0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
D4 Dark Dreams Dont Die Update Details (1)
Release: 10.10.2014 (Version 1.1)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Young’s stamina does not deplete as fast as it used to when investigating the past (during a Dive).
- Changed some food items in the airplane to help regain more stamina
without the need to go to the shop and buy food.
- Made adjustments to parameter boosts on clothes so players don’t feel penalized by changing into clothes they were given or
- Added “change clothes now” feature at the shop so
players can change clothes without the need to go to the closet.
- Added help text pop-up that explains how to change clothes when you first receive new clothes.
Adjusted controller settings for a better user experience in action scenes when playing with the controller.
- Players do not need to release the A button to perform ‘Hold/Grab’
gestures in QTE’s and doing A+LR triggers will perform the gesture.
- Trigger input in QTEs will be recognized even if you don’t release the trigger.
- Adjusted diagonal input for the thumbsticks.
- Adjusted controller input for “follow the circle” interactio
- Adjusted controller input for rapidly moving the thunbsticks (i.e wake-up Young gesture).
Major improvements to Kinect including:
- Significantly improved seated lock-on for skeletal tracking. Lock-on is faster and more reliable.
- Improved hand state accuracy. Hand states (open/close/lasso)
with front facing hands are more reliable.
- Improved seated reliability. More reliable when leaning back, close to other people etc.
- You can now say “Go to D4” at the Home menu to start the game.
- Edited the Kinect Safety Guide to help inform players about good
Kinect placement and to face their palm to the sensor for
better open/close hand state recognition.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential progression blocker where you could
not collect evidence (puzzle pieces) from Duncan if you triggered and
didn’t finish the “collect red bottle” side quest.
- Fixed a potential progression blocker where the game enters
a black screen and doesn’t come back when you are told to look
at Kaysen’s Notebook PC in Episode 2.
Fixed minor text typos and spacing issues in the UI.