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Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Update Details (37+X)
Release: 15.10.2018
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- General stability and crash fixes across all modes.
Gameplay Balancing
- Increased player health in Casual, Normal, and Hardcore Difficulty in Classic mode by 50 points.
- Balance adjustment to rate at which players earn points.
- Balance adjustment to Tiger attacks.
- Balance adjustment to Hellhounds (spawn radius, speed, and frequency).
- Balance adjustment to Hellfire Special Weapon.
- Reduced cost of shield repair and replacement.
- Resolved an issue where some players experienced a crash in the Laboratory.
- Mastercraft camos can now be properly unlocked.
- Adjusted unlock requirements for the active camo on Signature Weapons (MX9, Strife).
- Prevented Scorestreak kills from counting toward progress in certain Challenges.
- Addressed an issue that occasionally prevented players from unlocking Ajax.
Release: 17.10.2018
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- General stability improvements and crash fixes.
- The Featured playlist tiles for Multiplayer and Blackout have changed today.
This is part of the regular rotation of Featured playlists: more details to come on how Featured playlists will work in Black Ops 4 in a separate update.
- 100-Players Duos is now the Featured playlist for Blackout.
- Quads playlist is now 88 maximum players. We’re continuing to update various game settings to ensure the best experience for all players across all platforms and modes.
- TDM playlist now supports parties of 6 (was previously 5).
- Featured playlist changed to Heist.
- Custom Search and Destroy games will now correctly conclude after one team wins 6 rounds total, fixing an issue where custom games previously ended at round 7.
- Addressed a crash caused by earning multiple Medals in a match.
- Addressed a UI error caused by losing Internet connection in split screen.
Release: 19.10.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de
- Angaben zahlreiche Anpassungen und Verbesserungen, die sich über alle Spiel-Modi erstrecken.
- Darüber hinaus wird eine optimierte Performance auf allen Systemen versprochen.
- Speziell für den Zombie-Modus kündigt Treyarch Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Stabilität an
- Leaderboards are now available for Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies. For Multiplayer and Blackout, players will start ranking on Leaderboards after playing 25 games.
- Addressed an issue where player-created paintjobs may appear corrupted or stretched when placed on weapons.
Previously created paintjobs may appear shifted or skewed as a result and may need to be readjusted.
- As a result of significant architectural changes between updates, previous Theater files can no longer be viewed.
While this is an unfortunate side effect of live game development, we will make every effort to keep instances of incompatibility to an absolute minimum.
- General stability improvements across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.
- Improved spawn points on various maps in Free For All and Domination.
- Added “Sprint Cancels Reload” to Options in the Controls category. When enabled, this allows players to cancel their weapon reload by starting a sprint.
This will not prevent sprinting or reloading if players are already sprinting and perform a reload.
- Addressed several issues with mantling and other first-person combat animations.
- Fixed an exploit where a player could use Crash’s TAK-5 for the duration of the match.
- Addressed an issue where Ruin’s Grapple Gun would appear to float from the player’s hand.
- Addressed an issue where Nomad’s Vision Pulse visuals would remain on enemies after respawning and during Best Play.
- Improved pathfinding for Prophet’s Seeker on various maps.
- Corrected an issue with voiceover lines occasionally playing at incorrect times.
- Addressed issues with weapon Camos appearing on unintended portions of weapons.
- Addressed an issue where some Reactive Camos were not displaying correctly.
- Addressed an issue where friendly Players, Equipment, and Scorestreaks would display thermal visuals in the NVIR Optic.
- Additional spawns added for various game modes.
- Extended the silo catwalk Control zone into the missile area to provide additional cover when attacking and defending.
- Addressed an issue with Engineer that allowed highlighted Equipment to occasionally obscure enemy players.
- Addressed an issue where the Gunship’s thermal visuals could remain on enemy Players.
- Addressed an issue where the Mantis could not be controlled after calling in a Strike Team.
- Team kills with the Sensor Dart in Hardcore no longer count toward Scorestreak progress.
- We’ve improved stability in Easter Egg quests and high-round play, and are currently working on addressing more crashes.
- Addressed an issue where in-game XP notifications were appearing in Zombies.
The XP earn rate across all Zombies modes has been verified and is unchanged.
- Improved pathing for enemy Zombies.
- Addressed instances of Zombies Challenges displaying incorrect completion requirements.
- Addressed an issue causing a delay before players could activate consecutive Special Weapon melee attacks.
- Addressed an issue causing a slight delay before players could pick up a Power-Up.
- Addressed issues with Camos not properly applying to weapons.
- Addressed issues with several Camo Challenges not displaying the correct unlock requirements.
- Addressed instances of Pack-a-Punch Camos not appearing on specific weapons.
- Addressed an issue where the second part of the boss battle occasionally wouldn’t trigger properly.
- Addressed multiple issues with overlapping voiceover lines.
- Addressed an issue where players were not earning Nebulium Plasma in Custom Mutations.
- Addressed several stability issues when using different Custom Mutation options.
- Addressed an issue where Zombies characters were displaying incorrectly in the Inspection menu.
- Addressed issues with Splitscreen stability in the Staging Area.
- Addressed an issue with Challenges incorrectly tracking wins in Duos and Quads.
- Maximum player footstep volume while active has been lowered.
- Material sounds are now more audible over larger distances while active.
Release: 20.10.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Addressed a crash at the end of matches for Master Prestige players in Multiplayer and Zombies.
We’re planning further improvements for related UI issues in a future update.
- General stability improvements across all modes.
- Addressed a crash when crafting the Shield with Frugal Fetish equipped.
- Various stability fixes across all maps.
- Addressed an issue with the Shield not displaying the correct updated version for the player.
- Addressed a crash when turning on the power in a Custom Mutations match.
- Addressed an issue where players had to scroll right or left on the d-pad multiple times to navigate through Stash lists.
- Addressed an issue where the Collapse circle would sometimes appear invisible to players.
- Addressed an issue that highlighted the wrong score on the scoreboard if the scoreboard was opened immediately after death.
- Jumping while sprinting with Ruin now performs the same as with all other Specialists.
Release: 22.10.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Death Stashes
- Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to loot items from a Death Stash.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning Contraband Tier progress.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning the proper amount of Contraband Tier progress in round-based games.
- Addressed an issue with some MP matches ending in “Game Session No Longer Available”.
- General stability improvements in the Black Market.
- Addressed an issue with Attachments applying to the GKS.
Special Issue Equipment
- Resolved an exploit that led to unlimited Seeker shock mines.
Release: 24.10.2018
Quelle: play3.de
- Fixes and improvements to Tier progression earn rate across all modes of Multiplayer and Blackout.
- General stability improvements across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.
- Weekly rotation of Featured category of playlists:
- Added “Mercenary Capture Moshpit” playlist added to Featured Playlist (5v5 Domination, Hardpoint, and Control with no Parties).
- Added “Hardcore Control” playlist added to the Featured Category.
- Added “Search and Destroy” playlist to Featured Category.
- Resolved an issue causing a UI Error in the After Action Report for Master Prestige players.
- Resolved an issue with the “Nuked Out” Calling Card not properly unlocking in the Hardcore Free For All playlist.
- Resolved an issue where players were able to get permanent 200 Health if two players playing as Crash used the Tak-5.
- Resolved an issue where users could spectate the enemy team by changing classes during their Kill Cam.
- Resolved an issue that sometimes led to a black screen during the After Action Report.
- Resolved an issue where War Paints were not showing up in the reward stream until they were unlocked.
- Multiple crash fixes.
Release: 31.10.2018 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: play3.de
Playlist Updates
Featured Playlists
- “Gun Game” playlist added to Featured Playlist (no parties allowed).
- “Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit” playlist added to the Featured Category (TDM and Kill Confirmed, no parties allowed).
- “Chaos Domination” playlist to Featured Category (3-second captures, 150-point rounds, 6v6).
Hardcore TDM / Hardcore Kill Confirmed
- Player count increased to 6v6.
- 2 Specialist limit per team.
Assault Rifles
- We’re dialing back some previous buffs to Assault Rifles to help close the gap in effectiveness between ARs and SMGs, allowing SMGs to be more effective at firing on the move.
- Slight reduction to ADS move speed for all Assault Rifles.
- Slight reduction to ADS-in transition speed for all Assault Rifles.
- Reduced headshot damage.
- Slight reduction to reload speed.
- Reduced close-range headshot damage.
- Damage now falls off sooner.
- High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 3-hit kill.
Submachine Guns
- Mobility is the primary strength of SMGs, speeding across the map to engage or disengage quickly.
Some of the close-range SMGs were performing quite well, while others struggled to compete with the rest of the category.
This week’s balancing pass levels the playing field between SMGs.
- Extended all damage ranges.
- High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 4-hit kill.
- Extended all damage ranges.
- Belt-Feed Operator Mod: Increased overheat rate.
- Quad Shot Operator Mod: Slight time increase in between bursts.
Saug 9mm
- Dual Wield Operator Mod: Reduced hip-fire accuracy.
Tactical Rifles
- We’ve buffed the ABR to be more competitive with the other Tactical Rifles, while stepping down its Operator Mod to keep it from becoming a crutch Attachment.
The Swordfish received some Attachment adjustments, as well.
ABR 223
- Extended maximum damage range.
- Repeater Operator Mod: Now takes longer to accelerate fire rate.
- Stock: Slight reduction in movement speed bonus.
- Laser Sight & Laser Sight II: Improved hip-fire accuracy.
- High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 3-hit kill.
- Penta Burst Operator Mod: Reduced extra granted clip-size.
Sniper Rifles
- The other Sniper Rifles needed help to fight King Paladin. We’re giving these rifles reduced idle sway and upping their damage to help finish off wounded targets more consistently.
- Removed turn sway when aiming down sights on all Sniper Rifles to better ensure the weapon reticle stays centered when turning.
Paladin HB50
- High Caliber II: Hitting the lower torso on a full Tak-5-boosted enemy will no longer be a 1-hit kill.
- FMJ II: Improved damage against Scorestreaks.
- Stabilizer II: Player can now hold breath sooner after the previous hold breath.
- Improved base damage from 110 to 130.
- Reduced idle sway.
- Increased base movement speed.
- Stock: Slight increase in ADS movement speed bonus.
- Increased clip size from 10 to 12.
- Reduced idle sway.
- Improved Damage from 120 to 140.
- Stock: Slight increase in ADS movement speed bonus.
Light Machine Guns
- Some in the community have discovered that the Titan and VKM 750 are extremely effective weapons!
We’re toning them down before everyone jumps on the bandwagon.
While they’ll still be scary to face off against, players will now have a more reasonable chance to defend themselves against these LMGs.
- Reduced headshot damage.
- Reduced hip-fire accuracy.
- Stock: Reduced ADS movement speed bonus.
VKM 750
- Reduced movement speed while firing.
- Reduced damage slightly.
- Fat Barrel Operator Mod: Reduced bullet tracer size.
- Cross Bar Operator Mod: Reduced movement speed and accuracy.
- Steady Grip: Improved recoil mitigation.
- Slight reduction to ADS-in transition speed for all Pistols.
RK 7 Garrison
- Slight increase to the time between bursts.
- Slight reduction to reload speed.
- This weapon class is close to where we want it, with only a couple of specific Attachments performing better than intended.
Shotguns in Black Ops 4 play a different role than in past Call of Duty titles, and those who have practiced cat-and-mouse gameplay can be highly effective with them.
MOG 12
- Choked Barrel: 1-hit-kill range reduced.
- Dragon’s Breath Operator Mod: Resolved an issue where the Dragon’s Breath occasionally triggered incorrect visual and sound FX on targets.
- Strobe Light Operator Mod: Addressed an issue with the Strobe Light where it would remain on after death.
- Live update coming soon to reduce the range at which the Strobe Light interferes with enemy aim.
Attachments (All Weapons)
- Grip II: Reduced ADS flinch mitigation.
- Suppressor: Reduced damage falloff ranges.
- Holographic Sight Optic: Reduced ADS recoil.
- Dual Zoom Optic: Reduced ADS recoil.
- Recon Optic: Reduced ADS recoil.
- ELO Optic:Slightly increased ADS recoil.
- We’re providing more strategic options to counteract Ballistic Shield, and to help ensure the Shield isn’t activated too often in the same game.
- Explosives now apply partial damage to the front of a deployed Ballistic Shield user.
- Ballistic Shield now takes longer to earn.
- We want to encourage Nomad to work more closely with his K9-Unit to maximize effectiveness.
- Reduced K9-Unit health by 10%.
- While we’re happy that our Support Specialist is so popular, he was a bit too effective as a Scorestreak farmer.
- Reduced “Teammate Used Pack” score event from +50 to +25.
- Purifier has been restored to its former glory.
- Increased Purifier flame damage to be a guaranteed eventual kill against a player who doesn’t have Tactical Mask equipped.
- Intelligence wins wars, and Recon is living proof. We have intelligence that Recon’s intelligence is too good, so we’re re-classifying some of his sources.
- Reduced Sensor Dart duration.
- Resolved an issue where voiceover would incorrectly state that the player’s Sensor Dart was destroyed.
- Many in the community have embraced Torque with inventive playstyles, though he’s still struggling on a broader scale.
We bolstered the effectiveness of his Barricade to ensure he stays relevant in team compositions.
- Increased earn rate for Barricade.
- Increased hit points for Barricade.
- Addressed an issue that prevented TAACOM from telling the player that their Barricade was taking damage.
- Prophet’s Tempest needed an upgrade to stand a chance of competing with the rest of the Specialists.
- Greatly increased Tempest projectile speed.
- Slightly increased Tempest chain distance.
- Resolved an issue where being hit by an explosive charge would disable the Tempest charge, preventing further arcing.
Team Deathmatch
- Tuned spawn logic around how enemies impact where the game chooses to respawn the player.
- Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
- Spawn adjustments made for Icebreaker, Contraband, Hacienda, Payload, Gridlock, Slums, Summit, Militia, Jungle, and Firing Range.
- Tuned spawn logic tuning around how the active Hardpoint affects nearby spawns. This should provide more predictable spawns when battling over an active Hardpoint.
- Additional global spawn adjustments to improve the ability for a player to anchor a location for their team’s respawns relative to an active Hardpoint.
- Spawn adjustments made for Frequency and Seaside.
Free For All
- Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
Stim Shot
- Increased time to fully heal the player.
- Resolved an issue where Armor protected from more damage than intended when hitting areas of the body that have damage multipliers, such as the head or upper chest.
This primarily affects weapons with chest modifiers, such as Sniper Rifles or weapons with High Caliber II.
Acoustic Sensor
- Reduced the range at which sprinting enemies are detected.
Dead Silence
- Reduced player movement volume and distance that players equipped with Dead Silence can be heard by enemies.
The intention for Dead Silence is not to be completely silent, but also not to allow enemies to hear your movement from longer distances.
- Extraction helicopter in Heist will no longer be highlighted by the Engineer Perk.
- Resolved an issue where the Mantis could be destroyed by touching the Out-Of-Bounds area of a map.
- Increased explosion radius and damage.
- Players can now use a second Dart when earning two Dart Scorestreaks.
Strike Team
- Prevented Strike Team kills from contributing towards owner’s kills without dying medals.
- Reduced ranges required for Longshot Medals for Assault Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Submachine guns, and Light Machine Guns.
- Resolved an issue where the “Hard Stop” Challenge could reset before reaching 300.
- Resolved an issue where the “Marksman Mastery” Challenge would not give 10,000 XP upon completion.
- Resolved an issue where destroying friendly Scorestreaks would award score.
- Players can no longer crouch or go prone while performing a Gesture.
Game Modes
- Increased XP earn rate in Heist.
- Increased amount of XP earned per kill in Free For All.
- Resolved an issue where Hardcore wins were not counted toward Challenges.
- Resolved an issue in Free For All where Recon players could receive Vision Pulse assist score.
- Silent Plant option in Custom Games should now make planting and defusing bombs completely silent.
- Adjusted cover pieces to discourage players from spawn-camping.
- Added cover to the lower respawn side.
- Adjusted cover pieces to discourage players from spawn-camping.
- Several map fixes to address exploits that allowed players to leave the intended play space.
- Theater files recorded before this update will no longer be viewable due to significant architectural changes to the system.
As noted in our previous major update, we will make every effort to keep instances of incompatibility to a minimum.
- Added a watermark in the HUD that only displays when in Theater mode.
- Resolved issues that caused footsteps to sound muffled when they shouldn’t be.
- 100-Player Solos added to Featured playlist.
- Maximum player count set to 88 for Duos and Quads.
- Tweaked settings to ensure friendly teammates’ footsteps are now quieter than enemy footsteps.
- Adjusted footsteps for all Armor types in first-person and third-person to give better directionality and distance information.
- Resolved an issue that occasionally caused footsteps to be silent.
- Resolved issues that caused footsteps to become muffled when they shouldn’t be.
- Armor now allows more damage to pass through to areas of the body that have damage multipliers, such as the head or upper chest.
For example, headshots now do more damage against Level 3 Armor.
Character Missions
- Unlocked remaining Specialist Character Missions (Battery, Firebreak, Nomad, Prophet, Ruin, Seraph)
“Item Found” Notifications
- To tag an item for your teammate, approach the Item and select the bottom center command on your Command Wheel.
This will display the Item in text on your team’s HUD and highlight the item in the world for your team.
- Increased the brightness of Items when a teammate tags them as “Item Found” via the Command Wheel.
- Increased duration that Items tagged using “Item Found” are displayed in the world to your team.
Calling Cards and Challenges
- Resolved an issue where completing Dark Ops Challenges would not unlock their associated Calling Card.
- Resolved an issue where certain Challenges rewarded the same Calling Card.
- Resolved an issue where the Altimeter could disappear during Infiltration.
- Resolved an issue where incorrect Inventory items could be shown while spectating another player.
- Resolved an issue that allowed players to shoot through certain rocks.
- Improved visual quality of the grass.
- Resolved an issue where the After Action Report would show double damage when in Squads.
- Resolved an issue where Echelon Ranking wasn’t showing properly at Max Rank.
- Increased XP earn rate for Hardcore and Realistic difficulties.
Blood of the Dead
- Addressed an issue where the New Industries portal ghost remained visible from the start of the step.
- Fixed lever animation on the Power House ghoul in the Main Easter Egg Quest.
- Resolved an issue where players could be tossed outside the intended play space of the Boss Battle Arena.
- Resolved an issue where earning Mule Kick could take away all player weapons and money.
- Resolved an issue preventing players from applying their Clan Tag or using the Kill Counter after weapon Prestige.
- Resolved an issue where the SG12 lost all attachments when Pack-A-Punched.
- Fixed multiple exploit spots in the maps.
- Fixed several stability issues associated with entering and exiting the Alchemy Lab at specific times.
- Earning additional Perks will now be displayed on the player’s HUD.
- Resolved issues with Prestige Master not functioning correctly.
- Resolved several issues with Custom Mutation options not working correctly.
- Resolved an issue where the wrong Camo could be displayed on a weapon.
- Resolved an issue where players were not getting revived when the DG-5 Power Plant ability had been enabled.
- Resolved several instances of Anywhere But Here not working when activated on a moving platform, like the gondola in Blood of the Dead.
- Fixed an exploit where players could keep their Special Weapon out indefinitely.
- Players can now invite players who are online, but not in the game, to their in-game party.
- Resolved an issue where particular weapon Camos would overlap weapon Optics.
- Resolved multiple issues with Paintjobs not showing up in-game.
- Resolved an issue where your Gun Rack would show up when inspecting other players.
- Resolved an issue where Emblems for other players would appear in lower resolution than expected in the Social menu.
- General stability fixes and performance improvements across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.
Release: 01.11.2018 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de
- Ab sofort sind die Mikrotransaktionen verfügbar (nur für PS4)
COD Points können ab sofort für Echt-Geld erworben werden
Ab dem 08.11.2018 auch für Xbox One und PC Spieler
Release: 02.11.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Framerate Einbrüche mit Fahrzeugen) in Quads in Blackout werden verhindert
- Außerdem wurde ein Bug entfernt, der Siege im Blackout als Unentschieden wertet.
- Added a message to the Defeat screen to clarify that losses are not (and have not been) counted when losing a game that was joined in progress.
- Resolved an issue in Gun Game where the end-of-match screen would display “Top 3” even if the player was not in the Top 3.
- Players who unlock the Marksman Mastery Challenge will now receive the XP Reward.
- Resolved an exploit where Create-a-Class changes in Custom Games could be carried over into Public Matches.
- Added UI elements to help players find new items in their inventory.
- Added new playlist images in the Lobby for various Hardcore game modes.
- Resolved an issue where the game’s version number could overlap with the player name on various menu screens.
- Resolved a UI error message that occurred when Black Ops Pass owners skipped the prompt to redeem their bonus.
Release: 07.11.2018
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
Playlist updates
- Blightfather added to all playlists.
- 100-Player Quads added to the Featured playlist.
- Maximum players in Solo and Duos playlists changed to 88.
Character missions
- Zombies Chaos Storyline Character Missions now available (Bruno, Diego, Scarlett, and Shaw).
- Increased drop rates of Character Mission items.
Blackout weapon balance
- Spitfire: Reduced recoil.
- Rampart 17: Reduced ADS sway.
- Rampart 17: Reduced recoil.
- Auger DMR: Increased re-center speed. We slowed down the re-center due to high performance in our Blackout beta, but have seen the AUGER slightly underperform since release.
- Auger DMR: Slightly increased muzzle velocity. This should make for more predictable shots when firing at a moving target within the Auger’s intended ranges.
- Swordfish: Tightened the spread pattern. This should allow more shots to land on target at range.
- Titan: Increased re-center speed.
- Titan: Reduced re-center pattern offsets for more predictable recoil.
- VKM 750: Increased re-center speed.
- VKM 750: Reduced re-center pattern offsets.
- Hades: Increased re-center speed.
- Hades: Reduced re-center pattern offsets.
- 9-Bang: Removed the 9-Bang from Blackout while we evaluate its place in the gameplay loop.
- Concussion grenade: Increased throw distance.
- Concussion grenade:Increased stack count to 2.
- Added Team Tactical Moshpit to Featured Playlist (3v3 TDM, Kill Confirmed, and Search & Destroy).
- Added Mercenary Chaos Moshpit to Featured category (6v6 TDM, Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Hardpoint, no parties allowed).
- Added Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit to Featured category (Hardcore TDM, Domination, and Kill Confirmed, no parties allowed).
- Gun Game and Control now in Featured category.
- Resolved an exploit in Search & Destroy where players could change classes after the start of a round to regain Scorestreak progress from the previous round before death.
- Resolved an issue in Heist where navigating the Buy Menu with the d-pad could display the description for the previously highlighted item.
- Resolved an issue where meleeing friendly Razor Wire in Hardcore game modes would damage players, potentially causing the player who placed the Razor Wire to be kicked for friendly fire.
- Corrected the description for “Fast Reflexes” Challenge to inform players of requirement to get 5 EKIA in a game shortly after switching weapons with Dexterity, Overkill, and Laser Sight.
- Resolved 2 specific crashes in the IX Main Quest.
- Resolved a crash related to banner challenges in IX.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when the Shield broke while the player had the Victorious Tortoise Perk active.
- Resolved an issue where players could end up in a permanently downed state if they are revived as a self-revive is being completed.
- Resolved an issue where picking up the Max Ammo power-up while Bandolier is active did not give additional ammo if the weapon was at its normal Max Ammo capacity.
- Resolved UI issues caused by opening the Paintshop after personalizing a weapon in the Armory.
- Resolved an issue where players could equip Talismans in Local Play.
- Changed Aftertaste Elixir description to reflect its 5-minute duration.
- Changed Arsenal Accelerator Elixir description to reflect its 2-minute duration.
- Resolved an issue where level-restricted Challenges could be locked again after Prestiging.
Release: 14.11.2018 (19.11.2018 für Xbox)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
Nerf für den Spezialisten Ajax: In der Vergangenheit konnte die Klasse mit der Spezialfähigkeit "Ballistic Shield" relativ problemlos andere Gegner ausschalten.
- Nun wurde die Kombi aus 9-Bang-Waffe und Schild deutlich abgeschwächt.
- Für den Blackout-Modus gibt es ebenfalls einige Änderungen. So wurde das Bowie Knife zum Arsenal des Battle-Royale-Ablegers hinzugefügt.
- Außerdem lassen sich nun Zombies in Nuketown Island finden.
- Laut Entwickler Treyarch können Items zu Beginn einer Runde nun außerdem schneller aufgehoben werden.
- Erweitert den Schwarzmarkt um den Blackjacks Shop (für PS4)
Hier können Spieler exklusive Gegenstände für COD Points erwerben.
Ab dem 21.11.2018 auch für Xbox One und PC Spieler
- 9,5 GB groß
Release: 16.11.2018
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Improved melee attack hit registration. More improvements to come in an upcoming patch.
- Added enemy attachment information to Killcam.
- Resolved an issue where players leaving a match shortly after joining could cause a white square to appear in the Scoreboard.
- Closed an exploit that allowed players to apply Dark Matter, Gold, or Diamond Camos on any weapon regardless of camo progress.
- Resolved an issue where players with Signature Weapons could encounter UI Error 55068 when selecting a weapon under another Custom Class tab.
CWL Custom Games
- Specialist Equipment restrictions are now implemented as intended.
- Players now continue to earn score toward Scorestreaks after the first round of CWL Search & Destroy and CWL Control.
- Torque is no longer selectable in CWL Search & Destroy to align with current official CWL ruleset. These changes will continue to be tested and reviewed for viability in competitive play.
- Torque’s Razor Wire no longer does damage to align with current official CWL ruleset.
- Resolved an issue where players could become stuck and unable to move when walking into an enemy Torque’s Razor Wire.
- Closed an exploit where players could grapple on top of the red shed.
Firing Range
- Closed a cover exploit on top of some sandbags.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when shooting down the Care Package, Mantis, or Strike Team Helicopters.
Gun Game
- Resolved an issue in Gun Game where winning a match, then leaving the lobby before the next game starts,
could cause that player’s name to appear on the next game’s Scoreboard with stats from the previous game.
- EKIA tracking has been added for Domination and Control to the “Proactive Measures” Challenge requirements in the Game Heroics category.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a player disconnected while the Chakram was thrown.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the Blightfather performed its tracking missile attack.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur while using Anywhere But Here.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur while using the Chakram throw.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur upon Homunculus death.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting the Destroyer during the Main Quest.
- Fixed a crash that could occur upon completing the Arena Rock side quest.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when enemies spawned during the Ra obelisk step in the Main Quest.
- Resolved an issue in Blood of the Dead where ambient music would abruptly stop and restart when progressing through rounds.
- Closed an exploit where players could use certain Elixirs without consuming them.
- Updated descriptions for Ranger, Airborne, Frogman, Seal, and Battle Hardened characters to clarify that they are unlocked by progressing to a specific Echelon.
- Resolved an issue where attempting to load a custom Paintjob could cause a UI Error message to appear.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between modes.
- Fist Bump returned to the Gestures menu.
- Resolved an issue where the Daily Tier Skip icon could appear misaligned in the main menu.
Black Market
- Resolved an issue where current Tier progress could be reset by acquiring a Special Order.
- Resolved an issue where the Black Market menu could disappear when switching between the Multiplayer and Zombies menus.
Release: 21.11.2018 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Nuketown added to rotation in MP playlists.
- Nuketown Featured Playlist added (6v6 Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, Hardpoint).
- To celebrate the launch of Nuketown, Zombies now spawn on Nuketown Island with a new Zombies Stash spawn location behind the Nuketown sign for a limited time.
Black Market
- Blackjack’s Shop added to the Black Market.
All Plattforms
- Nuketown added to rotation in MP playlists.
- Updated Clan Tag and Kill Counter Weapon Prestige rewards to use an LED display for higher visibility on weapons.
- Players can now equip Mastercraft camos on their Signature Weapon as soon as they acquire the Signature Weapon.
Playlist Updates
- TDM 100 added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch with a score limit of 100).
- Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, and Domination, no parties allowed).
- Hardcore Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Hardcore Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, and Domination, no parties allowed).
- Gun Game remains in Featured Category.
- Endurance Chaos Moshpit remains in Featured Category (PS4).
- Fixed crashes that could occur:
- When using the Reactor Core.
- When a Firebreak player left the game after using their Reactor Core.
- When a Nomad player left the game after using their Mesh Mines.
- While freezing in the water in Icebreaker.
- When piloting the Hellstorm.
- When selecting a Specialist in the Specialist Draft.
- When the player picked up a weapon in Multiplayer.
- If the Transport Helicopter was destroyed while delivering a Care Package or Mantis.
- Related to the Drone Squad’s wing-drone turrets animating incorrectly.
- When failing to play a sound when picking up dog tags in Kill Confirmed.
- When a player left a match while being shocked by the Tempest.
Care Package
- Adjusted delivery chopper entry and exit points across all maps to reduce delivery times.
- Increased the entry and exit speeds for the delivery chopper.
- Reduced how often high-end Scorestreaks can be received in Care Packages.
- Reduced the amount of roll on the smoke marker to ensure that the end position is a more accurate representation of where the Care Package will drop.
Score Adjustments
- Dart reduced from 500 default to 450 / 350 with COMSEC Device.
- RC-XD increased from 450 to 500 default / 400 with COMSEC Device.
Lightning Strike reduced from 900 to 850 default / 600 with COMSEC Device.
- Sentry reduced from 950 to 900 default / 700 with COMSEC Device.
- Hellstorm increased from 850 to 950 default / 750 with COMSEC Device.
- Sniper’s Nest reduced from 1100 to 1050 default / 850 with COMSEC Device.
- Mantis increased to 1100 default / 900 with COMSEC Device.
- Thresher reduced from 1250 to 1200 default / 950 with COMSEC Device.
- Attack Chopper increased from 1200 to 1300 default / 1000 with COMSEC Device.
- Reduced score given for all Scorestreak kills from +25 to +10.
Game Modes
- Resolved an issue where teammate names were not displaying properly in Hardcore Search & Destroy.
- Teammates that die to a friendly bombsite explosion will no longer count toward the teamkill kick limit.
- Care Package team kills will no longer count towards the teamkill kick limit.
- Reduced the score given for Hardpoint Secured to +50.
- Resolved an issue that would prevent players from owning the Hardpoint while using the Lightning Strike tablet.
Search & Destroy
- Silent Plant setting in Custom Games should now make planting and defusing the bomb completely silent.
CWL Custom Games
- Addressed an issue where Specialist Weapons and Equipment would not update when players switched Specialists.
- Seraph’s Tac Deploy will now only allow 1 respawn per use in Free For All.
- Atomic Drop: The player’s death by their own Reactor Core will no longer track toward this Challenge.
- Spotter: Kills in Free For All will no longer track toward this Challenge.
- Air Cover: Resolved an issue where progress was not awarded in Hardpoint or Control.
- Manually destroying the Tac-Deploy now gives Score.
Weapon Balance (MP Only)
Tactical Rifles
- Swordfish: Reduced upward recoil to achieve a more accurate burst.
ABR 223
- Slightly reduced upward recoil.
- Extended 4-hit kill range from 25m to 32m.
Global: Fixed crashes that could occur
- While Zombies spawned into the map.
- While the Mystery Box loaded into the map.
- When interacting a second time with an object that should only be used or interacted with once.
- When an enemy climbed or mantled over railing or terrain in order to spawn into the playable space.
- When updating player stats in the After Action Report screen.
- When disconnecting and reconnecting the controller during a match, leaving the player stuck on the „Please reconnect controller“ message.
- After disconnects while one player was reviving another.
- When triggering the Winter’s Wail explosion FX.
- When a player disconnected within a certain time after joining the game.
- When Zombies were moving away from downed players.
- When a player was downed while using the Ragnarok DG-5.
- When a Bot decided to kill the last enemy in the round.
- When the player disconnected after using Point Drops and before they were picked up.
- When a player disconnected as the Hellfire’s Infernal Tempest disappeared.
- When a player used the Burned Out Elixir.
- When the inventory updated while picking up an item.
- When a player’s grenades were restored as the next round started.
- When a player disconnected while a power-up dropped.
- When the player disconnected from their party while in the Custom Games screen.
- When calculating the player’s final score at the Game Over screen.
- When interacting with the crafting table to craft any item for the first time.
- When Dying Wish and Winter’s Wail cooldown UI elements were on-screen.
- When updating the player’s stats and score when tracking Rush multipliers.
- When the player disconnected while opening a door.
- When killing Zombies with the Ragnarok DG-5.
- When triggering Kill-O-Watt’s FX.
- When triggering Frostbite’s FX.
Blood of the Dead: Fixed crashes that could occur:
- When a player disconnected as the next Hellhound round was being determined.
- Related to the UI at high rounds.
- While following the Warden from the cellblock during the Main Quest.
- When a player disconnected while looking at the bird during the Main Quest.
- When killing Zombies during the banjo ghost event in the Main Quest.
- When the player disconnected while following the ghost dog during the Main Quest.
- When the player disconnected while riding the gondola.
- When player was downed as they grabbed the Magmagat from the fireplace.
- While running the unfinished Magmagat across the map.
- When the furthest player in the catwalk during the gauntlet event disconnected.
- For the host during the final boss battle.
- When a power-up was dropped.
- When loading into Blood of the Dead.
Classified: Fixed crashes that could occur:
- Related to the UI at high rounds.
- When the metal detector sounds played as the player walked through them.
- When the player exited a teleporter.
- When a player disconnected after being the first one to teleport into the Panic Room.
- When a player disconnected while in a metal detector.
- During a match of Classified Rush.
- While the Mystery Box moved.
- When placing the teleporter modifier while playing splitscreen with 3 or 4 players.
Voyage of Despair: Fixed crashes that could occur:
- When spawning enemies in the first round of the boss battle.
- When reaching the first Stoker-spawning round with the Wonder Weapon quest disabled in Custom Mutations.
- When using the Kraken upgrade table.
- When the Flying Car takes damage during the Upgraded Shield Quest.
IX: Fixed crashes that could occur:
- When special enemies spawned during certain parts of the Main Quest.
- When helping other players complete their challenges.
- When a player disconnected and their Blade Trap became deactivated.
- Fixed a crash that could occur with Bots in the tutorial.
Global: Resolved issues where:
- Text for XP earned from each challenge tier was missing from the After Action Report.
- The player could be permanently stuck when grabbed by the Blightfather’s tongue.
- Concoctions UI remained on screen when switching from the Laboratory to the Identity screen.
- UI incorrectly indicated to the player that Prestige unlock tokens could be spent on permanently unlocking Custom Class slots.
- If a Prestige Master player did not gain any XP during a match (by launching the game and immediately quitting, for example), the displayed ranks would be incorrect, the XP bar would be completely filled, and there would be no indication of how much XP was required until the next level.
Blood of the Dead
- Resolved an issue where the Hell’s Retriever could not pick up a power-up when thrown at certain angles.
- Fixed incorrect subtitles stating that the voice for obtaining power-ups is the Warden.
- Closed an exploit in Michigan Avenue that allowed players to use the Ragnarok DG-5 to jump on the railing on the top floor.
- Resolved a rare issue where players were unable to progress the New Industries Portal in the Main Quest, despite having a fully-drained ghost killed in the Blade Trap.
- Closed an exploit in the War Room that allowed players to use the Ragnarok DG-5 to jump on a terminal.
Blackout (Gameplay)
- Resolved an issue causing screen jittering when moving and changing attachments, or when moving and healing.
- Bowie Knife now available in Equipment Stashes, as a random drop from killing Zombies, and as a randomized item spawn in Zombies-themed locations on PS4.
Release: 26.11.2018
Quelle: gamezone.de
- "Auto-Klettern"-Funktion, bei der die Spielfigur automatisch Hindernisse bestieg, wenn man an sie heran kam (kann nun deaktiviert werden)
Release: 28.11.2018
Quelle: play3.de
- Safeguard“-Playlist wird ausgeführt: „Begleite den Roboter in feindliches Gebiet und halte die gegnerische Mannschaft davon ab, dasselbe zu tun, um den Sieg zu sichern
- Ebenfalls an Bord des Updates befinden sich die Featured-Playlists „Hardcore Nuketown“, „Mercenary Objective Moshpit“ und „Chaos Hardpoint“
- Safeguard playlist (PS4).
- Seaside Sunset and Firing Range Night MP maps.
- Hardcore Nuketown, Chaos Hardpoint, and Mercenary Objective Moshpit playlists.
- Exploit/bug fixes for Nuketown and Summit.
- Zombies Origins Character Missions (PS4).
- Blightfather Event with lower health in Solos and Duos (PS4).
- Bowie Knife now available on all platforms.
- Stability fixes across all maps.
- Specialist HQ and After Action Report improvements.
- We’ve made the following changes on all platforms (version 262.34(54). on PC):
- Featured Playlist changed to Safeguard (PS4) / Hardcore Mercenary Moshpit (Xbox One and PC).
- Hardcore Nuketown added to Featured category.
- Chaos Hardpoint added to Featured category.
Hardpoints spawn in a random order
Score increases with each teammate on the Hardpoint
Score limit increased to 1000
- Mercenary Objective Moshpit added to Featured category.
Domination, Hardpoint, Control, Search & Destroy, Heist
No parties allowed
- Added Seaside Sunset and Firing Range Night to all playlists.
- Closed exploits in Nuketown that allowed Ruin to grapple outside of the map.
- Resolved an issue where the scoreboard would flash on screen after ending a game on Nuketown.
- Resolved an issue on Summit that allowed Care Packages deployed on a ramp in the eastern part of the map to float.
- Resolved an issue that removed an attachment from weapons with maximum attachments and a Clan Tag or Kill Counter equipped.
- Tactical Mask Challenge now properly tracks kills while an enemy Counter UAV is active.
- Bowie Knife now available in Equipment Stashes, as a random drop from killing Zombies, and as a randomized item spawn in Zombies-themed locations on all platforms.
Character Missions
- Zombies Origins Character Missions (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen) now available to find and complete (PS4).
- Blightfather event enabled in all playlists (PS4).
- Reduced the health of the Blightfather in Solo and Duo playlists.
- Resolved an issue where sliding under a Blade Trap without taking damage would not contribute to another player’s challenge.
- Fixed a crash that could occur occasionally when using Anywhere But Here.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when a player disconnected while another player was downed.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when a player disconnected during Fast Travel.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when killing enemies with traps in IX.
- Fixed additional crashes related to a player helping another with challenges in IX.
Specialist Headquarters
- Improved Torque tutorial mission scripting.
After Action Report
- After Action Report in Multiplayer and Blackout will now display all earned Tier Rewards and allow the player to scroll through the Tier Rewards menu.
Release: 04.12.2018 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- mehrere HUD Änderungen
- Auch optimierte Spawn-Punkte sind im Patch enthalten
- Challenge-Fixes und
- Care-Package-Anpassungen
- Optimierungen im Zombies- und Blackout-Modus werden durchgeführt
- Anpassungen an der Kill-Cam
Release: 10.12.2018 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Season 2: Operation Absolute Zero (vorerst für PS4)
- Blackout-Kartenvisualisierungen und Umgebungsaktualisierungen
- Blackout-Audio- und Rüstungsdesign-Updates
- Blackout-Waffenbalance (SDM und Spitfire)
- Verbesserte Multiplayer-Nahkampfzuverlässigkeit
- Aktualisierungen für Prophet, Firebreak und Seraph
- Nuketown, Gun Game und Safeguard wurden zu Custom Games hinzugefügt
- Verschiedene MP Challenge-Korrekturen
- Daily Tier Skips und Korrekturen in Zombies
- Stabilitätsverbesserungen im Multiplayer und in Zombies
- Verbesserungen bei der Charakteranpassung
- Optionen hinzugefügt: Globale ADS-Empfindlichkeit.
Release: 19.12.2018 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Season 2: Operation Absolute Zero für Xbox
- Stabilitätsverbesserungen im Multiplayer und in Zombies
- Verbesserungen bei der Charakteranpassung
- Custom Games bei Blackout wurde hinzugefügt
Zunächst sind zwölf Spieler pro Partie möglich. In Zukunft könnte die Spielerzahl noch steigen.
Die Blackout Custom Games unterstützen Solos, Duos und Quads.
Release: 22.12.2018
Quelle: play3.de
- Stufe 3-Rüstung aus Zombies-Truhen in Blackout entfernt
- Zombies sind mysteriös in Blackout verschwunden …
- Fehlerbehebung für Visiere auf der Paladin Valkyrie Mastercraft
- Zusätzliche Behebungen von Abstürzen für Zeros Eispickel
- Behebungen von Karten-Exploits für Morocco im Multiplayer und Dead of the Night in Zombies
- Fehlerbehebung für das Nicht-Anzeigen des „The Numbers“-Outfits im Multiplayer (PS4)
- Fehlerbehebungen der Slay Bell und der Waffentarnungen
- Fehlerbehebungen für das Plündern von Blackout-Truhen im Anmarsch
Release: 04.01.2019
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- Absturz Fehler wurde für Xbox One X endlich behoben, welcher seit dem 27.12.2018 in Arbeit war
Release: 09.01.2019
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Allgemeine Stabilität im Mehrspieler-Modus.
- Zudem sind Optimierungen für den Zombies-Modus versprochen.
- Im Multiplayer-Modus entdecken Spieler außerdem aktualisierte Playlisten, inklusive Eundurance Chaos Moshpit als Featured-Playlist.
- Hinzu kommen Mercenary Capture Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, Deathmatch Moshpit und Map Pack Moshpit.
Release: 12.01.2019 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Neues Loot“-Interface für den „Blackout“-Modus wird hinzugefügt
- Außerdem werden neue Limited-Time-Modi, Gauntlets und frische Featured-Playlists ergänzt.
Release: 18.01.2019
Quelle: play3.de
- Der neue „Blackout“-Modus „Down But Not Out“ wurde hinzugefügt (vorerst nur für PS4)
- Verbesserungen der Loot-Schnittstelle und Treffer-Erkennung bei ARAV-Passagieren in Blackout (PS4 und Xbox One).
- Verbesserungen an Zombies-Gauntlets (PS4).
- Die Schaltfläche „Alle neuen Item-Markierungen löschen“ löscht im Personalisierungsmenü jetzt die Benachrichtigungen „Neu“.
- Korrektur für das Zurücksetzen der Gunship-Kamera beim Wechseln des Munitionstyps
- Sonstiges Stabilitäts- und Fehlerbehebungen in Multiplayer und Blackout.
Release: 23.01.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de
- Schwarzmarkt: Barbarians-Spezialevent wurde gestartet
- Chaos-Herrschaft wurde als Spieleliste hinzugefügt
Release: 29.01.2019 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Unter anderem wird man die Rüstung, die Erschütterungsgranaten sowie die Cluster-Granaten im Blackout-Modus anpassen, sodass die Rüstungen abgeschwächt werden.
- Dabei sollen die Level 3-Rüstungen auch keinen zusätzlichen Schutz gegen Explosionen und Nahkampfattacken mehr bieten.
- In den Zombies-Modus wird man wiederum fünf neue Waffen integrieren.
Dabei handelt es sich um die MP 40, die Grav, die Daemon 3XB, die SWAT RFT und die KAP 45.
- Des Weiteren kehrt Blackjack mit einer speziellen Version des Waffenspiels zurück, in der die KAP 45 in der Waffenauswahl enthalten ist.
- 7,41 GB groß
Release: 01.02.2019
Quelle: play3.de
- Der neue „Blackout“-Modus „Down But Not Out“ wurde hinzugefügt (nur für Xbox)
- Neu sind Waffentarnungen im Blackout Modus
Pro Series Moshpit added to Featured category.
- Public match playlist featuring the latest competitive ruleset.
- Maps: Arsenal, Frequency, Gridlock, Hacienda, Seaside, Payload.
- Modes: Hardpoint, Control, Search and Destroy.
- Friendly Fire enabled
- Restricted Specialists: Ajax, Nomad, Torque, Zero.
- Restricted Specialist Equipment: Seeker, Reactor Core, Tac-Deploy.
- Restricted Weapons: Titan, Hades, VKM 750, MOG 12, SG12, SWAT RFT, Daemon 3XB, KAP 45.
- Restricted Attachments: High Caliber, Rapid Fire, Steady Grip, Laser Sight II, Max Load, Rocket Cache, High Explosive, Fast Lock.
- Restricted Perks: Gung-Ho, Skulker, Team Link, Tracker.
- Restricted Scorestreaks: Dart, RC-XD, UAV, Care Package, Counter-UAV, Sentry, Mantis.
- Restricted Wildcards: Overkill, Primary & Secondary Operator Mod.
- Restricted Gear: Acoustic Sensor.
- Improved stability with the Scepter of Ra during gameplay.
- Addressed issues that could occur when players received a Pack-a-Punched weapon.
- Addressed an issue where players could still take bleed-out damage while being revived.
Release: 11.02.2019 (Version 1.13)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Mercenary Nuketown added as Featured Playlist in MP.
- Hardcore Nuketown, Mercenary Capture Moshpit, and Endurance Chaos Moshpit added to Featured category rotation in MP.
- Pro Series Moshpit playlist continues in MP on all platforms.
- “Veni, Vidi, Zombie!” Gauntlet in Zombies now live on all platforms.
- Ambush limited-time mode now available in Blackout on all platforms.
- Stability improvements in Multiplayer and Blackout.
- Miscellaneous gameplay improvements in Zombies.
Multiplayer (Featured Playlists)
- Mercenary Nuketown added as Featured Playlist.
- Hardcore Nuketown, Mercenary Capture Moshpit, Endurance Chaos Moshpit, and Pro Series Moshpit added to Featured category.
Game Modes (Heist)
- Resolved an issue that caused the 9-Bang to be used more than once per round in Heist.
- Fixed a CODcaster crash with maximum players in Search & Destroy.
- Resolved an issue related to the Daemon 3XB where players could lose their weapons and points when taking a weapon from the Mystery Box.
- Closed an exploit where players could use the Electric Burst and a charged melee attack to stop enemies from pathing to players.
- Closed an exploit where players were able to keep the effects of the Ragnarok DG-5 if they were holding a Monkey Bomb or Claymore while the Special Weapon timed out.
- Closed an exploit where players could recreate the shockwave of the Special Weapon by switching between Equipment and Special Weapon.
- Helicopters now properly begin to malfunction when flying outside of the circle in Ambush.
Black Market
- Fixed an issue with Crash’s Warlock outfit that prevented players from receiving the corresponding Warpaint
Release: 19.02.2019
- Season 3: Operation Grand Heist wurde gestartet
- Neuer Spezialist: Outrider
- Neuer Modus: Eine in der Kammer
- Massive Waffen- und Gameplay-Anpassungen
- Zwei neue MP-Karten für Black Ops Pass-Besitzer
- Neuer Schauplatz: Geisterstadt mit zwei großen Orten
- Neue spielbare Strukturen auf der ganzen Karte
- Gameplay- und Rüstungsanpassungen
- Komplett neues Prestige-System
- Kosmischer Silberrücken-Charakter für Black Ops Pass-Besitzer
- Neuer Gauntlet: „Death-Con Five“
- Neuer Perk: Ätherisches Messer
- Zusätzlicher Stufensprung für den Abschluss täglicher Berufungen
- Unterstützung von Signature Weapons
- Ein überarbeiteter Schwarzmarkt mit der Rückkehr von Blackjack
Komplett neue 100-stufige Schmuggelware inklusive…
- drei neue verdienbare Waffen
- Neuer Blackout-Charakter
- Neuer Meisterkunst-Waffe
- Neue reaktive Waffentarnung
- Neue epische Outfits
- Neuer kosmetischer Jump Pack-Gegenstandstyp für mehr Blackout-Anpassungen
- 10,62 GB groß
Release: 22.02.2019
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Für den Mehrspieler-Modus steht demnach ein Balancing-Update für die Maddox RFB an.
- So gibt es etwa Anpassungen beim Rückstoßverhalten der Waffe.
- Im Zombies-Modus warten Optimierungen für öffentliche Gauntlet-Playlisten
- Fehlerkorrekturen bei der Munition und ein Bugfix bei den Daily Callings.
- Im Blackout-Modus wiederum wurde die Featured-Playlist auf die Quads gesetzt.
- Neuer Spielmodus in Blackout "Hot Pursuit"
- Hinzu kommen Crash-Fixes für alle Modi im Ego-Shooter.
- 1,37 GB groß
Release: 13.03.2019 (Version
- „Shamrock & Awe“-Event ist in Blackout & Zombie gestaret (zuerst für PS4)
Stockpile: Multiplayer (PS4)
- Der Fracture-Modus aus Black Ops 3 wird ab dem 12. März auf der PlayStation 4 als Stockpile neu aufgelegt.
Liefert feindliche Marken ins Depot, um den Sieg für euer Team zu sichern
Hardcore: Blackout
- Erlebt Blackout ohne HUD, Rüstung, Fahrzeuge und Zombies in unseren komplett neuen Hardcore-Modus!
Nutzt ab dem 12. März auf PlayStation 4 all eure Blackout-Strategien, um zu überleben.
Hellcatraz Gauntlet: Zombies
- Ein komplett neuer Gauntlet erreicht Zombies am 12. März auf PlayStation 4! Schlagt euch als die Primis-Crew durch 30 Runden voller Herausforderungen auf Blood of the Dead in „Hellcatraz“.
- Added the ability to change Class when joining a match in progress.
Contraband Hurricane
- New stormy variant of Contraband added to rotation, free for all players.
- Casino is now available in Hardpoint playlists and in Custom Games for Black Ops Pass holders.
- Addressed an issue where the Sniper’s Nest could occasionally remain in the playspace after expiring in Casino.
- Addressed an issue where some users could not progress beyond Prestige Master Level 999.
- Addressed an issue where Create-a-Class slots unlocked through Prestige could have empty Equipment slots.
- The Thresher will no longer damage friendly players in modes with Friendly Fire enabled.
- The Dart will no longer count toward team kill penalties in modes with Friendly Fire enabled.
- Addressed various instances where the Seeker could fall through the map.
- Addressed an animation hitch when standing from crouch while holding a Trophy System.
- Outrider: Addressed an animation issue with Outrider’s Hawk tablet while a pistol was equipped.
Game Modes
- Heist: Improvements made to the revive UI to match the revive UI in Blackout.
- Mastercraft camos will now display on weapons in the Gun Rack.
- Warpaint can now be seen through Seraph’s “The Professional” mask.
Spring Map Update
- Added updated lighting, new and improved greenery, and springtime trees in full bloom throughout the map.
Operator Weapons
- Operator Weapons added to Supply Drops and Stashes.
- Weapons come with Operator Mods pre-attached, which cannot be stripped.
- Operator Weapons glow purple for easy identification.
- Firebreak’s Purifier flamethrower can now be found in Supply Drops.
- Players can now mute team members via the Team Scoreboard.
- Improved visibility of items on the ground when wingsuiting and parachuting into the map.
- Enabled prioritizing ammo pickups over weapon pickups in Blackout Options.
- Weapon Inspect can now be activated with left on the d-pad on consoles.
- Gestures and Callouts can now be activated during the Victory screen.
- Added new Limited-Time Modes stats filter in Barracks.
- All Limited-Time Modes now feed stats directly to the Limited Time Modes filter, including previous Hot Pursuit stats.
- Addressed an issue where the wrong Calling Card was displayed when a player spectated or viewed the Killcam.
- Addressed an issue where the player character was missing when joining another player in the lobby.
- Host Migration: Public matches will now automatically continue with a new host if the current host drops out mid-game.
Stability (Global)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a Catalyst zombie performed its special attack.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating from the Black Market to a Zombies lobby and back.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a player started a Custom Mutations IX match where starting points had been adjusted in “Edit Game Rules”.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the player queued for a public Classic IX match.
Blood of the Dead
- Fixed a crash that could occur if the player rapidly switched tabs while spectating.
- Fixed an issue during the “Death-Con Five” Gauntlet where the player could be disconnected from the server and moved to the main menu when transitioning from Round 10 to Round 11.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing a clip made during the previous patch in Theater.
- Fixed a potential freeze and/or crash that could occur in Theater when fast-forwarding a clip from Dead of the Night.
Global – Addressed issues where:
- The Welling could be permanently unlocked with a Permanent Unlock Token, despite it being the starting pistol.
- Pack-a-Punching the Swordfish while it was equipped with the Holographic and Long Barrel attachments caused the weapon to have improper animations.
- If the player left any party lobby hosted by a player, then accepted an invite into a custom Zombies game from a second player,
it would result in the player losing functionality during the First Time User Experience screen.
- The Ethereal Razor could be seen constantly even if the player was not using the knife.
- The player put their only weapon into the Pack-a-Punch, effectively giving them fists in first-person, but a knife would be seen in their hand in third-person.
After killing the Blightfather, the 25% XP boost did not give out the appropriate value with a “MKII” weapon.
Prestige Master – Addressed issues where:
- A Prestige Master Level 1000 player could still see an XP bar in the After Action Report after every match, despite there being no XP left to earn.
- Earning XP at Prestige Master Level 322 could become corrupted.
- The Options menu during a game would display the incorrect level and amount of XP for a Prestige Master player, and would be inconsistent with the After Action Report.
- A Master Prestige player changed their Prestige icon and other players would see the default icon in the Social menu.
“Death-Con Five” Gauntlet – Addressed issues where:
- Players may lose their sprinting animation after sliding and shooting during “Slippery” in Round 2.
- Players were able to use Elixirs while not sliding, which was inconsistent with the round description during “Slippery” in Round 2.
- If the player rapid-fired a semi-auto weapon while sliding, they could rapid-fire the remainder of the clip after stopping during “Slippery” in Round 2.
- Damage would persist on players while standing still during Round 5.
- The player would lose points when they run, walk, slide, crouch, or go prone in Nova 6 Gas, despite the description only mentioning when “standing” during the “High Gas Prices” Round.
“Veni, Vidi, Zombie!” Gauntlet
- Addressed an issue in Round 26 in which players could briefly see their Equipment in their hands as their weapon changed.
- Addressed an issue in Round 26 in which the revival animation would not play when the player was reviving another player.
- Addressed a visual issue near the Mystery Box in the War Room Upper Level.
- Addressed an issue where activating the Nova Crawlers by annoying McNamara during a round transition change would cause all spawns going forward to be Nova Crawlers.
- Closed an exploit where the player could use the Ragnarok DG-5 to jump onto a filing cabinet in Central Filing.
- Addressed an issue where players were unable to repair barricades in the Ra Altar room.
- Addressed an issue where the player may notice a misaligned Challenge text box in the UI after cutting a Challenge Banner rope.
Blood of the Dead
- Addressed a rare issue where the player’s Shield Key could get jammed in a door while aiming down sights.
- Addressed an issue that could occur where the Warden that spawns on the roof could path to the Infirmary and then get stuck.
- Addressed an issue that could occur where random barricades would become unrepairable after Round 6.
Dead of the Night
- Addressed an issue where the light FX for Alistair’s Annihilator could persist on the screen when grabbed by the Crimson Nosferatu.
- Addressed various visual issues in the Cemetery.
- 10,22 GB groß
Release: 19.03.2019 (Version
- 38,95 MB groß
Release: 26.03.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de
- Abschließend wurde mit „Arsenal Sandstorm“ eine Wettervariante der bereits verfügbaren Karte „Arsenal“ angekündigt.
- Freie Waffenkiste mit garantierter MKII-Signaturwaffe jetzt im Schwarzmarkt (PS4) erhältlich.
- Waffen-Tuning-Pass in Multiplayer, Blackout und Zombies.
- Reaktive Camos jetzt für alle Waffen verfügbar (Gold-Camo nicht mehr erforderlich).
- Reduzierte potenzielle maximale Menge an Zucken, wenn man nicht das Visier nutzt.
- Korrekturen und Verbesserungen für Theater-, Paintshop- und IU-Probleme.
- Stabilität und Fehlerbehebungen in Multiplayer, World League Hub und Zombies
- Barebones-Spielmodi sind jetzt in Core und Hardcore (PS4) verfügbar.
- Ricochet Friendly Fire-Regeln für alle Hardcore-Modi.
- XP-Belohnungen für mehrere Medaillenereignisse erhöht.
- Die Punktzahl für das Sammeln einer feindlichen Erkennungsmarke in Bestätigte Tötung auf 100 erhöht
- Gameplay-Verbesserungen für verschiedene Spezialisten, Care Package und Tactical Mask.
- „Ancient Evil“ ist jetzt live für Black Ops Pass Inhaber (PS4).
- Neuer Perk verfügbar: Zombshell (PS4).
- Neue Elixiere verfügbar: Suit Up, Dividend Yield, Talkin ‚Bout Regeneration, Bullet Boost und Quacknarok (PS4).
- Neue Talismane verfügbar: Leuchtende Phylakterie und Drachenschuppe (PS4).
- Sparrow und EMP Disruptor hinzugefügt.
- Escalating Collapse Schaden hinzugefügt, um andere im letzten Kreis zu heilen.
- Zusätzliche Unterstützung für den Hubschrauber und den Lastwagen.
- Reduzierte Blendung in der Blackout-Karte beim Blick auf die Sonne.
- Home Wrecker Nahkampfwaffe jetzt in Schmuggelware (PS4) verfügbar.
World League Hub
- Ränge 21-30 hinzugefügt.
- Ricochet Friendly Fire-Regeln für alle Ligaspiele hinzugefügt.
- Verbesserungen der Benutzeroberfläche und der Klasse Create-a-Class.
- 12,43 GB groß
Release: 18.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
- kostenlose Arsenal Sandstorm Multiplayer-Karte in Rotation auf allen Plattformen aufgenommen.
- Deathmatch Domination wurde als Playlist im Mehrspieler-Modus für PS4 hinzugefügt.
- Infected als Featured Playlist im Multiplayer auf Xbox One und PC hinzugefügt.
- Barebones Moshpit, Stockpile, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit (Konsolen) und Half-Off Heist (Xbox One) wurden der Features-Kategorie im Multiplayer hinzugefügt.
- Waffentuning für Rampart und KN-57 im Multiplayer, Blackout und Zombies.
- Die Zeit für den letzten Kollaps von Alcatraz wurde von 60 Sekunden auf 120 Sekunden erhöht.
- Gameplay- und Stabilitätsverbesserungen für Infected hinzugefügt.
Release: 24.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
- Auch der neue Multiplayer-Modus „Deathmatch-Herrschaft“ für bis zu 12 Spieler wird auf allen Plattformen zur Verfügung gestellt.
- Weiterhin gibt es Anpassungen für die Batterys Cluster-Granate
Im Detail wird der die Cooldown-Zeit im Multiplayer verlängert.
Gleichzeitig wird der Schaden reduziert.
- Deathmatch-Herrschaft wurde auf allen Plattformen in die Vorgestellt-Kategorie im Multiplayer integriert
- Infected, Deathmatch-Herrschaft, Moshpit Ausdauer-Chaos (Konsolen) und Söldner-Ziel-Moshpit (Konsolen) wurden zu der Vorgestellt-Kategorie hinzugefügt
- 6v6-Unterstützung zu Deathmatch-Herrschaft hinzugefügt
- Veränderungen an Batterys Cluster-Granate vorgenommen (nur im Multiplayer)
- Arsenal, Arsenal Sandstorm, Frequency, Hacienda und Payload zur Infected-Kartenrotation hinzugefügt
- Heiße Verfolgung kehrt als Vorgestellte Spielliste auf allen Plattformen in Blackout zurück
Release: 30.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neuer Spezialist: Spectre
- Neue Game-Modi:
Prop Hunt
Capture the Flag
Additional Barebones modes
- Neue Maps (Black Ops Pass):
Neue Alt Map: Hacienda Twilight
Map Updates:
- Wetworks: Der Staudamm wurde sabotiert und die Map ist überflutet.
- Alcatraz: Verbesserungen am Gameplay-Fluss und am Layout
Neue Game-Modi:
- Bounty Hunter: Finde die Klinge, werde zum Spectre und morde dich nach oben.
- Ground War: Umfangreiche Team vs. Team-Kämpfe mit viel Chaos
Neue Spielbara Charaktere:
Uncle Frank (Black Ops Pass)
Sarah Hall
David Mason
Neue Waffen & Equipment
- Neue Mystery Box-Waffen
- Neues Feature: Classic Elixir Restock
New Gauntlets:
- Super Blood Wolf Moon (Dead of the Night)
- Labours of Hercules (Ancient Evil)
Multiple Modes
Neue Anpassungsgegenstände:
- Neue Specialisten Outfits, Kreisgbemalungen, Gesten & Jump Packs
- Death Effects
- Weapon Charms
Neue Waffen:
- Tigershark LMG
- Nifo’Oti Melee Weapon
- Neue Mastercrafts, MKII’s & Camos
- 12,38 GB groß
Release: 17.05.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
Prop Hunt
- Now live on all platforms in the Featured category.
- Hunters now spawn with rotating loadouts (SMGs or Assault Rifles).
- Addressed an issue where players’ abilities were not displaying their proper values when being spectated.
- Made general improvements to Best Play at the end of the round.
- Addressed join-in-progress issues in Infected matches.
- Resolved an issue that sometimes caused lag/hitching when a match with more than 10 players was joined in progress.
- Additional general stability improvements.
Featured Playlists
- Prop Hunt, Barebones Moshpit, Deathmatch Domination, Infected (consoles), and Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit (consoles) added to the Featured category.
- Addressed an issue where players were able to get to unintended areas of the map using the Grapple Gun.
- Closed some exploitable areas on the map.
Word League Hub:
- Addressed visual bugs that could be experienced upon entering World League Hub for the first time.
- 17,21 MB groß
Release: 05.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: charlieintel.com | twitter.com | play3.de
Days of Summer Event gestartet
New "Labours of Hercules" Gauntlet
4 new Epic Elixirs
Gauntlet Leaderboards
New weapon support
New Mastercraft support
New MKII Weapon support
Full Grav attachment support
Weapon Tuning
- Increased starting ammo capacity from 3 magazines to 4 for MX9, GKS, Cordite, and Saug 9mm.
- Increased bullet penetration through player characters for assault rifles, SMGs, tactical rifles, and pistols.
- SG-12 Strobe Light Operator Mod no longer affects aim-assist for players with Tactical Mask equipped.
- Increased Shadow Blade cooldown.
- Improved Shadow Blade attack camera rotation against enemies behind the player.
- Shadow Blade can now be destroyed by Trophy System.
Lowered K9-Unit health.
- 9-Banging an enemy with Tactical Mask equipped no longer earns the “Flashed Enemy” score event.
Game Modes
Bolt-Action Barebones
Launchers and Equipment are now restricted (as of April 30th).
Featured Playlists
PS4 (June 4-7)
Capture the Flag
Bolt-Action Barebones (updated rules)
Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit
Prop Hunt
Xbox One (June 4-11)
Bolt-Action Barebones
Prop Hunt
Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit
Endurance Moshpit
Game Modes
Ambush Solo
Snipers, Bowie Knife, and Launchers only
SDM removed
Concussion and Cluster Grenades removed
ATV and ARAV removed
Increased time for final collapse
Map Improvements
- Various bug fixes and improvements across the main Blackout map.
Featured Playlists (June 4-11)
Ground War
Xbox One
Ambush Solo
Hot Pursuit
Gauntlet Leaderboards
- Players can now track their Gauntlet standings against friends and manually-added players in Gauntlet Leaderboards.
Stats tracked include:
Highest Round
Best Gold
Best Silver
Best Bronze
- Support added for new MKII Weapons: Rampage, Switchblade X9, Vapr-XKG, and Spitfire.
Perk Up rarity changed from Epic to Legendary.
- Direct hits from grenades and projectile weapons to the head now count as headshots.
- Addressed an issue that allowed Special Weapon revives to convert Secret Sauce Perks into extra Perks.
- Addressed an issue causing the Secret Sauce icon to display incorrectly after Host Migration.
- Resolved various streaming issues in IX, Dead of the Night, and Ancient Evil.
Ancient Evil
- Addressed an issue that could result in granting unlimited ammo for the Hand of Hemera Wonder Weapon.
- Addressed an issue where players were unable to interact with the Obol near the Center of the World.
- Closed an invulnerability exploit that could occur in the Center of the World.
Dead of the Night
- Fixed various crashes that could occur when downed after Host Migration in Dead of the Night
- Closed an exploit where players were able to get outside of the map using Nowhere But There.
- Addressed a visual issue with trees in the outro cutscene.
- Prevented charged weapon audio from playing while entering the boss fight.
Match Leave Penalty
- Reinstated escalating temporary bans for players who leave a League Play match.
- Visual pass on Barracks and cleanup on League Play Career and Medals UI.
- Replaced material names in Social and Inspection menus with Rank.
- Added restricted icons and text to Specialist selection screen.
- Updated Create-a-Class to allow for quicker selection of Mastercraft and MKII Weapons.
- Lobby navigation and performance improvements.
- 12,48 GB groß
Release: 27.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | reddit.com
- Contracts now available featuring 28 daily rotating challenges across all modes.
- Hacienda Twilight added to rotation in Multiplayer.
- Weapon tuning for the Daemon 3XB, Switchblade X9, and MOG 12.
- Ballistic profiles changed to hitscan model for SMGs and pistols.
- More maps added to Prop Hunt and Capture the Flag rotations.
- Humiliation finishing moves added to Heist in MP and redeploy modes in Blackout.
- Medals added to Blackout with new Merit rewards.
- Sentry now available in Stashes and Supply Drops in Blackout.
- New “Numbers” Death Effect reward added for completing an Outfit Mission in Blackout.
- MKII Weapons now properly track attachment and camo progression.
- Scorestreak improvements and fixes for the Drone Squad, Hellstorm, DART, and Gunship.
- Improved matchmaking in Domination.
- Featured Playlist updates on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
- Blackjack’s Stash now available only in limited-time modes (PS4).
- Hard Mode “Unsinkable” Gauntlet added to Zombies with 2X Nebulium Plasma rewards (PS4).
- Contracts are now available in Multiplayer, Blackout, Zombies, and World League.
- Up to 6 Contracts to complete per mode in addition to each mode’s Daily Contract, for a total of 28 Contracts to complete each day.
- Up to three Contracts can be active at once, including two player-selected Contracts and one Daily Contract for each game mode.
- Daily Contracts will refresh every 24 hours. Players must complete their Daily Contract in each mode before the refresh, when a new Daily Contract will take its place.
- Players can jump from mode to mode to complete Contracts in any order they like.
- Possible rewards from completing Contracts can include:
Reserve Case(s)
- Bonus XP in Multiplayer, Zombies, and World League
- Bonus Nebulium Plasma in Zombies
- Bonus Merits in Blackout
- Hacienda Twilight: Alternate-lighting Hacienda map variant now in rotation.
- Ballistic profiles on SMGs and pistols changed to hitscan to create consistency with other weapon classes in Multiplayer.
- MOG 12: Dragon Breath Operator Mod damage reduced to increase pellets required for a one-shot kill at long range.
- Daemon 3XB: Now requires at least six bullets to finish off a target with full health (up from five).
- Daemon 3XB: Added a third extra magazine.
- Ballistic Knife: Addressed an issue preventing players from using Dual Wield and Extra Blades at the same time.
Switchblade X9
- Reduced 6-shot kill range from 19 meters to 13 meters.
- Reduced 7-shot kill range from 25 meters to 19 meters.
- Reduced 8-shot kill range from 31 meters to 25 meters.
Game Modes
Prop Hunt
- Added Morocco and Summit to map rotation.
- Addressed an issue in Prop Hunt where players could sometimes spawn inside of other players.
- Closed an exploit in Prop Hunt where props could hide under the map.
Capture the Flag
- Added Frequency and Jungle to map rotation.
- Players will no longer join Domination matches that are almost over.
- Added Humiliation finishing moves to Heist.
- Addressed an issue where MKII Weapons were not progressing attachments and camos properly.
- Drone Squad now takes longer to target players equipped with Cold Blooded.
- Addressed an issue where players using in the Gunship could have their camera stuck in a non-functional state.
- Addressed an issue where the Hellstorm would sometimes self-destruct upon deployment.
- Addressed an issue where a player using the DART could end up seeing a teammate’s Hellstorm deployment view.
- Addressed an issue where players could bounce far away from one other when sliding into one another.
- Addressed an issue where Zero’s Ice Pick would not hack the Sentry or RCXD.
Featured Playlists (June 25 – July 2)
-Capture the Flag
Endurance Moshpit
Barebones Objective Moshpit
Prop Hunt
Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
- Medals now available in Blackout for in-game actions including reviving and assisting teammates, eliminating a Duo or Quad, taking down zombies, scoring a multikill, and more.
- Players earn Merits when Medals are achieved.
- Sentry now available in Stashes and Supply Drops in all Blackout modes.
- Sentry deals lower damage compared to its MP counterpart, acting as a nuisance/alert system in Blackout.
- Humiliation finishing moves now available to use against downed enemies in redeploy modes.
- 12,96 GB groß
Release: 09.07.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Rückkehr des Spezialisten Reaper erwarten, der sich mit seiner Scythe wie schon in „Call of Duty: Black Ops 3“ durch die Gegner mähen wird
- „Stock und Stein“ kehrt als Spielmodus zurück, sodass man mit einer Armbrust, einem Messer und einer Wurfaxt die Feinde niederstrecken muss.
- 3 neue Karten: „Der Schatten“, „Remnant“ und „Havanna“
- Eine alternative, geflutete Version von „Jungle“ soll ebenfalls ins Spiel kommen
- Als neue Waffen werden die Reaver C86-Armbrust, die Argus-Schrotflinte und die Backhander-Nahkampfwaffe hinzugefügt
- 13,77 GB groß
Release: 16.07.2019 (Version
- 9,32 GB groß
Release: 07.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | reddit.com
- Speichergröße von 92 GB auf 88,9 GB verkleinert
- Infected: Final Stand added to Featured Playlists (PS4).
- Support added for M16 and Havelina AA50 weapons (PS4).
- Weapon tuning for S6 Stingray Operator Mod.
- Fix for Daemon 3XB Mastercraft leveling bug.
- Featured Playlist updates on all platforms.
- Pandemic limited-time mode now live (PS4).
- Tactical Bike vehicle added to main map (PS4).
- Standard Alcatraz playlist replaces Alcatraz Horde (PS4).
- Added three Ray Gun MKII variants to Mystery Boxes.
- Wall buy weapons added to all Zombies-related locations.
- Added new Zombies-inspired Easter Eggs to both Blackout maps.
- Reduced the number of rockets required to destroy vehicles.
- Fog has lifted in Quads, Duos, and Solo matches on the main map.
- Featured Playlist updates on all platforms.
- “Duck and Cover” Gauntlet now live for “Alpha Omega” (PS4).
- M16 and Havelina AA50 weapons added to Mystery Box (PS4).
- Armory support added for M16, Havelina AA50, and new MKII Weapons (PS4).
- Significantly improved damage for Reaver C86, Argus, and Locus.
- Added Ray Gun MKII to the Mystery Box in “Blood of the Dead” and “Classified”.
- Added penetration to standard Ray Gun MKII blasts.
- Gameplay improvements and fixes for “Alpha Omega”, “Blood of the Dead”, Blood Wolf Bite, and Ballistic Knife.
- 60 new Tiers of Contraband rewards (PS4).
- M16 and Havelina AA50 now available in Ultra Weapon Bribes and Reserves (PS4).
- Improved normal Contract reward rate.
. Ray Gun MKII
. Added the Ray Gun MKII to the Mystery Box in “Blood of the Dead” and “Classified”.
Added penetration to standard Ray Gun MKII blasts.
Reaver C86
- Significantly increased damage.
- Addressed an issue where the Compact Scope reticle could appear missing.
- Significantly increased damage.
- Significantly increased damage.
Ballistic Knife
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Pack-a-Punching the Ballistic Knife with Dual Wield and either Clan Tag or Kill Counter equipped.
Blood Wolf Bite
- Addressed an issue where picking up ammo drops from Luna would reduce Shield weapon ammo to zero.
“Alpha Omega”
- Addressed an issue where players could get stuck between A.D.A.M. and a wall.
- Addressed a rare progression break when a player disconnected while holding a Main Quest part.
- Addressed a visual issue with the Primis Richtofen character model.
- Closed an exploit where players were able to activate the generator event and leave the room before the doors dropped.
- Closed an exploit spot in the Green House Backyard area.
“Blood of the Dead”
- Addressed an issue where Hellhounds could flip upside down at the Docks.
- Closed an exploit where players could get under the floor using a Special Weapon.
S6 Stingray (Operator Mod)
- Reduced 2-hit kill range from 32 meters to 22 meters.
- Slightly reduced explosive damage.
- Slowed fire rate.
Daemon 3XB (Mastercraft)
- “Imaginator” Mastercraft now levels up properly.
Featured Playlists (August 6-13)
- Infected: Final Stand
- Endurance Chaos Moshpit
- Barebones Moshpit
- Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
- Bolt-Action Barebones
Xbox One
- Chaos Domination
- Endurance Chaos Moshpit
- Barebones Moshpit
- Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
- Bolt-Action Barebones
Main Map
- The fog has lifted in Quads, Duos, and Solo matches on the main map.
- Added Ray Gun MKII variants as potential drops in Mystery Boxes.
- Added wall buy weapons to Zombies-related locations in the main map.
- Reduced the number of rockets required to destroy the Helicopter to 1.
- Reduced the number of rockets required to destroy the Muscle Car to 1.
- Reduced the number of rockets required to destroy the Cargo Truck to 2.
Easter Eggs
- Added new Zombies-inspired Easter Eggs to discover in both maps. Happy hunting!
- 12,71 GB groß
Release: 07.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: callofduty.com
Limited-Time Modes
- New limited-time mode now live.
- Up to 80 players compete for survival. Once killed, players spawn in as a zombie.
- Zombies have super speed, can jump higher, track enemies, see pulses of survivors on the map, stay underwater longer, don’t take fall damage, and cannot heal.
- Zombies get two Hell’s Retriever axes per spawn, and earn two more upon getting a kill.
- Zombies respawn every 10 seconds.
- Win by being one of the last remaining survivors, or by wiping out all survivors as a member of the zombie horde.
Alcatraz Portals
- Alcatraz Portals Horde playlist replaced by standard Alcatraz Portals playlist.
Tactical Bike
- New motorcycle with sidecar now available on the main map.
- Supports one driver and one passenger in the sidecar.
Easter Eggs
- Added new Zombies-inspired Easter Eggs to discover.
Limited-Time Modes: Infected: Final Stand
- Players start on designated teams of Survivors vs. Zombies and switch teams each round.
- Survivors have one life and can be revived. Zombies respawn using a limited pool of lives.
- Survivors chose from pre-set classes. Zombies are equipped with Bowie Knives and Combat Axes.
- Survivors win the round by surviving until the time limit, or by eliminating the Zombies team. Zombies win by eliminating all Survivors before the time limit.
- First team to win four rounds wins the match.
- Added Create-a-Class support for M16 tactical rifle and Havelina AA50 sniper rifle.
“Duck and Cover”
- 30 rounds of new challenges with unique rules for each round in “Alpha Omega”.
- Players earn medals, Calling Cards, and Nebulium Plasma rewards for completing rounds 10, 20, and 30, as well as a cosmetic reward for completing round 30 without failing a round.
- Players are issued a Strike by failing a round, with the game ending after three Strikes.
- Added M16 and Havelina AA50 to Mystery Boxes.
- Added Armory support for M16 and Havelina AA50.
- Added Armory support for the newest MKII Weapons.
- Recon scope on the Locus will no longer lose functionality when Pack-a-Punched.
GLOBAL (Black Market)
- 60 new Tiers in the Operation Apocalypse Z: Survivors Contraband stream, including an Ultra Weapon Bribe, new Epic Outfits, Gestures, Reactive Camo, Jump Pack, Calling Cards, and more.
- M16 tactical rifle and Havelina AA50 sniper rifle now available in Ultra Weapon Bribes and Reserves.
- 39,46 MB groß
Release: 18.08.2019 (Version
- Havelina AA50: Removed aim assist.
- Havelina AA50: Corrected damage values for High Caliber II attachment.
Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
- Stockpile
- Barebones Moshpit
- Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit
- Party Game Moshpit
- Endurance Chaos Moshpit
Map Updates
Main Map
- The apocalypse has ended in Blackout, bringing new daytime lighting and brightness levels to the main map environment.
- Original daytime map environment returns to Alcatraz.
Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
Ground War
Alcatraz Portals
- M16: Increased base ammo count.
- Addressed an issue that could allow Hellhounds to start pathing before spawning.
- Addressed a timing issue on Hellhound spawn visual FX.
- Addressed an issue that could prevent Weapon Charms and Death Effects from staying equipped.
Release: 06.11.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | reddit.com
- Mehr als 280 neue Belohnungen können jetzt über Reserve Cases verdient werden.
- Mit Nuketown fand außerdem eine permanente 24/7-Playlist
- Permanent Nuketown: Nuketown playlist now permanently available in Featured Playlists.
Featured Playlists (PS4/Xbox One)
- Nuketown
- Blackjack’s Gun Game
- Barebones Moshpit
- Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit
- Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
Echohawk Dual Bore
- Increased maximum damage.
- Increased burst fire speed.
- Improved recoil pattern to be more controllable.
- Increased maximum damage.
Specialists (Reaper)
- Reduced Scythe duration from 40 to 30 seconds.
- Reduced Scythe ammo count from 150 to 100 rounds.
LTM Moshpits
- New weekly rotation of limited-time moshpits offers a wider variety of Blackout modes going forward.
- LTM Moshpits serve as a Quickplay playlist, placing players into the lobby closest to starting a match to keep wait times low.
This week’s “Quads Moshpit” features the following Quads LTMs:
Heavy Metal Heroes
Ground War
Ambush Quads
Down But Not Out
Featured Playlists (PS4/Xbox One)
- Quads Moshpit
- Alcatraz Portal Quads
- Duos
- Solo
- Maps: “Tag Der Toten”: Fixed the “June 144 Major Overlord” error that could occur during Side Quests and the Main Quest.
- Increased ammo reserves on the Tundragun.
- Increased detonation time on the Matryoshka Doll to 10 seconds.
- Matryoshka Doll now detonates manually after all mini grenades are spent.
- Added the rest of the Primis crew versions of the Matryoshka Dolls.
AI Behavior
- Addressed an issue where Zombies could become invisible when launched from a Flinger.
- Addressed an issue where killing an Electrified Zombie in the water would not stun nearby zombies.
- Zombies should no longer get stuck in Artifact Storage.
- Zombies should no longer idle in place when players activate In Plain Sight or the Shadow of Death ability when on the iceberg.
- Addressed an issue where zombies were not spawning during Samantha’s Music Box defend event when starting a special round.
- Adjusted Hellhounds to prevent targeting players riding a zipline.
- Removed zones that could unintentionally kill the player in Frozen Crevasse and Sunken Path.
- Removed zones that would unintentionally kill the player when entering areas accessible with Dynamite while Power Doors were set to Open in Custom Mutations.
- Dynamite can now only be crafted at the Gangway Table on the ship.
- Adjusted out-of-bounds barriers for various Rush defend events across the map.
- Addressed an issue where water could still inadvertently freeze players during the Main Quest.
- Addressed an issue with lava not dealing damage in Artifact Storage during the Main Quest.
- Moved the audio reel in Lighthouse Station from the filing cabinet to the table on the opposite wall to prevent interfering with crafting table interactions.
- Closed exploitable areas accessible by using the Ragnarok DG-5.
- Added sound FX when opening the crate for the Thundergun.
- Addressed various issues with voiceover lines when interacting with the Hermit.
- Addressed several text-to-speech voiceover issues throughout the map.
- Added VFX to show the broken state of the Pack-a-Punch machine during late stages of the Main Quest.
- Added text to the mountain Flinger indicating it cannot be activated before opening the Frozen Crevasse.
- Added rumble and screen shake on exploding Dynamite objects.
- Addressed an issue where players were unable to acquire Yellow Snowballs on Casual Difficulty or in Custom Mutations.
- Added Electrified Zombie and Dynamite Zombie to the Enhanced section of the Special Zombies menu for Custom Mutations.
- Adjusted the Heat Pack prompt to make it easier to interact with.
- Addressed an issue that resulted in players being flung into the air after respawning when spectating a player taking the Flinger back from the iceberg.
Maps: “Alpha Omega
- Environment: Removed zones that would unintentionally kill the player in the Cul-de-Sac while Power Doors are set to Open at the start of the match in Custom Mutations.
- Audio: Addressed various Rushmore voiceover issues.
- Miscellaneous: Richtofen’s blood vials no longer improperly display in the lobby or in-game.
Maps: “Voyage of Despair”
- Trophies: Addressed an issue where the “Kraken Unfettered” Trophy was not being awarded when killing multiple enemies with a single Air Kraken shot.
Reaver C86
- Increased reload speed on Pack-a-Punched Reaver C86.
- Bolts fired from the Pack-a-Punched Reaver C86 can now be recovered.
Ballistic Knife
- Knives fired from the Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife can now be recovered.
MOG 12
- Adjusted the MOG 12 Barrel Choke description and stats UI in the Armory to better reflect its in-game behavior.
- Mastery Camos: Addressed an issue where Diamond Camo was not properly unlocking for the Hellion Salvo and other secondary weapons.
- Reactive Camos: Fixed in-game pop-ups for several Reactive Camos that were displaying incorrect text when unwrapping.
Dying Wish
- Addressed an issue that resulted in Dying Wish not activating when players took fatal damage.
- Addressed a visual issue that could occur when respawning after spectating a player.
Stone Cold Stronghold
- Addressed a visual issue that could occur when respawning after spectating a player.
Elixirs and Talismans
- Nowhere but There: Closed various exploits using Nowhere But There.
- Secret Shopper: Fixed a rare crash that could occur when attempting to use wall buys with Secret Shopper.
- Shopping Free: Addressed an issue where players were still refunded points when moving the Mystery Box with Shopping Free active.
- Free Fire: Addressed an issue where Free Fire was not activating after switching to an empty weapon.
- Suit Up: Addressed an issue where Suit Up could still be used when at full armor.
- Frugal Fetish: Addressed an issue where the Frugal Fetish Talisman was not reducing first-time repair of the shield.
- Restored “The Numbers” outfit for Zero for players who have previously earned the item.
- 6,38 GB groß
Release: 13.11.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
- 45,89 MB groß