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Star Wars Battlefont Patch Details (8)
Release: 11.11.2015 (Version 1.01)
Quelle: consolewars.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Tweaked hero card spawn times
- General bug fixes for the partner system
- Various fixes for getting stuck when exiting Starfighters and ground vehicles
- General crash and stability fixes
- Online traffic performance improvements
- Various text fixes for all languages
- General bug fixes for both Missions and Multiplayer
Release: 01.12.2015
Quelle: gamepro.de | xbox-newz.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- generelle Fehlerbehebungen bei den Vehikeln und Physik-Verbesserungen
- Balancing-Optimierungen an den verschiedenen Spielmodi
- HUD-UI-Anpassungen
- Audio-Optimierungen
- Behebung von Absturzursachen und Stabilitäts-Verbesserungen
- Online-Traffic-Performance-Verbesserungen
- verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen in den Texten aller Sprachen
- genrelle Bug-Fixes bei Missionen und Multiplayer
Release: 16.12.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxfront.de | consolewars.de
- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der bei den Sternenkarten im Helden gegen Schurken-Modus auftreten konnte.
Allgemeine Update und Tweaks
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte,
dass einer von zwölf Spielern im Ladebildschirm auf Swamp Crashsite,
Sorosuub Centroplex und Graveyard of Giants hängen blieb.
Das trat in den Modi Helden gegen Schurken und Walker Assault auf.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das unter Umständen zur Folge hatte,
dass zwei Spieler in einem Areal mit Schaden gespawnt sind, in dem aber keine Lava zu sehen war.
Update und Tweaks für den Kampfläufer-Modus
- Es gibt mehr Lebenspunkte für den AT-AT auf Endor.
Updates und Tweaks für die Helden und Schurken
- Die automatische Gegner-Aufschaltung bei der Handgelenk-Rakete von Boba Fett wurde entfernt.
Tweaks an Waffen, Gagdets und Sternenkarten
- Der Schaden der Kontaktgranate wurde von 100 auf 90 verringert.
Release: 27.01.2016
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
Additional Content/Functionality
- Multiplayer modes added to the Tatooine Survival map
(Blast, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, Heroes vs Villains, Drop Zone)
- Hoth Luke Skywalker skin added
- Hoth Han Solo skin added
- Private match functionality added
- Daily challenges added
- Setting for actively choosing server site added
Weapon and Star Card changes
- EE-3 Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 4 per shot
- SE-14C Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 5 per shot
- Homing Shot lock on time increased from 0.4 to 1.5
- Homing Shot lock on distance decreased by 10 meters
- Homing Shot projectile speed decreased from 30 to 23
- RTC-97 overheat value is increased by 8%
- Bowcaster replenish time tweaked (Normal 18 to 25 and Upgrade 15 to 20)
- Flash Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 to 20 and Upgrade 12 to 15)
- ION Torpedo replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 to 25 and Upgrade 12 to 20)
- Thermal Detonator replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 to 20 and Upgrade 10 to 15)
- Impact Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 to 25 and Upgrade 12 to 20)
- Explosive Shot active time tweaked (Normal 7 to 5 and Upgrade 10 to 7)
- Scan Ping recharge time tweaked (Normal 8 to 10 and Upgrade 5 to 8 )
- Cycler Rifle bullet dropoff reduced
- Cycler Rifle damage increased from 90 to 100 at close range (10 meters)
- DL-44 overheat tweaked and fire rate changed from 250 to 180.
- Bounty Hunter trait card Level 3 reward percentage lowered from 100% to 85%
- Fully charged (5 shots) Bowcaster damage per projectile decreased from 50 to 15, otherwise (1 or 3 shot)
bowcaster damage per projectile decreased from 50 to 10
- ION Torpedo lock on range decreased from 600 to 500 meters
- Smart Rocket lock on range changed from 1000 to 500 meters
- RTC-97 spread is increased when firing for a longer period
- Scan Ping tweaked to have 50% shorter spotting time
- Scan Ping active time decreased from 7 to 2 (is this what the above refers to?)
- Barrage recharge times increased, Normal from 18 to 40 and Upgrade from 15 to 35
- Explosive Shot active time decreased, Normal from 7 to 5 and Upgrade from 10 to 7
Vehicle Changes
- Starfighters pickups have a 20 second respawn delay
- T-47 Airspeeder pickups have a 10 second respawn delay
- Millennium Falcon and Slave I health decreased by 30%
Game Mode Changes
- Removed a turbolaser on Sullust which could be used for spawn killing
- Turbolaser respawn time has been increased with 15 seconds
- New friend zones and additional spawn points for Supremacy maps
- New friend zones and additional spawn points for Walker Assault maps
- New friend zones and additional spawn points for Turning Point on Jakku
- Bugfix for crashing instantly when spawning in a vehicle on Jakku
- Fighter Squadron hero vehicle pickups have more randomized timing
- Fixed a Heroes vs Villains bug where players could use their cards in pre-round that got corrected by server
- Updated spawn management between big and small game modes
- Reduced the match bonus for Blast from 2000 to 1000
- Reduced the Win bonus for Blast from 750 to 500
- Increased the Match bonus for Hero Hunt from 1000 to 1750
- Reduced the Win bonus for Hero Hunt from 500 to 250
- Reduced score for dealing damage to AI X-Wings and AI TIE Figthers from 20 to 10
- New game mode minimum player count threshold: Walker Assault 20, Supremacy 20, Dropzone 4,
Blast 4, Cargo 4, Fighter Squadron 4, Hero Hunt 4, Droid Run 4, Heroes Vs Villains 4, Turning Point 20
Hero Changes
- Han Solo weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 70 (was 75) to 30 (was 35)
between 10 (was 20) and 25 (was 40) meters
- Boba Fett weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 30 to 20 (was 25)
between 30 and 60 (was 80) meters
- Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion radius decreased from 4 to 2.5, maximum damage increased from 1 to 1.2 meters
- Boba Fett missile doesn’t lock on anymore
Bug Fixes
- Stun inducing attacks now properly trigger stun animation loop
- Fixing an issue where melee’ing at nothing completly stopped your movement
- After the transition from the AT-AT the user screen could remain black, this is now fixed
- Several instances of rocks that players could get stuck on have been fixed
- Speederbike – Inconsistence between the range when you see the prompt button and when you could actually use the vehicle
- Survival weapons behaved differently than MP, now brought in-line
- Jakku – Invisible collision located on the landed Rebel transport ship
- Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast
Release: 23.02.2016
Quelle: xboxfront.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de
- Anpassung an den Starfighter Schild
- Anpassung an die Hit-Box des A-Wings
- Homing Shot und Bowcaster werden leicht verstärkt
Additional Content/Functionality
- General: Jakku DLC Content is being patched into the game, downloading it separately via platform storefronts is no longer required and can be deleted from your hard drives
- New Map: Twilight on Hoth added to Walker Assault, Supremacy, Turning Point, Blast, Fighter Squadron, Drop Zone, and Heroes vs. Villains
- New Mission: Survival in the Ice Caves added to Survival Missions
- Turning Point: Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, Outpost Beta, and SoroSuub Centroplex maps added to the playlist
- Attract Mode: GNK Droid added – GONK!
- Settings: Turning off music in the Sound menu now turns off music everywhere in the game
- Settings: Added a Film Grain setting slider in the Video menu
- Credits: Updated Game Credits list
Weapon and Star Card Changes
- Primary Weapons: Damage against air vehicles increased by 10%
- Bowcaster: Explosion damage increased from 10 to 15 per projectile and explosion radius decreased from 3 to 2.5m
- Bowcaster: Full charge direct hit from 20 to 40 per projectile and a normal direct hit increased from 20 to 30 per projectile
- Barrage: Damage increased from 50 to 55
- Barrage: Cooldown reduced from 40 to 35s (normal) and from 35 to 30s (upgraded)
- Barrage: First volley of grenades no longer disappear if the user uses the Refresh Power-up and then fires a second volley
- Homing Shot: Lock time decreased from 1.5 to 1.2s
- Homing Shot: Players in the AT-GAR turret now receive on-screen notification when locked on
- ION Torpedo: Speed increased from 350 to 380m/s and turning angle increased from 120 to 125 in order to more easily hit air vehicles
- Pulse Rifle: Movement speed while aiming decreased by 30%
- Tusken Cycler Rifle: Movement speed while aiming increased by 40%
- Tusken Cycler Rifle: Bullet speed increased from 300 to 450m/s
- Orbital Strike: Fixed bug where it sometimes would not trigger on button press
Vehicle changes
- A-Wing: Increased hit box size
- A-Wing: Now properly takes damage when colliding with an AT-ST while having the Shield active
- Slave I: Players can now see the Shield icon on Rebel vehicles when a Shield is active
- AT-ST: T-47 Airspeeder kills with a missle while firing the primary cannons at the same time now properly awards a kill (previously registered as a suicide)
- AT-AT: Fixed bug where the Orbital Strike ability would sometimes not have the aiming reticle move
- T-47 Airspeeder: Players will no longer receive an out of bounds message
on Graveyard of Giants during Turning Point when a control point is captured
Multiplayer Game Mode Changes
- General: Pre-Round timer lowered from 30s to 20s
- Walker Assault: Fixed Power-up spawns on SoroSuub Centroplex
- Walker Assault: AT-AT health increased by 18% on Outpost Beta, 8% on Jundland Wastes,
20% on Forest of Endor, 4% on SoroSuub Centroplex, and 5% on Graveyard of Giants
- Walker Assault: Spawning as an Imperial Hero after the AT-ATs just pass the second set of uplinks no longer despawns one of the AT-ATs
- Walker Assault: The second AT-AT no longer bumps into the wreckage
of the other on SoroSuub Centroplex when the first AT-AT is destroyed during the first Uplink
- Droid Run: Correct Objective Notification is now displayed to all players if someone is killed while trying to claim the Droid
- Droid Run: Improved spawn zones on Dune Sea Exchange
- Supremacy: Fixed Power-up spawns on Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, and SoroSuub Centroplex
- Supremacy: Improved spawn zones on Jundland Wastes, Outpost Beta, and Forest of Endor
- Heroes vs. Villains: Planted turrets on Dune Sea Exchange will now disappear in-between rounds
- Hero Hunt: Improved spawn zones on Ice Caves
- Fighter Squadron: Players are now protected while spawning on Graveyard of Giants
Mission Changes
- General: Both players will now properly see Charge Card pick-ups if Player One is using a 3rd Star Card Hand without a Charge Card
- General: Player 2’s changes to control settings no longer update Player 1’s controls when playing Split-Screen
- Battle: Fixed AI Spawn issues on Tatooine
- Survival: Wave 10 on Sullust will now always spawn if the player / co-op team dies
and restarts the round or if a player picks up a Collectible during the Wave 9 transition
- Survival: Partner spawns on Sullust will no longer fail if the currently alive player is in a confined area
- Survival: Co-Op players can now unlock the „Complete on Hard Difficulty without spending
a life“ if one player dies and then waits until the other player completes the wave so they get a free respawn
Hero changes
- General: Heroes no longer get stuck in a stunned animation state
- Princess Leia: Endor outfit updated – Congrats on completing the Lead the Rebellion challenge!
- Princess Leia: Trooper Bane now only knocks back primary target, not nearby enemies
- Luke Skywalker: Increased Saber Rush’s damage against other Heroes from 2% to 6-8%
- Luke Skywalker: Lightsaber swing hit radius is reduced from 0.3 to 0.25m
- Han Solo: Zooming in no longer sometimes displays a gun scope
- Emperor Palpatine’s Shocktroopers: Modified primary weapon damage
to match Leia’s Honor Guards‘ primary weapon damage over time
Misc. Bug fixes
- General: Lighting, textures, audio, user interface, text, and collision fixes
- Controls: Legacy control schemes have had their layouts more clearly defined
- Colorblind: Enemy players highlighted with Scan Pulse now have the correct Deuteranopia or Protanopia settings on Graveyard of Giants and Goazan Badlands
- Achievements / Trophies: Updated text on „Impressive. Most Impressive.“ and „Survivor“ to clarify the requirements
- Achievements / Trophies: „Playing the Objective“ now properly awarded
Release: 08.03.2016
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Multiplayer-Karte auf Endor für die Spielmodi Kampfläufer-Angriff, Vorherrschaft und Wendepunkt
- Tatooine-Karte für den Überlebensmodus
- Prinzessin Leia Organas Endor-Kostüm
- Neue Sternenkarten: Streugeschütz, Dioxis-Granate und Adrenalin-Stimulator.
Release: 22.03.2016
Quelle: gameswelt.de | play3.de | xboxfront.de
- 4 Neue Multiplayer-Karte jeweils auf Sullust und Tatoonie
- 2 neue Helden: Nien Nunb und Greedo
- Neue Waffen: Relby-v10-Gewehr und der DT-12 Blasterpistole
- zusätzlich neue Sternenkarten
- Neuer Spielemodus "Transport"
- Levelgrenze wird weiter angehoben
- Zahlreiche Bugs werden entfernt
- Spielebalance wird überarbeitet
- Zuschauer Modus wird hinzugefügt
Vehicle Changes
- T-47 Airspeeder: Now properly explodes when hitting the ground after a player ejects
- T-47 Airspeeder: During Walker Assault it is no longer possible to switch Tow Cable targets during the Tow Cable event
- Speeder Bike: Kills with the cannon are now properly displayed
- Speeder Bike: No longer takes damage when just outside the edge of the Orbital Strike boundary
- AT-ST: No longer takes damage from fire
- AT-ST: Changed the max pitch on the grenade launcher
- Millennium Falcon & Slave I: Now are immediately destroyed when crashing into the ground while in 1st Person view
- DF-9: Laser fire is now visible when angling the turret up
- Y-Wing: Players are now properly notified if they are killed by a Y-Wing
Multiplayer Game Mode Changes
- General: Misc spawning improvements across various map & mode combinations
- General: Princess Leia's Honor Guard and Emperor Palpatine's Shocktroopers are
limited to only 2 -spawns during the Heroes vs. Villains and Extraction Game Modes
- General: Players no longer instantly die during vehicle deployment
after having taken damage that would kill them prior to the transition
- Fighter Squadron: Games will no longer end in a draw when a player that crashes into the ground would have awarded the winning points
- Fighter Squadron: Vehicles of equal size will now both be destroyed when colliding regardless if one vehicle is shielded
- Hero Hunt: Redesigned the way in which the new Hero is selected,
now the top 3 damage dealers have a chance to be the next Hero - Spin the Wheel!
- Blast: Re-added Sulphur Fields back into the Blast map rotation
- Drop Zone: Altered player count from 16 to 12
Hero Changes
- General: Fixed inconsistencies with blocking blaster fire between active and passive
blocking for Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, & Emperor Palpatine
- General: When blocking blaster fire modified with Explosive Shot or Ion Shot, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader now deflect
and reflect Explosive Shots or Ion Shots back
- General: Heroes can no longer fire their weapon while melee'ing
- Darth Vader: Increased health from 1500 to 1650
- Darth Vader: Block ability time increased from 4 to 8s
- Darth Vader: Decreased cooldown of Lightsaber Throw from 7 to 6s
- Darth Vader: Increased distance of Lightsaber Throw by 3m
- Luke Skywalker: Decreased health from 1000 to 925
- Luke Skywalker: Slightly decreased running speed
- Boba Fett: Increased the range at which his blaster damage starts to drop off from 30 to 45m
- Boba Fett: Increased the range at which blaster damage is at the low end from 60 to 75m
Misc. Bug Fixes
- General: Lighting, textures, audio, user interface, text, and collision fixes
- General: Crash fixes
- General: Partner and Party connection fixes
- Map: Removed erroneous Stormtroopers outsider of the playable area from Heroes vs. Villains on Twilight on Hoth
- Achievement / Trophey: Updated text of Ackbar's Elite to state "Complete any survival mission on Master without spending a life"
Release: 24.03.2016 (Hotfix)
Quelle: play3.de
- Instant Level 60 Bug wurde beseitigt
Release: 03.05.2016
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de || play3.de | gameswelt.de | consolewars.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Added a system which allow players to see if an enemy currently
has a charge card active by adding an icon above the enemies’ health bar.
- Vehicles: Resolved an issue which would make players invincible after attempting to enter a vehicle.
- Vehicles: A timer has been added to Imperials exiting vehicles.
Before they could instantly leave certain vehicles.
- Vehicles: Increased the time to enter a speeder bike from 0.3 to 0.5s.
- Combat Roll: Performing a melee attack at the same time as a combat roll will no longer break the animation.
- Combat Roll: Resolved an issue in which players couldn’t see another player performing a combat roll.
- Combat Roll: There’s now a 1.5s cooldown.
- Deluxe Edition: Resolved an issue in which the upgraded version of Ion Torpedo
was awarded instead of the regular version.
- General: Various tweaks to the auto balance and matchmaking systems.
- General: Updated various error messages used in game.
- General: Updated the localization to resolve various text bugs.
- General: Resolved various clipping issues.
- Disconnect: Fixed an issue in which players were getting disconnected after observing
another players profile in the social hub while playing In game.
- Disconnect: Pressing the up arrow in the private match lobby
would cause players to disconnect to the menu if they hadn’t visited the game modes screen.
- Crash: The player will no longer crash when observing the Shadow Trooper diorama figurine.
- Crash: Resolved a rare crash issue which could occur if a player joined another server while waiting in the in-game lobby.
- Crash: Resolved a crash issue which could occur when reaching max rank and getting to the End of Round screen.
User Interface
- UI: The issue with score and credits being displayed as 0 = 0, has been resolved.
Now the correct amount of score and credits obtained ill now be displayed in the End of Round flow.
- UI: Resolved an issue which would occur when a player is Rank 60,
but the End of Round flow would display the rank as 59.This also resolves other various desync issues with stats.
- UI: Soldiers heads aren’t obstructed anymore in the appearance menu by the unlock price.
- UI: Removed a blur effect that was present over the soldier in the deployment screen on certain levels.
- UI: The kill card will now show which trait card the enemy currently has equipped.
Weapons & Star Cards
- Personal Shield: Players can now use the shield at the same time as the Jump pack.
- Personal Shield: Players can now swap weapons at the same time as the shield is active.
- Charge Cards: The duration timer would be decreased by half when standing close to the shipment in
the game mode Extraction. Now it’s only the charge card cooldown that is decreased by half
when standing close to the shipment.
- Dioxis Grenade: Added a new scoring event for when you deal damage.
- Dioxis Grenade: Now the player will not be able to inflict self-damage when throwing a Dioxis Grenade next to a vehicle and then entering it.
- Dioxis Grenade: Increased the inner radius from 3 to 4m.
- Dioxis Grenade: Increased damage ticks. Increased inner radius damage from 6 to 7.
Outer radius damage increased from 4 to 5. A total of 12 health will be dealt each tick
when standing in the inner radius.
- DLT-19X: Removed a moment penalty that would occur when zooming in.
- DT-12: Raised rate of fire from 180 to 220.
- Relby-V10: Raised max damage from 24 to 25.
- RT-97C: Lowered weapon sway, Min 0.25 to 0.2, Max 2 to 1.5.
- Blaster Cannon: Increased inner explosion radius from 1 to 1.5m and the outer explosion radius from 1.5 to 2.5m.
- Blaster Cannon: Increased explosion damage from 25 to 34.
- Active Cooling: Made the fields slightly wider to make it easier even on the harder levels
- Ion Detonator: Will explode on impact instead of after a delay.
- Ion Detonator: Lowered inner explosion radius from 6 to 2m and the outer explosion radius from 7 to 4m.
- Ion Detonator: Lowered the damage multiplier towards soldiers from 0.5X to 0.4X.
- UI: Hostile orbital strikes will no longer appear in the blue color while playing as a hero. Now a red color is used.
- Darth Vader: Players killed by Darth Vader’s deflection will now correctly see his image in the kill card.
- Darth Vader: Players who are currently being choked will not be able to interact with ingame objects, such as uplinks.
- Darth Vader: Increased the damage output on Darth Vader’s Force Choke ability.
It also now removes the effect of Adrenaline Stim.
- Leia: Trooper Bane ability will now pass through shields.
- Greedo & Nien Nunb: Other players are now unable to spawn on them when they are being attacked.
- Greedo: Resolved an issue in the UI for the confidence ability which didn’t update correctly once the confidence decreases.
- Greedo: Changed Confidence 1 damage multiplier from 1.4 to 1.3. Confidence 2 damage multiplier from 1.9 to 1.7. Confidence 3 damage multiplier from 2.8 to 2.4
- Nien Nunb: Increased Proximity mine cooldown from 8 to 9s
- Nien Nunb: Decreased Rapid Pulse Canon damage multiplier to AT-AT from 150% to 100%
- Nien Nunb: Increased turret Lock Time from 0.8 to 1
- Nien Nunb: Increased Turret Unlocking Time from 0.2 to 0.25
- Nien Nunb: Decreased Augmented Turret damage from 22 to 20
- Nien Nunb: Decreased Turret damage from 15 to 14
- Luke: Increased Health from 925 to 1050
- Luke: Increased Blocking time from 4 to 6s
Game Modes
- Outer Rim: Increased the frequency of Extraction being played in the Outer Rim playlist from 50% to 75%.
Two rounds of Extraction will now be played every other round.
- Hero Hunt: Resolved the issues which allowed there to be two heroes at the same time.
- Hero Hunt: Resolved a rare issue in which the interface would not appear after spawning in as a Hero in Hero Hunt.
- Hero Hunt: Removed the hero selection wheel. Now only showing the score and
appointing the top damage dealer to become the next hero.
- Heroes Vs Villains: Decreased rounds required to win from 5 to 3 rounds if played in the Outer Rim playlist
- Heroes Vs Villains: Decreased time until first round starts from 60 to 30 seconds
- Heroes Vs Villains: Decreased time between round end and next one begins from 30 to 10 seconds
- Fighter Squadron: Resolved an issue in which you could spawn in to a
different vehicle type in Fighter Squadron if you deploy in exactly at the same moment
as another player does it on the opposite team.
- Cargo: Decreased time limit from 15 to 10 minutes if played in the Outer Rim playlist
- Power-ups: Fixed various issues with Power-ups being unreachable or blocked by the Environment.
- Spawns: Fixed player spawns across all modes on Ice Caves & Swamp Crash Site.
Stats & Progression
- Stats: Resolved an issue in which players didn’t get any stats after completing rounds of Hero Hunt in certain instances.
- Stats: Players should be able to observe all unlocked diorama figurines correctly when looking at another players profile in the social hub.
before only multiplayer based figurines would appear unlocked.
- Hutt Contracts: Some descriptions and criteria have been made clearer.
- Hutt Contracts: Updated the Criteria for DT-12, Relby-V10, and Scatter Gun to not require 15 kills in a round but rather 15 kills in total.
- Hutt Contracts: Unlocks obtained during a game round will now become instantly available and
will not require the player to leave the server to access them.
- Diorama: Greedo Diorama criteria has been updated and now requires 7 unlocks.
All players who have completed the 7 criteria pre-patch will have the diorama figurine automatically unlock next time they play
and finish a round of multiplayer.
- Accomplishments: Changed the required amount of kills for the various weapon related
accomplishment streaks from 10 kills to 7 kills.
- Scoring: Changed the term „Killstreak bonus“ to „Combat Streak“
- Scoring: Increased various objective based scoring events and decreased various combat oriented scoring events.
Release: 21.06.2016
Quelle: xboxfront.de | play3.de || gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- 4 Neue Multiplayer-Karte auf Bespin (für Season Pass Besitzer)
Ab dem 28.06.2016 für alle Spieler verfügbar
- 2 neue Helden: Lando Calrissian und Dengar
- 2 Neue Waffen: X-8 Nachtschütze und EE-4-Blaster
- Neuer Spielemodus: Sabotage
New Star Cards
- Shock Grenade: A non-lethal grenade with a small radius that will stun opponents caught in the blast.
- Scout Binoculars: Outlines enemy soldiers when zooming through the goggles.
After pressing fire, any soldiers in line of sight get tagged for your entire team for 4-5 seconds.
- Disruption: Instantly overheats the weapons of any soldiers in close proximity to the player.
- Partner: Staying close to your partner will provide you with reduced cooldowns for all your Star Cards.
This is illustrated via an icon above the in-game soldier. An exclamation mark means that you are too far away,
a check mark means you are within distance, and a cross means your partner is dead.
- Partner: Enemies that kill your partner will have a red outline for a brief period.
- Partner: The game will now always try to auto assign you a new partner whenever you do not have one in-game.
There are also in-game notifications to inform you that you’ve lost a partner and if a new partner has been found.
- Partner: If you are not able to spawn on your partner there are now written explanations as to why.
They are: Partner is in danger, Partner is out of bounds, Partner is inside a vehicle, or Partner is dead.
- Partner: The distance to enemies that prevent spawning on partner has been reduced from 20m to 2m.
- Private Matches: Bespin and Outer Rim maps and game mode have been added to private matches.
Limited to owners of Bespin and Outer Rim DLC and Star Wars Battlefront Season pass.
- Private Matches: Players are now able to select multiple maps and create a custom map rotation.
- Private Matches: Team switching functionality has been added and is an option that can be toggled by the host.
- Private matches: Team balance functionality has been added and is an option that can be toggled by the host.
- Immortality: The immortality issue that could occur when spawning in to vehicles has been resolved.
The time to spawn in to a vehicle has - een reduced and players are no longer protected by immortality during this time period.
- Social Hub: Resolved the issue related to players getting disconnected when navigating to a friend’s profile in the social Hub.
- Rebel Vehicles: Added a modifier to X-Wing, A-Wing, and Millennium Falcon weapon energy when the shield is active.
While active, weapons deal 25% less damage than what they do when the shields are not active.
- Team Scramble: Added functionality for scrambling teams at map change.
- Team Balance: Fixed various bugs that resulted in that team balance not functioning correctly on small game modes.
- General: Various minor UI issues.
- General: Resolved various spectator issues.
- General: Updated various error messages used in game.
- General: Updated the localization to resolve various text bugs.
- Enemy Highlights: Enemies will be highlighted if they are inside the player’s crosshair for more than 1 second.
The highlight will be removed after the crosshair isn’t on the enemy for 1 second.
- Traits: Whenever an enemy has reached the third level with a trait card, it will now be visible above his health bar.
- Frontend: A Cloud Car has been added in the rotation of FrontEnd objects.
- Text chat (PC): Has been added to various places in the game, such as loading screens, lobby and End-of-Round.
- Grenades: Resolved a bug in which there would be two grenade indicators overlapping when throwing a grenade.
- Text chat (PC): Numpad Enter is no longer used to open the chat. Only regular Enter works.
- Idle kick: Improvements to the system have been added and there’s now a countdown timer to illustrate when you will get kicked from the round.
- Idle kick: The system will now observe if players are idle in the deployment screen.
- Deploy screen: Spawn on Partner and regular Spawn have switched places in the deployment screen.
- Event log: Callouts have been added when a Hero suicides or leaves the game.
- End-of-Round: The summary page has been updated and now displays a few key stats from the concluded round.
- End-of-Round: Added a “Skip” button in the end-of-round flow, once the next level has loaded.
- Kill Card: Resolved a bug in which the trait card would occasionally be blank for some players.
- Hutt Contracts: Resolved the bug that caused completed Hutt Contracts to stay in the end-of-round screen.
- Hutt Contracts: Resolved a bug in which the Hutt Contract screen would still be present in the rest of the menu.
- Match Making: Resolved a bug which caused the status to be displayed as “Expanding search to 0% full games”.
The matchmaking systems as not affected by this bug as it was purely a visual issue.
- Community: Added a unique identifier for all developers in-game.
Weapons & Star Cards
- Charges: Players will be able to deactivate charges by holding down the Y/Triangle button on console and 2 on PC.
Once this is done the effect will be removed and the charge will instantly enter a cool down state.
- Scan Pulse: This card now continuously sends out pulses at set 2 second intervals.
When someone is pulsed, they will remain visible for 0.5 seconds.
- Bowcaster: The fire
pattern has been altered. The following pattern will be used when charging the
Left &
Right projectiles
& Bottom projectiles
- Pulse Cannon: A laser glint has been added so players that are being targeted
by the pulse cannon will be able to see a green laser on their screen thus revealing the location of the attacker.
- Explosive Shot: The charge now will cause double the heat buildup on any weapon when being used.
To balance this the time the charge is active has been increased for both normal (5 to 7s) and upgraded (7 to 10) cards.
- Berserker (Trait): The berserker effect will trigger on 78% HP or less
- Berserker (Trait): A vignette has been added to inform the player that the berserker effect is active.
- Berserker (Trait): The armor multiplier has been increased while the berserker effect is active.
- Blaster Cannon: A self-destruct timer has been added and will trigger 45 seconds after the blaster cannon
has been used at least once. If the blaster cannon never was used, it will self-destruct after 15 seconds.
- DLT-19: Raised initial damage from 15 to 17.
- Ion Disruptor: Increased the explosive radius of the disruptor projectile.
Inner explosion from 1 to 2.5m and outer explosion from 2.5 to 7m.
- Heroes: Reduced damage to heroes from Pulse Cannon from 150% to 80%.
- Palpatine: Increased lighting sustainability from 4 to 7 seconds.
- Palpatine: Decreased lighting recharge time from 4 to 2 seconds.
- Palpatine: Increased lightning damage from 20 to 22.
- Boba Fett: Modified the behavior of the flamethrower to be more responsive.
- Boba Fett: Increased Boba Fett’s flamethrower active time from 2.5 to 4.5 seconds.
- Boba Fett: Reduced time for jetpack regeneration from 2 to 1.6 seconds.
- Boba Fett: Lock-on distance for wrist launcher added for up to 25m.
- Boba Fett: Increased wrist launcher rocket blast radius from 3 to 4m.
- Bacta Bomb: Updated some hero abilities to be more effective against players that are currently under the effect of the Bacta Bomb.
- Heroes: The health pick-up icon has been updated with a new visual look.
- Leia & Palpatine: Resolved an issue in which the honor guards could spawn on both Leia and Palpatine
when they were out of the combat area.
Game Modes
- UI: Game mode HUD is visible when observing the scoreboard.
- Pre-round: Combined the in-game lobby and the pre-round timer to be the same.
Now the game mode will instantly start as soon as you can join from the in-game lobby.
-. Droid Run: The game mode will no longer end if all three droids are held for 20 seconds.
Instead once all three are held by a single team, that team will be gaining points.
If the point total for either team reaches 100%, that team will win. If no team reaches 100% before time runs out,
the team that has held all three droids for the longest time will be the winner.
- Droid Run: Decreased the time for capturing a droid from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Droid Run (audio): Tension music has been added and will trigger whenever a team is close to win.
- Walker Assault: Improved the system which handles uplink activation and deactivation so that the player can’t interact
with them once the Y-wings are about to spawn in.
- Fighter Squadron: Increased the score limit from 200 to 400.
- Blast: Resolved an issue in which the round would end in draw when the score was 100/99.
- Turning point: Resolved a bug in which the wining team could switch from empire to rebels if there were rebels present on the final control point exactly when the match ended.
- Heroes Vs Villains: Changed the starting times. First round starts after 60 seconds, all rounds after will start after a 20 second delay.
- Extraction: Improved the button call out on the Shield & Shipment controls. Before they could appear visible when they weren’t usable.
Stats & Progression
- Diorama: Dengar, Lando Calrissian, and the Cloud Car have been added to the Diorama.
- End-of-Round Summary: Several key gameplay stats have been added to the end of round screen.
- Scoring: Resolved a bug which caused the player getting 400 points or
more for healing an Honor guard with the Bacta Bomb.
- Scoring: Removed the event for kill assist & critical kill assist and replaced it with a regular kill.
If you deal more than 25 damage to an enemy, you will automatically get a kill.
- Scoring: Updated the score log and how certain scoring events are presented.
Kills will now only state which weapon was used to kill a target as well the name of the target.
- Scoring: Resolved the issue in which vehicle damage scoring event would clutter the score log
when dealing a lot of damage within a very short time-span.
Now you will see points accumulate, but the score log will not display any text when dealing damage.
- Scoring: Explosive bonus and kill streak have been hidden in the score log.
Players will keep getting extra points for performing more than 4 kills within a life,
but there will be no text in the score log. The amount of Explosive bonus events will be presented in the summary screen
after a round has concluded.
Release: in Arbeit
Quelle: gamepro.de
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