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Injustice 2 Patch Details (12)
Release: 15.05.2017
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- 473 MB groß
Release: 26.05.2017
- Wonder Woman Event wurde aus dem Film hinzugefügt
- 203,48 MB groß
Release: 06.06.2017
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
General Gameplay fixes
- General stability improvements
- Many move list corrections
- Added more descriptive connection error messages and improved detection
- Fixed audio issues related to moves being interrupted
- Improved AI logic for multiverse opponents & for player AI loadouts
- Corrected an issue which could cause specific Jump Attacks to not have recovery when a miss occurred
- Corrected an issue that could cause a character to jump in the opposite direction if the jump
was inputted on the same frame as an opponent teleporting to the opposite side
- Gear Loadouts are now displayed in the loading screen for online matches
- The level requirement on Gear will now be displayed as red if the user
has not met the level requirement to equip it
- Added an indicator to opponent info in online match making screens
which will display if the opponent is using a Wi-Fi connection instead of a Wired connection
- The cursor now starts on Return tab instead of Leave Guild in the edit / view Guild information popup
- Added ability to view Set Bonuses in the customize character summary page
- Fixed an issue related to the projected win percentage not being accurate for online ranked and player matches
- Fixed an issue which could cause players to not receive the proper rewards upon reaching levels 5/10/15/20
- The Guild tab will now flash in the main menu to indicate if awards are available to be claimed
- Corrected an issue that could cause the camera to behave unexpectedly
if there was an error when an arena transition happened
- Multiverse opponents and player AI loadout characters will now use sidekick and assist attacks
- Fixed an issue in some Multiverse events that allowed for Sidekick and
Assist Attack meter to be depleted without the attack occurring
- Fixed a bug which was causing the stat scaling on a few Rare quality items which were rolling a lot higher than intended
- Mr. Freeze premier skin now has a helmet
- Bronze Mother Boxes now cost 5000 Credits & Silver Mother Boxes now cost 10000 Credits
Stage Specific Fixes
- Batcave: Hanging hook Environmental Interaction now has a cooldown after being used
- Batcave: fixed a bug that allowed hanging hook Environmental Interaction to knock enemies slightly outside of the arena boundary
- Brainiac Ship: fixed a bug causing a character to face the wrong way
when using the data canister bomb Environmental Interaction under certain circumstances
- Metropolis: fixed bug causing punching bag visuals to linger after being interrupted while using this Environmental Interaction
- Slaughter Swamp: reduced the range in which the truck Environmental Interaction can be used
Character Specific Fixes
- Black Adam: the Gear Ability Soul of Shazam now increases damage on initial hit of SHAZAM!!! (Flip Stance + Meter Burn)
- Black Adam: the Gear Ability Seth Strike can now be done as a wakeup, reversal, and be 2in1 cancelled into
- Bane: Mercenary’s Elbow when meter-burned will no longer do unscaled damage
(this change only applies when not in Competitive/Tournament Mode)
- Bane: fixed a bug which prevented his forward and backward throw to not reward a first hit bonus
- Bane: while in level3 Venom, Shattering Cross (Towards + Medium) will no longer lose its armor
breaking property when cancelled into Fist Slam (Down)
- Brainiac: slightly adjusted hit regions on Panic In The Sky (Towards + Medium, Down + Light, Hard)
- Cyborg: fixed a bug which could cause the HUD UI for his character power to display the wrong icon
- Darkseid: the character power Parademons will no longer sometimes immediately
attack if the character power button is still held down
- Darkseid: fixed a bug where Low Burn (Down + Hard) could remain active
with no visual effect if he was hit during a specific frame
- Darkseid: fixed bug causing Charging Parademon to attack in the wrong direction under certain circumstances
- Deadshot: Fixed bug causing opponent to gain meter when killed by Wrist Cannon while Poison Ammo is active
- Flash: the visual effects for Gear Ability Sonic Bolt will no longer disappear if Flash was hit during the recovery frames
- Green Arrow: fixed a bug preventing Canary’s Kiss (Towards + Hard) from receiving a damage boost when meter-burned or performed as a bounce cancel
- Joker: reduced the block stun on Chattering Teeth by 5 to prevent an inescapable block trap against most characters
- Poison Ivy: fixed a bug where Bed of Thorns visual effects could linger when the move was not active
- Scarecrow: fixed a bug which caused his wakeup attacks to have no invincibility frames (affects Fear Toxin & Traumatize)
- Wonder Woman: “The Gear ability Amalthea’s Protection no longer loses armor when meter-burned.
- Wonder Woman: fixed a bug causing Upward Amalthea Bash
when done as a wakeup to lose invulnerability before the activate frame
- 1,08 GB groß
Release: 13.06.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Red Hood" wird hinzugefügt
Release: 30.06.2017
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Sub Zero" wird hinzugefügt für den 11.07.2017
- General offline and online stability improvements
- Move list corrections
- Forward and Backward dashes now require a more precise input when buffered
- Setting Input Shortcuts Off in controller settings makes buffered special move checks in cancel windows,
reversals, and wake-ups have to be more precise
- Bug fixes to lingering visual and sound effects related to some Multiverse Modifiers
- Players now receive reduced experience bonuses when playing against an opponent of much lower levels.
- Added Restart Match option to the pause menu in Multiverse where applicable
- Removed Event Select and Main Menu from the pause menu in the Endless event.
- Added End Event Run option to pause menu in the Endless event
which grants rewards as if you lost your current match.
- Fixed bug that would cause the boss version of Brainiac to become unresponsive if Drone Summon attack was interrupted at a specific time
- Fixed several issues with resetting practice mode while using interactions
- Adjusted misaligned bomb visual placements
when done in certain situations (hit regions were not affected)
- Fixed lingering visual effect errors on several interactions when they were interrupted or used in specific situations
- Fixed an issue that caused some users to receive an excessive amount of Guild and Mother Box notifications at once
- Users now have access to a Quick Open Next option after opening a Mother Box
- Modifier descriptions are now shown before a Multiverse match where applicable
- Multiverse Meta-Challenges are better highlighted
- Added quick scroll buttons to the character list in the Customize Characters menu
- Users can now Mark All As Seen in the Customize Characters menu to clear the ’new‘ indicator
- Several projectile attacks have been changed to interact correctly with projectile affecting special moves
(such as Captain Cold’s The Wall MeterBurn). These moves are:
Batman: Sky Grapple
Black Adam: Power of Aton Gear Ability
Captain Cold: Upward Cold Blast Gear Ability
Cyborg: Up Nova Blast MeterBurn
Deadshot: Bullet Barrage
Green Lantern: Air Battery Blast
Green Lantern: Air Oa’s Rocket Gear Ability
Red Hood: Air Akimbo Blaze MeterBurn
- Bomb interactions now have three active frames (down from five)
- Atlantis: Statue jump interaction can only be performed as a cancel once per combo
- Atlantis: Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo
- Arkham Asylum: Fixed visual problem when killing an opponent with the toilet interaction
- Batcave: Fixed character facing issue when killing opponent with hanging light interaction
- Batcave: Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo
- Batcave: Brother Eye interaction can only be performed once per combo and has increased damage scaling
- Slaughter Swamp: reduced the range in which the truck Environmental Interaction can be used
- Atrocitus: Fixed a bug which allowed for Dex-Starr Character Power
attacks to sometimes be used in situations where you were in a throw state
- Atrocitus: additional damage added after Napalm Vomit attacks inside of a combo
will now use the correct combo damage scaling. (This does not apply in Competitive/Tournament Mode)
- Batman: Fixed a bug which allowed for the Mechanical Bats Character Power to sometimes
be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state
Batman: Pressing a button not bound to any attacks during Glide will no longer prevent further inputs
Black Adam: Fixed a bug which allowed for the Seth Strike Gear Ability to sometimes be able to attack in situations
where you were in a throw state
- Black Adam: Adjusted Air Boot Stomp ability to be able to cross up
when an opponent was in the corner (This does not apply in competitive/Tournament Mode)
- Black Canary: Fixed bug in which online match rollback could cause the Canary Cry audio effect to persist for the rest of the match
- Black Canary: Canary Cry character power attacks no longer interacts with projectile affecting special moves
- Brainiac: If a Beta Strike Character Power is active when a throw escape occurs,
it is destroyed (This does not apply in Completive/Tournament Mode)
Captain Cold: No longer continues to gain Character Power meter if transitioned while holding Cyclotron Charge
(This does not apply in Completive/Tournament Mode)
- Cheetah: Fixed camera issue that could occur when an online rollback happens during Savage Ambush MeterBurn
Cheetah: After landing a jump attack during her Jungle Jump Gear Ability, she can now combo into standing attacks
Cyborg: Fixed audio issue with Techno Tackle MeterBurn being interrupted
Cyborg: Fixed issue with Repair Circuit Gear Ability causing the Character Power UI to not display correct information if cancelled
- Cyborg: Fixed a bug that prevented the Directed Arm Blaster Gear Ability from dropping from Mother Boxes
- Cyborg: Fixed bugs with Target Acquired while under the effects of some Multiverse Modifiers
- Darkseid: Adjusted Low Omega Beam’s hit region to collide more consistently
- Darkseid: Fixed a bug which allowed for the Parademon Character Power to sometimes
be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state
- Darkseid: Fixed bug where Explosive Demon could be summoned in the background
if used immediately following a Background Bounce Interaction
- Darkseid: Fixed bug causing a summoned Charging Parademon to perform Demon Charge
attack in the wrong direction in certain circumstances
- Dr Fate: Fixed a bug which allowed for the Final Judgement or Final Punishment to sometimes
be able to attack in situations where you were in a throw state
- Firestorm: Fixed bug where Firestorm’s character model could become invisible in certain circumstances during online modes
- Flash: Fixed bug that would cause the Sonic Lift MeterBurn to sometimes miss if the first hit connected directly above Flash’s head
- Flash: On Your Mark now requires a more precise input when buffered
- Green Lantern: Battery Blast’s visual effects now always play correctly when on done from the right side
- Harley Quinn: Fixed a bug with Hungry Hyenas Character Power which could cause only one hyena to appear when two have been summoned
- Joker: Fixed a bug that prevented the Gasser Gear Ability from dropping from Mother Boxes
- Poison Ivy: Fixed a loss of control issue when Thistle Hurt (Away + Medium, Down + Medium, Light + Hard/Throw)
misses when an opponent tech rolls on the first frame possible after a large combo
- Poison Ivy: Fixed a camera issue when Nightshade’s projectile interrupted Batman’s throw on Poison Ivy
- Red Hood: Hammer Fury (Hard, Hard, Medium while Electric Hammers is active) starts up 1 frame later
- Red Hood: Fixed bug that could sometimes cause Supermove to auto-correct after the cinematic
- Red Hood: When Low Spin Parry is active Red Hood is now considered to be ducking
- Red Hood: Quick Shot Character Power can now be clashed
- Red Hood: Shrapnel Blast Gear Ability can now be clashed
- Red Hood: Shrapnel Blast damage decreased to 6% base damage (from 10%)
- Red Hood: Shrapnel Blast MeterBurn damage has increased to 10% base damage (from 6%)
- Red Hood: Akimbo Blaze MeterBurn Gear Ability is now recovers 23 frames faster
- Red Hood: Gutted MeterBurn Gear Ability is now +8 on hit (from -14)
- Red Hood: Ground Mine and Ground Mine MeterBurn can now only be parried by low projectile parries, and not all projectile parries
- Superman: Air Heat Vision follow up from Rising Grab is now a hard knockdown to prevent it
from being punishable on hit in certain circumstances (This does not apply in Completive / Tournament Mode)
- Swamp Thing: Fixed camera issue when Swamp Thing is interrupted during the startup of Sinking
Slough Gear Ability with an Away + Hard attack
- Wonder Woman: Fixed a bug could cause Down + Medium to have a misaligned hit region if done
when right after an opponent has jumped over you or switched sides
- 1,44 GB groß
Release: 01.08.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | playm.de | play3.de || playm.de | play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Star Fire" wird hinzugefügt jedoch noch nicht Verfügbar
General Gameplay fixes
- General stability improvements
- Many move list corrections
- Fixed some currency/mother box exploits
- Many improvements to the stability of King of the Hill
- Improvements to AI logic
- Attacks that collide with a Roll Escape’s invulnerability now act as if they have missed (previously this acted as a block)
- Flip Stance button can no longer activate a roll when you are knocked down
- Medium Attack and Heavy Attack can no longer activate a roll when you are knocked down with Button Shortcuts On in controller settings
- Fixed a one frame window in which diagonals could be used for specials
when performing a cancel or wakeup attack with Input Shortcuts set to Off
- Holding directions no longer stores that direction in the buffer for dashing with Alternate Controls set to On
- Fixed some rare occurrences of a match extension that would not cause both players to be reset to neutral
- Fix for a one frame window that could cause a dash in the wrong direction if the opponent has just performed a teleport
- Fixed issues with visual effects not disappearing correctly after being evaded by a projectile immune move
- Fixed bug causing some non-projectile attacks being able to be avoided by projectile immune moves in rare circumstances
- Improved hotfix data application to apply right after boot when available
- There is now an Overflow Warning which notifies the player when their overflow is full
- Added icons to show when playing with Competitive Mode On or in Tournament Mode to the gameplay HUD
- Improved display of Daily Challenges in the Main Menu
The following changes previously disabled in Competitive/Tournament mode are now enabled for all modes:
- Atrocitus: additional damage added after Napalm Vomit attacks inside of a combo will now use the correct combo damage scaling
- Bane: Mercenary’s Elbow when meter-burned will no longer do unscaled damage
- Black Adam: Adjusted Air Boot Stomp ability to be able to cross up when an opponent was in the corner
- Brainiac: If a Beta Strike Character Power is active when a throw escape occurs, it is destroyed
- Captain Cold: No longer continues to gain Character Power meter if transitioned while holding Cyclotron Charge
- Superman: Air Heat Vision follow up from Rising Grab is now a hard knockdown to prevent it from being punishable on hit in certain circumstances
Stage Specific Fixes
- Batcave: Fixed rare issue where players could use the chain swing interaction to move outside the boundaries of the stage
- Brainiac Ship: Drone interaction respawn timer is now 4 seconds (from 2)
- Fortress of Solitude: Wall punch interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 3)
- Metropolis: Fixed bug that could cause the camera to move away from the fighters when valve interaction was used
- Kahndaq: Wall punch interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 3)
- Red Sun Prison: Drone summon interaction cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 2)
Character Specific Fixes
- Aquaman: Huzzah (Away + Light, Medium, Hard) has 3 more recovery frames
- Aquaman: Rising Trident (Down + Medium) has 1 more startup frame and 3 less active frames
- Aquaman: Trident Rush & Trident Rush MeterBurn do less damage for each hit
- Aquaman: Tentacle Strike MeterBurn now does an additional hit that causes a hard knockdown
- Aquaman: From The Deep MeterBurn Gear Ability base damage reduced from 6 to 4
- Atroticus: Slightly Increased the amount of character power meter drained from Atrocitus when push-blocked while Dex-Starr is out
- Atroticus: Slightly increased the amount of Character Power Meter drained for using Blood Ball,
Hate Pounce, or Regurgitate Rage Gear Ability while Dex-Starr is active
- Atroticus: Significantly increased the amount of Character Power Meter drained for using Blood Wall while Dex-Starr is active
- Atroticus: Reduced the cancel advantage of the second to last hit of Blood Ritual (Towards + Medium, Medium, Hard) by 3
- Atroticus: Napalm Vomit has 5 less active frames and 3 more frames of recovery on miss
- Atroticus: Napalm Vomit block advantage properties adjusted to be more consistent between close and long ranges
- Bane: base stats adjusted to have 50 less strength, 50 less health, and 100 more defense
- Bane: base damage of most normal attacks and special moves have been increased by 1
- Bane: Brutal Jab (Light) now has 7 startup frames (down from 9)
- Bane: Brutal Hammerfist (Medium) base damage increased to 5 (from 3)
- Bane: Spine Buster MeterBurn (Towards + Medium, Down, Light + Hard MeterBurn) base damage increased to 8 (from 3)
- Bane: Knightfall (Away + Medium, Light) base damage increased to 9 (from 6)
- Bane: Bane Bomb MeterBurn base damage increased to 16 (from 13)
- Bane: Body Press MeterBurn Gear Ability base damage increased to 18.8 (from 15.8)
- Batman: Fixed bug preventing the use of negative edge to perform Bat Swarm with Release Check On in controller settings
- Batman: Pressing a button not bound to any attacks after performing Air Scatter Bombs MB will no longer prevent further inputs
- Batman: slightly increased combo damage scaling after Mechanical Bats Character Power and it is now consistent regardless of how many bats hit
- Batman: Batarang MB and Up Batarang MB damage scaling increased
- Batman: Batarang MeterBurn now has 8 active frames (from 9) and has 6 more recovery frames on hit/block
- Batman: Up Batarang MeterBurn now has 8 active frames (from 9) and has 6 more recovery frames on hit/block
- Batman: Fixed bug which was preventing the AK Battle Armor 5U89R (Alternate) Shader from dropping from Mother-Boxes and end of match rewards
- Black Adam: Riddle of The Sphinx (Towards + Light, Medium, Light + Hard) base damage reduced to 10 (from 13)
- Black Adam: Orbs of Seth Character Power base damage reduced to 2.5 (from 3) on each orb and now increase combo damage scaling
- Black Adam: Boot Dive and Boot Dive MeterBurn base damage has been reduced to 8 (from 10) and has increased combo damage scaling
- Black Adam: Black Magic hit advantage has been reduced to 24 (from 47) and now triggers auto-block on a grounded opponent
- Black Adam: Black Magic has increased gravity against an airborne opponent
- Black Adam: Black Magic Meter burn has decreased combo damage scaling
- Black Canary: No Turning Back (Light, Light, Medium) had 7 less recovery frames, 5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block
- Black Canary: New Wings (Light, Light, Medium, Light + Hard) is now a throw attack and has base damage increased by 1
- Black Canary: Soaring High (Away + Light, Medium) base damage increased to 7 (from 3),
5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block
- Black Canary: High Heel (Hard) has 5 more frames of blockstun and increased pushback on block
- Black Canary: Holding Back (Hard, Hard) has 1 less recovery frame, 10 more frames of blockstun
- Black Canary: Front/Back Handspring into Flying Scissor Kick now recovers 3 frames faster with increased pushback on block
- Black Canary: Front/Back Handspring into Thrust Kick now recovers 4 frames faster and has 15 more frames more blockstun
- Brainiac: Coluan Form (Light, Light) base damage increased to 3 (from 2)
- Brainiac: Collector of Worlds (Light, Medium) base damage increased to 3 (from 2)
- Brainiac: Dual Strike (Away + Medium) base damage increased to 5 (from 4)
- Brainiac: Tendril Swarm (Hard) base damage increased to 7 (from 5) and has increased combo damage scaling
- Brainiac: The delaying of Beta Strike and Beta Bomb no longer gets cancelled when Brainiac is hit or blocks
- Brainiac: Beta Strike can no longer be parried by low projectile parries
- Captain Cold: Fixed bug with Upward Cold Blast Gear Ability not aligning properly when done from some 2in1 cancels
- Captain Cold: Big Freeze MB now ignores projectile immunity
- Captain Cold: Adjusted hit regions on several normal attacks
- Captain Cold: Freeze (Medium, Light, Hard) has 4 less recovery on hit/Miss, 7 less recovery on block, and causes 5 less frames of blockstun
Captain Cold: Prison Break (Away + Medium, Hard, Medium) has decreased combo damage scaling
- Captain Cold: Grip Hit (Hard) now has 10 startup frames (from 12), active frames increased to 5 (from 3),
5 less recovery, and has 6 more blockstun frames
- Captain Cold: Fixed bug that caused Glacier Grenade to have higher input priority then Cryogenic Blast when performed as a cancel
- Captain Cold: Absolute Zero Supermove and Cryogenic Blast can no longer get destroyed by some Background Interactions
- Captain Cold: Force Field now activates 5 frames faster and has 5 less recovery frames
- Captain Cold: The Wall has reduced pushback on block, 9 less blockstun frames, and 9 less recovery on block
- Captain Cold: The Wall MB startup is now 6 frames (from 14) and recovery increased by 2 frames and now ignores projectile immunity
- Captain Cold: Reduced the gap between The Wall missing and The Wall MeterBurn active frames to 1 (down from 6)
- Catwoman: Tail Spin (Away + Hard) has pushback on block reduced and victim regions slightly increased during the active and recovery frames
- Catwoman: Whip Strike (Jump + Medium Attack) has its hit region angle slightly adjusted
- Catwoman: Cat-Lateral Damage character power damage on each hit changed (overall reduced)
- Catwoman: Cat-Lateral Damage character power no longer has invulnerability on wakeup
- Catwoman: Cat Stance Cat-Wheel has 13 more frames of recovery on block,
8 more frames of recovery on miss, and increased combo damage scaling
- Catwoman: Cat Dash MeterBurn no longer has armor, has increased damage scaling
when hitting airborne opponents, and decreased damage scaling when hitting grounded opponents
- Catwoman: Cat’s Tail and Up Cat’s Tail damage scaling increased
Cheetah: Fixed issue with Graceful Hunter (Away + Medium, Light + Hard) input window
which made it difficult to perform follow ups with Input Shortcuts Off in controller settings
- Cheetah: Fixed bug that could cause her tail to no longer animate after losing a clash to Red Hood
- Cheetah: Silent Stalker (Medium, Medium, Hard) has 25 less recovery frames
- Cheetah: Blood Ritual (Hard, Hard, Medium) recovers 3 frames faster on hit, 6 frames faster on block/miss,
has 5 more frames of blockstun, and increased pushback on block
- Cheetah: Last hit of Blood Ritual (Hard, Hard, Medium) now causes a splat reaction instead of a juggle state when hitting airborne opponents
- Cheetah: Auto-block is enabled after a 2nd Blood Lunge in the same combo
- Darkseid: Fixed bug that caused Boss Darkseid Supermove to get destroyed by some interactables
- Deadshot: Ops Strike (Towards + Light) now has 7 startup frames (up from 6)
- Deadshot: Low Burst (Down + Light) now has 7 startup frames (down from 8) ,
5 less hit/miss recovery frames, 3 less block recovery frames, and blockstun increased by 2 frames
- Deadshot: Knee Burst (Away + Light) now has 14 startup frames (up from 13) and 3 more recovery frames
- Deadshot: Triggered (Away + Light, Medium) has 5 more recovery frames
- Deadshot: Hammer Slam (Towards + Medium) now has 16 startup frames (up from 15)
- Dr Fate: Can no longer spend meter trying to Meter Burn Displacer Orb after it has been projectile parried
- Dr Fate: After Displacer Orb is Meter Burned, it will ignore projectile immunity and cannot be projectile parried
- Dr Fate: Fixed issue with his win screen being obstructed by foreground objects on some backgrounds
- Dr Fate: Fixed issue with some Displacer Orb effects lingering on screen during clash
- Dr Fate: Evoking The Gods (Medium, Light, Light) and Blood Price (Medium, Light, Light, Hard) had their hit regions adjusted
- Dr Fate: Summoned Force (Away + Medium) now has a growing
hit region instead of a static one and has 9 startup frames (down from 10) and 3 more recovery frames
- Dr Fate: Glyph of Osiris and Glyph of Anubis recover 1 frame faster on block
- Dr Fate: Glyph of Anubis MB has decreased combo damage scaling
- Dr Fate: The Pillar of Magic after connecting with 3 Ankhs of Final Judgment has decreased combo damage scaling
- Firestorm: Fixed bug causing Energy Shield effects to persist during the win screen
- Flash: Quantum Tunneling and Sonic Parry Gear Ability can now be selected in
Wakeup Mode and Reversal Mode in Practice Mode > AI Options
- Flash: Lightning Punches now has 10 startup frames (down from 12)
- Flash: Speed Zone Character Power has increased damage scaling
- Flash: On Your Mark into Sonic Pound has its hit region adjusted, blockstun increased by 10 frames,
has increased pushback on block, and hit advantage has increased to 30 or 49 (from 39) if the last hit only or both hits connect
- Flash: On Your Mark into Charge now has a different reaction and has 30 hit advantage (down from 39)
- Flash: Freeze Tank interaction on Red Sun Prison now works correctly if Flash uses it while Speed Zone Character Power is active
- Gorilla Grodd: base stats adjusted to have 50 less Ability, 50 less health, and 100 more defense
- Gorilla Grodd: Slaughtering Humans (Light, Light), Cutthroat King (Medium, Medium),
Salvation Run (Away + Medium, Light + Hard) base damage increased by 1
- Gorilla Grodd: Low Bash (Away + Light) has 5 more frames of blockstun and 6 more hit advantage
- Gorilla Grodd: Bloodthirsty Ruler (Away + Light, Light + Hard) and (Away + Light, Light + Hard Meter Burn) base damage increased by 1
- Gorilla Grodd: Hyper-Intelligence (Towards + Medium, Light) base damage increased to 7 (from 5)
- Gorilla Grodd: Carnivore Sweep (Down + Hard) has 2 more hit advantage,
recovers 4 frames faster on block/miss, and has 3 more frames of blockstun
- Gorilla Grodd: Secret Sweep (Down + Towards + Hard) has more 10 more blockstun
- Gorilla Grodd: After using Leap 3 times during a combo Savage Kick (Jump + Hard) will cause a splat knockdown
- Gorilla Grodd: Fixed bug that prevented meter build from occurring
when exiting Psionic Lift then canceling into Primal Lunge, Savage Strength, or Mind Control
- Gorilla Grodd: The window for canceling into Psionic Push or Savage Strength from Telekinesis now starts 14 frames sooner
- Gorilla Grodd: Telekinesis recovery reduced by 4 frames
- Gorilla Grodd: Stampede base damage increased to 9 (from 5)
- Gorilla Grodd: Stampede Meter Burn base damage increased to 18 (from 10)
- Gorilla Grodd: Stampede Carcass Toss Gear Ability Meter Burn base damage increased to 25 (from 18)
- Gorilla Grodd: Primal Lunge into Head Bash damage increased to 11 (from 10)
- Harley Quinn: Fixed visual bug that caused her mallet to instantly disappear if she is hit
by a freeze attack while performing Mallet Slap (Away + Hard)
- Joker: Fixed bug that caused Side Order of Pie Gear Ability Supermove to get destroyed by some interactables
- Poison Ivy: Rhytidome Skin, Thistle Coat Gear Ability, and Datura Hammer now requires a more precise input when buffered
- Poison Ivy: Up Rooted (Down + Medium) now has a growing hit region instead of a static one,
has 16 startup frames (down from 20), has 7 active frames (up from 3), and recovers 3 frames faster
- Poison Ivy: Quick Bloom (Away + Hard) now has a growing hit region instead of a static one,
has 26 startup frames (down from 29) and has 10 active frames (up from 4)
- Poison Ivy: Straight Datura and Up Datura have increased combo damage scaling
- Poison Ivy: Swinging Datura has greatly reduced combo damage scaling
- Red Hood: Fixed bug causing Ground Mine explosion to have interactable properties
- Red Hood: Battle-Chain MB now has 20 advantage on hit (from 39)
- Red Hood: Lethal Lunge now has 9 startup frames (up from 8)
- Robin: Haunting Legacy (Light, Medium) has 2 less recovery on hit / miss, 3 more recovery on block, and 5 more blockstun
- Robin: Fighting Authority (Light, Medium, Hard) has 20 startup frames (up from 16)
- Robin: Family Secrets (Light, Medium, Down + Hard) has 2 less recovery and 5 more blockstun
- Robin: Quick Draw (Away + Light) has its hit region adjusted
- Robin: Skill And Training (Away + Light, Medium, Up + Hard) has increased pushback on block
- Robin: Deep Laceration (Medium) hit region adjusted, has 5 less recovery, blockstun reduced by 5, and 3 less cancel advantage
- Robin: Blades And Blood (Medium, Light) has its hit region adjusted and 1 more active frame
- Robin: Inner Darkness (Towards + Medium, Light) has its hit region adjusted
- Robin: Never Lose (Away + Medium, Light, Hard) has 1 more active frame and 12 less recovery frames
- Robin: Flip Kick (Towards + Hard) can now be directed closer or further by holding Towards or Away
- Robin: Flip Kick (Towards + Hard) recovers 3 frames faster on hit, 8 frames faster on block,
13 frames faster on miss and has 10 less frames of blockstun
- Robin: Low Cutter (Down + Hard) now recovers 5 frames faster on block
- Robin: Assassin Strike cancel input can now be buffered
- Robin: Swoop has its hit region adjusted
- Robin: Swoop MB now auto faces the opponent, has 8 startup frames (down from 16), the projectile travels faster with improved initial tracking
- Supergirl: Elseworld’s Finest (Light, Light, Up + Hard) has 10 more frames of blockstun
- Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton (Away + Light, Medium, Hard) has its hit region adjusted and 5 less recovery on block and miss
- Supergirl – Face Smash (Medium) has its hit region adjusted, starts up in 10 frames (up from 8), and is a mid attack
- Supergirl: Forbidden Fortress (Medium, Light) has increased pushback on block, 5 less blockstun, and 3 less recovery frames
- Supergirl: Crossroads of Time (Medium, Light, Medium) now has 16 startup frames (down from 18)
- Supergirl: Frost breath MB base damage increased to 2 (from 0) and combo damage scaling reduced
- Supergirl: Kryptonian Force now recovers 4 frames faster
- Supergirl: Fixed bug that caused the hit region of Kryptonian Force MB to be offset when done on right side of the opponent
- Supergirl: (Air) Power Slam MB can now be Air Escaped
- Supergirl: Adjusted the stat distribution on her Epic Set Items to be more in line with similar items.
- Superman: Fixed bug preventing superman from canceling Steel Fist (Jump + Light) or Double Strike (Jump + Medium)
into Ankle Breaker (Down + Hard) or Flying Low (Down + Towards + Hard)
- Superman: Flying Punch is now a high attack and has had its repel proximity adjusted
- Superman: Flying Punch MB no longer has armor and has its hit region adjusted
- Superman: Rising Grab has 4 more frames of recovery on block and 9 more frames of recovery on miss
- Superman: Super Breath base damage decreased to 9 (from 10)
- Superman: Super Breath MB base damage decreased to 6 (from 10)
- Superman: Fixed bug preventing combo damage scaling from applying to (Air) Flying Smash
when used as an OTG in certain circumstances
- Swamp Thing: base stats adjusted to have 50 less Ability, 50 less health, and 100 more defense
- Swamp Thing: Log Slam (Towards + Hard) and Log Smack (Away + Hard) have their hit regions adjusted
- Swamp Thing: increased base damage of most special moves by 1
- Swamp Thing: Abigail’s Garden recovery has been reduced by 9 frames
- Swamp Thing: If Swamp Thing has Abigail’s Garden character power active, hitting an opponent
with Vine Grab or Green Thumb causes Swamp Thing to gain armor for a short duration
- Swamp Thing: Abigail’s Garden will no longer stop growing when Swamp Thing blocks an attack,
attacks with Healing The Breach (Towards + Medium, Light), hits with Bio-Fission MB, or does a dash
- Wonder Woman: Eyes of The Gorgon (Towards + Medium, Hard) has 5 less frames of recovery and 10 more frames of blockstun
- Wonder Woman: Challenge of The Gods (Away + Medium, Hard) now has 21 startup frames (down from 24),
10 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback, and recovers 15 frames faster on block / miss
- Wonder Woman: Upward Shield Toss is now a high attack, recovers 17 frames faster and has increased hit advantage
- Wonder Woman: Upward Shield Toss MB has its hit region adjusted and has increased hit advantage
- Wonder Woman: Air Shield Toss is now a high attack
- Wonder Woman: Air Shield Toss MB is now a high attack, has 2 more active frames, recovers 12 frames faster,
and no longer triggers autoblock on a grounded opponent
- Wonder Woman: Air Downward Shield Toss MB now recovers 9 frames faster and no longer triggers autoblock on a grounded opponent
- Wonder Woman: Hippolyta’s Light character power recovers 9 frames faster
Release: 15.08.2017
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | playm.de | play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Star Fire" wird freigeschaltet
Release: 04.09.2017
Quelle: xboxdyansty.de
General Gameplay fixes
- General stability and Online stability improvements
- Move list corrections and improvements to AI logic
- Online Ranked Match has been replaced with Ranked Set which are first to 3 wins
- Player Match and Private Match can now be searched with Competitive Mode On
- From within an Online Lobby Room you can now challenge player to 1v1 and KOTH matches with Competitive Mode On
- Fixed a rare issue where placing a wager during Clash
with high latency on some controller configurations could result in the wrong bet being used
- Player can now equip gear dropped after a match or from a Mother Box to that character’s current default loadout
- Gear can now be bulk selected in a characters inventory screen with simple and advanced filters
- Gear can marked as favorite which prevents it from being sold or deleted
- Fixed many special moves being affected by the strength attribute instead of the ability attribute.
Swamp Thing and Bane have had some damage increases noted below to compensate for this
- Fix for some character select and character viewer animations on premier skins
- Fixes to visual effects priority with Scarecrow’s & Cyborg’s supermoves
- Fixed audio issues with several attacks being interrupted
- Multiverse: fix for Swamp Thing’s sidekick being able to make a character unresponsive if interrupted with specific timing
- Several Gear Abilities with Down, Down inputs that were still not changed to require a more precise input when buffered now do so
- Fixed an issue which was preventing Starfire Gear Abilities from dropping from Mother Boxes and Multiverse Event rewards
- Completion requirements have been reduced for all Guild Mulltiverse Tiers
- AI Loadouts can now be used in Guild Multiverse Events
Stage Specific Fixes
- Arkham Asylum: Fix for toilet interaction having a displaced hit region when interrupted in certain circumstances
- Atlantis: Bug fix for interrupting wall run interaction under certain circumstances preventing it from being used again
- Batcave: Fixed a bug causing the hit region of the motorcycle interaction to linger after being interrupted by certain attacks
- Batcave: Fix for rare situation where players could use a teleport move to be outside the boundaries of the stage
Character Specific Fixes
- Aquaman: Fixed a bug causing combo damage scaling on Trident Scoop and Trident Scoop MB to be larger than expected
- Aquaman: Fixed a rare issue that could cause Aquaman’s trident to be misaligned
after hitting an opponent with Deep Sea (Towards + Medium, Light + Hard)
- Atroticus: Fixed rare bug that could cause Brute Slam (Down + Hard) to have longer than normal recovery
when hitting Flash while he has Speed Zone character power active
- Bane: Heavy Hammer (Light, Light, Medium, Down) and Fist Slam (Towards + Medium, Down) recovery on hit increased by 2
- Bane: Increased Base damage on several special moves by 1 to compensate for them being now being correctly adjusted by the Ability stat
- Batman: Fixed a rare bug that could case Batman’s Flying Kick follow-up
from Straight Grapple to sometimes go in the wrong direction
- Black Canary: When Front Handspring is interrupted by Firestorm’s Molten Trap, he will no longer
then sometimes pass through Black Canary while immediately following up with Heat Wave (Away + Hard)
- Blue Beetle: Fixed issues with hit regions while character power is active if you attack immediately following a Roll Escape
- Brainiac: Fixed a bug that allowed Tendril Smash MeterBurn (Towards + Hard, MB) to be air escaped
- Brainiac: Fixed a bug that prevented Beta Strike’s hit region to be increased while opponent is in a combo
- Brainiac: Fixed bug causing Beta Strike and Beta Bomb blockstun and hitstun being shorter
than expected if it collides with the opponent immediately following a blocked Pneumenoid Dive
- Catwoman: After hitting with Cat Dash and Cat Dash MeterBurn Catwoman can no longer
sometimes forward dash through the opponent
- Catwoman: Cat Stance now requires a more precise input when buffered
- Cyborg: Fixed the ability to perform Back/Forward grapple as a 2in1 cancel while Input Shortcuts are turned off in controller options
- Deadshot: Fix a bug which could result in a lingering empty clip from his end of round win animation
- Firestorm: Missing with (Air) Fusion Charge then immediately performing Heat Wave (Away + Hard)
will no longer sometimes cause Firestorm to pass through his opponent
- Green Arrow: Fixed bug that caused Green Arrow to be briefly immune to high attacks if he started
Take Aim character power while crouching and immediately jumped while holding the arrow
- Green Arrow: Fixed rare issue that would cause Green Arrow’s bow to be misaligned after missing with Stinger
- Harley Quinn: Fix for hyenas summoned from her character power appearing in the wrong position in certain circumstances
- Joker: Rolling Gas can no longer be MeterBurned after it is destroyed by
things such as Sub-Zero’s Ice Klone and Captain Cold’s Death-cicle MeterBurn which would result is wasted super meter
- Red Hood: Lethal Lunge MeterBurn while Hidden Explosive Gear Ability is equipped now does 8 less base damage
- Red Hood: Akimbo Blaze & Akimbo Blaze MeterBurn Gear Ability now does 3 less base damage
- Robin: Fixed rare issue with Assassin Strike causing the hit animation to not work properly if hitting on the last active frame
- Robin: Fixed hit FX sometimes appearing in the wrong location on many sword attacks
- Scarecrow: Fixed a bug that caused Fear Flame to fully charge Scarecrow’s character power meter when colliding with certain projectiles
- Starfire: Reduced the base damage of My Little Bumgorf (Light, Light), Grishnik Got Your Tongue?
(Medium, Light), and Call Your Knorfka? (Medium, Hard) by 1
- Starfire: Reduced the base damage of Star Strikes (Away + Medium) by 2
- Starfire: Increased combo damage scaling when canceling into Starbolt character power
- Starfire: Side Scratch (Down + Light) has 2 less cancel advantage
- Starfire: Burning Desire & Shooting Star base damage reduced by 1
- Starfire: Reduced base damage of Star Dust by 2 and Star Dust MeterBurn by 1
- Starfire: Tamaranean Charge is now airborne on frame 4
- Starfire: Star Slam gear ability can now be directed close
- Starfire: Fixed a bug which could cause some lingering visual FX after end of round win animation
- Starfire: Fixed some hair clipping issues
- Subzero: Function-Kneeing Properly (Hard) has its hitregion adjusted,
has 10 less frames of recovery on hit/block/miss, 10 less frames of blockstun, and slightly less pushback on block
- Subzero: Killing Blow (Hard, Hard) had its hitregion adjusted
- Subzero: Low Chop (Down + Light) has 1 more frame of cancel advantage, 2 more frames of recovery, and has 1 more hit advantage
- Subzero: Fixed rare issue where several attacks when pushing an opponent
into Ice Klone which would cause it to have slightly reduced blockstun
- Supergirl: (Air) Heat Vision Gear Ability will no longer sometimes change impact location after destroying Sub-Zero’s Ice Klone
- Superman: Fixed some visual FX being the wrong color when using Bizarro skin
- Swamp Thing: Increased Base damage on several special moves by 1 to compensate
for them being now being correctly adjusted by the Ability stat
Release: 13.09.2017
Quelle: play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Black Manta" wird freigeschaltet
Release: 25.09.2017 (Version 1.09)
- Neuer Kämpfen "Raiden" wird am 04.10.2017 freigeschaltet
- Skin Black Lightning wurde hinzugefügt
- General stability and Online stability improvements
- Move list corrections and improvements to AI logic
- Increased the Base Stats on Legendary items
- Legendary Multiverse Portals are now available for Black Adam, Brainiac,
Catwoman, Deadshot, Flash, Scarecrow, and Supergirl
- Reduced the ‚minutes played with‘ requirements in Legendary Multiverse Events
from 3000 & 7000 to 1000 & 3000 respectively
- The ’sacrifice gear‘ requirements in Legendary Multiverse Events now uses Rare or Epic items
- Fixes and Tweaks to some Character Tutorials
- When you are hit during the recovery frames of a move or an attack the gameplay message
will display ‚Punish‘ instead of ‚Counter‘ where applicable
- Added dynamic shadows to some character items which were missing them
- Adjusted the hit region of bomb type Environment Interactions
- Fixed rare bug that could some attacks to have abnormal recovery
when hitting Flash while he has Speed Zone character power active with specific timing
- Arkham Asylum: Fixed a bug which allowed the bus door interaction to sometimes be swung towards in the wrong direction
- Atlantis: Fix a rare bug when using the console slam interaction
which could result in the opponent being out of the environment boundaries
- Metropolis: Fixed a bug that could allow movement outside of the environment boundaries
after using electronic sign interaction under certain circumstances
- Red Sun Prison: Fixed an issue with gadget and power characters
being able to use a console interaction at the same time causing a misaligned hit region
- Red Sun Prison: The cooldown on laser interaction will no longer sometimes immediately reset when interrupted
- Red Sun Prison: Fixed a visual bug causing the laser interaction’s effects to become misaligned when repeatedly interrupted
- Red Sun Prison: Superman will now still be in the background prison if Bizarro Premier skin is used
- Fixed a bug that could cause his trident to briefly appear in the wrong hand after missing with a some Environment Interactions
- Legendary Straight Damage Augment now causes damage that scales based on total health.
The amount is now 5% for Venom level 1, 12% for Venom level 2, and 25% for Venom level 3
Black Manta
- Fixes to Character Tutorial
- Fixed a bug which was causing the stat scaling on a few Rare quality items to roll higher than intended
Blue Beetle
- Fixed a bug allowing Legendary Character Power meter to sometimes keep recharging when not intended
Captain Cold
- Fixed a rare bug that allowed characters dying from Frozen Tips damage under certain circumstances to leave arena boundaries
- Fixed a bug that could cause Explosive Parademon to spawn in the foreground in rare circumstances
Doctor Fate
- Fixed visual effects following Dr. Fate if he is punished by a cross-up after missing with his Supermove
- Fix a bug which could result in a lingering empty clip from his end of round win animation
- Fixed an issue with the hit region on Heat Wave (Away + Hard) against some crouching characters
Red Hood
- Fixed a bug which was causing the stat scaling on a few Rare quality items to roll higher than intended
- Fixed a bug causing cancelling into Air Lasers and buffering down or
back to cost double Character Power meter when input with a specific timing
- (Away + Light) and (Towards + Medium, Down + Light) are no longer throw immune for part of their recovery frames
- Super Breath no longer becomes throw immune when MeterBurned
- Intro Cinematics will now play correctly when the full „House El“ Epic Gear Set
was worn along with the Bizarro Premier Skin
- Fixed a bug which was causing the stat scaling on a few Rare quality items to roll higher than intended
- Fixed a bug which was causing the stat scaling on a few Rare quality items to roll higher than intended
Swamp Thing
- Fix to some lingering visual effects when (Away + Hard) and Bio-Fission MeterBurn are interrupted
- Abigail’s Garden visual effects will now work correctly against Starfire
- Fixed bug causing Harley Quinn to face the wrong way
when losing a round to Abigail’s Garden damage while performing Tantrum Stance
Release: 03.11.2017
Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | play3.de
General Gameplay fixes
- General and Online stability improvements
- Improved rewards for completing Guild Multiverse Tiers
- Various Movelist corrections and improvements to AI logic
- Legendary Multiverse Portals are now available for Captain Cold,
Cyborg, Dr. Fate, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Poison Ivy, and Robin
- Fixed some Credits / Mother Box / Multiverse exploits
- The Meta Challenge “Don’t spend any meter during the match” is no longer affected by an opponent’s meter draining attacks
- Multiverse Sidekicks now have a 3 ⅔ second cooldown (was 7 seconds)
- Fixed many instances of the indicator incorrectly displaying “Counter” instead of “Punish”
- Fixed a bug which was causing Down + Medium attacks to not be invulnerable to High Attacks during
some of their recovery frames when continuing to hold Down
- Background Bounce Environmental Interactions are now more consistent for all character regardless of facing and stance
- Fixed an issue with Alternate Controls that allowed some special moves to be executed
with shortcuts during pre-jump frames while Input Shortcuts option was turned off
- Acrobat & Gadget Character’s Bomb Environmental Interactions now Jump/Plant the bombs 6 frames faster,
have 14 fewer startup frames, hit mid (was unblockable), and the Jumps travel a shorter distance
- New Nth Metal shaders are available for some characters.
Stage Specific Fixes
- Arkham Asylum: Bench Throw Environmental Interaction now hits mid (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Atlantis: Big Globe Throw & Globe Cluster Throw Environmental Interaction now hit overhead
(was unblockable), and do 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Atlantis: Aquarium Bomb Environmental Interaction now hits mid (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Brainiac’s Ship: Drone Throw Environmental Interaction now hits overhead (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Fortress of Solitude: Ice Wall Punch Environmental Interaction now hits overhead (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Gorilla City: Dinosaur Skull Throw Environmental Interaction & Kudu Slam Environmental Interaction now
hit overhead (was unblockable), and do 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Gotham City: Anubis Statue Slam Environmental Interaction now hits overhead (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Joker’s Playground: Fortune Teller throw Environmental Interaction now hits overhead
(was unblockable), and does 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Joker’s Playground: Barrel Throw & Barrel Roll Environmental Interactions now hit mid
(was unblockable), and do 15 base damage (up from 10)
- Kahndaq: Gargoyle Throw Environmental Interaction now hits mid (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (from 10%)
- Kahndaq: Tablet Slam Environmental Interaction now hits overhead (was unblockable),
and does 15 base damage (from 10%)
- Kahndaq: Pyramid Punch Environmental Interaction starts up 4 frames slower,
had its hit region adjusted and can no longer hit opponents in the air
- Metropolis: Hitting opponent with the Diving Helmet Environmental Interaction causes a different reaction
- Metropolis: Fixed visual issue with some super moves showing floating kegs during their cinematics
- Red Sun Prison: Hanging Core Swing Environmental Interaction hit reaction has been changed,
is now mid (was unblockable), and recovers faster
Release: 14.11.2017 (Vom Server aus geändert)
- Neuer Kämpfen "Hellboy" wird freigeschaltet am 14.11.2017
Käuflich zu erwerben aussderhalb des Season Passes ab dem 21.11.2017
Release: 29.11.2017
Quelle: play3.de | playm.de | play3.de
- Vorbereitungen für das Fighter Pack 3 mit Atom, Echantress und Teenage Mutans Turtles
General Gameplay fixes
- General stability and Online stability improvements
- Move list corrections and improvements to AI logic
- Legendary Multiverse Portals are now available for Gorilla Grodd, Green Lantern, Joker, & Superman
Stage Specific Fixes
- Atlantis: Fixed a bug where someone slamming a statue while the other player jumped off it
with specific timing could cause it to be able to slammed again after being destroyed
- Batcave: Fixed bug where the camera could lose focus on the characters after remaining idle for an extended period of time
Character Specific Fixes
- Atrocitus: Hate Pounce now correctly gets the damage increase granted by Legendary augment “Feline Fury”
- Black Canary: Fixed a bug where the opponent would not be grounded after hitting a Canary Drop MeterBurn when the opponent was not facing her
- Blue Beetle: Fixed issue with several Gear Abilities not being active when equipped in conjunction with his Legendary Accessory “The Reach’s Finest Battle Scarab”
- Brainiac: Fixed a bug where Cybernetic Charge was always keeping opponents on the same side, which could prevent it from being able to be jumped over or slide under
- Captain Cold: adjusted the input window of Character Power special attacks and they require a more precise input
- Captain Cold: Big Freeze MeterBurn will no longer linger it’s visual FX after hitting Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
- Captain Cold: Fixed a bug with Len’s Thermal Motion Negating Gun Legendary item that
would cause meter to drain faster than normal if the character power button was repeatedly pressed
- Captain Cold: Fixed a bug that could prevent Captain Cold from reaching level 3
charge multiple times in a row when Len’s Thermal Motion Negating Gun Legendary item is equipped
- Cyborg: Round win animations now use the Dark Matter effects if his Legendary is equipped
- Cyborg: Practice mode option Character Power Quick Cooldown now works correctly even if the Mother Box attack misses
- Firestorm: Fixed sound effect not stopping when Firestorm dash cancels Heat Wave (Away + Hard)
- Green Arrow: Fixed a rare bug which could cause one of the arrows in Sky Alert MeterBurn to visually be missing when done twice in rapid succession
- Green Lantern: “Street Sweeper” Gear Augment now has audio on the last volley of bullets
- Hellboy: Fixed several attacks causing incorrect reactions when hitting Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
- Hellboy: Fixed issues where opponent’s parries could sometimes cause an incorrect animation to play on Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
- Hellboy: Visual effects from Broom’s Rosary will no longer sometimes linger after practice reset
- Hellboy: Vasilisa’s Gift MeterBurn Gear Ability will no longer sometimes cause an opponent to move to an incorrect location when hitting them out of a dash
- Hellboy: “Holy Hand Grenade” Gear Augment will no longer leave a lingering FX when a transition occurs
- Hellboy: “Lucky Horseshoe” Gear Augment now can only activate after hitting an opponent with a 7 or more hit combo, as the text description says
- Hellboy: “Lucky Horseshoe” Gear Augment no longer activates in practice mode
- Poison Ivy: “Acidic Bile” Gear Augment now applies to Burrow
- Sub-Zero: Fixed as issue where an opponent’s weapon could switch hands at an unexpected time when hit by Ground Freeze MeterBurn gear ability
- Superman: Fixed an issue with opponent’s head tracking being temporarily incorrect after being hit by Air Heat Vision
Release: in Arbeit Dezember 2017
Quelle: play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Atom" wird freigeschaltet
Release: 09.01.2018
Quelle: play3.de
- Neuer Kämpfen "Enchantress" wird freigeschaltet
- 349,91 MB groß
Release: 08.02.2018
- Neuer Kämpfen "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" wird am 13.02.2018 freigeschaltet
- Meter build nerf (does less damage & takes more damage)
- Buff Jump 2 better hit box, cross up J2 easier
- Ice Blast is faster (MB also)
- B+1, 1, D+3 Now safe on block.
- Air Drone (Character Power) has less recovery
- Less damage (more damage scaling)
- Back+3 is slower and less range
- 1, Forward*, 2 Overhead (Now negative on block)
- Changed Catwoman’s 3, 3, B2 string so that the person doesn’t bounce into the air
Green Lantern
- Combo damage scaling adjusted on 3 moves (more damage) Buff
- Lantern Bomb: Reg is safe and MB is plus on block
Gorilla Grodd
- Easier cancels: Back, back, forward, forward or flip stance button or 2+1+3 to cancel out
- 2,2,3 (had 3 gaps now only gap in the 3rd hit: also safe on block)
- Mind Control faster so it actually combos
- Back+2 is neutral now instead of plus (nerf)
Poison Ivy
- MB Forward, down, forward 2 (Plus on block but has a gap)
- Down+1 improved (better hit box)
- MB vine swing been adjusted (no gap until the last hit – cleaned up)
- Ground Vines do significantly more damage
- Buff her walk speed (faster)
- Buff her Forward+2 (second hit does more damage & She can now grab on block or whiff)
- She can now do Down+1 background bounce
- Down+1 is now 9 frames (slightly slower)
- Walking lasers Character power now takes 1 bar of meter
- 1,1,2 Block stun is slightly more negative
- String Laser is no longer plus on block
- Trident Scoop reg scoop now switches opponent Instead of pushing away (MB leads to a combo)
- Down,Back, 1 (safe on block and easier to combo off of)
Black Adam
- 3 more frames of recovery for character power
- Mercenary Elbow recovers faster
- Raiden’s D1 connects into BGB
- Shocker Character Power is now safe on block
- 2,1, D+3 Push opponent away less on hit (can cancel for bigger damage)
Release: 22.03.2018 (Verison 1.17 & 1.18)
Quelle: play3.de
- Version 1.18: General bug fixes and stability improvements
- Character level cap increased to 30.
- New Augment Slot is available at level 30.
- Tutorial has been expanded and is now the Learn Hub.
- Added new Gear Items for all characters.
- Infinite Transforms is now available for purchase.
- Bruce Wayne Premier Skin added.
- General gameplay and balance tweaks.
- General bug fixes and stability improvements.
- 2,44 GB groß
Release: 20.04.2018 (Verison 1.19)
Quelle: injustice.com
General Gameplay Adjustments
- Move list corrections and improvements to AI logic
- Fixed an issue with progress tracking on page 3 of Legendary Multiverses
- Made UI Improvements to Infinite Transforms
- Inventory advanced gear filter can now sort up to level 30
- Fixed an issue that was causing some players loot drops to favor Black Manta or Hellboy gear over other characters
- The missing level 30 Augments which increase Defense are now available (Tank, Steamroller, Juggernaut)
- Gear earned in Story Mode can now be regenerated past level 20 up to level 30
- Changed Level 30 Base Health of Cyborg, Supergirl, Starfire, and Enchantress to 1175 (from 1100)
- Fixed some Text & Grammar issues in Learn Mode
- Adjusted the conditions for the finals tasks in Advanced Blocking Tutorial and Corner Combo Tutorial to be more consistent
- Character Tutorials will no longer sometimes award rewards when they are skipped
- Fixed a soft lock that could occur after disconnecting a controller during a character tutorial demo and
then skipping the lesson after reconnecting the controller
Stage Specific Adjustments
- Fixed some Background Interactions being throw immune during their recovery frames
Character Specific Adjustments
- Atom: Fixed a rare bug where Making Matter Gear Ability could leave a lingering visual
- Atom: When Atom's Legendary is equipped there is now a button prompt for interacts that he can use
- Batman: Fixed bug that could cause Mechanical Bats to appear during the victory screen
- Black Adam: Lightning Strike MeterBurn base damage is now 15.4 (from 19.3) and it is no longer throw immune
- Black Adam: The 2nd and 3rd hit of Lightning Strike MeterBurn will no longer hit airborne opponents outside of juggles
- Black Adam: Fixed a rare bug that could prevent the opponent from getting a first hit bonus while Orbs of Seth Character Power is active
- Black Manta: Slightly reduced backdash distance
- Black Manta: Speared And Seared (Supermove) now does 36.7 base damage (down from 40.1)
- Captain Cold: Cold Blast MeterBurn recovery 10 frames faster, has 5 less frames of block stun, and causes a bigger reaction on hit
- Captain Cold: Ice-Solated (Away + Medium, Hard) now hits mid and had its hit region adjusted
- Captain Cold: Prison Break (Away + Medium, Hard, Medium) has 2 more active frames, 9 less recovery,
is +4 on block (up from +2) and had its hit region adjusted
- Captain Cold: Legendary Augment "Cyclotron Charge" recharge rate is now affected by Flash's character power
- Deadshot: Wrist Cannon, Trick Shot, Bullet Barrage, and Low Wrist Cannon Gear Ability have
5 less recovery frames while character power is active
- Dr Fate: Displacer Orb Meter Burn duration is now 180 frames (down from 240)
- Dr Fate: Amon Ra Blast now does 6 base damage (down from 7)
- Dr Fate: Apophis Blast now does 8 base damage (down from 9)
- Dr Fate: Fixed bug that caused the 4 piece set bonus for “Fate Reborn” and “The Finery of Order” healing amounts to be larger than intended
- Firestorm: Adjusted hit region of Short Burst (Down + Light)
- Firestorm: Atomic Burst MeterBurn has 5 less frames of block stun and slightly increased damage scaling
- Firestorm: Molten Trap has 5 less hit advantage, 5 less block stun, and 3 more recovery frames on miss
- Firestorm: Molten Trap Meter Burn has 13 less hit advantage, and 5 more recovery frames on miss
- Firestorm: Fusion Charge has 3 more recovery frames on block and no longer shakes the camera upon landing
- Gorilla Grodd: Reduced length of jump forward, backward, & up by 2 frames
- Gorilla Grodd: Slightly increased initial step forward and step backward speed
- Gorilla Grodd: Stampede Cancel now has a more distinct animation and recovers 2 frames faster
- Hellboy: Slightly reduced hit region of Up Devil’s Revolver
- Joker: While Character Power is active Joker takes reduced hit damage and greatly reduced block damage relative to the HA level
- Red Hood: Slightly adjusted Hit Region of Quick Strike (Down + Light)
- Scarecrow: Fixed bug that could cause Terror Charge Gear Ability to have lingering visual effects when interrupted
- Starfire: No longer throw immune during some of the recovery frames of Starbolt MeterBurn
- TMNT: Practice mode AI Reversal and Wakeup Attack order is now consistent with other characters
- TMNT: (Air) Shellicopter MB can now be performed while (Air) Shellicopter and Shell Slide Gear Abilities are equipped on the same loadout
- TMNT (Donatello): Bo-llistic MeterBurn Gear Ability can no longer be clashed
- TMNT (Leonardo): Michelangelo’s Turtle Power assist can no longer be parried by high projectile parries
- TMNT (Leonardo): Fixed bug preventing Michelangelo’s and Raphael’s Turtle Power assist from being
performed by holding forward or back when Donatello’s Turtle Power assist is on cooldown
- TMNT (Michelangelo): COWABUNGA Character Power attack can now be parried by low parries
- 605,92 MB groß