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Call of Duty WW II Update Details (11)
Release: 04.11.2017 (Hotfix)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Gewaltdarstellung in der deutschen Version wird nun mit der englischen Fassung identisch sein
Release: 10.11.2017 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: play3.de
Multiplayer general
- Connectivity improvements and optimizations
- Fixed de-ranking issues
- Addressed an issue where players encountered an infinite load screen
- Leaderboard stability improvements and bug fixes
- General UI improvements
- Loading optimizations
- Splitscreen functionality improvements
- Added new unlock inventory stars to indicate when new items are added
- Adjusted hit marker audio to be higher default level (note: can be adjusted in settings)
- Fixed out of world exploits on Gustav Cannon and Sainte Marie du Mont
- Espionage Basic Training – Reduced painted time from 10 to 6 seconds. Made it so only bullet damage paints you.
- Weapon tuning to allow for one shot kills outside of hardcore mode, enabling challenge completion.
- Fixed infinite flamethrower bug
- XP Earn rate tuned in Operation Neptune
- Fix issue of shotgun variants not appearing
- Emblem Editor and visualization improvements
- GameBattles Improvements
- Fixed Gridiron Ball exploits
- Fixed a bug with all Sniper Rifles zooming to exact center when aiming down the sights
Multiplayer buffs
- Walther Toggle Action Shotgun : damage increased at extremely close range
- Bren LMG : increased damage per shot
- LMG Bipod : sped up ADS time when in Bipod stance
Multiplayer nerfs
- BAR Rifle : decreased fire rate and widened hip fire spread
- STG44 Rifle : widened hip fire spread
- FG42 Rifle : increased recoil and widened hip fire spread
- Machine Pistol : decreased damage ranges
- Zombie Map Exploit Fix : clipping into a zombie spawn closet using revive mechanic in Laboratory
- Fixed Klaus pathing
- Fixed out of world exploit : The Final Reich
Release: 14.11.2017 (Hotfix)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de
- Die dedizierten Server für die PS4-Version wurden gestern in den USA getestet; ebenso auf der Xbox One.
Derzeit werden die Server-Kapazitäten in ganz Europa erweitert, um weltweit die Stabilität zu testen und zu gewährleisten.
- Der in der vergangenen Nacht veröffentlichte Patch scheint die Probleme zu beheben,
welche zu Verbindungsunterbrechungen, Stats-Verlust und das Einfrieren der Lobby geführt haben.
Release: 28.11.2017 (Hotfix)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Die COD Points können in folgenden Paketen erworben werden:
200 Points für 1,99 Euro
1.100 Points für 9,99 Euro
2.400 Points für 19,99 Euro
5.000 Points für 39,99 Euro
9.500 Points für 74,99 Euro
13.000 Points für 99,99 Euro
Release: 29.11.2017 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- XB1 and PS4 crash fixes
- Server/connectivity improvements
- Fixed an issue preventing users from entering local play match if booting game without internet connection
- Fixed an issue of players being kicked to ghost lobby then start screen with “Lost connection to host” message after Public matches
- Fixed an issue of showing black screen when host leaves match
- Fixed an issue where players who are not the host see black and screen and no AAR between matches
- General Leaderboard fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue of 2XP not being granted when indicated, sometimes granted 3XP
- Fixed HQ progression exploits
- Fixed an issue preventing Scorestreak Training from functioning due to Custom Match settings applied prior
- Fixed an issue user from backing out into HQ if user accepts an invite to a lobby while in Scorestreak Training
- Fixed map exploits on Pointe du Hoc, USS Texas, London Docks, and Flak Tower
- Fixed an issue allowing “snaking” exploits
- Fixed one-way smoke screen issue
- Paratroopers in HC modes now have HC health, not normal health
- Fixed the issue of granting free Flamethrower with partial fuel if another Flamethrower is equipped already
- Fixed S&D issue where players are stuck when planting the Bomb after tossing a Molotov
- Fixed an issue when party leader changes game mode, members are taken to a ghost lobby
- Fixed an issue where when party leader leaves lobby before user loads out of match, users enter a ghost lobby
- Fixed an issue where if party leader leaves in middle of match without bringing the rest of the party, shows that party leader is still there
- General party improvements, including crash fixes, connectivity fixes, and access to HQ after a match
- Fixed firing range issue causing continuous emoting
- Fixed not allowing players who have Prestiged to accept, complete, or turn in Orders and Contracts
- Fixed an issue not rewarding completed Mastery Challenges
- Fixed an issue not tracking Division Skill Challenge progression in War Mode matches
- Fixed Weekly Order issue not registering Hill Taker win
- Fixed Daily Order Breathing Fire issue not tracking progress
- Fixed an issue not properly tracking Panzerschreck Challenge, preventing players from receiving snow camo unlock
- Fixed Zombies issue preventing players from earning supply drops
- Various MP and Zombies splitscreen improvements
- Cinematics resolution fixes on enhanced consoles
- Fixed an issue pushing update to stats before AAR has been displayed (no more lost/unviewed stats)
- Fixed an issue showing incorrect leaderboard data
- Fixed an issue where changing character’s face and equipping Division uniform displays previous character face and kicks player out of the menu
- Fixed an issue causing Headquarters death, weapon, and division stats to be logged in the Combat Record
- Various UI improvements (Includes Order/Challenge completion instructions)
MP Weapon Tuning
- BAR nerfed to add more recoil
- Reticle unlock fix for STG-44 reflex sight
- Custom reticle fixes for scopes of Kar98K and Lee Enfield
MP Basic Training
- Primed Basic Training nerf
- Fixed delayed start of GameBattles matches
- Increased GameBattles Hardpoint time limit from 5 min to 10 min
- Other general GameBattles improvements
- Fixed Campaign issue causing user to lose progression and re-lock missions when selecting New Game in the menu
Release: 02.12.2017 (Hotfix)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Ranglistenspiele wurden Fehler ausgemerzt
- Auch die Statistiken im Allgemeinen sollen nun korrekt aufgezeichnet werden
Release: 08.12.2017 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Winter Carentan added
- Winter Siege Gear and Weapons added
- Winter Siege Game Modes added
- Fixed issues relating to disconnects
- Improvements to partying up in Custom match
- Fixed various party issues related to crashes and long load screens
- Fixed issue where party members bypass AAR
- Fixed issue where players cannot edit „Force Respawn“ game option
- Fixed issue where players first entering MP are unable to select a Division
- Fixed issue where players who assign themselves to spectate in FFA actually load in as a normal player
- Fixed Prestige exploits
- Fixed map exploits on Gibraltar, Pointe du Hoc, Aachen, Sainte Marie du Mont
- Fixed issue allowing players to „frog jump“
- Various splitscreen improvements
- AI behavior improvements in War Mode
- Fixed issue causing error messages when loading out of War Mode matches
- War Mode Operation Neptune in game UI improvements
- Fixed War Mode issue allowing players to build and destroy buildables outside of the objective zone
- Fixed issue in HC where players are able to steal Care Packages from teammates they kill
- Implemented „3 team kills and you’re kicked“ rule in HC
- Fixed issue in HC where team kill deaths count towards KDR
- Fixed UI issue where XP earned from medals was not displaying, leading players to think they were not getting XP
- Fixed UI inaccuracies and general improvements to Divisions menu
- CTF minimap improvements
- Gridiron in-game UI improvements
- Added weapon base name and Division to Supply Drop cards
- Fixed new item UI
- Added progress bar for „Downloading updates“
- General UI and art fixes and improvements
- Added Mute All and Toggle Mute options in HQ
- Fixed issue where players died instantly after respawning in 1v1 pit
- Fixed issue where players can be killed and/or crash while exiting and entering HQ Firing Range
- Fixed out of world exploits in HQ
- Fixed issue where Orders and Challenges are not tracking properly
- Fixed Contract exploits in HQ
- Fixed issue where players received an incorrect error message when attempting to play a Public match for a party larger than six players
- Fixed issue where in public FFA matches where players are kicked for inactivity, no forfeit timer appears for remaining players
- Fixed issue where players who should receive post-match bonuses do not receive them
- Fixed infinite Scorestreak exploit
- Fixed issue where progress for Weekly Orders not tracking
- Fixed audio looping issues after AAR
- Fixed issue where opening Supply Drops after selecting „Inspect Soldier“ or after entering Theater causes loss in functionality
- Fixed issue where M1A1 reticle unlocked at 50 kills, instead of 500 – becomes parity with all other weapons
- Fixed issue with fire path of Panzerschreck when aiming for Scorestreaks
- Fixed iron sight alignment on weapon variant for SVT and 1911
- Decreased amount of glare when using Heroic shotguns
- Fixed issue with MG-42 VFX
- Fixed ADS fire for MG-42 reticle
- Fixed hip-fire inconsistencies on STG-44 (crouching vs. standing)
- Fixed suppressor VFX
- Fixed issue where Waffe 28 Variant „Soggy“ wasn’t attaching sight attachments correctly
- Fixed issues when inspecting weapon and sprinting
- Fixed issue where equipping High Caliber on a rifle blocks player from equipping Steady Aim and Grip
- Improved visibility on Throwing Knife path
- General Ranked Play UI fixes
- Ranked Play UI issues with tracking wins and losses
- General connectivity issues finding Ranked Play matches
- Ranked Play counting towards global stats
- Fixed issue where player loses partial functionality when highlighting player in lobby and then selecting „Find Ranked Game“
- Fixed issue where players are not equipped with the default Scorestreak loadout
- Fixed issue where weapons are able to be leveled up
- Team killing no longer possible
- Explosive delay changed to be 7.5 across all competitive modes
- Implemented Leaderboards
- Fixed MMR discrepancies shown in AAR
- Fixed issue where players are able to start matches with fewer than 8 players
- Fixed issue where players are placed in non-functional lobby
- Fixed issue where players who leave match early do not receive lockout message
- Further optimized matchmaking based on MMR
- Fixed issue where players kicked to HQ from Ranked Play
- Fixed issue preventing players from changing their Basic Training
- Fixed issue where Division loadout does not auto-equip a Lethal/Tactical
- Fixed issue of false „Bronze Star“ icon after player backs out of Ranked Play lobby and enters private match
- Added indicators for restricted items
- Fixed issue where lockout times not displaying
- General UI fixes and improvements
- General improvements to player banning in Ranked Play
- Fixed issue that allows players to search for new match while still in one, leading to games loading with less than required number of players
- Fixed issue where players can join lobby of a game that just ended, before every player has been kicked
- Fixed post-match disband issues
- Fixed MMR displaying inaccurately for new players
- Fixed issue where players‘ customized loadouts are not populating correctly if weapons or gear were not unlocked in regular MP
- General CODcaster UI and functionality improvements
- Implemented all GameBattles modes and maps in Ranked Play
- Fixed issue where winner’s circle was not populating after matches
- Fixed freezing in menus
- Implemented Leaderboards
- Fixed error received when joining Zombies through HQ
- Fixed issue where players joining Zombies from MP are sent to empty test space
- Fixed issue where players can create custom Prologue match
- Fixed issue where team-based trophies / achievements now granted to players who joined in progress before the fifth wave.
- Improved splitscreen functionality post-match when message „Host Migration Aborted“ is displayed
- Fixed general issues with XP gains
- Added progress bar for „Downloading updates“
- Other general UI fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where players could interact with objects when dying as last standing survivor
Release: 22.12.2017 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: play3.de
- Fixed issue where Social Rank rewards were not granting
- Fixed issue where Confirmed Killer Order could be completed by collecting both friendly and enemy dog tags
- Fixed issue where Confirmed Denier Order was not tracking properly
- Other general UI fixes and improvements
Weapon Fixes
- Buffed fire rate for MP-40 and M1928
- Buffed Combat Shotgun damage range
- Class-wide LMG movement speed buff and recoil buffs for MG15 and Lewis
- Nerfed fire rate for FG42 and adjusted recoil accordingly
- Nerfed Machine Pistol damage
Ranked Play
- Fixed Ranked Play UI bug where rank icons changed to the placement match icon in the scoreboard that appears before the AAR
- Fixed UI issues with Zombies 2XP
- Fixed issue with Audio Log Recording Collectible
- Fixed issue where players were able to deploy more than maximum number of S-Mine 44 explosives,
and lost those deployed over the maximum
- Fixed issue UI issue where kills with grenades were counting for the Blitz Used stat
Release: 19.01.2018 (Hotfix)
Quelle: play3.de
Recoil Buff
Slight Fire Rate Buff
Grease Gun
Recoil adjustment to give player more control
ADS Transition time buff
ADS transition time nerf
Lee Enfield
ADS transition time buff
Combat Shotgun
Slight Max Damage range nerf, still overall buff to where it was at launch
Sawed-Off Shotgun
Max and Mid Damage Range Buff
Buff to number of pellets to kill
Reload time buff
Hip spread nerf
Moved defense start spawns in S&D on Sainte Marie du Mont
Moved CTF flag positions back on London Docks
Release: 23.01.2018 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: play3.de
- Integrated spectator issue fix that went live on PC. The issue is network connection dependent,
however this fix prioritizes model streaming order to eliminate the delay seen on initial start.
We will continue to monitor on all platforms for any Phase 2 fixes needed.
- Fixed issue with equipping scorestreaks upon spawning in after dying
- Fixed issue where when player accepts invite to HQ, game crashes with a fatal error or lost host connection
- Fixed game crash issue in Operation Neptune
- Fixed various console performance/lag issues with low frame rate, teleporting, delayed hit markers, and hitching
- Sped up health regeneration
- Removed shell shock from friendly explosions
- Fixed issue where scrolling causes game to crash
- Improved map voting functionality
- Fixed unlock Token issues with split screen
- Fixed hard crash issues occurring mid-match
- Fixed various functionality and disconnect issues due to host migration/inactivity
- Fixed issue where player is stuck on launcher tier after simultaneously killing self and another player with Panzerschreck
- Fixed issue where players were unable to connect and receiving error “Couldn’t connect to server because the data is incompatible.”
- Fixed various split screen functionality issues
- Fixed issue in Operation Griffin where buildable wall leading to Fuel Depot A is nonexistent after supposedly being built
- Fixed various out of map exploits
- Fixed issue where players were unable to win Gun Game by killing enemies with the throwing knife
- Fixed rare issue where player loaded into an unbalanced 7v5 Gridiron match
- Fixed issue in S&D where players are temporarily stuck after Planting the Bomb or executing a Fatal Melee
- Fixed issue with Gridiron AI dropping ball and not playing to objective
- Fixed issue in S&D and CTF where players were seeing incorrect Draw/Defeat messages
- Fixed issue with invitees being “kicked for inactivity”
- Fixed various Firing Range issues
- Fixed issues with party members’ functionality loss results from leader’s actions
- Fixed issue where players experience a hard crash when attempting to join HQ after a match
- Fixed issues with party invites
- Fixed various party system functionality issues
- Fixed split screen issue where first-time users see placeholder images/text after leaving first match and selecting HQ
- Moved HQ from being the first default option
- Fixed issue in Mail where false notifications were appearing
- Fixed issue where weapon attachments were not appearing in AAR
- Fixed issues with Payroll collection UI
- Added message stating that using open NAT and network cable could improve UX
- Fixed various UI issues with emblems
- Other various UI fixes and improvements
- Fixed issue where Infantry, Primed Basic Training, and Hunker Basic Training were not working as intended
- Fixed Prestige exploit
- Fixed issue with weapon stats failing to track properly
- Fixed inconsistencies and issues with TDM and DOM Kill Contracts
- Fixed issue where various Orders were not tracking properly
- Fixed issue where various Orders were not completing properly
- Fixed issue where players were not able to obtain certain Weekly Orders from Major Howard
- Fixed issue where only Concussion Grenades were counting towards the “Get 5 kills on enemies affected by a tactical grenade” Order
- Fixed issue where volume of some announcer VO lines in War Mode were louder than intended
- Turned down foley footstep volume, as well as other players’ footstep volume
- Fixed issue where players could hear enemies through voice chat during a match
- Various SFX improvements
- Fixed issue where at start of game, not all arrows on map were placed at valid positions
- Improved Sky Cam (Hammer Cam) functionality
- Fixed issues with Display and Division settings menus
- Various UI fixes and improvements
- Improved scrolling functionality
- Fixed issue where opening a supply drop after purchasing kicks players back to the previous menu
- Fixed issue where stats were not accurately tracking on scoreboard
- Fixed issue where when transitioning between menus during a match countdown, a loss was temporarily added to the player’s record
- Fixed UI issues with rank icons
- Combat records are not updated aside from Ranked Play stats when playing in Ranked Play games
- Improved MMR logic
- Improved consistency of Placement Matches to reflect actual wins/losses
- Fixed party size and matchmaking exploits
- Fixed issue where players lose MMR after completing a duo match
- Fixed issue where MP Divisions were replaced with Ranked Play Divisions when players left Ranked matches
- Fixed additional issues in Ranked Play with wins counting as losses
- Fixed issue where Ranked Play stats were counting towards Global stats
- Other various UI fixes and improvements
- Fixed functionality issues with Mortar Strike and Care Package
- Fixed issue where the Capo Verde GPMG was showing the body for the Fiore Di Morte
- Fixed issue where not all variants of the weapons that were tuned last week received the tuning changes
- Fixed issue where user did not auto-switch to secondary melee weapon when primary ran out of ammo
- Fixed issue where Akimbo pistol attachment was overriding weapon tuning
- Fixed issue that allowed players to equip a Scorestreak without consuming it
- Fixed issue where double reload happens on its own
- Fixed Ice Pick UI and equipping issues
- Fixed various reticle inconsistencies
- Fixed Iron Sights and reticle inconsistencies/alignment on GPMG and SVT-40
- Fixed issue with equipping Molotovs after using Fighter Pilot scorestreak
- Fixed display issues with Trench Knife and its variants
- Nerfed Camouflage so special meter drains faster
- Nerfed the ammo multiplier of Fully Loaded in conjunction with buffing reserve ammo multiplier for all weapons, so the net total is nearly unchanged
- Fixed issue where players were able to equip multiple scope attachments and multiple of the same attachment
- Improved notifications for when players receive a supply drop
- Fixed Prestige exploits
- Fixed issue where players were unable to use base weapons without having to complete a Challenge or Collection
- Fixed issue where mods were not properly applied in-game after selection
- Fixed issues with Jack in the Box after respawning
- Fixed countdown timer issues
- Fixed issue where signing into split screen profile causes title to hang for up to two minutes
- Various UI fixes and improvements
- Various audio fixes and improvements
- Fixed various map exploits
- Fixed various party system issues
- Resistance Event items
- Implemented custom emblem sharing
Release: 03.02.2018 (Hotfix)
Quelle: play3.de
- Fixed issue with Ranked Play XP not awarding properly
- Fixed issue in Zombies with Wüstling pathing
- Fixed issue where Demolition Bomb Sites appear too close to each other
- Fixed UI issue in Demolition where match timer was not pausing when the bomb was planted
Release: 14.02.2018 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- New Resistance Weapons and Uniforms
- 9MM SAP is now available to equip in Zombies loadouts
- Connectivity/Spawns/Performance/Split Screen/Mechanics
- Fixed split screen issue with players in parties trying to leave a party
- Fixed spawning issue causing enemy and friendly tags not showing properly
- Fixed issue in split screen where player’s avatar defaults to Desert Rat
when playing as Resistance Division and upon leaving a public match
- Fixed issue where users were unable to pause the game in Local MP match
- Fixed issue where players were receiving the error message “Lost connection to host/server. Connection timed out.”
when loading in HQ
- Fixed issues with Prop Hunt crashing
- Fixed issue in Demolition where there were no timers between round transitions Party System/HQ
- Fixed issue with Mail where items were shown as placeholders
- Fixed issue where players would be kicked out of HQ when attempting to watch a video in the Theater
- Improved functionality of the Emblem Gallery
- Fixed issues with party invites and loss of functionality
- Various UI fixes and improvements (text descriptions, Dossier menus, Emblem Editor, etc)
- Fixed issue where additional losses were being incorrectly added to player’s record, driving down the win %
- Fixed issue where expiration time was not showing up for Resistance Bribe Contract
- Fixed issue where some items were showing incorrect image on supply drop cards
- Added Scrambler and Indicator toggle for Resistance Division
- Fixed issue where players were unable to open supply drop menu after Prestiging
- Fixed various SFX issues
Supply Drops
- Fixed issue where Polish Underground II Uniform was appearing in supply drops
- Adjusted Paratroopers so they no longer target enemy aerial scorestreaks and no longer select Shovels or Serrated Basic Training
- Fixed interactions between all fire weaponry and water (Anthropoid)
- Fixed issue where sometimes view through the scope during ADS is blacked out
- Fixed various weapon art issues
- Fixed various display issues with the 9MM SAP
- Fixed issue where players
kills and deaths were not properly tracking
- Fixed various UI issues with winners’ circle, AAR,
and blank AAR Stats tab
- Fixed issue where players were not able to connect to each other to start match
- Fixed issue where players did not get melee weapon back after losing Wonder Weapon, resulting in ability to melee with standard issue guns
- Fixed various map exploits
- Fixed issue where 2XP icons were not showing up in all intended locations
- Fixed issue where some weapons were missing animated camos
- Fixed animation issues with various Zombies
Various UI fixes and improvements
- Fixed issue in TDS where players were unable to leave Pommel Room after obtaining the Pommel
- Fixed issue where players were not awarded the correct amount of supply crates
- Fixed weapon inconsistencies that occur when players bleed out with only the Ripsaw in their possession
- Fixed an issue where zombies affected by shellshock were stunning
- Fixed various weapon exploits
- Fixed issue where users were unable to pause the game in Local Zombies match
- Fixed issues various progression issues with Zombies
- 2 GB groß
Release: 22.02.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Buffed base ADS times and buffed ADS in from sprint times (ADS sprint out times match ADS from sprint times)
- Buffed base ADS transition times, but not ADS from sprint times/ADS sprint out times,
in an effort to maintain a difference between the SMG and AR class playstyles
- Nerfed ADS transition times (a slight quickscoping nerf)
- Buffed base ADS times
Note: Base ADS times for SMGs are faster than Rifles, and Rifles are faster than LMGs.
In other words, there is now more of a distinction between class playstyles.
- Buffed recoil in an effort to have a more competitive SMG on par with the PPSh-41
- Nerfed fire rate so that the damage output is more in line with other weapons in its class
- Buffed recoil in an effort to make it more manageable to shoot down range and give a better contrast to the M1 Garand
- Nerfed hip spread to match the M1 Garand's in an effort to decrease the ability to quickly kill opponents at closer ranges
- Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly slower than the Gewehr 43)
- Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly faster than M1A1)
- Buffed recoil (closer to that of M1A1)
- Buffed clip size to be 12 rounds per clip instead of 10
- Buffed damage per pellet to be on par with the recent Sawed-Off Shotgun changes
so that this shotgun now has a more automatic 2-shot kill and a slightly more forgiving one-shot kill
- Buffed shotgun damage range, so that it's now more feasible to finish off an opponent who didn't die from a rifle bullet
- Buffed ADS spread to allow for greater accuracy when shooting enemies that are outside of the obvious shotgun range (while ADS)
- Buffed clip size to be 8 shots per clip instead of 6 in an effort to allow players to have more success with this weapon
- Nerfed ADS spread to be on par with other shotguns (besides the M30)
Release: 27.06.2018
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- NEW Division: CAVALRY: The Cavalry is an objective-focused Division that leads the way forward to victory.
- NEW Basic Training: Escalation: If you love rushing with an SMG, then the Escalation Basic Training was made for you.
- NEW Basic Training: Wanderlust: The new Wanderlust Basic Training is similar to personal Gun Game.
- NEW Basic Training: Specialist: When equipped, Specialist allows you to select 3 Basic Trainings to earn instead of Scorestreaks.
- Fixed issue where camera is zoomed in when players load into War Mode on Operation Neptune HQ
- Fixed issue where players were able to start 1v1 matches in the Firing Range
- Fixed issue where players were unable to take on obtain Contracts
- Fixed issue where players were unable to edit reticles for various Division slots
- Various UI fixes and improvements (typos, text descriptions, error messages, notification icons, AAR, ammo counters, menu navigation,
Firing Range, weapon animations, supply drop menus, Quartermaster menus, Ranked Play menus, floating gamertags in split screen, Calling Cards)
- Fixed UI functionality loss issue experienced when players were in the process of Prestiging
- Fixed issue where Prestige Unlock Token UI was present when it shouldn't be
- Fixed issue where audio was not present when rotating or changing Paintjob decals
- Fixed issue where when a match ends due to a disconnect, all players were receiving losses for Placement matches instead of a voided result
- Search and Destroy/Demolition: Quick plant/defuse, Silent plant/defuse
- Domination: Quick Cap
- Hardpoint: Held XP (awards for staying in the zone)
- Capture the Flag: Flag location on mini-map updates less frequently, plus 20 health shield when holding flag
- Gridiron: Ball location on mini-map updates less frequently, plus an extra 30 health shield when holding flag (total of 130 health shield while holding flag)
- Team Deathmatch/Free-for-All: Every two assists/crossfires awards a "Cavalry Assist/Crossfire," which equals a kill
- Core Objective speed is not affected (i.e. Tank push speed unaffected, objective bomb plant speed unaffected,
captive-untying speed unaffected, flag raise speed unaffected, etc.)
- Quicker Builds/Destroys (of walls, barbed wire, tank spikes, etc.)
- Receive XP while Securing hardpoint zones
- Receive XP while Escorting Tank and at Tank Checkpoints
- Various UI and art fixes and improvements (Camouflage menus, subtitles, supply drop icons,
description text, timers, AAR, typos, prompt messages, ammo counters, objective UI, weapon animations)
- Fixed issue where players were loading in with default "No Preference," despite having selected a character preference
- Fixed UI issue with chapter progress boxes in split screen
- Fixed issue where players attempting to navigate Orders menu were redirected to Contracts Menu
Release: 08.01.2020 (Version 1.25)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Lizenzrechtliche Probleme wurde behoben