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Killzone 3 Patch Details (11)
Release: 22.02.2011 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: consolewars.de | ingame.de
- Unterstützung für farbenblinde Spieler
- Erweiterte benutzerdefinierte Funktionen, zum Spezifischen Einstellen der Spiele
- Die Möglichkeit, Fähigkeiten und Waffen zu verhindern kann verwendet werden.
- Probleme aus der Funktionalität, wie Bänder, Fähigkeiten, Sprengstoffe, werden gelöst
- Friendly Fire kann an-oder ausgeschaltet werden
- Teambalance kann aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden
- Der Clan Offizier kann nun ernannt werden
- Die überdrehten Todesschreie werden abgeschwächt
- Die Anzahl der Assists wird angerechnet, um eine Tötungsmission zu gewinnen
- Das Spiel endet, wenn das andere Team zu wenige oder keine Spieler mehr hat
- Matchmaking Verbesserungen
- Die Möglichkeit zum Ausschalten des HUD, für Punkt Pop-Ups und Ziele
- Eine Menü-Option zum ermöglichen des Tupp-Internen-Chats
- Die Zugabe einer Stumm-Schaltfläche für alle Spieler
- Flimmern des Bildschirms wird behoben
- Clanspiele werden ausgewogener, sodass ein 4 vs 7 oder 5 gegen 8 verhindert werden soll
Release: 25.02.2011 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: playfront.de
- Viele Multiplayer Fehler wurden ausgebessert
- PS Move Support optimiert
- leichte Änderungen auch in der Kampane
- 38 MB groß
Release: 00.03.2011 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: GameRadio.de
- Network - Lag fixes and fixes for network errors 10002, 8001 and 8013
- Gameplay - Players now have more stamina by default.
Sprint length is increased but the recharge timer has been adjusted to compensate
- Gameplay - Mortally wounded players no longer have collision.
Alive players should now be able to traverse the levels without getting stuck on mortally wounded players
- Gameplay - Medic's revive cool-down reduced from 25 to 10 seconds
- Gameplay - Increased range from where friendly players can be revived - player can be revived from 20 meters now
- Gameplay - Guerrilla Warfare games now last 15 minutes and it takes 100 kills instead of 50 to win
- Performance – Improvements to party creation server load
- Menu - Show envelope icon to indicate that player has received message
- Menu - Rewards panel in post game screen now auto-scrolls
- Menu - Botzone is now paused when player goes to start menu
- Menu - Single click squad invite
- Menu - Enhanced idle detection code in menu, the player isn’t spawned if he’s still pressing buttons
- Security - Several security, anti hack and cheat fixes
- Stability – Fix for an occasional crash bug when in the Credits screen and
transitioning straight into Multiplayer via a Invite
- Stability – Fix for potential hang when players migrate between maps
- Gameplay - Player can retain crouched collision after deploying jetpack
- Gameplay - The Assassination Executioner medals only count Deadly Assassin kills, not Executioner kills
- Gameplay - Cloak kills with weapons that break cloak now count towards medal for Cloak levels 1 and 2.
- Gameplay - Global - Medic’s Triage droids now disappear when player quits out of game
- Gameplay - Cloak/Disguise cannot be removed manually by accident anymore
- Gameplay – Fix for rumble in Exo being over-powered and out of sync
- Gameplay – Fix for Silent Footsteps remaining active after choosing other skill and removed from the personal stats menu
- Exploit - Akmir Snowdrift - Player can reach the boat by using an ammo box to exit the intended boundaries
- Functionality – Disc eject now handled more gracefully
- Trophies - DLC 1 ‘Little Big Weapons’ Trophy does now counts rocket launcher and StA2
- Clan functionality – Fix for player quitting and re-joining a tournament, they may re-enter a tournament alone.
- Menu - Find game – Operations - Mode description - Spelling issue fixed
- Menu - Friends: Fix for Clan tags being displayed for a
max of nine players despite the number of player that are in the clan
- Menu – Fix for incorrect message given when attempting
to join a Clan Game that an online friend is taking place in
- Menu - Spawn-screen – Fix for when the extra Primary Weapon skill is equipped, the weapon description goes out of sync
- Menu - Accolades do now show subsequently
- Menu - When receiving a squad invite from a player in another match, there is now a warning that the player will leave his current game.
- Menu - Scramble detailed range and in-game range now match properly
- Menu - The Spot and Mark description in the unlock menu is now correct
- Menu – Fix for when the player presses the SQUARE button when a player that is in their game is highlighted
in the squad lobby menu they receive the message ‘You cannot join a play that is not in a game.’
- Menu - Turn off animations for the squad list to avoid it becoming unreadable every time a rebuild occurs when voice chat is activated
- Menu – Fix for when trying to join a friend without the required DLC pack, the message will tell the player they are part of a squad.
- Menu – Fix for the message informing the player they are attempting to join a DLC game without the required DLC content installed reading better
- Menu - Increased Accuracy & Faster Reload Ribbons now update in the personal statistics screen.
Release: 06.04.2011 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Bullet Damage and Faster Aim ribbon now unlock correctly
- Separate turn speeds for ADS on Primary weapons in Multiplayer
- Increased Accuracy ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
- Bullet Damage ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
- The 3rd person revive beam now shows correctly
- Bilgarsk Boulevard – preventing players getting stuck at spawn location
- Akmir Snowdrift – fixed a problem where the speaker object can fall beneath a piece of geometry
- Fixed a crash when joining a Guerrilla Warfare Clan match
- Blood Gracht – Fix for a hang when the Recon ability was used
- Fixed a crash while joining a Warzone game
- Player gets directed to multiplayer lobby when being kicked from game due to inactivity
- Adjustments to reduce the server load
- Added a "Mute all" button
- Updated icons and text on the Medals statistics
- Fixed clipped text for moderator messages
- The Faster Reload ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- The Increased Accuracy ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- The Bullet Damage ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- Fixes a hang when accepting a squad invite on the final results screen of an online game
-Fixed the Pause functionality in Botzone on the Class selection screen
- "Squad menu" is changed to "manage players" in the menu
- Button configuration improvements – Swapped L1/L2 grenade and aim
- Melee is now on the circle button
- Multiplayer – Aim Lock will now time out after one second
- Camera turn upped while using jetpack. Lowered for mounted weapons
Release: 25.04.2011 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: GameRadio.de
- Behebt in erster Linie einige technische Macken
- Insbesondere der Network Error 5022
Der sorgte bei einem Respawn im Pyrrus Crater für ärgerliche Systemabstürze
Release: 01.06.2011 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: GameRadio.de | Details hier
- 40 Bugs wurder entfernt
- Darunter Grafikfehler auf DLC Maps
- Kartenanzigen vom Retro Pack wurden verbessert
- Und Fehler auf Bilgarsk Boulevard wurden korrigiert
Release: 16.06.2011 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: gamezone.de
New Features
- Custom Games, Part 2. Additional information can be found at the bottom of the article, but it will include: choosing abilities,
weapons and careers, as well as toggling functionality such as ribbons, skills and explosives.
- Squad Only Chat. This is still an experimental feature and may not always function as expected.
- Playing Audio/Music from your PS3 during MP games.
- Marksman Improvements:
- Cloak rippling effect has been increased.
- Cloak now ripples with increased intensity when firing non silenced weapons.
- Transition from uncloaked to cloaked has been extended.
- A cloak fade transition between moving and not-moving has been introduced (player no longer snaps out of view).
- Distance Indicator for off-screen medics.
- Matchmaking. We will now make players switch faction automatically at the end of a round if teams are unbalanced.
Note that this will only affect players that are not in a squad or that have sent
an invite to create a squad, and that it will not happen at all in Clan games or Custom Games.
- You can now only submit another grief report for the same person if at least 7 minutes have elapsed since the previous one.
Single Player Campaign
- Icy Incursion/Providence Bay: Cutscene between last two sections has overlapping audio.
- Stahl Arms: Fixed Helghast Bots running into the ISA basecamp to get killed by base turrets.
User Interface
- Silent Footsteps icon skill now displays properly.
- Updated invitation messages for squad invites.
- Clans: Tournament boards for All Time now update properly.
- Players PSN ID is shown in the lobby instead of the PS3 consoles user name.
- Fixed the Statistics screen - progression bars update properly now.
- Implemented a minimum match count (15 matches) for Clans to enter the Leaderboard.
- Improved performance on Salamun Market.
- Fixed an issue where a squad invite would send players to the wrong squad.
- Clans: Fixed a crash upon entering a clan match and immediately quitting the match.
- When entitled to the 3 unlock points bonus multiple times youll now receive all those unlock points at once instead of only 3 each time you log in.
- Exoskeletons no longer look broken after repairing them and getting in.
- Some audio fixes for Brutal Melee.
- Fixed several graphical glitches.
- Fixed several collision issues and spots where players were able to escape the bounds of the map - in Kaznan Jungle,
Pyrrhus Crater, Akmir Snowdrift, Bilgarsk Boulevard, MAWLR Graveyard and Blood Gracht.
Akmir Snowdrift: Fixed issues where ISA members were able to reach the Helghast basecamp and
also reach the second objective area, during the first round of Operations.
- MAWLR Graveyard: Fixed an issue where ISA sentry drones would crash en route to the spawn location.
- Stahl Arms: Altered the boundaries for the western capture point to make them more realistic.
- The Junkyard: Fixed a couple of ammo crates that were unreachable from certain sides.
- Frozen Dam: Fixed the issue of ISA players being able to deliver the speaker through the floor by jumping on top of an ammo crate.
- weitere Settings sind nun möglich
- 100 MB groß
Release: 15.07.2011 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Abstürze nach dem Respawn werden mit 1.11 behoben
- Voice Chat für Squads funktioniert nun. Ist dieser aktiviert,
kann man nur noch Spieler aus dem eigenen Squad hören bzw. mit diesen sprechen
- Fehler in Custom Games - Body Count behoben. Wurde das Ziel auf “300″ gesetzt, waren lediglich 50 Kills nötig,
um die Runde zu beenden. Die Auswahl wurde von “50″, “75″, “100″, “200″, “300” auf “50″, “75″, “100″, “150″, “200″ und “250″ geändert.
- MAWLR Graveyard - Operations: Während der zweiten Mission, konnten User Teile der Map betreten,
die erst dann zugänglich sein sollten, sobald das Ziel erfüllt wurde. Fehler behoben.
- Bilgarsk Boulevard: Ein Kollisionsfehler auf der HGH-Basis wurde behoben.
- Stahl Arms: Grafikfehler, bei dem zwei große Rohre in der Mitte der Map in der Luft hängen, wurde behoben
Release: 06.09.2011 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Changed Marksman's scramble ability into an active ability
The marksman scramble ability now needs to be activated and deactivated via the d-pad, and has a cooldown period.
- Increased tracking response for engineer turrets
The turn speed of turrets has been increased, allowing them to track players more easily.
- Increased armor for engineer turrets (30%) - Turrets can still be destroyed by a single explosion from a grenade or missile launcher.
- Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol - Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol’s grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.
- Added realtime projector to MP15 Radec Academy
A realtime projector has been added to the theater room, projecting onto the large wall with two doors.
- Toned down overly enthusiastic death screams – Aieeeeaaargh!
- Increased mission points in Warzone – There is more of an incentive to go after mission objectives now.
- Doubled cooldown time on mortars – Cooldown time was increased from 30 to 60 seconds to avoid spamming the Search & Destroy mission area.
- Fixed tournaments not ending as soon as one clan leaves.
- Fixed clans being able to rejoin games that were already finished: Clans used these exploits to boost their game wins and climb the leaderboards.
- Reduced wait time at end of the round: The wait time was brought down from 60 to 45 seconds.
- Reduced pre-game wait time at end of the round: The wait time was brought down from 30 to 20 seconds.
- Added menu option to disable Sixaxis-only actions: Sixaxis-only actions can now be switched off in the menu,
so players only have to press ‘O’ to start an action.
This will make Killzone 3 more accessible to disabled players.
- Added map name to spawn screen: The map name can be seen in the top left, under the titles.
Release: 24.10.2011 (Version 1.13)
Quelle: ps3inside.de | play3.de
- Das SimulView-Feature wurde integriert
- 124 MB groß
Release: 19.11.2011 (Version 1.14)
Quelle: community.killzone.com
- Introduction of the MAWLR class to counter the Marksmen
- New Achievments for Glitching
- Tactician sentry bots have been buffed
- Warzone limit 8 vs 8. we want to be as close to COD as possible
- Fix for 3D issues and Campaign issues while Multiplayer is already perfect, No need fixing
- Zusammen 124 MB groß