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Mass Effect 3 Patch Details (4)
Release: 10.04.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Der Bug wodurch beim Spielstand-Transfer, Shapards Gesicht zurückgesetzt wird wurde behoben
- Es wird die Framerate verbessert
- Vergleichsvideo untem dem LINK
- Fixed an issue when quickly and repeatedly selecting to Resume a Save could
result in Player Level reset and a potential locking of powers.
- Fixed an issue when selecting Multiplayer in the Main Menu while under a poor
network connection could result in an unresponsive state.
- Fixed a potential crash while accessing an in-game terminal from Eden Prime level.
- Fixed an issue when attempting to login while Server is down.
It would display a Server Down message and accepting the Server Shutdown message would shut down the game.
- Fixed a potential memory crash while loading a Quick Save of a custom FemShep.
- Fixed an issue when restarting missions and acquiring an above max amount of
weapon mods results in displayed debug text on-screen.
- Fixed an issue when an unresponsive game state could occur during transition after the Conduit level.
- Fixed an issue when potentially the game could enter unresponsive state
when transitioning from the Holding Docks area to the Normandy Docks area of the Citadel. (PS3 Only)
Release: 31.05.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de | GameRadio.de | consolewars.de
- Fixed an issue where sometimes facial movement would not match the voice over if a hitch occurred
- Fixed an issue where taking cover in a certain area of Cure the Genophage mission
would cause players to become blocked from progress
- Fixed Action mode so it will now respect difficulty if set in the main menu
- Fixed an issue where the player would always be walking forward instead of
towards objective in The Return mission
- Fixed the Ultralight Materials SMG weapon mod in multiplayer so it correctly affects weapon recharge
- Fixed a rare case where the reinforcement pack purchases could fail and take currency without giving cards
- Fixed the issue where users logged off/disconnected during multiplayer g
ameplay would not log back in properly until their game is rebooted
- Fixed the issue that multiplayer Geth sentry turret flamethrower would endlessly repeat audio SFX
- Fixed various multiplay maps where a player could fall through the map during multiplayer gameplay
- Fixed the issue that using an ops survival pack consumable immediately
before death could have no effect. It now works as intended
- Fixed the issue so the Falcon weapon in multiplayer no longer sometimes fire blanks
- Fixed the issue where enemies who were detonated with a biotic power while in stasis would become invulnerable
- Fixed the issue where Banshees who got hit with a rocket launcher would not play the correct death animation
- Fixed the issue where joining a match in progress while a Geth prime turret is active
leaves the turret there for the remainder of the game. It now disappears.
- Fixed the issue when joining a match in progress while the host is performing a
combat roll would play firing animation on the client for the host character, for the duration of the match
- Fixed an issue so Vanguards who are charging as they die are no longer being routed to the ground
- Fixed Host migration that would sometimes cause players to start on an incorrect wave
- Fixed the issue when a client quitting a match during deep bleedout causes
muted/ducked audio to persist into next match
- Fixed the issue that when being revived at the same time as being executed would leave players in an T-Pose state
- Fixed the issue that when a Banshee takes enough damage to stop her charge state,
her normal state is not immediately returned
- Fixed the issue where a player could enter a state when completing cover interactions near a ladder which
could lead them to becoming invulnerable and unable to deal damage
- Fixed game hitching of 1-2 seconds at start of waves
- Fixed clients occasionally seeing nonstop firing visual effects
- Fixed evaded projectiles having an erratic course
- Fixed an issue where selecting resume after death could occasionally cause henchmen to not spawn properly
- Fixed weapon recoil that could become reversed with a Turian when stability mod and passive power present
- Fixed the cover slot in Meet the Diplomats mission would cause a player to become stuck
- Fixed Geth prime and harvesters taking headshot bonus damage when they shouldn’t
- Fixed shooting the atlas in the cockpit with a penetration weapon doing double damage
- Fixed the Kishock Sniper Rifle that would hit head bone (critical hit) on enemies that should not be possible,
such as the Brute, Banshee and Ravager
- Fixed and issue where clients in cover cannot do any damage to targets at wide angles relative to the cover
- Fixed an issue where player can glitch their melee combo to only perform cover lean melee animations
- Fixed an issue where while dying in multiplayer, if the player pressed the prolong life
button too quickly they could erroneously die
- Fixed an issue so Drell Adept Reave audio plays at full volume for all players
- Fixed an issue that an interrupt could sometimes fail to prevent a Cerberus engineer from building a turret
- Fixed a crash in conversations after Investigate Sanctuary mission
- Fixed an issue where gear items from the Rebellion DLC would unequip at the end of each match.
- Fixed an issue so ammo consumables, such as cyro ammo, would not replicated from host to clients
- Fixed the Memory Leak going in and out of Multiplayer Menus
- Added feature to remove AFK players after a set amount of inactivity
- Added a cooldown to Ops Survial consumable
- Made ammo consumables insta-reload and damage bonus
- Fixed wrong DLC Text in the Trophy File
- Added Downloadable Content option to PS3 Main Menu
Release: 04.12.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed tutorial tip that didn't properly display an unbound command
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where if a character has DLC weapons equipped, and
the DLC associated to the weapons is deleted, the weapon loadout screen displayed no weapons
- Sabotage power evolution 6 increased tech damage bonus no longer stacks
- Fixed a rare crash in the final mission level involving the firing of the Cain at the Hades Cannon.
- Fixed the Encumbrance Bar from not updating correctly for the Earth DLC weapon mods
- Fixed weapons with natural piercing from having their damage reduced with piercing mods equipped
- Incinerate power evolution 5 now gives a damage bonus to frozen and chilled enemies
- Krogan Vanguard Rage bonuses now work properly
- Fixed Shepard's shadow from not appearing after entering and exiting an Atlas
- Fixed quitting/disconnecting while holding Retrieve Object that could cause the Retrieve Object to disappear
- Fixed users logging off or disconnecting during gameplay from not being able to return online until rebooting the game
- Players can no longer grab Geth Pyros over cover
- Fixed issue in which enemies surviving a detonated Stasis blast became invulnerable
- Attempting to equip similar weapon mods will now present a 'Slot Occupied' message
- Asari Justicar passive power evolution 3 power damage and force bonus now works properly
- Disruptor Rounds consumable (all ranks) damage multiplier against shields and barriers increased from 100% to 400%
- Particle Rifle no longer replenishes ammo from ammo boxes and supply pylons
- Fixed an issue when using Biotic Charge before death that caused the match to be unplayable afterwards
- Fixed pathing for Banshees so they don't get stuck in a teleport routine
- Fixed Asari Justicar from not being able to activate Biotic Sphere within range of large enemies
- Fixed dropping Retrieve Objects that could potentially fall under the level
- All Batarian and Krogan kits will now stagger less than other kits
- Ops Survival Packs now grant a one second damage immunity when consumed
- Singularity power re-designed:
Singularity no longer has a maximum number of charges and will only be destroyed when the time runs out
Performing a biotic combo on someone floating in the singularity no longer ends the singularity
Base cooldown changed to 8 seconds
Base duration of the singularity changed to 8 seconds
Base power now does 100 points of damage per second to all targets that are in range, even if not floating in the singularity
Base power sets up biotic combos on everyone that comes into range (only 1 combo added per enemy per cast of singularity)
Rank 3 changed to a damage over time bonus (used to be a radius and duration bonus)
Evolve 1 changed to singularity duration bonus (used to be a hold duration bonus and number of charges increase)
Evolve 5 changed to damage over time bonus (used to be a radius increase mechanic)
Evolve 6 now detonates biotic combos when the singularity explodes
- Fixed an issue with the Banshee being able to sync-kill players farther than she should be able to
- Fixed an issue with Firebase Jade giving partial extractions when all players are already inside the extraction zone
- Fixed SMG Ultralight Materials Mod not having impact on power recharge speed
- Fixed Armor Piercing Ammo not applying penetration bonus to secondary weapon
- Fixed player death camera beginning before a sync kill is complete
- Fixed an issue with talent points remaining after a character promotion
- Melee creatures will now completely ignore pets (drones, decoys, etc.) rather than just having a chance to ignore them
- Fixed an issue with Private Lobbies not staying private after the match has begun
- Krysae no longer ignores enemy shield gates
- Fixed various weapon sound-replications for clients
- Concussive Shot changes:
Evolution 3 damage and force bonus now applies to frozen and chilled targets
Evolution 5 changed to increase damage by 50% and radius by 1 meter
(used to take on the properties of your ammo power, but this did not work)
Evolution 6 damage bonus to organics increased from 100% to 200% over 10 seconds
- Fixed issue where enemies in Stasis surviving a biotic detonation would become un-synchronized for clients
- Fixed Leviathan DLC Weapon Mods not carrying over to New Game +
Marksman will instantly reload weapon ammunition when activated
- N7 Shadow Sword Mastery power evolution 5 and 6 now apply to Shadow Strike damage
- Fixed Atlas rocket applying damage over time on N7 Paladins using the Omni-Shield
- Fixed automatic revive at a specific spot in Firebase White
- Fixed an issue with ammo boxes causing players to be unable to fire weapons after attempting to refill grenades
- Fixed an issue with the Krysae Sniper rifle not functioning properly on squad members (Firefight pack)
- Can now headshot Banshees, Geth Primes, and Brutes for an extra 40% weapon damage.
- Can now shoot the Atlas’ exhaust port on his back for an extra 40% weapon damage.
- Fixed the health bar position of Tactical Scan on Swarmers
- Fixed an issue with enemies approaching a downed player to execute, but showing mercy and leaving
- Fixed seeking projectile powers occasionally failing to impact targets even though it appeared to impact
- Successfully extracting from a match gives 10% bonus credits. This reward does not depend on
your squad members – you must extra personally to get the reward.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Retrieve Objective wave to not recognize the recovery of the object when it enters the retrieve zone
- Fixed bleedout effect that was disappearing when another player used an Ops Survival Pack
- Fixed Decoy that was blocking the use of ladders to NPCs and squadmates
- Fixed Flamer power of Vorcha from being activated simultaneously with the Reegar Carbine
- Fixed icons of powers disappearing from the Character Screen
- Fixed an issue with Ken/Gabby and Tali/Garrus ambient dialogues not triggering in Normandy engineering
- Fixed an issue in which purchasing multiplayer card pack purchases would not complete
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to be invincible and invisible to enemies
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to use rockets from other weapons
- Fixed an issue on PS3 where after accepting an invite, a player could get stuck in a multiplayer screen by entering the store
from the promo screen and then exiting without purchase
- Fixed a crash when pressing PS button during the game's boot sequence
Release: 31.01.2013 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Waffenproblem im Multiplayer-Modus werden behoben, das es den Spielern ermöglichte,
alle Waffen mit Raketen auszustatten
- Weiterhin wird ein Speicherproblem beseitigt, das in Zusammenhang mit DLCs aufgetreten ist