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Max Payne 3 Patch Details (4)
Release: 21.05.2012 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Allgemeine Probleme wurde beseitigt
- 59 MB groß
Release: 26.06.2012
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xbiox-newz.de | gamezone.de | gameswelt.de
- Verschiedene Multiplayer Verbesserungen, wie die Optimierung der Respawn-Punkte,
sowie Verbesserungen bei der Waffen-Balance und der Ladezeiten
- Reduzierung der Hardcore Playlist Voraussetzungen von 5.000 auf 1.000 Punkte
- Zwischen Rang 49 und 50 werden die Erfahrungspunkte wieder erhöht
- Verbesserte Auto-Save Funktion, bevor der Bildschirm einfriert
- Trophäe für Rang 50 wird freigeschalten
- der Cheat für die unendliche Bullet-Time wird abgestellt
- die Reichweite der Waffen für Spieler, die mit umgekehrter Vertikal-Achse spielen, wurde angepasst
Release: 26.08.2012
Quelle: gameswelt.de | xboxdynasty.de
- The new Multiplayer Player Card, which allows you and your friends to track multiplayer stats
including current amount of XP, total kills, favorite weapon and more.
- New Automated cheat protection and lag protection measures.
- Improvements to multiplayer load times
- Players can now spawn with dual wield if they have two sidearms and no two-handed weapon equipped
- Polish language support has been added
- Party leader now has the option of taking entire party with them when they back out of a match
- Weapon rank in the Arsenal is now visible on the left side of the screen, not just the right
- The Crew menu is now available inside lobbies
- XP gained for completing Grinds no longer contributes to rankings in Gang Wars matches
- Improvements to the spectator camera in Gang Wars
- Gang Wars wager system improved to better show betting results
Release: 28.11.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- The Kill screen now shows what weapon and burst the enemy used to kill you
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally get stuck in cover
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally appear invisible
- Fixed an issue where game modes could appear to be over 100% full
- Fixed an issue where occasionally a Loadout slot could overwrite another Loadout slot at the start of a round of Gang Wars
- Fixed an issue where a party would have trouble loading into a new game after a party member had left
Release: 22.01.2013 (Version 1.80)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Slightly increased the rate of fire and the accuracy of the IMG 5.56 and fixed an issue where it would occasionally jam between bursts
- Fixed a reloading issue with the M24
- Fixed an issue where the auto 9mm would sometimes change fire mode when toggling the laser sight on/off
- Fixed an issue where the scope and laser attachments for the IA2 AR rifle would occasionally not work
- Fixed an issue where the grenade indicators would sometimes not display correctly
- Improved fix for instance of players occasionally getting stuck in cover during the single player campaign
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally have trouble aiming using Southpaw controls in the single player campaign
- Fixed an issue where certain users received an error message when selecting Social Club from the Main Menu
- Fixed an issue with signing up to Social Club in-game for Japanese users
- Zusammen 263 MB groß