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Control Update Details (9+Series)
Release: 13.09.2019 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Bug and crash fixes to missions, combat and overall game play
- Improved title stability on all platforms
- Improved general frame-rate performance through optimisations made to multiple systems and content
- Improved map loading times (map will no longer tease information)
- Motion Blur On/Off toggle added to Options menu
- Film Grain On/Off toggle added to Options menu
- Fixed multiple issues when incorrect subtitles are shown for multiple languages
- Fixed issue when the game centers the aim on Jesse’s head
- Fixed multiple UI related issues
- Fixed an issue when player could not acquire ‘Pierce Charging Efficiency’ and ‘Spin Grouping Efficiency’ upgrade
- Fixed issue when Crafting Charge and personal Mods would not give the Weapon/Mod but take the materials (Sorry. The Board was greedy)
- Fixed issue that prevented players activating the Pierce weapon form upgrade
- Fixed issue when Jesse is unable to cleanse the ‘Transit Corridor South’ Control point upon returning from Prime Candidate Program area in the mission The Face of the Enemy
- Fixed an issue when Heptonstall would not spawn during certain story missions in the “Old Friends” side-mission (still looking for his buddy Remus)
- Fixed issue when Hiss Barrier remains in the Directorial Override mission’s Control Room if the player dies during the binding cut scene
- Fixed issue when certain licensed music tracks play after enabling the ‘Mute Copyrighted Tracks’ option
- Fixed and issue when audio is out of sync in the Dr Darling videos (PS4)
- Fixed issue with the Charge weapon forms erroneous blast radius causing (way) too much visual damage to the environments
- Fixed an issue where game would stall when completing a story mission and unlocking a trophy (PS4)
Release: 16.10.2019 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Fotomodus wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- die Kamera um einen bestimmten Winkel drehen, während sie auf ein Objekt oder einen Charakter gerichtet bleibt
- das Sichtfeld erweitern oder verengen
- die Brennweite ändern
- die Blende anpassen und die Tiefenschärfe festlegen
Release: 13.12.2019 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: play3.de
- Neuer Spielmodus: Expeditions wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Release: 26.03.2020 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Improved the readability of the map
- Added button toggle options for Launch and Aim
- Revised the ability tree
- Added the option to redistribute previously spent Ability Points. From now on,
players can spend Essence at Control Points to get their spent Ability Points back and assign them to different ability upgrades
- Added the Shield Rush ability upgrade to the Shield ability
- Added the functionality to zoom in on collectable documents for improved readability
- Fixed the issue when the third personal mod slot kept unequipping after updating the game to the latest Expeditions update
- Fixed the issue where Jukebox Tokens could be obtained from Board Countermeasures before starting the Put A Record On mission
- Various fixes and optimisations to the localisation, UI, and Photo Mode
- Various fixes to progression issues
- Re balanced Charge to deal more damage. Compared to other Service Weapon forms, Charge wasn’t dealing enough damage.
- Fixed an issue where anything the player did during the Former boss fight broke the floor. Now, only the Former’s smashing attacks will break the floor.
- Fixed the issue when the melee damage upgrade affected the damage of Ground Slam.
- Fixed the issue when Expedition modifiers didn’t apply to Seized enemies.
- Fixed the issue where completing a Tier 3 Expedition granted rewards below the allowed value.
- Fixed the issue when after completing the Incinerator and Scrapyard arenas in Expeditions, if Jesse died before leaving the arenas,
the player would be able to go back and re-do the missions and farm the rewards continuously until the Expedition timer runs out.
March Update (1.09) Release Notes
- General bug fixes and performance improvements
Release: 22.04.2020 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Fixed the issue where the Golden Cube in the Astral Toilet is not respawned right away if Jesse throws it away
- Fixed the issue where Marshall may disappear during the final boss fight in The Foundation
- Fixed the issue where Hiss Barriers keep Jesse trapped inside the Pillar room in the Upper Warehouse
- Fixed the issue where the Hotline message from Marshall “The Foundation” collectible is not collected if the player moves past it fast enough
- Fixed the issue where Jesse was not invincible while Evading. You get those iFrames back! Please use responsibly.
- Tweaked the difficulty of the Jesse Faden Starring in Swift Platform side mission to make it easier
- Fixed the issue where the Astral Constructs menu has the wrong text for the Infinite tier weapon and personal mods
- Various localization fixes
Release: 25.06.2020 (Version 1.1?)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- DLC "The Foundation" nun auch für PC und Xbox One verfügbar und kann erworben werden
Release: 27.08.2020 (Version 1.1?)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=play3.de
- DLC "AWE" wurde eingebaut und kann erworben werden
- kostenlos: Multi-Launch-Fähigkeit diese gibt Jesse die Möglichkeit, bis zu drei Objekte gleichzeitig zu starten.
- kostenlos:Ein weiterer Bestandteil sind zusätzliche Checkpoints vor verschiedenen Kämpfen
- kostenlos: Ein neue Assist-Mode wurde hinzugefügt und soll Einsteigern helfen
Release: 10.09.2020
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Ultimate Edition ist digital verfügbar
Release: 02.02.2021 (Version>
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | verschoben=play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | date=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de, gamezone.de | release=xboxdynasty.de
- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K|1080p mit 30 FPS, Raytracing / dynmische 4K mit 60 FPS, ohne Raytracing
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 30 FPS, HDR, Raytracing / dynmische 4K mit 60 FPS, ohne Raytracing
- 42,46 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 17.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Es behebt einige der Absturzprobleme auf Xbox Series X/S und missionsbezogene Fehler.
- Auch werden weitere Probleme mit Abstürzen für PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series behoben
- 2,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 01.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- This significantly reduces crash frequency on Series X|S.
- HDR wird nun auch auf der Xbox Series X|S unterstützt
- 1,99 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 09.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- This addresses game stability issues even further, so crashes should now minimized.
- 314,02 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)