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Ark Survival Evolved Update Details (?)
Spielevorschau-Beta | Release
Release: 21.12.2015 (v. 729.9)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed an issue where many Player-Hosted sessions were not joinable!
- "Full" Servers are now listed! Also increased server list size to 250 so that
ALL Official Servers are listed (100-server search limit causing some servers to not appear)
- Server Bookmarks now save!
- Server Bookmarks are automatically added for any servers that you join
(to help you find your server if you didn't remember the name
- Session List Ping should work properly now (and the servers are now default ordered by Ping)
- LB+Start now opens Tribe Chat (text chat)
- Plugging in a controller no longer signs you out of your gameplay
- Hidden Engrams are no longer displayed on client (Primitive servers etc)
- Server Broadcast messages now respect player communication privilege
- Reloading ( X ) with the hand-held Map out now opens the UI to Apply/Remove Map Pins
- Player Actions Wheel now only shows the Poop option if you can Poop (tee hee hee).
- You can now Press Start in the Inventory of an activateable structure to toggle its active state (campfire etc)
- Improved Structure destruction vfx
- Fixed issue where you couldn't interact with some nearby Dinos / Access Inventories in Singleplayer / when Hosting
- Fixed a singleplayer crash that could occur randomly when moving through the world
- Doubled the Slider Ranges on the 'Host Game' UI (in a future patch will uncap it with editboxes ala PC)
- 226 MB groß
Release: 23.12.2015
- Winter Update
- 226 MB groß
Release: 16.01.2016 (v. 730.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de
- Weitere Optimierungen
- Viele Fehler werden ausgemerzt
- Weitere 100 Server werden bereit gestellt
- Neue Tier "Känguru" welches 2 Reiter transportiert, wird hinzugefügt
- 1,392 GB groß
Release: 13.02.2016 (v. 731.0)
Quelle: gameswelt.de | xboxfront.de | xboxdyansty.de | gameswelt.de | gamepro.de
- All PC Content up thru PC version 233
(Beer, Dung Beetle, Dimetrodon, Gallimimus, Shock Prod, Riot Armor, Greenhouse Tileset, etc etc)
- SPLIT-SCREEN MULTIPLAYER for both Online and Local Play!!
- Rendering Framerate improvements (~20%)
- Non-Dedicated Multiplayer tether range increased +33%, Maximum
number of players in non-dedicated sessions increased to 8!
- Fixed cursor erroneously resetting to "Favorites" button after attempting to join a server
- Fixed a memory leak that would eventually crash the client over time
- Fixed log-out when plugging in Play-&-Charge Kit
- Fixed crashes when entering long text into Notes
- Fixed inability to connect/reconnect sometimes after losing connection ('stuck at PrimalGameData loading screen')
- Fixed duplicating dinos in singleplayer
- Fixed losing Tribe Data
- Fixed Host Settings not saving
- Improved range & performance of 'Ground Clutter' effect
- Fixed multi-colored Dimorphodon ;)
- Framerate wird verbessert
- 4,5 GB groß
Release: 19.02.2016
- 1,353 GB groß
Release: 08.03.2016 (v. 732)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Terror Bird, Big Bieber und der Enterhacken werden hinzugefügt
- Numerous crash fixes
- Add Community Game Localization
French, Italien, German, Spanish, Russion, Portuguese-Brazil, Czech, Danish,
Hungarian, Polish, Swedish Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian
- 20 % Performance Boost
- 1,953 GB groß
Release: 08.04.2016 (v. 733.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- New Cave-Dungeons: Snow and Swamp.
- New Creatures: Woolly Rhino, Eurypterid, & Dunkleosteus. Breeding Mechanics Phase 2“ etc
- New „Extinction Event“ Servers which reset after each month, with an in-game countdown!
- Improved game framerate by approximately 10% (rendering & cpu)
- Fixed Bug: Focus is now NOT on the Leave Tribe button when opening the Tribe Menu, also added a Leave Tribe confirmation dialog.
- If you get stuck underground, you now teleport back above ground.
- Mammoth colorization fixed
- Timer values that were resetting to 0 on „Reset Options“ now reset to their correct value
- Server administrators can now specify a list of administrator users to have access
to the full set of administrator (console) commands, as on PC.
Singleplayer/Non-Dedicated hosts always have this option. If you have administrator access,
all PC console commands can now be inputted at the Pause Menu.
- Server Options now have edit boxes for inputting direct arbritrary values.
- Spyglass now works properly in splitscreen
- 6,3 GB groß
Release: 13.04.2016 (v. 733.4)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed Beaver/Dam spawn rates
- Fixed/improved „out of memory“ crashes (responsible for most current crashes)
- Fixed invisible supply crates in caves/underwater on clients
- Fixed multi-floor building on Rafts and Platform saddles (disallowed on Quetz still due to exploit)
- Improved rendering performance slightly (~4%)
- Fixed player dedicated servers that were not spawning dinos
- Fixed case where dino harvesting would break
- 3,0 GB groß
Release: 21.04.2016
- 240 MB groß
Release: 17.05.2016 (inhalte aus PC Patch 239 & 240)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Kreatur: Diplodocus
- Neue Kreatur: Blutegel
- Permanente Krankheiten & Kuren
- Biome Update: Schnee Erweiterung & Redwood Wälder
- Tribe Gruppen Phase 2: Unterstützung für begrenzte-Non-Admin Einladungen & Promotions pro Gruppe
- Dragon Arena
- Ruinen und Explorer Hinweise
- Neue Serveroption: außer Kraft setzen von pro-Item Crafting kosten
- Neue Serveroption: Beutetabellen für jede Art von Vorratskiste außer Kraft zu setzen
- Neue Serveroption: Anzahl der Mitglieder in Tribes zu begrenzen. Standard: keine Begrenzung
- Ihr könnt jetzt Pickup und Dodos werfen
- 10 GB groß
Release: 23.05.2016 (v. 735 | Stand PC Patch 241.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Die Karte wird erweitert und vergrößert (Nordküste, Das Sumpfgebiet)
- Es wird starke Veränderungen in der mitte der Karte "Grand Piek" geben
- includes such things as Broodmother Arena, Megapithecus Arena, Direbear, Manta, Chem Table,
Prim Cannon, Lystrosaurus, Arthropluera, Sabertooth Salmon, Primitive Bola, Tribe Rank Management
- Fixed memory/crash issues, massively reduced game memory overhead
- Improved rendering performance by approximately 10%
- Fixed the huge stall/lock/crash when you „Transfer“ a bunch of items at once
- Spawn-In First Person Animations are now playing properly once again
- Fixed audio clipping
- Fixed general case where you could place structures within world geometry
- Reduced Wild Compy HP and Damage by 50%
- Fixed crash in Session List UI when Removing Bookmarks or Switching Server Filter Mode
- Fixed Invite Friends in-game menu option
- Fixed performance issue with distance field shadows
- 7,2 GB groß
Release: 25.05.2016 (v. 736)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed singleplayer/non-dedi saving on TheCenter (this will not wipe player dedicateds again!)
- Added Dodo, Kairuku, & Dung Beetle pickup & toss
- Added Arthropluera Turret AI mode
- Fixed some out-of-control TheCenter spawners, and added resources to Skull Island on TheCenter.
(For the time being recommend that Player Dedis run ‚
cheat destroywilddinos‘ command to avoid the out of control spawners)
- Automatically Fixed Player Dedi saves that could become too large due to out of control spawners
- Fixed another case of audio clipping
- Reduced Bola timer on humans by 50%, since humans are dexterous enough to
get out of a bola more quickly. Also made Bola take a little Hide to craft.
- 1,621 GB groß
Release: 15.06.2016 (v. 737)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Insgesamt verbesserte Framerate
- 15 % Client- und Server-Performance Steigerung! Wichtige CPU und
GPU Leistungsgewinne aufgrund des erhöhten Multithreading
- Sämtliche Bugfixes und Inhalte der PC-Version von Patch 240.0 bis 242.4:
Diplodocus Leech, Dragon Arena, Trainingspuppe, RPG Werteanzeige,
Offline Raid Schutz, Babydinosaurier Aufzucht, einstellbare Folgen Reichweiten,
Exploit Beseitigungen etc.
- Alle erweiterten Einstellungen wie bei der PC-Version möglich
- Fehler bei spielerdedizierten Servern behoben, dass diese nicht in der Liste auftauchten
- Abstürze auf spielerdedizierten Servern behoben. Einführung einer Auto-Backup-Funktion,
um zu vermeiden, zukünftig keinen Zugriff mehr auf sein Savegame zu haben
- 1,942 GB groß
Release: 05.07.2016 (v. 738)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Primitive Plus Mod wird auf Konsole eingebaut
- Xbox Live Erfolge werden hinzugefügt
- New Item: The Chain Bola ammo for ballista turret!
- New Item: Gas Mask!
- New Item: Herbivore “TastyCakes”
- New Structure: Retractable Rope Ladders!
- New Structure: Tree Sap Taps! Slowly extract valuable syrup
from the great redwoods for use in a variety of new recipes
- New Mechanic: Custom Tripwire Alarm Notifications via SurviveTheArk.com (E-mail and Forum).
Optionally Tribes can post to arbitrary URL, if they have a custom system!
Now if someone’s raiding your base, you can get on top of it!
- GroundClutter effect extended 50% further and +20% more GPU efficiency
- Balled Doed’s are no longer invincible to Tamed Dino melee attacks — now just very, very resistant to them
- Magnifying Glass now displays creature Torpor stats (on Wild creatures too)
- Tribe Alliances now disabled in Offline Raid mode (too complex to determine if anyone in an Alliance is around),
C4/Traps can no longer be placed near
- Offline-Raid Protected Structures, and Offline-Raid mode now forces all Structures to be Lockable
so that players can “Lock” Crop Plots to prevent their turrets from being disabled
- New Server option to prevent tribe alliances
- Engagement with Wild Naturally-Fleeing & Small creatures (tiny bugs etc) no longer trigger combat music
- Tamed Dinos that are following a submerged allied Target will not attempt to float to the surface of the water,
but rather will attempt to stay at the depth of their allied Target.
(helpful when deliberately going deep-diving your tamed land Dinos).
However, Dinos that are capable of suffocating will try to surface if they are out of Oxygen regardless!
- Vaults can no longer be dropped onto saddle platforms
- Transfer-All/Drop-All methods now only drop/transfer what is currently disabled in the inventory,
respecting any filters/folders you may have active (so for example,
if you’re within a folder, it will only transfer those items,
or if you have a text filter active, etc)
- Fixed an issue where pillars were not being calculated correctly as foundations when building pillars downwards
- Dedicated Server Save-Backups
- Memory saving & cpu performance increase approximately 5%
- 11 GB groß
Release: 01.09.2016 (v. 739)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | areagames.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Native 720p support full 3d rendering
- HUD now in 1080p
- Primitive+ Total Conversion!
- TheCenter update!
- Approximately ~10% framerate improvement
- Cross-ARK Official Transfer Gates
- All PC Content up thru v245 (Pelagornis, Allosaurus, Fishing, etc
- The Gateway, Cross-ARK travel & Cross-Official-Server Transfer
- New Dino: Tapejara!
- New Dino: Archaeopteryx!
– New Structure: Large Ceiling Dino Doors (Particularly useful for Flyer Hangars)
- Something else very big…
- Procedurally Generated ARKs
- New Structure: Dynamic-Length Bridges
- New Structure: Large Ceiling Dino Doors (Particularly useful for Flyer Hangars)
- New Mechanic: Breeding Phase 3: Random Mutations and Family Trees
- New Mechanic: Explorer Notes
- More Creatures, Gear, Armors, Weapons, & Structures!
- Underwater Dungeons, Tek Caves, „Ascension“ Game Progression, „Boss Wars“
- Aquatic and Amphibious Mating/Lifecycles
- Specific Representative „on-ground“ meshes for all dropped items
- 23 GB groß
Release: 06.09.2016 (v.)
- 3,4 GB groß (3,38 GB)
Release: 20.09.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Zwei neue Dinosaurier sind Tapejara und der Archaeopteryx
- Nachtsichtbrillen
- „Zentrale Fantasy Map“ wurde erweitert und enthält nun 13 neue kleine Höhlen
- 2,3 GB groß
Release: 29.09.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | arkforum.de
- 8,4 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2016
Quelle: arkforum.de
- Primitive+ wurde aktualisiert
- Probleme mit The Center wegen zu wenig Speicher wurde behoben
- Viele Fehler wurden ausgebessert
- 8,19 GB groß
Release: 14.10.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
-1,96 GB groß
Release: 23.10.2016
Quelle: areagames.de
- Tree Platforms now have +70% HP and +50% resistance to explosive damage
- Directly wield your weapons when mount-riding smaller Dinos
- Radial Wheel Menu text size now scales with number of entries (to avoid Diplodocus overload, etc)
- Spectators can now see player-talking moving lips & hear voice chat when in range
- Fixed player collisions onto big dino ragdolls
- Non-Drop-In Supply Crates (Cave/Underwater crates etc) no longer have decreasing Health over time
(no longer auto destroy), but they can also not accept Inventory anymore and can not be used to generate Boss Tribute Portals.
Release: 02.11.2016
- 4,37 GB groß
Release: 20.11.2016
- 2,34 GB groß
Release: 25.11.2016
- 1,69 GB groß
Release: 16.12.2016 (v748)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Inhalt von PC Patch 252.0
- Erfolge werden endlich hinzugefügt
- 7 % Leistungssteigerung durch neue PhysX-Bibliotheken
- 4 neue Dinosauerier werden ins Spiel eingebaut
- 7,06 GB groß
Release: 22.12.2016
- 1,71 GB groß
Release: 16.01.2017 (auch für PS4)
Quelle: play3.de
- Modus der prozedural generierten Karten wird hinzugefügt
- Alle Inhalte aus der PC Version 0.253.x
- Einige Fehlerbehebungen
- 4,56 GB groß
Release: 21.01.2017
- 290,32 MB groß
Release: 14.02.2017
Quelle: mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de
- 12,55 GB groß
Release: 18.03.2017 (v751) (v255)
Quelle: arkforum.de | play3.de
- Neue Kreatur: Electrophorus
- Neue Kreatur: Microraptor
- Neue Kreatur: Ammonite
- Neue Kreatur: Thylacoleo
- Neue Struktur: TEK Schutzschild-Generator
- Neue Struktur: TEK Gebäudeteile und Türen
- 4 neue Bärte und Frisuren - freischaltbar über neue Entdeckernotizen
- 30 neue Entdecker Notizen
Fixes / Fehlerbehebungen / Korrekturen
- Verbesserungen des Task Graph Threading und der RHI Systeme (neuste Unreal Engine Technologie)
die zu etwa 15% mehr Leistung führen, weil die Nutzung der Grafikkarte nun vollständig zum Tragen kommt
Anpassung von Raketenwerfern und Sprengstoffen:
- C4: 70% mehr Schaden als Raketen an Gebäuden
- Der Raketenwerfer hat nun keine eigenen Stats mehr, dafür aber 20% höheren Grundschaden
- Raketenturrets nehmen beim Schießen jetzt einen kleinen Schaden an sich selbst, sie können nicht mehr schießen, wenn Ihre HP unter 5% sind
- Flugsaurier, die C4 tragen fliegen jetzt mit einer fixen, langsamen Geschwindigkeit
- Die Item-Stats von mit der Angel fischbaren Gegenständen sind jetzt gekappt
auf ein bestimmtes Limit um nicht unverhältnismäßig starke Items mehr bekommen zu können
- Verschiedene Optimierungen zur Netzwerknutzung,
weitere größere Optimierungen kommen in den nächsten Minor-Updates mit dazu
- Problem mit nicht sichtbaren Tooltip bei befruchteten Eiern behoben
- Problem mit dem neuen Wert MaxPersonalTamedDinos behoben - hier wurde der Counter-Wert nicht reduziert, wenn man Dinos ungeclaimed hatte
- Ammonite Blut kann bis auf weiteres nicht mehr als Köder für die Angel genutzt werden
- Wilde Thylacoleo klettern jetzt ordnungsgemäß an Bäumen
- Gezähmte Thylacoleo können auf PVE Servern nun wilde Beute mit einer neuen Greifattacke packen
- Der beschnittene ItemStat Wert wurde etwas erhöht, um die höherwertigen Tier-Gegenstände besser widerzuspiegeln
- Verbesserungen des Task Graph Threading und der RHI Systeme (neuste Unreal Engine Technologie)
die zu etwa 5-8% mehr Leistung bei Clients und etwa 5% auf Servern führen
- Loot wurde für das "Jumping Puzzle" auf TheCenter bis auf weiteres deaktiviert
- 19,49 GB groß
Release: 22.03.2017
- 2,19 GB groß
Release: 26.04.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Struktur: TEK Power Generator. Der kabellose Generator versorgt TEK Strukturen und
alle elektrischen Tribe Strukturen in anpassbarer Reichweite.
- Neue Strukturen & Mechaniken: TEK Unterwasser-Basis. Erlaubt den Bau einer geschlossenen Struktur unter Wasser.
Mit Ventilatoren zur Versorgung eines Raumes mit Sauerstoff.
Luftschleusen und „Moonpools“ erlaubt Spielern das Betreten und Verlassen der Basis, ohne diese zu überfluten.
- Neue Struktur: TEK Teleporter. Erlaubt Spielern sich in der offenen Welt fortzubewegen. Sehr kostspielig in der Anschaffung.
- Neue Struktur: TEK Mosa Sattel. Einmal richtig auf einem Mosasaurier platziert, rüstet er das Biest mit Lasern und mehr aus.
- Vier neue Kreaturen: Equus Magnus, Leedsichthys Conviviumbrosia, Ichthyornis Piscoquus und Iguanodon Vicissitudinis.
- Mechaniken: Brüten von amphibischen und aquatischen Kreaturen.
- Überarbeitung der Menüs: Die erste große Überarbeitung der Menüs ist erfolgt.
Das Inventar wurde optisch und funktional komplett überarbeitet, inklusive einem modernen und gradlinigen Look.
- Jeweils ein neuer Haarstil bzw. eine Gesichtsbehaarung für beide Geschlechter.
Pferdeschwänze die wachsen, inklusive echter Physik und Koteletten.
- 30 neue Entdeckernotitzen
- Neue Waffe: Das Lasso
- 5,43 GB groß
Release: 03.05.2017
- 2,25 GB groß
Release: 19.05.2017
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de
- Außerdem findet die riesige TEK Cave ihren Weg in das Spiel.
Sie stellt den Endgame-Inhalt von ARK dar
- Das Levelcap wurde auf 100 angehoben, ihr müsst allerdings eure Engram-Punkte neu verteilen.
- Ebenfalls neu ist der Megalodon-Sattel.
- Über die Klon-Kammer ist es möglich, eure liebsten Dinos zu klonen.
- Ebenfalls neu sind riesige Bienen, die ihr zähmen und dann den Honig ernten könnt.
- Zu den neuen Kreaturen im Spiel gehören auch der Kentrosaurus
mit seinen Rückenstacheln sowie das Kriegsschwein Daeodon.
- 18,13 GB groß
Release: 09.06.2017 (v256)
Vier neue Kreaturen
- Equus Magnus
- Leedsichthys Conviviumbrosia
- Ichthyornis Piscoquus
- Iguanodon Vicissitudinis
Neue Strukturen für das TEK Tier
- TEK Teleporter
- TEK Mosa Saddle
Weitere Inhalte
- Mechanic: Aquatic & Amphibious Creature Breeding
- Dinos: Equus, Leedsichthys, Ichthyornis, Iguanodon!
- Total Inventory Menu redesign (other UI’s coming soon!)
- 1 New Hairstyle and 1 New Facial Hairstyle (male and female variants). Growable ponytails with full physics and mutton chops!
- 30+ Explorer Notes
- New Weapon: The Lasso
- 34,24 GB groß
Release: 01.07.2017
- 16,62 GB groß
Release: 04.07.2017
- 170,67 MB groß
Release: 08.07.2017
- 8,66 GB groß
Release: 12.07.2017
Quelle: play3.de
- Eine 144 km² große Karte, die entworfen wurde, um zu Land, See oder Luft erkundet zu werden
- Zahlreiche zu erntende Ressourcen
- Höhlen aller Formen und Größen, die entworfen wurden, um in ihnen zu bauen
- Bestimmte Variationen an früheren ARK-Kreaturen sowie eine spezielle brandneue Kreatur,
die lediglich in Ragnarok verfügbar ist
- Baue Baumplattformen auf einzigartigen Bäumen und Felsen
- Weite Biome, die entworfen wurden, um abgehärtete Erkunder zu belohnen
- Einige der herausforderndsten Dungeons in ARK werden auf die Spieler warten
- Ein aktiver Vulkan, der eine hohe Anzahl an Ressourcen in der Form von Lavakristallen liefert, wenn er ausbricht
- Wundervolle Ausblicke und Basen-Standorte soweit das Auge sehen kann
- Heiße Quellen, die einen entspannenden Buff bieten, wenn sie ruhen,
aber gefährlich werden, wenn sie aktiv sind
- Ruinen, die nicht nur erkundet werden können, sondern auch in den Basenbau eingebunden werden können.
- Ein gewaltiger Ozean mit einem eigenen Ökosystem
- Zukünftig kommende Wüstenbiome, um Kreaturen zu finden und zu zähmen
- Kommende Erkundernotizen, die den Schlüssel zu den Geheimnissen und der Geschichte Ragnaroks bereithalten
Release: 17.07.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- TheCenter and PGMs now use TheIsland’s alpha spawner arrays.
- TheCenter lightning light flashes now stop after it has rained!
- New Achievement: TheCenter Guardians Achievement for defeating its bosses
- Dragon boss no longer present on TheCenter
- Center Boss damage reduced by 33% versus TheIsland bosses
- Fixed Bosses so they no longer have random levels, but will scale correctly on game and server difficulty.
- Primitive+: Pachyrhino and Lystro are now tameable with Bug repellant and Rare flowers respectively
- Primitve +: Primitve pick axe and torch should now persist after logging out
- Primitive+: Battle axe and Viking axe blueprints now work in the grindstone
- Primitive+: Crash fix for flying over an Explorer Note.
- [Console] No longer crash if generating a PGM after loading TheIsland.
- Improved TheCenter Lava
- Troodon food has increased
- Sounds have been added to the UI Radial Menu
- The implant has been locked to the first slot of inventories
- Leeches have been added to the Swamp Cave
- Significantly reduced the number of Arthros in Swamp Cave
- Improved MoveTo attack trace, should be easier to select smaller targets now.
- When teleporting to player pos via tether, the teleportee now gains a +2 z offset
- Stonepick Melee attacking while running no longer stops the run toggle on controller
- Volume of crouch-prone in-out increased by 45%
- [Console] PGM no longer ooms after initial generation
- New commands to see where Dinos are when hibernated, as well as teleport to the nearest hibernated creature.
„cheat hiwarp raptor_character_bp_c“ and „cheat hibernationreport raptor_character_bp_c“
- Fixed a potential lighting issue when leaving the Broodmother Arena
- Fixed some super-bright water reflections
- Increased the capsule size of Pternadon to make sure it can’t fit thru player sized door frames
- Fixed character creation screen cursor not displaying in Primitive+
- Improved Troodon low-poly
- TheCenter now has Obelisk amb sounds ala TheIsland
- No longer missing the option to delete individual player dedicated saves for maps
- Placement Rotation indicator now appears with controller
- Fixed a case where Right Trigger would punch forever
- Pressing B on the controller when you have a Combo Box open will now result in canceling it (eg PGM)
- Correctly focusing on engrams when tabbing between Engram and Inventory UI
- A whole bunch of split-screen bugs were resolved!
- Fixed a case where the UI would focus drop all after placing an item into the quick slot
- Fixed a fog of war exploit in SP
- Fixed ATV not saving
- R. and SG. commands no longer work in console shipping environments
- ATV: RB should toggle first person as when riding a dino, RT should honk horn
- Fixed a case where Megalania couldn’t climb Destructible Rocks — perhaps just on console?
- FPV hands now enter a special ‚dragging‘ anim pose when dragging a body
- When there are no additional element items to load into the weapon, Tek Rifle icon text should say „0%“ (or whatever %), not „0% +“
- Torches on dino saddles now scare away Troodons.
- Fixed a case where Corpse Locator did not work reliably while underwater.
- Fixed an issue where certain engrams weren’t learnable (e.g The Campfire)
- Removed difficulty strings from PGM spawn points
- Fixed a case where Extended H player hud label for tribes would be cut off
- 25 more element to build Tek Generator
- Safari Hat and Thorny Dragon Skins & Parasaur Saddle can be dropped like all the other skins
- Slightly louder & farther atten human death sound
- We now display dino entry icon next to „you have tamed“ notification
- Reduced Dolphin tamed run speed by 15%
- Fixed an issue with low quality Beaver Dams
- Night Vision goggles drain 20% slower (last longer)
- Tek Rifle and Explosives damage foliage
- Increase Explorer Note unlocked volume by 5%
- No longer play time transitions when the player has no pawn.
- Added special corner icon on „skin“ items to tell them apart from regular items.
- Attaching quality torches to saddles no longer converts them into primitive quality when the durability runs out.
- Fixed a case where remote inventories were not transferring to the appropriate folder.
- Gigas are no longer able to gather wood by eating snow trees in the snow biome.
- Fixed Cave spawns on TheCenter
- Accessing a Bee Hive no longer provides health
- LT and RT Functionality swapped for Painting
- Boss Arena teleporter pads and obelisk pads are correctly colourized.
- Obelisk laser beam is now aligned with the terminal center.
- Sand looks darker, wetter, and shinier where appropriate (more for console)
- Rain VFX has been improved to not be so close to the camera and now appears no matter how fast you go
- Cave lighting improved on Carno Island
- Tek Jepack superboost („takeoff“) sound has been changed to make it sound more like a jetpack
- Removed the drop shadow from the right hud icons
- Host Sess UI: Delete Procedural ARK button needs to have a confirmation dialog
- Changed title on „Tame Groups“ panel to „Tame Ordering Groups“ and will
now display an asterisk next to the active groups button label text
- Double-tap X (controller) to activate weapon attachment is now indicated on options controls gamepad
- Fixed case where some loading tips would be cut off.
- Tribe Log increased on Console
- Now buttons which are selected appear brighter on the Main Menu’s Help menu.
- Engram label texts are not modulating by the UI panel alpha (thus aren’t fading out with the rest of the UI)
- When you already have a survivor (i.e. you have the respawn button visible), there is a confirmation dialog for
when you „Create New Survivor“ saying „Warning: This will destroy your previous Survivor, are you sure you wish to proceed?“
- Fixed a case where the number of empty item blank spots in storage boxes are inaccurate
when you have any filter enabled such as search filter or folder filter
- Center burned tree LODs have been improved
- Improved LODs for various trees, twigs, branches, stumps, etc.
- Fixed a case where female face texture may have been lower rez (perhaps console only?)
- The level up animation on the Mammoth no longer causes the player to become a gymnast.
- Dolphins don’t spawn in underwater caves
- Fixed a case where the Alpha Buff wouldn’t display on underwater creatures.
- Improved LODs for Woolly Rhino, Beaver, Camelsaurus, Ichthyornis, Daeodon, Stag, and Sheep.
- TEK Tapejara Saddle now has a torch socket
- Made sure TheCenter prevents flyers in its key caves
- Eliminated any bigfoot ground shakes
- TheCenter now has combat biome appropriate music (ala TheIsland)
- TheCenter now has wind and ambience SFX in the boss area
- Wild beehives are no longer affected by the StructureResistanceMultiplier
- Yuty now has a faster rotation rate when in melee attack range (see the Rex)
- TekCave Purlovias now have a 65% chance to be underground (previously was 50%)
- Wild Itchy now has a 20s delay on its theft attack and a 2500 radius for targeting player or tame after it’s found you.
- After Alpha Ascension, you should have access to the Rex Bionic Skin.
After Defeating TheCenter End Bosses, on any difficulty, you should have access to the Giga Bionic Skin.
- Wyverns should now teleport to the Manticore Arena.
- Female now have a status suffocation-enter and suffocation-leave sounds
- Boss Arena Cooldowns are eliminated in Single Player
- There is now a „This Weapon Can’t be Used Here“ prevention volume HUD notification in appropriate areas (e.g boss arenas)
- There is now a 25% chance of fog with any rain!
- More Eels, Trilobites, and Euyrps in underwater overworld
- Decreased implant open/close volume by 20%
- Reduced Slingshot fire vol by 10%
- Polar Bear aggro range in the ice cave should be increased to something similar to the other hostile creatures in there.
- Removed non-iceberg Kairuku spawns on TheIsland
- Reduce targeting range of AI in both underwater caves by 50%,
and reduced spawn quantity in HARD cave specifically by 33%, also Eels in the hard cave now spawn in groups of 2, not 6
- Baby Wyverns no longer consume too much milk.
- Analog stick panning of 3D Painting Preview is no longer step-based (for precision)
- Fixed case where Gorilla LOD would be on low/fur would vanish from a distance.
- Moved any Explorer Notes previously found in the TEK Cave as it is a gauntlet dungeon and can be distracting for players.
- Gorilla Boss punch sounds adjusted.
- Pegomastax attack SFX are no longer vicious sounding.
- ORP Dinos should no longer have AI’s and thus not be particularly useful in boss fight.
- Fixed a case where TheCenter would have no atmospheric fog.
- SP no longer has a massive slowdown until respawning when suiciding
- Pressing Right Bumper with a controller when the Transponder Node weapon equipped should set the frequency,
equivalent to pressing ‚N‘ on keyboard control
- Hesperonis no longer teleports/pops back up to the surface after diving.
- Increased return-from-boss teleport pawn spread (less cases of being stuck when returning back to the Ob!)
- TheCenter Night has been made darker
- SP: Hair grows 20% slower
- Transfer-all sound increased by 33%
- Minimum draw distance increased by 10%
- If there is no inventory or harvesting component on a corpse, it will no longer display it the fact that <NAME> is dead.
- Dragon Player spawn adjusted slightly
- Fixed a case where Wandering Fish would cluster in corner
- FPS no longer dips when you painting yourself
- All HUB UI will be auto-closed when there is no player character
(Previously Explorer Note UI that was opened would persist through respawns)
- 22,16 GB groß
Release: 18.07.2017
- 176,36 MB groß
Release: 11.08.2017
- 19,40 GB groß