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Far Cry 4 Patch Details (5)
Release: 14.11.2014
Quelle: 4players.de | gamezone.de
Stability & Performance
- Fixed some random crashes on all game modes
- Fixed various edge case animation issues
- Fixed various edge case detection issues
- Fixed missing VO for edge case reaction issues
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
- Fixed matchmaking edge case issues
- Fixed host migration random & edge case issues
- Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
- Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
- Fixed edge case replication issues with systems
Menus and HUD
- Fixed various edge case menus and pop-up overlap issues
- Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
- Fixed Co-op specific pop-up updates issues
- Fixed few localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
- Fixed progression displaying 100% too early in progress tab+
- Polished tutorial images
Mission Tweaks (Campaign, Co-Op & Side Content)
- Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
World & 3D
- Fixed various texture issues
- Deleted some rare floating objects
Release: 21.11.2014 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: far-cry.ubi.com | xboxdynasty.de | ubi.com
- Fixed some random crashes on all game modes.
- Fixed host migration edge random & case issues
- Fixed custom match stability issues
- Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
- Fixed progression page issues in Story missions
- Fixed functionality issues in the shop menu
- Fixed several localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
- Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
- Fixed host migration random issues specific to coop
- Fixed minor gameplay functionality issues
- Fixed aiming issues with the machine gun weapon
- Fixed minor and low repro QTE issue with specific animals
- Fixed Map Browser issues
- Fixed occlusion and navmesh issues
- Fixed some missing audio in radio calls
Release: 13.12.2014 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: ubi.com
Stability & Performance
- Fixed some random crashes on all game modes
- Fixed co-op and PvP matchmaking instability issues
- Fixed custom match stability issues
- Fixed various low repro crashes
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
- Fixed host migration edge random & case issues
- Fixed custom match stability issues
- Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
Menus and HUD
- Fixed progression page issues in Story missions
- Fixed functionality issues in the shop menu
- Fixed few localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
- Fixed various Menu issues
- Fixed User inventory specific issue after liberating an outpost
- Fixed UI progression issues
- Fixed Achievement accessibility issues
Mission Tweaks (campaign, co-op & side content)
- Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
- Fixed host migration random issues specific to co-op
- Fixed minor gameplay functionality issues
- Fixed Client's inventory issues in co-op
- Fixed synchronization and replication problems
- Fixed aiming issues with machine gun weapon
- Fixed minor and low repro QTE issue with specific animal
In-game Editor
- Fixed Map Browser issues
- Fixed occlusion and navmesh issues
- Fixed various gameplay and functionality issues in IGE
- Fixed some missing sound in radio calls
- Fixed AI navigation issues
- Fixed AI animation issues
- Fixed some missing AI barks
- Fixed minor gameplay functionality issues reported by consumers
- Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
- Fixed occlusion and navmesh issues
Release: 22.12.2014 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: ubi.com
- Fixed corrupted save files issues
- Fixed various Client/Host Issues
- Fixed various issues that occured when the play tried to join a Co-Op session.
- Fixed various crafting issues appearing after Co-Op play
Battles Leader
- Fixed issue caused by different NAT types (Network Address Translation) being unable to connect together
- Fixed an issue where the player would become stuck within infinit loading in certain spawning situations
- Removed the "Keys to Kyrat" feature. Now everyone will be able to play the two
hour co-op demo without needing a k
Release: 04.02.2015 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: ubi.com | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de
In-Game Editor [IGE]
- IGE Co-Op is now live!
- Fixed various Gameplay functionality issues with asset placements
- Fixed various Gameplay functionality issues with the Map Browser
- Integrated Outpost Master in Co-Op
- Fixed various client connectivity issues
- Fixed various Host/Client replication issues
Load and Save Files
- Fixed various checkpoint placement issues
- Fixed the occasional issue with vehicle placement
Matchmaking and PvP
- Fixed matchmaking stability and general issues with PvP
- Fixed inconsistencies with XP in the load-out menu
- Fixed spawning issues under specific circumstances