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Twisted Metal Patch Details (2)
Release: 17.02.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de
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Release: 26.10.2012
Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de
- Netzwerk Probleme werden behoben
- Juggernaut HP went from 550 back to the original 700hp.Juggernaut HP went from 550 back to the original 700hp.
- Junk Yard Dog new tweak makes it harder for him to escape a freeze. He is now in between the Freeze Breakout Speed of Tooth and Vermin.
- Remote Bomb has a longer respawn time now- more like a power missile. This was the only tweak for Remote Bomb
that seemed to take hold across net games that we felt could help in making the weapon less cheap
(i.e. could not adjust hit points, could not adjust the homing).
- Shadow- we've lowered damage on stage 1 for ALT of Shadow to see if it nerfs the 'save up 3 and spam them all' tactic many folks seemed to be complaining about.