Top Changes
- A new Lester ability has been added.
Players will now be able to call Lester to have him tell his Cop buddies to turn a blind eye to
any crime you may or may not be committing for a short period of time.
- Players are now awarded more cash when completing Parachute, Races, Deathmatches and LTS jobs with less than 4 players.
- Every time a player likes or dislikes content they will receive 50 RP.
- Fixed an issue where players who had upgraded Personal Vehicles prior to 1.10 were only able to sell them for $10,000.
- Fixed an issue where players lost the Gusenberg Sweeper despite having purchased it during the Valentine’s Event.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to use the Creator in a Free Roam session and spawn in objects or vehicles.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to use weapons within their apartment and garage to kill other players.
- Vote screens now progress when a Job has received a majority vote.
- Fixed an issue where players could be unable to reclaim their Personal Vehicles from the impound lot after being destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a player to receive hangs and long load times after completing several activities.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to render themselves and the car they were driving invisible to grief other players.
All Changes
- "Sudden Death" (next point wins) and "All Points" (all packages need to be collected)
options have been added to Capture Jobs to prevent matches ending in draws.
- Players can now view the Map in Deathmatch, Survival, LTS, and Capture lobbies.
This also displays the weapon / health pickup locations that exist within each individual Job.
- Clarified "Rank" in the Job description, which now reads as "Opens at Rank".
- Fixed an issue where losing players in Capture Jobs were not awarded Cash.
- Fixed an issue where if the player chose to skip the tutorial,
there was sometimes a delay before the clothes shops opened.
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally appear to one another in the Elevator
if they transitioned into an Apartment at the same time.
- Fixed multiple exploits where players could duplicate vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could appear in multiple garage instances causing collision issues and explosions.
- Players will now be removed from their vehicles if they choose to replace it via the Internet whilst they are in their garage.
This will fix an issue where vehicles could be ordered but never arrive.
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally be given the incorrect amount of RP for beating Race World Records.
- Fixed an issue where the Buzzard Gunner overlay would occasionally appear on Next Job Voting Screens.
- Fixed multiple exploits where players were able to move a variety of non-allowed vehicles into Online.
- If a Job has a Cash or RP multiplier attached to it (this occurs on event weekends), this will show up on the Next Job Voting Screen.
- Fixed an issue where a player in a Race would occasionally get ticker
feed messages saying they had overtaken another player when they had not.
- Fixed an issue where Quick Join would occasionally not work properly when attempting to join a Contact Mission.
- Fixed a grammatical issue with the Sanchez motorbikes on the vehicle selection screen.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a player to have their Strength stat reset.
- Fixed an issue where Armoured Trucks could continually spawn.
- Fixed an exploit where the player can gain RP for dying with a wanted level while in the army base / prison while on Missions.
- Fixed an issue where purchasing ammo for a dropped weapon could occasionally allow it to be saved to the player’s character.
- Fixed an exploit where players could duplicate their Personal Vehicles by blocking the entrance to their garage.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a player to get stuck after using Quick Save whilst in the impound lot.
- Fixed an issue where cash was occasionally being paid out incorrectly after Races.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a player to receive the incorrect RP after completing a Contact Mission.
- Fixed an issue where if a player drank Whisky in their apartment until they passed out, this could cause a clone to appear who would then attack them.
- A new feed has been added for during transitions into and out of GTA Online sessions and Jobs.
These show how many Jobs a player has played of each type, as well as how many Missions from each Contact the
player has played out of those available to them at their Rank.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect error messages could show when attempting to join a GTA Online session.
- Fixed an issue where non-player characters could spawn into player apartments.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to steal one another’s vehicles.
- Fixed an issue with the Grotti logo used in vehicle descriptions in garages.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to become stuck after the tutorial Mission cutscene completing.
- Fixed an issue where players could lose vehicles by having them delivered to a garage without actually owning a garage.
- Fixed an issue where personal vehicles had to be claimed on Insurance despite not being destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where the dialogue box for Mors Mutual Insurance would only show up very briefly.
- Fixed an issue where the cost of reclaiming the Rat Loader could change depending on how many vehicles there were in the reclaim list.
- Fixed an issue where a player could occasionally crash when entering a Job corona.
- Fixed an issue where Rockstar Verified Jobs could display incorrect information on the Social Club website.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to Save or Publish created content if the Microsoft Points symbol was used in the description.
- Fixed an issue where players could change positions very quickly when passing through Checkpoints in Races.
- Fixed an issue where the ticker feed would show that a player has moved into first place in Races when they were already in first place.
- Team Balancing will be on permanently and by default for all Capture Jobs.
- Fixed an issue where a player could become stuck viewing an Apartment when trying to buzz a remote player into their garage.
- Fixed an issue where the Next Job Voting Screen became corrupted and was missing descriptive text.
- Fixed an issue where Personal Vehicles could lose Insurance if their garage slot was changed.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to become stuck on a black screen after signing out of a PSN Profile whilst in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to time out when accepting an invite to a friend’s Online session whilst in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to use the phone when testing jobs in the Creator.
- Corrected an issue where it was possible to gain Awards and RP after blowing up vehicles in the test mode of the Creator.
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally not respawn correctly if they were killed in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where the player character model could show in the Creator in the top-down sky view.
- Fixed an exploit where players had the ability to reclaim an uninsured Personal Vehicle via Mors Mutual Insurance.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles could spawn in random locations under bridges if initially placed on bridges.
- Fixed an issue where the Character Creator would not be able to create new Characters after being turned off when deleting a character.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to disable Bounties placed on them.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to lose all player control after speed-scrolling through menus.
- Fixed an issue where it was occasionally possible for enemies to spawn inside locked buildings during gang attacks.
- Fixed an issue where players could be unable to make any phone calls during Contact Missions.
- Fixed an issue where button prompts could occasionally show up during the Online intro cutscene from non-related events.
- Fixed an issue where the Whisky bottle in an Apartment could become invisible to other players after drinking from it.
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on a black screen / permanent loading screen
when joining GTA Online with a fresh character after installing the Business Pack.
- Fixed an issue where players could load back into Online with invisible arms and feet and an entirely new outfit after updating the game.
- Fixed an issue where signing out of the Creator could hang the game.
- Fixed an issue where activity prompts such as drinking wine could show to players invited to Apartments but these prompts could not be followed.
- Fixed an issue where the player would no longer receive contact missions from
Trevor after the player joined a Job and then returned to Online.
- Fixed an issue where players were receiving too much RP after Races.
- Fixed an issue in Rally Races where it was occasionally possible for players to receive ticker
feed messages and RP rewards for overtaking when no overtaking had occurred.
- Fixed an issue where players could be taken to the wrong session or job after the Next Job Voting Screen.
- Fixed an issue where the quick restart option on the Test option for the Creator would just take the
player back to the Creator, rather than restarting the Test Job.
- Fixed an issue where players could receive messages that they had not yet unlocked some Missions despite them being available in the Start menu.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect screen could show after completing a job created in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect Job type could show up in the phone invite and ticker message when received.
Story Mode Changes
- Fixed an issue where players could fail the "Monkey Business" Mission by dropping a Mission objective.
Release: 13.05.2014 (Version 1.13)
Quelle: |
- Basierend auf dem Feedback der Stunt-Community werden die kürzlich in einem
Update enthaltenen Änderungen an der Fahrphysik von Motorrädern rückgängig gemacht.
- Fehlerausnutzung beseitigt, mit dem Spieler innerhalb ihrer Garagen schießen konnten.
- Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler manchmal ihr zerstörtes Fahrzeug nicht wiedererhalten haben,
obwohl es versichert war.
- Problem behoben, dass der Wasserwerfer auf dem Feuerwehrauto nicht richtig funktionierte.
Addon per Ingame Store: Glamour wird hinzugefügt mit.. Download
- Es können endlich mehrere Immobilien als nur eins erworben werden
- 9 neue Fahrzeuge: "Enus Huntly S (SUV" & "Dewbauchee Massacro (Sportwagen)"
& "Pagassi Zentorno (Supersportwagen)" & "Dinka Thrust (Motorad)"
- Bei Online Rennen können Kollisionen endlich deaktiviert werden
Release: 17.06.2014 (Version 1.14)
Addon per Ingame Store: kein Hipstar wird hinzugefügt
- neue T-Shirts mit Retro-Motiven, hautenge Jeans, Frisuren, Tattoos und Tiermasken
- sieben neue Fahrzeuge, darunter der Glendale, Warrener, Blade und Rhapsody
Release: 01.07.2014 (Version 1.15)
Addon per Ingame Store: Independence Day wird hinzugefügt
- Dem Sovereign-Motorrad und dem Monstertruck Liberator
- Mit der mächtigen Muskete, der neuen antiken Waffe bei Ammu-Nation,
oder entdeckt mit dem spektakulären Feuerwerkabschussgerät
Release: 18.08.2014 (Version 1.16)
Quelle: |
- A new Flight Suit outfit has been added for Male and Female characters.
- A new Flight Cap accessory has been added for Male and Female characters.
- Players who downgrade to smaller garages will now be able to request
vehicles stored in previous garages from the Mechanic.
- Players in Tanks will now show as such with a specific Tank icon on the Minimap.
- Substantial changes made to On Call functionality to enable players to enter their choice of Job as quickly as possible.
- Fixed an issue where Crew Leaders could occasionally be unable to put a Crew Emblem on Jackets or Hoodies.
- Fixed an issue in the Creator where placed props would not appear correctly.
New Jobs
- VS Modes: G-Rating Hot I (Raton Canyon), G-Rating Hot II (Vespucci), G-Rating Cold I (Raton Canyon)
G-Rating Cold II (Vespucci), Acquire Targets I, Acquire Targets II, Air Force Zero I, Air Force Zero II
- Parachutes: Under The Radar, Cleared for Landing, Taking the Plunge, Holding Pattern,
- Races: Need For Seed, Under The Wing, Crosswind, Drag Strip, Base Level, Flying Low, Swift Arrival, The Humane Race
- Captures: Contend: Crowded Airspace, GTA: Airheads
New Features / Updates
- The color of the player’s Parachute Bag can now be chosen through a new option in the Interaction menu.
They can also toggle the visibility of the parachute bag if they have a parachute equipped.
- A player’s Mental State now also decreases over time whilst using the Spectate feature.
- ‘NEW’ now appears on invites, alongside the Job type, for all Rockstar Created or Verified Jobs that have not yet been played by the recipient.
This only appears on feed invite notifications, not on the phone.
- Short- term RP and Cash bonuses will now show in Job coronas as well as on the Next Job Voting Screen.
- News screens shown during transitions will now alert players if some Jobs have RP or Cash bonuses for playing them.
- Both the Driver and Passenger are now able to see direction arrows in Rally Races.
- If players choose to use a custom vehicle in a Race, that vehicle will now be saved and used
as the default on the vehicle selection screen of the next Race.
- Players are now able to talk to one another in spectator mode once they have finished a Race.
- Players are now able to change the spectator camera mode and angle when they begin to spectate after completing a Job.
- A small change has been made to time formatting on Leaderboards so that they now read as “00:00.000”.
- The cap for the amount of Cash stolen by Muggers has been adjusted to allow for differences in level.
- Players can now set the duration for One on One Deathmatches in the Interaction Menu.
- A new on/off option has been added to the Interaction Menu to allow players to choose whether to wear a Helmet when using Motorbikes.
- Co-op teams now appear grouped on Mission Leaderboards.
- When using a Plane, you can now toggle the minimap by using D-pad down.
Generic / Miscellaneous Fixes
- Fixed a wide range of exploits.
- Fixed an issue where players could lose control of their characters when accepting an invite during main load screen via the XMB menu.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for Personal Vehicles to spawn on top of one another.
- Fixed an issue where players could be removed from the, ‘On Call’ queue if they entered the GTA Online Pause menu.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to not be informed that their aim settings had changed after using Find New Session.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to destroy a vehicle containing 4 players, and only kill the driver.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to become stuck on Skycam after completing the tutorial Race.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to spawn within Fort Zancudo after completing a Mission.
- Fixed an issue where player models would clip one another on the Leviathan if players attempted to sit in the same cart.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to clip through the Leviathan carts when getting out after the ride finished.
- Lester’s abilities ‘Remove Wanted Level’, ‘Cop Turn Blind Eye’, and ‘Off Radar’ now apply to all passengers in
a vehicle as well as the player who initially triggered it.
- Fixed an issue where players could be charged multiple times for riding the Ferris Wheel.
- Fixed an issue to ensure that players who set Mercenaries on opposing team players during Deathmatches
correctly receive a point if the Mercenaries kill a rival player.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to be pulled back onto the Ferris Wheel involuntarily if they were standing too close after getting off.
- Fixed an issue in Vehicle Deathmatches where players could be targeted but would not be properly blipped on the Minimap.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs and their vehicles would appear in the way of properties introduced with the Independence update.
- Fixed an issue where players could hang for a short period of time when entering property.
- Fixed an issue where players who lost a Race would occasionally see themselves performing a celebration animation.
- Fixed an issue where various vending machines were not working correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Leaderboard would not appear when a player was spectating a Race.
- Fixed an issue where players in Team Deathmatches were able to hear the other team talk.
This has now been normalized so that only players on the same team can talk.
- Fixed an issue where some parachute smokes would not transfer between sessions correctly.
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally have hard-top versions of vehicles delivered to them when they ordered the convertible version.
- Fixed various issues where clipping could occur with clothing when players took selfies.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a spectator to become stuck in property when ‘all exit’ to garage is triggered.
- Fixed an issue where players in GTA Online were unable to call other players in Single Player, as well as calls between players in Single Player.
- Fixed a small issue where the end of Race timer was overlapping player help buttons when a player was spectating.
- Fixed an issue that could leave players stuck when switching between players in spectator mode.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to launch Contact Missions which they had previously bookmarked.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to become stuck in a spawning loop when dying after bailing from a Helicopter over the Ocean.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to invite Friends’ Crews in Head to Head matches.
- Fixed an issue with transitioning into an event Playlist when choosing to enter the Playlist from the boot screen.
- Fixed an issue where players who destroyed their own Pegasus vehicles would be given an increased mental state.
- Fixed an issue in the Creator where weapons could be incorrectly named.
- Fixed an issue in the Creator where a player testing a Capture Mission
would be unarmed regardless of whether or not they have or are given weapons.
- Fixed an issue in the Creator where switching the vehicle class would also change the radio station.
- Fixed a text issue specific to Chinese and Japanese versions of the game in the Creator where an
unsupported character could be seen when attempting to Copy / Delete a Job.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a player to hang when changing the Default Class in the Air Race Creator.
- Fixed an issue where Weather conditions would not synchronize properly between a spectating player and the player being spectated.
- Fixed an issue where Bookmarked Air Races would occasionally not appear in some Bookmark lists, but would appear in others.
- Fixed an issue where it as possible for players to become stuck when launching Contact Missions.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to hang when exiting the Deathmatch Creator tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where it was occasionally possible for players to not receive Auto-invites when the friend sending them was in same session.
- Fixed an issue where spectating players would sometimes appear in free mode at the
North-East corner of the map far away from everyone else, after a job.
- Fixed an issue with Armored Trucks constantly spawning.
- Fixed an issue where an enemy in survival would occasionally run away from the shootout.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for the incorrect horn to play when testing horns in the Mod Shop.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a newly purchased Personal
Vehicle to become permanently locked if the player accepted a Job invite in the time between purchasing it and receiving it.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be charged for Insurance.
Release: 02.10.2014 (Version 1.17)
Quelle: | |
- bietet 10 neue Last Team Standing-Jobs in Los Santos und Blaine County
- Besucht Ammu-Nation und erweitere dein Arsenal mit zwei mächtigen neuen Schusswaffen:
Schrotflinte und das Präzisionsgewehr
- Stattet euer Team außerdem mit neuen Outfits aus sowie mit neuen
Masken, Oberteilen, Hosen, kugelsicheren Helmen und mehr.
- Beherrscht die Straßen mit zwei neuen Motorrädern:
Shitzu Hakuchou-Sportmotorrad und LCC Innovation-Chopper
Release: 17.11.2014 Version 1.18)
- Mircotransactionen: echt Geld gegen GTA Dollar tauschen können
- Beim Starten nun auf X-Taste der Online Modus und RB-Taste zufälliger Job
- Problem mit verschwindenden Fahrzeugen wurden behoben.
- 65 MB groß
Release: 18.12.2014 (Version 1.19)
- 4 neue Autos: Hot Rod Christmas Ratloader, Slam Van, Massacro und Jester.
- Neue Waffen bei Ammu-Nation: Lenkraketenwerfer, Annäherungsminen.
Diese Gegenstände bleiben dauerhaft im Sortiment.
- Neue Tattoos sind verfügbar
- Jede Menge neuer Winter-Klamotten wurden hinzufügt (viele auch kostenlos)
- Feiertags-Special-Kistenabwürfe
Bis zum 05.01.15 fallen Kisten vom Himmel, die Nützliches enthalten (z.B. seltene GTA T-Shirts).
- Geschenke am 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag
Am ersten Weihnachtsfeiertag (25.12.14) wird man im Inventar eine Überraschung vorfinden.
Feuerwerk zu Neujahr
Ein Feuerwerkabschussgerät und die dazugehörige Munition werden vom 24.12.14 bis 05.01.15 zum Kauf angeboten.
Kostenlos wird ein Gerät am 24.12.14, 25.12.14, an Silvester und Neujahr erhältlich sein.
Release: 23.12.2014 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: |
- Konkret verbessert wurde dabei die Stabilität im Online-Modus
Release: 10.03.2015 (Version 1.21)
Quelle: | |, ||,
- Online Koop Bankraubüberfälle mit bis zu 4 Spieler
- Neue Radiosender werden hinzugefügt
- 9 neue Erfolge werden hinzugefügt
- 3 tägliche Heruasforderung wird es geben
- Neues Ingame Email System
- Neue Aktivitäten von Trevor, Ron, Lamar, oder Lester werden hinzugefügt
- Neue Fahrzeuge können durch die Banküberfälle freigeschaltet werden
- Neue Funktionen für die iFruit App sind verfügbar
- Neue Waffen in der Ammo Nation sind auch nach abschliessen von Banküberfällen verfügbar
- Ausserdem neue Klamotten und andere Gegenstände sind zum Freischalten verfügbar
Neue GTA Online Modis
- Belagerungszustand: "Bis zu vier Spieler müssen ihre Stellung verteidigen und sind zwar in der Unterzahl aber nicht unterlegen,
während sie ums Überleben kämpfen gegen bis zu sechs entschlossene Angreifer
- Come Out to Play: "Ein Team von drei Läufern versucht,
nur nach Hause zu kommen und ein Team von Jägern will Blut sehen
- Hasta La Vista: "Die Jagd beginnt, denn Trucker in ihren übergroßen Tiefladern nehmen
ein Team von Fahrradfahrern ins Visier.
- Nächster Job wählen wurde überarbeitet
- Deatmatch maximale Zeit ist jetzt 20 Minuten
Release: 14.03.2015 (Verison 1.22)
Quelle: |
- Allgemeine Stabilität von GTA Online wurde verbessert.
- Außerdem gibt es einige kleinere Fehlerbehebungen bei GTA Online
- Einige Fehler im Story-Modus von GTA 5 wurden enfernt
Release: 27.03.2015 (Verison 1.23)
Quelle: | |
Changes have been made to the Matchmaking options and UI. This affects:
- A new option has been added to the Heist Planning Board that will allow
you to press Left on the D-pad to quickly join a Heist as a crew member.
- A »Matchmaking« option has been added to Heist lobbies that allows the Host to
quickly change whether matchmaking is open or closed.
When set to »Closed«, only invited players can connect with the Heist lobby.
- The »Client Invites« option has been reinstated for the host of the lobby that is »On« by default.
This allows players that have joined the Heist to invite their friends.
If you only want the host to be able to send invites, »Client Invites« should be set to »Off«.
- Improvements to the »Auto-Invite« matchmaking option to help fill lobbies faster
- Improvements to matchmaking for Heists to fill lobbies faster
Miscellaneous Fixes
- Fixed a minor animation issue when throwing grenades while aiming on the PS4
- Fixed an issue where the Bad Sport flag was not correctly being removed from certain players' accounts
- Fixed an issue where vehicle frames were not visually displaying damage correctly when heavily damaged
- Fixed an issue where a black screen was appearing when PSN was down
- Fixed an issue where the "Looking for job" display was being removed after accessing the Internet from the in-game phone,
even though matchmaking was still in progress
- Fixed an issue where the player could lose control of character after backing out of hacking the vault in one of the Heists
- Fixed a rare issue where the player could get stuck on a cutscene if launching a certain Heist while in Ron's Survival introduction
- Fixed an issue where Criminal Mastermind progression was occasionally not tracking properly
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn multiple parachutes
- Fixed an issue with the time of day on one of the Heists
- Fixed a possible crash when a One on One Deathmatch was initiated around the same time as a Heist invite
- Fixed an issue where a Kraken could be replaced by a Dinghy after receiving a Title Update
- Fixed an issue where a previous fix for character appearance changes was not applied correctly if the player was wearing a mask
Release: 10.06.2015 (Version 1.24)
Quelle: | |
- 4 Neue Autos sind verfügbar
- Neues Flugzeug in Gold
- Neuer Helikopter in Gold ist verfügbar
- Neue Klamotten sind hinzugefügt worden
- Neue Waffen wurden hinzugefügt
Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes
- Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the player could become stuck when attempting to skip the intro cutscene for Father / Son.
- Fixed an issue where players placing a Bounty could get stuck on the call if the bounty was placed on a player who just joined a Job.
- Fixed an issue where players were spawning in a circle close together when returning to free mode from a Playlist / Job.
- Improved the load times of the in-game Leaderboards screens.
- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to serve successfully after faulting a previous swing during a Tennis Match.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to enter their personal vehicles
in the garage after accepting an invite to from friend via On Call Friends in Session.
- Fixed an issue where too many players can be placed on one team in an Adversary Mode Job that's a part of a Head to Head Playlist.
- Fixed an issue with interiors not loading properly for low end apartments.
- Fixed an issue where a player could become trapped inside another player's apartment after blacking out.
- Fixed an issue with Pegasus vehicles falling through the world.
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck when joining GTA Online via the Random Job option from boot.
- Fixed an issue where players buying a Convertible (topless) Voltic would receive a Voltic with a roof instead.
- Fixed an issue in Story Mode where unlock feed messages were incorrectly appearing.
-Fixed an issue where a player could be kicked from a GTA Online session would return to Story Mode
with an incorrect error message, instead of being matched to a different session.
- Fixed an issue where remote players could be seen inside the garage during
the local player's garage tutorial after entering their apartment for the first time.
- Fixed an issue with the positioning of players on the starting grid of a Sea Race Job.
- Fixed an issue that caused the reflections of vehicles in GTA Online garages to appear as the incorrect color.
- CREATOR< Fixed an issue where players could place more than 20 dynamic props in a Race.
- Players can now use SMG class weapons during drive-by in the same situations that they can use other two-handed weapons.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect zoom levels would be applied to sniper rifles being fired from helicopters.
- Fixed an issue where weapon attachments and engravings could be incorrectly added or removed when re-spawning.
- Fixed an issue where On Call players could get stuck during transition if the host quits.
- Fixed an issue where players ranked higher than 12 are getting the message 'Heist unlock at rank 12'.
- Fixed an issue with button prompts becoming incorrect if the player
attempted to use the radio or TV after using the planning board to look for a Heist.
- Fixed an issue with several awards and rewards unlocking incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue which caused boat physics to behave unnaturally.
- Fixed an issue which produced incompatible clothing options.
- Other general fixes to improve game and network stability for Story Mode and GTA Online.
- Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the game would go into a low LOD state
when attempting to switch to Michael from Trevor before the Heist Setup: Architect's Plans.
- Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the trigger cutscene for Friend Request wouldn't start.
- Fixed an issue where players could become trapped inside the Luxor if it was being reclaimed by Pegasus.
- Fixed some issues with equipping / un-equipping watches and earrings while browsing the Personal Interaction Menu.
- Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the Submersible was not attached to the ship after loading a save nearby for Heist Setup: Minisub.