Nioh Patch Details (9)

06.02.2017 (Version 1.01)
- Einige Bugs wurden behoben
- 88 MB groß
10.02.2017 (Version 1.02)
gameswelt.de |
- Fehler aus der Welt geschafft
wurde, der dafür sorgte, dass der Season-Pass beim
Kauf der Digital Deluxe
Edition von „Nioh“ nicht entsprechend registriert wurde.
- Fehlerwurden behoben, welche das
Spiel zum Einfrieren brachten
- 400 MB groß
15.02.2017 (Version 1.03)
Balancing Changes
- Increased rewards for random encounters
- Added forging item for trade at Hidden Tea
- Adjusted Amrita Reneration from Extraction
Talisman while using Living Weapon
- Adjusted paralysis effect of Medusa Power
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented
completing Magatama Of Fire and Fiercer Flame sub-missions
- Fixed a bug which caused emotion tutorial
window to remain throughout the Daizaifu Main mission
- Fixed a bug that prevented the unlocking of the
„Saika Magoichi Crusher“ title
24.02.2017 (Version 1.04)
- A new menu is aded to the Hidden Teahouse. It will
allow players to readjust points Items
such as arrows and other consumables will now be sent
directly to the storehouse if the player's carry max is reached.
Added an "Other" menu to the "Play Record" window
- The following has been altered in the Game Settings
menu under System Menu:
Added a weapon type tab
Added an armor type tab
Added a small items tab
Autmatic projectile replenishment at mission start
Center the camera when guarding
- Title screen will now show application version Weapons
and armors may now be sorted by category
The Itokuri Guardian Spirit will now give priority to
weapon attributes regarding paralysis protection.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where autosaves would accidentally
overwrite other characters.
(The autosave issue may appear, but the character
override will no longer happen)
- Fixed an issue that made some enemies continuously
drop Amrita Fixed missing assets in some stages
- Fixed an issue that caused the application to crash
when fighting certain bosses.
- Fixed an issue where missions could not be completed
if the objective enemy was defeated mid-air.
- Fixed an issue where missions could not be completed
if the objective enemy was defeated through a wall.
- Fixed an issue where Saika Magoichi and Kelly may be
on the ground while in online play.
- Fixed an issue that was matching users again after
successfully completing a mission.
- Fixed an issue where correct gestures towards Mujina
were not recognized while playing online.
- Fixed an issue where, during online play, players
would not be able to open their equipment and
would be naked if they were transported while mid-bath
in a Hot Spring.
- Fixed an issue where Dual Katana's Mid Stance strong
attacks would not hit if the enemy is guarding.
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to proceed if
the skill Leaf Glide was used against certain bosses.
- Fixed an issue with Suzaku's Living Weapon trigger.
- Fixed an issue where the correct amount of enemies
defeated would not display in the Play Record.
- Fixed an incorrect description of gestures in the
trading section of the Hidden Teahouse.
- Other Bug Fixes.
25.02.2017 (Version 1.05)
play3.de |
New Features/Adjustments
- Added an option to the “Trade” menu of the “Hidden Tea
House” letting you redistribute your points by spending a dedicated item.
- Arrows, bullets and other consumables will be sent
automatically to the storehouse if they can’t be picked up due to carry limits.
- Added a “Play Time” display to the “Other” tab of the
“Gameplay Record” option of the Titles menu.
- Added the following settings to the “Basic Game
Settings” menu in the “System Menu”
- Add weapon Tabs to Inventory Menu
- Add Armor Tabs to Inventory Menu
- Add Accessory Tabs to Inventory Menu
- Auto-refill Ammo From Storehouse at Mission Start
- Reset Camera Upon Guarding
- The title screen will now show the game’s version.
- Weapon and armor can now be ordered by Type.
- The Itokuri Guardian Spirit has been changed to
prioritize weapon attributes about protection from paralysis.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused other character data to be
overwritten by auto saves.
There is a possibility that the error might still occur,
but it will be saved normally by saving again.
Errors caused by auto save will be fixed with the PS4
system software update 4.50.
- Fixed a problem that caused certain enemies to
keep dropping Amrita.
- Corrected a bug that caused geometry not to appear in
some stages.
- Fixed an issue causing application errors and
inability to progress while fighting certain bosses.
- Fixed an issue that caused inability to complete a
mission when defeating a boss while in mid-air.
- Fixed an issue that caused Kelley and Magoiochi Saiga
to be buried in the ground while playing online.
- Fixed an issue causing a temporary match with another
user after completing a mission in rare cases.
- Fixed an issue that caused the correct gestures made
towards a Mujina to be interpreted by the game as a failure.
- Fixed a problem occurring during online play, when
summoned while in the hot springs.
Players appeared without their equipment, and couldn’t
open the equipment menu.
- Fixed a bug causing the strong attack of the second
sword of the dual katana
weapons in middle stance to fail to hit after a guard.
- Fixed a bug causing to become unreachable if the skill
“Leaf Glide” was used during a specific boss fight.
- Fixed a bug when using the guardian spirit Suzaku with
bare hands, triggering weapons with strength 0.
- Fixed a problem causing the count of specific enemies
not to be performed as intended in Gameplay Record.
- Fixed a bug that caused the description of gestures to
be displayed incorrectly in the “Trade” menu of the “Hidden Tea Room.”
- Other minor bug fixes.
25.03.2017 (Verison 1.6)
play3.de |
gamezone.de |
- 10 neue Missionen
- Added new Titles. (Obtainable in additional
- Added new Smithing Texts. (Obtainable in
additional missions.)
- Einige Fehlerbehebungen und Anpassungen
Adjustments and Improvements
- Pressing the Options button in the status menu
will now pause the game. (Unable to use during multiplayer mode and summoning
- Raise the limit for the number of smithing
materials that can be carried to 9,999.
- Can now skip through items using the left and
right keys in the equipment screen.
- Changed the rate at which the living weapon
gauge recovers while a living weapon is triggered.
- The amount the gauge recovers now gradually
reduces according to how much of the gauge has been depleted.
- In accordance with the above, the living weapon
recovery rate for the “Extraction Talisman” has been increased.
- The abilities of the guardian spirit “Suzaku”
have also been adjusted.
- Buffs and debuffs are reset when the living
weapon of guardian spirit “Suzaku” is automatically triggered at zero health.
- Buffs and debuffs are reset when using a
quick-change scroll.
- Adjusted the increased attack rate and duration
for Talismans.
- Adjusted the increased attack rate and duration
for Power Pills.
- Adjusted the increased damage rate for axe
mystic art “Intesity.”
- Adjusted the increased damage rate for katana
mystic art “Sword of Execution.”
- Adjusted the amount of ki used for the
kusarigama skill “Blade Spin.”
- Adjusted the damage caused by each type of
shuriken, kyaku-dama, horoku-dama has been adjusted, and the parameters of their
- Adjusted the damage caused by “Fire Shot,”
“Water Shot,” “Lightning Shot,”
“Wind Shot,” and “Earth Shot,” and the parameters
of their effects.
- Adjusted the damage range of the axe skill
“Earth Carver.”
- Adjusted the camera in the London stage.
- Adjusted the values for special effects
activated when in a critical condition.
- Added the following settings to “Basic Game
Settings” in the system menu:
- Enabled on/off function for “Reset Camera When
Pressing Lock-On without a Target.”
- Enabled on/off function for “Display Item Level
(Not Multiplayer) in Equipment List.”
- “Rarity Color Patterns” allows you to change
the text color for each rarity.
Adjusted clan battle rewards:
- Individual rank (clank) rewards have been
greatly increased.
- Camp rewards for victories / losses have been
Adjusted the Crest Protections for the following
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where some missions would be
considered completed
even if you fell to your death before finishing
- Fixed a bug where the Glory you obtained while
playing online
was not reflected in The Glory Contributed
- Fixed a bug where players would be given
rewards different
from their rank when receiving rewards for
individual ranks in clan battles.
- Enemies sent flying into the air by a
groundfire trap will no longer fly into the air again after being hit by a
follow-up attack.
- Fixed a bug where Mujina would remain the same
strength regardless of the mission level.
- Fixed a bug where “Titles Earned” in the
gameplay records would not reach 100 percent.
- Fixed a bug where other players could still see
your headgear
when playing online. Even when it was set not to
- Fixed a bug with Sakata Kintoki’s movements.
- Fixed a bug where the player would be launched
too high into the air
when they were hit by a certain characters’
attacks while falling.
- Fixed a bug where depleting Nobunaga’s ki with
backwave would cause him to move in strange ways.
- Fixed a bug where boss characters in
certain missions would not appear in the player had their bow drawn.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
02.05.2017 (Version 1.07)
gamepro.de |
- kostenloser PvP Modus wird hinzugefügt
1 versus 1 und 2 versus 2
- kostenpflichtes Addon "Dragon of the North" für 9,99€
03.05.2017 (Version 1.08)
- Allen voran wurde ein Fehler aus der Welt
der laut offiziellen Angaben dafür sorgen konnte,
dass euer „Nioh“-Spielstand zerstört wird.
- 1 GB groß
17.05.2017 (Version 1.09)
Adjustments and Improvements
Implemented countermeasures for
unfair/questionable actions during
PvP and clan battles.
Lowered the probability of getting
the special effect "Damage Toward
[Enemy Type]"
Added the ability to skip the
animation when obtaining prestige.
Changed the "Naked Brawler" combat
title so it can now be obtained when
wearing accessories.
Added additional details on how to
acquire certain combat titles.
Adjusted the positions for the kappa
in the mission "The One-Eyed
Dragon's Castle"
Fixed a bug where skills would
occasionally not be properly set
after changing equipment sets.
Fixed a bug where saving and
reloading during the mission "Yokai
Country" would sometimes disable the
boss door from opening.
Fixed an application error that
would sometimes occur in the mission
"The Samurai From Sawayama"
the boss fight began during an
online multiplayer session.
Fixed a bug where visitors would be
teleported to an unintended location
the host would pray at the shrine in
the cave in the mission "The Demon's
Fixed a rare application error that
occurred when praying at a shrine in
the mission "Yokai Country"
Fixed a bug where the difficulty
would not be reflected properly when
searching for a Companion for the
Yokai Realm.
Fixed a bug where you could select
missions in "Yokai Realm with a
Companion" that were otherwise
unavailable to you.
Fixed a bug in version 1.06 missions
that prevented you from getting "XX
Crusher" titles after dying until
you left the mission.
Fixed a bug where the amount of gold
received as a reward was lower than
expected for some missions in "Way
of the Demon"
Fixed a bug where an exclamation
mark would display over the number
of consumable items
you returned to the starting point
after a PvP battle.
Fixed a bug where the number of
skill items you had after a PvP
be the same when you went to the
area screen.
Reduced the likelihood of suddenly
teleporting during a PvP battle,
regardless of network environment.
Fixed a bug that allowed you to use
certain means to carry more items
than allowed in PvP battles.
Fixed a bug in PvP battles where
your health gauge would display
again after your health reached 0.
Fixed a bug where the "Burn" and
"Paralysis" effects would not
disappear during online multiplayer.
Fixed a bug that would occasionally
reduce the amount of Amrita received
the special effect "Amrita Gauge
Bonus in Battles (Vs. High-Rank
Opponent)" was active.
Fixed a bug where Date Masamune
would occasionally behave
unnaturally when guarding an attack.
- Fixed a bug during the Katakura Shigrnaga fight
where the surrounding cover fire would sometimes not trigger.
- Fixed a bug where the player would sometime
take damage if in physical contact with the igress right when she is defeated
- Fixed a big when fighting Shima Sakon where he
would sometime become still for serveral seconds.
Fixed a bug where Hozion Inei would not become
- 51 MB groß
27.06.2017 (Version 1.12)
- Added the „Donation“ feature to the Clan Battle
system. You can now donate equipment to your clan to obtain glory.
Also, if you fulfill certain conditions, you will
earn special rewards.
- Added the „Temper“ feature to the Blacksmith
menu. You can use a new type of item called „Umbracite“
that allows you to choose new special effects for
your equipment from a list. After obtaining Umbracite,
open the reforging menu and press the △ button to
begin tempering.
- The following features have been added to the
Blacksmith after you select „I have request for Muramasa.“
Allows you to pay the cost of Soul Matching with
Allows you to forge Silabar Ingots. When you
forge a Silabar Ingot, you will immediately use all of your Amrita,
a percentage of which will be stored within the
ingot. You can later use the Silabar Ingot to obtain the amrita stored within
Grants a low chance of obtaining rare forging
materials when you disassemble equipment.
- After selecting „Reforge“ from the Blacksmith
menu, pressing the △ button will reselect the most recently selected entry.
- Added support for USB Music Player /
PlayStation Music.
- Increased initial completion rewards of
Twilight missions
Added/adjusted initial rewards, including the
addition of Umbracite.
Increased the amount of gold/amrita received as
part of the initial rewards.
(When a Twilight mission reappears, you can
obtain the initial rewards again.)
- Increased rewards when playing as a Visitor:
Umbracite will now randomly drop when you defeat
an enemy.
The level of the equipment you can obtain will
now increase based on your progress.
You can now receive Umbracite as a reward for
completing a mission as a Visitor. -Increased the crest protection of the
following clans:
Ishida / Otani / Nato / Mohri / Kuroda /
Kikkawa / Torii / Matsunaga / Saika / Uesugi / Shibata /
Mori / Fuma / Takeda / Murakami / Naoe /
Ashikaga / Satake / Ukita / Asakura
- Increased the crest protection’s starting value
of the following clans:
Oda / Shima / Chosokabe / Tachibana / Date /
Fukushima / Akechi
- Adjusted/changed clan protection bonuses that
are determined by membership duration:
Decreased the amount of time it takes to receive
the highest bonus from membership duration.
After rejoining a clan you were previously part
of, you will now start with a portion of the membership duration bonus you
previously had.
(This only applies to clan transfers performed
after ver. 1.12.)
You can now increase your membership duration
bonus by making donations.
(If you have already reached the maximum
bonus level, donations will not increase it further.)
- Fixed a bug in which your previous „Glory
Contributed“ value
would sometimes be reflected as the current value
under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug in which you would be unable to
recover amrita taken by amrita-stealing attacks
from enemies like the One-eyed Imp if you
defeated the enemy before the amrita was completely stolen.
Also fixed a bug in which the amount of amrita
you could obtain from an enemy who stole amrita
would decrease if you had a large amount of
- Fixed a bug in which the skill „Stone Mallet“
would trigger even when you didn’t hold the button.
- Fixed a bug in which the level at which you
completed „The Queen’s Eyes“ would be
the same as that of „The Demon King Revealed“ in
the gameplay record menu.
- Fixed a bug in PVP battles in which you would
sometimes not be matched with people using
the same secret word if you had set the battle
type to „Without Conditions“ and the secret word to „On“ when searching.
- Fixed a bug in which „Amrita Obtained“ would
include amrita obtained from using a book of reincarnation
when displayed in the gameplay record menu.
07.08.2017 (Version 1.16)
play3.de |
play3.de |
- PvP "Battle of Skills" Modus wird hinzugefügt
- Raised the level cap from 500 to 550 after
reaching the Way of the Wise.
- Greatly increased the amount of Amrita received
for completing missions in the Way of the Wise.
- Greatly increased the amount of Amrita received
from enemies appearing in missions level 500 or higher in the Way of the Wise.
- Players are now able to evade immediately as
they get up.
- Shortened the amount of time needed for a max
charge of the Sword skill “Iai Quickdraw.”
- Adjusted the timing and hit box of the Dual
Sword skill “Sign of the Cross.”
- Improved the hit box when using an uncharged
“Sign of the Cross.”
- Increased the amount of Ki used by a fully
charged “Sign of the Cross” (PVP only).
- Enlarged the visual effect of the shockwave
produced by the Odachi skill “Groundquake,” and enlarged the hit box to match.
- Changed the strike portion of “Groundquake” so
that it knocks the opponent down and
increased the Ki damage of the shockwave while
decreasing its HP damage (PVP only).
- Increased the amount of Ki used by the
“Groundquake” (PVP only).
- Shortened the down time of an opponent knocked
down by the Tonfa’s “Grapple”.
- Decreased the Ki damage caused by the Tonfa’s
follow-up attack after getting deflected (PVP only).
- Decreased the duration of the effect from
Enku’s Guardian Spirit protection “Nullify Damage (Dash Attacks)” (PVP only).
- Increased the amount of Glory earned from a
loss or a draw in a PVP battle.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in which attacks would not hit
Yamata-no-Orochi in “The Demon King Revealed” during Online Multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug in which characters would sometimes
sink into the ground in areas above ground in “Scion of Virtue.”
- Fixed a bug in which quickly using a Tonfa
step-attack would occasionally result in the attack not hitting.
- Fixed a bug in which you would be
returned to your original stance even if you changed stances
when using the Tonfa skills “Demon Dance: Heaven”
or “Demon Dance: Earth.”
- Fixed a bug in which “Pulverize: Earth” would
not trigger after the Tonfa skill “Demon Dance: Earth” even if you input the
additional command.
- Fixed a bug in which you would not lose Ki when
a low-stance strong attack with Tonfa was quickly deflected.
- Fixed a bug in which the hit box was not
properly set for the falling Bare-Fisted attack.
- Fixed a bug in which Suzaku’s Guardian Spirit
protection, “Auto-charge Amrita Gauge (Critical)”,
continued to be active even after switching to
another Guardian Spirit.
- Fixed a bug in which Suzaku’s Guardian Spirit
protection, “Auto-charge Amrita Gauge (Critical)”,
would not trigger even if the proper conditions
were met.
- Fixed a bug in which Narikama Tanuki’s Guardian
Spirit protection, “Auto Life Recovery (Critical)”,
would not trigger even if the proper conditions
were met.
- Fixed a bug in which the icons for some of the
Spirit Stones received as mission rewards did not display properly.
- Fixed a bug in which new Transformations that
are added to the Trade menu by completing missions
would not be added if the missions were not
completed on the Way of the Samurai difficulty.
- Fixed a bug in which your lock-on would not
properly switch back and forth in 2 vs 2 PVP battles.
- Fixed other various bugs.Fixed a bug in which
running out of Ki when charging one of the following skills
would lock up the controls until the skill was
fully charged, even if you let go of the button. Affected skills:
The Sword skill “Iai Quickdraw”
The Dual Sword skill “Sign of the Cross”
The Odachi skill “Imperative Strike”
- 75,76 MB groß
in Arbeit 2017
- kostenpflichtes Addon "Japans Best Warrior"
- kostenpflichtes Addon "Peaceful and Tranquil"