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FIFA 16 Patch Details (5)
Release: 23.09.2015
Quelle: xboxfront.de | play3.de
- Stabilität in den Online-Spielmodi verbessert
- Stabilität in FIFA Ultimate Team verbessert
- Stabilität im Karrieremodus verbessert
- Torhüter-KI optimiert
- Trap-Error-Tuning korrgiert
- Spielerpositionen nach Eckbällen korrigiert
- Auswechslung nach roten Karten korrigiert
- Probleme mit Debug Texten in mehreren Spielmodi behoben
- Inkorrektes EA Trax Artwork verbessert
- Spieler und Team Artworks verbessert
Release: 06.10.2015 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: play3.de
Optimized goalkeeper rushing, AI, and positioning
- FIFA Trainer button tuning.
- Improved player wage accuracy in Career Mode.
- Addressed some instances of referee / kit clashes.
- Addressed one instance of an exploit in Virtual Pro leaderboards.
- Addressed one instance of a shot missing the top corner being called a goal.
- Player clipping during intro sequence in certain stadiums.
In addition to the above, the update addresses the following FUT items
- EA SPORTS Football Club shared squads not showing players in FIFA menus.
- Relisting Transfer List items not retaining previous price settings.
- Error message when attempting to apply a contract consumable.
- Away crowd wearing incorrect kit.
- A small amount of returning users experiencing an issue when naming their club.
- A controller disconnect issue in FUT modes.
Release: 09.11.2015 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: playm.de
- New third kits have been added for Roma, Barcelona and Inter Milan
- Improvements to online matchmaking
- one instance of a team celebrating a goal at the wrong moment
- An exploit to win/loss record in Fifa Online Seasons
- Correct country flags appearing in Fifa Pro Clubs
One instance of Pro Club accomplisdhments resetting for a small nummer of users
An issue on PS4 the caused screen size changes to not save correctly
FIFA Ultimate Team
Improvements to Compare Price when used on consumble items
- Issue where your Goalkeeper was the default selection for all Player Roles
- An issue that caused a shared Concept Sqaud to be displayed as a playable squad in the EA Sports Football Club news feed
- An issue with the use of histerical kits by our opponent in Play A Friends Squad
- 389,8 MB groß
Release: 02.12.2015 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: play3.de
FIFA Ultimate Team
- The ability to quickly change price values when listing items on the tranfer market
- Adjusted the likelihood of foggy weather during online matches
- Add the ability to search your club items by Nationality
- Improved through ball accuracy when close to the sideline
- Improved pass receiver selection
- Improvements made to balance sprinting dribble turns
- 397 MB groß
Release: 17.12.2015
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gameswelt.de | xboxfront.de
- Strafstöße und Schiedsrichterentscheidungen
- Passen
- Defensives Pressing
- Spieler Positionierung
- Improvements to the Rules and Physics systems to have better referee decisions and help address penalty decisions.
- Behavioral changes in ‘Secondary Contain’ and ‘Interceptions’ to help balance high-pressure situations.
- Improvements in how quickly fatigue effects occur for players using ‘Aggressive Interceptions’
and ‘Secondary Contain’.
This could, in turn, have an impact on your ability to apply high pressure as the game progresses and your
players become increasingly fatigued.
- Instances where no auto tackle launched even when positioned properly.
- Improvements in the positioning system to allow for better attacking runs and support.
Release: 18.05.2016 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de
- Verbesserte Benachrichtigung von Spielern bei Problemen und Updates.
- Matchmaking-Verbesserungen, damit sich Spieler schneller finden.
- Matchmaking-Rematch-Fehler im FUT-Online-Draft.
- Fehler mit dem Vergleichs-Feature in den Ranglisten wurde behoben.
- Fehler bei Leistungen im Player Career Mode, der die Pro Clubs betraf, wurde behoben.