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Battlefield 4 Update Details (15)
Release: 29.10.2013
Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de
- Allgemeine Verbesserung des Spiels
- kleinere Fehler von Menü und Server Anmeldung
- 6 MB groß
Release: 29.10.2013
Quelle: BETA = gamezone.de | gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de
- Spieler Statistiken im "Battledash" weichen möglicherweise von den Statistiken in Battlelog ab.
- Beim Verlassen eines Multiplayermatches oder nach dem Auswählen von Start nach dem Booten des
Spiels kann es es zu einer 8 sekundigen, nicht-interaktiven Pause kommen.
- Falls ihr auf die Poller springt, gleitet ihr möglicherweise.
- Cruise Missiles zerstören möglicherweise keine durch einen "Fahrzeug Drop" gespawnten Fahrzeuge.
- Die Voraussetzungen für die Freischaltkritieren werden möglicherweise nicht angezeigt.
- Zwei Flaggensymbole überlappen sich möglicherweise gegenseitig bei den jeweiligen Flaggen Standorten.
- Für nicht bereits freigeschaltete Waffen wird nur das jeweils erste Waffenupgrade angezeigt.
- Falls eure Verbindung mit den EA Servern getrennt wurde, bleiben die Kacheln im Hauptmenü fixiert.
- 119,21 MB groß | Download
Release: 13.11.2013
Quelle: gameswelt.de
This is a temporary workaround while we work to solve the issue altogether.
- Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game.
- Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft.
The previous damage was incorrectly set too high.
- Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms.
This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward.
Release: 22.11.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de
- Sound Bugs wurden beseitigt
- Probelme mit Abstürzen im Multiplayer werden gehoben
- Stabilitäts Verbesserungen sind enthalten
- 260 MB groß
Release: 17.12.2013
Quelle: gamepro.de | battlelog.com | xbox-newz.de
- General stability improvements.
- Fixed one of the most frequently occurring crashes that could happen during round transition.
- Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue (see below for details).
- Fixed a crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard.
- Fix for player tags not always showing quickly enough.
This could often lead to confusion or team kills on Hardcore servers.
- Populated servers are now by default placed on the top in the Server Browser, where previously empty servers would be shown.
- Servers that friends are playing on have a higher priority in the server list.
- Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode.
- Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed.
- Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived.
- Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early.
- Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer runs out.
- Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers.
While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “road killing” opponents.
- Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's miniguns would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped.
-Balanced vehicle miniguns to do more damage versus infantry.
- Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression.
- Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb.
If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in infinite loading when connecting to a server.
- Fix for side gunners in attack boats and transport helicopters experiencing jitter when aiming.
- Fixed the issue with Levolution events sometimes not being triggered properly when playing the Rush, Defuse,
Obliteration and Team/Squad Deathmatch game modes.
- Removed the SCAR-H and Ace 52 damage tweaks that were included in a previous patch.
Release: 16.01.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Various fixes for improving general stability
- Fixed a player feedback timing issue where blood was appearing before
other damage indicators, and before damage was actually done
- Fix for bug where it looked like soldier was dying with 1 health instead of 0
- Fixed a bug where players' rank icons on the scoreboard would not be updated
- Normalized repair rates across all vehicles. Vehicles with lower health points,
like aircraft and transport vehicles, now repair more slowly than before
- Fixed problem with killer health in kill card not being correctly updated
(showing 100% health even though he was just hurt)
- Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members
- Fixed a bug where the M1 Abrams Coaxial HMG ammo box was occasionally blocking the driver's camera
-Increased damage by 25% for the Stealth Jet 20mm cannons
- Stealth Jets now have more similar handling attributes to each other. F35 & J-20 are slightly more agile, Su-50 is less agile
- Attack Jets now have more similar handling attributes to each other, and all 3 are now slightly less agile than earlier
- Fixed camera glitch when switching weapons while moving in crouch
- Fixed an occasional bug where players could experience intermittent engine sound dropouts when driving wheeled IFVs
- China Rising: Fixed animation glitch for motorbike passengers ocuring when aiming
- Fix for first and third person soldier animations being out of sync while doing transition changes.
This could potentially make the player get hit while in cover behind a wall or other obstacle
- Fix for map and minimap flickering on Rogue Transmission and Operation Locker
Release: 18.02.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to,
a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash
- Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch
- Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted
- Fix for an issue that would appear if a 10 users party would join a game with 8 available slots,
leaving 2 of the players stuck on the loading screen
- Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive
- Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present
in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311
- Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren't properly matching the actual number of impacts,
causing the players to feel that they died too quickly.
- Fix for an issue where the "Draw" message would not display on-screen once a Conquest
round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets
- Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn't scroll on dog tags
- Fix for missing grass physics in terrain
- Fix for an issue where the player camera would be positioned inside of the soldier when parachute spawning
- Fix for a MAV exploit that let players reach various out-of-map locations
Release: 04.03.2014
Quelle: battlelog.com | gamezone.de
- Several crash fixes and stability improvements
- Various improvements for Spectator Mode
- Increased the maxium rank to 120
- Fixed an issue with the kill camera triggering before game client would display the last portion of damage being dealt,
giving players the impression that they died too early
- Fixed issue with blood effects, damage indicators, and health bar updates in the HUD being out of sync.
This issue meant that players would sometimes miss information about being shot at, or get the
impression of too few hits occurring for the amount of bullets that hit.
- Tweaked the speed, dispersion, and re-arm duration of the IFV and MBT projectiles
- Tweaked timing for how long the killfeed stays on screen
- Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server
- Added default player slots to server browser filters
- Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole
- Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising
- Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike
- Prevented players from interacting with an M-Com on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed
- Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-Coms could get stuck in an infinite loop
- Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort
- Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots
- Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority
- Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds
- Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed
- Fixed an issue with revive icon not being greyed out in-game on map and minimap,
when the player died after getting revived in Defuse
- General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens
- Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures
- Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value
- Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam
- Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb
- The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it
- Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths
- Tweaked volume balance and other ambience parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps
- Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills
- Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in.
While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom.
- Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water
Weapon tweaks
- The SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered
- The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked
- The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced
- The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced
- Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for
Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000
- Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW
Release: 14.03.2014 (Vom Server aus eingebaut)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Platoon Feature wurde eingebaut
Dieser ist wie ein Clan-Feature zu verstehen
- Gründung ist nur als Premium und ab Rang 10 möglich
- Maximale Mitgliederanzahl ist 100
Release: 25.04.2014 (Vom Server aus eingebaut)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Gummiband-Bug wurde behoben
Release: 30.04.2014 (Vom Server aus eingebaut)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Death-Shild-Bug wurde behoben
Release: 30.04.2014 (Vom Server aus eingebaut)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Die Mietserver sind zurück
1,49 US-Dollar (1 Tag)
6,99 US-Dollar (7 Tage)
24,99 US-Dollar ( 30 Tage)
59,99 US-Dollar (90 Tage)
Release: 05.05.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Squad System BETA
Release: 04.06.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Netcode wurde verbessert dadurch 60% Performance Verbesserung
Release: 09.07.2014
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Addition of VOIP for Xbox One allowing tablet players to communicate to teammates via voice
- Various bug fixes
- Fix for an issue where players were able to duplicate Battle Pickups by repeatedly picking up a kit
- Fix for an issue where field upgrades would stop working after one round when players had reached the max field upgrade level
- Fix for a crash that could occur when a player left a round
- Added a 15 seconds warm-up timer for all Official games
- Fix for an issue that would cause the Squad Join (Beta) feature to loose functionality after
a player has suspended the game while creating a squad, and returns to the game
- Fix for an issue that prevented players to issue squad order around capture points during the sandstorm on Gulf of Oman
- Fix for an issue where a squad leader would kick a member from the squad, but the slot wouldn’t become available for others to join
- Option added for double tap forward to sprint (when on foot)
- Fix for an issue where the player would get a water splash effect on the screen after crashing an EOD/MAV/SUAV into the water
- Added a competitive Obliteration game mode
- Server Browser support added to Squad Join (Beta)
- Fix for an issue where server administrators couldn’t ban players that had clan tags
- Fix for an issue where server administrators would be able to set password longer than the max allowed characters
- Fix for an issue that could cause the game to freeze while in the My Rental Server menu
- Fix for an issue where the Squad Join (Beta) feature wouldn’t display squad members presence correctly
- Added total team experience points to the end of round screen for the Capture the Flag game mode
- Added user interface options for tweaking the ADS aiming sensitivity
- Fix for an issue where the kill card wasn’t displayed in some cases in Hardcore mode
- Fix for an issue where an incorrect message would be displayed on
the first Xbox One if a user decided to sign-in on a second Xbox One
- Dog tags are rearranged in the kill cards so the right one is not obstructed
- Removed the boost button press to turn off boost for vehicles, boost should be turned off by releasing the accelerator,
this makes it consistent with soldier sprint and helps using vehicle boost easier
- Adjusted the PWC physics so it drives/controls more nicely in all water levels
- Option added for double tap forward to boost (when driving a vehicle)
- Fix for an issue where the flag would occasionally float in mid-air when players got out of vehicles while carrying the flag
- Fix for an issue where a weapon would flail wildly after a player would die
- Removed the 2nd set of shell that are visible in the speed loader when reloading the M412 revolver
- Fix for the Hawk Shotgun missing “pump action” animation in 3rd person while crouching
- Fix for RPG-7 rocket remaining visible in the launcher after the last shot is fired while zoomed in
- Fixed the bipod animations for MTAR-21
- Foregrip in 3rd person now has hand in the correct position on M416/M417
- Fix for a broken animation when switching to AWS as main weapon
Release: 30.09.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Rush (alle Basiskarten außer Morgendämmerung), Obliteration, Capture the Flag und Trägerangriff.
Obliteration Competitive wurde als neue Untermodus hinzugefügt
Verbesserung bei der Sicht
- Auf kurze und mittlere Distanz ist das Zielabsehen nicht länger von der Animation des Waffenfeuers abhängig, aka "Visueller Rückstoß"
- Verbesserte Sichtbarkeit für rotleuchtende Visiere vor hellen Hintergründen
Soldaten Bewegung
- Ist nun fast identisch mit dem BF3 Bewegungen, aber mit dem BF4 Animationen
- Gedämpfte Trefferreaktionen für den Soldatenkopf in der dritten Person
HUD Verbesserungen
- Die HUD Optionen würde aufgeräumt und sind nun einstellbar, um BF4 aussehen zu lassen, wie du es magst
Mechanik des Wiederbelebens
- Wiederbeleben ist nun robuster, einfacher zu verstehen und mit neuem Userinterface sowie einem "Defibrilator voll" Sound versehen
- Die Einstellung für den zeitlichen Abstand, in dem es möglich ist auf einen Spieler Schaden zu wirken,
wurde verringert (verbessert das Verhalten bei gegenseitigen Kills und Beschuss hinter Deckungen,
wenn Spieler mit hohem Ping beteiligt sind)
- Das Hochfrequenz-Update ist nun Standard für alle Spieler
- Das Hochfrequenz-Update wird nun auch auf Playstation3 und Xbox360 unterstützt
- Weitere Verbesserungen an der zeitlichen Verzögerung des Schadens der Geschosse
Änderungen an Anbauteilen von Waffen
- Mündungsfeuerdämpfer: der Effekt des Anbauteils wurde herabgesetzt.
Das betrifft sowohl die Vorteile als auch die Nachteile wurden reduziert.
- Schwerer Lauf: gesenkter Bonus für die minimale Streuung in der Bewegung und einen Teil dieses Bonus in die reduzierte Streuung verlegt.
Das sollte eine gute Option für Feuerstöße auf lange Entfernung sein.
- Laser: Leichte Verbesserungen der Genauigkeit beim stillstehenden Schiessen aus der Hüfte
Änderungen an den Waffen
- Geschwindigkeit von Geschossen erhöht: Das gilt für Slugs und alle gedämpften Waffen. Selektiv
wurde die Basisgeschwindigkeit der Geschosse einiger Waffen erhöht, die zu langsam für ihre vorgesehene Reichweite waren
- Schadensmodell: Bei vielen Waffen wurde der minimale und maximale Schaden leicht justiert.
Es kann passieren, das auf sehr kurze oder sehr lange Distanz nun ein Geschoss mehr nötig ist, um den Gegner auszuschalten.
- An Waffen mit geringer Feuerrate wurden Veränderungen durchgeführt,
die sie auf lange Distanzen einfacher nutzbar machen (im Vergleich zu Waffen mit hoher Feuerrate)
- Abzugsverzögerung: Wurde von allen Revolvern entfernt
- Karabiner und PDWs haben nun einen Bullpup Wert, der ihnen Boni gegenüber den Gewehren gibt
- Munition: Waffen mit kleinen Magazinen haben nun mehr Munition als ihre Gegenstücke
- DMRs: Der Ton bei einem Treffer wurde verbessert
- Bei SKS und M39EMR kann man nicht mehr den Atem anhalten.
- Anzahl der Granaten und ihre Nachladezeit wurde verringert.
- Extreme Lags im Multiplayer
- Allgemeine Probelme mit dem DLC Dragons Teeth
Release: 03.03.2015
Quelle: battleblog.com | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Added Squad Obliteration game mode
- Added support for New player servers (rank 10 and down)
- Added support for matchmaking into ranked servers (in addition to standard official)
- Various anti-cheat improvements implemented
- In combat system now temporarily disables squad spawning when squad mate is in combat
In combat system now temporarily disables Medic Bag healing based on damage taken and incoming suppression increase
- In combat system now temporarily disables First Aid Kit healing based on damage taken
- Decouple vehicle aiming from turning option added
- Added Mastery Dog tags for several weapons that were previously missing
- Added 3 new Premium playlists: 'Large Scale Battles', 'The Battlefield', and 'Close Quarters'
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause an error about stats not fetching, if connecting to a session after immediately being disconnected
- Fixed an exploit related to CTF/Obliteration exploit using M224 Mortar/MAV/EOD Bot
- Fixed an issue where performing a sign-in change during game would sometimes result in endless black loading screen
- Fixed an issue where multiple users in the same squad would crash if the squad leader disconnected from a full server
- Added option for player to separately toggle the slowdown and auto rotation components of aim assist.
Server admins can now enforce a disable of the auto rotation component on ranked servers
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to join a rented server that had a password set
- Footsteps: Significantly improved audio of footsteps for enemies and friendlies so that they can clearly be heard.
Also fixed an issue where grenades explosions or other loud sounds would mute footstep sounds
- Fixed an issue where EOR music would not play in CTF
- Updated the shading for many of the Dog tag country flags to make them more accurate
- Animation: Cleaned up fast side to side movement of the character in third person
- Fixed an issue where tracers would incorrectly show up on bullet impacts
- Fixed an issue where the soldier camouflage selected would change to default between rounds
- Fixed the cropped "Ready" status on the F-35 and J-20 fighter jets so that it is now fully visible
- Fixed a HUD related issue that would sometimes occur when players on the same server would use the FLIR/IRNV
- Dog tags will now display stats both in game and in menus
- Several hit indicator and crosshair improvements
- Fixed an issue where a player's health is displayed incorrectly when they get hit while regenerating health
- Updated HUD Logic for several weapons so that they show "overheat" messages correctly
- Tweaked Jet HUDs to be more clear
- Improved scout helicopter crosshairs
- Removed an incorrect reference to parachute in the customization screen
- Deploy screen - Added deploy screen advanced options to show vehicle passengers, more details on occupants and squad mates
- Deploy screen - Improved squad mate selection when in vehicles
- All helicopters have new more agile physics applied (you can do both barrel rolls and loops!)
- Animation updates for m412 and sw30
- Fixed an audio bug where the air missiles or TV guided missiles would play multiple times for one shot
- Fixed an audio bug where the FAC boat cannons would loop indefinitely
- Adjusted the graphics for the Kobra red dot reticle to make it longer to more closely match the actual reticle
- Removed small animation played when going into sprint for any weapons that have a fore grip
- Adjusted QBZ95 fore grip position in first person
- Fix for RPK74 bolt cycle during fire animation
- Improved HUD clarity for red dot sights against snowy/bright backgrounds
- AND improved Xbox 360 look as well
- Fixed an issue where Vehicle IRNV would not detect infantry on equal elevation properly
- HANGAR 21: Fixed a sound bug that would cause the titan engine audio to become distorted
- HANGAR 21: Fixed various smaller sound issues
- HAMMERHEAD: Fixed an issue where user would encounter snowing VFX inside of the hallway west of objective B if spawning on squad mate.
- PROPAGANDA: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
PEARL MARKET: Fixed a collision issue which would cause players to fall down from the big neon sign that is used as a bridge between 2 buildings
- PEARL MARKET: Fixed an issue where a user could see through the game world after destroying part of a building situated near the CN base
- LUMPHINI GARDEN: Fixed several collision issues that would occur after the mudslide levolution was triggered.
The mudslide has also been optimized to reduce visual glitches
- LUMPHINI GARDEN: Rush - Fixed issues with the EDO bot having no collision with several sidewalks around the US base first set of M-coms
- LUMPHINI GARDEN: Fixed an issue with an indestructible window in the house at the center of the map
- LUMPHINI GARDEN: Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck behind the pipes at Flag C and be forced to redeploy
- LUMPHINI GARDEN: Xbox One - Various issues collision near the valves and between them after the levolution event
- SUNKEN DRAGON: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- ROGUE TRANSMISSION: Made collision conform closer to render mesh for destroyed track pieces.
Moved collision volume in the level to accommodate the new changes to the adjusted object collision
- ROGUE TRANSMISSION: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- ZAVOD 311: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- METRO 2014: Fixed an issue where users where able to get C4 kills through the roof
- METRO 2014: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- FLOOD ZONE: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- HAINAN RESORT: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- OPERATION LOCKER: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- SIEGE OF SHANGHAI: Improved collision issues on several skyscrapers
- DAWNBREAKER: Fixed an issue where a user is unable to deploy Radio Beacon,
MAV and similar gadgets on the boardwalk located north from the water and south from objective C
- DAWNBREAKER: Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback
- LOST ISLAND: Added collision in the ceiling of the cave so that is no longer possible to hide there with the little bird
- GULF OF OMAN: Lights now no longer stay intact once building is destroyed
Release: 26.05.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
Five new weapons
- Some of the weapons are old fan favorites, others are picked based on their unique gameplay aspects. These are the five new weapons:
- New fan favorite Assault Rifle: Picked based on its unique burst gameplay and massive fan desirability
- New Carbine: A unique bullpup carbine with built-in vertical grip
- New PDW: A unique PDW with built-in silencer
- New Sidearm: Unique long range “sniper” sidearm using magnum rounds
- New LMG: Magazine fed LMG, which with the new weapons balance, plays in between a belt-fed LMG and an AR – your “run and gun” LMG
Full weapons balance pass
- In the Spring Patch, we have also revamped the damage, falloff and suppression model.
With this pass, we’ve touched every single weapon in the game – and how they play.
- Our goal has been to create distinct roles for the weapon classes, and award skill of the player through
increased recoil and by bringing back the 2-bullet headshot!
Return of Gun Master
- Next up, we are bringing back Gun Master game mode
which gained its popularity in Battlefield 3: Close Quarters.
- Gun Master is played like a Team Deathmatch game. The twist is that you don’t get to choose the weapons used.
You swap weapons every time you get two consecutive kills on an opponent and whoever is the first player to get a kill with the final weapon wins!
The mode will contain the following five presets with at most 18 different weapons in each:
- Standard: This setup contains rifles, machine guns, shotguns and pistols and ends with the M9 bayonet
- Classic: Classic rifles, machine guns, shotguns and pistols ending with a M9 bayonet
- Pistol: In this preset you can only use different kind of pistols, ending with the survival knife
- DLC: This mode will let you play with DLC weapons – including the Phantom bow
- Troll: Seeing how Gun Master is a “party mode”, we had to make a silly weapon list too!
This one starts out with ballistic shields (as weapons) and it’s downhill from there
Release: 01.09.2015
Quelle: xbox-newz.de | gameswelt.de | gamepro.de | xboxdyasty.de | xboxfront.de
- Multiplayer Maps werden nun auch in der Nacht dargestellt
- Der Nachlade-Bug wurde behoben. Wenn die Animation abspielt wird es keine Fake-Reloads mehr geben
- Leuchtspurmunition nur noch bei jedem dritten Schuss. Keine Laserwaffen mehr
- TV-Rakete und SRAW verbessert
- Das Ausgleichen der Teams ist nun eine Standardoption für Server mit größeren Spielmodi
- Viele Exploits behoben
- Spieler können nicht mehr bei Teammitgliedern spawnen, die beschossen werden
- Das seitliche Laufen (Strafing) wurde etwas verlangsamt
- Waffen mit Bipods können nun auf Schießscharten in Bunkern aufgelegt werden
- Maximale Spotting-Distanz auf Nachtkarten ist 200m
- Bug entfernt, bei denen Spieler bei der Benutzung von Treppen, Leitern oder
beim Sprung über Objekte zufälligen Schaden nehmen, weil die »Aufprallphysik« falsch berechnet wurde
- Besserer Netcode (beim packet loss, rubber banding und dusting)
- Audio Obstruction System veröffentlicht. Damit wird der Soundfilter verbessert,
der für Audioquellen hinter Mauern und Objekten verwendet wird
- Alle Dogtags zu Waffen sollten jetzt die korrekte Anzahl an Kills mit dieser Waffe anzeigen.
Dogtag hinzugefügt, das Messerkills darstellt
- Die Türme von Fahrzeugen wurden überarbeitet. Die Simulation der Turmdrehung wurde verbessert.