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Assassins Creed Syndicate Update Details (5)


Release: 20.10.2015 (Version 1.10)

Quelle: consolewars.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | gamepro.de

Stability & Performance

- Improved performance and stability


- Fixed some persistent SFX during gameplay

- Fixed wrong audio files that were played


- Fixed issues where the player could get stuck between the train and the train station platforms

- Fixed a camera glitch when the player was in a vehicle

- Fixed loading issues with vehicles

- Fixed collisions issues with other vehicles

- Fixed navigation issues on vehicles


- Fixed issues where NPSs may have problems with their animations

- Fixed issues where the NPSs might have the wrong reaction

- Fixed navigation issues with the NPCs

- Fixed an issue in the mission "A night to Remember" where the Royal Guards cannot be killed after being affected by a voltaic bomb

- Fixed issues where NPCs may get stuck

- Fixed an issue where crowd of NPC would spawn after having the game left idle for more than 30 minutes

- Fixed som other NPC spawn issues

Game System

- Fixed issues with some trophies

- Fixed issues on save/load

- Fixed an issue where doors can be lock picked without previously aquiring lockpick II skill

- Fixed issues where items/mission would not unlock after completing the conditions


- Fixed texts issues

- Fixed issues with props in the world

- Fixed an issue where changing the menu language will reset all options settings

- Fixed issues where the menu/progression log was not matching the actual progression

- Fixed issues with icons and FX being missing or misplaced

- Fixed Animus Mission Debriefing messages showing when they should not

- Fixed issues when entering/exiting the map menu


- Fixed issues where the animation would not fit the weapon/reaction

- Fixed offset animation on moving platforms

- Fixed issues with the multi-kills

- Fixed camera issues while fighting

- Fixed an issue where the main character's weapons disappear after a finisher move if he or she was in stealth prior to the fight


- Fixed an issue where some of the Blighters are not in the Gang Stronghold area

- Fixed issues in cinematics where the player or some props were offset or missing

- Fixed issues with the objectives

- Fixed issues with fast travel


- Fixed navigation/parkour issues on specific spots

- Fixed camera issues when navigating

- Fixed some NPC interaction issues

- Fixed issues where the player would be able to use tools when he or she shouldn't

- 541 MB groß

- PS4 534 MB groß

Release: 23.10.2015 (Version 1.11)

Quelle: gamepro.de | gamepro.de

Stability & Performance

- Improved performances and stability


- Fixed audio missing at the beginning of the introduction cinematic of the "Strange Bedfellows" mission


- Fixed an issue with water visual effects on boats and barges


- Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, the player was unable to attack after pressing a button during combat


- Fixed an issue where a de-synch loop could happen in the "Change of Plans" mission durring the escape part of the mission

- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck if they de-synched just after

assassinating Lucy Thorne in the "A Thorne in the Side" mission


- Fixed navigation/parkour issues on specific spots

Release: 25.11.2015 (Version 1.20)

Quelle: gamepro.de | forum.ubi.com | play3.de | gameswelt.de | gamezone.de

- Kleinere Glitches und Animationsfehler werden ausgebessert

- Gerade Fehler wo man durch den Boden fällt sollten nicht vorkommen


- Improved performance and stability


- Fixed an issue where there was no rating for the final mission

- Fixed an issue where the Trophy/Achievement descriptions were in English

when the user put his system language to "French (Canada)"


- Fixed an issue where the lip-sync was not synchronized with the cinematics

- Fixed an issue where the subtitles weren't exactly matching the audio

- Fixed some issues with some audio missing or being played incorrectly


- Fixed some collisions issues for carriages and trains

- Fixed some spawning issues with the vehicles


- Fixed some popping issues

- Improved reactions for the allies

- Improved reactions for NPC on the ground

- Improved reactions for NPC on carts and trains

- Improved navigation for NPC

Game System

- Fixed some issues with the replay system

- Fixed some balancing issues

- Fixed an issue where the gun might be missing in the inventory after acquiring it in the "Whitechapel Conquest" mission

- Fixed an unlocking issue with the Train Raids

- Fixed an issue with the "Artisan" Trophy/Achievement


- The Time Anomaly icon was increased to have a better visibility on the map

- Fixed some issues with the messages for the mission in the HUD

- Fixed some icon issues

- Fixed some lighting issues

- Fixed some low resolution and corrupted texture issues

- Fixed some level of detail issues

- Fixed issues with props in the world


- Fixed some issues during fights with NPCs

- Fixed issues with counter attacks

- Fixed some camera issues


- Fixed an issue in the Fight Club

- Fixed an issue where the player could not enter the Time Anomaly mission

- Fixed some issues with the mission objectives and secondary constraints not updating properly

- Fixed issues with the fast travel

- Fixed some issues where the missions could be blocked after some cinematics

- Fixed some issues with Crawford Starrick in the last mission, "A Night To Remember"


- Fixed some issues with the coerce system

- Fixed some issues with the cover system

- Fixed some issues with the parkour and navigation

- Fixed some animation issues

- Fixed some camera issues

- Fixed some issues with the rope launcher

- Fixed an issue where the player could sometimes fall under the map

- ca 700-750 MB groß

Release: 08.12.2015 (Version 1.30)

Quelle: play3.de | consolewars.de


- Fixed a display issue with add-on price for the Season Pass owners

- Fixed an issue where sometimes The Ubisoft Club Rewards couldn't be equipped right after redeeming them


- Fixed an issue in the Gang War activity where enemy NPCs would sometimes disappear after eliminating the gang leader

Game System

- Fixed an issue where it was sometimes possible to switch gear when the player was not supposed to

- Fixed an issue where switching characters could cause two instances of Evie to appear


- Fixed an issue where the “Letter from the Front“ collectibles would not appear on the minimap

- Fixed an issue with the brightness of the map in the “Strange Bed fellows” mission

- Fixed some collisions and navigation issues

- Fixed some icons issues

- Fixed an issue where the Kenway flag model would not appear after obtaining it


- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the player would not always play his hurt animation


- Fixed an issue with ally stations that sometimes prevented the player from hiring them

- Fixed an issue in the "Change of Plans" mission where the gate from the sewers could be locked,

thus blocking the player's progression


- Fixed some issues with the player's animations

- Fixed some issues where the player could get stuck in specific places

- Fixed an issue in the "Darwin kidnapping" mission where, in some cases, the player could not carry him anymore


- Improved performance and stability

Release: 24.02.2016 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de | gamezone.de


- Fixed an issue where glitches might fail to award the player Helix rewards

- Fixed an issue where the permanent XP Boost from the Season Pass would not be present in some cases


- Fixed a typo with the Military Chapel’s bombing description

- Fixed an issue where the “Legendary Assassin kukri” would appear uncrafted and unusable after crafting it

- Fixed an issue with some achievements unlocking when they should not


- Fixed an issue in the “A Night to Remember” mission where the user could be stuck outside

the vault in some rare cases, leaving no possibility to progress further

- Fixed an issue, in the “Jack the Ripper” DLC, in the “Jack’s Lieutenants” mission

where the objective would not update

- Fixed an issue, in the “Jack the Ripper” DLC, in the “Letter of Intent” mission

where it could fail without a desynch in some specific cases


- Improved performance and stability

- 720 MB groß

Release: 19.11.2024 (Version

Quelle: ubisoft.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X Support: 4K mit 60 FPS

- Xbox Series S Support: 1080p mit 60 FPS

- Speicherverrbauch von 41,4 GB auf 41,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverrbauch von 40,1 GB auf 40,9 GB erhöht

- 31,76 GB groß