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Medal of Honor Warfighter Patch Details (2)
Release: 23.10.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de
New Features:
- Now able to add friends and join parties while in-game.
- Can invite others to your platoon or apply to join a platoon while in-game.
General Tweaks and Fixes Multiplayer Gameplay
- Removed initial delay to Spec Ops Signal Scan charging.
- Snipers in Recon stance will no longer be visible to enemy RQ7/RQ11 UAVs.
- Increased the accuracy of server-side aiming prediction.
- Fixed an issue with "Fall Back" spawning to improve its behavior.
- Fixed spawn type changing to Buddy Spawn automatically when it is not supposed to.
- Call in a Blackhawk for the losing team if they are getting dominated in Sector Control.
Single-Player Gameplay
- Added tutorial text to first sniper encounter to help teach player about bullet drop.
- Fixed an issue where the default difficulty was set to Easy instead of Normal.
- Fixed an issue where controls would become unresponsive under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with one of the in-game cinematics.
- Improved single player stability and fixed progression stoppers.
Matchmaking, Parties, and Platoons
- Smoothed out the matchmaking flow between successful matchmaking and joining the player to the game.
- Players can no longer join an invitation only party without being invited.
- Fixed issues with joining single players together into Fireteams.
- Fixed an issue where Veteran platoon members could not reach Elite status.
- Platoon ownership is now automatically transferred to the most senior member/GM of the platoon when the current leader leaves the platoon.
- Fixed an issue where a member that is removed from a platoon becomes its leader.
- Fixed an issue where players could not rejoin the same platoon matchmaking server after playing a game on that server.
- If a player leaves one platoon and joins another, their platoon card now properly reflects that change.
- Fixed an issue where the platoon patch would not show up for other members if one member leaves the platoon.
- Fixed another issue where the platoon patch would no longer show up under certain circumstances.
- Sending a platoon invite when both players are in-game now works properly.
- Fixed "no scope" shooting. Players were getting immediate ADS accuracy without having
to wait for the scope to come all the way up. Was very exploitable for snipers.
- Sped up the bolt action on the CS5, since it was longer than the TAC300.
- Fixed issue with gap between where the LTLM can't fire and where it indicates the target is too close.
- Reduced the damage/range of the Demolition's SMGs (Scar PDW, HK 416c, Suchka), as they were overpowered.
- Made switching between primary and secondary weapons much more responsive.
- Fixed an issue where a grenade would not be thrown the next time if the user switches to their weapon while cooking a grenade.
- Player will now switch back to their secondary weapon if that is the weapon in use when throwing their last grenade.
- Fixed an issue where aiming was pushing the player away from the wall they were standing next to.
- Fixed clearance check for placing the Radar Jammer.
- Fixed auto-ADS not working when peek-and-leaning while prone.
- Implemented pre-streaming for weapons to reduce the time from spawn to ready-to-fire to be 0 seconds in most cases.
Down from around 2 seconds prior to this fix.
UI and User Experience Navigation
- Made the start button responsive as soon as the player enters the first menu screen.
- Simplified the way players navigate and select in the My Gun and Class Select menus.
- Fixed the way the UI handles scrolling, including speed and correct scroll bar position.
- Cleaned up a number of other small navigation quirks and issues.
User Experience
- Servers in the Server Browser are now sorted based on ping, giving priority to servers closest to the player.
- Filtering servers by name now works properly.
- Fixed an issue where changes in My Gun and My Soldier were not being
retained when joining a game via the Quick Match or Matchmaking options in the MP Lobby.
- Optimized the login flow into Multiplayer.
- Updated the MP Lobby to include a shortcut to creating a Party.
- Quick Match button in the MP Lobby is now contextual, and will change to Platoon Matchmaking if you are in a Platoon Party.
- Fixed the Server Browser filter to properly sort for games that have 6+ open slots
- Fixed a 20 second hang during the Online Pass flow.
- We now keep the queuing message open as long as the player is still queuing.
- Clean up notification numbers when a new item is viewed.
- Various other flow and user experience optimizations.
Visual Polish
- We now turn off the HUD when we start to show the outro scoreboard.
- Fixed display of text in disabled dropdowns.
- Fixed some subtitle lines being cut off.
- Removed hints and tips from the loading screens that were no longer valid.
- Fixed the Player Banners to display the correct rank icon and number.
- Fixed placement of auto-save icon on CRT TVs.
- Fixed HUD elements not showing in certain cases.
- Fixed animations in the post-match screens as they show the player's progression.
- Fixed the timer not displaying in the post-match screens.
- Fixed player name tags not showing up in-game in Home Run.
- Icons are now scaled on the sniper's mini-map when they are using the bipod.
- Updated the art used in the Player Banner.
- Fixed some camera issues on level entry.
- Fixed the demolitions class mask display in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue that would cause some images not to display properly.
- Various other alignment, corruption, overlap and visual improvements and fixes.
Misc Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Battlelog social hub introduction was showing every time you opened the Battlelog social hub.
- VOIP team channel no longer includes players from the other team.
- Round cycling no longer changes VOIP settings for the players
- Fixed an issue with VOIP in the Home Run game mode.
- Fixed an issue where Double XP was not being awarded to players who had both logged on to medalofhonor.com and who had played on a multiplayer server.
- Fixed an issue where the Global Warfighter medal was not being awarded after players had completed a tour with each class.
- Fixed muffled firing sounds when scope is zoomed in.
- Localization fixes, in both audio and text.
Release: 17.11.2012
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
- VoIP improvements
- Front-end visual improvements in MP
- Increased bullet damage in Real Ops
- In-game Party improvements
- Shortened post-match timer and updated post-match progression display
- Added server leaderboards post-match
- Added Fireteam leaderboards in Battlelog
- Added Quick Select for classes/weapons
- 10 additional multiplayer ranks: Atlas Commander Bronze 1/2/3, Atlas Commander Silver 1/2/3, Atlas Commander Gold 1/2/3, and Atlas Supreme Commander
- Improved stability for SP and MP
- Numerous fixes addressing known bugs and exploits
- Additional content and changes in preparation for the Zero Dark Thirty or The Hunt Map Pack