0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
Release: 14.08.2009 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: GameRadio.de | ps3inside.de
- Lags und Verbindungsprobleme werden behoben
Release: 26.10.2009 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: playstationfront.de | ps3inside.de
- The host’s ability to kick and ban players has been removed.
- The ability for players to switch teams post-game is now restricted so that sides cannot be unbalanced by more
- A new switching team system has been implemented during matches:
* If there is a deficit of 2 players between teams, the weaker team will drop a team colored ball on the death of a player.
* Picking up the colored ball switches a player’s team and rewards them with a 300 point bonus.
* So…get the ball
- The 10 game average ranking system has been removed.
- Awarded ranking titles will now never go down once earned.
- Online leaderboards have been increased to display all players not just the top 1000.
- A new ranking system has been implemented, which adds rank points for every game based on the player’s score.
- All online leaderboards are to be reset shortly after patch 1.03 is released,
but all unlocked customizations and trophies will remain unlocked. You will not lose them.
- kostenlose Map wird hinzugefügt "New Pork City"
Release: 20.01.2010 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: ps3inside.de
- Außerdem wurde noch ein Problem bei den Online Rankings behoben.
- kostenlose Map hinzugefügt "Brownie Town"
Release: 25.03.2010 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Warrior: Fixed to disallow shield activation when carrying objects,
as well as attenuating damage against lava and drowning.
- Ice Mage: Changed level 1 area attack to slow enemies, not freeze them.
- Soccer map: Disabled online score saving for this level (sorry, all, but it was too easy to gain rank).
- kostenlose Maps hinzugefügt "Frost Bite" und "Candy Mountain"
Release: 29.06.2010 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Co-Op Modus ermöglicht es mit 4 Spieler
Offline- als auch im Online-Modus gleichzeitig zu spielen
- Clan-Tags wurde iengebaut
- Passwortgeschützte Spiele sind jetzt möglich