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God of War Ascension Patch Details (10)
Release: 12.03.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Ein Trophy mit dem Titel "Bros before Hos", was man mit "Bruder vor Luder" übersetzen könnte.
Dieser wurde in "Bros before Foes" umbenannt
Release: 23.03.2013 USA (Version 1.03) | 03.04.2013 EUROPA
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Das Spiel wird bei der Sequenz im Fahrstuhl in Kapitel 28 leichter gemacht
- viele Soundprobleme werden behoben
- Ausserdem werden Abstürze ausgemerzt
- 226 MB groß
Release: 19.04.2013 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Elite-Levels: Weiter als Level 30 auf 40
- Audioprobleme werden endlich gelösst
- Optimierte Spielsuche
- Problembeseitigung bei Scherben und Freischaltungsbedingungen
- 625 MB groß
Release: 26.05.2013 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Dieser Patch wurde wegen einem Bug wieder zurückgezogen
- Viele Fehler werden behoben
- Neue MP Inhalte werden hinzugefügt
- BUG: Die Warrior XP können zurückgesetzt werden
Release: 27.05.2013 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Viele Fehler werden behoben
- Neue MP Inhalte werden hinzugefügt
- 8740 KB groß
Release: 10.06.2013 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: playstationlifestyle.net
Ascension Feature
- The Ascension feature will allow you to reset your allegiance progression when you hit Level 40, and grant you special Ascension Tokens
that may be redeemed for Godly armors and weapons. These unique, “Godly” armors and weapons are the most valuable and
powerful items in the game with different stats and gold/silver versions. See article above for more on Ascension.
Player Inspect Card
- View your opponents or teammates loadouts and attributes in-game, and compare to yours. To use, press START in game to open the scoreboard.
Press up and down on the D-Pad to navigate the list. Hold Right on the D-Pad to inspect a player and compare to yours.
You can also use this feature to verify once you mute people in the lobby, they are still muted in game, and vice versa.
XP Multiplier Notification
- You will now be notified in-game when in a Double XP mode and/or any XP multiplier currently being used for your Champion.
Key Bugs Fixed
- Allegiance Exploit (i.e. “God glitch”) Fixed – you can no longer combine weapons or armors of different allegiances with each other
- Fixed bug where Ares Relic of Determination was too OP in Trial of the Gods mode (Stacks 2 times now)
- Fixed Relic of Haste bug
- Made jump spear throws blockable
- Chimeran Armor changed to give elemental instead of physical power boost
- 644 MB groß
Release: 12.07.2013 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: gamezone.de | playstation.com
- Neuen Modus den 1v1-Modus "Bout of Honor"
- 4 neue Maps : Canyons of Kirra, Chamber of the Flame, Landing at Delos und Streets of Sparta
- Ausserdem eine 4-Spieler Map "The Whirlpool of Alecto"
- 907 MB groß
Release: 10.08.2013 (Version 1.10)
- 346 MB groß
Release: 27.08.2013 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: playstationlifestyle.net
- If a player leaves an in-progress 1v1 Bout of Honor match, that player will get an automatic loss
- Gauntlets of Zeus – L1+Square no longer can break a block.
- Gauntlets of Ares – L1+Square Triangle finisher can now break a block and will glow red.
- Fix for Ascension/War Hammer of Ares: Player can charge the Hammer for an extended period of time
when the Hammer is at Rank 2 or higher in Trial of the Gods mode.
- Spear of Hades – Concussion zone adjustment where the L1+Triangle sometimes
wouldn’t hit a player when used while standing right next to him.
- Centaur Spear – Fix for targeting on the Co-op move, L1+Square (which was flagged as both
Parry Allowed and Block Break) no longer breaks block.
- War Hammer of Poseidon – Fix for Armor on Co-op move. Adjusted the heal to a smaller version that has a lower timeout –
fixing the issue that can happen where this heal has no effect.
- Fix where Artemis Sword’s Self Heal was being reduced by the player’s Elemental Resist.
- War Hammer of Ares now uses the L1+Triangle charge attack move rather than looping back to later in the uncharged attack after charging up.
In Trial of the Gods this caused an infinite loop while trying to use the charged attack.
- Helios Hammer – Fix so the AI version of the Air L1+Triangle correctly occurs when the attack happens.
- Fixed for Hephaestus Hammer losing 3% Physical Resistance at rank 2.
- Added elemental damage multiplier for L1+triangle instead of physical damage.
- new Map: Furnace of Archimedes
- 281 MB groß
Release: 11.10.2013 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: us.playstation.com
- Balancing des Spiels
- Dedicated Online Support
- 8741 KB groß