
- Equipped belts were not accumulating wetness
- Explosives could not be armed reliably
- Reduced instances of vehicle access being prohibited due to another user already interacting with it
- Fixed several broken character animations while restrained in prone
- Improved damage zones of the M1025
- M1025 trunk bars did not move correctly with the model
- Sound of taking the SSG 82 magazine was doubled while prone
- The player could get stuck in throwing stance
- During combat with infected, the player’s position could get reset to a previous infected kill
- ADS sensitivity wasn’t properly applied in all cases
- Jumping while having a gag applied or removed could desync the player
- Manipulation of heavy items allowed players to access items through walls
- It was not possible to cover/uncover a characters head while they are prone
- It was possible to be force fed while wearing a gas mask
- The character could teleport to the roof of their seat if an object was at the height of the door
- Inventory icon of the deployed spotlight was badly cropped
- Filling a gasoline canister at a pond could result in desync
- Items were interfering with the character collision when dropped from gift boxes upon their destruction
- Other players could not hear the sound of a locked door being opened
- Using the quick bar while moving items in the inventory could result in desync
- Some twin doors could not be closed
- Several twin gates were not properly aligned to open in the same direction
- Some twin gates could not be opened by force when locked
- It was possible to access certain underwater locations
- Portable maps could display wrong map features when switching between servers running different terrains
- Fixed character collision shape shifting causing clipping through structures
- It was possible to skip certain parts of the soda can opening animation
- The character collision shape would not adjust when falling into water
- Switching between 1st and 3rd person camera could result in a distorted character
- The head-torch with the yellow light did not update its light location in all cases
- Orientation of the light on the weapon flashlight was pointing forward when shouldered
- Chemlight on ground models of utility bags not lighting from the correct position
- A climbing player was able to phase through objects during the landing state
- The player could be teleported to the world origin when climbing
- Smoke grenades wouldn’t show smoke outside of the players near distance network bubble
- Doors could have their animations and sounds played when reconnecting
- Previously felled trees would play their fall-animation upon reconnect
- Other players and creatures could be stuck in a permanent frozen animation state if they were to die while the client is being logged in
- Grass did not move with the wind on the tenement buildings
- Bear traps could hit the player in multiple zones
- The M3S truck was missing a sound related to high RPM
- Reversing lights of the M3S truck did not emit light
- Reversing lights did shine even when the engine was off
- Stamina was not decreasing during jogging in deep water
- Fixed several issues with individual buildings
- Fixed bad rendering of specific trees
- Source of the car horn sound was not properly located in 3rd person view
- The Santa infected did not scream while attacking
- Placing certain items would play the place sound twice
- Dropping the wooden cooking tripod would make metal sounds
- The unloading sound and bullet animation of the Longhorn were not in sync
- The dry fire sound of the Derringer was too quiet while prone
- Fixed several exploits used to look through walls
- An exploit allowed to repair car parts to the pristine state
- It was possible to repair vehicle engines while they were running
- Certain scopes allowed to look through the smoke from smoke grenades
- The M1025 driver was accessing the wrong lever when switching gears
- Damaged Santa’s hats looked pristine while worn
- The Claymore mine explosion did not have the proper volume when the player was facing away
- Opened food cans did not fit properly into the inventory UI
- Respawning from unconscious state could result in a black screen
- It was possible to deploy the spotlight using the drop action
- The Gunter 2 did not have sounds when removing and attaching wheels
- Large clusters of rocks and cliffs could result in in client performance drops
- Manual transmission from vehicles could get desynced when changed too quickly
- Switching between the classic and new control scheme could result in a game crash
- Accepting invitation to a server from a friend was not working when in game with a menu open
- It was possible to still hear blocked players in voice chat
- Stealth-killing infected with rifle bayonets could result in a glitch
- Player corpses had collisions after committing suicide
- Vehicle horn sounds would fix to a specific position
- The player collision was conflicting with vehicles while sitting in them
- It was not possible to pull corpses from vehicles
- Players could not get bleeding sources from punching objects with bare hands
- The M1025 engine was not stopping properly when RPM went to 0
- Quick gear shifting could result in desync
- Fixed further exploits to glitch the camera through walls
- It was possible to prevent dehydration through non-hydrating food
- Reduced the chance of getting desynced in doors by running through them while closing
- It was possible to stack the ammo box and dry bag indefinitely
- Howling of wolves was not synchronized for all players
- Changed combining action from „press B/O“ to „hold B/O“
-Vehicles can spawn without wheels again
- Wheels can again be damaged
- Reduced the eye zoom distance while sprinting
- Reworked item weight calculation (fixing several bugged item weights)
- Item wetness now influences their weight again
- Weight of the carried gear now impacts player movement inertia
- Increased the time needed to refill the car radiator
- Checking a player’s pulse is now a continuous action
- Increased the lifetime of improvised explosives to 5 days, which can be refreshed through a flagpole
- The stairs of the concrete silos are now usable to access the roof
- Adjusted the geometry of barrels and fireplaces to cause less issues when colliding with vehicles
- Improved the surface detection for throwing impact sounds
- Optimized the character update to environmental exposure
- Lowered the hit points of improvised feet covers and gave them louder walking sounds
- Positional wind and tree creaks are more audible now
- Tweaked the 3rd person camera collisions to reduce possibilities of exploits
- The 3rd person camera zooms in when an obstacle is in front of the camera
- Disconnect due to a server restart will no longer kill restrained players
- Updated map textures to reflect recent map changes
- You can now stealth-kill with the Cleaver
- Replaced outdated dirt pile model
- Updated textures on static pipes
- Updated sounds for the different stages of cooking for more variety
- Slightly increased the volume of the stealth kill
- Improved the sun reflection on water and changed its color in quarries
- Fixed: Green and black plate carrier vests and their attachments did not have their intended lifetimes
- Tweaked: Increased chance for random positional bird, insect and tree creak sound to play
- Tweaked: Increased audibility of the positional bird sounds during windy weather
- Changed: Adjusted player spawn points for more even distribution
- Added: Server config parameters for connectivity warnings (Documentation)
- Added: Gameplay JSON version mismatch and default value handling
- Added: Parameter to gameplay config (JSON), that allows people to disable the behavior of influence of stamina to inertia (Documentation)
- Added: Parameters to gameplay config (JSON) that allows control over variety of stamina consumers (combat, climbing,..) (Documentation)
- Added: Launch parameter „storage“ to define root folder for storage location („-storage=“) (Documentation)
- Added: Functionality which will copy over storage when a storage exists in default location (mission) but not in the custom location provided by the storage launch parameter
- Added: Warning when DE spawns an entity with no Types entry
- Fixed: Sawedoff18 was missing from types
- Fixed: Deleting events.bin but not vehicles.bin would cause events composed of eventgroups to have the possibility to spawn inside each other
- Changed: Improved error messages and error handling regarding storage location
- Changed: Adjusted ping calculation to be more forgiving with individual spikes before kicking a player
- 8,46 GB groß
Release: 22.02.2023 (Version
- 385,35 MB groß
Release: 01.03.2023 (Version
- 1,92 GB groß
Release: 08.03.2023 (Version
- 94,10 MB groß
Release: 28.03.2023 (Version
- 95,14 MB groß
Release: 23.05.2023 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Wollhandschuhe inklusive Farbvarianten
- fingerlose Wollhandschuhe inklusive Farbvarianten
- Tipps auf dem Ladebildschirm (neue und alte)
- flüssigere Bewegung von Wurfgegenständen und Fahrzeugen bei hoher Bildwiederholrate
- Status-Icon für leichtgradige Beinverletzungen
- Anpassung der Helligkeit des Benutzerinterface in den Einstellungen
- Charaktere können mit vorab auf der Quickbar zugewiesenen Gegenständen spawnen
- 8,27 GB groß
Release: 06.06.2023 (Version
- 1,35 GB groß
Release: 20.06.2023 (Version
- 87,87 MB groß
Release: 30.08.2023 (Version
- Speicherverbrauch von 11,4 GB auf 11,5 GB erhöht
- 7,33 GB groß
Release: 07.09.2023 (Version
- 95,32 MB groß
Release: 04.10.2023 (Version
- 564,31 MB groß
Release: 07.11.2023 (Version
Quelle: forum.dayz.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Characters can now push vehicles
- Designated marksman rifle (DMR) with 10- and 20-round magazines
- Field Shovel
- Padded Gloves
- Winter Coif
- OKZK hat
- Petushok hat
- Firefighter M3S Wreck
- The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
- Sound for deploying fireplaces and improvised explosives
- Sounds for crafting rags
- Sounds for washing hands
- Sounds for locked valve doors
- Sounds for cutting planks
- Sounds for (un)equipping the pipe wrench
- Sounds for pulling corpses from vehicles
- Sounds for placing a claymore mine
- Sounds for placing and arming the improvised explosive
- Sounds for crafting fireplaces
- Sounds for crafting a hand drill
- Functionality to hide/show the password when entering servers
- Objects behind the player would not always cast shadows from dynamic lights
- The drain/pour sound could get stuck by jumping during the action
- The sound of emptying a bottle was still played after interrupting the action
- The gas stove was playing baking sounds even without food
- While boiling food, the sound of frying would be played
- The camera was not following the character correctly when falling unconscious while jumping
- Throwing in prone when turning could result in the character turning on its stomach
- Deploying the fishnet trap would spawn it above the water surface
- Fixed instances of several items not causing stagger when used for heavy melee attacks
- Shots fired with double-fire would not register properly
- Godrays from the sun could shine through the horizon
- Reduced clipping issues with several clothing items
- Hunting jackets did not have their damaged textures when equipped
- Jumping while picking up items could result in desync
- Fixed a texture glitch on the character ankles when wearing dress shoes without pants
- A bush type was hidden too early
- The damaged status of canned was even shown on he food inside the cans
- Baked Penny Bun mushrooms had no texture
- Fixed exploits in structures
- Items would not get wet when put into a barrel filled with water
- The watchtower roof would block the selection of other items on the second floor
- Certain animations to equip an item were played twice when triggered
- Entering ADS of a weapon with a scope while throwing the weapon could result in a broken HUD
- It was possible to see through certain textures with selected scopes
- Some two-handed melee weapons had broken attack animations
- When disarming an improvised explosive after a server restart, the explosives inside could not be removed
- Fixed an exploit to access medium tents from outside
- Digging up worms close to objects could cause the character to get stuck
- Fixed an animation-related exploit to look through walls
- Fixed an instance of desynced hand slots through the equip action
- Certain door sounds in the prison building were too quiet
- Respawn after dying while in unconscious state would trigger a confirmation request
- An alarm tied to an improvised explosive would keep ringing after the explosion in certain cases
- With some optics the view would shift to the right when looking through them
- Shooting large amounts of bullets indoors would result in sounds being played with delay
- The image of the pear when held in hands was cropped in the inventory
- It was not possible to bury a Drybag
- The clapping gesture was playing the wrong sound when having certain food items in hands
- The stone oven fire could be extinguished by rain
- Fixed a config animation path for the BK-133
- Fixed an exploit that allowed to walk through walls
- It was not possible to interact with error message pop ups after losing connection with the controller
- Overlay elements were still present after accepting an invite to a server
- Missing control hint to switch the camera position between shoulders
- The tooltip for "save character" was fully capitalized
- Major overhaul of the skybox and its textures
- Reworked the interior of the large castle tower
- Removed a redundant sound during the gas canister explosion
- Disabled shadows for fireworks and reduced their light radius to reduce their performance impact
- Increased maximum bandwidth limits of Client->Server traffic to reduce movement desync when firing weapons
- Updated the game credits
- Renamed the fire-mode of the crossbow from semi-auto to single
- The clutch for the M3S now triggers faster
- Increased the inertia of the M3S
- Slightly adjusted the weight of the M1025 Offroad to be able to climb climbing hills
- Adjusted explosion sounds and ranges
- Tweaked red tracer bullets for better visibility
- Adjusted vehicles for better control on grass
- Added a warning icon to the "Disconnect Warning Session lost" error
- The server browser now displays the time of day on the server
- Changed: Reduced the spawning of warm hats to account for newly added items
- Added: Overhead lines for the railway network
- Changed: Major overhaul for the Vybor Air Base (NWAF)
- Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
- Changed: Moved VSD and FAL to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers
- Changed: Moved KA74, KA74U and M16A2 to higher military tier spawns
- Changed: Base building items can no longer be placed in the Livonia underground
- Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
- Changed: Moved VSD and Aug from military to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers
- Added: Group Spawning system
- Added: JSON file system to assign gear for players to spawn with
- Added: New gameplay json parameter to disallow items spawning in underground areas
- Added: Gameplay config ability to disable respawn of unconscious players from the ingame menu
- Fixed a typo related to vehicleparts resulting in CE errors
- Speicherverbrauch von 11,5 GB auf 11,7 GB erhöht
- 8,20 GB groß
Release: 07.11.2023 (Version
- 2,93 GB groß
Release: 20.02.2024 (Version
- 9,96 GB groß
Release: 29.02.2024 (Version
- 265,74 MB groß
Release: 07.03.2024 (Version
- 98,47 MB groß
Release: 11.04.2024 (Version
- 84,48 MB groß
Release: 29.05.2024 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | notes/release=steam.com
- Alle aktuellen Besitzer des DayZ-Basisspiels erhalten den Livonia-DLC kostenlos.
- Die Verschmelzung von DayZ und Livonia stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in der Entwicklungsstrategie des Spiels dar,
die darauf abzielt, das Portfolio von DayZ zu straffen und gleichzeitig den Wert für die Spieler deutlich zu erhöhen.
- 4,11 GB groß
Release: 19.06.2024 (Version
- 107,59 MB groß
Release: 03.07.2024 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Event "PaydayZ" startet am 04.07.2024
Crossover mit Payday und Masken aus Payday können in DayZ erspielt werden
- 181,80 MB groß
Release: 19.08.2024 (Version
- 297,70 MB groß
Release: 01.10.2024 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | early=twitter.com
- DLC "Frostline" wird eingebaut und ist ab dem 15.10.2024
Vorabzugang ist vom 01.10.2024 bis zum 15.10.2024 möglich
Neues Terrain: Ein unberührter Archipel, in dem die Zeit stillsteht.
Winterlandschaft: Eine spätwinterliche Umgebung.
Härteres Überleben: Spieler:innen müssen sich warmhalten und nach Nahrung jagen.
Umweltgefahren: Spieler:innen erfahren die Gefahren des Lebens in der Nähe vulkanischer Gebiete.
Reiche Wildnis: Neue, an die Kälte angepassten Wildtierarten.
Neue Gameplay-Mechaniken: Neue Krankheiten und eine verbesserte Fischereimechanik erwarten die Spieler:innen.
Winterliche Kosmetika: Spieler:innen können sich für die Jahreszeit mit winterlichen Kosmetika einkleiden.
- Speicherverbrauch von 11,8 GB auf 13,8 GB erhöht
- 12,19 GB groß
Release: 02.10.2024 (Version
- Spiel wurde wieder zurückgesetzt und der DLC wird wieder entfernt
- Speicherverbrauch von 13,9 GB auf 11,8 GB reduziert
- 11,11 GB groß
Release: 15.10.2024 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | early=twitter.com | release=xboxdynasty.de | notes=forums.dayz.com
- DLC "Frostline" wird eingebaut
Vorabzugang ist vom 01.10.2024 bis zum 15.10.2024 möglich
Neues Terrain: Ein unberührter Archipel, in dem die Zeit stillsteht.
Winterlandschaft: Eine spätwinterliche Umgebung.
Härteres Überleben: Spieler:innen müssen sich warmhalten und nach Nahrung jagen.
Umweltgefahren: Spieler:innen erfahren die Gefahren des Lebens in der Nähe vulkanischer Gebiete.
Reiche Wildnis: Neue, an die Kälte angepassten Wildtierarten.
Neue Gameplay-Mechaniken: Neue Krankheiten und eine verbesserte Fischereimechanik erwarten die Spieler:innen.
Winterliche Kosmetika: Spieler:innen können sich für die Jahreszeit mit winterlichen Kosmetika einkleiden.
- Added Sakhal terrain
- Rubber Boat
- Ice Axe
- Yellowfoot Mushroom
- Reindeer
- Winter-themed infected types
- Winter-themed variants of existing clothing items
- Budenovka
- Snowstorm Ushanka
- Ski gloves
- Navy uniform jacket and pants
- OMK jacket and pants
- Walleye Pollock
- Steelhead Trout
- Shrimp
- Scientific briefcase and keys
- Canned crab
- Down jacket
- Ski goggles
- Glass bottle
- Bushlat Jacket
- Sherpa Hat
- Brown Hare
- Red Fox
- Wolf trophy headdress
- Shemag
- Fishing jig
- Wooden fishing hook
- Consuming scorching hot items now slows consumption and causes damage
- It is now possible to climb onto ledges while swimming
- Some items can now freeze if exposed to low temperatures
- Grass now bends under animals and infected
- Terrain and object visibility settings
- In-game server browser now verifies all official servers before displaying them
- In-game server browser can now filter for maps
- In-game server browser now allows sorting for maps in a separate column
- Description field for servers, displayed in the server browser
- Support for stick dead zones
- In 1st person view, the characters shadow cast by dynamic lights did not have a head
- The character could get stuck in falling animation when cornered by infected
- After killing an entity with a bolt, cancelling the reload of that bolt through "Load round" would result in the bolt disappearing
- New firewood would not be visually reflected in the fireplace after it went to ashes for the first time
- It was not possible to gather firewood from one variant of hornbeam trees
- The jammed state of weapons could get falsely displayed when moving the weapon into vicinity
- The Zenit radio station was outputting radio communication, while it is only intended for input
- Vegetation was bent by wind stronger at specific angles
- The speed of the wind did not properly affect its sounds
- Fixed several gestures that could be abused to hide large weapons
- Cutting a flag attached to a flag pole into rags would glitch the flag pole
- It was possible to clip weapons through walls The stamina bar was visible when inside a vehicle
- Vehicles were missing sounds for failed startup
- The meat tenderizer and hammer were missing their sounds when building base objects
- When in the Exit menu from the main menu, pressing ESC did not close it
- Characters could desynchronize when attempting to sit in the same car seat simultaneously
- The player character was not properly turning in the main menu
- Wheels of vehicles would occasionally spin faster than they should Inventory items should no longer flicker when at near memory limits
- Volumetric fog should now be consistent across different view distance settings
- It was not possible to bandage a player who is sitting in a vehicle
- Fixed an exploit that allowed movement of an unconscious character
- Fixed an instance of desynchronized weapon ammunition status
- The "Previously played" filter in the PC client server browser
- Voice range icon did not appear when pressing voice range up/down keys
- Unloading multiple types of ammo into an inventory with limited space would result in surplus ammo types being changed
- It was not possible to remove the car battery from the Field Transciever
- Rebuilding a fence after it being destroyed would not update collisions until the nexty server restart
- Some sunglasses were not visible in hands in first person view
- When holding NVG goggles in your hand, they could be misplaced while looking through them
- The pill icon would never disappear again after taking two pills in quick succession
- Fixed visual appearance of damaged and ruined ghillie set pieces
- The respawn menu could not be controlled using a gamepad
- The respawn button was skipped after going unconscious with an open pause menu
- Updated official server naming conventions in coherence with the server browser update
- Reworked character heat comfort and how it is influenced
- Rebalanced the insulation values of most clothing items
- Reworked fishing action and its chances, including audio and particle effects (let go of LMB to reel in a fish when caught)
- Fishing bait is no longer crafted, but an attachment of hook
- Slightly rebalanced the nutrition values of fish
- Eating raw fish now causes food poisoning instead of salmonella
- Worms are now stackable
- It's now possible to dig multiple worms at once with certain tools
- Reworked the common cold into stages, added pneumonia
- Codeine pills and morphine now suppress common cold and influenza symptoms
- To tackle animal predators being an easy source of food for highly geared players, we have infected predator meat with a disease
- All edible items can now be added to cooking slots
- All edible items can now be heated up to warm up the character when consumed
- Tweaked water gain from food items, decreased the gain from cooked items
- Removed rough and precision soft skills
- Firewood can now be stacked up to 3 times in the inventory
- Tweaked the minimum and maximum temperatures of items
- Players now gain temporary immunity to the common cold after beating it or any of its later stages
- The flare gun ammunition now spins slightly on descent
- Active rain/snowfall now decrease the hearing of infected
- Force feeding is now only possible when facing the player
- Sitting in a vehicle with running engine will now set your character's heat comfort to neutral
- Heat packs cool down over a longer period and give drastically more benefit
- Traps now require bait and might catch different animals depending on the bait
- Traps now play a sound when they aught an animal
- Traps in water not play a particle effect when they caught an animal
- Reduced damage taken by traps on catch
- Increased chance of catching animals via trap
- Reduced time required for traps to catch an animal
- Significantly increased the weight of animals pelts
- Terrain detail video settings are now hidden and set to one value that corresponds to the multiplayer settings (it was always forced to one value by the server anyway)
- Reduced the AI alertness from pistol shots
- Strongly reduced the AI alertness from shots of the Sporter
- Heat buffer (+ symbol) now shows progression on HUD and its behavior has been slightly altered
- Reduced size of the cargo on most jackets, pants and vests
- Adjusted inventory sizes of various items
- Many continuous actions have now their camera view angle limited to the general area, where the action is conducted
- It's not possible to construct garden plots below certain environment temperatures
- Fixed: The restock value was not properly considered when restocking items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177835)
- Fixed: A glitched military convoy position at Dubrovka
- Changed: Morning fog behavior, there is always morning fog around the coast and in the low altitude valleys. The density is randomized, it can be too thick sometimes
- Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
- Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms
- Changed: Morning fog behavior, there CAN be a morning fog which is on the river and around its bed. The density is randomized
- Changed: Livonia now has sudden overcast changes. The sudden change always ends with a bad weather and the duration of it shorter compared to normal overcast changes
- Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
- Changed: Default date reset interval moved from Aug-Sept to July-Aug
- Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms
- Fixed: Consistency in connect and disconnect admin log message
- Fixed: Suiciding with a melee weapon would result in inconsistent log messages
- Fixed: When lowering or raising flags, some of them were logged incorrectly as Flag_base
- Fixed: The tripwire trap was not logged properly in the ADM log when placed
- Fixed: ADM log printed inconsistent quotation marks and redundant source when killed by a grenade
- Fixed: adminLogPLayerHitOnly server parameter was not working correctly
- Fixed: Ping approximation methods of PlayerIdentity should now work as intended on the server
- Fixed: Linux server would freeze or crash when scripts fail to compile
- Changed: Restock values in types.xml will now trigger in between singular spawns instead of only at the end of spawning from min to nominal
- Changed: Restock values in types.xml will now also additionally trigger once count goes under min
- Changed: Restock timer on types will now be saved to carry over between server restarts in case it was ticking down
- Changed: Attempting to start a server with ShardIds 000 - 099 will prevent the server from starting up, as those are reserved for official servers
- Changed: Ambient spawner: Number of spawned entities computing
- Changed: Ambient spawner: The ranges and zone mechanics - activating, deactivating, cooldown
- Tweaked: !Workshop folder now no longer gets created if Launcher is running in Proton operating system
- Speicherverbrauch von 11,8 GB auf 13,4 GB erhöht
- 11,80 GB groß
Release: 17.10.2024 (Version
Quelle: notes=forums.dayz.com
- Water was rendered inside boats
- Fireplaces in some buildings were not functioning properly
- Yellowfoot Mushroom was freezing at the wrong temperature
- Yellowfoot Mushroom had wrong rotation
- Items in the warhead storage were spawning in wrong locations
- The character could glitch under water if exiting the boat at high speeds
- The camera was dropping under thre ground on occasion
- The camera could stutter when the player would collide with a boat
- Deafness effect of heavy metal poisoning would not fully work
- The player would not properly groan in pain when suffering from heavy metal poisoning
- Pneumonia symptoms would overlap each other and unrelated sounds
- Balanced appearance of symptoms for the common cold and influenza
- Reduced the impact of influenza and pneumonia slightly
- It was not possible to climb over fences
- Vaulting could fail in some cases
- It was too difficult to light fireplaces on ice
- It was possible to build bases in the warhead storage and power station
- Boats could disappear under water after some time
- Boats could desync when collidion with an ice sheet
- Game physics could start to behave strangely after extended playtime
- Addressed multiple known server and game crashes
- Bolts could not be picked back up from dead AI
- It was possible to focus the server details in the server browser
- It was not possible to wear the shemag with sports glasses
- It was not possible to switch the shemag from face to head and vice versa
- Advanced placing was not possible on surfaces on top of water
- The character was stuttering while moving in water
- Boats driving too close to each other could cause stuttering
- Boat driving could be laggy for the driver
- After trying to get on top of a boat after pushing it, the player could float above the boat
- The player inventory could still react after death of the player
- Restraining a player would cause the inventory of players in proximity to close
- Boat engines could turn off and on in some cases while driving
- Changing seat in a boat and exiting right after could result in desync
- Exiting a sinking boat could break the player position
- Fixed an exploit that could result in freezing
- There was a performance decline on older generation consoles
- Tweaked weather behavior across maps
- Added sparks to the lever system in the power station
- Increased the size of the icon for fresh water sources on in-game maps
- SAKHAL (Frostline DLC)
- Fixed: The ADA 4x4 was not spawning on Sakhal
- Fixed: Piles of wooden planks were not spawning on Sakhal
- Fixed: It was not possible to drink from one of the fresh water sources
- Changed: Added interior darkness to an especially deep cave on Sakhal
- 1,63 GB groß
Release: 31.10.2024 (Version
Quelle: notes=forums.dayz.com
- Fixed a server crash resulting in the server getting stuck in a crash loop and requiring a map wipe to restart it
- Characters could get kicked from the game after respawning from unconscious state
- 179,97 MB groß
Release: 19.11.2024 (Version
- 3,79 GB groß