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SOCOM: Confrontation Patch Details (5-6)
Release: 30.10.2008 (Nur für die US-Version)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Fixed many issues which would cause the game to crash, hang, disconnect and exit to the PS3 XMB.
- Fixed an issue which would cause large numbers of players
in a high player count game to be simultaneously disconnected.
- Fixed an issue which would cause players to be invincible.
- Fixed a physics issue which would cause players to occasionally "warp" around on the map.
- Fixed an issue where a "corrupt save data" message would be incorrectly displayed after updating the game.
- Fixed some player model issues related to team swapping.
- Client/server optimization.
- Fixed an issue where the scope camera had
an incorrect offset from the barrel of the gun while prone or leaning/peeking.
Release: 05-12.01.2009 (Version 1.30)
Quelle: ps3news.de
- Trophy Patch
Release: 09.03.2009 (Version 1.41)
Quelle: ps3inside.de
- XMB presence - Medley Game information has been abbreviated,
displaying all information required to identify the location of the player
- Late Join ‘Hitch’ improvements - addresses the pause experienced by players when someone late joins a game
- Navigating Screens With Large Clans – slow down issue fixed
- Increased speed of fade at the beginning of the round
- Increased countdown timer in Quick Match Pre Game lobby from 20 to 60 seconds
Enabled Quick Match team switching
Ranked, Unranked and Unranked Respawn games, each contains 6 different playlists: 3 8vs8 and 3 16vs16 players.
- Claymores can now be detonated when player is in the prone position
- 529 MB groß
Release: 02.04.2009 (Version 1.42)
Quelle: ps3inside.de
- Falsche Spawn Punkte zu Beginn des Spiels kommen nicht mehr vor.
- Spieler, die aus dem Spiel gevotet wurden, verlassen das Spiel direkt, ohne bis zum Ende der Runde im Raum zu bleiben.
- Die Verbindung von den einzelnen Spielern mit einer mittelmäßigen Internetleitung wurde stabilisiert.
- 17 MB groß
Release: 24.08.2009 (Version 1.50)
Quelle: GameRadio.de | ps3news.de
- beseitigt Lags
- optimiert die Bandbreite in den Mehrspieler-Gefechten
- zahlreiche Verbesserungen im Clan-Bereich & den Tournaments, dem Kalender
- der Follow-A-Friend-Option sowie in privaten Spielen
- Nun kann man direkt in das Spiel eines Freundes einsteigen.
- Ein Raum kann mit einem Passwort gesichert werden.
- Beim “Waffen-Ring” Modus kann man sich, während man eine Waffe auswählt, bewegen.
- FAMAS haben nun eine reduzierte Genauigkeit.
- 1 Shot Kill mit Desert Eagle bei leichter und mittlerer Rüstung.
- 1 Shot Kill mit allen Snipern bei leichter und mittlerer Rüstung.
- Channels werden ab sofort automatisch alphabetisch geordnet.
- Der schwarze Bildschirm beim Spawnen wurde entfernt bzw. auf maximal 1 Sekunde herabgesetzt
- Ein 30 Sekunden Start Timer erscheint in der Lobby, wenn mehr als 60% der Spieler bereit sind.
- Clan Abzeichen/Clan Abkürzungen werden nun In-Game angezeigt.
- Kill-Cam ist nun nur noch maximal 5 Sekunden aktiv.
- Ingame Waffenwahl gilt nun nicht mehr für alle Spielen.
Release: 10.12.2009 (Version 1.60)
Quelle: consolewars.de
Crashes, Freezes and Hangs Fixed
- Fixed an issue in which players were being booted out of the game to the XMB while loading into and during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue in which a player crashed when issuing specific commands/taunts at the end of a round.
- Fixed a hang that occurred when attempting to join a Completed Ladder match.
General Gameplay Updates
- In Extraction and Escort game modes, rounds no longer end while the
Extraction/Escort Timer is counting down and the Game Timer reaches 0:00.
- Fixed an issue in which players couldn�t throw Grenades if they fell a certain
distance while throwing Grenades and having Grenades equipped in both Gear slots.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to fire the M16A4 as a fully automatic weapon.
- Prohibited players from floating in the air above the level boundaries.
- Hostages will no longer sometimes appear invisible to players that Late Joined a game.
- The effects of the Mark 141 will no longer carry over from one round to the next.
- Fixed an issue in which a player would sometimes load into the game a few seconds before other players.
- Fixed an issue where multiple players could receive credit for capturing the same control point.
- Fixed the rare occurrence of a flashing blue Satchel Charge.
- Added the ability for players to walk over shin height objects without getting stuck and having to jump.
- Improved the ability to shoot over railings and out windows.
User Interface
- New Loading Screens referencing the Map and Game Mode being played have been added.
- DLC items now appear in the game grayed-out with Shopping Cart icons
designating that you must have the DLC in order to access these items.
- Added a new Brazilian Channel to the list of available Channels.
- Added 4 new Global Channels: Global North America, Global Korea, Global Japan, Global Europe.
- Searching for a game in Quick Match will now continually search for matches until one has been found without timing out.
- In Quick Match, a Cancel option has been added to stop searching for matches at any time.
- Matches created in Quick Match are now completely randomized from the full pool
of maps and game modes and are significantly more likely to select the Day version of the map.
- Medley matches are now completely randomized from the full pool of maps and
game modes and are significantly more likely to select the Day version of the map.
- Made some existing clan colors unique to the U.S. Navy SEALs Special Forces.
- Removing players from your Tournament team no longer removes those players from the Tournament.
- Fixed an issue to allow players in Standard Definition to access the Invite Friends screen for Tournaments.
- Clans that leave a Ladder can no longer be challenged.
- Character models in the Armory will no longer slide off of the screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Primary Weapon icon in the HUD would appear distorted when joining a game.
- Multiple selection icons will no longer sometimes appear in the Region screen.
- Backing out of the Tournament Sign Up screen no longer results in a blank Day View screen.
- Adjusted the Headset Volume sliders in the Pre-Game Lobby and in-game Pause Menu to allow more variation in volume.
Weapon Updates & Fixes
- M87ELR has been augmented to use .50 cal rounds.
- Shotguns now do less damage at long range but slightly more damage at close range.
- Grenade Launchers and Rocket Launchers have significantly less fire delay.
- Grenade Launcher ammo explosions have a slightly larger blast radius.
- Slightly increased the accuracy of the M16A4.
- Slightly increased Grenade encumbrance.
- Slightly reduced the fire rate of the DE .50.
- Weapon stat values updated to reflect new and upcoming weaponry.
- C4 will now chain-react when they explode.
- Grenade Launcher ammo will no longer pass through players.
- Slightly increased encumbrance for all Grenade Launchers and their ammunition.
- Players will no longer get stuck when going Prone near some vehicles.
- Players can no longer get stuck in the Lion statue.
- Fixed some issues pertaining to the Classic Camera clipping through walls.
- Decreased Control Point capture distance to prevent capturing points from a further distance in respect to other maps.
- Hostages will no longer get stuck on concrete barriers in the Extraction zones.
- Improved AI paths for Hostages in Extraction and Escort modes.
- Fixed multiple issues involving the dropping out of the Dome graphics.
- Fixed an issue in which Commandos were able to bypass a Breach Wall in the Dome without using C4.
- Prevented players from getting stuck on various props in the Mercenary spawn area.
- Decreased Control Point capture distance to prevent players from throwing Flares over the edges of buildings and railings.
- Improved AI paths for Hostages in Extraction and Escort modes.
- Players will no longer get stuck while trying to move through holes in the stone walls.
- Improved AI paths for Hostages in Extraction and Escort modes.
- Added collision to the short walls to prevent players from passing through them.
- Improved AI paths for Hostages in Extraction and Escort modes.
Urban Wasteland
- Fixed some issues where players would get stuck while moving in prone next to certain vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where the wall graphics in the parking lot would drop out and allow players to see outside of the level.
- Improved AI paths for Hostages in Extraction and Escort modes.
- Removed a piece of invisible collision in the computer room.
- Improved AI paths for Extraction and Escort modes.
Desert Glory
- Changed Mercenary bomb site to ammunition crates to become consistent with other maps.
- Added a new AI path for Hostages to use the Breach Wall route once destroyed.
- Decreased Control Point capture distance to prevent players from throwing Flares over the edges of buildings and railings.
- Improved AI paths for Extraction and Escort modes