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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Update Details (30+X+Series)
Release: 12.11.2020 (Version 1.03.0)
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | treyarch.com
Änderungen aus der Beta Phase
- Längere Cooldowns: Das Spionage-Flugzeug hat in dieser Beta-Version einen längeren Cooldown. Das soll dabei helfen, dass weniger Flugzeuge auf einmal in der Luft sein können.
- Schwächere Waffe: Die Milano 821 teilt nun ein bisschen weniger Schaden aus. Das entsprechende Update ist bereits am 9. Oktober an den Start gegangen, falls ihr euch deswegen gewundert haben solltet
- Added Military Ranks up to 55 in standard player progression.
- Added Seasonal Prestige player progression system, beginning at launch after completing Military Rank 55.
- Added Challenges for Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
- Added unlockable Weapon Camos.
- Player and weapon customization now available.
- Added Combat Record.
- Added Theater support.
- Added Multiplayer bot support.
- Added Finishing Move support.
- Added Weapon Inspect support.
- Balance adjustment to all Scorestreak costs.
- Added a numerical display showing remaining score required to earn your equipped Scorestreaks, which appears briefly on respawn and after closing the Scoreboard.
- Improved Scorestreak tablet cursor speed.
- Improved visibility of Scorestreak tablet red dots for indoor enemies.
- Added variation to Scorestreak cooldowns to allow for more interesting player choices and strategy, while also reducing low-end Scorestreak spam.
- Updated default Scorestreak selection.
- Updated Scorestreak descriptions with more detail on new functionality.
- Improved rumble/camera shake on Scorestreak events.
- General spawn adjustments across all modes.
- Enemies in Gunboats will now properly cancel spawns within their line of sight.
- Flak Jacket damage reduction reduced by 5%.
- Paranoia: Updated the sound for when an enemy is aiming at you with Paranoia equipped.
- Frag: Improved Frag throwback speed.
- Stim Shot: Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 11 seconds.
- Decoy: Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
- Decoy will now play a static sound effect every few seconds, so attentive players can discern fake footsteps from real ones.
Field Upgrades
- Field Mic listening radius reduced by 10%.
- Adjusted tuning on the Duster Stock attachment to prevent faster sliding than intended.
- Increased the cooldown on the Spy Plane to help limit their numbers in the sky at one time.
- Increased TDM score limit from 75 to 100 for better match pacing.
- Updated the Assassin Perk description for clarity. (Updated Oct. 9)
- Slightly reduced damage output of the Milano 821 SMG. (Updated Oct. 9)
- Adjusted conditions for joining in progress to prevent players from joining matches that are about to end.
- Moved VIP Escort exclusively to the Featured playlist.
- Fixed an issue where a controller could become unresponsive when loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue with multiple Optics being misaligned in ADS and blocking the player's view, including Snappoint, Diamondback, and Hawksmoor attachments.
- Fixed a bug where players would get "UI Error 66156" when selecting "Add Activision Friends" from the Recent Players menu.
- Fixed an issue where other players' names were not visible in the pre-match lobby.
- Fixed crashes that could occur during the Best Play in a VIP Escort match.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while selecting Operators in the front-end menu.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a SAM Turret missile hit a target when the turret was destroyed.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur if a Gunboat was beached for too long.
Game Audio
- Polished volumes and sound falloffs for weapons, foley audio, ambient systems, and map transitions.
- Additional map sound design improvements.
Gameplay Audio
- Improved weapon and footstep sounds.
- Improved hit marker sounds.
- Improved player damage feedback sounds.
- Polished acoustics systems that simulate how sounds travel through/around geometry.
Since the Beta, we’ve created new reverbs for multiple areas, polished filter values so full occlusion now sounds more natural, and tweaked the way interior and exterior sounds blend as you move through spaces.
- Tuned acoustics of every map.
This affects how the map geometry influences every sound, from reverb (how sounds bounce and echo) to occlusion (how objects block sound waves).
Map acoustics are based on physical simulations of sound waves travelling through the map. As a result, all sounds should feel even more immersive and realistic, with a high level of fidelity.
Music Player
- Added Music Player, allowing players to listen to music tracks unlocked by playing the game.
- Players can select tracks as their menu music or in-game music.
Audio Presets
- Added multiple audio mix presets.
Release: 16.11.2020 (Version NUR PLAYSTATION
Quelle: gamepro.de
- Stabilitäts- und Sicherheits-Verbesserungen wurden durchgeführt
- Dazu gehört wohl auch ein Fix, der sich um die Problematik mit den PS4-Controllern kümmert und die ständigen Disconnects ausmerzt.
Release: 19.11.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: mein-mmo.de | play3.de
MP5 Anpassungen
- Die effektive Schadensreichweite (Basiswert, also ohne Aufsätze) wurde um 33 % verringert
- Konkret bedeutet das: von 15,24 Metern zum Launch zu 10,16 Metern nach dem Update
- Auch der anfängliche Rückstoß wurde laut Tweet angepasst. Wie genau erklären die Entwickler aber nicht weiter. Und die Ingame-Stats weisen diesbezüglich aktuell keine sichtlichen Unterschiede auf.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 21.11.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | tryarch.com | mein-mmo.de
- Die FFAR 1 hat jetzt einen erhöhten Rückstoß. Zudem ging der Schaden runter (von 28 auf 27) und die Schadensreichweite ging um 34 % zurück (erster Schadensbereich nun 25 statt 38 Meter)
- Die MP5 hat 33 % weniger Reichweite (Patch vom Donnerstag). Zudem schraubten die Entwickler an den Kugelflugbahnen.
Der Rückstoß selbst wird dadurch nicht stärker, doch es soll jetzt schwerer sein, die Kugeln auf dem Gegner zu halten. Besonders, wenn die weiter weg sind.
- Alle Waffen dieser Klasse wurden überarbeitet.
Die starke M16 hat nun 15 % weniger Reichweite (von 25,5 m auf 21,5 m). Ihre „Sprinten zu Feuern“-Zeit wurde verringert, dafür ist ihr „Laufen beim Feuern“-Tempo niedriger.
Die Zeit zwischen den Salven ist nun höher und ihre Laser- und einige Lauf-Aufsätze wurden überarbeitet.
- Bei der AUG kommt es zu den gleichen Anpassungen bei Aufsätzen und Salven-Feuer, wie bei der M16. Ihre Reichweite wurde zudem um 20 % reduziert (von 38 m auf 30,5 m).
- Die Typ 63 hat jetzt eine höhere Feuerrate und Feuerraten-Boni auf ihren Aufsätzen wurden überarbeitet. Beides gilt auch für das DMR 14.
Leichte Maschinengewehre
- Die M60 profitiert von einem Buff und hat nun eine höhere Schadensreichweite, sowie bessere Movement-Werte.
- Die Änderungen treffen alle 3 Sniper-Gewehre: Pelington, Tundra und M82. Die „Sprinten zu Feuern“-Zeiten sind nun spürbar geringer.
Damit möchten die CoD-Macher einer Movement-Mechanik entgegenwirken, die es erlaubte, das anfängliche Visierblinken der Sniper-Gewehre zu umgehen.
Der angezeigte „Sprinten zu Feuern“-Wert im Waffenschmied ist damit aktuell nicht korrekt. Daran arbeiten sie ebenfalls.
- Die Aufsätze der einzelnen Waffen bekamen einige Feinjustierungen, damit sie sich individueller spielen. Zudem sollen sich die Waffen jetzt kraftvoller anfühlen, weil sie einen größeren Einfluss beim Abfeuern auf eure Laufbewegung haben.
- Der Magnum-Revolver kriegt einen dicken Buff. Die Feuerrate ist nun höher und auch die Schadensreichweite steigt. Dazu kommt eine bessere Sicht, nachdem der erste Schuss abgegeben wurde.
- Die Gallo SA 12 ist etwas schwächer und verteilt in ihrem Schadensbereich von 5,8 bis 7,7 Meter weniger Schaden.
- Kampfbogen: Munition geht von 5 auf 4 runter
- Vorräte: Kosten von 1.800 auf 2.000
- Geschütz: Kosten von 2.000 runter auf 1.800
- Napalm-Angriff: Kosten von 2.100 auf 2.500
- Luft-Patrouille: Kosten von 3.200 auf 2.700
- Artillerie: Kosten von 2.500 auf 3.000
- Marschflugkörper: Kosten von 2.600 auf 3.500
- Kriegsmaschine: Kosten von 3.500 auf 4.000
- Angriffshelikopter: Von 4.000 auf 4.500, mehr Kugeln pro Salve, höhere Gesundheit, weniger Kamera-Einschlag bei Treffern, kürzer Dauer
- VTOL: Kosten von 8.500 auf 8.000
- Helikopter-Schütze: Kosten von 6.000 auf 6.500 und weniger Waffen-Bewegung beim Feuern
- Friendly-Fire-System im Hardcore-Modus reflektiert den Schaden nun ordnungsgemäß nach 3 Team-Kills
- In Suchen & Zerstören brauchte man manchmal ungewollt länger beim Legen der Bombe, als die angedachten 7,5 Sekunden
- Probleme beim Spawn-System wurden behoben, die Spieler manchmal unter dem Boden spawnten
- Die Zeit, die ein angeschossener Gegner, der später erst erledigt wird, für euch als Eliminierung zählt, ist nun länger
- Vollstecker (Finishing Moves) funktionieren auf manchen Oberflächen nur besser
- Mehr als 20 Gründe für einen Spiel-Crash wurden behoben
- Allgemeine Laufwege der Zombies wurden verbessert
- Feinde greifen euch jetzt öfter von unerwarteten Stellen außerhalb der Map an
- Einige Exploit-Locations sind nun nicht mehr erreichbar
- Die Stabilität wurde erhöht und einige Gründe für Spiel-Crashes im Zusammenhang mit Perks wurden behoben
- Viele Probleme mit falschen Anzeigen, falsch spawnenden Waffen, mit dem Gunsmith, der Mystery-Box, dem Loot stehen auf der Liste
- Die Ziel-Reaktions-Kurve ist nun in den Settings anpassbar
- Verschiedene Waffen-Tarnungen konnte man manchmal nicht anlegen, dazu zählen auch die seltensten Camos im Spiel
- Aufgeklebte Waffen-Sticker erschienen manchmal nicht korrekt
- Fadenkreuze konnten manchmal falsch herum im Visier sitzen
- Visuelle Probleme beim Splitscreen wurden bearbeitet – für den Zombie-Modus bleibt Splitscreen vorerst deaktiviert
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 15,39 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 24.11.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | release=mein-mmo.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Neue kostenlose Karte: Nuketown ´84
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 30.11.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | treyarch.com | play3.de | mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Erhöhte Verdienstmöglichkeiten für Waffen XP sowohl im Multiplayer als auch bei den Zombies.
- Problem behoben, das in Solospielen und in späteren Runden dazu führte, dass die Waffen-XP niedriger als angestrebt ausfielen.
- Es wurde ein Problem angesprochen, bei dem die Napalm-Burst-Munitionsmod nicht durchgängig mit Waffen-XP belohnt wurde, wenn sie ausgerüstet war.
- Nuketown ’84: Es wurde ein Glitch behoben, das Spielern die Möglichkeit bot, außerhalb des spielbaren Raums am Leben zu bleiben.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 08.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | treyarch.com | gamezone.de | release=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de, mein-mmo.de
- Vorbereitungen für die Season 1
- "Quality of Life"-Verbesserungen werden durchgeführt
- Weapon and Scorestreak adjustments
- New Zombies Intel + updates
- 6v6 Motherland Moshpit
- Added crash fixes related to ray tracing on next-gen consoles.
General stability improvements.
- Addressed an issue where Prestige Levels and Prestige Icons could display inaccurately in lobby menus.
- Addressed an issue where the Prestige 1 icon could display in place of the Commander rank icon in the After Action Report.
Addressed multiple issues for breadcrumbs appearing incorrectly throughout lobby menus.
Addressed an issue where the reward animation could sometimes appear corrupted in the After Action Report.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when a player was dismembered by an explosive.
Finishing Moves
- General clean-up and bug fixes for Finishing Moves.
- Addressed an issue where performing Finishing Moves on enemies while being downed would not count toward the Stone Operator unlock challenge.
- Added voiceover to first-person Gestures.
Mouse and Keyboard
- Addressed an issue when Jump and Mantle were bound to the Mouse Wheel.
- Addressed an issue with mouse navigation in Theater.
- Addressed an issue with mic status icon not displaying properly in the Party tab.
- Addressed an issue with Voice Chat Volume setting functionality.
- Improved mouse rotation controls for Weapon Inspect.
- Addressed an issue where a character’s exert audio for a weapon melee could be delayed.
- Addressed an issue where players were not immediately killed when being downed while in water.
- Addressed an issue causing progress on the Trapper Challenge to get stuck at 255.
- Addressed an issue that caused incorrect Mastery camo progression information to display.
- Addressed an issue where incorrect Prestige Icons could display in Zombies menus.
- Addressed an issue that sometimes caused the player’s primary weapon camo to appear on a Knife equipped as a secondary weapon.
Combat Record
- Addressed an issue with incorrect Engagement Range data for some weapons for Zombies.
- Killing Blows will now register properly for Zombies in Combat Record.
- Elite Eliminations will now register properly for Zombies in Combat Record.
- Addressed issues with text overlapping or extending outside the panel in the Intel menus.
- Addressed issues with 3D models not properly orienting in Intel menus.
- Addressed an issue where additional Create-a-Class slots were not appearing in the Zombies lobby on PlayStation platforms.
Die Maschine
- Added various stability fixes.
- Added new Season One Intel to discover in "Die Maschine".
Closed various exploit areas.
- Addressed an issue that sometimes caused zombies to get stuck inside a spawn location.
- Addressed an issue that caused zombies to incorrectly use their ranged attack in specific locations.
- Addressed an issue that caused zombies to path incorrectly when Decoys were used in specific locations.
- Addressed an issue that caused the incorrect floor of the mini-map from appearing after spectating.
- Addressed an issue that caused shadows to appear incorrectly on a quest character when viewed with the flashlight.
- Addressed an issue that caused ammo to be incorrectly deducted from the D.I.E. Electrobolt while using Aether Shroud.
- Addressed an issue that caused the incorrect weapon rarity to appear for the player’s weapon after respawning.
- Addressed an issue that caused the duplication of weapons using the Arsenal under specific circumstances.
- Addressed an issue that caused the Take Damage and Recover Health Trial from granting progress when recovering the bonus health granted by Jugger-Nog.
- Addressed an issue that prevented a specific Trial from granting a reward.
Mystery Box
- Addressed an issue that prevented some weapons from appearing in the cycle animation when using the Mystery Box.
Main Quest
- Addressed a rare issue that could cause the Main Quest to stop progressing at the Decontamination step.
- Addressed an issue that caused incorrect icons to display when pinging certain weapons.
- Addressed an issue that could prevent certain voiceover lines from playing.
- Addressed an issue that could occur where the Pause menu couldn't be closed when interacting with the Arsenal.
- Addressed an issue that caused a mix of visual effects from different Ammo Mods to display when navigating the Skills menu.
Dead Ops Arcade
- Added various stability fixes.
- Added Room of Judgment event.
- Added various enemy AI tuning changes.
- Added various weapon tuning changes.
- Added Host Migration to Dead Ops Arcade.
- Added options to turn off various UI elements and features.
Onslaught (PS4/PS5)
- Added new Season One Intel to discover in Onslaught.
- Added various enemy pathing fixes.
- Addressed a rare issue that could cause a redundant Perk to be granted from power-ups
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 24,08 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 14,64 GB groß
Release: 09.12.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de | treyarch.com
- Restored map voting in playlists where it was unintentionally disabled.
Game Modes
- Combined Arms: Added Miami to Combined Arms map rotation.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when the Field Mic was in use.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur in Search and Destroy.
- Stability: Added general stability fixes.
Die Maschine
- Weapons: Added Pack-a-Punch camos for the Ray Gun.
- Gameplay: Addressed an issue where zombies could ignore the player after leaving the Dark Aether during certain side quests.
Onslaught (PS4/PS5)
- Added Nuketown '84 back to the Onslaught map list.
- Addressed an issue where breadcrumbs could appear on locked items.
- Addressed an issue where menu breadcrumbs could return after going to Campaign.
- Addressed an issue where red artifacting could appear under the rewards in the After Action Report.
- Addressed an issue where white placeholder boxes could appear in place of the player's Calling Card and Emblem during player inspection.
- The Hunter icon will no longer appear distorted in the Weapon Mastery tab of the Gunsmith for the M79.
We’re also tracking two particularly tricky issues since yesterday’s update:
Some Xbox players are seeing a “Trial Has Ended” pop-up message on the front-end
Diamond Camo progress is still appearing locked for some players, despite being
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 15.12.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | gamezone.de | gamepro.de || details=play3.de, gamepro.de | release= play3.de, gamezone.de, mein-mmo.de
- Balancing Änderungen Perk-Tuning mit einschließlich der Reduzierung des Flakschutzes
- Spawn Verbesserungen
- 2 vs 2 Feuergefecht mit 4 neuen Karten: Game Show, ICBM, KGB, U-Bahn
- Neue Waffen: Hammer (Nahkampf), Wakizashi (Nahkampf), Groza (Sturmgewehr), Mac-10 (MP)
- Neue Karten: Raid aus Black Ops 2, The Pines
- Zombie-Fixes & Updates, Inklusive des 2-Spieler-Splitscreens
Waffen Balancing
- FFAR: Weniger Rückstoß, höhere Reichweite
- Milano: Etwas höhere Reichweite
- KSP: Etwas höhere Reichweite
- AUG: Schaden leicht vermindert
- Gallo 12: Feuerrate ist niedriger
- M82: Weniger Rückstoß, schnelleres Anvisieren
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 6,87 GB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 5,04 GB groß
Release: 16.12.2020 (Version
- Neue Battle Pass Season 1 kann erworben werden
Battle Pass Fortschritt wird in Warzone, Cold War, Modern Warfare
- Saisonales Prestige-System mit bis zu 1.000 saisonalen Stufen
- Neuer Operator: Stitch
- Neue Waffen: Hammer (Nahkampf), Wakizashi (Nahkampf), Groza (Sturmgewehr), Mac-10 (MP)
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 4,12 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 2,77 GB groß
Release: 22.12.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamepro.de
- täglich Herausforderungen wurde eingebaut
- Playliste (Mehrspieler Modus) wurden geändert
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 13.01.2021 (Version NUR PLAYSTATION 5
Quelle: treyarch.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de
- General stability improvements specific to PlayStation 5.
- Various stability fixes.
Die Maschine
- Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of the player’s weapon.
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- Various stability fixes.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 14.01.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: treyarch.com| xboxdynasty.de | release=gamezone.de, mein-mmo.de, xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karten: Sanatorium
- Neue Waffen: Streetweeper (Shotgun)
- Neuer Operator: Zeyna, Bulldozer
- Neuer Spielmodus: Dropkick
- Zombies Spielmodus: Cranked
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 19.01.2021 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 955,57 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 631,30 MB groß
Release: 04.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: treyarch.com | release=play3.de, gamezone.de, xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karten: Express
- Neue Karte für Zombies: Firebase Z
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 18,91 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 10,34 GB groß
Release: 09.02.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | treyarch.com
User Interface
- Updated the percentages listed on the Skill Divisions Overview screen.
- Addressed a dismissible UI error that could appear when exiting a League Play match in the After Action Report.
- Fixed crashes related to Essence Traps, Main Quest, and Tombstone Soda.
- Special enemy class now counts toward the Elite eliminations weapon camo challenge.
- Orda eliminations now count for 3 Elite eliminations toward weapon camo challenges.
- Closed an exploit where a player could teleport out of the Village using Aether Shroud Tier III.
- Addressed a rare issue where an Orda Assault Round could end prematurely.
Tombstone Soda
- Addressed an issue where the player’s resources would not update upon collecting their stash.
- Addressed an issue where the player could not pick up items after dying in shadow form under certain circumstances.
- Addressed an issue where the player could die and not reach their body while fast-traveling in shadow form.
Wonder Weapon
- Addressed an issue with the RAI K-84 where offset visual effects could be seen after using the teleporter.
- Addressed an issue where the Dark Aether Artifact Intel was not being awarded properly during the Main Quest.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 24.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: mein-mmo.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | release=mein-mmo
- Season 2 ist am 25.2.2021 gestartet und ein neuer Battle Pass kann erworben werden
- Neue Waffen "FARA 83: Assault Rifle" & "LC10: SMG" können kostenlos freigespielt werden
- Neue Karte "Apocalypse (6v6)" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neue Multiplayer-Modi: Gun Game (Free-For-All), Scorestreak: Death Machine, Vehicle: Light Truck
- New Zombies experience: Outbreak
- New Skill Tiers: IV and V
- New Aetherium Crystal types: Refined and Flawless
- New Weapon Skills: Specials and Launchers
- New Field Upgrade: Frenzied Guard
- New Ammo Mod: Shatter Blast
- New Support weapon: Death Machine
- New Zombies Onslaught map: Apocalypse (PS4/PS5)
- 20 new Zombies Season Challenges
- New Outbreak Challenges
Field Upgrades
- Trophy System: Reduced the amount of damage that the Trophy System Field Upgrade can deal to players.
- Addressed an issue that allowed certain Dual Wield weapons to be equipped in League Play.
- Addressed an issue with preset classes appearing as Unbound in Create-a-Class.
- Addressed an issue with missing Rank icons in the Rank / Ladder UI display.
- Addressed an issue that caused the „Events Processing“ UI display to appear incorrectly.
- Fixed crashes related to the Mangler, Plaguehound, Assault Rounds, and Essence Traps.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 26,51 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 15,39 GB groß
Release: 26.02.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- An update has been released to address performance issues on Xbox One, with Xbox Series X|S to follow
- We’ve also addressed a handful of stability issues in Outbreak
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 1,05 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 758,22 MB groß
Release: 03.03.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
Combined Arms
- Adjusted Zone Capture time in Combined Arms Assault.
ZOMBIES (Outbreak)
- Added various stability fixes for issues with Objectives, Jump Pads, Krasny Soldat, and the Dragon Relic.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when killing a Megaton HVT during the Elimination Objective.
- The Eliminate Objective no longer removes additional enemies between HVT jumps to better balance difficulty with other Outbreak Objectives.
- Addressed an issue with zombies pausing or pathing incorrectly to the Holdout Objective.
- Addressed an issue where the Krasny Soldat’s flamethrower attack would not deal damage under certain circumstances.
- Addressed an issue where the flashlight would stay on after spectating during the Holdout Objective.
- Addressed an issue where Tombstone Soda could cause the player to fall out of the gameplay space in Golova, Alpine, and Ruka.
- Addressed an issue where the Chopper Gunner could fly out of the gameplay space after multiple uses.
- Addressed an issue where Ray Gun splash damage could break all Armor if the player had Jugger-Nog Tiers III, IV, and V.
Field Upgrades
- Addressed an issue where Healing Aura incorrectly gained the benefit of Quick Revive’s Tier IV ability.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 09.03.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
Playlists (Schnellfeuer-Moshpit)
- HC Rapid Fire Moshpit wurde zum Quick Play hinzugefügt.
Herausforderungen (Saison-Herausforderungen)
- Die Saison-Herausforderung „Guerrilla Warfare“ zählt jetzt Kills von jeder Waffe, die der Spieler aufnimmt, nicht nur von Waffen von Spielern, die er getötet hat.
Tägliche Herausforderungen
- Die tägliche Herausforderung „Helfende Hand“ zählt nun korrekt den Spionageflugzeug-Assist-Punktestand.
Liga-Spiel (Ranglisten)
- Wenn ein Spieler fälschlicherweise in eine „kaputte“ Rangliste gesetzt wird, wird er durch das Spielen eines weiteren Matches in eine funktionierende Rangliste gesetzt.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass andere Namen auf der Rangliste leer waren.
- Es wurden verschiedene Stabilitätskorrekturen im Zusammenhang mit Zielen in Outbreak hinzugefügt.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das das Abschließen des Ziels verhinderte, wenn ein Spieler, der einen Kanister trug, ein laufendes Koop-Match verließ.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das bei der Verwendung des Feld-Upgrades „Rasender Wächter“ zu Grafikfehlern führte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem ein Spieler drei Funkübertragungen in „Firebase Z“ nicht abhören konnte.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 30.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | release=xboxdynasty.de, gamezone.de, treyarch.com
- Neue Waffen können kostenlos freigespielt werden: Machete: Special, R1 Shadowhunter: Special, E-Tool: Melee
- Neue Karten werden kostenlos hinzugefügt: Golova (Multi-Team), Mansion (2v2, 3v3), Miami Strike (6v6)
- Neue Multiplayer-Modi: Hardpoint (Multi-Team)
Waffen Balancing
Krig 6 (Assault Rifles)
- Improved visibility while firing in ADS.
- Complete tuning pass on weapon accuracy, weapon movement, and visual clarity while firing with any Optic attachment.
- Addressed instances of the weapon feeling "floaty" when firing for a prolonged amount of time.
FFAR 1 (Assault Rifles)
- Increased ballistic speed by 12.8%.
Groza (Assault Rifles)
- Increased maximum damage range by 40%.
- Complete tuning pass on Muzzle and Underbarrel attachments that affect Recoil on assault rifles.
Milano 821 (Submachine Guns)
- Increased mid-range damage by 10%.
- Increased mid-range damage range by 33%.
- Increased sprint out speed by 14.2%.
- Increased raise speed by 11%.
- Slightly increased ADS-in speed.
KSP 45 (Submachine Guns)
- Increased ballistic speed by 32.5%.
- Reduced burst delay by 20%.
AK-74u (Submachine Guns)
- Reduced accuracy with prolonged firing.
- Reduced muzzle velocity by 23.4%.
LC10 (Submachine Guns)
- Reduced max damage range by 41%.
- Slightly reduced mid-range damage.
MAC-10 (Submachine Guns)
- Modified bullet pattern to add slightly more horizontal trajectories.
- Complete tuning pass on Muzzle and Underbarrel attachments that affect Recoil on SMGs.
Light Machine Gun Alpha
- Reduced maximum damage range by 25%.
Sniper Rifles
- Disabled glint effect on sniper rifles with Iron Sights equipped.
1911 (Pistols)
- Increased ADS speed by 11%.
Magnum (Pistols)
- Slightly decreased hip-fire accuracy.
- Dual Wield: Bullet trajectories are now more varied when firing both guns simultaneously.
- Redesigned the 4.7” Takedown Barrel attachment into a “Tight Snub” Barrel. This attachment now adds damage to both enemies and vehicles.
RPG-7 (Launchers)
- Slightly increased blast radius.
- Greatly increased length of straight rocket flight path.
- Rockets now inflict more damage to enemies with Flak Jacket in Hardcore. Still requires a direct hit for a 1-hit kill.
Infantry V-Choke
Updated attachment description to clarify pros and cons.
Weapon Progression
- Players can now earn Weapon XP and Challenge progress by using any weapon, even if they do not currently own it (for example, using another player's weapon picked up from the ground that the player does not currently own).
- Slightly reduced speed of changing stances from stand, crouch, and prone.
Additional adjustments to come to address remaining disparity between 1st-person and 3rd-person perspectives.
Combat Record
- Added Vehicles section.
- Addressed an issue with the "Killed By" stat not tracking properly.
- Miami Strike (6v6)
- Miami Strike added to 6v6 rotation in Multiplayer modes.
- Miami Strike will replace the original Miami map in all core modes with the exception of Combined Arms, Search & Destroy, and VIP Escort.
- Miami Strike 24/7 playlist also available at launch.
- Mansion (2v2, 3v3)
- Mansion added to rotation in Gunfight and Face Off.
- Golova (Multi-Team)
- Golova added to rotation in Multi-Team modes.
- Hardpoint: Addressed an issue that allowed players to capture P3 Hardpoint outside of the intended boundary.
The Pines
- Control: Adjusted Zone B to allow capturing against the pizza counter.
- Hardpoint: Adjusted distance of spawns from P1 to each side of the map to reduce chances of spawning beside or behind enemy team.
- Control: Extended Zone A up to the platform outside of “green” room.
- Control: Conditional Attacker spawns added to reduce travel time to Zone A.
- Hardpoint: Removed spawns that were too close to P2 and P5.
- Hardpoint: Added a larger spread of spawns for P1, P2, and P3 to reduce chances of spawning behind enemy team.
Miami (Original)
- Scaled down bullet collision on the Miami Patrol van.
- Multi-Team Hardpoint
- New Multiplayer mode added to Multi-Team.
- 10 squads of four fight for multiple Hardpoints at a time. Each set of Hardpoints lasts 120 seconds before rotating to the next locations.
- Teams will earn 1 point every second for all teammates inside of a Hardpoint.
- The first squad to reach 1,000 points wins the match.
Prop Hunt
- Miami Strike and Satellite added to map rotation.
- Refreshed prop rotation for several existing maps.
- Addressed an issue where the Best Play prop camera could appear underground.
- New Custom Game Options added:
- Time Per Segment: The amount of time added onto the current round time limit when a zone segment is captured.
- Overtime Rules: Determines whether Overtime Defense is given to the team with the most kills or the most zone segments captured during the previous rounds.
- Added Gunfight mode-specific Medals.
- Battle Chatter now disabled in Gunfight and Gunfight variants.
VIP Escort
- Addressed an issue where the player could hear incorrect VO lines when beginning a round as the VIP.
- Addressed an issue where teammates could spawn on top of one another after a team wipe respawn.
- Enemy red dots will now be prioritized on top of objective icons on the mini-map.
Featured Playlists
- Miami Strike 24/7 [NEW]
- Multi-Team Hardpoint: Golova [NEW]
- Multi-Team Moshpit [NEW]
- Moshpit of Multi-Team modes, including 40-Player Hardpoint on Ruka, Alpine, Sanatorium, and Golova.
- Prop Hunt [NEW]
- Snipers Only Moshpit
- Nuketown 24/7
- Gunfight
- Face Off
- Flashbang/Stunned Challenges are now easier to complete.
Fog of War
- Addressed inconsistencies with the Smoke Grenade Cover Assists combat stat.
- Addressed issues with "Fog of War" Challenge and "Sight Unseen" Medal not tracking properly with the Danger Close Wildcard equipped.
- Updated Challenge description for clarity.
- Gestures can now be used before the round starts.
- Updated messaging when a player is kicked from the party.
- Addressed an issue where players on Mounted Turrets could be immune to Dirt Bike vehicles.
- Addressed an issue where VO would say "No Targets Destroyed" if the Attack Helicopter was destroyed with a Cruise Missile.
- Law Breaker in League Play will no longer allow any weapon to be put into either weapon slot. Players will only be able to use a Primary and Secondary weapon.
- Law Breaker will now only allow players to equip multiple Perks from the same Perk category.
- Perk Greed is now restricted completely.
Match Suspensions
- Players who quit out of active matches or are kicked for friendly fire will now be issued a matchmaking suspension for a period of time.
- Penalties will escalate if the player continues to quit out of matches or is consistently kicked for friendly fire.
- Extended placement bracket to include Top 25 and Top 50.
- Updated gem representation in Rank Progression screen.
- Updated Ladder Event Complete screen with new gem celebration animation.
- Added location to the top of the League Play Ladder to showcase current placement gems.
- New Region: Sanatorium (Night) region added to Outbreak.
- New Objective: Secure Objective added to Outbreak.
- New Vehicle: Dirt Bike vehicle added to Outbreak.
- New Intel: New Audio Logs and Radio Transmissions added for players to discover in the Ural Mountains.
- Added fixes for various crashes related to Objectives, Trials, the RAI-K 84, and the Frost Blast Field Upgrade.
- Addressed various issues where players could fall out of the map on Alpine.
- Addressed an issue where players could get stuck in a planter on Golova.
- Addressed an issue where the Golden Chest could push vehicles under the map.
- Addressed an issue where kills with vehicles were not always contributing to the Dragon Relic.
- Players will now take damage from the Dragon Relic rocket thrusters when it takes off. Look out below!
- Reduced duration of Holdout Objective by 30 seconds.
- Added Ammo Cache to the Holdout Objective space in Alpine.
- Cleaned up areas that were interfering with barricading and shooting out of windows in the Golova Holdout Objective.
- The Defend console now takes more damage from Hellhounds.
- Addressed an issue where picking up the specimen head while prone could prevent the player from being able to deposit it during the Defend Objective.
- Addressed an issue where the progress bar for depositing the canister could break during the Retrieve Objective.
- Enemies will no longer de-spawn when the Payload teleports.
- Addressed various zombie pathing issues in Ruka, Alpine, and Golova.
- Addressed an issue where Manglers could still use their arm cannons and Krasny Soldats could still use their jet packs after they were destroyed by Energy Mines.
- Addressed an issue where damage from the Tempest was not mitigated by Armor.
- Addressed an issue where zombies would ignore players when another player deployed a Cymbal Monkey and left the match.
Field Upgrades
- Addressed an issue where Field Upgrades could be reset after switching classes and warping to another region.
- Addressed an issue where Field Upgrade charge was not reset when changing classes.
- Addressed an issue where Elites were not being counted toward the Outbreak Eliminations challenge.
- Addressed an issue where Trials challenges were duplicating earlier than intended.
- Addressed an issue where players were unable to re-roll attachments on some weapons after upgrading them at the Pack-a-Punch machine.
- Closed an exploit that allowed duplication of the Ray Gun or RAI-K 84 using the Pack-a-Punch machine.
- Addressed an issue where players with a full stack of Equipment had the option to pick up that same Equipment and drop their stack.
- Support weapons that use ammo will no longer be refilled when warping to another region.
Round-Based Maps
Firebase Z
- Addressed an issue where cross-platform players were unable to load into a Private match.
- Closed an exploit in the Village where zombies were unable to attack the player.
- Closed an exploit that allowed players to leave the map in Rocky Defense.
- Closed an exploit that allowed accessing the Teleporter before purchasing the first door.
Die Maschine
- Addressed an issue where the D.I.E. Shockwave could be obtained through the door to its location.
- Added various crash fixes related to side quests.
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- Players now earn player XP and Battle Pass progression in all Dead Ops Arcade modes (subject to additional tuning).
Bonus Maps
- New Silverback Slideways bonus map added to rotation.
- Increased Key spawn rates and added additional Key locations.
- Tuned the number of hits a player can absorb in The Wild before dying.
- Tuned life donation rewards.
- Added fixes for various shield-type pickups not properly crediting their owner with kills.
- Addressed an issue where spinning Chickens could potentially kill the player with sawblades.
- Addressed an issue where players were sometimes unable to leave the Deadly Dungeon when collecting the ladder.
- Addressed an issue where players could be left behind when the Dungeon was triggered.
- Addressed an issue where the Flogger Trap could cause unintentional player deaths.
- Added various exploit fixes.
- Boss / Underboss level enemies will now kill in one shot regardless of whether the player is in First Person.
- Reduced explosive damage range of Meatballs when they die.
- Addressed an issue that could result in spawning invisible enemies.
- Addressed an issue where the Spider could launch the player’s vehicle out of the map.
- Addressed an issue where bodies could disappear in certain graphical modes.
- Addressed an issue where some particle effects were not playing on enemies.
- Addressed an issue where special particle effects could remain on-screen instead of being cleaned up.
- Addressed an issue where selecting the Flip Bumper controller setting could create a conflict when switching from First Person mode to classic mode.
- Added various crash fixes.
- Players are now able to immediately quit the match after a host migration occurs in Dead Ops Arcade 3.
Onslaught (PS4/PS5)**
- Battle to contain the forces of the Dark Aether and survive an intense new experience on close-quarters Gunfight maps.
Blueprint Challenge
- Complete the latest Blueprint Challenge unlock the exclusive "Jungle Fighter" tactical rifle Weapon Blueprint.
New Item Drops
- Level 2 and Level 3 Armor drops now available.
- Ammo Mod drops now available that apply an alternate ammo type to your weapon.
- Aether Tool drops now available that upgrade the rarity of your weapon.
- Bronze, Silver, and Gold Chalice drops now available that will Pack-a-Punch your weapon, once earned.
Server Pause
- Server pause now available in Private Onslaught matches.
Featured Playlists
- Outbreak
- Firebase Z
- Die Maschine
- Dead Ops Arcade: First Person
- Dead Ops Arcade
- Onslaught (PS4/PS5)
- Onslaught Containment [NEW] (PS4/PS5)
- Onslaught Nuketown (PS4/PS5)
- Onslaught Apocalypse (PS4/PS5)
Apply Blueprint
- Players can now apply any Weapon Blueprint they own to their weapon in the Pause menu, including any weapon picked up or acquired from a Wall Buy.
Ammo Mods
Dead Wire
- Dead Wire Tier V now spreads to 3 targets instead of 5.
- Addressed an issue where Dead Wire was doing the same amount of tick damage to zombies and special enemies.
Perks (Elemental Pop)
- Tuned down intensity of FX on Tier V electric discharge for Elemental Pop.
- Addressed an issue where some players could get stuck at the Pause screen in Zombies.
- Addressed instances where players were not put into the same party after accepting an invite.
- Addressed an issue in "End of the Line" where the player could fall through the ground after using a turret.
- Addressed a rare crash that could occur when entering or quitting a mission.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 14,18 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 9,12 GB groß
Release: 31.03.2021 (Version
Quelle: treyarch.com | gamezone.de
Calling Card Showcase
- Choose up to three Calling Cards to display in your Showcase, now available in the Player Identity menu at the Barracks.
Set as Favorite
- Players can now use the “Set as Favorite” option in Create-a-Class to designate a target class for the Quick Equip feature. Weapons equipped through Quick Equip will automatically appear in this class.
Player Inspect in Lobby
- Players can now inspect other players’ Operator models while in the Lobby.
- Wolf: Wolf Operator Bundle now available in the Store.
- Addressed an issue where a pop-up message stating “Quitting with 3 or fewer players on your team will result in a loss and a ladder point penalty” could erroneously appear when attempting to join on a friend.
Maps (Miami Strike)
- Addressed an issue where attackers/defenders could spawn on the same spawn side in CDL Custom Games.
Daily Challenges
- The “Junked” Daily Challenge now tracks progress for destroying enemy Field Upgrades by interacting with them, not just by shooting them.
- Fixed a rare crash related to players joining a match in progress in Search and Destroy.
- Fixed a rare crash in Multi-Team related to radiation clouds.
- Addressed an issue where CODCaster could be selected in non-team-based modes.
- Moved the Private Match Server Pause feature to an option in the Pause menu to allow the host of a match to apply a Blueprint from the Pause menu without inadvertently pausing the match.
- Fixed crashes related to Krasny Soldat and zombie pathfinding.
- Addressed an issue where a player's vehicle would not take damage when running into Special or Elite enemies.
- Addressed an issue that caused jetpack flames to appear on an HVT when their jetpack was not in use.
Onslaught (PS4/PS5)
- Addressed a progression break that could occur when killing a zombie immediately after the Surge incremented.
- 1,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 724,04 MB groß
Release: 08.04.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | mein-mmo.de | treyarch.com | play3.de
- Neue Waffen können kostenlos freigespielt werden: ZRG 20mm: Sniper
- Addressed an issue with UI icon visuals for the "Oni" Reticle appearing too dark in the preview.
Maps (Miami Strike)
- Closed an out-of-bounds exploit area near the Parking Garage.
- RC-XD: Increased RC-XD damage to take down nearby enemies using Flak Jacket.
Camo Progression
- Addressed an issue where the “Science” camo category for the RPG-7 wasn't tracking properly.
- Addressed an issue where the “Classic” camo category for the R1 Shadowhunter wasn't tracking properly.
- Addressed a stability issue related to Ammo Mods.
Outbreak (Stability)
- Fixed crashes related to Objectives.
- Addressed a stability issue related to the Krasny Soldat's leap attack.
- Addressed a stability issue related to the Dragon Relic.
- Addressed a stability issue related to Wall Buys.
- Addressed a stability issue related to the Secure Objective.
- Added numerous stability fixes.
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- Adjusted XP rewards.
- Slightly adjusted some rewards for life donation.
- Adjusted time allotments for Wave 3 in the Room of Judgement.
- Addressed an issue where the Bonus Room War Store not functioning as expected.
- Addressed an issue where the War Store wasn't granting vehicles or a random one.
- Addressed a co-op issue where a player wouldn't be warped into the Room of Fate if another player was dropping into the Room of Fate on a buggy or mech at the same time.
- Addressed an issue where various shield type objects (Barrels, Boxing Gloves, Sawblades, Tesla Balls) were not working as expected.
- Addressed an issue where the player’s shield was not affecting the Meatball or Spider enemies as expected.
- Addressed an issue where the Tesla Ball wasn't working against some enemies.
- Addressed an issue where the player wasn’t properly getting credited for kills while in vehicles for the “Damage Delivery” Challenge.
- Addressed an issue where leaderboards were not updated correctly at the end of match.
- Addressed an issue that caused Optics to be automatically unlocked on the R1 Shadowhunter crossbow.
Onslaught (PS4/PS5)
- Adjusted difficulty scaling for higher Surges.
- Adjusted spawn rate and movement speed of enemies to match other modes.
- Added super sprinter enemies to Onslaught.
- Addressed a UI error that could appear upon selecting Player Details when using keyboard and mouse.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 21.04.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | cod.com | release=xboxdynasty.de, play3.de
- Season 3 ist am 22.4.2021 gestartet und ein neuer Battle Pass kann erworben werden
- Neue Waffen "SMG: PPSh-41" & "Sniper: SWISS K31" können kostenlos freigespielt werden
- Neue Karten "Diesel (6v6/2v2/3v3) & Yamantau (6v6)" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
Light Machine Guns
Stoner 63
- Reduced max damage from 42 to 38.
- Reduced max range from 38.1m to 21.59m.
- Slight increase to vertical recoil.
- Slightly reduced ADS speed.
- Reduced range bonus on Match Grade Barrel attachment from +100 to +50%.
- Reduced range penalty of Division Barrel attachment from -25% to -12%.
- Increased max damage from 38 to 42.
- Reduced max range from 50.8m to 20.4m.
- Reduced ammo capacity from 75 to 50.
- Reduced range bonus on Match Grade Barrel attachment from +100% to +50%.
- Reduced range penalty of Division Barrel attachment from -25% to -15%.
- Reduced max range from 76.2m to 20.4m.
- Reduced ADS speed by 13.8%.
- Increased probability of horizontal view kick when hip-firing.
- Reduced range bonus on Match Grade Barrel attachment from +100% to +50%.
- Reduced range penalty of Division Barrel attachment from -25% to -15%.
- Removed 1-shot kill potential.
- Decreased max damage from 138 to 88.
- Reduced mid-range pellet damage from 6 to 5.
- Reduced damage bonus on Task Force Barrel attachment.
Hauer 77
- Increased max range from 5.08m to 5.72m.
- Reduced range penalty on Task Force Barrel attachment from 12% to 7%.
- Reduced damage bonus on Task Force Barrel attachment.
GalloSA 12
- Increased mid damage range from 9.14m to 10.16m.
- Increased mid-range pellet damage from 2 to 3.
- Reduced max damage from 118 to 108.
Assault Rifles
- Reduced recoil penalties on Task Force Barrel attachment by 10% total.
- Increased bullets added to 34 RND magazine attachment from 34 to 38.
- Reduced reload speed penalty on 34 RND magazine attachment from 10% to 5%.
- Increased bullets added to 38 RND Speed Mag magazine attachment from 34 to 38.
- Reduced ADS speed penalty on 38 RND Speed Mag magazine attachment from 20% to 10%.
Krig 6
- Increased headshot multiplier from 1.25 to 1.4.
- Reduced max damage from 35 to 33.
- Added an ADS move speed bonus to the following barrel attachments for assault rifles: Ultralight, Contour, Contour M2, CMV Mil-Spec.
Tactical Rifles
- Reduced max range from 30.48m to 19.05m.
- Increased burst fire delay from 0.216 to 0.233.
- Increased max damage from 51 to 52.
- Increased headshot multiplier from 1.25 to 1.4.
- Reduced range bonus on Task Force barrel attachment from +50% to +40%.
- Reduced damage bonus on Task Force barrel from +15% to +12%.
Submachine Guns
Sprint Speed
- Reduced sprinting speed of all SMGs. Pistols are now the fastest guns to sprint with.
- With specific attachments, an SMG may now allow sprinting as fast as a pistol.
Cargo Truck
- New vehicle available in Outbreak and Multi-Team.
- Addressed an issue where aiming while driving Snowmobiles or Dirt Bikes would not function when L1/R1 and L2/R2 settings were swapped.
- Addressed an issue with Obituary feed UI icon images facing the wrong way.
- Addressed an issue where the player could load into a match with UI “Zoom In” stuck on the screen if they started with a melee weapon or pistols with Dual Wield.
- Addressed an issue where the voice line for picking up an enemy Assault Pack would use a different Operator than the one the player had equipped.
- Addressed an issue in Multi-Team where the announcer would refer to the player’s team by the wrong team name.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 21,05 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 13,97 GB groß
Release: 23.04.2021 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 1,14 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 775,10 MB groß
Release: 28.04.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | treyarch.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
GLOBAL (Stability)
- Added various stability fixes.
Sticks and Stones
- Addressed an issue where Tomahawk kills awarded 100 points instead of the 50 points shown on screen.
- Addressed an issue where Finishing Moves weren't being counted as a melee kill.
Snipers Only Moshpit
- Restricted Ballistic Knife from use in Snipers Only Moshpit. (April 26)
Operator Missions
- Addressed an issue with Beck's Season Three Battle Pass Operator Mission ("Block 1000 incoming damage with player-inserted Armor Plates") not progressing correctly in Multi-Team modes.
- Addressed an issue where the scoreboard could lose functionality.
- Addressed an issue where players were unable to inspect other players in the scoreboard.
- Addressed an issue where the column that would display the amount of "Downs" for players was not shown.
- Addressed a rare display issue that could cause Match Bonus XP to appear as a negative value.
Outbreak (Stability)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when migrating hosts during an Objective.
Onslaught (PlayStation)
- Removed Crossroads from Onslaught map rotation for maintenance.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 04.05.2021 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 1,11 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 742,73 MB groß
Release: 06.05.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neues Taktikgewehr: CARV.2 kann nun freigeschaltet werden
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 19.05.2021 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de
- Die beiden neuen Waffen: AMP63 (Pistole) und Baseballschläger
- Multi-Team-Elimination (Eine Art Mini-Battle-Royale)
- Neue Karte "Standoff" (6vs6)
- Neue Karte "Duga" (Multi-Team-Map)
Zombie Modus
- Erste Main-Quest für Outbreak
- Angeln im Outbreak-Modus
- Neues World-Event für Outbreak (Orda Encounter)
- Mehr sammelbare Informationen in Outbreak
- Überarbeiteter Cranked-Modus für „Die Maschine“ und „Firebase Z“
- Dead Ops Arcade mit neuer Silberrücken-Bonusmap
- Content für den PlayStation-exklusive Onslaught-Modus
- Mehr Waffen in den Mystery-Boxen
- Zombie-spezifisches Waffen-Balancing
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 13,53 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 8,43 GB groß
Release: 01.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | cod.com | release=gamezone.de
- Neue Waffen "Melee: Baseball Bat" & "Pistol: AMP63" können kostenlos freigespielt werden
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 16.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com | play3.de
- Season 4 ist gestartet
- Neue Waffe: MG 82 (LMG) kann freigeschaltet werden
- Neue Waffe: C58 (Sturmgewehr) kann freigeschaltet werden
- Neue Karte: Collateral (6v6 & 12v12)
- Neue Karte: Hijacked aus „Black Ops 2“ (6v6)
- Neue Karte: Stadt Amsterdam (2v2 &3v3)
- neue Killstreak (Abschussserie): The Hand Cannon
- New Outbreak Region: Zoo
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speichergröße von 185,2 GB auf 194,6 GB vergrößert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speichergröße von 118,0 GB auf 124,3 GB erhöht
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 31,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 17,70 GB groß
Release: 24.06.2021 (Version
Quelle: treyarch.com
One in the Chamber
- Added to Custom Games playlists.
- After dying, players should now always spectate in first-person before respawning.
Sticks and Stones
- Added to Custom Games playlists.
Multi-Team Moshpit
- New Sat-Link mode added to rotation.
Cranked Hardpoint
- Added to rotation in Hijacked 24/7 and Nuketown 24/7 (June 21).
Hardcore Hardpoint
- Added to rotation in Hardcore 12v12 Moshpit (June 21).
Featured Playlists
Gunfight Tournament [NEW]
Collateral Strike (24/7) [NEW] (Also available in Hardcore)
Hijacked 24/7 (Also available in Hardcore)
Nuketown 24/7 (Also available in Hardcore)
Face Off 6v6 (Also available in Hardcore)
Party Games
12v12 Moshpit (Also available in Hardcore)
Multi-Team: Elimination
Multi-Team Moshpit (includes Sat-Link mode)
League Play Rewards
Placement Rewards
Each Ladder Event placement type will now award a Charm, Emblem, and Sticker when earned:
Finish Top 25
Finish Top 10
Finish Top 5
Victory - Finish 1st
Hot Streak - 2 Consecutive 1st Place Finishes
Blazing - 3 Consecutive 1st Place Finishes
Diamond - 6 total 1st Place Finishes
Skill Division Rewards
Win matches in the Competitor, Advanced, Expert, Elite, and
Master Divisions to earn Charm, Emblem, and Sticker rewards to represent your League Play skill:
Win 10 matches in the Competitor Skill Division
Win 10 matches in the Advanced Skill Division
Win 10 matches in the Expert Skill Division
Win 10 matches in the Elite Skill Division
Win 10 matches in the Master Skill Division
Nail Gun
- Addressed an issue that prevented the notification from appearing when unlocking the Nail Gun in Zombies (June 21).
Cranked 2: No Time to Crank
- Added back to Zombies Featured Playlists.
- 5,20 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 3,60 GB groß
Release: 14.07.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com | play3.de | details=play3.de, gamezone.de, xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karte: Rush (6v6)
- Neue Waffe: OTS (SMG) kann freigeschaltet werden
- Neue Waffe: Mace (Nahkampf) kann freigeschaltet werden
- Neue Karte: Mauer der Toten
- Speicherverbrauch 194,6 GB auf 203,4 GB erhöht (mit allen Spiel-Elementen zb RayTracing und Adons)
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 21,53 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 11,45 GB groß
Release: 19.07.2021 (Version NUR SERIES
Quelle: gamezone.de
- So sollten auf Xbox Series X fortan Texturen, Objekte und Audi-Spuren bei der neuen Mauer der Toten-Map ordnungsgemäß geladen werden.
- Darüber hinaus spielen die Macher Stabilitätsverbesserungen rund um die CRBR-S und Disciple auf.
- Im Mehrspieler-Modus wiederum sollte es nach dem Update möglich sein, nach einem Nuke-Scorestreak auf der Karte zu respawnen,
während ein Teamkamerad einen Remote-Scorestreak steuert.
- Zudem steht in den Patch Notes, dass ein Problem rund um "Nothing but Hits" der Season 4-Herausforderung behoben wurde.
- In League Play haben die Entwickler hingegen neue Herausforderungen hinzugefügt, die euch mit Waffen-Blaupausen, Emblemen, Stickern und Erfahrungspunkten belohnen.
- 1,28 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
Release: 12.08.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | callofduty.com | play3.de | release=play3.de, treyarch.com
- Season 5 startet am 13.08.2021 mit einem neuen Battle Pass
- Neuer Karten: Echelon (6v6) & Slums (6v6)
- Neue Feuergefechts-Karte: Showroom (2v2 & 3v3)
Challenge Tracker
- Pause menu now displays and tracks Operator Mission Challenges in Multiplayer and Zombies.
- New Battle Pass Operator: Kitsune
- Limited-time “Kyubi” Kitsune Operator Skin with Battle Pass Bundle purchase until August 31
- Two free Battle Pass weapons: EM2 assault rifle and TEC-9 SMG
- Four total weapons in the first half of the season, including the Cane and Marshal shotgun pistol
- Four new Prestige Levels (20-23)
- New Prestige Shop Weapon Blueprint and Legacy content
- New Weapon Unlock Challenges
- Free World at War Mixtape War Tracks in the Battle Pass
- New Season Five lobby theming
- + More in-season, including new Stryker and Hudson Operators, and “The Numbers” mid-season event
- New mode: Double Agent
- New Scorestreak: Flamethrower
- New launch week Featured Playlists: Echelon 24/7, Showroom Gunfight
- New Multiplayer Operator Missions
- 20 New Multiplayer Season Challenges
- League Play UI update
- + More in-season, including Demolition and new 24/7 playlists
Zombie Modus
- New Outbreak Region: Collateral
- New Field Upgrade: Tesla Storm
- Round-Based Maps & Outbreak
- New Perk: Death Perception (+5 Skill Tiers)
- New Support Weapon: Flamethrower
- New Region: Collateral
- New Objective: Transport
- New Vehicle: Tank
- New Crafting Item: Grapple Gun
- New playlists: Endless, 3 Region
- New narrative Intel
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- New bonus map: Ikari EggXit
- Weapon Unlock Challenges
- New Cane melee weapon available via in-game challenge in Multiplayer or Zombies, or via unique Blueprint version in the Store at the start of Season Five.
- Unlock Challenge available for the C58 assault rifle in Multiplayer and Zombies.
MG 82
- Unlock Challenge available for the MG 82 LMG in Multiplayer and Zombies.
- Addressed an issue where previous season Weapon Unlock Challenges could stop progressing.
- Addressed an issue where certain hacked Field Upgrades would not contribute to Season Challenges.
- Addressed an issue where previously unlocked Weapon Challenges would continue to display in the Challenges section of the After-Action Report.
Prestige Levels and Rewards
- Added four new Prestige Levels (20-23) and Prestige Rewards:
- Level 50: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Weapon Blueprint, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 100: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 150: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 190: All Season Challenges Available
- Level 200: New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Battle Pass Tier Skip, Master Prestige Calling Card
- Levels 250 - 1,000: New Prestige Key every 50 levels
Prestige Shop
- New “Dream Crasher” Pistol Weapon Blueprint added to the Prestige Shop.
- New Legacy Calling Cards added to the Prestige Shop, including the Level 50 Animated Calling Card from Black Ops 4.
- Added information to unlocked Calling Cards and Emblems in the Player Identity section of the Barracks that lets players know how the item was unlocked.
Weapon Tuning
Assault Rifles (All)
- Reduced Bullet Velocity penalty on Agency Suppressor attachment from -30% to -15%.
- Reduced Bullet Velocity penalty on Suppressor attachment from -15% to -8%.
- Increased Reload Quickness from 2.6 sec to 2.5 sec.
- Increased Vertical Recoil Control bonus on Infantry Compensator from +12% to +15%.
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil Control penalty on Infantry Compensator from -8% to -5%.
- Increased Reload Quickness on Jungle-Style Mag from +20% to +30%.
- Removed ADS Time penalty from 40 Rnd Speed Mag.
- Reduced extra ammo of 40 Rnd Speed Mag from +10 to +5.
- Changed Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag attachment to 45 Rnd Fast Mag.
- Reduced ADS Time penalty on 45 Rnd Fast Mag from -25% to -12%.
- Replaced SAS Mag Clamp with unique "B-Ops Mini Clamp" attachment.
This attachment increases Reload Quickness by 50%, improves ADS Time by 10%, and provides an additional starting magazine, but reduces magazine ammo from QBZ-83
- Reduced vertical recoil by 10%.
- 30 to 25.
- Now deals 30 damage out to 12.7 meters for higher damage at short range.
- Increased Hip Fire Accuracy by 14%.
- Reduced Sprint to Fire Time penalty on Tiger Team Spotlight from -10% to -5%.
- Reduced Aim Walking Movement Speed penalty on 21.2” Ranger Barrel from -20% to -5%.
- Reduced Effective Damage Range bonus on 19.5” Reinforced Heavy Barrel from +100% to +40%.
- Reduced Effective Damage Range bonus on 19.5” Task Force Barrel from +50% to +20%.
- Reduced Effective Damage Range bonus on 20.3” Takedown Barrel from +150% to +80%.
- Reduced vertical recoil by 15%.
- Reduced weapon movement when walking in ADS.
- Moved Iron Sights view farther away from the player camera.
- Increased Horizontal Recoil Control bonus on Spetsnaz Grip from +17% to +25%.
- Increased Vertical Recoil Control bonus on Spetsnaz Grip from +7% to +15%.
- Increased ADS Time bonus on Spetsnaz Field Grip from +15% to +30%.
- Reduced Flinch Resistance mitigation on Spetsnaz Field Grip from +80% to +70%.
- Increased Sprint to Fire Time bonus on KGB Pad from +30% to +50%.
- Reduced Hip Fire Accuracy penalty on KGB Pad from -30% to -20%.
- Overhauled recoil system.
- Improved weapon visibility when initially firing.
- Increased Effective Damage Range from 25.4m to 30.48m.
- Reduced Effective Damage Range penalty on Suppressor attachment from -15% to -8%.
KSP 45
- Reduced Effective Damage Range from 25.4m to 22.86m.
- Slowed burst fire delay from 0.066 to 0.083.
- Reduced medium damage range from 50.8m to 45.72m.
- Increased recoil on the first and 12th bullets.
Pistols (All)
Dual Wield
- Reduced movement speed by 5%.
- Reduced strafe speed by 5%.
- gesamter Speicherverbrauch von 127,9 GB auf 136,4 GB erhöht (mit allen Spiel-Elementen zb RayTracing und Addons)
- gesamter Speicherverbrauch von 203,4 GB auf 215,1 GB erhöht (mit allen Spiel-Elementen zb RayTracing und Addons) Xbox Series X|S
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 22,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 14,88 GB groß
Release: 17.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: twitter.com | treyarch.com
- Neue Waffe: Marshal (Pistole) kann freigespielt werden
Weapon Tuning
Assault Rifles (All)
- Reduced Bullet Velocity penalty on Agency Suppressor attachment from -30% to -15%.
- Custom Mods: Full Custom Mod support added for Launchers, Special weapons, and Melee weapons. [August 12]
- Double Agent: Fixed various stability issues encountered in Double Agent.
- Fixed stability issues related to the Death Perception Perk, Outbreak World Events, Outbreak Jump Pads, and the Disciple enemy.
- Added improvements to the triggering conditions for the Omega Helicopter.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the player from receiving the correct amount of Salvage from the Omega Helicopter when Death Perception is equipped.
- Addressed an issue that caused the Omega Helicopter to unintentionally spawn and activate on initial player spawn locations.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Holdout Objective lighting from turning off after completing the Objective in Collateral.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Disciple's drain attack beam from appearing when used against Objective targets.
LT53 Kazimir
- Salvage cost reduced from 2,000 to 1,500. [August 12]
- Addressed an issue that allowed duplication of the LT53 Kazimir.
- Players can now prevent the application of Pack-a-Punch camos on weapons by using a melee attack on the Pack-a-Punch Machine before packing the weapon. [August 12]
- Players can also lock in the Pack-a-Punch Tier I or Tier II camo by using a melee attack on the machine after packing the weapon to their preferred tier.
- Added “Train Inbound” notification to subtitles when a train is approaching in “Mauer der Toten” for players with hearing loss. [August 12]
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 27.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: callofduty.com | release=gamezone.de
- Neue Karten: Drive-In (6v6)
- Dragon's Breath attachment now works in conjunction with Dual Wield. [August 20]
Custom Games
Double Agent
- Added new options to Double Agent Custom Games:
- Starting Pistol: Set whether players start with a Pistol or no weapon.
- Loot Weapons: Set whether weapons found on the ground, in containers, and in supply drops are guns or Melee weapons.
- Added stability fixes for rare issues related to the "Mauer Der Toten" Main Quest,
bunny side quest, Outbreak Trials, and the spawning of the Chalice and Aether Tool items.
- Increased chance to rotate to Collateral in earlier Regions.
- Addressed an issue that could cause a loss of functionality when applying a Blueprint just before using the Grapple Gun.
- Addressed an issue that could allow a Hellhound to become stuck during Exfil.
- Addressed a rare issue that could cause Death Perception to create phantom duplicated items that could not be picked up.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 02.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: callofduty.com
EM2 Assault Rifle
- 25.8" Task Force Barrel
- Now reduces Fire Rate by 7%.
- Full-Auto Repeater Muzzle
- Now reduces Damage by 18% (from 50 to 41).
- 15.7" Task Force Barrel
- Now increases Damage bonus to 7% (previously 4%).
Spetsnaz Field Grip Handle
Now increases Aim Down Sight Time bonus to 18% (previously 15%).
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 08.09.2021 (Version
Quelle: callofduty.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Karten: Zoo (6v6)
Round-Based Maps
Rampage Inducer
- New feature added to all round-based Zombies maps.
- Players can now interact with an orange Essence canister at the start of each map to vote to induce Rampage. All players must vote to enable the feature.
- When enabled, spawn rates and movement speed of enemy zombies will be increased through Round 20 for a more intense experience for advanced players.
- Players can vote to turn the Rampage Inducer off and on at will, as often as once per round. All players must vote to disable the feature.
- If left unused, the Essence canister will explode after Round 20.
- Addressed an issue where scrolling through the scoreboard with a controller could toggle the flashlight.
- Closed an exploit where players were able to gain access to locked portions of the map.
- Addressed an issue where players could receive placeholder medals from CRBR-S multi-kills on “Mauer der Toten.”
- Added new Season Five Reloaded narrative Intel to discover.
- Addressed an issue where Solo players could lose the ability to select loadouts after warping to another Region in a prior Outbreak session.
- Addressed an issue where the Omega Helicopter would sometimes appear inconsistently on the mini-map.
- Closed an exploit that allowed players to escape the Holdout Objective in Alpine by using the Grapple Gun.
- Addressed an issue where selecting Zoo as a map in Local play was not correctly switching the mode to Outbreak.
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- Added various stability/exploit fixes.
- Added various fixes to further alleviate “Charlie 285 Military Gorilla” errors.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a player disconnected while in the Ikari EggXit bonus area.
- Players who have disconnected and rejoined a match in progress will now have their score and gem multipliers restored to their most recent level at the end of their most recent round.
- Adjusted Room of Judgment wave times to grant additional time for Trio and Quad games.
- A flashlight will now spawn on the Island for Solo Advanced Start modes.
- First-Person power-up spawns should no longer clump together in order to prevent one player from accidentally consuming them all.
- Reduced late money spawns after the round is over, so players no longer feel the need to wait around for pickups.
- Added a small collision ramp to one of the moving platforms by the volcano to make hitting the ramp via boosting easier.
- Touching or standing in lava will now cause rapid death in First-Person.
Bonus Areas
- Added 5% chance of golden egg spawns to the Chicken Coop bonus area.
- Ikari EggXit bonus area now properly awards XP.
- Locked the number of Ikari EggXit bonus area instances to 3 per game.
- Ikari EggXit bonus area will now be removed from the available pool after Round 130.
Nova Crawler
- Nova Crawlers no longer have an initial movement speed variance set when they spawn in to prevent inconsistent increases/decreases in speed.
- Nova Crawlers now spawn in at a consistent movement speed but can have their speed boosted by Nova Gas.
- Adjusted Werewolf health and heal logic to alleviate situations where players cannot deal more damage than health being restored.
- Each time the Werewolf restores health, it will now reduce the amount it can heal subsequently.
Pole Zombie
- Pole Zombie health no longer scales with round number.
- Increased the time a Pole Zombie is on the map before it considers planting a pole from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Pole Zombies are now slightly more likely to start a pole plant once it starts considering a plant.
- Elephant in The Wild will now be damaged by player chickens.
- Wolf and Ghost Wolf will no longer kill the player in one bite.
G- ladiators will no longer have a rare chance to survive a Nuke drop.
- Replaced level 2 and level 3 firing sounds for LMG/Rocket Launcher/Death Machine weapons with the level 1 fire sound to reduce the loudness of these weapons in First-Person.
Bug Fixes
- Addressed collision issues in the Graveyard, Temple, and Water Temple arenas.
- Addressed spawn issues in the Graveyard and Temple arenas.
- Addressed an issue where cannon fire was not entering the play space on the Round 65 Island arena.
- Added missing collision in the Island arena to prevent the player from going out of bounds.
- Addressed an issue where fireballs could blow up mid-air in the Round 57-60 Great Room arena.
- Addressed an issue where flipping L1/R1 with L2/R2 in the Controller Settings menu mapped the fire action to R1.
- Addressed an issue where First-Person power-ups collected at the same time by the player could lock up the player’s controls.
Match Resuming
- Addressed a host migration issue in public matches where, upon resuming a game, remaining players could be permanently slowed for the rest of the match.
- Addressed an issue where, after joining a game in progress, the player could occasionally not aim down sights or fire their weapon until they were downed and revived.
- Addressed an issue where a player rejoining a match in progress might not have their stats and leaderboard data recorded correctly.
- Addressed an issue where donating a life could drop an award onto the player that might not be usable (for example, a Nuke could drop on a player who already had max Nukes).
When this happened, the pickup could obscure the player’s first-person view.
- Addressed an issue with missing blood splatter effects in first-person.
- Addressed an issue where the player could stay in The Wild with a misaligned camera after running through a First-Person power-up before transitioning into a bonus area.
- Addressed a rare splitscreen issue where a blank dialog box could appear when the player picked up a First-Person power-up.
Bonus Areas
- Addressed an issue where the Margwa door at the exit was not being reset to its original closed position on subsequent playthroughs of Ikari EggXit.
- Addressed an issue that could occur when multiple players entered a Deadly Dungeon and a Silverback Slideways bonus area at the same time, resulting in unwanted game behavior.
- Addressed an issue where the player could spend a key at Mama’s Armory Basket and receive an unusable item.
- Addressed an issue where the Boxing Glove wasn’t correctly prioritizing the Fortune Fate bonus over the Divine Shield bonus modifiers.
- Addressed an issue where a split Megaton could end up below the terrain.
Addressed an issue where friendly Skeleton Guardians could prevent enemies from spawning.
Addressed an issue where where enemy Gladiators were not able to enter the play space in the Room of Judgment.
Onslaught (PlayStation)
- Onslaught Drive-In added to map rotation.
- Added new Dark Aether story Intel to discover in Onslaught Drive-In.
Diminishing Light
- New limited-time mode now available.
- The circle shrinks as the horde gets stronger. If the Dark Aether Orb collapses, it will implode and destroy the players, ending the match.
- Shoot the Orb to slow down the shrink rate, or collect clock power-ups to pause the collapse. Completing Surges will revert the Orb to its original size.
- Unlock the “Soviet Red” Assault Rifle Weapon Blueprint by completing 30 Surges in Diminishing Light.
- Addressed an issue where applying custom Blueprints in quick succession could result in weapon duplication or loss of functionality.
- Added ping icons for Mule Kick and Death Perception can pickups.
- The Mule Kick machine is now present in “Mauer der Toten” when playing in Local.
Field Upgrades
- Closed an exploit where players could use Aether Shroud infinitely
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 14,19 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 9,69 GB groß
Release: 17.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Die Seltenheit der LT53 Kazimir von Selten auf Episch gesetzt.
- Enthält das Update einzelne Stabilitätsoptimierungen für Welt-Events in Outbreak, Trials und das Betreten bereits laufender Matches.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 23.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Event "The Numbers" ist gestartet und viele Belohnungen können freigeschaltet werden (Vom 22.09.2021 bis zu 06.10.2021 verfügbar)
- Addressed an issue with the Apply Blueprint feature with Custom Mods that could sometimes duplicate the player's weapon.
- Addressed an issue with the Apply Blueprint feature that could sometimes incorrectly apply a Custom Mod the first time the weapon was used.
- Addressed an issue that caused the LT53 Kazimir total count to drop from 2 to 1 when taking certain actions.
- Added stability fixes for rare issues related to weapons and Wall Buys.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 06.10.2021 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | mein-mmo.de | play3.de | mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de | clan=callofduty.com, twitter.com | release=xboxdynasty.de, treyarch.com, xboxwire.com
- Season 6 ist gestartet und ein neuer Battle Pass kann erworben werden
- Clan System wird vorerst deaktiviert
- Neue Karten: Deprogram (6v6) & Amerika (6v6) & Gluboko (2v2/3v3)
- Neue Waffen: .410 Ironhide & GAV & Battle Axe
- Neue Operators: FUZE & MASON
- Neue Karte: Forsaken
Weapon Tuning
Assault Rifles
- Reduced maximum damage from 48 to 42.
- Increased vertical recoil on first bullet fired.
- Removed -7% fire rate penalty from 25.8” Task Force Barrel attachment.
- Increased horizontal recoil control penalty on 25.8” Task Force Barrel attachment from 15% to 25%.
- Added 12% horizontal recoil reduction to STANAG 60 Rnd Drum attachment.
- Added 8% vertical recoil reduction to STANAG 60 Rnd Drum attachment.
Submachine Guns
- Reduced ADS speed from 0.233 to 0.266.
- Reduced sprint to fire speed from 0.3 to 0.333.
- Reduced weapon swap speed from 0.35 to 0.375.
- Increased effective range penalty on Burst Fire Repeater Muzzle attachment from 15% to 33%.
KSP 45
- Reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4x to 1.33x.
- Increased damage increase on 10.5” Task Force Barrel attachment to 8%.
- Reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4x to 1.33x.
- Reduced max damage range from 5.08m to 3.81m.
- Reduced firing speed from 0.35 to 0.366.
- Increased range penalty on Dragon’s Breath attachment from 8% to 25%.
- Bonus Damage from Dragon’s Breath is now reduced at ranges beyond 6.66m.
Maximum bonus damage has been reduced from 40 to a maximum of 24. The 12.1” Extended Barrel attachment increases this range before damage drop off.
All Shotguns
- Increased effective damage range bonus on Ranger Barrel attachments from 30% to 33%.
Hauer 77
- Added slightly longer visual shake after firing.
- Added more dramatic visual and weapon movement when firing.
Nail Gun
- Shots to the head and neck now do 2x damage.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- gesamter Speicherverbruach von 139,8 GB auf 146,2 GB erhöht (mit allen Spiel-Elementen zb Zombies, Multiplayer und Addons)
- gesamter Speicherverbruach von 199,4 GB auf 210,3 GB erhöht (mit allen Spiel-Elementen zb Zombies, Multiplayer und Addons) Xbox Series X|S
- 24,75 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 14,91 GB groß
Release: 19.10.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Halloween Event "The Hunting" ist gesatartet
- Neue Waffen: LAPA & Hammer / Sickle
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 22.10.2021 (Version
- 6,20 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,36 GB groß
Release: 26.10.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: twitter.com | treyarch.com
- 10-second time extension for every Survivor killed in Infected
- Improved Battle Axe hit registration
- Stability & bug fixes in Zombies
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 03.11.2021 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=treyarch.com
- Kooperativer Horde-Modus „Zombies Onslaught wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Added “100 Percenter” Challenge rewards for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Campaign.
- Players are now awarded an Animated Calling Card when they complete 100% of Challenges in each mode.
- Dark Ops Challenges are not required to earn 100 Percenter Calling Cards.
- Players who have already completed all Challenges in a given mode will be awarded the Calling Card retroactively.
Prestige Shop
- New Weapon Blueprint
- Added new “Vicarious” Tactical Rifle Weapon Blueprint to the Prestige Shop.
- Legacy Calling Cards
- Added new Legacy Calling Cards and Animated Calling Cards to the Prestige Shop.
Cinematic Archive
- Added new Cinematic Archive to the Barracks where players can watch cinematics from previous seasons.
Uninstall Management
- Players will now be prompted with an option to uninstall the Black Ops Cold War Campaign to free up disk space.
- All Campaign save data will be retained and the mode can be reinstalled at any time.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 210,3 GB auf 212,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing)
- Speicherverbrauch von 146,3 GB auf 147,3 GB erhöht (alle Addons & Elemente installiert)
- 10,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 6,80 GB groß
Release: 06.12.2021 (Version
Quelle: treyarch.com
- Alle Season Herausforderungen können weiterhin abgeschlossen werden
Weapon Tuning (Dec. 6)
- Reduced Damage Range from 3.81m to 3.68m.
- Increased Damage drop-off when fired beyond 3.68m.
Dragon's Breath Attachment
- Now has a -5% effect on Fire Rate.
- Increased Damage Range penalty from -25% to -35%.
- Reduced Damage bonus from +17% to +16%.
12.1" Extended Barrel
- Reduced Damage Range bonus from +20% to +15%.
- Updated Lobby theming in Multiplayer and Zombies.
- Closed an exploit during the Main Quest boss fight.
- Added “Not Enough Essence” prompt to the Arcade Token dispenser when the player does not have enough Essence to purchase a token.
Mauer der Toten
- Addressed an issue where a texture was not appearing correctly after melting the door during the Main Quest.
- Enemies killed by Brain Rot zombies will now contribute toward the Dragon Relic World Event.
- Added Onslaught Containment and Onslaught Deprogram to offline Local play.
- Fixed stability issues related to the Arsenal.
- Speicherverbrauch von 203,3 GB auf 203,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing)
- Speicherverbrauch von 147,3 GB auf 147,8 GB erhöht (alle Addons & Elemente installiert)
- 3,76 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (wurde angezeigt)
- 6,96 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (wurde geladen)
- 4,87 GB groß
Release: 17.12.2021 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- We have released an update that is now rolling out to all players to address the recent weapon progression and attachment unlocks issue.
- 6,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,25 GB groß
Release: 09.02.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | trello.com
- Renamed the Progression tab to Career Progression and added a Legacy Progression tab in Barracks for easier progression menu navigation.
- Addressed an issue where Seasonal Progression was showing incorrect Prestige icons.
- Addressed a clipping issue when using the Zombie Head Gesture while using a Sentry Scorestreak.
- Addressed an issue where the visual effect could remain stuck on the player when performing the Soul Torn Finishing Move.
Combat Record
- Addressed an issue where Combat Record could sometimes appear locked under certain circumstances.
- Addressed a UI error that would sometimes occur when playing Outbreak in splitscreen.
- Addressed an issue in "Forsaken" where the Pizza Delivery text could overlap the Trial text.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 203,8 GB auf 207,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing)
- Speicherverbrauch von 147,8 GB auf 150,8 GB erhöht (alle Addons & Elemente installiert)
- 10,31 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 7,37 GB groß
Release: 04.03.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de | callofduty.com
- Neue Waffe für MP & Zombies: Vargo 52 Assault Rifle
Release: 17.03.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de | callofduty.com | verschoben=twitter.com | release=twitter.com
- Neue Remaster Karte: WMD aus Black Ops 1
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 6,33 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,23 GB groß
Release: 25.04.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | trello.com
Easter Eggs
- Added a new secret location offering over a dozen rewards and a permanent upgrade in all Zombies maps, depending on how many Main Quests you've completed. 🤫
Outbreak Collapse
- Players must outlast increasingly intense waves for 10 minutes before attempting to exfil from a single Region.
- After choosing from one of two random Regions to infiltrate, fight to survive as the difficulty ramps up every two minutes.
- Hold out until the time limit and race to the exfil point at the farthest position from your squad while a surge of zombies closes in on your position.
Successfully exfil from the region before time runs out to win.
- Abomination enemy added to Outbreak.
- HVT Abomination added to Eliminate Objective.
- Addressed an issue where players with Tombstone Tier IV were not being respawned near the end of the round.
Mystery Box
- Weapons from Season Six can now be obtained from the Mystery Box.
- Speicherverbrauch von 207,6 GB auf 209,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing & Dead Ops)
- Speicherverbrauch von 150,8 GB auf 151,6 GB erhöht (alle Addons & Elemente installiert)
- 8,03 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 5,44 GB groß
Release: 06.05.2022 (Vom Server aus freigeschaltet)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | release=twitter.com, callofduty.com
- Neue Karte "Dschungel" aus Black Ops 1 wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neue Waffe: URG (SMG)
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
Release: 06.06.2022 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | trello.com
- Ausversehen wurden eine neue Nahkampfwaffe freigeschaltet
Diese wurde nun vorerst wieder per Update entfernt
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 6,81 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,57 GB groß
Release: 20.06.2022 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 210,0 GB auf 211,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing & Dead Ops)
- Speicherverbrauch von 151,6 GB auf 152,4 GB erhöht
- 7,22 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,87 GB groß
Release: 22.08.2022 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 210,1 GB auf 211,7 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S) (ohne RayTracing & Dead Ops)
- Speicherverbrauch von 153,4 GB auf 153,8 GB erhöht
- 6,62 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,59 GB groß
Release: 26.09.2022 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 153,8 GB auf 153,9 GB erhöht
- 10,50 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,65 GB groß
Release: 06.12.2022 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 5,95 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,49 GB groß
Release: 06.03.2023 (Version
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 5,82 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,04 GB groß
Release: 22.06.2023 (Version
Quelle: notes=twitter.com | release=twitter.com
- A security update has been released on all platforms. Additional updates are in progress.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 9,91 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 4,53 GB groß
Release: 10.07.2023 (Version
Quelle: release=twitter.com
- A new security update hat been released
- Additinally, party privacy setting for all users are now set to „Friends only“ by default
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 9,61 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 7,65 GB groß
Release: 15.08.2023 (Version
Quelle: release=twitter.com, twitter.com
- A new security update hat been released on all platforms.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 1,51 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 1016,32 MB groß
Release: 19.09.2023 (Version
Quelle: ps4|ps5=twitter.com | wooco.de
- A new security update hat been released on all platforms.
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- Speicherverbrauch von 211,6 GB auf 211,5 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- Speicherverbrauch von 153,8 GB auf 153,2 reduziert
- 9,84 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)
- 38,97 GB groß
Release: in Arbeit 04.2022 (Version 1.005)
Quelle: play3.de
- PlayStation 5: VRR Funktion (variable Aktualisierungsrate) wird eingebaut
Release: in Arbeit (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | clan=callofduty.com, twitter.com
- Clan System wird wieder aktiviert
Release: 2021 (INFO)
Quelle: deal=mein-mmo.de
PlayStation exklusive Inhalte
- 5 Battle Pass Bonus: Wenn ihr den Premium-Battle-Pass kauft, sind 5 weitere Stufen, also insgesamt 25 Stufen, freigeschaltet.
- PlayStation Party Bonus: Spieler auf der PlayStation bekommen im Team (auch mit nicht PS-Spielern) einen Bonus von 25 Prozent auf Waffen-XP
- Double XP Bonus: Jeden Monat wird es Events von 24 Stunden Länge geben, in denen PlayStation-Spieler doppelte XP bekommen.
- Extra Loadouts: PlayStation-Spieler bekommen zwei weitere Slots für Loadouts.
Meine Wünsche und Änderungen
- aktivierte XP Tokens werden nun auch im Pausemenü (im Match) angezeigt (wie schon in Modern Warfare 2019)