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Darkstalkers Resurrection Update Details (2)
Release: 12.04.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Einige Bugs werden behoben
- Ausserdem werden Probleme mit den Replays gelöst
- 4 MB groß
Release: 15.07.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de | capcom.com
- After being matched up with another player online, if a player doesn't indicate they're
ready to start playing after 30 seconds they'll be automatically kicked out of the lobby.
A chime will sound upon successfully finding an opponent.
This will let you go do other things while waiting to be matched up with another player.
- The stage select option before a match will default to random.
Even if you're just mashing on the confirm button to get into the fight as soon as possible,
you'll still be able to enjoy playing on different stages.
- The tips displayed at the bottom of the screen have been randomized.
Before they always started with Jon Talbain's mom.
- CPU difficulty settings have been added to Training Mode.
Just like arcade mode you will be able to set the difficulty level of your CPU opponent.
- The startup frames for Huitzil's guard cancel moves have been fixed.
- The knockdown properties of Huitzil's jump medium punch have been fixed so that the opponent is downed from where they stood.
- You can perform a normal move on the second frame of Huitzil's air dash – Huitzil will attack while rapidly descending.
- The problem where the Start button color could not be selected has been fixed.