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Xbox Early Game Preview Update Details


Beta Version: Snooker Nation Championship 2016


Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | playm.de

- Das Spiel befindet sich nun ion der Open Beta Phase

- Bot Matches wurden hinzugefügt

- es wurde einem neuen Tutorial beglückt

- Voicechat wurde eingebaut

 - Das Spiel hat eine neuen Benutzeroberfläche erhalten

-8,42 GB groß

Release: 05.02.2019 (Version


- 1,25 GB groß

Release: 29.05.2019 (Version


- 1,16 GB groß

Beta Version: Ghost of a Tale

Release: 08.07.2017


- 3,22 GB groß

Release: 18.08.2017


- 3,42 GB groß

Beta Version: Deep Rock Galactic

Release: 20.03.2018

- 3,68 GB groß

Release: 06.04.2018 (Gun and Tunnels)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed several issues with mouse sensitivity. Sensitivity was not the same in Space Rig and in a Mission, they are now the same.

 Sensitivity had different values for horizontal and vertical, they can now be set in option.

- Fixed Grappling hook infinite life bug


- First implementation of different tunnels for every planetary region

- Added crystal spikes than can drop from the ceiling in Salt Pits

- Sticky Goo added to Fungus Bogs

- Electro Crystals are added and can be found in the Crystal Caverns Region

- Try to prevent dead end tunnels when they are really small and have tight bends.


 - New icons for Complexity and Length. It should now be more obvious that Complexity is a serious difficulty increase.

- Complexity icons now shown above Mission icons

- Mission payout directly show below Mission icons


- There is a new switch in the space rig, I wonder what it does?


- Cycle through players while waiting to be revived or for the game to end. No more staring at your soon to be corpse!


- Sawed off Shotgun shoots 15 pellets dealing 6 damage each: increased to 10 damage each

- Sawed off Shotgun Max ammo 30 bullets: decreased to 16

- Sawed off Shotgun Max Ammo Upgrade: decreased from +10 to +8


- Starting Ammo Capacity changed from 1800 to 1600 rounds.

- It is now fed ammo continuously from a single, upgradeable ammo drum – no more reloading!

- Overheats slightly faster: tweaked from 10 seconds of continuous fire to 9.

- Overheating is more punishing: time to cool down raised from 8 seconds to 10

- Upgrades reworked: Upgrades involving ammo and magazine increase have now been made to only focus on the magazine size.

First upgrade originally gave you +400 bullets to max ammo it has been changed to +400 to magazine size.

Second magazine upgrade will give you a total boost of +400 bullets where it before only increased the magazine size.

Resulting in the Gatling Gun packing impressive 2400 bullets when maxed out!

- New Tungsten Bullet upgrade for Gatling Gun has been added allowing you to boost the damage 25%.

A mandatory upgrade for players with affinity for Extreme difficulty.

- Added smoke effect to make it more obvious when you overheats


- Changed viewmodel FOV for 100 to 90

- First person view of Weapons are now less stretched

- Reduced overall clipping issues


- Pickaxe will be less aggressive in hitting non hostile objects

- FIX: Grappling hook getting stuck in grapple mode

- Prevent Pickaxe when using Last Equipped weapon key

- Rephrased super shotgun upgrade to match that it does not get double barrel fire only faster fire rate.

- Fixed Shotgun reload speed upgrade not showing correct numbers


- Bosco can now detect smaller veins of minerals when you order him to mine

 - Bosco is now be better at not being in the way when you’re mining minerals


- FIX: Control layouts now contains Controller Layout (again)

- Fixed large upgrade digits barely fit in the UI

- Mission Map locked mission gfx update

- Mission Map: Mission Icons now transparent if mission is locked, Password has correct spacing

- Fix ui bug if incoming player is kicked before he selected character


- Added more space between text lines on terminals (for accented languages)

- Updated all languages from Crowdin

- Korean added to game


- Driller Pistol Reload Animations

- Driller Pistol and Scout Shotgun are now considered reloaded when it fits the animation, not when the animation ends.

This will be implemented on other weapons when they get their own reloads. (Sound update missing)

- Fixed console background anims on clients

- Laser Pointer gfx update

- Background removed from Interact popups

- Damage Overlay gfx updated

 - Improved cave leech sounds

- Made Fire animations for flamethrower and gatling gun loop correctly instead of starting over repeatedly

- Fixed tracer on assault rifle

- Shield & health damage overlays now clears after revive

- Drop Spike audio fix

- Added maggot crawl audio

- Tweaked camera offset on 1st person arms.

- Gatling Gun muzzle particle offset tweaked

- Tweaked Tentacle audio location

- Add Weapon Sway to all items

- Added new gatling overheat particles

- Power Drills is now smoking when they overheat.

- Scaled up the flamethrower particles


- Server list defaults to not show password servers

- Asteroids no longer smooth shaded on loading screen!!!

- Controller Right stick is now used as mouse scroll wheel

- Remove Steam Friend test when inviting friends. Private sessions should handle it better now and

it was preventing clients inviting friends that were not friends with the server.

- Fixed Molly not being Golden in Memorial Hall when unlocked

- Make Molly and the large spiders prefer to walk on floor

- Fixed Weapon crash

- Enemies are no longer „staggered“ by physical damage (Melee)

- Fixed updated Ammo and Clip size was not applied when you first spawned into the mission

- Changed Item scale in first person so that they clip less with other objects.

- Minor fix. Make molly prefer positions on floor when searching for random spot

- Try to fix/improve network errors. Enable kick of players that have not selected a character

- Fixed flare gun flare randomly getting ejected from walls when they are destroyed nearby

- Fixed depth meters for Biomes

- Better support for pathfinder blockers and danger zones. NPCs recalculate paths when entering an area that has changed.

- You can no longer revive while carrying a gem

- Fixed enemies not being able to walk where the drop pod was landed after it has taken off

- Platforms can no longer form inside the drop pod

- Supply Pods can only be called down on terrain.

- Better host quit message

- Newest FOV changes… moved the weapons a bit further away in some animations

- Fix dwarf status is not shown on endscreen

- 898,27 MB groß

Release: 20.04.2018

- 922,47 MB groß

Release: 15.05.2018

- 930,65 MB groß

Release: 22.06.2018

- 979,32 MB groß

Release: 23.06.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de






- Build the beard of your dreams! Individually customize hair, eyebrows, sideburns, moustache and beard!

- All armor has received an overhaul! More detail has been added in general, and armor now supports textures! Look at the nice tiger stripes on the Gunner’s armor!

- The original selection of beards has been broken up into parts and added back in to support the new system.

- A small selection of new Hats, Hair, Helmets, Beards, Moustaches, and Sideburns have been added. We are by no means done here yet, this was just what we managed to get in for this patch.


- During missions in the Sandblasted Corridors, you will now have a chance of  encountering blinding sandstorms and forceful wind tunnels.

- The Magma Core just got a lot hotter! Try to avoid the hot magma rock

It burns! Also notice that explosions will expose the hot magma rock under the surface

turning the battlezone into a dangerous place for friends and foes.




- Start ammo increased from 10 to 12 platforms.

- Mag size increased from 3 to 4 platforms.

- Extra platform upgrade added. First upgrade adds 4 to max ammo, second upgrade adds another 4, making it possible to shoot out 20 platforms when fully upgraded.

 Time to build some awesome bridges and staircases!


- Starting sentry gun max ammo increased from 400 to 425.

- Damage per bullet has been decreased from 7 to 5.5.

- You can now upgrade max ammo for the sentry guns. The upgrade gives +75 max ammo

making you reach a total max ammo capacity of 500.


- The starting clip size of the Handgun has been increased from 8 to 12 bullets.

- Clip size upgrade has been increased from +4 bullets to +6 bullets.


- Bosco now deals 8 points of damage instead of 6 per shot

- Friendly fire factor decreased from 0.2 to 0.1. Not fun being killed by your favorite Drone afterall!



- Praetorians now spit acid!

- Praetorian difficulty rating increased. It is now more deadly, so you will encounter fewer of them.

- Fixed Deeptora Swarms not attacking players.

- Added armor and weak spots to Infector. Also increased base HP, aim for the weak spots for a quick kill.

- Fixed swarmer tunnel debris in Radioactive.

- Blood splatter when enemies hit you.

- Added Jump attack to the Glyphid Swarmers.

- Tweaked end wave pressure.

- Reduced the alert distance of Glyphid Grunts  and Praetorians. Players have to be closer before they attack.

- Added new Glyphid sounds and tweaks.

- Swarmer Tunnels debris material fixed

- Salt Caves tunnel crystal madness fixed.

- Exploders get speed boost when near another Exploder exploding.

- Fixed Glyphid Spawner weak points.

- Increase AI avoidance for Exploders.

- Fixed Cave Leech grabbing already paralyzed target.

- Align Glyphid Spitters towards target when stationary.

- Magtera spawn no longer shoots through walls and require line of sight before shooting at a player

- Magtera spawn are now able to shoot when the host isn’t looking at them


- Red Sugar leaves chunks on the ground if you mine it while at full health.

- Radioactive materials and colour tweaks.

- Tweaks on post process effects.

- Steam Geysers in Fungus Bogs can now spawn at more interesting angles. Have Fun!

- Made the Glowtree illuminate a much larger area. The more Bulbs you shoot the brighter it gets

 - Fungus Bogs wall material tweak.

- Lush wall material tweaks, Nitra tweaks, Gold tweaks.

- Slightly randomize animation speed of animated foliage so they are not all in same phase of animation.

- Added exploding plants to Fungus bog and Dense Biozone (as colour variant).

- New passive creature: Silicate Harvester added to Dense Biozone and Radioactive regions. You can ride it!


 - New cave shapes. More variations for the level generation.

- More randomization for the existing cave shapes.

- Unique cave structure for the Salvage Operations.

- Cave complexity is now more accurate, making sure that the difference between simple and complicated caves is more apparent.

- High Complexity missions are now locked to player rank (2 for medium and 3 for high complexity).

- Hazard level: Tourist has been removed for now. Very few players were playing this mode and it felt a bit broken how you were earning zero gold or xp.


- Added laser pointer warning to radioactive crystals.

- Added Gatling Gun gunsling animation.

- Fixed laser pointer distance bug.

- Holding time to equip laser pointer with controller is shorter.

- Sentry gun fix – It would sometimes shoot things that were not enemies.

- Bullet casings for gatling gun and assault rifle have been reactivated.


- Teammates icons always visible displaying current health, special states (like being grabbed by a cave leech), and shouts.

- Laser pointer pings when it hovers over a resource.

- When laserpointer equipped, hold FIRE to place personal waypoint.

- New crosshairs for most weapons.

- Hit indicators removed in their previous form. Now some parts of the crosshair will turn red to confirm that an enemy has been hit.

 Red arrows appear on the health bar when the shot hit a weak spot.


- Update Chinese translation.

- Turkish added to supported languages.

- Fixed trading buy/sell+crash exploit.

- Fix Bosco related crash.

- Tweaked ‚Player Down‘ HUD & team icons.

- Mission Control now announces gravity recalibration.

- The hosting player now jumps the same height as clients (was lower before).

- For Xbox we have added Dynamic resolution

- 919,43 MB groß

Release: 06.07.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Missionen erhalten jetzt optionale Mutatoren.


- Increased the sprint speed bonus of the Weekend Athlete perk.

- Rank 3 Field Medic Perk will send nearby Glyphids fleeing when you finish reviving a teammate.

- Rank 5 Resupplier Perk will auto-reload all your weapons when you resupply.

- Fixed grammar and typos on several Perks and Milestones.

- Red Sugar Rocks: Max rank will give you a 20% speed boost for ten secs.

- 979,31 MB groß

Release: 11.07.2018 (Hotfix)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 979,31 MB groß

Release: 31.08.2018 (Update 16)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 1,00 GB groß

Release: 20.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Small lava geysers in groups added

- Earthquakes now might cause the ground to crack open


- Burn enemies for a while to set them on fire. Fire can propagate to nearby enemies. Same goes for Dwarves, so watch it!


- Brand new and improved flamethrower model

- Updated weapon icons

- Improved first person particles plus new and revamped particles for most weapons


- Damage of Praetorian acid spray reduced by approximately 50%

- Improved Bomber death animation

- Enemies take more damage when they are frozen


- Milestones related to Vanity or Upgrade acquisitions will retroactively be awarded to those who achieved them before they were introduced.


- A bunch of new voice lines for the dwarves!

- New weapon audio: Minigun, Flamethrower


- Improved cave generation, items less likely to spawn inside level geometry

- Map display resolution increased

- Voice lines for destroyed terrain no longer trigger if volume mined is 0

- Proper naming on a Red Crystal in Salt Caves + particles

- Weapon can no longer be reloaded when you’ve run out of ammo

- Molly’s Destination Marker should no longer rotate weirdly if joining in progress

- Client’s screen should no longer shake if the Host is trying to break free of ice

- Correct animation now plays if the Bomber dies while spitting acid

- Language settings changes are now correctly saved

- 1,06 GB groß

Release: 11.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 12.10.2018


- 972,95 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2018


- 972,95 MB groß

Release: 30.10.2018


- 973,93 MB groß

Release: 31.10.2018


- 973,93 MB groß

Release: 30.11.2018


- 1,13 GB groß

Release: 05.12.2018


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2018


- 1019,01 MB groß

Release: 19.12.2018


- 1,02 GB groß

Release: 21.12.2018


- 1,02 GB groß

Release: 10.01.2019


- 1,01 GB groß

Release: 06.02.2019


- 919,08 MB groß

Release: 19.02.2019


- 1,05 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2019


- 1,17 GB groß

Release: 01.03.2019


- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 03.04.2019


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 10.04.2019


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 16.04.2019


- 1008,76 MB groß

Release: 12.07.2019


- 1,20 GB groß

Release: 10.10.2019


- 1,45 GB groß

Release: 12.10.2019


- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 15.10.2019


- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 16.10.2019


- 1,08 GB groß

Release: 18.10.2019


- 1,06 GB groß

Release: 22.10.2019


- 1,05 GB groß

Release: 25.10.2019


- 1,06 GB groß

Release: 04.11.2019


- 1,06 GB groß

Release: 04.12.2019


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 09.12.2019


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2019


- 1,14 GB groß

Release: 19.12.2019


- 1,15 GB groß

Release: 03.01.2020


- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 07.02.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 12.02.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 24.02.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 28.02.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 13.03.2020


- 1,18 GB groß

Release: 02.04.2020


- 1,27 GB groß

Release: 03.04.2020


- 1,27 GB groß

Release: 13.05.2020 (Version 1.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 1,46 GB groß

Release: 29.05.2020


- 1,38 GB groß

Release: 15.06.2020


- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 19.06.2020


- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 24.06.2020


- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 29.06.2020


- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 30.06.2020


- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 13.10.2020


- 112 KB groß

Release: 15.10.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 2 brandneue Missionstypen mit sich: „Escort Duty“, ein kampflastiges Unterfangen, das Zwerge zum mysteriösen Ommoran Heartstone schickt, und

 „On-Site Refining“, das Bergleute mit der Suche nach flüssigen morkitischen Brunnen beauftragt, das neue Pipeline-Durchquerungssystem zu durchblicken und die Depots zu leeren.

- Neue Kosmetische Items: Auswahl an neuen Bärten, Kopfbedeckungen und Frisuren werden hinzugefügt

- Waffen-Balance-Anpassunge wqerden durchgeführt

- Neue Meilensteine und Erfolge werdne hinzugefügt

- NMeue Zwergen-Rufe sind verfügbar

Roughneck DLC Pack

- 4 neue Rüstungssets, neuer Helme und Paintjobs

- 1,69 GB groß

Release: 22.10.2020


- 123,6 MB groß

Release: 26.10.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 1,54 GB groß

Release: 30.10.2020


- 184,99 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2020


- 256,75 MB groß

Release: 23.11.2020


- 680,38 MB groß

Release: 02.12.2020


- 95,25 MB groß

Release: 10.12.2020


- 109,32 MB groß

Release: 11.02.2021 (Update 33)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Zwei neue Biome:

Azure Weald; man sagt „Töten oder getötet werden“ ist das Mantra dieses Ortes.

Optisch ist die Gegend atemberaubend, mit schillernden, biolumineszenten Flechtenbüscheln, die die Dunkelheit erhellen und diese fruchtbare und überwucherte Region in flackernden Neonfarben erstrahlen lassen.

Im Gegensatz dazu ist Hollow Bough eine viel dunklere, düstere und organische Angelegenheit, die an das Innere von hohlen Bäumen erinnert.

- Missionsüberarbeitungen: Modi Eliminierung, Rettung und Punkteroberung. Zwerge, die zu Eliminierungsaufgaben antreten, haben doppelte Probleme, da zwei neue Dreadnought-Varianten aus Hoxxes IV auftauchen.

Die Bergleute treten gegen den Dreadnought Hiveguard und die Monsterzwillinge an: Dreadnought Arbalest und Lacerator.

- Streamer können sich freuen! Für geschäftstüchtige Zwerge und Content Creator gilt es, Urheberrechtsstreiks um jeden Preis zu vermeiden. 8 neue „sichere“ Tracks sind jetzt für alle Spieler verfügbar.

- Außerdem gibt es in diesem Update einen Haufen neuer Tanz-Moves, es ist also an der Zeit, den Dancefloor zu erobern!

- Eine neue Handels-Terminal-UI, eine neue Animation für Molly beim Andocken der Abwurfkapseln.

- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 22.02.2021


- 209,28 MB groß

Release: 23.02.2021


- 113,24 MB groß

Release: 25.02.2021


- 153,41 MB groß

Release: 26.02.2021


- 35,04 MB groß

Release: 02.03.2021


- 113,32 MB groß

Release: 16.03.2021


- 148,18 MB groß

Release: 07.05.2021 (Version 1.34.53081.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Am  Balancing nach dem Feedback der Community werden umgesetzt

- Eine Funktion wird endlich die Tastenbelegung auf dem Controller ändern und nach euren Wünschen anpassen können

- 804,36 MB groß

Release: 21.05.2021 (Version 1.34.53390.0)


- 158,93 MB groß

Release: 12.10.2021 (Version 1.34.60832.0)


- 223,27 MB groß

Release: 18.11.2021 (Version 1.35.63603.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | season1=xboxdynasty.de

- Season 1 ist gestartet und der erste Battle Pass kann erworben werden

- Neue Missionstypen, Waffen, Overclocks, werden kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Weiterekosmetische Gegenstände sind nun verfügbar

 - Eine Verbesserung des Userinterface werden vorgenommen

- 1,31 GB groß

Release: 19.11.2021 (Version 1.35.63815.0)


- 233,12 MB groß

Release: 01.12.2021 (Version 1.35.64107.0)


- 198,11 MB groß

Release: 09.12.2021 (Version 1.35.64653.0)


- 415,55 MB groß

Release: 20.12.2021 (Version 1.35.65027.0)


- 120,38 MB groß

Release: 22.12.2021 (Version 1.35.65091.0)


- 102,64 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2022 (Version 1.35.65535.0)


- 108,43 MB groß

Release: 28.01.2022 (Version 35.1.686.0)


- 203,21 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2022 (Version 35.1.1680.0)


- 162,49 MB groß

Release: 23.02.2022 (Version 35.1.1895.0)


- 25,81 MB groß

Release: 06.04.2022 (Version 35.1.3918.0)


- 170,55 MB groß

- PS4: 241,4 MB groß (Version 1.09)

Release: 05.05.2022 (Version 36.1.5267.0)

Quelle play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Season 2 ist gestartet

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,8 GB auf 3,0 GB erhöht

- 2,32 GB groß

- PS4: 1,886 GB groß (Version 1.12)

Release: 10.05.2022 (Version 36.1.5423.0)


- 399,13 MB groß

Release: 20.05.2022 (Version 36.1.5842.0)


- 426,57 MB groß

- PS4: 293,5 MB groß (Version 1.16)

Release: 10.06.2022 (Version 36.1.6056.0)


- 333,46 MB groß

Release: 21.06.2022 (Version 36.1.6960.0)


- 424,86 MB groß

- PS4: 261,0 MB groß (Version 1.17)

Release: 04.07.2022 (Version 36.1.7740.0)


- 344,48 MB groß

Release: 09.09.2022 (Version 36.1.8282.0)

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K mit 60 FPS / dynamscihe 4K mit 120 FPS

- 2,27 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 384,45 MB groß

Release: 13.09.2022 (Version 36.1.9936.0)


- 227,50 MB groß (Nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 267,93 MB groß

- PS4: 259,7 MB groß (Version 1.18)

Release: 22.09.2022 (Version 36.1.10254.0)


- 165,51 MB groß (Nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 373,58 MB groß

- PS4: 202,2 MB (Version 1.19)

Release: 07.10.2022 (Version 36.1.11259.0)


- 148,99 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 355,91 MB groß

Release: 17.11.2022 (Version 37.1.13597.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com

- Season 3 ist gestartet

- 829,77 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 863,15 MB groß

- PS4:  MB (Version 1.20)

Release: 20.12.2022 (Version 37.1.15215.0)


- 329,10 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 334,14 MB groß

- PS4: 334,8 MB (Version 1.26)

Release: 24.11.2022 (Version 37.1.13938.0)


- 203,84 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 213,82 MB groß

- PS4: 670,4 MB (Version 1.23)

Release: 30.11.2022 (Version 37.1.14266.0)


- 253,06 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 216,09 MB groß

- PS4: 324,0 MB (Version 1.24)

Release: 13.12.2022 (Version 37.1.15008.0)


- 320,38 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 279,38 MB groß

- PS4: 317,8 MB (Version 1.25)

Release: 16.01.2023 (Version 37.1.16339.0)


- 363,09 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 359,30 MB groß

- PS4: 350,0 MB (Version 1.27)

Release: 02.03.2023 (Version 37.1.18417.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 5. Geburtstag wird gefeiert vom 02.03.2023 bis zum 16.03.2023

- 494,76 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 476,66 MB groß

- PS4: 390,3 MB (Version 1.29)

Release: 09.03.2023 (Version 37.1.18752.0)


- 260,11 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 198,13 MB groß

- PS4: 267,0 MB (Version 1.30)

Release: 27.03.2023 (Version 37.1.19484.0)


- 271,99 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 208,49 MB groß

- PS4: 336,4 MB (Version 1.33)

Release: 10.05.2023 (Version 37.1.21246.0)


- 202,55 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 207,00 MB groß

- PS4: 245,1 MB (Version 1.34)

Release: 22.06.2023 (Version 38.1.23050.0)

Quelle: play3.de

- Season 4 "Critical Corruption" ist gestartet

 - 885,03 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 816,52 MB groß

- PS4: 603,8 MB (Version 1.37)

Release: 29.06.2023 (Version 38.1.23174.0)


 - 209,93 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 206,62 MB groß

- PS4: 269,8 MB (Version 1.38)

Release: 06.07.2023 (Version 38.1.23337.0)


 - 208,19 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 213,70 MB groß

- PS4: 274,1 MB (Version 1.39)

Release: 14.08.2023 (Version 38.1.24023.0)


 - 268,84 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 285,59 MB groß

- PS4: 317,7 MB (Version 1.40)

Release: 12.09.2023 (Version 38.1.25070.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Neues Event "Bier- und Bratwurstparty" ist gestartet

- Schaut an, wie die Wurst angezogen wird: Zieht euch an, um mit zwei festlichen Aufträgen zu beeindrucken.

Schließt die Aufgabe „Jagd auf Lederhosen“ ab und findet eine köstliche Lederhose und Hüte aus vergangenen Oktoberfesten, die ihr anziehen könnt.

Wenn euch die alte Mode nicht zusagt, können Zwerge auch einen brandneuen „Würstchenbucket“-Hut in der Aufgabe „Oktoberfest feiern“ freischalten.

- Vielleicht ist es ein Deja-Bräu: Das beste Wurstbier kehrt in die Abyss-Bar zurück, wozu noch Biergartengeräusche hinzukommen, um den negativen Beigeschmack des alleinigen Trinkens zu beseitigen.

Außerdem wurde das Space Rig für die Feierlichkeiten herausgeputzt, mit aufblasbaren Würsten. die….ach egal.

Wie auch immer, die Startrampe sieht nüchtern gut aus, aber mit einer Bierbrille noch besser.

- Ein perfekter Leistungspunkte-Bonus für den Krug: Die Langbartfracht hat ihre Ladung, gefüllt mit Bechern für das beste Wurstbier, schon wieder verloren.

 Anstatt sich über diesen schlampigen Lieferservice zu beschweren, belohnt Mission Control die Bergleute,

 die diese Krüge in den Minen finden, mit einem doppelten Bonus an Missionsleistungspunkten.

- 336,27 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 362,54 MB groß

- PS4: 370,9 MB (Version 1.42)

Release: 28.11.2023 (Version 38.1.27829.0)


- 318,54 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 361,97 MB groß

- PS4: 368,9 MB (Version 1.43)

Release: 09.01.2024 (Version 38.1.28901.0)


- 234,90 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 286,58 MB groß

- PS4: 338,6 MB (Version 1.44)

Release: 22.02.2024 (Version 38.1.31070.0)


- 348,52 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 384,84 MB groß

- PS4: 378,5 MB (Version 1.45)

Release: 25.04.2024 (Version 38.1.33575.0)


- 163,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 219,91 MB groß

- PS4: 290,4 MB (Version 1.46)

Release: 27.06.2024 (Version 39.1.6286.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Season 5 "Drilling Deeper" ist gestartet

- 896,13 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 865,13 MB groß

- PS4: 724,4 MB (Version 1.48)

Release: 03.07.2024 (Version 39.1.6643.0)


- 224,60 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 223,80 MB groß

- PS4: 306,8 MB (Version 1.49)

Release: 01.08.2024 (Version 39.1.37010.0)


- 188,16 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 262,16 MB groß

- PS4: 315,7 MB (Version 1.50)

Release: 19.09.2024 (Version 39.1.38873.0)


- 369,11 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 374,35 MB groß

- PS4: 370,3 MB (Version 1.51)

Release: 24.10.2024 (Version 39.1.40646.0)


- 256,65 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 259,60 MB groß

- PS4: 333,6 MB (Version 1.52)

Beta Version: Claybook

Release: 16.03.2018

- 2,27 GB groß

Release: 31.08.2018

- 2,10 GB groß

Beta Version: PixARK (Beta beendet)

Release: 05.04.2018

- 5,68 GB groß

Release: 29.05.2018

- 2,11 GB groß

Release: 06.08.2018

- 80,31 MB groß

Release: 19.11.2018

- 1,80 GB groß

Release: 11.01.2019 (Version

- 1,62 GB groß

Release: 10.06.2021 (Version

- Speichergröße von 2,4 GB auf 3,00 GB erhöht

- 2,33 GB groß

Release: 31.05.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

Release: 25.06.2019  (Version


- 1,76 GB groß

Release: 07.08.2019  (Version


- 1,76 GB groß

Release: 23.08.2019  (Version


- 1,79 GB groß

Release: 14.01.2020  (Version


- 1,91 GB groß

Release: 28.07.2020  (Version


- 1,90 GB groß

Release: 15.04.2021  (Version


- 2,37 GB groß

Release: 21.04.2021  (Version


- 1,79 GB groß

Beta Version: Descenders

Release: 07.08.2018

- 4,81 GB groß

Release: 20.08.2018

- 3,46 GB groß

Release: 30.10.2018 (Version

- 3,72 GB groß

Release: 07.05.2019 (Version

- 4,79 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2019 (Version

- 2,33 GB groß

Release: 23.10.2019 (Version

- 4,98 GB groß

Release: 25.03.2020 (Version

- 6,71 GB groß

Release: 02.04.2020 (Version

- 3,80 GB groß

Release: 11.05.2020 (Version

- 5,95 GB groß

Release: 30.06.2020 (Version

- 5,47 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2020 (Version

- 9,30 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2021 (Version

- 8,43 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2021 (Version

- 8,43 GB groß

Release: 08.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de |  twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Cross Play mit PC nun möglich

- Xbox Series X Support: 4K mit 60 FPS / 1080p mit 120 FPS

Xbox Series S Support: 1440p mit 30 FPS / 1080p mit 60 FPS

- verbesserte Anti-Aliasing-Einstellung

- Deutlich größere Zeichentiefe

- Deutlich größere Schattenwürfe

- Deutlich höhere Texturauflösung

- Verbesserte Schatten

- Mehr Laub

- Höhere Qualität des Geländes

- Bewegungsunschärfe und SSAO aktiviert

- 12,01 GB groß

Release: 14.07.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Neue Bike-Parks

- Mount Slope

- Dutchman’s Rock

- Dryland’s National Park

- 9,60 GB groß

Release: 20.07.2021 (Version


- 8,14 GB groß

Release: 28.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 9,24 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2021 (Version


- 8,29 GB groß

Release: 24.06.2024 (Version


- 12,05 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 12,14 GB groß

Release: 08.08.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 12,4 GB auf 12,2 GB reduziert (beide)

- 11,82 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 11,82 GB groß

Release: 09.08.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 12,2 GB auf 12,4 GB erhöht (beide)

- 12,05 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 12,05 GB groß

Release: 16.08.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 12,4 GB auf 12,1 GB reduziert (beide)

- 11,75 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 11,75 GB groß

Beta Version: Divinity Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

Release: 31.08.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 23,49 GB goß

Release: 14.09.2018


- 9,62 GB groß

Release: 11.10.2018


- 1,44 GB groß

Release: 18.10.2018


- 1,23 GB groß

Release: 03.12.2018


- 690,09 MB groß

Release: 31.01.2019


- 672,55 MB groß

Release: 14.02.2019


- 753,77 MB groß

Release: 08.03.2019


- 774,58 MB groß

Release: 05.09.2019 (Version


- 625,37 MB groß

Release: 12.11.2019 (Version


- 2,20 GB groß

Release: 23.01.2020 (Version


- 3,38 GB groß

Release: 25.02.2020 (Version


- 219,07 MB groß

Release: 15.06.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

- Gratis DLC "The Four Relics of Rivellon" wird hinzugefügt

Captain Armour: Diese Rüstung kann die Gedanken von anderen dominieren. Jedes Teil verstärkt außerdem Glücksbringer, Überzeugungskraft und Handeln.

Vulture Armour: Eine leichte Rüstung, die dem Träger eines vollen Sets permanente geierartige Flügel verleiht.

Das volle Set verstärkt außerdem den Schaden, der von erhöhter Position verursacht wird.

Devourer Armour: Ein Rüstungsset, das den Träger fast unverletzlich macht.

Während des Kampfes wird die Rüstung einen Gegner innerhalb der Reichweite markieren.

 Angriffe auf diesen Gegner können ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen und verursachen extra Schaden.

Contamination Armour: Ein uraltes Rüstungsset, das aus Magie erschaffen wurde, die seit langem als verschollen galt.

 Jedes Teil bringt Resistenz gegen Gift und das gesamte Set verleiht dem Träger Immunität gegen Gift, sowie die Fähigkeit, explodierende Sporen zu erschaffen, die Gegnern im Kampf Schaden zufügen.

- 1,21 GB groß

Release: 13.08.2020 (Version


- 284,18 MB groß

Release: 02.09.2021 (Version


- 199,44 MB groß

Beta Version: Trailmakers

Release: 18.09.2019 (Version


- 9,73 GB groß

Release: 12.10.2019 (Version


- 6,84 GB groß

Release: 08.11.2019 (Version


- 2,69 GB groß

Release: 27.11.2019 (Version


- 8,49 GB groß

Release: 23.01.2020 (Version


- 9,43 GB groß

Release: 31.01.2020 (Version


- 2,33 GB groß

Release: 16.07.2020 (Version


- 6,19 GB groß

Release: 30.07.2020 (Version


- 308,58 MB groß

Release: 06.08.2020 (Version


- Im Game Pass hinzugefügt worden

- 492,26 MB groß

Release: 19.08.2020 (Version


- 492,93 MB groß

Release: 28.08.2020 (Version


- 2,88 GB groß

Release: 09.09.2020 (Version


- 1,75 GB groß

Release: 14.01.2021 (Version


- 4,54 GB groß

Release: 22.01.2021 (Version


- 5,45 GB groß

Release: 23.04.2021 (Version


- 5,70 GB groß

Release: 21.05.2021 (Version


- 4,03 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2022 (Version


- 5,96 GB groß

Release: 03.05.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 6,4 GB auf 6,0 GB reduziert

- 5,60 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2022 (Version


-  5,70 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2022 (Version


-  6,14 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2023 (Version


- 4,69 GB groß

Release: 03.07.2023 (Version


- 2,52 GB groß

Release: 03.11.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 8,3 GB auf 8,2 GB reduziert

- 4,94 GB groß

Release: 28.11.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 8,2 GB auf 8,3 GB erhöht

- 3,41 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2023 (Version


- 3,23 GB groß

Release: 11.03.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 7,8 GB auf 6,9 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 8,3 GB auf 7,4 GB reduziert

- 4,35 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,32 GB groß

Release: 14.03.2024 (Version


- 3,23 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,38 GB groß

Release: 24.04.2024 (Version


- 4,39 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,48 GB groß

Release: 01.05.2024 (Version


- 3,21 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,18 GB groß

Release: 23.05.2024 (Version


- 2,75 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,78 GB groß

Release: 15.08.2024 (Version


- 3,35 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,43 GB groß

Release: 05.09.2024 (Version


- 2,25 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,61 GB groß

Beta Version: Surviving the Aftermath

Release: 31.10.2019 (Version ->

- 46,75 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Colonist traits will no longer be applied when loading a game.

- This caused colonists to die when loading a saved game occasionally, and their trait reduced health to 0 or to get stuck when speed reached 0.

- Solved an issue that occasionally caused all the tutorial steps being activated simultaneously after loading a Saved game.

- Fixed an issue that caused a permanent FPS drop because of extremely long paths being elaborated by the Colonist pathfinder algorithm.

- The main menu will no longer get stuck when saved games with corrupted metadata are present (thanks to kfugrip for reporting the issue!)

- Fixed an issue that caused flashing graphics and caused menus not to be accessible in certain save games.


- Increased the House storage capacity from 3 to 4 colonists

- Increased the Two-Story house capacity from 6 to 8 colonists

- Gate storage increased.

This should mitigate the critical issues reported with this feature, such as loss of goods scavenged by Specialists

We are working on a proper fix for this feature that will be implemented in a future patch.

- Increased the amount of concrete by 50%

- Reduced the water consumption rate by 50%

- Metal can now be found in larger quantities in the World Map.

- 3,33 GB groß

Release: 14.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 3,79 GB groß

Release: 18.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Improved the performance of colonist simulation.

- Improved the performance of Work Areas

- Fixed an issue that caused the World Map actions to get stuck after killing a bandit.


- Colonists will now correctly enter the Medical Tent instead of going to the corner of the building.

- Specialists can no longer die instantly in the most hazardous locations.

- Unused Vaccine resource removed from the Warehouse input list.

- Reduced the trading costs of the Wandering Merchant event, and removed rare resources from the payment options.

- 3,47 GB groß

Release: 20.11.2019 (Version


- 3,51 GB groß

Release: 22.11.2019 (Version


- 48,56 MB groß

Release: 05.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 4,01 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2019 (Version


- 3,94 GB groß

Release: 09.01.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- [Community request] Twitch integration allows viewers to interact with different options within the game.

- Vote between different event results.

- Vote for the next catastrophe to be unleashed upon the player.

New Tutorials added: Outposts, Vehicles, and Trading.

- Improvements to Paradox and Xbox account linking user experience.

- Fix to Forester and Trapper when the work area was placed into an empty area and caused incorrect behavior.

- Societies are now randomly selected.

- Empty portrait icons are now shown in survivor group information popup when there are no children or adults in the group.

- Colonists that occupy houses and workplaces will now be highlighted when the building is selected.

- [Community request] Improvements in the top bar.

- Tools and Clothes now show the number of items that are about to break within a day.

- Food growing in the fields is now separated from the Production number under the Food category.


- Corpses eventually decay in the Burial. Once a corpse is decayed, the slot it was occupying becomes available.

- Meteor Shower has fewer meteors but they’re much shorter and much more intense. This change also reduces performance impact, especially on Xbox.

- Specialist Action Points reduced slightly to balance them with vehicles.

- Specialist Scavenge and Research amount increased to compensate for AP reduction.

- Tradable resource quantities balanced and prices added.

- Starting reputations added to societies.

- Rebalanced resources on the World Map and added Fuel.

- Producing Clothing now costs three fibers instead of two – as Fiber is now more readily available.

- Pandemics are now slightly more contagious and infections slower to treat.

- Cabbage and Peanuts are now a lot faster to harvest to make them more desirable compared to other crops.

- 4,16 GB groß

Release: 16.01.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

    - New tutorials added for Vehicles, Garage building and for how to send Specialist teams with Vehicles to World Map.

    - Death notifications now contain the name of the colonist if only one colonist died.

    - Junk resource was moved to the Parts resource tooltip in the top bar.

    - Only show extractor work area for the same type of extractors instead of all types.

    - Twitch voting time can now be set from settings.

    - Venison can no longer be planted in the fields.

    - Specialists will no longer lose all their APs when exiting Vehicles.

    - Specialists inside Vehicles will still have their APs to use even after that Vehicle’s APs have been spent.

    - Failed trade state is now shown correctly.

    - When writing feedback, player input will no longer execute actions behind the feedback panel.

    - Multiple localization related issues fixed.

    - Xbox: Scrolling through Specialist in World Map with LB/RB now works correctly.

- 4,14 GB groß

Release: 07.02.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de


- Completely new Tech tree with new techs and tech types!

79 techs to unlock In total.

Inside each main line there are alternative routes and optional sub-branches.

Techs now unlock buildings and as a new feature, other improvements as well.

Unlocking tech now also requires time in addition to science points.

- [Community request] Specialists and Vehicles can now be automatically sent back to the colony.

- Hovering over resources in Storage buildings will now show a tooltip with the name of the resource.

- Updates to Twitch integration settings.

- Survivor group icon at the gate will no longer disappear during save & load.

- Improvements to command handling in the World Map.

- Hovering over multiple overlapping objects in the colony now works in a more intuitive way.

- Water quality setting is now correctly selected with the running GPU type.

- Time of day and speed controls now have tooltips.

- Multiple localization issues fixed.

- Zoom In and Zoom Out keybindings reversed for correct behavior.

- Status of persons clothes and tools are now shown as color bars in the person’s info panel.

- Xbox: Mouse cursor is no longer visible in the Main Menu when launching the game.


- Societies now have Leaders and they can be interacted with! This will be improved in the future with new mechanics to interact with societies, improved trading etc.

Selecting a society in the world map opens a society menu where the leader greets the player in different ways based on the reputation level.

- [Community request] World map movement lines now show how many days each movement action will take to complete.

- Fixes to the Vehicle repair system:

More assigned Specialists means faster repairs.

Vehicles take damage while traveling on the World Map.

Fuel resource is used to repair the damage.

Garage UI now properly updates while the info panel is open.

- Trapper efficiency now correctly changes after trees are cut from the work area.

- Medicine and Iodine amounts are now correctly shown in the top bar.

- Amount of survivors in a survivor group will no longer scale too much with the population.

- Large plank deposit added, with multiple graphical variations.

- Seven new events added with new illustrations.


- General visual overhaul was done to the game:

Post processing and lighting greatly improved.

Normal maps for most of the objects improved.

Height variation added to full grown trees.

Ground texture improvements.

- Concrete extractor no longer rotates incorrectly during animation.

- All colonist 3D models have been updated.

- Specialist 3D models now display additional items on the world map. Can’t venture into the wasteland without the proper equipment!

- Vehicle and their damage models improved, sounds were added to vehicles.

- Crops are now correctly aligned in the medium-sized field.

- Food storage building model changed.

- Gate now has banners with the colony symbol instead of a flag.

- Gate now opens when accepting a survivor group.

- Colonists and Specialists now have variations to their idle animations.

- Depleting large resource deposits can be seen visually in the 3D model.


- [Community request] Birth rate algorithm in the colony has been changed, this should reduce the number of babies born in the colony.

- Sawmill now needs to be unlocked in the tech tree and uses Energy.

- Several “un-teched” building values adjusted down to balance them with the new Techs.

- Reduced the amount of Fiber production from Trapper, Recycler and Plastic Extractor.

- Sunflower seeds can now be gained from events.

- Locations now have more Science Points to compensate for the greatly increased tech count.

- Catastrophe warning time reduced to one day without a Radar, which increases it to three.

- Number of vehicles on the World Map reduced slightly.

- Soybean yield decreased, insect farm production increased to compensate for spending more resources on them.

- Increased the time Specialists need to recover back to full health.

- Increased the amount of resources Specialists scavenge per action.


- Added support for setting building animations and state through WorkStateConfig.

- Added support for adding DamageVisualizer to building prefabs to show custom building damage models.

- 4,40 GB groß

Release: 20.02.2020 (Version


- 4,06 GB groß

Release: 05.03.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 4,03 GB groß

Release: 12.03.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Loading a save game while on World Map sometimes caused the game to get stuck.

- Resources no longer disappear if tech to increase storage capacity is unlocked and the storage is filled with higher than default amount of resources.

- Generic tech icons updated with their own unique icons.

- Last trade deal no longer overrides all other trade deals when loading a save game.

- Garage and Sauna now gather resources to their storage only when they actively need them.

- Repair of a building is no longer paused when the building itself is paused.

- Repair floater over a building is now shown with higher priority than damage floater.

- Garage is now destructible and repairable. Stored resources are also now shown correctly in the Garage info panel.

- Tenement and Emergency shelter icons updated to match the new 3D models.

- Rubber Scrubbers tech has been activated for the Survivalist ideology.

- Sauna now shows a floater when there is no firewood available for it.

- Fixed an issue where trade route visualization sometimes overshoot the target society hex.

- Add possibility to easily return items selected for trading back to the inventory.

- Lumber Yard now has proper working sound effects.

- Societies and outposts on the world map now have ambient sound effects.

- Science point and currency history is now shown in the statistics menu.

- Forester now stops working when there is no more space to plant trees.

- Leader graphics updated.

- Clicking a trade notification now opens the society window.

- Flour amount is now shown in the top bar.

- Camera no longer travels to the middle of the colony map when following a colonist and the colonist dies. All floater icons are also removed from dead colonists.


- [Community request] Changes on how people reproduce in the colony. The rate of child births should be a lot higher now.

- [Community request] Mess hall recipes are now more efficient than Cookhouse ones.

- Sauna storage space and firewood consumption decreased.

- Trading prices for vehicles are now cheaper.

- More fiber locations added to World Map.

- 4,40 GB groß

Release: 09.04.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 3,72 GB groß

Release: 23.04.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


 - Fixed issue in World Map generation that caused locations to be placed under mountains. Due to this, World Map will reset for all old save games.

- Saving during gate combat now loads the game into identical state, instead of starting the gate combat from the beginning.

- Trade routes are now limited so that the colony can only have one per society.

Health bar for enemies is now shown during gate combat.

- Colonists now stand still instead of running in place if they need to wait for pathfinding to be completed.

- Carrying a body while the target Burial Pit is destroyed is now handled correctly.

- You can no longer rename dead colonists. Because that would be rude.

- Childrens 3D model variations are now selected correctly, instead of falling back to the first one.

- Fields now show the correct plant type when loading a savegame where the field was mid harvest.

- “For the Working Man” event no longer gets stuck on it’s last stage.


- Tweaked hostile groups to provide a more consistent gate combat experience throughout the game.
Attack damage reduced for wildlife and bandits.

- Reduced Rat Beetle walking speed.

- Gate repair cost has been reduced.

- 3,52 GB groß

Release: 07.05.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- The Sandworm is changed to do ranged attacks instead of melee attacks.

- Enemy unit spawn points improved inside the colony. [Community request]

- Some bandits now target buildings instead of colonists.

- Colonists no longer chase enemies too far from their start location.


- Health bars are now hidden when the unit hasn’t taken damage in a while. [Community request]

- The roads are now rendered in a completely new way with new graphics.

- Colonist and Building info panel tabs moved from the edge of the window to inside of the window.

- Fallout catastrophe now has a more intense acid rain effect.

- Colonists now have guard and hostile versions of themselves.

- Sawmill now shows electricity effects during magnetic storms.

- Animal textures have been updated that makes them easier to spot from the environment. [Community request]


- Increased bandit health and decreased their damage overall to make combats last longer.

- Colonists at the gate now have slightly stronger defense against attacks.

- Increased Fuel value and decreased Oil value, to make trading refined Fuel profitable.

- Weapons added to world map locations.

- Meals are now more expensive to produce, but they have higher nutritional value than normal food.

- 3,88 GB groß

Release: 14.05.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- “Hungry Mouths, Busy Hands” event now longer gets stuck.

- Some events now modify their content based on previous answers to other events.

- Fixed issue where animal attack timeout was not properly loaded from savegame.

- Wild animals are now pooled to improve performance when new wild animals are spawned.

- Dead colonists are now longer revived from savegame if they have Traits affecting health.

- Sounds added to the Guard Post building.


- Health bar graphics shown during gate combat have been improved.

- Malnutrition icon updated.

- Weapon icon updated.


- Reduced the chance for animal attacks during early game.

- 3,87 GB groß

Release: 19.06.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 4,22 GB groß

Release: 25.06.2020 (Version


- 3,74 GB groß

Release: 13.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 4,09 GB groß

Release: 17.09.2020 (Version


- 2,70 GB groß

Release: 23.09.2020 (Version


- 2,03 GB groß

Release: 22.10.2020 (Version


- 3,14 GB groß

Release: 29.10.2020 (Version


- 3,20 GB groß

Release: 05.11.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed the overlay legend panel so that the colors shown there now match the colors shown in the colony itself.

- Fixed an issue with the navigation on quest pop ups with a controller

now you can select other options besides the first one from certain pop ups, when playing with a controller.

- Fixed an issue that allowed the quest to be triggered several times through the panel, which caused issues with saving and loading.

- Fixed an issue that could cause resources being carried to a construction zone to disappear if a Specialist died while carrying them.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the entire colony to become stuck if a building was destroyed right before it had finished a cycle of production.


- Improved the readability of building placement visuals to spot invalid placement more clearly as the blocked squares will have more clearer indication.

- 1,88 GB groß

Release: 03.12.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 3,41 GB groß

Release: 17.12.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- The feedback icon in the top right corner has been changed back to the Ladybug.

- Added the resource Electronics to the game. This resource can be gained by producing it in the Electronics Factory, scavenging it from locations on the World Map and by trading with other societies.

The Electronics resource can be found in the Other category in the top bar. The resource is used for some of the new building upgrades.

- The ability to set a Production limit has been added to several new buildings. This will allow you to ensure your colonists are not wasting their time by acquiring too many resources of one type when they could work as carriers instead.

- Storage buildings are no longer filled based on the weight of the resources inside them. They now get filled based on the amount of resources instead.

We have also balanced the storage spaces of all storage buildings based on this change and how much larger they get with the techs that increase their size.

- The Bakery building now has two new recipes to select from.

- The resources required to make Bread have been changed.

- Fixed the rewards for the Quest “Nuclear Beast” to prevent it from giving three times the same reward.

- The Living Beings overlay now shows different floaters for Workers, Carriers, Guards and Children.

- Fixed an issue where the health of the Specialists would not be updated correctly in the Specialist panel on the top of the screen.

This should now always be updated correctly whenever their health drops or whenever they are healed.

- Construction zones for buildings that are vital to surviving catastrophes will have an increased priority during catastrophes.

- Fixed an issue that caused the efficiency percentage to not work correctly for buildings like the Trapper.

The buildings should also show an indicator and a status text to indicate too low efficiency for the building to work.

- The efficiency percentage should now be updated as the trees grow or as they are cut down. Previously the percentage was updated only if the work area was moved.

- Fixed an issue with the notification that alerts you that a Specialist has low health while scavenging. This should now only appear if the location has hazards and the Specialist is in real danger of dying.

- Fixed an issue with the system that defines which catastrophes you will experience next. Winter should now occur more frequently.

- The Forester building should now plant trees that are more appropriate for the soil.

- You should now be able to select colonists from the Occupants list from buildings.

- The Forester building should now show the correct text during Winter. The building is not intended to be functional during this season as the ground is frozen.

Previously the building would show a text that indicated it could work if heated. This text should now tell you that it is disabled by the catastrophe.

- Added a “Restore Defaults” button to all tabs in the Settings.

- Wheat should no longer be eaten by colonists or used to make meals in the Cookhouse or the Mess Hall. It should only be used to make Flour in the Mill.

- Modified the amount of trees that are generated in different soils. This should cause for example dry soil to have much less trees than fertile soil.

- Fixed an issue that caused the fog that covers the World Map to be entirely removed when a sector was scouted.

- Fixed an issue that caused the energy consumers to turn on and off when the energy balance is negative.

This issue caused the floaters to appear and disappear and for the animations of the buildings to start, stop and then start again.


- Storage buildings now show more rows of resources in them.

- The colonists working as guards should now show a crossbow icon as their Weapon if no better weapons are available for them to use.

- Person icons have been updated around the game.

- Tweaked the existing models for several buildings and added new models for the upgraded version of the buildings.

Balance adjustments

- The capacity of the Burial Pit has been reduced.

- The storage size of the Sauna has been reduced.

- All crops have been rebalanced based on their properties.

- The pollution value of foods has been balanced a bit more.

- Adjusted the rate that affects how quickly colonists warm up in their shelters.

- Made the Insect farm work faster to be a more consistent source of food and rebalanced the properties of the insects that can be farmed there.

- Decreased the production times of the Fishing Hut and the Aqua Farm.

- Reduced the size of the World Map slightly.

- Changed the resources the Campsite can hold by removing a few of them.

The removed resources were mainly endgame resources that are not available at the start of a new game.

- Slightly increased the amount of Science Points found on the World Map to help with the new Tech Tree.

- Slightly increased the amount of Science Points found on the World Map to help with the new Tech Tree.

Release: 14.01.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- 5 new quests have been added to the game.


- Fixed an issue with the upgraded Ranch building that caused saves to be broken when loaded.

The following could be observed when the problem occurred: pop up alerting you that the Gate had been built would reappear, vehicles in your Garage would go missing, Fog of War would reappear all around your colony.

- Changed the Gate and the Campsite upgrading to happen at the push of a button like other building upgrades instead of being instant, so they are not easily missed anymore.

- Updated the button that can be used to view the colonists working at buildings. Before this button was a small “i” button in the top left corner of the colonist portrait.

It now has a new icon that is much larger and easier to click on and it is positioned on the bottom of the portrait.

- Fixed an issue that caused weapons the colonists were holding to disappear after saving and loading the game.

- Fixed an issue that caused the colonists to not gather meat from animal carcasses.

- Fixed an issue that prevented colonists from repairing some buildings such as the tent in certain situations.

- Fixed an issue that caused the entire colony to become stuck if a resource was at the edge of the colony map.

- Fixed the issue that caused some of the Founder’s edition content to not be visible to the players, who purchased it.

- Made a minor adjustment to the visual growth of trees to help the game performance.

- Made a back-end adjustment to the way the game handles the wild animals in your colony to improve the game performance.

- Fixed an issue that caused a small UI issue when the info panels were moved in the colony view.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Societies button in the colony view to only work when pressed with the cursor on the left side of the button.

- Fixed issues with the new Tech Tree, which allowed you to start researching some techs without having to first research the tech in front of it.

- Balanced the amount of ideology-restricted techs to ensure they are all more equal to each other.

- Adjusted the panel that shows what items to select for a building (such as the Seed selection on fields or the Animal Selection for the Ranch) so that the icons are now more centered.

- 2,38 GB groß

Release: 28.01.2021 (Version


- 2,67 GB groß

Release: 04.02.2021 (Version


- 1,94 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2021 (Version


- 2,86 GB groß

Release: 22.04.2021 (Version


- 3,01 GB groß

Release: 20.05.2021 (Version


- 3,07 GB groß

Release: 20.05.2021 (Version


- 3,48 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2021 (Version


- 352,68 MB groß

Release: 02.09.2021 (Version


- 3,17 GB groß

Release: 28.09.2021 (Version


- 2,70 GB groß

Release: 16.11.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 2,76 GB groß

Release: 23.11.2021 (Version


- 2,67 GB groß

Release: 12.01.2022 (Version


- 2,66 GB groß

Release: 28.01.2022 (Version


- 2,64 GB groß

Release: 21.03.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,1 GB auf 3,2 GB erhöht

- 2,73 GB groß

Release: 25.08.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

-  DLC "New Alliances" wird hinzugefügt und kann für 14,99€ erworben

- 2,80 GB groß

Release: 03.11.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

-  DLC "Shattered Hope" wird hinzugefügt und kann für 9,99€ erworben

- 2,74 GB groß

Release: 22.11.2022 (Version


- 2,12 GB groß

Release: 16.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- DLC "Rebirth" wird hinzugefügt und kann für ?€ erworben

- 2,63 GB groß

Beta Version: Don´t Die Minerval!

Release: 07.01.2020 (Version ->

- 994,14 MB groß

Release: 10.01.2020 (Version


- 1021,57 MB groß

Release: 31.01.2020 (Version


- 1,04 GB groß

Release: 27.03.2020 (Version


- 1,02 GB groß

Beta Version: TABS - Totally Acurrate Battle Simulator

Release: 15.01.2020 (Version 1.0.1926.0 -> 1.0.2034.0)


- 2,06 GB groß

Release: 21.02.2020 (Version 1.0.2194.0)


- 2,47 GB groß

Release: 21.02.2020 (Version 1.0.2199.0)


- 1,14 GB groß

Release: 03.04.2020 (Version 1.0.2300.0)


- 2,41 GB groß

Release: 28.05.2020 (Version 1.0.2572.0)


- 2,68 GB groß

Release: 05.06.2020 (Version 1.0.2606.0)


- 681,89 MB groß

Release: 24.08.2020 (Version 1.0.2829.0)


- 2,92 GB groß

Release: 04.09.2020 (Version 1.0.2843.0)


- 1,64 GB groß

Release: 05.10.2020 (Version 1.0.4693.0)


- 5,00 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2020 (Version 1.0.4977.0)


- 820,81 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2022 (Version 1.0.6239.0)


- 3,29 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 3,27 GB groß

Release: 01.12.2022 (Version 1.0.6331.0)


- 580,57 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 566,57 MB groß

Release: 15.03.2023 (Version 1.0.6513.0)


- 774,37 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 771,63 MB groß

Release: 22.08.2023 (Version 1.0.6859.0)


- 506,40 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 510,30 MB groß

Release: 17.01.2024 (Version 1.0.7210.0)


- 1,03 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 1,04 GB groß

Release: 06.03.2024 (Version 1.0.7404.0)


- 236,48 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 191,60 MB groß

Release: 18.07.2024 (Version 1.0.7742.0)


- 828,28 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 830,96 MB groß

Beta Version: Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

Release: 27.08.2020 (Version ->

- 12,71 GB groß

Release: 26.11.2020 (Version

- 4,15 GB groß

Release: 12.04.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Mehrere Absturzursachen wurden behoben. Zum Beispiel, indem die Komplexität des visuellen Effekts von “Arkanes Sperrfeuer” verringert und das Entfernen bestimmter Assets überarbeitet wurde.

- Wird das Spiel zwischen den beiden Endschlachten gespeichert, kommt es nun nicht mehr zu Problemen.

- Der Warnungstext beim Beenden des Zuges verwendet jetzt “Drücken” statt “Klicken”.

- Die “Warmont Champion”-Trophäe kann jetzt korrekt freigeschaltet werden.

- Das zweite Missionsziel der zweiten Moroia-Mission ist jetzt in allen Sprachen korrekt übersetzt.

- Der Bildschirm “Reichsinformation” ist jetzt in allen Sprachen vollständig übersetzt.

- Die Hervorhebung “Karte spielen” wird jetzt immer deaktiviert, nachdem eine Karte gespielt wurde.

- Die Einblendungen bei Benachrichtigungen werden jetzt korrekt angezeigt.

- In der russischen Sprachversion wurde die Formatierung der Regierungskarten korrigiert.

- Die Benachrichtigung “Heer mit Aktionspunkten” wird jetzt korrekt entfernt, wenn zwei Heere zusammengelegt werden.

- Urhammu trägt seine Krone nur noch in Zwischensequenzen, in denen er sie auch tragen soll.

- Sandbox- und Kampagnenspielstände der Nosfernus sind jetzt korrekt beschriftet.

Nur PS4:

- Im Italienischen ist die Beschreibung der Trophäe “Eroe” jetzt korrekt übersetzt.

- Im Tutorial wird die korrekte L3-Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt.

- 2,89 GB groß

Beta Version: Fighta in Tight Spaces

Release: 17.12.2020 (Version ->

- 976,66 MB groß

Release: 17.12.2020 (Version

- 618,43 MB groß

Release: 22.03.2021 (Version

- 228,50 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 134,04 MB groß

Release: 12.04.2021 (Version

- 364,81 MB groß

Release: 12.04.2021 (Version

- 139,67 MB groß

Release: 18.06.2021 (Version

- 589,02 MB groß

Release: 06.08.2021 (Version

- 666,30 MB groß

Release: 10.08.2021 (Version

- 195,38 MB groß

Release: 13.09.2021 (Version

- 684,46 MB groß

Release: 01.10.2021 (Version

- 1,31 GB groß

Release: 12.10.2021 (Version

- 76,88 MB groß

Release: 26.10.2021 (Version

- 940,04 MB groß

Release: 02.12.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Aus der Beta (Early Access) wird eine Vollversion

- Mehr Moves, neue Karten, Levels, Gegner und Bosse.

- Neue thematische Starterdecks, die sechs verschiedene Möglichkeiten bieten, das Kampfsportabenteuer zu beginnen.

- Eine Überarbeitung der Benutzeroberfläche, die das Spielerlebnis und die Zugänglichkeit in allen Bereichen verbessert.

- Änderungen an der Spielbalance und Optimierungen des Schwierigkeitsgrads.

- Verbesserte animierte Wiederholungen der „Sick Smokin Stylish“-Moves.

- Zusätzliche Musik wurde von Nervous Testpilot bereitgestellt.

- 1,36 GB groß

Release: 15.12.2021 (Version


- 292,04 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2022 (Version


- 87,43 MB groß

Release: 13.10.2023 (Version


- 2,36 GB groß

Release: 13.10.2023 (Version


- 95,99 MB groß

Release: 10.11.2023 (Version


- 89,89 MB groß

Beta Version: Session: Skate Sim

Release: 28.01.2021 (Version ->

- 7,04 GB groß

Release: 02.02.2021 (Version

- 7,05 GB groß

Release: 05.02.2021 (Version

- 7,03 GB groß

Release: 06.07.2021 (Version

- 7,24 GB groß

Release: 17.02.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de

- 8,09 GB groß

Release: 22.09.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com

- Aus der Beta (Early Access) wird eine Vollversion

- Speicherverbrauch von 12,2 GB auf 13,1 GB erhöht

- 9,14 GB groß

Release: 26.09.2022 (Version | Series


- 355,82 MB groß

Release: 07.10.2022 (Version | Series


- 431,15 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 354,34 MB groß

Release: 09.03.2023 (Version | Series


- Speicherverbrauch von 10,2 GB auf 8,5 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 13,1 GB auf 11,4 GB reduziert

- 4,94 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,79 GB groß

Release: 17.05.2023 (Version | Series

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- DLC " Waterpark" wurde eingebaut und kann für 12,99€ erworben werden

Neue Karte: Wasserpark

- Profi Skater Chris Cole

7 neue Missionen

5 Decks mit neuen Design

6 Gegenstände für den Objekt Dropper

- 1,57 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,54 GB groß

Release: 01.08.2023 (Version | Series

Quelle xboxdynasty.de

- Crossover mit Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

- 1018,33 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1013,09 MB groß

Release: 26.10.2023 (Version | Series


- 1,13 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1017,46 MB groß

Release: 21.02.2024 (Version | Series

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- DLC " Schoolyard" wurde eingebaut und kann für 7,99€ erworben werden

- Speicherverbrauch von 8,6 GB auf 8,7 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,6 GB auf 11,7 GB erhöht

- 1,06 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 988,73 MB groß

Release: 28.03.2024 (Version | Series


- 415,99 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 453,63 MB groß

Release: 18.07.2024 (Version | Series


- DLC " Paris" wurde eingebaut und kann für 7,99€ erworben werden

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,7 GB auf 12,0 GB erhöht

- 1,00 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 990,90 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2024 (Version | Series

Quelle: twitter.com | release=twitter.com

- DLC " Prague" wurde eingebaut und kann für ?,99€ erworben werden

- Speicherverbrauch von 9,0 GB auf 9,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 12,0 GB auf 12,1 GB erhöht

- 1,24 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,10 GB groß

Beta Version: Spacebase Startopia (BEENDET)

Release: 11.03.2021 (Version ->

- 10,57 GB groß

Release: 11.03.2021 (Version

- 8,37 GB groß

Release: 26.03.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Aus der Beta (Early Access) wird eine Vollversion

- Xbox Series X|S Support:

- 11,02 GB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 09.04.2021 (Version


- 7,30 GB groß

Release: 18.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Neue Features

- Option zur Einstellung der Häufigkeit von VALs Kommentaren

- Option zum Reduzieren der Spielgeschwindigkeit

- Globale Übersicht über den Inhalt aller Frachträume

- In der Koje wurden Mülleimer hinzugefügt

- Eine Platzierungshilfe für Gebäude wurde hinzugefügt

- Neue Möglichkeit, die Häufigkeit der Kommentare von VAL einzustellen

- Neue Krankheit wurde hinzugefügt: Explodierende-Brust-Parasit

- Händler können jetzt mit Prestige-Währung gerufen werden

- Forschungsprojekte können nun in Warteschlangen eingereiht werden

- Im freien Spiel können Kämpfe jetzt deaktiviert werden

- Neue Animationen für wartende Einheiten wurden hinzugefügt

- Neue und verbesserte Hinweise für die Müllverwaltung, für Benachrichtigungen zu toxischem Material und die Erklärungen zu Funktionen wurden ergänzt

Piraten können nun Belohnungen hinterlassen, wenn sie besiegt werden

- Neues Symbol und Erscheinungsbild für C.R.A.T.E.s, die Drohnen beinhalten, wurde hinzugefügt

- Empfehlungen für die Gewichtung der Objekte, die in Räumen platziert werden können, wurden hinzugefügt

- Wird eine Drohne oder ein Mech zerstört, hinterlässt diese/r nun Müll

Verbesserungen und Bug Fixes

- Die Anzahl der Bomben in den späteren Missionen wurde reduziert

- Die Voreinstellung für variable Räume wurde verbessert

- Die Arbeitslogik der Dryaden wurde überarbeitet

- Die Beschreibung der UV-Granate wurde angepasst: Die Verbesserung betrifft nur das Wachstum von bereits vorhandenen Pflanzen

- Die Beschreibung der Dryaden enthält jetzt, wie viele Dryaden pro geöffnetem Schott ausreichend sind

- Die Beschreibung für Toxisches Material wurde verbessert

- Die Beschreibung der Kommandopunkte wurde verbessert

- Räume erzeugen keinen Müll mehr, wenn sie gebaut werden

Audio- und Performance-Verbesserungen

- Mechs haben eine verbesserte Wegfindung erhalten und werden nicht mehr durch Gebäude blockiert

- Mechs priorisieren jetzt automatisch Militäreinheiten vor Fuzzys und vor Energiekernen

- Neue Fuzzys können jetzt leichter eingesetzt werden: mit einem Rechtsklick werden die Fuzzys am Energiekern platziert

- Verschiedene kleinere Korrekturen und Verbesserungen


- Fuzzys benötigen für die Reparatur des Energiekerns mehr Zeit


- Beim Wechseln des Decks bleibt die Kamera auf gleicher Höhe

- Die Funktion, dass die Kamera bei jedem Handelsgeschäft automatisch zum Raumhafen springt, wurde deaktiviert

- Sich wiederholende Rezepte können jetzt in der Fabrik direkt eingestellt werden

- Die Controller-Steuerung der Benutzeroberfläche für die Forschung wurde verbessert

- Option zum Deaktivieren der Platzierungslinien wurde hinzugefügt

- Benachrichtigungen können jetzt für den Rest des Spiels deaktiviert werden

- „Immer diese Option wählen” für einige Ereignisse jetzt für den Rest des Spiels auswählbar

Missionen und Tutorial

- Beim ersten Start der Kampagne wird jetzt auf das Tutorial hingewiesen

- „Einführung: Bio-Deck“: Ein Fehler beim Anheuern von Dryaden wurde korrigiert

- „Der erste Kontakt“: Ein Fehler, bei dem das Schott zum Endboss nicht geöffnet wurde, wurde behoben

- „Systemausfall“: Ein Fehler, durch den Mech-Fabriken keine Mechs mehr erzeugen, wurde behoben

- „Eine spirituelle Reise“: Bomben erscheinen jetzt nicht mehr innerhalb bestimmter Räume

- „Einführung: Besucher”: Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Platzierung eines Energieverteilers vor der Anweisung, diesen zu platzieren, wurde behoben

- „Einführung: Besucher”: Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit dem Bewegen der Space Disco wurde behoben

- „Erweiterte Einführung: Praxistest“: Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit einem Zähler für ein Missionsziel wurde behoben


- Eine Info-Benachrichtigung wurde hinzugefügt, die über sich bildendes Ungeziefer informiert

- Drohnen jagen jetzt auch Ungeziefer, wenn sie nicht anderes zu tun haben

- Die Verteilung von Müll beim Bau von Räumen wurde optimiert


- Die seitlichen Reiter beim Händler, der Fabrik und in den Einstellungen auf dem Bio-Deck werden jetzt automatisch geöffnet

- Der Drohnen-Reiter in der Sicherheitszentrale ist jetzt immer geöffnet

- Beim Biom „Seichte Gewässer“ sowie den entsprechenden Pflanzen wurden fehlende Pflanzensymbole hinzugefügt

- „Reparieren“-Button wurde in der Kampf-Benutzeroberfläche der Mechs hinzugefügt


- Das Händler-Stationsereignis wurde verbessert

- Hinweis für Händler-Ereignis wurde hinzugefügt

Allgemeine Verbesserungen

- Das Aussehen von Schiffen im Raumhafen wird jetzt zufällig bestimmt

- Taste für die Weiterleitung zum Anheuern von Arbeitern für unbesetzte Räume wurde hinzugefügt

- Piraten lassen jetzt Waren fallen, wenn sie besiegt werden, und das Ereignis „Höfliche Piraten“ wird jetzt mit ein wenig Energie belohnt

- Hassprediger lassen sich jetzt besser von normalen Hem’Netjer unterscheiden

- Fuzzys können jetzt mit Energie aufgerüstet werden

- Eine Markierung, die anzeigt, dass ein angestelltes Alien befördert werden möchte, wurde hinzugefügt

- Deko-Objekte wurden aus der Raumübersicht entfernt

- Verbesserung der visuellen Effekte

- Speicherverbrauch wurde reduziert

- Weitere Performance-verbesserungen und allgemeine Optimierungen

Allgemeine Balancing-Verbesserungen

- Im Multiplayer ist die aktuelle Version nicht mit früheren Versionen kompatibel

- Die Benutzeroberfläche der Einträge in der Einheitenliste wurde etwas optimiert

Die Performance wurde verbessert

- In der Sicherheitszentrale wird jetzt die korrekte Animation verwendet, wenn der Bau eines Mechs abgebrochen wird

Bug Fixes

- Ein Fehler, bei dem die öffentliche Lobbyliste nicht aktualisiert wurde, wenn der Host eines Koop-Spiels den Kampagnenlevel ändert, wurde behoben

- Verschiedene Fehler bei Lichtern und bei zu hell oder zu dunkel erscheinenden Objekten wurden behoben

- Einige flackernde Umrisse und Objekte wurden korrigiert

- Verschiedene Animationsfehler wurden behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem die Markierung im Tutorial sichtbar blieb, wurde behoben

- Verschiedene Fehler im Handelsmenü wurden behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Kommandopunkte im Tooltip für die Mech-Fähigkeit nicht korrekt angezeigt werden, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Leviathane nach der Zerstörung einer gegnerischen Sicherheitszentrale schwebten, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, durch den das Symbol für eine blockierte Sicherheitszentrale über dieser sichtbar war, obwohl vor dieser genug Platz für einen Mech war, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem das Forschungslabor C.R.A.T.E.s wieder ablegte, wenn bereits an einem anderen C.R.A.T.E. geforscht wird, wurde behoben

- Einige fehlerhafte Forschungseffekte wurden korrigiert

- Ein Fehler, bei dem die Kampfforschung einen Dialog auslöste und keine weiteren Auswirkungen hatte, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem ein im Bau befindlicher Bankautomat Aliens blockierte, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem auf manchen Sektorgrenzen nicht gebaut werden konnte, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Produkteinträge in der Fabrik verdoppelt wurden, wenn eine Forschung abgeschlossen wird,

während die Benutzeroberfläche der Fabrik geöffnet ist, wurde behoben

- Fehlerhaftes Schlangestehen an den Liften wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, der es Aliens ermöglichte, durch Gebäude zu gehen, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, der während KI/Multiplayer-Matches auf dem Bio-Deck Streifen im gezeichneten Gelände erzeugte, wurde behoben

- Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Pflanzendichte auf dem Bio-Deck wurden behoben

- Die abgehackte Darstellung von Wasster anbestimmten Sektorgrenzen der Station wurde korrigiert

- Fehler mit überlappenden Info-Fenstern wurden behoben

- Einige Statistiken im Game-Over-Bildschirm wurden korrigiert

- Ein Fehler, bei dem deaktivierte Tasten im Hauptmenü hervorgehoben wurden, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Abdeckung durch UV-Lampen in der Wachstums-Einblendung wurde korrigiert

- Ein Fehler, bei dem die Bestätigung zum Feuern eines Aliens weitere Versuche, dieses Alien zu feuern, blockiert, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Fuzzy MKII und MK III in der Benutzeroberfläche des Frachtraums als normale Fuzzys gekennzeichnet wurden, wurde behoben

- Verschiedene Anpassungen, Korrekturen und Verbesserungen am Sound-Mix

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Bewegungs-Soundeffekte noch abgespielt wurden, nachdem der ausgewählte Mech zerstört wurde, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Lautstärkeänderungen nicht zurückgesetzt wurden, wenn die Änderungen nicht angewandt wurden, wurde behoben

- Eine seltene Ursache für das Einfrieren der Simulation wurde behoben

- Tippfehler sowie zu lange Texte wurden korrigiert und Lokalisierungen wurden geklärt

- Ein Fehler, der eine Spalte im Boden erzeugte, wenn bestimmte Räume an der Wand platziert wurden, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Platzierung von Pflanzen wurde korrigiert

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Aliens immer noch verhaftet werden konnten, während sie von der Station geworfen wurden, wurde behoben

- Der bei der Beförderung eines einzelnen Aliens angezeigte Preis der Beförderung wurde korrigiert

- Ein seltener Fehler, bei dem Spielstände direkt nach dem Speichern beschädigt wurden, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem die Forschung für Sicherheitsdrohnen nicht korrekt angewandt wurde, wurde behoben

- Kleinere Fehler in der Benutzeroberfläche wurden behoben

- Ein Fehler beim Verkauf von toxischem Material wurde behoben

- Verschiedene Fehler im Zusammenhang mit Tooltipps wurden behoben

- Mehrere Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Produktion in der Fabrik und der in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigten Ressourcenmenge wurden behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem der Staubsauger-Effekt außerhalb der Station zu sehen war, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem der Benachrichtigungseffekt im Pause-Bildschirm zu sehen war, wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler bei der Eroberung der Räume eines anderen Stationsbesitzers wurde behoben

- Ein Fehler mit Aliens, die nicht reagierten, obwohl viele von ihnen die Station verlassen wollten, wurde behoben

- Verschiedene kleinere Grafikfehler wurden behoben

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Räume in der Fabrik nicht gebaut werden konnten, obwohl sie bereits erforscht sind, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler, bei dem der Auswahlkreis einer Einheit nach dessen Zerstörung dennoch sichtbar war, wurde behoben.

- Eine Absturzursache, die auftrat, wenn Aliens in bestimmten Situationen getötet wurden, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler bei der Kollisionsabfrage der Kamera im Zusammenhang mit den Wänden von variablen Räumen, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Aliens in der Koje hängen blieben, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler, bei dem C.R.A.T.E.s im Frachtraum nicht richtig entnommen werden konnten, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler, bei dem Fuzzys in manchen Fällen kein Gesicht hatten, wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit der Controller-Menüsteuerung wurde behoben.

- Ein Fehler, bei dem fälschlicherweise der Kampf-Alarm ausgelöst wurde, wurde behoben.

- 9,46 GB groß

Release: 02.09.2021 (Version


- 7,16 GB groß

Beta Version: Entlisted (Xbox Series X|S) (Version

Release: xboxdynasty.de

Training mode

- New players can now go through a full training camp:

Game mode selection menu →  Training.

Weapons (Added authentic weapon models:)

- FNAB-43

- Springfield M1903 Air Service

- Mannlicher M1895 rifle

- PIAT rocket launcher

- РМ 38 mortar

- Ross rifle


- Fixed armor display in tank description

- Fixed airplane icon with broken propeller


Improved AI-soldier behavior: (AI is is more focused on not blocking a player’s view)

- Fixed some sticking of AI-soldiers on stairs

- Fixed a bug causing AI-soldiers not being able to open low gates

- Now AI-soldiers tend to pass the player using better navigation curves so as not to create a ‘crowd’

- Aim accuracy of AI-soldiers now depends more on the distance, making them more dangerous at lower ranges (less than 25 meters) and less dangerous at long range shooting (above 50 meters)

Graphics and Animations

- Added water quality setting

- Vertical Sync setting now also works in windowed mode

- Added flash of light when a grenade or dynamite pack explodes

- Improved hair rendering

- Improved reflection quality from mirroring surfaces

- Lowered SSAO artifacts

- Optimised water rendering performance

- Fixed posture of Sturmpistole handling

Other Improvements

- Now soldiers in the Academy are grouped by types, not classes.

- Now in the squad selection window, reserve squads are hidden if you do not have them.

- Changed character acceleration and deceleration model. Now movement feels more natural.

- Improved campaign progress display after it reaches maximum.

- Improved upgrade levels display in the weapon description.

- Improved climbing on angled surfaces.

- Clicking on an unavailable slot in the soldier inventory now opens the improvements menu to unlock it.

- Xbox Controller: “LB” button is now default for launching rockets from aircraft.

- Xbox Controller: “D-pad Up” and “D-pad Down” are default for aircraft flap control.

- Xbox Controller: holding the „B” button is now the default for gear control.

- Sprinting and jumping now consumes less stamina.

- Artillery strike timer is now also visible in Lone Fighters mode.

- “Improved Reflections” setting now also affects reflections in water.

- Movement speed while leaning is now the same as in the aiming mode.

- Now there will be more blood visible on wounded soldiers.

- Increased icon sizes of control keys with hints in tutorial mode.

Improved debriefing screen template.

Added border highlighting for the squad slot where you can put the selected squad.

Increased velocity of Panzerwurfkorper 42 grenade for Sturmpistole


- Fixed a bug causing a player to lose control of the tank cannon if there were other players in the same tank.

- Fixed a bug where a player could not aim horizontally from a mounted weapon while prone.

- Mortar model is now correctly placed on the soldier’s back.

- A message about a broken turret drive will now be correctly displayed.

- Fixed a bug causing the camera to shake too much when sprinting and aiming at low stamina levels.

- Fixed a bug allowing mounting of a stationary machine gun.

- Fixed a bug making vehicles explode after exiting them.

- Fixed a bug where upon hitting a soldier that was controlling an anti-aircraft gun, there was no damage.

- Now the correct sounds are used with the MG42 tank machine gun.

Beta Version: Lost Oasis

Release: 08.04.2021 (Version ->

- 355,06 MB groß

Release: 16.04.2021 (Version

- 277,06 MB groß

Release: 27.04.2021 (Version

- 2,41 GB groß

Release: 10.05.2021 (Version

- 10,82 GB groß

Release: 18.05.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- With the addition of the Worm, new resources related have been added to the game. Some of them are exclusively harvested after a successful Worm kill,

 some are obtained by directly attacking the beast for it’s valuable scales, and some are available in the territory where they roam, Worm Sighting event maps.

Alongside some other various misc resources, a successful Worm hunt will yield Worm Scales, Worm Silk,

and Worm Sand to the victors, as well as Worm Fangs, a trophy of tremendous value, proof of the ultimate feats of heroism and skill among Nomads.

- Added a new Meteor Fall event on all maps of the game (with the exception of Nomad’s Cradle), which brings a new resource essential to technology progression, as well as Walker construction… and raiding.

As the debris in the sky enters the atmosphere, leaving a blazing, fiery trail behind it to follow, make sure to be prepared for a fight over its spoils when it reaches the ground.

- Meteor Cores are a new resource which can be extracted from Meteor crash sites across any oases where they land.

They are a strange, energized crystal, harvested from the largest rocks falling off meteors. It’s not a resource exclusive to an event map, as it can essentially happen anywhere in the world, in any oasis.

They have a variety of uses, which include technology progression, Walker Mechanism crafting, as well as an important crafting material for a new Catapult boulder.

- New vitamin added to the game: Worm Tincture - It is produced with a mixture of Worm Sand, as well as a Worm Fangs, extracted from the mandible of a defeated Worm.

This potent vitamin will grant XP upon consumption when below maximum level, or +1 attribute point when at max character level.

- A new recipe has been added to Advanced and Artificer Woodworking Stations: Tablets.

Similar to the production of Tablets at an Ancient Fabricator, this will require glass, shattered fragments, and a meteor core in order to craft.

Tablets are guaranteed, but there is no guarantee of specific tablet types.

- The old Hullbreaker Catapult Boulder (now obsolete) has been replaced with Charged Boulders: Its main ingredient being Meteor Cores.

This new addition to the Catapult ammo can deal considerable damage against all types of armor (Soft, Hard, Robust, Reinforced, and Solid).

- The Ancient Crafting Station has received a new visual update, which brings renovated assets, animations, and effects, as well as some fixes to UI and related text.

And one secret or two that our mapping lead may or may not have hid in there as well.

- It is no longer possible to consume an interactable while being grappled to anything. This includes current bandages, and any future items in that category.

- Increased spread of Scattershot pellets, and further rebalanced damage versus different types of player armor.

With new balance, heavier types of armor will provide better protection against Scattershot.


- New event oasis: Worm Sighting. In this stretch of desert deep in the Wasteland is where the roaming Sandworms, dubbed “The Long Ones”, have taken as their territory.

The Worms are ravenous, monstrous beasts. Once one of them is focused on a Walker, it will lose sight of everything else around it.

In order to defeat the Worm, experienced nomadic hunters must band together, as entering their territory unprepared will mean certain death.

- Fixed Iron Ore node spawns on Kali Spires maps.

- Improvements were made on exit of the C8 pocket in Nomad’s Cradle. Fixed several sinkholes and other miscellaneous terrain issues.

- Misc fixes to inaccessible loot in Ancient City oases.

- Fixed small gaps in geysers on Kali Spires.

- Removed holy spheres from Kali Spires.

- Storm weather SFX should be lower now.


- Walker Mechanisms are now one of the resources required in the construction of many Walkers in the game.

The main resource utilized in the crafting of Walker Mechanisms (crafted at Woodworking Stations of any tier) is Meteor Cores.

- With the introduction of the Worm to the game, there’s been some re-balance work going on for some time, specifically for some Walker Upgrades resources.

Durability upgrade for higher tier Walkers (specifically Iron Upgrades) will now require Worm Scales to craft.

This will not affect all Walker Upgrades, only the large ones.

- Some Walker Legs and Wings have also been re-balanced to utilize these new resources more.

In general, Walker Wings will require more Worm Silk (which is now made more available), and Walker Legs will now require special Worm Scale resource.

Generally, it’s the late game ones which require new resources in greater amounts. As an example, only the Heavy Legs will utilize Worm Scales. But, as outlined below, they also come with some new advantages.

- As well as resource balance for crafting Walker Parts, there has also been some re-balance on not just the HP of these buildables, but the armor rating itself as well.

All Walker Parts which utilize Worm Scales in their construction will now have +1 to their base armor rating.

This means that, for example, Falco Raider Wings now have 5000 HP, as well as a Hard armor rating (old was Soft).

In the case of Heavy Legs which utilize Worm Scales, the armor rating will be Robust.

- Projectiles fired from siege weapons will no longer be affected by host Walker’s own movement.

Should make shooting on the move a bit more reliable, and allow for more interesting Raptor vs Raptor combat.

This is a fairly experimental change, so let us know your thoughts on it.

- Added functioning Raptor passenger seat. A second player can now sit alongside the pilot.

- Raptor “Flip” option will now only appear when it is stationary, and upside down(so not during flight).

- Fixed not being able to rebuild Hornet Walker’s legs in some specific situations.

- Fixed wrong torque consumption on Balang Walker.

- Fixed Silur Walker not consuming torque when starting to move.

- Improved spawn points on Panda Walker.

- Walkers in Nomad’s Cradle should no longer automatically log out after 6 hours.


- Fixed an issue where Killins would get stuck attempting to exit their nests.

- Killins of the Spires should now be at a slightly greater height when on patrol.


- Fixed some improper collisions on Trading Station floors.

- Disabled quality usage on Quest Packages.


- Lowered interaction distance for “Remove net” interaction on all objects.

- Lowered interaction distance on Battle Fan.

- Added a new equipment status UI, which will appear near the minimap area when your equipped gear is very damaged.

- Fixed issue which caused players using controllers to be unable to access Walker upgrade interface.


- Small optimization pass on Windmills.

- Fixed several client crashes.

- Further optimization work related to Players and Walkers has been done. Situations where there are potentially 80-100 players in very close proximity should now perform much better.

- Further Xbox related optimization pass on assets, sounds, and more.

- Fixed some jittering issues on grappling hook movement.

- Fixed problematic reload animation on Ballistas.

- Fixed a rare issue where the player could die from jump kicking.

- Fixed being able to net Poaching Huts.

- Netting a Hose Station will no longer just net the base, but the entire structure.

- Fixed animation issues with Sawblades.

- Improved description of help widget in Ancient Crafting Station: Now properly mentions Reinforced Planks.

- 3,30 GB groß

Release: 18.05.2021 (Version

- 212,14 MB groß

Release: 31.05.2021 (Version

- 387,77 MB groß

Release: 22.07.2021 (Version

- 701,62 MB groß

Release: 29.07.2021 (Version

- 391,68 MB groß

Release: 03.08.2021 (Version

- 316,62 MB groß

Release: 06.08.2021 (Version

- 314,75 MB groß

Release: 09.08.2021 (Version

- 246,07 MB groß

Release: 12.08.2021 (Version

- 248,02 MB groß

Release: 20.08.2021 (Version

- 253,14 MB groß

Release: 04.08.2022 (Version

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,3 GB auf 8,3 GB reduziert

- 6,19 GB groß

Release: 05.08.2022 (Version

- 172,91 MB groß

Release: 06.08.2022 (Version

- 215,29 MB groß

Release: 08.08.2022 (Version

- 197,91 MB groß

Release: 10.08.2022 (Version

- 186,68 MB groß

Release: 12.08.2022 (Version

- 305,02 MB groß

Release: 17.08.2022 (Version

- 185,30 MB groß

Release: 29.08.2022 (Version

- 1,28 GB groß

Release: 30.08.2022 (Version

- 177,38 MB groß

Release: 05.09.2022 (Version

- 262,79 MB groß

Release: 08.09.2022 (Version

- 221,99 MB groß

Release: 15.09.2022 (Version

- Speicherverbrauch von 9,2 GB auf 8,6 GB reduziert

- 1,6 GB groß

Release: 16.09.2022 (Version

- 153,77 MB groß

Release: 23.09.2022 (Version

- 552,07 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2022 (Version

- 163,12 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2022 (Version später am selben Tag

- 66,93 MB groß

Release: 30.09.2022 (Version

- 302,70 MB groß

Release: 03.10.2022 (Version

- 70,02 MB groß

Release: 04.10.2022 (Version

- 87,3 MB groß

Release: 10.10.2022 (Version

- 169,90 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2022 (Version

- 245,48 MB groß

Release: 12.10.2022 (Version

- 167,7 MB groß

Release: 21.10.2022 (Version

- 354,06 MB groß

Release: 28.10.2022 (Version

- 271,46 MB groß

Release: 11.11.2022 (Version

- 224,82 MB groß

Release: 23.11.2022 (Version

- 816,48 MB groß

Release: 24.11.2022 (Version

- 207,65 MB groß

Beta Version: Second Extinction

Release: 03.05.2021 (Version ->

- 92,57 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 103,01 MB groß

Release: 24.05.2021 (Version

- 720,14 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 719,54 MB groß

Release: 02.07.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com | secondextinction.com

- Pre Season 5

- New Enemy Mutation

- New Enforcer Primary Weapon

- Gamepad Maping

- 1,97 GB groß

Release: 06.07.2021 (Version


- 524,49 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 523,39 MB groß

Release: 30.09.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com | secondextinction.com | release=xboxdynasty.de, xboxwire.com

- Pre Season 6

- New Operative Character

- Horde Mode

- Xbox Crossplay

- InGame Communication

- 1,54 GB groß

Release: 21.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Rosys taktische Fähigkeit „Statische Barrikade“ wirkt nun wie vorgesehen als Schockeffekt auf Feinde


- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Charakter-Skins nach Abschluss eines saisonalen Vertrags nicht belohnt wurden


- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Benutzer nach dem Zurücksetzen der Einstellungen nicht durch den Video-Tab navigieren konnte

- Die Option „Vollbild“ sollte nun wie vorgesehen funktionieren


- [Horde-Modus] Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Welle nicht beendet werden konnte, bis Flatbacks nach dem Töten despawnten

- [Horde-Modus] Dinosaurier sollten jetzt immer nach Welle 9 bis 11 spawnen

- [Horde-Modus] Manchmal wurden getötete Flatbacks und Bullen noch während der Welle als lebendig markiert; dies sollte nun nicht mehr passieren

- [Horde-Modus] Probleme behoben, bei denen Raptoren nicht auf den Spieler reagierten

- [Horde-Modus] Bullen und Flatbacks greifen die Spieler jetzt normal an, wenn sie auf einem bestimmten Dropship-Trümmerteil stehen

- [Horde-Modus] Dinosaurier sollten nicht mehr an unzugänglichen Stellen der Karte spawnen


- Spieler sollten nicht mehr in der T-Rex-Höhle stecken bleiben


- [Horde-Modus] Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der UI-Zähler in der Horde falsche Werte anzeigte

- [Horde-Modus] Der Shop wurde renoviert, so dass sein Overlay jetzt wie vorgesehen funktionieren sollte

- 5- und 4-Sterne-Kisten werden jetzt an Spieler vergeben, die sie sich verdient haben

- Spieler sollten nicht mehr in einen nicht reagierenden Zustand geraten können, wenn sie bei geöffneter Freundesliste zum Titelbildschirm zurückkehren

- Die Funktion „Materialien verfolgen“ sollte nun Materialien korrekt verfolgen

- Die (X)-Beschriftung der Schaltfläche „Token hinzufügen/entfernen“ verschwindet nicht mehr, nachdem sie im Arsenal verwendet wurde

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Ausrüstungsgegenstände im Arsenal gesperrt waren

- Lokalisierungsprobleme in der Waffenkammer wurden behoben

- Das UI-Layout in der Lobby wurde leicht verändert

- Checkboxen in Matchmaking-Filtern sind nun sichtbar, wenn der Spieler das Matchmaking startet


- [Horde-Modus] Das Auswählen und Kaufen der Hauptwaffe sollte nun immer möglich sein

- [Horde-Modus] Übermutierte Raptoren werden jetzt für den Fortschritt gezählt

- [Horde-Modus] Man sollte nicht mehr in einer Welle stecken bleiben, nachdem der Wirt gegangen ist

- [Horde-Modus] Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem manchmal der Charakter nach dem Respawn zum zuvor gespielten Charakter gewechselt wurde

 - [Horde-Modus] Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem der Spieler beim Wiedereinstieg in ein Spiel eine vollständige Ausrüstung aus einem anderen Modus erhalten konnte

- Wellen im Hordenmodus sollten nicht mehr zufällig im Expeditionsmodus erscheinen können

- Die Belohnungen für die Grundausbildung wurden erhöht

- Die Belohnungen für den Expeditionsmodus wurden erhöht: Die Belohnungen für regionale Aufträge der Expedition wurden erhöht, und die Extraktion während der Expedition gibt nun eine Belohnung

- Die erforderliche Erfahrung für den Aufstieg von Lvl 1 auf Lvl 3 wurde verringert


- [Horde-Modus] Mehrere Probleme beim Wiedereintritt und Host-Transfer wurden behoben

- Das aktive Matchmaking sollte nicht mehr nur für den Host angezeigt werden

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Spieler in der Lobby die Meldung „Mission Failed“ erhielt, wenn der Host die Gruppe während der Extraktion verließ


- Ein Absturz, der während des Overrun-Vertrags auftrat, wurde behoben

- Ein Absturz, der beim Beenden einer Mission auftreten konnte, sollte nicht mehr vorkommen

- Abstürze, die während Crossplay-Sitzungen auftreten konnten, sollten nun kein Problem mehr darstellen

- Ein Absturz, der nach dem Reparieren eines Extraktionspunktes im Expeditionsmodus auftrat, wurde behoben

- Ein Absturz, der während einer Multiplayer-Sitzung auftreten konnte, wenn der Host die Verbindung abbrach, wurde behoben

- Ein Absturz, der auftrat, wenn sich der Spieler im Respawn-Menü befand, sollte nicht mehr vorkommen

- Spieler sollten nun leichter eine Verbindung zu Avalanche Apex Connect herstellen können

- Situationen, in denen das Spiel auf der Xbox-Konsole zufällig einfror und einen schwarzen Bildschirm verursachte, wurden behoben


- [Horde-Modus] Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Sprengstoff und Nachschubkapseln nach Welle 10 nicht mehr funktionierten

- [Horde-Modus] SMG mit aktivierter „Schockgeschosse“-Eigenschaft führt nicht mehr dazu, dass Geschütztürme elektrische Kugeln verschießen

- 817,97 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 846,93 MB groß)

Release: 01.11.2021 (Version


- 193,70 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 213,97 MB groß

Release: 25.11.2021 (Version


- Pre Season 7

- New Secondary Weapon

- Seasonal Contracts

- 6,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 8,03 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2021 (Version


- 793,95 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 700,4 MB groß

Release: 20.01.2022 (Version



 Menu, HUD, UI, etc.

- Before, the sensitivity options sometimes didn’t save properly. This is now fixed.

- The Cross-play info pop-up no longer overlaps with the War Effort update screen

- The “Reset to Default” option works properly in the Gamma settings menu


- Fixed several issues where Dinos were stuck in spawn caves. They are no longer shy!


- Fixed a crash that happened when a player filled in incorrect credentials in the Apex Connect account creation screen

Weapons and Equipment

- A dino ate the “Adrenaline Shot” perk for the pistol before the last Supply Drop. It is available again. Don’t ask how we got it back.

Artillery Cannon works properly when equipping the perk "Direct Impact"

Weapon perks that cause the weapons to do critical damage are now functional

- 1,59 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 1,32 GB groß

Release: 08.03.2022 (Version


- 963,02 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 961,48 MB groß

Release: 15.03.2022 (Version


- 1011,96 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S

- 935,65 MB groß

Release: in Arbeit 2024 (Version

Quelle: trueachievements.com

- Die Server werden abgeschaltet

Beta Version: Super Animal Royal

Release: 04.06.2021 (Version ->

- 380,22 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 376,93 MB groß

Release: 29.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Summer Royale Event ist gestartet

- 677,13 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 676,94 MB groß

Release: 02.08.2021 (Version


- 320,80 MB groß

Release: 26.08.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Aus einer Beta wird nun eine Vollversion

- 439,57 MB groß

Release: 19.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Halloween Event ist gestartet

- 495,21 MB groß

Release: 14.12.2021 (Version

Quelle: modusgames.com

- Season 2 ist gestartet

- 496,73 MB groß

Release: 26.01.2022 (Version


- 494,55 MB groß

Release: 05.04.2022 (Version

Quelle: modusgames.com | twitter.com

- Season 3 ist gestartet

Gameplay Updates and Quality of Life Improvements

- Skunk Bombs now display a ring to make their area of effect clearer, and to help distinguish between your allies’ bombs that won’t hurt you (white ring) and ones that will hurt you (red ring).

- A delivery mole will now personally deliver your cosmetic items or Carl Coins at the end of a match. (It’s only a visual upgrade, but isn’t that thoughtful of them?)

- Hamster balls now stay in their full-damage mode more consistently (for example, you’ll no longer lose full-damage mode after running over an enemy).

- Removed compression from Super Animals on the main menu so they’ll all look extra clear and sharp now.

- New music and sound effects at the end of a match for victory and defeat. This especially helps distinguish when you come in second or almost win.

- “Mark Map” and “Remove Marker” hotkeys will now display for keyboard users on the map screen.

- The event screen’s leaderboard does a more obvious blip animation now when starting in a closed state, since the previous animation was too subtle.

Bug Fixes

- Shooting gallery targets can now be hit mid-air by BCG eggs.

- Fixed BCG charging up unnecessarily if you had an empty clip while rolling.

- Fixed visual delay with grenade explosions that was introduced in v1.3.

- Reduced minimum time between hamster ball bounce sounds from 0.7s to 0.35s, which fixes some cases where repeat bounces wouldn’t play any sound.

- Fixed several spots on the map where Emus could get stuck in what looked like viable paths (this mostly applies to forest areas).

- Fixed incorrect size issue with some gravestones.

- Fixed soft crash when viewing and walking away from SMOMA artwork before it could load.

- Fixed glitch in the Shop where Carl Coin or S.A.W. Ticket icons could disappear temporarily.

- Fixed a rare bug where crates would become indestructible.

- Fixed 1s invulnerability after being downed not applying to all types of damage (was only affecting bullet damage previously).

- Fixed some emotes (such as Rap) sometimes having distorted face animations on characters in-game.

- Fixed hat positions while using the Country emote.

- Fixed body showing during the Country emote while wearing the Warrior Monk Outfit.

- Fixed sleeve on the Warrior Monk Outfit.

- Fixed campfire animations becoming jittery when near the bottom of the screen.

- Fixed z-order issue with a weapons box in the SASR hideout room.

- Fixed mole crate sometimes not fading if you stood at certain spots behind it.

- Fixed small glitch where the Hamster ball was doing > 101 damage on ice.

- 548,54 MB groß

Release: 24.04.2022 (Version


- 520,41 MB groß

Release: 29.06.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Season 4 ist gestartet

- 525,07 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 525,14 MB groß

Release: 27.07.2022 (Version | Series


- 408,37 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 408,48 MB groß

Release: 27.09.2022 (Version | Series


- Season 5 ist gestartet

- 533,58 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 533,64 MB groß

Release: 14.12.2022 (Version | Series

Quelle: modusgames.com

- Season 6 ist gestartet

- 562,82 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 562,84 MB groß

Release: 16.12.2022 (Version | Series


- 418,05 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 417,86 MB groß

Release: 10.01.2023 (Version | Series


- 440,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 440,71 MB groß

Release: 28.03.2023 (Version | Series


- 594,70 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 594,69 MB groß

Release: 15.04.2023 (Version | Series


- 451,04 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 451,11 MB groß

Release: 11.07.2023 (Version | Series


- Season 8 ist gestartet

- 662,18 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 662,21 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2023 (Version | Series


- Season 9 ist gestartet

- 631,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 631,64 MB groß

Release: 12.12.2023 (Version | Series


- Season 10 ist gestartet

- Neue Event "Chrisprmas" ist vom 12.12.2023 bis zum 05.01.2024 verfügbar

- 652,87 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 652,89 MB groß

Release: 25.12.2023 (Version | Series


- 466,73 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 466,76 MB groß

Release: 12.03.2024 (Version | Series


- 469,26 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 469,47 MB groß

Release: 24.09.2024 (Version | Series


- 663,92 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 664,04 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2024 (Version | Series


- 470,51 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 470,70 MB groß

Release: 16.10.2024 (Version | Series


- 649,82 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 649,83 MB groß

Beta Version: Craftopia

Release: 22.09.2021 (Version ->

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem in der Anfangssequenz direkt nach der Charaktererstellung ein anderes Charaktermodell angezeigt wurde.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem das Charaktermodell und die Benutzeroberfläche eines Host-Spielers nicht angezeigt wurden, wenn man dem Multiplayer als Client auf Xbox One beitrat.

- Ein Fehler, dass man im Multiplayer nicht auf eine andere Insel wechseln konnte, wenn man als Host-Spieler auf Xbox One spielte, wurde behoben.

- 2,71 GB groß

Release: 24.09.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Weitere Optimierungen des Spiels für die Xbox Series X|S Konsolen

- Der Fehler, dass die Bewegung der Kamera und des Spielercharakters stotterte, wurde behoben.

- Der Fehler, dass die physikbezogene Bewegung des Spielercharakters ungewollt falsch war, wurde behoben.

- 2,21 GB groß

Release: 27.09.2021 (Version


- 2,12 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,18 GB groß

Release: 21.10.2021 (Version


- 2,63 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,64 GB groß

Release: 02.11.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Das Update verringert zudem die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Speicherdaten initialisiert oder rückgängig gemacht werden.

- Außerdem wurde ein Fehler behoben der verhinderte, dass das Speichern fehlschlug, wenn ihr das Spiel aus dem Hintergrund fortsetzt.

- 4,21 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,21 GB groß

Release: 10.11.2021 (Version


- 198,15 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 712,12 MB groß

Release: 25.02.2022 (Version


- 2,80 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,06 GB groß

Release: 28.02.2022 (Version


- 1,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2022 (Version


- 813,02 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 191,28 MB groß

Release: 01.04.2022 (Version


- 815,17 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 183,40 MB groß

Release: 24.06.2022 (Version


- 3,58 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,22 GB groß

Release: in Arbeit (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Der Fehler, dass der Inhalt von Truhen manchmal verschwindet.

- Der Fehler, dass das Spiel unter bestimmten Umständen abstürzt.

- Das Spiel läuft aufgrund der hohen Belastung durch Greifen-Tornados.

Beta Version: Anvil: Vault Breaker

Release: 13.12.2021 (Version ->

- 248,2 MB groß

Release: 20.12.2021 (Version

- 1,57 GB groß

Release: 22.12.2021 (Version

- 80,28 MB groß

Release: 29.12.2021 (Version

- 162,55 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2022 (Version

- 1,68 GB groß

Release: 28.01.2022 (Version

- 163,21 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2022 (Version

- 1,70 GB groß

Release: 30.03.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Season 1 ist gestartet

- 2,90 GB groß

Release: 31.03.2022 (Version

- 159,12 MB groß

Release: 25.04.2022 (Version

- 1,29 GB groß

Release: 25.05.2022 (Version

- 1,95 GB groß

Release: 22.06.2022 (Version

- 1,23 GB groß

Release: 24.06.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Season 2 ist gestartet

- 88,05 MB groß

Release: 02.08.2022 (Version


- 1,94 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,89 GB groß

Release: 10.11.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 12,4 GB auf 14,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 12,3 GB auf 14,0 GB erhöht

- 5,14 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,79 GB groß

Release: 31.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: trueachievements.com

- Server wurden heute abgeschaltet

Beta Version: The Anacrusis

Release: 19.01.2022 (Version 1.25203.0 -> 1.0.25383.0)

- 277,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,95 GB groß

Release: 21.01.2022 (Version 1.0.25471.0)

- 3,67 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 999,48 MB groß

Release: 28.01.2022 (Version 1.0.25735.0)

- 3,67 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,98 GB groß

Release: 10.02.2022 (Version 1.0.26101.0)

- 12,14 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,37 GB groß

Release: 15.02.2022 (Version 1.0.26246.0)

- 317,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,42 GB groß

Release: 01.03.2022 (Version 1.0.26536.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 17,6 GB auf 17,0 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 13,4 GB auf 13,0 GB reduziert

- 2,74 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,92 GB groß

Release: 23.03.2022 (Version 1.0.27184.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 17,0 GB auf 21,3 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 13,0 GB auf 15,1 GB erhöht

- 14,74 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,34 GB groß

Release: 08.04.2022 (Version 1.0.28089.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 15,1 GB auf 15,2 GB erhöht

- 572,23 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,39 GB groß

Release: 21.04.2022 (Version 1.0.28661.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 21,3 GB auf 22,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 15,2 GB auf 16,1 GB erhöht

- 11,19 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,29 GB groß

Release: 03.05.2022 (Version 1.0.28870.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 22,6 GB auf 22,7 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 16,1 GB auf 16,2 GB erhöht

- 1,51 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,57 GB groß

Release: 08.06.2022 (Version 1.0.30261.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 22,7 GB auf 24,9 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 16,2 GB auf 17,5 GB erhöht

- 18,35 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 13,46 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2022 (Version 1.0.30497.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 24,9 GB auf 24,5 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 17,5 GB auf 17,1 GB reduziert

- 2,89 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,54 GB groß

Release: 14.10.2022 (Version 1.0.32930.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 24,5 GB auf 35,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 17,1 GB auf 23,4 GB erhöht

- 25,83 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 18,74 GB groß

Release: 25.10.2022 (Version 1.0.32947.0)

- 2,75 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,98 GB groß

Release: 15.11.2022 (Version 1.0.33186.0)

- 2,91 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,14 GB groß

Release: 17.11.2022 (Version 1.0.33217.0)

- 441,58 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 314,35 MB groß

Release: 18.11.2022 (Version 1.0.33238.0)

- 588,43 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,85 GB groß

Release: 23.11.2022 (Version 1.0.33256.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 35,0 GB auf 34,7 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,84 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,50 GB groß

Release: 30.11.2022 (Version 1.0.33287.0)

- 436,65 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 306,06 MB groß

Release: 02.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33361.0)

- 459,05 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 331,65 MB groß

Release: 09.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33436.0)

- 562,82 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,98 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33541.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 34,7 GB auf 34,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,54 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,75 GB groß

Release: 21.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33563.0)

- 2,12 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,77 GB groß

Release: 22.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33609.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 34,8 GB auf 34,6 reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,04 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,79 GB groß

Release: 23.12.2022 (Version 1.0.33618.0)

- 600,35 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,00 GB groß

Release: 04.01.2023 (Version 1.0.33658.0)

- 559,33 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,33 GB groß

Release: 11.01.2023 (Version 1.0.33699.0)

- 1,28 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 628,90 MB groß

Release: 13.01.2023 (Version 1.0.33735.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 34,0 GB auf 35,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbauch von 23,2 GB auf 24,6 GB erhöht

- 4,98 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 7,27 GB groß

Release: 19.01.2023 (Version 1.0.33749.0)

- 2,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,35 GB groß

Release: 27.01.2023 (Version 1.0.33876.0)

- 6,29 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 5,36 GB groß

Release: 17.02.2023 (Version 1.0.34035.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 33,6 GB auf 33,7 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 23,1 GB auf 23,2 GB erhöht

- 5,99 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 6,02 GB groß

Release: 20.02.2023 (Version 1.0.34056.0)

- 591,88 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,38 GB groß

Release: 17.03.2023 (Version 1.0.34272.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 33,7 GB auf 34,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 23,2 GB auf 23,8 GB erhöht

- 5,43 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,29 GB groß

Release: 17.03.2023 (Version 1.0.34320.0)

- 3,57 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,42 GB groß

Release: 09.06.2023 (Version 1.0.35456.0)

- 2,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,07 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2023 (Version 1.0.35851.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 34,7 GB auf 15,3 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 23,8 GB auf 11,8 GB reduziert

- 14,20 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 11,18 GB groß

Release: 30.06.2023 (Version 1.0.35878.0)

- 2,60 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,64 GB groß

Release: 03.07.2023 (Version 1.0.35901.0)

- 2,57 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,94 GB groß

Release: 07.07.2023 (Version 1.0.35931.0)

- 2,82 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,12 GB groß

Release: 13.07.2023 (Version 1.0.35993.0)

- 3,23 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,10 GB groß

Release: 18.07.2023 (Version 1.0.36050.0)

- 3,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,93 GB groß

Release: 21.07.2023 (Version 1.0.36063.0)

- 2,59 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- ? GB groß

Release: 27.07.2023 (Version 1.0.36075.0)

- 2,99 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,36 GB groß

Release: 31.07.2023 (Version 1.0.36210.0)

- 3,50 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,27 GB groß

Release: 03.08.2023 (Version 1.0.36246.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 15,4 auf 34,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,8 GB uf 23,8 GB erhöht

- 33,62 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 23,21 GB groß

Release: 11.08.2023 (Version 1.0.36325.0)

- 1,49 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 728,61 MB groß

Release: 15.08.2023 (Version 1.0.36342.0)

- 1,00 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 507,85 MB groß

Release: 23.08.2023 (Version 1.0.36468.0)

- 1,39 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,73 GB groß

Release: 11.09.2023 (Version 1.0.36536.0)

- 929,63 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 589,46 MB groß

Release: 27.10.2023 (Version 1.0.36903.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 34,8 GB auf 35,0 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 23,8 GB auf 24,0 GB erhöht

- 7,84 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 7,50 GB groß

Release: 31.10.2023 (Version 1.0.36944.0)

- 932,80 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,23 GB groß

Release: 03.11.2023 (Version 1.0.36993.0)

- 2,87 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,09 GB groß

Release: 10.11.2023 (Version 1.0.37077.0)

- 3,28 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,63 GB groß

Release: 17.11.2023 (Version 1.0.37150.0)

- 2,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,47 GB groß

Release: 21.11.2023 (Version 1.0.37215.0)

- 3,67 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,16 GB groß

Release: 28.11.2023 (Version 1.0.37282.0)

- 6,15 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 5,63 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2023 (Version 1.0.37580.0)

- Speicherverbrauch von 31,2 GB auf 33,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 21,3 GB auf 22,9 GB erhöht

- 10,95 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 8,69 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2023 (Version 1.0.37598.0)

- 697,26 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 435,48 MB groß

Release: 15.12.2023 (Version 1.0.37609.0)

- 668,72 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 445,98 MB groß

Release: 25.12.2023 (Version 1.0.37633.0)

- 1,78 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 957,69 MB groß

Release: 12.01.2024 (Version 1.0.37670.0)

- 2,09 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,65 GB groß

Beta Version: Besiege Console

Release: 04.02.2022 (Version ->

- 874,25 MB groß

Release: 10.02.2022 (Version

- 96,95 MB groß

Release: 21.03.2022 (Version

- 875,14 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 875,87 MB groß

Release: 22.07.2022 (Version

- 484,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,17 GB groß

Release: 25.07.2022 (Version

- 894,93 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 125,1 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2023 (Version

- / MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,52 GB groß

Release: 02.05.2023 (Version

- 1,17 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,17 GB groß

Release: 03.05.2023 (Version

- 562,05 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 645,80 MB groß

Release: 16.05.2023 (Version

- 556,71 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 669,28 MB groß

Beta Version: Little Witch in the Woods

Release: 18.05.2022 (Version ->

- 573,92 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 559,35 MB groß

Release: 23.05.2022 (Version

- 413,29 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 335,3 MB groß

Release: 16.06.2022 (Version

- 393,37 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 344,23 MB groß

Release: 21.06.2022 (Version

- 173,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 148,91 MB groß

Beta Version: ARMA Reforger (NUR SERIES)

Release: 19.05.2022 (Version ->

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | reforger.armaplattform.com


- Das Respawn-Menü konnte dazu führen, dass mehrere Charaktere gespawnt wurden

- Kamerakollision in der 3rd-Person-Ansicht

- Rauswurf von Spielern aus einer Sitzung, wenn die Replikation statische Objekte in einer streambaren Hierarchie neu streamt

- Absturz während der Replikation, verursacht durch Gegenstände, die während des Ladens eingefügt wurden

- Einige KI-Wegfindungsprobleme im Game Master-Szenario

- Skript-Compiler verursacht einen Absturz, wenn der Vektor nicht im Index ist

- Texturspeicher-Leck und möglicher Absturz beim Deallokieren

- 2,84 GB groß

Release: 25.05.2022 (Version ->


- 8,30 GB groß

Release: 02.06.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed: Rendering artifacts related to shadow cascades

- Added: Smaller Conflict scenarios available in the Play and Scenarios menus

- Fixed: AI in Idle behavior was not checking its surroundings and now does

- Fixed: Explosives containers in Conflict would contain regular items instead

- Fixed: Changed the faulty background in the PlayerTile groups layouts

- Fixed: Magazines would stay attached to hands when a reload was interrupted by the equip action

- Fixed: Crash in inventory when dropping a vehicle inside a turret

- Tweaked: Ural upshift RPM increased to 1250

- Added: Option to change the gamepad Y-axis orientation

- Fixed: Potential character teleport under the surface when exiting a flipped vehicle

- Tweaked: AI perception at night

- Fixed: Mouse aiming of turrets became unreliable with high FPS

- Tweaked: Collisions and destruction of certain small props, walls and environmental objects

- Fixed: Steam platform saves are now gracefully freed

- Fixed: Potential crash when closing Game Master mode

- Fixed: The vicinity would not get refreshed when proxy clients manipulate items inside a storage hierarchy

- Fixed: Skipped paths in the climbing test for valid climb-over points (climbing through a window)

- Fixed: Suppressing sprint when going into ADS with binoculars or another gadget

- Fixed: Potential crash on exit related to UI

- Fixed: Collision of cars with gate bars could sink the cars under the terrain

- Fixed: Characters killed (or players disconnected) while inside a vehicle could end up stuck next to the vehicle or sitting on the road

- Fixed: Improved door contact detection

- Fixed: Item gestures would not be possible with the character in a throwing stance

- Fixed: Weapon equip actions are now checking the availability of gestures to prevent delayed pickups

- Fixed: Binding keys can now be cancelled by pressing the Escape key

- Fixed: Equipping a weapon could potentially crash the game

- Fixed: Changing the model of an animated items could potentially crash the game

- Fixed: Radios would not be returned to the radio pool on disconnecting

- Fixed: Players could get stuck during the Tutorial scenario when building a bunker

- Changed: When a player gets banned, the duration of the ban is displayed to them

- Tweaked: Localization strings and phrasing


- Fixed: Password entry on the virtual keyboard

- Changed: TV audio is no longer muted when headphones are plugged into the controller


- Changed: Improved the ACK system to reduce resend rates and bandwidth spikes when the server streams a new map regions to players

- Fixed: Clients are now handling disconnection from the server during a world reload

- Tweaked: Optimized the transfer of fire action in turrets

- Hotfixed: Graceful return from an online session to the main menu on resuming from being suspended

- Fixed: Sanitized ServerCommandHandler in case the player is no longer available

- Fixed: Improved the network frames acknowledgement mechanism

- Fixed: Network streaming or disconnecting could potentially crash the game

- Changed: Animation data from owners (rather than the server, as it previously was) is now played on proxies by default (this can be disabled by -noForwardOwnerAnimations on the server)

- Tweaked: Improved smoothness of characters in multiplayer


- Hotfixed: Rendering artifacts visible on some surfaces when using scopes or the inventory

- Hotfixed: Building interiors going suddenly pitch black

- Fixed: Clutter not being removed by decals

- Fixed: Flickering clutter when removed by decals and flickering decals


- Fixed: An incorrect sub-scene name could be shown in the scene tree

- Changed: BattlEye is now always loaded from the game installation folder


- Tweaked: Height resampling is default now when importing a height map in World Editor

- Fixed: RDB cache showing files not present in an addon

- Added: The current backend environment is shown in the status bar now

- Fixed: World Editor: Crash when trying to save a world into a read-only folder

- Fixed: Ignoring „Armature“ bones from Blender

- Changed: Forbidden use of Workbench as a replication client

- Tweaked: World Editor: Better default camera position

- Fixed: World Editor: Crash when displaying an entity’s context menu

- Fixed: Changing properties of DecoratorEntity in Behavior Editor could crash Workbench


- Fixed: Crashing for some people when they are manipulating the server browser

- Removed: Local rating update in Workshop

- Changed: Backend: Dedicated Server shutdown invoked in 3 seconds, after a heartbeat fails 3 times

- Tweaked: Manifests of old addons are now properly removed when updating

- Fixed: Backend: When room registration fails, a server now properly shuts down

- Fixed: Sometimes servers would not be visible in the server browser after disconnecting

- Changed: Improved error reporting of service-related issues

- 6,46 GB groß

Release: 08.06.2022 (Version


- 6,21 GB groß

Release: 16.06.2022 (Version


- 7,77 GB groß

Release: 30.06.2022 (Version


- 3,25 GB groß

Release: 14.07.2022 (Version


- 6,82 GB groß

Release: 21.07.2022 (Version


- 5,18 GB groß

Release: 11.08.2022 (Version


- 3,21 GB groß

Release: 25.08.2022 (Version


- 4,04 GB groß

Release: 20.10.2022 (Version


- 7,17 GB groß

Release: 25.10.2022 (Version


- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 10.11.2022 (Version


- 1004,46 MB groß

Release: 01.12.2022 (Version

Quelle: reforged.armaplatform.com


- Added: Arland terrain

- Added: Arland specific buildings

- Added: 4×20 Carry Handle Scope for M16 rifles

- Added: Combat Ops scenario

- Added: Sa-58P and Sa-58V 7.62x39 assault rifles

- Added: Airport signs & lights

- Added: Color variants to structures & buildings

- Added: Everon Airport sign on top of its hangar

- Tweaked: UAZ469 now uses split wheels, doors, roof frame, and roof canvas

- Fixed: Transmitter station fixed


- Added: Grouping of hitzones in damage and healing logic, an overhaul of bleeding, rework of the structure of consumable items, fixing of healing and bleeding characters from GM, and removing of redundant hitzones

- Added: Switching between first-person and third-person cameras now cancels ADS

- Added: It is now possible to use healing items in a vehicle

- Added: Weapon inspection X raise weapon X ADS actions now interact with each other correctly

- Added: Manual gearbox - Gameplay option for Driving Assistance

- Added: Inspected gadgets now support user actions as intended

- Added: When one vote is ongoing (not more, not less), holding 'P' will instantly cast a vote for it.

Pressing 'P' can still be used to open the player list and vote there

- Added: New animations and animation graph for the Russian radio_R148 with inspection

- Added: Flattening of grass under weapon at lower stances

- Added: Rebindable action for putting away currently selected item, also available while driving a vehicle - by default bound to DPad Right

- Added: Radial menu for quick slots 5-10 on the gamepad, controlled with Right Thumb Stick

- Added: RGD-5 fuze pop sounds

- Added: Magazine weights are now calculated dynamically, based on the weight and quantity of individual cartridges

- Added: Direction indicator is now shown when rotating an entity in Game Master

- Added: Antenna now has cost of building now

- Added: Separated combobox (selection drop-down list) for players' management menus

- Added: Hover over hitzone hint in the inventory

- Added: Medical crates are back in HQ tents

- Added: The voting countdown is now broadcasted to clients, so it can later be shown in notifications

- Added: Additional variants of M151A2, M998, M1025 added to US vehicle configs

- Added: Instant vote keyhint on sticky notification

- Added: Radial menu for quick slots 5-10 on a gamepad, controlled with Right Thumb Stick

- Added: Previous/Next page keybinds to the controls menu

- Added: Weapon scopes to arsenals

- Changed: Character will play sit-down/stand-up animations when entering compartments without animations

- Changed: Character magazine reload restricted during item inspection

- Changed: Improved flashlight control hints

- Changed: Action CharacterDropItem available while in the quick bar

- Changed: Slightly enlarged capacity of all trousers. US and Soviet soldiers now have two bandages

- Changed: Updated UI sounds in Inventory

- Changed: Right Thumb Stick Single Click toggles freelook, Right Thumb Stick Hold triggers Focus instead of Freelook while not driving

- Changed: Stance adjustment and leaning moved from RB + Right Thumb to RB + Left Thumb stick

- Changed: Players can now vote to kick only a player of the same faction

 This should prevent enemies from exploiting this to kick the enemy team, and also lowers the limit for a successful vote, as the number of votes is now evaluated only based on the number of players in the faction

- Changed: Factions in Game Master are now in order US - USSR - FIA instead of US - FIA - USSR

- Changed: FIA soldiers rearmed from AK-74 assault rifles to VZ-58 assault rifles

- Changed: Level of details selection algorithm was tweaked for transitions to be less visible

- Changed: Perception settings for AI so they see better during the night

- Changed: Persistent braking behavior

- Changed: Disabled AO on vegetation billboards, tweaked wetness on forest surface and wheat clutter

- Changed: Set post-process anti-aliasing OFF on ULTRA PC graphics preset. It was blurring otherwise already anti-aliased image by MSAA 4x

- Changed: Content of PlayMenu updated for 0.97 to feature Combat Ops and 3 recommended missions

- Changed: Stationary character now does no checks if nearby collision objects are static and only a few needed ones when there is a non-static collision object

- Changed: CharacterLiftWeapon action changed from LMB to C and can now be rebound in the keybinding menu under Weapon

- Changed: Invalidation of render target shadow context

- Changed: To/from GP25 plays foley sounds now

- Tweaked: Entering ADS now cancels freelook

- Tweaked: Reduced occlusion of smoke grenades, meaning that AIs will see better through smoke

- Tweaked: Refactored AI behaviors to move from danger (running from a grenade, incoming vehicle, vehicle horn)

- Tweaked: Audio of weapon inspection

- Tweaked: Sounds of rolling with different equipment

- Tweaked: Head bob for sniper rifles when in ADS so the scope doesn't get crazy misalignment values

- Tweaked: Moved sight switching combo to Ctrl+RMB and RB + Left Thumb Click on a gamepad to prevent collision with firemode switching during ADS

- Tweaked: The kick threshold changed to 0.3 (the option for selection of only one faction will be added in the future)

- Tweaked: Weapon "default" radiuses to ensure reliable picking up

- Tweaked: Set CarShift input filtering to click to prevent gearbox state machine failure during the COUPLING state

- Tweaked: Mouse aiming vertical sensitivity set to the same as horizontal

- Tweaked: Slightly increased vehicle steering speed while stationary

- Tweaked: Tripod rotation speeds

- Tweaked: Increased spawn point default spawn radius

- Tweaked: Shortened vehicle burn time by 33%

- Tweaked: Explosive damage rebalance

- Tweaked: Control hints for manual gearbox

- Tweaked: Gamepad aiming speeds for characters and turrets

- Tweaked: Third-person camera in vehicles

- Tweaked: Colors of rain

- Fixed: Manually loaded ammo doesn't appear on weapon storage in the inventory UI

- Fixed: Hands pose properly refreshed after inspection

- Fixed: Magazines now go into inventory if the weapon is dropped during reload unexpectedly, instead of staying in the character's hand

- Fixed: Canceling of item actions by jump and stance change

- Fixed: Safety doesn't work on weapons that don't have it. Safety now stays engaged if switching to a lowered weapon

- Fixed: Sonic crack sound might have played when the projectile was subsonic

- Fixed: Sprint suppressing now doesn't cancel toggle sprint. Should also fix AI not being able to sprint after the reload

- Fixed: AI wasn't able to operate the hummer turret

- Fixed: AI BTR turret operator can't see enemies

- Fixed: ForceDeath now resets the instigator. This prevents people respawning from being considered as teamkills for example

- Fixed: AI soldiers didn't try to escape a vehicle that was driving backward at them

- Fixed: Running over players with a vehicle now properly sets instigators

- Fixed: Explosions now consider occlusions of hitzones

- Fixed: Explosion damage and Fragmentation damage now approximate the area of hitzones

- Fixed: AI soldiers constantly switching between two rifle magazines if they have different prefabs but the same score

- Fixed: Trunk can be accessed from the vicinity of destroyed vehicles

- Fixed: Crash when killing AI

- Fixed: Weapons and gadgets are properly dropped

- Fixed: Weapons were firing slowly

- Fixed: Vehicle horn off input action generated unnecessarily when entering a vehicle

- Fixed: Disappearing rocket during reloading in MP

- Fixed: Backpacks and weapons are properly hidden when equipped during switching seats

- Fixed: Weapon/item inspection won't continue during melee attack(s)

- Fixed: Grenade can now be switched to another weapon when it is being aimed

- Fixed: When selecting a weapon, AI was ignoring the weapon if it had a loaded magazine without any magazines in inventory

- Fixed: Can't enter into ADS after removing M21 scope

- Fixed: Changing stance will now cancel bandaging properly, and not cancel inspection if it isn't needed

- Fixed: ADS being on when entering the turret whose previous operator had ADS enabled when leaving it

- Fixed: ADS state for turrets wasn't set properly after reloading

- Fixed: Weapon inspection should suppress gestures as intended

- Fixed: Turret base movement sounds sometimes got stuck on clients

- Fixed: Weapon obstruction properties would ignore the aim angles limit set in the aiming component

- Fixed: Server browser server mod loading

- Fixed: Player didn't respawn when the deploy button was toggled

- Fixed: Controls: Gamepad - Player is unable to toggle 3PV camera with Binoculars/Compass/Wristwatch

- Fixed: Input sensitivity during weapon obstruction with optic sights should no longer be reduced

- Fixed: Persistent ADS will make the camera persist in 1pv during jumps and other actions in 3pv while ADS is active

- Fixed: Content of blouse and trousers wasn't saved/loaded for player saved loadouts

- Fixed: Invalid ADS camera behavior during jump transition(s)

- Fixed: Magazine loaded in turrets disappears after some time

- Fixed: Pinged position or entity is now indicated on the edge of the screen when it's outside of the view

- Fixed: While transforming an entity in Game Master, hovering over a slot, rotating the entity, and unsnapping it from the slot again reverted its rotation

- Fixed: Sight switching action didn't work

- Fixed: When respawning on a radio operator who is in the building, the chosen position was always outside of the building. Now it will try to search for suitable positions inside

- Fixed: AI was able to complete the "Move" objective

- Fixed: No more headless clients when dying during third-person weapon ADS

- Fixed: Clicking on the trait icon within the entity card in the entity browser didn't do anything. Now it behaves as if clicked anywhere else on the card

- Fixed: Server crash on player reconnect

- Fixed: Improved MT safety of physics regarding the character controller

- Fixed: Blur persisting after unconsciousness is removed. Also, the heartbeat after death is no longer audible

- Fixed: Displaying of selection button in group and player entries

- Fixed: Groups and player entries should now have the right visuals

- Fixed: Player options should display a vote warning when voting for a player was started

- Fixed: Crash related to delayed execution of a gadget task when streaming a character in

- Fixed: RPG rocket disappears if detached while no suitable inventory space is available

- Fixed: Crash when reloading without mag to inventory

- Fixed: Spamming deployment could spawn a player multiple times when lagging

- Fixed: Disconnected players will now stop moving (or stop the vehicle if driving)

- Fixed: WeaponRaised and ADS streaming desync

- Fixed: Client VoN crash caused by invalid PlayerId at the edge of character lifetime

- Fixed: Character can press space while swimming which leads to him being stuck in a broken freelook

- Fixed: Server browser mod details are now loaded even if mods were previously loaded in the Workshop

- Fixed: Campaign: Request timer triggers even when a vehicle isn't spawned because of obstruction

- Fixed: Preload placeholder stayed on screen upon reconnecting to a server in some cases

- Fixed: Vehicle order in Request action at depots

- Fixed: Controls hints priority sorting

- Fixed: Possible fix for incorrect player count shown in the faction selection menu

- Fixed: Make the deactivation threshold works with any input filter

- Fixed: Bar gates should now perform a slightly more precise check for blocking obstacles (OBB instead of AABB check)

- Fixed: Further strong references replaced with weak ones when creating JobManager tasks + other related issues fixes

- Fixed: Replacing a dead gunner that was shooting will no longer result in automatically firing

- Fixed: Characters sometimes would be "undead" if they got healed after dying

- Fixed: Tripod rotation limits reduced to fix arm stretching on tripods

- Fixed: Players spawning on the same spot when spawning on the spawn point group

- Fixed: Gadgets improperly set to the ground mode when unequipped while still in a compartment

- Fixed: Grenades are now hidden when holstered properly (before they just clipped inside the body but stayed visible)

- Fixed: Direction and Normal was vector.Zero during melee

- Fixed: BTR no longer shoots itself on the move

- Fixed: Signals not updated after a vehicle gets destroyed (e.g. the engine sound keeps playing)

- Fixed: Couldn't focus on items opened traverse storages via gamepad

- Fixed: PIP scope input speed scaling

- Fixed: Removed open and inspect actions from arsenal weapons/backpacks

- Fixed: Jumping off a ladder from the lowest bar, or from a tilted ladder, causes the character to get stuck in the falling animation

- Fixed: Removing sights result in undefined behavior and can crash the game at any point

- Fixed: Can't reload M1025 turret

- Fixed: Crash possible when performing jobs in JobManager and the entity associated with the job disappears

- Fixed: Editable entities with occluders have been removed as they can't be properly updated after editing

- Fixed: Some garage doors wouldn't collide with vehicles

- Fixed: PKT gunner stance

- Fixed: Right lean adjustment on the gamepad was too sensitive

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Triggers now properly account for all players that are currently in-game

- Fixed: FOV sliders not working properly

- Fixed: Removed callqueue calls for respawn and spawn music, which caused a crash when the player quickly disconnects or gets kicked

- Fixed: Incorrect usage of soundComponent. Terminate and audio handles on vehicles

- Fixed: VoN: Audio signals not set for streamed out characters

- Fixed: Possible crash on multithread racing condition in physics of characters

- Fixed: Possible crash when AI is using doors which gets deleted

- Fixed: Memory leak when a player is kicked mid-joining

- Fixed: Crash on preloading entities without a model

- Fixed: Backend: Crash of server when a certain combination of kicked player reconnection happened

- Fixed: User action aggregation broke sorting order within the user action context

- Fixed: After getting banned for friendly fire, it was impossible to reconnect even after the #unban command was used

- Fixed: Admin bans should now persist between reconnects

- Fixed: Server browser BattlEye and player filters

- Fixed: Cloud shadows: fixed cloud shadows disappearing near sunset/sunrise

- Fixed: Clouds: fixed clouds haze not matching with distance fog

- Fixed: Sun not correctly hidden behind clouds 2D plane at the horizon

- Removed: CharacterWeaponBipod action as it is currently unused


- Changed: Added the first iteration of overall performance-oriented graphics presets for Xbox Series S/X

- Changed: Turn off connection reuse on Xbox

- Changed: Lockhart has forced static 1440 resolution, Anaconda 2160

- Changed: MSAA and 1080p target resolution on Xbox Series S

Changed: Disabled FSR for 30FPS mode for Xbox Series S

- Fixed: Possible crash after leaving a modded scenario

- Fixed: Mouse & keyboard fixes

- Fixed: Unable to select primary weapon, compass, or watch while the gadget is held

- Fixed: Keyboard disconnecting problems on Xbox


- Changed: Remote vehicles start with their physics off

- Changed: Swimming and sliding commands made available for local replay

- Changed: Further vehicle animation states are simulated locally now (steering, throttle, clutch, etc.)

- Changed: Use unreliable RPL channel for Voice over Net (VoN)

- Fixed: Physics velocity not updating on remote proxies

- Fixed: Final transformation of items now consistent between running instances (replicated)

- Fixed: Weapon fire desync after reconnecting

- Fixed: Proper replication of dropping a weapon

- Fixed: Old values of movement, lean, and stance change not updating properly

- Fixed: Turrets get desync when a client exits them and another enters

- Tweaked: Item actions traffic

- Tweaked: Controller inputs delta compression

- Tweaked: Character shared variables traffic optimization

- Tweaked: Delta compression for PhysAgent orientation

- Tweaked: Animgraph streaming traffic optimization

Game Master

- Added: Game Master health settings for global scenario properties

- Added: Game Masters that don't have admin rights can now remove their Game Master right which allows them to become a normal player again

- Added: Game Master can now choose passengers of vehicles by means of a context action

- Added: Game Master gained the ability to quickly fill vehicles with Crew and Passengers by means of a context action

- Changed: Game Master Entity browser trait filters no longer require all filters to match in order for entities to be displayed

- Changed: When transforming an entity in Game Master (i.e., moving it around with its ghost preview visible), context menu action shortcuts are no longer available

- Changed: Game Master health settings for characters' scenario properties

- Fixed: Double cursor would sometimes appear in the Game Master map

- Fixed: Missing control hints for the Game Master

- Fixed: Game Master camera wasn't shown on the map

- Fixed: "Resupply" context action in Game Master didn't work on other players

- Fixed: "Save loadout" action on Arsenal boxes is no longer available for AI soldiers that Game Master took control over

- Fixed: Hiding the Game Master interface made the map disappear as well

- Speicherverbrauch von 16,9 GB auf 21,6 GB erhöht

- 11,49 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2022 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Added: Custom arsenal into Combat Ops and the possibility to save loadout and spawn with it

- Added (Conflict): MP serialization, client data (stored faction & rank)

- Fixed: Login dialog password obfuscation

- Fixed: Explosions are now traced against the center of mass, not the origin

- Fixed: Explosions would not be blocked by walls

- Tweaked: Damage computation for explosions

- Tweaked: 2D Map: Update default values on Rasterization export

- Fixed: Avoid swapping AI movement components if the controlled entity is a player

- Fixed: Gamepad usage of GadgetMap (DPad Right + B) does not prevent GetOut action

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Task notification pop-up duplication when someone assigns/unassigns task

- Fixed: Missing penalty component to CombatOps

- Fixed: Weapon unequippable after being slung and then moved in inventory to a different slot

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework Deliver Intel glitch can cause the Exfil task to appear

- Fixed: Game slowdown caused by shooting into water bodies (ponds, lakes, rivers), fixes incorrect behavior of water impact particles

- Fixed: Script error when entering a turret compartment with an empty weapon slot

- Fixed: Conflict: Wrong assets spawned around relay towers

- Fixed: Leaning not replicated properly

- Fixed: Character state stayed modified even after the item in hand was deleted


- Fixed: Backend Crash when the player is removed during authentication

- Fixed: Crash when the inheritance of unrelated classes, fixes crash on modded loadouts

- Fixed: Crash when there is a type mismatch in BTNode inputs

- Fixed: Crash on ResetVehicle not handling missing entity

- Fixed: Memory leak in the scripted camera

- Fixed: Crash in audio caused by delays

- Fixed: Crash when BaseLoadoutClothComponent's area type is not set

- Fixed: Memory leak when server shutdowns immediately after creation

- Fixed: Crash because HelicopterControllerComponent doesn't perform validity check when running simulation

Enfusion Blender Tools

- Changed: Any game data processing is now done via Workbench Bridge, following are the features that require running a version of Workbench (Operator's/Property's description contains a warning too):

TXA export

- Enfusion materials import(Enfusion Tools → Import → FBX)

- FBX export(Enfusion Tools → Export→ FBX)

Colliders Setup

- Model Quality Assurance(only if " 'usage' Property " is checked)

- Changed: Model Quality Assurance now uses Geometry Nodes setup to visually indicate invalid geometry(see "Invalid Topology" Collection)

- Changed: New TXA export interface

- Better general look: no longer need to expand the right panel to see parameters

- Export profiles & diff poses are reliably stored in the file itself

- Ability to search through export profiles and diff poses

- Tweaked: Significant improvement to TXA exporter speed while exporting more complex actions

- Fixed: Exporting of weapon IK poses

- 3,11 GB groß

Release: 15.12.2022 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Added (Conflict): Client data can now be re-applied after server restart

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Title and description for task notifications are not properly updated when overriding default values

- Fixed (Conflict): Wrong capture point count when resuming a scenario

- Fixed (Conflict): No longer possible to build already built structures when resuming a scenario

- Fixed (Conflict): Wrong faction variants of buildings spawned when resuming a scenario

- Fixed: Scenario menu inputs - double click = Play or Continue, Join and Restart has now different actions on the controller

- Fixed (Conflict): When resuming a scenario, the HQ composition would be spawned on a random starting point as well as on the proper HQ

- Fixed (Conflict) Incorrect amount of supplies restored in bases with supply depots

- Fixed: When possessing AI in GameMaster, the head of AI would not always disappear in first person

- Fixed: Missing structures when resuming a scenario with prebuilt compositions

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework - The message about finishing the objective is shown incorrectly

- Fixed (Conflict): Missing spawnpoints in small scenarios

- Changed: Disabled spawn occupants in the vehicle (context action in GM) until a proper fix can be made

- Tweaked: Fragmentation damage​


​- Fixed: Crash when saving loadout

- Fixed: Make loadouts area type safer and not crash when not setup

- Fixed: Race condition causing crash on aborting download

- Fixed: Potential crash in WeaponComponent::GetSightsTransformation

- Fixed: Possible crash in AI abort defend waypoint

- Fixed: Possible AI Crash in RequestAction​


​- Fixed: If a player tries to reconnect during their ban duration they won’t be able to rejoin the server even after the ban expires resulting in a connection failure.

- Fixed (Backend): Crash related to auth fail and kick during player reconnect

- Fixed: Possible stall and kick when streaming of replicated objects merges multiple hierarchies

- Fixed: Possible stall during JIP if some nodes didn’t have a parent on the server

- Fixed: Possible continuous Room removal process

- 4,95 GB groß

Release: 13.01.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Added: EntitySlotInfo::OnAttachedEntity and EntitySlotInfo::OnDetachedEntity events

- Fixed: (Conflict): Reconnecting players should now always have the correct saved data applied

- Fixed: BaseInventoryStorageComponent::GetOccupiedVolume is not taking additional volume into account

- Fixed: GetClothByArea and IsAreaAvailable functions were not returning the correct slot when passing the parent type class as a parameter

- Fixed: SetAdditionalWeight and SetAdditionalVolume were not reliable RPC

- Fixed: Unable to switch items in both hands after mashing the number keys, caused by gadget show/hide animations getting stuck

- Fixed: AI should no longer spawn inside a tent

- Fixed: Removing an item from the quick slot with the gamepad resulted in an item slot stretched across the screen

- Fixed: Spawning on bases with no reverse signal (cannot reach HQ back)

- Fixed: Input: filter preset from/to combo user binding

Combat Ops

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Trigger notifications, expanded logic, and implementation to CombatOps Exfil point

- Added: Task Kill

- Added: (ScenarioFramework) Waypoints for Task Kill

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Settings for the maximal number of tasks that can be generated

- Added: Kill hvt task, with hvt soldier classname placeholder

- Added: Music when extractions starts, some compositions into tents

- Added (CombatOps): Task Kill to all viable areas

- Added: Finished Tasks list

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Proper end screen based on completed tasks and new logic counter features for easier workflow

- Tweaked: SCR_PopupNotification refactor

- Tweaked (ScenarioFramework): Minor fixes for the exfil trigger and addition of countdown to CharacterTriggerEntity

- Tweaked: Exfil trigger countdown notifications, play sound during countdown and removed obsolete ALL_PLAYERS since we have a percentage slider for PLAYER activation

- Tweaked (ScenarioFramework): Random Percent default value set to 100 as it caused improper spawning chance

- Tweaked (ScenarioFramework): End screen formatting improvements

- Fixed: Broken merge of CombatOps_Arland_Areas.layer causing some layers not to be created

- Fixed: SCR_PopupNotification progress bar timer setup

- Fixed: SCR_PopupNotification filter reset

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): Exfil trigger was not properly decreasing counter and tweaked notification spam

- Fixed: (ScenarioFramework): Edge case for delivering intel task trigger not being correctly assigned which prevented completing the task and icon relocation on the map

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): Seeking existing object could not properly retrieve ResourceName of the StaticModelEntity which caused Task Destroy not to register Antenna

- Fixed: The turning animation keeps playing after turning right

- Fixed: Debug spheres in combat ops

- Removed (ScenarioFramework): Obsolete extraction counter that is not utilized

Game Master

- Fixed: Spawn occupants could still be called with shortcuts potentially causing a budget overflow

- Fixed: When respawn menu was opened while the player list was visible, it prevented the player list from being opened in respawn menu


- Fixed: Excessive preload requests could lock the player on respawn loading screen


- Fixed: Workshop deleting of local mods and mods from different backend environments


- Added (Backend): Experimental feature allows us to fix issues with incorrect player counts in the Server Browser.

Fixed (Backend): Server Crash when player disappears during auth.


- Added (Crash Reporter): Crash unique GUID being logged

- Fixed: Crash when reading specific JSON files

- Fixed: Crash when adding HierarchicalParametricMaterialInstanceComponent on an entity.

- Fixed: Crash when starting ragdoll with a weapon in hand that doesn't have a physics component

- Fixed: Crash in AIWeaponTargetSelector caused by a null pointer

- Fixed: Crash in AIInventoryCache which was probably caused by dangling callback

- Fixed: Crash on Game cleanup due to a missing null check.

Enfusion Blender Tools

- Tweaked: The P3D import dialog now informs the user if Workbench with net API enabled is running, which is necessary for the proper P3D import process

- Added: New properties to EBT -> Export -> FBX window

- 2,93 GB groß

Release: 23.02.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Added: Free Roam Building feature

- Changed: Changed crack puddle sharpness for a bit more explicit puddles from detail textures

- Changed: Moved the MG in compositions to make sure Players stand behind it rather than sit

- Changed: Sorting is always set to default: behavior is now consistent across all browsers

- Changed: Optimized usage of pathfinding component in AI movement

- Tweaked: Position of context for open door action

- Fixed: Color values in LightRunway_02 prefab

- Fixed: AILimit counter condition when removing AI agents

- Fixed: Fixed Arland time zone

- Fixed: Wrong lighting on bunkers

- Fixed: Streamed out friendlies appeared as unknown source in VoN display UI

- Fixed: Combat ops: End screen only shows objectives that were completed while the player was connected

- Fixed: Conflict: Wrong points color in HUD

- Fixed: Coastal bases do not have Signal/antenna icons when missing range

- Fixed: Spawning in Morton, added 2 bunkers

- Fixed: Destroyed vehicles do not shut engine down

- Fixed: Incorrect keybind hint in tutorial stage 67

- Fixed: Tutorial: Screen flickering upon scenario start

- Fixed: Vehicles collide with grenades on the ground and can get stuck

- Fixed: Cannot loot binoculars and compass from dead bodies

- Fixed: Services in bases can be duplicated

- Fixed: Updating mesh every frame on supply trucks in conflict

- Fixed: Players can get stuck on loading in deploy screen when deploying to remote locations and getting spawn killed

- Fixed: Tutorial: Wrong waypoint position for bunker building stage

- Fixed: Wristwatch was not being updated after dropping and picking up

- Fixed: Entities were force-streamed to the client even when the editor was opened, but the mode that required streaming was not active

- Fixed: Compression on flashlight overlay textures in the map changed from ColorHQCompression to DXTCompression to remove the artifacts

- Fixed: Budgeting for stationary nodes with per connection streaming disabled

- Fixed: Create permission record on the fly

- Fixed: Conflict: Spawnpoint activation upon building an antenna in a base when all other conditions are already fulfilled

- Fixed: Conflict: Spawnpoint activation upon connecting a base to the HQ radio network by capturing another base on the way

- Fixed: UAZ wheels damage, misconfigured roof frame, and canvas

- Fixed: HQ Tents should no longer use Medical crates. Morton spawn moved.

- Fixed: A check is added to make sure that opened storage is still within the vicinity of the player

- Fixed: Crash when looting dead character

- Fixed: Engine not starting up reliably on high FPS

- Fixed: Disappearing interaction in vehicle depots

- Fixed: Conflict: No XP loss when causing a friendly fire from a turret

- Fixed: Regenerated vehicle maintenance depots for Conflict and editable prefabs for new signs.

- Fixed: Crash on shooting barbed wire


- Added: Math3D::IntersectionSphereAABB API

- Added: CharacterVicinityComponent::GetDiscoveryRadius API

- Added: Workshop API to get unfinished download

- Changed: Editor manager variable was not available in all events

- Tweaked: Workbench (Resource manager): Anim file types enabled for being duplicated in addon

- Fixed: Server events for mode activation and deactivation were not called in all situations

- Fixed: When importing FBX from not loaded project error message

- Fixed: When importing FBX check for it in all loaded Addon Projects

- Fixed: Check if FBX is imported from not loaded project

- Fixed: Error message when importing a model with wrong GUID and relative path

Scenario Framework

- Added: ScenarioFramework: Mission header for CombatOps with the ability to set the number and type of tasks

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Add Task Defend

- Changed: Names of the classes of the SF components.

- Tweaked (ScenarioFramework): Replacing obsolete GetTitleText() with GetTitle()

- Tweaked: ScenarioFramework: Formatting of code to comply with set conventions

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Exfil task is called move for clients

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Multiplayer issues with SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity, improved exfil countdown, and further polished the feature

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Randomized task generation issues that sometimes prevented tasks from being created


- Added: UGC privileges are now considered in custom group texts

- Added: Group name/description now respects UGC and is also a friendly option

- Added: View target user created content Xbox permission

- Changed: Xbox mod storage has been increased to 20GB. Players on Xbox need to re-download all the mods.

- Fixed: Avoid underflow of Xbox PLS space reservation

- Fixed: XR-045: Player with Blocked UGC privilege can see custom group names in deploy screen


- Added: Upper limit when computing offset to light cluster structure to avoid possible GPU crash

- Fixed: Broken river flow-maps generating

- Fixed: GPU crash due to page fault when accessing const buffer out of uploaded range

- Fixed: GPU crash due to vertex buffers overwrite in particles system

- Fixed: Rendering glitches on particles

- Fixed: GPU crash, fog read from unset const buffer instead of the internal structure


- Fixed: Fixed rare case where reliable RPC sent once, followed by a constant stream of unreliable RPCs, may never be ACKed and gets resent constantly.

- Fixed: It isn’t possible to join a modded server with dependencies after the game restarts

- Fixed: Rare case when sliding window ACK sending is blocked due to uninitialized RTT.

- Fixed: High memory consumption on server: caused by replication stats


- Tweaked: Workshop checks for an invalid state to improve API stability

- Tweaked: Improved download pause and resume stability

- Tweaked: Prevent downloading a mod twice at the same time

- Tweaked: Safety check on creating a http transfer

- Fixed: IsEnabled didn’t work correctly for local mods

- Fixed: Mods from a different environment break update

- Fixed: Race condition in request scheduling

- Fixed: Deleting and re-downloading mod leads to a crash

- Fixed: If player deletes and re-downloads a mod, it is deleted after opening workshop

- Fixed: Mods in certain state after download can prevent game starting

- Fixed: Crash on mod update on a Linux server

- Fixed: Infinite addon update if patch is empty

- Fixed: Pausing and resuming download results in failed addon data validation


- Fixed: Items in arsenals had active physics

Free Roam Building

- Changed: Free Roam Building activation limited to user action only

- Changed: Virtual area shaders now inherit from VirtualArea.emat. Shader set to MatCommon base on discussion  Base building area is now more transparent at the bottom and less towards the top.

- Changed: Made the virtual area gradient not transparent, just at the line of contact with the ground in building mode.

This change doesn’t affect other virtual area usages

- Fixed: Provider can’t be accessed outside of the provider range.

- Fixed: Removing obsolete file

- Fixed: Bases without HQ tents were missing a sign to initiate a Free Roam Building

- Fixed: The missing sign at Chotain military base.

- 8,21 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Changed: Player in building mode can no longer delete static guns with others players in them

- Changed: Refund value from deleted compositions in Free Roam Building was changed to 100%

- Fixed: Misaligned board at Chotain's millitary base vehicle depot

- Fixed: Possibility to switch to sea level placement

- Fixed: Moving a weapon from one inventory slot to other causes it to be dropped and bugged

- Fixed: Sprint impossible while weapon is raised

- Fixed: Procedural animations would fail on change of model mesh, for example destruction of radio tower

- Fixed: Teleporting of vehicles was stretching particle effects, now properly resets velocity

- Fixed: UserActions weren't properly initialized in Vehicle depots

- Fixed: Handle case where mesh object is changed with ProcAnimComponent

- Fixed: A dangling pointer, automatically reacts to a PhysicsComponent change etc


- Added: Replication statistics available to user code (including scripts)

- Fixed: RplSession script callbacks were sometimes invoked too many times (beginning) or not at all (ending)

- Fixed: Possible network stall when encoding limits are hit


- Fixed: Create default export profile in the addon of given model 

- 2,49 GB groß

Release: 23.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Added: Free Roam Building Composition direction indicator

- Changed: Optimized colliders on Sandbag_01_bunker

- Changed: Free Roam Building:  New implementation of the ranks limitation

- Tweaked: Tripod prefabs + compositions which uses them. Also assigned correct anim graphs to tripods and tweaked compartment accessibility

- Fixed: Quick regenerating navmesh tiles could lead to incorrect final result

- Fixed: Make log-scopes infinite recursion bulletproof.

- Fixed: Closing stream not having prio record added when it's last frame was ACKed

- Fixed: Free Roam Building It's not possible to place composition into the water. A more precise placement check added

- Fixed: Null pointer to instance in SetAIWaypoint function.

- Modding: Enfusion Blender Tools

- Added: Automatically register & import TXA files upon export 

- Added: Support for importing structures prefabs to blender.

- Fixed: Bug with importing materials that has space in a path

Modding - General

- Added: Version of MpTest world without game mode and any other prefabs which can be used by the community to test their custom game modes

VFX Update

- Added: Particle FX light

- Added (Particles): possibility to disable collision until certain distance

- Added: Weapon case 3d particles

- Added: 3D vehicle debris and explosions

- Added: Light into explosion

- Added: Lights into flash

- Added: SCR_ParticleEmitter - CreateOriented(), CreateAsChildOriented() and CreateOrientedEx() methods

- Added: Collision-enabled particle interaction layer settings

- Added: Case for 762x39PS, tweaked material

- Changed: Metal bullet casing impacts, generic attenuation curves

- Changed: Better particle FX collisions

Tweaked: Default values for particle material/prefab.

- Tweaked (Particle editor): new emitter is always created with the default material/prefab

- Tweaked: Disabled lens flares for particle lights

- Tweaked: Firearms particles

- Tweaked: Polish of muzzle smokes

- Tweaked: Particle FX - ConeAngleMinDist and ConeAngleRndRange

- Fixed: Instability/oscillation/drifting of nearly static particles, sliding particles (oscillation and speed issues), adds more options for controlling bounce direction and sliding friction

- Fixed: Disabled some invalid combinations of particle settings Collisions for local-space-simulation particles, local-space for prefab particles (the option is unavailable in the editor, but it was loaded and used anyway)

- Fixed (Particle FX): random emit angle distribution for ConeAngle.x < 360

- Fixed: Particle FX - emit cone visualization for ConeAngle.x < 360

- Removed: PI division for diffuse lighting 

- Removed: Casings on vehicle roof impact bank


- Fixed: Linux DS crash on bleeding particle FX

- Fixed: Crash in font rendering

- Fixed (Render Crash): Loading GM save with character holding RHS AN/PRC-152 radio

- Fixed: Crash while loading configs when lot of mods were enabled


- Fixed: Flickering shadows

- 10,62 GB groß

Release: 30.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com

- Added: Peaked cap for USSR hvt character

- Changed: Build support structure task disabled

- Changed: DamageManager.HandleDamage now takes instigator as a parameter instead of damageSource

- Fixed: Multiple cases where instigators would be reset before player death

- Fixed: Crash on deleted Resource name of Behavior tree that was stored in BTmanager

- 5,82 GB groß

Release: 11.05.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 21,6 GB auf 22,0 GB erhöht

- 11,90 GB groß

Release: 18.05.2023 (Version


- 5,73 GB groß

Release: 25.05.2023 (Version


- 11,74 GB groß

Release: 20.07.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 12,18 GB groß

Release: 10.08.2023 (Version


- 7,58 GB groß

Release: 14.09.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Added Everon: New power plant location

- Added Everon: Tourist trails

- Added Everon - Set of recreational props

- Added Everon: Flavor update (murals, posters, notice boards)

- Added: New color variants of Church_01

- Added: New variants of cargo containers

- Added: Ocean simulation synchronization

- Added: Ambient bird flocks triggered by noise in the surroundings

- Changed Everon: Satmap updated

- Changed: Increased saline bag effect from 30 to 90 seconds

- Changed: Map markers configured.

- Changed: Squad marker: players' own squad now has higher opacity than others

- Changed: Squad marker info layout has squad leader nickname marked with an icon

- Changed: Squad marker refresh rate to 10 seconds

- Changed: Squad leader markers are now clickable and display group info on hover

- Tweaked: Blending of ADS state in different situations

- Tweaked: Damage application of missiles when hitting vehicles

- Fixed: Performance issues with spawned animals resolved

- Fixed: Player now remains authenticated after the game mode reset - the server was showing fewer players in the server browser

- Fixed: Player reconnection message does not indicate FAIL with authentication

- Fixed: ArmaVision Camera was visible on a map which allowed players to exploit it as a map marker

- Fixed: HUD Manager's Layer Handlers didn't register themselves to HUD Manager upon initialization

- Fixed: Base supplies are no longer deducted for pre-built services when loading a save

- Fixed: Game Master budgets desynchronizing for clients

- Fixed: Newly joined Game Master Clients have the wrong budget information

- Fixed: Arland base couldn't be captured because of defender FIA AI being spawned inside of a fuel tank

- Fixed: Fixed a bug where a turret could keep shooting after the character in it became unconscious

- Fixed: 2D Optics: Binoculars overlay stuck on screen when exiting free building mode

- Fixed: 2D Optics: Non-illuminated reticles may become translucent

- Fixed: Multiple issues with nametags


- Changed: AI simulation was spread through multiple frames by default

- Fixed: Navmesh Server should run only when using Workbench.


- Fixed: Streaming of player-controlled entity could be broken

- Fixed: Current muzzle not correctly replicated


- Added: Ambient Insects

- Added: Shore waves effect

- Added: Tessendorf foam accumulation

- Added: Particles: Emissivity curve

- Added: Per-effect particle collision presets

- Added: Particle lights: world-space relative y-translation

- Added: Particle light shadows

- Changed: Forest Generator now supports partial regeneration

- Tweaked: Particle emissivity multiplier: better behavior for LV < 0

- Tweaked: Particles: Better behavior of emissivity map


- Added: ParticleEffectEntity is now replacing SCR_ParticleEmitter

- Added: BaseWorld::GetTimeSlice script API

- Added: Ability to disable AIGroup/AIAgent from script and code

- Added: Particles API getters/setters support for Max LV param

- Added: Dynamic marker example class with documentation

- Changed: Separate replication from ParticleEffectEntity to an inherited entity ReplicatedParticleEffectEntity

- Changed: DamageManger requires RplComponent now

- Fixed: Crash when there is no effect position in MuzzleEffectComponent

- Fixed: Crash when there is no effect position in MotorExhaustEffectComponent


- Added: Downloading calculation of size between version patches

- Added: Author block/report cancel when joining a server

- Tweaked: Workshop: download speed optimization

- Fixed: Crash when addon download fails due to CRC check or corrupted SHA

- Fixed Workshop: download may freeze if the connection is unstable

- Fixed: Exiting the game during mod download corrupts said mod and redownloading shows download progress exceeding 100%

- Fixed: Interrupted add-on download fails after continuing

- Fixed: Various download issues

- Fixed Xbox Workshop: Download is aborted if the addon cannot fit

Enfusion Blender Tools

- Fixed: Batch FBX export no longer adds leaf bones


- Fixed: Compartment occupant was cleared too early leading to a server crash later

- Fixed: Crash that happened when destructible entities had HandleDamage called with non-valid damage types

- Fixed: Crash when trying to host the game from the client

- Fixed: Crash when download fails due to lack of storage space

- Fixed: Workbench crash with EquipedLoadoutStorageComponent

- Fixed: Crash caused by improper handling of controls

- Fixed: Linux server crash with gamecode::EntitySlotInfo::DetachEntity

- Fixed: Crash when meleeing a fire hydrant. DamageContext's lifetime could expire, resulting in a crash.

- Fixed: Game crashes when opening server details in quick succession

- Fixed: WB crashes if it starts with broken scripts

- Fixed: Crash when downloading addon on Xbox

- Fixed: Crash in fur material when fullscreen mode changes and the game project is not loaded

- Fixed: Crash when rendering BlurWidget without source render target set

- Fixed: Crash in JsonApi during script recompilation in Workbench

- Fixed: Rare crash in the underwater effect

- Fixed: Underwater crash for worlds with no ocean material

- Fixed: Crash when destroying entities with a Damage manager and no rpl component


- Added: WaterDepth signal

- Added: Dedicated sounds for explosions in water

- Speicherverbrauch von 22,2 GB auf 22,6 GB erhöht

- 12,50 GB groß

Release: 26.09.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Fixed: Particle lights possible crash upon world destruction

- Fixed: Occasional crash when downloading mods on Xbox, mainly when players have some partially downloaded or corrupted addons

- Fixed: Crashes in SoundMapData

- Fixed: Newly created entities put into the hierarchy could end up orphaned and not linked at all, leading to leaks and possible crashes

- Fixed: GPU crash caused by indexing error in clutter preparation


- Fixed: Unable to cancel Report to Author while joining a server

- Fixed: Addon order could differ when connecting to servers, causing script_mismatch kicks

- 1,29 GB groß

Release: 16.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com | xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Aus der Beta Version wird die Release Version 1.0


- Added: Helicopters

- Added: New Support Services which bring new gameplay: Repairing and Refueling vehicles as well as allowing players to quickly resupply and heal themselves at bases

- Added: Pausing simulation

- Added: Prone weapon deployment for weapons with bipod

- Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel may create explosion damage upon destruction

- Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel fire effects while the vehicle is on fire

- Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel deteriorating while the vehicle is on fire

- Added: Characters are now not ejected from vehicles upon dying

- Added: Character can now fall out of an airborne vehicle during the get out animation after the GetOut_Eject animation event

- Added: Character now drowns when underwater for too long

- Added: Senior rifleman role for USSR faction

- Added: 6B3 added to USSR arsenal

- Added: Support service gadgets to be used in tandem with the support services allowing the player to repair, refuel, resupply, and heal in the field

- Added: You can now load unconscious allies into friendly ambulances' patient slots

- Added: Characters now respond when getting shot in the helmet but miss the head

- Added: M69 Olive variant to US arsenal

- Added: Hint bar to item infoWidgets in inventory

- Added: Placing multiple compositions into a single location isn't possible anymore

- Added: Players can now abstain from voting when a vote is active. Hiding the vote notification

- Added: Voting time left to show players when a vote ends unresolved. Only visible if there is one vote in progress that the player has not voted for

- Added: Ability to create multiple save files using the new "Save" toolbar action. Available only in singleplayer

- Changed: Respawn screen opening delay increased

- Changed: Gadgets - Allow gadget usage in turrets except for binoculars

- Changed: All vehicle types are garbage managed and have a common interface in VehicleControllerComponent_SA

- Changed: Another vehicle's driver becomes an instigator only if moving toward colliding vehicle

- Changed: Increase Xbox persistent storage size to 25000MB 

- Changed: USSR Senior rifleman replaces other roles in several groups

- Changed: Bandage/tourniquet reactions don't appear when not bleeding

- Changed: VON is now enabled by default for unconscious characters in the Conflict and Editor gamemode

- Changed: M151 turret getIn and RemoveCasualty contexts added to the bench

- Changed: When taking high damage in helmets and most vests players can go unconscious

- Changed: Unconsciousness screeneffect now indicates how far or close the player is to waking up

- Changed: Inspect Casualty Widget now disappears after 5 seconds

- Changed: You now need to have your weapon in hand to be able to reload your weapon

- Changed: Disabled sorting of the playerlist as it was causing a lot of issues

- Changed: Balanced helicopter damage. Increased CollisionDamage, reduced chance to light on fire, added driveShaft config and rotor_base prefab

- Changed: Rotors now take CollisionDamage at lower collision speeds

- Changed: Deployable radio exclusion zone for enemy bases; also enabled query for all bases, not just HQs

- Fixed: The deflated model of clothes was not correctly displayed inside the inventory preview

- Fixed: Exiting a turret now places the character behind it, not on top of it

- Fixed: Exiting from seat when obstructed left players stranded in another seat

- Fixed: Switching seats and exiting at the last second will no longer break the seat

- Fixed: Vehicle ownership could be lost when any pilot compartment is exited, for now first is considered controlling

- Fixed: Handbrake does not engage and the engine does not shut off if the player ejects from the vehicle's driver seat, even if driving assistance is set to full

- Fixed: Engine system was only simulated if a vehicle was controlled

- Fixed: Ragdoll may slide when a character is neutralized during a walk

- Fixed: Weapon switching animations should now be smoother

- Fixed: Fuel tank warning icon disappearing while leaking when over low fuel threshold

- Fixed: Could lose magazine on the client if spamming the F-Key on the magazine in Inspection

- Fixed: Spotlights with projected texture correctly update also Subsurface scattering color

- Fixed: Better Subsurface scattering attenuation and diffuse normalization for spot/point lights

- Fixed: Water-surface vs under-water shaders inconsistencies (especially with the water erasers)

- Fixed: Character hit animation no longer plays when healing

- Fixed: The preview of vehicles inside the inventory was missing some parts

- Fixed: Inventory item previews are not rendering in some cases

- Fixed: Explosions - Fixed a bug where explosions would deal damage multiple times to some entities, depending on the amount of parent damage managers they had in the hierarchy

- Fixed (Explosions): Destructibles don't block traces to other destructible

- Fixed (TaskSystem): Task list entries had flickering buttons and show on map button was not working

- Fixed  (DeployMenu):- Task list could not be opened when clicking on the map icon, issues with keybinds and after-respawn misalignment

- Fixed: Building Mode Budget Going Below Zero

- Fixed: Base supplies are no longer deducted for pre-built services when loading a save

- Fixed: General fixes to the voting system and player list 'player action' dropdown

- Fixed: It was possible to lose a magazine when using Weapon Inspection to remove a magazine

- Fixed: It was possible to switch position between isolated vehicle sections, like cargo and cabin section

- Fixed: Rain effects are not visible underwater

- Fixed: Weapon IK solver breaking elbows in extremes

- Fixed: Game settings were not saving window mode when it was the only changed setting

- Fixed: SpawnDecalEffect would not project on multiple entities

- Fixed: Missing particle light when a particle effect instance is not updated (e.g. because of a paused game)

- Fixed: Resource/Supply containers were not unregistering from interactors (Services, bases, vehicle actions, etc.) when rights or interaction rules changed

- Fixed: Resource containers are now ordered properly on interactors.

- Fixed: Weapon deployment made the character spin if used after getting out of the loiter animation

- Fixed: Tripod turrets could store vehicles inside them.

- Fixed: Supply caches now replenish resources once every hour to ensure the world doesn't run dry on supplies

- Fixed: Ragdoll and dead body position desyncs

- Fixed: Ragdoll LOD issues

- Fixed: Dead body teleportation

- Fixed: Invisible supplies had active collisions with players/vehicles

- Fixed: Supplies duplication

- Fixed: Support stations were not able to use supplies as the range was minimal

- Fixed: Passengers in a helicopter were turned 45 degrees counter-clockwise

- Fixed: Lights would turn off after the shutdown timer expired, but emissive parts would remain lit

- Fixed: Vehicle previews were displayed with loaded supplies despite not having supplies 

- Fixed: Weapons were not rendered when viewing characters at long distance

- Fixed: Bases in conflict generated supplies on initialization to the wrong priority regarding supply containers and depots.

- Fixed: Gadgets - Flashlight was turning off when put away / ADS

- Fixed: Gadgets - Possible to toggle the flashlight while unconscious

- Fixed: It was possible to get out from a hovering helicopter. Get out action has been disabled when altitude above ground level exceeds 3 meters

- Fixed: Refunding a vest in the arsenal was breaking it into its components

- Fixed: Character's stance wouldn't reliably change when the character was colliding

- Fixed: Inventory was not closed when a character was deleted

- Fixed: Invisible supplies had collisions with projectiles and grenades

- Fixed: Empty groups on Game Master are no longer visible

Balancing changes:

- Supply income in bases is increased to the main base and the primary objectives

- Supply income in bases is increased per each base connected via radio signal

- Base structures have been reshuffled to allow more choice of vehicles in the beginning

Truck is available from the start

Helipads are only available from Sergeant

Prices are adjusted to provide meaningful choices

- Vehicles are reshuffled in cost and rank to ensure more advanced vehicles are more difficult to obtain outside of the primary bases

- The cost of weapons is rounded to 5 marks to make them more readable


- Added: AITask Node to reset Pathfinding filters

- Added: BT Task to turn on/off vehicle lights

- Added: Navmesh Streaming can be disabled from server config

- Changed: Renamed AILimit methods so they make more sense

- Changed: Adjusted AI reactions to grenades to be more human-like

- Fixed: AI was not using their rifles against helicopters

- Fixed: Loitering AI in Conflict sometimes ignored the enemy

- Fixed: AI soldiers will now heal their unconscious teammates regardless of their threat level.

- Fixed: Members of the AI group could spawn on the sea bed instead of being on the sea


- Added: RCON commands support

- Added: Server config param VONCanTransmitCrossFaction

- Added: Streaming statistics

- Changed: EnableStreaming(Con, Node) now supports hierarchy changes

- Changed: Proxy vehicles are no longer simulated

- Changed: NwkMovement systems now don't replicate when there are no positional changes

- Changed: Post game mission restart has been enabled by default (30 seconds). It can now also be disabled using the "autoreload" CLI parameter

- Changed: Marked NetScriptConnectionListener as obsolete

- Changed: disableLoadingLatestSave command line param phased out, dedicated server will no longer try to load the latest save automatically.

Replaced by -loadSessionSave, which loads the latest save, and -loadSessionSave [fileName], which loads a specific save

- Fixed: Ragdolls in MP stutter

- Fixed: Deletion of a child in the hierarchy would not properly update the streaming state/register

- Fixed: Streaming a huge number of entities in a single tick could bypass budgeting (streamsDelta)

- Fixed: Proxy could clear interpolation buffer improperly, resulting in choppy vehicle movement

- Fixed: Engine startup was not delayed so SCR_OnEngineStartBegin was not being called

- Fixed: SCR_OnEngineStartProgress could be called when the engine was shutting down, now only when starting

- Fixed: Proxy vehicle would not get proper OnEngineStartFail or SCR_OnEngineStartInterrupt callback

- Fixed: Old correction could be improperly invoked

- Fixed: Old vehicle correction could be invoked again upon entry, causing lerp to incorrect position

- Fixed: Desync when automatically reconnecting after entering a vehicle stalled

- Fixed: Drowned engine could be desynced during correction

- Fixed: Small chance of animation event causing engine state desync during startup

- Fixed: Vehicle correction could cause particles to have huge velocity during teleport

- Fixed: Proxy vehicles would sometimes float away or become invisible

- Fixed: Linear velocity allowance for cars was using angular velocity values

- Fixed: Improper precision range for wheel compression codec

- Fixed: DataCollectorDriverModule - Player or vehicle is null errors

- Fixed: Password dialog is missing when the player accepts an invite to the passworded server while he is on another server

- Fixed: Some vehicle lights would immediately go out again when switched on by a client

- Fixed: Vehicle parts (rotors, wheels, etc.) couldn't be healed

- Fixed: HitZone.Handle damage would not deal damage sometimes

- Fixed: Vehicle lights would immediately go out again when switched on by a client

- Fixed: Switching vehicle lights on the client would not always update emissive surfaces

- Fixed: Compartment desynchronization when exiting the driver seat and teleporting back into it

- Fixed: Game server properties were not kept after server reload


- Added: Memory budget for meshes/textures resource category could be defined in game-project config

- Added: Turrets can now have different angular limits based on character "stance" (sitting or standing)

- Added: Fitting decals and materials for virtual ballistic protection

- Added: VON usability in unconsciousness can be toggled in the new gamemode prefab attribute

- Added: Audio - "Normalized" signals for aiming that are independent of limits for turrets with multiple limit sets

- Added: Particle material - Overdraw Water feature

- Added: SetMaxHealth now has flags to modify current health

- Added: Polymorph object instance support to BaseSerializationContext

- Added: Serialization system is now saving only modified components. It is not saving all components anymore

- Added: Display storage limit reached error if downloading fails due to lack of storage space

- Added: "Eject unconscious and dead characters" option on BaseCompartmentSlot,

which makes it possible to mark compartments that should eject characters when they become unconscious or die

- Added: New Fire mode MANUAL for manual action 

- Added: Manual Action option in BaseFireMode - Reload key cycles weapon manually

- Added: Script invoker to EntitySlotInfo::OnAttachedEntity and EntitySlotInfo::OnDetachedEntity

- Added: It is now possible to set GetOutAligningOnEvent on doorInfo on the vehicle compartment to delay aligning the character to the exit point when exiting the vehicle

Useful for vehicles where multiple seats exit through the same door, as part of the animation is played while still on the seat, and the rest is played at the door

- Added: Implemented Replicated Memory Tracking for Networked Stats API

- Added: _AO texture suffix for global AO texture registration in PBRMulti material

- Added: More information when printing GenericEntity in the script

- Added: Flammable hitzone fire state signal name can be customized

- Added: Destructible hitzone can specify the secondary explosion point, taken into account when computing the average explosion position

- Added: A new enum constant in EEntityCatalogType for handling items with supplies on them, the enum constant in question is SUPPLY_CONTAINER_ITEM

- Added: API for healing and checking the health of hitzones

- Added: "PostSimulatePhysics" system point to ESystemPoint enum

- Added: BaseWorld::GetPhysicsTimeSlice API

- Added: "SimulatePhysics" system point to ESystemPoint enum

- Added: GetAnimation, GetLoop, GetPlaySpeed, GetStartTime to AnimationPlayerComponent

- Added: ScriptCompiler: compile error for static arrays of typename (not supported)

- Added: Support for writing and reading typenames in the serialization system

- Added: TargetLayers to TraceParam. This gives the possibility to trace directly to layers instead of passing by the interaction matrix

- Added: All headgear with armor now inherits from Headgear_Helmet_Base.et

- Added: It is now possible to limit the stance of gadgets

- Added: Explosion containers can now configure the physics layer for their traces. The default will be the Projectile layer

- Changed: Blast impulse moved to separate effect on base explosive warhead explosion containers

- Changed: Flammable hitzone use ComputeEffectiveDamage instead of OnDamage, allowing it to receive incendiary damage after hitzone becomes destroyed,

 and have separate thresholds from other types of damage

- Changed: LightUserAction can now be used for all types of lights instead of specialized implementations

- Changed: Interactors now process and store their last position changes

- Changed: Moved common vehicle functionality and script callbacks into the base vehicle controller class

- Fixed: Reactivating VehicleBaseSimulation does not work

- Fixed: Resource containers now always unregister if there is even a possibility of doing so on the UpdateInteractor method

- Fixed: Implicit conversions in local variables in anim expressions

- Fixed: Implicit conversions in conditions in anim expressions

- Fixed: ScriptAPI: Math.Repeat: negative values fix

- Fixed: ScriptCompiler: "vector /= int" proper int to float conversion before division

- Fixed: SCR_ItemAttributeCollection is not a selectable option for InventoryItemComponent

- Fixed: RestApi no longer incorrectly returns the request data if the webserver responded with an empty response body.

- Removed: Removed CharacterCommandSwim.WaterlevelCheck(), use new CharacterInputContext.GetWaterLevel()

- Removed: Removed CharacterCommandHandlerComponent.GetRelativeWaterLevel(), use new CharacterInputContext.GetWaterLevel()

- Removed: Virtual Engine and Gearbox hitzones from ground vehicles - Parent hitzones are now obsolete

- Removed: Legacy wheel hitzones from ground vehicles - wheels are separate entities

- Removed: CharacterControllerComponent.IsInFreeLook(). Please use the existing function CharacterControllerComponent.IsFreeLookEnabled() instead

- Removed: Entity Script API - obsolete particle methods

- Removed: SCR_ParticleEmitter and SCR_ParticleEmitterExtended from the game

- Removed: StanceLimits property on BaseWeaponComponent. Use the new property StanceLimits on CharacterModifierAttributes (stored in ItemInventoryComponent)

- Removed: EV_DIAG event mask has been removed and replaced by a diag system


- Added: Mouse aircraft control option in gameplay settings

- Added: Key shortcut for car high beam lights on L Hold / DPad Left Hold

 - Added: QoL: Mouse buttons 4/5 can be used to navigate tabs in UIs like Q/E

- Added: Map tool shortcut - Compass on K / DPad Up Hold

- Added: Map tool shortcut - Wristwatch on O / DPad Up Double

- Added: Map tool shortcut - Protractor on B / DPad Down Hold

- Added: Map tool shortcut - Pencil on N / DPad Down Double

- Added: Gamepad - The radial menu can be closed also via Gamepad B

- Changed: Map tool scaling to MMB / RB Click, Map tool rotation to MMB / RB Hold 

- Changed: Improved protractor rotation on map - follows mouse cursor while active

- Changed: Improved consistency of main menu bindings

- Changed: Improved flashlight control hints

- Changed: KB/M: Toggle illumination moved to Ctrl + MMB, deconflicted melee

- Changed: KB/M: Low ready changed to C Hold

- Changed: KB/M: Low ready can work as a toggle with Raise weapon if the same key and input filter are used

- Changed: Gamepad control scheme for the character has been adjusted based on community feedback and current possibilities

- Changed: Gamepad - Freelook - RB Hold instead of RS Click toggle

- Changed: Gamepad - Adjust lean to RS Hold + LS Move Horizontal, reset by sprint (was RB Hold + LS before 1.0.0, LS Hold + LS before

- Changed: Gamepad - Adjust stance to RS Hold + LS Move Vertical

- Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter autohover input filter to LS Click

- Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter engine to LS + X (was View + X before

- Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter brakes to LS + B (was View + B before

- Changed: Gamepad - Car gear shifting moved from DPad L/R to Left Stick Vertical

- Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle lights moved to DPad Left, consistently with Flashlight Toggle

- Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle engine moved to X

- Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle persistent handbrake changed from RB + A to A Double

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget shortcuts have been moved from DPad Right + XYAB to DPad Hold & Double

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Flashlight to DPad Left Hold

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Flashlight Toggle to DPad Left Double

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Compass to DPad Up Hold

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Wristwatch to DPad Up Double

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Map to DPad Right Hold

- Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Binoculars to DPad Down Hold

- Changed: Default quick slot items - Tourniquet in slot 7 instead of Binocular (B, DPad Down Hold) 

- Changed: Default quick slot items - Morphine in slot 8 instead of Map (M, DPad Right Hold)

- Changed: Default quick slot items - Radio in slot 9 instead of Compass (K, DPad Up Hold) - may change in future versions

- Changed: Default quick slot items - Building tool in slot 0

- Changed: Default "Inspect item" binding changed to Hold R / Hold X on the controller

- Changed: Default "Rotate inspected item" changed to Click R on keyboard / Click X on controller

- Changed: VON radial menu - Tune frequency with Mouse Wheel / DPad Up/Down, modifier is removed

- Changed: VON radial menu - Cycle channel with Q/E / DPad Left/Right

- Changed: Jump out actions - 2x instead of Hold, to better prevent accidental ejections

- Changed: KB/M: Bigger steps of walking speed adjustment

- Fixed: Map gamepad cursor was resetting during dragging or rotating

- Fixed: Input: "virtual" +/- inputs for axis ignored "main" input source blocking by combo.

Adjusting zoom with Alt + Wheel shall no longer change movement speed

- Fixed: XBox gamepad disconnects popup logic. The popup is now skipped if the keyboard is connected

- Fixed: EndScreen - Debriefing screen could not be opened via keyboard/controller

- Fixed: EndScreen - Debriefing screen Chat and GM buttons could not be used via keyboard/controller

- Fixed: Keybinding - Game was freezing after pressing the Reset to Default/Unbind button in the controls settings

- Fixed (Gamepad): Inverting aiming at the controller should not affect the helicopter's cyclic. Thanks to scalespeeder for the report!

- Fixed (Gamepad): Wrong scaling of diagonal controller inputs, causing rectangular movement instead of oval. Thanks to bigbe28 for the report!

- Fixed (Gamepad): Left Trigger adjustable focus delay was interrupted upon key frames, resulting in erratic focusing when toggling ADS

- Removed (Gamepad): Focus removed from RS Hold - was duplicated with LT

- Removed: Gamepad - Toggle freelook removed from RS Click - now freelook is on RB Hold


- Added: Support for file tagging and filtering based on it

- Added (Particle Editor): Improved ways of selecting emitters

- Added (Particle Editor): Copy/paste emitters

- Added (Particle Editor): Emitter panel improvements

- Added: Particle Editor - Full-screen support

- Added (Behavior Editor): Add context menu when right-clicking on nodes

- Added: Behavior Editor - Clicking on breakpoints on nodes in the scene disables/removes them

- Added: Behavior Editor - Enable/Disable breakpoints

- Added: Node Graph - Snap nodes to grids on mouse move while dragging

- Added: Full-screen mode (F11) for Resource Manager

- Added: Workbench: ScriptEditor: cyclic inheritance suggestions fix

- Added: Workbench - Behavior Editor - Breakpoints panel

- Added (Behavior Editor): Item Explorer panel

- Added: 'License' field to meta files

- Added: Global tags in animation graphs. Define tags that appear on output regardless of the starting node

- Added: Anim Editor: Add existing anim set instance to workspace

- Added: Time Save, Time Use anim graph nodes to store local time and reuse it elsewhere

- Added: Anim Procedural Node: Scale translation of bone / ik target

- Added: VSync option to workbench options

- Added: Node graphs settings in Workbench Options

- Changed (Node Graph): Holding mouse LB and RB at the same time is not allowed anymore

- Changed (Workbench): Action tooltip now also contains its shortcut

- Changed: Experimental build now has its own, separate user settings

- Changed: Forest Generator now supports partial regeneration

- Changed: A process of importing/reimporting textures in Workbench can now be canceled at any time

- Fixed (Particle Editor): Emitter list LOD slider handles right click without crash

- Fixed (Particle Editor): Redundant prompt to save files when opening a new file

- Fixed (Audio Editor): Selection of nodes out of sync when adding nodes

- Fixed (Particle Editor): Saving files and create/rename/clone emitters work again as intended without an infinite loop

- Fixed (Behavior Editor): Mouse RB on nodes does not clear existing selecting any longer

- Fixed: Clicking on filters did not refresh the Resource Browser instantly

- Fixed: Wrong search results from 'Workbench.SearchResources' script API

- Fixed: Behavior Editor - Connecting behavior node ports

- Fixed (Behavior Editor): Crash when connecting variable ports to node's rectangular port

- Fixed (Script Editor): on the new script tab, truncated lines when scrolling to the bottom of the document

- Fixed: Wrong dragging speed in Node Graph editors

- Fixed: Workbench: Jump to script definition

- Fixed: Workbench: Creating inherited configs in the addon

- Fixed: Workbench: ScriptEditor: Proper suggestions on primitive types

- Fixed: Workbench: ScriptEditor: Proper code suggestion inside methods returning generics

- Fixed: Light source visualization now respects the enabled/disabled state of the light entity

- Fixed (UI layout editor): Incorrect behavior during property editing

- Fixed: Disabled import of resources while scripts are not compilable 

- Fixed: ScriptDebugger - Breakpoint duplication after recompiling on host

- Fixed: Switching World Editor back from full-screen not retaining window position

- Fixed: Disallowed publishing of read-only (packed) projects


- Fixed: Incorrect update size if storage was full on Xbox

- Fixed (Xbox): workshop updates would always fail for addons greater than 2GB

Game Master

- Added: It is now possible to block the placing of new entities in Game Master through SCR_PlacingEditorComponent

- Added: Game Master's Budget System now supports the ability to reserve a specific amount of budget and release the reserved budget at any specific time

- Added: When there is no local player in the world, pressing the 'Home' key in the Game Master interface now teleports the camera to where it was when the interface was opened

- Added: Map Locations can now be extended by pre-configured compositions from Game Master

- Added: Mines have been added to Game Master mode, allowing Game Masters to place mines

- Added: Localization for Game Master's Slot Tooltips

- Added: Ability to load a specific file using the new "Load" toolbar action. Also available for Game Masters connected to a server

- Added: Toolbar action for pausing game simulation in the Game Master toolbar

- Added: Vehicles that have players inside are now identified as Player-Owned within Game Master

- Fixed: Placing a spawn point or composition with a spawn point in Game Master automatically enables the faction if it's disabled

- Fixed: Rotation indicator in the Game Master interface was sometimes aligned incorrectly to the surface below

- Fixed: Dead player body tagged as Unknown Player in Game Master

- Fixed: Content Browser in Game Master not displaying the correct budget

- Fixed: Dead Player's name is "unknown player" on Game Master

- Fixed: ArmaVision camera snapping to the ocean when opened by players without Game Master privilege

- Fixed: Placeholder images showing up on Game Master's Content Browser

- Fixed: Entity icons in Game Master were not updated when a dialog window was opened on top (e.g. when editing attributes)

- Fixed: In Game Master, the "Snap to terrain" context action was available even for composition slots or location labels but did not do anything.

 The action is no longer shown in this situation

- Fixed: "Open Game Master" button as shown in the pause menu even when the mission did not offer to become a Game Master (e.g., Conflict)

- Fixed: In Game Master, it was possible to move soldiers onto a dead body, implying that they should join its non-existent group

- Fixed: Flushing entities in Game Master.

- Fixed: Double-clicking on the AI group did not include group members in the properties windows, as opposed to RMB > Edit Properties

- Fixed: When moving players in Game Master, 3rd person's view and pose in turrets might become wrong

- Fixed: Game Master compositions could be placed in positions where it shouldn't be possible.

Playable Content

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Inventory and Tasks Actions

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Medical actions

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Dynamic Spawn/Despawn

- Added (ScenarioFramework): Compositions of common Tasks

- Added: Helicopters as a possible target for Task Destroy in CombatOps on Arland

- Added (Conflict): New XP rules: Penalty for suicide, award for veterancy and radio operators

- Added (Conflict): Reintroduced XP rewards for supply deliveries

- Added (Conflict): Gradual seizing timer decay

- Added (Conflict): Respawn delay penalty for repeated suicides

- Changed (Conflict): Rank progression reward for delivering supplies increased by 100%

- Changed (Conflict): Veterancy reward threshold

- Changed (Conflict): Base seizing timer is no longer for each service type built into it

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): Slot preview persists after moving it in the hierarchy

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): ScenarioFramework slot preview persisted after deletion

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): Randomization not working as supposed

- Fixed (ScenarioFramework): Task Defend caused VME and notifications were not working in MP

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Missing default waypoint for SlotKill and SlotDefend

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Undo/Redo actions on ScenarioFramework components caused asserts in Workbench

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Additional QRF groups in CO weren't spawning on the server

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Drowning vehicle fully didn't complete Destroy vehicle task

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: SlotDelivery broke when entering the trigger area without the item being delivered

- Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Intel item gets deleted by GarbageManager if it is not picked up soon after spawning

- Fixed (Debriefing): Player is told "Good job" while defeated

- Fixed (Tutorial): Missing hint for taking out protractor in Navigation

- Fixed (Tutorial): Active tasks outside of seizing tutorial

- Fixed (Conflict): Supply count can go into negative numbers with several players spawning on the same deploy point

- Fixed (Conflict): Bases are no longer marked as out of signal range when covered by both the Mobile Command Unit and radio tower while reaching only the tower


- Fixed: Crash when getting default magazine name on a muzzle without magazine template set

- Fixed: Proxy vehicle particles would have huge velocity during the teleport

- Fixed: Possible GPU crash in sky rendering

- Fixed (World Editor): Crash when adding a new script event handler to an entity by clicking a plus button

- Fixed: Crash when exiting application after load of mission saves

- Fixed: Crash when editing invalid anim graph while the World Editor is running

- Fixed: ContainerSerializationSaveContext::WriteValue crash on a nested array with weak references

- Fixed: Memory leak when shooting with a grenade launcher or a portable launcher

- Fixed: Addon handling: Server startup got stuck during download with a specifically corrupted local addon

- Fixed: Crash when destroying multiple mines at the same time

- Fixed: Crash when clicking proceed in the briefing screen

- Fixed: Crash after reactivating character physics if the character was in a collision when its physics were deactivated

- Fixed: Server crash when interrupting weapon change

- Fixed: Crash when moving a large number of entities in World Editor in Workbench

- Fixed: Crash on Xbox when a particle effect with a nonexistent particle prefab is simulated

- Fixed: Crash on Xbox caused by birds

- Fixed: Crash when damaging hitzones attached to colliders after a model swap.

- Fixed: Crash when neutralizing some sub-compositions from GM

- Fixed: Dropping a magazine while reloading could lead to a server crash

- Fixed: TaskSystem - Tasks with unassigned faction threw VME on UpdateMapTaskIcon


- Changed: Improved server performance

- Fixed: Server fps issues related to getting in non-vehicle turrets


- Changed: Ban commands are now defined in the script and use the new BanServiceApi

- Fixed: Server can show an addon list of previously focused server

 - Speicherverbrauch von 22,6 GB auf 23,8 GB erhöht

- 13,68 GB groß

Release: 22.11.2023 (Version


- 9,18 GB groß

Release: 30.11.2023 (Version


- 11,80 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2023 (Version


- 11,03 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com


- Fixed: Possible crash on replicating destructible entities

- Fixed: Possible crash on complex projectiles interaction layer

- 786,86 MB groß

Release: 06.02.2024 (Version


- 11,92 GB groß

Release: 29.02.2024 (Version


- 1,55 GB groß

Release: 13.03.2024 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com | xboxdynasty.de


- Added: M16A2 camouflaged variants

- Added: M16A2 carbine

- Added: Carry handle red dot sight

- Added: AK-74N assault rifle

- Added: RPK-74N light machine gun

- Added: NSV heavy machine gun and 6T7 tripod

- Added: 1P29 rifle scope

- Added: PGO-7V3 launcher scope

- Added: SPP scope for NSV machine gun

- Added: UAZ-469B armed vehicle, version with PKM and version with UK-59

- Added: KLMK oversuit

- Added: KZS blouse and pants

- Added: SSh-68 helmet with KLMK, netting, and KZS cover

- Added: UK-59L machine gun

- Added: TAZ83 blouse and pants

- Added: RF-10 radio backpack for FIA

- Added: Orlik watch for FIA

- Added: Civilian clothes: denim jacket, turtleneck sweater, pants, suits, raincoat, hats

- Added: Civilian items to FIA Arsenal

- Added: Civilian vehicle Šárka S1203

- Added: Civilian vehicle Šárka S105

- Changed: M203 grenade launcher model

- Changed: M16A2 model

- Changed: M21 materials and textures

- Changed: 4x20 carry handle scope model

- Changed: GP-25 grenade launcher model

- Changed: AK-74 model

- Changed: M9 pistol model

Playable Content

- Added: Combat Ops: Everon

- Added: More defensive positions for FIA bases

- Added: Game Master can now enable and disable supplies on entities with supply usage as well as globally

- Changed: Rank limitation for Requesting AI and building Barracks has been changed to Sergeant

- Changed: Vehicle request no longer affected by enemy presence in the base

- Changed: FIA supply caches will no longer be depleted on session start

- Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been significantly reduced when transporting troops by helicopter

- Changed: Requests for transportation are now limited to deployable radios positioned by the player's group.

- Changed: The victory timer no longer fades out when the game is paused

- Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been increased for killing enemies

- Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been increased for deploying radios

- Changed: Vehicles requested in a base without a fuel supply point now start with only a limited amount of fuel

- Changed: Fuel supply points built-in bases no longer affect the seizing timer

- Changed: Defending radio relay stations in an enemy's radio range now also triggers rewards for the defender

- Changed: Friendly bases will no longer generate supplies while under attack

- Changed: Increased deploy time on bases under attack

- Changed: Supplies are no longer generated more rapidly when the stored amount is low

- Changed: It's not possible anymore to place an AI or composition when an enemy is inside the building perimeter

- Tweaked: Rules for supplies being generated in bases

- Tweaked: Supply storage placement in the vicinity of military bases

- Fixed: Building and dismantling support structures in bases now has a real-time effect on the seizing timer

- Fixed: Enemy faction can no longer observe map icon flashing when you start capturing a base

- Fixed: Wrongly calculated budgets Game Master/Free Roam Building when more players were in building mode

- Fixed: Tutorial: Take long-range radio was not available

- Fixed: Combat Ops: Support Attack in Saint Pierre could not be completed

- Fixed: Conflict: Objectives should now correctly reflect the current base owners

- Fixed: Helicopter placement was often impossible due to obstruction

- Fixed: Icons of finished or canceled tasks were still present on the map when loading a save

- Fixed: Objectives list can now be closed with the Escape key

- Removed: Respawn on non-deployed radio backpacks


- Added: Some of the furniture is now destructible

- Added: When walking in deep water, character tries to keep weapon above the surface

- Added: Saved loadouts are now available after a disconnection or a kick

- Added: JIP functionality for after-death deactivation of character

- Added: Character can now be forced into fall by applying enough up impulse

- Added: Player's movement speed and stamina consumption are influenced by the slope of surface they move against

- Added: Arsenals with repair kits to Tool Racks in the world

- Added: Server restart timer to end screen

- Added: Game Master (GM) mode now allows for placing vehicles with crew and/or passengers using the toolbar buttons when placing a vehicle

- Added: Vehicle ground and water collision VFX and SFX

- Added: Free Roam Building mode is now used for requesting vehicles and AI soldiers. Possibility to command AI in base via Free Roam Building

- Added: Parallax projection for picture-in-picture (PIP) sights

- Added: Rotor collision particles and sound effects for helicopters

- Added: Static compositions are blacklisted from Game Master asset browser and are only available at specific places in world

 - Added: All weapons have a tailored depth of field intensity when using Bokeh

- Added: Spawning with loadout takes the cost of the entire loadout

- Added: Synchronization of physical weapon drop

- Added: ScreenShake for occupants effect when crashing any vehicle

- Added: Game Master now supports Replicated Visibility setting where if enabled, when the visibility of an Game Master Entity changes, it is replicated to all Clients

- Changed: Vehicle inventories have been changed. Items have been updated, and some vehicles now have arsenals with specific items

- Changed: Optimizations around InteractionHandlerComponent

- Changed: Relays now only work if the encryption matches the transmission

- Changed: Default fuel consumption multiplier reduced from 12 to 8

- Changed: Game Master Content browser now supports entries from the Entity Catalog and is used to spawn vehicles and groups in build mode

- Changed: Increased the Fuel Support Station range of fuel pumps to make refueling with larger vehicles easier

- Changed: Arsenal items in catalogs can now have separate costs for arsenal items depending on which system asks for the cost.

Magazines in resupply kits, for example, will have a separate cost from magazines in arsenals to balance out use cases

- Changed: Rotors now take collision damage at lower speeds

- Changed: Inspect Casualty Widget now disappears after 5 seconds 

- Changed: Vehicle ramps in the world now can repair vehicles fully with the Repair wrench

- Changed: Ragdoll simulation is now independent of server FPS

- Changed: Arsenal contents, now all weapons start without attachments

- Changed: The garbage collection behavior was adjusted to minimize the impact on gameplay.

Items on the ground will not be removed while a player is within a 5-meter radius of it

Vehicles loaded with at least 25% of their supply cargo capacity have twice the lifetime (40 instead of 20 minutes)

Getting within a 25 meters radius of a vehicle will reset its lifetime to at least 5 minutes and will only start to count down once no more players are nearby

The Game Master clean map button no longer removes items dropped, or vehicles exited within the last minute to e.g. reduce disruption to players working on their loadout

- Tweaked: Prone weapon deployment offset of buttstock from shoulder has been changed to prevent weapon clipping into the head

- Tweaked: Unconscious ragdoll parameters, so it doesn't end so quickly

- Tweaked: Significantly reduced secondary fire damage and removed impulses from them 

- Tweaked: Increased reload time of M60 and PKM on tripods to 7.5 seconds 

- Tweaked: AI perception light curves

- Tweaked: Adjusted swimming collider size

- Fixed: False positive weapon deployment positions, where the weapon would undeploy in next frame

- Fixed: Character would be teleported on top of another character if they run into each other

- Fixed: When a character enters fall and is unconscious, it doesn't interrupt it but makes it ragdoll instead

- Fixed: When a character becomes unconscious when falling, it didn't exit fall command

- Fixed: Freezing of game when player ejected from flipped vehicle

- Fixed: Dropping ALICE Automatic Rifleman with machine gun ammo and picking it up will place magazines outside of pockets

- Fixed: Character was slowly sliding away from the turret at certain angles

- Fixed: Character orientation in unconscious animation is now calculated using normal surface

- Fixed: Particles were not paused anymore

- Fixed: Character can no longer fall through small gaps

- Fixed: Character doesn't get pushed away from surface when landing during jump

- Fixed: Jerrycan could be desynced if left inside vehicle while in hand

- Fixed: Character turning at a spot on a slope leads to continuously interrupted turning animation

- Fixed: User actions were sometimes hard to access/view

- Fixed: Character exiting from a turret propped up on sandbags would exit in the air and drop down

- Fixed: Equipped gadget was sometimes still attached to character's hand when pointing

- Fixed: Character could interrupt continuous action and continue it right away, breaking animation

- Fixed: Selecting an item/gadget while loitering will equip that item once loiter is canceled

- Fixed: Street lamps were not correctly disabled when playing during daytime

- Fixed: Replication flags of throwing did not reset on the server, leading to bugged-out throwing animations

- Fixed: Ragdoll started inside/on top of the vehicle when a character dies at the beginning of getting out animation

- Fixed: Aim down sights (ADS) toggle in rejected while obstructed in third-person view

- Fixed: Flickering powerline shadows on world leaf boundaries

- Fixed: Streamed in dead bodies didn't have their physics destroyed

- Fixed: Dropping your clothes while a tool is in your hands won't leave you stranded with the tool stuck to the hand, visible to everyone

- Fixed: Character stuck in the falling animation after jumping off a ladder

- Fixed: Character got stuck in item changing when they started falling right after exiting a vehicle

- Fixed: Server Browser: Stuck in a password loop when displaying details 

- Fixed: Climbing on a ladder and running away could cause a character desync

- Fixed: Character got stuck if they started using an item immediately after using the previous item had finished

- Fixed: Dropped jerrycan cannot be refueled

- Fixed: Vehicle third-person camera offset was too extreme

- Fixed: Host would lose mouse control of character when a client dies

- Fixed: Ladder command was not canceled when character was teleported away from it while climbing

- Fixed: Hide gadgets in hand when doing a picking up animation

- Fixed: Helicopters involuntary take-off when ground assist is enabled

- Fixed: Player could get stuck in inspect animation

- Fixed: Magazine/Grenade stuck to player's hand when reloading is interrupted 

- Fixed: Collimator sights were jittery

- Fixed: Character preview was very slow

- Fixed: Major character shaking during weapon deployment while moving weapon using A/D in first-person view

- Fixed: The grass was flattened under helicopters even when it was high in the air

- Fixed: Game Master button being visible in debriefing menu when it should not be

- Fixed: Destruction multi-phase component plays duplicate destruction effects when destroying it with RPG in multiplayer

- Fixed: Moving inventory items within character inventory while virtual arsenal was open would cause them to get refunded

- Fixed: Opening virtual arsenal within character storages caused it to become bugged

- Fixed: Supply explosion VFX for vehicles was paused until vehicle appeared on screen 

- Fixed: Turret freelook was influenced by weapon elevation 

- Fixed: Fall damage is now applying damage to physical hitzones and can be healed 

- Fixed: Listen Server - Dropping weapon as the Host would drop them for connected clients 

- Fixed: "Clear dead or destroyed entities" Game Master action is available for client Game Master

- Fixed: Moving Items directly to a vehicle while the vehicle storage is opened and the trunk is full will now move the item into cargo if it is available and has space

- Fixed: Arma vision player character effects are not applied to enemy faction

- Fixed: Windows were not destructible

- Fixed: Random Weather Changes parameter in mission header is now working correctly

- Fixed: M72 launcher had an excessive depth-of-field effect in ADS when using Bokeh

- Fixed: Vehicle refund action works properly now

- Fixed: Character/Soldier/Group refund action works properly now

- Fixed: Supply count not updating properly on build mode

- Fixed: FIA arsenals did not have the system filter assigned to them 

- Fixed: Supplies not updating correctly when Game Master moved compositions with supply storages 

- Fixed: Game Master: Updated entities in the game master to have a default Entity name instead of a placeholder name 

- Fixed: SCR_ResourceSystem.OnUpdate VME when deleting a vehicle

- Fixed: Conflict: FIA enemies should no longer appear in player's close proximity

- Fixed: Conflict: Transporting dead crew members no longer awards rank progression

- Fixed: Conflict: "Base seized" jingle playing when connecting to a match

- Fixed: "Trucker Joe" achievement would not be unlocked even when the condition was met

- Fixed: Tasks were not able to be assigned via map marker

- Fixed: PIP Sights: Reticle lines were significantly thicker compared to 2D sights, despite using the same texture 

- Fixed: Car engine stop sounds were not being played 

- Fixed: Players couldn't spawn on a base that doesn't have enough supplies 

- Fixed: Smoke trail of a rocket disappeared right at the moment the rocket exploded

- Fixed: Building preview could be possibly spawned to player who doesn't use his shovel or the preview is out of his reach

- Fixed: Arsenal did not refund dropped weapons

- Fixed: Moving items after interacting with Arsenal caused them to get refunded

- Fixed: Sandbox resource container decay and gain grace/timeout periods now take effect

- Fixed: Empty groups on Game Master are no longer visible

- Fixed: Debriefing screen Chat and Game Master buttons could not be used via keyboard/controller

- Fixed: Debriefing screen could not be opened via keyboard/controller

- Fixed: Tasks with unassigned faction threw VME on UpdateMapTaskIco

- Fixed: U.S. Command Post now properly shows up when searched through Asset Browser within Game Master

- Fixed: Character's stance wouldn't reliably change when character was colliding

- Fixed: Character was sometime falling straight down from flying helicopter

- Fixed: CWU-27/P Pilot Coveralls have spots on the rear of the characters that clip through the model 

- Fixed: Removing uniforms and/or helmets in a vehicle will no longer make your backpack reappear 

- Fixed: Shells were not getting replicated over long-range distances

- Fixed: Slot selection with mouse wheel was changing character speed

- Fixed: Characters were sometimes sitting sideways in vehicles

- Fixed: Soviet medical bag was causing shouldered weapons to create a gap between weapons and body

- Fixed: No animation was played when jumping unarmed

- Fixed: Supplies were shown incorrectly when opening inventory container

- Fixed: Character should not jump up/down when manning static turrets

- Fixed: Objective description was not visible when using controller to select task

- Fixed: No refund when disassembling a composition

- Fixed: Hosting a listen server now properly stops ongoing addon downloads

- Fixed: Freelook was reset when opening pause menu

- Fixed: Chat window was still visible in Armavision when UI was turned off

- Fixed: Freelook was behaving incorrectly in some vehicles

- Fixed: Single deaths sometimes counted as multiple deaths

- Fixed: Sight zeroing could be unaligned for newly equipped weapons

- Fixed: Missing sound of turret hitting aiming limits


- Added: Cover system

- Added: Agents received basic training in the use of smoke grenades in medical situations

- Added: Agents reactions to explosions

- Added: Group investigation of potential sources of detected grenades 

- Changed: Door links now use navmesh agent radius for pass and intersection checks

- Changed: Renamed AILimit methods so they make more sense

- Tweaked: Rules for selecting targets for AI

- Tweaked: Now AI will not attack enemy vehicles that are already burning

- Tweaked: All vehicles now utilize SCR_VehiclePerceivableComponent instead of VehiclePerceivableComponent. NOTE: This change might break vehicle prefabs. Please ensure you have backed up your work.

- Fixed: Incorrect shifting to the right of paths generated using road network

- Fixed: AI character was not able to aim while reloading

- Fixed: Animals could get triggered by disabled AIs

- Fixed: Birds flying in place

- Fixed: Crash when AI is switching weapons and is put into the unconscious state

- Fixed: AI shooting at disabled AIs

- Fixed: Birds not being visible

- Fixed: PerceptionComponent now properly determines its FOV


- Changed: RegionalDestructionManager and DestructibleEntity replication is safer in case of errors

- Fixed: Removal of dead bodies, abandoned items, and vehicles not working correctly

- Fixed: Crash caused by reloading while a turret was being deleted 

- Fixed: Possible crashes where TurretControllerComponent expected presence of BaseWeaponManagerComponent

- Fixed: Crash when leaving compartments of a vehicle without a physics component

- Fixed: Crash when death ragdoll ends on remote proxy

- Fixed: Crash on navmesh when building Compositions 

- Fixed: Crash on turrets with no sight component 

- Fixed: Navlink edges falling out of bounds of heighfield causing crash

- Fixed: Possible server crash when mass killing AI on ladder

- Fixed: High memory consumption when using large enum value in ECommonItemType


- Added: First iteration of simple controller keybinding

- Added: Inventory: Press F/Y to equip, and hold F/Y to use an item directly. Thanks to Scalespeeder for the suggestion!

- Added: Game Master now features a "Create Player" action and the associated Controller input is to double tap "a"

- Added: Allow rebinding lean and stance adjustment modifiers

- Fixed: Controls: Radial menu does not block aiming with mouse

- Fixed: Keybindings: Missing input filter preset names on Game Master category bindings

- Fixed: Keybindings: Missing input filter preset names on Manual Camera category bindings

- Fixed: Keybindings: Missing input filter preset name on Common - Perform action binding

- Fixed: Forced freelook now does not reset toggle freelook input

- Fixed: Character movement uses mouse wheel speed adjustment even when input type is analogue 

Server Administration

- Added: RCON: Configurable limit for max connected RCON clients

- Added: Server config parameter to completely disable AI (disableAI)

- Added: Command line parameters for controlling number of worker threads in job system

- Changed: RCON: Exposed logs to normal log level

- Fixed: RCON: Minimum length for password (3 characters) was missing in config validation schema

- Fixed: RCON: Update interval for better responsiveness when processing commands

- Fixed: RCON: Removed null-terminator in response packets for Protocol Compliance

- Fixed: RCON: Whitelist and blacklist params could not be defined with empty arrays

- Fixed: Server will now shutdown with proper error message when it is launched with blocked addons

Scenario Framework

- Added: SlotWaypoint with extended waypoint API for SlotAI

- Added: New attributes for SlotAI, such as formation, combat type, and perception factor

- Added: AI actions for SlotAI

- Added: Action Spawn Objects Based On Distance with many options

- Added: Action On Compartment Entered Or Left

- Added: Audio Voiceline Actions and processing based on spawned objectives

- Added: Action Show Popup notification

- Added: Action to feed string parameter according to the prefab display name

- Added: New vehicle actions to start/turn off engine, Set Fuel, OnEngineStarted/Stop events, and DamageWheels

- Added: Randomize ragdoll attribute for Kill Entity action

- Added: SpawnPoint Plugin API

- Added: Better descriptions, new prints to inform scenario creators about improper setup, and simplified getting entities

- Changed: Wait and Execute action extended by randomization and looping settings

- Fixed: Action Show Hint not working on dedicated servers

- Added: Graph API

- Added: SCR_ContainerBudgetManager class for managing budgeting on game systems or frame-dependent logic

- Added: Save In Loadout property on BaseInventoryStorageComponent, to decide if the storage should be saved in the loadouts

- Added: Vehicle overall drivetrain damage can now be retrieved using the GetMovementDamage method

- Added: SCR_WheeledDamageManagerComponent which can take into account wheel damage

- Added: NwkPhysicsMovementComponent to synchronize generic physical objects in multiplayer

- Added: Systems can now decide if they are only on client, only on server, or on both

- Added: Systems can now save and load replication data between client and server

- Added: Systems can now send broadcast RPCs from server to clients

- Added: UpdateBlacklist, OnInsertRequested, and OnBeforeDelete to provide scripted control over the GarbageSystem

- Added: Script: vanilla keyword

- Added: Accessing base class methods from inherited class using "super"

- Added: Also print variable name in null pointer VME

- Added: ScriptAPI: FileIO.MakeDirectory to make dir tree

- Added: ScriptAPI: ShapeEntity.IsClosed

- Added: GetResolutionScale to RenderTargetWidget

- Added: WorldSaveApi - exposed SetCurrentSave to script

- Added: Serialization now has the possibility to keep binary format in memory and read it later

- Added: Support for multiple sight components on turrets

- Added: Game modes can now have supply resource system disabled, and spawn cost now has a multiplier dictating how many supplies it costs to spawn

- Changed: The GarbageMananger was replaced by the GarbageSystem. It is now configured only through the ChimeraSystemsConfig.conf.

 The config layout has been adjusted to give mods finer control over rule priority

- Changed: TagManager entity is now the TagSystem. Any usage of the old entity class in custom maps needs to be fixed.

- Changed: Renamed ScriptedHitZone to SCR_HitZone

- Changed: EWheelDamageState renamed to SCR_EWheelDamageState

- Changed: Renamed SCR_DestructionBaseComponent to SCR_DestructionDamageManagerComponent

- Changed: HitZoneContainerComponent is now sealed

- Changed: SCR_WheelHitZone now inherits from SCR_VehicleHitZone

- Changed: ActionManager in the PlayerController isn't assigned if the PlayerController doesn't belong to the locally controlled character

- Changed: Renamed PlayerController.OnPlayerRegistered to PlayerController.OnLocalPlayerRegistered as it better describes when the method is called

- Changed: Reworked functionality of SCR_AdjustSignalAction to support click, click and hold as well as hold and scroll actions 

- Changed: SCR_ResourceContainer.SetResourceValue to SetResourceValueUnsafe

- Changed: SCR_ResourceContainer.SetResourceValueEx to SetResourceValue

- Changed: PIP Optics: Parallax m_fProjectionDifferenceScale replaced with m_fVignetteParallaxScale that accounts for optic FOV 

- Changed: Integrated rest of muzzle attachment classes (pistol and 308) present in Attachments Compatibility addon with vanilla game

- Changed: Game Master now takes character Groups, Characters, and Vehicles from the Entity Catalog rather than the Game Master-specific list

- Changed: Invalid "new ref" syntax is now compile error

- Changed: ScriptInvoker's now automatically remove null handlers

- Fixed: Previous params fetch fail when publishing an addon for the first time was logged as an error

- Fixed: BaseContainer.Cast was always returning null

- Fixed: Crash in anim editor when adding event to very long animation

- Fixed: SCR_Shape.DrawCircle precision issues with small radius

- Fixed: It was not possible to call super method in overrides of PerformReaction of SCR_AIDangerReaction-derived classes, which made it hard to mod those methods

- Fixed: Obsolete addon could be incorrectly marked as removed instead of obsolete in UI

- Fixed: Scenario Framework: Slots were not sending invoker when entity was already spawned

- Fixed: ScriptAPI: Widget.AddChild crashed when given null

- Fixed: Calling super method together with method overloading would cause compile error

- Removed: SCR_HitZoneContainerComponent

- Removed: BaseScriptedDamageManager

- Removed: EMISSIVE_GLASS_SLOTS property from StreetLampComponent. This is not supported anymore.

- Removed: SCR_FuelNozzleComponent is not needed anymore

- Removed: InventoryItemComponent.SetCanBeGarbageCollected method and attribute, replaced by UpdateBlacklist calls to the GarbageSystem directly


- Added: Solution for using Peer tool - Linux, Windows game, server, and Workbench binaries with "Diag suffix"

- Added: Split view support for Script Editor

- Added: Create and manage window layouts at runtime

- Added: Resource Manager: "Duplicate to Addon" action for duplicating subscene worlds

- Added: Resource Browser: Multiple addons support for "Override", "Duplicate", and "Inherit" actions

- Added: Resource Manager: TortoiseSVN actions Blame, Diff, ShowLog, and CheckForModifications to the context menu

- Added: Confirmation popup when user is added as an addon contributor

- Added: Option to automatically register FBX files as models without animations (To skip the question dialog on every FBX import)

- Added: Step property support not working for UIWidget.Slider

- Added: ScriptAPI: WBModuleDef.GetPlugin

- Added: MetaFile.GetSourceFilePath

- Added: Process handling methods (Workbench.IsRunningProcess/WaitProcess/FinishProcess)

- Added: Script Editor: auto-connect after changing debug target

- Added: World Editor: Entities validation

- Changed: "Open with addons" dialog now shows addon names instead of IDs

- Changed: Curve Editor: Input field labels now correspond to axis labels

- Changed: Improvements of diag menu

- Changed: Workbench Script API refactor

- Changed: Refactored all WorldEditorAPI methods to use IEntitySource

- Tweaked: Resource manager - Improvements of "Transfer to addon" action

- Tweaked: Mesh and Prefab preview - Added indicator of current collider visualization mode

- Tweaked: BI-account handling - renamed Login -> Link, Logout -> Unlink, Abandon Identity -> Logout

- Tweaked: World Editor: Hiding/showing 3D debug texts together with shapes on G key

- Tweaked: World Editor: RigidBody component - Center of mass is now editable through a gizmo in scene

- Tweaked: World Editor: Pasting whole config objects in property grid now affects all selected entities

- Tweaked: World Editor: Project name removed from title bar information

- Changed: World Editor: "Save As" action enabled as an alternative option for duplicating subscene worlds

- Changed: World Editor: Creating and deleting config objects in property grid now works for all selected entities at once

- Fixed: World Editor: Invalid behavior of "Restore to prefab value" action in property grid on object array that is inherited from prefab

- Fixed: World Editor: Crash when opening prefab edit mode while an edited world is already loaded in fullscreen

- Fixed: World Editor: Crash when drag and dropping invalid prefab into the scene

- Fixed: Curve Editor: moving curve points right after selection

- Fixed: Scalar slider had big step value by default

- Fixed: UIWidget.Slider precise mode (dragging while holding shift)

- Fixed: Several issues in Font Viewer

- Fixed: Crash when resizing surface terrain textures

- Fixed: Broken color picker in color dialog

- Fixed: Script Editor - Closing tabs sometimes changed the currently active tab

- Speicherverbrauch von 23,8 GB auf 27,0 GB erhöht

- 16,95 GB groß

Release: 26.03.2024 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com

- DLC "Reaction Forces" wurde eingebaut und kann für 7,99€ erworben werden

2035 „Futura”-Einstellung

Zwei neue Gewehre und zwei neue Pistolen

Neuer „Cougar“-Hubschrauber mit Varianten

Neuer „MOOSE”-Pick-up-Truck mit Varianten

Ein neues Mikro-UAV

Zwei neue statische Mörsersysteme

Neue Waffenmastsysteme

Neue Uniformen und Ausrüstungen

Open-World-Koop-Szenario: „Air Control”

Kooperatives Szenario: „Quick Reaction Force”

Kompetitives Szenario: „Cashpoint”

Zwei Einzelspielerszenarien zur Bekämpfung von Waldbränden

Neue Musik

- 4,55 GB groß

Release: 26.06.2024 (Version

Quelle: reforger.armaplatform.com | xboxdynasty.de


- Added: UH-1H and MI-8MT (Armed Transport versions)

- Added: AKS-74U and AKS-74UN

- Added: M9, 6Kh4, and Sa-58 bayonets weapon attachments

- Added: M112 demolition block with M34 detonator

- Added: TNT block with KPM-3U1 detonator

- Added: 40mm UGL flares (white for Soviets; red, green, and white for US)

- Added: Pilot survival vests

- Added: US pilot, woolen, and leather gloves

- Added: IIFS backpack

- Added: Ushanka hat

- Added: UH-1H and Mi-8 machine gun magazines into Arsenal

- Added: 6B2 vest to the FIA Arsenal, as some of their soldiers use it

- Added: Support for Open Bolt weapons

- Added: Ushanka hat for civilian faction

- Added: Several new soldier roles and groups have been added to US, Soviet and FIA factions

- Added: Variants of load-bearing systems for US and Soviet officers and platoon leaders have been added

- Tweaked: Lights on UAZ452 were dark from afar

- Tweaked: PKMT on Mi8 now uses 2Ball1Tracer magazine instead of 4Ball1Tracer

- Tweaked: Inventory preview of M60D mag

- Changed: Replaced the USSR radio in the FIA catalog with the FIA radio


- Added: Ukrainian localization

- Added: Vehicles - Unflipping interaction

- Added: Vehicles - Toggle handbrake interaction to allow passengers to operate it while there is no conscious driver

- Added: Vehicles - Ability to push vehicles

- Added: Vehicles - Riding the clutch when moving off from a halt

- Added: Vehicles now take damage when falling into water

- Added: Commanding menu allows you to send orders to your group

- Added: Commanding orders can be bound to the quick slot menu

- Added: Visualization of commands in the world

- Added: Added handwear slot

- Added: Ability to switch control of aircraft between pilot and copilot seats

- Added: Opening and closing doors on vehicles is now separated from getting in and out of vehicles

- Added: Turrets - Unconscious gunners will elevate guns on pintle mounts while falling

- Added: Improved ejecting from moving vehicles

- Added: Realistic application of external forces on exposed occupants of vehicles experiencing unintended orientation changes

- Added: Game option to enable/disable HUD elements

- Added: Grass flattens under tripod turrets

- Added: Ability to automatically adjust collimator brightness by environment light

- Added: It's now possible to add attachments to a weapon via drag and drop from the arsenal

- Added: Reload equipped weapon in inventory via drag and drop

- Changed: Inventory visualization and operation was heavily polished

- Changed: Weapon obstruction is now animation driven instead of IK driven and changed to 3 phases approach where there is more room for the character to shoot

- Changed: Enabled player movement while using morphine, tourniquets, and bandages on the upper body

- Changed: Reworked entire character damage implementation to use the new damageEffects system

- Changed: Optimized destruction OnFilteredContact

- Changed: MultiPhaseDestructibles no longer collide vs other static entities

- Changed: Updated localization

- Changed: Increased the incendiary effect on destruction of fuel tank being destroyed on trucks

- Changed: Made all extremities (hitzones further away from center of mass) less likely to bleed

- Changed: Optimization of processing colliders data in Hit Registration System

- Changed: Field manual illustration for Commanding

- Changed: Changed position of interior fan for Mi-8

- Changed: Visualization of Commands in QuickSlots

- Changed: Added blending between grenade locomotion and idle in the prone position

- Tweaked: Optics: Increased vignette intensity

- Tweaked: Helicopter engine startup time increased to 2 seconds, consistent with interactions

- Tweaked: Medical and rearming kits now fit into smaller backpacks

- Tweaked: Passengers can interact with all vehicle lights when pilot/driver is unconscious, dead, or not present

- Tweaked: Moved lock controls user action to both sticks for pilot and copilot

- Tweaked: Helicopter turret reload durations to be more equal, around 8 seconds

- Tweaked: Vehicle emissive light surfaces

- Tweaked: Removed offsets on the passengers and navigator idle compartments that break the get-in animations

- Tweaked: Sway: Minimum sway set back to 33%, allowing for slight misalignment while the player is rotating in place; increased maximum sway speed up to 3.6

- Tweaked: Sway: Increased steepness for more meaningful speed regulation; reduced vertical angular bob

- Fixed: Freelook no longer follows gun elevation

- Fixed: Damage: M151 could not be set on fire by shooting damaged fuel tank with tracerless kinetic projectiles

- Fixed: Vehicles - S105 front lights emissivity with dipped and beam lights

- Fixed: S1203 wheels damage setup

- Fixed: Possible character clipping through doors and gates

- Fixed: Turret-mounted weapons now support burst and semi-automatic fire modes

- Fixed: Arresting handbrake (double-tap space)

- Fixed: M60 was sometimes forced pointing downwards after deployment

- Fixed: Vehicles - Gear shifting controls locked while shifting to or from neutral or reverse

- Fixed: Weapons: Weapon input context was active while unequipping, sometimes causing reload instead of applying health items

- Fixed: Weapons: NSV optics reticle was rotated incorrectly when gun was placed on a slope

- Fixed: Hitreg issues with unconscious character

- Fixed: Severe hit registration issues when a character was getting in/out of the vehicle while server has low fps

- Fixed: Turret reload state got stuck when reload elevation is outside of stance specific bounds

- Fixed: When a player places mine, as long as he has more in his inventory, they will remain assigned to that quick slot

- Fixed: Players can no longer get in the back of transport trucks if it has supplies and vice versa

- Fixed: Attached GP-25 grenade launcher would not work correctly with zeroing

- Fixed: Vehicles - Machine gun is stuck in quickbar after exiting machine gunner seat

- Fixed: "Remove casualties" action missing on some vehicles

- Fixed: Switch seats animations to the Mi8 front turret

- Fixed: Character would not go to sitting animation when closing doors from inside of a vehicle without char animations

- Fixed: Previously incorrect condition for locking seats when entering them, allowing 2 chars to enter 1 seat

- Fixed: Character pose in turret and its replication and replication of aiming in turret

- Fixed: Teleporting from a child object of a vehicle would choose the incorrect door

- Fixed: Starting a new CommandVehicle on server when a player reconnects leading to desync in vehicle state

- Fixed: Binding the correct door when entering a vehicle consisting of multiple parts

- Fixed: Character moves with vehicle while getting in

 - Fixed: Character gets stuck on Get In after surviving a Get In interrupted by vehicle deletion

- Fixed: Obstructed door can lead to character teleporting high up on roofs and such

- Fixed: If the Get Out animation started, character can continue exiting into geometry

- Fixed: Kicking dead characters out of vehicles would not work and would desync the door state

- Fixed: When getting into the helicopter as a navigator player no longer gets stuck, also fixed alignment points when getting in or out the Mi8 helicopter

- Fixed: User action inconsistency of get in, get out, open, and close door on various vehicles

- Fixed: Character could get stuck if mashing X during Get In

- Fixed: Character no longer gets stuck when entering the gunner seat on UH-1H. Replaced compartment seats on the UH-1H cargo seats prefab for compartment door reference

- Fixed: Character clipped through the roof when getting in and got stuck inside the vehicle of UAZ-452 ambulance as a doctor or patient

- Fixed: Door opening no longer gets stuck when getting out from the rear doors of M997 ambulance

- Fixed: Opening/ closing doors from inside as driver/codriver no longer makes the character rotate in their seat

- Fixed: Re-exported switching seats and idle poses for copilot/pilot of UH-1H

- Fixed: Submunition spawns twice when submunition has RplComponent

- Fixed: Pilot and copilot seat position type variable was switched

- Fixed: Optics illumination toggle wasn't working on 2D sights

- Fixed: Mine placement range was too short

- Fixed: Chat could still be used while disabled in Interface settings

- Fixed: Supplies - vehicle transfer via drag and drop was not always registered

- Fixed: Supply boxes in inventory didn't take into account stacked supplies

- Fixed: Radio frequency display values in various field manual pages

- Fixed: Incorrect ammo type icon for rocket launchers in equipped slots

- Fixed: Issue where you would get duplicate regen effects after removing the tourniquet after bleeding was stopped

- Fixed: Misplaced character after switching seats from turrets

- Fixed: Character teleports out of vehicles that are upside down

- Fixed: Aiming angles snapping in first person camera when exiting vehicles. Character rotating before closing the door when exiting vehicles, instead of after.

- Fixed: Localization for deployable spawn point loadout switch

- Fixed: Twitching in character locomotion when holding backwards and then left-right

- Fixed: Getting stuck when switching seats between two entities

- Fixed: If during get out, the exit point is obstructed, the character stays inside the vehicle

- Fixed: Wrong seat type broke animation when getting into the left passenger seat of S105 

- Fixed: Cancelling exiting a vehicle would not reset the character position to the seat

- Fixed: Desynced anims after getting kicked and joining back into a vehicle

- Fixed: Unable to join a server until unrelated downloads are finished

- Fixed: Removed offsets on various vehicles that break the get-in animations

- Fixed: Missing get-in locator for the S1203 mesh

- Fixed: Exit positions for nested turrets

- Fixed: Character correctly positioned into tripod turret. Hands correctly attached on proxy too

- Fixed: Character couldn't exit turrets, which were spawned inside the world layer

- Fixed: Camera angles resetting after performing vehicle actions even if we stayed in freelook

- Fixed: Cannot start get in/get out while someone else is opening/closing door

- Fixed: Desync when two characters manage to start entering a vehicle at the precisely same frame

- Fixed: Switching seats no longer gets character stuck when in the middle of the animation of sitting up or down

- Fixed: TSH400g explosive is no longer stretching the arm when prone turning, also M112 was missing an IK pose in the prefab

- Fixed: Applying turret passenger position for as long as we're in transition from Locomotion

- Fixed: Rendering artifacts on inventory items

- Fixed: Sidestep offset to not make character step on sandbags when moving in turret nest

- Fixed: Characters in helicopters going back to idle pose after dying

- Fixed: UGL zeroing is now properly aligned in the prone stance

- Fixed: Fixed haybales destruction

- Fixed: Wrong buffer in weapons graph inspection causing bad offset

- Fixed: Improper third-person camera position in some cases after leaving a vehicle

- Fixed: Mi-8 passenger compartment issues

- Fixed: USSR field hospital had no interaction point for supplies

- Fixed: Notification for being unable to command now appears properly

 - Fixed: Bug where toggling auto-hover on helicopters sometimes would not work

- Fixed: ADS persisted after the operator left the compartment

- Fixed: Turret exit snapping

- Fixed: Sway was too strong while walking slowly

- Fixed: USSR and FIA AI no longer attack their own deployed radios

- Fixed: First-person view camera going under the ground in prone turns after interacting with vehicle doors

- Fixed: Slow-moving missiles on client

- Fixed: Freelook on RB preventing switching firing modes while in ADS

- Removed: Exit Game button removed on Consoles

- Removed: Decimal numbers by radio frequencies

- Removed: Attaching explosive charges to players who were in the vehicle

Playable Content

- Added: Any spawn point can now use supply costs when a player is spawning

- Added: All rank budgets are now supported by Free Roam Building

- Added: Road network initial state data for Conflict and CombatOps maps that takes into account pre-placed objects

- Changed: Deployable radios/tents now have the option to change respawn budget types between supplies, spawn tickets, or no respawn cost

- Changed: Conflict: Radio message notifying about a player volunteering for a specific objective is now audible only for the volunteering player

- Changed: Conflict: Supplies are no longer generated more rapidly when the stored amount is low

- Changed: Conflict: Some objective names now better correspond with the surrounding location names

- Changed: Conflict: Deployment with a saved loadout is now allowed only on bases with an armory

- Changed: Modding: Entity catalog now supports getting Inventory item UIInfo to quickly obtain the name and description of the item it entity catalogs

- Changed: Rank limitation to Requesting AI and building living area compositions has been changed to Sergeant

- Changed: US field hospital composition no longer contains a large amount of supplies

- Changed: Conflict notifications are now controlled by Notification Interface settings

- Changed: Conflict - FIA supply caches now replenish their storage much quicker

- Changed: Light vehicles like jeeps and UAZs are no longer available from the Heavy maintenance point

- Changed: The cost of the heavy maintenance point was increased to 350

- Tweaked - Combat Ops: Hideout spawn items, added flares and AK-74U

- Tweaked: Checkpoint and machine gun nest editable composition

- Fixed: Conflict: Objectives should now properly reflect the current base owners (resolving missing objectives or incorrectly uncompleted ones)

- Fixed: Conflict: Respawn icon will no longer appear on bases low on supplies

- Fixed: Weapons in arsenals are now refunded at the correct rate when you add or remove attachments

- Fixed: Combat Ops - Intel item now has a name and description

- Fixed: Intel in Combat Ops can no longer be duplicated by loadout saving at an arsenal with the intel in the players' inventory

- Fixed: Arsenal loadout saving for faction only is no longer possible if you interact with a loadout that is of a friendly faction

- Fixed: It was possible to respawn on a lost base

- Fixed: Improved performance after selecting a faction in conflict role selection menu

- Fixed: Combat Ops: Deliver Ammo/MedicalSupplies/Ammo task finishes itself as player approaches it

- Fixed: Conflict: Radio signal was not working on Conflict North and South scenarios

- Fixed: Field hospital was lacking supplies

- Fixed: Combat Ops Everon: Boris' hideout vehicle de-spawned on approach when it should not

- Fixed: Tutorial: Capturing course could not be completed

- Fixed:: Conflict: Incorrectly rotated bunker on the Arland map

- Removed: Conflict: Pre-built but unusable antenna installation on Arland

Game Master

- Added: Civilian faction was added to the game for Game Master mode; including Civilian arsenal, characters, and marking civilian vehicles as part of the Civilian faction

- Added: Attachable faction task and waypoints to entity

- Added: Cycle option that can be used with waypoints to create loops

- Added: Randomized civilian, civilian dockworker, civilian businessman, US soldier, USSR soldier, and FIA soldier to Game Master

- Added: Game Master can change the arsenal game mode in run time, restricting the available items to conflict items only or unrestricted

- Added: Game Master is now capable of enabling and disabling supplies on entities with supplies usage as well as globally

- Added: Game Master can now enable and disable certain arsenal types separately.

Giving the ability globally and on entity to enable/disable arsenal boxes and weapon racks, arsenals of vehicles, and arsenals of gadgets

- Added: Game Master can now set the spawn cost supply multiplier for spawn points when supplies are enabled.

 Setting a value anywhere between 0 to 4 times the default value

- Added: Ability to add single items to the arsenal blacklist, preventing players from saving their loadout if the item is in their inventory

- Added: Game Master can now set arsenal loadout saving settings to be friendly faction items or to the specific faction only

- Changed: Supplies are disabled by default in Game Master

- Changed: Reduced default Game Master abandoned entities cleanup time from 60 to 30 seconds

- Tweaked: Character speed set to 100% on Game Master control taken

- Tweaked: Preview entity component to render active slots of meshes only

- Fixed: Rare cases where Game Master neutralizing/lighting-on-fire entities gave a player a (team)kill

- Fixed: Spawning a group into a neutralized entity would spawn orphan characters instead of a new group

- Fixed: Teleporting players in paused GM would break their animations

- Fixed: Defend Waypoint was replaced by Suppress Waypoint in living quarters

 - Fixed: GM delay caused by preloading that caused group not to be set

- Fixed: AI waypoints have no budget associated

- Fixed: Character gets stuck if, during paused GM, they get moved into a vehicle, then out, and then back into the vehicle

- Fixed: Character stuck after being teleported into a vehicle by Game Master and then trying to exit through an obstructed door

- Fixed: Cycle waypoints not working on server

- Fixed: Get Out waypoint localization

- Fixed: Waypoints and tasks can be attached to more entities now

- Fixed: Get Out appearing in living quarters


- Changed: Prevented scheduler from ticking when replication is in the loadtime state, and the busy handler thread is removing and creating nodes

- Fixed: Crash on server when a character attempts to enter a vehicle without a VehicleAnimationComponent

- Fixed: Crash when removing damage effects

- Fixed: Crash when entering a compartment with no PositionInfo set

- Fixed: VME on SCR_ResourceContainer.Clear 

- Fixed: VME with MultiPhaseDestructibles colliding with terrain

- Fixed: VME avoided when canceling Get In waypoint mid-activity

- Fixed: Crash caused by simultaneous system registration/un-registration in turret component

- Fixed: Inventory crash on processing already deleted items

- Fixed: Crash when trying to access invalid storage manager after hierarchy delete

- Fixed: Crash because of NULLPTR doorInfo when teleporting characters into vehicles

- Fixed: Fixed the fix for crashing by fixing characters not correctly teleporting into turrets when moved there via GM

- Fixed: Crash upon destroying a helicopter with a stuck occupant

- Fixed: Game would freeze when a player equipped the mine

- Fixed: Crash in animation sampling in model-space

- Fixed: Crash when a character dies in a vehicle

- Fixed: Crash when a vehicle gets destroyed

- Fixed: Dedicated server crash when loading scenario with AIs

- Fixed: Crash on exiting world while debugging in Workbench

- Fixed: VME in case GetInWaypoint misconfigured

- Fixed: VME when giving get in command to burning vehicle

- Fixed: Possible crash from setting formation displacements

- Fixed: Potential crashes for incorrect updates of roadparts and concurrent addition of roads while rebuilding

- Fixed: Crash during pathfinding when start/end road is missing 

- Fixed: Crash when modifying roads

- Fixed: VME in ScenarioFramework Area during initialization

- Fixed: Crash due to a race condition between the main thread and busy handler thread in the scheduler

- Fixed: Non-reproducible crash with the projectile simulation system

- Fixed - World Editor: Vector tool crash

- Fixed: Workbench - PrefabPreview - Crash caused by opening an invalid entity prefab

- Fixed: Possible crash in DoorComponent

- Fixed: Possible crash on task destruction

- Fixed: Possible crash when vehicle parents didn't have proper physics but were moving

Fixed: RoadNetwork rebuild could freeze the entire game


- Added: AI can drive vehicles now

- Added: AI can be recruited to a player group and commanded

Added: Better obstacle avoidance

- Added: Group's ability to issue suppressive fire orders to its members; overall improvements to suppressive fire behavior

- Added: Usage of suppression fire in combat

- Added: Usage of vehicle lights at night

- Added: Soldiers learned to adapt intensity of suppressive fire based on estimated threat

- Added: Usage of illumination flares at night

- Added: AI driver disables hazard lights when entering new vehicle

- Added: Ability to set vehicle speed for AI via script

- Changed: Reduced AI accuracy against poorly illuminated targets. Now, at night, AI accuracy is lower unless the target is illuminated by a light

- Changed: Rewrite of agent's firing times patterns, added the ability to define soldier/group fire rate

- Changed: Pathfinding failure of leaders not transferred to the group

- Changed: Invoke move to location only when there's a significant distance

- Changed: AIs close doors behind them when entering vehicles

- Changed: If no AIWorld is present or there's issues when creating/modifying move handlers, notify through logs

- Changed: Enlarged agent radius for vehicles navmesh from 2m to 2.6m

- Changed: Road network rebuilding also modifies the width of the road to prevent splitting roads when possible

- Changed: Road width modifications changed to be targeted to certain areas instead of the whole road

- Changed: Moved Obstacle Avoidance out of character and added it to car as well

- Changed: AIWorld default min road width, updated checkpoint bridge points

- Changed: disableNavmeshStreaming CLI param now accepts array of navmesh project names

- Changed: ChimeraAIGroup is considered inactive if it doesn't have any active agents

- Changed: GetOut command now applies to the position of the vehicle the AI is in

- Changed: Hazard lights are now used only for stuck movement results; auto-disabling of hazard lights for players has been fixed

- Tweaked: AI detection time coefficients. Now detection time is a bit bigger

- Tweaked: Road Network: Rework navlink insertion

- Fixed: Looking around fixed in defend behavior

- Fixed: AI turret operator in a car wasn't looking forward when moving to a waypoint

- Fixed: Get Out waypoint not working

- Fixed: Incorrect roadblock data generated

- Fixed: AIs choose wrong positions before starting the enter action on vehicles

- Fixed: AI get in vehicle now clears reservation of compartment at the end of the actual get in instead of at the request

- Fixed: APCs PID setting for sharp turns

- Fixed: AIs getting stuck while kicking their dead friends out of vehicles

- Fixed: Disconnected navlinks at Levi base

- Fixed: Get in now waits for full compartment occupancy

- Fixed: Partial exit of vehicle when only part of group gets stuck

- Fixed: Road network links didn't work well with narrowed roads

- Fixed: RoadNetwork may contain duplicate points near crossroads

- Fixed: BaseRoad.GetPoints() returning invalid vectors

- Fixed: Precomputed road network data didn't work on packed data

- Fixed: Pathfinding would stop working sometimes


- Added: Hint on how to cancel the toggled freelook

- Added: Simple switch weapon action to alternate between primary and secondary weapons (can be bound in the Weapons category)

- Added: Ability to rebind radial quick slots menu

- Added: Action to toggle focus regardless of being in a vehicle or unarmed

- Added: Aim Down Sights (ADS) toggle lean actions, canceled when exiting ADS, in Character bindings

- Changed: Default binding for low ready changed from C Hold to LShift Down, LS Hold to LS Click

- Changed: Reload action input restricted while the weapon is being inspected or while gadget is selected

- Changed: Player ADS sensitivity multiplier handling moved to script so that it can be blended by ADS progress

- Changed: Sight magnification use WeaponOpticsZoomIn and WeaponOpticsZoomOut instead of single WeaponChangeMagnification

- Tweaked: Quick slot selection keys show the selection bar until released

- Fixed: Weapon was being fired whenever player tried to unequip gadget while sprinting by LMB/RT

- Fixed: Holding Left Trigger 100% briefly resets toggled ADS in weapons and turrets

- Fixed: Toggle lean actions were not reliable

- Fixed: Right stick aiming with turrets was significantly slower than with personal weapons

- Fixed: Aim sensitivity behaves differently on Retail vs _Internal

- Fixed: AI aiming was using FOV input scaling and mouse/gamepad sensitivity of player

- Fixed: ADS sensitivity multiplier was not functional

- Fixed: Missing ability to unbind "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" actions from Alt + Mouse Wheel


- Added: Refactored Inventory Replication, usage of new Replication Layers to lower the amount of streamed data related to hierarchies, mainly inventory

- Added: A new safeguard has been made to combat griefers that vote kick an entire server. A new voting cooldown system has been implemented.

 When a player joins a server, they cannot initiate a vote kick until they have been in the server for a set time.

 When a player initiates a vote kick, they cannot initiate another vote until a cooldown is finished.

 There is a grace period for when a server just started/restarted, allowing kicking of players without a cooldown if the players join the server within that time.

- Added: Vote cooldowns have been added for starting a vote to become Game Master and when starting a vote to remove a Game Master

- Added: Players who are on the admin list but are not logged in as admin can no longer be kicked via player vote

- Added: Option to ban/unban by player name

- Added: Ban/unban supports spaces in player names (eg.: #ban create "Name with space" 1000)

- Changed: Moved HitRegistrationManager to HitRegistrationSystem

- Changed: Turret angles are now transferred as 16-bit instead of 8 for additional precision

- Fixed: When connecting, player could see weapons and backpacks on characters in vehicles

- Fixed: Toggle loadout spawning user action not showing for deployable radios on a dedicated server

- Fixed: Character sideways anims don't work when getting out of water on remote proxy

- Fixed: Some network operations could get assigned to the wrong channel and cause stalls

- Fixed: Shooting from turrets stops replicating to other clients after the gunner reloads a fully discharged magazine


- Added: Projectile traveling sounds for rockets and UGL grenades

- Added: Dynamic reverb based on roomsize

- Added: SCR_ShellSoundComponent which allows playing sounds from projectiles once they have been fired. (Requires a SignalsManagerComponent and a BaseMoveComponent or one of its children

- Added: Compartments can have a unique name for slot mapping

- Added: Glove sound variations for different hand-related actions

- Added: New bullet impacts for cars

- Added: New bullet impacts for armored vehicles (including audible penetration when inside)

- Tweaked: Removed obsolete/faulty subSonic sound definition on flares

- Fixed: Sound events playing twice in inertia animations

Scenario Framework

- Added: Option to set the amount of supply by ScenarioFramework action

- Added: Possibility to set a name for inventory items added by Scenario Framework

- Added: Possibility to set a scenario-specific variable

- Added: Possibility to play a single-line dialogue

- Added: Possibility to have generic tasks not tied to any entity

- Added: Filter by faction for GetArrayOfPlayers and GetClosestPlayerEntity getters

- Added: Action Based On Conditions that can execute other actions

- Added: Decrease Logic Counter action

- Added: Ability to cancel or prioritize AI waypoints

- Added: Ability to select multiple AI slots for one AI action

- Added: Ability to add waypoint to AI by name

- Added: VoiceOver Play Sequence action

- Added: SlotTrigger that has now generic purpose

- Added: User Action event listener

- Added: GenericTask Sample scenario

- Added: Possibility to set if the action should be removed on completion.

- Added: ScenarioFramework action to set max autonomous distance for an AI group

- Added: Sample world with Waypoints for AI

- Added: Repeated Task sample world

- Added: Improved Spawn Object Action activation type settings and checking

- Added: Action Delete Marker

- Changed: Increment/Decrease Logic Counter action has counter name as optional attribute if action is attached to desired counter

- Changed: SlotTrigger renamed to SlotPlayerTrigger to retain existing behavior used in community content

- Changed: Separate classes in different files

- Changed: Simplified getters for certain Actions

- Fixed: Intel item got stuck in the air when dropped from character/vehicle

- Fixed: Garbage Manager deletes Task entities when it should not

- Fixed: Logic Counter not calling OnIncrease actions when reaching the desired count

- Fixed: Activation type for slots is not properly handled

- Fixed: Trigger discrepancies and clean-up

- Fixed: Trigger init issues

- Fixed: Action Spawn Objects issues when sublayers had randomization in-place

- Fixed: Show Debug Shapes During Runtime doesn't work correctly outside of Workbench

- Fixed: Repeatable spawn is not working correctly with infinity

- Fixed: Plugin Spawn Point invoked when it should not be

- Fixed: InitParentLayer returned false instead of true when it was successfully initialized

- Fixed: Unhandled behaviors when ScenarioFramework components are deleted


- Added: Cinematic Tool - Different glyphs for keyframes based on interpolation used

- Added: Cinematic Tool - Keyframes snapping

- Added: Cinematic Tool - Duplicating and renaming tracks

- Changed: Cinematic Tool - Layout improved

- Changed: Expose to editor minimum water depth value for marking navmesh

- Changed: Increased walkable climb check when applying navmesh rules to connection making

- Tweaked: World Editor - Transformations of rigid body geometries (Coords + Orientation properties) are now editable using gizmo in scene

- Tweaked: UI elements of RoadNetworkBuilderTool. Diag cleanup and diag ids for roads

- Fixed: Cinematic Tool - Depth of field track was not working in-game

- Fixed: Crash when manipulating curves in Particle Editor

- Fixed: Map generation for maps that are offset from 0

- Fixed: Crash when deleting roadnetwork manager


- Added: Set/GetBaseRotation method for TurretComponent

- Added: New Get In Get Out API on CompartmentAccessComponent

- Added: "Count" script API parameter to selected Inventory operations to process multiple with one call

- Added: Health items and bullets have their custom damageEffects added and configured on their prefabs

- Added: CompartmentDoorInfo can now clearly mark fake doors, and knows whether it is open or being used

- Added: CompartmentDoorReference for when seats in a child CompartmentManager need to use door from the parent CompartmentManager

- Added: ComputeStruckHitzones, function that fills an array with all hitzones that should get damaged by a particular BaseDamageContext

- Added: HitZoneContainerComponent.GetAllHitZonesInHierachy returns hitzones contained on that hitzone container and its children

- Added: DamageManagerComponent::FilterContact used to discard contacts that don't meet the requirements

- Added: DamageManagerComponent::OnFilteredContact alternative to DamageManagerComponent::EOnContact only called when FilterContact returned true for that contact

- Added: GetParentHitZoneContainer for HitZoneContainerComponent

- Added: BaseLightManagerComponent.GetEmissiveSurfaces

- Added: Ability for turrets to use weapon optics (no PIP)

- Added: M23 ammobelt UVs are animated by the SCR_AnimatedBeltComponent

- Added: Methods to SCR_Enum for retrieving next and previous enum values even from modded enums

- Added: RigidBody component template in Ammo_Rocket_Base.et, same GUID as Ammo_Rocket_PG7VM.et

- Added: RigidBody component template in Ammo_GrenadeLauncher_Base.et, same GUID as Ammo/Ammo_Grenade_HE_VOG25.et

- Added: SCR_CharacterControllerComponent.ComputeHitReaction in script, so the hit effects can be customized

- Added: New logic has been added to editable entity components to allow for Variant of prefabs when a prefab is spawned (by editor or, for example, as a player character)

- Added: Functionality of placeable items that can also be attached to other objects (e.g. check M112 explosive charge)

- Added: Better visual feedback when it's not possible to insert an item into a storage.

- Added: Ammo type indicators for magazines and grenades, visible in the item slots and hints.

- Added: Gadgets - WeaponNoFireTime attribute to prevent weapon fire while gadget is selected

- Added: Getter for sights position, front, and rear point PointInfos

- Added: SCR_Math3D static method GetRelativeLocalTransform, able to create relative transform between two BaseGameEntity members of same hierarchy.

E.g. use is in 2D and PIP sights (moved to SCR_EntityHelpers)

- Added: Disclaimer for modding about damage over time API in SCR_ExtendedDamageManagerComponent.c

- Added: Turrets can now use grass flatten components

- Added: Script API GarbageSystem.GetTrackedEntities() for modders.

- Added: Density and penetration resistance of material's ballistic info affects damage output - the higher, the less damage is dealt

- Added: Script callback for light state changes in light manager

- Added: Now you can also specify some init speed coeffs for which you want to generate precise data, so they are not interpolated.

- Added: TurretControllerComponent API for ADS states: SetWeaponADS, SetWeaponADSInput, GetWeaponADSInput

- Added: Vehicles - Shifting RPM curves in car controller debug

- Added: Ability to change arsenal game mode allowing items to be available in specific game modes. Game Master arsenal is unrestricted, and all items are available

- Added: Vehicle doors can specify if they require a specific graph to be bound to character to be opened/closed

- Added: Scripters can disable SPACE canceling loitering via disableInput parameter on StartLoitering

- Added: Glass emissive material bases for different content setups

- Added: Initial set of functions for the RplNode API

- Added: Script API for getting the node of BaseRplComponent

- Changed: HitZoneContainerComponent.GetAllHitZones now only returns hitzones contained on that hitzone container.

- Changed: All character-related scripts listening to bleeding invokers and events have been reworked to use damageEffects API

- Changed: Damage - SCR_DamagePassRule now handled in SCR_HitZone and SCR_DamageManagerComponent, using HijackDamageHandling

Changed: Renamed EFireState to SCR_EBurnState

- Changed: Weapon attachment costs for arsenals are now separately calculated.

Allowing modders to add the base value to all weapons regardless of the attachments and the attachment separately in the catalog lists and they will be counted up together

- Changed: Renamed the projectile effect BaseDamageEffect to ProjectileDamage

- Changed: Weapon obstruction parameters were changed so they allow to control new 3-phase approach

- Changed: Disabled supplies usage for the MPTest world

- Changed: SCR_ArsenalManagerComponent::ARSENALLOADOUT_COMPONENTS_TO_CHECK variable is now filled

 by SCR_ArsenalManagerComponent::GetArsenalLoadoutComponentsToCheck method. This makes this part of the code more moddable

- Changed: Weapon_Base.et now has WeaponAnimationComponent

- Changed: Inventory layouts have been reworked, and their scripts have been updated accordingly

- Changed: User Action - Added default compartment definition (value 0 which equals to default value for driver/pilot compartment) to config files for light user actions

- Changed: Gadgets - In SCR_FlashlightComponent renamed m_LenseArray to m_aLenseArray so prefabs that use this functionality will need to be updated

- Changed: Gadgets - Gadgets that are attached to SCR_EquipmentStorageSlot will be informed

when that slot occlusion changes by triggering SCR_GadgetComponent.OnSlotOccludedStateChanged (bool occluded)

- Changed: Inventory - Visible storage slots have to disable UseVirtualInventoryReplication (ref: check FlashlightSlot in Jacket_M70_base prefab)

- Changed: Base Game mode now has all components to have arsenals working in the world. This might cause duplicate components if the components were added manually

- Changed: Added Explosion damage and changed config used by explosion impulse effect in Warhead_Shell_HE.et

- Changed: Weapons - Turrets ADS camera position prefers SightComponent's "Sight Position" over now obsolete TurretComponent "Camera ADS Attachment"

- Changed: Gadgets - Marked in SCR_GadgetComponent method CanBeToggled as obsolete since it will be replaced by GetUseMask

- Changed: LightSlot now saves ParentSurface attribute as name instead of index. Prefabs might need re-saving

- Changed: Damage diags to see HitZone health has been moved to GameCode-&gt;Damage-&gt;Type of damage info

- Changed: Moved GetAncestorToLocalTransform() to EntityUtils

- Changed: Optics - Separate RegisterInputs and HandleSightActivation, HandleSightDeactivation methods for scripted sights components

- Changed: Now clearing damage history when it becomes redundant

- Changed: Radio coverage calculation is now handled by SCR_RadioCoverageSystem. Please update your Conflict base prefabs with SCR_CoverageRadioComponent to ensure correct functionality.

This component also sets up the Main bases in Conflict via the "Is Source" toggle.

- Tweaked: Scope prefab inheritance of character modifier attributes

- Fixed: Damage - SCR_DamagePassRule ignored root damage manager if hitzone struck was already in root damage manager

- Fixed: Entity catalogs of the same type now merge correctly on init

- Fixed: Weapons - Turrets without ADS camera attachment no longer lag behind gun rotation, as long as they have SightPosition defined in SightComponent

- Fixed: SCR_ResourceSystem::RegisterContainer and SCR_ResourceSystem::RegisterDynamicComponent now only register on authority

- Fixed: DamageManagerComponent OnFrame isn't called when activated

- Fixed: CharacterControllerComponent SetWeaponNoFireTime was not functional

- Fixed: GetAncestorToLocalTransform() failed on non-BaseGameEntity owner

- Fixed: JsonLoadContainer not reading back root-level entries correctly

- Fixed: DotDamageEffects work at half the speed

- Fixed: Broken regen and added improved API for canBeHealed

- Fixed: Spawning a character through DefaultOccupantName does not attach the vehicle graph and makes the character stand in the vehicle seat

- Removed: Having DamageManagerComponent::EOnContact exposed to script could result in too many calls and performance issues.

  - Speicherverbrauch von 27,0 GB auf 28,4 GB erhöht

- 18,31 GB groß

Release: 03.07.2024 (Version


- 7,31 GB groß

Release: 18.07.2024 (Version


- 18,61 GB groß

Release: 18.07.2024 (Version


- 4,14 GB groß

Release: 31.07.2024 (Version


- 8,12 GB groß

Release: 22.08.2024 (Version


- 12,95 GB groß

Beta Version: Minecraft Preview

Release: 13.07.2022 (Version 1.19.2020.0 -> 1.19.2022.0)


- 220,74 MB groß

Release: 20.07.2022 (Version 1.19.2023.0)


- 219,44 MB groß

Release: 27.07.2022 (Version 1.19.2024.0)


- 202,04 MB groß

Release: 04.08.2022 (Version 1.19.3020.0)


- 231,89 MB groß

Release: 10.08.2022 (Version 1.19.3021.0)


- 824,30 MB groß

Release: 17.08.2022 (Version 1.19.3022.0)


- 215,69 MB groß

Release: 25.08.2022 (Version 1.19.3023.0)


- 203,08 MB groß

Release: 01.09.2022 (Version 1.19.3025.0)


- 220,51 MB groß

Release: 08.09.2022 (Version


- 203,4 MB groß

Release: 15.09.2022 (Version 1.19.4021.0)


- 214,02 MB groß

Release: 21.09.2022 (Version 1.19.4022.0)


- 233,34 MB groß

Release: 30.09.2022 (Version 1.19.4023.0)


- 219,88 MB groß

Release: 05.10.2022 (Version 1.19.4024.0)


- 222,26 MB groß

Release: 13.10.2022 (Version 1.19.5020.0)


- 207,82 MB groß

Release: 19.10.2022 (Version 1.19.5021.0)


- 239,03 MB groß

Release: 26.10.2022 (Version 1.19.5022.0)


- 204,42 MB groß

Release: 03.11.2022 (Version 1.19.5023.0)


- 227,82 MB groß

Release: 09.11.2022 (Version 1.19.5024.0)


- 220,44 MB groß

Release: 16.11.2022 (Version 1.19.5025.0)


- 207,39 MB groß

Release: 23.11.2022 (Version 1.19.6020.0)


- 851,16 MB groß

Release: 01.12.2022 (Version 1.19.6022.0)


- 231,87 MB groß

Release: 07.12.2022 (Version 1.19.6023.0)


- 209,20 MB groß

Release: 14.12.2022 (Version 1.19.6024.0)


- 248,89 MB groß

Release: 05.01.2023 (Version 1.19.6025.0)


- 273,76 MB groß

Release: 11.01.2023 (Version 1.19.6026.0)


- 211,22 MB groß

Release: 19.01.2023 (Version 1.19.6027.0)


- 232,74 MB groß

Release: 26.01.2023 (Version 1.19.7020.0)


- 220,46 MB groß

Release: 01.02.2023 (Version 1.19.7021.0)


- 211,93 MB groß

Release: 08.02.2023 (Version 1.19.7022.0)


- 240,21 MB groß

Release: 15.02.2023 (Version 1.19.7023.0)


- 242,59 MB groß

Release: 23.02.2023 (Version 1.19.7024.0)


- 230,14 MB groß

Release: 02.03.2023 (Version 1.19.7026.0)


- 224,41 MB groß

Release: 08.03.2023 (Version 1.19.8020.0)


- 242,59 MB groß

Release: 15.03.2023 (Version 1.19.8021.0)


- 335,71 MB groß

Release: 23.03.2023 (Version 1.19.8022.0)


- 335,49 MB groß

Release: 30.03.2023 (Version 1.19.8023.0)


- 250,06 MB groß

Release: 05.04.2023 (Version 1.19.8024.0)


- 223,74 MB groß

Release: 12.04.2023 (Version


- 894,75 MB groß

Release: 19.04.2023 (Version


- 263,75 MB groß

Release: 27.04.2023 (Version


- 308,08 MB groß

Release: 03.05.2023 (Version


- 261,16 MB groß

Release: 12.05.2023 (Version


- 252,70 MB groß

Release: 18.05.2023 (Version


- 232,74 MB groß

Release: 26.05.2023 (Version 1.20.1020.0)


- 272,81 MB groß

Release: 01.06.2023 (Version 1.20.1021.0)


- 239,00 MB groß

Release: 14.06.2023 (Version 1.20.1023.0)


- 253,38 MB groß

Release: 21.06.2023 (Version 1.20.1024.0)


- 248,62 MB groß

Release: 28.06.2023 (Version 1.20.2020.0)


- 253,56 MB groß

Release: 12.07.2023 (Version 1.20.2021.0)


- 253,87 MB groß

Release: 20.07.2023 (Version 1.20.2022.0)


- 274,23 MB groß

Release: 26.07.2023 (Version 1.20.2023.0)


- 225,55 MB groß

Release: 03.08.2023 (Version 1.20.3020.0)


- 250,16 MB groß

Release: 09.08.2023 (Version 1.20.3021.0)


- 257,32 MB groß

Release: 17.08.2023 (Version 1.20.3022.0)


- 262,80 MB groß

Release: 25.08.2023 (Version 1.20.3024.0)


- 233,21 MB groß

Release: 31.08.2023 (Version 1.20.3025.0)


- 258,80 MB groß

Release: 07.09.2023 (Version 1.20.4020.0)


- 258,93 MB groß

Release: 13.09.2023 (Version 1.20.4021.0)


- 244,42 MB groß

Release: 20.09.2023 (Version 1.20.4022.0)


- 251,06 MB groß

Release: 27.09.2023 (Version 1.20.4023.0)


- 256,45 MB groß

Release: 04.10.2023 (Version 1.20.4024.0)


- 249,71 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2023 (Version 1.20.5020.0)


- 270,34 MB groß

Release: 18.10.2023 (Version 1.20.5021.0)


- 263,83 MB groß

Release: 25.10.2023 (Version 1.20.5022.0)


- 275,34 MB groß

Release: 02.11.2023 (Version 1.20.5023.0)


- 224,82 MB groß

Release: 09.11.2023 (Version 1.20.5024.0)


- 204,13 MB groß

Release: 15.11.2023 (Version 1.20.6020.0)


- 218,11 MB groß

Release: 29.11.2023 (Version 1.20.6021.0)


- 268,84 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2023 (Version 1.20.6022.0)


- 284,21 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2023 (Version 1.20.6023.0)


- 215,49 MB groß

Release: 04.01.2024 (Version 1.20.6024.0)


- 311,45 MB groß

Release: 10.01.2024 (Version 1.20.6025.0)


- 288,31 MB groß

Release: 18.01.2024 (Version 1.20.6026.0)


- 220,70 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2024 (Version 1.20.7020.0)


- 261,95 MB groß

Release: 01.02.2024 (Version 1.20.7021.0)


- 275,11 MB groß

Release: 07.02.2024 (Version 1.20.7022.0)


- 261,65 MB groß

Release: 15.02.2024 (Version 1.20.7024.0)


- 264,05 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2024 (Version 1.20.7025.0)


- 221,67 MB groß

Release: 29.02.2024 (Version 1.20.8020.0)


- 269,18 MB groß

Release: 06.03.2024 (Version 1.20.8021.0)


- 296,67 MB groß

Release: 14.03.2024 (Version 1.20.8022.0)


- 300,72 MB groß

Release: 20.03.2024 (Version 1.20.8023.0)


- 268,68 MB groß

Release: 27.03.2024 (Version 1.20.8024.0)


- 223,56 MB groß

Release: 03.04.2024 (Version


- 300,52 MB groß

Release: 10.04.2024 (Version


- 235,70 MB groß

Release: 18.04.2024 (Version


- 308,96 MB groß

Release: 24.04.2024 (Version


- 304,50 MB groß

Release: 01.05.2024 (Version


- 444,00 MB groß

Release: 09.05.2024 (Version


- 236,81 MB groß

Release: 15.05.2024 (Version


- 224,77 MB groß

Release: 22.05.2024 (Version 1.21.1020.0)


- 310,19 MB groß

Release: 29.05.2024 (Version 1.21.1021.0)


- 259,77 MB groß

Release: 05.06.2024 (Version 1.21.1022.0)


- 241,91 MB groß

Release: 12.06.2024 (Version 1.21.1023.0)


- 316,40 MB groß

Release: 19.06.2024 (Version 1.21.1024.0)


- 230,58 MB groß

Release: 27.06.2024 (Version 1.21.2021.0)


- 311,95 MB groß

Release: 10.07.2024 (Version 1.21.2022.0)


- 530,47 MB groß

Release: 17.07.2024 (Version 1.21.2023.0)


- 646,71 MB groß

Release: 25.07.2024 (Version 1.21.2024.0)


- 235,96 MB groß

Release: 01.08.2024 (Version 1.21.3021.0)


- 323,36 MB groß

Release: 07.08.2024 (Version 1.21.3022.0)


- 253,27 MB groß

Release: 15.08.2024 (Version 1.21.3023.0)


- 250,79 MB groß

Release: 21.08.2024 (Version 1.21.3024.0)


- 320,04 MB groß

Release: 28.08.2024 (Version 1.21.3025.0)


- 234,72 MB groß

Release: 04.09.2024 (Version 1.21.4020.0)


- 386,73 MB groß

Release: 11.09.2024 (Version 1.21.4021.0)


- 290,66 MB groß

Release: 18.09.2024 (Version 1.21.4022.0)


- 302,77 MB groß

Release: 25.09.2024 (Version 1.21.4023.0)


- 281,17 MB groß

Release: 03.10.2024 (Version 1.21.4025.0)


- 238,63 MB groß

Release: 09.10.2024 (Version 1.21.5020.0)


- 1000,83 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2024 (Version 1.21.5024.0)


- 328,65 MB groß

Release: 23.10.2024 (Version 1.21.5025.0)


- 314,68 MB groß

Release: 30.10.2024 (Version 1.21.5026.0)


- 304,65 MB groß

Release: 07.11.2024 (Version 1.21.5028.0)


- 360,36 MB groß

Release: 13.11.2024 (Version 1.21.5029.0)


- 273,45 MB groß

Release: 20.11.2024 (Version 1.21.6021.0)


- 304,25 MB groß

Beta Version: Turbo Golf Racing

Release: 01.08.2022 (Version ->


- 548,13 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 529,72 MB groß

Release: 01.08.2022 (Version


- 565,04 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 565,91 MB groß

Release: 12.08.2022 (Version


- 3,50 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,35 GB groß

Release: 19.08.2022 (Version


- 770,07 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 385,13 MB groß

Release: 29.09.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 5,7 GB auf 6,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,9 GB auf 5,8 GB erhöht

- 4,39 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,96 GB groß

Release: 03.10.2022 (Version


- 498,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 296,39 MB groß

Release: 24.10.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 6,6 GB auf 5,8 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 5,8 GB auf 5,1 GB reduziert

- 4,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,00 GB groß

Release: 26.10.2022 (Version


- 272,51 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 192,7 MB groß

Release: 03.11.2022 (Version


- 453,12 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 430,83 MB groß

Release: 17.11.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Season 2 ist gestartet

- Speicherverbrauch von 5,8 GB auf 7,5 GB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 5,1 GB auf 6,36 GB erhöht

- 5,47 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 5,13 GB groß

Release: 15.12.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 7,5 GB auf 8,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 6,6 GB auf 7,2 GB erhöht

- 6,88 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 6,44 GB groß

Release: 26.01.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 8,1 GB auf 8,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 7,2 GB auf 7,7 GB erhöht

- 4,59 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,49 GB groß

Release: 28.01.2023 (Version


- 485,54 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 675,18 MB groß

Release: 17.03.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 8,6 GB auf 10,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 7,7 GB auf 9,3 GB erhöht

- 7,73 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 7,41 GB groß

Release: 31.03.2023 (Version


- 649,62 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 460,68 MB groß

Release: 17.04.2023 (Version

Quelle: turbogolf.racing | xboxdynasty.de

- Season 3 "Twisted Space" ist gestartet


- Season 3: Twisted Space is upon us! Featuring new space levels, 40 season rewards, space music, a new lobby scene and gravity bending gameplay!

- We’ve added separate casual and ranked queues to compliment our new ranked system.

- The cores have been rebalanced and we’ve added two new ones: Trail Blazer and Off Roader!

- Now’s your chance to set a world record, the leaderboards and ranks have been reset.


- 40 rewards to obtain in Season 3!

- 10 new space levels, spotlighting twisted gravity!

- Casual queue has been added.

- New space lobby scene.

- 2 new downloadable content packs, featuring 15 items!

- Added Trail Blazer core, increasing speed on boost pads.

- Added Off Roader core, mitigating negative terrain effects on car and ball.

- 3 new space music tracks have been added!

- 10 new shop items.

- 8 new avatars will be awarded for Season 2 rating placement.

- New missions have been added for the new cores and car bodies.


- Switched to rank points, with new ranked buckets!

- Win counter has been updated to count ranked wins.

- Leaderboard prerequisite has been removed.

- Updated key art to space image.

- Updated logo to space version.

- Updated badge system to feature 7 badges.

- Hyper Glider only increases speed whilst boost is not depleted.

- Hot Head speed has increased.

- Stomp has reduced boost duration and no longer replenishes boost.

- Double Dash has increased dash power and reduced intermittent dash cooldown.

- Ice Lock freezes the ball until hit, providing unlimited boost whilst the ball is frozen.

- Spring Ball replenishes boost with every ball bounce.

- Big Shot replenishes boost with every ball hit.

- Sticky duration and speed boost have been decreased. Ball will now propel forward when Sticky times out.

- Core descriptions have been updated.

- Bots now show a time when all players finish a hole.

- Bot difficulty has been updated, creating different bot profiles.

- Bot cosmetic item pool has been reduced.

- All leaderboards have been reset, including time trial, wins and ranking. Data from season 1 and 2 can be accessed via Discord!

- Something More Advanced missions are no longer sequential.

- Learning The Basics now includes an additional party mission.

- Missions UI now have increased padding.

- Updated mission notifications to prevent clipping.

- Mission reward amounts have been updated.

- Obtained item currency replacement amounts have been updated.

- Item costs have been updated.

- Top bar in the lobby has been rearranged.

- Updated buttons across the game.

- Updated keybinds across the game.

- Seasons page displays amounts for currency rewards.

- Adventures panel arrows have been updated.

- Level name has been added to scoreboard.

- Ball indicator arrow size has been increased.

- Removed Sand Master and Rough Rider cores.

- Removed Sand Master and Rough Rider missions.

- Default steering sensitivity has been reduced.

- Updated default settings.

- Car selection car colours have been changed.

- Selectable cores have changed in the Cores tutorial.

- Tutorial scenario level images have been updated.

- Tooltip text across scenarios has been updated.

- Mission Success text size has been increased in tutorials.

- Prompt icons have been improved in tutorials.

- Screen now fades when a player cannot move in tutorials.

- Removed game HUD when selecting cores in tutorial.

- Default cores have been updated.

- Added sound fx when completing a mission.

- Added sound fx when opening an item crate.

- Added sound fx to the random core pick-up.

- Updated sound fx for Stomp and Big Shot.

- Finish and decal icons have been updated.

- Booster icons and display colours in the garage have been updated.

- Updated icons for Cannon ball, Contrail spoiler and V16 spoiler.

- Speed line visual effects have been updated.

- Fan and tunnel visual effects have been updated.

- Smoothed transitions from barriers to glass tunnels.

- Glass material has been updated across levels.

- Tree placement has been updated in Bull’s Eye.

- Adjusted fans in Broken Pretzel and Spots and Shots.

- Updated starting pad emissive colours.

- Updated started item visuals.


- Addressed localisation issues across missions.

- Addressed issue toggling ball camera between levels.

- Addressed crashes across xbox consoles.

- Addressed bugs arising from leaving the game open for long periods of time.

- Addressed skip in Curvy Corners.

- Fixed issue calculating rank points.

- Fixed bug caused by missiles in shot of the match.

- Fixed issues where car selection sometimes wouldn’t work.

- Addressed invisible pick-ups in City Gates and Walk In The Woods.

- Addressed glass tunnel smoothness in Precision Decisions.

- Addressed tunnel visual issues in City Gates, Terminal19 and Twisted Gardens.

- Addressed resets across Atl, Dustbowl, Factory Showdown, Inner City Circuit, Rocket Ramp and Spots and Shots.

- Addressed tunnel OOB in Terminal19 and Twisted Gardens.

- Updated incorrect rock material on Enter The Serpent.

- Addressed issues obtaining Activate, Just Another Day and Passing Time achievements.

- Updated missile incoming indicator to better reflect direction.

- Updated incorrect waterfall effects and sphere materials in Walk In The Woods.

- Addressed issue where online personal bests were not updating on leaderboards.

- Addressed localisation issues in French and Spanish.

- Addressed disconnecting idle players when bots are present in games.

- Addressed skipping tutorial flyover when restarting.

- Addressed core effects being present in tutorials.

- Addressed issue with ice lock and sticky effects persisting in levels.

- Addressed incorrect unlock description for Party Up avatar

- Speicherverbrauch von 10,2 GB auf 11,4 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 9,3 GB auf 10,0 GB erhöht

- 7,56 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 7,04 GB groß

Release: 26.04.2023 (Version


- 707,09 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 570,66 MB groß

Release: 27.07.2023 (Version

Quelle: turbogolf.racing | xboxdynasty.de


- Custom Games are upon us! With spectator functionality!

- New pick ups have been added: Frost Beam and Air Strike!

- The Sleet and Shark events are here, with 32 missions over 4 parts! Featuring 2 car bodies, 2 balls and 20 other cosmetics!

- Grapple Hook core has been added!

- Ranked system has been changed to New Skill.

- Random rewards have been added, to obtain past rewards.

- Core balancing for Double Dash, Hyper Glide, Quick Flip and Trail Blazer!

- 5 new levels, including a community designed level!

- Various performance and optimisation improvements.


- Custom games have been added to the game mode selection screen! Play privately or publicly with 8 player lobbies.

Select up to 12 levels and personalise cores, pick ups and bot difficulty!

- Players can spectate custom games.

- Frost Beam pick up has been added. Shoot a line of ice along the track, hindering opponents movement control!

- Air Strike pick up has been added, an auto following aerial bomb, used to halt opponents in the area of effect!

- Shark event has been added in two parts!

- Sleet event has been added in two parts!

- Grapple Hook is here, an active core that pulls your car to your ball!

- Random reward chests have been added to the shop and mission rewards.

- 5 new levels: Big L, Hubble Bubble, Moonraker, Outer Wrench and U Bend.

- 7 new shop items.

- New missions have been added for Teef and Sleet car bodies.


- Car max speed has been increased.

- Boost acceleration has been increased.

F- Balls now roll further on all surfaces.

- Increased the ball pull strength on the flag's beam.

- Boost ring colliders have been improved.

- Double Dash has increased cooldown and internal cooldown. First dash power has been reduced.

- Quick Flip cooldown has been increased to 3 seconds.

- Trail Blazer acceleration speed has been increased.

- Hyper Glider speed has been increased.

- Emojis have been reordered and replaced.

- Updated spectators watching icon.

- Reverted back from Rank Points to New Skill in Ranked.

- Players are now awarded avatars when they move up a rank bracket.

- Ranked levels increased from 3 to 5 per game.

- Removed homing missiles from ranked.

- Updated target crosshair for pick ups.

- Added New Skill loss prevention for a win.

- Updated lighting in lobby scene.

- Updated car chassis.

- Assembler, Rotary, Trey, Visage, Windwave and X-Tail have all had visual updates.

- Wheel materials have been updated.

- Updated emissive colours on shields.

- Updated boost effect particles on some effects.

- Updated grass effects on space levels.

- Summary screen has been updated with new progress bars, badges and scoreboards.

- Rank badges now show on profiles in lobby.

- Updated bot names.

- Finish icons have been updated.

- Black Abyss and Blue Dot have updated icons.

- Durable wheels emissive has been updated.

- Garage has been updated with new icons and total items in category display.

- Shop layout has been updated.

- Game mode selection screen shows games played for casual games.

- Season 2 leaderboards have been added.

- Friend panel has been updated.

- Friend code length has been reduced.

- Adventure panel now prioritises incomplete adventures.

- Adventure panel dot colour has been updated.

- Text on currency rewards has been updated.

- Opened chest icon has been updated.

- Insufficient funds pop up has been updated.

- Players can no longer trigger pick-ups or cores until they’re usable after going out of bounds or pressing the reset button.

- Players can continue some game inputs after scoring for longer.

- Updated mission rewards.

- Updated Learning The Basics mission order and target amounts.

- Updated homing missile mission amounts.

- Mastery missions are no longer achievable in solo.

- Reworded mission terminology.

- Players who skip the tutorial now have Sticky and Big Ball equipped.

- Players can now rotate camera around cars in starting car selection screen.

- Updated star times for space levels.

- Improved bot performance in Dust Bowl and space levels.

- Updated Oil Jack animation.


- Updated out of bounds material colour in space levels.

- Updated hole colour in space levels.

- Updated waterfall placement in King’s March.

- Updated obstacles in Cloud Playground, King’s March and Par 5.

- Updated bunkers in Anointed One, Ball Falls, Cloud Playground, Elevator 7, Enter The Serpent, Jungle Run and Sun Disc Dash.

- Updated rough in All or Wall, Corner Madness, Enter The Serpent and Uphill Battle.

- Updated trees in A Walk In The Woods, All or Wall, Arch Parkway, Ball Falls, Bottom’s Up, City Gates, Elevator 7, Factory Showdown, Mountain Hideout, Nice Drive and Uphill Battle.

- Updated rocks in Anointed One, Arch Parkway, Broken Pretzel, Bunker Balls, Claw Canyon, Downtown Blitz, Factory Showdown and Rainbow Race.

- Updated boost rings in Aqueduct Attack, Ball Falls, Bottom’s Up, Bunker Balls, City Gates, Claw Canyon,

Electric Avenue, Elevator 7, Endurance, Factory Showdown, Mineout, Round The Bend, Sun Disc Dash, Trees Please, Twin Kingdoms and Twisted Gardens.

- Updated pick ups in Downtown Blitz, Elevator7, Hyper Flight Corner, Nice Drive, Precision Decisions, Rocket Ramp and Waverace.

- Updated boost pads in All or Wall, Anointed One, Corner Madness, Endurance, Factory Showdown, Inner City Circuit, Rainbow Race, Mountain Hideout, Nice Drive, Spots and Shots and Uphill Battle.

- Updated tunnels in Bottom’s Up, City Gates, Endurance, Factory Showdown, Hyper Flight Corner, Mineout, Mushroom City, Precision Decisions, Rocket Ramp, Satellite Sprint, Terminal 19 and Twisted Gardens.

- Updated barriers in Eye In The Sky, Sky Bridge and Twisted Gardens.

- Updated ramps in All or Wall, Claw Canyon, Cloud Playground, Downtown Blitz, Round The Bend and Twisted Gardens.

- Updated drops in Elevator 7 and Rocket Ramp.

- Reduced height variance in Round The Bend.

- Removed spin in tunnel of Mushroom City.

- Updated dome texture in Rocky Ring Road.

- Updated pyramid in Sun Disc Dash.

- Updated snake head in Enter The Serpent.

- Updated starting ramp in Overdrive HQ.

- Updated glass material across space levels.


- Various performance and optimisation improvements.

- Various decal and finish improvements.

- Improved blurry objects on Xbox consoles.

- Addressed bots being given times when players and bots DNF.

- Addressed issue with Ice Lock not freezing momentum on hole.

- Addressed issue where players are stuck on match loading screen.

- Addressed reset issues in Dust Bowl, Factory Showdown, Mushroom City, The Snake, Twisted Gardens, Twisted Ranch and Vortex.

- Fixed out of bounds in Rocky Ring Road, Spots and Shots, Sun Disc Dash and Twisted Gardens.

- Addressed shadowing issues on Mineout and Twin Kingdoms.

- Fixed collider issue in Twin Kingdoms.

- Addressed issue with tunnel in Mushroom City.

- Addressed issues when spectating in Kings March.

- Addressed skip in Spots and Shots.

- Improved screen displays for wide monitors.

- Addressed bug showing mission UI in matches.

- Addressed inconsistent rank badges within matches.

- Addressed ordering issues on scoreboard.

- Addressed issue with TechJet shield pistons.

- Addressed issue with grass textures.

- Addressed play online games mission issue.

- Addressed issues with sounds when spectating.

- Updated starting car colours to match selectable colours.

- Addressed visual and sound effects continuing for cars after they have scored.

- Addressed navigation issues on adventures panel.

- Addressed issue with music volume on Xbox start up.

- Addressed 0 Rank Points bug when playing against bots.

- Addressed jumpiness when spectating, car movement will now appear smoother.

- Corrected atmosphere colours on planets in space theme.

- Addressed random core pick up sound effect bug.

- Addressed bug completing timed missions.

- Fixed issue showing emojis in loading screens.

- Addressed bug claiming rewards multiple times.

- Spectator now prioritises players over bots.

- Addressed issue causing repeated reward claiming after a match.

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,4 GB auf 42,6 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 10,0 GB auf 11,1 GB erhöht

- 10,17 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,61 GB groß

Release: 14.08.2023 (Version


- 1,95 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,68 GB groß

Release: 06.10.2023 (Version


- 9,72 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,47 GB groß

Release: 12.10.2023 (Version


- 993,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 959,51 MB groß

Release: 08.01.2024 (Version


- 899,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 809,23 MB groß

Release: 04.04.2024 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | datum=xboxdynasty.de, xboxwire.com

- Aus dem Early Access wird eine Vollversion

- Season 4 ist gestartet

- Speicherverbrauch von 12,9 GB auf 14,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 11,4 GB 12,5 GB erhöht

- 12,32 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 11,59 GB groß

Release: 15.04.2024 (Version


- 4,67 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,24 GB groß

Release: 28.05.2024 (Version


- 2,87 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,69 GB groß

Beta Version: Path of Titans

Release: 11.08.2022 (Version ->


- 800,73 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 675,04 MB groß

Release: 16.08.2022 (Version


- 362,53 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 207,63 MB groß

Release: 22.08.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 6,7 GB auf 9,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 22,6 GB auf 25,1 GB erhöht

- 3,97 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,06 GB groß

Release: 25.08.2022 (Version


- 348,89 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 348,39 MB groß

Release: 02.09.2022 (Version


- 286,0 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 244,91 MB groß

Release: 21.09.2022 (Version


- 316,25 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 249,40 MB groß

Release: 26.09.2022 (Version


- 285,53 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 288,42 MB groß

Release: 03.10.2022 (Version


- 256,98 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 203,18 MB groß

Release: 05.10.2022 (Version


- 620,92 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 521,97 MB groß

Release: 06.10.2022 (Version


- 220,39 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 179,25 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 24,9 GB auf 25,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 25,1 GB auf 25,3 GB erhöht

- 2,15 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,17 MB groß

Release: 08.11.2022 (Version


- 327,05 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 341,25 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- Speicherverbrauch von 25,1 GB auf 25,7 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbruach von 25,3 GB auf 25,9 GB erhöht

- 3,82 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,88 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2022 (Version


- 459,21 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 467,48 MB groß

Release: 27.12.2022 (Version


- 492,31 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 500,38 MB groß

Release: 14.02.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 25,7 GB auf 25,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 25,9 GB auf 26,0 GB erhöht

- 3,55 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,64 GB groß

Release: 24.02.2023 (Version


- 708,71 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 719,39 MB groß

Release: 06.03.2023 (Version


- 524,25 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 547,93 MB groß

Release: 09.03.2023 (Version


- 183,55 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 184,60 MB groß

Release: 09.05.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com

- 3,96 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,03 GB groß

Release: 12.05.2023 (Version


- 300,59 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 301,30 MB groß

Release: 07.07.2023 (Version


- 2,65 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,70 GB groß

Release: 10.07.2023 (Version


- 242,78 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 241,48 MB groß

Release: 14.08.2023 (Version


- 1002,12 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1009,45 MB groß

Release: 25.08.2023 (Version


- 247,96 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 243,93 MB groß

Release: 07.09.2023 (Version


- 194,39 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 194,70 MB groß

Release: 01.11.2023 (Version


- 2,32 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,35 GB groß

Release: 06.11.2023 (Version


- 188,53 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 189,43 MB groß

Release: 08.11.2023 (Version


- 193,07 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 194,90 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2023 (Version


- 569,11 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 590,20 MB groß

Release: 25.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: pathoftitans.com

- Speicherverbrauch von 27,2 GB auf 26,4 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 9,45 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- / MB groß

Release: 26.12.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 26,4 GB auf 27,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 10,17 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 669,52 MB groß

Release: 05.01.2024 (Version


- 243,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 241,65 MB groß

Release: 08.01.2024 (Version


- 192,31 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 194,05 MB groß

Release: 10.01.2024 (Version


- 191,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 190,11 MB groß

Release: 19.01.2024 (Version


- 513,10 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 508,12 MB groß

Release: 13.03.2024 (Version


- 1,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 14.03.2024 (Version


- 91,98 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- / MB groß

Release: 15.03.2024 (Version


- 192,01 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 194,02 MB groß

Release: 22.03.2024 (Version


- 191,33 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 191,95 MB groß

Release: 23.04.2024 (Version


- 5,20 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 5,30 GB groß

Release: 25.04.2024 (Version


- 652,76 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 656,18 MB groß

Release: 29.04.2024 (Version


- Upgrade auf Unreal Engine 5.3

- New Abilities

- Underwater Effects

- 206,31 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 613,03 MB groß

Release: 06.05.2024 (Version


- 1022,50 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1007,71 MB groß

Release: 10.05.2024 (Version


- 1,49 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,64 GB groß

Release: 13.05.2024 (Version


- 593,07 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 610,37 MB groß

Release: 03.06.2024 (Version


- 611,16 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 198,63 MB groß

Release: 11.06.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 22,8 GB auf 23,9 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 22,9 GB auf 24,1 GB erhöht

- 2,89 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,83 GB groß

Release: 19.06.2024 (Version


- 945,89 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 546,78 MB groß

Release: 21.06.2024 (Version


- 618,47 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 217,32 MB groß

Release: 28.06.2024 (Version


- 616,97 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 217,55 MB groß

Release: 08.07.2024 (Version


- 619,30 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 217,20 MB groß

Release: 12.07.2024 (Version


- 933,11 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 523,12 MB groß

Release: 15.07.2024 (Version


- 619,89 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 617,64 MB groß

Release: 17.07.2024 (Version


- 617,97 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 617,89 MB groß

Release: 19.07.2024 (Version


- 7,90 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 8,04 GB groß

Release: 16.08.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 23,9 GB auf 24,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 24,1 GB auf 24,4 GB erhöht

- 1,76 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,45 GB groß

Release: 17.08.2024 (Version


- 636,99 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 631,55 MB groß

Release: 19.08.2024 (Version


- 189,44 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 602,4 MB groß

Release: 21.08.2024 (Version


- 224,01 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 632,04 MB groß

Release: 26.08.2024 (Version


- 629,23 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 632,18 MB groß

Release: 01.10.2024 (Version


- 636,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 232,98 MB groß

Release: 07.10.2024 (Version


- 2,66 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,71 GB groß

Release: 08.10.2024 (Version


- 649,18 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 234,80 MB groß

Release: 10.10.2024 (Version


- 619,20 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 615,12 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2024 (Version


- 221,90 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 618,50 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2024 (Version


- 616,43 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 611,76 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2024 (Version am selben Tag


- 622,62 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 620,24 MB groß

Release: 18.10.2024 (Version


- 646,08 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 628,61 MB groß

Release: 22.10.2024 (Version


- 643,79 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 243,15 MB groß

Release: 23.10.2024 (Version


- 605,39 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 206,24 MB groß

Release: 01.11.2024 (Version


- 617,63 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 618,32 MB groß

Release: 19.11.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 23,9 GB auf 25,3 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 24,4 GB auf 25,4 GB erhöht

- 4,67 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 4,78 GB groß

Release: 25.11.2024 (Version


- 693,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 695,85 MB groß

Release: 29.11.2024 (Version


- 930,03 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 731,61 MB groß

Release: 01.12.2024 (Version


- 552,79 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 57,09 MB groß

Release: 02.12.2024 (Version


- 674,80 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 201,11 MB groß

Beta Version: Slime Rancher 2 (NUR SERIES)

Release: 15.11.2022 (Version ->


- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 16.02.2023 (Version

Quelle: slimerancher.com | xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de


- Additional Treasure Pods added to Conservatory, Ember Valley, and Starlight Strand

- In-game analytics added to improve our ability to balance and tune the game. This can be opted out of in settings

- Triple Plort switch door in Starlight Strand now only requires one Plort switch

- When loading a save fail, player now has the option to recover by loading the last autosave

- Refinery items you haven’t unlocked yet are now hidden

- Improved slime and resource interactions with lava

- Page indicators on all UIs now clickable

- New UI button animations


- Replaced outdated visual effects and materials for classic slimes

- Minor slime behavior bug fixes 

- Fixed keybinding icon display in options

- Fixed incorrect or missing icons in the Fabricator

- Corrected typos and inconsistencies in localization

- Troubleshooted general in-world locations where players would get stuck, or fall through the world

- Energy will now drain if Bea continues sprinting after landing

- No more hen hens trapped below the coop in gully plot or trapped behind couches

- Fixed edge cases that impact performance in the conservatory

- Fixed issue where player couldn’t obtain the pink bonsai blueprint

- Minor environment asset texture updates

- Implemented missing shader quality function

- Speicherverbrauch von 1,7 GB auf 1,9 GB erhöht

- 1,60 GB groß

Release: 27.03.2023 (Version


- 1,43 GB groß

Release: 05.04.2023 (Version


- 1,36 GB groß

Release: 14.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: slimerancher.com

- Expanded Original Score: Each severe weather pattern features a beautiful new melody to accompany your treacherous dash home or daring storm chasing adventure.

- Dervish and Tangle Slimes Return: Riding in on cyclones during windstorms or popping out of the ground through tangles of creeping vines,

Dervish and Tangle Slimes return to join Beatrix’s latest adventure. Carefully track severe weather patterns to wrangle these elusive slimes!

- Tasty Snacks: We can’t leave these newly wrangled Tangle and Dervish Slimes hungry!

Their favorite foods Prickle Pears, Painted Hens, and Painted Chickadoos also return.

Remember: A hungry slime is an unhappy slime, and we don’t want any unhappy slimes…

- Slimepedia Makeover: The Slimepedia has undergone an extensive overhaul to make learning about the world of Slime Rancher a much easier experience.

Poke around and enjoy the new beautiful interface. Be sure to check the map for the latest weather!


- Wind, with varying levels of intensity, culminating in a windstorm that can stir up whirling cyclones, and features a unique musical score.

- Rain, with varying levels of intensity, culminating in a rainstorm that can create puddles and waterfalls, and features a unique musical score.

- Thunder, with varying levels of intensity, culminating in a thunderstorm that can cause lightning bolts to rain down from above, and features a unique musical score.

Thunderstorms often occur during rainstorms, but not exclusively.

- Pollen, with varying levels of intensity, culminating in the growth of creeping vines in the area, and features a unique musical score.

- Snow, which remains exclusive to Powderfall Bluffs, where the unnaturally cold climate can support it.

- And finally, Slimefall. Wait, Slimefall? Oh no…


- Dervish Slime

- Tangle Slime


- Prickle Pear

- Painted Hen

- Painted Chickadoos



- UI buttons revamped

- UI systems refactored


- Listings and grids

- Key bindings


- Font changes and sizing

- Screen scaling

- Better control options


- Updated the environment around the Strand portal to make it more visible

- Updated game credits

- Improved overall persistence error handling

- Improvements to tutorial timing, HUD notifications, and pop in visuals

Map system improvements

- Added weather icons on map

- Improved zone name and treasure pod displays

- Add a visualization for zoom level

- General system and layout optimizations


- Fixed a bug that caused resources to slide through and get stuck under the terrain

- Moved some ranch plots in the Gully so they are more accessible

- Yolky Slime eggs will now display “Giant Egg” when targeted

- Fixed some localization issues in Mochi Comm Station dialogues

- Fixed issues where a Saber Honey Largo could get stuck in hop loop

- Fixed issue where items would fall out of a storage device when aimed at with the vac

- Fixed issue where Ringtail Largos were overfilling corrals with plorts when returning to the Conservatory (it was fun while it lasted…)

- Smoothed out lightning transition when approaching the volcano in Ember Valley

- Gold Slimes struck with crafting resources now create plorts

- Various typos, translations, and unsupported characters updated

- Speicherverbrauch von 1,9 GB auf 2,1 GB erhöht

- 2,13 GB groß

Release: 09.02.2024 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,1 GB auf 2,9 GB erhöht

- 2,36 GB groß

Release: 29.02.2024 (Version


- 1,58 GB groß

Release: 30.05.2024 (Version


- 2,45 GB groß

Release: 02.07.2024 (Version


- 1,87 GB groß

Release: 30.07.2024 (Version


- 1,37 GB groß

Beta Version: LAPIN

Release: 18.11.2022 (Version ->


- 1,83 GB groß

Release: 21.11.2022 (Version


- 292,22 MB groß

Release: 22.11.2022 (Version


- 390,82 MB groß

Release: 23.11.2022 (Version


- 326,24 MB groß

Release: 24.11.2022 (Version


- 318,07 MB groß

Release: 28.11.2022 (Version


- 379,67 MB groß

Release: 02.12.2022 (Version


- 416,45 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2022 (Version


- 434,25 MB groß

Release: 09.12.2022 (Version


- 422,13 MB groß

Release: 19.12.2022 (Version


- 360,02 MB groß

Release: 20.12.2022 (Version


- 364,84 MB groß

Release: 30.12.2022 (Version


- 914,60 MB groß

Release: 10.01.2023 (Version


- 537,82 MB groß

Release: 12.01.2023 (Version


- 464,35 MB groß

Release: 20.01.2023 (Version


- 1,17 GB groß

Release: 28.02.2023 (Version


- 2,18 GB groß

Release: 13.03.2023 (Version


- 1,49 GB groß

Release: 03.04.2023 (Version


- 1,77 GB groß

Release: 05.04.2023 (Version


- 1,12 GB groß

Release: 20.04.2023 (Version


- 779,67 MB groß

Release: 25.04.2023 (Version


- 318,99 MB groß

Release: 30.08.2023 (Version


- 6,51 GB groß

Release: 11.09.2023 (Version


- 3,76 GB groß

Release: 12.09.2023 (Version


- 2,05 GB groß

Release: 20.10.2023 (Version


- 780,16 MB groß

Release: 23.10.2023 (Version


- 1,77 GB groß

Release: 24.10.2023 (Version


- 683,89 MB groß

Release: 25.10.2023 (Version


- 583,29 MB groß

Release: 25.10.2023 (Version


- 412,05 MB groß

Release: 03.11.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 6,9 GB auf 4,2 GB reduziert

- 3,27 GB groß

Release: 06.11.2023 (Version


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 06.11.2023 (Version später am selben Tag


- 582,34 MB groß

Release: 07.11.2023 (Version


- 172,94 MB groß

Release: 08.11.2023 (Version


- 453,90 MB groß

Release: 08.11.2023 (Version später am selben Tag


- 319,32 MB groß

Release: 09.11.2023 (Version


- 168,58 MB groß

Release: 10.11.2023 (Version


- 926,79 MB groß

Release: 14.11.2023 (Version


- 537,11 MB groß

Release: 14.11.2023 (Version


- 1,02 GB groß

Release: 15.11.2023 (Version


- 232,76 MB groß

Release: 22.11.2023 (Version


- 330,50 MB groß

Release: 04.01.2024 (Version


- 663,91 MB groß

Release: 14.06.2024 (Version


- 316,80 MB groß

Beta Version: Phantom Abyss (NUR SERIES) (beendet)

Release: 22.11.2022 (Version ->


- 236,35 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2024 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Heute erscheint Version 1.0 von Phantom Abyss

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,3 GB auf 2,6 GB erhöht

- 2,29 GB groß

Release: 23.02.2024 (Version


- 585,12 MB groß

Beta Version: Roboquest

Release: 02.02.2023 (Version ->


- 178,70 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 156,96 MB groß

Release: 03.02.2023 (Version


- 117,18 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 129,14 MB groß

Release: 07.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Heute erscheint Version 1.0 von Roboquest

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,1 GB auf 4,5 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,1 GB auf 4,6 GB erhöht

- 3,45 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,49 GB groß

Release: 22.11.2023 (Version


- 417,19 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 461,13 MB groß

Release: 09.01.2024 (Version


- 460,59 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 477,09 MB groß

Release: 11.01.2024 (Version


- 348,16 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 220,10 MB groß

Release: 19.02.2024 (Version


- 278,66 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 246,42 MB groß

Release: 13.03.2024 (Version


- 266,20 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 194,12 MB groß

Release: 15.04.2024 (Version


- 822,90 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 830,03 MB groß

Release: 17.04.2024 (Version


- 201,28 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 167,30 MB groß

Release: 30.04.2024 (Version


- 218,89 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 245,36 MB groß

Release: 06.06.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 4,7 GB auf 5,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,8 GB auf 4,6 GB reduziert

- 1,60 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 13.06.2024 (Version


- 271,54 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 542,38 MB groß

Release: 14.08.2024 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | steam.com

- Crossover mit Dead Cells

- 651,91 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 512,11 MB groß

Release: 22.08.2024 (Version


- 484,34 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 499,97 MB groß

Release: 27.11.2024 (Version


- 537,18 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 704,08 MB groß

Beta Version: Inkulinati

Release: 17.02.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 2,1 GB auf 3,7 GB (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 1,9 GB auf 3,4 GB erhöht

- 3,04 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,72 GB groß

Release: 21.02.2023 (Version


- 655,91 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 668,33 MB groß

Release: 13.03.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,7 GB auf 4,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,4 GB auf 3,8 GB erhöht

- 3,13 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,90 GB groß

Release: 07.06.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Monster: Zwei Hasen (die größere und bösartige Version der Kaninchen), Bienen (mit tödlichen Stichen und kleinen Hüten) und der allmächtige Drache (das mächtigste Biest in Inkulinati).

- Neue Unterschlüpfe: Eine neue Art des Gefechts im Reise-Modus. Die Monster-Unterschlüpfe sind ein Element auf dem Kampffeld, aus dem immer wieder gegnerische Monster auftauchen. Spieler gewinnen den Kampf nur, wenn alle Monster-Unterschlüpfe auf dem Schlachtfeld zerstört werden – und alle Gegner.

- Neues Fakultät-System: Wenn Spieler ihre Reise starten, können sie jetzt eine Fakultät auswählen. Diese ist vergleichbar mit einer Charakterklasse. Sie bestimmt ihre Spezialität als Inkulinati-Meister.

Die neun Fakultäten ermöglichen verschiedene Strategien und Synergien, die speziell für die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der Spieler designt wurden. Hassen es Spieler, herumgeschubst und vom Schlachtfeld gestoßen zu werden oder suchen sie doch eher nach einer Strategie, um Ketzer zu besiegen? Für jeden strategischen Fokus gibt es eine Fakultät.

- Neue Gameplay-Updates: Das zweite große Content-Update bringt zudem viele Verbesserungen, um die Herausforderung und den Wiederspielwert zu erhöhen.

Dazu gehört ein neuer Akt, der nach dem zweiten Abschluss des Reise-Modus freigeschaltet wird, ein Leaderboard, ein Rating-System, neue Begegnungen im Reise-Modus (Spieler sollten nach dem Alchemisten und der Prinzessin Ausschau halten) und neue Hand-Aktionen.

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,1 GB auf 4,3 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,8 GB auf 3,4 GB reduziert

- 2,87 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,26 GB groß

Release: 28.08.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Bestien: die Affenarmee!- Diese Armee besteht aus vier neuen Bestien/Einheiten.

Die drei „klassischen“ Einheiten, also Fernkampf, Nahkampf und Mittelkampf, sowie der einzigartige Affenassistent.

Diese Biester sind laut, sie trinken und sie haben einen frechen Hintern! Könnte ein Publikumsliebling werden.

- Neuer Inkulinati-Meister: Der Affenprofessor! Der Anführer der Affenarmee.

Der Affenprofessor verfügt über seine eigenen einzigartigen Hand-Aktionen und seine eigene Spezialhand (ja, es ist eine pelzige Affenpfote).

Der Professor hat auch neue Talente zur Verfügung. Zusammen mit dem Inkulinati-Meister und den neuen Bestien ist das eine ganz neue Armee, die dem Spiel hinzugefügt wird.

- Neue Schlachtfelder: Es gibt neue Schlachtfelder, die dem Spiel hinzugefügt wurden.

Wer spielt nicht gerne auf neuen Schlachtfeldern… Das bringt mehr Abwechslung in deine Kämpfe und neue Szenarien, die deine Gehirnzellen auf Trab bringen.

- Neue Lektionen für Fortgeschrittene in der Akademie: Wir haben neue Lektionen hinzugefügt, damit die Spieler die Nuancen des Spiels etwas besser kennenlernen und die Tiefe des Spiels erkennen können.

Es geht darum, die zukünftigen Inkulinati-Meister zu verbessern und zu erschaffen.

- Verschiedene Verbesserungen: Das Team von Yaza hat auch eine Menge Verbesserungen vorgenommen,

Änderungen an der Lebensqualität, mehr Vielfalt auf dem Schlachtfeld im Journey-Modus, die Neugestaltung des Dance Macabre entsprechend dem Feedback und andere kleinere Änderungen.

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,3 GB auf 3,9 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,4 GB auf 3,8 GB erhöht

- 1,79 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,56 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 3,14 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,90 GB groß

Release: 22.02.2024 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de | xboxwire.com

- Aus der Early Access wird Version 1.0

- Speicherverrbauch von 3,9 GB auf 4,1 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X<S)

- Speicherverrbauch von 3,4 GB auf 3,7 GB erhöht

- 2,78 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,10 GB groß

Release: 11.04.2024 (Version


- 1,88 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,58 GB groß

Beta Version: Valheim

Release: 28.03.2023 (Version -> 0.214.300.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | valheim.com

- Balanced Modus mit 40 FPS und einer Auflösung von 1440p auf Xbox Series X bzw. 900p auf Xbox Series S wurde hinzugefügt.

Fixes & Improvements

- Left handed mouse fixed

- Manual saving bug fixed

- Swap Triggers controller option added

- Text & UI fixes

- Performance & various bug fixes

Detailed Patch Notes

Fixes & Improvements

- Manual save no longer causes you to respawn where you saved and can be called to a dedicated server if you are on the admin list

- Left handed mouse should now work correctly again

- Added “Swap Triggers” to control options, to be able to fix a potential issue for PlayStation controllers

- Fixed performance issues in main menu

- Fixed some special characters appearing as squares and symbols should look more like they did before

- Hovertext and text input on signs should now be displayed correctly and can use \t and \n symbols

- Text on signs should now be lit correctly and no lower glow

- Various UI & text fixes that were being displayed incorrectly

- Fixed an issue where the scrolling was slow and inverted on linux

- Engine updated to unity version 2020.03.45

- Settings for keybindings should now be saved correctly

- Minor UI performance fixes

- Fixed a bug that could occur when rebinding keys


- Added graphic setting “Balanced Mode” with 40 FPS and 1440p on Series X and 900p on Series S

(this will only display as an option of you have a screen which supports 40 FPS)

- Right stick now only controls the character rotation in character screen

- Right analog stick no longer has double functionality in the character creation menu

- Heightmap differences between Xbox and PC have now been almost entirely eliminated

(this means some areas in Xbox worlds will have a significant terrain change, and if you have built in these areas the buildings may unfortunately collapse)

- Worlds on Xbox will no longer reset to Day 1 once they reach a certain size

- 933,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 933,91 MB groß

Release: 28.03.2023 (Version 0.214.305.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Minor UI performance fixes

- Fixed a bug that could occur when rebinding keys


- Worlds on Xbox will no longer reset to Day 1 once they reach a certain size 

- 945,25 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 937,10 MB groß

Release: 12.04.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Backups are no longer deleted after being restored, so the same backup can now be restored multiple times.

- World saves with missing .fwl files now show up in the Manage Saves menu so that they can be deleted.

- Fixed a bug where backups couldn’t be restored if the main save file was missing its .fwl file.

- Fixed a bug that made world saves in cloud storage create a blank .old file when saving, instead of no .old file.

- Player & ship markers are now shown correctly above map pins on the minimap

- Lighting effects reduced when using “reduce flashing lights” setting for Eikthyr antlers, all boss spawning, guardian power and boss stone activation

- Network compatibility version is now displayed separately in the console and log file and each non-pc platform has a platform prefix in the version text


- Improved stability and performance of world saving to decrease chance of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox

- Save files that were corrupted as a result of incomplete file operations in cloud storage are detected and can no longer be started as empty worlds

- Fixed a bug where the time stamps of cloud saves were retrieved as UTC instead of local time.

- 219,56 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 216,61 MB groß

Release: 14.04.2023 (Version


- 159,29 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 158,40 MB groß

Release: 24.04.2023 (Version


- 452,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 453,59 MB groß

Release: 14.06.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

- Midsummer items enabled (Maypole & Midsummer crown)

- Many performance, memory and networking improvements for both new/unexplored and old/explored worlds

- World save file size greatly reduced

- Fixed endless loading of save manager when switching tabs too fast

- World save files that are corrupt, have load errors or have missing meta files can now be restored from the most recent backup directly from within the Select World menu by pressing the "Start" button.

- Save file stability & issues fixed

- Decreased load times in the Manage Saves menu.

- Fixed a bug that would cause the GUI to not update when deleting the bottommost backup in the Manage Saves menu.

- An automatic backup is made when starting a world in a new version, and a permanent backup is created when loading into a new world version

- Fixed a world load issue between versions. (You can no longer load into a world from a game version that is newer than your current game version)

- Fixed hitbox issue for close combat and spear throwing issue

- Added "UI scaling" to settings on Xbox

- Minimap pin input fixed on steam deck & big picture mode

- Minimap text input fix for certain Asian languages

- 240,94 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 301,48 MB groß

Release: 16.06.2023 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com

- Including fixes to reduce many common crashes, and a fix for sending invites through the Xbox dashboard

- 79,25 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 81,00 MB groß

Release: 22.08.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets

-  Haldor animations updated

- All fire effects have been overhauled

- Smoke balls created by fires now have random rotation and no longer pop in when spawned

- Added Hugin hints informing the player that traders can be found in the game

- Spawn command can now specify fields

- Fixed a bug which caused level up algorithm to be a bit off depending on when you die

- Reduced lag spike when selecting worlds in the Select World menu by reusing existing world list elements, rather than destroying all and instancing all new ones

- Widened the Manage Saves Menu and show the time of the timestamp

- Retrieve timestamp from file name rather than file metadata if present in the file name.

This means moving a file to/from cloud no longer affects the sorting order of files with timestamps in their names

- Fixed oversight that saved unnecessary characters (such as spaces) in an IP address to the server list if the IP address could be parsed successfully

- Chat doesn’t open on Ping anymore

- Resolved chat blocking input for other UI (such as map)

- Fixed issue where minimap pin input field for PC version was getting invisible

- Join code is now hidden when HUD’s visibility is toggled off

- Fixed an issue where boats could fall through the ocean

- Fixed a bug that had water in caves be affected by wind

- New optimised low vegetation quality setting will have a small amount of grass rather than none

- Fixed LOD terrain mesh becoming visibly distorted when standing near modified terrain in some cases

- Fixed a vegetation shader issue

- Fixed a threading issue, the game quits a bit faster as a result

- Fixed a bug where the music could get stuck in the morning and evening when in dungeons

- Fixed a bug that could cause the server list to stop working

- Opening console now blocks hotbar navigation

- Offline players can now send map pings on Xbox and MS store version

- Fixed missing special characters on signs

- Fixed glowing signs

- You now have better control over growing plants as they will now grow into approximately their sapling’s rotation, but they start with a random rotation when planting

- Fixed flickering colours when placing beech sapling

- You can now zoom the camera while using the hammer, hoe & cultivator if no rotation is possible while using the mouse, and always on gamepad

- Removing a piece is now done when you release the button rather then pressing it (to allow for button combinations and so you can change your mind and hover away)

- Prevent character from jumping when in piece selection

- Reset "auto run" after dodge

- Fixed a crash related to the old portal

- Fixed sometimes missing tooltip for inventory items

- Fixed some broken item names

- Menu usage is now blocked when HUD is hidden

- Enemy spawn block and item despawn now matches workbench build radius

- Fixed AI updates behaving wrong (mobs should feel more responsive again)

- Fix for Riding skill not improving

Quality of Life:

- Quick stack button to quickly place all items already in a container from your inventory. Can also be done by simply holding the use key when interacting with a container

- You can now manually choose snapping point with Q & E for precision building

- Intro sequence can now be skipped from the pause menu and the game can be paused while in the intro

- Workbench and Forge now get slightly increased build range when upgraded

- Crafting benches’ build range is now cylindrical instead of spherical

- Precision placement of buildpieces changed to show when holding ctrl

- Added ability to copy build piece while in build mode


- Fixed a bug on Xbox where ticks wouldn’t attach correctly

- Fixed Xbox bug which could cause the player to jump while selecting a building piece

- Added another controller scheme, and the ability to hide HUD when using a controller and on Xbox

- Fixed vegetation and reflection shader for Xbox

- Alt functionality key changed to LB for Console 2 mapping

- Added quick selection commands for console (Store: X+DPad, Load: Y+DPad)

- Fixed tooltip position for store items when using gamepad

- Own chat messages are not filtered anymore

- Own sign texts are shown when playing offline

- Cloud storage check after save and before world start to prevent potential data loss

- No more privilege pop-ups when playing offline


- Various crash fixes related to generation and projectiles

- Fixed a bug that could cause more backups than intended to be created for world saves when migrated from an older version

- Fixed a bug where creating a new world with the same name as a just deleted world would give that world the same seed as the just deleted world

- Fixed an issue that could make worlds with certain very large dungeon seeds to not be loadable

- Fixed an issue where saving of world on server and character on client could be out of sync, all saving methods should now work the same way

- Fixed an issue where a world is saved twice when using manual save, doubling the amount of save time

- Fix memory leak when opening and closing the skill dialog

- Added check for available cloud storage after save and before world start (which should prevent world wipes after all)


- God mode will now allow damage down to 1 health rather than taking no damage

- New console command "tombstone" which create tombstones

- Tombstones can now be deleted with ’forcedelete’ command

- New itemset ‘base’ and command can specify a number to override all items with that level (i.e. “itemset meadows 4” will give level 4 meadows items)

- New console commands: (tombstone, creates tombstones; resetworldkeys, Resets all world modifiers to default; setworldpreset,

Sets world modifiers to a named preset setworldmodifier, Sets a world modifier value; itemset hildir)

- Itemset command also limits items to level 4

- Fixed the saving of some stats

- Localisation updated

- Fixed Asian fonts readability in bold style

- Fixed rune-stone texts to only show rune symbols in all languages

- Made sure all text fields have the correct fonts set

- Minor text optimizations

- Fixed some missing localization updates when language is changed

- Saving icon is now displayed on low FPS as well

- Fixed some incorrect key hints

- Removed several control characters that were rendered as a box in item descriptions

- Fixed world list not being updated when the last world is removed

- Fixed selecting world with mouse not working in some cases

- Fix for refreshing favourite dedicated servers

- Added merch store button to main menu

- 1,24 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,34 GB groß

Release: 05.10.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & improvements:

- New build piece: blue standing brazier

- Midsummer pole & Midsummer crown recipes have been disabled (it’s officially autumn!)

- World modifiers and presets can now be set to dedicated servers using parameters in the startup batfile (see manual) or using the console as an admin

- Updated dedicated server manual to include information on setting world modifiers

- Fixed modifier summary being displayed incorrectly after choosing the casual preset

- Added player list to pause menu

- Several more console commands are now available for admins: setworldpreset, resetworldkeys, setworldmodifier, players, setkey, removekey, resetkeys,

 listkeys (displays list on dedicated server), sleep, skiptime, restartparty and genloc (takes time - may cause disconnects).

- Added -resetmodifiers startup parameter to dedicated servers

- Added -resetknownitems non-cheat command for resetting items, recipes, and stations

- Updated Haldor music to a new extended track

- Resource scaling fixes for dragon egg, fishing pole and skeleton chest

- Disabled a hugin hint spreading disinformation about Hildir

- Haldor and Hildir dialogue lines will be displayed a bit longer to make them easier to read

- You will no longer switch between snapping points while having the console or chat open

- Building mode won’t be visible while dying when playing with the modifier that keeps equipped items

- Fixed snap points naming for hot tub, oven and removed one excess snap point for barberstation

- Changing alternative snapping mode, zooming in or pressing some gamepad buttons will cancel build piece removal to prevent unintentional behaviour

- Darkwood beam snap point naming matched with other beams

- Changed some snap points on wood gate and darkwood gate

- Black marble bench and table no longer take rain damage

- Fix crafting station only updating its extensions for the first time after the update interval has passed

- Fix off-by-one error that caused build range to be +4m larger than intended and made the build range preview inaccurate.

- You can now activate the guardian power again when using the hammer, hoe & cultivator

- Starred fenring cultist can no longer drop multiple trophies

- Fenring cultist in events can no longer spawn multiple trophies

- Increased crafting station radius should now block spawn area and stop items from despawning correctly

- Stopped some pickables from scaling above max stack with resource rate modifiers

- Fixed an issue where spear is thrown in the wrong direction

- Mobs spawned by bosses will now aggro the player even when playing with the passive mobs modifier since the boss already was aggroed

- Reduced HP on mini-bosses spawned during Hildir events by 50%

- Brenna is now more resistant against knockbacks

- Ballista updated to accept trophies from the Hildir’s Request bosses

- Fixed rare crash while respawning in an area at the same time as monster dies in multiplayer

- Fixed issue with the Elder and Moder triggering incorrectly when using player based events

- World modifier player-based raid fix: Fixed issue with boss event conditions not updating until re-logging

- Item tooltip will be displayed when hovering while dragging another item

- Fixed a bug where the item tooltip overlay could show up over compendium menu

- Replaced all texts fields to be clearer and more optimised 

- Replaced all text input fields with new component to work on all platforms

- World modifier tooltip has background now

- Fixes to vegetation shader

- Added click sounds for ingame UI

- Fixed keyhint for adding a server

- Added some missing keyhints

- Player position is saved on manual save

- Clicking outside map pin input closes input field now

- Zooming on the map now closes the pin input window


- Added auto-run toggle to accessibility settings on Xbox

- Opening cheat console no longer hides UI

- Changing snapping doesn’t make you fly down anymore

- Chat no longer opens when opening info panel

- Opening settings for the first time no longer freezes the game

- Camera is now locked when placing a map pin

- Using a vegvisir with a controller no longer pings

- Fixed occasional Xbox crash when another player died close to the host

- 711,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 700,58 MB groß

Release: 06.10.2023 (Version


- 187,89 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 173,67 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements

- Fixed an issue with double dungeon compendium entry, could cause corrupted character save file

- Controller fix: Player has to press the "B" button twice in order to cancel pin naming

- Zooming on the map is now blocked while entering pin name

- Fixed click sounds that kept being played while navigating certain menus

- 155,30 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 137,68 MB groß

Release: 07.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements

- Jack-o-turnip enabled. Spooky season!

- New seasonal item: Pointy hat

- Added a new “Render scale” graphics setting that enables the main camera to be rendered at a lower resolution than the viewport and UI

- Improved automatic input switching so that connected gamepads with stick drift no longer take over control when playing with keyboard and mouse

- Optimized code that determines which objects in the world to instantiate, lowering the baseline CPU time by up to 5%

- Optimized structural integrity calculations, massively decreasing CPU time in areas with large builds

- Optimized enemy AI

- Optimized underwater logic

- Re-enabled objects to have more than 255 KVPs of arbitrary data of the same value type (important for some mods)

- Fixed a bug that could cause traps to trigger multiple times in multiplayer depending on how many players were near it

- Engine upgraded to Unity 2022

- Upgraded Steamworks.NET and PlayFab Party libraries to newer versions

- Engine-side optimizations for dedicated servers

- Tweaked boss spawning to prevent them from occasionally getting stuck when spawning

- Fixed bug that caused clicking sounds when selecting building pieces via controller

- Localization updated

- 1,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,10 GB groß

Release: 13.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: steam.com

- Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters

- Fixed and issue where the character orientation does not update when interacting with objects

- Fixed an issue where the touchpad on PS controllers sometimes opens pause and map menu at the same time

- Fixed an issue with custom keybinds for build menu can’t close the build menu

- Fixed an issue where the Steam Deck D-pad/left trackpad does not not always registering input in GUI

- Fixed an issue when exiting pause menu, characters may jump depending on controller layout

- Fixed an issue where merchant shield stops functioning after re-logging

- 354,92 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 375,44 MB groß

Release: 20.11.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

- Fixed a loading order issue for ObjectTypes, so now items/creatures won’t load before terrain is finished

- 'Use item' hints on objects for the hotbar are now visible again when playing with a controller

- 236,29 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 209,06 MB groß

Release: 14.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Abbreviated patch notes:

- Settings menu revamped

- Added automatic toggling of seasonal items

- Multiple bug fixes

Fixes & improvements:

- Fixed blurry item counters in inventory

- Fixed issue where player profile link in Player List would open multiple times

- Fixed problem where text "None" was hard coded in the build HUD to instead use localized string

- Enabled auto-size on BuildHUD amount text objects as they need to be sized down for some translations to fit

- Alleviated issue with music stuttering when playing with low FPS

- Added automatic toggling of seasonal items

- Fixed issue where the skill value UI text wouldn't update properly for bonus levels

- Added proper support for IME-input

- Added NumPad support for the Hotbar

- Fixed bug where key hints wouldn't display correctly on non-QWERTY keyboard layouts

- Implemented a system to detect low local disk space when saving

- Fixed an issue where admins couldn’t kick players via the player list UI on dedicated servers

- Tweaked boss-spawning to prevent bosses from getting stuck

- Fixed an issue where signs would be flashing with anti-aliasing on

- Fixed a bug that could cause boats to take damage due to low FPS

- Fixed bug where D-pad input was unresponsive in menus on Steam Deck

- Localization updated

Settings menu revamped:

- Split "Controls" tab into two: "Controller" and "Keyboard & Mouse"

- Some settings can be found on multiple tabs so they can be found more easily

- Reordered some settings into other tabs

- Tool-tips for some settings to clarify their functionality

- Added a "Keyboard & Mouse" tab for Xbox

- More graphic customization for Xbox versions

- Separate settings to invert the camera for controller and mouse

- Fixed overlapping of controller button labels


- Added Keyboard/Mouse support for Xbox

- 828,79 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 840,06 MB groß

Release: 17.01.2024 (Version HOTFIX ONLY XBOX

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

- reduce the number of crashes that have been happening there lately

- 307,15 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 318,12 MB groß

Release: 10.04.2024 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Abbreviated Patch Notes:

- Unity engine upgraded

- Major changes how locations/dungeons are loaded to improve performance

- Multiple bug fixes

Detailed Patch Notes:

Fixes & improvements:

- Upgraded Unity engine to 2022.3.17f

- Changes to how locations/dungeons/rooms are loaded and unloaded.

- Fixed issue where Seasonal groups that extended over a year change wouldn't work in the new year

- Fixed terrain modifications around locations not getting applied properly

- Fixed bug where old pre-Mistlands terrain modification did not blend with newer modifications [Note! you have to run the “optterrain” command to update the terrain]

- Fixed issue with the point emote not orienting the player properly

- Fixed multiple bugs related to the blocklist

- Fixed a bug where menu navigation via keyboard arrows keys stopped working after the setting menu was exited via ESC or back button

- Fixed some UI elements to no longer flicker when the game is running at low FPS

- Naturally spawned beds can now be removed using the hammer

- Fixed a bug where Geirrhafa and Brenna would respawn after game restart

- Turnip inventory stacking fixed to match other vegetables

- Fixed missing text for Fermenter without a roof

- Fixed hardcoded text for Kiln

- Fixed a bug where weight for many items is not displayed for Turkish language

- Fixed text in some languages not being centered vertically in the manage saves menu

- Fixed items in merchants' stores not being centered

- Fixed Sun shafts and Soft particles graphic settings not toggling properly

- Low disk space warning improvements

- Fixed a memory leak when highlighting building objects

- Improve time to validate IP addresses which speeds up loading

- Players can now find friends on Xbox/MS Store via friends tab in server browser

- Fixed missing text when trying to use an item on a cartography table and windmill

- Fixed an issue with Linux dedicated servers

- Fixed window resizing when exiting settings

- Elder no longer spawns on his altar

- Optimised minimap to reduce FPS drops when having a lot of map markers

- Fixed an issue with cloud saves on Microsoft Store

- Weight text in UI Tooltips now show both individual weight and total weight for stacked items

- Fixed a bug that caused 2 days to be skipped instead of 1 when only Xbox clients were connected to a dedicated server

- Tweaked how camera rotation on gamepads behave [Now a lot more similar to how it behaves on Mouse/Keyboard]

- Fixed inconsistent support calculations for “Cage floor” 1x1 piece

- Fixed gap when placing banners

- Fix items to no longer move in the inventory UI when upgrading them

- Fixed creature position not updating properly when transferring ownership

- Fixed an issue where blocklist would allocate 2GB of RAM, now it only allocates what is necessary

- Fixed issues with boat ownership when a client gets disconnected

- Boats no longer suddenly stop when ownership is transferred or a player is accessing the boat storage

- Sails are now blowing in the correct direction compared to winds

- Dealing knockback to an enemy in a slope no longer affects the player dealing the knockback

- Gamepad and mouse now both behave in the same way

- Added caching for minimap creation to make startup time faster

- Portals are no longer connected after the connected portal is destroyed

- Fixed an issue with loading threading to decrease load times

- Show a warning if dependencies are not installed

Xbox and Microsoft Store only:

- Fixed an issue where friends tab on server browser did not display friend's servers at all

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,7 GB auf 3,0 GB erhöht (beide)

- 1,71 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,71 GB groß

Release: 16.05.2024 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

New content:

New Biome – Ashlands:

- 30+ New weapons

- New bombs and ammunitions

- 3 New armour sets

- 2 New capes

- 10+ New creatures

- 70+ New buildable items

- 5 New crafting station upgrades

- 30+ New crafting materials

- 15+ New food items and potions

- New locations

- New music

- New events

- New mechanics

Fixes & Improvements:

- Fixed Mead materials

- Standardised texts throughout the game

- Various fixes and improvements

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,0 GB auf 3,5 GB erhöht (beide)

- 1,93 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,93 GB groß

Release: 01.07.2024 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Fixed a rare case where the server list could permanently break if adding an IPv6 dedicated server, making players unable to join multiplayer games via the server list.

- Prefer IPv4 over IPv6, fixing some issues with connecting to dedicated servers.

- Fixed a number of issues related to deleting the user's PlayFab account.

- Block navigation of tab menus with keyboard when a popup is shown.

- Update game icon on Mac App Store and Microsoft Store.

- 1,18 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,19 GB groß

Release: 27.08.2024 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Abbreviated Patch Notes:

- Tweaks and fixes to Flametal mining

- Tweaked spawn rates for multiple Ashlands enemies

- Trollstav tweaks

- Various cooking fixes

- Various build piece fixes

- Multiple bug fixes and improvements

Detailed Patch Notes:

- Players no longer get stuck in falling animation on flametal spires

- Chance for Flametal Spires to start sinking on hit changed from 10% to 1%

- Flametal spires drop rate changed to 2-4 per chunk

- Flametal ore now makes correct sound when mined

- Fixed an issue where network objects could become permanently corrupt, root cause of multiple issues

 (Player bases loading much slower over time in a multiplayer scenario;

player bases being more prone to structural stability issues over time; random non-tamable enemies becoming tamed; random tamed animals dying)

- Tweaked spawn amount for Asksvin

- Tweaked spawn chance for Twitchers

- Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Archers

- Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Melees

- Tweaked spawn chance for Voltures

- Tweaked spawn chance for LavaBlob

- Smoke bombs can now be used to put out fire

- Trollstav can no longer be used in dungeons

- Trollstav will now give a warning message when trying to spawn too many trolls

- Spawned trolls can now be attacked by bosses

- Tweaks to amount of damage players take from lava depending how deep into lava they are

- Slightly higher threshold before taking damage from lava

- Hare meat can now be cooked on the wooden cooking station

- Asksvin & Volture meat now require the iron cooking station

- Chicken meat will now be correctly attached to the hook on cooking stations

- Voltures no longer make walking sounds when flying

- Fader’s flame is no longer visible on longer distance than his body

- Fixed a bug in the block list that made it possible to block yourself

- Hot tub refuel effect now match other fire VFX

- Stone portal is now able to be built on stone & black marble

- Shield generator no longer take damage from being built over lava

- Grausten arched roof pieces no longer display a gap between the top of two roof pieces

- Fixed an performance issue related to grausten building pieces

- Tweak to the small marble column hitbox

- Fixed an issue where the Player List was not able to be closed.

- Fixed bug where button rebind could be initiated with a controller but not cancelled

- Fixed an issue with being able to switch tabs with keyboard while unified popup is displayed

- The catapult will no longer duplicate stacked items

- Magma fish is now interested in hot fishing bait

- Immobilised tooltip will no longer show unnecessary stats

- Loading screen will now freeze the window for a much shorter period.

- The intro will now start playing while loading to shorten the overall loading time when starting the game for the first time.

- You can now cycle through hints in the loading screen

- Localization tweaks


- Fixed a crash issue that could happen when suspending the game

- Pins on the minimap on Xbox is now a reasonable size on 4K displays

- Fixed a bug that made the game think that every player in the player list was the local player.

This bug was the root cause of multiple issues since privilege checks became completely broken.

This impacted Managing Player Communication, Display Name and GamerPic, and Maintaining Multiplayer Session State.

- Fixed a bug concerning Joinable Game Sessions and Online Play

- Fixed an error on Xbox One caused by Mouse.current returning null if if no mouse is plugged in

- 1,74 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,75 GB groß

Release: 11.09.2024 (Version HOTFIX

Quelle: valheim.com

- Updated main menu graphics

- 729,73 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 719,95 MB groß

Release: 29.10.2024 (Version HOTFIX

Quelle: valheim.com

- 16 new crafting materials

- 8 new potions

- 3 new items of clothing

- 3 new skills

- 4 new build pieces

- 2 new tools

- 3 new emotes

- 1 new event

New Mechanics:

- Feasts: Large meals that last longer and can be shared among several people

- New Skill: Cooking - Reduces the time it takes to craft food, chance to gain +1 food while crafting

- New skill -Farming: Reduces the stamina cost of using the Cultivator and increases the durability of farming items. Chance to gain bonus yield while harvesting crops.

- New skill - Crafting:Reduces the time it takes to craft items and increases the durability of crafting items. Reduces the stamina cost of placing build pieces.


- Tool: Serving Tray: Allows you to place any consumable item, like a build piece

- Tool: Scythe: Allows you to speed up the harvesting of your crops

- Material: Barrel Rings (purchasable)

- Material: Candle Wick (purchasable)

- Material: Scythe Handle (purchasable)

- Material: Cured Squirrel Hamstring (purchasable)

- Material: Powdered Dragon Eggshells (purchasable)

- Material: Fresh Seaweed (purchasable)

- Material: Pungent Pebbles (purchasable)

- Material: Fragrant Bundle (purchasable)

- Material: Toadstool (purchasable)

- Material: Ivy Seeds (purchasable)

- Material: Woodland Herb Blend (purchasable)

- Material: Mountain Peak Pepper Powder (purchasable)

- Material: Grasslands Herbalist Harvest (purchasable)

- Material: Herbs of the Hidden Hills (purchasable)

- Material: Fiery Spice Powder (purchasable)

- Material: Seafarer’s Herbs (purchasable)

Build Pieces & Furniture:

- Barrel (storage)

- Resin Candle

- Workbench: Food Preparation Table

- Workbench: Mead Ketill


- Clothing: Harvest Tunic (purchasable)

- Clothing: Harvest Dress (purchasable)

- Hat: Straw Hat (purchasable)


- NPC: The Witch (trader)

- NPC/Enemy: Kvastur

Foods & Potions:

- Feast: Whole Roasted Meadows Boar

- Feast: Black Forest Buffet Platter

- Feast: Swamp Dweller’s Delight

- Feast: Hearty Mountain Logger’s Stew

- Feast: Plains Pie Picnic

- Feast: Mushrooms Galore á la Mistlands

- Feast: Ashlands Gourmet Bowl

- Feast: Sailor’s Bounty

- Potion: Berserkir Mead

- Potion: Tonic of Ratatosk

- Potion: Lightfoot Mead

- Potion: Draught of Vananidir

- Potion: Mead of Troll Endurance

- Potion: Brew of Animal Whispers

- Potion: Anti-Sting Concoction

- Potion: Love Potion (purchasable)


- New Location: Witch’s hut in the Swamps

- New Event: Ghosts

- New Emotes: Relax, Rest & Toast

- Mead bases are crafted with the Mead Ketill instead of with the Cauldron

- Uncooked food items are crafted with the Food Preparation Table instead of with the Cauldron

- Food placed with the Serving Tray is steaming of deliciousness

Fixes & Improvements:

- Various visual updates to Hildir’s camp

- Optimised Greydwarf Eye

- Added the ability to craft x5 at once when holding down shift or left stick

- Some old hardcoded strings have been fixed and are now properly localised

- Updated names and descriptions for some of the items in Hildir’s shop

- Food is now visible in the player’s hand during eating animation

- Player built pots now return charcoal resin on destruction

- Console command added: ‘sortcraft’ to be able to sort crafting lists by name, type, weight, count or original

- Reduce radius of burn area on fire pits

- Fixed visual bug with Asksvin Rug and Straw

- ResetSkill console command can now also take ”all”

- Various optimizations to make the game run a bit smoother

- Framerates should become a bit more consistent when around a lot of buildings

- Fixed input loss that occured when running the game at lower framerates

- Fixed the slope-knockback bug that could occur when hitting enemies with some attacks while on a steep slope

- Fixed issue where if menu was opened during the generation of a new world, the join code would not be displayed

- Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50

- Improved smoke rendering performance and visuals

- Mead bases now have individual icons

- Active status effects are now shown in rows of 7

- Valuables now show ”Item value (total value)”

- Trollstav & Staff of the Wild no longer refers to "Dead Raiser" when you reach max summon capacity

- Barley Flour max stack increased to 50

- Black Marble Bench now shows correct text when hovered

- Feather cape no longer has a boost to player jump height (this has been moved to the new Lightfoot Mead)

- Berserkir axe secondary attack stamina cost increased to 32 from 28

- Recipes for meads has been moved from the Cauldron to the Mead Ketill

- Recipes for uncooked food has been moved from the Cauldron to the Food Preparation Table


- Game no longer crashes when blocking/unblocking other player and exiting player list too fast

- Now if you suspend game after having joined online game, you can once again join another online game upon resuming without having to restart the whole game

- Fixed a bug where you could infinitely get stuck on ”logging in to backend service” if you had deleted your playfab account and subsequently lost internet

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,5 GB auf 3,6 GB erhöht (beide)

- 2,28 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,28 GB groß

Release: 30.10.2024 (Version HOTFIX

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Fixed an issue making input on controllers where using the inventory and making small movements became very difficult

- Player characters no longer sits down when using the D-pad in the build menu

- Consumed feasts are no longer fully replenished after logging out and into server

- Servers are once again joinable through DNS

- Food Preparation Table now has broken state and LODs

- Mead Kettil now has broken state and LODs

- 560,56 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 550,10 MB groß

Release: 19.11.2024 (Version

Quelle: valheim.com

Fixes & Improvements:

- Gamepad navigation in menus is no longer jittery and too quick to use

- Fixed an issue causing renaming of signs and portal with gamepads to break

- Adjusted gamepad dead zones

- There is no longer movement stuttering when using certain inputs

- There should no longer be a stutter when getting close to the bog witch hut

- Virtual keyboard no longer appears multiple times

- Multiple players can no longer eat the same piece of served food

- Crafting skill no longer provides bonus yield on armour and weapons

- You no longer gain cooking skill by trying to use a full cooking station

- World modifier “No Build Cost” no longer allows food to be placed freely, this is now part of the “No Craft Cost” world modifier

- Resin candles that have been blown out no longer start burning when logging into a server

- Resin candles no longer sink into the surface they are placed on

- Asksvin Cape has been reworked with increased run speed and reduced stamina use for running

- 673,09 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 678,07 MB groß

Beta Version: Palworld

Release: 13.01.2024 (Version 0.0.45779.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Preload ist verfügbar

- 6,6 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

-  GB groß

Release: 19.01.2024 (Version 0.0.46598.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de

- Heute erscheint Palworld

- Soundprobleme

- andere, nicht näher beschriebene Probleme

- 666,41 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 774,94 MB groß

Release: 23.01.2024 (Version 0.0.46699.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de

- The game launches to a static black screen.

- 1,42 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,95 GB groß

Release: 25.01.2024 (Version 0.0.47075.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fehler behoben, bei dem der Ladebildschirm nicht endete, wenn man sich in die Welt einloggte.

- Fehler behoben, bei dem das Datum der Welt nicht korrekt angezeigt wurde und zurückgesetzt zu sein schien.

- Korrektur verschiedener falscher Texte

- Gegenmaßnahmen gegen verschiedene Cheats und Exploits

- 563,58 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 532,11 MB groß

Release: 29.01.2024 (Version 0.0.47208.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed some issues which negatively affected game stability.

- 396,22 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 528,39 MB groß

Release: 01.02.2024 (Version 0.0.47396.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

Major Fixes

- Fixed an issue where the game would crash under certain conditions

- Fixed an issue where if another player’s pal/base pal had HP 30% or less, it could be captured by using a sphere.

- Fixed an issue where enemy pals would get stuck in walls due to charge attacks.

- Implemented the first fix for an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the guild’s total number of pals captured reached around 7000.

The game no longer crashes even if the total number of captured objects exceeds 7000.

However, save data that has already been in this state (in the case of a server, the server’s world data) prior to this update will still be unable to load.

We are continuing to work on fixing this issue permanently.

Key Configuration

- Added support for mouse side keys and numeric keypad in keyboard key configuration.

Further improvements are currently planned, such as support for interact key configuration.

Player Issues

- Fixed an issue where players on dedicated servers and co-op (online) were receiving damage twice.

- Specifications have been changed so that you can move at extremely low speed even when you have exceeded the weight limit.

- Players will no longer pass through walls when dismounting.

- Fixed an issue where capture power strengthened by Lifmunk Effigies was reset when using memory reset drugs.

- Fixed an issue where armor could be equipped in the wrong slot.

- Adjusted camera positions of several Pals to make it easier to see when mounted.

Base Issues

- Specifications have been changed so that Pals who are manually assigned to a breeding farm will not become hungry and their manual assignments will not be removed.

- The key to lift Pals has been changed from F → V (Pad: X → Y) in order to prevent accidents.

- Reduced the speed and range of fire spreading on wooden buildings.

- Fixed an issue where manual work assignments could not be set at all under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue where extremely high-level Relaxaurus would attack the base during raids.

- Added several measures to prevent base Pals from getting stuck.

- Fixed an issue where Pals would get stuck while transporting items and would drop them on the spot.

- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would continue to cut down trees that were already cut.

- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base were on the verge of death due to unexplained falling damage.

- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would float under some conditions.

- Fixed an issue where if a farm was built on the second floor or above, work pals would be unable to move on the floors below.


- Corrected incorrect text

- Measures have been added to prevent cheating and stealing other players‘ Pals.

- Many other minor fixes such as the addition of a UI key guide.

- 830,47 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1012,97 MB groß

Release: 07.02.2024 (Version 0.0.47591.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

Major Fixes

- Fixed an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the total number of Pals captured by the guild reached approximately 7000.

 - In the previous patch, save data that had already been in this state (for servers, the server's world data)

remained in a broken state that made it impossible to load, but after applying this patch it will be resolved and will load properly.

- Fixed an issue where some weapons equipped by other players would disappear when a player used a grenade in multiplayer.

 - Fixed an issue where, although the displayed capture probability increased

when the capture power was strengthened with Lifmunk Effigies, the capture probability did not actually increase at all due to an internal processing bug.

Base related

- Fixed an issue where if a Pal that was manually assigned to a breeding farm went to sleep, it would not wake up forever.

- Fixed an issue where no wood would drop when Pal at the base felled a tree.


- Implemented countermeasures against some cheats and exploits.

- 572,94 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 359,30 MB groß

Release: 28.02.2024 (Version 0.0.48589.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

Major Fixes

- Implemented backup of save data on the world selection screen

- Resolved issue of unnecessary data accumulating in save data

Key Configuration

- Added fully supported keyboard key configuration


- Modified specification to allow guild members to be removed when not logged in

Player Issues

- Changed long-press operation during player tasks to allow continuous work by pressing the work button once (This is switchable in the options settings)

- Fixed issue where riding in prohibited hunting areas would not result in a crime

- Improved interaction accuracy with adjacent objects


- Changed specifications so that when a Pal is instructed to „attack aggressively,“ the Pal will attack enemies indiscriminately even if they are not in combat

- Corrected an issue to allow Pals of rank 1 or higher to be selected as concentrated material (higher-ranked Pals yield more points when concentrated)

- Fixed bug where if a large amount of experience points were gained and the level increased to 50 at once, Pals would not learn any active skills

- Mitigated an issue where using Mossanda’s partner skill „Grenadier Panda“ on a dungeon boss would cause the boss to get stuck in walls

Base Issues

- Fixed an issue where base Pals would get stuck on top of a logging site, etc.

- Added measures to prevent the issue where base Pals would wander around and get stuck at the border of the base area

- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would get stuck repeatedly starting transportation tasks and the light bulbs icon would appear over and over again.

- Added measures to prevent the issue of base Pals getting stuck in the farm on a roof

- Fixed an issue where work Pals would get stuck in the summon space of Palbox when restarting the server on a dedicated server.

- Adjusted the default work priority of base Pals (Anubis will prioritize manual labour)

- Significantly relaxed building restrictions for stairs and triangular roofs

- Fixed an issue where sound would play in an infinite loop when Pals at the base used certain active skills.

Specifications changed so that all changes in environmental temperature are added up

(if you put 4 campfires next to each other, the surrounding area will have the temperature of a volcano)

- Implemented „relax“ working style on the monitoring stand

Balance Adjustment

- Significantly strengthened mining power for Digtoise partner skills

- Fixed the abnormally high selling price of nails

- Significantly increased the number of police officers who appear when a crime is committed

- Added electric shock effect to Free Pal Alliance’s crossbow

- Adjusted the flight distance of Sphere Launcher and Scatter Sphere Launcher.

- Increased the SAN value recovery amount of high-quality hot springs

Network Related

- Renovated the server lobby

- [Search by server name] will now work

- Added the ability to view online players on a dedicated server


- Fixed the issue where Day 5 Memo was not placed

- You can now adjust the in-game brightness in the settings

- Fixed many minor bugs

- Corrected various incorrect text

- Improved measures against cheating

- 691,14 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 805,74 MB groß

Release: 01.03.2024 (Version 0.0.48710.0)

Quelle: twitter.com

Major Fixes

- Fixed various game crashes

Balance Adjustment

-Fixed a bug where breeding Pals always had fixed passives

- Fixed an issue where the increase in condensation progress was incorrect when using Pal of rank 2 or higher as a condensation material

(it will increase by the number of Pals used in previous condensation)

Dungeon Issues

- Fixed an issue where the innermost door would not open after defeating the boss of a random dungeon


- Fixed an issue where the name of a Pal would not change even after renaming them

Server Issues

- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search for spaces or Japanese/Chinese characters in the server list

- Fixed so that if the server is no longer registered on the server list, it will be re-registered without needing to restart the server

- Fixed an issue where the settings to enable RCON were not loaded from the configuration file

- 571,47 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 734,19 MB groß

Release: 08.03.2024 (Version 0.0.49074.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed an issue where save data larger than 16MB would not save correctly

- Fixed a multiplayer-related bug which caused the game to crash

- 536,00 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 538,13 MB groß

Release: 09.04.2024 (Version 0.0.50609.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de

New Content

- Implemented the first Raid Boss

You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new Summoning Altar

Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes.

Pals Eggs can drop after defeating Raid Boss Pals.

The „extreme“ version of the Raid Boss is incredibly powerful and difficult to defeat

- New „Training Manual“ items have been added. These manuals allow you to give experience points to Pals.

- New item „Ancient Technical Manual“ has been added. This manual gives you ancient technology points and can be randomly found inside dungeon chests.

- New „Recovery Meds“ items have been added. Using these meds will slowly recover your HP over time.

- New item „Homeward Thundercloud“ has been added. When used, this item will instantly move you to your nearest base.

- New item „Ability Glasses“ has been added. When equipped, you can see Pal’s stats.

- New stat boosting items have been added: „Power Fruit, Life Fruit, Stout Fruit“. These items will boost Pal’s stats when used.

- Added a new passive „Mercy Hit“. Pals with this passive cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.

- New item „Ring of Mercy“ has been added. When wearing this ring, you cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.

- New armour „Multiclimate Undershirt“ has been added. Protect yourself against both the heat and the cold with just one slot!

- New building „Electric Egg Incubator“ has been added. This incubator consumes electricity to automatically adjust the temperature to the optimum temperature for each egg.

- New building „Ore Mining Site“ has been added. This mining site allows you to produce ores from the comfort of your base!


- Kelpsea can now produce Pal Fluids at the ranch

- Dumud can now produce High-Quality Pal Oil at the ranch

- You can now reduce the weight of metal ore while riding Surfent Terra

- Increased the amount of ore dropped while riding Astegon

You can now raise Pal’s rank to the maximum with a single synthesis using the Pal Essence Condenser.

 (Condensation progress is now accumulated in the individual Pal)

- Negative Pal status will now be resolved after spending some time in the Pal Box


- While aiming a sphere, it will now display how many of the target Pal has already been captured

- You can now check the cooldowns on partner skills for all your Pals on the main screen

- Equipment and item stats are now visible on the technology screen, even if you have not unlocked them first

- The tutorial has been improved and renamed to „Journey“

- You can now show/hide the „Journey“ in the game options

- Damage number display size can be changed in the game options.

 (In Raid Boss battles, the damage numbers tend to overlap a lot and it may be difficult to see, so we recommend adjusting the size)


- Items dropped by players after death on a dedicated server can now be picked up by anyone after 24 hours of real-time have passed

- Added a new „sleeping“ player emote (edited)

Base Related

- You can now allow/disallow certain work for base Pals at the Monitoring Stand

- Chest filters have been added. Select item types to allow or disallow inside chests

- Crafted items are now transported from crafting facilities. Selecting „allow transport“ when crafting will result in Pals transporting those items to chests when finished

- You can now edit your character’s appearance at any time by using the „Antique Dresser“

- Building and building piece placement rules have been relaxed

You can now connect stairs facing upwards

Roof pieces can now directly connect to foundations

Triangular walls can now be connected to stairs

You can now force a Pal to work and cancel their break by picking them up and throwing them towards a facility

(Pals recover their SAN while taking a break, so be careful!)

- Fixed assignments remain fixed, even after bad events occur. Previously, some assignments would change due to certain conditions,

but now they will remain fixed unless the Pal is placed inside the Pal Box

Balance Adjustment

- Minimum heat and cold resistance have been added to various armour.

You will no longer need to take off your heat-resistance armour when it is cold at night in the starting areas!

- Reduce the button press time in the egg incubator

- Change the pattern for Jormuntide Ignis to something more unique

- Added legendary blueprints for some firearms (Dropped from specific enemies)

- Corrected the selling price of diamonds

- In single-player, it is no longer possible to select the initial spawn point for multiplayer

- Blocked the back of the starting area with rocks to prevent players from getting lost or stuck

 - The increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player’s attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2

- Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals

- Flying and floating Pals are now immune to falling damage

- Shop price adjustments

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where treasure chests would become empty when dying in a dungeon, etc

- Fixed an issue where the effect that increases the player’s attack power while riding was duplicating and accumulating under certain conditions

- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving loot when capturing Pals while mounted

- Adjusted the HP of the Legendary Pal and fixed an issue where the difference in HP between the captured Legendary Pal and the bred Legendary Pal was too large

- Fixed an issue where Pal would eat while riding.

- Fixed an issue where spheres thrown close to wild pals would not hit and be lost


- Improved various Pal models and textures

- Added and adjusted some sound effects

- Many other minor bug fixes

Dedicated Server

- Fixed an issue where sorting did not work in the server list

- Improved the server list to allow page transitions

- Dedicated servers now support various log outputs

- Implemented REST API

Cheat Prevention

- Fixed a vulnerability that allowed Steam account spoofing

- Fixed 7 other critical vulnerabilities


- One new song has been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the soundtrack, please update and enjoy the new song!

- 2,80 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,77 GB groß

Release: 11.04.2024 (Version 0.0.50992.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com


- Fehler behoben, der das korrekte Laden von Speicherdaten im Mehrspielermodus verhinderte

- Fehler behoben, durch den der Eier-Inkubator nicht richtig funktionierte

- Fehler behoben, der verhinderte, dass Erfolge für Raid-Bosse freigeschaltet werden konnten

- Fehlerberichte und Credits können nun im Spiel eingesehen werden

- Verbesserte Ladezeiten auf Xbox Series


- Der Chat wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers, der das Laden von Daten im Mehrspielermodus verhinderte, vorübergehend deaktiviert

- 5,80 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 528,39 MB groß

Release: 15.04.2024 (Version 0.0.51134.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com

Major Fixes

- Corrected an issue that caused all Pal attacks to deal only half the intended damage.

Other Fixes

- Corrected the hit detection in the latter parts of the "Nightmare Ray" and "Nightmare Bloom" attacks.

- Reduced the jittering of sleeping Pals on Pal beds.

- Corrected other minor bugs.

- 350,68 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 733,82 MB groß

Release: 25.04.2024 (Version 0.0.51499.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

Balance Adjustment

- The electric egg incubator now has increased hatching speed. Hatches at 1.5 times the normal rate


- Optimized the processing load on dedicated servers

Bug Fixes

- You can now pet some pals that could not be pet due to a bug that prevented the „pet“ option from working correctly

- Fixed an issue where base pals would sometimes collide with each other on dedicated servers

- [Xbox version only] Fixed an issue where the „Option to show/hide Journey“ and „Option to change the scale of damage text numbers“ were not working

- Fixed other minor bugs

- 334,77 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 543,94 MB groß

Release: 14.05.2024 (Version 0.0.52419.0)

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

Balance Adjustment

- Increased the HP of all Alpha Pals (larger than normal Pals), including Lucky Pals, by 1.2

- Breeding eggs now have a slight chance to produce an Alpha Pal

- Reduced the damage reduction rate of enemy bosses by 18%. (The HP adjustment above has been adjusted so that battles don’t become too difficult.)

- Items and Pals dropped on death can now be picked up by anyone 24 hours after they are dropped

- Items and Pals dropped on death will now disappear 48 hours after they are dropped


 - Fixed a bug that notified all players on the server when someone finished or failed a raid

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug that caused synchronization issues when gates were opened

- Many other minor bug fixes

- 312,33 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 730,50 MB groß

Release: 22.05.2024 (Version 0.0.53052.0)

Quelle: twitter.com

Optimizations and Fixes

-We have taken measures to alleviate the problem where players would fall through the terrain due to the world not loading in time in the desert city

- 206,76 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 530,50 MB groß

Release: 31.05.2024 (Version 0.0.53786.0)

Quelle: twitter.com

- 223,04 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,36 GB groß

Release: 27.06.2024 (Version 0.0.55394.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | details=twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=twitter.com, xboxdynasty.de | notes=steam.com, twitter.com


New Island: Sakurajima

- A new island has appeared! Sakurajima!

- Take control of the tower protected by a new faction „The Moonflowers“, and free this beautiful island from their control!

- Sakurajima is home to many new Pals! Explore and find new species!


- An arena has appeared in the Desiccated Desert! Battle against other players to assert your dominance! (Multiplayer exclusive content)

Stronghold: Oil Rig

 - An oil rig controlled by the Rayne Syndicate has appeared in the ocean!

Work together with your friends to defeat powerful enemies and claim valuable resources such as crude oil!

Player level cap raised to 55!

- Players can now adventure to level 55!

- New technologies available

- Upper limit for Pal’s capture bonus has been increased from 10 to 12

New Resource: Crude Oil

- You can extract crude oil by unlocking and placing a new building, the crude oil extractor, in certain spots around the world

- New high-tier equipment and spheres can be crafted using the new material Plasteel which can be made from crude oil

New Raid: Blazamut Ryu has arrived! The strongest Dragon Pal in the game!

Meteorite Event

- Meteorites or supplies will fall from space sometimes! There may even be an unknown Pal from outer space too…!?

Tower Boss Hard Mode

- Each tower boss now has a hard mode, allowing you to face them in their ultimate form!

New Merchant: Medal Merchant

- A merchant who will exchange a new item Dog Coin for rare items!

New Items

- Mysterious Accessory Box: Permanently increases the number of accessory slots by 1

- Concentrated All-Purpose Pal Extract: Increases the rank of a Pal by 1 when used

- Ring of Freight: Increases your carrying weight when equipped

- Vital Remedy, Stamina Remedy, Might Remedy, Speed Remedy, Burden Remedy

 These new remedies permanently strengthen the player’s base stats. Until now, players could only increase their stats when levelling up, but now you can reach MAX stats!

New Weapons

- Laser Rifle

- Flamethrower

- Gatling Gun

- Grenade launcher

- Guided Missile Launcher

- Multi Guided Missile Launcher

- Meteor Launcher

New NPC cosmetic hats! Dress up like your favourite bosses!

- Zoe Hat

- Axel Hat

- Lily Hat

- Victor Hat

- Marcus Hat

- Saya Hat

New Pal cosmetic hats! Dress up like your favourite Pals!

- Lyleen Floral Cap

- Sibelyx Hat

- Leezpunk Hood

- Killamari Cap

- Cawgnito Hat

- Ribbuny Headband

- Lamball Helm

- Dumud Helm

- Swee Cap

- Dazzi Hat

- Cattiva Hat

New Buildings

- Cold Food Box: Feed your Pals while keeping your food nice and cool

- Sulfur Mine and Coal Mine: Gather valuable resources at your base

- Pal Disassembly Conveyor: Get rid of unwanted Pals automatically! Your heart will hurt less this way…

- Wall-Mounted Sign: Make notes without taking up too much space

- Refrigerated Crusher: An upgraded Crusher that can break down various items into different items

New Feature: Lockpicking

- You can now attempt to open locked treasure chests with the new lockpicking mini-game. Requires a Lockpicking Tool!

New Feature: Pal Skins! (Cosmetics for Pals)

- You can now change Pal’s skin at the new Pal Dressing Facility!

- The „Sunglasses Cattiva“ skin is now available for everyone! More skins will be added in future updates


- Pal Box capacity increased from 480 Pals to 960 Pals

- Increased the maximum amount of power that can be enhanced by Lifmunk Effigies from 10 to 12

- Added a setting that prevents items from being automatically picked up if it will overencumber the player

Base Related

- The building system has been reworked and improved! Basic construction is now much more intuitive and smooth!

- Pillars have been added. The days of accidentally demolishing a supporting wall and the entire 2nd floor collapsing are over!

- Axis alignment function added

- Defensive walls can now be connected

- It is now possible to connect from the roof, walls, stairs, and pillars to the foundation (previously, connections could only be started from the foundation)

- New building material „Glass“ has been added. Keep an eye on your cute Pals from inside with glass walls!

- The maximum base level has been increased to 25, and the number of bases allowed has been increased from 3 to 4 at level 25

- You can now change the maximum amount of guild bases from the game options

- You can now change the maximum amount of base Pals from the game options

- Implemented a private lock function for chests. Your friends won’t be able to steal your metal anymore!

- It is now possible to permanently assign a Pal to a specific facility from the Monitoring Stand

- Cakes will now be transported to chests as a priority

- Readjusted the work priority order for Pals

- Changes to defense facility specifications. Work pals will use them automatically even if they are not assigned to a specific facility

- Measures and mitigation for base pals getting stuck when a route cannot be taken


- Added a lock function in the Pal Box menu

- Player crosshair colour can now be adjusted and fixed an issue where the crosshair would get stuck behind the player

- You can now craft items in units of 100x

- Added more types of custom map markers, and increased the placement limit to 300

- Statue of Power UI has been improved

- Improved sorting function of Pal Box, making it easier to find the Pal you want


- Junkyards have been added around the world! You might find some valuable items there…

- A new random event has been added. Find and steal eggs from „Monster Nests“ hidden around the islands!


New Pal Skills!

Unique Skills

 - Jumping Stinger (Menasting)

 - Rocket Slam (Chillet)

 - Protection of Fertility (Lyleen)

- Raging Flame Wave (Faleris)

 - Thunderbolt Heavy Tank (Grizzbolt)

 - Polyceraunos (Orserk)

 - Divine Disaster II (Shadowbeak)

Neutral Skills

- Air Blade

- Holy Burst

Star Mine

Fire Skills

- Flame Wall

- Volcanic Rain

- Flame Funnel

Water Skills

- Splash

- Wall Splash

- Grass Skills

- Circle Vine

Electric Skills

- Thunder Rain

- TriSpark

- Thunderstorm

Ice Skills

- Icicle Line

Ground Skills

- Rockburst

- Sand Twister

Dragon Skills

- Beam Slicer

- Comet

New Passive Skills

- Philanthropist: Greatly reduces the time required to produce eggs

- Impatient: Reduced cooldown on active skills

- Infinite Stamina: Increased stamina (Only on mountable Pals)

- Noble: Pals with this passive will give you an advantage when trading with merchants

- Nocturnal: Pals with this passive become nocturnal and will work throughout the night


- Added a new setting that always rejects guild invites

Balance Adjustment

- Due to the increase in accessory slots, accessories with the same name have been changed so they cannot be equipped more than once

- Defensive accessories have been balanced due to the increase in accessory slots.

- Due to the addition of many new Pals, some Pal breeding combinations have been changed

- Adjusted the selling price of all Pals. The selling price of Alpha Pals is now about twice that of the original species

Bug Fixes

- Mitigations have been added for an issue that caused PCs to freeze when closing the game

- Changed the grappling gun behaviour to make it less likely to get stuck

- Many many many other minor bug fixes


- A warning will now be displayed if the GPU driver is too out-of-date


- 6 new songs have been added to soundtrack. If you have already purchased the game, please update the soundtrack.

- Xbox Dedicated Servers

- challenge a new raid and hard mode bosses

- Speicherverbrauch von 6,7 GB auf 8,3 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 5,6 GB auf 7,0 GB erhöht

- 4,50 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 6,46 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2024 (Version 0.0.55495.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- When a player is stuck in the arena, restarting the game will now restore the player to the correct state

- Asset files were unintentionally split, so they have been reverted back to v0.2

- 196,83 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 379,89 MB groß

Release: 08.07.2024 (Version 0.0.55731.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | notes=twitter.com

- Fixed a bug that caused save data to become unreasonably large

- Other minor bugs fixed

- 2,32 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 297,75 MB groß

Release: 29.07.2024 (Version 0.0.56710.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de

New Settings

- Added meteorite and supply drop interval settings to world options

Balance adjustments

- Summoned Pals will take 25% less damage from all sources - Does not apply to base Pals

- Decreased the firepower of enemies on the Oil Rig

- Increased power generation from large generators

- Adjusted recovery amount of Lyleen's unique skill

- Lowered the required technology level for coal mines

- Increased purchase price from food merchants, and increased production efficiency of tomatoes and lettuce at farms

- Meat can now be purchased from merchants

Base fixes

- Overall improved notifications when a work Pal cannot path correctly inside the base

- Fixed an issue where Pals would get stuck when transporting if a chest was moved or the transport route changed

- Fixed a bug where a fixed assignment to a breeding farm would be removed when the player was not at the base

- If a Pal cannot find a route to the breeding farm when manually assigned, it will now warp directly to it

- Fixed a bug where harmful random events such as monster nests occurred within the base

- Measures were taken to prevent Pals from getting stuck when they are unable to path correctly to a repair kit

- Removed farm collision to reduce Pals getting stuck and clogging the pathing

Bug fixes

- Fixed an bug where work Pals would disappear instead of dropping into the Pal Box when the maximum number of work pals at a base was reduced in world settings

- The neutral area was missing around the Sakurajima Tower, so it has been set. Building is no longer possible in the surrounding area

 - Fixed a bug that prevented achievements from unlocking

- Added some measures to address the bug where the treasure chest in the oil rig could randomly disappear and other minor bug fixes

- Fixed a bug that prevented achievements from unlocking


- Fixed a problem where simplified characters were mixed into the traditional Chinese version of the game (This fix is ongoing due to the large amount of text)

- Fixed other minor text issues

- 667,56 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 692,62 MB groß

Release: 07.08.2024 (Version 0.0.57064.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

Base Fixes

- The frequency of notifications for Pals stuck in the base was too high, so we have suppressed them

Notifications are now only displayed when the player is within the range of the base where the incident is occurring

 Notifications for problems related to natural objects like rocks and trees will no longer be shown

In some cases where a working pal is stuck, they will now work remotely from where they are standing

Bug Fixes

-Fixed a problem where pillars could not be built underwater

-Fixed a problem where the oil rig turrets were desyncing in multiplayer


- Fixed a bug where simplified characters were mixed into the traditional Chinese translation

- Other minor text related bugs fixed

- 250,12 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 320,80 MB groß

Release: 29.08.2024 (Version 0.0.57672.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- Optimized the data transmission for dedicated servers.

This fix allows for smoother participation in dedicated servers with large amounts of data, such as the official servers.

- Fixed an issue where certain save data could no longer be restored from the in-game backup UI.

- 231,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 302,65 MB groß

Release: 17.09.2024 (Version 0.0.58983.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

Game Optimization

- Improved processing load when there are many buildings

 - Reduced memory consumption throughout the game


- Added save data backup function to Xbox.


- Strengthened anti-cheat measures


- Fixed an issue where a blank page would sometimes appear in the server list


 - Other minor bugs fixed

- Speicherverbrauch von 8,4 GB auf 6,8 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 7,0 GB auf 5,8 GB reduziert

- 4,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,87 GB groß

Release: 19.09.2024 (Version 0.0.59113.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- We have applied a hotfix to a fatal bug on the Xbox version where wild Pals and base Pals would sometimes stop moving and working.

- 223,75 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 238,75 MB groß

Release: 25.09.2024 (Version 0.0.59315.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where Pals would sometimes get stuck at the base

- Fixed an issue where the player character would go under the ground when starting the game

- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes disconnect from the server when trying to add a roof or wall to a large building

- 3,40 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,13 GB groß

Release: 01.10.2024 (Version 0.0.59545.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com

- Improved server FPS when there are many guilds on dedicated servers

- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash during cutscenes in towers

- 360,93 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 340,38 MB groß

Release: 30.10.2024 (Version 0.0.61027.0)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com


- Added 4 Halloween skins! All players will recieve these skins for free upon starting up the game!

 (Cannot be equipped unless you have at least 1 of the corresponding Pals)

- Halloween Cattiva

 - Spectacled Katress

- Pirate Pengullet

 - Halloween Croajiro


- Significantly relaxed the text chat character limit.

 You can now write much longer messages!

Major Bug Fixes

- Fixed memory leak on servers

 - Fixed several critical game crashes

- Fixed an issue where large Pals would push the player under the world or through walls

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where custom markers were not displayed in the compass UI at the top of the screen

- Fixed many minor bugs Fixed minor translation errors

PS5 Specific Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where trees would respawn even if a structure was built over it

- 276,30 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 245,61 MB groß

Release: 31.10.2024 (Version 0.0.61184.0)


- 346,46 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 236,72 MB groß

Release: 30.11.2024 (Version 0.0.63395)

Quelle: notes=twitter.com


-Changed the behaviour of summoning player-owned Pals so that they are always summoned near the player


-The reticle will now only be displayed when aiming

- 581,07 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 525,65 MB groß

Release: in Arbeit 12.2024 (Version 0.0.61027.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Neue Insel "" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt (6 mal größer wie Sakurajima

-  MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

-  MB groß

Release: in Arbeit 2025 (Version 0.0.50992.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Crossover mit Terraria

Release: in Arbeit (Version 0.0.50992.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de

Improvements to Implement ASAP

- Key configuration improvements.

- Improvements to base Pal Ai and ping

Planned Future Update

- PvP Mode

- Pal Arena (PvP for Pals)

- Steam - Xbox Cross Play

- Various Xbox Feature Imrovements

- Server Transfers and Migrations

- Improvements to the Building System

- New Islands, Pal, Bosses, and Technologies.

*We are currently working on an issue where auto-save fails on the Xbox and Xbox Game Pass versions.

We expect that this will be resolved in an upcoming update.

Beta Version: Lightyear Frontier (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 08.02.2024 (Version 0.0.999.0 ->


- Preload ist verfügbar

- 2,62 GB groß

Release: 18.03.2024 (Version 0.1.345.0)


- 708,98 MB groß

Release: 19.03.2024


- Heute erscheint Lightyear Frontier (Spielevorschau)

Release: 22.03.2024 (Version 0.1.361.0)


- 672,67 MB groß

Release: 27.03.2024 (Version 0.1.373.0)


- 508,22 MB groß

Release: 15.04.2024 (Version 0.1.407.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Optimised memory usage. Significantly reduces likelihood of crashes on Xbox Series X|S

- A message will now be displayed if the game fails to save

- Increased angle threshold for Seed Shooter lock-ons

- Added a glow effect on Coal-nodes to make them easier to see

- Updated wild Weeds particle system for better visibility between tiers

- Slightly increased the weight of Dried Glo Fruit.

- Minor graphical tweaks

- Updated Crobling material

- Updated Small Meadow Trees material and LODs


- Rebuilt the Achievement system to fix issues where some achievements wouldn’t unlock for some players

- Fixed issue where the Radio Tower quest did not complete after building the Radio tower

This will only affect new save files

- Fixed issue where the Daily Request menu doesn’t reset properly after certain actions

- Fixed Compost Box not saving and loading properly

- Fixed issue with Compost Box not working correctly for clients

- Fixed collision on the Request Board

- Fixed Upgrade Dock not being paintable

- Fixed issue where some sessions would not show up in Recent Sessions list

- Quest destination should now complete if player already is in destination when receiving quest

- Fixed issue where holograms progress were displayed incorrectly for clients

- Fixed paths only being visible to the host of a session in certain scenarios

- Fixed issue where VFX of harvested wild plants did not show for clients

- Goo and weeds should now be destroyed when on plots that get recycled

- Fixed spawning of wild plants so it won’t happen on paths or fields

- Fixed issue where some Noxious Weeds spawned underneath the map in Yellow Forest

- Fixed issue where one Noxious Slime spawned underneath the map in Stepstone Peak

- Fixed coziness and crafting buff indicators displaying incorrect values sometimes

- Fixed auto-pickup not behaving properly when over-encumbered

- Fixed several issues with weeds spawned by the Weed Seeds hazard event

- Fixed issue with grass not coming back after recycling the Mansion

- Fixed an issue where players could not exit the mech while looking at a treasure

- Fixed an issue where players could use the Tool Cycle button while the Tool Wheel was open

- Fixed an issue regarding Mech jumping while selecting a Tractor Mode that had unintended side effects

- Fixed an issue where certain UI elements sometimes unintentionally reset their scroll position

- The Farmer can no longer interact with objects while selecting a tool

- Znork should now behave same for clients and hosts

- Fixed clients sometimes not being able to place holograms of fences

- Fixed an issue where players could interact with certain constructs during the day transition

- Fixed clipping issues with some nodes and terrain

- 471,14 MB groß

Release: 17.04.2024 (Version 0.1.430.0)


- 434,27 MB groß

Release: 26.06.2024 (Version 0.1.644.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Das „Making it Home“-Update führt eine Reihe neuer und von Fans geforderter Verbesserungen ein, die den Spielern neue Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung und Interaktion mit ihren Höfen bieten.

- Verlängerte Tages- und verkürzte Nachtzyklen geben den Spielern mehr Zeit, das Sonnenlicht zu genießen, während das Hinzufügen von Wanddekorationen Exofarmern die Möglichkeit gibt, ihren Konstruktionen noch mehr Persönlichkeit zu verleihen.

- Mit einer Auswahl an Bannern, Postern, Aufklebern, Bänken, Lichtern und vielem mehr, die man selbst herstellen oder beim Händler kaufen kann, gab es noch nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt, um mit der Dekoration zu beginnen.

- Für diejenigen, die sich in neue Gefilde wagen wollen, wird die Erkundung mit der Einführung eines neuen Kartenmarkierungssystems viel einfacher und angenehmer.

- Mit 1.000 Stempeln, die zwischen Spielern auf einem Server verfügbar sind, können wichtige Orte wie Höhlen, Wasserquellen, Tiere oder geheimnisvolle Ruinen auf der Karte für alle sichtbar markiert werden.

- Von der Einführung neuer Laubsprossen und dem automatischen Sammeln von Lagerkisten und Hologrammen

bis hin zur Möglichkeit, bestehende Konstrukte zu verlagern und vieles mehr.ungsprozess vereinfachen und rationalisieren.

- Weitere Verbesserungen an den Daten zur Wiederherstellung von Regionen werden Exoframern mehr Klarheit über die Upgrades verschaffen,

die zur Säuberung und Verjüngung verschmutzter Gebiete erforderlich sind, und den Wiederherstell

- 1,0 GB groß

Release: 28.06.2024 (Version 0.2.671.0)


- 818,50 MB groß

Release: 04.07.2024 (Version 0.2.687.0)


- 489,52 MB groß

Release: 30.09.2024 (Version 0.3.913.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Update "Neighbors & Animals"

- verlassene Eier in der Wildnis können gefunden werden

- Dieser wachsen mmit Futter, Wasser und viel Liebe, diese produzieren einzigartige Ressouscen

Damit können neue Dekorationen und Konstruktionen hegestellt werden

- Zusätzlich bringt das Update eine große Auswahl an neuen handwerklichen Gegenständen und Konstruktionen,

die den Spielern noch mehr Möglichkeiten geben, ihre Farm und die vorgefertigten Häuser der Nachbarn zu schmücken.

- Das Rendering von Gras wurde ebenfalls komplett überarbeitet, mit dynamischeren Umgebungsinteraktionen und verbesserter visueller Qualität, wodurch sich die Welt noch lebendiger und eindringlicher anfühlt.

- Ein neuer Rasenmähermodus macht es noch einfacher, die Landschaft individuell zu gestalten und gibt den Spielern die Möglichkeit, das Gras auf ihrem Hof zu trimmen.

- 754,28 MB groß

Release: 10.10.2024 (Version 0.3.964.0)


- 454,05 MB groß

Release: 16.10.2024 (Version 0.3.998.0)


- 452,77 MB groß

Release: 28.11.2024 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Speicherverbrauch von 6,7 GB auf 6,9 GB erhöht

- 1,31 GB groß

Beta Version: Predecessor (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 25.03.2024 (Version


- Preload ist verfügbar

- 14,5 GB groß

Release: 26.03.2024


- Heute scheint Predecessor Game Preview (free2play)

Release: 11.04.2024 (Version


- Speicherverrbauch von 14,5 GB auf 15,1 GB erhöht

- 1,93 GB groß

Release: 16.04.2024 (Version


- 295,30 MB groß

Release: 30.04.2024 (Version


- 932,36 MB groß

Release: 03.05.2024 (Version


- 281,10 MB groß

Release: 21.05.2024 (Version


- Speicherverrbauch von 15,2 GB auf 16,3 GB erhöht

- 4,12 GB groß

Release: 24.05.2024 (Version


- Speicherverrbauch von 16,3 GB auf 16,4 GB erhöht

- 386,20 MB groß

Release: 29.05.2024 (Version


- 310,92 MB groß

Release: 11.06.2024 (Version


- 927,62 MB groß

Release: 02.07.2024 (Version


- 926,36 MB groß

Release: 08.07.2024 (Version


- 300,27 MB groß

Release: 20.08.2024 (Version


- Aus der Spielevorschau (Beta, Early Access) wird eine Vollversion (free2play)

- Speicherverbrauch von 16,8 GB auf 17,9 GB erhöht

- 4,65 GB groß

Release: 23.08.2024 (Version


- 313,65 MB groß

Release: 10.09.2024 (Version


- 716,04 MB groß

Release: 08.10.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 18,1 GB auf 19,7 GB erhöht

- 2,81 GB groß

Release: 10.10.2024 (Version


- 379,70 MB groß

Release: 17.10.2024 (Version


- 526,77 MB groß

Release: 19.11.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 19,9 GB auf 21,5 GB erhöht

- 4,09 GB groß

Release: 26.11.2024 (Version


- 360,80 MB groß

Beta Version: Phasmophobia (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 24.10.2024 (Version ->


- 4,18 GB groß

Release: 29.10.2024

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Heute erscheint Phasmophobia

Release: 30.10.2024 (Version


- 250,68 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2024 (Version


- 3,01 GB groß

Release: 11.11.2024 (Version


- 2,60 GB groß

Release: 21.11.2024 (Version


- 497,39 MB groß

Beta Version: Blindfire (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 18.10.2024 (Version 1.0.8364.0 -> 1.0.8537.0)


- 364,81 MB groß

Release: 25.10.2024 (Version 1.0.8704.0)


- 658,16 MB groß

Release: 05.11.2024 (Version 1.0.9021.0)


- 966,57 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2024 (Version 1.0.9711.0)

Quelle: xboxwire.com

- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 28.11.2024 (Version 1.0.9982.0)


- 313,64 MB groß

Beta Version: Stampede: Racing Royale (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

Release: 11.11.2024 (Version ->

- 1007,01 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2024 (Version

- 1023,35 MB groß








Beta Version: Totally Reliable Delivery Service

Release: 29.06.2021 (Version -> (Beendet)

Quelle: twitter.com

- Aus einer Beta wird nun eine Vollversion

- 3,95 GB groß

Release: 28.07.2021 (Version


- 675,19 MB groß

Release: 14.08.2021 (Version


- 470,46 MB groß

Release: 30.11.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 4,1 GB auf 4,3 GB erhöht

- 4,27 GB groß

Beta Version: The Wandering Village

Release: 27.07.2023 (Version ->


- 132,96 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 173,55 MB groß

Release: 30.08.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 1,4 GB auf 1,5 GB erhöht (beide)

- 1,35 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,41 GB groß

Release: 18.01.2023 (Version


- 1,10 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 08.02.2023 (Version


- 556,93 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 759,00 MB groß

Release: 13.03.2023 (Version


- 1,07 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 29.05.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 1,5 GB auf 1,6 GB erhöht (beide)

- 1,14 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,16 GB groß

Release: 20.06.2024 (Version


- 537,57 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 541,94 MB groß

Release: 21.06.2024 (Version


- 181,56 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 209,39 MB groß

Release: 27.06.2024 (Version


- 89,61 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 91,29 MB groß

Release: 02.07.2024 (Version


- 315,30 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 305,86 MB groß

Release: 04.11.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 1,6 GB auf 1,3 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 1,6 GB auf 1,2 GB reduziert

- 1,24 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,16 GB groß

Release: 11.11.2024 (Version


- 248,9 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 320,70 MB groß

Release: 14.11.2024 (Version


- 77,34 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 322,66 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2024 (Version


- 27,41 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 238,09 MB groß

Beta Version: Techtonica

Release: 01.08.2023 (Version ->


- 253,37 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 348,61 MB groß

Release: 31.08.2023 (Version


- 751,93 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 794,19 MB groß

Release: 25.10.2023 (Version


- 919,08 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 894,50 MB groß

Release: 15.12.2023 (Version


- 2,05 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,13 GB groß

Release: 16.01.2024 (Version


- 824,39 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,13 GB groß

Release: 19.02.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,5 GB auf 3,0 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,9 GB auf 2,6 GB reduziert

- 1,39 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,21 GB groß

Release: 06.03.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,0 GB auf 3,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,6 GB auf 2,8 GB erhöht

- 1,87 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,72 GB groß

Release: 30.04.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,2 GB auf 4,8 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 2,8 GB auf 4,4 GB erhöht

- 3,85 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,75 GB groß

Release: 03.05.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 4,8 GB auf 3,9 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,4 GB auf 3,5 GB reduziert

- 477,13 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 487,61 MB groß

Release: 17.06.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 3,9 GB auf 4,2 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,5 GB auf 3,8 GB erhöht

- 1,99 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 2,36 GB groß

Release: 07.11.2024 (Version 0.1104.1740.0  | Series 0.1101.1336.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Heute erscheint Techtonica Version 1.0

- Speicherverbrauch von 4,2 GB auf 4,9 GB erhöht (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 3,8 GB auf 4,1 GB erhöht

- 4,41 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 3,90 GB groß

Release: 07.11.2024 (Version 0.1104.1740.0  | Series 0.1104.1758.0) am selben Tag


- 189,85 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

-  MB groß

Release: 11.11.2024 (Version 0.1108.1706.0  | Series 0.1108.1722.0)


- 101,32 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 79,58 MB groß















BEENDET: Sheltered / Layers of Fear / Prison Architekt / Solus Project / Everspace / Gigantic / Slime Rancher / The Long Dark / Rivals of Aether / The Culling / Subnautica / Fable Fortune / Pit People /We Happy Few

Beta Version: We Happy Few (Beendet)

Release: 16.08.2016

- Einige Fehler welche den Fortschritt der Aufgabe verhinderten wurden behoben

- 3,08 GB groß

Release: 30.09.2016

- 3,22 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2016

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Einige Fehler welche den Fortschritt der Aufgabe verhinderten wurden behoben

- 3,80 GB groß

Release: 22.12.2016

- 113,08 MB groß

Release: 13.04.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- 4,43 GB groß

Release: 15.08.2017


- 6,22 GB groß

Release: 31.08.2017


- 4,30 GB groß

Release: 07.09.2017


- 7,33 GB groß

Release: 09.08.2018


- Aus Beta wird Vollversion

Von Version 1.0.9 auf Version 1.2.0 angehoben

Von 6,7 GB auf 10,6 GB vergrößert

- 10,43 GB

Release: 28.08.2018


- 6,43 GB groß

Release: 26.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 8,33 GB groß

Release: 26.10.2018


- 6,43 GB groß

Release: 11.01.2019


- 8,67 GB groß

Release: 25.03.2019 (Version 1.70)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Survival / Überleben Modus wird kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Survival ist eine Rückkehr zur Überlebenserfahrung des Early Access Programms. Wie der Name schon sagt, geht es im Überlebensmodus darum, in einer rauen und unnachgiebigen Welt zu überleben.

Night’s Watch / Nachtwache

- Habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, wie es sich anfühlen würde, diesen lästigen Downers einen fröhlichen, guten Schlag zu verpassen?

In The Night’s Watch (früher Wellie Mode genannt) erwecken die Entwickler einen der gefragtesten Charaktere der Community zum Leben, so dass ihr als Spieler als der berüchtigtste Bobby Constable Constable, spielen könnt.

Sandbox / Sandkasten

- Sandbox ist ein nicht-narrativer/nicht-zielorientierter Spielmodus, der es euch ermöglicht, mit den Systemen der Welterzeugung und den Spieloptionen der Entwickler herum zu experimentieren.

Dies ist kein skillbasierter Modus, sondern ein ruhigeres Erlebnis, entwickelt für Spieler, die die Freiheit haben wollen

- Im Hauptmenü wurde der Season Pass und seine Inhalte vorbereitet

- Arcade-Modus wird kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Bugfixes und Verbesserungen wurden vorgenommen

- 8,78 GB groß

Release: 05.04.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Story-DLC "They Came from Below" wird kostenpflichtig ins Spiel hinzugefügt

Season Pass besitzer können direkt kostenlos mit dem neuen Inhalt los spielen

Release: 26.07.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Story-DLC "Lightbearer" wird kostenpflichtig ins Spiel hinzugefügt

Season Pass Besitzer können ab dem 30.7.2019 kostenlos herunterladen

- 8,76 GB groß

Release: 12.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Story-DLC "We All Fall Down" wird kostenpflichtig ins Spiel hinzugefügt

Season Pass Besitzer können ab dem 19.11.2019 kostenlos herunterladen

- 8,88 GB groß

Release: 19.12.2019 (Version


- 6,83 GB groß

Release: 06.11.2020 (Version


- 169,70 MB groß

Beta Version: Pit People

Release: 15.02.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- House Menu now has tool tips.

- House Menu now shows % chances for weaponry as well as elemental defenses.

(Please note: Not all readouts are displaying as intended, primarily with Mushrooms, Octoclops, Troll Mom, Wraith and Mascot)

- House Menu now shows portrait of character being moved in Lower House Menu.

- Now sorts fighters by type in Lower House Menu by clicking the left stick

- Pause Menu now allows player to see their overall unlock progress.

- Pause Menu now has Survival Guide accessible from it.

- Pause Menu backdrop changed for easier reading.

- Survival Guide updated with all new creature information.

- How to Play help area updated with notes.

- Arena Lobby online/offline button changed.

- Arena Lobby Spectator button placement changed.

- Arena Lobby now has more clear and fun visuals on how it all works!

- Options Menu has had some wording and organizational changes.

- Added all remaining creature icons for Troll Mom, Vampiress, Wraith,

Hair Troll, Rainbow Horse icons in default HUD move status.


- ”Trade-offs” have started to be introduced to weapon categories.

Critical chance, Damage, Armor Pierce, Dodge, Stun, Defense,

Weight Reduction have all been given to weaponry at the cost of other stat reductions.

Approximately 100 existing weapons with no stat changes have received this treatment so far. No shields,

helmets or creatures have received these new Trade-offs at this time but are being considered.

- Trade-offs are usually limited to 2 max in house inventory.

There is unfortunately no marker in the house that indicates a Trade-off item at this time.

Some can be guessed by changes in stats scrolling through the House Menu cosmetic area.

(Indicator & further information on these coming soon™!).

- Weaker versions of Fire and Acid have been introduced to a couple weapons.

Acid is currently not displayed (The Dismantler Sword and Tech Support Bow have both received Weak Acid).

Yes, this means that Red Hot pepper everyone’s been talking about does Fire damage now 🙂

- PVP maps added for more 1v1 / 2v2 variety. Look out for explosive barrels!

- Added a few Tournament items

- Recruits are now randomized in level within a preset range. AKA Recruits will no longer be set to level 1.

- Rewards have been shifted in the Pit to focus more on Gold. Lots of special loot’s outside that gate!

- Level balance is a very delicate thing. We’re making a change here and seeing how it affects things for everyone rather

than doing anything too violent with the math. The amount of ‘power’ gained (primarily damage stat)

is up from 0.12% per level to 0.24% per level.

Fighters you’ve already leveled will adjust accordingly. 6 fighters at level 99 will have 24% more power than before individually.

This adds up to quite a lot!

- Minor balance changes to Hair Troll, Zombie, Mushroom, Kobold, Gorgon, Medium Mallet, Medium and Heavy Helmet, Rainbow Horse,

 Electrobot, Octoclops, Alpaca Lips, Safety Last. Mortar is undergoing changes and may not be working as intended. Pardon our dust!

- Somewhat_Epic items were adjusted in damage and weight (Excalibeef)

- Socket To Them sword adjusted to be closer to Pixie Slayer.

- Multiple offhand thrown objects can now actually be thrown (woops)

- Gorgons Spit now has gained a chance to slow on hit

- Octoclops has now gained a Confuse chance roll on top of their Ink chance roll.

- Confuse status introduced. Confused fighters will not be able to distinguish friend from foe and can still be controlled on movement.

You can still move a confused fighter to a position where the only target in range is your enemy.

- Gnome flinging of their own friends is now more accurate/reliable than it was before.

(If you have any issues with Gnome flings please save a replay and send it our way!)


- Captured/bought fighters start with a random level and number of kills.

- The item count is red in the equipment grid if you own the maximum number of that item.

- Subtitles are hidden when the game is paused.

- Changed warning to a non-interactive notification if you don’t have a hero on a team.

- Spectators can now return to the city from a battle using the pause menu.

- When items are dropped on the world map, they go back to their original owner if they’re picked up (when possible).

- Damage flags use team colors.

- Spectator game is saved when receiving gold.

- Show version numbers in options menu.

- Show the insane mode animation less frequently.

- Add a HUD icon to show ghost partner teams on the world map.

- Vampiresses now take damage when landing on a hazard.

- Audio is no longer muted when the window loses focus.

- Added Russian language support.

- The comm icon menu can be clicked on.

- Players get the default set of quests even if the save was created before some of the quests existed.

- Players cannot flee battles with elite teams on the world map.

- Fixed a bug that prevented other users from finding your session after you disconnected from a prior session.

- Updated to fmod 1.08: fixes exit crash after unplugging USB headphones.

- Fixed a bug that caused problems if you canceled the battle transition by shooting a world map NPC:

 one thing that broke was the ability to trigger switches.

- Fixed a crash when 2nd player drops out after returning to city.

- Fixed a bug that could cause the wagon to get stuck if an NPC was near a quest turn-in point.

- Fixed a bug that would cause some subterranean tiles to not appear.

- Fixed a desync in replays of certain quest levels.

- Fixed a desync that could occur when playing online after having played certain quests during the same session.

- Some replays that used to hang on the last turn now end correctly.

- Fixed a bug that caused fighters to appear solid white when standing near occluding objects.

- Fixed a crash that occurred when a local user dropped out when matchmaking succeeded.

- Fixed a bug that caused the envelope to fail to show all items if you clicked on it with the mouse.

- Fixed a bug that could cause player to get stuck with hourglass icons on city buildings if the host dropped out

while the player was returning to the city.


- Added hundreds of possible names.

- Gankie added as a possible name.

- New Items added for Electrobot, Rainbow Horse, Kobold, Troll Mom, Spidaur, Gnome, Human.

- Some FX now allow character art to be seen through them.

- Mascot mount animation updated.

- Gorgon REMOVE ITEM item now is the Royal Pain item.

- New worldmap enemy teams wandering for encounters.

- Kobold skin mislabeled as Pink Bow is now Spelunker.

- Removed extra, wandering Dolphs.

- Helmetites have new fashion.

- Worldmap coin trails updated.

- Toastmaster Fixes.

- Updated all Unfair and Normal enemy teams to use updated gear and skins.

- Replay Folder now generated upon bringing it up.

- Various Quest/Mission updates.

- Added Muscley Nipples as a possible name (<– very important)

- 210,18 MB groß

Release: 10.03.2017


- 187,82 MB groß

Release: 30.03.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Daily Tasks have been introduced. These tasks include Co-op in each one of the Pit modes (PVP and Unfair Challenge) and

will also involve completing a Quest in Co-op. Get ready to work together!

The Emissary will give you the info once you’ve completed the introduction and have logged in for the first time that session.

- The Emperor’s Orders have been introduced. Once your current order is completed, a new one will pop up.

Look for the Emissary on the side of your screen! Chain those rewards! There’s no limit to how many you can do per day.

- Both the Daily Tasks and Emperor’s Orders will grant gold/items immediately upon completion.


- Survival Guide now has two COLLECTIONS pages for unlocks

- Survival Guide now has MINI-MAP reference guide (When outside the city,

you can bring up the MINI-MAP with your Survival Guide accessible via the menu)

- Survival Guide MINI-MAP will show the city location and all available WORLDMAP quests

- Survival Guide now has DAILIES and EMPEROR’S ORDERS pages

- House Menu has a completely reworked equipment area („Paper Doll“ interface)!

Many of the creature menus are placeholder and will be updated by Update 4.

- House Menu now shows +DODG, +DEF, and +DMG tradeoff icons

- Slightly reworked most pop-ups that have dialogue in them

- Higher resolution icons for in-fight advanced cursor hovering

- Option to turn off Camera Bobbing


- Small chance to find colored names, wavy names, or shaking names of any possible ’standard‘ name in the game.

They can potentially have two effects on them.

- Rainbow Horse Horns now have pretty, pretty rainbowy trails

- Archers now ‚wiggle‘ in a placeholder struggle animation when encroached.

This is to avoid confusion of the archer thought to be ‚firing‘ point-blank when they are really just doing a weak melee attack.

- Balance changes to Light Swords, Gnomes, Kobolds, Electrobots, Vampiress, Zombies, Gorgon, Octoclops,

Mushroom, Humans, Wraith, The Stinger. Most changes are very small.

- More names have been added.


- Added new lines for the narrator in certain situations.

- Readjusted narrator “impatient” commentary.

- Narrator volume adjustable


- Improve handling of lost network packets

- Prevent blind-locking

- A yellow outline appears on the selected fighter in battles

- Added a separate audio channel for the narrator with its own volume slider

- Fixed a crash that would occur when returning to the lobby after a PVP match with 4 players and 1-2 spectators

- Fixed issues with gunner keyboard/gamepad controls

- Players can do their battle planning while AI and the auto battler are planning

- Fighter stat numbers at the end of the battle can now have 4 digits

- Support more colors for colored text

- Fixed a multiplayer desync issue related to AI gnomes

- Options menus now scroll

- Delay rider attacks until mount has finished attacking

- Added a world map progress tracker that shows how many regions and area missions are complete

- 181,11 MB groß

Release: 23.06.2017


- 853,27 MB groß

Release: 30.06.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Known Issues

(These will be fixed in future updates)

- Saying No in the Serf’s Up Quest can cause a progression bug AKA, your Wagon will

be stuck and you won’t be able to return home for that session.

- Players may see Emperor’s Orders updates from online player’s progress

- The Bone on the Jurassic Get Up cosmetic has a transparent layer.

- In online co-op, Mr. Whispers dialogue will overlay on the Host screen

when running into Mr. Whispers and a quest objective enemy at the same time.

- Stepping into a cannon placement with a mounted Spidaur will cause a soft lock

- All AI controlled units use the slower planning speed when one user turns on auto-battler

- 14,83 MB groß

Release: 29.09.2017


- 140,01 MB groß

Release: 08.11.2017


- 99,55 MB groß

Release: 16.01.2018


-  1,26 GB groß

Release: 04.03.2018

Quelle: gamezone.de | gameswelt.de

- Beta Phase (Early Access) wird beendet

- 1,74 GB groß

Release: 26.04.2018


- 1,71 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2018


- 8,96 GB groß

Release: 07.06.2018


- 8,78 GB groß

Release: 16.11.2018


- 1,92 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2018


- 33,00 GB groß

Release: 11.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Changed how client and server executes player and NPC actions to avoid servers becoming unresponsive.

Specifically it should significantly cut down on instances where interacting with the environment (harvesting and combat) did not work as intended.

- Additional crash fixes

- 3,83 GB groß

Release: 18.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Added additional console-specific performance improvements based on community feedback. The game should run more smoothly now.

- 3,83 GB groß

Beta Version: Fable Fortune

Release: 09.08.2017


- 1,77 GB groß

Release: 08.08.2017


- 575,16 MB groß

Release: 13.08.2017


- 1,34 GB groß

Release: 11.10.2017


- 1,79 GB groß

Release: 26.10.2017


- 1,57 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2017


- 3,67 GB groß

Release: 19.12.2017


- 488,46 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 4,59 GB groß

Release: 22.02.2018


- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 15.03.2018


- 15,73 MB groß

Release: 20.03.2018


- 1,71 GB groß

Release: 27.04.2018


- 1,16 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2018


- 3,10 GB groß

Release: 04.03.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Server wurden abgeschaltet

Beta Version: Subnautica

Release: 11.07.2016

- 5,6 GB groß

Release: 23.08.2016

- 5,08 groß

Release: 07.10.2016

- 4,44 GB groß

Release: 07.10.2016

- 3,28 GB groß

Release: 04.01.2017

- 4,65 GB groß

Release: 24.02.2017

- 5,63 GB groß

Release: 08.03.2017

- 5,92 GB groß

Release: 29.03.2017

- 3,74 GB groß

Release: 12.04.2017

- 191,48 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2017

- 6,52 GB groß

Release: 14.11.2017

- 6,02 GB groß

Release: 23.12.2017

- 6,44 GB groß

Release: 24.01.2018 (Version 1.0)

Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 6,52 GB groß

Release: 15.03.2018 (Version 1.1)

Quelle: gamepro.de

- Performance wird gesteigert

- Probleme mit der Sta wird gelösst

- 3,18 GB groß

Release: 04.12.2018 (Version 1.?)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Xbox One X Support

- 6,80 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2018 (Version 1.?)


- 2,16 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2018 (Version 1.?)


- 6,32 GB groß

Release: 23.01.2019 (Version 1.?)


- 2,24 GB groß

Release: 20.02.2019 (Version 1.?)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed a bug causing the controller to become unresponsive

- Removed a false-wall in the Aurora locker room that could interfere with progress

- Seamoth docking is now more reliable

- Optimizations to address memory related crashes in the end-game

- 4,25 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2019 (Version 1.?)


- 4,04 GB groß

Release: 19.04.2019 (Version 1.?)


- 1,88 GB groß

Release: 08.05.2019 (Version


- 6,48 GB groß

Release: 14.07.2021 (Version 1.2.2174.0)


- Xbox Series X|S Support:

Release: 27.07.2021 (Version One 1.1.2480.0 | Series 1.2.2489.0)


- 229,14 MB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 1,05 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2022 (Version One 1.1.2480.0 | Series 1.21.5577.1)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

über 800 Fehler behoben

All Platforms

- Improved font rendering to increase UI readability and visual quality

- Adds accessibility features: UI scaling, PDA pause, option to disable light flashes

- Item bars

- Adds pinned recipes

- Adds run mode

- Improved Air Bladder functionality

- Adds the Large Room and Glass Dome base pieces from Subnautica: Below Zero

- Adds Land Hatches from Subnautica: Below Zero

- Pings are now visible when piloting the Cyclops

- Save system improvements

- Improved performance

- Improved subtitles sync

- Loading screen improvements

- Intro skipping improvements

- Various performance optimizations

- Improved control mapping, for things like transferring items between inventory and storage

- Fixed some creatures not spawning properly

- Fixes for some VFX issues

- Fixed multiple terrain streaming issues (vehicles/items falling through)

- Fixed multiple issues related to base-building, vehicles

- Fixes for many possible photosensitive issues

…And many more various bug fixes!

- Speicherverbrauch von 8,3 GB auf 7,0 GB reduziert (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- Speicherverbrauch von 8,5 GB auf 7,4 GB reduziert

- 5,16 GB groß (nur für Xbox Series X|S)

- 5,42 GB groß

Beta Version: The Culling

Release: 30.06.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Changes and Fixes

- Made input queuing behave more consistently across various situations, especially when changing weapons

- Improved layout of Weapon Skins page

- Man Tracker no longer displays an arrow if the nearest opponent is beyond 99 meters

- Fixed a bug where automatic region selection would not always work properly

- Fixed a bug where loot award rarity randomness was not as random as it should be

- Player no longer breaks out of crouch to sprint automatically when pushing thumbstick to full extent, making it easier to crouch through traps

- Added “Jump Start” Perk – starts players with a random Tier 1 melee weapon

- Reduced Stamina cost for sprinting

- Increased duration of stun when struck in the back by a thrown weapon

- Revised aim assist settings

Increased area where aim sensitivity assist applies

Decreased area where rotational assist applies for ranged weapons

Reduced maximum target lock-on duration

- Added Iron Sight sensitivity setting for aiming mode with ranged weapons

- Fixed a bug that could cause game audio to become distorted

- Added a detailed map of the Prison to the booth

- Fixed a bug that prevented toilets from periodically spawning items

- Fixed a bug where purchase prices for cosmetics sometimes failed to display

- Fixed a bug that allowed a gun reload to be initiated again before a previous reload action was complete,

resulting in the reload sound playing multiple instances

- Fixed a bug that could cause the teammate highlight to fail to appear in some cases

- Fixed a bug where scoreboard would display incorrect player match rank

- Fixed a bug where bows would sometimes fail to fire a projectile

- Fixed a bug where terrain would sometimes fail to draw when loading basic tutorial

- Fixed a bug where players could become stuck in trees

- Changed settings to allow players to introduce more diagonal movement

with the controller without incurring a movement speed penalty

- Fixed a bug where player names would sometimes fail to display correctly in a match (or on the scoreboard)

- Fixed a bug where player cosmetics would sometimes fail to appear properly in a match

- Revised all controller schemes to drop/swap inventory items by holding the X button

(based on situational context), requires less time holding the button to drop/swap

- Fixed bug where players were sometimes unable to activate a Man Tracker

- Fixed bug where Match Summary and customizations menus could freeze

if players pressed down on d-pad using controller under certain conditions

- Fixed bug where snare placement visuals were incorrect

- Game now properly saves Xbox configuration settings (i.e. controller settings) between sessions

- Fixed bug where Victory Celebration animation could fail to display properly based on player state at end of match

- Fixed bug where players that were slow to load into the match could result in certain gameplay elements failing to initialize properly

- Coop is now defaulted to off in Quickplay filter. Players who wish to queue for teams matches

should either team with a partner or remove the filter.

- Fixed a bug that could force players to replay the basic tutorial under some conditions

- Game now re-establishes a connection to game servers more reliably

- Fixed a bug that could allow brief flashes of nudity *GASP* on female character model

- Fixed a bug that caused aim assist and rotational assist to target teammates

- Better handling of sign-in changes for Xbox profiles

- Better behavior for sending and accepting Xbox teammate invites in various situations

- Fix for potential crash when accepting a teammate invite

- Fix for Chokening console sometimes failing to activate

- 4,3 GB groß

Release: 11.07.2017


- 4,29 GB groß

Release: 28.07.2017


- 4,48 GB groß

Release: 06.10.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Aus Spielvorschau wird die Vollversion

- Im Update enthalten sind kosmetische Verbesserungen

- Unterstützung für Xbox Sprachchat

- sowie zahlreiche Bugfixes

- Zudem, noch 8 goldene Waffen: Bleeding Blade, Triflector, Nutcracker, Axetinguisher,

Vampire Bat, Doppledagger, Infinity Pole, VomiHawk

- 4,86 GB groß

Release: 25.10.2018 (Version


- 5,68 GB groß

Release: 14.05.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Aus dem Free-to-Play-Titel wird ein Pay-To-Play-Titel

Das Spiel kann nun für 5,99€ gekauft werden

- Alle Spieler fangen wieder bei Level 1 an

- ACHTUNG: Pro Tag ein kostenloses Spiel, danach kann man Spiel-Tokens erwerben

0,99€ für 3 Token, 4,99€ für 20 Tokens oder

 unbegrenztes Spielen für 7 Tage zum Preis von 1,99€, unbegrenztes Spielen für 30 Tage zum Preis 5,99€

- 5,47 GB groß

Release: 08.07.2020 (Version


- 5,49 GB groß

Beta Version: Rivals of Aether

Release: 14.10.2016

- 364,02 MB groß

Release: 20.01.2017

- 345,94 MB groß

Release: 24.12.2016

- 248,19 MB groß

Release: 24.02.2017

- 279,41 MB groß

Release: 23.08.2017

Aus der Beta raus und nun eine Vollversion

- 357,39 MB groß

Release: 20.02.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neue DLCs wurden ins Spiel eingebaut

Summit Skin Pack für 4,99€

Champion Skin Pack für 4,99€

Char Pack: Ranno, der Giftige Pazifist & Clairen, die Erlösung der Flamme für 4,99€

- 417,34 MB groß

Release: 05.10.2017 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Cross Play zwischen Xbox One und Windows 10 PC Spielern möglich

Release: 17.11.2017


- 1,33 GB groß

Release: 10.10.2018


- 451,15 MB groß

Beta Version: The Long Dark

Release: 16.08.2015 (v. 258)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed bug with long survival times not increasing in very rare cases.

- Fixed issue with button collision being offset at certain resolutions.

- Fixed bug with Invert-Y not changing when modified in Options.

- Reduced brightness of snow at night.

- Fixed issue with falling out of world when loading save after falling through ice.

 - Fixed problem with containers not restoring to correct location if previously stuck to ground.

- Fixed issue with confirmation dialog input being processed by UI underneath the dialog.

- Fixed bug with wolves sometimes making unprovoked attacks on players in Pilgrim Mode.

- Fixed issue with blood hit effects not playing on wolves.

- Increased wolf detection range for footstep audio when feeding.

- Fixed interior reset issue when spawning inside an interior

- 1,846 GB groß

Release: 01.10.2015


- 2,2 GB groß

Release: 04.11.2015

- 1,879 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2015

- 2,0 GB groß

Release: 24.12.2015

- 1,294 GB groß

Release: 16.01.2016

- 1,294 GB groß

Release: 09.02.2016

- 1,326 GB groß

Release: 19.02.2016

- 1,207 GB groß

Release: 22.04.2016

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 2,5 GB groß

Release: 28.04.2016

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

 - 1,624 GB groß

Release: 10.05.2016

 - 1,700 GB groß

Release: 29.06.2016

 - 2,5 GB groß

Release: 07.07.2016 (v349)

- Mehr Sprachen werden unterstützt

- 1,860 GB groß

Release: 12.07.2016 (v350)

- Bus in the Survivor and Experience Mode are now fixes

- 1,738 GB groß

Release: 30.09.2016

- 2,7 GB groß

Release: 25.11.2016

- 2,61 GB groß

Release: 10.01.2017

2,44 GB groß

Release: 18.01.2017

2,45 GB groß

Release: 25.01.2017

97,50 MB groß

Release: 25.01.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 3,84 GB groß

Release: 17.06.2017


- 1,90 GB groß

Release: 01.08.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Aus der Beta wird eine Vollversion

- 6,98 GB groß

Release: 11.08.2017


- 3,54 GB groß

Release: 22.08.2017


- 3,68 GB groß

Release: 25.08.2017


- 2,18 GB groß

Release: 06.08.2017

Quelle: playm.de

- Zusätzliche Checkpoints in den ersten beiden Episoden wurden hinzugefügt

- Eine verbesserte Performance konnte erreicht werden

-  Ersetzte einige fehlende Audio-Dateien

- Veränderungen bezüglich des Speichern

- Veränderungen bezüglich desWiederherstellens

- Verbeserungen der Spawning-Fehlern

- Verbesserung der Speicheroptimierung

- fehlender Untertitel wurden hinzugefügt

 - Fehler eines schwebenden Lagerfeuers wurde beseitigt

-  3,98 GB groß

Release: 28.09.2017


- 2,93 GB groß

Release: 15.12.2017


- 4,39 GB groß

Release: 20.12.2017


- 1,51 GB groß

Release: 10.04.2018


- 5,34 GB groß

Release: 20.04.2018


- 953,24 MB groß

Release: 15.06.2018


- 6,44 GB groß

Release: 27.06.2018


- 5,64 GB groß

Release: 27.08.2018


- 5,01 GB groß

Release: 31.08.2018


- 2,52 GB groß

Release: 29.10.2018


- 3,71 GB groß

Release: 02.11.2018


- 1,28 GB groß

Release: 22.11.2018


- 3,07 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Wintermute Redux Update überarbeitet Episoden 1 und 2


- General performance improvements across the game

- Widespread audio optimizations

- Upgraded to a new version of Unity, enabling widespread improvements across the game


- [Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance

- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck in

- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could get outside of the intended play area

- [Enviro] Fixed numerous clipping and floating objects

- [Enviro] Performed various optimizations to avoid texture popping

- [Enviro] Improved alignment on some power lines

- [Enviro] Updated many snow banks, rocks, and fauna

- [Enviro] Numerous environment improvements

- [Enviro] Improved Aurora visuals; reduced the visible banding effect

-  [Enviro] Improved blood decal lifetime

- [Enviro] Improved waterfall splash effects appearance when dark

- [Enviro] Improved light flicker visuals during an Aurora event

- [Enviro] Update to many items to prevent floating after an object is broken down

- [Enviro] Improved decal sorting

- [Enviro] Improved grass reflections lighting for time of day

- [Enviro] Fixed many instances of grass clipping through trees and railway tracks

- [Broken Railroad] Fixed invisible rocks near Rope Climb

 - [Broken Railroad] Fixed overlapping pipes and debris near the Maintenance Yard

- [Carter Dam] Fixed box clipping into wall

- [Mystery Lake] Fixed corpses spawning sunken into the ground

- [Coastal Highway] Fixed stretched snow textures around some cabins

- [Mystery Lake] Fixed visual artifacts in river terrain

- [Mountain Town] Fixed flickering textures on mountain near Milton

- [Mountain Town] Fixed missing texture on rocks near transition to Mystery Lake

- [Mountain Town] Fixed missing collison on the barn at Paradise Meadow Farms

- [Mountain Town] Fixed flickering textures on the cars outside of Milton

- [Mountain Town] Fixed player being able to clip through parts of the silo


- Improved the visibility of HUD button prompt when using a controller

- Improved Main Menu appearing off-center in 21:9

- Fixed back button taking player to wrong screen when viewing a Note at the end of a Survival Game

- Fixed Reticle appearing over non-interactable cabinets

- Fixed alignment of UI when reading a note

- Fixed Online Messaging only showing only the latest announcement, instead of all new announcements

- Fixed Back button option being highlighted by mistake in certain scenarios

- Fixed player being unable to back out of Save/Load menu if it was empty


- Improved map markers to allow merging of critical information when multiple icons are at the same location

- Fixed frightened Wolves becoming aggressive after game is saved and loaded

- Fixed conditions that caused players to start Episode Two holding a lantern

- Fixed pelts not curing if partially cured when completing Episode One

- Added option to easily start Episode Two if the player quit after completing Episode One

- Fixed issue that caused audio to cut out when entering certain cars in Milton

- Fixed multiple sound effects playing when climbing rope breaks

- Fixed Neighbours Note clipping into ground

- Fixed deer carcass disappearing when loading an autosave

- Fixed Wolves not always fleeing from flares

- Fixed Wolves being able to attack players while in Dialogue Mode

- Fixed weather not restoring correctly when loading a game

- Improved accuracy of the Episode Completion stat

- Fixed issue that caused players to be pushed into another room when opening the vault door in the Bank

- Numerous wildlife pathfinding updates


 - Fixed player being able to use weapons while afflicted with a sprained wrist by saving then reloading the game

- Fixed issue with mapping in Mountain Town on some legacy save files

- All bedrolls now use the same skill when repairing

- Prevented deer from fleeing to inaccessible areas in the Ravine transition

- ixed items becoming lost under the Farmhouse in Pleasant Valley after a struggle

- Fixed animal sound effects playing when leaving Trapper’s Cabin

- Fixed issue where a cairn found in Coastal Highway could be found twice

- Fixed issue that could cause Rifles placed on racks to fall off when player exits the building

- Fixed Bear spawning in terrain in Mystery Lake


- [All] General gameplay tuning across a variety of systems.

- [All] Improved aiming mechanics for thrown Stones, to make Rabbit Hunting a bit easier.

- [All] Retuned Wolf flee behaviour to react to being hit by a thrown Stone (probability is subject to Experience Mode).

- [All] Bear breath effect optimization

- [All] Male survivor can no longer be heard breathing when Survivor Voiceover is turned Off

- [All] Fixed players arms becoming stuck if entering a wolf struggle while holding a Flashlight

- [All] Decreased campfires placement size to avoid players trapping themselves

- [All] Fixed condition that could result in the the player becoming stuck when picking up a stunned Rabbit

- [All] Fixed exploit that allowed Encumbered players to travel uphills at regular speed by crouching and standing repeatedly

- [All] Fixed Cooking Pots sinking into cooking surfaces

- [All] Improved how items snap onto cooking surfaces

- [All] Fixed last Cartridge in a stack dropping as a box

- [All] Fixed Bows and Rifles floating above placed location

- [All] Fixed placed Campfires sinking slightly after player leaves area

- [All] Fixed “You are not thirsty” message appearing incorrectly when trying to drink soda or tea

- [All] Fixed player becoming stuck in animation if attacked by a wolf while reloading the Rifle

- [All] Fixed Distress Pistol becoming stuck in hand if the reload button was pressed rapidly

- [All] Fixed instances where subtitles could play when turned off

- [All] Fixed issue where the fade to black after wolf struggle hid the get up animation

- [All] Fixed unplugging the controller during movie a not pausing playback

- [All] Fixed Ropes becoming inaccessible if player saves and reloads while on a ledge

- [All] Adjusted Flashlight lighting effect

- [All] Player can no longer enter a door when a Struggle has been initiated

- [All] Improved wildlife pathfinding in Milton

- [All] Fixed issue that caused Aurora to not appear correctly when using OpenGL

- [All] Improved wildlife pathfinding in Paradise Meadows Farm

- [All] Fixed player being able to throw a Flare while opening a car trunk

- [All] Fixed flickering sky that could occur during wind storm

- [All] Fixed not being able to place a Campfire on concrete

- [All] Fixed unlocked lockers in Trapper’s Cabin requiring a pry bar to open


- [Custom Settings] Updated several description strings to reflect specific settings more accurately.

- [Custom Settings] Fixed „Struggle player strength bonus“ option not working correctly

- [Custom Settings] Fixed „Struggle damage received modifier“ option not working correctly

- [Custom Settings] Fixed “Stick, Branch, and Stone spawn frequency” always being set to high

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Hidden Caches in River Valley not appearing as empty in Custom Mode

- [Custom Settings] Fixed animals fleeing when Custom Mode set to Interloper mode

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Blizzard Frequency not working correctly

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Wildlife Respawn Frequency not working correctly

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Wolf Spawn Chance settings not matching intended preset

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Cabin Fever and Parasites being On when using the Pilgrim preset

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Medical Treatment voice over playing when Survivor Monologue was disabled

- [Custom Settings] Fixed Custom Experience options being unavailable until user scrolls to the bottom of the menu

- [Custom Settings] Fixed „Interrupt If Freezing Starts While Sleeping“ option not taking effect


- [PS4] Fixed missing Bear breath

- [PS4] Improved stability when transitioning scenes

- [PS4] Optimized Aurora performance

- [PS4] Improved lighting performance

- [PS4] Fixed cursor not resetting to correct position

- [PS4] Improved visual effects on Flares when thrown


- [Xbox] Fixed grass rotating to face the camera

- [Xbox] Improved performance when in the Whaling Station

- [Xbox] Improved performance during strong wind conditions

- [Xbox] Improved performance on breath effects

- 8,34 GB groß

Release: 21.12.2018


- 1,82 GB groß

Release: 11.01.2019


- 4,76 GB groß

Release: 18.01.2019


- 4,11 GB groß

Release: 27.02.2019


- 4,22 GB groß

Release: 27.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- New! Revolver: A close-quarters defensive tool against hostile wildlife.

- New! Birch Bark Tea: A slow-gain condition restoration item brewed from a renewable natural resource.

- New! Energy Drink: Quick-shot Stamina and Fatigue boost, useful for getting yourself out of a variety of bad situations.

- New! Improvised Cloth Wraps: Stave off Frostbite on your Head and Hands with these basic wraps.

- Overhaul! Rifle & Shooting Gameplay: Completely overhauled shooting and aiming mechanics for the Rifle and other ranged tools.

- Overhaul! Sprain System: Improved Sprain gameplay dynamics and first aid solutions.

- 7,35 GB groß

Release: 10.05.2019


- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2019


- 2,76 GB groß

Release: 03.06.2019


- 1,45 GB groß

Release: 17.07.2019


- 922,11 MB groß

Release: 22.10.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox One X Support: dynamische 4K Auflösung

- High Dynamic Range 10 für Xbox One S und Xbox One X

- 9,24 GB groß

Release: 27.10.2019


- 8,46 GB groß

Release: 31.10.2019


- 4,72 GB groß

Release: 11.12.2019


- 8,91 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2019


- 4,38 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2019


- 549,91 MB groß

Release: 17.12.2019


- 1,08 GB groß

Release: 19.12.2019


- 4,22 GB groß

Release: 20.01.2020


- 5,10 GB groß

Release: 23.01.2020


- 422,30 MB groß

Release: 30.01.2020


- 481,16 MB groß

Release: 07.02.2020


- 500,98 MB groß

Release: 20.05.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed stuttering when looking towards Wolves, while in Milton.

- Fixed null exception that would occur when lighting the Pot Belly Stove.

- Bear sound effects no longer play when a carcass is removed from the world.

- Updated Steam Controller profile.

- Fixed an issue that prevented Players from being able to save or load their game if the save contained invalid data.


- Numerous optimizations to improve performance.

- Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck in.

- Fixed numerous areas the player could get outside of the intended play area.

- Fixed numerous clipping and floating objects.

- Performed various optimizations to avoid texture popping.

- Added casting shadows to numerous trees.

- Improvements to item placement system to reduce frequency of out of reach items.

- Fixed many minor art bugs to improve general polish in Bleak Inlet region.

- Environment art polish to improve sight-lines between major visual landmarks in Bleak Inlet.

- Removed extra window outlines that could appear on Trailers.

- Fixed several instances of trees placed incorrectly in Coastal Highway.

- Fixed several instances of collision being incorrect on porches in the Milton townsite.


- Fixed an issue that caused icons on the Map to no longer populate, after mapping or discovering a large number of locations.

- Updated alignment on help text to make it consistent.

- Added missing Map icons found in the Town of Milton.

- Added missing Map icon hover text, when viewing the Derailment in the Ravine Crummy.

- Fixed missing UI elements when viewing notes, while the HUD is disabled.

- Fixed an incorrect tooltip found in Options->Display menu.

- Cooking UI now displays updated weight of items, instead of always showing the base weight.

- Added Audio options for selecting Headphones or Speakers.

- Fixed incorrectly named transitions areas on the Bleak Inlet Map.

- Updated labels on transition zones to be more consistent.

- When Crafting Tinder Plugs, the craft value will no longer appear as Rounds.

- Updated scroll bars to work consistently across all menus.

- Removed an extraneous line in the Skills menu.

[Loc] Fixed multiple instances of overlapping Russian text.


[All Modes] Added Lost and Found boxes to all remaining scenes.

- Players will no longer lose Stamina if they are holding shift, while lighting or extinguishing a Lantern.

- Replaced the non-interactable stack of papers found on the Workbench, with an interactable version.

- The Cooking Pot now provides the correct bonus when cooking meat.

- Breaking down items will no longer cause nearby gear items to drop through the ground.

- Updated the water in the Mine Tunnels to deal less cold damage.

- Fixed bug where Revolver Bullet weight changed when added to your inventory.

- Improved moving items to the Lost and Found box, if they have fallen outside of the world.


- [WINTERMUTE] Completing an Episode 1 or Episode 2 Side Missions now displays a completion message.

- [EPISODE THREE] Fixed an issue in the Mine exiting Pleasant Valley, where players would be repositioned after reloading a saved game.

- [EPISODE THREE] Added missing foley to the second part of the Mine Tremor cinematic.

- [EPISODE THREE] IDs are now removed from the Players inventory when completing the Fallen Star mission in Episode Three .

- [EPISODE THREE] Removed access to Timberwolf Mountain from Pleasant Valley.

- [EPISODE THREE] Fixed the spawn condition of the Revolver found in Molly’s basement.


- Fixed incorrect spawn rate for the Prepper Cache found in Pleasant Valley.

- All cabins now display smoke coming out of their chimney, when a fire is lit inside.

- When sleeping, the save file screenshot will now occur after the player transitions from sleep, instead of during the transition.

- Players can now place a Rifle on the gun rack found in the Hunting Lodge.

- Cancelling while drinking Coffee will now award the appropriate amount of progress to the “Straight to the Heart” Feat.

- Pre-Spawned campfires will no longer respawn, when loading a save where they were previously broken down.

- [Saves] Implemented a check to force the Aurora to be enabled on Survival Mode save files created prior to the Aurora being enabled.

- 7,04 GB groß

Release: 26.05.2020


- 3,46 GB groß

Release: 04.06.2020


- 2,71 GB groß

Release: 29.06.2020


- 4,13 GB groß

Release: 01.07.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Sommer Event ist gestartet und wird bis zum 31. Juli 2020 stattfinden

während des Events die durchschnittliche Welttemperatur sowie die Innentemperatur um 10 Grad gesenkt.

Spieler müssen sich auch häufiger auf länger andauernde Blizzards einstellen.

- Zum Kanada Tag am 1 Juli 2020 werden 2 neue Lebensmittel hinzugefügt: Ahornsirup und Ketchup Chips

Neue Herausforderungen

- Kanadisches Fest: Findet und konsumiert 25 Flaschen Ahornsirup und 25 Tüten Ketchup-Chips über mehrere Speicherplätze hinweg, während Winter’s Embrace aktiv ist.

- Winter im Juli: Überlebt 25 aufeinanderfolgende Tage mit einer einzigen Rettung durch Winter’s Embrace, während das Ereignis aktiv ist.

- 422,41 MB groß

Release: 08.07.2020


- 569,44 MB groß

Release: 31.07.2020


- 2,51 GB groß

Release: 30.10.2020

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Halloween Event ist gestartet und ist vom 30.10.2020 bis zum 12.11.2020 verfügbar

- 8,44 GB groß

Release: 04.11.2020


- 2,41 GB groß

Release: 24.11.2020


- 2,41 GB groß

Release: 07.12.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- New Region: Ash Canyon

- New Challenge Mode: Darkwalker

- New UI: Region Selection Menu

- New Gear Items: Crampons and the Technical Backup


- Fixed an issue that caused the game to hang when loading, while a third party overlay (IE Steam, Nvidia overlays) was active.

- Fixed a potential hang that could occur when launching the game.

- Post Unity 2019 upgrade optimization.

- [Audio] Fixed an issue that prevented wildlife audio from playing.


- [Enviro] Fixed various floating or clipping objects found throughout the world.

- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas Players could become stuck on terrain.

- [Enviro] Fixed misaligned texture on the Park Sign found in Milton.

- [Lighting] Optimized indoor light volumes to help remove seams in dark areas.


[Map] Improved how icons are sorted when in close proximity on the Map.

[Map] Added missing icon for the Mystery Lake, Carter Hydro Dam exit.

[UI] New Region Selection Menu.

[UI] Tuned the Crafting menu to approve the general quality of life.

[UI] Update the States Menu to be more visually clear.

[UI] Added more Loading Icons on the Load Screens.

[UI] Localization pass and bug fixes.

[UI] Improved the Russian description for the Hunted Part 2 badge.

[UI] Fixed Gear items not appearing correctly when viewed Inspection mode, while the HUD is disabled.


[General] Fixed an issue that could cause the Spray Glyph option to appear in Survival Mode games.


[EP3] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to lock-up, when answering a phone call.


[Darkwalker] Fixed the incorrect death message appearing when killed by natural causes.

[Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that caused the Spray Paint cap to appear at an incorrect offset, when spraying a Glyph.

[Darkwalker] Improved how the Darkwalker tracks the Player after transitioning to a new Region.

[Darkwalker] Added ropes to some climbing points in Broken Railroad and Pleasant Valley.

[Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that caused some localized Tool Tip text to be cut off.

[Darkwalker] Added missing subtitles.

[Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that prevented the audio stringer to play correctly, when the Darkwalker appears while inside an interior.

[Darkwalker] Ward fires now go out once the ward has expired.

[Darkwalker] Wards placed on the outside of an exterior now expire correctly, while inside.

[Darkwalker] Interiors now prevent players from placing a ward fire while one is already active.

[Darkwalker] No longer able to remove a banish glyph, once placed

[Darkwalker] Fixed an error that would cause a dialog to appear in-game, if the player left, then returned to a region with an active ward fire.

[Hunted Pt 2] Fixed an issue that would cause the Old Bear to disappear, if the player transitioned at a very specific point in the Old Bear’s animation.


[Enviro] Fixed an issue that caused some waterfalls to appear black.

- 8,59 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2020 (Version


- 8,53 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2020 (Version


- 2,58 GB groß

Release: 19.01.2021 (Version


- 2,82 GB groß

Release: 30.04.2021 (Version


- 2,61 GB groß

Release: 07.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Episode 4 „Fury, Then Silence“ wurde hinzugefügt

- 11,72 GB groß

Release: 28.10.2021 (Version


- 9,26 GB groß

Release: 07.12.2021 (Version


- 11,54 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2021 (Version


- 426,39 MB groß

Release: 07.04.2022 (Version


- 7,58 GB groß

Release: 29.08.2022 (Version


- 3,70 GB groß

Release: 09.09.2022 (Version


- 581,04 MB groß

Release: 02.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Drei neue Regionen, verbunden durch die langen Reisezonen und die Knotenpunktregion. Die erste dieser Regionen, „Verlassener Flugplatz“, und die Reisezonen werden mit dem Erweiterungspass eingeführt.

- Die beiden anderen Regionen werden im Laufe der 12-monatigen Kampagne freigeschaltet.

- Drei Geschichten, erzählerische Herausforderungen, die innerhalb des Überlebensspiels stattfinden und Einblicke in die geheimnisvolle Geschichte des Fernen Territoriums gewähren.

- Neue Gameplay-Systeme, darunter: Transponder, Travois, Safehouse-Anpassung, Händler, komplexe Kochrezepte und neue Item-Varianten.

-  Über 20 Minuten neue Survival-Musik (über 10 Minuten im ersten Drop enthalten).

- 430,92 MB groß

Release: 30.03.2023 (Version

Quelle: thelongdark.com | xboxdynasty.de | 60 FPS=xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox Series X Support: 4K mit bis zu 60 FPS (Beweis Video unten ab 4:00 Minuten



- Added a unique Icon for Cured/Dried Guts.

- Updated the Insomnia affliction tooltip to reflect proper duration.

- Fixed an issue where Accessibility Options and Keyboard Bindings would reset after updating the game to a new version.

- Fixed an instance of debug text that would appear on the Map screen, after finding a Visor Note.

- Fixed an issue that prevented players from setting a custom Display Number in the “Settings Menu”, locking the game to the Primary Monitor.

- Added the correct “Sawing” text that displays when using the Hacksaw.

- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong audio to play when pressing the 'X' button on a Controller in the Crafting Menu.

- Fixed an issue that caused the "Back to Home" button to disappear when using a controller.

- Reviewed and adjusted translated text for TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY as needed.


- Fixed an issue where wind sound effects would not play correctly when loading from a Save file.

- Fixed an issue where wind was not being occluded while indoors, making it sound like the player was still outside.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong footstep sounds to play when walking on carpets.


- Fixed terrian that could not be crossed near the Brittle Cave in the Forsaken Airfield.

- Fixed floating items found inside Mystery Lake Trailers near the Carter Hydro Dam.

- Fixed graphical texture issues found throughout Forsaken Airfield.

- Fixed an invisible corpse found in the Carter Hydro Dam.

- Fixed loot placement in one of the caves in Broken Railroad.

- Fixed various floating objects found in the Forsaken Airfield.

- Fixed visible texture seams found on some of the distant mountains in Broken Railroad.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the Security Hut to become invisible at certain distances.

- Fixed a light source in the Farm House in Pleasant Valley.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Water Tower to pop-in unexpectedly in Mountain Town at certain distances.

- Removed numerous locations where the player could become trapped in the environment throughout Forsaken Airfield.

- Fixed low resolution textures found on the Safe in the Hydro Dam.


- Updated Memento Cache Interloper Spawn Table, and fixed an issue with some Keys spawning for disabled Memento Caches.

Please note that players might not see the fix in an existing save if they have already visited that location.

- Fixed an issue that caused Cat Tails to have the incorrect weight, after being partially eaten.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the player to teleport to a pre-placed Snow Shelter, if they saved and reloaded, while in a different Snow Shelter.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from breaking down the Scrub Brush found in the Broken Railroad region.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the player to shift vertically, if they saved the game while crouching.

- Fixed an issue where spray-painted Markers would not appear correctly when applied to some trees.

- Fixed an issue that caused cured Pelts to float above the ground.

- Updated the Deer Pelt icon to better match the in-game item.

- Speicherverbrauch von 12,8 GB auf 16,2 GB erhöht

- 15,97 GB groß

Release: 31.03.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 16,2 GB auf 16,0 GB reduziert

- 4,22 GB groß

Release: 06.04.2023 (Version


- 2,94 GB groß

Release: 15.04.2023 (Version


- 2,97 GB groß

Release: 28.04.2023 (Version


- 3,54 GB groß

Release: 21.06.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Das neue Frontier-Kochsystem, das mit Hilfe von Rezepten und neuen Zutaten eine Reihe von gemütlichen Überlebensmitteln herstellt

- Das Schneehuhn, das Fleisch für den Lebensunterhalt oder Daunen zum Herstellen einer improvisierten Bettrolle und einer improvisierten Isolierung liefert

- Ein robuster neuer Sportbogen

- Eine Taschenlampe für Bergleute mit einer effizienteren Batterie

- Drei neue Revolver-Varianten (Jäger, Förster und Aufseher) mit einer Reihe von Vorteilen, die euch das Überleben in den wilden Weiten des fernen Territoriums erleichtern

- Speicherverbrauch von 16,0 GB auf 14,4 GB reduziert

- 5,95 GB groß

Release: 30.06.2023 (Version


- 2,05 GB groß

Release: 25.07.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Benutzeroberfläche: Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass sich der Text im TALES-Menü überlappte.

- Audio: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den die Stimme eines Überlebenden unbeabsichtigt zwischen den Sprachoptionen wechselte.

- Audio: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Schrittgeräusche nicht mehr abgespielt wurden, nachdem ein Spieler auf eine Ranke geklettert war.

- Benutzeroberfläche: Es wurde ein Problem mit der Logik behoben, mit der die Bettrolle im Radial-Menü angezeigt wurde.

Die Bärenfell-Bettrolle und die verbesserte Daunenbettrolle werden jetzt im Radial-Menü angezeigt, vorausgesetzt, sie sind die wärmste verfügbare Bettrolle-Option.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den ein beleuchtetes Streichholz nach dem Passieren eines Wasserfalls leuchtete.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Erinnerungsstücke verschwanden, wenn sie in einem Autovisier spawnten und der Spieler die Umgebung neu lud

(entweder durch Laden einer Speicherdatei oder durch Wechseln in einen anderen Bereich).

Wenn die Notiz in eurem aktuellen Spielstand bereits verloren gegangen ist, müsst ihr möglicherweise erneut laden oder die Region einmal verlassen und zurückkehren.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den das Gewicht einiger Gerichte nicht übereinstimmen konnte, je nachdem, wo man sie ansah (z. B. Rucksack vs. Rezepte).

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Hagebuttenkuchen Durst beeinflussten.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler beim Stapeln der Brühe behoben, der auf eine fehlerhafte Berechnung aufgrund einer erhöhten Kochfertigkeit zurückzuführen war.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den das Schneehuhn stecken blieb, wenn es mitten im Flug getötet wurde.

- Spielablauf: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Gegenstände in der Nähe von Gebieten, die an den offenen Ozean grenzten (einschließlich düstere Bucht, Verwüstungspunkt usw.), seltener als vorgesehen auftauchten.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein seltenes Problem behoben, durch das neue Kochgegenstände und Rezeptkarten nicht spawnten.

- Gameplay: Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den das Schneehuhn in benutzerdefinierten Spielmodi nicht spawnte.


 - Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Spieler keinen Text in den Tabs „Tägliches Protokoll“ oder „Allgemeine Notizen“ des Tagebuchs eingeben konnten.

- 2,40 GB groß

Release: 26.09.2023 (Version

Quelle: notes=hinterlandforums.com

- Fixed an issue where inaccurate time values were shown in the player Journal during the Nomad Challenge.

- Fixed an issue where Bear walk-cycle animations could break during an Aurora event.

- Addressed multiple visual issues in which objects could pop-in when approaching them.

- Fixed an issue where an Acorn location could not be interacted with in the Mystery Lake Region.

- Fixed an issue where Wolves would ignore campfires when trying to get to the Survivor.

- Fixed an issue where items left atop televisions could fall inside the object when transitioning to and from an interior.

- Fixed multiple issues where certain items within Vehicles were inaccessible to the player.

- Fixed an animation issue with Stags where they would turn oddly in certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue in which a corpse was mislabelled as "Crow Feather".

- Fixed multiple visual issues within the Control Tower in Forsaken Airfield.

- Fixed a visual issue in which the interior of Snow Shelters could be seen from unintended positions.

- Fixed a lighting issue with the couch in the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse.

- Fixed a lighting issue in the Community Hall which caused three spotlight effects.

- Fixed a rare issue preventing Survivors from interacting with objects after searching a container while holding a lit Match.

- Addressed a visual issue caused by viewing objects through Campfire smoke.

- Addressed a visual issue where shadows in Ash Canyon could pop in and out depending on the player's position.

- Fixed an issue that could cause items dropped in particular Caves to be lit inconsistently.

- Fixed an issue where some structural objects in Blackrock Penitentiary were invisible to the player.

- Added the option to skip the initial Photosensitivity Warning screen upon subsequent launches of the title.

- Fixed an issue where some players using the Epic Game store were unable to progress past the Disclaimer screen.

 (If you continue to encounter this issue, please send a message to our Support portal using the link provided below.)

- Fixed multiple issues in which items on harvested surfaces would remain mid-air instead of dropping to the ground.

- Updated the Emergency Stim to allow for easier placement of the object.

- Fixed multiple issues where interacting with specific objects or terrain while holding an item could result in the game hanging, forcing a restart.

- Fixed an issue that caused Firewood to disappear on approach at the Rail Tunnel entrance of the Mystery Lake Region.

- Fixed an issue where incorrect resources could spawn in Prepper Bunkers when playing on Interloper Experience Mode.

- Fixed an issue where the Draft Dodgers Cabin was incorrectly shown as Fishing Cabin upon entering the cabin and when referenced in the Journal.


- Fixed an issue where the Weapon Hotkey would not cycle through Weapon Variants correctly.

- Fixed an issue in the Hopeless Rescue Challenge where Distress Pistols could be found in unintended locations.

- Fixed an issue where Ruined meat would appear fresh when returning to it after transitioning between Regions, or to and from an interior.

- Fixed an issue where the Repair skill would improve for unintended player actions, making this improvement too easy.

 - Fixed an issue where ice floes in Coastal Highway and Desolation Point would instantly drop the Survivor into the ocean,

 and have been updated to show the Weak Ice notification symbol as intended.

- Fixed a location in which a player could become trapped in Desolation Point near the Hibernia building.

- Fixed an issue with the Bedroll which allowed it to be placed in locations it wouldn't feasibly fit.

- Fixed an issue where the visuals for Weather effects would appear within structures and Caves, as well as locations which might have a reasonable degree of shelter.

- Fixed an issue which prevented the Survivor from revealing the Frozen Delta location trigger in Bleak Inlet when surveying from certain locations.

- Fixed an issue which prevented Recipes requiring water as an ingredient from being crafted.

- Fixed an issue where Custom Survival settings were being applied to the As the Dead Sleep Challenge.

- Fixed an issue where Wolves and Bears would not spawn in the As the Dead Sleep Challenge.

- Fixed an issue where Lockers unintentionally always contained items, regardless of Experience Mode.

- Fixed an issue where damaging a Bear after it had already died would result in the carcass flying upward.

- Fixed an issue in which Bedrolls could be repaired without the use of a Sewing Kit, or Fishing Tackle.

- Fixed an issue where Bearskin Coats only required 1 hide to craft instead of the intended 2.

- Fixed an issue where consecutive uses of the word “search” were used in the Frozen Corpses Journal entry.

- Fixed a location in which items could fall beneath the ground layer in a Forlorn Muskeg Region cave.

- Fixed an issue where non-potable water left on the ground would become potable when the player reloaded their save file.

- Added an option to consume Water directly from the vessel used to boil it.

- Fixed a bug where containers would fail to open on rare occasions.

- Fixed an issue where Wildlife could get stuck when moving through a particular area of the Mountain Town Region.

- Fixed an issue where Sticks, Branches, and Limbs would be removed from a location after the Survivor revisited it.

- Fixed an issue where Pelts and Hides decayed more quickly in an interior compared to outdoors.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes Peaches could not be placed within a certain proximity of a campfire.

- Added functionality to allow players to light torches via the X button (for Playstation) and A button (for Xbox) from fire sources.

- Fixed an issue where the Survivor wouldn’t stow held items when interacting with Transmitters.

- Fixed an issue where cancelling while crafting Gunpowder incorrectly resulted in Gunsmithing Skill advancement.

- Fixed an issue where dead Wildlife could be found in a standing position upon reloading the game.

- Fixed an issue which prevented the Curator's Rifle from spawning.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in consumed items remaining visible in the Survivor’s inventory.

- Fixed an issue with loot tables which could result in certain containers being unintentionally empty, regardless of Experience Mode.


- Adjusted the Ice Fishing UI for easier readability and removed an asset overlap when using a controller.

- Added further detail to Bleak Inlet's in-game map.

- Fixed an issue where the stars in the night sky of the Brightness Settings Menu would not appear.

- Fixed an issue in which Clothing items would appear dark or poorly lit when viewed in the Clothing Menu item carousel.

- Fixed an issue where the Region selection screen would flicker when swapping between Region views in the new Survival Menu.

- Fixed an issue where swapping game resolutions could result in UI elements becoming displaced.

- Fixed an issue where Status and Clothing Menus would exhibit noticeable lag when opened.

- Fixed an issue where the display resolution would not correctly update after changing it multiple times.

- Fixed an issue where the in-game Map would lag and stutter while scrolling if an abundance of map markers had been revealed in the Region.

- Fixed an issue which caused the News panel to open if the X button on Steam Deck was pressed during Feat selection of a new Survival game.

- Fixed an issue that could result in a ruined food item incorrectly remaining at 1% condition.

- Adjusted Spray Paint markers on the map to appear in front of pre-existing symbols for clearer visibility.

- Fixed an issue where Old Man's Beard was incorrectly referred to as "Bandage" instead of "Dressing" in the Crafting Menu.

- Fixed an issue where Security Logs were incorrectly oriented when examining them from the Journal.

- Fixed an issue where collecting multiple items at a time caused an incorrect amount to display on the item Inspection screen.

- Fixed an issue where on-hover text would not properly update an object’s status after interacting with it.

- Fixed an issue which revealed Map markers in unsurveyed areas when a player picked up a Polaroid.

- Fixed an issue where activating a Vista would incorrectly reveal nearby Memento Caches on the Map, regardless if the Survivor had collected the associated Memento.

- Fixed a bug where raw meat could appear mid-air when inspecting a piece of cooked meat on a cooking surface.


- Fixed multiple issues where map gaps and visible seams could be seen.

- Fixed an issue which could cause shadows to appear incorrectly on snow surfaces at particular times of the day.

- Fixed an issue with The Control Tower rendering incorrectly from certain distances.

- Added additional lighting effects to snow based on the sun’s position.


- Fixed an issue causing doubled footstep audio when traversing the staircase in the Long Rail Transition Zone.

- Added audio for failed crafting attempts for items crafted at the Ammunition Workbench.

- Fixed an issue where wolf howls would repeat unintentionally.


- Fixed an issue which could cause a crash on launch for Linux players.

- Fixed a missing button prompt for “more info” on Xbox when a New Mission is added or updated, or when hovering over an objective on the Map.


- Fixed an issue where the "Blood Soaked Note" could fall underground if the bush next to it is harvested before picking it up.

- Fixed an issue which rarely occurred in the Hangar in Episode 1 resulting in players being unable to progress their Mission Journal.

 (Players previously affected by this issue can continue their games by loading a prior save file.)

- Fixed an issue which resulted in players loading into the game after the ending cinematic of Episode 3, preventing them from progressing to Episode 4.

 (Players previously affected by this issue can continue their games by loading a prior save file.)

- Adjusted lighting in the Old Bear Cave of Episode 2.

- Fixed an issue where Jeremiah's Knife and the Scrap Metal Knife could appear as an optional tool for crafting in Survival Mode.

- Fixed an issue which prevented Steam Community translations from being applied in Wintermute.


- Airfield Region: Fixed an issue with the Field 31 memo which allowed it to be moved with the placement feature.

- Fixed an issue where holding a lit Match while interacting with a Transmitter of Bunker Hatch would ruin all Matches in a stack.

- Fixed an issue which caused lighting in Bunkers to be far too bright during Aurora events.

- Fixed an issue which prevented Players from dropping items when the on-hover text for a Transmitter was visible.


- Fixed an issue where Ukrainian and Spanish translations would show Closed-Captioning subtitles when set to Subtitles only.

- Fixed an issue where mission objectives for the Nomad Challenge were incorrectly stated in the Finnish translation.

- Fixed multiple translation errors in Finnish.

- Fixed a translation error with the Turkish word for "smoke".

- Fixed a translation error in the Crafting Menu that resulted in the word "Craft" remaining in English regardless of language settings.

- 4,55 GB groß

Release: 29.09.2023 (Version

Quelle: notes=hinterlandforums.com

- Fixed an issue that caused a crash to occur if a Bow broke while being shot.

- 264,01 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2023 (Version



- Speicherverbrauch von 14,4 GB auf 15,0 GB erhöht

- 5,16 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2023 (Version

Quelle: notes=hinterlandforums.com

Bug Fixes


- Fixed an issue where entering or exiting the Langston Mine in the Zone of Contamination from any entrance could result in a crash on Xbox and Playstation.

- Fixed a rare crash which could occur when interacting with the Security Chief's remains during the completion of the Buried Echoes Tale.


- Fixed an issue where time spent in the Langston Mine portion of the Zone of Contamination was not reflected in the Survivor's Journal > Stats.

- Fixed an issue where the Insulated Flask would never be damaged during Struggles.

- Adjusted Vitamin C content in Fish, so fish of the same species provide more consistent values.

- Fixed an issue where Polaroids in the Zone of Contamination would not reveal their associated Vista location when picked up.

- Fixed an issue where Bears would not spawn in multiple locations where they normally should.

- Fixed an issue where after a Bear Struggle, notifications for new Afflictions would not appear.

- Fixed an issue where the Buried Echoes Badge would not appear on-screen upon completing the Tale.

- Fixed an issue where Broth could not be consumed and displayed no Calorie value..

- Fixed an issue where Broth was no longer needed to Craft Recipes which should require it as an ingredient.

- Fixed an issue where Broth weighed twice as much as intended.

- Fixed an issue where Poisoned Wolf Carcasses could disappear after Harvesting them.

- Fixed an issue where exiting the First-Person Harvest UI for Rabbits or Ptarmigans caused the Carcass to disappear.

- Fixed an issue where some containers could not be searched in the Langston Mine.

- Fixed an issue where the Respirator could lose Condition and and in some cases be found in a Ruined state.

- Fixed an issue where some randomly spawned corpse and container locations would reset or double upon entering and exiting the Concentrator Building in Zone of Contamination.

- Fixed an issue where the camera could temporarily dip underground when interacting with a Timberwolf Carcass.


- Fixed an issue where Travois trails would disappear upon entering and exiting an interior.

- Fixed an issue where Chemical Hazards would change their level of detail too abruptly, making it look like parts of the pool were appearing and disappearing.

- Adjusted the tank rail car to better visually match other rail cars.

- Fixed an issue where a portion of the ceiling in the Langston Mine could appear and disappear based on the Survivor's location.

- Fixed multiple locations in the Langston Mine where the player could force themselves into terrain, resulting in being able to see out of bounds.

- Fixed an issue in the Zone of Contamination where the player could climb out of bounds and become stuck.

- Fixed an issue where pipes could be seen intersecting through the wall in the main entrance to the Concentrator Building.

- Fixed an issue with an exit door inside the Concentrator Building, which resulted in a seam through which the player could see out of bounds.

- Fixed multiple issues with terrain in the Langston Mine which resulted in gaps through which the player could see out of bounds

- Fixed multiple issues where terrain and objects intersected in the main entrance to the Concentrator Building.

- Fixed an issue where collision was missing from a wall in the Concentrator Building, allowing players to fall out of bounds.

- Fixed multiple issues in the Zone of Contamination to Airfield transition cave where missing or misplaced terrain could allow the player to see out of bounds.

- Fixed an issue where a toxic barrel could be found suspended mid-air in the Zone of Contamination.

- Fixed multiple issues in the Langston Mine which could cause the player to become stuck.

- Fixed an issue which caused a Toxic Gas warning sign to appear and disappear based on the Survivor's location.


- Fixed an issue where sometimes when Harvesting a Timberwolf with a Knife, the Knife would be missing from the Survivor’s hand.


- Fixed an issue where the sound effect of turning off a Flashlight was delayed.

- Fixed an issue where Chemical Hazard ambience and audio would trigger at incorrect times.

- Fixed an issue where Canisters provided no audio feedback when picked up, dropped, or moved to and from the inventory.

- Fixed an issue where ambient audio suppression was never disabled after listening to Foreman's Site Report Collectables.

- Fixed an issue where no sound effects would play when automatically reloading a Canister.

- 3,06 GB groß

Release: 24.01.2024 (Version


- 3,75 GB groß

Release: 24.06.2024 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 15,0 GB auf 15,4 GB erhöht

- 6,77 GB groß

Release: 27.06.2024 (Version


- 1,68 GB groß

Release: 03.07.2024 (Version


- 1,24 GB groß

Release: 08.07.2024 (Version


- 2,91 GB groß

Release: 07.08.2024 (Version

Quelle: notes=steam.com



- Added an icon to the "Injuries Sustained" counter in the Daily Log so as to be consistent with the other stats shown.

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to interact with a snow pile from an incorrect position, resulting in unintended camera positions during the animation.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in a snow pile reappearing after having been interacted with previously.

- Fixed an issue which resulted in save files being renamed to the default "Sandbox" value after Cheating Death.

- Fixed an issue that could result in a player briefly falling halfway into the ground layer after interacting with a Snow Pile.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from being able to pick up a flare on a small set of stairs in Sundered Pass.

- Adjusted the Broken Road Vista location to be larger and more forgiving.

- Fixed an issue in the Affliction menu that could cause the duration timer of an Affliction to overlap with other UI elements.

- Fixed an issue where the camera would slowly drift to the left on the main menu indefinitely.

- Fixed an issue that prevented players using only a controller from selecting Sundered Pass as a spawn Region, if only Transfer Pass and Sundered pass had been discovered.

- Fixed an issue where Skill Books could be lost permanently when Cheating Death.

- Fixed an issue where the satellite dish in Sundered Pass had no collision, and could be passed through by the player.

- Fixed an issue where items that spawned in the back of a flatbed truck in Sundered Pass could not be collected.

 - Fixed an issue where both Sundered Pass Polaroids displayed an incorrect image when viewed in the Collections Journal.

 - Adjusted the location of Tale collectibles in the Omega Bunker to better communicate Mission critical items.

- Fixed an issue where after Cheating Death, then quitting and loading, the player could subsequently fall and die in Hushed River Valley.

- Fixed an issue where players with the Settled Mind Feat active would gain skill progress after every scene transition.

- Fixed an issue where Tactical Gloves would glow white when viewed in the inventory after becoming ruined.

- Adjusted item conditions for Tactical Jacket and Gloves in long-running playthroughs for a better chance of not being ruined upon discovery.

- Fixed an issue which resulted in the Near Death state stagger being far too pronounced on higher frame rates.

- Fixed an issue in WINTERMUTE Episode 4 where subtitles were incorrectly timed during the final cutscene.

- Fixed an issue where buff timers would not properly count down during harvesting actions.

- Fixed an issue where entering the buried cabin in Sundered Pass while crouched would result in the player falling through the floor upon entering.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player taking no fall damage if they harvested an inventory item mid-fall.

- Fixed an issue where some items could spawn out of reach in the Sundered Pass Mine.

- Adjusted the location of a Hacksaw spawn in Misery Mode so as not to be too close to one of the Survivor's spawn locations.

- Adjusted the Cheat Death UI to only show the number of uses left after first Cheating Death.

- Fixed an issue in Custom Sandboxes that resulted in no fish being available to catch.

- Fixed an issue where items which should not appear in Misery Mode would spawn into the world invisibly.

- Fixed an issue where the Survivor could spawn into a cabin awning when Cheating Death.

- Fixed an issue that could result in a save error in Sundered Pass.


- Fixed an issue where players could incorrectly get on top of a broken trailer in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed multiple issues where the player could become stuck in terrain in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed multiple environment issues which caused terrain to jut out in unnatural formations.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to see out of bounds at a rock climb in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in a visible, flickering seam in a road section of Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to see out of bounds in the Transfer Pass cave system.

- Fixed multiple issues where terrain and objects intersected in Sundered Pass.

- Adjusted multiple terrain features to better guide players on the route to Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue where a section of road in Sundered Pass was not properly grounded.

- Fixed multiple issues where, depending on the player's position, snow would appear and disappear on top of rocks.

- Adjusted the wooden bridge in Sundered Pass to better visually communicate inaccessible areas of the structure.

- Fixed multiple issues in Sundered Pass which allowed players to incorrectly see through the back side of terrain.

- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in terrain seemingly morphing as the player approached or left.

- Fixed an issue where multiple barrels were not properly grounded in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue in the Station Bunkhouse that resulted in a strange visual effect when moving nearer or farther from the interior windows.

- Fixed an issue where objects were not properly grounded after breaking down a table in the Station Bunkhouse.

- Fixed an issue where objects were not properly grounded after breaking down a shelf in the Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue where snow intersected the interior of a Fishing Hut in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue where snow could be found piled up in the interior of a truck near the Weather Station in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed multiple issues where trees in Sundered Pass were not properly grounded.

- Fixed an issue which allowed players to incorrectly see through portions of a frozen waterfall in Sundered Pass.

- Fixed an issue where the Miserable Haunt cave shone bright blue from a distance.

- Fixed multiple issues where the player could become stuck in terrain in Zone of Contamination.

- Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck on the wing of the plane in Mystery Lake.

- Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck in a waterfall in Mountain Town.

- 3,78 GB groß

Release: 02.12.2024 (Version

Quelle: notes=hinterlandforums.com


Instant Camera (TALES DLC owners only)

Trader (TALES DLC owners only)

Safehouse Customization (Free for all players)

- We’ve added a deep Safehouse Customization system for all players to use.

Over 100 locations in the game can now be modified by moving or removing furniture and decorative items,

crafting new items using the Furniture Bench and Woodworking Tools, and gathering materials and decorative items from all over Great Bear island and the Far Territory. 

 Cougar Redux (TALES DLC owners only)

- The Cougar hunts and patrols its territory, mainly located in the rocky or deeply forested areas on the fringes of various regions.

Enjoy it from afar, or risk your life traversing its territory.

Global Wildlife Refresh (Free for all players)

- Establish new patterns for hunting and travel through the world to avoid, or seek out, wildlife.

Every wildlife spawn region in the game has been refreshed.

Meat Curing Box & Salt (TALES DLC owners only)

- Use Woodworking Tools to craft a new Meat Curing box. Gather salt from caves or the coastline, and preserve meat or fish for the long haul.

Achievements (TALES DLC & Free for all players)

- We’ve added Achievements for TALES, including some unlocks for features that were added to the base Survival game for free, and some that are TALES specific.

 - Speicherverbrauch von 15,4 GB auf 14,7 GB rduziert

- 6,07 GB groß

Beta Version: SlimeRancher


- 372 MB groß


- 515 MB groß

Release: 15.12.2016

- 472,61 MB groß

Release: 26.01.2017

- 492,14 MB groß

Release: 20.02.2017

- 420,67 MB groß

Release: 10.03.2017

- 562,48 MB groß

Release: 01.05.2017

- 591,11 MB groß

Release: 17.06.2017

- 836,41 MB groß

Release: 24.06.2017

- 815,36 MB groß

Release: 01.08.2017 (Version 1.0)

- Wird nun zur Vollversion und verlässt den Beta Status

- 766,07 MB groß

Release: 14.09.2017

- 3,22 MB groß

Release: 14.08.2017 (Version 1.01)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | monomi.com


- Added a map interface that gives you a general sense of where you are on the Far, Far Range.

Map zones are unlocked after activating map data nodes in each zone.

The map will also tracked any teleporters or extractors you’ve placed, and give you

a total count of slime keys and treasure pods collected in each zone.

- Optimized tracking of distant areas of the world to improve overall performance.

- Added slime toys for the fire, mosaic, dervish, and tangle slimes.

- A single gilded ginger now grows once a day in the Glass Desert but can be very difficult to find.

Gilded ginger is the only veggie a gold slime will eat, providing extra plorts for those that manage to feed one.

And while it can’t be grown in a garden, it can be used to [REDACTED]

- Added a treasure pod behind the barn in the Lab to give new players a head start in building their first teleporter.

- Added some new tabby slime sound effects when they steal an item.

- Added intro text when starting a new save file in Adventure Mode.

- Adjusted extractor cycle time from 22 hrs to 12 hrs.

lease note that the 10 hours we removed did not go to waste and were recycled.

- Ponds now produce infinite water, much like water sources in the wild.

- Gardens now produce infinite harvests! In order to plant a new crop, you must select to replant from the garden menu.

 Any gardens already active before the patch will need to be replanted to become infinite.

- Added Return teleporters to Hobson vaults after watching a few streams where players met

untimely deaths in the vaults and lost their gold plorts and Nick almost cried for them.

- Added water tutorial message on purchasing the water tank.

- Adjusted Incinerator trough to prevent fire slimes despawning in the trough.

 As a note, an empty ash trough will not despawn a fire slime, though it will not feed them either.

- Odd onion crops on the ranch will now produce a minimum of 4 odd onions, but generally 6-8 of them.

- Shooting a chickadoo at a gold slime will now knock plorts out of it like other resources.

As a note, chickadoos have stated that they are really not cool with this change.

- Starmail popups now disappear once you’ve read the mail.

- Reduced time ranch-specific tutorials stay on screen after leaving the ranch.

- Optimized occlusion culling.

- Optimized lighting where a near-zero intensity directional light was being unnecessarily processed on the GPU.

- Optimized some miscellaneous memory usage.


- Fixed bug where some players’ progress at opening slime gates and the plort puzzle door was not being tracked properly and affected their receiving certain Casey mails.

- Fixed bug where you could vac fruit off a tree from an angle and get them shaking but not ever popping off.

- Fixed some issues with the French translation.

- Fixed bug where slimes were not turning into largos properly while sleeping at night.

- Fixed bug where some new sounds could play when sleeping at night or after being knocked out.

- Fixed bug where some sounds would play right as the ranch initially loaded in.

Fun fact: this quirk has always persisted on the dev side and any time we test the game we hear the crickets chirping sound effect for a moment.

Now when I hear crickets in real life I think of our editor.

- Fixed bug where unripe phase lemons could fall through the world when their tree phased away.

- Fixed bug where Dervish Gordo’s key could spawn into the ground.

- Fixed a floating platform in the Glass Desert.

- Fixed bug where Beatrix was being stretched when viewed at different aspect ratios.

- Fixed bug where the Humble installer was not fully replacing certain files from an existing installation.

- Fixed bug where some geometry would allow the player to get too close and see inside the walls.

If any player claims they saw enslaved gnomes inside these walls building our levels, they are LYING.

- Fixed bug where Pause Menu could interfere with other in-game UIs on Xbox.

- 810,81 MB groß

Release: 26.10.2017 (Version 1.10)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

-1,06 GB groß

Release: 06.11.2017


- Vorbereitungen für die Xbox One X

- 724,68 MB groß

Release: 04.12.2017


- 846,53 MB groß

Release: 13.12.2017


- 688,28 MB groß

Release: 17.03.2018 (Version 1.2)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Other Changes:

- Added 3 new gadget sites to Moustache Island. If you’re asking yourself, ‘what’s Moustache Island?’ don’t worry, it doesn’t actually exist.

- Ogden’s Retreat and Mochi’s Manor can now be recolored separately from Beatrix’s home ranch.

- Special chroma packs are unlocked by starting Ogden’s and Mochi’s missions. Mochi however has declared that depending on how you look at it, there is now only one chroma pack available.

- Added pop-up text whenever you earn or spend newbucks.

- On-ranch tutorials are now only on Beatrix’s ranch, and not Ogden or Mochi’s expansions.

- Locked the framerate to never go above 120Hz to prevent GPU overheating issues(this is ignored in VSync mode).

- Added option to disable the very limited mouse smoothing that is on by default.

- Upgraded Unity engine version.

- Gave the newbucks icon a facelift.

- Improved the way we are storing profile data: now you can have different options on different computers.

- Improved scrolling on map while using a gamepad.

- 5-Day Rush achievements have been adjusted to better suit Rush Mode.


- Fixed a possible bug related to gold slimes fleeing improperly.

- Fixed a bug related to tangle vines and dervish whirlwinds that could sometimes result in launched slimes and other items.

- Fixed stuck spot in Dry Reef where players with no jet pack could get wedged.

- Fixed spot in Overgrowth where chickens could get stuck behind a tree. It was likely a secret hideout for chicken scheming so YOU’RE WELCOME.

- Fixed a minor offset in the vac rotation.

- Fixed bug where market reported all prices as having risen on game load. Thanks, Mochi.

- Fixed bug where oasis music was sometimes not playing properly on game load.

- Fixed the garden tutorial getting stuck if you planted a crop before the tutorial prompt.

- Fixed bug where Rush Mode was sending rancher intro emails.

- Fixed bug with diet readout for gold/lucky slimes and gordos.

- Fixed bug where it was possible to keep receiving radiation after teleporting while in rad auras.

- Fixed bug where silos were showing pink slime icon on empty slots.

- Fixed bug where doors in the Ruins would disappear from our reality if you look at it from a certain angle.

- Fixed bug where slimes could sometimes eat things beyond a corral barrier while Beatrix sleeps.

- Fixed bug with kookacrackers not playing their particle effects.

- Fixed bug where the Hobson journal glow would block the vac.

- Fixed bug where Range Exchange crates would sometimes launch their contents aggressively on break.

- Fixed issue with slime spawning taking into account chicken density. Thanks, BOb.

- Fixed damage hit flash so that it flashes again, because pain shouldn’t be ignored.

- Fixed bug where fire slimes in ponds sometimes did not despawn properly.

- Fixed bug where fire slimes in water did not become extinguished.

- Fixed bug where gold slimes could create plorts due to touching gold plorts.

There should be a lore reason for this so gather round and let me tell you the epic tale of Game Balance…

- Fixed timing bug related to getting newbucks from crates/exchange such that logging out at the wrong time doesn’t cost you newbucks.

- Fixed small gap along edge of Grotto floor.

- Fixed bugs related to restarting tutorials on game load.

- Fixed bug where extractors sometimes were not fully destroying themselves when complete.

- Fixed a particular type of ivy being used in the world that was insufficiently thick. Oh yes, you knew this update was going to be good.

- Fixed gamepad navigation on Load/Save Error Screens.

- Fixed „Requires“ label missing in the Fabricator UI.

- Fixed bug where the Quarry central cave was incorrectly being treated as part of the ranch.

- Fixed bug where low-res version of honey slimes had the wrong crest.

- Fixed bug on loading a game with max energy capping at 100 initially before refilling.

- Fixed some incorrect lighting in some small sections of the world.

- Fixed bug where disable-gamepad option was not saving properly.

- Fixed misspelling of “omelettes.” It is now spelled “fancy egg taco.”

- Fixed some minor issues with water rendering.

- A bunch of other miscellaneous small optimizations.

- 1,07 GB groß

Release: 06.04.2018 (Version 1.?)


- 871,65 GB groß

Release: 01.06.2018


- 924,91 GB groß

Release: 20.07.2018


- 963,30 MB groß

Release: 25.07.2018


- 534,37 MB groß

Release: 31.08.2018


- 974,17 MB groß

Release: 27.10.2018


- 1,11 GB groß

Release: 01.11.2018


- 142,02 MB groß

Release: 08.12.2018


- 1001,69 MB groß

Release: 15.04.2019


- 391,94 MB groß

Release: 16.05.2019 (Version


- 1,68 GB groß

Release: 21.06.2019 (Version


- 1,24 GB groß

Release: 27.06.2019 (Version


- 248,21 MB groß

Release: 29.06.2019 (Version


- 941,36 MB groß

Release: 09.08.2019 (Version


- 289,21 MB groß

Release: 06.12.2019 (Version


- 1,35 GB groß

Release: 12.12.2019 (Version


- 188,57 MB groß

Release: 29.05.2020 (Version


- 1,28 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2020 (Version


- 1,24 GB groß

Release: 25.05.2021 (Version


- 1,48 GB groß

Release: 28.05.2021 (Version


- 42,52 MB groß

Release: 10.09.2021 (Version


- 418,87 MB groß

Release: 03.12.2021 (Version


- 670,26 MB groß

Beta Version: Gigantic

Release: 23.12.2016

- 3,28 GB groß

Release: 21.01.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Viele Änderungen

- 6,90 GB groß

Release: 03.02.2017

- 4,98 GB groß

Release: 24.02.2017

- 7,21 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2017

- 6,18 GB groß

Release: 06.04.2017

- 5,71 GB groß

Release: 26.06.2017

- 5,97 MB groß

Release: 20.07.2017

Quelle: playm.de

- Ab heute eine Vollversion

- Im Übrigen sind ab sofort auch ein Textchat

- Sowie der 19. Held Ramsay im Spiel enthalten.

- 8,19 GB groß

Release: 16.08.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neuer Held: Oru der Kartenleger

- Eigene Spiele (Beta): 5v5-Matches zu erstellen, ohne die allgemeine Mitspielersuche verwenden zu müssen

- Push-to-Talk-Funktion für den Voicechat, die in den Einstellungen angepasst werden kann.

- 8,48 GB groß

Release: 22.08.2017

- 285,13 MB groß

Release: 12.08.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 7,45 GB groß

Release: 21.09.2017


- 6,04 GB groß

Release: 18.10.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 8,52 GB groß

Release: 16.11.2017


- 7,36 GB groß

Release: 30.01.2018


- 8,15 GB groß

Beta Version: Everspace

Release: 30.09.2016

- 4,33 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2016 (v0.2)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Schwierigkeitsgrad "Leicht" wird hinzugefügt

- Neues Spielerschiff zum freischalten "Colonial Scout" verfügbar

Release: 06.12.2016 (v0.3)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neues Spielerschiff zum freischalten "Colonial Gunship" verfügbar

- Trennung von Piloten und Schiffe Perks

- kleine Veränderungen an einigen Perks

Release: 10.03.2017 (v0.4)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Ausrüstbare Upgrades sind im Hangar verfügbar

- Verlassene Koloniale Stationen wurden hinzugefügt

- Verschiedene Farben für die Spielerschiffe sind verfügbar

- Alternative Startausrüstungen für Schiffe sind im Hangar verfügbar

- Neue Gadgets: Notsignal, Nano-Extraktoren, Sensordrohnen wurden hinzugefügt

- Neue Herausforderung „Überlebe einen Kriegsschiff-Angriff“ wurde hinzugefügt

- Neue 1st Person-Ansicht ohne Cockpit ist verfügbar

- Neues Spielerschiff: Kolonialer Jagdbomber wurde hinzugefügt

- Änderungen bei den Perks: Diese sind nun unterteilt in Piloten- und Schiffs-Perks

- Schiff-exklusive Perks wie „Panzerung“ für den Jagdbomber und „Sensorenreichweite“ für den Aufklärer wurden hinzugefügt

- Neue Piloten-Perks „Handeln“ und „Diplomatie” wurden hinzugefügt

- Zwei neue Arten von Naturphänomenen wurden hinzugefügt

- Ein neuer Planetentyp wurde hinzugefügt

- Zusätzliche Stationstypen wurden hinzugefügt

- Drohnenträger wurden als neue Feindesart hinzugefügt

- Backer-Logbucheinträge sind nun verfügbar

- 6,43 GB groß

Release: 14.12.2016


- 4,6 GB groß

Release: 13.04.2017 (v0.7)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Auch Schiffe haben Neuerungen erhalten. So wurden funktionale Cockpit-Anzeigen für alle Schiffe implementiert

 und liefern jetzt Informationen zu aufgeschalteten Zielen

sowie den Schadensstatus der eigenen Schiffskomponenten direkt auf den Bildschirm.

Koloniale Jagdbomber haben hingegen hat ein exklusives Gadget erhalten: den Raketengeschützturm.

Dieses mächtige Gerät feuert automatisch Salven zielsuchender Projektile von zerstörerischer Wirkung,

jedoch mit dem Nachteil langer Ladezeiten zwischen den einzelnen Schüssen.

- Zu Guter Letzt hat man die Darstellung des Spiels nochmals optimieren können.

Die gelegentlichen Abstürze innerhalb der kürzlich eingeführten kolonialen Stationen auf der Xbox One wurden behoben

- 6,99 GB groß

Release: 27.05.2017 (v1.0)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 7,69 GB groß

Release: 07.06.2017

- 7,15 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

New Features

- Added Hardcore Mode

- Added new device: Drone Disassembler

- Added new device: Target Decelerator

- Added new consumable: Plasma-Powered-Jump

- Added a spectator camera that can be activated during Action Freeze mode

- Added two new gamepad schemes that switch the mappings of thrust and hover


- Don’t allow energy consumption mod on energy discharger

- Outlaw Snipers can no longer be affected by Mainframe Override

- Outlaw Drone Carriers will no longer override player drones

- Outlaw hangars will no longer spawn ships if there are too many outlaws present already

- The ARC-9000 will no longer damage friendly units

- Improved Gunship turret accuracy

- Increased Gunship Loadout B Light Missile amount from 10 to 20

- Increased dark matter spawn chance around black holes

- Slightly increased G&B freight container loot chance

- Adjusted sector 2 environment colors to look less like sector 5

- Set LOD scaling to less agressive values

- Hardcore runs now also count towards the „Fast and Fragile“ and „Slow and Sturdy“ achievements

- Buffed Gunship: Starts stronger (more hitpoints, more armor, more energy regeneration,

 increased boost) but ends up with same values as before - when fully perked

- Slightly reduced enemy accuracy on „Hard“ difficulty

- Increased HUD visibility when sensors are damaged

- Slightly reduced Okkar Drone burst duration

- Slightly reduced Coil Gun spread

- Destroyed ships no longer deal collision damage while tailspinning

- Show message when fuel limit is reached

- Show current cooldown of devices, secondary weapons ammo and consumables amount in selection wheel

- Increased Temporal Anti-Aliasing sharpness

- Added a „fully mined“ indication sound

- Used a special warning sound for silo missiles

- Initial loading time is much shorter now


- Add more safety to preventing Okkar Forces from jumping in during cutscenes

- Fix Okkar Gunship MK2 occasionally hitting itself with own projectile

- Fixed player wrecks neither having names nor any loot

- Fixed missile warnings sounds and hud markers still being present after missile lifetime expired

- Fixed flashback videos not correctly fading out when watching and skipping in hangar

- Fixed G&B freighters sometimes having no loot at all

- Fixed player jumping out of cutscenes if jump beacon was targeted beforehand

- Fixed unspent credits warning sometimes showing even though there were no perks available to spend credits on

- Fixed incorrect display of modded turret attributes

- Fixed some mods not working properly on missile turret

- Hopefully prevent Ancient Wardens from teleporting outside of level bounds

- Fixed Mine Cluster recharging Okkar Corvette shields

- Fixed drones occasionally straying too far from drone owner

- Fixed Sensory Overload enhancement sometimes not uncovering everything

- Made some minor adjustments in the Polish translation

- Fixed a bug where the Ancient Warden would not blind the player

- Fixed Admiral Gorc codex entry not unlocking

- Berserker enhancement: Do not interrupt jump focus when boosting, reset kill timer when destroying shield generators

- Fixed player drones having full health after each jump regardless of any perks

- Fixed wrong ship banking values in Action Freeze Mode leading to jumpy contrails

- Fixed Okkar Corvette Energy Discharge firing if player is cloaked

- Fixed Okkar Frigate not dealing collision damage when destroyed

- Prevented opening the pause menu while the player is jumping via jumpgate

- Fixed a bug where clones would not spawn again if once killed and then exited out of the run and continued

- Fixed infinite loop bug when selecting previous consumables if there is an empty slot at the end

- Fixed Okkar Corvette Mk2 plasma cannons not becoming friendly when Corvette gets mainframe-overridden

- Fixed Missile Turret device not all stats being displayed

- Fixed thermal beam not being affected by sound fx volume settings

 - Fixed wrong Gunship device slot amount showing in perks screen

- Fixed „Scanning…“ message occasionally not being removed

- Fixed Okkar forces and Warships jumping in with Low Profile Glyph equipped during story missions

- Fixed fuel being restored after a jumpgate jump when having the Fuel Conservation glyph equipped

- Fixed teleporter device wall hack

- Fixed very last mission not progressing correctly

- Fixed Predetermination glyph incorrectly removing all jump suppressors

- 8,60 GB groß

Release: 16.03.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Xbox One X Support

Option 1 : native 4K Auflösung mit 30 FPS

Option 2 : 1080p mit 60 FPS, bessere Schatten-, Shader-, Licht- und VFX-Qualität

- 6,75 GB groß

Release: 12.05.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

 - DLC "Encounters" für 9,99 GB mit mehr als 10 Stunden Spielzeit

- 2,71 GB groß

Release: 25.06.2018


- 5,40 GB groß

Release: 05.12.2018


- 2,49 GB groß

Beta Version: Sheltered (Beta beendet)

Release: 24.08.2015

- 476 MB groß

Release: 02.10.2015

- 419 MB groß

Release: 05.11.2015

- 439 MB groß

Release: 13.11.2015

325 MB groß

Release: 07.12.2015

456 MB groß

Release: 09.12.2015

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 576 MB groß

Release: 16.12.2015

- 115 MB groß

Release: 11.01.2016

- 175 MB groß

Release: 29.01.2016

New Features

-  New Scenario: Family Ties: A new scenario has been added which on completion allows the players to locate

and recruit additional family members

 - New Quests: The Sickness & The Doll & Arms Dealer & On the Road Again

(reclaim the RV quest, will only appear on fresh saves)

New HUD element to distinguish family members from recruited outsiders

- New sound effects added for character actions

- Weapon descriptions now include stats on damage, accuracy and required strength to wield

- New tips added to loading screen

- Bedrock now visible beneath bottom floor of fully expanded shelter

- Added Kickstarter backer likenesses NPCs that walk across the top of the shelter

- Added zoom function for the mouse wheel

- Able to discard items from storage

Changes and Balancing

- The ‘Good Shower’ has been moved to Tier 3 of the work bench

- “Ending” catatonic characters has been removed

- Characters will now abandon shelter instead of going catatonic for second time

- ‘Valium’ has been renamed ‘Relaxant’

- Tool are now less frequently found at locations

- Petrol is now less frequently found at locations

- ‘Super Impatient’ quest has been renamed ‘Super Impatient Guy’

- Character customisation interface now occupies less of the screen

- Updated the way the encounter system works out if a trade/recruit/bully attempt is successful or not

- Disloyal characters can now be selected after recruitment, but remain automated until loyalty is 33%

- Player can now harvest trapped animals despite freezers being full

- Players can assign tasks to recruited characters immediately without improving loyalty

- Flies now appear over shelter mess (empty cans, vomit etc.)

- Increased the time between quest and scenario spawns

- Snare traps now have a sound effect when an animal is caught

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with intruders becoming stuck during a breach

- Breaching NPCs will no longer get stuck climbing ladders

- The camera can no longer be moved before the tutorial starts

- UI pop has been added informing player when trade cannot be completed

- Factions now spawn in a set order; Scalpers, Matriarchs, Marauders, The Corp

- Obsolete button prompt removed from pause menu in encounters

- Reduced the spawn frequency of petrol at houses and farms

- Oxygen filter audio no longer plays when no power is supplied

- Animation added when getting water for a catatonic character

- Defend animation no longer plays twice in combat

- Character no longer say they haven’t left the shelter in a few days if an expedition is on-going

- NPC refusing trades will no longer stop character from exploring a location

- Audio added when crafting a shelter room

- Added construction sprites for the sleeping bag

- Changed the efficient shower icon in the workbench to match the object

- Changed the efficient shower sprite

- Added ‘under construction’ symbol for objects under construction.

- Added construction sprites to toybox

- Added name and descriptions to the door upgrades

- Changed the upgrading time from 1 second to 15 seconds for the shelter doors

- Changed trade value of books, toys and records to 25 from 50

- Added construction sprites to the mop

- Added construction sprites for the jukebox

- Incoming transmission sound effect now plays 3 times instead of once per transmission

- Added audio for when character use ladders

- Hazmat suits are now returned to the rack when the corpse wearing one is harvested, incinerated or buried

- Updated the small water butt icon

- Changed the background of the incinerator panel to match the other interfaces

- The punchbag no longer loses integrity when a character tries to use it if they are too tired

- Objects on fire now causes the object's integrity to decrease

- Added audio to the punch bag when being used

- Added sounds when character gain trauma and loyalty

- Audio for the generator and oxygen filter change as they get upgraded

- Added ability to view map by pressing M on the keyboard or the View button on the Xbox One controller

- Fast forward audio no longer remains on when fast forward has stopped

- Added sound effect for refuelling generator

- Owned number of meat now correctly reflects the amount of meat in the shelter storage

- Fixed 5:4 aspect ratio so it no longer cuts of some UI

- Characters are now correctly awarded XP for killing an enemy with a counter-attack

- Quests locations can now be visited once per expedition

- Medicate option for indoor pets has been removed

- Spike trap no longer resets it position when the game is loaded

 Added animation for characters using the jukebox

- Added animation for characters cleaning the bucket toilet

- Added animation for characters adding parts to the RV

- Characters in automation no longer use objects in their burnt out state

- The journal now creates a day 1 entry if the game is exited at the end of the tutorial

- The repair icon now appears above objects when they are at 25% integrity

- Can no longer catch rats when moving rat traps in rearrange shelter mode

- Extinguishing a single fire no longer causes characters to slide towards a second fire

- Tooltips now only appear once per game

- Corpses can now only be interacted with by one character stopping characters from carrying around body bags

- Fixed the cursor from being hidden when players had certain items plugged into their computers

- Rain audio now stops when it is no longer raining

- The back button text is now centred on the button in the leaderboards

- Added audio to snare traps when animals are caught in them

- Characters on expeditions now take less trauma from deaths of characters in the shelter

- Adding a lock icon to the backpack space when going on an expedition with the RV

- Can no longer loot animal for weapons

- Can no longer disarm or steal from animals in combat

- Enemies no longer reset level after saving and loading

- Characters now use the correct colour scheme in the map and encounter resolved UI instead of using character 1’s colour scheme

- Able to add more than 5 water into the last trade slot when trading at the shelter

- Updated the amount of cursor nudge for d-pad object movement

- Changed the default speed for characters on expeditions

- Characters no longer appear incorrectly on ladders if the game is save/loaded when multiple characters are cued up to use a ladder

- Characters can now remove hazmat suits from corpses

- A message box now appears when the last character is going to be sent on an expedition

- Characters now become hardened after killing multiple NPCs

- NPCs can no longer leave the shelter wearing hazmat suits if their stress is too high

- Characters who died in combat no longer increase stats if they killed an NPC in the same combat

-  An error message now appears if the game is unable to set at the requested resolution

- When doors are upgraded, the room between is now updated to match the doors

- When the horse dies, the stable and saddle can no longer be crafted

- If the stable is built as the horse dies, the items are now refunded

- Added activity pane text if a character is killed by a snake bite

- Not enough room' tooltip no longer appears multiple times if rations cannot fit into the pantry

- Updated the description of resistance upgrades for the oxygen filter

- Updated the small pantry sprites so when there is no food, it shows an empty sprite

- Characters no longer appear behind each other when walking off screen with the horse

- Multiple tools can now be in the shelter storage

- The horse now visually returns from an expedition properly

- The horse can no longer die from radiation poisoning during the tutorial

 - The horse no longer appears behind the hatch when crafting a stable when the horse in on an expedition

- The horse now saves/loads correctly while on an expedition

- Updated the construction sprites for shelter rooms

 - Loading when the camper van is going on an expedition no longer shows the incorrect camper van sprite

- Characters now have dialogue when in encounters started by NPCs

- Characters can no longer interact with objects that are being moved

- Animation added for characters using the bucket toilet

- Can no longer pause the game during the game over screen

- The delay before recruits turn up at the shelter is now based on the party's speed and distance from the shelter

- Added console button prompts to the pause menu

- If the ‘Super Irritating Guy’ quest is refused, the NPC will ambush you instead of attacking you after the encounter

- Added a missing apostrophe into a day 1 Journal entry

- Added a backing panel to the continue button on the game over screen

- Changed the amount of meat gained from harvesting pets

- Answering transmissions will no longer disable returning parties

- Names of cities on the map have been changed so that location can be seen easier

- Changed the hardware store map icon so it has its own unique icon

- Changed the map cursor when using a controller

- Changed the map waypoint flag size

- Changed the name of the Small Water Butt from "Water Tank" to "Small Water Butt"

- Updated the tooltip text for the incinerator

- Updated the position of the title on the 2nd child's customisation screen

- Toilets no longer lose integrity if they try to be used with no water

- Infections have a higher chance of being contracted when health is low instead of being random

- Infections now clear up after 7 days

- Faction members now have names

- Expedition party and dog will no longer become stuck if dog eats a rat prior to departing shelter

- Snake can no longer kill an expedition party member as they are leaving causing the expedition party to become stuck

- Can no longer send and un-loyal character on an expedition if another character in the party was loyal

- The camera will no longer become displaced if a transmission is accepted in rearrange mode

- Meat will now transfer between freezers if one is deconstructed providing the meat is not rotten

- Updated the opening line of dialogue for the "Protection Racket" scenario.

- Fixed the good shower, efficient shower, luxury shower and good toilet

so they display correctly and become transparent when re-arranging

- Updated the radio scanning time to 150 seconds from 300.

- Added body armour to the "Wetwork" NPC

- Updated the expedition loadout screen to order the items with weapons, equipment, armour, bags and ammo listed first

- Updated the crafting panel so it shows the correct amount of "Owned" objects

- Updated the description of the X button on the leaderboard panel. It now says "Time" instead of "Next"

- Changes to radio scanning to help results remain balanced

- Updated the snare trap harvest panel to tell the player when some items were not harvested

- Updated the snare trap to show a panel when harvested

- Widened the text box for the "Take All" text as it was not big enough to fit "Take All" on a single line

- Updated the amount of waypoints that can be placed on the map to 50

- Changed how XP is calculated for books and toys

- Also added some speech for adults trying to use the toy chest and children trying to use the bookshelf

- Updated some dialogue for the "Well This Is Awkward" quest

- Updated the tabs background sprite on the ammo press panel and lab panel, to remove rogue shadow

- Updated camper van travel speed and carrying capacity

- The ‘Super Irritating Guy’ quest options now appear correctly when missing necessary items

- Single bed will no longer spontaneously combust on its own

- Updated the names of the makeshift toilet and good shower to include their quality prefix

- Faction controlled area now appear correctly on the map

- 599 MB groß

Release: 15.11.2016

- 591,41 MB groß

Release: 18.12.2018

- 765,75 MB groß

Release: 18.03.2019

- 586,50 MB groß

Beta Version: Layers of Fear (Beta beendet)

Release: 04.11.2015

- 2,2 GB groß

Release: 08.04.2016

- 2,5 GB groß

Release: 08.04.2016

- Addon wurde hinzugefügt

- 3,39 GB

Release: 04.02.2017

- 3,22 GB

Beta Version: Prison Architekt (Beta beendet)

Release: 13.06.2016

- 97 MB groß

Release: 01.07.2016

- Aus Beta wurde Vollversion

- 88 MB

Release: 20.07.2016

- 69 MB groß

Release: 02.03.2017 (Vollversion)

- 90,96 MB groß

Release: 10.06.2017 (Vollversion)

- 94,99 MB groß

Release: 02.11.2017 (Vollversion)

- 94,99 MB groß

Release: 29.08.2018 (Vollversion)

Quelle: play3.de

- Escape DLC kann ab dem 31.08.2018 für 8,99€ erworben werden

- 273,59 MB groß

Release: 10.09.2018 (Vollversion)


- 110,80 MB groß

Release: 12.11.2018 (Version


- 228,65 MB groß

Release: 21.11.2018 (Version


- 280,66 MB groß

Release: 13.12.2019 (Version


- 92,78 MB groß

Release: 23.06.2020 (Version


- 288,20 MB groß

Release: 11.09.2020 (Version


- 122,62 MB groß

Release: 28.01.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

- 295,17 MB groß

Release: 12.03.2021 (Version


- 128,86 MB groß

Release: 08.04.2021 (Version


- 128,85 MB groß

Release: 16.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

- Mit diesem Update wird die benutzerdefinierte Gefangenenaufnahme eingeführt, die den Spielern mehr Flexibilität bei der Planung und Einschränkung der Gefangenenaufnahme bietet.

- 353,10 MB groß

Release: 02.07.2021 (Version


- 162,20 MB groß

Release: 29.07.2021 (Version


- 185,46 MB groß

Release: 28.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 162,20 MB groß

Release: 28.01.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Perfect Storm DLC kann ab dem 28.01.2022 für 9,99€ erworben werden

- 366,08 MB groß

Release: 22.02.2022 (Version


- 194,26 MB groß

Release: 24.03.2022 (Version


- 172,02 MB groß

Release: 15.06.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Gangs DLC kann für 5,99€ erworben werden

- 467,20 MB groß

Release: 05.07.2022 (Version


- 271,11 MB groß

Release: 13.09.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

kostenlose Inhalte

- Häftlingsprotokoll und verbesserter Zeitplaner:

Mit dem neuen Häftlingsprotokoll haben die Spieler immer im Blick, was in ihrem Gefängnis passiert. Sie überprüfen die Aktivitäten ihrer Insassen, decken Fehlverhalten frühzeitig auf und behalten den Überblick darüber, wer entlassen wird, sich bessert oder wieder rückfällig wird.

- Speichern und wiederverwenden

Jedes Mal, wenn sie ein neues Gefängnis, eine neue Richtlinie oder einen Schnellbaustein erstellen, können die Spieler diese in ihren Einstellungen speichern. So sparen sie Zeit bei der Einrichtung ihres Gefängnisses, wenn sie das nächste Mal neu beginnen möchten.

- Älter werden bedeutet Fürsorge

Ab jetzt werden die Insassen in junge, ältere und alte Menschen eingeteilt. Nachdem sie eine längere Zeit in ihrem Gefängnis verbracht haben, werden sie sich sowohl optisch als auch funktionell verändern. Sie werden auch andere Bedürfnisse entwickeln.

- Neue Ränge für Wärter

Die angeworbenen Wärter kommen jetzt ohne Rang in das Gefängnis und müssen hart arbeiten, um zum Offizier und zum Fachoffizier befördert zu werden.

Verbesserte Bau- und Planungswerkzeuge

Das Planungsmenü wird mit vielen neuen Optionen für Zäune und Mauern erneuert

- 296,69 MB groß

Release: 11.10.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Undead DLC kann für 2,99€ erworben werden

- 472,70 MB groß

Release: 22.11.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Future Tech DLC kann für 2,99€ erworben werden

- 159,87 MB groß

Release: 07.02.2023 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Jungle DLC kann für 2,99€ erworben werden

- 164,14 MB groß

Release: 16.05.2023 (Version

Quelle: forum.paradoxplaza.com

- Sunset DLC

QoL Improvements / Features:

- Capacitor 2.0: I introduce to you, the Capacitor Max Plus - an upgraded version of the capacitor which allows your Power Stations to now produce twice the amount of power than they did before - for twice the price of course.

- Remote Doors: We have added a coloured variant of the remote doors for both Death Row and Supermax security levels.

- Riot Van Speed: Due to the efficiency of air-bound emergency units we have increased the movement speed of the Riot Guard Vans, to lower their arrival time.

- Super Dog Mutator: Due to our undeniable fondness of them, we’ve added a new mutator based on the Super Guard mutator which will help give our furry friends and upgrade.

- Updated Descriptions: After sweeping through the game we decided to update or add a number of new text strings. As such we’ve updated text for Item description, Staff descriptions, and also Need Descriptions


- Crops will no longer show a red outline when you are attempting to plant on valid spots with objects in planting radius.

- Doors have learned not to appear on top of turbines.

- Fixed so that you cannot spawn multiple doors when changing ui

- Ferry docks will not render as overlapped

- Issue with air plumber hoses and helipad stairs fixed.

- You can now see a yellow line follow the trajectory of the taser

- Bounty Hunters have now been given maps as well as lessons on how to hunt the undead.

- Workers are no longer trapped when removing rubble from under a jail door.

- Tracking belted inmates go to the infirmary first when overdosing

- Door timer now corrected

- Updated new regime items

- Paper lanterns can now be dismantled/dumped

- Removed unwanted pixels for hybrid wind turbines


- Fruit Trees now correctly sync between host and players

- Drip pipes and sprinklers now properly work for players

- “Expires In” for players now matches the host

- Auto harvesters now properly work for players

- Prisoners without cells added to data register so player gets value on connecting to the host

- Tracking monitors will no longer constantly show a false error for players.

- Planning area rendering is not updating if change from walls (with foundation) planning to fence planning

- 336,59 MB groß

Beta Version: Solus Project (Beta beendet)

Release: 11.03.2016

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Insel zum erkunden "Flashpoint"

- Eingie Probleme, Fehler und Bugs werden ausgebessert

- 5,0 GB groß

Release: 15.04.2016

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Neues Gebiet "Highpoint"

- Verbesserungen im Balancing

- Bugfixing

- Neue Features

- 6,1 GB groß

Release: 12.07.2016


- 8,4 GB groß

Release: 12.11.2016


- 8,29 GB groß