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Call of Duty Black Ops III Update Details (16)
Release: 05.11.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
Deine Chance
schick mir per Email an updateinfos@mgtt-funclan.de
die Update Details und hier wird deine Gamercard stehen!
- 3 GB groß
Release: 20.11.2015
Quelle: xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de | playm.de | play3.de | callofduty.de
- Leaderboards enabled in the Barracks.
- Players are now awarded Cryptokeys in Arena and Public matches, after playing consecutive matches in the same playlist.
- Team balancing in Arena and Public Matches has been improved to more consistently maintain even teams.
- Fixed a UI error when entering Prestige in the Multiplayer Frontend menus.
- Addressed a UI error in Fileshare when selecting an empty tab.
- Addressed an issue where hosts were able to leave as soon as the game began.
- Fixed an issue where white boxes were appearing for Custom Classes in Create-A-Class.
General Gameplay
- Addressed a case where Scorestreak kills were counting toward Specialist kills for Challenge completion.
- Fixed an issue where Players could have attachments which should be locked after prestiging weapons.
- Players are now prevented from spawning at the same spawn point when there are high Player counts in Free-For-All and Gun Game.
- Addressed a case where Players were able to spawn in after the match time expired.
- Search & Destroy kill elimination has been changed from 250 XP to 500 XP.
- The Cerebus Scorestreak can no longer be destroyed by a friendly teammate's Power Core Scorestreak.
- The Mothership Scorestreak will no longer count toward the "Hard Counter" challenge.
- Fixed an issue where Players were randomly receiving online error messages while in matches or in menus.
- Specialist Weapons and Abilities now charge at a reduced rate over time in Objective modes.
- Corrected text descriptions for Specialist weapon multi-kills which unlock Specialist Epic.
- Outrider: Vision Pulse ability recharge speed has been slightly reduced.
- Nomad: Fixed an issue with the unlock requirements for the 9th helmet.
- Nomad: Rejack ability recharge speed has been slightly increased.
- Nomad: H.I.V.E. trigger radius slightly reduced.
- Reaper: Scythe has had its ammo reduced from 200 to 160.
- Firebreak: Heat Wave ability recharge speed has been slightly increased.
- Longshot distance settings updated for each weapon class.
- Fixed an issue where some damage from shotguns was getting reduced when the Long Barrel attachment was equipped.
- Fixed Launchers not earning weapon XP for destroying vehicles.
- Quickdraw ADS speed bonus for LMG’s slightly reduced.
Submachine Guns (VMP)
- ADS time slightly increased to match other SMG’s.
- Hip fire spread slightly increased to match other SMG’s
- Submachine Guns (Pharo): Close damage range slightly reduced.
- Submachine Guns (Razorback): Damage range increased.
- Assault Rifles (KN-44): Fixed the ADS view for the ironsights, when a Clan Tag or Kill Counter is attached to the weapon.
Assault Rifles (XR-2)
- Hip fire spread increased to match other Assault Rifles.
- Minor tweak to the fire rate.
Assault Rifles (HVK-30): Increased ability to control recoil.
- Assault Rifles (ICR-1): Fixed an animation issue when the weapon had the Varix 3 Optic and Suppressor attached.
- Assault Rifles (M8A7): Fire rate increased.
- Assault Rifles (M8A7): Fixed an issue with the ironsights when the Kill Counter was attached.
- Shotgun (KRM-262): Increased lethal range.
- Shotgun (Haymaker 12): Fire rate and damage range slightly reduced.
- Shotgun (Agus): ADS time increased.
- Shotgun (Agus): Close range damage increased.
- Light Machine Guns (BRM): ADS speed slightly reduced.
- Light Machine Guns (Dingo): Increased ability to control recoil.
Light Machine Guns (Gorgon)
- Clip size reduced from 50 to 40.
- ADS time has been slowed down.
- No longer deals extra damage to vehicles without FMJ.
- Increased recoil.
- Increased hip-fire spread.
- Light Machine Guns (48 Dredge): Fixed magazine count on Extended Mag.
This was previously ending on 1 bullet, then playing a 6-round burst audio when the last bullet was fired.
- Light Machine Guns (48 Dredge): Slightly increased the ADS time.
- Pistols (L-CAR 9): Close damage range slightly reduced.
- Equipment (Thermite): Damage rate reduced. Now takes longer to be killed by Thermite.
- Players now prevented from joining a post-match lobby.
- All banned items are now correctly being restricted while in-game.
- Addressed issues with Hard Counter, Actionable Intel, Ante Up, Fast Earner, Bypassed Security,
Hard Counter, Destroyer, Defender, Assault, Steady Aim, and Focused Challenges.
These should now unlock and track progress correctly.
- Medals will all display in their respective sorted category in the Medals section of the Barracks.
- Fixed issues for the Tag and Bag, Surprise Attack, GI Unit Kill, and Silent Killer Medals not populating in the Barracks.
- Fixed issues with the You're Done and Shut Down medals. These will now be awarded correctly.
- The extraneous Secure Point Medal displayed in the Medals section has been removed.
- Exodus: Fixed an exploit where Players were able to mantle into an unintended area of one of the buildings.
- Fringe: Fixed an issue where Players were able to mantle into an unplayable space in Fringe.
- Addressed an exploit spot involving a wall of one of the buildings.
- Improved Cerebus Scorestreak's pathing on the 2nd floor of the houses.
- Addressed an issue where Players were able to stand outside of the map boundaries.
- Players are no longer able to shoot through a wall on the 2nd floor of one of the buildings.
- Fixed an exploit where users were able to stand on a ledge under one of the 2nd floor windows.
- Players can no longer wedge themselves in between a tower and one of the high walls.
- Fixed an issue with dead player models outside the white fenced area.
- The Safeguard robot will no longer get stuck outside the North Garage, when attempting to path toward the North Goal.
- Fixed 2 exploits where the player could see into the spawns, as well as shoot players through glass.
- Fixed an issue with max number of bots during Free-For-All or Team Deathmatch.
- Addressed exploits in the Shadows of Evil and The Giant maps.
- Fixed a matchmaking issue where players were able to enter lobbies when they were already full.
- Addressed various areas where zombies would not path to players.
- Players will now be rewarded with a Dark Ops calling card when they Prestige
- Player can now equip custom Paintjobs in the Armory in the Campaign Safehouses.
- Players can now use the Weapon Builder to access Gunsmith and Paintshop in the Campaign Safehouses.
- Addressed stability issues.
Release: 02.12.2015 (Hotfix)
Quelle: gamepro.de
- Fehler behoben, wodurch in Playlists "Gun Game" bei inaktivität der Spieler nicht rausgeworfen wird
Dadruch konnten Cryptokeys ohne Mitspielen ergaunert werden
Release: 15.12.2015
Quelle: gamepro.de | xboxfront.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Indroducing CoD Points (For real Money)
You can buy Rare Supply Drops and Black market Items
- Extra Slots Pack now Available
- Rare Supply Drop Tunig with one rare or better item
- Black Market access in the game lobbies
- Basic: Create shot using the basic replay functionality.
- Basic: Screenshot functionality has been added.
- Director: Create epic shot using animated dolly camera.
- Object Link: Attach the camera to Scorestreaks, Lethals, and Tacticals.
- Timeline Editor: Add dynamic lights to the map to enhance your shot.
- Highlight Reel: An auto-generated clip based off of the player’s recent games.
- Enabled Guest Account functionality for split screen.
- Quick Join option added to the Multiplayer Main Menu. This allows Players to party-up with
any eligible Players on their Friends List who are currently playing Black Ops III.
- Multiplayer Music option in the Audio menu now allows players to preview music samples
and change the music heard when playing Multiplayer.
- Custom Games functionality has been expanded. Support has been added for official Custom Game Variants
as well as saving Custom Games.
- Fixed an error that would occasionally occur when returning to the Multiplayer Lobby after
completing a match or entering/exiting the Arena Lobby.
General Gameplay
- XP earn rate increased for Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Capture the Flag, Safeguard, Demolition, and Free-For-All.
- Increased rate at which Cryptokeys are earned.
- Players no longer get points for killing teammates with the Satellite Drone in Uplink, when Friendly-Fire is enabled in Custom Games.
- Players will no longer spawn at the same point in Free-For-All if there are more than 8 players in a Custom Match.
- Fixed an issue where the tinted full screen effect would remain after the player had exited the Hardened Sentry.
- Improved the Dart Scorestreak’s ability to lock onto enemy targets.
- Fixed a start spawn issue with Free-For-All where waiting to select a class could spawn
the Player behind other Players.
- Improved enemy spawns during Gun Game and Free-For-All.
- Players who join a Free-For-All or Gun Game match in-progress will not have a loss recorded if they do not place in the Top 3.
- Addressed an issue where Players would get disconnected from Gun Game if they joined a match in-progress.
- Players will now be kicked for inactivity if idling in Gun Game.
- General: Reduced Specialist earn rate over time in objective game modes.
- Reaper: Scythe: Reduced earn rate.
- General: When entering Weapon Prestige with a MAX level weapon that is equipped in
Custom Classes, the Attachments now properly get reset.
Submachine Guns
- Kuda: Increased recoil control.
- Weevil: Increased recoil control.
- Razorback: Increased recoil control.
- Razorback: Increased damage range.
- Vesper: Reduced damage range.
- VMP: Reduced aim down sight speed.
- VMP: Reduced hip fire accuracy.
Assault Rifles
- KN-44: Increased recoil control.
- HVK-30: Increased recoil control.
- ICR-1: Increased recoil control.
- ICR-1: Reduced hip fire accuracy.
- ICR-1: Fixed an issue with the reload animation when a certain magazine was equipped.
- Man-O-War: Increased recoil control.
- XR-2: Reduced movement speed.
- M8A7: Reduced fire rate.
- KRM-262: Increased damage, it will now be a maximum 2 shot kill.
- 205 Brecci: Increased damage range.
- Haymaker 12: Increased damage range.
Light Machine Guns
- Dingo: Increased movement speed while firing.
- Dingo: Increased recoil control.
- 48 Dredge: Reduced fire rate.
- MR6: Increased movement speed.
- RK5: Increased movement speed.
- RK5: Reduced damaged range.
- L-CAR 9: Increased movement speed.
- L-CAR 9: Reduced damage.
- L-CAR 9: Reduced hip fire accuracy.
In-game melee weapon flourish and inspect animations added.
- Flourish animations can be triggered by pressing the Use/Reload button with any melee weapon equipped.
- Inspect animations can be triggered by pressing and holding the ADS button with any melee weapon equipped.
- Supressor: Increased damage range.
- Laser Sight: Increased hip fire accuracy on Assault Rifles and Light Machine Guns.
- Fast Mags: Increased reload speed.
- Rapid Fire: Changed to increase the fire rate and not the burst delay on burst weapons.
- Dual Wield: Reduced movement speed.
- Dual Wield: Reduced switch weapon speed.
- Concussion: Reduced stun time.
- Overclock: Increased earn rate.
- Ante Up: Increased starting bonus toward Scorestreaks.
- Hard Wired: Increased effectiveness against enemies who have Sixth Sense equipped.
- General: Aerial Scorestreaks must be within a minimum distance from the map before locking onto them with a Launcher.
- HC-XD: Increased explosive damage.
- UAV: Increased base health.
- Counter-UAV: Increased base health.
- Dart: Increased explosive damage for collision explosion.
- Dart: Reduced minimum speed.
- Dart: Handling tuning.
- Dart: Fixed an issue where the Dart was not locking onto enemy players.
- Lightning Strike: Increased speed of payload delivery after target selection.
- Hellstorm: Increased explosive damage of cluster bomblets.
- Cerebus: Increased missiles required to destroy by 1.
- Cerebus: Increased EMP Grenades required to destroy by 1.
- Rolling Thunder: Increased explosive radius per drone.
- Rolling Thunder: Increased explosive damage per drone.
- Rolling Thunder: Increased health per drone.
- Rolling Thunder: Added 4 pairs of drones.
- Talon: Increased damage when AI controlled.
- Wraith: Increased base health.
- Wraith: Fixed an issue where the Flak Drone would not intercept incoming missiles.
- R.A.P.S.: Increased missiles required to destroy Deploy Ship by 1.
- R.A.P.S.: Increased health per drone.
- R.A.P.S.: Increased explosive damage per drone.
- G.I. Unit: Increased number of War Machine hits required to destroy.
- G.I. Unit: Increased duration of G.I. Unit.
- G.I. Unit: Increased recovery speed when stunned by an EMP grenade.
- Mothership: Increased missiles required to destroy by 2.
- Mothership: Increased explosive bullet damage for owner turret.
- Mothership: Increased projectile speed of missiles for owner turret.
- Hunted: Addressed an exploit where players were able to mantle to an unintended area on top of a waterfall.
- Aquarium: Fixed an exploit where players were able to mantle and reach a non-playable area.
- Combine: Changing Hardpoint rotation for gameplay balancing.
- NUK3TOWN: Fixed an exploit involving the Dart Scorestreak and one of the building walls.
- Evac: Fixed an exploit where players were able to contest the center Hardpoint
from outside the Hardpoint boundaries.
- Adding Power Rating when reaching Arena Masters rank.
- Added support for displaying restricted item warnings.
- Addressed an issue where players were able to ban or protect multiple items.
- Leaving any time after ban/protect or draft in Pro-Series will result with the player losing a star.
- Leaving before the match ends in Moshpit will count as a loss and the player will lose a star.
- If the player has 0 stars for their current rank, they will not lose any stars. This applies to Pro-Series and Moshpit.
- If the Player completes a match with a win/loss/draw, the correct stars are now awarded.
- Players now properly receive losses when playing Search & Destroy in Arena.
- Kill Feed colors will no longer swap when a CODcaster switches between players on opposing teams.
- Fixed an issue where teams would occasionally be swapped on the Round Win and Game Win screens.
- Addressed an issue in Uplink where the Satellite Drone would show an incorrect ‘Away’ tag
when switching to the other team’s perspective.
- Fixed issues with incorrect team coloring on the minimap.
- Outcome will now show the winning team’s name.
- Death icons will now be colored by team.
- CODcaster will no longer be affected by EMP grenades.
- CODcaster will now show clantags.
- Fixed an issue where Concussion Grenades, Flashbang Grenades, and Trip Mines weren’t properly getting tracked for Challenges.
- Updated Challenges for new Black Market melee weapons.
My Showcase
- File-share support added for Custom Games, Screenshots, and Edited Films.
- Addressed an issue with Weapon Kits when reaching Prestige in Zombies.
Dr. Monty’s Factory
- Be sure to check out Dr. Monty’s Factory in the Zombies game mode lobby.
You can use your vials of Liquid Divinium earned in Zombies mode to create GobbleGums by placing vials in the vats.
GobbleGums are one-time use perks for Zombies mode and come in multiple rarities which have varying effects on your Zombies match.
Use one vial to create one GobbleGum or experiment with two or three vials at a time for more GobbleGums
and better odds at getting a Rare Mega GobbleGum, an Ultra-Rare Mega GobbleGum or a Special Sphere!
Shadows of Evil
- Addressed exploits in the Shadows of Evil map.
- Addressed various areas where zombies would not path to players.
- The Dark Ops challenges should now unlock properly
when reaching Prestige and completing the final Easter Egg.
- Fixed an issue involving an active Level 2 Ghost Sword and the KN-44 wall-buy in the Footlight District.
The Giant
- Addressed exploits in The Giant map.
- Addressed various areas where zombies would not path to players.
- Addressed split screen issues and general bugs.
- Nightmares will be unlocked for all players by default and will be selectable from the main menu, listed below Zombies.
- Addressed split screen issues and general bugs.
- ca. 3,0 GB groß
Release: 09.02.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | xboxfront.de
- Addressed an issue allowing Players to infinitely vote for the previous map.
- FreeRun, Nightmares & Dead Ops Arcade 2 are now accessible from the Bonus Menu on the Main Screen.
- Balance pass to improve XP earn rate consistency across game modes.
- Resolved issue where Specialist’s showcase weapons showed
both base attachment models and Player selected attachment models.
- Resolved issue where Players were unable to freely scroll through taunts in the Taunts menu
if a new taunt was recently acquired.
- Added missing rotation prompt icon in Gunsmith “Custom Variant” and Gunsmith “Snapshot.”
- Addressed issue where Leaderboards were not properly being reset after a Player used a Prestige Token.
- Resolved issue where the Create-a-Class would not update immediately after the purchase of the Extra Slot Pack.
- Added additional anti-cheat support.
- Removed UI error that could occur if players were idle for a long period of time in the Main Menu.
- Added Colorblind Mode to Options menu that supports different types of Color Blindness (Deuteranopia, Protanopia, Tritanopia).
- Fixed issue where hit markers moved off center when being damaged.
General Gameplay
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Players to move faster by sliding just before landing from a jump.
- Fixed an issue where moving while crouching or ADS did not properly reduce your audio footprint.
- Addressed issues that affected Cryptokey earn rate consistency across game modes.
- Resolved issue where Specialist weapon progression was not tracking in round-based game modes.
- Teammates can no longer damage friendly Scorestreaks in Hardcore.
- Addressed issue where Players were able to place turrets underwater after using Rejack.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were being awarded Cryptokeys when not participating in matches.
- Fixed exploit whereby Players were able to obtain the Hellstorm Scorestreaks repeatedly without earning them.
- Addressed bug where Players were able to pick up a turret while controlling the HC-XD.
- Fixed an issue in Free-for-All where the Mothership could not be locked onto by Launchers.
- Adjusted the spawn logic for Lightning Strike to better match the blast radius.
- Adjusted spawn logic in TDM and Kill Confirmed to increase the chance of spawning with your team.
- In Hardcore, AI-controlled Scorestreaks will no longer count towards the kick limit.
Cerberus – AI-controlled
Talon – AI-controlled
RAPS Drones
GI Unit
Black Market
- Players are now able to equip Taunts, Gestures, and Specialist themes
from the Black Market results screen for Specialists that are unlocked.
- Updated Black Market purchase animations and FX.
- Addressed audio issues with Black Market when accessing it during matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to view a merged clip in a Highlight Reel would kick the Player back to the Theater menu.
- Fixed issue with the Extra Slots purchase confirmation to ensure the store icon updates immediately.
- Corrected visual layout bug that occurred after purchasing COD Points.
Combat Record
- Players can now view other Player’s Combat Record by selecting the player and choosing “View Combat Record” from the “Player Details” menu.
- Players can now compare stats with Friends in the Combat Record.
- Outrider - Sparrow: Increased ability to hit enemies.
- Nomad: Increased Rejack stand up speed.
- Nomad: Increased remaining Power when player terminates.
- Prophet - Tempest: Increased ability to hit enemies.
- Reaper: Equalized footstep audio volume to the same audibility of other Specialists.
- Spectre: Reduced leftover Specialist Power available if Player died while activating the Ripper.
- General: Fine-tuned Rapid Fire effectiveness across all weapons.
- Submachine Guns - Vesper: Reduced recoil stability.
- Submachine Guns - Vesper: Reduced Hip-fire accuracy.
- Submachine Guns - Weevil: Increased medium distance damage range in Hardcore mode.
- Assault Rifles - ICR: Increased ADS aim stability.
- Assault Rifles - ICR: Increased long distance damage range.
- Assault Rifles - HVK-30: Increased long distance damage range.
- Assault Rifles - KN-44: Increased medium distance damage range.
- Assault Rifles - SHEIVA: Increased ADS aim stability.
- Assault Rifles - SHEIVA: Increased long distance damage range.
- Assault Rifles - XR-2: Increased ADS aim stability.
- Assault Rifles - XR-2: Increased recoil control.
- Shotguns - Argus: Increased lethal damage range.
- Shotguns - KRM-262: Increased lethal damage range.
- Light Machine Guns - All LMGs: Increased ADS aim stability.
- Sniper Rifles - Locus: Increased ADS aim stability.
- Sniper Rifles - Locus: Increased weapon switch speed.
- Special: Brass Knuckles: Added spark effect to Brass Knuckles taunt.
- Attachments - FMJ: No longer deals increased damage to the robot in Safeguard.
- Attachments - FMJ: No longer ignores the armor provided to Satellite Drone carriers in Uplink.
- Awareness Perk: Reduced audible range bonus.
- Increased health of dropship
- Increased AI targeting speed
- Increased AI accuracy
- Increased AI damage
- Increased missile accuracy
- Increased missile projectile speed
- Increased damage radius.
- Increased projectile speed of bomblets.
- Increased targeting radius.
- Increased health.
R.A.P.S. Deploy Ship
- Increased health.
Rolling Thunder
- Fixed issue where Rolling Thunder drone pushed through geo, inflicting damage on Players inside buildings.
- Addressed issue where the Hellstorm vision set would show in a Talon's final Killcam.
G.I. Unit
- Increased G.I. Unit Drop Ship flares by two.
- Increased health of dropship
- Increased duration to 90 seconds
- Corrected issue where the H.A.T.R. no longer displayed enemies after the owner died.
Power Core
- Cost decreased to 1250.
- Duration increased to 60 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where the Power Core would occasionally fail to destroy an enemy Counter-UAV.
- Breach: Adjusted geography at doorway of Coalescence offices to ensure smooth traversal in that area of the map.
- Breach: Swapped #1 and #3 Hardpoint zones in rotation.
- Breach: Adjusted #3 Hardpoint capture zone to prevent capturing while outside of intended zone.
- Combine: Addressed an exploit where Players were able to mantle atop a building to gain an unfair advantage against other Players.
- Combine: Adjusted #3 Hardpoint capture zone to prevent capturing while outside of intended zone.
- Havoc: Adjusting spawn points that would slightly drop the player to the ground when respawning
- Redwood: Removed rogue pickup prompt while playing Search & Destroy.
- Redwood: Adjusting spawn points that would slightly drop the player to the ground when respawning.
- Hunted: Addressed an issue where AI scorestreaks were able to track Players through lodge walls.
- Nuk3town: Fine-tuned G.I. Unit traversals around the map.
- Nuk3town: Updated blue car profile to reduce poor engagements.
- Nuk3town: Tweaked unique Domination and Demolition cover objects to reduce poor engagements.
- Infection: Fixed an issue where Players were able to get to an unfair advantageous position on one of the roofs.
- Infection: Added grenade collision on isolated area of Infection wall.
- Redwood: Fixed an issue where Players were able to leave the play space near southern gate.
- Stronghold: Fixed exploit where Players were able to get atop trees in several areas.
Stronghold: Added kill brush to remove exploitable area near mansion.
Game Modes
Free-for-All: A loss will no longer be recorded when joining a Free-For-All game in progress.
- Hardpoint: Addressed issue where Hardpoint boundary wouldn’t appear if a friendly Player controlled the point.
- Safeguard: Adjusted win timing in Safeguard.
- Search and Destroy: Addressed an issue where inactive Players were not being removed from games in S&D.
- Updated regulation time limit conditions so that if the score limit is reached in regulation Round 1, it also sets the time for regulation Round 2.
- Changed Overtime rules: Game ends if team that set the time
to beat in Overtime Round 1 scores any points in Overtime Round 2 before the opposing team.
- Players are no longer able to catch the Satellite Drone immediately after a score; the Satellite Drone resets as soon as the score occurs.
- Fixed issue where Players were able to simultaneously pick up the Uplink Satellite Drone and a turret.
- Reduced score bonus for kills while carrying Satellite Drone.
- Removed aim assist while carrying the Satellite Drone.
Capture The Flag
- Reduced score bonus for kills while carrying the flag.
- “Popular” will replace “Moshpit” in the next season. Popular features 6v6 on a mix of Domination and Kill Confirmed game modes.
- Domination and Kill Confirmed will be added to Arena Leaderboards.
- Addressed issue where Emblem Editor UI would remain
behind the Arena Pro Series pre-game sequence if the Player was editing a layer during lobby transition.
- Arena default Custom Classes no longer contain restricted items.
- Removed the Map Voting stage from Arena.
Custom Games
- Fixed issue where the CTF Custom Game Settings win rules were flipped in the UI.
- Titles for Custom Games are now displayed in the lobby with the game mode and map.
- Official variants have been added to Custom Game modes for Hardcore and CWL rules (Call of Duty World League).
- An “Official” badge is displayed in lobby map image for Official game variants.
- Fixed incorrect Capture the Flag Rule Win Condition description text in game rules.
- Enabled CodCaster for bots only matches.
- Fixed bug where the CodCaster could begin a match before all Players joined.
- Player list will now wrap when cycling through Players.
- Player names now appear with the correct colors when using custom team colors.
- Addressed several UI issues related to CODCasting Hardpoint matches.
- Minimap will now show when a Hardpoint is in a contested state.
- Flag Carrier indicator should now properly appear when CODCasting CTF matches.
- CODCasters can now see objective indicators in the Player List when a Player has an objective.
- Addressed issue where if a Player protected/banned multiple items, only the first item would display.
Lobby Invites
- Addressed an issue where Player’s max party size would be set to 1 when going from a Multiplayer Lobby to a Zombies Lobby.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when accepting an invite during any cinematic.
- Addressed several issues related to Players being able to exceed the max party size in various situations.
- Resolved several bugs related to joining a session from outside of the game.
- Players can now send game invites while in Campaign.
Challenges and Medals
- Fixed issue where unlocking the Cannibal head for Nomad from a Supply Drop displayed the wrong item.
- Fixed issue where images would not appear for some challenges in the After Action Report.
- Fixed issue for "Collateral" medal in Hardcore where it was occasionally incorrectly awarded for rapid sequential kills.
- Fixed bug where the “Clutch” medal was improperly being awarded if you killed the last Player on an enemy team.
- Addressed issue whereby grenade kills were not counting towards the “Gung Ho Perk 3” challenge.
- Addressed issue where kills from a Hardened Sentry gun received in a Care Package were counting towards the “Heavy Cover” challenge.
- Corrected issue where “Flak Jacket” challenge was tracked in Arena even if the Player had not unlocked Flak Jacket in Public Matches.
- Addressed issues where the following challenges were not correctly being tracked:
“Engineer Prestige”
"Now You See Me"
"Run and Gun"
"Blast Suppressor"
“Secondary Gunfighter”
"Covering Fire"
Media Tab
- Fixed a crash in the Media Tab that occurred when a Player attempted to publish a Clip from a saved file.
- Daily Challenge feature added.
- Ready-Up functionality has returned to the Zombies lobby.
- Fixed an issue where Players were not able to achieve prestige master status.
- Fine-tuned weapon balance.
- Addressed issue where GobbleGum users infrequently consumed the wrong Player’s stock.
- Fixed issue where Players were being kicked from match in 4-Player split screen.
- Fixed issues where lightning effect wasn't playing on various weapons.
- Fixed several issues with Daily Challenges not showing the correct reward.
- Resolved an issue where GobbleGums wouldn’t activate for different users after already being used once in the map.
- Resolved an issue where, upon reviving a player, they could experience a functionality loss after using a GobbleGum that requires manual activation.
Shadows of Evil
- Fine-tuned weapon balance.
- Addressed various exploits where Players were able to get out of the map.
- Fixed an issue around an Easter Egg quest that prevented a Player from accomplishing the quest.
- Fixed rare issue where Players were unable to start an Easter Egg if they obtained a specific gun.
- Increased visibility of "Lil'Arnie" bottle.
- Addressed visual issue near Beast Mode altar in Canal District.
- Fixed bug where Players were able to pick up the sword while in beast mode.
- Addressed an exploit related to the Level 2 Sword charge meter not depleting correctly.
- Fixed issue where Players were able to purchase/pick up items while transforming back from Beast Mode to Human.
- Addressed bug where the Pop Shocks GobbleGum stayed active when a Player went into Beast Mode.
- Address issue where Players are unable to wall run after a host migration in the Pack-A-Punch Room.
- Fixed issue where Players could exploit Margwas from spawning in for the rest of the game.
The Giant
- Addressed exploits in the Giant map where Players were able to leave play space near Animal Testing area.
- Fixed exploit in the Giant where the Player was able to get under the map near the "Catwalk".
- Addressed issue where Player could become stuck on collision near the KRM wallbuy and power switch locations.
Dead Ops Arcade 2
- Dead Ops Arcade 2 is now accessible from the Main Menu (BONUS).
- Dedicated Dead Ops Arcade 2 lobby added w/public match support.
- New Leaderboards for solo/2-Player/3-Player/4-Player.
- 4-Player Local support.
- Player guardians (Robots and Skeletons) are no longer collidable.
- Non-player entities should no longer trigger round exits.
- Fixed bug where upon death, Player would respawn with 1, 2 or 4 boosts. (2/4 depending on FATE)
- New Pickup added: Golden Egg, a rare post round 60-item spawn. The Golden Egg hatches into Extra Life pickup.
- Fate of Firepower upgrade: If granted this ability, all weapon pickups will start at Level 2(red);
Default Permanent weapon is Level 2 Death Machine (red).
- Fate of Friendship upgrade: Player's permanent weapon is the Level 3 LMG(purple).
- Fate of Favor upgrade: Golden chicken now only cycles through Level 3(purple) weapons;
Golden Chicken lays up to 3 Golden Eggs after ceremonial dance.
- Addressed multiple bugs around invisible Shadow Man issue.
- Solo Player Anti-kiting logic.
- Addressed variety of issues around small window of possible death when exiting vehicle.
- Nerfed the amount of score increment given for direct damage to boss.
- Fixed issues around a small window of possible death at end of Redins Rally.
- Fix for zombies failing to path when Player is in VTOL.
- Fix for loosing ability to run fast if Player dies after Redins but was awarded the temporary Force upgrade.
- Sentry/Rocket turrets can no longer pickup items.
- Upon Death, gems now pop-out correctly and can be scavenged.
- Umbrella pickup now properly drops skulls.
- Fix for Room of Fate progression break if Player captures a falling Fate rock before all others have landed.
- Fix for Player controls not being mapped correctly when Joining in Progress on a game that is currently First-Person mode.
-Room of Judgment logic changed to factor in skill and remove the random nature, a Player will always be rewarded.
- Added support for the Tactical Mode “auto-on” feature.
- Resolved an issue that occasionally prevents completed accolades from registering after finishing a level.
This would have prevented Players from achieving the Combat Distinction and Campaign Master challenges.
- 7,9 GB groß
Release: 02.03.2016
Quelle: play3.de
- Addressed issue where earned Dark Matter camos were not appearing on Black Market weapons.
- Resolved bug where Players were unable to unlock Gold/Diamond camos on the
Marshal16 and MX Garand if they earned Weapon Class Mastery before TU5.
- Updated visuals for Prestige Kill Counter and Clan Tag.
- Resolved issue where the wrong image would appear
when a Player received the Reaper Geist Specialist theme in a Supply Drop.
- Addressed bug where the NX ShadowClaw’s Bayonet would display
the wrong image if banned or protected in Arenas.
- Fixed issue where the wrong image was displayed for the LRX3 in the Custom Games Protect/Ban menu.
- Updated Official Custom Variants for CWL Competitive Game Modes.
- Added a Live Event viewer to allow Players to watch the Call of Duty World League games from the Main Menu.
General Gameplay
- Fixed issue where a white image was appearing in the Killfeed for Fury Song kills.
- Corrected bug where the Fury Song icon would display in the Killfeed
whenever a Player received a kill with the Combat Knife.
- Added ricochet damage for Care Package owners in Hardcore Modes.
- Added ricochet damage for Players planting or defusing bombs in Search & Destroy in Hardcore Mode.
- Wraith: Addressed issue where the Wraith was being destroyed by one less rocket than intended.
- Rolling Thunder: Fixed bug where the Rolling Thunder could be seen on the mini-map by enemies
who were not using the Engineer Perk.
- Combine: Addressed exploit where players could mantle onto rocks near Start spawn and get outside of playable area.
- Fringe: Addressed exploit where Players were able to gain an unfair advantage by standing atop invisible collision near Red Barn.
- Infection: Prevented Player from escorting Safeguard robot from inside building.
- Redwood: Spawned model near S&D Bomb Site B to prevent bad line of sight.
- Skyjacked: Prevented Players from escorting the Safeguard robot from 2nd floor of buildings.
- Skyjacked: Adjusted Hardpoint Zone so players are unable to hold it from outside the building.
- Splash: Spawned in additional collision to prevent Yellow Tube exploit.
- Splash: Carved out collision in the Red tube to allow for better Player movement.
- ICR-1: Increased accuracy. Now has less recoil.
- Iron Jim: Fixed consecutive attack speed to be consistent with other melee weapons.
- Fixed issue where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Varix 3 was attached.
- Addressed bug where the Marshal 16’s progression would count towards the MR6’s stats if using the Dual Wield attachment.
- Resolved issue where the “Run and Gun” Prestige challenge would not track if Players gained kills
using the Dual Wield attachment and the Gung-Ho Perk.
- Addressed bug where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Dual Wield Perk was equipped.
- Improved matchmaking in Arenas.
- Fixed issues where Parties would occasionally be split when searching for a new Arena match.
- Added neutral state to ban/protect options.
- Players are now able to continue editing classes and streaks after pressing ‘Done.’
- Custom Games: Added NX ShadowClaw to custom game competitive options.
- Social: Fixed issue where reporting a Player would not update with the correct name.
- Addressed exploit in Daily Challenge system.
- Fixed issue where Player could trigger the rocket shield functionality and/or GobbleGums when the scoreboard was on screen.
- Fixed issue where a blank Daily Challenge card would appear in the after action report at the end of a local/offline Zombies game.
- Fixed issue where Double Weapon XP meter did not accurately reflect the amount of XP earned after a match.
- Alternate ammo types have received a balancing pass.
Der Eisendrache
- Fixed multiple Zombie pathing exploits on Der Eisendrache.
- Addressed a variety of exploits where Players were able to exit the playable area on Der Eisendrache.
- Fixed issue where the Death Machine wasn’t doing appropriate damage at higher rounds.
- Resolved bug around the Ragnarok DG-4’s slam ability.
- Fixed bug where the Ragnarok DG-4’s FX would not turn off correctly when two were planted in sequence.
- The Panzer Soldat has received a balancing pass.
- Fixed issue where Players were able to duplicate upgraded Bows.
- Addressed several bugs surrounding the main Easter Egg quest.
- Addressed invisible collision issues during the Keeper battle.
- Resolved bug with the plunger melee weapon.
- Fixed issue where the jump pads would not activate.
- Resolved issue where in-game characters could be heard speaking to one another during cinematic sequences.
Dead Ops Arcade II
- Fixed a bug where Firepower fate weapon did not upgrade to purple version.
- Eliminated a very small time window where Player exiting a vehicle was vulnerable to damage.
- New pickup added post round 24; Coat of Arms.
- Increased Siegebot Player vehicle time by 10 seconds for balancing purposes.
- Increased the health of the Golden Egg by 3x.
Release: 21.03.2016 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de
- The Nuk3town map, Calling Card, Reticles, and Weapon Camo are now available to all Players.
- Updated Live Event Viewer CWL Feature Widget Image.
General Gameplay
- Fixed error related to using a picked-up weapon from a Player who left the game.
- Resolved issue where Players were able to kill a prone Player when they ran over them
with a carried Guardian or Hardened Sentry.
- Fixed bug where if a Player died by a Semtex during the HC-XD calling animation,
enemy Scorestreaks would continually fire at the spot of death.
- Addressed global spawn issue that could occur when Players were killed when deploying Scorestreaks.
- Added spawn trap logic to Uplink and Safeguard where additional spawns will open under extreme scenarios.
- Enabled spawn trap logic in Public online matches.
- Resolved bug where Players were able to gain additional Specialist Power by switching Classes at the beginning of a round.
- Perks: Fixed exploit where the Ante-Up Perk would continue to work when a player switched to a class without it.
- Equipment: Addressed bug where using the Black Hat on a Trip Mine or
other equipment near a planted bomb in S&D prevented the user from disarming the bomb.
- Equipment: Addressed issue where the Combat Axe was unable to destroy the HC-XD.
- Nomad: Fixed bug where the use of Nomad’s H.I.V.E. Gun would cause disconnects from Dedicated Servers.
- Nomad: Resolved an issue where the sound of a H.I.V.E. pod would persist
for a Player if the Player activated the H.I.V.E. pod, but was afterwards killed by another means than the H.I.V.E. pod.
- Hardened Sentry: Fixed a bug where Players were able to keep a Hardened Sentry active while it was being carried.
- Counter-UAV: Fixed an issue where multiple aircraft could be destroyed by splash damage if within close proximity.
- UAV: Fixed an issue where multiple aircraft could be destroyed by splash damage if within close proximity.
- Fringe: Addressed exploit where Players were able to reach an unintended area near the white truck and junkyard.
- Gauntlet: Resolved issue where the Safeguard robot would sometimes
have trouble pathing through the garage when specific Custom Game settings were altered.
- Rise: Added collision to prevent sitting on top of door-frame near center of the map.
- Splash: Added collision to prevent Players from mantling through geo near Market Street.
- Splash: Addressed exploit where Players were able to reach unintended areas near Atlantis building.
- Skyjacked: Addressed issue where AI vehicles were becoming stuck when pathing in the lower portion of the map.
Game Modes
- Safeguard: Fixed issue where the Safeguard Robot would sometimes become stuck during it’s walking animation.
- Safeguard: Addressed bug where not all escorting Attackers were being awarded with the Escort score event.
- Search and Destroy: Resolved a bug where the bomb icon would not appear for all bomb carriers
when multiple bombs were enabled in Custom Game settings.
- MR6: Reduced Max Fire Rate.
- ICR: Increased Accuracy.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the “100 Percenter” challenge from being awarded
after completing all Multiplayer Challenges.
- Resolved bug where Players were unable to earn a long shot medal for the NX ShadowClaw when Dual Wield was equipped.
- Corrected a bug where sometimes Zombies would lack a walking animation.
- Corrected bug where UI would fail to appear after loading a video clip from the Media tab.
- Removed Hit Markers during game film playback while in Director Mode.
- Addressed UI Error that occurred after a User interacted with the “Choose Mode” sidebar immediately
after selecting “Take Screenshot” or while the Publish screenshot prompt was open.
- Resolved UI error that appeared when attempting to delete a Local screenshot.
- Addressed bug where the Bow FX would persist when watching a Zombies clip.
- Fixed bugs related to the fast forward and record buttons.
- Resolved issue that would occur if the User selected a Red Triangle Warning icon in their Recent Games.
- Fixed bug where combat text would remain on-screen during a Highlight Reel.
- Corrected issue where the UI would disappear if a Player pressed the Menu button during game film playback.
- Fixed issue where burst fire weapons would sometimes be missing audio during playback.
- When watching a Zombies Clip, addressed a bug where the Ritual Skulls
would still be present during the Demon Bow quest if a Player rewound to the start of the clip.
- All GobbleGum machines in a level are now active at all times.
- The GobbleGum machine can now be accessed multiple times per round.
- The Liquid Divinium drop rate cap of two vials per game has been removed;
Players can now continue to earn Liquid Divinium as they progress through a match.
- The Player’s current GobbleGum pack will now be represented in the inventory screen.
Shadows of Evil
- Personal items and gate worms will now use a shared inventory system.
- The Ritual duration time has been reduced.
- Addressed a bug where Players were unable to progress after upgrading the
Apothicon Swords and then bleeding out.
- Several stability issues with the main quest have been addressed.
- Fixed bug where Margwas would continue to go after downed players.
Der Eisendrache
- Fixed several bugs where Players were able to use the Ragnarok DG-4 indefinitely.
- Addressed issue where Players were able to duplicate an upgraded Wraith of the Ancients bow
when using the Arms Grace GobbleGum.
- Added several kill brushes to block off pathing exploits.
- Addressed Zombies farming exploit at the test fire location.
- Added small chance of golden egg spawning at chicken farm.
- Fix for enemy no longer spawning during long boss rounds.
- Increased Coat of Arms duration.
- Fix for golden chicken not laying up to 3 eggs.
- Coat of Arms now team shifts zombies from enemy team to Player team;
(As opposed to a neutral team).
Players should no longer be attacked by COA’d zombies.
- Fixed Player chicken to fire fated weapons(force/fury) instead of default LMG.
- Tuned the Player rewards for donated life.
- Flying enemies should no longer be able to go beneath the ground surface in the graveyard map.
- Adjusted a pickup spawn location in Combine map that was spawning objects beyond invisible clip barrier.
- Fixed a bug where extra lives could not be earned post score of 100M.
- Made some logic adjustments to how Players are handled while the “How far can you get” screen is up.
- Added Host Migration to public matches.
- Players should no longer match make into public games that have reached the Farm arena.
- Ready up functionality added to public lobbies.
- Invisible shadow zombie fixed.
- Fixed issue in ROJ where joining Player with could be awarded a fate already owned by current Players
- “Fido” the Siege Chicken added.
- Fix for spinning saw pickup not crediting Player for enemy deaths.
- Adjusted solo anti kiting logic.
- Chicken Bowl eggs now drop towards center of arena.
- Fix for a condition where player could die exiting a vehicle.
- Fix for rare condition where Silverback could jump out of the boss arena.
- Disabled physics wind on all maps.
Release: 21.04.2016 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: play3.de
- Arena Season Vet Vanquisher Calling Cards should now properly unlock after meeting the required win total.
- Fixed an issue where the “Rank 1” Calling Card was being awarded again in the After-Action Report
after winning an Arena match, despite the user already having the card.
- Earned Prestige Calling Cards now properly display within the Calling Cards menu.
General Gameplay
- Resolved issue where grey boxes were appearing in place of the NX ShadowClaw.
- Addressed exploit where Players were able to gain extra momentum at end of a slide.
- Added pre-match “Waiting for Players” message when Pre-Match settings are altered in Custom Games.
- Fixed issue where the HG 40 would appear as a large grey box if Players first entered a Zombies or Campaign game, and then went into Multiplayer.
- NX Shadowclaw bolts will no longer remain on the map if the Player is killed by explosive-based Scorestreaks.
- Players will no longer hear the whiz-by sound effect for NX Shadowclaw bolts throughout the map.
This will only occur for Players near the bolt.
- Time window to obtain “Tag and Bag” Medals has been extended, and the Medals are
now properly rewarded at the end of the Vision Pulse range.
- Fixed an error where double Winner’s Circles would appear if the top-scoring Player
would quit the match just after the Host ended the game.
- Fixed issues with the BlackCell projectile not properly impacting UAV’s.
- Repeatable reload sounds are no longer heard when the NX Shadowclaw bolts hit surfaces near enemy Players.
- Resolved an issue where spawn trap logic was not being enabled in 2nd and 4th rounds of gameplay.
- Additional improvements to bot path selection and correction when becoming stuck.
- Fixed an issue where certain weapons could be fired faster than their intended fire rate.
Black Market
- Fixed issue where the wrong portrait image was appearing for Battery’s MMA Specialist Theme.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to obtain more Cryptokeys than intended by manipulating game lobbies.
- Ante-Up: Increased starting Scorestreak amount from 100 to 150.
- Reduced Specialist earn rate in the Hardpoint Gametype.
- Reaper: Reduced accuracy when firing un-zoomed.
- Reaper: Reduced ammo count from 120 to 100.
- Outrider: Increased First Raise speed.
- Outrider: Increased ADS speed.
- Outrider: Increased sprint recovery speed.
- Outrider: Increased ammo count from 8 to 10.
- Spectre: Reduced leftover Power when Spectre is killed while Ripper is Active.
- Ruin: Increased Overdrive earn rate.
- Nomad: Increased Rejack earn rate.
- Reaper: Increased Psychosis earn rate.
- Firebreak: Reduced Heat Wave earn rate.
- Battery: Reduced Kinetic Armor earn rate
Submachine Guns
- Kuda: Reduced 1-hit kill range in Hardcore Mode.
- Kuda: Laser Sight bonus more aligned with bonus received on other SMGs.
- Kuda: Reduced ADS movement, but no longer lose speed while firing.
- VMP: Reduced ADS movement, but no longer lose speed while firing.
- Weevil: Removed speed reduction while firing.
- Weevil: Increased ADS speed.
- Weevil: Increased sprint recovery speed.
- Weevil: Increased 5-hit kill range.
- Vesper: Removed speed reduction while firing.
- Vesper: Increased ADS speed.
- Vesper: Increased sprint recovery speed.
- Vesper: Increased ability to control recoil.
- Pharo: Removed speed reduction while firing.
- Pharo: Increased ADS speed.
- Razorback: Removed speed reduction while firing.
- Razorback: Increased 4-hit kill range.
- Razorback: Reduced 1-hit kill range in Hardcore Mode.
- HG-40: Increased 3-hit kill damage range.
Assault Rifles
- HVK-30: Increased sprint recovery speed.
- HVK-30: Increased aim stability.
- HVK-30: Increased recoil stability.
- ICR-1: Increased recoil stability.
- Sheiva: Increased ADS Speed.
- Sheiva: Increased flinch stability.
- Sheiva: Rapid Fire now functions properly.
- MX Garand: Increased fire rate, now performs better with Rapid Fire.
- KRM-262: Increased 1-hit kill range potential.
- Haymayker-12: Increased 3-hit kill range.
- Argus: Increased 1-hit kill range potential when hip-firing.
Light Machine Guns
- BRM: Increased ADS out speed.
- BRM: Increased recoil stability.
- Dingo: Increased tightness of bullet spread while ADS.
- Dingo: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
- Gorgon: Increased ADS out speed.
- Gorgon: Increased recoil stability.
- Gorgon: Increased damage through light cover.
- 48 Dredge: Increased Fire Rate.
- 48 Dredge: Increased ADS out speed.
- Laser Sight: Increased the accuracy bonus received from Laser Sight.
- Recon: Increased recoil stability.
- BOA: Increased recoil stability.
- Thermal: Increased recoil stability.
- Ballistics CPU: Increased recoil stability.
- Rolling Thunder: Increased drone count.
- Rolling Thunder: Increased entry speed.
- R.A.P.S. Deploy Ship: Increased drone count per drop.
- R.A.P.S. Drones: Increased movement speed of drones.
- Nuk3town: Added additional spawn logic to mitigate spawn trapping.
- Infection: Closed up a line of sight through the wood pile outside of the barn.
- Infection: Fixed an issue where players could reach outside of the intended playspace.
Game Modes
- Hardcore: In Hardcore game modes, fixed an issue where the owner of a Care Package
would be killed if a teammate stood under it during the first 15 seconds of a round.
- Hardpoint: Adjusted positioning of objective markers inside of the Hardpoint zone to be more centralized.
- Uplink: Improved the ability to pick up a dropped Satellite Drone.
- The challenge, “Hundred Percenter”, now properly appears when completing all of the Multiplayer challenges listed under Operations.
- Increased window of time to earn the “Tag and Bag” medal.
- Fixing an issue where players could earn the “Heat Stroke” medal when killing an enemy stunned by a teammate.
- Blocked an exploit that allowed the players to use the Death Machine indefinitely.
- Resolved an exploit allowing players to access unintended areas.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during a host migration while reviving teammates.
- Fixed an exploit where players would be able to keep their perks after being revived.
- Resolved an error that occurs when Prestiging in Zombies.
- Addressed a bug where the Rocket Shield icon wouldn’t disappear after being destroyed.
- Fixed a bug relating to certain attachments not working correctly with upgraded weapons.
- Addressed stability issues regarding cross-mode play in split screen.
Shadows of Evil
- Addressed an issue where players would rarely be killed while riding the train.
- Fixed several bugs with the Undead Man Walking GobbleGum.
Der Eisendrache
- Balance improvements for the Kreegakaleet lu Gosata’ahm and Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc bows.
- Addressed a number of exploits that allow extended use of the Ragnarok DG-4.
- Resolved a bug where the Ragnarok DG-4 would be put away before expiration.
- Addressed a variety of exploits where Players were able to exit the playable area.
- Fixed an issue where skulls would not appear after being collected during the bow upgrade quest.
- Fixed bug where COA’d enemy could persist past round exit and possibly kill player while screen was faded out.
- Fixed bug where scoreboard on subsequent Redins Rally play through was not completely cleared out.
- Increased weighting for karma points to determine winner in ROJ event.
- Fixed bug where a player in last stand could pick items up.
- Fixed bug where score multiplier got out of sync with multiplier increment bar on players fated with Fortune or Fortitude.
- Added new reoccurring challenge, Eight before Fate.
- Round no longer expires if a boss is still alive.
- Added animations to the Siege Chicken.
Release: 06.05.2016 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de
- New “Music Tracks” option is available in the Option Menu.
Players are now able to choose which music plays in the Multiplayer Frontend,
or select to have no music at all.
- Updated the “100 Percenter” Calling Card art and moved the challenge
from Dark Ops to the main screen to reflect status as a “Challenge Master” reward.
- Improved stability when accepting an invite without the title booted.
- Improved messaging when a Player without Eclipse attempts to join a Player with Eclipse in the Main Menu.
- Leaderboards are now accessible after Maintenance messages are dismissed.
- Fixed an error when returning to the lobby from a Custom Game match if the Hardcore game rule was enabled.
- Nomad – Rejack ability will now properly have a smoke effect if used while a Power Core Scorestreak is in effect
- Power Core – Resolved an issue where the Power Core was not destroying an enemy H.A.T.R.
- Fixed an issue where the Talon Scorestreak was able to navigate underneath the map in various locations.
- The Hardpoint location next to the Southern bridge can no longer be captured from the outer side of the Northern walls.
- Placed proper Player and Scorestreak collision on the back of the boat, in the river on the South end of the map.
- Improved building appearance in the Northwest corner of the map.
- Going behind the boulder on the street-side cliff is now considered out-of-bounds.
- Improved bot pathing in the river during Custom Game matches.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to stand on an unintended ledge.
- Players are no longer able to mantle into some of the rocks.
- Improved Player collision around Point B in the Domination game mode.
- Players are no longer able to use Ruin’s Overdrive ability to run outside the boundaries in the Southeast corner of the map.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to reach a particular metal beam in the center of the map.
- Addressed an issue where Players could stand on the gate next to the cliff path.
- Fixed Player camera intersecting the edge of gate near one of the gongs.
- Fixed issues where the Players were able to stand in unintended areas next to the white dragon banner and the red veranda.
- Fixed spawn issues at the beginning of 8-Player Gun Game and Free-for-All matches.
- The Talon Scorestreak is no longer able to navigate inside the mountainous area around the Eastern edge of the map.
- Improved Player mantling across multiple objects in the map.
- Fixed issues where the Talon Scorestreak was able to navigate to unintended areas beneath the outer catwalks
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to shoot through the window into the train.
- Improved map performance near the stairsteps of the East platform.
- Placed object in front of the barn’s woodpile, in order to close up the line of sight toward the wall run.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to mantle to an unintended area near the cave.
- Addressed an issue where Players were able to reach an exploitable area next to the waterfall.
- Addressed an exploit near the wall, North of the palace.
- Players are no longer able to mantle into the ticket booth next to the starting area spawn
Custom Games
- Updated Official CWL Variants with new restricted items
- Additional item restrictions implemented in Arena.
- Perks: Ghost, Sixth Sense, Tracker
- Scorestreaks: Guardian, Hardened Sentry
- Equipment: Trip Mine, Shock Charge, C4
- New “Scrim Series” playlist introduced to Arena:
Play the official CWL game modes, maps, and rulesets.
- No Protect & Ban, No Specialist Draft.
- Resolved an issue where certain player-controlled Scorestreaks were not counting toward the teamkill kick limit.
- Fixed a bug causing loss of functionality when activating a GobbleGum machine.
- Resolved a bug causing the wrong menu item to be highlighted when backing out of a Public Match Lobby as the client.
- Resolved a bug causing the wrong menu item to be highlighted when first entering Zombies.
- Resolved a freeze in Theater regarding the creation of clips that include the level shortcut event on Shadows Of Evil.
- Addressed an issue where players would still be targeted after activating the “In Plain Sight” GobbleGum.
- Implemented various fixes for cases that caused a host migration to fail.
Shadows of Evil
- Fixed a stability issue encountered while completing the Easter Egg.
- Removed the depletion of Beast mode during a host migration.
- Fixed an exploit allowing players to leave the playable space.
- Fixed a bug causing the Margwa to still target players in Beast mode or while using the “In Plain Sight” GobbleGum.
The Giant
- Resolved an XP exploit regarding the Fly Trap Easter Egg.
- Added missing animations for Zombies that are affected by the “Pop Shocks” GobbleGum.
- Fixed a rare crash loading The Giant.
Der Eisendrache
- Resolved an issue causing unsmooth movement for clients navigating while in low gravity.
- Fixed a rare bug regarding incorrect FX appearing on zombies while they are being consumed by the dragons.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed use of the Ragnarok DG-4 to avoid death during a rocket test fire
Zetsubou No Shima
- Resolved steaming issues on perk machines and spider web walls.
- Resolved a bug that prevented muting of other players on the scoreboard.
- Addressed several issues with spider pathing.
- Fixed various death barriers around the level.
- Fixed an exploit created by zombies getting caught on spider webs indefinitely.
- Resolved issues with electricity effects being stuck on a player’s screen after charging their shield with lightning.
- Resolved a crash that occurs when picking up the Skull of Nan Sapwe after a player had left a public game.
- Balanced Skull of Nan Sapwe weapon depletion and recharge rates.
- Fixed an issue causing the players to lose their weapons when picking up the KT-4 while using the Skull of Nan Sapwe.
- Fixed an issue causing the Skull of Nan Sapwe energy to deplete immediately upon activation.
- Resolved issue blocking players from buying perks after respawning from an imprint plant.
- Fixed instances of player being unable to pick up the KT-4 underwater plant ingredient.
- Removed exploit allowing players to jump on top of plants.
- Resolved an entity limit crash in split screen.
- Fixed an exploit allowing players to skip the Easter Egg boss battle and see the narrative in-game cutscene.
- Added new Create Public Game option for DOA II in the lobby.
- ROJ Guardian hitpoints clamped.
- Silverback movement speed adjustments. Speed reduced 3%
- Silverback more likely to use/chain special attacks.
- Siegechicken vehicle time out reduced from 40 to 30.
- Siegechicken vehicle added to Hangar bonus room.
- Chicken eggs health boosted.
- Fortitude now only gives Siege vehicles (SiegeBot and FIDO) a 1.75 time out multiplier, down from 2.0.
- Nuke pickup added to bonus rooms.
- Adjusted how enemy selects player targets.
- Reduced the Spider’s melee range.
- Reduced electric pole spawn count in a couple of arenas.
- Made adjustments to how electrical poles are placed and how they spread out.
Release: 15.06.2016
Quelle: gamepro.de
- Spezialisten: Blackjack wurde hinzugefügt
- Vier neue Waffe
- tägliche Missionen wurde hinzugefügt
Release: 13.06.2016 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: cod.com
Introducing Blackjack
- Our Black Market vendor sits on the sidelines no more:
Blackjack is making his Multiplayer debut! Blackjack is now available for mercenary work.
- Complete both Weekly Contracts and you will be rewarded
with a Mercenary Contract that allows you to hire Blackjack for a limited time (60 minutes of game time).*
- Earning, activating and using Blackjack’s Mercenary contract services is the exclusive domain of Public Matches.
Blackjack is not available in Custom Games or Arena.
- *When a 60 minute period expires during a game, players will be permitted to finish that game as Blackjack.
This increment is a gameplay tunable and is subject to change, if needed for balancing purposes.
- Blackjack’s control of the Black Market provides access to all Specialist Weapons and Abilities and
he will utilize his unique talents as a mercenary to acquire them in-game.
- Playing as a Rogue, Blackjack trades kills for power and once powered up, will be able to use the Specialist weapons of his targets.
- The Power Meter functions differently than other Specialists’ meters. Blackjack must get kills to fill the meter.
On the kill that gains full power, Blackjack will gain access to the weapon of the Specialist that he killed, and that will become the active weapon in the power meter.
When Blackjack kills additional Specialists with different weapons,
an option to “Flip” the coin to the new weapon will appear and will update with each new kill of a different Specialist,
meaning that Blackjack can hunt for weapons. For example,
if Blackjack puts down Seraph to earn Rogue, he will receive the Annihilator.
If Blackjack then puts down Spectre next, the Ripper appears on the coin, and so on.
- Playing as Gambler, Blackjack overclocks his power systems to earn and activate a random
Ability from his Specialist deck at an accelerated rate. Which Ability comes next is in the hands of fate.
- Blackjack is willing to gamble. If you want to take your chances, you can press left on the D-pad to redraw another random ability.
- In the even that you don’t activate Blackjack’s Mercenary Contract before completing your next Weekly Contract, don’t worry.
You can stack Mercenary Contracts and activate them whenever you choose.
Side Bets
- Once you’ve activated a Mercenary Contract, Blackjack will spice things up
with a little side bet that challenges you to do your best with Rogue or Gambler.
Complete the Side Bet challenge before the Mercenary Contract expires and you will earn a calling card from Blackjack’s hidden contraband.
Daily and Weekly Contracts
- A Daily Contract consists of a single challenge that you must complete before the next day.
Complete the Daily contract to get Cryptokey rewards. Daily contracts cycle every 24 hours at 10am Pacific Time.
- A Weekly Contract cycles every 7 days (Monday-to-Monday at 10am Pacific Time) and consists of two separate challenges.
Complete both Weekly Contracts during this window of time to reap the rewards:
Cryptokeys and a special Mercenary Contract that can be activated to use Blackjack in-game.
Custom Leaderboards
- Custom games leaderboards provide a way for players to track stats from Custom Games
to see how they are doing over a number of games played.
These stats are separate from all online stats and only reflect stats from Custom Games.
- CoDCaster now supports 12 Custom Team Color Variants.
- Updated X-Ray Shader for improved visibility and readability.
- Fix for Custom team identities not appearing properly on the loading screen.
- Updated the indicator for the current round for round-based game modes.
- Capture The Flag, Hardpoint, and Uplink in-game FX now support Custom Team Color Variants.
- Custom Colors currently being used by the other team now appear with a locked icon.
- We now display all attachment info for weapons that have more than 3 attachments.
Groups Beta
- Friends and Group Members are now differentiated in the Quick Join List by color.
- Common Groups will display when highlighting a Player in the Quick Join.
Shared Primary Groups will be denoted by a badge and text.
- Contextual Presence will now display whether a Player is a Friend or Group Member.
- Individual’s joined Groups can now be viewed via inspecting their Player Details.
- Primary Groups are now displayed in both the Player Details screen and Player Identity Screen in Friends/Recent Players
- The Groups tab will now display appropriate messaging when UGC privacy settings restrict use of the feature.
- When inspecting a Player’s Groups, the targeted Player’s Identity, Emblem and Calling Card will appear in the top right-hand corner.
- Addressed an issue where individuals would appear multiple times in the Quick Join if multiple groups were shared between the Players.
- Marking a Group as Primary will now update in the Player’s UI immediately.
- Deleting a group Member will remove them immediately from the Quick Join list.
- Banning members from a Group will now immediately be reflected in-game.
- Addressed issue where Group Leaderboards would only display 101 or 102 players, even if the Group had more members.
- Corrected issue where Groups Leaderboards would start at “2” as opposed to “1.”
- Fixed issue where the success notification for editing a Group Leaderboard would appear blank for a short period of time.
- Resolved a bug where banned players could not be re-invited to a Group.
- Message is now shown when Groups are disabled due to content or chat restriction settings.
Previously, the Groups Tab in the Social Menu would be hidden altogether.
- Improved cursor functionality when highlighting ‘Ban Members’ or ‘Showcase Permissions’ under the ‘Admin Settings’ for Groups.
- Eclipse maps added to Core, Hardcore, and Bonus Playlists.
- Awakening Playlist replaced with Eclipse Playlist.
- Eclipse maps are present in the Combat Record/Leaderboards.
- Improved stability when returning to the lobby from a Custom Game.
- Adjusted ordering of options in Player Details view.
- Fix for Calling Cards stopping their animation after they’ve taken focus for a while in the Calling Card menu.
- Implemented Invite Only setting for Party Privacy.
- Music Tracks option in the Options Menu has been enabled.
- Fix for users unable to go online when they had large Black Market inventories and 1,000+ members in a Group.
This would result with users receiving an ‘Alphabet Soup’ error after pressing certain button combinations at the Sitting Bull screen.
Increase the Timeout period when pulling the fastfile/playlist/etc. to 60 seconds.
Reorder how Groups information is pulled when first logging into the game.
- Localizations added for Custom Game: Hardcore game mode options.
- Marking a Group as a primary will now update immediately.
- Fixed an overlapping text issue in Portuguese after the user purchased the Season Pass.
- Fixed map rotation for Domination in the Mercenary Moshpit
- Core Uplink Playlist will now include Eclipse maps, as originally intended.
General Gameplay
- Addressed an issue where Challenges completed during a Double-XP promotion
would not display the actual XP amount earned in-game and in the After-Action Report.
The correct amount of XP was still being awarded to the end user, however.
- Improved dedicated server performance and stability while in-game.
- Locked-on missiles now damage the HATR Scorestreak
- Fixed an issue where EMP Grenades were unintentionally providing a hitmarker or damaging enemies with Hard Wired
- Resolved an issue where intermission camera between rounds would be located outside of the playspace.
Game Modes
Search & Destroy / Demolition
Cleaned-up the gameplay and engagements around the bombsite in Search & Destroy and Demolition via the following:
- Closed the center gap between the bomb crates.
- Slightly lowered the lid to help increase target recognition on players standing behind the lid.
Note, players will still be safe/not visible when crouching behind the bombsite.
- Increased the emissive lights on the bombsite to make it more visible.
- Further improvements to picking up a dropped Satellite Drone.
Custom Games
- Improved pathing for Bots in Custom Games.
- Official Hardcore Variants added to Custom Games.
- Nomad’s Rejack ability will now properly have a smoke effect when used while a Power Core Scorestreak is in effect.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to equip the incorrect perk type into
a perk slot and/or could equip the Heat Wave specialist ability as a Secondary Weapon.
- Pistols > Marshal 16: Reduced range.
- Optics & Grip: Fixed an issue where Optics and Grip did not stack recoil reduction properly.
- Optics & Grip: Optics and Grip can now be stacked properly for increased recoil reduction.
- Optics & Grip: Adjusted Optic recoil reduction values to compensate for this fix.
- ACOG: Reduced recoil reduction.
- Varix: Reduced recoil reduction.
- Thermal: Reduced recoil reduction.
- Perks > Hard Wired: EMP grenades that detonate within range of an enemy
with Hard Wired no longer produce a hit marker.
- Fixed an exploit where Ruin was able to use his Overdrive ability to access unintended areas of the map.
- Players are no longer able to use the metal beams on the center bridge as exploitable spots.
- Addressed Talon Scorestreak pathing over the river.
- Improved visuals with the underwater pipe path, leading to the caves in the center of the map.
- Fixed collision issues with the large central bridge.
- Addressed an issue where Players were able to mantle outside of the intended gameplay area.
- Improved spawn locations during Gun Game or Free-For-All matches.
- Improved pathing for Bots in Custom Games, where they would get stuck in areas of the river/stream bank.
- The Southern bridge Hardpoint objective can no longer be captured from the outer side of the Northern walls.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to stand on the side of a building on the East section of the map.
- Addressed an issue where Players were able to unintentionally position themselves in a rock pile under one of the bridges.
- Fixed Player collision with the back of the boat, in the South end of the map.
- Fixed Talon Scorestreak pathing in multiple areas of the map.
- Fixed a collision issue with the window of the cargo train.
- Updated bullet collision for mid-section model.
- Improved visuals with the stairsteps on the East platform.
- Fixed a collision issue with the bottom portion of the buildings near the Northern catwalk.
- Players are no longer able to go prone in the corner near the starting area spawn (next to the temple/water area).
- Fixed an issue where Players were able to reach an exploitable area on top of the waterfall.
- Resolved an issue where Players were able to mantle to unintended areas near the cave.
- Players are no longer able to mantle into the ticket booth near the starting spawn location.
- Fixed an issue with Players being able to go over the wall just North of the Palace.
- Addressed a bug where if the User got a final Kill Cam
with the bomb explosion on a match of Search and Destroy or Demolition,
the Kill Cam screen would appear black until the explosion ended.
- Adjusted Hardpoint objective markers and capture radius for 1st Hardpoint zone.
- Spawn logic improvements.
- Adjusted trees between the driveway and firepit to resolve an unintended line of sight.
- Resolved a bug that prevented Public Matches from posting to the Maps Leaderboards.
- Players are now able to earn weapon XP on permanently unlocked weapons.
- Resolved a bug that blocked players from being able to purchase a fourth perk after being revived by the Phoenix Up GobbleGum.
- The Music Tracks feature now functions in the Zombies menu.
- Fixed a bug that blocked the player from earning weapon XP when using the Bowie Knife.
- On the House GobbleGum is now capable of rewarding any perk found within the current map.
- Fixed a stability issue using the skip forward functionality in Theater mode.
- Added various stability fixes for host migration.
- Danger Closest now protects the player against elemental zombies.
- Addressed a loss of functionality that occurs when players acquire and activate a GobbleGum simultaneously.
- Addressed an issue with the Widow’s Wine perk persisting after being revived.
- Fixed a consistency issue with player identification colors after a player leaves an active game.
- Resolved several player anim bugs with reviving and reloading.
- Fixed several UI bugs in the zombies menu.
Zetsubou No Shima
- Addressed an exploit where Players could become invulnerable if they dropped the lab cage on another Player.
- Fixed an issue where spore effects would permanently stay on screen.
- Addressed an issue where zombies could become invisible.
- Fixed an issue where Players could break progression during the Takeo boss fight.
- Balanced door/barricade costs when playing solo.
- Fixed an issue causing the KT-4/Masamune to consume double the ammo when performing a 3-charge shot.
- Fixed an issue where Players would lose their money and weapons after respawning from a clone plant.
- Addressed an issue where Players could fall through the map if eaten by a Thrasher.
- Balanced Thrasher health during higher rounds.
- Fixed various issues with Spider Bait.
- Fixed an issue where Players could fall out of the map while riding the elevator.
- Fixed an issue where the Lab cage would get stuck when using the Lightning Shield bash.
- Fixed an issue where spiders would get stuck in the trap plant during the Golden Bucket quest
- Addressed exploits related to dropping down ladders with teammates.
- Resolved an issue where spiders could potentially spawn in as a zombie.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to significantly reduce the kill requirements needed to charge the Skull of Nan Sapwe.
- Fixed various death barriers around the level.
- Addressed several instances where Players could get outside of the map.
Der Eisendrache
- Resolved an exploit allowing indefinite use of the Ragnarok DG-4.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the electrical trap from dealing damage to the player under certain conditions.
- Addressed a stability issue when activating a Der Wundersphere while getting downed simultaneously.
- Resolved various exploits that allowed the player to exit the playable space.
The Giant
- Fixed a bug that caused players to spawn inside the Pack-A-Punch chamber when using the Anywhere But Here GobbleGum.
- Addressed an area where players could see outside of the map.
- Resolved an issue with Zombies becoming stuck behind barricades throughout the map.
- Resolved several issues with the DG-2.
Shadows of Evil
- Fixed a bug causing players to be penalized for taking the Apothicon Servant while holding a sword.
- Fixed a rare stability issue that occurs while completing rituals.
- Resolved various exploits that allowed the player to exit the playable space.
- Fixed a death barrier issue that would occasionally occur when entering the Junction.
- The Margwa can now open multiple heads at once.
Safe House:
- Animated Calling Cards will now appear correctly when viewed in the Data Vault.
Release: 28.07.2016
- Mercenary playlist has been retired.
- Dream Team no longer tagged by the profanity filter.
- “Complete Your Season Pass” has been added to the In-Game Store.
- Added support for Numpad number inputs.
- Added support for arrow key navigation when the Player Loadout panel is up.
- Added custom team colors to loading screen, competitive screens when viewed as a CODCaster, and End Game/Round Transition Screens.
Improvements to Player Card Readability
- Increased the overall size of the Player’s Name.
- Increased the height/width of the widget to allow for larger font as needed.
- Added custom team color to the background of the team name.
- Added a transition effect when switching to a different player.
Updates to the Player List to display Team Colors
- Added a custom team color gradient to the background of the team name on the Player List.
- Added a visual indication on the team that is being switched to.
- Removed the color when the team is no longer being spectated.
Visibility updates to the CODCaster Score Panel
- Added Custom team color to background of team that is currently being spectated, on team switch the color will disappear.
- Added Arrow indicator to team that is currently being spectated, on team switch the arrow will switch sides.
- Added Additional Accent Color to top area of widget, on team switch the color will disappear.
- Added a color bar to the bottom of the team currently being spectated, on team switch the bar will disappear.
- On team switch, the team being switched to will scale slightly larger.
- On team switch, the team being switched to will pulse from the standard grey background
to a slightly brighter version of the custom team color then settle to the normal color gradient.
Black Market
- Latest loot items will be marked with a banner when earned and when viewed in the Black Market’s recent Contraband list.
- Outrider (Sparrow): Increased speed to maximum arrow charge.
- Outrider (Sparrow): Increased rapid-fire rate.
- Prophet (Tempest): Reduced beam size.
Submachine Guns
- Kuda: Reduced 3-hit kill damage range.
- Kuda: Reduced 5-hit kill damage range.
- VMP: Reduced recoil stability.
- Vesper: Increased recoil stability.
Assault Rifles
- Man-O-War: Reduced reload speed.
- Man-O-War: Reduced aim-down-sights speed.
Black Market Weapons
- HG-40: Increased 3-hit kill damage range.
- Garand: Increased reload speed.
- Garand: Increased recoil stability.
- Garand: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
- FFAR: Increased recoil stability.
- FFAR: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
- FFAR: Increased Aim-down-sight speed.
Game Modes
- Resolved an issue where Fracture was not counting toward objective Contracts.
- Resolved an issue where Combat Focus was not properly increasing score for Fracture score events.
- 4 new Medals added.
Break The Bank: Deposit 5 or more core files without leaving the fracture site.
Jackpot: Deposit 10 core files without leaving the fracture site.
All Gone: Rapidly deny 5 or more of your team’s dropped core files.
Tearjerker: Kill an enemy who is carrying 5 or more core files.
- Out of bounds triggers added around driveway and near pool to prevent players from leaving intended playspace.
- Collision added near art gallery door to prevent players from using an exploit.
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to stand on a golden eagle relief statue in one of the rooms.
- Players are no longer able to stand on one of the fences outside of the map boundaries.
- Adjusted Free-For-All start spawns.
- Kill triggers added to prevent an exploit that allowed players to leave the intended playspace.
- Adjusted Free-For-All start spawns.
- Collision added around pit to prevent players from sitting on a wall to gain an unintended line of sight.
- Out of bounds triggers added behind houses to prevent players from leaving intended playspace.
- Collision added behind houses to prevent players from sitting on a wall.
- Resolved an issue where players could unintentionally stand on a tree.
- Resolved an issue where players could capture a Hardpoint outside of the intended capture zone.
- Resolved an issue where AI Scorestreaks would target enemies through the bunker in the arena.
- Resolved an issue where players were able to plant C4 behind a screen in the VIP Room.
- Addressed exploit issues for the Killing Time, Undead Man Walking, and Fear in Headlights GobbleGums.
- Fixed issues that could cause players to lose weapons or get duplicate weapons when using the Disorderly Combat GobbleGum.
- Resolved a rare loss of functionality when joining on a host as they leave their lobby.
- Added various stability fixes for Theater Mode.
Gorod Krovi
- Addressed an issue where players could acquire unlimited points during a Valkyrie drone round.
- Addressed an issue where players could acquire unlimited XP points when incubating the dragon egg.
- Addressed an issue where players could acquire an unlimited Death Machine power up after riding the dragon.
- Addressed an issue where players could interact with the Pack-A-Punch when locked during a lockdown event.
- Addressed an issue where players could jump onto a bookcase in the Supply Depot.
- Addressed an issue where players could jump onto a tank outside the Dragon Command.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to leave the playable space when using the Flinger trap.
- Players can now release the dragon egg with NX ShadowClaw Dual Wield and Apollo’s Fervor ammunition.
- Players can now receive full Draconite Controller ammunition when picking up a Max Ammo power up or when using the Cache Back GobbleGum.
- Fixed a spawning issue when starting the Dragon Strike Controller quest at high rounds.
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally not obtain the Slash N’ Burn after completing the Time Attack.
- Fixed rare progression breaks with the main Easter Egg quest.
- Fixed issue where players could hit a death barrier upon entering the sewer under S.O.P.H.I.A.
- Fixed a stability issue with the NX ShadowClaw Dual Wield and Apollo’s Fervor ammunition during the Nikolai Easter Egg boss fight.
- Addressed performance issues for split screen games.
- Improved streaming performance for various enemy types.
Der Eisendrache
- Adjusted the pickup radius for the completed arrow of the Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc bow.
- Fixed a bug that caused controller vibration to persist when prone crawling with a charged bow.
The Giant
- Fixed a rare issue that caused Hell Hounds to become stuck in place.
- Resolved an issue that blocked voiceover audio from playing when taking certain weapon types from the Mystery Box.
Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber’s Avengening
- Reduced Night Fury damage.
Release: 05.09.2016 (Version 1.16)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Addressed an issue where a user would occasionally lose menu functionality upon joining a game.
- Addressed a lobby issue when all members of a party did not have the same maps.
- Switching a lobby to a CWL game mode no longer displays debug text.
- Addressed an issue that caused overlapping text during the Ban/Protect phase of a CWL match.
- New Emblem and Calling Card breadcrumbs are now behaving properly.
- After unlocking all Calling Cards in a Black Market set,
the Featured Card will now be properly animated.
In-Game Store:
CWL Champions Pack:
- CWL Champions Pack is now available to purchase for 200 COD points.
- Contains a unique CWL themed weapon camo.
CWL Team Packs:
CWL Team Packs are now available to purchase for 500 COD points.
Each Package contains a Calling Card and Camo for each team in that region.
Orbit GG
Tainted Minds
Team Infused
Optic Gaming
Faze Clan
Rise Nation
Team Envy
Team Elevate
Black Market:
- The activation prompt for Blackjack Mercenary Contracts will now function properly.
- Fixed a string issue in the ‘Replace Current Contract’ prompt.
Nomad: HIVE
- Kills with the HIVE gun will now properly count towards the “Tools of the Trade” Contract.
- Resolved an exploit whereby players could equip any currently locked Black Market weapon.
- Resolved an issue that blocked the ability to start a Public Match on some maps.
- Addressed a theater animation issue that occurred when watching older films.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Death Machine to show an ammo count after viewing the in-game scoreboard.
Gorod Krovi
- Addressed an issue where players would not benefit from a Max Ammo power up if they are riding the dragon.
- Resolved an issue where players could jump onto the Gigant Finger Trap to exploit zombie pathing.
- Addressed a bug preventing the player from picking up a quest item inside the Groph Module, when using the Gauntlet of Siegfried.
- Fixed a rare issue where the player would not be able to pick up a power up when a Groph Module
would land between the Armory and Supply Depot.
- Addressed a rare issue when the Game Over screen will display missing geometry behind the score board.
Zetsubou No Shima
- Addressed several GobbleGum issues relating to Zetsubou No Shima map features.
Shadows of Evil
- Resolved a bug that caused the Margwa to appear incorrectly at longer distances.
Release: 07.02.2017 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Added new CWL logo for 2017.
In-Game Store
- Added effects to the scroll bar to inform users if they have Black Market items “below the fold.”
- Fixed an issue where the DG-4 would not function properly after using a portal.
- Fixed an issue that occurred if a player used the Anywhere But Here BGB while on the train.
- 1,8 GB groß
Release: 11.05.2017 (Version 1.22)
Quelle: play3.de
- This update addresses a number of general performance issues.
Black Market
- Unopened Supply Drop bundles will now remain in the Black Market after the events have ended.
Supply Drops that had disappeared have been returned to players’ inventories.
- Attachment Icons will load more quickly in Create-a-Class and Gunsmith menus.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed users to equip some camos before unlocking them.
Ballistic Knife
- Ballistic Knife blades are now recoverable.
- Ballistic Knife now properly registers headshots with the Kill Counter or Clan Tag attachments equipped.
Release: 31.05.2017 (Version 1.23)
Quelle: play3.de
- General Stability Improvements
- Added measures to address exploitative 3rd party peripherals.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect voice over lines were playing in various levels
- Fixed an issue where all players would hear the Galil firing audio regardless of
their distance from the shooter
- Fixed an issue that would cause the “fire sale” audio to play too loud
- The Thundergun will now grant players XP
- Fixed an issue with time attacks not working properly
- Fixed a crash that occurred while using the “Eye Candy” GobbleGum
- Fixed a bug that occurred while using the “Idle Eyes” GobbleGum before a host migration
- Fixed various collision and pathing issues.
- Fixed various Elemental Staff bugs.
- Fixed Panzersoldat pathing issues and bugs.
- Optimized streamer performance in the map.
Kino Der Toten
- Fixed an issue where players were being targeted by zombies immediately after teleporting.
- Fixed an issue where players would experience a black screen while teleporting.
- Fixed an issue where players would lose their primary weapon after picking up the cymbal monkey.
- Fixed an issue where wall buys could lose functionality.
Shi No Numa
- Fixed an issue where Flogger kills were not counting towards daily trap challenges.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a “connection interrupted” error when deploying the QED.
- Fixed a host migration crash.
- Fixed a “Widow’s Wine” exploit.
- Fixed various Gersh device bugs.
- Addressed collision exploits.
Release: 11.12.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Reduced boot up times.
- General stability improvements across various game types.
Weapon Tuning
Reduced reload speed.
Reduced bullet penetration.
Reduced ADS idle time after firing.
Reduced 3-hit and 5-hit kill ranges.
Reduced ADS bullet spread accuracy.
Reduced ADS recoil stability.
Reduced bullet penetration.
Reduced reload speeds.
HG 40
Improved 3-hit and 4-hit kill ranges.
Improved recoil reduction.
Improved 1-hit kill range in Hardcore.
Slight increase in damage to improve odds at a headshot kill.
Improved 4-hit kill range.
Improved sprint out speed.
Improved standing hip spread.
Improved reload speed.
Improved ADS transition speed.
Improved reload speed.
Improved sprint in and sprint out speeds.
Improved ADS recoil.
R70 Ajax
Improved bullet penetration.
Improved ADS transition speed.
improved ADS recoil.
MX Garand
Improved fire rate.
- Addressed various exploitable locations in Citadel and Redwood.
- Fixed several exploits across various maps.
Release: 05.03.2018 (Verison 1.27)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- General performance updates.
Infected (New Game Mode)
- At the start of a match, one player is randomly chosen as the first infected whose goal is to infect the other players.
Once downed, players respawn as infected, slowly increasing the size of the horde. Infect all players, or survive until time runs out to win.
Redwood Snow (New Map)
- Enter the snowcapped landscape of Redwood Snow to experience something colder from the map you know and love.