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Prey Patch Details (8)
Release: 03.05.2017
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- PS4 Pro Support: stabiliere Bildrate / bessere FPS durch Boost Mode
- Operators können nicht mehr durch Wände schießen
- das Hacker-Minispiel zeigt jetzt das richtige Objekt an, das gehackt wird
- die Schnell-Ladefunktion lädt den neuesten Spielstand
- die KI wurde optimaler an den Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasst
- Imput Lag wird beseitigt
- einige Soundfehler wurden behoben
- Phantom corpses will now have proper names if they were NPCs that were turned into phantoms.
- Cystoids and cystoid nests now react appropriately to fast-moving objects
- Explosive containers will now explode when thrown at technopaths
- Nightmare will no longer camp objects the player has turned into in front of it
- Operators can no longer occasionally shoot through walls
- AI adjusts for difficulty level more effectively
- Multiple telepaths in an area no longer chain attacks on the player
- Touching placed grenades while mimicked will no longer cause them to explode
- Boltcaster can no longer cause zero-damage critical hits
- Nullwave Transmitter now works on Apex tendrils
- Technopath can now be hit by sneak attacks with the stun gun
- Grenades are now affected by lift fields
- Dropped weapons will now re-equip to favourites wheel when picked up
- Recycler grenade damage now properly scales with difficulty level
- Gloo Gun no longer loses functionality after placing too many gloo balls in a level
- Various Fixes to Mimic Matter ability
- Player can now open EMP’d doors with their leverage abilities
- Backlash now properly prevents suit damage while active
- Player’s attacks will no longer consume Backlash charges
- Objects targeted by Lift field will be highlighted properly
- Remote Manipulation can now be used to open most containers
- Beam Shielding chipset now properly reduces damage from military operators
- Updated Mimic Detection Gen 2 chipset description to include all mimic types
- Military operator effects fixed for first-person view
- Players are now affected by electric floors/water while jumping
- Telepath will no longer knock player out of the world in Crew Quarters
- Player will no longer fall out of the world when gravity is restored when they’re upside down
- Players can now carry destroyed operators properly in Zero-G
- Hacking minigame will now properly display what object is being hacked in the UI
- Players can now split stacks when looking at container inventories
- Various fixes to behaviours when player mimics an operator
- Localised versions of the game now support switching VO to English
- Killing Mikhaila with the Q-Beam now only counts as one human killed
- Quickload loads the most recent save of an type, not just auto-save
- Addressed several framerate bugs
- Addressed several save/load bugs
- Several crash fixes
- Various mission and objective marker fixes
- Various localised text and audio fixes
- Various SFX fixes
- 1,296 GB
Release: 17.05.2017 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gameswelt.de | play3.de
- Fix to prevent Save games from becoming corrupted.
Fix also returns corrupted Save games to uncorrupted state.
Also addresses some additional crashes on map loads
- Hacking during the Power Plant reboot no longer causes the reboot to fail to complete.
- Fix to prevent the Player from becoming stuck in certain circumstances.
- Nightmares will now always search for the player once spawned.
- Numerous fixes to GLOO to prevent breaking and bypassing collision,
prevent corpses from passing through walls and floors.
- Updated Recycling to prevent infinite material creation.
- Fix for occasional combat freeze when attacking Phantoms
- Kaspar’s objective indicator should no longer disappear.
- Updates to audio mix to adjust volume of music, audio logs, cutscenes.
Release: 24.05.2017 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: play3.de
- Further fixes to prevent Save games from becoming corrupted.
Fix also returns corrupted Save games to uncorrupted state.
- Items should no longer be incorrectly deleted from inventory or world when changing levels.
- Fix for stamina not recovering.
- Fix for being unable to repair items.
- Player should no longer spawn out of level.
- Fabricated weapons are now empty.
- Fix for humans incorrectly turning hostile. Hostile humans in lobby will be returned to friendly.
- End game credits now always skippable.
- Aaron Ingram no longer cowers if spooked by a Typhon.
- Fix for various problems making changes in the settings.
Release: 31.05.2017 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: play3.de
- PS4 Pro Support: Enable Screen-Space Reflections, Higher quality shadows, Improved texture appearance,
More texture memory (stable streaming), Anisotropy 16x (from 4x), Improved visual fidelity, Less LOD usage,
Dynamic lights show up further, Particles are allowed to draw more pixels per effect, Particle refraction enabled
- Additional fixes for PS4 input drift
- Glooing Cook between objectives no longer breaks mission
- ‘Nightmare is Hunting You’ no longer plays after completing ‘Copy Protection’ without Typhon Neuromods installed
- Disgruntled Employee mission now properly completes if player finds Grant Lockwood prior to getting mission.
- Sarah Elazar will now give the code for Cargo Bay B if player has hostility from Phantoms
- Aaron Ingram will no longer flee and cower when released in Psychotronics
- Player can no longer lock themselves in the security pharmaceuticals office in Trauma
- Superfruit no longer appears shrunken and flat when fully grown.
- Adjusted timing on several cutscenes.
- Blank objective markers no longer persist above reticle
- Using key actions while controller prompts are shown will no longer cause a freeze.
- Tracking bracelets are now sent to Recycler with “Transfer all Junk”
Release: 02.06.2017 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: play3.de
- Einige Framerate-Probleme werden behoben welche durch den Fix vom Imput-Lag entstanden sind
- FOV (Sichtfeld) Fehler wird behoben, welche nach dem Inventar geändert wurde
- Fixes to address screen-tearing/stuttering
- Player can no longer become blocked from rebooting Power Plant for the „Reboot“ mission
after killing the Technopath in Life Support.
- Fixed crash when mimicking bass guitar in the Yellow Tulip.
- Extra items gained through passive neuromods, such as organs and tumors from Necropsy or spare parts
through Dismantle, will now properly stack in the player’s inventory automatically.
- Loading a save from a previous version of the game will no longer remove all quests and inventory, or break the HUD.
- Fix for some AI-related crashes.
- Various combat tweaks/fixes for mimics.
- Opening the TranScribe will no longer disrupt FoV settings.
- The light on top of a turret will no longer become detached when the player jumps and glides while holding it.
- Approaching areas with Coral should no longer cause the client to stutter and eventually freeze.
- Operator corpses from saves made on previous builds will no longer cause performance issues.
- Repair II and III increase efficiency with suit patch kits. Reduced suit damage from enemies on easy and normal difficulty.
- Increased wrench range and strength of melee aim assist. Wrench now always staggers mimics
(interrupts attacks). Mimics stand further back to prevent players having to look down too much.
- Stun Gun now tells the player when a target is out of its effective range.
Weapons will display a „Weapon Offline“ when disabled by EMP.
- Hepatocytic Amp S-m186 chipset now properly only removes the negative effects of the „Drunk“ debuff
- Player will now spawn in the correct location when traveling from Shuttle Bay to other locations.
- Player will now spawn in the correct location when traveling from Shuttle Bay to other locations.
- Fixed rare crash when level transitioning to Life Support.
- Reployers no longer lose collision when recycling them, and then loading a save where they were present.
- Player can no longer bypass ceiling collision by mantling GLOO.
- Danielle now voices the correct response to the player’s actions with the Cook during the endgame sequence.
- The fabricated coral detector chipset and the quest-given chipset now both function correctly to scan the coral when installed
- Fix for rare freeze/crash when in combat with Phantoms.
- The Luther Glass quest will no longer incorrectly complete and fail
after the player has already completed the quest in Trauma Center.
- Lights are no longer sometimes incorrectly ‚on‘ when the player enters the Cargo Bay for the first time
- Igwe will no longer be found in Cargo Bay when the ‚meet January‘ call is triggered.
- Mimic’s wall jump attack animation is cancelled if they are stunned.
- Treasure Hunt now lists an objective and marker to return to Abigail’s workstation once all the maps are investigated.
- The nightmare in the Arboretum is now able to get into the greenhouse and use ranged attacks on the player from the doorway.
- Turrets can now be hacked properly if they’ve been previously controlled by the Technopath.
- If the player manages to fully GLOO the greater mimic while it is in mid-lunge toward the player’s face,
the facegrab animation will no longer play and trap the player.
- Hitting a stunned Phantom with the wrench no longer breaks their animations
- Raised phantoms and operators will no longer become hostile to the player when attaching grenades to them.
- Various crash fixes
- Various text fixes.
Release: 11.06.2018 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: play3.de | gamewelt.de | xboxdynasty.de | bethesda.net
- Unter anderem hat man die drei Spielmodi „Story“, „Survival“ und „New Game+“ hinzugefügt
Bug Fixes
- Turret pickups are now transparent while in low gravity
- Austin Cool no longer briefly displays detection meter after saving and loading in Cargo Bay
- Fix to Morgan’s locker after reloading a save
- December’s corpse will no longer be duplicated upon transitioning out of Neuromod Division
- Tizzy’s corpse is no longer missing from Crew Quarters
- Improvements to Telepath combat
- Improvements to Corrupted Operator navigation
- Miscellaneous VFX fixes
- Fix for crash related to using Electrostatic Burst on Mikhaila before giving her her medicine
- Prevented Mimics from mimicking certain assets
- Alex will no longer move to his office after being rescued from the Apex
- Miscellaneous fixes to gameplay and video options
- Fix for POI markers upon reentering GUTs through Shuttle Bay, Cargo Bay, or Arboretum
- Loading an autosave while auto-examining a note will no longer result in other items looted from containers and bodies to float in air
- Fix for crash related to loading a save with grenades on turrets
- Give Medicine prompt no longer appears after the objective has failed during Assist Mikhaila quest
- Improvements to Weaver combat
- Improvements to Looking Glass lighting in Morgan’s Office
- Voltaic Phantoms no longer trigger recycler traps before the player meets the Cook
- GLOO Cannon, TS-QPB-S11 Quasiparticle Beam, and Disruptor Stun Gun now produce audio when disabled by EMP
- Alex’s pistol no longer remains floating upon triggering self-destruct sequence before Alex finishes speaking to January
- The Cook's recycle charge traps now deal damage to the player when activated
- Mimics now properly participate in the Behavioral Biometrics experiment in Psychotronics
- Mimics and Phantoms no longer slide when distracted by a moving Lure Grenade
- Player now able to sit in Captain’s Chair after level transition
- One mind-controlled human dying no longer triggers negative comment from Danielle in Life Review
- Josh Dalton is now easier to find
- Player can no longer kill KASPAR prior to start of Ultimatum timer
- Fixes to prevent the Player from becoming stuck in certain circumstances
- Pistol ammo in Guest Suite in Crew Quarters now accessible
- Cargo hold doors in Dahl’s shuttle no longer remain open when player boards to leave
- Radiation status symbols no longer appear in HUD while mimicked
- Fix for crash related to loading a save and Phantom Genesis
- Elite phantoms can no longer shift while stunned to avoid thrown charges
- Simmons no longer repeats a VO line every time the player presses a hotkey
- The Mimics in Annalise Gallegos’ office now properly swarm through the window
- GLOO Cannon now fires the correct animation when affected by EMP
- Player can now rebind Favorites Wheel
- Explosive objects no longer explode upon contact with other items while being picked up
- MIkhaila's transcribe call after shuttle timer expires no longer plays twice
- Players no longer able to double loot corpses by turning them into Phantoms
- An objective marker now appears over Foy's workstation for the last step of the Treasure Hunt quest
- Charging Wrench while switching weapons no longer prevents use of Favorites Wheel
- Who is December quest objectives now update properly and are completable when done out of order
- Phantoms no longer ignore player when distracted by turrets
- Gathering Echoes objective no longer progresses when listening to the audio log from Danielle Sho's workstation again
- Players no longer become locked on enemies when rapidly swapping between charged weapons
- Camera position no longer remains zoomed in when opening the TranScribe while zooming in with the Psychoscope
- Adjusted order of Alex’s dialogue delivery in Perdition under certain circumstances
- Quickloot UI no longer remains onscreen if player is not interacting with a container
- Addressed miscellaneous typos
- 1,75 GB groß
Release: 09.07.2018 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: play3.de
Inhalte für Mooncrash-Besitzer
- Skyrim-Operator
- The Evil Within-Operator
- Mimic mit gestreiftem Zylinder
- Mimic mit Bambushut
- Gravierte schallgedämpfte Pistole
- Gravierte Schrotflinte
- Gravierter GLOO-Kanone
- Gravierte Rohrzange
-1,34 GB groß
Release: 24.07.2018 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de
Inhalte für Mooncrash-Besitzer
- Wolfenstein Operator Skin
Elders Scrolls Online Operator Skin
- Bucket Mimic
- Propeller Mimic
- neue Waffen wurden hinzugefügt
- 1,47 GB groß